HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-08 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee MinutesOrR + Town of Reading fir. I Meeting Minutes W'COPP� Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Permanent Building Committee Date: 2024-04-08 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Killam School Building Committee Time: 7:00 PM Location: Conference Room Session: Open Session Version: Final Chair Carla Nazzaro, Vice Chair Karen Gately Herrick, John Coote, Ed Ross (remote), Greg Stepler (remote), Pat Tompkins, Nancy Twomey Members - Not Present: Kirk McCormick, Sarah McLaughlin Others Present: Town Manager Matt Kraunelis, School Superintendent Tom Milaschewskl, Killam Principal Lindsay Fulton (remote), LBA Project Manager Tenni Katajamaki, LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood, Scott Reynolds - LBA (remote) Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll, Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung Minutes Respectfully submitted By: Jacquelyn LaVerde Topics of Discussion: This meeting was held in-person in the Town Hall Conference Room and remotely via Zoom. Call to Order Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Rall call attendance: Karen Gately Herrick, John Coote, Greg Stapler (remote), Nancy Twomey, Carla Nazzaro. Pat Tompkins arrived at 7:03 pm. Ed Ross arrived remotely at 7:04 pm. Not present: Kirk McCormick, Sarah McLaughlin. Public Comment There was no comment from the public. KSBC Liaison Reports Chair Carla Nazzaro noted that the Communications subgroup meets regularly, has robust, productive meetings, and uses every avenue of communication the Town and Schools have available. MBTA Communities/ MSBA funding discussion Ms. Nazzaro noted that the Town is not yet in compliance with MBTA Communities, and the question was raised as to whether that could impact MSBA funding. MSBA Initially responded to Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll stating that it should not affect funding, as MSBA is a separate entity. A later response from MSBA Indicated that they were asking the question to senior staff and would respond with an answer as soon as possible. Town Manager Matt Kraunelis also posed the question to the state delegation. They could not say Page I 1 for certain that it would impact funding, though it might be unlikely, but it is a risk. The Committee will continue to keep the Issue on the radar. Pre -K element of the oroiect discussion Ms. Nazzaro stated that the district was under the impression that Pre -K was not part of the process. After speaking with the MSBA, they indicated that if the district can successfully prove through the education plan that it is beneficial to have all Pre -K under one roof, then the classrooms will be reimbursed. However, administrative space and play space for Pre -K will not be Included in reimbursement. School Superintendent Tom Milaschewski stated that they are working on the education plan that explains having Pre -K under one roof is what is best educationally for the community. Deslpner Report Preliminary Alternatives Progress Review LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood presented site plan options, and their variations with partial Pre -K, and full Pre -K. Option A is an addition/renovatlon proposal, keeping the existing one-story classroom wing and adding a new part of the building for the other programming. Option B is a new vertical three-story building. Option C is a two-story scheme. Option D is a more sprawling two-story scheme with wings. The existing building is 44,000 net square feet, and 63,000 gross square feet. For a partial Pre -K option with four Pre -K classrooms, would need over 67,000 net square feet, and 102,000 gross square feet. For a full Pre -K option with twelve Pre -K classrooms, 82,000 net square feet and 122,000 gross square feet is needed. Option A is a full renovation exercise, so the MSBA knows what the baseline is. Option A reuses the existing classroom wing, would include an addition up to three stories with full Pre -K, or two stories for partial Pre -K, has good edge distance from Haverhill Street and from neighbors, has limited queuing space, has insufficient play space, and will have extended and more complicated phasing. For full Pre -K, the existing one-story would house all the Pre -K, and all the other programming would be in the new section of the building on three floors. For partial Pre -K, Pre -K, Kindergarten, and first grade would occupy the existing building, while grades two through five, along with all the other programming, would be in the new section of the building on two floors. Option B is an idea for an efficient three-story building. It Is buildable, while being close to the street, has the smallest footprint, is three stories, has good edge spacing, has a nice long queuing space, has simplified phasing, has a 160 -foot x 220 -foot 112 soccer field, as requested by the Recreation Department, and Includes a 127 -space parking lot on the site. It will be three stories if it houses full Pre -K, or two stories for partial Pre -K. The gym would be located on the second floor. Option C is a full two story with the gym on the first floor. It has the largest footprint, is two stories, gets closer to the edges, still has the wonderful queuing length, still has the field, has a 124 -space parking lot, and has play space adjacent to the building. The partial Pre -K scenario just has a slightly smaller footprint. Option D reimagines the wings. Both full Pre -K, and partial Pre -K Is two stories. But it would require tearing down a small portion of the existing building, displacing a small number of students in the Interim, or creating swing space. It is a less compact building and more spread out. For partial Pre -K, the wing would be shorter with fewer classrooms. All the scenarios presented are currently being priced. Mr. Sherwood noted that they represent what could be the exterior and Interior program that is required for this elementary school. He opined that the only one that likely will not work on the site is Option A, the addition/renovation, as it has insufficient queuing, odd parking, and insufficient play space. Mr. Carroll noted that a renovation -only option will also be priced. Page 1 2 The Committee discussed square footage estimates, and clarified that gross square footage includes thickness of the walls, corridors, bathrooms, and mechanical space, and net square footage is the program space. Next Steps Ms. Katajamakl stated that LBA will be working on cost estimating the nine options presented over the next two weeks. The next KSBC meeting was scheduled for May 6th to present the PDP and cost estimates to the Committee, followed by a meeting on May 90 for the Committee to vote on the PDP. However, May 6th might be the fourth night of Town Meeting due to the change in Town Meeting start date. The Committee discussed and agreed to cancel the May 60 meeting, move the presentations to the meeting on the 9t^, provided the Committee receives drafts by May 3r0 to give members a week to review the submission. If members have questions, they should send them to staff by May 7th for Colliers and LBA to address at their presentation on the 90. There Is a School Committee meeting scheduled for May 90 as well. The KSBC will meet at 5:30 on May 9"' at the High School, and the School Committee meeting will be moved to 7:30 pm. Karen Gately Herrick expressed concern about upcoming cost discussions and the Select Board not yet being engaged, as there are other building projects going on that may be going to Town Meeting at the same time, and potentially on the same ballot. Mr. Sherwood recommended reviewing the numbers with the KSBC before presenting to the Select Board. Following discussion, the designer and OPM agreed that they could present to the Select Board at their meeting on May 21n. OPM Update Financials Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung and Project Director Mike Carroll provided the monthly budget update. There were no changes or budget adjustments, and everything was previously reviewed. Warrant/ Invoices The LBA Invoice was broken Into four parts to account for different MSBA pay codes. Cost Estimator The cash Flow projections are trending below expectations. All invoices are within budgets and within commitments. School Tours Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll stated that he scheduled a school visit to Acton- Boxborough for May 161 at 1:30 pm. He is working with Watertown to confine dates to tour their new schools as well. Approval of Prior Meetina Minutes On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by John Coote, the Killam School Building Committee voted 5-0-2 to approve the meeting minutes of March 25, 2024, with Greg Stepler and Carla Nazzaro abstaining, as they were not present at that meeting. Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote — Yes, Ed Ross — Yes, Greg Stepler — Abstain, Pat Tompkins — Yes, Nancy Twomey — Yes, Carla Nazzaro — Abstain. Future Anenda Items and Next Meeting Dates The next community meeting Is scheduled for this Thursday, April 11th at Killam to present the preliminary alternatives to the community. Dr. Mllaschewski noted that Director of Facilities, Joe Huggins, will lead a tour at 6:30 pm in advance of the Community Meeting, to provide a high-level overview of the building's Issues. Page 1 3 On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick seconded by Pat Tompkins, the Killam School Building Committee voted 7-0-0 to adjourn at 8:26 pm. Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Page 14