HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-11 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee Minutesa
Town of Reading
Meeting Minutes
Board - Committee - Commission - Council:
Permanent Building Committee
is 36
Killam School Building Committee
Date: 2024-03-11
Time: 7:00 PM
Reading Town Hall
Location: Conference Room
16 Lowell Street
Session: Open Session
General Business
Version: Final
Members - Present:
Chair Carla Nazzaro, Vice Chair Karen Gately Herrick, John Coote, Kirk
McCormick, Ed Ross, Greg Stepler (remote), Pat Tompkins, Nancy Twomey
Members - Not Present:
Sarah McLaughlin
Others Present:
Killam Principal Lindsey Fulton, LEA Architect Leigh Sherwood, Colliers
Project Manager Suzanna Yeung, Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll,
School Superintendent Tom Mllaschewski, Acting Town Manager Matt
Kraunelis, Operations Director Jayne Wellman, School Finance Director
Derek Pinto (remote), Chief Financial Officer Sharon Angstrom (remote),
Assistant Facilities Director Kevin Cabuzzi (remote), LBA Project Manager
Jenni Katajamaki, Facilities Director Joe Huggins (remote), Molly Pike -
RMLD (remote), Tom Olilla (RMLD), Educational Consultant Mike Pirollo
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Jacquelyn LaVerde
Topics of Discussion:
This meeting was held in-person in the Town Hall Conference Room, and remotely via
Call to Order
Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call Attendance: Kirk McCormick, Ed Ross, Greg Stepler (remote), Pat Tompkins, Nancy
Twomey, John Coote, Carla Nazzaro. Karen Gately Herrick arrived at 7:02 pm.
Not present: Sarah McLaughlin
Public Comment
There was no comment from the public.
KSBC Liaison Reports
There were no Liaison Reports.
Website Launch
Carla Nazzaro introduced the project website, killamschool.com. Superintendent Dr.
Milaschewski provided an overview of the website, the process behind It, and its features.
Thanks to volunteerism on the setup, and staff learning to maintain it, the website cost is
only about $200 for the year. Operations Director Jayne Wellman noted that staff will be
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able to maintain and control this website in-house, and it saves the Town from having to
spend $30,000 to $40,000 on a consultant.
Designer Report
Tasks Completed
LBA Project Manager Jenni Katajamakl reviewed tasks completed since the last meeting
including: educational visioning, site survey, and sustainability goals. The space program is
90% complete. The traffic study, traffic analysis, and existing conditions assessment are
complete, and the SBC will hear those reports at the next meeting.
Sustainability coals
Ms. Katajamaki briefly shared the revised sustainability goals based on feedback from the
Committee and the community.
Educational Visionina Outcomes
LEA Architect Leigh Sherwood Introduced Educational Planner and Consultant Mike Pirollo of
MLP Integrated Design. Mr. Pirollo reviewed his background and his process for educational
visioning. Stakeholders were engaged so they could envision what is possible. They went
on three school tours, did a shadow day to learn the activities at Killam, held three visioning
workshops, then ended with a program workshop. Outcomes from the workshops Included
identifying the goals and priorities, developmental considerations, envisioning the future of
the school, and design considerations. The next step is to use the outcomes to help shape
what the building program will be. Over the next month, the educational program
document will be developed, that will align with the space summary, which will go to the
Next Steps
Ms. Katajamaki stated that the project is entering the first design phase. She, Mr.
Sherwood, and the project designer will be meeting to put together some initial options, and
will share those with the SBC at the April 8th meeting. At the March 25th meeting, the
Committee will hear about traffic, site analysis, existing conditions, and site planning
options. The next community meetings are March 18th, for the site and traffic listening
session, and April 1°t for the community to hear about site plan options. The first round of
cost estimating is approaching on April 15th to May 3rd. And the PDP submittal to MSBA is
on target for May 20th.
OPM Report
Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll provided a brief financial update. There was one
invoice that was paid to the Daily Times Chronicle for an advertisement for designer
services that Colliers added to their budget. The KSBC needed to approve the transfer from
the contingency line Item to the "other project costs" line item. The estimated project cash
flow is trending just slightly under projections.
Warrant/ Invoices
On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School
Building Committee voted 8-0 to approve the commitment of $269.67 to the Daily
Times Chronicle for the advertisement of the designer selection.
Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes,
Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes,
Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School
Building Committee voted 8-0 to approve the meeting minutes of February 12,
Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes,
Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes,
Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
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Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Dates
The next meetings are scheduled for Monday, March 25t1 and Monday, April 81h. The next
Community meetings are scheduled for Monday, March 18th and Monday, April 1".
The OPM will coordinate dates and times for the Committee to visit recently completed
schools in Watertown and Acton.
On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by Karen Gately Herrick, the Killam
School Building Committee voted 8-0 to adjourn at 8:17 pm.
Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes,
Ed Ross - Yes, Greg Stapler - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes,
Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
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