HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-22 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee Minutesq&
Town of Reading
is Meeting Minutes
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Board - Committee - Commission - Council:
Permanent Building Committee
Date: 2024-01-22
Building: Reading Town Hall
Address: 16 Lowell Street
Purpose: General Business
Attendees: Members - Present:
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Killam School Building Committee
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Select Board Meeting Room
Session: Open Session
Version: Final
Chair Carla Nazzaro, Vice Chair Karen Gately Herrick (remote 7:05pm), John
Coote, Sarah McLaughlin (remote), Kirk McCormick (remote), Ed Ross, Pat
Tompkins, Nancy Twomey
Members - Not Present:
Greg Stepler
Others Present:
Acting Town Manager Matt Kraunelis, School Superintendent Tom
Milaschewski (remote), Killam Principal Lindsey Fulton (remote), Director of
Operations Jayne Wellman, School Director of Finance Derek Pinto (remote
7:lipm), Chief Financial Officer Sharon Angstrom (remote), Director of
Facilities Joe Huggins (remote), Assistant Director of Facilities Kevin Cabuzzl
(remote), Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung, Colliers Project Director
Mike Carroll (remote), LBA Project Manager Jenni Katajamaki, LBA Architect
Leigh Sherwood, Tom 011ila - RMLD (remote), Bill Bullock - RMLD (remote
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Jacquelyn LaVerde
Topics of Discussion:
This meeting was held in-person in the Town Hall Select Board Meeting Room and remotely
via Zoom.
Call to Order
Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll call attendance: John Coote, Kirk McCormick (remote), Sarah McLaughlin (remote), Ed
Ross, Pat Tompkins, Nancy Twomey, and Carla Nazzaro.
Karen Gately Herrick joined remotely at 7:05 pm.
Not Present: Greg Stepler
Public Comment
There was no comment from the public.
KSBC Liaison Reports
Director of Operations Jayne Wellman shared that the Communications Working Group held
its first meeting last Thursday, and plans to meet the next four Thursdays. The group
created a general agenda to continually take up in-person public engagement, digital
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engagement, and communications campaigns. The next step is to review the proposals
from the website vendors, then make a recommendation to the Committee.
LBA Project Manager Jenni Katajamaki stated that the first meeting of the Sustainability
Working Group is scheduled for January 29th. The group will review existing Town
sustainability goals and discuss incentives that are available. The primary goal of the
meeting will be to Identify sustainability goals for the project that include site, energy,
water, air quality, and materials.
Carla Nazzaro stated that the Executive Leadership Team held a kick-off meeting with the
Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), where they discussed expectations, and
moving forward through the feasibility study and schematic design phases. The Educational
Leadership Team has three meetings coming up on February 2nd, 9th, and 16th.
Lindsey Fulton stated that there were a number of site visits this week that went well. They
asked great questions and saw the grounds inside and outside. She thanked Facilities and
Technology for their help with the site visits.
School Superintendent Dr. Milaschewski noted that Killam representatives have done a
great job representing the staff and disseminating information among the rest of the staff.
Carla Nazzaro noted that the first community meeting with the public was held on January
111h. There were approximately forty-five attendees, and some good information was
gathered there, which LBA will share in their update.
Deslaner (LBAI Report/Update
Updates from last 2 weeks/Plans for the next 2 weeks
LBA Project Manager Jenni Katajamaki quickly reviewed the recent and upcoming activities
including: MSBA kick-off meeting, observing the existing school with the educational
planner, touring three other elementary schools across Massachusetts with District and
Killam representatives, hosting the first community meeting, assessing existing conditions,
and Communications Working Group kick-off. The existing conditions assessments are
continuing, the survey team began their survey today, and the traffic analysis will begin
next week.
Reviewing the Project Charter
LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood reviewed the initial Project Charter meetings. The first one
was held with the Killam faculty, and the second one with the community. They elicited
ideas from both groups to try and determine what their priorities were. Five themes that
emerged were Focus on Education, Community -Centered, Realistic Sustainability, Safe &
Healthy, and "A Sense of Belonging". The themes and Ideas were then used to shape the
draft Project Charter. Mr. Sherwood suggested that the KSBC members review the themes
and ideas, and note what they think the priorities are, for further discussion at the next
Ms. Katajamaki and Mr. Sherwood explained that the Project Charter is the list of priorities
that the Committee will follow when making decisions. Though it is not required by the
MSBA, it is a very important tool for the project.
Vote of acknowledgement on the Desian Team Amendments 01-05
Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung reviewed LBA Amendments one through five, that
were presented at the last meeting. The ask is for a vote of acknowledgement so the
amendments can be finalized and sent to the MSBA.
Typically, changes will come to the Committee for approval prior to sign -off. However,
these amendments were expedited, and signed off by the former Town Manager, to get the
process started. Changes are monitored by Colliers to ensure that they are within budget.
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On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Nancy Twomey, the Killam
School Building Committee voted 8-0-0 to acknowledge the design team
amendments one through five.
Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes,
Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes,
Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Assianina a designee to act on behalf of the KSBC
Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung explained the workflow process for any changes,
invoices, or purchase orders. Everything should go to Colliers for review & recommendation
for approval, then sent to the designee. The proposed figure suggests the amount up to
$100,000. Everything would be brought to the Committee for a vote of acknowledgement,
but anything over $100,000, or anything the designee would prefer to have approval prior
to signing off, would be brought straight to the Committee for a vote. The Committee
discussed the amount, and agreed that they were more comfortable with $50,000 as the
authorized amount for the designee. The Committee can vote to change the amount in the
future if they choose. They further discussed and agreed that the Town Manager and
Director of Facilities should be the designees in collaboration when both are available.
On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School
Building Committee voted 8-0-0 to assign as the Killam School Building Committee
designee the Town Manager and the Director of Facilities to act on behalf of the
KSBC for contracts, purchase orders, and change orders up to a maximum amount
of $50,000.
Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes,
Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, Ed Ross - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes,
Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Owner's Proiect Manaaer (Colliers) Report
Schedule Update
Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung reviewed the updated master schedule and the
tracking of activities thus far. We are currently in the feasibility study phase. The first
submission of the Preliminary Design Program (PDP) to the MSBA is on target for May 20,
2024. Following the review and acceptance process for the PDP, the next target submission
is August 21, 2024, for the Preferred Schematic Report (PSR). Next, we will move Into
Module 4, Schematic Design in September 2024, with the Schematic Design submission
targeted for February 10, 2025. Then funding the project, Module 5, alms to go to Town
Meeting in April/May 2025, then have the Town Election in June 2025. Design Phase Module
6 beginning in June 2025, Construction Phase Module 7 beginning in August 2026, and
Project Closeout Module 8 beginning in August 2029, have also been added to the master
schedule in broad detail.
Website Update
Ms. Yeung stated that she reached back out to both Boston Web Designers and Mandlle Web
Design, to talk about their social media package offerings. She noted that Mandile was far
more willing to offer the full package and create a lot of content for no additional cost than
what was already included In his previous proposal. Any content would be approved before
It goes out. Boston Web Designers is willing to do some more content creation. Though
they have a hefty cost to set everything up, plus $375 per week for content creation and
engagement, plus $200 monthly costs for meetings, analytics, and reporting. The
Communications Working Group will meet this Thursday to review the proposals with Derek
Osterman of Colliers, who will be able to answer questions and speak about other projects
he has done with third party public relations groups. The Communications Working Group
will then make a recommendation to the Committee at the next meeting.
There were no invoices for review.
Approval of Prior Meetina Minutes
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On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School
Building Committee approved the meeting minutes of January 8, 2024, by a vote
of 5-0-3, with John Coote, Kirk McCormick, and Sarah McLaughlin abstaining, as
they were not present at that meeting.
Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Abstain, Kirk McCormick -
Abstain, Sarah McLaughlin - Abstain, Ed Ross - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy
Twomey - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes.
Future Aaenda Items and Next Meeting Dates
The Committee will review invoices from Colliers and LBA at the next meeting, along with
edits to the Project Charter, a vote on a proposal from the Communications Working Group
for a web designer, and a review of sustainability goals. The next meeting will be held on
February 12, 2024.
On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School
Building Committee voted 8-0-0 to adjourn at 8:21 pm.
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