HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-12 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee MinutesTown of Reading , 4%, CLERK Meeting Minutes MA. 2024 MAR 12 AM 7: 34 Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Permanent Building Committee Date: 2024-02-12 Building: Reading Public Library Address: 64 Middlesex Avenue Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Killam School Building Committee Time: 7:00 PM Location: Community Room Session: Open Session Version: Final Chair Carla Nazzaro, Vice Chair Karen Gately Herrick, John Coote, Kirk McCormick, Sarah McLaughlin (remote), Greg Stepler (remote), Nancy Twomey Members - Not Present: Ed Ross, Pat Tompkins Others Present: Acting Town Manager Matt Kraunelis, School Superintendent Tom Milaschewski (remote), School Director of Finance Derek Pinto (remote), Director of Operations Jayne Wellman, LBA Project Manager Jenni Katajamaki, LBA Architect Leigh Sherwood, Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll (remote), Colliers Project Manager Suzanna Yeung, Tom 011ila - RMLD, Killam Principal Lindsey Fulton (remote), Assistant Facilities Director Kevin Cabuzzl (remote), Chief Financial Officer Sharon Angstrom (remote 7:17 pm), Town Clerk Laura Gemme (remote 7:26 pm), Molly Pike - RMLD (remote 7:49 pm) Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Jacquelyn LaVerde Topics of Discussion: This meeting was held In-person in the Community Room of Reading Public Library, and remotely via Zoom. Call to Order Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll call attendance: Karen Gately Herrick, John Coote, Kirk McCormick, Sarah McLaughlin (remote), Greg Stepler (remote), Nancy Twomey, Carla Nazzaro Absent: Ed Ross, Pat Tompkins Public Comment There was no comment from the public. KSBC Liaison Reports There were no Committee member liaison reports. Designer Report/Update Tasks Completed Project Manager Jenni Katajamaki of LBA provided an update on what has been done since the last KSBC meeting, including the ongoing educational visioning process, and sustainability working group kick-off meeting. Site survey, traffic study, and existing Page 1 1 conditions assessment have been completed, and LBA will provide a report on these at the KSBC meeting on March 25th. Revised Project Charter The Project Charter was revised based on feedback from Committee members. The document is a living document and will continue to be modified and refined throughout the process. Sustainability Goals Ms. Katajamaki recapped the goals that were established based on the discussion with the Sustainability Working Group. She reviewed the baseline requirements that need to be met through MSBA Green Schools, the Massachusetts Stretch Code, and the Massachusetts Opt - In Specialized Code. The goals are based on five LEED criteria Including: site, energy, water, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality. The Committee engaged in a lengthy discussion on sustainabillty topics Including: additional reimbursement incentives, pros and cons of an all -electric building and long-term associated maintenance costs, compliance with state climate laws, drawbacks of green roofs, and LEED certifications. Next Steps At the meeting on March 25th, the KSBC will hear the outcome of the educational envisioning process, traffic study, site analysis, and existing conditions assessment. There will be a community meeting on February 29th to share an update on the Project Charter, and discuss sustainability goals. There will be a community meeting on March 18th for a site and traffic listening session. The space program with faculty and staff is scheduled for March 5"' through 7' . OPM report Financials Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll reviewed the overall project budget including: expenditures to date, project budget adjustments and clarification on the use of contingency, committed costs and tracking against MSBA cost codes, and invoice tracking. Mr. Carroll stated that he has done an estimated cash Flow, and does not anticipate spending the full $2.2 million. Expenditures are trending under the cumulative estimates currently. Mr. Carroll reviewed the proposed Invoice Flow Chart. All invoices will be provided with a Colliers cover sheet, which will include a recommendation to pay, confirmation that the invoice is within scope of the project and budget, and corresponding MSBA codes. That way, Invoices can be internally reviewed, and presented to the Committee during the Financial update at each meeting. The Committee will not need to vote on every invoice, and only change orders will need to be brought to the Committee for a vote. On a motion by Carla Nazzaro, seconded by Karen Gately Herrick, the Killam School Building Committee voted 7-0-0 to switch the vote on the Financial Update Payment Process agenda Item before the Communications Working Group Update agenda item. Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, Greg Stapler - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Financial update - vote on Payment process On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Nancy Twomey, the Killam School Building Committee voted 7-0-0 to adopt the Invoice Workflow Process, dated February 12, 2024, as recommend by the OPM. Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Vag, 12 Communications workina group update Director of Operations Jayne Wellman shared that the Communications Working Group has been meeting weekly. Public engagement sessions have been lined up through August, and will be promoted through all communication channels identified by the group. The group discussed the website, and reviewed the proposals from two vendors. However, Superintendent Milaschewski and Executive Assistant Olivia Lejeune have been working on a website with parent volunteers and currently have a working draft. The plan is to launch the website at the Community Meeting on February 29". The intention is to keep the work in-house, with about four staff members who will maintain it. The total cost is under $300 per year, and saves the district $30,000-$40,000 to outsource a website. Killam Principal Lindsey Fulton created a Google Doc repository, and the group continues to add resources to it. The first CodeRed communication was sent out to the neighborhood, with the help of the GIS administrator, to inform the neighborhood of upcoming traffic and site studies. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes On a motion by Karen Gately Herrick, seconded by Nancy Twomey, the Killam School Building Committee voted 6-0-1, to accept the meeting minutes of January 22, 2024, as written, with Greg Stapler abstaining, as he was not present at that meeting. Roll call vote: Greg Stepler - Abstain, Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Future Agenda Items/ Next Steps/ Next Meetina Dates There will be a community meeting on Thursday, February 29t' to present sustainability goals, and launch the project website. The next meetings of the Killam School Building Committee are scheduled for March 11°h, and March 25°M1. On a motion by Nancy Twomey, seconded by Karen Gately Herrick, the Killam School Building Committee voted 7-0-0 to adjourn at 8:38 pm Roll call vote: Karen Gately Herrick - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, Greg Stapler - Yes, Carla Nazzaro - Yes. Page 1 3