HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-30 ad Hoc - Killam School Building Committee Minutes6fg� cr,IVI U
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a�' Meeting Minutes
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Board - Committee - Commission - Council:
Permanent Building Committee Killam School Building Committee
Date: 2023-10-30 Time: 7:00 PM
Building: Reading Town Hall
Address: 16 Lowell Street
Purpose: General Business
Attendees: Members - Present:
Select Board Meeting Room
Open Session
Chair Carla Nazzaro, John Coote, Kirk McCormick, Sarah McLaughlin
(remote), Ed Ross, Greg Stepler, Pat Tompkins, Nancy Twomey
Members - Not Present:
Vice Chair Karen Gately Herrick
Others Present:
Town Manager Fidel Maltez, School Superintendent Thomas Milaschewski
(remote), School Director of Finance Derek Pinto (remote), Chief Financial
Officer Sharon Angstrom (remote), Facilities Director Joe Huggins (remote),
Colliers Project Director Mike Carroll (remote), Colliers Project Manager
Suzanna Yeung (remote), Molly Pike - RMLD (remote)
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Jacquelyn LaVerde
Topics of Discussion:
This meeting was held in-person in the Town Hall Select Board Meeting Room, and remotely
via Zoom.
Chair Carla Nazzaro called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
Roll call attendance: John Coote - Present, Kirk McCormick - Present, Sarah McLaughlin -
Present attending remotely, Greg Stepler - Present, Pat Tompkins - Present, Nancy
Twomey - Present, Ed Ross - Present, Carla Nazzaro - Present.
Karen Gately Herrick - Not Present.
Killam School Buildina Member Reoorts
Ed Ross stated that Senator Jason Lewis attended the Financial Forum last week, and
shared that the MSBA reimbursement rate is increasing to $605 per square foot.
Dr. Derek Pinto stated that he participated in two recent MSBA roundtables, which were
very informative.
Carla Nazzaro stated that she attended the MSBA rouncitables as well, and learned of Issues
arising upon other projects' completions, Including responsibilities passed along to Facilities
departments they were not comfortable with, and space that was built but has no useful
purpose. She noted that the Committee needs to make sure that the right questions are
asked of the teachers and people utilizing the building.
Discuss Reauest for Services Submittals
Ms. Nazzaro explained that the Committee is not allowed to rank or pre -rank the
respondents, as the MSBA is adamant about that being part of their process. The rankings
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will happen at the Designer Review Committee meeting on November 7'^. There, the firms
will be ranked, and it will be decided which ones will make it to the interview phase on
November 21n. Mike Carroll encouraged members to share general comments, or ask any
clarifying questions, but cautioned them about engaging in a long discussion, as it could be
deemed inappropriate from an MSBA standpoint.
The Committee briefly discussed their observations. The respondents appeared to have
good experience, but Studio G appeared to have less MSBA experience than the other firms.
Pat Tompkins stated that he is currently working on a project with Lavallee Brensinger
Architects (LBA), and noted his conflict of interest. But he noted all of the other firms are
excellent and capable.
Suzanna Yeung shared that all references thus far have all been positive. She will share an
updated reference sheet tomorrow.
Discussion on Designer Selection Process
Ms. Nazzaro reviewed the upcoming meetings with the MSBA Designer Selection Committee.
Town Manager Fidel Maltez, School Superintendent Thomas Milaschewski, and Chair Carla
Nazzaro will be the district representatives on the MSBA Designer Selection Committee.
They will meet virtually on November 7'h to review and rank the respondents for the
Request for Designer Services. Following the rankings, Interviews with the firms will be
conducted at the MSBA Designer Selection meeting on November 21#. Once the selection is
made, the Town will begin negotiations with the designer. The meetings are public, and
Committee members are welcome to attend, though pre -registration is required. Colliers
will provide the link to members to pre -register.
Discussion on Killam School Building Proiect Website
Ms. Nazzaro explained that a lot of towns have a dedicated website for their MSBA projects.
She presented the three recommendations from Colliers: 1) have the Town create and run a
website with content and information supplied by Colliers and the designer; 2) hire a public
relations firm to design and maintain a website, and do PR for the project; 3) delegate the
responsibility to create and manage a website to Colliers or the designer. All three options
would have costs associated with them. When the designer comes on board, the Committee
can have a better discussion with them.
Mike Carroll explained that recent projects seem to be trending toward PR firms handling
websites, and Colliers is working on a Request for Services for website services to send out
to individual PR firms. Town Manager Fidel Maltez explained that staff has the capacity to
manage a page on the Town website, but would not have the capacity to manage a
separate website. Suzanna Yeung stated that she would send some websites for the
Committee to compare. Derek Pinto shared links for Lowell, Arlington, and Harvard:
httDS: //sites.c000le.com/Dshaward. oro/hesbuild ino DroiecUhome
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
On a motion by Greg Stepler, seconded by Ed Ross, the Killam School Building
Committee voted 8-0-0 to approve the meeting minutes of August 21, 2023.
Roll call vote: Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed
Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Carla
Nazzaro - Yes.
Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Dates
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 4'h, 2023.
On a motion by Greg Stepler, seconded by Nancy Twomey, the Killam School
Building Committee voted 8-0-0 to adjourn at 7:48 pm
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Roll call vote: Sarah McLaughlin - Yes, John Coote - Yes, Kirk McCormick - Yes, Ed
Ross - Yes, Greg Stepler - Yes, Pat Tompkins - Yes, Nancy Twomey - Yes, Carla
Nazzaro - Yes.
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