HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-10 Special State Election Warrant 27i Special Town Meeting November 25, 1957 ARTICLE 22. On motion of H. Nelson Bates it was voted that the Zoning By-Laws and Zoning Map of the Town of Reading dated Februarp . 13, 191}2, as amended, be end the aame hereby are amended by chenging the following deacribed area now zoned as part of Residence A-2 District to Businesa-A Diatrict: Begisining at a point in the center line of Franklin Street 250,0 feet Weaterly £rom the center line of Main Street at the preaent boundsry line on Franklin Street between the Busineas A District and the Residence A-2 District; r TI�NCE Weaterly along the center line of said Franklin Streat 230 L Yeat to e point, said point being 1y80 £eet Weaterly from the canter line of Main Street; THENCE Northerly 1{1}5 feet to a point, said point being 1y62 feet � Westerly from the center line o£ said Main Street, end further de- scribed as being at a property corner between lands of First National 8torea Inc. and landa now or Pormerly of Msx and Joseph Sandlers THENCE Eastarly along said last described property line a diste.nce of 1}62 Peet to tha center line of ssid Main Street; THENCE Southerly bg said center line o£ Main Street 40 feet to a point, said point being located 350 Peet Northerly Prom the center line o£ Franklin Street at the present boundary line on Main Street between the Business A dietrict and the Residence A-2 District; THENCE Westerly along the Northerly boundery line of the present Business A District a diatance of 250 feet to a point; THENCE turning and running Southerly, along the Westarly boundary of the present Business A Mstrict, a distance of 350 Peet to the center line oF Franklin Street at the point of beginning.of the de- scription. The area o£ the Parcel of land herein desc'ribed is estimated to eontain 2.41 acres, more or less. Votes in the a£firmetive 112 Votea in the ne�ative 21 � On motion of Lawrence Drew it was voted to take Article 1 Prom the teble. On motion o£ Lawrence Drew it was noted that Article 1 be indef- initely postponed. On motion of Lawrence Draw it was voted to ad�ourn, sine die, at 10;20 P. 1&. 157 Town Meeting Membera were present. A true copy Atteat Town Clerk TOWN WARRANT FOR SPECIAL STP.TE ELECTION DFsCEMBIIt io,. i957 (Seal) COMMONWEALTA OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. � To either oP the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greeting: In the neme of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notiPy and wern the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in Elections to meet at the polling places designated £or the Pour pre- cincts in said town; nemely Precinct 1, Peerl Street School;Precincts II end III, Joshua Eaton School; Precinct 1V, Senior High 3chool; on 1'UESDAY, the TENTH DAY OF DECEMBER , i957 at seven o� clock A. M., for the £ollowing purpoae; To bring in their votes to the Election 0££icers for: REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT for � EIGHTEENPH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT The polls will be open from 7�� A. �M. to B P, M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting an attested copy thereof Sn at least three public placea in each of the Pour pre- cineta of the town not lass than seven days prlor to December 10,195�, 278 Special Stete Election Warrent December 10, i95� the date set £or the meeting in seid warrant and to cauae this warrant to be published in the Reading Chronicle one day at least prior to said date. ' Hereof fail not and make due return o£ thts warrant with your doinga � thereon to the Town Clerk, et or be£ore the time appointed for said meeting. GSven under our hands thlstwenty-fifth dey of November, A.D., i957• � Lawrence Drew Gilbert M. Lothrop James E. Ca1vSn Selectmen of Reading A true copy � Attest Williem A. Dewsnap Constable of Reading � COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACI3USETTS Of£icer� s Return Middlesex, ss Reading . By virtue of this warrent, I, on Dacember 2, 1957 notified end warned the inhebitants o£ the Towa of Reading, quallfled to vote Sn elections and town aFfairs, to meet Sn the places and at the time specified, by posting attested copies o£ this warrant in the Pollow- . ing public places within the Town of Reading; Precinct 1. Austin� s Luneh Room, 17 Harnden Street Central Fire Station Police Headquarters Precinet 2. Masonic Temple Building M. F. Charles Store, 610 Main Street Boston & Maine R. R. Depot Pracinct 3. Reene+ s Corner Store, 36 Mineral Street . Quslity Food Store, 168 Lowell Street Elden+ s Store, 206 Weat Street Precinct 4. Municipal Building � Zitzow� s Store, 2d7 Lowell Street , Cawleys Store, 1051 Main Street The date of posting being more than seven days prior to December 10, i957, the date set £or the meetin� in this warrant. I also caused e.n attested copq o£ this warrant to be published in � the fteading Chronicle in the issua of December 5, i957 the same being more than one day prior to the date of said meeting. (Signed) Williem H. Dewsnap Constable of Reading SPr.CIAL STATE FLECTION December 10, 1957 Pursuant to the foregotn� warrant and the Constable� s Return thereon a Special Stxte n ectia� ans held at the time and places specified and was ca11=d to order by the aarflens, in the precinets as follows : Precinct 1 Pearl Street School F3oyd H. Stewart Precinet 2 Joshua Eaton School Lawrence Drew Precinet Josh�xa Eaton School Lawrence Drew Precinet Senior High School Kenneth C. Latham - who then read the warrant and the officer� s return and duly examined the ballot bozes and found tham to be empty and registered o00 � The polls were then declared open at 7 A.M. and were closed at 8:00 P. bt. with the following result; Aepresentettve in General Court 2rec. Prec. Prec . Prec. Totals lBth Middlesex District 1 2 2 ly ( to fSll vacancy) — — — — James E. Calvin-of Reeding 406 692 28 2 Thomes F. Donohue-of Yvoburn 79 95 5�1 79� 338 Blanks 0 (� 11 Totals � 7H'f b�$ c�5 ��B The votes were declared In open Town Meeting, sealed Sn ballot enve- lopes and transmltted to th�W To.wn Cle�: to be placed in the vault for safe keeping. . Voted to adjourn, sine die, 8;10 P. T7. December 10, i957 Attest i�.oyd H. Stewert, Town Clerk