HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-11-19 Special State Primary Warrant 266 Speciel Town Meeting May 6, 1957 contrects and agreements with respect thereto, and to do sll other acts and thtngs necessary or proper £or carxging out the provisions o£ this vote. 125 voted in the af£irmative � 0 voted in the negative . ARTLCLE 12. On motion of R. Tracy Eddinger it was voted that the sum of Two Hundred dollers ($2G0.00) be raiaed and appropria- � ted £or the purpose o£ maintaining state-aided vocational educa- tion in accordance with the provSsions of Chapter 71.4, General Laws and Acts amenda�tory thereto or dependent thereon, and that such sum be expended by and under the direction o£ the School Committee. 76 Voted in the affirmatina I}4 Voted in the negative On motion of Lawrence Drew it was voted to take Article 1 from the table . On motion o£ Lawrence Drew it wae voted that Article 1 be inde£initely postponed. On motion o£ Laxmence Drew it was voted to adjourn, sine die� at 10:00 P. M. 132 Toavn Meeting Members were present. A true copy Attast 0.�,� /J ��� � —R�own Z'�ar�— TOWN WARRANT for SPECIAL 3f6TE PRIMARY NOVEMBFit 19, i957 (Seal) TOWN OF READING COMMONVYEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS M7.ddlesex, ss. � To either of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants o£ said Town who are queliPiad to vote in Primaries to meet at the �polling placea deaignated £or the four precincts in eaid town; namelp Precinet 1, Pearl Street School; Precincts II and III, Joshua Eaton School; Pre- cinct IV, Senior High School; on TUESDAY, the I�INETEENTH DAY of NOVEMBER, i957 at seven o� clock, A. M. , for the following pur- posea: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Nomine- tion of Candidatea of political Parties for the folloeing oPYice: RSPRSSENTATIVE IN GENIItAL COURT for � IIGEiTEENTH REPRESENTATIYE DISTRICT The polls aill be open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by poating an atteeted copy thereof in at least three public places in each oP tha £our pre- einets o£ the town not lese than seven days prior to November 19, 1957, the date set for the meeting in said warrant and to cause this warrant to be published in the Reading Chronicle oae day at leeat prior to said date. Hereof £ail not and make due return of this wsrrant with your do- ings thereon to the Town Clerk, st or bafore the time appointed £or said meeting. Given under our hands this twenty-eighth day of October, A.D. ,i957 ' Lawrence Drea A true copy Gilbert M. Lothrop Attest Jemea fi. Calvin � WS11Iam H. Dewanap Selectmen of Reading Conatable of Reading �6i COMMONR'EALTH of MASSACHUSETTS OfPicer' s Return Middlesex, sa. Reading, � By virtue of this warrant, I, on November 10, i957, notiPied and warned the inhabitants of the Town o£ Reading, quell£ied to vote in eleations end town afYaira, to meet in the places and at the time speciPied, by poating atteated copies of this warrant in the follow- ing publle places within the Town of Reading: Precinet 1. Austin� s Lunch Room, 17 Aarnden Street � Central Fire Station Police Headquartera Precinct 2. Masonic Temple Buildi�g M. F. Charles' Store, 610 Main Street Soston & Maine R. R. Depot Precinet j. Keen� e Corner Store 36 %ineral Street Quality Food Store 168 Lowell Street Elden� a Store 206 West Street Precinct ly• Municipal Building, Zitzow' s Store, 287 Lowell Street Cealeys Store, 1051 Main Street The date of poating being more then seven days prior to November 19, i957, the dete set for the meeting in this warrant. I also caused an atteated copy of this warrent to be publishad in the Reading Chronicle in the issue of November 14, 1957 the same be- ing more than one day prior to the date of said meeting. ( signed) William H. Dewsnap Constable of Reading � SPECIAL STATE PRSMARY xovemter 19, 1957 Pureuant to the Poregoing warrant and the Conatable� s Return thereon a Specisl 3tate Primary wea held at the time and placea apacifled and was called to order by the wardena, in the precincta ea £ollowa: Precinct 1 Pearl Street School Boyd H. Stesert Precinct 2 Toshua Eaton School Lawrence Drea Precinct 3 Joahua Eaton School Lawrence Drew Precinct 4 Senior High School %enneth C. Lathem who then read the warrant and the oPFicer� s return end duly exam- ined the ballot boxes and Pound them to be empty and registered 000. The polls were then declared open at 7 A. M. and ware cloaed at � 8 P. M. with the following result: 17L}8 Republican Votea and 95 Democrat Votes for a total of 1843, ea followa: BALLOT OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Representativa in (3eneral Court Prec. Prec. Prec. Prec. Totels � 1 2 1'_ l�_ asn,es s. caivsn, xeaaing zo9 1+z5 � 355 lz3o Sohn.P. Co111ns, Reading 60 101 1 9 77 1y07 Arthur J. Gorrasi , woturn 6 �6 17 14 53 Stanley Roketenetz, Woburn 1 0 0 0. 1 Clarence E. Wedge, North Reading 12 10 3 17 1y2 Blanka 2�j �j�f �_ j �j 1� k33