HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-06 Special Town Meeting Warrant `��7b' Warrant � Speciel Town Meeting May 6, 1957 ARTFCLE 4. To aee what aum the Town will ralae and appropriate from the tax levy or eppropriate from available funds and trenaPer for Municipal Building Janitor� s Salary, or what it will do in ra- letion thereto. , Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 5. To aee what eum tha Town will raise and appropriate from the te.�c lavy or appropriata from available funds and tranaPer Por the purpose of purchasing chairs for the Old High School Build- ing, or whst it will do in relation thereto. Bosrd of Selectmen ARTICLE 6. To aee if th'e Town will vote to aithorize the Board � o£ Selectmen to convey or abendon upon such terms and conditione as they may determine that portion oF the eesemen't acquired by the Town Por installation of water meins, and atry other right, title and interest ahich the Inhabitants of the Toan o£ Reading may have, Sn portiona of a Private Town Way knovm as (lleasoh (Private ) Road, and bounded and described as follows; Parcel 1 - Area 376 Square Feet. Bounded Eest'erly by Gleason (Private) Road — 41.20 feet Northerlp by Parcel 2 as ahown on e Plan herainafter deacribed — 26.66 Peet Southwesterly by a re- verae curve abutting Lot "A" 7 sa ehown on satd P1en — 33•64 feet snd 11}.62 Peet. ' Parcel 2 — Area i6i6 Square Feet. Bounded Eeaterly by Glesaon (Private) Road — �1.72 Paet Southerly by P�rcel �l, satd plaa — 26.66 feet Northwesterly by a curved lihe having a radiva oP 50.0 feet� abutting Lot "A" 8 said Pian — 85•39 £aet. Parcel 3 — Area 20",6 Square Feet. Bounded Westerly by Gleeeon (Private) Road — 83•45 Peet' fisaterly by a curved line having a radius of 50.0 feet, abutting Lot "A" 9 said plan — 100.02 faet � Southerly by Percel ly, said plan — 13.36 reet. Parcel 4 — Area 120 Squsre Feet. Bounded Westerly by 6lesaon (Private) Road — 29.46 feet Northerly by Parcel 3, sd d plan — 13.36 Feet Southesaterly by a curved line having a radins of 40.0 feet,abutting Lot "A" 10 seid plab — 33.64 feet. � All of said parcels hereln described being shown on a Plan . entitled "Plan of a Portion of Gleeaon (Private) Road, Reading, Mass. , showing Areas To Be Abandoned" dated April 22, 1957. Scele 1 inch � 40 feet, Boerd o£ Public Works, Jemes T. Pubnam, Superin- tendent, said Plan being a part of this description, or what it will do Sn relation triareto. � Board of Selectmen ARTICLE �. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell end convey, upon such terms end conditlons es they may detarmine, tha £ollowing described lota of lend and build- ing: 1. The land with the building thereon situated in Reading, Middleaex County� Massachusetts, ahown on a plan entitled "Plan o£ Lend Sn Reading, Msas. Owned by Inhabitents of the Town of Reading, " � by Jemes T. Putnam, Supt. , dated July, i956, to be recorded with Middleaex South District Regiatry of Deeds, and bounded and de- scribed ea followa: SOUTHERLY by Selem Street (formerly called Lowell Street), one hundred twenty-one and 66/100 (121.66 ) feet; � NfESTERLY by other land o£ the Town of Reading, one hundred seventeen and 13/100 (117.13) feet; NORTHERLY by other land of tha Town o£ Reading, shown as Laurel Fiill Cemetery on said plen, one hundred twenty-one ard 55/100 (121 .55) feat; � EASTERLY by land of the Old South Methodist Church in Reading, one hundred twenty-three and 10/100 (12j.10) feet; containing ll�,606 square feet or lena. 2. The lend situated in Readin�, Middlesex County, Messachuaetta, shown as Lot C on a plan entitled Plan of Land Sn Reading, Masa. Owned by Inhabitants of the Town of Reading", bg Jemea T. Putnam, Supt. , dated April 22, i957, to be recorded with Middlesex South M strict Registry of Deeda, and bounded and described sa Polloss; NORTHERLY by other lend oP the Town of Reading, ona hundred twenty-one and 66/100 (121.66) feet; EASTERLY by Lot A on a plan entitled "Plan Showing Alterstion o£ Street Lines in Town of Reading, Julg 1930, Scale 1 in.=10 Peet, Devis end Abbott, Civil Engineers, Reading", which plan ie re- corded with Book 5527, Page 161, Middleaex South Regiatry of Deeda, five (5) feet; c59 Town Warrnnt Specisl Town Meating May 6, i957 SOIITHERLY by Salem Street, one hundred twenty-one and 75/100 (121.75) Yeet, more or lesa; WESTFRLY by Selem Street, at the entrance to Laurel Hill Cematery, Yive (5) feet; containing 608.5 square feet, more or less. 3. The land situated in Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetta, ahoxn as Lot A on "Plan Showing Alteration of Street Lines in the Town of Reading, dated July 1930, Davis and Abbott. Civil Engineera", whteh plan is recorded with Book 5527, Page 161, Middlesex South Regiatry of Deeds, and bounded and described as £ollowa; Beginning at a point ten and 10/100 ( 10.10) feet Westerly from n r stone bound at the Northwesterly corner oS Main and Salem Streets, Lthence the line runs Westerlp ninety-Five (95) feet, by land o£ the Old South Methodist Church in Reading; thence turning and running Southweaterly five ( 5) feet by other land of the Town oP Reading; thence turning and running Eeaterly seventy-soven and 25/100 (77.25) feet bg the new line of Salem Street; and thence Northeasterly by a curved line having a radius of thirty-four ( 3(}) feet a length of eighteen end 67/100 (18.67) £eet to the point o£ baginning; conteining 1y1}6 square feet of land, more or leas; or what it will do in relation thereto. Board o£ Salectmen ARTICLE B. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule A Job Clasaifications under Article VIII-A of the By-Laws relating to the Wage and Hour Claesification Plan in the following mennar: Add after Hearing Reporter, the following new Cleasification; SUILDING SUPERINTENDENT : Asaists in the mane.gement, and supervises the maiatenanee of the Old High School Building. Reaponsible Por cleaning, repair and maintanence of inechanical and electrical equip- ment, plumbing, and structure o£ said building. Provides apecisl eerviees such as labor for intra-office moving and makes arrangementa for additional lighting and renovations. Responsible for acheduling the usa oP the auditoriu�n in said Suilding for civic or privete pur- posas. Mag allocate,requisition, arnd maintsin office furniture. May ahow empty offices to prospectiva tenenta. Keeps records of labor and r� material eoata for operetion and maintenance of Building, and issuea ■ pariodie reports to tha Board oF Selectmen. ` Amend Section 12, Genaral Government, of the Salary & Wage Sehedule, by eatabliahing the aeekly minimum and mazimum ratea for the new Sob Clasaificatlon of Building Superintendent ea follows; Clasaificatlon Weekly Min. Me�c. Section 12. Generel Goverzanant SUILDING SUPT. �70.00 $90.00 Personnel Soard ARTYCLE 9. To see what aum the Town �r+ill raise �d �appropriete £or the purpoae of permanently constructing a portion of Summer Avenue, between Main Street and Woburn Straet, under the provisions of Chepter 718 oP the Acta of i956, or ehat it will do in relation thereto. Board of Public Worka ARTICLF 10. To aee what sum the Town will raise amd � propriate from the tax levy or appropriate £rom availsble funds and tranafer for the purpose oP purchasing and installing safety and fire protection equipment in the school buildings, or what St will do in relation thereto. School Commlttee � ARTICLE 11. To aee what swn the Town will raise and appropriate by borrowing or transfer Prom available funds or raisa Prom the tax levy £or the purpose of repniring end rebuilding the fiigriland School build- ing and for the purchase of equipment and flirniahinga ior said build- ing, and to authorize the Rebuilding Co�mni.ttee to proceed with the re- patr and rebuilding oY said building end to enter Snto contracta thereto, or what it will do in relation thereto. Highlend School Rebuilding Committea 2�0 Town Warrant Speeiel Town Meeting May 6, i957 ARTICLE 12. To see what sum the Town will raise and g, propriate Por the purpose oP state-sided vocational education, in accordance with the provisiona of Chapter 74, General Laws and Acts amenda- tory thereto or dependent thereon, or what it will do in relation thereto. Marilyn S. Golon end Othera And you are directed to aerve thia Werrant by posting an attested copy thereof Sn at least three public plaees in each precinet o£ the Town, not lesa than aeven days prior to May 6, i957, the date aet for the meeting in said Wsrrant, and to publish this Warrant in the � Reading Chronicla one� day at least prior to said date. Hereof fail not end make due return of this Warrant with your do- ings thereoa to the Town Clerk at or bePore the time eppointed for said meeting. Given under our hande thia twenty-fifth day of April, 1957 • Lawrence Drew � Gilbert M. Lothrop James E. Calvin Selectmen oP Reading A true copy Atteat Constable of Reading COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OPPieer� s Return Middlesex, ss. Reading � By virtue oP this werrant, I , on April 29, 1957 notified and warnad the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in eleatione and town a££aira, to meet at the High School, 62 Oakland Road, in said Reading at the time specified, as the desig- nated place for the four precinCts of the Town, by posting attested copiea oY this warrant in the following public places within the Town o£ Reading: Precinet 1. Austin� a Lunch Room 17 Harnden Street Central Fire Stetion Police Headquartera Precinet 2. Masonie Temple Bullding M. F. Charlea Store 610 Main Street Boston & Maine R. R . Depot Precinct j. Keene� s Corner Store 36 Mineral Street @uslity Food Store 168 Lowell Street Elden� e Store 206 West Street Precinet 1}. Municipal Building 2ltzow� a Store 287 Lowell Street Cawley' s Store 1051 Main Street The date of posting being more than aeven days prior to May 6, i957, the deta aet Por the meetiag in thia warrant. � i elso caused an attested copy o£ this werrant to be published in tha Reading Chronicle in the isaue of May 2, i957 the aeme being more than one day prior to tha date o£ said meeting. . (Signed) Arthur L. Harris Constable oP Reading