HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-27 SB HandoutTown of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda R C E L) i v fq CEO js3s. rxco�a °� ` A s�i ` , 9 Board Committee - Commission - Council: 2BIB FEB 32 PM 2: 04 Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -02 -27 Time: 7:00 PM Building: Reading Town Hall Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Address: 16 Lowell Street Agenda: Purpose: General Business Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Chairman John Arena Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair .reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted in typed format, handwritten notices will not be accepted. Topics of Discussion: 1). Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment C. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open. Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation a. Reading Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary 7:15 '4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Approve FYI Non Union Classification and Compensation Plans 7:30 b. Eaton Lakeview 40B Project — Resident Presentation 7:35 C. Approve Safety Requests 7:55 d. Close Warrant for April Town Meeting 8:00 e. Discuss BOS role in upcoming override 8:30 f. Discuss BOS Policies Article 1 General Operating Procedures 9:00 (Section 1.1.9 Communication — deferred from last meeting) g. Preview Water /Sewer /Storm Water rates 9:45 h. Change of Manager — Biltmore and Main 9:55 i. Change of D /B /A — Reading Square Texaco 10:00 6) Approval of Minutes a. January 9th, 2018 b. January 23rd, 2018 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Correspondence from US Department of Commerce, re: Census b. Correspondence from MassDOT; re: Boston to Reading Highway Lighting System Improvements This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing.of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 1 ,. Town of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda rs � a9 +rxcon¢cs C. Correspondence from Xfinity, re: Form 500 for 2017 d. Email from Brad Grimm, re: Override e. Email from MMA, re: Board of Directors f. Email from Jerrold Starr, re: RMLD g. Correspondence from RPD, re: Graffiti Incidents h. Email from Kaitlyn Mercurio, re: Mass Shooting Task Force This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed /1 at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. A J Page 1 2 vC DRAFT MOTIONS BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING FEBRUARY 27, 2018 Arena, Berman, Ensminger, Halsey, Friedmann LeLacheur 5a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the FY19 Non Union Classification and Compensation Plans as presented 5c) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve Safety Amendment Number 2018 -1, as presented Move that the Board of Selectmen approve Safety Amendment Number 2018 -2, as presented. Move that the Board of Selectmen approve Safety Amendment Number 2018 -3, as presented 5d) . Move that the Board of Selectmen approve Question 1 to be on the ballot for the local election on April 3, 2018 as follows: Shall the Town of Reading be allowed to assess an additional $4.15 million in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of the general operation of the Public Schools for Classroom Teachers ($1,802,484); Teaching, Learning and Classroom Support ($821,429); and Athletics ($31,056); for 5 Police Officers and 4 Firefighter /paramedics ($1,050,31 ]),- for General Government including Public Works, Finance, Technology, Human /Elder Services and Inspections ($317,391); and for increased hours and staffing for the Public Library ($127, 329) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018? Yes No Move that the Board of Selectmen close the Warrant consisting of 19 Articles for the 2018 Annual Town Meeting. 5h) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the change of manager for an Annual All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License for Unagi Servers Inc d /b /a Biltmore & Main Bar and Grill at 530 Main Street, Reading, MA. (DI 5i) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the change of d /b /a for a Class II License for Bassam Kofahi d /b /a Reading Square Texaco at 749 Main Street, Reading, MA. 6a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of January 9th, 2018 (as amended) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of January 23rd, 2018 (as amended) Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting at p.m. O •O � •� 0 Cl V � 4 -�Mo C� % •� 0 o c Ct U U 000 O N �!1 O bA � a� o 4:0, U O 7U., bA O N � O O � � � � N N v v� •O � U U Ct 4—' by ct U N � N v� bA CC3 N N O •� U � U � O � � � U a� 0 e� 0 00 O N 0 N i � , O C�3 V C� V v v� •O � U U Ct 4—' by ct U N � N v� bA CC3 N N O •� U � U � O � � � U a� 0 e� 0 00 O N 0 N i � , • •O • Cld ct %eat! V � � U � O .S' C1 N cd w � U O � O � � O O c� v� . O � O � U � O � U CC3 C O O cn p � O U C's v� CIS U .S' r Cld ct N C� V N b�A 0 U U Q V W W O O bA C 00 O N w O N t� Regnante, Sterio & Osborne LLP Attorneys at Law Theodore C. Regnante Edgewater Office Park In Reply Refer to 401 Edgewater Place, Suite 630 File No. 44811 Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 -6210 Telephone (781) 246 -2525 Telecopier (781) 246 -0202 website: www.repante.com e -mail: tregnante @regnante.com February 26, 2018 John Jarema, Acting Chair Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Re: Eaton Lakeview Development LLC M.G.L. c.40B Comprehensive Permit Application 23 -25 Lakeview Avenue and 128 Eaton Street, Reading, MA Dear Mr. Jarema and Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals: This office represents Eaton Lakeview Development LLC ( "Eaton Lakeview "), which filed an application for a comprehensive permit with the Zoning Board of Appeals ( "ZBA ") on January 9, 2018. Eaton Lakeview understands that the Department of Housing and Community Development ( "DHCD ") has certified that the Town of Reading is in compliance with its Housing Production Plan, and that this certification is effective through February 22, 2019. Eaton Lakeview wishes to proceed with the referenced application, notwithstanding its understanding that this DHCD certification provides the ZBA with a basis to deny or conditionally approve the application pursuant to 760 CMR 56.03(1), 56.05(3) and 56.03(8) -- a right commonly referred to as "safe harbor ". I understand that there is a mutual desire to clarify how to apply the "safe harbor" under DHCD's regulations and, specifically, whether the regulations require the ZBA to deny the application within 15 days of the opening of the public hearing or simply to provide notice within those 15 days that a denial would be consistent with local needs. Eaton Lakeview hereby agrees that if the ZBA provides notice, within 15 days of the opening of the public hearing, that it believes that a denial of the permit or the imposition of conditions or requirements would be consistent with local needs on the basis of the certification, then it need not actually deny the application on that basis within those same 15 days. In this event, the ZBA may proceed with the public hearing, and its ability to deny the permit, or impose conditions or requirements, on the basis of the DHCD certification will be preserved. Stated differently, Eaton Lakeview waives any claim that DHCD's regulations Eaton Lakeview Development LLC February 26, 2018 Page 2 of 2 require the ZBA to deny the application on the basis of the Town's safe harbor certification within 15 days after opening the public hearing. Further, Eaton Lakeview agrees that the time period for the Town to exercise its safe harbor claim is hereby extended to February 22, 2019. In addition, 760 CMR 56.05(3) states that the public hearing on a comprehensive permit application "shall not extend beyond 180 days from the date of opening the hearing... except with the written consent of the Applicant." Eaton Lakeview agrees to allow additional time for the ZBA to conduct its public hearing. Accordingly, Eaton Lakeview hereby agrees to extend the time for the ZBA to close the public hearing, vote, issue a decision, and file its decision with the Town Clerk on the subject comprehensive permit application to February 23, 2019. Sincere y, Th dore C. gnan e ACCEPTED: John Jarema, Acting Chair Town of Reading Zoning Board of Appeals Northeastern University Center fir the ,study q f ' Sport in Society GAMECHANGE tlil. PAi RIUI.; ANTI - VIOLENCE NAHIM *HEMP a.rM Project: Game Change Sponsors: New England Patriots and MA Attorney General's Office Funding: Reading Memorial High School was awarded a mini -grant of $3,000 for the school year of 2017 -2oi8 for this project. The grant was co- written by RMHS and RCASA in August of 2017. Funds support student leadership development, teacher stipends, and refreshments /supplies. Goal: Foster long -term anti - violence & healthy relationship education in school Progress: In January of 2o18, the Reading Memorial High School hosted a 2 -day Peer Leadership Training for 26 student leaders representing a cross - section of our extracurricular activities, clubs and athletics. The Patriots Anti- Violence Partnership sent five trainers to Reading to train students on violence prevention and healthy relationships. For example, students learned that in the U.S, one in three young people is the victim of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from a dating partner. Following the training, student leaders met with Mrs. Hopkinson (Coach /Teacher), Mr. Fiore (Coach /Teacher), Mrs. McNamara ( RCASA), and Mr. Zaya (Asst. Principal) every other Tuesday morning at 7:15 am. The group is now known as the STUDENT LEADERS COUNCIL. At these meetings, we have discussed how students can use their training and make changes to improve our school. We have also brainstormed challenges students face as leaders and ways they can reach out to other student groups. Through this partnership with the Patriots, the Attorney General's Office, RMHS and RCASA, we are working together to develop recommendation for School officials on Teen Dating Violence Policies and ideas for school climate improvements. Contact: For more info, email Erica McNamara, emcnamaraP ci. reading. ma. us Town Clerk Town of Reading 16 Lowell St Reading Ma. 01867 Dear Clerk In April of 2018 Town Meeting will convene to conduct the Towns Work. Prior to doing so Town Meeting Members elect will convene by precincts to vote a chairman and conduct other duties as may be needed. As in years pass there will be a sign in sheet with the oath of office, since State law does not require this I find this offensive and will not sign it. If it is just a sign in sheet will sign it. Next all Town Meeting Members must be checked in, I would point out that the tables as used now in my opinion block the exit from the hall and therefore violate fire code in the event of emergency, I suggest that perhaps as in the past one checker sat in front of each isle. Also I suggest that signs be placed on the back of seats forward of the isle stating Town Meeting Members only. And then you have a table where information is placed by Town officials and others. While I feel that you should have control over public officials I strongly suggest that requiring me to have your approval violates my first amendment rights of free speech. Perhaps instead you my say suggested that information be coordinated with you. Sincerely William C. Brown 28 Martin Rd Reading Ma 01867 7781944 2807 Cc: Board of Selectmen ( not Select Board ) , l C-� Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 11:15 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Town Manager Presentation Attachments: TM L & L March 2018.pdf BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerPci. reading. mo. us (P) 781 - 942 -9043, (F) 781--942-9037 www.readingma. ov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Burns, Jane Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 11:12 AM To: Burns, Jane Subject: Town Manager Presentation `la 1 Pleasant Street Center Presents. . Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:45 am - Lunch 0 - 12:30 -Presentation Pleasant Street Center Ar-9 Pleasant Street x • Brief presentation on town finances • Impact of an override vs. no override • Questions &Answers- Lunch reservations required 24 hours in advance, :(781) 942-6794. Choice of: • Crumb topped rnacaroni and cheese • Chicken pesto Caesar salad served with Italian pasta salad $2.00 suggested donation fio• birch 2