HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-30 SB Packetc Town of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda jlXgcoae Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -01 -30 Building: School - Memorial High Address: 62 Oakland Road Purpose: General Business Time: 7:00 PM �L K ' +' to " i REAIJk-41 , M, ;j S. 2016 JAN 25 P 247 34-1 Location: RMHS Schettini Library Agenda: Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Chairman John Arena Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted In typed format; handwritten notices will not be accepted. . Topics of Discussion: 1) Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment c. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation a. Adam Clark b. Christopher Rogers C. Jared Casalinuovo 4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Discuss and Vote Override 6) Approval of Minutes a. November 7th b. November 14th C. November 28th d. December 20th 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Email from Scott and Jennifer Hardin, re:. Jan 30th meeting b. Email from Rebecca Liberman, re: override C. Email from Nichola Meserve, re: Jan 30th meeting d. Email from Verizon, re: Programming Change e. Email from Sarah Doane, re: override f. Email from Lauren Ream, re: override g. Email from Verizon, re: Programming Change h. Email from Jerrold Starr, re: override i. FY2019 State Aid Document This Agenda has been prepared In advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 1 February 7,',2018 1 FINCOM Budget Meeting (Schools) Wednesday February 8, 2017 IFINCOM Budget Meeting (Town) Thursday Office Hour John Halsey 6:30 Adopt Housing Production Plan Delios 7:15 Safety Issues Lt. Amendola 7:30 Discuss BOS Policies: Article 1 General Operating Procedures Board 8:00 Selectmen Goals - update LeLacheur 9:00 Preview Warrant for April Town Meeting LeLacheur 9:15 February 14, 2017 FINCOM Budget Meeting (Misc.) I Wednesday February IS, 2017 1 FINCOM Budget Meeting -Vote Budget I Thursday Office Hour Dan Ensminger :3 Reading Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary LeLacheur 7:15 Town Accountant Quaterly Review Angstrom 7:30 Close Warrant for April Town Meeting Town Counsel 8:00 Discuss BOS Policies: Article 2 Volunteers, Boards and Committees Board 8:30 To discuss strategy with respect to Collective Executive Session Bargaining LeLacheur 9:30 March 7, 2018 FINCOM,- Vote;Annual TM Warrant Articles Wednesday Office Hour Barry Berman 6:30 Birch Meadow Recreation Subcommittee LeLacheur 7:15 Approve Water /Sewer /Storm Water Rates for HEARING FY19 LeLacheur 8:00 Approve BOS Policies: Article 1 General HEARING 1 Operating Procedures ILeLacheur 1 8:30 DRAFT - BOARD OF SELECTMEN X2018 ` AGENDAS 201$ " 113012018 Staff Estimated Future Agendas Discuss Cell Tower project Percival Discuss Oakland Road land public process LeLacheur Discuss Liquor License policy LeLacheur July'18 Percy Avenue: improvements on a private way LeLacheur Downtown Parking Segalla Recurring Items Close Warrant: Nov '17 TM by 9/26 Close Warrant: Apr'18 TM by 2/27 Review BOS /TM Goals Dec & June Semi -ann Appointments of Boards & Committees June Annual Hearing Approve Classification & Compensation June Annual Hearing Tax Classification October Annual Approve licenses December Annual Reports to BOS Town Accountant Report Qtrly Economic Development Director Tri -ann RCTV members Report Semi -ann CAB (RMLD) member Report Semi -ann MAPC member Report Annual Reading Housing Authority Report Annual Reading Ice Arena Report Annual BOS Appointed Boards & Committees Annual NO D.. O C) N F D. � 0 0 tu4 16 2 C GN C LL E £ N c c W._ C m � C t0 Q y pp •N C p a Y m E �, u 1� W tD Ol d' O Li"I t0 I-1 N. In m i- W I-i m m N d' N W O m lD o ti r1 .-i 1 I-q I-i N H li N N 1-i N N N N N m N N N lD ri m N N n W m W O N m N Lo O m I-1 a' LD ci I-i I-i I-1 -1 i-1 14 N N a-I I-I N 1- .. - W lD ...-. n m O N cmi I�- I....� -I �N-1 �-i N N N N a�-i N ON N N OM N N .-f M O V m w N n W m N d' H 01 w m O n In W O n W I-1 H c-1 I-1 I-i I-1 H 11 cH N N N N rl N N N N N N M lD f\ W Ol O e-I N M d' Ln lD r W Ol O a-1 N m N n W O I-I I-i ci I-i I-1 N a--I a-I ci ci N N N N N N N N N N N N m _ M V Ln V W V cP W M I-i V M W r Ol O m m Ln h W O N M m M M [F Ln LD LO lD r, n W W Ol 0 0 0 I-1 li N N N N M M M r1 I-i N N c-i N I-1 a-i ci I-1 H N Q M N W o6 o F p o z? 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O LL O LL O LL O Q LL O m O O m m S W Z c U Q W z d F- K S O C c-I N M Lll I� W lD Ql O N V I-1 Ln W m Il W m w m O h Ln W O f- a�f OW MA ' TOP 1Q'OP lYOP 20 comp BENEFITS osite Ens Fried TOWN (18% CAPITAL Ranki Aren Ber ming man Hals TM PRIORITIZED FOR OVERRIDE TOWN WAGE EXPENSE method) (5%) TOWN TOTAL SF Home ng a man er n ey POLICE $ 440,000 $ 41,500 $ 86,670 $ 29,886 $ 598,056 $ 75 1 POLICE OFFICER #1 $ 80,000 $ 3,500 $ 15,030 $ 5,183 $ 103,713 $ 13 3 POLICE OFFICER #2 $ 80,000 $ 3,500 $ 15,030 $ 5,183 $ 103,713 $ 13 5 POLICE OFFICER #3 $ 80,000 $ 3,500 $ 15,030 $ 5,183 $ 103,713 $ 13 8 8 POLICE OFFICER #4 SRO $ 90,000 $ 3,500 $ 16,830 $ 5,803 $ 116,133 $ 15 34 7 8 7 8 8 10 POLICE OFFICER #5 $ 80,000 $ 3,500 $ 15,030 $ 5,183 $ 103,713 $ 13 58 10 11 ' 10 9 - 14 14 14 POLICE OT /TRAINING $ 30,000 $ 5,400 $ 1,862 $ 37,262 $ 5 64 12 10 13 16 15 10 20 REGIONALANIMAL CONTROL $ 24,000 $ 4,320 $ 1,490 $ 29,810 $ 4 127 26 20 29 30 28 20 FIRE /EMS $ 320,000 $ 22,000 $ 61,560 $ 21,227 $ 424,787 $ 53 2 FIREFIGHTER #1 $ 80,000 $ 5,500 $ 15,390 $ 5,307 $ 106,197 $ 13 4 FIREFIGHTER #2 $ 80,000 $ 5,500 $ 15,390 $ 5,307 $ 106,197 $ 13 . 7 FIREFIGHTER #3 $ 80,000 $ 5,500 $ 15,390 $ 5,307 $ 106,197 $ 13 33 6 7 6 6 7 7 9 FIREFIGHTER #4 $ 80,000 $ 5,500 $ 15,390 $ 5,307 $ 106,197 $ 13 44 9 9 9 8 9 9 FINANCE $ 50,000 $ - $ 9,000 $ 3,103 $ 62,103 $ 8 6 ASST TOWN ACCOUNTANT $ 50,000 $ 9,000 $ 3,103 $ 62,103 $ 8 35 8 6 7 10 6 6 LIBRARY $ 80,000 $ 22,500 $ 18,450 $ 6,362 $ 127,312 $ 16 12 LIBRARY MATERIALS 14% $ 10,000 $ 1,800 $ 621 $ 12,421 $ 2 64 11 13 14 14 10 13 15 LIBRARY ADDT STAFFING 0.75FTE $ 35,500 $ 5,000 $ 7,290 $ 2,514 $ 50,304 $ 6 71 14 15 17 13 11 15 16 LIBRARY SUNDAY HOURS $ 44,500 $ 7,500 $ 9,360 $ 3,228 $ 64,588 $ 8 73 15 16 15 12 12 18 ADMIN SERVICES $ 163,500 $ 40,000 $ 36,630 $ 10,851 $ 250,981 $ 31 11 SOFTWARE TRAINING COORDINATOR $ 66,000 $ 11,880 $ 4,096 $ 81,976 $ 10 68 13 14 11 11 16 16 13 HR- TRAINING FOR ORGANIZATION $ 25,000 $ 4,SOO $ 1,552 $ 31,052 $ 4 81 16 12 12 15 25 17 24 AS CLERK $ 37,500 $ 6,750 $ 2,328 $ 46,578 $ 6 109 21 24 22 20 19 24 29 TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT $ 15,000 $ 2,700 $ 931 $ 18,631 $ 2 125 25 29 20 25 22 29 27 HR GENERALIST $ 60,000 $ 10,800 $ 1,944 $ 72,744 $ 9 128 27 27 21 23 30 27 PUBLIC SERVICES $ 142,000 $ $ 25,560 $ 8,814 $ 176,374 FS -22 17 ELDER /HUMAN SVC ADMIN - hours $ 22,000 $ 3,960 $ 1,365 $ 27,325 $ 3 84 17 17 16 27 - '13 11 18 INSPECTION BUILDING INSP - hours $ 30,000 $ 5,400 $ 1,862 $ 37,262 $ 5 93 18 18 18 28 17 ` '12 19 INSPECTION CODE ENFORCEMENT $ 10,000 $ 1,800 $ 621 $ 12,421 $ 2 113 23 19 19 29 27 19 25 COMM SVC DIR /ASST DEPT HEAD $ 80,000 $ 14,400 $ 4,965 $ 99,365 $ 12 130 28 25 30 21 29 25 DPW $ 104,000 $ $ 18,720 $ 6,455 $ 129,175 $ 16 23 DPW CLERK - share with W &S $ 21,500 $ 3,870 $ 1,334 $ 26,704 $ 3 106 19 23 23 19 18 23 22 CEMETERY WAGES TEMP $ 19,000 $ 3,420 $ 1,179 $ 23,599 $ 3 107 20 22 24 18 21 22 21 ENG TEMP HELP ENG AIDE $ 27,500 $ 4,950 $ 1,707 $ 34,157 $ 4 110 22 21 28 17 23 21 26 PARKS WAGES TEMP $ 10,000 $ 1,800 $ 621 $ 12,421 $ 2 123 24 26 25 22 24 26 30 HIGHWAY WAGES TEMP $ 26,000 $ 4,680 $ 1,614 $ 32,294 $ 4 133 30 30 27 26 20 30 FACILITIES $ 15,000 $ $ 2,700 $ 931 $ 18,631 $ 2 28 FACILITIES OT for projects $ 15,000 $ 2,700 $ 931 $ 18,631 $ 2 13229 28 26 24 26 28 As an aside: Schools $ 2,436,000 $ $ 438,480 $ 151,198 $ 3,025,678 5­3_78_ $ 378 I combined wages & expenses, since it is bottom line OW Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 5:50 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] We support a 5 million dollar override (Sent by Jennifer Hillery, jenniferchillery@gmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaer@ci.readina.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readinama.aov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 5:49 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] We support a 5 million dollar override (Sent by Jennifer Hillery, ienniferchillery @amail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Jennifer Hillery ( jenniferchillery@gmaii.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.aov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.aov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Board of Selectmen, We want to thank you for your very hard work during these past weeks looking at the town and schools budgets. We are truly grateful for your time and dedication to our community. We are writing to say that we support a 5 million dollar override. Our reasons are similar to many you have probably heard from but we wanted to add a couple of points that may be different: 1. The strain the override process has put on our town and school employees, our elected officials, and our engaged citizens can not be ignored. We worry that picking a smaller number, knowing we will come back in a couple years for another, will negatively affect the moral of our school and town employees, our elected officials, and our citizens. 2. The last override in 2003 was for 4.5 million dollars, which shows this community has been willing to make this large of an investment before. Further, at an August 2016 Board of Selectmen meeting it was indicated that the equivalent of the 2003 override, as a percentage of taxes, would be a 8.5 million dollar override. A 5 million dollar override is clearly well below that number. 3. This community has also shown that it is willing to invest almost 3 million dollars in debt exclusions for the library renovation. This supports that the community would be willing to invest at least that for the entire town and school, particularly where the needs have been clearly identified. , 4. In the past five years, our peer community Belmont passed a 4.5 million dollar override in 2015 and peer community Shrewsbury passed a 5.5 million dollar override in 2014. Therefore, Reading would not be the first community to ask for this amount of an override. We must give our town and schools an opportunity to recover from 5 years of level service cuts. Anything less than 5 million does not give them that chance. Thank you, Jennifer and Matthew Hillery High Street z Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 4:50 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] override (Sent by Susan Fitzgerald, smfitz4 @gmaii.com) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 30, 2018 at 4:37:07 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] override (Sent by Susan Fitzgerald, smfitz4kgmail.com) Reply -To: <smfitz4 ,gmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Susan Fitzgerald (smfitz4ggmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: As we are unable to attend tonight's meeting, I wanted to write to express my, and my husband's, support for the full $5 million override, as the schools have clearly detailed how deep the need is for a significant increase in funding to maintain the current level of service. Without the full amount, we will be back in this exact position in a few short years, and the odds of passing an override will diminish with each ask. Like many, my family relocated to Reading over a decade ago due to the strong reputation of the schools. And, like many who have been dismayed by the town's failure to address the needs of the schools, we have begun considering relocating to a community which fully supports its schools in the event that this override fails and our schools continue to diminish in quality. We are also asking ourselves, "At this rate, how long will it be until property values in town begin to fall (or, at least, how long until the rate at which property values in Reading do not keep up with other communities) "? Sadly, when that moment comes, and we firmly believe it WILL come if this override fails, it will be too late and too expensive to easily and adequately fix the issues in our schools. Let's face it, it's not retirees who are buying up houses in Reading. It's young families with children who are choosing Reading because they believe this is a town which supports its students, its schools and its teachers. I'm hoping that the BOS does the right thing and puts forward a proposal which does, indeed, indicate its full support for its schools. While the schools are the heart of our community, public safety and our first responders are the backbone. Inadequate staff levels in our police and fire departments are also wholly unacceptable. These, too, must be addressed by a full override. We hope that, for the future of our town, the futures of our children and for the safety of our community, fight for a full $5 million override! Best Regards, Susan Fitzgerald and Edgar Denny 39 Glenmere Circle Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Tuesday, January 30, 2018 4:57 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: Full Override amount From: Leia Davies <leiadaviesggmail.com> Date: January 30, 2018 at 4:53:24 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: Full Override amount Dear Mr. Arena, Mr. Halsey, Mr. Ensminger, Mr. Berman and Mr. Friedmann, Hello! Thank you so much for the time and consideration you are giving to the budget discussions. I am a town resident, parent of Killam children, and an English teacher at RMHS. Tonight, I strongly urge you to set an override amount that fully funds the amounts requested for our school and town services. As a teacher who has been through multiple rounds of budget cuts at the high school, I can attest to the damaging effects the reduced budget has had on the high school students, teacher morale, test scores, course offerings, and basic classroom needs such as books. To be frank, the override process is fraught with anxiety among staff in the building, and it is a palpable feeling. Whether we like it or not, budget cuts and a looming override steal teacher energy away from our number priority - educating our amazing kids to our fullest ability. To accept anything less than funding the full override amount will put teachers and students back in this same, unfavorable position in a few short years to begin this anxiety - producing cycle all over again. Perhaps the counter point to my argument is that if the town asks for less, residents will be more likely to fund the override to prevent the majority of cuts. My answer to the way of thinking is that it is a temporary fix. Town Services and the schools will not get all that they need, and then my fear is that the same cycle of mistrust and anxiety will be knocking on our door in two years. A more sustainable, long lasting override gives The Board time to develop a plan to present, attract, and implement more businesses to ease the tax predicament we find ourselves in today. Please stand up for what is best for our schools and our children and publicly advocate for more from its residents. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Leia Richardson 245 Pearl St. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:09 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Petra Marino, petra_marino @yahoo.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.readine.ma.us . ,(P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 2:29 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Petra Marino, petra marino @yahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Petra Marino (petra marino @vahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readin�ma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: I would like to request a $4.7 M override. Also, to evaluate the option to tier high school sports for future budgets. Thank you and ... good luck. I know it cannot be easy and I appreciate the work you're doing. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:09 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override amount (Sent by Catherine Sutherland, srewima @aol.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.readinR.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 2:45 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override amount (Sent by Catherine Sutherland, srewima @aol.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Catherine Sutherland (srewima @aol.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Good afternoon members of the Board of Selectman, I am writing to ask you to request an override amount of at least $4.7 million in order to restore the school and town services that we desperately need. As an almost 40 year resident of this town, I am worried about what will happen if we ask for any less. In fact, I support an override of over $4.7 million for better long -term sustainability. Thank you, Catherine Sutherland 133 Prospect St 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:10 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: I support a full override BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer0)ci. read iniz. ma. us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Danica Medeiros [mailto :danicamedeiros @gmail.com) Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:06 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: I support a full override Good afternoon Board of Selectmen. I am Danica Medeiros, Precinct 3 and I am writing to you in full support of a decision to put a $5 million override (based on the identified needs of the Town) on the ballot this April. It is an override in which I would vote for. I believe an override will be essential to protect the value of our homes, and more importantly to me, our school system and emergency services. I believe in putting money into the future where it hits us first - and that is the community in which we wake up and in which we go to sleep. I am not hopeful about the future of our community if the full amount is not voted in. Thank you so much for your service. Danica Medeiros 781 - 771 -7722 34 Avon Street 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:57 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Override vote BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerna ci.readina.ma.us (P) 781 -942 -9043, (F) 781 -942 -9037 www.readinc�ma.aov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Melissa Henri [ mailto:melissa.henri@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:56 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Override vote To the Reading Board of Selectmen: I apologize for the lateness of my message regarding tonight's meeting. I was planning to attend in person, but I got hurt falling on a patch of ice last night and will have to watch at home on TV tonight. I would therefore like to share my thoughts on tonight's override vote with you in this brief email. I voted yes for the override last year - -and I will again - -for the full $5 million being asked for this time, or up to as much as the $7.5 million asked last time. The other 3 voters in my household will also vote in favor of the full override. In addition, I will talk with other voters to get them out and voting yes for the full amount needed to support our schools and town services. We moved to Reading two years ago because of the excellent school system and town services, and we want to see those continue for many more years. I ask you to please welcome public discussion before coming to a vote tonight. I also ask that you PLEASE vote tonight for the full override amount. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Melissa Henri 34 Marla Lane Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 2:04 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override Amount (Sent by Amy Hennessy, amy.hennessy @gmail.com) BOS packets Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaRer(@ci.readinQ.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 2:02 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override Amount (Sent by Amy Hennessy, amy.hennessy @gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Amy Hennessy (amy.hennessy @gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Selectmen, I have been watching recent deliberations with trepidation. I am afraid that this board is leaning towards voting for a insufficient override amount. The time to compromise is over. There have been so many compromises over the last number of years both large and small. We have compromised in cutting programs, personnel and services. In my opinion, there is no room left to stretch our resources and make do with less. We cannot continue to hollow out our schools and town government and expect consistent positive results. I would strongly urge for all of you to vote to fully fund the identified needs put forth by our Municipal Department Heads, Town Manager, School Administration and School Committee. Now is the time for strong leadership, so that we can get our town back on track. Anything less is a disservice to our community. Sincerely, Amy Hennessy Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:49 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override Amount (Sent by Sam Carreiro, stcarreiro @yahoo.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt - s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @ vt - s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 20181:47 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override Amount (Sent by Sam Carreiro, stcarreiro @yahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Sam Carreiro (stcarreiro @vahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Board of Selectman, Thank you for ALL of the time you have been putting into our town and the override. I am writing to ask you to consider an amount of 3 -3.5M. I realize this is less than the 43M requested but I feel it has a better chance of passing and PASSING is my first priority. It is not enough (I voted yes for the 7M override and would do it again) but I truly feel that anything larger will not pass. By putting forth a number less than the 4.7M, it shows that you are considering the needs of the town, schools and residents. In addition, I urge you to consider evaluation A Property Tax Work -off Program (See Sudbury for example)that would be passed IN CONJUNCTION (NOT a separate ballot question) with the override. Eligible seniors and veterans could work in a Town Department and "earn" a tax abatement for the following year. It would be amazing if they could work at the Town Clerk's office, The library the DPW AND the Public Schools. Thank you and I look forward to the meeting tonight. Samantha Carreiro Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:33 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Proposed over ride amount (Sent by Katherine Brown, brownkatherine55 @ hotmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manaaar TmAin of Pandina 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.readine.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:28 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Proposed over ride amount (Sent by Katherine Brown , brownkatherine55 @ hotmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Katherine Brown (brownkatherine55 @ hotmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Select Board , As you discuss a proposed override, I urge you to consider an amount that meets Reading's needs as outlined by our school committe, fire chief, police chief and town manager, and supports our teachers' long term job stability. Without an override teachers will be layed off and our fire /police will not have enough employees to keep our growing population safe . To balance a budget that mathematically does not support the towns' needs for adequate service, it is time to propose an override amount that provides sufficient funds to last more than a couple of years . Reading needs $5 million in order to ensure our teachers are not layed off and public safety is not compromised . Any thing less than $5 million will provide just a short term partial band aid. We will see more teachers pursue other positions for job stability and we will very likely be asking for another override in a year, which will continue discussions of layoffs creating more uncertainty in our school system. This evening please consider the these long term effects of proposing a lesser amount than $5 million . To restore our teachers' desire to stay in Reading and to provide enough police and fire to ensure public safety as requested by their departments, please consider proposing a $5 million override to support all of their dedicated efforts that keep Reading educated and safe to adequate service levels . Sincerely, Katherine Brown 56 Prospect Street Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:46, PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Overide (Sent by Susan Fitzgerald, smfitz4 @gmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:37 PM To: Town Manager Subject: [Reading MA] Overide (Sent by Susan Fitzgerald, smfitz4 @gmail.com) Hello rlelacheur, Susan Fitzgerald (smfitz4 @gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /431 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /431 /edit. Message: As I'm unable to attend tonight's meeting, I wanted to write to express my, and my husband's, support for the full $5 million override, as the schools have clearly detailed how deep the need is for a significant increase in funding to maintain the current level of service. Without the full amount, we will be back in this exact position in a few short years, and the odds of passing an will diminish with each ask. Like many, my family relocated to Reading over a decade ago due to the strong reputation of the schools. And, like many who have been dismayed by the town's failure to address the needs of the schools, we have begun considering relocating to a community which fully supports its schools in the event that this override fails and our schools continue to diminish in quality. We are also asking ourselves, "At this rate, how long will it be until property values in town begin to fall (or, at least, how long until the rate at which property values in Reading increase do not keep up with other communities) "? Sadly, when that moment comes, and we firmly believe it WILL come if this override fails, it will be too late and too expensive to easily and adequately fix the issues in our schools. Let's face it, it's not retirees who are buying up houses in Reading. It's young families with children who are choosing Reading because they believe this is a town which supports its students, its schools and its teachers. I'm hoping that the BOS does the right thing and puts forward a proposal which does, indeed, indicate its full support for its schools. While the schools are the heart of our community, public safety and our first responders are the backbone. Inadequate staff levels in our police and fire departments are also wholly unacceptable. These, too, must be addressed by a full override. We hope that, for the future of our town, the futures of our children and for the safety of our community, fight for a full $5 million override! Best Regards, Susan Fitzgerald and Edgar Denny 39 Glenmere Circle Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:46 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] BOS (Sent by David Faulkner, faulkner11 @yahoo.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaizerCa)ci.readine.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:37 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] BOS (Sent by David Faulkner, faulknerll @yahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, David Faulkner (faulknerll @vahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely David Faulkner 9 Wilson Street Reading, MA 01867 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:47 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Fully Funding the Override BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaer(a)ci. reading. ma. us (P) 781 -942 -9043, (F) 781 -942-9037 www.readingma.aoy Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Jessie Tran [mailtoJlbtran gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1:45 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Fully Funding the Override Dear Board of Selectmen, My name is Jessica Tran. My husband, Khoa, and I have lived in Reading with our two young children since September 2014. Prior to narrowing our housing search to Reading, and only the town of Reading, we did a significant amount of research into the quality of the public schools in Reading and its neighboring towns. It is because of the reputation and opportunities afforded to students in Reading that we chose to buy a home here. Our son is now 7 and in second grade at Joshua Eaton, where he will be joined by his sister in the fall of 2019. We have been very pleased with the expertise and dedication of his classroom teachers. That is why we're very concerned about the harms that will be done to students at all levels of the district should the FYI budget (and subsequent budgets) not be adequately funded. As a public school teacher, I am firmly committed to the value of a public education and the role public education plays in promoting the values of a democratic citizenry. One such value is that of supporting the public good by way of paying one's taxes. Paying our fair share of taxes supports all manner of public goods, including law enforcement, town government, and, of course, the public schools. To continue to offer the high level of services the residents (including students) of Reading expect and deserve, a $5 million override should be approved at tonight's BOS meeting. My husband and I intend to support a fully funded override on April 3, and will encourage our friends and fellow Reading residents to do the same. Please do your part by trusting your constituents, keeping in your minds the students of our great town, and voting to fully fund the proposed override this evening. Sincerely, Jessica Tran 17 Kenneth Road Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 12:26 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MAI Override (Sent by Will Meyers, william.meyers @maine.edu) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 30, 2018 at 12:03:09 PM EST To: <selectmen a,ci.reading_ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Will Meyers, william.mgyerskmaine.edu) Reply -To: <william.meyersgmaine.edu> Hello Board of Selectmen, Will Meyers (william.meyers ,maine.edu) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readinama.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely, Will Meyers 159 Wakefield St. Reading, MA Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:22 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override 2018 (Sent by Laurie Abdella, jlaabdelia32 @gmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:21 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override 2018 (Sent by Laurie Abdella, ilaabdella32 @gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Laurie Abdella (ilaabdella32 @gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:03 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Override BOS packet Hobert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerPci. readina. ma. us (P) 781 -942- 9043, (F) 781 - 942 -9037 !M readinama.aov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Matthew Gollwitzer [ma i Ito: matthewgol lwitzerCabya hoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:00 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Override Dear Board of Selectman (Mr. Arena, Mr. Halsey, Mr. Ensminger, Mr. Berman and Mr. Friedmann,), Regarding the override, I sincerely request that the override amount fully fund the amount request for our school and our town. Our kids and our community deserve this. Thank you for your consideration. Kind Regards, Matt 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:00 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Override BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeerPci.readinR.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Laura O'Neill [mailto:casaraho @hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 201810:57 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Override I am writing this email in support of the 5 million dollar override. If this override is not presented, I know my town services and children's education will suffer. The override is essential for Reading. Thank you. Laura O'Neill 23 Rachel Road, Reading Sent from my iPhone Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 10:54 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Pls support > $4.7mil override amount (Sent by Stephanie Filipski, stephdmb @yahoo.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 10:53 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Pls support > $4.7mil override amount (Sent by Stephanie Filipski, stephdmb @vahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Stephanie Filipski (stephdmb @vahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: The continued growth and improvement of our town and its schools need our support. We beg you to support an override-amount of at least $4.7 million. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 9:02 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] (1/30 meeting) Override Request and Thoughts (Sent by Nick Boivin, nmboivin @gmail.com) Attachments: boivin_selectmen_letter_20180130.pdf BOS packet (include attachment) Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 9:00 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] (1/30 meeting) Override Request and Thoughts (Sent by Nick Boivin, nmboivin @gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Nick Boivin (nmboivin @gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Selectmen, Please find attached my one -page letter with a request and thoughts regarding your consideration of a possible Spring 2018 override. These are my personal views, not those of the School Committee. We all agree we can't afford a failed override. Let's make sure we can afford a successful override too. Respectfully, Nick Boivin 3 Estate Lane January 30, 2017 Dear Board of Selectmen, I am writing regarding your upcoming decision on whether to place an override on the spring ballot, and (if so) deciding on the total amount and format for the override request. To be clear, these views are my own as a Reading voter, not as a member of the School Committee. Reading needs to pass an override that closes the gap between the steadily increasing amount of money required to run our town and schools, without more cuts to personnel and programs for at least 3 years. Doing so requires steering between Scylla and Charybdis: (1) avoid asking voters for more they feel they can afford resulting in a failed override and (2) any oversized override request that - if granted- expands the size of our town and school organizations to burgeoning year over year level service increases that are themselves unsustainable under proposition 2 -1/2. We'll end up making more cuts — again. Our schools have articulated real need for additional funds. State aid for our schools was lower this year than expected. The FY'19 school budget makes many cuts with direct adverse student impact. Among the harms discussed by the schools in 15 hours of recently - concluded budget hearings is a radical (and unprecedented for the past 30+ years) restructuring in our middle school day to remove a period of ELA instruction and all foreign language instruction due to budget cuts. At the same time, Reading voters are feeling their own financial constraints. Many have seen year over year increases of 10% or more on their property taxes, in addition to increases in water rates, insurance rates, school fees, and now a cap on the amount of state and local tax they can deduct on their income tax returns. Voters soundly rejected the prior override request by about a 3:2 margin. Since then, there are voters watching the costs to run their own lives increase faster than wages. With rising home prices, many have "stretched" themselves financially to join our community. Ultimately, these are the voters who have to agree to any override proposal - both in its total amount and substance. An override adding full time equivalents beyond FY'18 levels to our taxpayer funded organizations carries its own inchoate rate of future growth. These FTEs will be funded at rising levels going forward. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I am not opposed to adding FTEs to our town and schools. Indeed, we will need additional skills and staffing to deliver on our missions. But we cannot ignore recent, growing gaps between our revenue and the ever - increasing amount of money we need for level service. The override should account for recent trends of increasing accommodated costs, and a persistent divergence between our revenue and years of repeated increases in year- over -year funding required for level service (that is, the absence of budget cuts). In closing, I urge you to offer voters an override that both addresses the needs articulated by our town and schools and that pays for the expected increasing cost of existing and any added resources for at least 3 years. Future cuts to our town and school services will also be disruptive and harmful. We're talking about public safety and the education of our children. The stakes couldn't be higher. We all agree we can't afford a failed override. Let's make sure we can afford a successful override too. Sincerely, Nick Boivin (3 Estate Lane) Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 9:21 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override Amount (Sent by Rebecca Schromm, rebecca0620 @yahoo.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781- 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 9:19 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override Amount (Sent by Rebecca Schromm, rebecca0620 @yahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Rebecca Schromm (rebecca0620 @vahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Good morning to the members of Reading's Board of Selectman, I am writing to request that the board puts forth an override amount of at least $4.7 million on the April 3rd ballot. The town managers (including municipal and school sides) have painstakingly and thoughtfully arrived at this number and our town can not afford to ask for an amount any lower than $4.7 million. I do fear that this $4.7 million amount is still too low as it does not have long -term sustainability -- and I would support an even higher override amount. I can't imagine passing an override for a lesser amount and being back in this same situation in less than 3 years. As someone who grew up in Reading and returned to raise my children, I am fearful of what will happen to Reading- - and my children -- if a $4.7 million override does not pass. Additionally, I am an employee of the Reading Public Schools and know firsthand that our school system will be irreversibly damaged if this override does not pass. Lastly, my parents continue to live in Reading and I worry about their health and safety if our police and fire departments are understaffed. Thank you for your time and I implore you to request an override amount of at least $4.7 million for the April 3rd ballot. Sincerely, Rebecca Schromm 18 Berkeley Street Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Tuesday, January 30, 2018 7:28 AM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: Tonight's vote From: Bryn Panee Burkhart <brynbPmit.edu> Date: January 30, 2018 at 6:28:24 AM EST To : "selectmen @ci.readinR.ma.us" <selectmen @ci. read ing. ma. us> Subject: Tonight's vote Hi John, John, Dan, Barry and Andy, My head is reeling from looking at social media (specifically the Reading Parents Network on FB — I don't dare join other groups like the Reading Rant)! The insults are flying, people are baiting one another, the arguments are circular, everyone is dug in on their position. I've waded in and commented on a few things but do so cringing because in the end, I just don't think forums like Facebook are productive places to engage with each other on important topics. Tonight you will preside over a "State of the Union" for our own community. It's a community that has changed markedly since the last override in 2003, and a community that is still changing. It's a community that Eric and I have grown to love in the almost 7 years we've been here. We have gotten involved in the town and schools and are committed to remaining active citizens. I appreciate how fraught the topic of the override is and I know that there is no way you will get unanimous support on the decision you make tonight. But I implore you not to play it "safe" and make a decision based on fear that the number we need will not be acceptable to the majority of voters. As the leaders of our community, I ask that you do what is right for our town to stabilize itself, to keep our community safe and our school system solid. I trust that each of you is well aware that a $5M override is what our community NEEDS and DESERVES. Please lead us and advocate for this decision, knowing it may be unpopular. There is a large army of citizens who will back you up on this and work like hell to support a $5M override decision because we know our community's health depends on it — I know that we can make this happen! Bold action and going all in and encouraging the community to come together and support your decision can actually unite the community and rally us around a common goal. We really need that right now. Thank you again for your consideration, and for all you do for our town. Bryn Burkhart 161 Belmont Street Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Monday, January 29, 2018 9:52 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: Override Funding From: M Morosas <mmorosasggmail.com> Date: January 29, 2018 at 9:50:12 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: Override Funding Dear Mr. Arena, Mr. Halsey, Mr. Ensminger, Mr. Berman and Mr. Friedmann, I appreciate the time and consideration you are giving to the budget discussions Next Tuesday, I encourage you to set an override amount that fully funds the amounts requested for our school and town services. Our children deserve better, and the thought of having more teacher cuts and curriculum changes that will negatively impact them will be devastating to our school system and community. A major factor of residing in Reading was heavily based on the reputation of the school system. Fast forward to becoming a parent of a child with a disability who will continue to rely on special education services throughout her educational career, I couldn't feel more strongly around the importance of our schools having the proper funding to accommodate the needs of our students and teachers, as well as driving a broad curriculum rich in diversity. I also support our police and fire chiefs, who deserve the funding to bring staffing levels to where they should be for a town of our size. I hope you will do what is in the town's best interest and fully fund the town at the levels that have been requested. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Melissa LaPlante Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:29 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] OVERRIDE (Sent by JENNIFER O'BRIEN, OBRIEN.JENNIFER @COMCAST.NET) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 29, 2018 at 8:23:52 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] OVERRIDE (Sent by JENNIFER O'BRIEN, OBRIEN.JENNIFERL&,,COMCAST.NET) Reply -To: <OBRIEN.JENNIFER kCOMCAST.NET> Hello Board of Selectmen, JENNIFER O'BRIEN (OBRIEN.JENNIFERACOMCAST.NET) has sent you a message via your contact form (his: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely JEN O'BRIEN 13 BARROWS ROAD Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 7:41 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Budget BOS packet From: Lauren Fazio [Ifazio37 @gmail.com] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 7:39 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Budget Dear Mr. Arena, Mr. Halsey, Mr. Ensminger, Mr. Berman and Mr. Friedmann, Tomorrow, I strongly ask that you fully fund the 4.7M amount requested. As a middle school Spanish teacher I feel that these cuts will be a tremendous detriment to our children. I hope you will do what is best for the town. Thank you for your consideration. Lauren Fazio Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 6:54 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Fully fund the override (Sent by Chris Twichell, ctwichell @nejm.org) BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 29, 2018 at 6:52:17 PM EST To: <selectmenna,ci.reading ma_us> Subject: [Reading MA] Fully fund the override (Sent by Chris Twichell, ctwicheI1 neim.org) Reply -To: <ctwichell@neim.org> Hello Board of Selectmen, Chris Twichell (ctwichell(,nejm.org) has sent you a message via your contact form (htlps: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Chris Twichell 53 Chequessett Rd., Reading Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 5:30 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Mary Giunta, rcandmj @comcast.net) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaRerPci. read inR. ma. us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 4:58 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Mary Giunta, rcandmj @comcast.net) Hello Board of Selectmen, Mary Giunta (rcandmj @comcast.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Mary Giunta 23 Kylie Drive Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 4:23 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override Amount - Letter from a student (Sent by Vivian Greenwalt c/o Michelle Greenwalt, greenwaltl221 @ gmail.com) Attachments: bos_letter_vivian.docx; ATT00001.htm BOS packet, including letter Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 29, 2018 at 4:02:36 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override Amount - Letter from a student (Sent by Vivian Greenwalt c/o Michelle Greenwalt, greenwalt1221kgmail.com) Reply -To: <greenwaltl221ggmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Vivian Greenwalt c/o Michelle Greenwalt (greenwaltl221 kgmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at hqps://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Hello - please see the attached letter, written by my daughter, Vivian Greenwalt (a student at Parker Middle School) in regards to the override amount being decided at tomorrow night's meeting. You can address any response to me and I will give it to my daughter. Thank you. Michelle Greenwalt Dear Board of Selectmen, I'm Vivian Greenwalt, a 7th grader at Parker Middle School. If we don't pass an override, my grade will be the first to suffer. We'll lose our language programs, along with seven teachers and 6th graders will lose an ELA (English Language Arts) block each day. I don't want to lose a full year of straight A's in Spanish. I have worked so hard to get where I am now, and the fact that I might lose that isn't exactly a fun idea. It doesn't matter if every kid in the grade is failing or succeeding, you need to think of all of us. The thing is - this isn't just a conversation for adults. A lot of people don't get that. It's not like we just go into school every day and talk about the Kardashians; we talk about this. As much as you might think we are, we are not clueless. Our futures are at stake, so we talk about it. We think about this. This isn't something we can ignore. But, then adults look at us like we are too young for this - and they're right. We are too young to have the constant worry of losing progress. We are still kids. And I know the chances of a 5- million- dollar override passing are slim. I know already. We need money, and a 3- 4- million- dollar override is better than nothing at all. If people refuse to fund the schools, it's just another sign that this generation isn't important. Tell that to kids, and it will affect us. We are still just kids. Let us be kids for once, and we will thank you. We can't ignore everything that is happening because this will change our future. The fact that people can look at this whole scenario as a political debate shows that people don't care. This isn't a debate. This is our future. Don't look at us as numbers in a system, look at us like people. We will be there to see it. Sincerely, Vivian Greenwalt, 7th Grader Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 3:14 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Wee need an override (Sent by Linda King, Ilkforms @aol.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer@ci.readinjz.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 2:37 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Wee need an override (Sent by Linda King, llkforms @aol.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Linda King (Ilkforms @aol.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: I no longer have children in Reading Public Schools, but I know the importance of maintaining our high educational standards. I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and, fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. Sincerely, Linda King 836 Main Street Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 3:15 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Override budget /vote (Sent by Rick & Jenny DiMuzio, rjdimuzio @gmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.readine.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 3:05 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Override budget /vote (Sent by Rick & Jenny DiMuzio, rjdimuzio @gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Rick & Jenny DiMuzio (ridimuzio @gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Selectman email Jan 28, 2018 Board of Selectmen - First, thank you for all the work you do for the town of Reading; we appreciate all your time and efforts We are writing to voice our concern about the school & town budget deficit and the possible override vote. We are most definitely in support of continuing the foreign language program at the middle schools. In fact, we cannot believe that Reading would even consider cutting that program, given the globalization of our economy /jobs /world. We also know firsthand (our kids went through the Reading Public Schools, & Jenny is a teacher at Parker) how critical the ELA positions are to the students and success of our academics in Reading. However, we -- and we know many others who feel the same -- do not believe that any new, non - mandated school positions or programs should be added in this critical budget year. Including these positions /programs is projecting to many in Reading that the budget situation is not as dire as we have been told, and we believe it also makes citizens less likely to support the override, something we cannot afford to have happen. We are not simply looking at the school side of the picture: we also are concerned about the cuts that would occur on the town side should the override not pass. Bottom line: we are asking that you approve an override vote for April, but request that the school committee be asked to reevaluate their override amount request and have it contain no new non - teaching positions. Thank you again for your service, Dr. Rick DiMuzio & Mrs. Jenny DiMuzio Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 3:15 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Reconstruction /Override Budget (Sent by Walter Tuvell, walt.tuvell @gmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.readinR.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 3:09 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Reconstruction /Override Budget (Sent by Walter Tuvell, walt.tuvell @gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Walter Tuvell (walt.tuvell @gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Walter TuveII 836 Main St, Reading MA Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 1:58 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Carol Van Buskirk, carol.vanbuskirk @gmail.com) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 29, 2018 at 1:55:11 PM EST To: <selectmengci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Carol Van Buskirk, carol.yanbuskirkkgmail.com) Reply -To: <carol.vanbuskirkggmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Carol Van Buskirk (carol.vanbuskirkkgmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user-/475/edit. Message: Dear members of the Board of Selectmen, I heard from a friend that many selectmen are considering asking for an override amount that is less than what our Superintendent and Town Manager have projected the need to be. Considering how long it has been since our last override, I'm deeply concerned that if we don't match the need we will only find ourselves deeper in the hole in the coming years. I understand the fear that too high of a number will not pass, but too low of a number only ensures continuing and deeper cuts to education, public safety, and other vital town resources, without hope of another override for quite some time. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Carol Van Buskirk Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 1:12 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: Override BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: From: <jimvmartin@ ol.com> Date: January 29, 2018 at 1:08:00 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.reading.ma.us> Subject: Override I plan to vote no on any proposed override. 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Monday, January 29, 2018 11:48 AM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: Override support From: Pamela Daskalakis <pamdask@ mail.com> Date: January 29, 2018 at 11:13:34 AM EST To: <selectmenkci.reading ma.us> Subject: Override support Dear Select Board Members, I am writing as a citizen of Reading, parent of two young children in the Reading Public Schools, wife of a law enforcement official, and Town Meeting member. I urge all of you to support the full amount, approx. $5M, requested by the town and schools on the ballot for the upcoming override. The town and schools have managed their funds very tightly in the past few years. Yes, there have been challenges that mistakes of the past have created in the current budgets. Yes, there are opportunities for future growth that we can take advantage of if we work at it. But those challenges and opportunities will not create near term financial resolution for the current crisis our town and schools face. The cuts that have been proposed are completely devastating and will fundamentally change the status of our town in this region, the property values of every homeowner, our ability to meet the public safety needs of our residents, and our ability to give our children the education they need, and deserve, to be successful. We cannot allow these cuts to occur. Passing overrides is a fact of life in this region and state, and I am respectfully requesting your support, and leadership, by making a strong statement to our town residents and voters that anything less than the full amount requested by the town and schools is unacceptable. Our children and residents deserve nothing less than the best we can give them. And I am confident that the voters of Reading will agree with you and pass the full override amount on April 3rd. Thank you, Pam Daskalakis Precinct 8 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 12:51 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Please allow for the repairing of our children' ed (Sent by Dan Webb, dan @webbss.net) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 12:42 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Please allow for the repairing of our children' ed (Sent by Dan Webb, dan @webbss.net) Hello Board of Selectmen, Dan Webb (dan @webbss.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https:Hwww.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you fully support what has clearly been determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. I trust the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee fully understand the reconstruction /override needs of our schools and public safety. The needs have been well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating. It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Dan Webb 291 Pearl Street Reading Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 10:26 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Please support the proposed budgets (Sent by David O'Brien, davidjpobrien @gmail.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeerCcDci. read ing.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:58 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Please support the proposed budgets (Sent by David O'Brien, davidipobrien @Rmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, David O'Brien (davidipobrien@gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely David O'Brien 13 Barrows Road Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 201810:27 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Tonight's meeting BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerna ci.readina.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (1") 781 -942 -9037 www.readinpmq._gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Patricia J. Lloyd Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 9:21 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Tonight's meeting Dear Board: Tonight you have the opportunity to ensure that Reading's children will continue to be educated with excellence in a safe and desirable hometown. Please authorize the town to vote on the full $5 million override amount. Our property values and quality of life depend upon our citizens investing in our future and moving forward together. Thank you, Patricia I Lloyd 388 Franklin Street Reading, MA 01867 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 10:28 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Override BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaeer(@ci.readine.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Katie Varney [ma ilto:katie @classifiedre.com] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 10:08 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Override Dear Board of selectman! I advocate for an override. I voted last year to pass the override and will vote again this year. It is greatly needed by our town!! All The Best! Katie Varney Top Producer 2016 Classified Realty Group Voted Best of Readings 2016 & 2017 Cell- 617 - 596 -4512 WWW.KatieVarneVRealtor.com 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 10:33 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Yes for Override BOS packet (P) 781-942-9043, (P) 781 -942- 9037 www.readin�rr►a.�av Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Jennifer Fichera [mailto:jenfichera @me.com] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 10:32 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Cc: Matt Fichera Subject: Yes for Override Hello BOS, We have 4 children in the Reading Public Schools and are in support of a $5M override. We moved 6 years ago from another district specifically for the schools and would hate to see this amazing system crumble. My husband and I are both voting yes if it is on the ballet. Thank you. Kind regards. Jen Fichera 69 Richards Road Reading, MA 01867 1 LeLacheur, Bob From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net on behalf of Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailer @vt- s.net> Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 8:52 PM To: Town Manager Subject: [Reading MA] Please find a way to prevent the teacher cuts (Sent by Rebecca Liberman, rfliberman @verizon.net) Hello rlelacheur, Rebecca Liberman (rfliberman @verizon.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /431 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /431 /edit. Message: I implore you to find a way to prevent the teacher cuts in the balanced budget approved by the School Committee on January 22. 1 believe that cutting the teachers and the entire middle school foreign language and. extra English programs actually hurts the case for an override. How can we counter the concerns expressed in the override survey about how the funds would be spent and about whether all possible cuts have been made first when the approved budget cuts teachers, while school spending on athletics actually increases? And I believe this school budget contributes to a lack of trust. How can we be told that there is nothing left to cut except teachers when the proposed FY19 budget includes over $600,000 in athletics spending? Override funds can only be earmarked for one year, so how can voters trust that teacher jobs would be preserved after the first year? And what if there is a reduction in state funds to the town? Could we trust our elected officials not to target teachers for cuts then? The best thing you could do to restore community trust and to help the override cause would be to immediately restore the teaching positions that were cut in the FY19 budget, either by providing funds for that purpose or by holding more meetings to allow vetting of proposals that could save those positions and to encourage the School Committee to listen to the hundreds of residents, teachers and students who pleaded to save the middle school foreign language and extra English programs. A proposal was put forward at the January 22 meeting that would have saved the teacher positions while maintaining a balanced budget. One of the reasons this proposal was dismissed due to lack of time for discussion. It seems to me that this issue could be rectified by simply adding more meetings to discuss and vote on this or other balanced budget proposals that could save the teachers. Or simply provide the funds from free cash while encouraging the district to better manage its funds. And future budgets need to take teacher positions off the table for cuts. The mission of public schools is to educate, and we cannot keep threatening the jobs of the dedicated teachers who implement the core mission of our schools. When did teachers become the priority for cuts instead of the priority for education spending? And when did athletic and extracurricular spending become an untouchable part of the school budget? Much damage has already been done, with teachers and families looking to leave the district, but perhaps if we act fast enough, we can keep these teachers and these programs. Where there's a will there's a way. Sincerely, Rebecca Liberman 50 Pratt St. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:32 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Yes for reading. (Sent by Andrena Silva, Andrena82080 @yahoo.com) BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerPci. read ine. ma. us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:25 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Yes for reading. (Sent by Andrena silva, Andrena82080 @yahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Andrena silva (Andrena82080 @yahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA, If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, My husband and I moved here five years ago for the schools. I love this community and our experience so far in the schools. My children's education is of utmost importance to me and although a tax increase will be difficult for us, I am more than willing to deal with it in order to give my children and all children the education they deserve, that I moved here for. I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Please don't let our children down. Thank you Andrena Silva 96 Beaver Rd Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Saturday, January 27, 2018 10:28 AM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: Fund Reading school needed improvements From: Bob Tapscott <tapbob@gmail.com> Date: January 27, 2018 at 10:25:02 AM EST To: <selectmen @ci. read ing.ma.us> Subject: Fund Reading school needed improvements Dear Reading Selectmen- I just wanted to put my support in front of you for fully funding all the needed school improvements for Reading schools. My wife and I have bneen residents for 25 years with 2 children and even if I had no children I would want this for the town to ensure continued overall health and success of our town Regards, Bob Tapscott 978 - 257 -0781 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2018 3:19 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: REQUEST BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: From: Devika Hill <devikahill(aogmail.com> Date: January 27, 2018 at 3:06:52 PM EST To: <selectmengci.readin .ma.us> Subject: REQUEST Please allow public comment before the January 30th meeting. And please make sure the schools get the full amount voted upon. Thank you. Devika/Ellen Hill Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Saturday, January 27, 2018 9:49 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: Override - Next Tuesday From: Sarika Verma Tomar <saruvermakgmail.com> Date: January 27, 2018 at 9:30:06 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading.ma.us> Subject: Override - Next Tuesday Dear Mr. Arena, Mr. Halsey, Mr. Ensminger, Mr. Berman and Mr. Friedmann, I've been watching the last few weeks of meetings on RCTV and appreciate the time and consideration you are giving to the budget discussions. My strongly believe that our children deserve better, and the thought of having more teacher cuts and curriculum changes that will negatively impact them will be devastating to our school system. I also support our police and fire chiefs, who deserve the funding to bring staffing levels to where they should be for a town of our size. Next Tuesday, I urge you to set an override amount that fully funds the amounts requested for our school and town services. I hope you will do what is in the town's best interest and then advocate for that decision. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sarika Verma Tomar 152 Forest Street Sent from my iPhone Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 11:13 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: Override BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: John Sullivan <iohn b sullivan(@hotmail.com> Date: January 28, 2018 at 11:10:37 AM EST To: "selectmen @ci.reading.ma.us" <selectmen @ci. reading. ma. us> Subject: Override I'm emailing to express my support for the full override amount that will be before you this week. John Sullivan 134 Belmont St Reading Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 11:30 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Save our schools (Sent by Matthew Bronstein, Bronstein.matt @gmail.com) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 11:21:19 AM EST To: <selectmen(kci.reading_ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Save our schools (Sent by Matthew Bronstein, Bronstein.mattkgmail.com) Reply -To: <Bronstein.matt(,gmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Matthew Bronstein (Bronstein.mattkgmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: To whom it may concern: My wife and I moved to Reading 3 years ago because we liked the community and more specifically, the school system. If we do not fund the schools we not only hurt all existing families by providing our children a worse education, we also impact all Reading homeowners from lower property values. I would not have moved to Reading without the high ranking school system attached to it. Therefore, we will lose the demand from many prospective families which, coupled with the same or increased supply, will causes home prices to decline. With the above said, we need to have the override pass to ensure our children receive the best education possible while maintaining or increasing property values. Kind regards, Matthew Bronstein Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 1:07 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Alexander Webb, webbad @clarkson.edu) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 1:02:21 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.reading.ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Alexander Webb, webbadkelarkson.edu) Reply -To: <webbad(a clarkson.edu> Hello Board of Selectmen, Alexander Webb (webbadAclarkson.edu) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Alexander Webb Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 1:36 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Reconstruction /Override Budget for Schools (Sent by Elaine L. Webb, elwsail41 @verizon.net) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerka,vt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 1:33:44 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Reconstruction /Override Budget for Schools (Sent by Elaine L. Webb, elwsail4lkverizon.net) Reply -To: <elwsai141(cr�verizon.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, Elaine L. Webb (elwsail41 gverizon.net) has sent you a message via your contact form htti)s://www.readingma.gov/user/475/contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. I am asking that you place a single ballot question for $5 Million dollars on the ballot for our April election. Sincerely, Elaine L. Webb 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 1:36 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] January 30th Override Amount (Sent by Douglass E. Webb, douglassdesign @verizon.net) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 1:34:59 PM EST To: <selectmenkei.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] January 30th Override Amount (Sent by Douglass E. Webb, douglassdesign(a7verizon.net) Reply -To: <douglassdesignnverizon.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, Douglass E. Webb (douglassdesignkverizon.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readinama.vov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. I am asking that you place a single ballot question for $5 Million dollars on the ballot for our April election. Sincerely, Douglass E. Webb Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Sunday, January 28, 2018 2:58 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: [Reading MA] Override amount (Sent by Chris Kelley, 84woburn @comcast.net) From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 2:40:35 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override amount (Sent by Chris Kelley, 84woburnkcomcast.net) Reply -To: <84woburnncomcast.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, Chris Kelley (84woburngcomcast.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Chris and Tim Kelley 84 Woburn Street Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 2:59 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override vote (Sent by Merel Abruzzese, merelabru @gmail.com) BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 2:47:29 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override vote (Sent by Merel Abruzzese, merelabrukgmail.com) Reply -To: <merelabru@ mail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Merel Abruzzese (merelabruggmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at hqps://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. People move to Reading for the schools, and a strong school system is essential to maintaining property values in our town. Please avoid a cycle of deterioration by investing the resources needed to keep our town and our schools strong. Sincerely Merel Abruzzese 31 Autumn Lane Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 3:06 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] OVERRIDE (Sent by Dianne Meyers, meyers.family159 @gmail.com) BOS packet From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 3:05 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] OVERRIDE (Sent by Dianne Meyers, meyers.family159 @ gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Dianne Meyers (meyers.family159 @ gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma -gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Dianne Meyers 159 Wakefield street Reading, MA Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Sunday, January 28, 2018 3:52 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: [Reading MA] Overide (Sent by Ann Letendre, Aletendre @comcast.net) From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailer cr;vt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 3:44:50 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading_ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Overide (Sent by Ann Letendre, Aletendrekcomcast <net) Reply -To: <AletendreAcomcast.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, Ann Letendre (Aletendrekcomcast.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the. experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Ann Letendre 240 Grove St Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 4:01 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: Full support for the Override and the amount set determined by the adept heads. BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Brian Berg <brianrber lg kyahoo.com> Date: January 28, 2018 at 3:54:34 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.readin .ma.us> Cc: < , < iennifermcorwinna_,icloud.com >, <melissa ber 20g 10(,yahoo.com> Subject: Full support for the Override and the amount set determined by the adept heads. Hello Board of Selectmen, I wanted to take a minute to let you know I believe this override to be of the utmost importance at the full level. You've all seen the numbers, you've seen the cuts the schools will have to make, the reduce staff our local fire and police will have to deal with. To sum it up, not passing the override in it's full amount will negatively impact our community. I will not be able to make it to this Tuesday's meeting due to a prior work engagement. I strongly encourage you to do everything in your power to not only put this forward, but to help drive it to pass. I know I speak as the voice of many of my peers when I say my wife and I moved to Reading specifically for the schools and community a little over two years ago. I hesitate to say both are in as good of shape as they were just two years back let alone even longer. Please help do your part to get Reading back on the right path and strive to make Reading the community we all know it can be and want it to be. Thank you for your consideration, Brian Berg. Sent from my iPhone Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 4:39 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin . Subject: Fwd: Override amount BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Rebecca Bailey <merzrghotmail.com> Date: January 28, 2018 at 4:36:23 PM EST To: "selectmennci.reading ma.us" <selectmengci.reading_ma.us> Subject: Override amount Dear Select Board Members, My name is Rebecca Bailey, and my husband Eric and I have lived in Reading since 2011. We chose this town in large part because as we looked around this region of MA, we heard how good Reading's schools were. We didn't have a child yet but we planned to, and we very much wanted to settle where a quality education would be available. Our daughter is now 3, only a few short years away from starting in the Reading Public Schools. We've been dismayed, therefore, to hear about downhill trends in the schools due to budget cuts over the past several years. This is not what we signed on for when we bought our long -term home here! We imagined that our daughter would have the same terrific educational opportunities that generations of Reading students before her have had. We are firm believers in paying taxes as a social good. It benefits everyone in town to have good quality schools, strong support from public safety, and town offices that function well. From recent budget meetings, the need for an override is clear. And you would be remiss in asking for any amount lower than what the town and schools have requested. Cuts have been made down to the bone and the requested amounts are totally valid and worthy of being funded, in my mind this is no overreach. We are two residents eager to vote for a $5 million override to fully cover the much - needed restoration of funds to both school and town services. We will also work to inform our friends and neighbors regarding why this amount is needed and should be supported on the April 3 ballot. Please don't shortchange our town and its residents, especially our children! Your constituents are counting on you to do the right thing. Sincerely, Rebecca and Eric Bailey 17 Forest Glen Road Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 6:25 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: override vote BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Peggy McElhinny <peggymcelhinneynverizon.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 6:16:31 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.readin .ma.us> Subject: override vote Dear Selectmen, I cannot attend Tuesday night's meeting, but I wanted to express my support for an override vote in the full amount requested by the school department and town. We owe it to our community and our children to provide appropriate financial support. Peggy McElhinney 11 Oak Street, Reading Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 7:46 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Mary Bishop, maryebishop @comcast.net) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "LeLacheur, Bob" <blelacheurAci.reading ma.us> Date: January 28, 2018 at 7:43:53 PM EST To: "mareO epkcomcast.net" <maryebishopkeomcast.net> Cc: Reading - Selectmen <SelectmenAci. reading. ma.us> Subject: Re: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Mary Bishop, maryebishopkeomcast.net) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone On Jan 28, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailer(j�vt- s.net> wrote: Hello Board of Selectmen, Mary Bishop (mar epkcomcast.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at h g ps://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override i number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely, Mary Bishop 53 Dana Road Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 7:50 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MAI Maintaining our schools - Override (Sent by steve peacock, stevepeacock @me.com) Attachments: bos- scp.pdf, ATT00001.htm BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 7:49:24 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Maintaining our schools - Override (Sent by steve peacock, stevepeacockna,meocom) Reply -To: < stevepeacock a,me�com> Hello Board of Selectmen, steve peacock (stevepeacock ,me.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating We believe in our schools, our teachers and this community. That was a big part of why we chose Reading and a big part of why we have stayed. We have been very happy with the educational quality provided and know that our three children are well prepared for what's next. It was very moving to hear teacher after teacher (including some of our favorite people and educators), citizen after citizen (including young and old), and school administrators and town representatives perspective on what we need to do - FULLY FUND OUR SCHOOLS - WE CANT AFFORD TO FALL BEHIND. It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Stephen C Peacock 39 Longfellow Road Stevepeacockgme.com Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 7:54 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Fund Our Schools - Override (Sent by kim peacock, kbpeacock @verizon.net) Attachments: bos- kbp_copy.pdf, ATT00001.htm BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 7:51:24 PM EST To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Fund Our Schools - Override (Sent by kim peacock, kbpeacock(&verizon.net) Reply -To: <kbpeacockgverizon.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, kim peacock (kbpeacockAverizon.net) has sent you a message via your contact form hqps://www.readingma.gov/user/475/contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating We believe in our schools, our teachers and this community. That was a big part of why we chose Reading and a big part of why we have stayed. We have been very happy with the educational quality provided and know that our three children are well prepared for what's next. It was very moving to hear teacher after teacher (including some of our favorite people and educators), citizen after citizen (including young and old), and school administrators and town representatives perspective on what we need to do - FULLY FUND OUR SCHOOLS - WE CANT AFFORD TO FALL BEHIND. It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Kim B Peacock 39 Longfellow Road Stevepeacockgme.com Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 8:31 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: Proposed override BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: From: Susanne Sullivan <susannesullivanl949ngmail.com> Date: January 28, 2018 at 8:29:49 PM EST To: John Arena <selectmengci.reading.ma.us> Subject: Proposed override Dear John - I saw something on the online Reading Patch saying that you'd welcome input from voters about what size the proposed override should be. I'd like to say firmly that I think the town should try for one that fully funds our needs. Given that the last override was 14 years ago, I'd say we're due for an increase. It would be a shame to ask for partial funding, that would leave us struggling again in just a year or two. I'm trusting that enough voters can be persuaded to come to the polls to carry such a vote. Please note that this comes from a family whose kids are long out of the Reading Public Schools -- even us retirees believe that both the schools and public safety are important, and don't come free. You get what you pay for, I think. Susanne Sullivan Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 9:08 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override vote (Sent by juliana peacock, jjpeacock3 @gmail.com) BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 9:04:39 PM EST To: <selectmenAci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override vote (Sent by juliana peacock, jipeacock3kgmail.com) Reply -To: <jjpeacock3(,gmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, juliana peacock (jjpeacock3Agmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating. It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Juliana Peacock 39 Longfellow Road Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 9:09 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Fwd: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Stacy Weaver, Stacy.weaver @hotmail.com) BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailerkvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 9:05:43 PM EST To: <selectmenkci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Override (Sent by Stacy Weaver, Stacy.weavernhotmail.com) Reply -To: <Stacy.weaverghotmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Stacy Weaver (Stacy.weaver(,hotmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Please vote to approve the full amount as outlined by the municipal dept heads, town manager, school administration and school committee. The override must fully fund our schools and town services. Thank you for your time and dedication to servinng our town. Stacy and Michael Weaver 22 Latham Lane Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Sunday, January 28, 2018 10:13 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: [Reading MA] Reconstruction /Override (Sent by Kate Menzie, kate.menzie @gmail.com) From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 10:10:37 PM EST To: <selectmennci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Reconstruction /Override (Sent by Kate Menzie, kate. menziekgmail.com) Reply -To: <kate.menzie ggmail.com> Hello Board of Selectmen, Kate Menzie (kate.menziengmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely Kate Menzie 86 Howard Street, Reading, MA Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 10:43 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Reading Override (Sent by Brian Snell, bcsnelllaw @verizon.net) BOS packet From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 10:17 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Reading Override (Sent by Brian Snell, bcsnelllaw @verizon.net) Hello Board of Selectmen, Brian Snell (bcsnelllaw @verizon.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: I am asking that you trust the experts, the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction /override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating It is time we start the repair process and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Sincerely, Brian Snell 99 Walnut St. Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Monday, January 29, 2018 8:09 AM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: [Reading MA] The reconstruction /override (Sent by Rochelle Webb, rochel le @webbss.net) From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: January 28, 2018 at 11:18:18 PM EST To: <selectmen&ci.readin .ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] The reconstruction /override (Sent by Rochelle Webb, rochellekwebbss.net) Reply -To: <rochelle@,webbss.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, Rochelle Webb (rochellekwebbss.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Dear Members of the Board of Selectman, I am asking that you Trust the Municipal Department Heads, the Town Manager, the School Administration, and the School Committee, and fully support what they have expertly determined to be our communities' need for both public safety and our schools. The reconstruction/override needs of our schools are well defined, fully vetted and approved by the School Committee. The override number must fully fund the educational future of our students. The school budget cuts for the past 5 years have been devastating. Our community and its future have already lost a tremendous amount in these years. Reading used to be the community many people sought to raise their children because of its hard earned reputation of having a high quality school system. Now, more and more, people are frustrated with the year after year degradation in education in Reading, leaving them with little choice but to search for that high quality education in other communities. It is time we start the repair process in Reading, and put our children's education back on a path toward the very high quality they deserve. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Rochelle Webb 291 Pearl Street Reading, MA