HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-10 SB HandoutLetter
A 5/15/18 3:35pm
W 7/2/18 draft Minutes
V 7/3/18 draft Letter
G 7/3/18 Records Request
Gemme, Laura
From: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 11:38 AM
To: MacNichol, Andrew
Cc: vanessa_alvarado1 @yahoo.com; jdelios @ci.reading.ma.us
Subject: Re: CPDC 5/7/18
Please also include Vanessa Alvarado in future as she is also a liaison to CPDC
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
On May 3, 2018, at 11:16 AM, MacNichol, Andrew <amacnichoI@ci. read ing. ma. us> wrote:
Hi all,
Here is the link to the folder for the upcoming CPDC Meeting on Monday the 7th:
https: / /drive. oogle com/ drive / folders/ loilb2K8hecYgrfc5B44- dOiil<zZIQI<aEH ?usp= sharing
We are currently still working on some draft language regarding the DSGD Guidelines and should have
them uploaded later today. Members please bring any information you may have regarding Johnson
Woods as there has been no new information submitted and though it may or may not get continued it
would be good to have just in case. If you have any questions please reach out.
Andrew MacNichol
Punning As sistafit
f own of Rettdirt{;
Read;nk; MA 0,1 67
arnacnichol ci.reading.ma.Lis
FXT 674
Gemme, Laura
From: Vanessa I. Alvarado <vanessa_alvarado1 @yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 11:39 AM
To: MacNichol, Andrew; Barry Berman
Cc: jdelius @ci.reddiny.ina.us
Subject: Re: CPDC 5/7/18
Thanks, Barry. I received it.
On Thursday, May 3, 2018, 11:37:51 AM EDT, Barry Berman <bcberman@comcast.net> wrote:
Please also include Vanessa Alvarado in future as she is also a liaison to CPDC
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
On May 3, 2018, at 11:16 AM, MacNichol, Andrew <amacnicho115ci. read inq.ma.us> wrote:
Hi all,
Here is the link to the folder for the upcoming CPDC Meeting on Monday the 7 "':
htt s: / /drive. oo le.com /drive /folders /1 'Ib2K8hecY rfc5B44- d0nkzZIQkaEH ?us = sharin
We are currently still working on some draft language regarding the DSGD Guidelines and should have them uploaded
later today. Members please bring any information you may have regarding Johnson Woods as there has been no new
information submitted and though it may or may not get continued it would be good to have just in case. If you have any
questions please reach out.
Andrew MacNichol
111,,inriing Assistant
..Gown of Reading
1(r i...owell St
I eawirig (VIII 0186
amacnichol aC�ci. read inq.ma.us
EX 1 674
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:15 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Liasions
Attachments: SB Liaisons May 2018.xlsx
Importance: High
Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be `a few' per member
2: interest in being a liaison
3: no interest in being a liaison
blank: indicates no real opinion
I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example O.
In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more thorough
way as has been done after an election every year previously.
Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
Robert IN. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
(F) 781. 942-90'3Z
wwy✓ reg din r rtca.r rLkt
i -own Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.,Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Administrative Services "Current"
Board of Selectmen VASC Berman, Ensminger
School Committee Friedmann, Halsey
Regional School District Alvarado
RMLD Commissioners Ensminger
RMLD CAB Ensminger
Bylaw Committee Alvarado
Finance Committee Alvarado, Berman
Permanent Building Committee Alvarado, Berman
Community Groups /Communication
RCTV Board of Directors Alvarado, Ensminger
Cultural Council Friedmann
Climate Advisory Friedmann
Reading Ice Arena Authority Halsey
Walkable Reading Friedmann
Celebration Committee Friedmann
Animal Controls Appeal Comm. Friedmann
Moderator Alvarado
Rules Committee Alvarado
Board of Registrars Friedmann
Constables Friedmann
Audit Committee Berman
Retirement Board Berman
Commissioners of Trust Funds Berman
Veterans Memorial Trust Fund Comm. Friedmann
Public Services
Community Services
Council on Aging Ensminger, Halsey
Mystic Valley Elder Services Ensminger, Halsey
Board of Health Ensminger
Recreation Committee Halsey
Cust. of Soldiers &Sailors Graves Ensminger
CPDC Berman, Alvarado
North Suburban Planning Council Berman
Metro Area Planning Council Berman
Zoning Board of Appeals Berman, Alvarado
Historical Commission Ensminger
Historical District Commission Friedmann
Berman Ensmin
Conservation Commission Halsey
Readine Housinfz Authoritv Friedmann
Public Safety
Fire department Halsey
Police department Halsey
Human Relations Advisory Committee Friedmann
RCASA Halsey
(Public Library
Library Trustees Berman
Public Works
Board of Cemetery Trustees
MWRA Advisory Board
Trails Committee
Town Forest Committee
Gemme, Laura
LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:22 PM
Saunders, Caitlin; Reading - Selectmen
Reading - Department Heads
RE: 2018 -05 -15 BOS Packet
Development Liaison.docx
We are also going to revisit this issue (attached) which was in your last meeting packet but actions were not completed
at that time.
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
townmanaaer(a)ci. read inq. m_a._us
(P) 78.1. 42 .9{143
(F) 781 942 - -90C "?7
old LA/w. Yf?(7ll'f f7t7 I`t�C7. t�UV
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.,Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
From: Saunders, Caitlin
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 4:23 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Reading - Department Heads
Subject: 2018 -05 -15 BOS Packet
Attached is the Select Board packet for next week.
Have a great weekend,
Caitlin Saunders
Executive Assistant
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
781 - 942 -6644
csaunders@d readinL.ma.us
Town Hall Hours:
Mon, Wed, Thurs 7:30 am — 5:30 pm
Tues 7:30 am — 7:00 pm
Friday - CLOSED
Liaisons to Neighborhoods Impacted by Economic Development
The Select Board recognizes the need for elected officials to represent neighborhoods that
might be impacted by mid -large development projects.' To meet this need, for each project, the
Board will appoint one of its member to serve as liaison between the neighborhood, developers,
and the Town. The goal of each liaison will be to act as a central point of contact for neighbors
at various points in the development project.
Prior to fulfilling their goal, each liaison will need to become familiar with the initial plans of the
project. This will include, but is not limited to, meeting with the relevant town staff member
responsible for the project in order to understand the type of development that is being
proposed and to learn the processes and general timelines for the proposed development.
The liaison will inform the neighborhood organization of opportunities for involvement in the
planning process (e.g., attend DIRT meetings) and facilitate interactions with relevant Town
During the project development, including demolition and construction, the liaison will support
the work of the town in communicating with the neighborhood and vice versa, as needed.
' Or "multi- residential development projects" or "large residential or commercial /industrial
development projects "?
Gemme, Laura
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
Begin forwarded message:
Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
Bob Lelacheur
Fwd: Liasions
SB Liaisons May 2018.xlsx; attachment.html
From: Vanessa Alvarado <alvaradoselectboard(rz ; mail.com>
Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
To: Barry Berman <bcberman(�i,,com cast. net>
Subject: Fwd: Liasions
Hi Barry,
Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The
presenters specifically said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he
provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is
the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get made.
---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur�)ci. read ing.ma.us>
Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
Subject: Liasions
To: Reading - Selectmen <Selo.ctmeii( i?ci. readin!'..r a.LJs>
Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in
each possible liaison assignment.
The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be `a few' per member
2: interest in being a liaison
3: no interest in being a liaison
blank: indicates no real opinion
I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example O.
In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this
done the more thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share
them all with Barry on Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday
night meeting.
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
1014.17rnanl ?eY 11,;G'i.Yeadii?;:77 ?C /.YA
Town Hail Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.rn - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m..- 7:00 p.m.; Friday:
Administrative Services "Current" Berman Ensminger
Board of Selectmen VASC Berman, Ensminger
School Committee Friedmann, Halsey
Regional School District Alvarado
RMLD Commissioners Ensminger
RMLD CAB Ensminger
Bylaw Committee Alvarado
Finance Committee Alvarado, Berman
Permanent Building Committee Alvarado, Berman
Community Groups /Communication
RCTV Board of Directors Alvarado, Ensminger
Cultural Council Friedmann
Climate Advisory Friedmann
Reading Ice Arena Authority Halsey
Walkable Reading Friedmann
Celebration Committee Friedmann
Animal Controls Appeal Comm. Friedmann
Moderator Alvarado
Rules Committee Alvarado
Board of Registrars Friedmann
Constables Friedmann
Audit Committee Berman
Retirement Board Berman
Commissioners of Trust Funds Berman
Veterans Memorial Trust Fund Comm. Friedmann
Public Services
Community Services
Council on Aging Ensminger, Halsey
Mystic Valley Elder Services Ensminger, Halsey
Board of Health Ensminger
Recreation Committee Halsey
Cust. of Soldiers &Sailors Graves Ensminger
Community Development
CPDC Berman, Alvarado
North Suburban Planning Council Berman
Metro Area Planning Council Berman
Zoning Board of Appeals Berman, Alvarado
Historical Commission Ensminger
Historical District Commission Friedmann
Conservation Commission Halsey
Readine Housing Authority Friedmann
Public Safety
Fire department Halsey
Police department Halsey
Human Relations Advisory Committee Friedmann
RCASA Halsey
(Public Library
Library Trustees Berman
Public Works
Board of Cemetery Trustees
MWRA Advisory Board
Trails Committee
Town Forest Committee
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 7:46 PM
To: Berman, Barry home account
Subject: RE: Liasions
I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf eva►s did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then compiling
it. I will let you know.
From: Berman, Barry home account
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Fwd: Liasions
Sent from my Whone
Barry Berman
Begin forwarded message:
From: Vanessa Alvarado <a lvaradoselectbo ard( "al�-,rnail.com>
Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
To: Barry Berman <bcberman ,`icomcast.net>
Subject: Fwd: Liasions
Hi Barry,
Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The
presenters specifically said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he
provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is
the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get made.
---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
From: LeLacheur, Bob < b lei acheur(u;ci.reading. ma. us>
Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
Subject: Liasions
To: Reading - Selectmen <Selectmen %x)ci.readin�4.rna.us>
Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in
each possible liaison assignment.
The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be `a few' per member
2: interest in being a liaison
3: no interest in being a liaison
blank: indicates no real opinion
I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example O.
In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this
done the more thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share
them all with Barry on Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday
night meeting.
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
tot- vnntanagcpci. readin �. ina. tts
(11) 7"W-942-9013,-
i.. ..rl.�r
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:3Oa,m-5:3Op.m.;Tueeday:7:3Oa.m.-7:0Upm.,Friday:
Gemme, Laura
From: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just assign
people without asking their preferences .
We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this change ?'
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheurpci. reading. ma.us> wrote:
> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
> From: Berman, Barry home account
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
> To: LeLacheur, Bob
> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
> Sent from my iPhone
> Barry Berman
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Vanessa Alvarado <alvaradoselectboard @gma il.com< mailto :a Iva radoselectboard@gmail.com>>
> Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
> To: Barry Berman <bcberman(Ecomcast net <mailto:bcberman @comcast.net>>
> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
> Hi Barry,.
> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
> Best,
> Vanessa
> ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
> From: LeLacheur, Bob <bLelacheu r@ ci. read inp. ma. us< mailto :blelacheur@ci.readin &.ma.us>>
> Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
> Subject: Liasions
> To: Reading - Selectmen < Selectmen ci.readin .ma.us<mailto :Selectmen ci.readin .ma.us>>
> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
> 2: interest in being a liaison
> 3: no interest in being a liaison
> blank: indicates no real opinion
> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more thorough
way as has been done after an election every year previously.
> Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
> Thanks,
> Bob
> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr, CFA
> Town Manager, Town of Reading
> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
> toyor i i i na1er ci .reading. Ma. us<mailto:townmana er ci.reading.ma.us>
• (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
• (F) 781 - 942 -9037
• www read in rna gov <http•//www.readinEma. ov />
• Town Hall Hours:
• Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:03 PM
To: Berman, Barry home account
Subject: RE: Liasions
Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
From: Berman, Barry home account
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just assign
people without asking their preferences .
We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this changer
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur ci.readin .ma.us> wrote:
> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
• From: Berman, Barry home account
• Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
• To: LeLacheur, Bob
• Subject: Fwd: Liasions
• Sent from my iPhone
• Barry Berman
> Begin forwarded message:
• From: Vanessa Alvarado <a Iva radoselectboard(@gmail com< mailto •aIvaradoselectboard @RmaiLcom>>
• Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
• To: Barry Berman <bcberman comcast net<mailfio:bcberman comcast.net>>
• Subject: Fwd: Liasions
> Hi Barry,
> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
• Best,
• Vanessa
• ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
> From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur ci.readin .ma.us <mailto:blelacheur ci.readin .ma.us>>
• Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
• Subject: Liasions
• To: Reading - Selectmen < Selectrnenleci . read ing. ma. us <mailto :Selectmen @ci.reading. ma.us>>
> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
> 2: interest in being a liaison
> 3: no interest in being a liaison
> blank: indicates no real opinion
> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more thorough
way as has been done after an election every year previously.
> Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
• Thanks,
• Bob
> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
> Town Manager, Town of Reading
> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
> townmana er ci.readin .ma.us <mailto:townmana er ci.readin .ma.us>
> (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
> (F) 781 - 942 -9037
> www.readin ma.Gov<httpD. www.readin_gma.gov />
> Town Hall Hours:
> Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:47 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
If everyone sends their liasion preferences to me, rather than you, is that serial communication?
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 10, 2018, at 8:03 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheurp ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
> Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
> From: Berman, Barry home account
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
> To: LeLacheur, Bob
> Subject: Re: Liasions
> Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just assign
people without asking their preferences .
• We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this change ?'
• Sent from my iPhone
• Barry Berman
>> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
>> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Barry Berman
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Vanessa Alvarado <a Iva radoselectboard (@gmail com< mailto •alvaradoselectboard@gmail .com»
>> Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
>> To: Barry Berman <bcberman@ccomcast net <mailto:bcberman Rcomcast.net>>
>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>> Hi Barry,
>> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review, I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
>> Best,
>> Vanessa
>> ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
>> From: LeLacheur, Bob < >>
>> Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
>> Subject: Liasions
>> To: Reading - Selectmen <Select IcDci .reading.ma.us <mailto:Selectmen ci. read ing. ma. us>>
>> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
>> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
>> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
>> 2: interest in being a liaison
>> 3: no interest in being a liaison
>> blank: indicates no real opinion
>> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
>> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more
thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
>> Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
>> Thanks,
>> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
>> Town Manager, Town of Reading
>> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
>> town manager ci reading ma us <mailto:town manager @ci. read in .ng 7a.us>
>> (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
>> (F) 781 - 942 -9037
>> www readingma Gov <http:j /www.readingma.gov />
Town Hall Hours:
>> Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:49 PM
To: Berman, Barry home account
Subject: Re: Liasions
offhand that seems either worse or the same - Ray will advise
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 10, 2018, at 8:47 PM, Berman, Barry home account <bcberman(COM CAST. net> wrote:
> If everyone sends their liasion preferences to me, rather than you, is that serial communication?
> Sent from my iPhone
> Barry Berman
>> On May 10, 2018, at 8:03 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur2ci. reading. ma.us> wrote:
>> Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>> Subject: Re: Liasions
>> Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just
assign people without asking their preferences .
>> We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this change ?'
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Barry Berman
>>> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
>>> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
>>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
>>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Barry Berman
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Vanessa Alvarado <a Iva radoselectboard(@gmail com< mailto :alvaradoselectboard@gmail.com>>
>>> Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
>>> To: Barry Berman <bcberman@comcast net <mailto:bcberman@comcast.net>>
>>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>>> Hi Barry,
>>> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
>>> Best,
>>> Vanessa
>>> ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
>>> From: LeLacheur, Bob < >>
>>> Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
>>> Subject: Liasions
>>> To: Reading - Selectmen < Selectmen 2ci. read in .ma.us <rnailto -.Selectmen ci.readin .ma.us>>
>>> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
>>> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
>>> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
>>> 2: interest in being a liaison
>>> 3: no interest in being a liaison
>>> blank: indicates no real opinion
>>> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
>>> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more
thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
>>> Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bob
>>> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
>>> Town Manager, Town of Reading
>>> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
»> towrlmana er ci.readin .ma.us <mailto:townmana er ci.readin .ma.us>
>>> (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
>>> (F) 781 - 942 -9037
>>> www readin �ma. ov <http:jfwww.readin�ma. ov />
>>> Town Hall Hours:
>>> Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 2:13 PM
To: Berman, Barry home account
Subject: RE: Liasions
Rays gives us two options:
1. 1 compile as planned, share with you in advance as planned, but also instantly post the composite material that I have
shared with you online as a document (it would be linked to the meeting for Tuesday, just as the packet is).
2. 1 compile as planned, but do not share with you, and only hand it out at once to the whole Board.
Let me know what your preference is.
From: Berman, Barry home account
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:46 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
If everyone sends their liasion preferences to me, rather than you, is that serial communication?
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 10, 2018, at 8:03 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur (@ ci. read in�.ma.us> wrote:
> Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
• From: Berman, Barry home account
• Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
• To: LeLacheur, Bob
• Subject: Re: Liasions
> Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just assign
people without asking their preferences .
• We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this changer
• Sent from my iPhone
• Barry Berman
>> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur@ci. read ing.ma.us> wrote:
>> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
>> To:LeLacheur,Bob
>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>> Sent from my Whone
>> Barry Berman
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Vanessa Alvarado <alvaradoselectboard @email com< mailto :alvaradoselectboard @Email.com>>
>> Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
>> To: Barry Berman <bcberman comcast net <mailto:bcberman comcast.net>>
>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>> Hi Barry,
>> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
>> Best,
>> Vanessa
>> ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
>> From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur ci reading ma us< maiIto: blelacheur (@ ci. read ing. ma. us>>
>> Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
>> Subject: Liasions
>> To: Reading - Selectmen <Selectmen2ci reading ma us <mailto•Selectmen @ci. reading. ma.us>>
>> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
>> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
>> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
>> 2: interest in being a liaison
>> 3: no interest in being a liaison
>> blank: indicates no real opinion
>> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
>> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more
thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
>> Please send your thoughts back tome (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
>> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
>> Town Manager, Town of Reading
>> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
» tawnmanaer ci.readinma.us< mailto :townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us>
>> (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
>> (F) 781 - 942 -9037
>> www.readin ma.�v <htt : /www.readinRma.Rov />
>> Town Hall Hours:
>> Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 3:40 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
There is option 3. 1 just nominate liaison assignments as is my right under (chair nominates board members for
annual liaison assignments. The final decision on Liaison assignments is by majority of Board members). This is only a
problem because we are asking people to give us their preferences in advance. How do you think that will go over?
As has been done in past the chair will make recommendations in advance of meeting for discussion and approval by full
board. I guess this means I choose option 1.
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 11, 2018, at 2:13 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur(@ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
> Rays gives us two options:
> 1. 1 compile as planned, share with you in advance as planned, but also instantly post the composite material that I
have shared with you online as a document (it would be linked to the meeting for Tuesday, just as the packet is).
> 2. 1 compile as planned, but do not share with you, and only hand it out at once to the whole Board.
> Let me know what your preference is.
• Thanks,
• Bob
• From: Berman, Barry home account
• Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:46 PM
> To: LeLacheur, Bob
> Subject: Re: Liasions
> If everyone sends their liasion preferences to me, rather than you, is that serial communication?
• Sent from my iPhone
• Barry Berman
>> On May 10, 2018, at 8:03 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheureci.readin .ma.us> wrote:
>> Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>> Subject: Re: Liasions
>> Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just
assign people without asking their preferences .
>> We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this changer
>> Sent from my Phone
>> Barry Berman
>>> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. read ing.ma.us> wrote:
>>> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
>>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
>>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Barry Berman
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Vanessa Alvarado <alvaradoselectboard@gmail com< mailto :alvaradoselectboard@gmail.com>>
>>> Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
>>> To: Barry Berman <bcberman@comcast net <mailto:bcberman @comcast.net>>
>>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>>> Hi Barry,
>>> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
>>> Best,
>>> Vanessa
>>> ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
>>> From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur ci reading ma us< mailta :blelacheur@ci.reading.ma.us>>
>>> Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
>>> Subject: Liasions
>>> To: Reading - Selectmen <Selectmen2ci reading ma us <mailto:Selectmen ci.reading.ma.us>>
>>> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
»> I �/
>>> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
>>> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
>>> 2: interest in being a liaison
>>> 3: no interest in being a liaison
>>> blank: indicates no real opinion
>>> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
>>> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more
thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
>>> Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bob
>>> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
>>> Town Manager, Town of Reading
>>> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
>>> town mana er @ci reading ma us <mailto townmanager @ci.readin .ma.us>
>>> (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
>>> (F) 781 - 942 -9037
»> www read ma Gov <http: / /www.readin ma. ov >
>>> Town Hall Hours:
>>> Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 6:58 PM
To: Berman, Barry home account
Subject: RE: Liasions
You could do that, and then see the preferences that night and discuss. Or ignore :).
From: Berman, Barry home account
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 3:39 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
There is option 3. 1 just nominate liaison assignments as is my right under (chair nominates board members for
annual liaison assignments. The final decision on Liaison assignments is by majority of Board members). This is only a
problem because we are asking people to give us their preferences in advance. How do you think that will go over?
As has been done in past the chair will make recommendations in advance of meeting for discussion and approval by full
board. I guess this means I choose option 1.
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 11, 2018, at 2:13 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. reading. ma. us> wrote:
> Rays gives us two options:
> 1. 1 compile as planned, share with you in advance as planned, but also instantly post the composite material that I
have shared with you online as a document (it would be linked to the meeting for Tuesday, just as the packet is).
> 2. 1 compile as planned, but do not share with you, and only hand it out at once to the whole Board.
> Let me know what your preference is.
> Thanks,
> Bob
> From: Berman, Barry home account
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:46 PM
> To: LeLacheur, Bob
> Subject: Re: Liasions
> If everyone sends their liasion preferences to me, rather than you, is that serial communication?
> Sent from my iPhone
> Barry Berman
>> On May 10, 2018, at 8:03 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. reading. ma.us> wrote:
>> Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>> Subject: Re: Liasions
>> Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just
assign people without asking their preferences .
>> We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this changer
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Barry Berman
>>> On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. reading. ma.us> wrote:
>>> I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
>>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
>>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Barry Berman
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Vanessa Alvarado < alvaradoselectboard @gmail.com <mailto :a Iva radoselectboard @gmail.com>>
>>> Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
>>> To: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast. net <mailto:bcberman @comcast.net>>
>>> Subject: Fwd: Liasions
>>> Hi Barry,
>>> Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
>>> Best,
>>> Vanessa
>>> ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
>>> From: LeLacheur, Bob < blelacheur @ci. reading. ma.us<mailto :blelacheur @ci.reading. ma.us>>
>>> Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
>>> Subject: Liasions
>>> To: Reading - Selectmen <Selectmen @ci. reading. ma. us< mailto :Selectmen @ci. reading. ma.us>>
>>> Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
>>> The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
>>> 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
>>> 2: interest in being a liaison
>>> 3: no interest in being a liaison
>>> blank: indicates no real opinion
>>> I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
>>> In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more
thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
>>> Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bob
>>> Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
>>> Town Manager, Town of Reading
>>> 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
>>> townmanager @ci.reading. ma. us< mailto :townmanager @ci.reading. ma.us>
>>> (P) 781 - 942 -9043;
>>> (F) 781 - 942 -9037
>>> www. readingma .gov <http: / /www.readingma.gov />
>>> Town Hall Hours:
>>> Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 7:06 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: Liasions
Categories: Red Category
We'll see. If people send you their preferences I will incorporate . If not I'll do it myself. We have to discuss anyway as a
board . This is shaping up to be a long year. Did you andy the secret email to John doherty?
Sent from my iPhone
Barry Berman
> On May 11, 2018, at 6:57 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. reading. ma. us> wrote:
> You could do that, and then see the preferences that night and discuss. Or ignore
> From: Berman, Barry home account
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 3:39 PM
> To: LeLacheur, Bob
> Subject: Re: Liasions
> There is option 3. 1 just nominate liaison assignments as is my right under (chair nominates board members for
annual liaison assignments. The final decision on Liaison assignments is by majority of Board members). This is only a
problem because we are asking people to give us their preferences in advance. How do you think that will go over?
> As has been done in past the chair will make recommendations in advance of meeting for discussion and approval by
full board. I guess this means I choose option 1.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Barry Berman
>> On May 11, 2018, at 2:13 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. reading. ma, us> wrote:
>> Rays gives us two options:
>> 1. 1 compile as planned, share with you in advance as planned, but also instantly post the composite material that I
have shared with you online as a document (it would be linked to the meeting for Tuesday, just as the packet is).
>> 2. 1 compile as planned, but do not share with you, and only hand it out at once to the whole Board.
>> Let me know what your preference is.
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:46 PM
>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>> Subject: Re: Liasions
>> If everyone sends their liasion preferences to me, rather than you, is that serial communication?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Barry Berman
>>> On May 10, 2018, at 8:03 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us> wrote:
>>> Yes the TM evals will need to change - they need to go to a single point of contact that is not one of you (Caitlin, HR,
>>> From: Berman, Barry home account
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 8:01 PM
>>> To: LeLacheur, Bob
>>> Subject: Re: Liasions
>>> Selectmen policy allows chair to make nominations for liaisons to be voted by whole board . I suppose I can just
assign people without asking their preferences .
>>> We also ask members to submit town manager evaluations to a single member. Will this changer
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Barry Berman
»» On May 10, 2018, at 7:45 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci. reading. ma.us> wrote:
»» I've asked Ray. A recent ruling on perf evals did change a similar practice of a member gathering info and then
compiling it. I will let you know.
»» From: Berman, Barry home account
»» Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:44 PM
»» To: LeLacheur, Bob
»» Subject: Fwd: Liasions
»» Sent from my iPhone
»» Barry Berman
»» Begin forwarded message:
»» From: Vanessa Alvarado
»» < aIvaradoselectboard@ gmail .com <mailto:aIvaradoselectboard @gmail.com
»» Date: May 10, 2018 at 6:20:07 PM EDT
»» To: Barry Berman
»» <bcberman @comcast. net <mailto:bcberman @comcast.net>>
»» Subject: Fwd: Liasions
»» Hi Barry,
»» Given my recent OML training, this is considered serial communication via a third party. The presenters specifically
said this isn't allowed. It might be best if we submit to Bob and then he provides the list on Tuesday for board review. I
realize it's being a stickler for rules, but this is the kind of thing that makes people wonder when /how decisions get
»» Best,
»» Vanessa
»» ---- - - - - -- Forwarded message ---- - - - - --
»» From: LeLacheur, Bob
»» < blelacheur @ci. reading. ma.us <mailto:blelacheur @ci. reading. ma.us>>
»» Date: Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:14 PM
»» Subject: Liasions
»» To: Reading - Selectmen
»» < Selectmen @ci.reading. ma. us<mailto :Selectmen @ci.reading. ma.us>>
»» Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible
liaison assignment.
»» The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
»» 1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per
»» member
»» 2: interest in being a liaison
»» 3: no interest in being a liaison
»» blank: indicates no real opinion
»» I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
»» In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more
thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
»» Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
»» Thanks,
»» Bob
»» Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
»» Town Manager, Town of Reading
»» 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
»» town manager @ci. reading, ma. us< mailto :townmanager @ci. reading. ma. us>
»» (P) 781 - 942 - 9043;
»» (F) 781 - 942 -9037
»» www. readingma .gov <http: / /www.readingma.gov />
»» Town Hall Hours:
»» Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30
»» a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 7:05 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: FW: Liasions
Attachments: SB Liaisons May 2018.xlsx
Importance: High
Thanks to those that have responded, and a reminder to others if you have any opinions to share. When I compile the list
on Monday, we will post them online as part of the SB packet in case you want them to review before Tuesday night.
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:14 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Liasions
Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be 'a few' per member
2: interest in being a liaison
3: no interest in being a liaison
blank: indicates no real opinion
I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example O.
In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more thorough
way as has been done after an election every year previously.
Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
Thanks, .
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
townmanalerfci.reading. ma. us
(P) 781 - 942.904,3;
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30em-5:38p.m.-Juaoday:7:30am.'7�UOp.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Administrative Services "Current"
Board of Selectmen VASC Berman, Ensminger
School Committee Friedmann, Halsey
Regional School District Alvarado
RMLD Commissioners Ensminger
RMLD CAB Ensminger
Bylaw Committee Alvarado
Finance Committee Alvarado, Berman
Permanent Building Committee Alvarado, Berman
RCTV Board of Directors Alvarado, Ensminger
Cultural Council Friedmann
Climate Advisory Friedmann
Reading Ice Arena Authority Halsey
Walkable Reading Friedmann
Celebration Committee Friedmann
Animal Controls Appeal Comm. Friedmann
Moderator Alvarado
Rules Committee Alvarado
Board of Registrars Friedmann
Constables Friedmann
Audit Committee Berman
Retirement Board Berman
Commissioners of Trust Funds Berman
Veterans Memorial Trust Fund Comm. Friedmann
Public Services
c,ommuniiy services
Council on Aging Ensminger, Halsey
Mystic Valley Elder Services Ensminger, Halsey
Board of Health Ensminger
Recreation Committee Halsey
Cust. of Soldiers &Sailors Graves Ensminger
Community Development
CPDC Berman, Alvarado
North Suburban Planning Council Berman
Metro Area Planning Council Berman
Zoning Board of Appeals Berman, Alvarado
Historical Commission Ensminger
Historical District Commission Friedmann
Berman Ensmin
Conservation Commission Halsey
Reading Housing Authority Friedmann
Public Safety
Fire department Halsey
Police department Halsey
Human Relations Advisory Committee Friedmann
RCASA Halsey
(Public Library
Library Trustees Berman
Public Works
Board of Cemetery Trustees Berman
MWRA Advisory Board Halsey
Trails Committee Friedmann
Town Forest Committee Friedmann
Gemme, Laura
From: Barry Berman <bcberman @comcast.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 7:33 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: FW: Liasions
Bob, it was my understanding that I would forwarded the preferences in time to make the nominations
as board policy dictates. What's changed?
Barry Berman
On May 13, 2018 at 7:04 PM "LeLacheur, Bob" wrote:
Thanks to those that have responded, and a reminder to others if you have any opinions to share.
When I compile the list on Monday, we will post them online as part of the SB packet in case
you want them to review before Tuesday night.
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:14 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Liasions
Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in
each possible liaison assignment.
The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be `a few' per member
2: interest in being a liaison
3: no interest in being a liaison
blank: indicates no real opinion
I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this
done the more thorough way as has been done after an election every year previously.
Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share
them all with Barry on Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
towilmanager ccci_readin ,.ma.us
�_. �_
(P) 781- 942 -9043;
(F) 781- 942 -9037
www.readin < < }ma_gw
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 axn - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday:
Gemme, Laura
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 8:50 AM
To: Berman, Barry (bberman @firstrepublic.com) (bberman @firstrepublic.com); Saunders,
Subject: Liaison preferences
Attachments: SB Liaisons May 2018.xlsx; Development Liaison.docx
Caitlin — please add these two documents to the end of the current SB packet, and repost to the website (link to the
meeting calendar) and resend to the Board when that is all complete.
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
townmonoaer @ci.readinq.mo -us
(0) 78.1 -t)42. -9043;
(F -) 781 942 -0037
vot es r e3ca0i Lq+L' qr gy
Town {-fall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
Administrative Services i
Berman I Ensminger Alvarado
Board of Selectmen VASC.'
Berman, Ensminger._ _
3 _ _?
School Committee_
Friedmann, H alsey
3 3
-_ 3
RMLD Commissioners
Ensminger _
_2 _ 1
RMLD Payments Subcommittee
Bylaw Committee
2 I
- 3
Finance Committee
Alvarado Berman -
2 _ 2 -_
Permanent Building_ Committee
- - -
Alvarado Berman
2_ _
_? 3 -
_ -
- 2 -
-- -
Community Groups /Communication
_ R_CT_V Board of Directors_
Alva ra do, Ensminger
-_ 3 -_
-_, _ -_
Cultural Council
_ 3
Climate Advisory
2,_ -
Readin Ice Arena Authority
- 2
Walkable Reading
Friedmann_ -_
_ 3 I
-_ 3
Celebration Committee
Friedmann. _ _
_ 3 !
Other - -
- - --
Animal Controls Appeal Comm.
Rules Committee
Board of Registrars
-- -
Audit Committee
- -_ 3
Retirement Board
_ -3
Commissioners of Trust Funds
Berman _
_ 2 --
-- -
Veterans Memorial Trust Fund Comm.
_ -_ 2
Public Services
Community Services
- --
Council on Aging
Emmi ger, Halsey
Mystic Valle Elder Services_
Ensminger, Halse
g Y
2 1 --
- -
_ - 1
Board of Health_
2_._.._.__ 1 3
; 2
_ Recreation_ Committee.
2 1 _
L _. .1
Cust. of Soldiers &Sailors Graves
Ensminger__ _.
2 __. 2
Community Development
Berman) Alvarado
1 2_ _ 2
_ 2
- North Suburban Planning Council
Berman -__ -_-
_2___ - 31 3 -_ -
_ 2
_Metro Area Planning Council
? -. ? .__ —,
_ -_- I ..___
Zoning Board of Appeals
Historical Commission_
Berman Alvarado
2 3 1
_ 2 _2 i
�_. __- 2
Historical District Commission
2 2 __.
Conservation Commission
Reading Housing Authority
2_ _ 2 2
_ 3
Public Safety
Fire department
Police department
Human Relations Advisory Committee
I 3
-- - 3
I *1
j.J 3
Public Library
Library Trustees
_._ 3
Public Works
Board of- Cemetery Trustees
MWRA Advisory B oard
Trails Committee
Town Forest Committee
Liaisons to Neighborhoods Impacted by Economic Development
The Select Board recognizes the need for elected officials to represent neighborhoods that
might be impacted by mid -large development projects.' To meet this need, for each project, the
Board will appoint one of its member to serve as liaison between the neighborhood, developers,
and the Town. The goal of each liaison will be to act as a central point of contact for neighbors
at various points in the development project.
Prior to fulfilling their goal, each liaison will need to become familiar with the initial plans of the
project. This will include, but is not limited to, meeting with the relevant town staff member
responsible for the project in order to understand the type of development that is being
proposed and to learn the processes and general timelines for the proposed development.
The liaison will inform the neighborhood organization of opportunities for involvement in the
planning process (e.g., attend DIRT meetings) and facilitate interactions with relevant Town
During the project development, including demolition and construction, the liaison will support
the work of the town in communicating with the neighborhood and vice versa, as needed.
' Or "multi- residential development projects" or "large residential or commercial /industrial
development projects "?
Gemme, Laura
From: Berman, Barry <bberman @firstrepublic.com>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 8:03 PM
To: blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us
Subject: liasion nominations
Attachments: liasionlist.xlsx
Bob, see attached. Everyone got pretty much all their number ones. everyone has about a dozen or so
assignments. Some I have added a second liaison. Give me your thoughts
7 t
thrwginl Director 160 Federal Street 8 11' Floor Boston, N1 A 02110
Fws'r Rr'.nm.,IC BANK I Its a privilel,e. to serve VOLU
Officc: {617} 478 -8507 1 A4obile: (6:1.7)- 699 -9487 1 1 ax: (617) -478 -8557
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We reserve the right to monitor and review the content of all email communications sent or received. Emails sent to
or from this address may be stored in accordance with regulatory requirements.
From: LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 8:39 PM
To: bberman @firstrepublic.com
Subject: FW: FW: Liasions
Attachments: SB Liaisons May 2018 af.xls
From: Andrew Friedmann at Home
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 7:08 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: FW: Liasions
Hi Bob,
Here you go. Please let me know if you have any problems with the formatting.
On Sunday, May 13, 2018, 7:04:47 PM EDT, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur@ci.reading . ma.us> wrote:
Thanks to those that have responded, and a reminder to others if you have any opinions to share. When I compile the list
on Monday, we will post them online as part of the SB packet in case you want them to review before Tuesday night.
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:14 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Liasions
Acting Chair Berman asked me to send out the attached, and ask you to fill out your interest in each possible liaison
The format we have used successfully for years is as follows:
1: strong interest in being a liaison — should only be `a few' per member
2: interest in being a liaison
3: no interest in being a liaison
blank: indicates no real opinion
I have added column and filled it out for my fictitious choices, as an example
In April he assigned /discussed spots temporarily without a full Board present, and wants this done the more thorough way
as has been done after an election every year previously.
Please send your thoughts back to me (only) by Sunday night. I will compile them and share them all with Barry on
Monday so he can piece things together in advance of your Tuesday night meeting.
Robert VV. LeLaoheur.Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town ofReading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MAUi8S7
towomanagerpci. reading. ma. us<i-nailto:townmanager@ci.—read in-q. ma. us>
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 o.m'630p.m.;Tuemday:7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.;Fhday CLOSED
Administrative Services "Current" Berman Ensminger
Board of Selectmen VASC Berman, Ensminger
School Committee Friedmann, Halsey
Regional School District Alvarado
RMLD Commissioners Ensminger
RMLD CAB Ensminger
Bylaw Committee Alvarado
Finance Committee Alvarado, Berman
Permanent Building Committee Alvarado, Berman
Community Groups /Communication
RCTV Board of Directors Alvarado, Ensminger
Cultural Council Friedmann
Climate Advisory Friedmann
Reading Ice Arena Authority Halsey
Walkable Reading Friedmann
Celebration Committee Friedmann
Animal Controls Appeal Comm. Friedmann
Moderator Alvarado
Rules Committee Alvarado
Board of Registrars Friedmann
Constables Friedmann
Audit Committee Berman
Retirement Board Berman
Commissioners of Trust Funds Berman
Veterans Memorial Trust Fund Comm. Friedmann
Public Services
Community Services
Council on Aging Ensminger, Halsey
Mystic Valley Elder Services Ensminger, Halsey
Board of Health Ensminger
Recreation Committee Halsey
Cust. of Soldiers &Sailors Graves Ensminger
Community Development
CPDC Berman, Alvarado
North Suburban Planning Council Berman
Metro Area Planning Council Berman
Zoning Board of Appeals Berman, Alvarado
Historical Commission Ensminger
Historical District Commission Friedmann
Conservation Commission Halsey
Reading Housing Authority Friedmann
Public Safety
Fire department Halsey
Police department Halsey
Human Relations Advisory Committee Friedmann
RCASA Halsey
Public Library
Library Trustees Berman
Public Works
Board of Cemetery Trustees
MWRA Advisory Board
Trails Committee
Town Forest Committee
Gemme, Laura
Berman, Barry <bberman @firstrepublic.com>
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 3:35 PM
Saunders, Caitlin (csaunders @ci.reading.ma.us)
blelacheur @ci.reading.ma.us
agenda tonight
Caitlin is thre a revised agenda slotting in the liaison discussion?
Managing Director 160 Federal Street 81" Floor Boston, N�.1A 02110
Fi s'r Rt rut3t,1C BANK I It's a privilege to serve you
Office: (61.7) 478 -8507 1 Mobile: ('617) - 699 -9487 1 Fax: (61.7) -478 -8557
NM LS: 24000
Loan Assistant: Demetrius Armstrong: 617 -478 -3004
http: / /firstrepublic.com /who we are
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain
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received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. This message cannot
be guaranteed to be secure or error -free.
-First Republic Bank and its related entities do not take responsibility for, or accept time - sensitive instructions sent by
email including orders, funds transfer instructions or stop payments on checks. All instructions of this nature must be
handled by direct communication, not email.
We reserve the right to monitor and review the content of all email communications sent or received. Emails sent to
or from this address may be stored in accordance with regulatory requirements.
O OF q'
Town .of Reading
u b Meeting Minutes t C E 6 �j E�
Board Committee Commission = .Council:
�Dl�. JUL
—2 po : i s
J 5
Recreation Committee
Date:. 2018706 -.12 ... Time: 7:00. PM
Building:. Reading Town Hall Location: Conference Room
-Address: 16 Lowell Street
Purpose: General Discussion Session: General Session
Attendees: Members - Present:
Emily Sisson; Rich Hand; Adam Chase, Lori, Russo, ,Mary Ellen, Killion
Members Not Present:
Chuck.Robinson,.Dan Foley, Mike DiPietro, Kate Kaminer (associate)_..
Others Present:
Genevieve Fiorente.- Recreation Administrator.
John Halsey - Select Board Liaison
Minutes Respectfully Submitted,:By: Genevieve Fiorente
Topics of Discussion:
* * * * * * * * ** *DRAFT COPY QNLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ,
E. Sisson opens up the meeting at 7;03pm..E. Sisson asks if everyone has had an
opportunity to review May 8, 20.18 meeting minutes. L. Russo makes .a motion to accept the .
meeting minutes. A. Chase seconds. M: Killion makes a friendly amendment that her last
name is wrong in some places. G. Fiorente states she will update accordingly. ,Committee
votes to approve meeting minutes from May 8; 2018,. 4'-0.
G-. Fiorente asks J. Halsey. if he would like to speak first.;He states-'that he can :wait until
other agenda items have been discussed.
G. Fiorente. presents the mock playground rules that have been passed around at a prior;
meeting.:She explains how there are rules and regulations for Parks & Field. but.nothing
specific that is placed by the playgrounds that give generalized rules for the play structures.
She stated that M. Hannaford'is now the Parks, Cemetery & Foresty.Supervisor and::has
looked over the rules as well. Committee members discuss the rules; specifically pertaining
to the dogs inside the play area. G. Fio.rente states that there is no law that says ,the .dogs
cannot be inside, the play'area according to C..Amendola at the Police Departm.ent.but :it can
be a rule we implement through the Recreation Division. J.. Halsey says that there is.
however a leash law that .people do have to follow. He adds that a subset is multiple dogs In
the:play area that can also'.be problematic when particular dogs do not-get along.. The
committee agrees.
E. Sisson, makes a suggestion to, reorder the rules to. make it flow better. She goes on to say .
that she would say'the.top.3 issues at the playgrounds are dogs; vandalism and trash. The
committee agrees on.her suggestion and points. G. Fiorente states that she will reorder the
rules for better flow and share again with appropriate parties in .Parks before official:signs.
Page i 1
are made. A..Chase.also states.that.instead of adult supervision required the.rule.should say.:
adult supervision recommended. The Committee also agree's..G. Fiorente. said she will also
..make that .edit.' M. Killion asks about Where the signswill be. placed. G. Fiorente, says right
on the fence when people walk.in.or right next to the playground itself:
R. Hand. makes a motion to recommend the playground rules be placed .at-the playgrounds
with appropriate edits to the order. L.'Russo seconds: G. Fiorente States she will make the
edits as recommended. The committee is in favor 4 -0.
G..Fiorente talks about the.Birch Meadow. Master Planning.Subcommlttee.. G:. Fiorente states
that the .committee officially.appointed 3.people to the.corrimittee in February; Dan.F61ey,
Rich Hand 'and neighbor, Shannon'Fratto: She.says that Shannon Fratto is now helping as a .
part -time town employee and can no longer serve on the committee. She said it is the -
committee's job to appoint a new member of:the subcommittee: The committee discusses
the appointment of a new. member.. They agree that there will .be great value in the near . .
future to. perhaps add another member to the committee that is a neighbor.
M. Killion as for a directive and indicates the need for active recreation. 3.'Halsey. gives
more background on.the.subcommittee . and states.that the Recreation. projects the past few.
years have been put on the back burner due to finances:' R. Hand. mentions some of '.the.
prior'discussions:of the'plan that originated from the survey. He'speaks to M. Killion's point
'on active recreation and says that the survey:results: called for Walking paths and bike paths
for active recreation in the area. G.. Fiorente says that there should probably be another
survey done since the last one came out In 2015':
M.. Killion says she'will:be. more than happy to volunteer on the subcommittee. R. Hand.
makes a motion to appoint M. Killion as a member of the Birch Meadow Master Planning
Subcommittee. A. Chase. seconds: All in favor. 4 =0.
J. Halsey exits the room and indicates. he will ;return in a moment.
G'.- Fiorente asks the committee'if thei y would be willing to meet earlier in.the eveningor,a `
different da:y to get more. of.a quorum. The committee is open to discussing other.day and
times possibilities and: suggests that: G. Fiorente or D. Foley send out poll. They -briefly
discuss.some' other days and. times that may work:.
3.- Halsey. returns.
G. Fiorente talks about a couple. pending improvements. She says that she has met with'
Parks, Water and Highway on ways to improve the drainage down at. the Killam:.Elementary
Softball Field.. She goes onto say:that fixing the field would make the field, playable. for
leagues like Reading Softball Little League. She also states that most recently, Reading .
Little. League, has.approached her for their need for.an intermediate field for the 12 year old
boys She-state s:that this, intermediate field needs to be a softball field and that they bring.
their own mound. 3. Halsey adds specific details on the requirements and dimensions of the
field. .The: committee is in support of. fixing the drainage down there....
G. Fiorente says that there have: been prior plans, to improve the area but there.was' still
some question. on when the Kiliam Building Project would be coming into the planning
stages..G:: Fiorente said.that.now that the plan.is looking like it.is 5.+ years. away that. a.
remedy to the.field. now to.provide..much needed add.itional'field: space for many leagues..will .
be, extremely beneficial. The committee agrees as does J. Halsey. G. •Fiorente says that the.
project stage is now with engineering who will.be working. on some surveying. of the area. G.,
Fiorente also adds that the Kil.lam Principal is.on board.with. the. project and she plans.. ... .
keep her updated on developments. G. Fiorente says that nothing is :guaranteed until
passed-through appropriate-:channels. but she and other- departments /divisions.are working
together proactively on a solution.
A. Hand exits the -room.
Page 1 2
G.: Fiorente gives abref update on the Pickleball -Court lines and says she is-trying to
schedule a date with East Coast Seal Coating who lined the Wilmington existing tennis;
courts for pickleball. G:. Fiorente says that she thought it was Important use a company who.
had experience lining exi.sting.tennis court surfaces. G. Fiorente briefl.yspeaks about. the
color of the pickleball lines which is Yet to be;determined. X Killion asks if there is
something the company can provide that would show you what the lines would .look like. G
Fiorente . said that she is sure they .can .provide some aerial views with what it. would look.
G.. Fiorente, gives. a few more ,updates on the division. She states that Shannon Fratto. has
been in.the division for a few weeks and is already helping tremendously: with programming.
She also says that she just had the summer camp orientation at 5pm which went well: She
goes onto say;that the camp will begin in a.couple weeks along,with 'other -sports clinics and
enrichment clinics. She says.it will be another busy summer.
G, Florente asks-] Halsey if he would like to speak now.: J. Halsey says that yes, he would
like to .address the committee::about:the 4.17:18 meeting in which the committee voted 'on
what he would like to calla `�no.confidence "vote. He said that he had .questions for the
people who wereat the meeting who voted, Kate Kaminer, Frank Driscoll, Dan Foley, Mike
DiPietro and Rich. Hand. He'states that unfortunately only Rich is here today to_ speak to it.
I Halsey announces that the Select: Board voted to: have twoAiaisons to larger committees
and recreation was one of those committees: He states that both he and Dan Ensminger. are
recreation 'committee liaisons now.
R. Hand reenters the .room.
I,. Halsey. reads excerpts of the minutes from 4.17.18. He states that he feels the recreation
committee should publicly apologize: and ,considered the .meeting to be :a public
J. Halsey continues to Speak at length about the process in. which' it happened and that he
d'id not know that the discussion was going to take place. He, states that he loves the Town
of Reading and that he is Involved recreationally and socially With several organizations and.-.
boards. He says that these affiliations.aren't going away. He points out other merft ers:on
the committee and their. associations Iike.the late Frank Driscoll with Youth Softball and Kate
Kamiiner being;.a big advocate.for Reading Tennis. I Halsey; says that he. had met with a
lawyer twice.and had the resources.' He says he has been considering lawsuits. against
recreation: committee members. He also: states that he could :fill :the room with 60 people:
He cites a prior personal. recent .conversation -with K: Kaminer. in which she addressed her
opinion on his .involveenerit on several boards and committees..]. Halsey says that he
indicated.that.he would not stop.his involvement. J. Halsey also brings.up the L. Gemme
portion in the 4.17:18 meeting minutes. G. Fiorente said. that what was stated in the
meeting..minutes. was the truth..I Halsey also.. states. that, the.re: is in .implication that,.he
interferes with town staff which he. also says he doesn't.
I' Halsey states. that he has now requested to get all.agehdas.and recreation .committee
meeting.minutes:and plans to b.e present at.every meeting..he can. He said. that he will be .:.:
coming to recreation committee meetings instead.of Select Board..meetings unless a: quorum
is needed at the Select Board or important issues are being' discussed. Committee members'
say that they were talking about possible other days of the week:and- starting times when J.
Halsey had been gone, for a moment. J.. Halsey states that, his. integrity-wais questioned and
A needed to. be addressed and. feels that itJ8 important to.be:at:meetings moving forward.
R: Hand states that it was not his personal. intention or the board's to.questionJ..,Halsey's .
integrity. G. Fiorente states that while she also cannot speak for the committee members
who are not there, she has been at every meeting. She said from her,standpoint.it was
Page is 3
herself. and the committee who were having their integr.ity.questioned based on several W
associations not J: Halsey 's integrity. She said that the overall feel of the committee in her
opinion was to suggest having a liaison that wasn't directly related and, sitting on boards of
youth organizations so the committee could be seen as being as transparent as .possible .
when discussing. and deciding.on important recreation, topics. ,J: Halsey again. emphasized
how the meeting minutes. read.
R. Hand.thanks.J. Halsey for coming in to have the discussion with the recreation, committee
and from :a courtesy standpoint he agrees that.J. Halsey should have. been informed . of the
Select Board Liaison agenda. item. R. Hand says that the. committee cannot take back the
process in, which it happened but, hopes fora better relationship.and communication moving
forward. from all parties involved.
J. Halsey mentions while the lawsuit is not oft the table, fie.d:oesn't think it would_ be the
right way. to proceed. He, says he plans.to put this behind him and. move forward. He
welcomes discussions with other members of the committee that were part of the vote but
not, present tonight.
M. Killion suggests that a meeting be had with other members who are. not present and J.
I Halsey exits;
Committee members briefly discuss J. Halsey's comments. Several members state they felt
personally threatened by the lawsuit comment.
M. Killion asks about the minutes and agendas and.who they.are sent to. G..Fiorente says
she has never sent agendas or meeting minutes to her boss or Select Board liaison unless
they have requested. them. G. Fiorente says she follows. protocol and posts agendas and
publishes meeting minutes once they are approved. G. Fiorente.says:she will now include
the Select Board liaison on recreation committee agendas and minutes.
R. Hand asks G..Fiorente.if she knew J. Halsey. was coming. in', G. Fiorente.states that J.
Halsey notified her and D. Foley via email yesterday afternoon that he would like to, come
in. She says she would . have updated the agenda if it was in the 48 hour window and the
.chairman or herself would have sent it out to appropriate parties..
R. Hand makes a motion to adjourn at 9:05pm. A. Chase. seconds: All in favor 4 -0:
* * * * * * * * ** *DRAFT COPY ONLY *. * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * **
r Page i.4
Gemme, Laura
Fiorente, Genevieve
Tuesday, July 3, 2018 4:33 PM
Gemme, Laura
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Recreation Liaison Letter
H � Lawra,
P UzL,sv se-,✓ b e.(o w- c,� Tltiw
1 avw ��� �, f �,,,✓ a f f �;c� v� o w 5 �- f e e,L, f �e,� ca(,(� y °-VV
J e,A'V a Fi ore vie'
Recreation Administrator
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Phone: (781) 942 -9075
Fax: (781) 942 -5441
Email: }liorent �r,ci�Xeaciin�.Ina.us
Visit us at wwyv.,readin grec.con)
8:00am — 5:00pm
8:00am — 6:30pm
8:00am — 5:00pm
8:00am — 5:00pm
From: Kkaminer [mailto:kkaminer @comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 1:50 PM
To: Fiorente, Genevieve
Cc: Dan Foley; Michael Dipietro
Subject: Re: Recreation Liaison Letter
BOS chair
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 24, 2018, at 1:38 PM, Fiorente, Genevieve <gfiorcritc ii;cimrtcading ma.us> wrote:
I believe you would just need to send to town manager or bos chair ??
J CA� Fi are of &
Recreation Administrator
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Phone: (781) 942 -9075
Fax: (781) 942 -5441
Email: gf'iorentc (ri),ci.readitiL)..ina.us
Visit us at w�x w.readingrec.com
8:00am — 5:00pm
8:00am — 6:30pm
8:00am — 5:00pm
8:00am — 5:00pm
From: Dan Foley [mailto_dandfoleod gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 1:26 PM
To: Kkaminer
Cc: Michael Dipietro; Fiorente, Genevieve
Subject: Re: Recreation Liaison Letter
Sorry for the late reply to all of this. I'm good with the most recent version in Kate's reply.
Jenna, what are our next steps?
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 11:36 PM, Kkaminer <lckamiaci,(ii�comc,,7st.net> wrote:
See additional 2 cents. Nice job moops
Dear Sirs /Madam:
As you are aware, one of the many duties of a Selectman, is to serve as a liaison to the various
volunteer boards within the town government's infrastructure. For the past several years,
Selectman Halsey has been the liaison to the Recreation Committee. At the April 17, 2018
monthly Recreation Committee meeting, this committee voted unanimously to request a change
in the BOS liaison. After a lengthy discussion, the committee felt strongly that Mr. Halsey,
while passionate and enthusiastic about Reading's recreation issues, has not served the
committee, the recreation staff, and constituents in the best manner. The liaison should provide
an effective communication channel to the BOS, represent the BOS, and support committee
members and the professional staff in recreation matters, whenever possible. The role of the
liaison is advisory and should not be involved in the day to day department functions. Mr.
Halsey's membership on the board of directors of Reading Little League Softball, as well as
other boards doing business with the town recreation department, exposes the recreation staff and
its volunteer board members to unwarranted. scrutiny and potential conflicts of interest.
In this light, the members of the Recreation Committee respectfully request a change in the BOS
We welcome any questions as regards this vote and the discussion accompanying this
decision. Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
The Recreation Committee
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 18, 2018, at 7:47 PM, <rnldj5tri corncast_nct> wrote:
Dear Sirs /Madam:
As you're aware, one of the many duties of a Selectman, is to serve as a liaison to
the various volunteer boards within the town government's infrastructure. For the
past several years, Selectman Halsey has been the liaison Recreation Committee
in that capacity. At the April 17, 2018 monthly Recreation Committee meeting,
this committee voted unanimously to request a change in the committee
liaison. After a lengthy discussion, the committee strongly felt, Mr. Halsey, while
passionate and enthusiastic about Reading's recreation issues, has not served the
committee and recreation staff in the manner that best serves the Recreation
Committee and its constituents.
The liaison is should provide an effective communication channel to the Board of
Selectmen, represent the Board of Selectmen, and support committee members
and the professional staff in recreation whenever possible. Mr. Halsey's
membership on the board of directors of Reading Little League Softball, as well
as other boards doing business with the town recreation department, potentially
exposes the recreation staff and its volunteer board members to scrutiny and
potential conflicts of interest.
In this light, the members of the Recreation Committee respectfully request a
change in the BOS liaison.
We welcome any questions regarding this vote and the discussion accompanying .
this decision.
Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
The Recreation Committee
LeLacheur, Bob
From: Kraunelis, Matthew
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2018 4:01 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Cc: Delios, Jean
Subject: FW: Public Records Request - Part 2
Attachments: Request 6 - Attachment.pdf; Request 6.pdf; Request 7.pdf; Request 8.pdf; Request 9.pdf;
Request 10.pdf; Request 11.pdf; Request 12.pdf
From: Gemme, Laura
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 3:56 PM
To: Angela F. Binda
Cc: Kraunelis, Matthew; Rodger, Julia
Subject: RE: Public Records Request - Part 2
Laura A Gemme, CMC CMMC
Town Clerk
Board of Registrar
Elections Official
Justice of the Peace
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Census Liaison
Town of Reading
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From: Angela F. Binda
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 6:11 PM
To: Angela F. Bincla; Gernme, Laura
Subject: Public Records Request @
Dear Ms. Gernme,
Please provide me with the following public documents:
1. Recreation Committee minutes for the 5/8/18 and 6/12/18 meetings. They are not yet available on the
town website.
2. Letter sent from the Recreation Committee to Board of Selectmen "to request a new liaison for the
coming year." This letter was discussed and voted on (5-0) at the 4/17/18 Recreation Committee meeting.
Discussion of the letter appears on page three of the minutes for that meeting. Please provide information
on when the letter was sent, and to whom it was sent. If there are any emails, notes, or other documents
regarding this letter that the public has the right to view, please provide those also, including any emails to or
from Recreation Committee and Board of Selectmen members referencing this letter or the Recreation
Committee selectman liaison.
3. Documents with new liaison assignments, and any documents to which the public has the right to request,
that were discussed at the 5/15/18 Board of Selectmen meeting, during the discussion on the appointment
of board, committee, and commission liaisons. This request includes emails sent to and from the chair in
advance of the meeting (mentioned by the chair during the meeting) by all board members.
Thank you for you assistance with this request.