HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-25 SB Packetoff" �F Ri ,. Town of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda - h f �3'� +tNCOR48�� Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Select Board Date: 2018 -09 -25 Time: 7:00 PM Building: School - Memorial High Location: School Library Address: 16 Lowell Street Agenda: Purpose: General Business Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Chair Andy Friedmann Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted in typed format; handwritten notices will not be accepted. Topics of Discussion: 1) Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment C. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation 4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Close Warrant for November Town Meeting 7:20 b. Friends of Reading High School Baseball: Batting Cage at Morton 7:30 C. Discover the Arts in Reading October 13th 7:45 d. Stakeholders Meeting on anti - Semitic Vandalism 8:00 e. Set Town Manager FY 19 Goals 9:00 f. Select Board Letter to MA DPU 9:30 g. Select Board Goals — Progress Report 9:45 6) Approval of Minutes 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Email from Laurie Cheverie, re: rat b. Email from Lisa Egan, re: Legislative Breakfast C. Email from Cynde Hartman, re: Plastic Bags d. Email from DSL Alerts, re: Register for 2018 Statewide Municipal Partnership Conference e. Email from Accela, re: How the cloud can reshape government f. Email from Julie Mercier, re: Downtown Economic Development Workshop g. Email from Mass Municipal Association, re: MMA to host legislative Breakfast h. Email from Lisa Egan, re: Want to increase traffic to your website? This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 1 °F Ri ,. Town of Reading j� +I Meeting Posting with Agenda -'INC 0 i. Email from Mass Municipal Association, re: Philanthropist Matt Light to speak at Annual Meeting j. Email from Greg Burns, re: Fire Department Weekly Notes k. Email from Lynn Landes, re: Biweekly Updates 1. Email from Emmy Dove, re: Schedule Clarification m. Email from Mass Municipal Association, re: Key note speaker for MMA n. Email from Mike Savage, re: Vergent PPA can save you o. Email from Mass Municipal Association, re: The Selectmen's Association Wants You! P. Email from Richard Lombardo, re: Second Water Meter q. Correspondence from Gregory Fx Iannacci, re: Employment This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 2 OF RFa4'� �O� ` a Office of the Town Manager C b 16 Lowell Street 6�9fNC0Rpp4P Reading, MA 01867 To: Select Board From: Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Date: September 19, 2018 RE: Agenda for September 25th 781 - 942 -9043 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us www.readingma.gov /town - manager Reminder that your next meeting is at Reading Memorial High School at 7pm, upstairs in the Schettini Library. During my report, or perhaps earlier during the Board's liaison report, I will ask you in your role as Park Commissioners if you have any objection to Washington Park being closed so that a professional may evaluate the rodent situation and take any remedial action if necessary. We have had a few single rodent reports from the area, but then one received earlier this week citing several rodents at once was alarming, as I mentioned at the Board of Health Meeting this past Tuesday night at Parker Middle School. We have worked with our Recreation division and can make other arrangements for any scheduled users of the Park through the fall playing season as needed. The first agenda item is to close the November Town Meeting Warrant, which is in your packet. The Warrant consists of ten Articles, and I would estimate should only require one night to complete. Two possible articles that I had previously mentioned have been pulled for now. Each involve the Town acquiring land, and first need to go through the Conservation Committee. If they are both gifts, CONSCOM may accept them without Town Meeting approval. If either parcel involves a purchase price or CONSCOM does not wish to accept as a gift, then future Town Meeting action would be required. As mentioned before, the Bylaw Committee has a draft Article to respond to the gender neutral request from Town Meeting, but they need to meet with Town Counsel first to clarify some language. That will be an Article ready for April 2019 Town Meeting. Next the Friends of Reading High School Baseball will be in to discuss a portable batting cage at Morton Field. Library Director Amy Lannon and Administrative Services Director Matt Kraunelis and Tom Coffin of Arts Reading will be in to give a preview of their upcoming "Discover the Arts in Reading" scheduled for October 13th from 10am to 2pm on the Town Common. As of this writing participants include Beat Heart Foundation, Reading Community Singers, Creative Arts, Quannapowitt Players, Reading Public Library, Colonial Chorus Players, Reading Symphony Orchestra, Reading Garden Club, Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce, RCTV /Reading375, and the Reading Historical Commission. Entertainment is scheduled to be provided by CBTween, Teal Street Jazz Quartet, Coolidge Middle School Performers and the Encore Dance Academy. At approximately 8:00pm the Board will conduct a Stakeholders meeting on Anti - Semitic violence. The following from Chair Friedmann and Vice Chair Berman: "The purpose of the meeting is to look forward as a community, without finger pointing on past actions. We would like to organize the discussion around four central questions: 1. What did you see as the root of the problem and what is the impact on you? The community? 2. Specifically where and how do you think the Board and Town Government can take action? 3. What else may be needed outside the realm of town government? How can SB support those efforts? 4. What are next steps SB/ government? What are next steps for you ?" The Police department has compiled a single historical public document, redacted as necessary, and available as background. After that the Board will return to discuss and establish FY19 Goals for the Town Manager. As a reminder from your last packet, the Chair has expressed a desire for the Town Manager to focus more on the day -to -day operations of the Town as defined in the Charter, and to therefore have less annual goals. Towards that end, below is a summary of the views of the Town department heads plus the Town Manager for your background information, if you find it helpful. We used a similar rankings process for the twenty draft goals previously reviewed by the Board: DRAFT Goal Leaders Score DPW Director hiring process LeLacheur, Perkins 2.20 Building Security Study Doherty, LeLacheur 2.60 Employee Retention LeLacheur, Delios 4.80 Personnel Policies Kraunelis, Perkins 5.40 Comprehensive Emergency Plan Burns, Segalla 6.50 Capital Planning LeLacheur, Doherty 6.90 Elementary School Space Needs Schools, Huggins 9.10 Economic Development- Long Term Planning LeLacheur, Delios 9.60 Senior Tax Relief Santaniello, BoA . 11.40 Cable Negotiations Kraunelis, Miller 11.80 Senior /Community Center Delios, Huggins 12.10 Tax Classification Santaniello, BoA 12.40 Community Events & Outreach Kraunelis, Miller 13.30 Review of General Bylaws Kraunelis, LeLacheur 13.40 Master Plan Update Mercier, Delios 13.90 Economic Development- Wayfinding /Parking Delios, Segalla 14.00 FINCOM Policies Angstrom, Kume 14.20 Historical Preservation /Archival Lannon, Gemme 14.60 Finance Department Policies & Procedures Angstrom, Kume 15.00 Public Works Policies & Procedures Kinsella, Percival 16.80 The last two items for this meeting include a discussion and finalization of a letter from the Board to MA DPU about the National Grid. Many of our Public Safety personnel were involved in the Merrimac Valley /Columbia Gas and if the Board is interested we could schedule a review at a future meeting. Finally the Board has asked that at every meeting time be set aside for member updates on Select Board Goals. Your next meeting is scheduled for next week on October 2" d and will include these agenda items: Legislative Update — Representatives Jones and Dwyer have recently confirmed, and Senator Lewis had previously indicated his availability. If the Board has any specific requests for information or topics they would like covered, our delegation has asked us to send that in advance. I will ask town staff and also invite the Schools to participate and we will plan to send our requests to them at noon on Wednesday September 26tH Review Senior Tax Relief Preview Tax Classification Approve (renew) Assessor IMA with Wakefield Town Accountant Update Executive Session: Collective Bargaining 2018 DRAFT - SELECT BOARD AGENDAS 2018 912012018 Responsibility Start time September 25,?2018 ! @RMHS Schettini Library Tuesday Close Warrant for November Town Meeting LeLacheur 7:20 Friends of Reading High School Baseball: Batting Cage at Morton Friedmann 7:30 Discover the Arts in Reading October 13th Kraunelis 7:45 Stakeholders Meeting on anti - Semitic vandalism Friedmann 8:00 Set Town Manager FY19 Goals Friedmann 9:00 Select Board Letter to MA DPU Friedmann 9:30 Select Board Goals - Progress Report Friedmann 9:45 October 2, 2018 Tuesday Office Hour Andy Friedmann Legislative update Lewis, Jones & Dwyer 7:20 Review Senior Tax Relief Santaniello 8:15 Preview Tax Classification Santaniello 8:45 Approve (renew) Assessing Inter - Municipal Agreement with Wakefield LeLacheur 9:10 Town Accountant Update Angstrom 9:15 Executive Session To discuss strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining LeLacheur October 16, 2018 Tuesday Police Officer Badge Pinning LeLacheur 7:30 HEARING Tax Classification Board of Assessors 8:00 October 17, 2018 Economic Development Workshop - Downtown Wednesday Library October 30, 2018 Tuesday Cable Negotiations. November 13 2018 Tuesday Office Hour Barry Berman Approve liquor licenses LeLacheur Approve licenses LeLacheur November 15, 2018 Subsequent Town Meeting I Thursday November 19 2018` Subsequent Town Meeting II Monday November 26, 2018` Subsequent Town Meeting III Monday November 29, 2018 Subsequent Town Meeting IV IThursday 2018 DRAFT - SELECT BOARD AGENDAS 2018 912012018 Responsibility Start time December 4, 2018 Tuesday Office Hour Dan Ensminger Town Department budgets December 5, 2018 Wednesday Town Department budgets December 11, 2018 Tuesday Town Department budgets December 12, 2018 Wednesday Town Department budgets 2018 DRAFT - SELECT BOARD AGENDAS 2018 912012018 Responsibility Start time Future Agendas Recreation Committee Fall ' 18 Town Communications Overview Kraunelis & Miller Fall'18 HEARING Approve BOS Policies: Article 1 - move a section into Article 2; complete 1.4 Communication Board Discuss SB Policy Article #2 - Volunteers, Boards and Committees (also section 1.5) Board HEARING Approve BOS Policies: Article 2 Volunteers, Boards and Committees Board HEARING Review & adopt revised Personnel Policies Perkins Winter'18 Discuss Memorial Park Town Counsel Discuss Liquor License policy LeLacheur Discuss Oakland Road land public process LeLacheur Recurring Items Close Warrant: Nov 118 TM by 9/25/18 Close Warrant: Apr '19 TM by 3/5/19 Review BOS /TM Goals Jan & July Semi -ann Appointments of Boards & Committees June Annual Appoint Town Accountant April Annual HEARING Approve Classification & Compensation June Annual HEARING Tax Classification October Annual HEARING Approve licenses December Annual Reports to BOS Town Accountant Report Qtrly Economic Development Director Semi -ann RCTV members Report Annual CAB (RMLD) member Report Annual MAPC member Report Annual Reading Housing Authority Report Annual Reading Ice Arena Report Annual BOS Appointed Boards & Committees as needed COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Officer's Return, Town of Reading: By virtue of this Warrant, I , on , 2018 notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote on Town affairs, to meet at the place and at the time specified by posting attested copies of this Town Meeting Warrant in the following public places within the Town of Reading: Precinct 1 J. Warren Killam School, 333 Charles Street Precinct 2 Reading Police Station, 15 Union Street Precinct 3 Reading Municipal Light Department, 230 Ash Street Precinct 4 Joshua Eaton School, 365 Summer Avenue Precinct 5 Reading Public Library, 64 Middlesex Avenue Precinct 6 Barrows School, 16 Edgemont Avenue Precinct 7 Birch Meadow School, 27 Arthur B Lord Drive Precinct 8 Wood End School, 85 Sunset Rock Lane Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street The date of posting being not less than fourteen (14) days prior to November 15, 2018, the date set for Town Meeting in this Warrant. I also caused a posting of this Warrant to be published on the Town of Reading website on '2018. Constable A true copy Attest: Laura Gemme, Town Clerk 153-\ TOWN WARRANT OFREq�'d y � ro d X40 ,63g INCORYO�P COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss To any of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in the Local Elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Reading Memorial High School Performing Arts Center, 62 Oakland Road, in said Reading, on Thursday November 15, 2018 at seven - thirty o'clock in the evening, at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by Town Meeting Members in accordance with the provisions of the Reading Home Rule Charter. ARTICLE 1 1 To hear and act on the reports of the Select Board, School Committee, Library Trustees, Municipal Light Board, Finance Committee, Bylaw Committee, Town Manager, Town Accountant and any other Town Official, Board or Committee. Select Board ARTICLE 2 To choose all other necessary Town Officers and Boards or Committees and determine what instructions shall be given Town Officers and Boards or Committees, and to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money for the purpose of funding Town Officers and Boards or Committees to carry out the instructions given to them, or take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board ARTICLE 3 To see if the Town will vote to amend the FY 2019 -29 Capital Improvements Program as provided for in Section 7 -7 of the Reading Home Rule Charter and as previously amended, or take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board ARTICLE 4 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town's Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2018, as adopted under Article 17 of the 2018 Annual Town Meeting; and to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available funds, or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money to be added to the amounts appropriated under said Article, as amended, for the operation of the Town and its government, or take any other action with respect thereto. Finance Committee ARTICLE 5 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money to pay bills remaining unpaid from prior fiscal years for goods and services actually rendered to the Town, or take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board ARTICLE 6 To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to sell, exchange, or dispose of, various items of Town tangible property, upon such terms and conditions as it may determine, or take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board ARTICLE 7 To see if the Town will vote to amend the votes taken under Article 6 of the January 28, 2013 Special Town Meeting; Article 6 of the February 13, 2014 Special Town Meeting; and Article 7 of the November 14, 2016 Subsequent Town Meeting to reduce the amounts authorized to be borrowed for the Library project by such votes by $16,345 dollars, or to take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board ARTICLE 8 To see if the Town will vote to amend the votes taken under Article 5 of the January 13, 2003 Special Town Meeting; Article 10 of the November 13, 2006 Subsequent Town Meeting and Article 3 of the November 14, 2016 Special Town Meeting to reduce the amounts authorized to be borrowed for the Reading Memorial High School project by such votes by $150,921 dollars, or to take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board' ARTICLE 9 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, borrow or otherwise provide a sum or sums of money for the purpose of making extraordinary repairs and /or replacement of sanitary sewer collection systems, including the costs of consulting services, audits, plans, documents, cost estimates, bidding services and all related expenses incidental thereto and necessary in connection therewith, said sum to be expended by and under the direction of the Town Manager; and to see if the Town will authorize the Select Board, Town Manager, or any other agency of the Town to apply for a grant or grants, to be used to defray the cost of all or any part of said sanitary sewer improvements; and to authorize the Town Manager to enter into any and all contracts and agreements as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article, or take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board ARTICLE 10 To see if the Town will vote to ratify and authorize the sale of a parcel of land located on Brook Street, shown as Lot 122 on Assessor's Map 8 and described in a deed recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds at Book 31286 Page 172, in accordance with the terms of a purchase and sale agreement entered into by Kara Meade and Daniel Meade of Reading, Massachusetts, and the Town of Wakefield, Massachusetts and dated April 20, 2018, and subsequently amended by the aforementioned parties and the Town of Reading, or take any other action with respect thereto. Select Board and you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least one (1) public place in each precinct of the Town not less than fourteen (14) days prior to November 15, 2018, or providing in a manner such as electronic submission, holding for pickup or mailing, an attested copy of said Warrant to each Town Meeting Member. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at or before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our hands this -th day of '2018. Andrew Friedmann, Chair Barry Berman, Vice Chair Vanessa Alvarado, Secretary Daniel Ensminger John Halsey SELECT BOARD MEMBERS OF READING , Constable Saunders, Caitlin From: laurie @cheverie.com Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 10:37 AM To: Town Manager; Reading - Selectmen Subject: Rat sighting My daughter saw a rat running across Vine Street last night (9/18/18) towards the train tracks area, close to 19 Vine Street, while she was driving. Thank you, Laurie Cheverie Saunders, Caitlin From: legan @rnrchamber.com Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 5:15 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Legislative Breakfast Dear Select Board: I wanted to extend an invitation to you both for the Chamber's Business Panel discussion about the "Grand Bargain" Legislation which increases minimum wage and includes mandated, employer funded time off that was signed into law this summer. It will affect every employer in the state and will hit our local businesses hard in the wallet. Would love to have you join us to hear about how the legislation will impact the business community. It's next Wednesday, Sept 26th at Meadowbrook, 292 Grove Street in Reading. Check in and breakfast begins at 7:30, and the panel discussion will run from 8 — 9:30 AM. Registration is free and online: htttp://readinRnreadinRchamberma.chambermaster.com/ events / details /grand - bargain- legislation- and - what- it- means- for- local- industry -a- panel- discussion -1131 Karen, could you please forward this email to the North Reading Selectmen as we would love to have them attend this event as well? Also, an early heads up that the Chamber is hosting Active Shooter Training for businesses on Tuesday, October 23 d from 7:30 — 9:30 AM at the Teradyne Conference Center. Sergeant Derek Howe of the NRPD will be offering the training. We will share further information on this soon, but sadly this is a reality of life in America and as a Chamber, we want to provide this training on what civilians can do if they find themselves in a situation at work, a mall, movie theater etc. I know many businesses have asked what they can do to protect their employees. Thanks, Lisa Lisa Egan Executive Director Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce 978 - 664 -5060 0 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 12:50 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] plastic bags (Sent by Cynde Hartman, cyndeana @aol.com) For the next SB packet as an FYI - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:48 AM To: Town Manager Subject: [Reading MA] plastic bags (Sent by Cynde Hartman, cyndeana @aol.com) Hello rlelacheur, Cynde Hartman (cyndeana @aol.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /431 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /431 /edit. Message: Just wanted to let you know my reaction to the plastic bag ban: I will probably make it a point to do my grocery shopping outside of the Town of Reading. Which of course means lost revenue to the local stores and the town. Sorry, but I choose not to have to remember to bring bags, to pay for OTHER plastic bags, or to take three times as many trips between the car and the house because of paper bags with no handles (which rip on the way up the stairs). Plus I need those disposable plastic bags for many home uses. In this case, my personal convenience trumps the negligible impact that not using plastic bags would have. I'm sure many others feel the same way, and I'll be interested to see the long- term effect on the major grocery stores. Saunders, Caitlin From: DLS Alerts <dls_alerts =dor. state .ma.us @mail112.us4.mcsv.net> on behalf of DLS Alerts <dls_alerts @dor.state.ma.us> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:22 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: DLS Alert: Time is Running Out to Register for the 2018 Statewide Municipal Partnerships Conference I 1 IIIIC 1, F%U11IIIIIL$ VUL LV F-Ma I,LCI IVI LIM LV 10 OLCIUMIUC IYIU111WJJC11 Partnerships Conference Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito and members from all of the Massachusetts Regional Planning Agencies welcome you to join them at the 2018 Annual Statewide Conference for Municipal Officials and Staff, co- hosted by the Division of Local Services. Please click here for more information. This event will be hosted at Holy Cross College in Worcester on Monday, September 24th. You can register for the conference by clicking here. You are receiving this message through the Massachusetts Department of Revenue's Division of Local Services DLS Alerts system. These periodic notices include our City & Town e- newsletter, IGRs, Bulletins, Cherry Sheets and other municipal finance - related information. To unsubscribe to DLS Alerts and the City & Town e- newsletter, please email dls alerts @dor. state. ma. us. This email was sent to selectmenCd_)ci. reading. ma.us why did / pet this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences Massachusetts Department of Revenue - Division of Local Services • 100 Cambridge Street • Boston, MA 02114 • USA Saunders, Caitlin From: Accela <info @accela.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:05 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: How the cloud can reshape government in mobile, licensing and IT modernization Welcome to Transform, Accela's weekly newsletter, where we put a spotlight on the latest trends and digital innovations impacting governments today. •. �s •,. US F-1 F-1 F-1 Modernizing legacy IT is a pervasive challenge in government, learn how to simplify the decision-making process based on these key factors. Get insights on which system to upgrade first and the critical priorities to consider. 1111 11! r W -6-Irf Lwl—1 ' I 10:00 AM PDT 1 1:00 PM EDT HolumX 2633 Camino Ramon Cc� 2018 Accela, Inc., All rights reserved. Suite 500, San Ramon, CA 94583 C.ontactUS Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:45 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: FW: Downtown Economic Development - Community Meeting! Wed Oct 17th Attachments: Reading Community Workshop Flyer DONE.pdf From: Mercier, Julie Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 8:44 AM To: LeLacheur, Bob; Delios, Jean; Percival, Ryan; Zager, Jeff; Kinsella, Jane; Brian Smith; Burns, Greg; Jackson, Paul; Nelson, Richard; Segalla, Mark; Scouten, Michael; O'Shaughnessy, Kristen; Amendola, Christine; Saunders, Kim; Tirone, Charles; Vlasuk, Laura; MacNichol, Andrew Subject: FW: Downtown Economic Development - Community Meeting! Wed Oct 17th Hi All, The email below (with the attached flyer) has been sent to a group of stakeholders including Reading business owners and members of the Town's land use boards. It will also be mailed today to all property owners in and within 1000' feet of the downtown. Please feel free to forward it to your boards & commissions. Thank you, Julie From: Mercier, Julie Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 8:40 AM To: Mercier, Julie Cc: MacNichol, Andrew; Delios, Jean Subject: Downtown Economic Development - Community Meeting! Wed Oct 17th Hello! The Town of Reading will be hosting a Downtown Economic Development Community Meeting on Wednesday, October 17th in the Community Room at the Reading Public Library. Over the past year, the Town has been working with design consultant Favermann Design on a wayfinding/branding scheme, and with ylarkin�, consultant Nelson N -0 meeting will focus on economic development in the downtown and ways in which wayfincling signage and parking management can contribute to its success and growth. Please RSVP via the attached flyer or the link below: https: / /www.readingma.gov /public - services /planning- division /pages/ downtown - economic - development -1 We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you! Julie D. Mercier, AICP, LEED AP Community Development Director Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street r" *ty Met" e ing %..ommunl on DOWNTOWN ECONOM�C DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER , 7MOO PM COMMUNITY ROOM AT THE READING PUBLIC LIBRARY 64 MIDDLESEX AVE, READING • ' �' division/pages/downtown-economic-development-1 This is an open public meeting and registration is not required to attend. However, your RSVP will help the event planners provide adequate refreshments and materials. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Questions? Contact Julie Mercier, Community Development Director 781.-942 -6648 / imercierna ci. reading. ma. us Saunders, Caitlin From: Mass. Municipal Assoc. <achampion @mma.org> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 12:25 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: John, MMA to Host Legislative Breakfast Meetings Starting October 12 0 M MA's Legislative Breakfast Meetings will be on October 12, October 19 and October 26 Please Register Today to Meet with Your Legislators! September 17, 2018 Dear John, The MMA's Annual Fall Legislative Breakfast series will start early next month as work continues at the State House on bills at informal sessions and as state budget officers start to think about the fiscal 2020 state operating budget and the state capital plan for next year. These regional meetings are scheduled for three Friday mornings (October 12, October 19 and October 26) in six cities and towns across the state. We hope that you can join us at a meeting near you to talk with area legislators, municipal colleagues from the region and MMA staff about key issues. As always, we expect a lively and informative discussion! The Fall Legislative Breakfast meetings take place as work continues on important bills at informal sessions through the end of the year. Action is possible on small local bills and possibly some larger measures too such as a budget bill to close out fiscal 2018. The MMA has asked that a consensus housing production bill be enacted this year and there is interest in completing work on the short- term rental and other bills. Public policy and politics are always front and center in election season, and this year is no different. October is a great time to take stock of progress made over the past year and to talk about initiatives for the next session. The MMA is developing a 25 -bill legislative package for the new session that starts in January and working on policy- setting resolutions for the MMA annual o�q1 J business meeting on January 19, including tackling municipal and school finance topics, solid waste and recycling issues and more. MMA staff would like to hear from municipal officials as policy committee work on these topics progresses. These meetings are also good time to talk about hot issues such as implementation of the recreational marijuana law and local experiences with the still- new public records law. Meetings are scheduled for the following dates and locations: Friday, October 12th • Framingham, McAuliffe Library, 746 Water Street • Norwell, Sparrell School Administration Building, 322 Main Street Friday, October 19th • Newburyport, City Hall Auditorium, 60 Pleasant Street • Westport, Police Station Meeting Room, 56 Hix Bridge Road Friday, October 26th • Sunderland, Sunderland Public Library Conference Room, 20 School Street • Stockbridge, Town Hall Meeting Room, 50 Main Street (Note: If you are not sure if you have an account for the registration site, please click here.) Coffee and pastries will be available at 8:00 a.m., with introductions and presentations starting at 8:15 a.m. The meetings will conclude by 10:00 a.m. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! You can register through www.mma.org or by contacting Alandra Champion at achampion @mma.org or 617- 426 -7272. Thank You Very Much! �,ga Saunders, Caitlin From: Lisa Egan, Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce <legan @rnrchamber.com> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 10:02 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Want to Increase Traffic to your Website? 0 Maximize your Membership: Chamber 1 of September 18th Reading Cooperative Bank Headquarters 55 Walker's Brook Drive, Floor 3 Reading, MA 01867 7:30 AM Check in and Caffeine 8 - 9 AM Chamber Training Come to a hands -on seminar and learn how to use Chambermaster, to log in, update your membership directory listing, add your team to our communications, post job listings, advertise your business and capitalize on your membership! Did you know you can send your deals to the chamber mailing list, for free, as part of your membership? Interested in getting the list of decision makers at local businesses? Come to this business breakfast and leave armed to make your membership count! Event is Free to Members: Register here 0 Business Breakfast: What Small Businesses Must Know About the Legislative Ballot Question Package September 26th ,� 7:30 AM Check In and Breakfast � ___.__. �__.,_�_- ...._._�_ ny 8:00 - 9:30 AM Panel Presentation and Questions Meadowbrook Country Club 292 Grove Street, Reading The Massachusetts Legislature Passed a "Grand Bargain" Legislative Package Which Includes a $15 Minimum Wage and Paid Family /Medical Leave Program. How will this affect your business? Do you know what you need to do to comply with the Changes? Our panel discussion includes MA Stakeholders: Moderator: David Robertson Esq of Ruberto, Israel and Weiner, PC Pat Lee, MA Restaurant Association Ryan Kearney, Retailer's Association of MA Christopher Carlozzi, National Federation of Independent Businesses This is your opportunity to learn about the final package and how it will impact your business. Following the presentation, there will be time for questions on how best to prepare your business for the new law, some of which goes into effect on January 1, 2019. Member and Non Member Tickets: Free but Advance Registration is Required Quarterly Breakfast I 0 Tuesday, October 2nd Austin Prep 101 Willow Street Reading 7:45 AM - 9 AM Meet other local business men and women to exchange contact information and discuss various business topics. All guests will enjoy coffee and refreshments and will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the group. A great way to expand your network and connections locally. This Event is Members -only and tickets are free. Kindly RSVP so we can plan accordingly. = -1 Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce I PO Box 771, Reading, MA 01867 Unsubscribe selectmen@ci.reading.ma.us Update Profile I About our service provider Sent by legan @rnrchamber.com in collaboration with Try it free today Saunders, Caitlin From: Mass. Municipal Assoc. <cpierce @mma.org> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 9:30 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Former Patriot, Philanthropist Matt Light to Speak at Annual Meeting on Friday View in browser Iff Dear Peter, Huddle up at MMA Annual Meeting's Friday night banquet on Jan. 18 with former New England Patriot Matt Light! C�11 The All -Pro left tackle has earned recognition from the White House and nonprofits for his philanthropic work with The Light Foundation. A starter in his rookie season in 2001, Light, 40, served as the anchor of an offensive line that, over a decade, helped the Patriots win seven division championships, four conference titles, and three Super Bowls. Light is one of only four Patriots offensive tackles to be named to the Pro Bowl since 1970. Light was also known as the Patriots' resident prankster, having once filled quarterback Tom Brady's car with packing peanuts and removing the tires from El quarterback Matt Cassel's car and putting two of them in his locker. Even head coach Bill Belichick fell victim to Light's shenanigans (with a shocking computer mouse). The Light Foundation provides young men with outdoor learning experiences to help them become responsible members of their communities who can pass on the torch of leadership and achievement to their friends and families. The foundation purchased and developed more than 40o acres of land in Ohio to create its Chenoweth Trails facility, and provides academic scholarships to young student leaders in New England and Ohio. The MMA is excited to bring Light's tales from the field and his inspiring work with youth to the Annual Meeting this year! Learn more about Light on the MMA website. Stay tuned as the MMA announces more Annual Meeting speakers and entertainment throughout Speaker September! Register now and save! ZFOI Your username is: CSAUNDERS @CI.READING.MA.US Password: Click here to reset your password. The MMXs 4oth Annual Meeting & Trade Show will be held on January 18 and 19, 2o19, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. The registration rate for MMA members is $18o per person before January 9, 2019. After this date, only onsite registration will be available, at a rate of $230. Questions? Please reply to this email, email amregistrations @mma.org, or call 617- 426 -7272, and we will be happy to assist you. To cancel a registration, please email amregistrations @mma.org by Jan. 2, 2019. Click here for complete information about the Annual Meeting, including workshops and speakers. R u Saunders, Caitlin From: Burns, Greg Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 3:57 PM To: Delios, Jean; Jackson, Paul; Keenan, Cindy; Kraunelis, Matthew; Lel-acheur, Bob; Martel, Justin; Paul Guarino (pfguarino @comcast.net); Reading - All Fire Department; Reading - Police Dispatchers; Reading - Selectmen Subject: Reading Fire Department's Weekly Notes Weekly Notes September 14, 2018 Engine 3 under the command of Lt. Myette responded to Andover on Thursday, September 13th to assist with multiple structure fires. While in Andover they responded to several calls including a basement fire. Engine 3 initially responded to Andover on the 3rd alarm and then they became part of Metrofire Structural Task Force 13E. Each structural task force has 6 engines and 2 ladder trucks. Andover had two structural taskforces operating out of the Andover High School parking lot during the event. 2. We have received the new thermal imagers. They will be installed in Engines 1 -3, Ladder 1 and Medic 1. 3. An Officer's Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 14th at 1300 hours. 4. The Department's Medical Director is requiring all EMT's and Paramedic's to complete quarterly airway skills. To meet this requirement we will be utilizing the simulation mannequins and this requires coordination of the instructors. These classes are intended to be a refresher on all of the basic and advanced airway skills and adjuncts that we are required to be proficient in. Classes will begin in October on all shifts and quarterly participation will be mandatory. If you have specific dates where you need time off please let the Chief know now and we will try to schedule the classes around you if possible. 5. On Monday, September 17, 2018 we will begin the reimbursement process for the March 13 -14, 2018 winter storm and snowstorm event. Funding has been authorized for storm related costs including snow removal, emergency work and permanent repair /restoration of damaged facilities as a result of the storm event. RMLD is eligible to recover some of its costs. Chief Gregory J. Burns Reading Fire Department 757 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 (P) 781.944.3132 (F) 781.942.9114 www.readin ma.nov Saunders, Caitlin From: Lynn Landes, Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce <lynn @rnrchamber.com> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 2:14 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Biweekly Updates: Self- Defense for Women, Finding the Sweet Spot and Head Shots 4th Annual Laurie Kluge 5K Ribbon Run October 13, 2018 Registration begins at 7:30 am Race begins at 9:0o am Go the distance with your friends, family and fellow community members to expand PINK and LiveSTRONG programs at the Burbank YMCA. Become a team captain, runner, walker, sponsor, fundraiser or volunteer -- together we are stronger than cancer! The proceeds from this 5K has helped nearly woo local adults move beyond cancer in spirit, mind and body —at no charge— through our :;, and LiveSTRONG programs. Mission o Deeds Modfest There are several ways to get involved: • Sign up to Run /Walk in the event or Captain a team! www.racemenu.com /LaurelYluge • Get others to sign up to walk or run for someone they know battling cancer. (Recruit 3 walkers or runners and participate for free!) • Become a sponsor of the Event — See the attached • Volunteer to help at the Event — you can also do that through the site. www.racemenu.com /LaurelKluge 5K 0��J Family Fun Festival Sunday, September 16th Lake Quannapowitt Wakefield 9: oo am Enjoy music, food, kids activities, and a Walk for those who wish! Join us at the starting location near the Gazebo. $20 per person or $4o per family provides access to all activities and Food Court, as well as slush, popcorn, apples, water and more! Exciting Raffle Prizes — Tickets available for separate purchase in advance or at the event! ioo % of the proceeds go to support the Mission of Deeds! Stick To Your Business Sweet Spot More is not always better. As business owners, we may have a vision of where we want our business to be in a few years, how we can grow to the next level, work with more established or larger clients, secure higher level speaking engagements or train others in our unique model for doing business. While revenue growth and full- service solutions are noteworthy goals, be cautious about straying from what you do best in your quest to meet all of a customer's needs. Print our our event poster to help spread the fun. To attend, you can purchase tickets online or download our ticket form Walker Pledge Form — Used when you when you get friends and family to sponsor your walk. Raffle Ticket Purchase Form You can submit your Sponsorship online or by downloading our Sponsorship Form For additional information, please call Paula Goss or Bruce Murison at 781- 944 -9797• I m O =0 Consider the story of the cartoon Dilbert and its leapfrog success from low publication rates to huge popularity when the creator of the comic strip narrowed his focus to the workplace setting — his "sweet spot." Continue reading R.A.D. Rape Aggression Defense for Women Hosted by the Reading Police Department Monday, November 5 6pm -9pm Wednesday, November 7 6pm -9Pm Monday, November 12 6pm -9pm Wednesday, November 14 6pm -lopm This is a four night class The class is free of charge and will be held in Reading on the above dates. Call 781- 942 -6761 or email Community Service Officer O'Shaughnessv for sign -ups and questions. I m I F-I I Picture Perfect Fall 1 1--]­­­-­-­----- Check out these upcoming photo opportunities from JBug Images Saturday September 29th - Need a New Headshot? Join us at the Burbank YMCA. Learn more or sign up here for a headshot mini session with JBug I IF-11 Images. After registering online, please make out a check to JBug Images for the session fee. You can either drop off the check at the front desk at the YMCA or mail it to JBug Images, but get it in within 5 days of signing up to avoid losing your time slot. Saturday, October 20"'- Burbank YMCA Annual Portraits by the Lake Join us for the 7th annual fall mini session offered in partnership with the Burbank YMCA. Enjoy portraits by Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield. Session fees go to the Burbank YMCA Annual fund. Call the Y's front desk at 781 - 944 -9622 or sign up in person. Sunday, October 21s'- Fall Mini Session at Endicott Park in Danvers Endicott Park provides a beautiful, rustic backdrop with barns, fences and great foliage. Learn more or sign up here for the Endicott Park mini session. Given the popularity of this session in the past, session fees are non- refundable. Please plan accordingly, and send payment to JBug Images within five days of signing up online. on Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce I PO Box 771, Reading, MA 01867 Unsubscribe selectmen @ci.reading.ma.us Update Profile I About our service provider Sent by lynn @rnrchamber.com in collaboration with x Try it free today Saunders, Caitlin From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net on behalf of Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailer @vt- s.net> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 12:30 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] BOH schedule clarification (Sent by Emmy Dove, elbdove @gmail.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Emmy Dove (elbdove@gmail.com) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Members of the Select Board, I'd like to correct an assertion made during the Select Board meeting on September 11th, 2018. It was stated that the Board of Health meeting schedule had been set for Wednesday mornings to fit the needs of one member, presumably me. I'd like the record to show that I provided the following availability to the Board: 1. Wednesdays 7:30am - noon 2. Mondays after 6pm 3. Wednesdays after 6:30pm 4. Thursdays after 6pm As you can see, there were multiple evenings included. I was notified by the Chair that the Wednesday morning time was best for all other parties. Thank you, Emmy Dove Board of Health member Saunders, Caitlin From: Mass. Municipal Assoc. <cpierce @mma.org> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:25 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: Noted Leader Chavez Is Keynote Speaker for MMA Annual Meeting View in browser a Dear Peter, The MMA is excited to announce that one of Fortune magazine's "World's Greatest Leaders," Anna Maria Chavez, will give the opening keynote address at the 4oth MMA Annual Meeting & Trade Show in Boston. NO q Vf\ � Chavez uses her 25 years of public service and nonprofit leadership experience to teach others about teamwork, inclusion and diversity, resilience, leadership, and self- motivation. Her recent speaking engagements include conferences of the National League of Cities and the International City /County Management Association. Fortune named Chavez to its list of greatest leaders in 2o16, citing her transformative work as CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA.Her work with the Girls Scouts, which included an organizational redesign, led to her induction into the U.S. News & World Report's STEM Leadership Hall of Fame in 2016. She was honored as one of the most creative people in business by Fast Company in 2014. Under then -Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona, Chavez served as the director of intergovernmental affairs, where she established a close working relationship with local elected and appointed officials across the state. She also served as Napolitano's deputy chief of staff for urban relations and community development, where she launched the governor's Aging 2020 initiative and created the Arizona Division of Aging and Adult Services. Chavez held several posts in President Bill Clinton's administration, including senior policy advisor to the secretary of Transportation and to the administrator of the Small Business Administration. She now helps transform the lives of older adults as the executive vice president and chief growth officer at the National Council on Aging. The MMA is excited to bring Chavez's leadership, organizational lessons and inspiring message to the Annual Meeting this year! Learn more about Chavez on the MMA website. Stay tuned as the MMA announces more information about our Annual Meeting lineup during Speaker September! Register now and save! Your username is: CSAUNDERS @CI.READING.MA.US Password: Click here to reset your password. The MMA's 4oth Annual Meeting & Trade Show will be held on January 18 and 19, 20i9, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. The registration rate for MMA members is $18o per person before January 9, 2019. After this date, only onsite registration will be available, at a rate of $230. Questions? Please reply to this email, email amregistrations @mma.org, or call 617- 426 -7272, and we will be happy to assist you. To cancel a registration, please email amregistrations @mma.org by Jan. 2, 2019. Click here for complete information about the Annual Meeting, including workshops and speakers. D BE Saunders, Caitlin From: Mike Savage <msavage @vergentpower.com> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 3:13 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Vergent PPA Can Save You $.03/ kWh or 20% D F Doi you find that your business is paying more each year fo ! • you wish that you had more control over •; costs? Do you find that your business is paying more each year for electricity? Do you wish that you had more control over these rising costs? As you assess your electricity supply contract renewal, please reach out to Vergent Power. With a cogeneration (aka CHP) system from Vergent Power, we will own the system and make energy on -site with award - winning, proven and reliable technology. The CHP will utilize waste heat to efficiently make steam, hot water or chilled water for your facility, integrated seamlessly with your existing HVAC system. There is no up -front investment, just immediate savings (profit) and risk mitigation against future electricity rate increases. Here's how it works: 1) You pay for the fuel as you do now. We will help you lock it in for up to five years so you'll know what your electric rate will be during the ensuing five -year period. It may even lower your gas rate since you will have year -round gas volume. 2) You pay the power purchase agreement (PPA) owner a capacity charge per kWh you use. You only pay for what you consume. The capacity charge covers the financing of the equipment over the 15 -year term and the maintenance. We design, build, own and maintain the unit. 3) You get the thermal output of the system to displace your onsite boiler and /or chiller, effectively prolonging the life of your existing HVAC equipment. A representative example on a per kWh per basis: DFUUM MM .. �jhl CONFIDENTIAL: Please be advised that the information contained in this email message, including all attached documents or files, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals addressed. The opinions and statements contained herein may not reflect the position of Capstone Turbine Corporation and should not be relied upon as such. Any other use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and notify us of incorrect delivery by immediate reply. MOP Saunders, Caitlin From: Mass. Municipal Assoc. <dwilliams @mma.org> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 2:36 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: The Selectmen's Association Wants You! Apply for the Board of Directors Today 03 Good Afternoon, John: The Massachusetts Municipal Selectmen's Association is seeking selectmen for its Board of Directors. Any selectman in Massachusetts may complete this nomination form and submit his or her name for consideration. Nominations are due by Oct. 12. MSA officers serve a one -year term (2019) and District Representatives serve two -year term (2019 - 2021). MSA Board members also serve on the MMA Board of Directors. After interviewing all nominees, the MSA Nominating Committee will prepare a single slate of nominations for election during the MSA's Annual Business Meeting, to be held during the MMA Annual Meeting & Trade Show on Jan. 19, 2o18. Click here to view the nomination form! As a reminder, the association is hosting the third Regional Meeting on Tuesday, September 25 with Secretary Jay Ash in Danvers and you can still register online and the Selectmen's Fall Leadership Conference on Saturday, October 20 at the Devens Common Center at Ford Devens - online registration is open now! You can view the full agenda at mma.org. We hope you will be able to join us. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you! Best, Devon Devon Elizabeth Williams Member Services Coordinator Massachusetts Municipal Association E One Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110 Phone: 617- 426 -7272 x104 dwilliams @mma.org I @massmunicipal D =I' Saunders, Caitlin From: vtsdmailer@vt-s.net on behalf of Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailer @vt- s.net> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 9:20 AM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Second water meter (Sent by Richard Lombardo, lombardo.r @comcast.net) Hello Board of Selectmen, Richard Lombardo (lombardo.r @comcast.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.goy /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message: Good Morning Select Board, Several years ago I had a second water meter installed for outside watering only. In order to get approval for the second meter there were several requirements that had to be met. I had to submit a drawing prepared by an engineer showing how it was to be installed and show the placement of a back flow valve. Once I had the drawing completed it was submitted to the proper department for approval. Once the drawing was approved I then needed my plumber to apply for a plumbing permit. Once we got the permit the work began separating the main house from outside watering only. Once this work was completed it was inspected by the plumbing inspector. The work was signed off and the town installed our second water meter. This whole process cost us several thousand dollars once completed. It was not long after that we were told that we had to remove the second meter. How can you issue a permit and then decide we cant have it. It would be like issuing a permit for an addition and once completed say it has to come down. I would greatly appreciate the board reviewing the aforementioned and allow us to have the sewerage fee removed on the second meter which we still have. Thank you in advance for your response. Richard Lombardo 1 4 September 2018 Honorable Andrew Friedmann, Chair Honorable Barry Berman, Vice Chair Honorable Daniel Ensminger, Secretary Honorable Vanessa Alvarado, Member Honorable John Halsey, Member Town of Reading Office of the Board of Selectmen 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Selectmen: I am requesting your assistance regarding my recent inquiry into the Town of Reading employment process. ,..E 's Previously, I have directed letters to Mr. Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., Town Manager, Ms. Judith A. Perkins, Human Resources Director, and Mr. Matthew Kraunelis, Director of Administrative Services and Ombudsman. Copies of my letters are enclosed with this correspondence. The latest communication from Mr. Kraunelis indicates that he has no reason to continue addressing my inquiry and informs me that he has curtailed further action. As an Ombudsman, my understanding is that Mr. Kraunelis acts as an advocate to assist in resolving questions raised by the public. With that in mind, Mr. Kraunelis sent me a letter dated 30 August 2018 (copy enclosed) with the reply of "Accordingly, I see no reason to further address your inquiry." While his point that the Open Meeting Law does not apply to my request, the lack of any information related to my original query regarding the process leaves me disappointed and a bit frustrated. To be clear, I requested information regarding the applicant emplovment process while his reply addressed the Open Meeting Law. I may be in error, yet it seems like apples and oranges. If my request did not provide sufficient reason and clarity, or it was not in appropriate form or applicable purview, Mr. Kraunelis may have provided assistance by instructing me of other avenues that I should be pursuing for the information. For example, Mr. Kraunelis may have instructed me to advance a Massachusetts Freedom of Information Act request for public records, or directed me to seek further assistance from the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, or if appropriate, to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Even informing me that such requested information is not classified as public information, or is considered a trade secret, that would have provided me with a clear understanding that my inquiry had reached closure. As a summary of my related employment application interactions with the Town of Reading: after applying for the Assistant Town Treasurer position I was interviewed and told that (paraphrasing) I was a great fit for the job by the Town Treasurer, Town Accountant, and Human Resources Director, yet that I would be better suited for the Business Administrator position (posted at the time). On that recommendation, and being told that I had passed my first interview, I proceeded to withdraw my Assistant Treasurer application and apply for the Business Administrator (BA) position. No communications or interview for the BA position was received until notice that the job was filled. My next application was for Treasurer /Assistant Finance Director, and then my most recent application was for the position of Assistant Town Accountant. All positions were filled by other applicants. It is my interest to receive an explanation and understanding of how the selection and hiring process is conducted. I did not intend this inquiry to be anything other than a clarification as to the steps, screening, metrics, and procedures for determining applicant qualifications. If anything, it was an u - ortuni for' the Tuwii officials to explain how ei'nplu merit policies and roced -Lives operate in an i�N' Y I� N Y.__._.a.N., p. � p.. open manner to employ the best and most capable individuals to serve the needs of the community. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. cc: Matthew Kraunelis, Director of Administrative Services /Ombudsman Sincerely, Gregory Fx lannacci 30 Keene Street Stoneham, MA 02180 8 August 2018 Judith A. Perkins Human Resources Director Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Ms. Perkins: I received an email from Sean Donahue regarding the Assistant Town Accountant position informing me that "we have chosen to move forward with another candidate that more closely aligns with our needs." A further explanation is requested since this is now the third time your office has sent the same form message. Considering that: • In January 2015 when I applied for the Assistant Treasurer position, I was told that I was a (paraphrasing) great fit for the job as said by each of the Treasurer, Accountant, and HR Director. At the time, instead of filling the Assistant Treasurer position, I was told by the group that I would be a better fit for the Business Administrator position that was open. Being told by the HR Director that I had already passed my first interview, and that I would be called back, I then proceeded to withdraw my application for the Assistant Treasurer position. No further contact was received until I requested an update, only to receive notification that the Business Admin position had been filled. ® In April 2017, 1 applied for the Treasurer / Assistant Finance Director position. Considering my previous experience with qualifying for the Assistant Treasurer position it seemed a potential fit. Only the stock email "...we have chosen to move forward with another candidate that more closely aligns with our needs." was received. • In June 2018, 1 applied for the Assistant Town Accountant position; to receive the email "...we have chosen to move forward with another candidate that more closely aligns with our needs." In the interest of understanding the guidelines used to select candidates, or what information may not be present in my resume, I am requesting a copy of the metrics used by the town in selecting candidates. In point of fact, my background and practical experience matches all 14 of the Essential Functions and all 3 of the Minimum Qualifications as listed in the Assistant Town Accountant job posting. I would be interested to understand how my qualifications did accommodate the Assistant Treasurer position, but appear to be deficient for the other applied positions. There could be internal candidates that applied, yet there was no mention in the job postings of preference being given to current employees. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Gregory Fx lannacci 30 Keene Street, Stoneham, MA 02180 cc: Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., Town Manager Subject: Inquiry Perkins, Judi <jperkins @ci.reading.ma.us> Sent: Thu 8/16/2018 11:37 AM To: Gregory Fx <gregory @mindfusion.com> Cc: Kraunelis, Matthew mkraunelis @ci.reading.ma.us Good Afternoon Mr. lannacci, In response to your request for information regarding the positions you have applied for, I have researched the records and the information is below. In addition I am attaching a section from our Personnel Policies regarding the hiring process and internal promotions. Assistant Treasurer 7 Applicants Your application received November 23, 2015 - selected for interview 4 Interviews — Internal Promotion Granted Business Administrator 43 Applicants Your application received December 15, 2015 — not selected for interview 4 Interviews — External Candidate Selected Treasurer 24 Applicants Your application received April 7, 2017 — not selected for interview 6 Interviews — External Candidate Selected Assistant Town Accountant 17 Applicants Your application received July 9, 2018 — not selected for interview 4 Interviews — Internal Promotion Granted The following is from our Personnel Policies: ARTICLES: ADMINISTRATION This Article spells out the method of employing individuals to work for the Town, and deals with recruitment, screening, appointment, orientation and probation. These methods shall be adhered to, where applicable, unless there is a specific waiver from the Town Manager. It is the Town's intent that this recruitment, employment, promotion and transfer policy ensures that every reasonable effort is made to attract qualified persons and that selection criteria are job related. All positions that become available will be filled giving full weight to Equal Employment Opportunity and /or Affirmative Action goals established by the Town, and to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These policies shall be administered by the Town Manager. Department Heads are responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures as established and as directed by the Town Manager. Section 5.1 - Hiring: 5.1.1. - Verification - The Department that proposes to hire an employee must first verify with the Town Manager that: ♦ Funds for the position are provided in the approved budget. ♦ The position has been approved by the Town Manager and there is a need for the position. ♦ The position has been included in the Classification Plan. 0 5.1.2 -In -House Promotion - When a vacancy exists, the overall personnel requirements of the Department and the Town will be reviewed with the Town Manager who has the final and binding decision on promotions. Where possible, in- house promotion and /or transfers will be considered in order to fill a position so long as such a decision is in conformance with the Affirmative Action policy. Where two or more in -house candidates apply for a position, qualifications including seniority and length of service shall be considered. 5.1.3 - Posting and Advertising - The Human Resources Administrator in consultation with the Department Head shall prepare the posting and advertisement to solicit applicants. The Town will post the availability of a vacant position in each Town building and with each Department Head for a period of five (5) business days, and shall send a copy of the notice to each Town Union in order to provide the maximum opportunity for in -house promotion. Nothing shall prohibit the Town from advertising the position at the same time that it is posted. Advertisements shall be submitted by the Human Resources Administrator to the media best suited to attract qualified applicants adhering to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity goals. 5.1.4 - Application - Every applicant to be interviewed will be required to fill out, in its entirety, a Job Application Form approved by the Town Manager. Additional information may be submitted by an applicant for employment. To the extent possible, Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity data will be kept on each applicant by the interviewer and, upon completion of the hiring process, will be forwarded to the Personnel Division. 5.1.5 - Testing and Examination - Applicants may be required to submit to a test(s) and /or examination(s), and to submit other information which is reasonably related to the job for which the application is made. 5.1.6 - interview - As determined by the Town Manager, each Department Head, designee or the Human Resources Administrator shall interview applicants for the position within the Department. This process will involve looking only at the criteria important to filling the position. Unless instructed otherwise, the Department Head or the Human Resources Administrator will select not less than the top three (3) candidates for each position and will schedule interviews for these candidates with the Town Manager. The Department Head or the Human Resources Administrator will be responsible for checking references and discussing hours of work, benefits, the promotional opportunities, and other aspects of the position with the candidates. The final selection will be made by the Town Manager in consultation with the Department Head or the Human Resources Administrator. As part of the interview process, nothing shall preclude the use of a panel of interviewers for any position, including using a member or members of a Board, Committee or Commission on the panel. 5.1.7 - Appointment — After all reference and background checks are complete, appointments shall be made by the Town Manager who shall inform the successful candidate in writing of the appointment including the starting date, salary, benefits and union status. All appointments shall be subject to the satisfactory completion of a physical examination (including a drug and alcohol screen) by the Town Physician. Other tests and examinations that may be required, to the extent that they are related to the position being filled, include but are not limited to, psychiatric examinations, Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), as authorized by the Criminal Systems History Board, Sex Offender Record Information (SORT), and background checks. These tests and examinations will only be done after an offer of employment and the offer will be contingent upon successful completion of the tests and /or examinations. Appointments of employees shall be made from a selection of the best qualified applicants. Preference will be given to Town residents when equal qualifications are possessed by the applicants. Nothing herein shall be construed to permit hiring in conflict with the Town's Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity and ADA Policies. Regards, JuAar v Pe-4w Town of Reading Human Resources Director 781 - 942 -6633 20 August 2018 Judith A. Perkins Human Resources Director Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Ms. Perkins: I received your email regarding my request of 8 August 2018 for employment information [request and email enclosed]. While your time and effort to compile the response is appreciated, the details did not X ully address my inquiry. My query was for selection criteria and not applicant count when asking, "... I am requesting a copy of the metrics used by the town in selecting candidates." While your response explained the number of applicants, the manner by which the applicant was chosen, and the personnel policies, it was not specific about the selection process. An explanation of the process, details, and metrics regarding screening of the applicants was the crux of my prior request. Under the open meeting law (Ch. 30A, Secs. 18 -25), "preliminary screening" is "[t]he initial stage of screening applicants conducted by a committee or subcommittee of a public body solely for the purpose of providing to the public body a list of those applicants qualified for further consideration or interview." According to the supplied Town of Reading's Personnel Policy Section 5.1.6, "each Department Head, designee or the Human Resources Administrator shall interview applicants for the position within the Department ". This arrangement appears to constitute a "preliminary screening committee" and will be referenced as such in this correspondence. Reviewing Section 5.1.6, "The final selection will be made by the Town Manager in consultation with the Department Head or the Human Resources Administrator. ", and Section 5.1.7, "... appointments shall be made by the Town Manager..." both sections appear to constitute the Town Manager as a "parent public body" and will be referenced as such in this correspondence. From my past municipal experience and research, it appears that a preliminary screening committee is subject to the same requirements as other public bodies under the open meeting law, such as posting proper agendas, following requirements for open and executive sessions, and taking separate minutes. The preliminary screening can include multiple steps, may or may not involve candidate interviews, and ultimately results in the recommendation of candidates to the parent public body. [Gerstein, 405 Mass. at 471 -72.] The preliminary screening cannot result in the recommendation of a single candidate. [OML 2016 -105.] Instead, there must be at least two candidates that pass the screening and are passed on to the parent public body for further consideration. It is immaterial whether the decision is unanimous, or whether no the single candidate is the best, or only, qualified candidate, because there is a public right -to -know about the hiring process. Once preliminary screening has occurred, the next steps must be conducted by either the preliminary screening committee or the parent public body in open session. [OML 2012-111 (Weymouth School Committee).] Specifically, the open meeting law generally requires interviews, discussions of professional competence, and hiring decisions to occur in open session. [OML 2011 -34 (University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees).] In conducting the next phase(s) of a hiring process, there should be an agenda posting sufficient for advising the public of the action to be taken, such as conducting candidate interviews, discussion of the hiring, and /or a vote for hiring. [940 CMR 29.03(1)(b).] The posted agenda should list the topics — including those relating to the hiring process — that the chair of the public body reasonably anticipates will be discussed, with sufficient specificity so that the public will know what is to be discussed. [M.G.L. Ch. 30A, Sec. 20(b); 940 CMR 29.03(1)(b).] After the preliminary screening is completed, either the preliminary screening committee or the parent public body must approve minutes of meetings of the preliminary screening committee. [OML 2017 -34.] Minutes also must contain sufficient detail to allow a member of the public to have a clear awareness of what transpired. [M.G.L. Ch. 30A, Sec. 22(a); OML 2013 -64 (Concord Natural Resources Commission).] Such details should include a description of the questions posed to candidates and the answers provided by the candidates. [OML 2016 -105.] Minutes and documents used during open session are generally considered non - exempt, regardless of any public records law exemption that could otherwise apply (Ch. 30A, Sec. 22(e)). Materials used to deliberate hiring decisions, however, such as applications and supporting materials, are considered exempt from public disclosure, while resumes are considered non- exempt. Executive session minutes and the materials used in executive session may be kept secret until the lawful purposes for secrecy no longer exist (Ch. 30A, Sec. 22(f)). The purposes of secrecy may still exist even after the forwarding of candidates to the parent public body and dissolution of the preliminary screening committee, if the search process remains incomplete. [OML 2012 -11.] Once the search process has been completed and a finalist has accepted the position, the purpose for secrecy no longer exists. When the hiring process has concluded and there is a public records request for executive session minutes and materials, a common issue involves identifying applicants who did not pass preliminary screening. Exemption (c) to the public records law, which applies to "any other materials or data relating to a specifically named individual, the disclosure of which may constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy," may allow for redacting identifying information for candidates who were discussed in executive session and did not pass preliminary screening, such as those candidates whose current positions could be jeopardized, those candidates whose future employment could be adversely affected, and those candidates whose standing in the community could be harmed. [Attorney General v. School Committee of Northampton, 375 Mass. 127, 132 & n.5 (1978).] of Given this foundation of policies and guidelines, and to assist in clarifying my prior request, the following are some of the items concerning metrics, details, and process for which I request further information. • Who reviews the employment application information, and who makes the selection of applicants that will be advanced for an interview? • is there an employment applicant review form, such as the enclosed example form, that is used by a person or group that reviews the applications? • Are any quantitative metrics used in the selection of an applicant for interview? Are there any subjective metrics? In other words, are applicants matched against some numeric criteria, or is there a listing of "likes" that distinguishes applicants to be selected for interviews? If so, who determines what is "likable "? Is an applicant considered in terms of "suitable for the office environment "? if so, and an applicant is deemed "not suitable ", what standards are used to support the opinion? • How is an "over- qualified" applicant considered? Is an over - qualified person considered as to possible job satisfaction and the potential for not remaining in the job for an extended period of time causing the re- opening of the job? • Is the length of an applicant's career considered given that by having the dates of education and employment on the employment application form it is possible to calculate an estimate of an applicant's number of years? • Which office and person would be the administrator of the minutes and materials related to applicant screenings and employments? My interest in obtaining this information is to understand the selection criteria and the selection process as an aid in better formulating my future applications. While this request is likely one of many you receive, it is guided by this enduring quotation that I believe has much merit. "The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation's greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable... "John F. Kennedy, Amherst College, Oct 26, 1963. After four submissions, please understand that it is my intention to improve my standing for the next job opening since it should be obvious that I am interested in working with the Town of Reading. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. z F0 Sincerely, Gregory Fx lannacci 30 Keene Street, Stoneham, MA 02180 cc: Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., Town Manager Matthew Kraunelis, Director of Administrative Services /Ombudsman E Employment Applicant Review Position Title Assistant Town Accountant Applicant ID Applicant name is replaced with an ID code to avoid inference of identity traits. App #101 Application Received Date 06/30/2018 REQUIREMENTS Response Action Years Possible Points Point Award Internal Employee Application (Seniority/ Length of Service) Yes / No Select for Interview U.S. Citizenship or Work Permit Yes / No No = Disqualified Resident of Massachusetts Yes / No No = 0 pt Yes = 1 pt 1 Resident of municipality Yes / No No = 0 pt Yes = 2 pt 2 Specific Subject Matter Education Subject: Accounting, Finance (Select only one) High School 2 2 Bachelor degree 5 4 Master degree 7 6 Doctorate 10 8 Subject matter certifications (e.g., CPA) Yes / No No = 0 pt Yes = 2 pt 2 Municipal Experience (Years of Seniority or Length of Service) Based on years Max of 10 pts Specific Subject Matter Experience Function and Duty Categories (Enter years of experience and select the highest year entry for point award) Max of 5 pts in a SME category Accounting — General Ledger Based on years Grant Management Based on years Budget Management Based on years MUNIS Experience Based on years Fixed Asset Management Based on years References (Maximum of three) 1 point for each recommendation TOTAL POINTS Note: Application is pre- reviewed by a non - hiring staff member to apply an Applicant ID code and remove applicant's name and address from submitted information. Application information is then reviewed by a hiring manager to enter point awards. Process is similar to standard accounting control where one person issues a check and another person reconciles the bank account. Select at least three applicants to interview from internal candidates and those with highest scores. I � t Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 FAX: (781) 942 -9071 Email: mkraunelis @ci.reading.ma.us August 30, 2018 Mr. Gregory Fx Iannacci 30 Keene Street Stoneham, MA 02180 Dear Mr. lannacci: Administrative Services Department (781) 942 -6611 Thank you for your letter of August 20th and attachments. The screening of applicants for the positions you inquire about was not conducted by a committee or subcommittee of a public body. Therefore, the open meeting law does not apply. Accordingly, I see no reason to further address your inquiry. Very truly yours, r�k Matthew A. Kraunelis, Esq. Director of Administrative Services cc: Judi Perkins 1 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 4:09 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: statement /update Good afternoon, It is my duty to inform you that Police Chief Mark D. Segalla has taken a leave of absence from the Reading Police Department in response to a personal health matter. Chief Segalla will return to work at such time that he is able to do so, and he has my full support during this time. Deputy Chief David Clark has assumed the role of Interim Chief of Police. Thanks, Bob Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerna ci.readina.ma.us (P) 781 -942 -9043, (F) 781 -942 -9037 www.readinama.gov Town Hall Hours: M,W,Th: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;T: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; CLOSED Friday