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2018-05-01 SB Packet
Town of Reading b Meeting Posting with Agendas Ci IVY 1K INCO R a . i Board - Committee - Commission - Council: 291B APR 26 PM 3: 07 Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -05 -01 Time: 7:00 PM Building: Reading Town Hall Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Address: 16 Lowell Street Agenda: Purpose: General Business Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Acting Chair Barry Berman Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted in typed format; handwritten notices will not be accepted. Topics of Discussion: 1) Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment C. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation a. Joshua Eaton 4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Lincoln/ Prescott Street 40B Update b. Affordable Housing Update/ joint meeting with Reading Housing Authority C. VASC d. Change of Beneficial Interest — Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza 6) Approval of Minutes a. March 27, 2018 b. April 12, 2018 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Draft Neighborhood Development Liaison Policy b. Email from Verizon FiOS, re: programming change C. Cultural Council 2018 Grantees d. Correspondence from Anne Coneeney, re: Open Drain Pipe e. Correspondence from Frank & Diane Massiglia, re: Thank you f. Email from Jamie Hale, re: Mental Health Week 7:20 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page I 1 OP RFq��� c Office of the Town Manager M � �0 16 Lowell Street oJ63gP NCORp0�P� Reading, MA 01867 To: Select Board (pending AG approval) From: Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Date: March 7, 2018 781 - 942 -9043 town managergci.reading. ma. us www.readingma.gov /town - manager RE: Agenda for May 1St As a reminder, next week Dan Ensminger has office hours at Town Hall 6:30pm. I'd prefer to show you the first agenda item, and ask you to sign a proclamation. It's a really very nice story coming out of Joshua Eaton O. Next, the developer of the Reading Village 4013,project will be in. A Board member raised some concerns two weeks ago, and we have included all correspondence and information in your packet. Some of this is new late last week. Assistant Town Manager Delios will be in to lead a discussion on Affordable Housing. Some of this information may be new for your newest members as the Housing Authority has not met jointly with the Board in a while, and a repeat of old information to other Board members. I think the important part is moving forward, and what problems need solutions. VASC members Berman and Ensminger will then lead a discussion of the Volunteer appointment process. The three of us have had some good exchanges of ideas, leading to short -term actions needed and then longer -term ideas to kick around. Lastly we will.have a change of beneficial interest for the Board. The Board of Health changed their meeting with you to discuss pesticides until later in June, because BOH Chair Costigan was unavailable next week. face our Dan Ens finger 6:30 Joshua Eaton proclamation LeLacheur 7:20 Reading Village 40B Berman 7:30 Affordable Housing update - joint meeting with Reading Housing Authority Delios 8:00 Volunteer Appointment SubCommittee (VASC) Berman 9:00 Change of Benificial Interest - Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza LeLacheur 9:30 Office Hour JAndrew Friedmann 6:30 Fire Fighter Badge Pinning Burns/ Jackson 7:20 Police Week Proclamation Se�alla 7:25 Office Hour Vanessa Alvarado 6:30 Mandarin Reading proclamation LeLacheur 7:20 HEARING Approve FY19 Classification Plan LeLacheur 7:30 EXECUTIVE To discuss strategy with respect to collective SESSION bargaining LeLacheur Board Reorganization LeLacheur 7:00 Appoint Boards & Committees VASC 7:30 Discuss Water Tank/Cell Tower Percival Pesticides - ,joint meeting with Board of Health Delios Office Hour I Barry Berman 6:30 Town Manager Goals - Final FY18 update LeLacheur Town Manager Goals - FY19 Board I I Town Manager Evaluation process 111oard Preview Warrant for November Town MeetinL, ILeLacheur Close Warrant for November Town Meeting JLeLacheur V 4� O C� ME J 14 FV y I LF4 W-0 U N N O U N U � � o � � O O ,� • C sno �U{ U � N 0 M O N N U v a� 0 e� 0 b10 Q 00 0 N 4-i 0 44 IN C� Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. ............................... 2.0 GENERAL DISPOSAL SITE INFORMATION .................................. ............................... 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION............ 4.0 SITE INVESTIGATION HISTORY ................................ ............................... 2 ................................ ............................... 2 4.1 Phase I ESA — 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street (October 2014) ....................... 2 4.2 Phase II ESA — 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street (October 2014) ..................... 3 4.3 Phase I ESA & Subsurface Investigation — 31 -35 Lincoln Street (October 2016) .............. 4 4.4 Limited Removal Action (LRA) — 31 -35 Lincoln Street (September 2017) ........................ 5 4.5 Pre -RAM Soil Characterization ............................................................ ............................... 6 4.5.1 March 6, 2018 ........................................................................................ ............................... 6 4.5.2 April 16, 2018 ........................................................................................ ............................... 7 5.0 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE PLAN .................................... ............................... 7 5.1 Obj ective ................................................................................................ ............................... 7 5.2 Scope of Work ......... ............................... 5.3 Proposed Schedule ... ............................... 5.4 Permits, Approvals, Notifications .......... 5.5 Control Measures ..... ............................... 5.6 Health and Safety .... ............................... ................................. ............................... 7 .... ............................... 8 .... ............................... 8 .... ............................... 8 50� Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 Appendix Appendix A Figures • Figure 1: 2014 Site Plan w/ Boring Location • Figure 2: 2016 Site Plan w/ Boring Location • Figure 3: 2017 LRA Excavation Location • Figure 4: 2018 RAM Sampling Grid Appendix B Tables Table 1: 2014 Phase II Soil Analytical Results Table 2: 2017 & 2018 Soil Disposal Characterization Table 3: Construction Worker — Soil Exposure Point Concentration & Risk Appendix C Analytical Data Appendix D Letters of Public Notification Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0440 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) has prepared the following Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan for the excavation and off -site disposal of soil contaminated with hazardous material from the properties located at 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street (Figures 1, 2 and 3). This RAM Plan is being electronically filed with a RAM Transmittal Form (BWSC -106) to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) under a separate cover. 2.0 GENERAL DISPOSAL SITE INFORMATION Site Owner: MKM Reading, LLC 109 Oak Street, Suite G20 Newton, MA 02464 (Phone) (617) 928 -1900 Disposal Site Address: Release Tracking Number(s). Geographic Location: Licensed Site Professional (LSP) 31 -35 Lincoln Street; 39 -41 Lincoln Street; & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 Northing: 4709597 Easting: 326861 Bruce Hoskins LSP No. 7109 FSL Associates, Inc. 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Boston, MA 02135 617- 232 -0001 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The Site is situated south of the intersection of Prescott Street and Lincoln Street in a mixed commercial and residential district in Reading, Massachusetts. 31 -35 Lincoln Street is a 6,278 sq -ft lot that is improved with an asphalt paved parking lot. There was a former one -story commercial building that was demolished in March 2018. 31 -35 Lincoln Street has historically been used as a machine shop, metallic brush shop, bicycle repair shop, and an auto supply shop that previously had a gasoline filling station with USTs. 39 -41 Lincoln Street is a 10,029 sq -ft lot improved with an asphalt paved parking lot. There was a former building at 39 -41 Lincoln Street that was comprised of a concrete foundation and aluminum siding exterior. This building was demolished in March 2018. 39 -41 Lincoln Street was used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, and retail. 2 -12 Prescott Street is a 26,035 sq -ft lot improved with an asphalt paved parking. There was a former building at 2 -12 Prescott Street that was comprised of a concrete foundation and clapboard siding exterior. This building was demolished in March 2018. 2 -12 Prescott Street was used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, printing, and storage. According to the Sanborn maps and reviewed Town of Reading Engineering Department grid plans, a second building at 2 -12 Prescott Street was taken down between 1918 and 1921. This building was a two -story building that was connected by catwalk to the existing structure, and was used as a shipping room and glass room on the first floor, and as a painting storage room on the second floor. To the northeast on the opposite side of Lincoln Street is the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Reading Commuter Rail Station. Surrounding the northwestern, western and southern property boundaries are residential properties. 4.0 SITE INVESTIGATION HISTORY 4.1 Phase I ESA — 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street (October 2014) In October 2014, FSL completed a Phase I ESA for 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street in accordance with to ASTM E 1527 -05. The property at 39 Lincoln Street was vacant at the time of the report, while the tenants at 2 -12 Prescott Street included Doucette Moving & Storage, Grasshopper Irrigation, and Dave's Home Service. FSL concluded that based on the facts that: there was a permitted UST on the subject site that was removed from a suspected location at 2 -12 Prescott Street; a structure was demolished without records of permits at 2 -12 Prescott Street; 31 -35 Lincoln Street was identified to have been a gasoline filling station with inconsistent tank records; and the proximity of a dry- cleaning facility that had a known history of using Perchloroethylene, FSL recommended conducting a subsurface investigation including soil and groundwater sampling to determine if there was any release associated with the identified recognized environmental conditions. 2 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 4.2 Phase II ESA — 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street (October 2014) On October 20, 2014, FSL personnel supervised drilling operations performed by Eastern Analytical, Inc. of Concord, NH, utilizing a track mounted geoprobe providing direct push to conduct test soil borings and the installation of groundwater monitoring wells. A total of seven (7) soil borings were advanced at the Site, which were identified as FSL -1, FSL -2, FSL -3, FSL -4, FSL - 5, FSL -6, and FSL -7. One (1) inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells were installed in advanced soil borings FSL -1, FSL -2, FSL -3 and FSL -6. These wells were identified as FSL-MW 1, FSL -MW2, FSL -MW3 and FSL -MW4 respectively. Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix A for locations of 2014 soil borings. FSL conducted field screening for total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at five (5) foot intervals using a Photovac 2020 Photoionization Detector (PID), calibrated to a span gas cylinder containing 100 parts per million (ppm) Isobutylene. Field screening was carried out in accordance with the Massachusetts jar headspace analytical procedure. Field screening levels were below the instrument detection limit (BDL). FSL noted that they did not observe any visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination in any of the seven (7) soil borings at the depths of which ranged from 0 feet to 15 feet below the ground surface (bgs). On October 20, 2014, FSL relinquished soil samples to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 metals; volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons /polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPH /PAH). The soil samples from FSL -1 (0 -5 ft range bgs), FSL -2 (0 -5 ft range bgs) and FSL -4 (0 -5 ft range bgs) contained levels of Lead at 220, 260 and 550 ppm, respectively, all above the applicable reportable concentration. The soil sample from FSL -4 (0 -5 ft bgs range) also contained levels of Arsenic at 24 ppm, above the applicable reportable concentration. VPH and EPH /PAH analytes were detected below the applicable reportable concentrations in soil. On October 23, 2014, FSL personnel purged monitoring wells FSL -MW 1, FSL -MW2, FSL -MW3, and FSL -MW4 utilizing low flow peristaltic pump techniques prior to sampling. Each well was purged a minimum of three (3) well volumes, after which time groundwater samples were collected from each well using dedicated tubing. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 7.17 to 8.60 feet below grade. FSL relinquished the groundwater samples to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for VOCs; RCRA 8 metals; VPH; and EPH /PAH. VOC, VPH, EPH and PAH fractions were detected below the laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples. RCRA 8 Metals were not detected above laboratory limits with the exception of arsenic and barium, which were detected at maximum concentrations of 15 parts per billion (ppb) and 174 ppb, respectively, below their applicable reportable concentrations. FSL recommended that the reportable concentrations of arsenic and lead in Site soils be reported to MassDEP in accordance with the 120 -day notification requirements of the MCP as per 310 CMR 40.0315. 2014 soil analytical results are summarized in Table 1 located in Appendix B. 3 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 4.3 Phase I ESA & Subsurface Investigation — 31 -35 Lincoln Street (October 2016) In October 2016, FSL completed a Phase I ESA and Subsurface Investigation for 31 -35 Lincoln Street in accordance with to ASTM E 1527 -13. The parcel had been used as an auto repair shop since circa 1948, during which time (up until at least 1964) the parcel was also operated as a gasoline filling station. Prior to 1948, the parcel was used either exclusively or mixed -use as a machine shop and metallic brush shop (dating back to 1885), bicycle repair and plumbing shop, and automobile supply shop. Several USTs used for the storage of gasoline were formerly located to the northeast of the parcel building. Several MADEP disposal sites, state hazardous waste generators, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) generators, drycleaners, and historic auto stations were identified within a 1/3 -mile radius of the Site. Given the presence of these sites, in conjunction with current and former Site use, FSL proceeded to conduct an intrusive subsurface investigation on the Site. On June 24, 2016, FSL oversaw drilling operations conducted by Lake Shore Environmental, LLC, of Malden, MA. Drilling operations were conducted using a truck - mounted geoprobeTM. Soil borings B -1 through B -5 were advanced to the northeast of the Site building in the vicinity of the former USTs. Soil boring B -6 was advanced to the northwest of soil borings B -1 through B -5 and was constructed into a groundwater monitoring well (MW -1). Soil borings B -7 and B -8 were advanced approximately in the northwest corner of the Property near the intersection of Lincoln Street and Prescott Street. Soil boring B -9 was installed at the entrance to and in between the vehicle repair bays of the garage and constructed into a groundwater monitoring well (MW -2). Soil boring B -10 was advanced in the western portion of the Site where several unused vehicles had been parked prior to the start of the investigation. Refer to Figure 2 in Appendix A for approximate 2016 soil boring locations. FSL personnel field screened all encountered soils with a Minirae 3000 PID. Field screening was carried out in accordance with the Massachusetts jar headspace analytical procedure. The PID did not register any readings above the instrument's detection limit with the exception of. soil from the 0 -4 feet bgs interval at soil boring B -10 (registered at 0.4 ppm). FSL relinquished a soil sample from B -10, 04' to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI for analysis of VPH, EPH /PAH, VOCs, and RCRA 8 metals. No VPH, EPH /PAH, or VOC constituents were detected in soil sample B -10, 04' with the exception of: a trace concentration of EPH constituent C19 -06 aliphatics that was detected below the applicable reportable concentration. Heavy metals arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, and mercury were also detected, all of which were detected below their applicable reportable concentrations. Lead was detected at a concentration of 1,500 ppm, above the reportable concentration (200 ppm). FSL also relinquished a sample of residual sludge from the garage floor drain sump pit (garage floor drain sample) to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI for analysis of VPH, EPH /PAH, VOCs, and RCRA 8 metals. VPH constituent C9 -C12 aliphatics was detected in the garage floor drain sample below the applicable reportable concentration. All other VPH constituents were below laboratory detection limts. EPH/PAH constituents C9 -C18 aliphatics (1,100 ppm), C19 -C36 aliphatics (7,300 ppm), CI I -C22 aromatics (1,700 ppm) and benzo(a)pyrene (3.4 ppm) were detected above their 4 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 applicable reportable concentrations in the garage floor drain sample. Heavy metals chromium (630 ppm) and lead (220 ppm) were detected above their respective reportable concentrations in the garage floor drain sample. All other analytes were detected below applicable reportable concentrations. On June 29, 2016 and July 6, 2016, FSL personnel purged groundwater monitoring wells MW -1 and MW -2 utilizing low -flow peristaltic pumping techniques. A total of at least three (3) well volumes were purged from each well during each sampling event, after which time dedicated tubing was used to collect groundwater samples from each well. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 7.75 to 8.00 feet bgs. Groundwater samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. to be analyzed for VPH, VOCs, and EPH /PAH. No VPH, EPH /PAH, or VOC constituents were detected in the groundwater samples above the laboratory detection limits. FSL concluded that their Phase I ESA and Subsurface Investigation revealed recognized environmental conditions at 31 -35 Lincoln Street in the form of reportable concentrations of lead detected in parcel soil. The reportable concentration of lead detected in soil boring B -10 was likely attributable to the urban fill and coal ash identified in the sample. According to 310 CMR 40.0317(9) releases of oil and /or hazardous material related to coal or coal ash are exempt from the notification requirements set forth in 310 CMR 40.0300. Therefore, FSL believed that the reportable concentration of lead detected in soil boring B -10 did not need to be reported. The reportable concentrations detected in the garage floor drain sample were likely attributable to historic Site uses, and did not represent a release to the environment. Therefore, the petroleum constituents and heavy metals chromium and lead detected in the garage floor drain sample did not need to be reported. The garage floor drain residual sludge is outside the Scope of Work (SOW) of this RAM Plan, and will be managed as a separate waste stream in accordance to all local, state and federal regulations. Refer to section 5.6 — Health & Safety for further discussion on the garage floor drain residual sludge handling and management. 4.4 Limited Removal Action (LRA) — 31 -35 Lincoln Street (September 2017) On August 23, 2017, FSL oversaw the excavation of approximately 15 tons of lead - impacted soil from the Site parcel. During excavation, FSL observed historic urban fill sand and gravel with some coal ash and red clay bricks in the excavation pit. The excavated soils were stockpiled for soil characterization prior to disposal. In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030, the lead - impacted soil was transported under Bill Of Lading (BOL) by Brighter Horizons Environmental, Inc. of Ayer, Massachusetts, to the Four Hills Landfill in Nashua, New Hampshire. FSL collected confirmatory samples of soils from each wall and the bottom of the excavation pit and submitted them to RI Analytical, Inc. to determine the lead- impacted soil had been removed. Lead was detected in each soil sample in a concentration range of 3.3 ppm to 580 ppm. Due to the observed historic fill with coal ash in the excavation pit, FSL believed that, in accordance 310 CMR 40.03 17(9), the levels of lead detected in the confirmatory samples were below the reportable concentration of lead in background fill material (600pm). Furthermore, according to 310 CMR 40.0318, up to 20 cubic yards of soil impacted with oil and hazardous materials could be removed under a Limited Removal Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 Action (LRA) without notification to MADEP. Therefore, LRA activities did not need to be reported to the MADEP. Refer to Figure 3 in Appendix A for approximate LRA excavation and confirmatory sampling locations. LRA confirmatory analytical results are summarized in Table 2 located in Appendix B. 4.5 Pre -RAM Soil Characterization 4.5.1 March 6, 2018 On March 6, 2018, FSL marked out a sampling grid at the Site prior to RAM activities. The sampling grid marked the approximate locations of test pits, identified as TP -1 through TP -9, in order to characterize the Site soil for proper disposal procedures. Refer to Figure 4 — RAM Sampling Grid for approximate locations of test pits TP -I through TP -9. FSL then oversaw the excavation of test pits TP -2 through TP -9 beneath the asphalt parking area along the southern portion of the Site. Test pits were excavated by Bald Hill Builders (Bald Hill) of Walpole, MA. Test pits were advanced to depth ranges of 6' -8- bgs. The subsurface profile within the proposed excavation area consisted of historic urban fill sand and gravel with some coal ash and red clay brinks in the approximate 0 -3' bgs range, and natural sand in the approximate 3 -8' range. FSL conducted field screening for total VOCs at test pit soil stockpiles using a PhoCheck TIGER PID, calibrated to a span gas cylinder containing 100 parts per million (ppm) Isobutylene. Field screening was carried out in accordance with the Massachusetts jar headspace analytical procedure. Due to Site conditions, field screening was conducted at the FSL office. Field screening levels ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 ppm. FSL noted that they did not observe any visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination in any of the field screening samples. During the soil excavation, FSL collected four (4) composite soil samples from test pit stockpiles: CM- 1 (from TP -2 and TP -5); CM -2 (from TP -3 and TP -6); CM -3 (from TP -4 and TP -7); and CM -4 (from TP -8 and TP -9). The composite soil samples were submitted to RI Analytical, Inc. for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), VOCs, semi - volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), MCP 14 metals, waste characteristics and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for the heavy metal lead. TPH was detected in all four samples at a concentration range of 30 to 340 parts per million (ppm), below the COMM -97 -001 requirements. All VOC compounds were below laboratory detection limits, except for naphthalene which was only detected in soil sample CM -4 at a concentration of 0.0282 ppm, below the COMM -97 -001 requirements. SVOCs anthracene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, dibenzofuran, fluoranthene, fluorene, indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and naphthalene were all detected below their applicable COMM- 97 -001 requirements. PCBs were not detected in either of the soil samples. Waste characteristic analytical results were below their applicable COMM -97 -001 requirements. MCP 14 metals arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, vanadium, and zinc were detected in all four (4) composite soil samples at varying concentrations; however, all were below their COMM- 97 -001 requirements. TCLP results for lead were below the COMM -97 -001 requirements. Pre -RAM soil characterization analytical results are summarized in Table 2 located in Appendix B Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 4.5.2 Future Pre -RAM Soil Characterization On April 17, 2018, FSL will continue to mark out a sampling grid at the Site prior to RAM activities. The sampling grid marked the approximate locations of test pits, identified as TP -10 through TP -20, in order to further characterize the Site soil for proper disposal procedures. Refer to Figure 4 — RAM Sampling Grid for proposed locations of test pits TP -10 through TP -20. During the soil excavation, FSL will collect six (6) composite soil samples from test pit stockpiles for analysis of TPH, VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, MCP 14 metals, soil characteristics and TCLP for the heavy metal lead. An Amended - RAM Plan will subsequently be submitted to the MADEP to detail the analytical results and findings from the April 17, 2018 sampling event. 5.0 RELEASE ABATEMENT MEASURE PLAN 5.1 Objective The objectives of this RAM Plan are to perform excavation of soil from the entire project area depicted on Figure 3. This soil is being removed as part of construction activities for a 68 -unit residential apartment building with the first -floor level for vehicle parking and mechanical storage; therefore, this RAM is being conducted for construction purposes, not remediation purposes. 5.2 Scope of Work FSL anticipates that soil we be excavated from the entire project area. Following excavation, soil samples will be collected from the bottom and sidewalls of the area of excavation to characterize soil remaining on and surrounding the site. Due to the size of the site and constraints limiting movement of construction vehicles and equipment, soil is being removed from this site in a "load- and -go" type of effort. However, in the event that soil will be temporarily stockpiled on -site prior to off -site disposal, the stockpiles will be covered with plastic sheeting until removal. Additionally, placement of hay bales around the stockpiles and other measures will be used to prevent hydrologic transport. FSL estimates that 2,500 -3,000 cubic yards of soil will be removed as part of this RAM. All soil removed as part of this RAM will be handled in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0440 of the MCP and with the receiving facility's soil receipt requirements. Groundwater is not anticipated to be encountered during the RAM. However, in the event that groundwater is encountered during excavation activities, groundwater will be pumped into fractionation tanks until such time that groundwater can be tested and discharged according to applicable regulations governing groundwater dewatering and discharge. 5.3 Proposed Schedule Due to the size of the site and constraints that provide limited room for movement of construction vehicles and equipment, tri -axle trucks will be used to haul soil from the site. Therefore, work is expected to extend from time of approval of this RAM to approximately one (1) month until Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 completion of site work. A RAM Status report will be filed within 120 days of this RAM Plan in the event that a RAM Completion report is not submitted prior to the 120 days. 5.4 Permits, Approvals, Notifications Written notice of this RAM Plan will be sent to the Town of Reading in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1403(3)(d)(2). Documentation of these notifications will be included in the completion report. Remediation wastes generated during the RAM will be managed under a Bill of Lading (BOL), which will be signed by the LSP- of- Record. 5.5 Control Measures Chain link fencing surrounds the site to the southeast along Lincoln Street and Prescott Street, northeast, northwest, and southwest as appropriate (the existing chain link fence along the southern property boundary creates a barrier along the majority of the southern boundary). In the event that soil will be temporarily stockpiled on -site prior to off -site disposal, the stockpiles will be covered with plastic sheeting until removal. Additionally, placement of hay bales around the stockpiles and other measures will be used to prevent hydrologic transport. 5.6 Health and Safety RAM activities will be performed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.65. No site - specific health and safety plan is necessary to support the RAM activities. There is no significant risk for the construction worker based on a Method 3 risk characterization using the MADEP 2012 shortforms for the construction worker. For this risk assessment, the maximum site concentrations of all compounds above reportable concentrations were used to be conservative. The results of the shortform assessment are included in Table 3 located in Appendix B. The total hazard index was calculated at 0.12 and the cancer risk was at 4.7E -08, which are below the significant risk thresholds. The garage floor drain residual sludge is outside the SOW of this RAM Plan, and will be managed as a separate waste stream in accordance to all local, state and federal regulations. A sample will be collected from the garage floor drain residual sludge to be analyzed for further characterization for proper disposal. Any personnel that will be handling and /or managing this residual sludge will don all necessary personal protective equipment to prevent dermal contact (i.e. nitrile gloves, boots, etc.). 8 Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 APPENDIX A FIGURES • Figure 1: 2014 Site Plan w/ Boring Location • Figure 2: 2017 Site Plan w/ Boring Location • Figure 3: 2017 LRA Excavation Location • Figure 4: 2018 RAM Sampling Grid V) c O 4J m U O dA C O CO O In N c Q � U d N 4 N CL d' 2 O N r-I N 3 bA X r € n P _j r aka �� f i �� a , n� � �4I •. � rp 'E. �r� � 4 I.�1 sK��r �. ,� #•g 0 P • T, . M LL 1 E LL LL IN a '• Ell LL LL Ff ` v � t pa• J (n.. LL 4A= 111 N Fea ' LL apt a� ' LL LL YYY as � Pl -i T r. Town of Reading, MA Figure 2 - 2016 Site Plan w/ Boring Locations �•, e • s'o 16368 2.92 Acres . 3 Q 0 i own oT Keziaing, MA .490 k"A 0 70" '5 Property Information Property 016.0-0000-0225.0 ID Location 31 LINCOLN ST Owner MKM Reading, LLC. 2017 LRA Exc. Area RAM Project Area Date: 04/12/2018 Prepared by: AJP Checked by: RT OD CL L W .= CLI N i D i n L- rV • t 'r r Cl- CL 00 7 O �y v , ' 01 I �J ^, Ln ( >w ^^ LL 0- J t 00 C6 W ,-o-i W S 4 M m (,) i p ��i CL _N W p i� _ t i `. if! t. a//�� //�� �� W U J" � I i f �. . E Co p W .a.: C) L_... __ J L W ;i ....... ___ ._..... :f CL H 4-,qq fu CO I� O t ' ^ LI I I I I II 1 I If I E,�_ i I I ` i • J CM- V Q O.. _. L W .= CLI N i D i n L- rV • t Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 APPENDIX B TABLES — Table 1: 2014 Phase 11 Soil Analytical Results — Table 2: 2017 & 2018 Soil Disposal Characterization — Table 3: Construction Worker — Soil Exposure Point Concentration & Risk o � 0 � N 1 � p N d' � � t O O O �r N � t O O N t ti p d' t O o N t t O € W t y o N e v O O U ti {r d• CD N N N o y a�ypNQ iJ b cz A ,4, N d Q ) a N N Q � O ..0) U M � C ay�a N E N � V b E E ti N '-• C ro 6 N 0 M N b .c>' d d C C C v C �i Ci v~ O bL -. 7 O L• 7 a •C U U V U V V N O N N N y y N y 7 E; 0 •O u a. j N O L d iC d to O� Or :: O� H F, A U U= .0 G C >. W .0 C ❑❑ •p d N t0 tad d N �• U U ::: U V Li O. m U 0 N N d N M O N N � N f m 6 O c; O O C d. d. V � O O C M M d N N u fi' C N N > C C H !V!//�� V A f+ c m v D u X v � � H v � H O o s s Z F F O o II II Z Z b � b Q N 6 z z zo N i Z z Z M to N RO O O V V V V O N N N N N N d' 't d' d; d• d' d' d_ er d' d' d• d; d; d' d; ' 'y d' N A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G O O C O ^ ^ O vI 'y . =. V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V O O p V A n n N H N M O N r r r i r r ' 'y 1v N V V V V V V V V V V V V h h .-i p .ti H O V V A M N d: d• d. d: d' m .p .ti r r-i .-i .ti ri N N .-� y 0 0 v M o sij M N M �0 VI ti M N 0 r r i r i i i i i r r r r i r i i r ::. O m 0 r rl W N N d' ' N a r r i i r i i i r i r r r i r r i i t N O M N O O C5 N t: ri t '-i 1 � � ti N 0 0 O O d' 0 cc 0 0 0 0 d' l- O c o o t\ 1 T 1 '0000000000 o 0 0 C o 000000000000000t�o duo ' '00000000 C O C C O O rl '-1 M M M v1 M M M N NI M M M M M '� p .ti N 0 0 0 O d• 0 0 0 O O O d' r .-I W o 0 0 0 0 l� O h O N t\ t\ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N r O O C O N [il z F F v N � � w SRI . 41. 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X.,bA N, G O O c v •+? �`: � alf ., C_ € a >, E E� �c v v v:a a nNC c c y 5 9 c .•p � da N L d v v Q O ..] •° s n E N vvi y � p o O O N O O o C N s P 3 vim, ° o45 O O u O ay.�pvOi 7 z H C C z > > Q Z c q > " > "z'z°zzx z° N O C O E2 N i O LL C O L O O W W fl N V - II I N N u u A A U = J W N 3 O T C A d d O Y e 0 0 M W N N- l0 c E N N o. i0 E N t F- 0 N O. O E r O LLJ t 41 � l0 10 N �U�co Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 APPENDIX C ANALYTICAL DATA ML ANALYTICAL Specialists In Environmental Services CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 DESCRIPTION: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Date Received: Date Reported: P.O. #: Work Order #: Page 1 of 16 10/23/14 10/30/14 1410 -23954 Subject sample(s) has/have been analyzed by our Warwick, R.I. laboratory with the attached results. Reference: All parameters were analyzed by U.S. EPA and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) approved methodologies where applicable. The specific methodologies are listed in the methods column of the Certificate of Analysis. Data qualifiers (if present) are explained in full at the end of a given sample's analytical results Certification #: RI LAI00033, MA M- RI015, CT PH -0508, ME RI00015 NH 2537, NY 11726 This Certificate represents all data associated with the referenced work order and is paginated for completeness. The complete Certificate includes one attachment; the original Chain of Custody. If you have any questions regarding this work, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our customer service department. Approved by: Data Reporting enc: Chain of Custody 41 Illinois Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888 131 Coolidge Street, Suite 105, Hudson, MA 01749 wwwAanalyticai.com Phone: 401.737.8500 Fax: 401.738.1970 Phone:.978.568.0041 Fax: 978.568.0078 Customer Name : FSL Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 16 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 )ry Name: R.I. Analytical Laboratories Work Order #: 1410 -23954 / Location: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Form provides certifications for the following data set: list Laboratory Sample ID Number(s): 1410- 23954 -001 through 1410- 23954 -008 RTN : �r %:' r "'-•� "� '� i,� t �r � R, �. �° .. r� �' _� � � r�� �� f�.. -z s _. -ts .��„� � � v'�„ ,� � ����i, a� � f s �- 2. �' 3< 8260 VOC CAM II A ❑ 7470/7471 Hg CAM III B MassDEP VPH CAM IV A ® 8081 Pesticides CAM V B ❑ 7196 Hex Cr CAM VI B ❑ MassDEP APH CAM IX A ❑ 8270 SVOC CAM II B ❑ 6010 Metals 7010 Metals MassDEP EPH 118151 CAM III C U 11CAM N B ® Metals 8082 PCB Herbicides CAM V C ❑ 9014 Total Cyanide 8330 Explosives ICAMVIII A ❑ 6860 Perchlorate TO -15 VOC CAM IX B ❑ CAM III A 16020 CAM III D ❑ CAM V A ❑ /PAC CAM VIA ❑ CAM V 111 B� Guidelines for the Aquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? Affirmative responses to Questions A through F are required for Presumptive Certainty" status XYes 13 No )6es 0 No ,<Yes C3 No >CYes t.3 No ❑ Yes 17 No 0 Yes 13 No 'KYes O No —woj~#,wo au wwwauvrra w,n anu r vwrvw arm nryunwu rur r-rmaumpt►vm tourtarnty- Status G I Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? Xes 13 No t Date user Note: Data that achieve 'Presumptive Certainty" status may not necessarily meet the date usab /nty and representeaveness requirements described in — H Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain -of Custody, properly preserved (including A temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared/analyzed within method holding times? Were the analytical methods(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) followed? B Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) implemented for all C identified performance standard non - conformances? Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM V11 A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control D Guidelines for the Aquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? a. VPH, EPH, and APH Methods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s) ? (Refer to the individual E method(s) for a list of significant modifications). b. APH and TO -15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non - conformances identified and evaluated in a laboratory narrative F (includine all "No" responses to Ouestions A thmueh E)? XYes 13 No )6es 0 No ,<Yes C3 No >CYes t.3 No ❑ Yes 17 No 0 Yes 13 No 'KYes O No —woj~#,wo au wwwauvrra w,n anu r vwrvw arm nryunwu rur r-rmaumpt►vm tourtarnty- Status G I Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? Xes 13 No t Date user Note: Data that achieve 'Presumptive Certainty" status may not necessarily meet the date usab /nty and representeaveness requirements described in — H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? ❑ Yes <No O Yes )Voo t - An negative responses must be addressed in an attached laboratory narrative. 1, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal Inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained In this analytical report Is, to the best of my knowledge and ballet Is accurate and coma /ete. A Signature Printed Name: Eric H. Position: Laboratory Director Date: 1 D- 7z)- 1 1-1 Case Narrative Page 3 of 16 Date: 10/30/2014 FSLAssociates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 Project: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Work Order #: 1410 -23954 All QA/QC procedures required by the EPH Method were followed. All performance /acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures were achieved or otherwise stated in this case narrative. A fractionation check was performed on the silica gel lot associated with this sample.and found to pass the method. criteria unless otherwise stated here. The data reported for this sample was not corrected for instrument/solvent baseline effects. No significant modifications were made to the EPH Method. All QA/QC procedures required by the VPH Method were followed. All Performance /Acceptance Standards for the required QA/QC procedures were achieved or otherwise stated. No significant modifications were made to the VPH Method. The following exceptions were noted for this Work Order: Total Metals by 6010 Question H - No MS/MSD requested for Soil/Sediment sample in this work order. Question I - Per the client's request, only a subset of the MCP analyte list for SW -846 Method 6010 Total Metals is reported. There were no additional exceptions or analytical issues to discuss concerning the testing requirements for the project. R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Page 4 of 16 Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 001 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-1, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 12 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Barium 200 0.60 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Cadmium 1.5 0.30 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Chromium 12 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Lead 220 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Mercury 0.18 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 12:59 JRW Selenium <6.0 6.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Silver 4.7 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW 1CP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC Moisture 18.6 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Sample # 002 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -2, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 10 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Barium 87 0.61 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Cadmium 1.5 0.30 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Chromium 58 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Lead 260 2.4 mg/kg dry SW-846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Mercury 4.1 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 14:10 JRW Selenium <6.1 6.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Silver 2.3 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW ICP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC Moisture 19.8 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 003 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -3, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver 1CP Digestion Mercury Digestion Moisture Page 5 of 16 SAMPLE DATE /TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 13 2.7 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW 42 0.55 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW 0.32 0.27 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW 16 1.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW 55 2.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW 0.15 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:02 JRW <5.5 5.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW 1.2 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC 11.5 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-4, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER EPH/PAH C9-C18 Aliphatics C19 -C36 Aliphatics Unadj. CI I -C22 Aromatics Adj. CI I -C22 Aromatics Target PAH Analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Moisture Extraction Surrogates 5- alpha- Androstane Ortho- terphenyl Fractionation Surrogates 2- Fluorobiphenyl 2- Bromonaphthalene Extraction date Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Page 6 of 16 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <30 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 55 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 69 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 51 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 2.8 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 0.6 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 3.1 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 2.6 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 1.3 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 1.5 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 0.9 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 1.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 1.3 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 0.8 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 0.7 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 21.7 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK RANGE 44 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 58 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD RANGE 106 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 108 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD MADEP 10/27/14 8:45 JM 24 3.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW 220 0.64 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW 1.9 0.32 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW 15 1.9 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-4, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER Lead Mercury Selenium Silver 1CP Digestion Mercury Digestion SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD 550 2.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 0.68 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B <6.4 6.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3.3 1.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C SW -846 3050 SW -846 7471B Page 7 of 16 DATE ANALYZED ANALYST 10/29/14 10:00 JRW 10/28/14 13:06 JRW 10/29/14 10:00 JRW 10/29/14 10:04 JRW 10/28/14 10:40 01v1C 10/28/14 10:51 OMC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 005 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -5, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER VPH Unadjusted C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) Unadjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics (FID) Methyl - tert- butylether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m,p- Xylene o-Xylene Naphthalene Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) C9-C10 Aromatics(PID) Moisture Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver ICP Digestion Mercury Digestion Page 8 of 16 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 _ mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11 :31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11 :31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 19.9 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK RANGE 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 77 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 85 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 7.1 3.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW 19 0.62 mg/kg dry SW- 8466010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW <0.31 0.31 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW 11 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW 16 2.5 mg/kg dry SW-8466010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW <0.12 0.12 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:08 JRW <6.2 6.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW <1.2 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 006 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -5, 10 -15' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver ICP Digestion Mercury Digestion Moisture SAMPLE RESULTS Page 9 of 16 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 DET. DATE LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 5.5 2.7 mg/kg dry SW-846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW 21 0.55 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW <0.27 0.27 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW 23 1.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW 10 2.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:12 JRW <5.5 5.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6014C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW <1.1 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW -846 7471E 10/28/14 10:51 OMC 9.0 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 007 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -6, 5 -10' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER VPH Unadjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) Unadjusted C9 -C 12 Aliphatics (FID) Methyl- tert- butylether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m,p- Xylene o- Xylene Naphthalene Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) Adjusted C9 -C 12 Aliphatics(FID) C9 -C10 Aromatics(PID) Moisture Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) EPH/PAH C9 -C18 Aliphatics C19 -06 Aliphatics Unadj. CI I-C22 Aromatics Adj. CI I -C22 Aromatics Target PAHAnalytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene SAMPLE RESULTS Page 10 of 16 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 DET. DATE LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <0.05 0.05 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10127/14 12:12 KAC <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC 4.2 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK RANGE 10/27/14 12:12 KAC 97 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC 105 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18.53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <04 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Page 11 of 16 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sam_ ple # 007 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -6, 5 -10' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET, DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Benzo(a)pyrene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Moisture 4.2 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Extraction Surrogates RANGE 5- alpha - Androstane 46 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Ortho- terphenyl 54 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Fractionation Surrogates RANGE 2- Fluorobiphenyl 76 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD 2- Bromonaphthalene 75 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Extraction date MADEP 10/27/14 8:45 IM Total Metals Arsenic 7.1 2.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW Barium 56 0.51 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW Cadmium 0.54 0.26 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW Chromium 49 1.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW Lead 7.2 2.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW Mercury <0.093 0.093 mg/kg dry SW- 8467471B 10/28/14 13:14 JRW Selenium <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW Silver 1.5 1.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW ICP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 008 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -7, 5 -10' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver 1CP Digestion Mercury Digestion Moisture SAMPLE RESULTS Page 12 of 16 SAMPLE DATE/T1ME: 10/20/2014 DET., DATE LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 10 2.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW 19 0.52 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW 25 1.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:07 JRW 12 2.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW <0.093 0.093 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:20 JRW <5.2 5.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW <1.0 1.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC 7.4 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Page 13 of 16 QA/QC Report Client: FSLAssociates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23954 Date: 10/30/2014 - Method Blanks Results - Parameter Units Results Date Analyzed Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons with PAH C9-C18 Aliphatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 C19 -C36 Aliphatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 Unadj. CI I-C22 Aromatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 Adj. Cl 1-C22 Aromatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 Target PAH Analytes 10/27/2014 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 2- Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Acenaphthylene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Fluorene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Phenanthrene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Anthracene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Pyrene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Chrysene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(b)fluoranthme mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(k)fluoranthme mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(a )pyrene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 lndeno(1,2,3- cd )pyrene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Extraction Surrogates RANGE 10/27/2014 5- alpha - Androstane 40 -140% 69 10/27/2014 Ortho- teiphenyl 40 -140% 79 10/27/2014 Fractionation Surrogates RANGE 10/27/2014 2- Fluorobiphenyl 40 -140% 79 10/27/2014 2- Bromonaphthalene 40 -140% 78 10/27/2014 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Unadj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Unadj C9-C12 Aliphatic(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Methyl -tat- butylether mg/kg dry <0.05 10/27/2014 Benzene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Toluene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 m,p- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 o- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Adj C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Page 14 of 16 QA/QC Report Client: FSL Associates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23954 Date: 10/30/2014 - Method Blanks Results- IParameter I Units Results I Date Analyzed I Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Adj C9-C 12 Aliphatics(F1D) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 C9-C10 Aromatics(PID) mrAg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Surrogate RANGE 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 70 -130% 80 10/27/2014 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) 70 -130% 88 10/27/2014 Total Metals Arsenic mg/kg dry <2.5 10/28/2014 Barium mg/kg dry <0.50 10/28/2014 Cadmium mg/kg dry <0.25 10/28/2014 Chromium mg/kg dry <1.5 10/28/2014 Lead mg/kg dry <2.0 10/28/2014 Mercury mg/kg dry <0.10 10/28/2014 Selenium mg/kg dry <5.0 10/28/2014 Silver mg/kg dry <1.0 10/28/2014 Page 15 of 16 -LCS /LCS Duplicate Data Results- Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons with PA.H CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP Acenaphthylene 3.33 Parameter Acceptance Limits Conc Cone % Rec Conc % Rec I % RPD Date Analyzed Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons with PA.H Target PAH Analytes 1.91 Naphthalene 3.33 2- Methylnaphthalene 3.33 Acenaphthylene 3.33 Acenaphthene 3.33 Fluorene 3.33 Phenanthrene 3.33 Anthracene 3.33 Fluoranthene 3.33 Pyrene 3.33 Benzo(a)anthracene 3.33 Chrysene 3.33 Beam(b)fluoranthene 3.33 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3.33 Benzo(a)pyrene 3.33 Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 3.33 Dibenzo(a,h)enthmcene 3.33 Benzo(g hj)perylene 3.33 Aliphatic Analytes 2.64 n- Nonane 3.33 n- Decane 3.33 n- Dodecane 3.33 n- Tetradecane 3.33 n- Hexadecane 3.33 n- Octadecane 3.33 n- Nonadecane 3.33 n- Eicosane 3.33 n- Docasane 3.33 n- Tetracosane 3.33 n- Hexacosane 3.33 n- Octacosane 3.33 n- Triacontane 3.33 n- Hexatriacontme 3.33 Extraction Surrogates 3.27 5- alpha - Androstane 14 Ortho- terphenyl 2.80 Fractionation Surrogates 2.89 2- Fluorobiphenyl 3 2- Bromonaphthalene 2.68 Breakthrough Analytes 3.06 Naphthalene - 13 2-Methylnaphthalene- 2.75 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons 3.09 Methyl - tent- butylether 2.5 Benzene 2.5 Toluene 2.5 Ethylbenzene 2.5 m,p- Xylene 5.0 o- Xylene 2.5 1.97 59 1.91 57 3 10/28/2014 2.04 61 2.00 60 2 10/28/2014 2.26 68 2.16 65 5 10/28/2014 2.20 66 2.19 66 0 10/28/2014 2.44 73 2.43 73 0 10/28/2014 2.71 81 2.68 80 1 10/28/2014 2.60 78 2.64 79 2 10/28/2014 2.91 87 2.93 88 1 10/28/2014 2.90 87 2.91 87 0 10/28/2014 2.90 87 3.18 95 9 10/28/2014 2.89 87 3.06 92 6 10/28/2014 2.84 85 3.27 98 14 10/28/2014 2.80 84 2.89 87 3 10/28/2014 2.68 80 3.06 92 13 10/28/2014 2.75 83 3.09 93 12 10/28/2014 2.79 84 3.11 93 11 10/28/2014 2.70 81 3.02 91 11 10/28/2014 1.06 32 1.20 36 12 10/28/2014 1.58 47 1.75 53 10 10/28/2014 1.95 59 2.10 63 7 10/28/2014 2.19 66 2.36 71 7 10/28/2014 2.48 74 2.48 74 0 10/28/2014 2.75 83 2.74 82 0 10/28/2014 2.72 82 2.69 81 1 10/28/2014 2.81 84 2.81 84 0 10/28/2014 2.75 83 2.73 82 1 10/28/2014 2.70 81 2.67 80 1 10/28/2014 2.73 82 2.61 78 4 10/28/2014 2.71 81 2.57 77 5 10/28/2014 2.66 80 2.53 76 5 10/28/2014 2.53 76 2.47 74 2 10/28/2014 81 79 10/28/2014 88 83 10/28/2014 85 79 10/28/2014 83 76 10/28/2014 0 0 10/28/2014 0 1 10/28/2014 2.4 96 2.5 100 4 10/27/2014 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 10/27/2014 2.4 96 2.3 92 4 10/27/2014 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 10/27/2014 4.8 96 4.7 94 2 10/27/2014 2.5 100 2.4 96 4 10/27/2014 Client: FSLAssociates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23954 Date: 10/30/2014 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 16 of 16 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Naphthalene CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP 4 10/27/2014 Parameter Acceptance Limits Cone Conc % Rec Cone % Rec I%RPD Date Analyzed Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Naphthalene 2.5 2.4 96 2.3 92 4 10/27/2014 Adj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) 7.5 8.0 107 8.0 107 0 10/27/2014 Adj C9-C12 Aliphatics(FiD) 5.0 4.9 98 4.7 94 4 10/27/2014 C9-C 10 Aromatics(P1D) 2.5 2.5 100 2.3 92 8 10/27/2014 Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 94 91 10/2712014 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) 104 99 10/27/2014 Total Metals Arsenic 71 -129% 52.3 50 96 60 115 18 10/29/2014 Barium 73- 126% 145 160 110 160 110 0 10/29/2014 Cadmium 73 -127% 71.6 64 89 62 87 3 10/29/2014 Chromium 70 -130% 88.5 96 108 91 103 5 10/29/2014 Lead 70 -130% 77.8 67 86 76 98 13 10/29/2014 Selenium 66 -134% 81.1 64 0 85 105 0 10/29/2014 Silver 42 -158% 114 130 Ii4 170 149 27 10/28/2014 Mercury 52 -149% 9.7 11 113 11 113 0 10/28/2014 0 n o.. 0 6 C. v 0 m m .Q ai v J N N m G C C r1 3 N N 3 I� L I a 7 u a slelow8VOH XXXXXXXX HVd /:ld3 X X Hdn X X SOOA w apoo XpleW cn cn v� cn v� �n cn U> cn cn a apoO uoiaenaasaad z z z z z z z z adXL V sJaUlejUOa jO # ( 0 0 0 0 C9 A N N al!sodwoj JO qei§ V V U V U V V V V V 00 n O O O M O O\ # ?y U .� 4) io ic) tf> iL) O O fp O .- � 0 0 0 o Sri o to J'" ' �0} 7 tuAi T T U) U) U) U) (n V) U) U) U) U) op ' O LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL ^ Y O N O A` N_ V N_ °O _N 0 0 0 _N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n o.. 0 6 C. v 0 m m .Q ai v J N N m G C C r1 3 N N 3 I� L I a 7 u a R.I.APJALYTICAL Specialists in Envireonmentao Services F f FSL Associates, Inc. Attn: Jarod Cournoyer 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 Work Order #: 1708 -18417 DESCRIPTION: 35 LINCOLN STREET Page 1 of 20 Date Received: 8/24/17 Date Reported: 9/5/17 P.O. #: Enclosed are the analytical results and Chain of Custody for your project referenced above. The sample(s) were analyzed by our Warwick, RI laboratory . When applicable, subcontracted results are noted and reports are enclosed in their entirety. All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) approved methods with all requirements met, unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results or in a case narrative. The Detection Limit is defined as the lowest level that can be reliably achieved during routine laboratory conditions. These results only pertain to the samples submitted for this Work Order # and this report shall not be reproduced except in its entirety. We certify that the following results are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department. Approved by: Dawne E. Smart Data Reporting Manager Laboratory Certification Ntunbers (as applicable to sample's origin state): RI LAI00033, MA M- RI015, CT PH -0508, ME RI00015, NH 2070, NY 11726 41 Illinois Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888 www.rianalytical.com 131 Coolidge Street, Suite 105, Hudson MA 01749 Phone.- 401-737-8500 Fax.- 401-738-1970 Phone: 978-568-0041 Fax: 978 -568 -0078 Customer Name: Work Order #: FSL Associates, Inc. 1708 -18417 Page 2 of 20 Laboratory Name: R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project / Location: 35 LINCOLN STREET RTN This Form provides certifications for the following data set (list Laboratory Sample ID Number(s)): 1708 - 18417 -001 through 1708- 18417 -006 Matrices: ❑ Groundwater /Surface Water x❑ Soil / Sediment ❑ Drinking Water ❑ Air ❑ Other Applicable CAM Protocol(s) (marked with X below): 8260 VOC 7470/7471 Hg MassDEP VPH CAM II A 0 CAM III B CAM IV A 8270 SVOC 7010 Metals Mass DEP EPH CAM II B 0 CAM III C CAM IV B 8081 Pesticides 7196 Hex Cr CAM V B CAM VI B 8151 Herbicides Note: CAM VIVA through IX B are not CAM V C performed by R.I. Analytical, and are not included on this fonn as pant of this 6010 Metals 6020 Metals 8082 PCB 9014 TCN/PAC protocol certification. CAM III A CAM III D CAM V A R CAM VI A Affirmative responses to Questions A through F are required for "Presumptive Certainty" status. A Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain -of- Custody, Yes properly preserved (including temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared/analyzed within method holding times? B Were the analytical method(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM Yes protocol(s) followed? C Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM Yes protocol(s) implemented for all identified performance standard non - conformances? D Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM VII A, "Quality Yes Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? E a. VPH, EPH and APHmethods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s)? N/A (Refer to the individual method(s) for a list of significant modifications). b. APH and TO -15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? N/A F Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non - conformances identified and Yes evaluated in a laboratory narrative (including all "No" responses to Questions A through E)? Responses to Questions G through I are required for "Presumptive Certainty" status. G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? Data User Note: Data that achieve 'Presumptive Certainty" status may not necessarily meet the data usability and representativeness requirements described in 310 CMR 40.1056 (2)(k) and WSC -07 -350. H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? 1 All negative responses must be addressed in an attached laboratory narrative. No 1 No 1 No 1 I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. Signature Position: Data Reporting Manager Printed Name: Dawne E. Smart Date: 9/5/2017 Page 3 of 20 Case Narrative Date: 9/5/2017 FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project: 35 LINCOLN STREET The following exceptions were noted for this Work Order: The methods requested for pH, Specific Conductance, Flashpoint, Sulfide Reactivity, Cyanide Reactivity, TPH GC/FID, TCLP Metals are not listed in the table of contents for compendium of MCP analytical methods. Therefore, there is no guideline for presumptive certainty. Total Metals by 6010 Question H - No Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate was requested for the Soil /Sediment sample in this work order. Question I - Per the client's request, only a subset of the MCP analyte list for SW -846 Method 6010 Total Metals is reported. Volatile Organics by 8260 Question G - Several compounds did not meet S -1 criteria due to not receiving low level vials for analysis. Question H -The Laboratory Control Sample / Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (8/26/17) had analytes recover outside the 70% -130% QC acceptance limits. Up to 10% of the analytes are allowed to recover outside of QC limits. The specific outliers include Hexachlorobutadiene(LCS 68 %). These analytes were not detected in the associated samples. Question H - Sample Stockpile from B -10 had surrogate recoveries above the QC limits. This may represent a high bias, however there were no compounds detected. Semi Volatile Organics by 8270 Question H - Laboratory Control Sample / Laboratory Control Sample duplicate (8/31/17) had analytes outside the 40% -140% for base - neutrals and 30% -130% for acid compounds QC acceptance limits. Up to 10% are allowed to exceed the criteria. The specific outliers include, Benzidine(LCS 36 %). These analytes were not detected in the associated samples. There were no additional exceptions or analytical issues to discuss concerning the testing requirements for the project. R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: NORTHWEST SIDEWALL Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: SOUTHWEST SIDEWALL Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. ANALYZED PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD Total Metals Analyzed by ICP 16:09 AGJ 8/28/17 Lead 580 2.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C ICP Digestion JEB SW -846 3050B Percent Solids 85.8 % SM254OG 18 -21ed Moisture 14.2 % SM254OG 18 -2led Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: SOUTHWEST SIDEWALL Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: NORTHEAST SIDEWALL Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time : 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. ANALYZED PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD Total Metals Analyzed by ICP 16:09 AGJ 8/28/17 Lead 130 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C ICP Digestion JEB SW -846 3050B Percent Solids 81.3 % SM254OG 18 -2led Moisture 18.7 % SM2540G 18 -21ed Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: NORTHEAST SIDEWALL Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time : 8/23/2017 Page 4 of 20 DATE SAMPLE DET. ANALYZED PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD Total Metals Analyzed by ICP 16:09 AGJ 8/28/17 Lead 200 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C ICP Digestion JEB SW -846 3050B Percent Solids 82.6 % SM2540G 18 -2led Moisture 17.4 % SM2540G 18 -21ed Page 4 of 20 DATE ANALYZED ANALYST 8/28/17 18:11 AJD 8/25/17 16:09 AGJ 8/28/17 17:35 JEB 8/28/17 17:35 JEB DATE ANALYZED ANALYST ANALYST 8/28/17 18:15 AJD 8/25/17 16:09 AGJ 8/28/17 17:35 JEB 8/28117 17:35 JEB DATE ANALYZED ANALYST 8/28/17 18:20 AJD 8/25/17 16:09 AGJ 8/28/17 17:35 JEB 8/28/17 17:35 JEB Page 5 of 20 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: SOUTHEAST SIDEWALL Sample Type COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Analyzed by ICP Lead 160 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/28/17 18:24 AJD ICP Digestion SW -846 3050B 8/25/17 16:09 AGJ Percent Solids 82.9 % SM254OG 18 -21ed 8/28/17 17:35 JEB Moisture 17.1 % SM2540G 18 -2led 8/28/17 17:35 JEB Sample Number: 005 Sample Description: BOTTOM Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Analyzed by ICP Lead 3.3 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/28/17 18:28 AJD ICP Digestion SW -846 3050B 8/25/17 16:09 AGJ Percent Solids 79.9 % SM254OG 18 -2led 8/28/17 17:35 JEB Moisture 20.1 % SM2540G 18 -2led 8/28/17 17:35 JEB Page 6 of 20 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report ESL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: STOCKPILE FROM B -10 Sample Type : COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST COMM -97 Landfill Protocol pH 7.2 SU SW -846 9045C 8/24/17 21:50 TSB Specific Conductance 23 1.0 uMHOS /CM SM2510B 18 -2led 8/28/17 12:25 ML Flashpoint >200 80 deg F SW -846 1010 8/30/17 16:00 ATM Reactivity CN & S Soils Sulfide Reactivity <2.0 2.0 mg/kg SW -846 8/25/17 10:00 SNI Cyanide Reactivity <0.10 0.10 mg/kg SW -846 7.3.3 8/25/17 10:00 SNI TPH TPH GC/FlD 100 12 mg/kg dry SW -846 8100M 8/29/17 20:39 JEB Surrogate RANGE SW -846 8100M 8/29/17 20:39 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 43 40 -140% SW -846 8100M 8/29/17 20:39 JEB Moisture 16.4 % SM254OG 18 -2led 8/28/17 17:35 JEB PCB Aroclor -1016 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1221 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1232 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1242 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1248 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1254 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1260 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1262 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Aroclor -1268 <0.1 0.1 rng/kg dry SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Surrogate RANGE Tetrachloro -m- xylene (TCMX) 50 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Decachlorobiphenyl 59 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 8/25/17 17:56 JBW Extraction Date SW -846 3546 8/25/17 10:15 JBW Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <4.0 4.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Benzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Bromobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Bromochlorounethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Page 7 of 20 Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: STOCKPILE FROM B -10 Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time : 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Broinodichloromethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Bromoform <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Bromomethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Sec - butylbenzene <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL n- Butylbenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL tert- Butylbenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Carbon Disulfide <1.0 1.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Carbon Tetrachloride <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Chlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Dibromochloromethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Chloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Chloroform <0.45 0.45 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Chloromethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 2- Chlorotoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 4- Chlorotoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropaue <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2- Dibroinoethane(EDB) <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Dibromomethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL n- Propylbenzene <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Dichlorodifluoroinethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 13- Dichloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.40 0.40 ing/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL trans- 1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Diethyl ether <4.0 4.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Page 8 of 20 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: STOCKPILE FROM B -10 Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,4- Dioxane <20 20 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Ethylbenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Hexachlorobutadiene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 2- Hexanone <4.0 4.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Isopropylbenzene <0.40 0.40 rng/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL p- Isopropyltoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 2- Butanone(MEK) <4.0 4.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <4.0 4.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL MTBE <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Methylene Chloride <1.0 1.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Naphthalene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Styrene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,1,1,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Tetrachloroethene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Tetrahydrof ran <4.0 4.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Toluene <0.40 0.40 rng/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 rng/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5 :37 WL 1,1,1- Trichloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW- 8468260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Trichloroethene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Trichlorofluorornethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Vinyl Chloride <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL o- Xylene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL m,p- Xylene <0.80 0.80 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Surrogates RANGE Dibrotnofluoroinethane 140" 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Toluene -d8 130 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL 4- Bromofluorobenzene 130 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Page 9 of 20 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: STOCKPILE FROM B -10 Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 140* 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 8/26/17 5:37 WL Setni- Volatile Organic Comp Acenaphthene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Acenaphthylene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Anthracene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Benzidine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Benzo(a)anthracene 0.47 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Benzo(b)fluorauthene 0.69 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.59 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.44 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Benzo(a)pyrene 0.54 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31117 14:48 JEB Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane <0.40 0.40 rng/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31117 14:48 JEB Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Butylbenzyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 2- Chloronaphthalene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Chrysene 0.68 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Di -n -butyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Diethyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Dnnethyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 2,4- Dinitrotoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 2,6- Dinitrotoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Di- n -octyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31117 14:48 JEB 1,2- Dipheny1hydrazine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry. SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Fluoranthene 1.1 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB Fluorene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31117 14:48 JEB Page 10 of 20 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: STOCKPILE FROM B -10 Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Hexachlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Hexachlorobutadiene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Hexachloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 0.42 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Isophorone <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2- Methylnaphthalene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Naphthalene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Nitrobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED N- nitrosodimethylamine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED N- nitrosodiphenylamine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED N- nitrosodi- n- propylamine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Phenanthrene 0.52 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Pyrene 0.89 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 4- Chloro- 3- tnethylphenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2- Chlorophenol <0.40 0.40 tng/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2,4- Dichlorophenol <0A0 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2,4- Dnnethylphenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2,4- Dniitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2- Nitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 4- Nitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Pentachlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Phenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 4- Chloroaniline <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Dibenzofivan <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 2- Methyl Phenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED 3 & 4- Methylphenols <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Aniline <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Acetophenone <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Azobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JED Surrogates RANGE R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1708 -18417 Project Name: 35 LINCOLN STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: STOCKPILE FROM B -10 Sample Type: COMPOSITE Sample Date / Time: 8/23/2017 Page 11 of 20 DET. SAMPLE PARAMETER RESULTS Phenol -d5 65 2- Fluorophenol 62 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 77 Nitrobenzene -d5 59 2- Fluorobiphenyl 65 P- Terphenyl -d14 65 Semi Extraction Date JEB TCLP Metals 30 -130% Lead <0.50 ICP Digestion JEB TCLP Extraction Extracted Extraction Date 8/31/17 Total Metals JEB Arsenic 7.1 Barium 160 Cadmium 1.4 Chromium 11 Lead 240 Mercury 0.21 Selenium <5.9 Silver <1.2 ICP Digestion JEB Mercury Digestion Percent Solids 83.6 Page 11 of 20 DET. DATE LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 8/31/17 14:48 JEB SW -846 3546 8/30/17 12:55 ATM 0.50 mg/l SW -846 6010C 8/31/17 15:05 AJD SW -846 3010A 8/31/17 12:19 AGJ SW- 8461311 8/30/17 14:41 AGJ SW -846 5035A 8/25/17 0:00 WL 2.9 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 18:10 AJD 0.59 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 18:10 AJD 0.29 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 18:10 AJD 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 18:10 AJD 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 18:10 AJD 0.12 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 8/28/17 16:58 JRW 5.9 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 .18:10 AJD 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 8/30/17 18:10 AJD SW -846 3050B 8/29/17 20:20 AGJ SW -846 7471B 8/28/17 15:58 AGJ % SM254OG 18 -21ed 8/28/17 17:35 JEB Volatile Organic Compounds " = Surrogate above QC limits. This represents a high bias, however there were no compounds detected. Page 12 of 20 - Method Blanks Results - Parameter Units Results Date Analyzed Total Metals Lead mg/kg dry <2.0 8/28/2017 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 Acetone -g/kg dry <1.0 8/26/2017 Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Benzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Bromobenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Bromochloromethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Bromodichioromethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2617 Bromoform mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Bromomethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Sec - butylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 n- Butylbenzene rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 tert- Butylbenzene -g/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Carbon Disulfide rng/kg dry <0.25 8/26/2017 Carbon Tetrachloride mg /kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Chiorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Dibromochlorornethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Chloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Chloroform mg/kg dry <0.15 8/26/2017 Chloromethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 2- Chlorotoluene rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 4- Chlorotoluene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/2612017 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) -g/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Dibromomethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,3- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,4- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 n- Propylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Dichlorodifluoromethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1, 1 -Dichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2- Dichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1, 1 -Dichloroethene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 cis -1,2- Dichloroethene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2- Dichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,3- Dichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 2,2- Dichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1, 1 -Dichloropropene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Diethyl ether mg/kg dry <1.0 8/26/2017 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) -g/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,4- Dioxane mg/kg dry <5.0 8/26/2017 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Ethlbenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Total Metals PCB Aroclor -1016 mg/kg dry <0.1 Page 13 of 20 Hexachlorobutadiene rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 2- Hexanone mg/kg dry <1.0 8/26/2017 Isopropylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 p- Isopropyltoluene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 2- Butanone(MEK) mg/kg dry <1.0 8/26/2017 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) mg/kg dry <1.0 8/26/2017 MTBE rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Methylene Chloride mg/kg dry <0.25 8/26/2017 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,1,2- Trichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Styrene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Tetrachloroethene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/2612017 Tetrahydrofuran mg/kg dry <1.0 8/26/2017 Toluene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene rng/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Trichloroethene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Tricblorofluoromethane mg/kg dry <010 8/26/2017 1,2,3- Trichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,2,4- Trnnethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 Vinyl Chloride mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 o- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.10 8/26/2017 m,p- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.20 8/26/2017 Surrogates RANGE 8/26/2017 Dibromofluoromethane 70 -130% 110 8/26/2017 Toluene -d8 70 -130% 96 8/26/2017 4- Bromofluorobenzene 70 -130% 96 8/26/2017 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 70 -130% 100 8/26/2017 Total Metals PCB Aroclor -1016 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1221 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1232 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1242 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1248 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1254 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1260 tng/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1262 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Aroclor -1268 mg/kg dry <0.1 8/24/2017 Surrogate RANGE 8/24/2017 Tetrachloro -m- xylene (TCMX) 30 -150% 83 8/24/2017 Decachlorobiphenyl 30 -150% 94 8/24/2017 Reactivity Sulfide Reactivity rng/kg <2.0 8/25/2017 Reactivity Cyanide Reactivity rig/kg <0.10 8/25/2017 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Method 8100 TPH GC/FID mg/kg dry <10 8/29/2017 Surrogate RANGE 8/29/2017 Page 14 of 20 2- Fluorobiphenyl 40 -140% 78 8/29/2017 Total Metals Arsenic -g/kg dry <2.5 8/30/2017 Barium mg/kg dry <0.50 8/30/2017 Cadmium mg/kg dry <0.25 8/30/2017 Chrorniurn mg/kg dry <1.5 8/30/2017 Lead mg/kg dry <2.0 8/30/2017 Selenium mg/kg dry <5.0 8/30/2017 Silver mg/kg dry <1.0 8/30/2017 TCLP Metals TCLP Lead rng/1 <0.50 8/31/2017 Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Acenaphthylene -g/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Anthracene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Benzidine mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether rng/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Butylbenzyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2- Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Chrysene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Dibenzo(a,h)antluacene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Di -n -butyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 1,2- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 1,3- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 1,4- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 3,3'- Dichiorobenzidine mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Diethyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 D methyl phthalate rng/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,4- Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,6- Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Di- n -octyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Fluorene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Hexachiorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Hexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Hexachloroethane mg/kg dry -50.33 8/31/2017 Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Isophorone mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2- Methylnaphdtalene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Nitrobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 N- nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Page 15. of 20 N- nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 N- nitrosodi- n- propylamine mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Phenanthrene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Pyrene mg/kg chy <0.33 8/31/2017 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 4- Chloro- 3- tnethylphenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2- Chlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,4- Dichlorophenol tng/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,4 -D methylphenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,4- Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2- Nitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 4- Nitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Pentachlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Phenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 4- Chloroaniline mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 DibenzoiVran mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 2- Methyl Phenol mg /kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 3 & 4- Methylphenols mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Aniline mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Acetophenone mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Azobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 8/31/2017 Surrogates RANGE 8/31/2017 Phenol -d5 30 -130% 80 8/31/2017 2- Fluorophenol 30 -130% 78 8/3112017 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 30 -130% 92 8/31/2017 Nitrobenzene -d5 30 -130% 72 8/31/2017 2- Fluorobiphenyl 30 -130% 78 8/31/2017 P- Terphenyl -d14 30 -130% 82 8/31/2017 Total Metals Mercmy tng/kg dry <0.093 8/28/2017 Page 16 of 20 - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- PCB - Solids CKM4 Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP Aroclor -1016 Parameter Accentance Cone Conc % Rec Cone % Rec % RPD Date Analyzed PCB - Solids Aroclor -1016 0.33 0.344 104 0.350 106 2 8/25/2017 Aroclor -1260 0.33 0.328 99 0.344 104 5 8/25/2017 Surrogate Tetrachloro -m- xylene (TCMX) 87 87 Decachiorobiphenyl 94 99 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 - Solids Acetone 25 23 92 24 96 4 8/26/2017 Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 Benzene 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 Bromobenzene 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 Bromochioromethane 2.5 2.3 92 2.4 96 4 8/26/2017 Bromodichloromethane 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 Bromoform 2.5 2.9 116 2.9 116 0 8/26/2017 Bromomethane 2.5 2.9 116 2.9 116 0 8/26/2017 Sec- butylbenzene 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 n- Butylbenzene 2.5 2.3 92 2.4 96 4 8/26/2017 tert- Butylbenzene 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 Carbon Disulfide 2.5 3.2 128 3.3 132 3 8/26/2017 Carbon Tetrachloride 2.5 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 Chlorobenzene 2.5 2.7 108 2.8 112 4 8/26/2017 Dibrornochlorornethane 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 Chioroethane 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 Chlorofonn 2.5 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 Chloromethane 2.5 16 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 2- Chlorotoluene 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 4- Chlorotoluene 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane 2.5 2.3 92 2.4 96 4 8/26/2017 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 Dibromornethane 2.5 2.5 100 2.6 104 4 8/26/2017 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 2.5 2.7 108 2.8 112 4 8/26/2017 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 2.5 2.7 108 2.8 112 4 8/26/2017 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 2.5 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 n- Propylbenzene 2.5 2.5 100 2.6 104 4 8/26/2017 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.5 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 1,1- Dichloroethane 2.5 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 8/26/2017 1,2- Dichloroethane 2.5 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 8/26/2017 1,1- Dichloroethene 2.5 2.4 96 2.5 100 4 8/26/2017 cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene 2.5 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene 2.5 2.5 100 2.6 104 4 8/26/2017 1,2- Dichloropropane 2.5 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 8/26/2017 1,3- Dichloropropane 2.5 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 8/26/2017 2,2- Dichloropropane 2.5 1.9 76 1.9 76 0 8/26/2017 1, 1 -Dichloropropene 2.5 2.4 96 2.5 100 4 8/26/2017 cis- 1,3- Dichloropropene 2.5 2.2 88 2.2 88 0 8/26/2017 mans- 1,3- Dichloropropylene 2.5 2.2 88 2.2 88 0 8/26/2017 Diethyl ether 25 30 120 30 120 0 8/26/2017 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) 2.5 2.3 92 2.4 96 4 8/26/2017 1,4- Dioxane 50 42 84 47 94 11 8/26/2017 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 2.5 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 Ethylbenzene 2.5 2.6 104 2.7 108 4 8/26/2017 WO #: 1708 -18417 QA/QC Report - LCSILCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 17 of 20 Parameter CRIM Accentance Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP I%RPD Date Analyzed y 2- Butanone(MEK) 25 Cone Conc % Rec Cone % Rec 2.5 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 - Solids (cont'd) Hexachiorobutadiene 2.5 2- Hexanone 25 Isopropylbenzene 2.5 p- Isopropyltoluene 2.5 2- Butanone(MEK) 25 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MI13K) 25 MTBE 2.5 Methylene Chloride 2.5 Naphthalene 2.5 1,1,2- Tricirloroethane 2.5 Styrene 2.5 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 2.5 Tetrachloroethene 2.5 Tetrahydrofivan 25 Toluene 2.5 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 2.5 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 2.5 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 2.5 Trichloroethene 2.5 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.5 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 2.5 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 2.5 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene 2.5 Vinyl Chloride 2.5 o- Xylene 2.5 m,p- Xylene 5.0 Surrogates 2.5 Toluene -d8 4 Dibromofluoromethane 2.7 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 2.8 4- Bromofluorobenzene 4 Reactivity 2.8 Sulfide Reactivity 9.98 Cyanide Reactivity 2.000 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Method 8100 - Solids TPH GC/F1D 66.5 Surrogate 108 2- Fiuorobiphenyl 8/26/2017 Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids Acenaphthene 3.3 Acenaphthylene 3.3 Anthracene 3.3 Benzidine 3.3 1.7 68 1.9 76 11 8/26/2017 25 100 24 96 4 8126/2017 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 2.5 100 2.6 104 4 8/26/2017 26 104 28 112 7 8/26/2017 25 100 25 100 0 8/26/2017 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 2.4 96 2.5 100 4 8/26/2017 2.3 92 2.6 104 12 8/26/2017 2.4 96 2.5 100 4 8/26/2017 2.7 108 2.8 112 4 8/26/2017 2.8 112 2.8 112 0 8/26/2017 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 2.7 108 2.7 108 0 8/26/2017 21 84 23 92 9 8/26/2017 2.5 100 2.5 100 0 8/26/2017 2.5 100 2.7 108 8 8/26/2017 2.4 96 2.7 108 12 8/26/2017 2.6 104 2.7 108 4 8/26/2017 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 8/26/2017 2.8 112 2.8 112 0 8/26/2017 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 2.6 104 2.6 104 0 8/26/2017 2.6 104 2.7 108 4 8/26/2017 2.7 108 2.8 112 4 8/26/2017 2.8 112 2.8 112 0 8/26/2017 5.4 108 5.6 112 4 8/26/2017 97 97 100 100 100 100 94 93 8.20 82 8.65 87 6 8/25/2017 0.719 36 0.924 46 25 8/25/2017 54.1 81 52.1 78 4 8/29/2017 8/29/2017 84 80 8/29/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.8 85 0 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 1.2 36 1.4 42 15 8/31/2017 WO #: 1708 -18417 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 18 of 20 Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids (cont'd) CWM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3.3 Parameter Acceptance Conc Conc o /o Rec Conc 0 /o Rec o /o RPD Date An Y zed Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids (cont'd) Benzo(a)anthracene 3.3 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3.3 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3.3 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3.3 Benzo(a)pyrene 3.3 Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether 3.3 Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane 3.3 Bis(2- Chloroisopropyi)Ether 3.3 Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate 3.3 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether 3.3 Butylbenzyl phthalate 3.3 2- Chloronaphthalene 3.3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 3.3 Chrysene 3.3 Dibenzo(a,h)authracene 3.3 Di -n -butyl phthalate 3.3 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 3.3 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 3.3 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 3.3 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine 3.3 Diethyl phthalate 3.3 Dunethyl phthalate 3.3 2,4- Dinitrotoluene 3.3 2,6- Dinitrotoluene 3.3 Di- n -octyl phthalate 3.3 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine 3.3 Fluoranthene 3.3 Fluorene 3.3 Hexachlorobenzene 3.3 Hexachlorobutadiene 3.3 Hexachiorocyclopentadiene 3.3 Hexachloroethane 3.3 Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 3.3 Isophorone 3.3 2- Methylnaphthalene 3.3 Naphthalene 3.3 Nitrobenzene 3.3 N- nitrosodnnethylamine 3.3 N- nitrosodiphenylamine 3.3 N- nitrosodi- n- propylainine 3.3 Phenanthrene 3.3 Pyrene 3.3 1,2,4- Triclilorobenzene 3.3 4- Chloro- 3- methylphetiol 3.3 2.8 85 2.7 82 4 8/31/2017 3.0 91 2.9 88 3 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.7 82 4 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.5 76 11 8131/2017 2.7 82 2.6 79 4 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 3.0 91 2.9 88 3 8/31/2017 2.7 82 2.6 79 4 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.6 79 2.4 73 8 8/31/2017 2.6 79 2.4 73 8 8/31/2017 2.6 79 2.4 73 8 8/31/2017 2.1 64 2.3 70 9 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 3.2 97 3.0 91 6 8/31/2017 3.5 106 3.4 103 3 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.7 82 4 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 3.0 91 2.8 85 7 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.7 82 2.5 76 8 8/31/2017 3.5 106 3.4 103 3 8/31/2017 2.5 76 2.3 70 8 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.7 82 2.5 76 8 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2.7 82 2.5 76 8 8/31/2017 2.7 82 2.5 76 8 8/31/2017 2.3 70 2.1 64 9 8/31/2017 3.0 91 2.9 88 3 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.7 82 7 8/31/2017 2.7 82 2.6 79 4 8/31/2017 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 WO #: 1708 -18417 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 19 of 20 Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids (cont'd) CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP 2- Chlorophenol Parameter Accemtance Conc Conc o /o Rec Cone 0 /o Rec o RPD /o Date Analyzed Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids (cont'd) 2- Chlorophenol 3.3 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 2,4- Dichlorophenol 3.3 3.0 91 2.9 88 3 8/31/2017 2,4- Dmnethylphenol 3.3 3.0 91 2.9 88 3 8/31/2017 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol 3.3 2.9 ` 88 2.8 85 4 8/31/2017 2,4- Dinitrophenol 3.3 3.4 103 3.0 91 13 8/31/2017 2- Nitrophenol 3.3 2.8 85 2.7 82 4 8/31/2017 4- Nitrophenol 3.3 3.2 97 3.0 91 6 8/31/2017 Pentachlorophenol 3.3 3.2 97 3.1 94 3 8/31/2017 Phenol 3.3 2.9 88 2.7 82 7 8/31/2017 2,4,6 - Triclilorophenol 3.3 2.9 88 2.7 82 7 8/31/2017 2,4,5 - Triclilorophenol 3.3 3.0 91 2.8 85 7 8/31/2017 Dibenzofitratt 3.3 2.8 85 2.7 82 4 8/31/2017 2- Methyl Phenol 3.3 2.8 85 2.7 82 4 8/31/2017 3 & 4- Methylphenols 3.3 2.6 79 2.6 79 0 8/31/2017 Aniline 3.3 2.1 64 2.2 67 5 8/31/2017 Acetophenone 3.3 2.5 76 2.4 73 4 8/31/2017 Azobenzene 3.3 2.8 85 2.6 79 7 8/31/2017 4- Chloroaniline 3.3 2.1 64 2.3 70 9 8/31/2017 Surrogates Phenol -d5 87 82 2- Fluorophenol 84 79 2,4,6- Tribromophenol 100 97 Nitrobenzene -d5 80 75 2- Fiuorobiphenyl 83 78 P- Terphenyl -d14 85 81 Flaslhpoint 80 80 100 8/30/2017 Total Metals - Solids Lead 70 -130% 256 230 90 230 90 0 8/28/2017 Total Metals - Solids Arsenic 71 -129% 68.0 62 91 60.5 89 2 8/30/2017 Barium 73 -126% 601 530 88 540 90 2 8/30/2017 Cadmium 73 -127% 362 340 94 334 92 2 8/30/2017 Chromium 70 -130% 317 280 88 280 88 0 8/30/2017 Lead 70 -130% 256 240 94 240 94 0 8/30/2017 Selenium 66 -134% 53.8 39 72 37 69 5 8/30/2017 Silver 42 -158% 44.4 44 99 44 99 0 8/30/2017 Mercury 52 -149% 24.5 21 86 19 78 10 8/28/2017 TCLP Metals TCLP Lead 1.00 0.974 97 0.971 97 0 8/31/2017 �ry r I k Specialists in Environmental Services FSL Associates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 Work Order #: 1803 -04742 LABORATORY REPORT Page 1 of 49 Date Received: 3/6/18 Date Reported: 3/16/18 P.O. #: DESCRIPTION: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Enclosed are the analytical results and Chain of Custody for your project referenced above. The sample(s) were analyzed by our Warwick, RI laboratory . When applicable, subcontracted results are noted and reports are enclosed in their entirety. All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) approved methods with all requirements met, unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results or in a case narrative. The Detection Limit is defined as the lowest level that can be reliably achieved during routine laboratory conditions. These results only pertain to the samples submitted for this Work Order # and this report shall not be reproduced except in its entirety. We certify that the following results are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department. Approved • ..ri., F. Dawne E. Smart Data Reporting Manager Laboratory Certification Numbers (as applicable to sample's origin state): RI LAI00033, MA M- R1015, CT PH -0508, ME RI00015, NH 2070, NY 11726 131 Coolidge Street, Suite 105, Hudson, MA 01749 41 Illinois Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888 15 Lark Industrial Drive, Smithfield, RI 02828 P:978- 568 -0041 F: 978 -568 -0078 P:401- 737 -8500 F:401- 738 -1970 P:401- 737 -8500 F:401- 349 -0844 www.rianalytical.com Customer Name: Work Order #: FSL Associates, Inc. 1803 -04742 Page 2 of 49 Laboratory Name: R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project / Location: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET RTN Form provides certifications for the following data set (list Laboratory Sample ID Number(s)): 1803 - 04742 -001 through 1803 - 04742 -008 Matrices: ❑ Groundwater /Surface Water x❑ Soil / Sediment ❑ Drinking Water ❑ Air ❑ Other Appticable'CAM Protocol($) . (marked with X below): 8260 VOC 7470/7471 Hg MassDEP VPH 8081 Pesticides 7196 Hex Cr CAM II A Fx-1 CAM III B CAM IV A CAM V B CAM VI B 8270 SVOC 7010 Metals Mass DEP EPH 8151 Herbicides Note: CAM VIIIA through IX B are not CAM II B El CAM III C CAM IV B CAM V C performed by R.I. Analytical, and are not included on this form as part of this 6010 Metals 6020 Metals 8082 PCB 9014 TCN /PAC protocol certification. CAM III A x❑ CAM III D CAM V A x❑ CAM VI A Affirmative responses to Questions A through F are required for "Presumptive Certainty" status. A Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain -of- Custody, Yes properly preserved (including temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared /analyzed within method holding times? B Were the analytical method(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM Yes protocol(s) followed? C Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM Yes protocol(s) implemented for all identified performance standard non - conformances? D Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM VII A, "Quality Yes Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? E a. VPH, EPH and APH methods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s)? N/A (Refer to the individual method(s) for a list of significant modifications). N/A b. APH and TO -15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? F Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non- conformances identified and Yes evaluated in a laboratory narrative (including all "No" responses to Questions A through E)? Responses to Questions G through I are required for "Presumptive Certainty" status. G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? Yes Data User Note: Data that achieve 'Presumptive Certainty" status may not necessarily meet the data usability and representativeness requirements described in 310 CMR 40. 1056 (2)(k) and WSC -07 -350. No H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? Yes All negative responses must be addressed in an attached laboratory narrative. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. Signature �� g Position: Data Reporting Manager Printed Name: Dawne E. Smart Date: 3/16/2018 Page 3 of 49 Case Narrative Date: 3/16/2018 FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET The following exceptions were noted for this Work Order: The methods requested for pH, Specific Conductance, Flashpoint, Sulfide Reactivity, Cyanide Reactivity, TCLP Lead and TPH GC /FlD are not listed in the table of contents for compendium of MCP analytical methods, Therefore, there is no guideline for presumptive certainty. Volatile Organics by 8260 Question H - Sample - 002(CM -2), - 003(CM -3), - 006(re- analysis of -2), 007(re- analysis of -3): Surrogate outside QC criteria. All samples exhibited low internal standard recovery due to matrix interference as confirmed by re- analysis. Both data sets are reported. Question H - MEK does not meet the 0.100 minimum response factor recommended in method 8260C. Compound quants adequately in the 10 ppb calibration point of curve. RF >0.05 allowing data to remain valid according to the QC requirements listed in table II A -1 of WSC- CAM -II A. Question H - The Laboratory Control Sample / Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (3/9/18) had analytes recover outside the 70% -130% QC acceptance limits. Up to 10% of the analytes are allowed to recover outside of QC limits. The specific outliers include Acetone(LCS 66 %), 1,4- Dioxane(LCSD 150 %) and Dichlordifluoromethane (52 %, 50 %). These analytes were not detected in the associated samples. Question H - The RPD for 1,4- Dioxane (23 %) in the Laboratory Control Sample / Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (3/9/18) recovered outside of the 20% QC acceptance limit. Semi Volatile Organics by 8270 Question H - Laboratory Control Sample / Laboratory Control Sample duplicate (3/12/18) had analytes outside the 40% -140% for base- neutrals and 30% -130% for acid compounds QC acceptance limits. Up to 10% are allowed to exceed the criteria. The specific outliers include, Benzidine(18 %,14 %). These analytes were not detected in the associated samples. Total Metals by 6010 Question H - No Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate was requested for the Soil /Sediment sample in this work order. There were no additional exceptions or analytical issues to discuss concerning the testing requirements for the project. Page 4 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: CM -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST COMM -97 Landfill Protocol pH 5.7 SU SW -846 9045C 3/12/18 17:15 JWC Specific Conductance 48 1.0 uMHOS /CM SM2510B 18 -2led 3/14/18 9:00 ML Flashpoint >200 80 deg F SW -846 1010 3/8/18 14:40 NF Reactivity CN & S Soils Sulfide Reactivity <2.0 2.0 mg/kg SW- 846 3/12/18 8:00 SNI Cyanide Reactivity <0.10 0.10 mg/kg SW- 846 7.3.3 3/12/18 8:00 SNI TPH TPH GC/FID 30 11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 12:36 JEB Surrogate RANGE SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 12:36 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 69 40 -140% SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 12:36 JEB Moisture 11.5 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM PCB Aroclor -1016 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1221 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1232 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1242 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1248 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1254 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1260 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1262 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Aroclor -1268 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Surrogate RANGE Tetrachloro -m- xylene (TCMX) 81 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Decachlorobiphenyl 101 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 12:34 JBW Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Semi - Volatile Organic Comp. Acenaphthene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Acenaphthylene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Anthracene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Benzidine <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Benzo(a)anthracene 0.42 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Page 5 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: CM -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.46 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.40 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Benzo(a)pyrene 0.44 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Butylbenzyl phthalate <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Chloronaphthalene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Chrysene 0.52 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Di -n -butyl phthalate <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Diethyl phthalate <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19.49 JEB Dimethyl phthalate <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4- Dinitrotoluene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,6- Dinitrotoluene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Di -n -octyl phthalate <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Fluoranthene 1.2 0.38 mg/kg dry SW =846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Fluorene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Hexachlorobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Hexachlorobutadiene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Hexachloroethane <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Isophorone <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Methylnaphthalene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Naphthalene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Page 6 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: CM -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Nitrobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB N- nitrosodimethylamine <038 038 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB N- nitrosodiphenylamine <038 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB N- nitrosodi -n- propylamine <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Phenanthrene 0.85 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Pyrene 0.89 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 4- Chloro- 3- methylphenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Chorophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4- Dichlorophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4- Dimethylphenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4- Dinitrophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Nitrophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 4- Nitrophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Pentachlorophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Phenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol <038 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4,6- Trichlorophenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 4- Chloroaniline <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Dibenzofuran <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Methyl Phenol <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 3 & 4- Methylphenols <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Aniline <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Acetophenone <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Azobenzene <0.38 0.38 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Surrogates RANGE Phenol -d5 55 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Fluorophenol 50 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 67 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Nitrobenzene -d5 57 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 56 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB P- Terphenyl -dl4 58 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 19:49 JEB Semi Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Page 7 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: CM -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 9.1 2.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Cadmium <0.28 0.28 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Chromium 16 1.7 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Lead 40 2.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Mercury <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 3/8/18 17:47 DDP Percent Solids 88.5 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM ICP Digestion SW -846 3050B 3/9/18 10:24 CK Total Metals - Soil Antimony <5.65 5.65 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Barium 33 0.56 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Beryllium 0.457 0.056 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Nickel 13 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Selenium <5.6 5.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Silver <l.l 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Thallium <2.8 2.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Vanadium 23 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Zinc 64 5.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:01 AGJ Percent Solids 88.5 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/8/17 10:47 RAT Mercury Digestion SW- 8467471B 3/8/18 15:13 DDP Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.059 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Benzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Bromobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Bromoform <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Bromomethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT tert - Butylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.012 0.012 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Page 8 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: CM -I Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Carbon Tetrachloride <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0024 0.0024 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Chloroethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Chloroform <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Chloromethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Dibromomethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Diethyl ether <0.059 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.119 0.119 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.059 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Page 9 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 001 Sample Description: CM -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST p- Isopropyltoluene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.059 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.059 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT MTBE <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.012 0.012 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Naphthalene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Styrene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW- 8468260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0024 0.0024 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.059 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Toluene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Trichloroethene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Vinyl Chloride <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT o- Xylene <0.0059 0.0059 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.012 0.012 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 106 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Toluene -d8 98 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 76 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 105 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 14:32 RAT Page 10 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: CM -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST COMM -97 Landfill Protocol pH 5.9 SU SW -846 9045C 3/12/18 17:15 JWC Specific Conductance 24 1.0 uMHOS /CM SM2510B 18 -21ed 3/14/18 9:00 ML Flashpoint >200 80 deg F SW -846 1010 3/8/18 14:50 NF Reactivity CN & S Soils Sulfide Reactivity <2.0 2.0 mg/kg SW- 846 3/12/18 8:00 SNI Cyanide Reactivity <0.10 0.10 mg/kg SW- 846 7.3.3 3/12/18 8:00 SNI TPH TPH GC/FID 110 12 mg/kg dry SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 13:03 JEB Surrogate RANGE SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 13:03 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 64 40 -140% SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 13:03 JEB Moisture 18.5 % SM254OG 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM PCB Aroclor -1016 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1221 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1232 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1242 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1248 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1254 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1260 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1262 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Aroclor -1268 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Surrogate RANGE Tetrachloro -m- xylene (TCMX) 69 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Decachlorobiphenyl 98 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:03 JBW Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Semi - Volatile Organic Comp. Acenaphthene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Acenaphthylene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Anthracene 0.42 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Benzidine <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Benzo(a)anthracene 0.88 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Page 11 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: CM -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.79 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.80 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Benzo(a)pyrene 0.79 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Butylbenzyl phthalate <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Chloronaphthalene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Chrysene 1.1 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Di -n -butyl phthalate <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Diethyl phthalate <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Dimethyl phthalate <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4- Dinitrotoluene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,6- Dinitrotoluene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Di -n -octyl phthalate <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Fluoranthene 2.9 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Fluorene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Hexachlorobenzene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW- 8468270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Hexachlorobutadiene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Hexachloroethane <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Isophorone <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Methylnaphthalene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Naphthalene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Page 12 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: CM -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Nitrobenzene <0A1 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB N- nitrosodimethylamine <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB N- nitrosodiphenylamine <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB N- nitrosodi -n- propylamine <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Phenanthrene 2.5 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Pyrene 2.0 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 4- Chloro -3- methylphenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Chlorophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4- Dichlorophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4- Dimethylphenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4- Dinitrophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Nitrophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 4- Nitrophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Pentachlorophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Phenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4,6- Trichlorophenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 4- Chloroaniline <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Dibenzofuran <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Methyl Phenol <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 3 & 4- Methylphenols <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Aniline <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Acetophenone <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Azobenzene <0.41 0.41 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Surrogates RANGE Phenol -d5 36 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Fluorophenol 32 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 55 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Nitrobenzene -d5 35 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 39 30- 130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB P- Terphenyl -dl4 49 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:18 JEB Semi Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Page 13 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: CM -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone SAMPLE DET. mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C DATE 15:00 RAT PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Benzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 Arsenic 10.0 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Cadmium <0.30 0.30 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Chromium 20 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Lead 260 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18, 13:13 AGJ Mercury 0.23 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 3/8/18 17:48 DDP Percent Solids 81.5 <0.0069 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM ICP Digestion n- Butylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 SW -846 3050B 3/9/18 10:24 CK Total Metals - Soil tert- Butylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 Antimony <6.10 6.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Barium 87 0.61 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Beryllium 0.494 0.061 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Nickel 13 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Selenium <6.1 6.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Silver <1.2 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Thallium <3.0 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Vanadium 17 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Zinc 160 6.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:13 AGJ Percent Solids 81.5 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/8/17 10:47 RAT Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 3/8/18 15:13 DDP Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.069 0.069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Benzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Bromobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Bromoform <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Bromomethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT tert- Butylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.014 0.014 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Page 14 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: CM -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Carbon Tetrachloride <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0027 0.0027 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Chloroethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Chloroform <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Chloromethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Dibromomethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW- 8468260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Diethyl ether <0.069 0.069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.137 0.137 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.069 0.069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Page 15 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 002 Sample Description: CM -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST p- Isopropyltoluene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.069 0.069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.069 0.069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT MTBE <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.014 0.014 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Naphthalene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Styrene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,1,1,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0027 0.0027 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.069 0.069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Toluene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Trichloroethene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,3,5 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Vinyl Chloride <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT o- Xylene <0.0069 0.0069 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.014 0.014 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 118 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT Toluene -d8 83 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 56* 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 104 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:00 RAT TCLP Metals Lead <0.50 0.50 mg/l SW -846 6010C 3/16/18 12:16 AGJ ICP Digestion SW -846 3010A 3/15/18 20:44 DDP TCLP Extraction Extracted SW -846 1311 3/15/18 17:43 DDP Page 16 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: CM -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST COMM -97 Landfill Protocol pH 5.8 SU SW -846 9045C 3/12/18 17:15 JWC Specific Conductance 36 1.0 uMHOS /CM SM2510B 18 -2led 3/14/18 9:00 ML Flashpoint >200 80 deg F SW -846 1010 3/8/18 15:00 NF Reactivity CN & S Soils Sulfide Reactivity <2.0 2.0 mg/kg SW- 846 3/12/18 8:00 SNI Cyanide Reactivity <0.10 0.10 mg/kg SW- 846 7.3.3 3/12/18 8:00 SNI TPH TPH GC /FID 64 13 mg/kg dry SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 13:31 JEB Surrogate RANGE SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 13:31 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 48 40 -140% SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 13:31 JEB Moisture 23.0 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM PCB Aroclor -1016 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1221 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1232 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1242 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1248 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1254 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1260 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1262 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW- 8468082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Aroclor -1268 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Surrogate RANGE Tetrachloro- m- xylene (TCMX) 54 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Decachlorobiphenyl 75 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:31 JBW Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Semi - Volatile Organic Comp. Acenaphthene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Acenaphthylene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Anthracene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Benzidine <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Benzo(a)anthracene 1.00 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Page 17 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: CM -3 Sample Type : OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.96 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.95 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.58 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Benzo(a)pyrene 0.94 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Butylbenzyl phthalate <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Chloronaphthalene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Chrysene 1.3 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Di -n -butyl phthalate <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Diethyl phthalate <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Dimethyl phthalate <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4- Dinitrotoluene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,6- Dinitrotoluene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Di- n -octyl phthalate <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Fluoranthene 3.2 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Fluorene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Hexachlorobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Hexachlorobutadiene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Hexachloroethane <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 0.53 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Isophorone <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Methylnaphthalene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Naphthalene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Page 18 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: CM -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Nitrobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB N- nitrosodimethylamine <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB N- nitrosodiphenylamine <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB N- nitrosodi -n- propylamine <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Phenanthrene 2.4 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Pyrene 2.2 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 4- Chloro -3- methylphenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Chlorophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4- Dichlorophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4- Dimethylphenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Methyl- 4,6- dinitrophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4- Dinitrophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Nitrophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 4- Nitrophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Pentachlorophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Phenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 4- Chloroaniline <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Dibenzofuran <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Methyl Phenol <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 3 & 4- Methylphenols <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Aniline <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Acetophenone <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Azobenzene <0.43 0.43 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Surrogates RANGE Phenol -d5 56 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Fluorophenol 49 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 74 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Nitrobenzene -d5 56 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 63 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB P- Terphenyl -d14 67 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 20:47 JEB Semi Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7118 10:40 ATM Page 19 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL.Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: CM -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 6.3 3.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Cadmium <0.32 0.32 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Chromium 16 1.9 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Lead 170 2.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Mercury 0.18 0.12 mg/kg dry SW- 8467471B 3/8/18 17:51 DDP Percent Solids 77.0 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM ICP Digestion SW -846 3050B 3/9/18 10:24 CK Total Metals - Soil Antimony <6.40 6.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Barium 100 0.64 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Beryllium 0.502 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Nickel 15 1.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Selenium <6.4 6.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Silver <13 1.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Thallium <3.2 3.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Vanadium 16 1.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Zinc 220 6.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:30 AGJ Percent Solids 77.0 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/8/17 10:47 RAT Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 3/8/18 15:13 DDP Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Benzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Bromobenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Bromoform <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Bromomethane <0.0I 1 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0I 1 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT tert- Butylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.022 0.022 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Page 20 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: CM -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Carbon Tetrachloride <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0043 0.0043 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Chloroethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Chloroform <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Chloromethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Dibromomethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT cis- 1,3- Dichloropropene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Diethyl ether <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.216 0.216 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Page 21 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 003 Sample Description: CM -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST p- Isopropyltoluene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT MTBE <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.022 0.022 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Naphthalene <0.01 I 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Styrene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW- 8468260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0043 0.0043 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Toluene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene <0.0I 1 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Trichloroethene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Vinyl Chloride <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT o- Xylene <0.011 0.011 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.022 0.022 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 114 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT Toluene -d8 92 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 64* 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 110 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:28 RAT TCLP Metals Lead <0.50 0.50 mg/l SW -846 6010C 3/16/18 13:04 AGJ ICP Digestion SW -846 3010A 3/15/18 20:44 DDP TCLP Extraction Extracted SW -846 1311 3/15/18 17:43 DDP Page 22 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: CM -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST COMM -97 Landfill Protocol pH 5.6 SU SW -846 9045C 3/12/18 17:15 JWC Specific Conductance 24 1.0 uMHOS /CM SM2510B 18 -21ed 3/14/18 9:00 ML Flashpoint >200 80 deg F SW -846 1010 3/8/18 15:10 NF Reactivity CN & S Soils Sulfide Reactivity <2.0 2.0 mg/kg SW- 846 7.3.41 3/12/18 8:00 SNI Cyanide Reactivity <0.10 0.10 mg/kg SW- 846 7.3.3 3/12/18 8:00 SNI TPH TPH GC /FID 340 12 mg/kg dry SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 14:27 JEB Surrogate RANGE SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 14:27 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 69 40 -140% SW -846 8100M 3/8/18 14:27 JEB Moisture 17.0 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM PCB Aroclor -1016 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1221 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1232 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1242 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1248 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1254 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1260 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1262 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Aroclor -1268 <0.1 0.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Surrogate RANGE Tetrachloro -m- xylene (TCMX) 62 30- 150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Decachlorobiphenyl 85 30 -150% SW -846 8082A 3/8/18 13:59 JBW Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Semi - Volatile Organic Comp. Acenaphthene 0.82 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Acenaphthylene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Anthracene 1.3 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Benzidine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Benzo(a)anthracene 5.0 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Page 23 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: CM -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Benzo(b)fluoranthene 4.4 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Benzo(k)fluoranthene 4.7 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3.0 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Benzo(a)pyrene 5.5 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Butylbenzyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Chloronaphthalene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Chrysene 5.5 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.97 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Di -n -butyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Diethyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Dimethyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4- Dinitrotoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,6- Dinitrotoluene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Di- n -octyl phthalate <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Fluoranthene 11 2.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/14/18 11:44 JEB Fluorene 0.77 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Hexachlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Hexachlorobutadiene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Hexachloroethane <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 3.0 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Isophorone <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Methylnaphthalene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Naphthalene 0.93 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Page 24 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: CM -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Nitrobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB N- nitrosodimethylamine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB N- nitrosodiphenylamine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB N- nitrosodi -n- propylamine <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Phenanthrene 7.4 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Pyrene 8.1 2.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/14/18 11:44 JEB 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 4- Chloro -3- methylphenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Chlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4- Dichlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4- Dimethylphenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4- Dinitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Nitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 4- Nitrophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Pentachlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Phenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 4- Chloroaniline <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Dibenzofuran 0.75 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Methyl Phenol <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 3 & 4- Methylphenols <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Aniline <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Acetophenone <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Azobenzene <0.40 0.40 mg/kg dry SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Surrogates RANGE Phenol -d5 53 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Fluorophenol 48 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 66 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Nitrobenzene -d5 58 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB 2- Fluorobiphenyl 62 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB P- Terphenyl -d14 63 30 -130% SW -846 8270D 3/12/18 21:45 JEB Semi Extraction Date SW -846 3546 3/7/18 10:40 ATM Page 25 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: CM -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 13 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Cadmium 0.37 0.30 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Chromium 20 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Lead 170 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Mercury 0.17 0.12 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 3/8/18 17:52 DDP Percent Solids 83.0 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM ICP Digestion SW -846 3050B 3/9/18 10:24 CK Total Metals - Soil Antimony <5.91 5.91 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Barium 74 0.59 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Beryllium 0.441 0.059 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Nickel 14 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Selenium <5.9 5.9 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Silver <1.2 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Thallium <3.0 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Vanadium 27 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Zinc 210 6.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 3/9/18 13:34 AGJ Percent Solids 83.0 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/8/17 10:47 RAT Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 3/8/18 15:13 DDP Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.100 0.100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Benzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Bromobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Bromoform <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Bromomethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT tert- Butylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.020 0.020 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Page 26 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: CM -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Carbon Tetrachloride <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0040 0.0040 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Chloroethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Chloroform <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Chloromethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Dibromomethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1, 1 -Dichloroethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT I,1- Dichloroethene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT cis- 1,3- Dichloropropene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT trans- l,3- Dichloropropylene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Diethyl ether <0.100 0.100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.200 0.200 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 82600 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.100 0.100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Page 27 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 004 Sample Description: CM -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST p- Isopropyltoluene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.100 0.100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.100 0.100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT MTBE <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.020 0.020 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Naphthalene 0.0282 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Styrene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0040 0.0040 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.100 0.100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Toluene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Trichloroethene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,3,5 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Vinyl Chloride <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT o- Xylene <0.0100 0.0100 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.020 0.020 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 110 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT Toluene -d8 96 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 72 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 101 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 15:56 RAT TCLP Metals Lead <0.50 0.50 mg/I SW -846 6010C 3/16/18 12:20 AGJ ICP Digestion SW -846 3010A 3/15/18 20:44 DDP TCLP Extraction Extracted SW -846 1311 3/15/18 17:43 DDP Page 28 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 005 Sample Description: re- analysis of -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.064 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Benzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Bromobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Bromoform <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Bromomethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT tert- Butylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.013 0.013 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Carbon Tetrachloride <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0026 0.0026 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Chloroethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Chloroform <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Chloromethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Dibromomethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Page 29 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 005 Sample Description: re- analysis of -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT trans- l,3- Dichloropropylene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Diethyl ether <0.064 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPS) <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.128 0.128 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.064 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT p- Isopropyltoluene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.064 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.064 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT MTBE <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.013 0.013 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Naphthalene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Styrene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0026 0.0026 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 1 1:57 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.064 0.064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Toluene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 1 1:57 RAT Trichloroethee <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,3,5 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Page 30 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 005 Sample Description: re- analysis of -1 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Vinyl Chloride <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT o- Xylene <0.0064 0.0064 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.013 0.013 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 11:57 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 108 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Toluene -d8 95 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 74 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 99 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 11:57 RAT Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/14/18 9:30 RAT Percent Solids 88.5 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Moisture 11.5 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Page 31 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: re- analysis of -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.085 0.085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Benzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Bromobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Bromoform <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Bromomethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT tert - Butylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.017 0.017 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Carbon Tetrachloride <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0034 0.0034 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Chloroethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Chloroform <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Chloromethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Dibromomethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW- 8468260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Page 32 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: re- analysis of -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT trans- l,3- Dichloropropylene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Diethyl ether <0.085 0.085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.171 0.171 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.085 0.085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT p- Isopropyltoluene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.085 0.085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.085 0.085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT MTBE <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.017 0.017 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Naphthalene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Styrene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane <0.0034 0.0034 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.085 0.085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Toluene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Trichloroethene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Page 33 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 006 Sample Description: re- analysis of -2 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Vinyl Chloride <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT o- Xylene <0.0085 0.0085 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.017 0.017 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 12:25 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 120 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Toluene -d8 88 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 59* 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 110 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:25 RAT Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/14/18 9:30 RAT Percent Solids 81.5 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Moisture 18.5 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Page 34 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: Sample Description Sample Type : Sample Date / Time PARAMETER Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Sec- butylbenzene n- Butylbenzene tert- Butylbenzene Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Dibromochloromethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2- Chlorotoluene 4- Chlorotoluene 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane I ,2 -D ibromoethane(EDB) Dibromomethane 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 1,4- Dichlorobenzene n- Propylbenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1- Dichloroethane 1,2- Dichloroethane 1,1- Dichloroethene cis -1,2- Dichloroethene trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene 007 re- analysis of -3 OTHER 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.021 0.021 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.0042 0.0042 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Page 35 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 007 Sample Description: re- analysis of -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT trans- l,3- Dichloropropylene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Diethyl ether <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.208 0.208 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT p- Isopropyltoluene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT MTBE <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.021 0.021 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Naphthalene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Styrene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0042 0.0042 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Toluene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,1,1- Trichloroethane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Trichloroethene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichloropropane <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Page 36 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 007 Sample Description: re- analysis of -3 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time : 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Vinyl Chloride <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT o- Xylene <0.010 0.010 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.021 0.021 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 12:53 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 112 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Toluene -d8 93 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 64* 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 100 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 12:53 RAT Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/14/18 9:30 RAT Percent Solids 77.0 % SM254OG 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Moisture 23.0 % SM2540G 18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Page 37 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 008 Sample Description: re- analysis of -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <0.099 0.099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Benzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Bromobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Bromochloromethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Bromodichloromethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Bromoform <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Bromomethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Sec - butylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT n- Butylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT tert- Butylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Carbon Disulfide <0.020 0.020 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Carbon Tetrachloride <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Chlorobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Dibromochloromethane <0.0040 0.0040 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Chloroethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Chloroform <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Chloromethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 2- Chlorotoluene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 4- Chlorotoluene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Dibromomethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT n- Propylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Dichlorodifluoromethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2- Dichloroethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,1- Dichloroethene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Page 38 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 008 Sample Description: re- analysis of -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichloropropane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,3- Dichloropropane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 2,2- Dichloropropane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,1- Dichloropropene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13`.21 RAT cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT trans- l,3- Dichloropropylene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Diethyl ether <0.099 0.099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Diisopropyl Ether (DIPE) <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,4- Dioxane <0.198 0.198 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Ethylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Hexachlorobutadiene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 2- Hexanone <0.099 0.099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Isopropylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT p- Isopropyltoluene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW- 8468260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 2- Butanone(MEK) <0.099 0.099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <0.099 0.099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT MTBE <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Methylene Chloride <0.020 0.020 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Naphthalene 0.0136 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Styrene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,1,1,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <0.0040 0.0040 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Tetrachloroethene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Tetrahydrofuran <0.099 0.099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Toluene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Trichloroethene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Trichlorofluoromethane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Page 39 of 49 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report FSL Associates, Inc. Work Order #: 1803 -04742 Project Name: 39 -41 LINCOLN STREET AND 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET Sample Number: 008 Sample Description: re- analysis of -4 Sample Type: OTHER Sample Date / Time: 3/06/2018 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Vinyl Chloride <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT o- Xylene <0.0099 0.0099 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT m,p- Xylene <0.020 0.020 mg/kg dry SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 3/9/18 13:21 RAT Dibromofluoromethane 109 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Toluene -d8 96 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 4- Bromofluorobenzene 74 70- 130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 103 70 -130% SW -846 8260C 3/14/18 13:21 RAT Extraction Date SW -846 5035A 3/14/18 9:30 RAT Percent Solids 83.0 % SM2540G18 -21ed 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Moisture 17.0 % SM2540G 18 -2led 3/7/18 12:00 ATM Page 40 of 49 - Method Blanks Results - Parameter Units Results Date Analyzed Metals Metals Mercury mg/kg dry <0.10 3/8/2018 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Method 8100 TPH GC/FID mg/kg dry <10 3/7/2018 Surrogate RANGE 3/7/2018 2- Fluorobiphenyl 40 -140% 81.6 3/7/2018 PCB Aroclor -1016 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1221 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1232 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1242 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1248 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1254 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1260 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1262 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1268 mg/kg dry <0.1 3/8/2018 Surrogate RANGE 3/8/2018 Tetrachloro- m- xylene (TCMX) 30 -150% 93 3/8/2018 Decachlorobiphenyl 30 -150% 116 3/8/2018 Metals Antimony mg/kg dry <5.00 3/9/2018 Barium mg/kg dry <0.50 3/9/2018 Beryllium mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 Nickel mg/kg dry <1.0 3/9/2018 Selenium mg/kg dry <5.0 3/9/2018 Silver mg/kg dry <1.0 3/9/2018 Thallium mg/kg dry <2.5 3/9/2018 Vanadium mg/kg dry <1.0 3/9/2018 Zinc mg/kg dry <5.0 3/9/2018 Metals Arsenic mg/kg dry <2.5 3/9/2018 Cadmium mg/kg dry <0.25 3/9/2018 Chromium mg/kg dry <1.5 3/9/2018 Lead mg/kg dry <2.0 3/9/2018 Reactivity Sulfide Reactivity mg/kg <2.0 3/12/2018 Reactivity Cyanide Reactivity mg/kg <0.10 3/12/2018 Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Acenaphthylene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Anthracene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Benzidine mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Page 41 of 49 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Butylbenzyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2- Chloronaphthalene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Chrysene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Di -n -butyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 1,2- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 1,3- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 1,4- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Diethyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Dimethyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,4- Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,6- Dinitrotoluene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Di -n -octyl phthalate mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Fluorene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Hexachlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Hexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry <033 3/12/2018 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Hexachloroethane mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Isophorone mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2- Methylnaphthalene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Nitrobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 N- nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 N- nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 N- nitrosodi- n- propylamine mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Phenanthrene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Pyrene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 4- Chloro- 3- methylphenol mg/kg dry <033 3/12/2018 2- Chlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,4- Dichlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,4- Dimethylphenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2- Methyl -4,6- dinitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,4- Dinitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2- Nitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 4- Nitrophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Pentachlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Phenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 4- Chloroaniline mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Dibenzofuran mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 2- Methyl Phenol mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Page 42 of 49 . 3 & 4- Methylphenols mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Aniline mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Acetophenone mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Azobenzene mg/kg dry <0.33 3/12/2018 Surrogates RANGE 3/12/2018 Phenol -d5 30 -130% 79 3/12/2018 2- Fluorophenol 30 -130% 74 3/12/2018 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 30 -130% 97 3/12/2018 Nitrobenzene -d5 30 -130% 82 3/12/2018 2- Fluorobiphenyl 30 -130% 82 3/12/2018 P- Terphenyl -d 14 30 -130% 87 3/12/2018 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 Acetone mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Benzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Bromobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Bromochloromethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Bromodichloromethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Bromoform mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Bromomethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Sec - butylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 n- Butylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 tert- Butylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Carbon Disulfide mg/kg dry <0.010 3/9/2018 Carbon Tetrachloride mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Chlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Dibromochloromethane mg/kg dry <0.0020 3/9/2018 Chloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Chloroform mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Chloromethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 2- Chlorotoluene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 4- Chlorotoluene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/201,8 Dibromomethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,3- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,4- Dichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 n- Propylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Dichlorodifluoromethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,1- Dichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2- Dichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,1- Dichloroethene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 cis -1,2- Dichloroethene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2- Dichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,3- Dichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 2,2- Dichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,1- Dichloropropene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Diethyl ether mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 Diisopropyl ether (DIPS) mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,4- Dioxane mg/kg dry <0.100 3/9/2018 Page 43 of 49 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Hexachlorobutadiene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 2- Hexanone mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 Isopropylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 p- Isopropyltoluene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 2- Butanone(MEK) mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 MTBE mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Methylene Chloride mg/kg dry <0.010 3/9/2018 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Styrene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,1,1,2 - Tetrachloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0020 3/9/2018 Tetrachloroethene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Tetrahydrofuran mg/kg dry <0.050 3/9/2018 Toluene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2,3 - Trichlorobenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Trichloroethene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Trichlorofluoromethane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2,3- Trichloropropane mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 1,3,5 - Trimethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 Vinyl Chloride mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 o- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.0050 3/9/2018 m,p- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.010 3/9/2018 Surrogates RANGE 3/9/2018 Dibromofluoromethane 70 -130% 107 3/9/2018 Toluene -d8 70 -130% 102 3/9/2018 4- Bromofluorobenzene 70 -130% 96 3/9/2018 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 70 -130% 106 3/9/2018 TCLP Metals TCLP Lead mg/l <0.50 3/16/2018 TCLP Metals TCLP Lead mg/l <0.50 3/16/2018 Page 44 of 49 - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Parameter CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS I Aroclor -1016 . Acceptance Cone cone o /o Rec cone 0 /o Rec o /o RPD Date Analyzed Y PCB - Solids Aroclor -1016 0.33 0.347 105 0.336 102 3 3/8/2018 Aroclor -1260 0.33 0.355 108 0.351 106 1 3/8/2018 Surrogate Tetrachloro- m- xylene (TCMX) 97 93 Decachlorobiphenyl 118 115 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Method 8100 - Solids TPH GC /FID 66.7 57.7 87 59.9 90 4 3/8/2018 Surrogate 3/8/2018 2- Fluorobiphenyl 94.0 96.1 3/8/2018 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 Acetone 0.500 0.330 66 0.348 70 5 3/9/2018 Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether 0.050 0.0424 85 0.0449 .90 6 3/9/2018 Benzene 0.050 0.0456 91 0.0473 95 4 3/9/2018 Bromobenzene 0.050 0.0404 81 0.0422 84 4 3/9/2018 Bromochloromethane 0.050 0.0397 79 0.0414 83 4 3/9/2018 Bromodichloromethane 0.050 0.0430 86 0.0446 89 4 3/9/2018 Bromoform 0.050 0.0490 98 0.0509 102 4 3/9/2018 Bromomethane 0.050 0.0403 81 0.0380 76 6 3/9/2018 Sec - butylbenzene 0.050 0.0480 96 0.0477 95 1 3/9/2018 n- Butylbenzene 0.050 0.0477 95 0.0465 93 3 3/9/2018 tert- Butylbenzene 0.050 0.0501 100 0.0488 98 3 3/9/2018 Carbon Disulfide 0.050 0.0446 89 0.0448 90 0 3/9/2018 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.050 0.0480 96 0.0478 96 0 3/9/2018 Chlorobenzene 0.050 0.0471 94 0.0470 94 0 3/9/2018 Dibromochloromethane 0.050 0.0497 99 0.0535 107 7 3/9/2018 Chloroethane 0.050 0.0405 81 0.0404 81 0 3/9/2018 Chloroform 0.050 0.0393 79 0.0408 82 4 3/9/2018 Chloromethane 0.050 0.0350 70 0.0343 69 2 3/9/2018 2- Chlorotoluene 0.050 0.0427 85 0.0433 87 1 3/9/2018 4- Chlorotoluene 0.050 0.0444 89 0.0448 90 1 3/9/2018 1,2- Dibromo -3- Chloropropane 0.050 0.0478 96 0.0476 95 0 3/9/2018 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) 0.050 0.0503 101 0.0536 107 6 3/9/2018 Dibromomethane 0.050 0.0463 93 0.0502 100 8 3/9/2018 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 0.050 0.0511 102 0.0503 101 2 3/9/2018 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 0.050 0.0509 102 0.0512 102 1 3/9/2018 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 0.050 0.0498 too 0.0503 101 1 3/9/2018 n- Propylbenzene 0.050 0.0456 91 0.0455 91 0 3/9/2018 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.050 0.0258 52 0.0250 50 3 3/9/2018 1,1- Dichloroethane 0.050 0.0399 80 0.0407 81 2 3/9/2018 1,2- Dichloroethane 0.050 0.0409 82 0.0439 88 7 3/9/2018 1,1- Dichloroethene 0.050 0.0435 87 0.0436 87 0 3/9/2018 cis -1,2- Dichloroethene 0.050 0.0440 88 0.0458 92 4 3/9/2018 trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene 0.050 0.0455 91 0.0468 94 3 3/9/2018 1,2- Dichloropropane 0.050 0.0436 87 0.0464 93 6 3/9/2018 1,3- Dichloropropane 0.050 0.0451 90 0.0490 98 8 3/9/2018 2,2- Dichloropropane 0.050 0.0420 84 0.0423 85 1 3/9/2018 1,1- Dichloropropene 0.050 0.0455 91 0.0476 95 5 3/9/2018 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene 0.050 0.0473 95 0.0499 100 5 3/9/2018 trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene 0.050 0.0455 91 0.0488 98 7 3/9/2018 Diethyl ether 0.500 0.455 91 0.488 98 7 3/9/2018 WO #: 1803 -04742 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 45 of 49 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 (cont'd) CRM Spike LCS I LCS I LCS Dup LCS DUP I I%RPD Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) Parameter Acceptance Cone Cone % Rec Cone % Rec Date Analyzed Volatile Organics by Method 8260 (cont'd) Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) 0.050 0.0387 77 0.0406 81 5 3/9/2018 1,4- Dioxane 1.00 1.19 119 1.50 150 23 3/9/2018 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 0.050 0.0401 80 0.0417 83 4 3/9/2018 Ethylbenzene 0.050 0.0450 90 0.0447 89 1 3/9/2018 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.050 0.0591 118 0.0577 115 2 3/9/2018 2- Hexanone 0.500 0.375 75 0.403 81 7 3/9/2018 Isopropylbenzene 0.050 0.0483 97 0.0483 97 0 3/9/2018 p- Isopropyltoluene 0.050 0.0490 98 0.0491 98 0 3/9/2018 2- Butanone(MEK) 0.500 0.432 86 0.458 92 6 3/9/2018 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) 0.500 0.377 75 0.403 81 7 3/9/2018 MTBE 0.050 0.0429 86 0.0455 91 6 3/9/2018 Methylene Chloride 0.050 0.0403 81 0.0433 87 7 3/9/2018 Naphthalene 0.050 0.0523 105 0.0538 108 3 3/9/2018 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane 0.050 0.0441 88 0.0473 95 7 3/9/2018 Styrene 0.050 0.0466 93 0.0476 95 2 3/9/2018 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.050 0.0472 94 0.0474 95 0 3/9/2018 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane 0.050 0.043 86 0.0448 90 4 3/9/2018 Tetrachloroethene 0.050 0.0559 112 0.0573 115 2 3/9/2018 Tetrahydrofuran 0.50 0.370 74 0.387 77 4 3/9/2018 Toluene 0.050 0.0473 95 0.0492 98 4 3/9/2018 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 0.050 0.0566 113 0.0571 114 1 3/9/2018 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 0.050 0.055 110 0.0558 112 1 3/9/2018 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 0.050 0.0440 88 0.0441 88 0 3/9/2018 Trichloroethene 0.050 0.0483 97 0.0493 99 2 3/9/2018 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.050 0.0521 104 0.0513 103 2 3/9/2018 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 0.050 0.0413 83 0.0432 86 4 3/9/2018 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene 0.050 0.0465 93 0.0473 95 2 3/9/2018 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene 0.050 0.0474 95 0.0470 94 1 3/9/2018 Vinyl Chloride 0.050 0.0408 82. 0.0402 80 1 3/9/2018 o- Xylene 0.050 0.0471 94 0.0471 94 0 3/9/2018 m,p- Xylene 0.100 0.0936 94 0.0936 94 0 3/9/2018 Surrogates Dibromofluoromethane 101 102 3/9/2018 Toluene -d8 99 100 3/9/2018 4- Bromofluorobenzene 93 95 3/9/2018 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 97 108 3/14/2018 Flashpoint 80 80 100 3/8/2018 Metals Barium 73 -126% 772 790 102 800 104 1 3/9/2018 Selenium 66 -134% 350 320 91 300 86 6 3/9/2018 Silver 42 -158% 56.0 56 100 54 96 4 3/9/2018 Antimony 0 -280% 75.3 77.1 102 75.0 100 3 3/9/2018 Vanadium 57 -143% 334 320 96 310 93 3 3/9/2018 WO #: 1803 -04742 QA/QC Report - 1,CS/1,CS Duplicate Data Results- Page 46 of 49 Metals (cont'd) CRM I Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP I I%RPD 366 Parameter Acceptance Conc Conc % Rec Conc % Rec Date Analyzed Metals (cont'd) 103 170 Beryllium 72 -128% 175 Nickel 73 -127% 366 Thallium 68 -132% 76.4 Zinc 73 -127% 1040 Metals - Solids 7 3/9/2018 Mercury 52 -149% 21.7 Arsenic 71 -129% 45.0 Cadmium 73 -127% 251 Chromium 70 -130% 303 Lead 70 -130% 150 Semi- Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids Acenaphthene 3/9/2018 3.3 Acenaphthylene 220 3.3 Anthracene 3/9/2018 3.3 Benzidine 280 3.3 Benzo(a)anthracene 3/9/2018 3.3 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 140 3.3 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3/9/2018 3.3 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 2.7 3.3 Benzo(a)pyrene 3/12/2018 3.3 Bis(2- chloroethyl)ether 3.0 3.3 Bis(2- Chloroethoxy)methane 3/12/2018 3.3 Bis(2- Chloroisopropyl)Ether 2.8 3.3 Bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate 3/12/2018 3.3 4- Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.47 3.3 Butyibenzyl phthalate 3/12/2018 3.3 2- Chloronaphthalene 2.8 3.3 4- Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 3/12/2018 3.3 Chrysene 3.1 3.3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 3/12/2018 3.3 Di -n -butyl phthalate 3.0 3.3 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 3/12/2018 3.3 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 2.5 3.3 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 3/12/2018 3.3 3,3'- Dichlorobenzidine 2.9 3.3 Diethyl phthalate 3/12/2018 3.3 Dimethyl phthalate 2.3 3.3 2,4- Dinitrotoluene 3/12/2018 3.3 2,6- Dinitrotoluene 2.7 3.3 Di- n -octyl phthalate 3/12/2018 3.3 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine 2.7 3.3 Fluoranthene 3/12/2018 3.3 Fluorene 2.3 3.3 Hexachlorobenzene 3/12/2018 3.3 180 103 170 97 6 3/9/2018 340 93 330 90 3 3/9/2018 74 97 69 90 7 3/9/2018 970 93 920 88 5 3/9/2018 22 101 22 101 0 3/8/2018 53 118 50 111 6 3/9/2018 230 92 220 88 4 3/9/2018 300 99 280 92 7 3/9/2018 150 100 140 93 7 3/9/2018 2.7 82 2.7 82 0 3/12/2018 2.8 85 3.0 91 7 3/12/2018 2.7 82 2.8 85 4 3/12/2018 0.60 18 0.47 14 24 3/12/2018 2.7 82 2.8 85 4 3/12/2018 3.0 91 3.1 94 3 3/12/2018 2.9 88 3.0 91 3 3/12/2018 2.5 76 2.5 76 0 3/12/2018 2.8 85 2.9 88 4 3/12/2018 2.3 70 2.3 70 0 3/12/2018 2.7 82 2.7 82 0 3/12/2018 2.6 79 2.7 82 4 3/12/2018 2.2 67 2.3 70 4 3/12/2018 3.2 97 3.3 100 3 3/12/2018 2.1 64 2.2 67 5 3/12/2018 2.8 85 3.0 91 7 3/12/2018 3.2 97 3.3 100 3 3/12/2018 2.7 82 2.7 82 0 3/12/2018 1.9 58 2.0 61 5 3/12/2018 2.5 76 2.6 79 4 3/12/2018 2.4 73 2.6 79 8 3/12/2018 2.3 70 2.6 79 12 3/12/2018 2.4 73 2.6 79 8 3/12/2018 2.0 61 1.6 48 22 3/12/2018 2.8 85 2.9 88 4 3/12/2018 2.9 88 3.1 94 7 3/12/2018 3.4 103 3.6 109 6 3/12/2018 3.5 106 3.6 109 3 3/12/2018 1.9 58 2.0 61 5 3/12/2018 2.9 88 2.9 88 0 3/12/2018 3.0 91 3.1 94 3 3/12/2018 2.8 85 2.9 88 4 3/12/2018 3.2 97 3.2 97 0 3/12/2018 WO #: 1803 -04742 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 47 of 49 Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids (cont'd) CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP Hexachlorobutadiene 3.3 Parameter Acceptance Conc Conc o /o Rec Conc 0 /o Rec I%RPD Date Analyzed Y Semi - Volatile Organics by Method 8270 - Solids (cont'd) Hexachlorobutadiene 3.3 3.2 97 3.5 106 9 3/12/2018 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3.3 3.8 115 4.1 124 8 3/12/2018 Hexachloroethane 3.3 2.3 70 2.6 79 12 3/12/2018 Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 3.3 2.6 79 2.7 82 4 3/12/2018 Isophorone 3.3 2.7 82 2.8 85 4 3/12/2018 2- Methylnaphthalene 3.3 3.0 91 3.1 94 3 3/12/2018 Naphthalene 3.3 2.5 76 2.7 82 8 3/12/2018 Nitrobenzene 3.3 2.9 88 3.2 97 10 3/12/2018 N- nitrosodimethylamine 3.3 2.5 76 2.9 88 15 3/12/2018 N- nitrosodiphenylamine 3.3 2.8 85 2.8 85 0 3/12/2018 N- nitrosodi -n- propylamine 3.3 2.7 82 2.8 85 4 3/12/2018 Phenanthrene 3.3 2.8 85 2.9 88 4 3/12/2018 Pyrene 3.3 2.5 76 2.6 79 4 3/12/2018 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 3.3 3.0 91 3.1 94 3 3/12/2018 4- Chloro -3- methylphenol 3.3 2.8 85 2.9 88 4 3/12/2018 2- Chorophenol 3.3 2.4 73 2.5 76 4 3/12/2018 2,4- Dichlorophenol 3.3 3.0 91 3.2 97 6 3/12/2018 2,4- Dimethylphenol 3.3 3.0 91 3.1 94 3 3/12/2018 2- Methyl- 4,6- dinitrophenol 3.3 3.5 106 3.6 109 3 3/12/2018 2,4- Dinitrophenol 3.3 3.2 97 3.1 94 3 3/12/2018 2- Nitrophenol 3.3 2.8 85 3.0 91 7 3/12/2018 4- Nitrophenol 3.3 2.9 88 2.8 85 4 3/12/2018 Pentachlorophenol 3.3 2.9 88 3.1 94 7 3/12/2018 Phenol 3.3 2.6 79 2.8 85 7 3/12/2018 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol 3.3 2.8 85 3.0 91 7 3/12/2018 2,4,5 - Trichlorophenol 3.3 3.1 94 3.2 97 3 3/12/2018 Dibenzofuran 3.3 2.8 85 2.9 88 4 3/12/2018 2- Methyl Phenol 3.3 2.7 82 2.9 88 7 3/12/2018 3 & 4- Methylphenols 3.3 2.4 73 2.5 76 4 3/12/2018 Aniline 33 1.7 52 1.8 55 6 3/12/2018 Acetophenone 3.3 2.6 79 2.7 82 4 3/12/2018 Azobenzene 3.3 2.9 88 2.9 88 0 3/12/2018 4- Chloroaniline 3.3 2.1 64 1.7 52 21 3/12/2018 Surrogates Phenol -d5 79 84 2- Fluorophenol 76 81 2,4,6 - Tribromophenol 102 102 Nitrobenzene -d5 85 91 2- Fluorobiphenyl 85 87 P- Terphenyl -d14 86 86 Reactivity Sulfide Reactivity 9.87 7.37 75 8.25 83 10 3/12/2018 Cyanide Reactivity 1.97 1.14 58 1.74 87 41 3/12/2018 TCLP Metals WO #: 1803 -04742 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 48 of 49 Parameter CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP I%RPD Acceptance C onc Conc o /o Rec Conc 0 /o Rec Date Analyzed TCLP Metals (cont'd) TCLP Lead 1.00 1.01 101 1.01 101 0 3/16/2018 TCLP Lead 1.00 1.01 101 1.01 101 0 3/16/2018 4 q¢ tdlfY GtA � a 5� peal-d101 X X X X SIBIOW K dOW X X X X U a6e e � d W0-L6-WWOO X X X X X X X X C ca w apoD XullaW rn ^� o m m o14 m m N w M a apoD u0iasnaasaad z 0 z z t0 coo co O� N .z N d o ad,ij, V snutuluoD 3o # a M p N 0 M a M Q M 41T (ntf) O�— C LLc')mcoQ apsodwo7 io gzl9 N V 0 0 0 c 0 N H . (E U U Z'< r� i#0 Liz I 1 N 0 -.1 cn i= �•: " w 1S o I �. �€ a G a b z= p (a f.i o m Q v o q 0 if N N x 3 m a c`) cN C O p N d ti = N z 0 z 0 Ai U ° 1 z m ( E °v Lu p O to Z V a 7C � to � d 4 q¢ tdlfY GtA � a 5� peal-d101 X X X X SIBIOW K dOW X X X X U a6e e � d W0-L6-WWOO X X X X X X X X C ca w apoD XullaW rn m m m m m m N w M a apoD u0iasnaasaad z 0 z z t0 Q co O� N .z N d o ad,ij, V snutuluoD 3o # a M Q M a M Q M Co O (ntf) O�— C LLc')mcoQ apsodwo7 io gzl9 O V 0 0 0 c 0 N H (E U U Z'< A W M °O as CO VJ d' h n � N O co a�QEl. O n kn o a O � N U to a �xen 0 O �I rr �8 Q � VO N X � O cC G U N a c ce M 3� O O iIgl2lil ;l2l;tl21 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 c0 00 1'* oD 00 Cd 1 (O (O CD CO <O CO c0 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q � M M ch M M ch M M 0 Co Cl 0 0 0 0 0 O co V 0 —= O O O N O1 a.. iL Q r) QQ� a E~ z' z a & a 9 ..R • 0 M 0 VC Q co O� N N d N �L Q N U O N (ntf) O�— C LLc')mcoQ 0 N H (E U U N N r a CL z E o n. ~ z z if � n co o� m .Q I! Q x 6 0 U � Zif Z rn z 'o v If Q CO) U y a 39 N 3 d N 3 C 0 C7 0 v x Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading MA 01867 RTN 3 -34791 APPENDIX D LETTERS OF PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ErruiromnenlalEngineering C,ii1Engineering EorensicEgineening, Consimclion Services Environfnental Engineering Forensic Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Set ices April 12, 2018 Reading Administrative Services 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Attn: Town Manager Robert W. LeLacheur Jr. RE: Notification of Submittal Release Abatement Measure Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3 -34791 Dear Mr. LeLacheur, On behalf of MKM Reading, LLC., FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) has prepared and submitted a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0444 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The document addresses specific site and release conditions at 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 741 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, Massachusetts. If you would like to obtain a copy of the report or have any questions, please contact the undersigned or contact the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Northeast Regional Office at 205B Lowell Street, Wilmington, MA 01887, (978) 694 -3200. Sincerely yours, FSL Associates, Inc. Andrew J. Pieroni, E.I.T. Environmental Engineer 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Boston, MA 02135 Office: (617) 232 -0001 Fax: (617) 232 -7800 Eni,ironniental Engineering Gi-il Engineering Forensic Engineering, Constniction Services Environmental Engineering Forensic Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Services April 12, 2018 Reading Public Health Services 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Attn: Laura Vlasuk RE: Notification of Submittal Release Abatement Measure Plan 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Release Tracking Number (RTN) 3 -34791 Dear Laura Vlasuk, On behalf of MKM Reading, LLC., FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) has prepared and submitted a Release Abatement Measure (RAM) Plan in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0444 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The document addresses specific site and release conditions at 31 -35 Lincoln Street, 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, Massachusetts. If you would like to obtain a copy of the report or have any questions, please contact the undersigned or contact the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Northeast Regional Office at 205B Lowell Street, Wilmington, MA 01887, (978) 694 -3200. Sincerely yours, FSL Associates, Inc. Andrew J. Pieroni, E.I.T. Environmental Engineer 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Boston, MA 02135 Office: (617) 232 -0001 Fax: (617) 232 -7800 Phase ii Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... ............................... 3 2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. ............................... 7 2.1 Reliance ........................................................................................................... ..............................7 2.2 Use of Report ................................................................................................. ............................... 7 2.3 Regulatory Agency Reporting Requirements ................................................. ............................... 7 3.0 Background ........................................................................................................ ............................... 8 3.1 Site Description and Features ......................................................................... ..............................8 3.2 Physical Setting ............................................................................................... ..............................8 3.3 Site History and Land Use .............................................................................. ............................... 8 3.4 Adjacent Property Land Use ........................................................................... ..............................9 3.5 Summary of Previous Site Assessments ........................................................ ............................... 9 4.0 Work Performed and Rationale ......................................................................... .............................12 4.1 Scope of Assessment ...................................................................................... .............................12 4.2 Exploration, Sampling and Test Screening Methods ..................................... .............................12 Table 1 Field Screening Results .............................................................................. .............................15 4.3 Chemical Analytical Methods ......................................................................... .............................15 Table 2 Soil Sample Location and Analysis ............................................................. .............................16 5 Presentation and Evaluation of Results ............................................................. .............................16 5.1 Subsurface Conditions ................................................................................... .............................16 5.2 Analytical Results ........................................................................................... .............................17 5.2.1 Soil Analytical ............................................................................................. .............................17 5.2.2 Groundwater Analytical ............................................................................. .............................17 6 Interpretation and Conclusions .......................................................................... .............................17 6.1 Recognized Environmental Condition / Potential Release Area .................... .............................17 6.2 Conceptual Model Validation /Adequacy of Investigations ......................... .............................18 6.3 Absence, Presence, Degree, Extent of Target Analytes ................................. .............................18 1 Phase ll Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 6.4 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals .............................................. .............................19 6.5 Conclusions / Objectives Met ........................................................................ .............................19 7 Recommendations ........................................................................................... ............................... 21 8 Signature of Environmental Professionals ......................................................... .............................22 9 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... .............................23 FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Topographic Map Figure 2 Site Plan with Boring Locations Figure 3 Numerical Ranking System Map TABLES Previous Reports Table 1 Field Screening Results Table 2 Soil Sample Location and Analysis Table 3 Soil Analytical Results Table 4 Groundwater Analytical Results APPENDIX Appendix A Tables Appendix B Analytical Data Appendix C Boring Logs Appendix D Previous Reports 2 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, AS'TM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 1- .:.. At the request of the client, FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) conducted a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, pursuant to ASTM E1903 -11, at 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, Massachusetts 01867 (the "Site" or "Property "). The purpose of this practice is to assess the Property by means of environmental report reviews and intrusive subsurface investigations for contamination by a release of oil or hazardous material from on -Site or off -Site sources which, if present, could present an environmental liability under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) at 310 CMR 40.0000. This practice is intended for use in any situation in which a user desires to obtain sound, scientifically valid data concerning actual property conditions, whether or not such data relate to property conditions previously identified as recognized environmental conditions (RECs) or data gaps in Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs). Without attempting to define all such situations, this practice contemplates that users may seek such data to inform their evaluations, conclusions, and choices of action in connection with objectives that may include, without limitation, one or more of the following: Assess whether there has been a release of hazardous substances within the meaning of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), for purposes including landowner liability protections (i.e., innocent landowner, bona fide prospective purchaser, and contiguous property owner); Provide information relevant to identifying, defining and implementing landowner "continuing obligations," or the criteria established under CERCLA (e.g., taking reasonable steps to prevent or limit exposures to previously released hazardous substances) for maintaining the CERCLA landowner liability protections; Develop threshold knowledge of the presence of substances on properties within the scope of the CERCLA definition of a "Brownfield site" and as required for qualifying for brownfields remediation grants from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program; Provide information. relevant to identifying, defining and evaluating property conditions associated with target analytes that may pose risk to human health or the environment, or risk of bodily injury to persons on the property and thereby give rise to potential liability in tort; Provide information relevant to evaluating and allocating business environmental risk in transactional and contractual contexts, including transferring, financing and insuring properties, and due diligence relating thereto; and provide information to support disclosure of liability and contingent liability in financial statements and securities reporting. 3 Phase lI Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 FSL accomplished these tasks by: reviewing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed for the subject Site in November, 2014; advancing soil borings along the subject Site border adjacent to a former gas filling station as well as other locations throughout the Property; sending soil and groundwater samples obtained from intrusive subsurface investigations to a Massachusetts State certified testing laboratory for analysis of target analytes as specified by FSL Associates, Inc. in the November, 2014 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment; preparing this report containing our procedures, findings, and recommendations. Findings A review of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed for the subject Property by FSL Associates, Inc. in November, 2014, indicates that 39 -41 Lincoln Street has historically been used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, and retail, while 2 -12 Prescott Street has historically been used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, printing and storage. According to historical records and maps, a second building on the 2 -12 Prescott Street property was taken down between 1918 and 1921. It was used as a shipping room and glass room on the first floor, and as a painting storage room on the second floor. However, during an inquiry to the Town of Reading Building Division, FSL personnel were not able to come up with any documentation /permits of the demolition of the building. The Town of Reading also had records of an Underground Storage Tank (UST) on the subject site that was removed, but the location of the former UST could not be verified. The abutter to the north is Browns Auto at 35 Lincoln Street. Historically this site has been a machine shop, metallic brush shop, bicycle repair shop, and an auto supply shop that previously had a gasoline filling station with USTs. Records pertaining to current status and location of the UST are inconsistent. Within 0.056 mile to the northeast of the subject site, there is a dry cleaning business that is known to have previously used Perchloroethylene as part of their cleaning process. Based on the following: that there was a permitted UST on the subject site that was removed from a suspected location at 2 -12 Prescott Street; a structure was demolished without records of permits on the subject site; the northern abutter that was identified to have been a gasoline filling station with inconsistent tank records; and the proximity of a dry - cleaning facility that had a known history of using Perch loroethylene, FSL recommended intrusive subsurface investigations be conducted on the subject Property. 4 Phase li Environmental Site Assessment, ASTIR E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 A total of seven (7) soil borings were advanced: three (3) of which were advanced along the subject site border adjacent with 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto); one (1) of which was advanced near the northwest corner of the building at 39 -41 Lincoln Street; two (2) of which were advanced on the sides of the large rectangular area of resealed pavement in the parking lot at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property that FSL believed to be the location a removed UST from the Site, one (1) on the northeast side and one (1) on the southwest side; and one (1) which was advanced at the southwestern corner of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed in any of the seven (7) soil borings at the depths of which ranged from 0 feet to 15 feet below the ground surface (bgs). Soil samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 metals; volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons /polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPH /PAH). The soil samples from FSL -1 (0 -5 ft range bgs), FSL -2 (0 -5 ft range bgs) and FSL -4 (0 -5 ft range bgs) contained levels of Lead at 220, 260 and 550 parts per million (ppm), respectively, all above the applicable reportable concentration of 200 ppm as per 310 CMR 40.1600. The soil sample from FSL -4 (0- 5 ft bgs range) also contained levels of Arsenic at 24 ppm, above the applicable reportable concentration of 20 ppm. VPH and EPH /PAH analytes were detected below the applicable reportable concentrations in soil. Groundwater samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs); RCRA 8 metals; VPH; and EPH /PAH. VOC, VPH, EPH and PAH fractions were not detected above the laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples. RCRA 8 Metals were not detected above laboratory limits with the exception of arsenic and barium, which were detected at maximum concentrations of 15 parts per billion (ppb) and 174 ppb, respectively. These are below the applicable reportable concentrations of 900 ppb and 50,000 ppb for arsenic and barium in groundwater, respectively. Conclusion Based on the analytical results, reportable concentrations of lead and arsenic were discovered in the site soil. 5 Phase Ii Environmental Site Assessment, AS"TM E1903-11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Recommendations According to 310 CMR 40.0315(1), it is the Responsible Party's (RP's) responsibility to report the concentrations in the soil to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) within 120 days of obtaining knowledge of a release to the environment indicated by the measure of one or more hazardous materials in the soil in an amount equal to or greater than the reportable concentrations described in 310 CMR 40.0360 through 310 CMR 40.0369 and listed in 310 CMR 40.1600, which lists the reportable concentrations or quantities. FSL recommends that these applicable reportable concentrations be reported to MassDEP, in accordance with the 120 -day notification requirements of the MCP as per 310 CMR 40.0315. Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM R1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street ReadinLy. MA 01867 FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) conducted this Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, pursuant to ASTM E1903 -11, at 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 (the "Site" or "Property ") for the Client to determine whether any conditions exist that would require a response under the requirements of Massachusetts General Law (M.G.L.) Chapter 21E for oil and hazardous materials. The determination included the evaluation of off- and on -Site sources to determine the occurrence of past or current releases which may have affected the Site and whether any such releases would be cause for concern and present a liability under Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Regulations 310 CMR 40.0000 to the owner or its successors. The contents herein may be utilized by lenders and title insurance companies in granting mortgage monies and affirmative insurance coverage. The use of this report is limited to the client and /or its designee. No part of this report may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the Client. FSL understands that this report is being used by the Client or its designee to evaluate possible environmental liability on the Site. According to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) as embodied in 310 CMR 40.0000, the Responsible Party (RP) or Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) has a duty to notify MADEP if a release has occurred on the Site involving contaminants above Reportable Concentrations (RC) within two hours (if Imminent Hazard conditions are present), 72 hours or 120 days if the release is not able to be remediated beforehand under a Limited Removal Action (LRA). 7 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading. MA 01867 3.0 Background 3.1 Site Description and Features The Site is identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867. The Site is situated south of the intersection of Prescott Street and Lincoln Street in a mixed commercial and residential district in Reading, Massachusetts. Properties to the northeast and east are consisted of commercial use; while properties to the northwest, west and south consist of residential use. The site is identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street (parcel ID: 16 -226; 10,029 sq -ft) and 2 -12 Prescott Street (parcel ID: 16 -224; 26,035 sq -ft) in Reading, MA. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates are Zone 19, Northing 326860.8 and Easting 4709597.0. The latitude and longitude coordinates are 42° 31' 16.68" N and 71° 6' 28.08" W, respectively. The Property boundaries and general site layout are presented on Figure 2. r y 39 -41 Lincoln Street is a 10,029 sq -ft lot improved with an asphalt paved parking lot, and a two (2) story building comprised of a concrete foundation and aluminum siding exterior. The parking lot is in fair condition with few noticeable cracks. There is a slight pitch from the parking lot entrance of the property to Lincoln Street. 2 -12 Prescott Street is a 26,035 sq -ft lot improved with an asphalt paved parking lot improved with a three (3) story building comprised of a concrete foundation and clapboard siding exterior. There is a slight pitch from the parking lot entrance of the property to Prescott Street. Utilities to both properties include water, sewer, electricity, oil, telephone and internet. Both water and sewer service is provided by the Town of Reading. 3.3 Site History and Land Use 39 -41 Lincoln Street was used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, and retail. 2 -12 Prescott Street was used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, printing, and storage. According to the Sanborn maps and reviewed Town of Reading Engineering Department town grid plans, a second building at 2 -12 Prescott Street was taken down between 1918 and 1921. N Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 This building was a two story building that was connected by catwalk to the existing structure, and was used as a shipping room and glass room on the first floor, and as a painting storage room on the second floor. The Site is located at approximately 32 m (104 ft) above mean sea level on relatively flat land. Figure 1 presents the environmental setting of the location as superimposed on a portion of the Boston, Massachusetts Topographic map. The adjoining properties consist of a variety of mixed commercial, retail, and residential land use. The abutter to the north is Browns Auto at 35 Lincoln Street. Historically this site has been a machine shop, metallic brush shop, bicycle repair shop, and an auto supply shop that previously had a gasoline filling station with USTs. To the northeast on the opposite side of Lincoln Street is the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Reading Commuter Rail Station. Within 0.056 mile to the northeast of the subject site, there is a dry cleaning business that is known to previously use Perchloroethylene as part of their cleaning process. Surrounding the northwestern, western and southern property boundaries are residential properties. 3.5 Summary of Previous Site Assessments FSL reviewed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed for the subject Property in November, 2014 by FSL Associates, Inc. of 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135. The report findings indicated that: 1. Several reportable release /Mass DEP disposal sites were identified within % -mile radius of the Property. However, each of the sites had been closed or received A -1, A -3, or B -1 Response Action Outcomes (RAOs). A -1 and B -1 RAOs applies to sites where a permanent solution has been achieved and a level of no significant risk exists. A -3 RAOs applies to sites where a permanent solution has been achieved and an activity and use limitation (AUL) is required to maintain a level of no significant risk. FSL did not find these to be recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. a Phase ll Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 2. 467 Main Street is an open MassDEP Disposal Site under RTN 3 -24116 that has been classified as a Downgradient Property Status (DPS). Releases of Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethene were observed in monitoring wells located at 467 Main Street that exceeded MassDEP Reportable Concentrations (RCs). Reading Dry Cleaning and Tailoring, located at 525 Main Street, was identified as the source of the release. Chlorinated VOCs were noted to have been used during the dry cleaning process at the facility. Based on the proximity of 467 Main Street to the subject site and geographical conditions, FSL did not find this to present recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 3. There were several RCRA Generator sites that generate hazardous waste in close proximity of the subject site. Of particular concern was 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto Body) and 41 High Street (Nick's Drycleaners). 35 Lincoln Street was historically used as a gasoline filling station. 41 High Street was formerly Luigi's Dry - cleaning and Shirt Service until 2004, and was listed as actively using Perch loroethylene (Perc). Based on the quantity of hazardous waste generated and accumulated and the proximity of the RCRA Gen sites, it was FSL's opinion that this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 4. FSL personnel found inconsistent correspondence and permits for a potential 1,000 gallon UST removal between October 20, 1990 and October 22, 1991 at the subject site. A Town of Reading Tank Removal Permit receipt shows the completed tank removal occurred at 34 Lincoln Street. All other correspondents indicate that the tank was removed from 39 -41 Lincoln Street. FSL personnel observed a large rectangular shape of resealed pavement in the parking lot at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property; the dimensions were approximately 60" x 12'. As noted in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed for the subject site, records for both 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street were filled together under the 39 -41 Lincoln Street address in several municipal departments. Based on the available UST records and FSL's physical observations of the subject site, it was FSL's opinion that the addresses were erroneously entered on the permits and correspondence from both 34 Lincoln Street and 39 -41 Lincoln Street, and that the removed UST likely came from the property at 2 -12 Prescott. Therefore, the inconsistent records and 10 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 unknown location of the removed UST could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 5. Available records for USTs /ASTs on abutting sites of concern were inconsistent. Particularly of concern was the current unknown status of the UST located at the adjacent property at 35 Lincoln Street. 35 Lincoln Street was historically used as a gasoline filling station. Based on the available information, it was FSL's opinion that this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 6. FSL observed solid waste during the inspection at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property. There was a dumpster located at the southeast corner of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. There was also scrap metal and other various items stored along the southern boundary of the property at 2 -12 Prescott Street. FSL did not find these to be recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 7. There are aboveground heating oil tanks located at both properties in the Site; 2 -12 Prescott Street's tank is located in a shed attached to the southern section of the building; 39 -41 Lincoln Street's heating oil tank is in a shed attached to the northwestern corner of the building. FSL did observe stained concrete at 39 -41 Lincoln Street located at the northwestern corner of the building, next to the heating oil tank shed. Origins of the stains are unknown. FSL observed the storage of 2 (2) 5- gallon gasoline carboys used by the tenants underneath trailers stored along the southern boundary of the property. Based on the current and historical OHM (Oil and Hazardous Material) used on site, and the various stains throughout the subject site, it was FSL's opinion that this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 8. FSL noticed three (3) unmarked 55- gallon steel drums on the southwestern side of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. The tops and bases of each drum were rusting. Two of the drums had substantial amounts of liquid in them; the drum in the middle was nearly empty. The contents were unknown at the time of inspection. Based on the unknown hazardous associated with the three steel drums, it was FSL's opinion that this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 11 Phase Ili Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 4.1 Scope ofAssessrnent The client retained FSL Associates, Inc. to conduct a subsurface investigation on the subject Property to determine if the former use of the subject Site or the abutting properties has had an adverse environmental impact on the subject Property. The investigation was to take place at specified locations throughout the Site. A total of seven (7) soil borings were advanced: three (3) of which were advanced along the subject site border adjacent with 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto); one (1) of which was advanced near the northwest corner of the building at 39 -41 Lincoln Street; two (2) of which were advanced on the sides of the large rectangular area of resealed pavement in the parking lot at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property that FSL believed to be the location a removed UST from the Site, one (1) on the northeast side and one (1) on the southwest; and one (1) which was advanced at the southwestern corner of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. Soil samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for RCRA 8 metals by EPA Method 6010; VPH EPH /PAH via MassDEP methods VPH and EPH /PAH. Groundwater samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for RCRA 8 metals by EPA Method 6010; VOCs via EPA Method 8260; VPH and EPH /PAH via MassDEP methods VPH,EPH /PAH. 4.2 Exploration, Sampling and Test Screening Methods On October 20, 2014, FSL personnel began conducting the subsurface investigations at the site. FSL personnel supervised drilling operations performed by Eastern Analytical, Inc. utilizing a track mounted geoprobe providing direct push to conduct test borings. Soil borings at the Site were identified as FSL -1, FSL -2, FSL -3, FSL -4, FSL -5, FSL -6, and FSL -7. Refer to Figure 2 for the location of soil borings. One (1) inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells were installed in advanced soil borings FSL- 1, FSL -2, FSL -3 and FSL -6. These wells were identified as FSL -MW1, FSL -MW2, FSL -MW3 and FSL- MW4 respectively. 12 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, AS°l M E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 FSL -1 was advanced to a depth of approximately 15 ft below the ground surface (bgs). The soil profile from 0 -5 ft bgs consisted of a layer of asphalt with urban fill with light brown sand to light brown sand. The soil profile from 5 -10 ft consisted of a layer of concrete and light to dark brown sand with some silt. The soil profile from 10 -15 ft bgs consisted of a gravel /sand mix. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 13 ft bgs. FSL -2 was advanced to a depth of approximately 15 ft bgs. The soil profile from 0 -10 ft bgs consisted of a layer of asphalt with a mix of dark brown urban fill and lighter brown sand to dark brown sand/ gravel. The soil profile from 10 -15 ft bgs consisted of brown sand mixed with gravel. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 13 ft bgs. FSL -3 was advanced to a depth of approximately 15 ft bgs. The soil profile from 0 -10 ft bgs consisted of urban fill and dark brown silty sand and gravel to light brown sand and gravel. The soil profile from 10 -15 ft bgs consisted of brown sand mixed with gravel. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 13 ft bgs. FSL -4 was advanced to a depth of approximately 10 ft bgs. The soil profile from 0 -5 ft bgs consisted of light brown sand and little gravel with a layer of coal ash. The soil profile from 5 -10 ft bgs consisted of light and dark brown sand with gravel. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. FSL -5 was advanced to a depth of approximately 15 ft bgs. The soil profile from 0 -10 ft bgs consisted of light brown sand and a sand /gravel mix. The soil profile from 10 -15 ft bgs consisted of light and dark brown sand with gravel. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 13 ft bgs FSL -6 was advanced to a depth of approximately 15 ft bgs. The soil profile from 0 -10 ft bgs consisted of urban fill with light brown sand and a sand /gravel mix. The soil profile from 10 -15 ft bgs consisted of light and dark brown sand with gravel. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 13 ft bgs. 13 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 FSL -7 was advanced to a depth of approximately 10 ft bgs. The soil profile from 0 -5 ft bgs consisted of light brown sand and a sand /gravel mix. The soil profile from 5 -10 ft bgs consisted of light brown sand /gravel mixture. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed. Field screening for total VOCs was conducted at 5 ft intervals using a Photovac 2020 Photoionization Detector (PID), calibrated to a span gas cylinder containing 100 parts per million (ppm) Isobutylene. Field screening was carried out in accordance with the Massachusetts jar headspace analytical procedure. Each field screening analysis consisted of half - filling a clean 8 ounce jar with soil which was then covered with a sheet of clean aluminum foil and covered with the jar lid. The jar was then shaken vigorously to release volatiles and allowed to stand for a short period of time to allow for further release of volatiles and the sample to reach room temperature. The jar lid was then removed and the foil seal was punctured with the PID probe to provide readings, after the highest of which the probe was removed and the highest reading recorded. Refer to the following table for a summary of readings from the PID screening. 14 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM F1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Table 1 Field Screening Results Date 10/20/14 Sample Depth (ft) 0 BDL I BDL I BDL I BDL I BDL I BDL I BDL 5 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 10 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 15 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 20 All units in parts - per - million (ppm). -- = Not Analyzed BDL: Below Instrument Detection Limit. Boring logs are provided in Appendix C. 4.3 Chemical Analytical Methods Soil samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for RCRA 8 metals, VPH and EPH /PAH. On October 20, 2014, soil samples were collected at the following locations for the listed analysis: 15 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Table 2 Soil Sample Location and Analysis Boring Location I.D. Sample Depth (ft -bgs) Sample Analysis FSL -1 0' -5' RCRA -8 FSL -2 0' -5' RCRA -8 FSL -3 0' -5' RCRA -8 FSL -4 0' -5' RCRA -8; EPH /PAH FSL -5 0' -5' RCRA -8; VPH 10' -15' RCRA -8 FSL -6 5' -10 RCRA -8; VPH; EPH /PAH FSL -7 5' -10' RCRA -8 On October 23, 2014, FSL personnel purged monitoring wells FSL -MW1, FSL -MW2, FSL -MW3, and FSL -MW4 utilizing low flow peristaltic pump techniques prior to sampling. Each well was purged a minimum of three well volumes, after which time groundwater samples were collected from each well using dedicated tubing. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 7.17 to 8.60 feet below grade. Groundwater samples were relinquished to RI Analytical, Inc. of Warwick, RI to be analyzed for RCRA 8 metals, VOCs, VPH and EPH /PAH. Soil borings ranged in depth from 10 to 15 feet below bgs. Urban fill, natural strata, and un- natural fill materials were observed in soil borings. Coal ash was observed in the 0 -5' soil boring from FSL -4. A layer of concrete was observed in the 5 -10 ft soil boring from FSL -1. There was no visual or olfactory evidence of petroleum contamination observed in any of the soil borings. 16 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Rendincr , MA 01867 Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 7.17 to 8.60 ft bgs throughout the Site. 5.2 Analytical Results Soil samples from FSL -1 (0 -5 ft range bgs), FSL -2 (0 -5 ft range bgs) and FSL -4 (0 -5 ft range bgs) had levels of Lead at 220 ppm, 260 ppm and 550 ppm, respectively, above the applicable reportable concentration of 200 ppm for soil samples that are codified in the MCP at 310 CMR 40.1600. The soil sample from FSL -4 (0 -5 ft bgs range) had a concentration of Arsenic of 24 ppm, above the applicable reportable concentration of 20 ppm for soil samples. VPH and EPH /PAH analytes were detected below the applicable reportable concentrations in soil. Refer to Table 2 in Appendix A for a summary of soil analytical data compared to reportable concentrations. 5.2.2 Groundwater Analytical VOC, VPH, EPH and PAH fractions were not detected above the laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples. RCRA 8 Metals were not detected above laboratory detection limits with the exception of arsenic and barium, which were detected at maximum concentrations of 15 parts per billion (ppb) and 174 ppb, respectively. These are below the applicable reportable concentrations of 900 ppb and 50,000 ppb for arsenic and barium in groundwater, respectively. Refer to Table 3 in Appendix A for a summary of groundwater analytical data compared to reportable concentrations. Interpretation and Conclusions 6.1 Recognized Environmental Condition /Potential Release Area Following receipt of the analytical results from the laboratory as part of this ASTM E1903 -11 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, FSL has identified reportable concentrations of lead and in site soil. 17 Phase ll Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 The locations soil borings FSL -1 and FSL -2 were advanced along the 2 -12 Prescott Street eastern property boundary adjacent to 35 Lincoln Street (Browns Auto). FSL -1 was advanced at the northwestern corner of the 2 -12 Prescott Street property, adjacent to Prescott Street and the abutting property 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto). FSL -2 was advanced where the 2 -12 Prescott Street and 39 -41 Lincoln Street properties meet, adjacent to the Southwestern corner of the 35 Lincoln Street Property. These soil borings were advanced along the property boundary adjacent to 35 Lincoln Street due to the environmental concerns raised over the 35 Lincoln Street property listed in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Soil boring FSL -4 was advanced at the Northwestern corner of the building at the 39 -41 Lincoln Street property due to the environmental concern in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. These concerns were raised from the staining on the asphalt and concrete and the proximity to a 275 gallon AST located at the Northwestern corner of the 39 -41 Lincoln Street property. The model of subsurface investigation chosen, which included the advancement of seven (7) soil borings and installation of four (4) groundwater monitoring wells to allow for collection of soil groundwater samples to analyze for RCRA 8 Metals, VOC, VPH, and EPH /PAH, adhered to visual and identifiable subject Site boundaries with the northern abutter at 35 Lincoln Street which was used as a gasoline filling station with a UST onsite, as well as the current and historical use of OHM on the subject site. This investigation was carried out in accordance with ASTM Standard E1903 -11, "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process." Soil samples from FSL -1 (0 -5 ft range bgs), FSL -2 (0 -5 ft range bgs) and FSL -4 (0 -5 ft range bgs) had levels of Lead at 220 ppm, 260 ppm and 550 ppm, respectively, above the applicable reportable concentration of 200 ppm for soil samples that are codified in the MCP at 310 CMR 40.1600. The soil sample from FSL -4 (0 -5 ft bgs range) had a concentration of Arsenic of 24 18 Prase II Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 ppm, above the applicable reportable concentration of 20 ppm for soil samples. VPH and EPH /PAH analytes were detected. below the applicable reportable concentrations in soil. Refer to Table 2 in Appendix A for a summary of soil analytical data compared to reportable concentrations. VOC, VPH, EPH and PAH fractions were not detected above the laboratory detection limits in the groundwater samples. RCRA 8 Metals were not detected above laboratory limits with the exception of arsenic and barium, which were detected at maximum concentrations of 15 parts per billion (ppb) and 174 ppb, respectively. These are below the applicable reportable concentrations of 900 ppb and 50,000 ppb for arsenic and barium in groundwater, respectively. Refer to Table 3 in Appendix A for a summary of groundwater analytical data compared to reportable concentrations. Refer to Appendix A for a summary of target analytes detected in soil and groundwater and Appendix B for a copy of the analytical data. 6.4 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals Refer to Appendix E for copies of the environmental professional qualifications. 6.5 Conclusions/ Objectives Met FSL performed a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, pursuant to ASTM Standard E1903 -11, "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process," at the site identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867, to determine whether the Site has been contaminated by a release of oil or hazardous material from on -Site or off -Site sources. The subsurface investigation conducted as part of this Phase II Environmental Site Assessment included the advancement of test borings; field screening; installation of groundwater monitoring wells; soil and groundwater sampling; and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples for VOC, VPH, EPH /PAH and RCRA 8 metals. 19 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903-11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading. MA 01867 The subsurface investigation was conducted to address the following environmental conditions identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment completed for the subject site in November 2014: that there was a permitted UST on the subject site that was removed from a suspected location at 2 -12 Prescott Street; a structure was demolished without records of permits on the subject site; the northern abutter that was identified to have been a gasoline filling station with inconsistent tank records; and the proximity of a dry - cleaning facility that had a known history of using Perch loroethylene. Based on the analytical results: • Reportable concentrations of Arsenic and Lead were discovered in the Site soil likely attributable to contaminated fill. • No analytical evidence of contamination from the suspected UST location on the subject site at 2 -12 Prescott Street. • No analytical evidence of contamination from the demolished structure on the subject site at 2 -12 Prescott Street. • No analytical evidence of contamination from business operations conducted at the northern abutter at 35 Lincoln Street that was identified to have been a gasoline filling station. • No analytical evidence of contamination from the business operations conducted at the dry - cleaning facility located at 41 High Street. The objectives of this investigation were met in that: this investigation was conducted in accordance with ASTM Standard E1903 -11; FSL personnel were able to conduct the subsurface investigation in accordance with the scope of work outlined in section 4.1; soil and groundwater samples were able to be collected, relinquished, and the results analyzed to determine if oil and /or hazardous materials have adversely impacted the subject Property. 20 Phase ll Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readine-, MA 01867 According to 310 CMR 40.0315(1), it is the Responsible Party's (RP's) responsibility to report the concentrations in the soil to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) within 120 days of obtaining knowledge of a release to the environment indicated by the measure of one or more hazardous materials in the soil in an amount equal to or greater than the reportable concentrations described in 310 CMR 40.0360 through 310 CMR 40.0369 and listed in 310 CMR 40.1600, which lists the reportable concentrations or quantities. FSL recommends that these applicable reportable concentrations be reported to MassDEP in accordance with the 120 -day notification requirements of the MCP as per 310 CMR 40.0315. 21 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading. MA 01867 8 Signature of Environmental Professionals "We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in 312.10 of 40 CFR 312" and "This Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was prepared in accordance with ASTM Standard E1903- 11, "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process." Prepared Andrew Pieroni, E.I.T. Environmental Consultant 22 : -q Reviewed by;,, 1 Ronald Tiberi, PE Vice President Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, AST M E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 ASTM Designation: E1903 -11, "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process," 2011 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street, November 20, 2014, FSL Associates, Inc., 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brighton, MA 02135 Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000, April 25, 2014 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Database of Reportable Release Sites: http://db. state. ma. us/dep /cleanup /sites /search. asp Topographic Map, Massachusetts, Boston South Quadrangle 42071 -C1 -TM -025 23 Phase dY Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Figure 1. USGS Topographic Map Figure 2. Site Plan with Boring Locations Figure 3. Numerical Ranking System Map he 'i { . f ` •,� LL N �Y s� LL. In e' LL LL. �. � cc J N. -. IV LPL LPL is Y4 y"A ' . z 10/21/2014 MassDEP Phase 1 Site Assessment Map MassDEP - Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Phase 1 Site Assessment alp: 500 feet Mile Radii The information shown is the best available at the .... E _.. .._.. Site Information: date of printing. However, it may be incomplete. The responsible party and LSP are ultimately y_ 2 -12 PRESCOTT STREET READING, MA responsible for ascertaining the true conditions _ __ surrounding the site. Metadata for data layers shown NAD83 UTM Meters: on this map can be found at: tDapar trnar%as Environmental Protection 4709801mN , 326865mE (Zone: 19) htto: / /www.mass.goy /mgis /. October 21, 2014 ae l:m.. s� e� READ INC, ![lL:f►LJ,11V t wauf � a#ev P1 0 P te L m CA`6f'ORNiA .3 I t. 'ytEit;INIfA 9Yi7JW 13 A 1000 ft Roads: Limited Access, Divided, Other Hwy, Major Road, Minor Road, Track, Trail PWS Protection Areas: Zone II, IWPA, Zone A ............ ® ® Boundaries: Town, County, DEP Region; Train Powerline Pipeline Aqueduct Hydrography: Open Water, PWS Reservoir, Tidal Flat ..... - - -•- — — Wetlands: Freshwater, Saltwater, Cranberry Bo Basins: Major,PWS; Streams: Perennial, Intermittent, Man Made Shore, Dam l FEMA 1 00y Floodplain; Protected Open Space; ACEC .... Aquifers: Medium Yield, High Yield, EPA Sole Source...... =0= Est. Rare Wetland Wildlife Hab; Vernal Pool: Cart., Potential Non Potential Drinking Water Source Area: Medium, High (Yield) ... =1M Solid Waste Landfill; PWS: Com.GW,SW, Emerg.,Non -Com.® k L"&A ib f LACE T t3 ' s I ryw a • x iM S �p re. �A �E a 1 AF. c T " _Re€v 1 .. x . ei : ,f- `' I r Z v r o a d f 8 ©LTO'N STatET . �¢ x ::., r-. A. ♦ R 500 m hftp://maps.niassgis.state.nia.us/images/dep/mcp/mcp.htm 1/2 I 121M, FS I Po Ir"Allf WHOP ME I NO "Ap 'Flt" 9 S, r. I V "if I 't -AiiiOSWOOM F; � -,"14k Pi %4 91 kl*'X A Loi , ii ii Ir "All S" , 1-k- - -ff7U--Il]n AM S� Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Table 1 Field Screening Results Date 10/20/14 Sample Depth (ft) 0 BDL 1 BDL 5 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 10 BDL BDL FSL -5 0' -5' RCRA -8; VPH 10' -15' RCRA -8 FSL -6 5' -10 BDL BDL 15 RCRA -8 BDL BDL 20 All units in parts- per - million (ppm). -- = Not Analyzed BDL: Below Instrument Detection Limit. Boring logs are provided in Appendix C. Table 2 Soil Sample Location and Analysis BDL I BDL I BDL I BDL I BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL Boring Location I.D. Sample Depth (ft -bgs) Sample Analysis' FSL -1 0' -5' RCRA -8 FSL -2 0' -5' RCRA -8 FSL -3 0' -5' RCRA -8 FSL -4 0' -5' RCRA -8; EPH /PAH FSL -5 0' -5' RCRA -8; VPH 10' -15' RCRA -8 FSL -6 5' -10 RCRA -8; VPH; EPH /PAH FSL -7 5' -10' RCRA -8 O t H � C G � d � A y � � 4 V d L F F d ty K N N .n w 6 O xa o a d' 'O V � O C M � ro v a a � o � ❑ v A N'L C 0 Vyt N � C N � � u z u o s F O it Z 3 N N .d c L a a v � T b � 6 N > ; z H~ ON 0\0 ,•s O T N vI N p N a V V y. '. y N OD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V V V V V V V V V V N N N O Ci Ci 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C) O O C) V V V V v v v v v V v v V v v v V V v v h to cf ri 0 u7 O O V '� N rl O \ vN v v d' N O\ \ N to II1 VI to Lq O� O� O� M N N v v v v v v v v v v. o r+ r+ o `0 v a N N Q\0 M to O O O O OJ �D N iD M M T d: M OJ O h O (V O M N .-i N O .-i ti O 0 N O� to N M N .-� .-� y M O v v v V v N N O M \ bD I 1 1 o v �r I N o L9 O CO I w rl \ m t 0 0 0 0 60 N O sM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O h O O N 0 0 N N M ti O N W .ti 'b b E o A ti 0 0 O er t� .-� d' O O p 0 0 l� O h O N n t\ 0 0 0 0 O O O O O d' O O O O O O O O O O O O O ti O O O 1 1 � O: Cl 0 O O 0 2 2 O N O h O O N O O O N W v � E o000 000000000000�oao O O O C 00000000 +�:o 000000000 d N x N N M M In M M M N M M M M: M a a n°. O O O d' O O O M d' O O O O O O er l � O : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O 0-000 C M O O O O O O N O C a d 3 u D � G E m d R 'O N d J Ll. 0 0 O� "imFw E oZC�U u C� u c�UuZ NQ6wc. c�.am V mmm_omlX mc�v�i�n in n N N .n w 6 O xa o a d' 'O V � O C M � ro v a a � o � ❑ v A N'L C 0 Vyt N � C N � � u z u o s F O it Z 3 N N .d c L a a v � T b � 6 N > ; z Table #4. Analytical Results -Groundwater 39-41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street Sample L°Gl1p MAQEPP.e I"M' Wnmis .1 ".. MetMa1GW .:"..do FSLMWf FSLMW2 LM W3 F54MW4 samde dal our Catego Reow -2 pF /I. ew -2 PF/L GW Pg /L 10/23/14 "1 11-3 10/23/14 'W' 1-1 {0/23/14 -2 1-1 10/23/14 0W 2 1W -3 Mluy4uribulylelber U °= 1.uY.enaeoe 40000 10000 5000 500 0 1000 S000l 50000 1000. 40000 5000 15 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 m.P %Ykne 3000 5000 <S <5 <5 Xylcne Naphlhakne 3000 32o0 500. <5 <5 <$ d(uned CS- ((Flo 300 2000 6000 <5 <l00 <5 <IOD < A 12AIlph. alusmd C9�c12 AIIphaN<s (FIU) bs IU [1B AIIPhalks ,,I -C 6A11 1k C11- L22AromMks Naplbak°e 2- Mel6y"phlbakn< 5000 1000 50110 1000 SDDO 50000 <100 <100 <100 < SOpO 50000 5000 1000 5000 50000 50000 $1)001) 5000 0000 :1010 <IOo < OD <l00 :100 <1.0 mupbsnylenc cesuphl6ene Fluorcce PneAa °wr < °< EluonmM1cne %r°°° ticmu(a)amhmre °C 2000 00'0 200 20 2000 1000. NA o xA NA NA NA 20000 10001) po 10030 20 2 02 <I.0 <1.0 c1.0 o <1.0 <1.0 <11 tp <1.0 <1.0 <f.0 <t.o < <02 <f.o Chryscne Nmrzo(b)ouoransneac 40 <O.z <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 motkJnaommh < °< mo(a)pymne Indem(1,z,1rdlPYrcnc Umensu(gh)anlhramoe OWNS- 500 1 00 10 20 NA NA NA NA xA Id 500 10 40 20 01 <..t <0.1 10.1 <0.1 <0.2 t <0.1 <0.1 0. <01 <01 <c.1 <o.t =Amyl l4eshyl ESher k'nre^° tlromobensn< Hrolorchioromelnanc mmoal<blammmhm° mofosm U ry mmharm rourylnerzmrc %ene 10 I 20( > 1000 20D 10 6 50000 5000. 80 <5 <1 <1 <l <f <5 <1 <i 1 e5 <1 1 <i kn tlurylbe urylbenune Casbon .-I< Tetrachl Casboo Toride CM1lprobem <nc Dibmmo<hloromethane t00 1000002 20 200 0 51)0 SD000 <I <5 1 1 <5 <1 1 e6 1 Lhl<rocsnalk Chloroform 2- Chlacamluene CM1bromluene 1,2- Dlbromo3 Chbmpsopmc 00 10050 10,00 0000 11000 50 20000 <6 <5 e5 e1 <1 <S 1 12-UWromomhan<(EDR) melba ^° z 2 <2 IU,3Ukh1°robenze °e 50000 D e2 <2 <1 1,2- Dlchbrobereonc Ichbmncnuno o-Propymenune DkhbrodNuorommhanc 1,1- Dichbrombane Dlcbbroethane 2000 {0000 100000 201)0 8040 2000 R 111- <1 <t <t <5 <5 t,1U161soeu- I ,LUkbloromh <oe I Dkhloroclhyl°ne l.z- OkhbroproPane I1 Ulchbropropanc DlehlaroPropa°e 5 00 20 R3 20 20000 300. 5000 SO DOD <1 1 <2 <1 1 <2 <t 1 <2 a.1s- Ukmaroprop< °< ruu- I,3Dkblor <propyl<ne Ulelhyleer lh Uilwpropyl <sher (DIPEJ 4Dlozmc EInYl TeniaryUmyl Elber 50000 s 10 10200 11 6000 zoo 200 50DOO <1 <O.A <5 < 105 M1 < , <5 :100 1 <0.1 <5 <t <0.1 <S Emrro<n > <ae HeaashbrobuuNcse Dlievn<ne opylbemene Plsopropykcluen< 2Rasanone (MEHJ 5000 50 100 $0000 20000 3 OS <10 <5 el <i,5 < o 1 <OS 0 <3 :105 0 4Meshy42- pemm�onc (M1UIQ Mnh6lenc Chbndc pl aknc 50,00 1 Doop 10 p0 11 200 soap 20000 <1p a <5 <Io a <5 `0 <1 `0 "1,2 Sprenc 1,1,1,2Tmm<Abroelha °c 1,12,2Telmchbroelhane m<hloroelnykm SO - ec 10 50 SDOOO 600 50000 5000 3000 j <1 <1 <1 <1 1 <t ekahYdrofuran olueee Trichbrobevare 5001), L00 50000 L00 SDOO <1 et0 <1 <1 <10 <f 1,2 - Tnchbsobcnum t,t,l- Tn<hbmmhane 400, 1000 20000 1 <1 n<hbmelLykre nchbrollaosvmmham too5 D00 500 <I 1.23Tn<hbrvpmpane I;t,4TSmelhYbc t0a0. <1 °mnc 1,3STSWeshyibcreene Inyl lhloriae aX'yic °c a X kne 100000 3000 3000 3000 3000 5000 r000 5001) <z t <t <1 <1 <t <1 <1 r LeadO SdcnlulR tl°na alOmv ReryUlmo Cadmium Chromium Tolal Chrorvlum Vl <hromlum ill conper Mercasy Nickel 900 10 100 50000 0 300 300 10.000 zo 200 NA IjA NN NA NA NA NA x NA BEEN 900 10 5000 0 30 30 z LOO 15 165 <50 a .. _ < - <1.0 e1.0 < 174 e5A .. -- .. <OS 129 <50 .. -- .. <DS <1.0 4 <50 .. -- .. < S1Wcr ) 900 NA NA 2 0 <20 <20 <20 < All is nF/L vane, mb°1a <,:eeaappu <am <MnUSe M <mpa 1 ewsla°aamn - Nos Analpcd NS =x01 s'andard NA= NOtApP11- 1 =1'he Mazsachusmm Consinge°ry PUm 310 LMR 40.160 D, April 25, 2014 2 =The Massachusesss C..A(. yPh,,,31DCMR40 7d('Z): Table1,AP1125,2014 Phase ii Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readinfy. MA 01867 RoL ANALYTICAL Specialists in Environmental Services CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSLAssociates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 DESCRIPTION: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Date Received: Date Reported: P.O. #: Work Order #: Page 1 of 16 10/23/14 10/30/14 1410 -23954 Subject sample(s) has/have been analyzed by our Warwick, R.I. laboratory with the attached results. Reference: All parameters were analyzed by U.S. EPA and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) approved methodologies where applicable. The specific methodologies are listed in the methods column of the Certificate of Analysis. Data qualifiers (if present) are explained in full at the end of a given sample's analytical results. Certification #: RI LAI00033, MA M- RI015, CT PH -0508, ME RI00015 NH 2537, NY 11726 This Certificate represents all data associated with the referenced work order and is paginated for completeness. The complete Certificate includes one attachment; the original Chain of Custody. If you have any questions regarding this work, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our customer service department. Approved Data Reporting enc: Chain of Custody 41 Illinois Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888 wwwrianalytiCai.COm 131 Coolidge Street, Suite 105, Hudson, MA 01749 . Phone: 401.737.8500 .Fax: 401.738.1970 Phone:978.568.0041 Fax: 978.568.0078 Customer Name: FSL Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 16 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 )ryName: R.I. Analytical Laboratories Work Order #: 1410 -23954 / Location: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Form provides certifications for the following data set: list Laboratory Sample ID Number(s): 1410- 23954 -001 through 1410- 23954 -008 RTN : 8260 VOC CAM II A ❑ 7470/7471 Hg CAM III B MassDEP VPH CAM IV A ® 8081 Pesticides CAM V B ❑ 7196 Hex Cr CAM VI B ❑ MassDEP APH CAM IX A ❑ 8270 SVOC 17010 Metals CAM II B ❑ CAM III C 6010 Metals 6020 Metals MassDEP EPH ❑ CAM IV B g( 8082 PCB 11CAMV 8151 Herbicides CAM V C ❑ 9014 Total Cyanide 8330 Explosives CAM VIII A� 6860 Perchlorate TO -15 VOC CAM IX B ❑ CAM III A CAM III D ❑ A ❑ /PAC CAM VIA ❑ CAM VI I I B Guidelines for theAquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? Affirmative responses to Questions A through F are required for "Presumptive Certainty" status Ayes E3 No Yes O No Yes 0 No >CYes 13 No E3 Yes E3 No 17 Yes 13 No Yes 13 No ^-- r —•• - -- •-- - .-- ......•... �+.•• �••.� • .rv.v.. c.ry .vyvnw wr r•oaun pure vsiiarn[y aTdruS G JWere the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? lyYes 13 No' Data User No Date that achieve "Presumptive Cedalnty" status may not necessarily meet the data useblMty and representativeness requirements described In eon rota in FE -Were Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain -of Custody, properly preserved (including A temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared/analyzed within method holding times? Were the analytical methods(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM prot000l(s) followed? B Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) implemented for all C identified performance standard non - conformances? Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control D Guidelines for theAquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? a. VPH, EPH, and APH Methods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s) ? (Refer to the individual E method(s) for a list of significant modifications). b. APH and TO -15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non - conformances identified and evaluated in a laboratory narrative F (includins all "No" resaonses to Ouestions A through EV Ayes E3 No Yes O No Yes 0 No >CYes 13 No E3 Yes E3 No 17 Yes 13 No Yes 13 No ^-- r —•• - -- •-- - .-- ......•... �+.•• �••.� • .rv.v.. c.ry .vyvnw wr r•oaun pure vsiiarn[y aTdruS G JWere the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? lyYes 13 No' Data User No Date that achieve "Presumptive Cedalnty" status may not necessarily meet the data useblMty and representativeness requirements described In eon rota in FE -Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? O Yes )No 13 Yes A-fqo MR nrtgarrve responses must De aaaressea In an attached laboratory narrative. 1, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal Inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained In this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge ind belief. Is accurate and comv/ete, A Signature Position: Laboratory Director Printed Name: Eric H. Jense Date: 1 a s ID- I ` � Case Narrative Page 3 of 16 Date: 10/30/2014 FSLAssociates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 Project: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Work Order #: 1410 -23954 All QA/QC procedures required by the EPH Method were followed. All performance /acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures were achieved or otherwise stated in this case narrative. A fractionation check was performed on the silica gel lot associated with this sample. and found to pass the method. criteria unless otherwise stated here. The data reported for this sample was not corrected for instrument/solvent baseline effects. No significant modifications were made to the EPH Method, All QA/QC procedures required by the VPH Method were followed. All Performance /Acceptance Standards for the required QA/QC procedures were achieved or otherwise stated. No significant modifications were made to the VPH Method. The following exceptions were noted for this Work Order: Total Metals by 6010 Question H - No MS/MSD requested for Soil/Sediment sample in this work order. Question I - Per the client's request, only a subset of the MCP analyte list for SW -846 Method 6010 Total Metals is reported. There were no additional exceptions or analytical issues to discuss concerning the testing requirements for the project. Page 4 of 16 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, .READING MA Sample # 001 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-1, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/2012014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 12 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Barium 200 0.60 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Cadmium 1.5 0.30 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Chromium 12 1.8 mg/kg dry SW- 846601 DC 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Lead 220 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Mercury 0.18 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 12:59 JRW Selenium <6.0 6.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW Silver 4.7 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:17 JRW ICP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC Moisture 18.6 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Sample # 002 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -2, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 10 3.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Barium 87 0.61 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Cadmium 1.5 0.30 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Chromium 58 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Ind 260 2.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Mercury 4.1 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 14:10 JRW Selenium <6.1 6.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW Silver 2.3 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:21 JRW ICP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC Moisture 19.8 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Page 5 of 16 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 003 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -3, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE /TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 13 2.7 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW Barium 42 0.55 mg/kg dry SW-846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW Cadmium 0.32 0.27 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW Chromium 16 1.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW Lead 55 2.2 mg/kg dry SW- 8466010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW Mercury 0.15 0.10 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:02 JRW Selenium <5.5 5.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW Silver 1.2 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:31 JRW iCP Digestion SW-846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW- 8467471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC Moisture 11.5 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8 :05 AK Page 6 of 16 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-4, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST EPH/PAH C9-C18 Aliphatics <30 30 rng/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD C19 -06 Aliphatics 55 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Unadj. CI I -C22 Aromatics 69 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Adj. CI I -C22 Aromatics 51 30 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Target PAH Analytes Naphthalene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD 2- Methylnaphthalene 0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry . MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Acenaphthylene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Acenaphthene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Fluorene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Phenanthrene 2.8 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Anthracene 0.6 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Fluoranthene 3.1 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Pyrene 2.6 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Benzo(a)anthracene 1.3 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Chrysene 1.5 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.9 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Benzo(a)pyrene 1.3 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 0.8 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.7 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Moisture 21.7 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Extraction Surrogates RANGE 5- alpha - Androstane 44 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Ortho- terphenyl 58 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Fractionation Surrogates RANGE 2- Fluorobiphenyl 106 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13 :53 KD 2- Bromonaphthalene 108 40 -140% MADEP 10/28/14 13:53 KD Extraction date MADEP 10/27/14 8:45 JM Total Metals Arsenic 24 3.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW Barium 220 0.64 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW Cadmium 1.9 0.32 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW Chromium 15 1.9 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 7 of 16 Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-4, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Lead 550 2.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW Mercury 0.68 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:06 JRW Selenium <6.4 6.4 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:00 JRW Silver 3.3 1.3 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 10:04 JRW 1CP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 005 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -5, 0 -5' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER VPH Unadjusted C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) Unadjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics (FID) Methyl - tert- butylether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m,p- Xylene o- Xylene Naphthalene Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) Adjusted C9-C 12 Aliphatics(FID) C9-C10 Aromatics(PID) Moisture Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver ICP Digestion Mercury Digestion Page 8 of 16 SAMPLE DATEMIME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry. MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.10 0.10 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <0.50 0.50 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC <9.9 9.9 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 19.9 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK RANGE 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 77 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 85 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 11:31 KAC 7.1 3.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW 19 0.62 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW <0.31 0.31 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW 11 1.8 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW 16 2.5 mg/kg dry SW-8466010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW <0.12 0.12 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:08 JRW <6.2 6.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW <1.2 1.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:49 JRW SW- 8463050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 006 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -5, 10 -15' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver ICP Digestion Mercury Digestion Moisture SAMPLE RESULTS Page 9 of 16 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 DET. DATE LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 5.5 2.7 mg/kg dry SW-846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW 21 0.55 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW <0.27 0.27 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW 23 1.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW 10 2.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW <0.11 0.11 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:12 JRW <5.5 5.5 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW <Ll 1.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:53 JRW SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC 9.0 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 10 of 16 Sample # 007 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -6, 5 -10' 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 SAMPLE DET. <20 20 DATE MADEP 10/27/14 PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST VPH 18:53 KD Target PAH Analytes Unadjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Unadjusted C9 -C12 Aliphatics (FID) <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Methyl- tat - butylether <0.05 0.05 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Benzene <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Toluene <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Ethylbenzene <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC m,p- Xylene <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC o- Xylene <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Naphthalene <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC C9 -CIO Aromatics(PID) <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC Moisture 4.2 KD % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Surrogate 18:53 KD RANGE 10/27/14 12:12 KAC 2,5- Dibrolnololuene(PID) 97 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) 105 70 -130% MADEP 10/27/14 12:12 KAC EPH/PAH C9 -C18 Aliphatics <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD C19 -06 Aliphatics <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Unadj. Cl 1-C22 Aromatics <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Adj. CI I -C22 Aromatics <20 20 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Target PAH Analytes Naphthalene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD 2- Methylnaphthalene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Acenaphthylene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Acenaphthene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Fluorene <0.4 0.4 mgAg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Phenanthrene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Anduacene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Fluorambene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27114 18:53 KD Pyrene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Benzo(a)anthracene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Chrysene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Benzo(b)fluomnthene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.4 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 10/27/14 18:53 KD R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 007 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -6, 5 -10' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE PARAMETER Benzo(a )pyrene Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anduucene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Moisture Extraction Surrogates 5- alpha- Androstane Ortho- terphenyl Fractionation Surrogates 2- Fluorobiphenyl 2- Bromonaphthalene Extraction date Total Metals Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium Silver ICP Digestion Mercury Digestion SAMPLE RESULTS <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 4.2 46 54 76 75 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/20/2014 DET. LIMIT UNITS METHOD 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP 0.4 mg/kg dry MADEP <0.093 % SM2540 G. <5.1 RANGE mg/kg dry 1.5 40 -140% MADEP 18:53 40 -140% MADEP 18:53 RANGE 10/27/14 18:53 40 -140% MADEP 8:45 40 -140% MADEP SW- 8467471B 10/28/14 MADEP 7.1 2.6 mg/kg dry 56 0.51 mg/kg dry 0.54 0.26 mg/kg dry 49 1.5 mg/kg dry 7.2 2.1 mg/kg dry <0.093 0.093 mg/kg dry <5.1 5.1 mg/kg dry 1.5 1.0 mg/kg dry Page 11 of 16 DATE 10/28/14 12:58 ANALYZED ANALYST 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/28/14 8:05 AK 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 18:53 KD 10/27/14 8:45 JM SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW SW -846 6014C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 13:14 JRW SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12:58 JRW SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 12 :58 JRW SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC SW- 8467471B 10/28/14 10:51 OMC Page 12 of 16 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23954 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 008 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -7, 5 -10' SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE SAMPLE DATE/T11ME: 10/20/2014 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Total Metals Arsenic 10 2.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW Barium 19 0.52 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW Cadmium <0.26 0.26 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW Chromium 25 1.6 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:07 JRW Lead 12 2.1 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW Mercury <0.093 0.093 mg/kg dry SW -846 7471 B 10/28/14 13:20 JRW Selenium <5.2 5.2 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW Silver <1.0 1.0 mg/kg dry SW -846 6010C 10/28/14 13:02 JRW ICP Digestion SW -846 3050 10/28/14 10:40 OMC Mercury Digestion SW -846 7471B 10/28/14 10:51 oMC Moisture 7.4 % SM2540 G. 10/28/14 8:05 AK Page 13 of 16 QA/QC Report Client: FSLAssociates, Inc, WO #: 1410 -23954 Date: 10/30/2014 - Method Blanks Results - Parameter Units Results Date Analyzed Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons with PAR C9-C18 Aliphatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 C19 -C36 Aliphatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 Unadj. CI I -C22 Aromatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 Adj. Cl 1-C22 Aromatics mg/kg dry <20 10/27/2014 Target PAR Analytes 10/27/2014 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 2- Methyhtaphthalene mg/kg dry <0,4 10/27/2014 Acenaphthylene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Acenaphthene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Fluorene mg/kg dry <0,4 10/27/2014 Phenandwene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Anthracene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Pyrene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Chrysene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/2712014 Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/27/2014 Benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg dry <0.4 10/2712014 lndeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene mg/kg dry <0,4 10/27/2014 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene mg/kg dry <0,4 10/27/2014 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene mg/kg dry <0,4 10/27/2014 Extraction Surrogates RANGE 10/27/2014 5- alpha- Androstane 40 -140% 69 10/27/2014 Ortho- terphenyl 40 -140% 79 10/27/2014 Fractionation Surrogates RANGE 10/27/2014 2- Fluorobiphenyl 40- 140% 79 10/27/2014 2- Bromonaphthalene 40- 140% 78 10/2712014 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Unadj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Unadj C9-C12 Aliphatic(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Methyl - tent- butylether mg/kg dry <0.05 10/27/2014 Benzene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Toluene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 m,p- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 o- Xylene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Naphthalene mg/kg dry <0.25 10/27/2014 Adj C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Page 14 of 16 QA/QC Report Client: FSL,Associates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23954 Date: 10/30/2014 - Method Blanks Results- ' Parameter I Units I Results I Date Analyzed I Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Adj C9 -C12 Aliphatics(FID) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 C9-C10 Aromatics(P1D) mg/kg dry <5.0 10/27/2014 Surrogate RANGE 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 70 -130% 80 10/27/2014 2,5- Dibromotoluene(F1D) 70 -130% 88 10/27/2014 Total Metals Arsenic mg/kg dry <2.5 10/28/2014 Barium mg/kg dry <0.50 10/28/2014 Cadmium mg/kg dry <0.25 10/28/2014 Chromium mg/kg dry <1.5 10/28/2014 Ind mg/kg dry <2.0 10/28/2014 Mercury mg/kg dry <0.10 10/28/2014 Selenium mg/kg dry <5.0 10/28/2014 Silver mg/kg cry <1.0 10/28/2014 Page 15 of 16 -LCS /LCS Duplicate Data Results- Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons with PAH CRM Spike I LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP I I Parameter Acceptance Limits Conc Conc % Rec Conc % Rec % RPD Date Analyzed Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons with PAH Target PAH Analytes 1.91 Naphthalene 3.33 2- Methylnaphthalene 3.33 Acenaphthylene 3.33 Acenaphthene 3.33 Fluorene 3.33 Phenanthrene 3.33 Anthracene 3.33 Fluoranthene 3.33 Pyrene 3.33 Benzo(a)anthracene 3.33 Chrysene 3.33 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3.33 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3.33 Benzo(a)pyrene 3.33 Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene 3.33 Dibenzo(0)anthracene 3.33 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3.33 Aliphatic Analytes 2.64 n- Nonane 3.33 n- Decane 3.33 n- Dodecane 3.33 n- Tetradecane 3.33 n- Hexadecane 3.33 n- Octadecane 3.33 n- Nonadecane 3.33 n- Eicosane 3.33 n- Docasane 3.33 n- Tetmcosane 3.33 n- Hexacosane 3.33 n- Octacosane 3.33 n- Triacontane 3.33 n- Hexatriacontane 3.33 Extraction Surrogates 3.27 5- alpha- Androstane 14 Onho- terphenyl 2.80 Fractionation Surrogates 2.89 2- Fiuorobiphenyl 3 2- Bromonaphthalene 2.68 Breakthrough Analytes 3.06 Naphthalene - 13 2-Methylnaphthalene- 2.75 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons 3.09 Methyl - tent - butylether 2.5 Benzene 2.5 Toluene 2.5 Ethylbenzene 2.5 m,p- Xylene 5.0 o- Xylene 2.5 1.97 59 1.91 57 3 10/28/2014 2.04 61 2.00 60 2 10/28/2014 2.26 68 2.16 65 5 10/28/2014 2.20 66 2.19 66 0 10/28/2014 2.44 73 2.43 73 0 10/28/2014 2.71 81 2.68 80 1 10/28/2014 2.60 78 2.64 79 2 10/28/2014 2.91 87 2.93 88 1 10/28/2014 2.90 87 2.91 87 0 10/28/2014 2.90 87 3.18 95 9 10/28/2014 2.89 87 3.06 92 6 10/28/2014 2.84 85 3.27 98 14 10/28/2014 2.80 84 2.89 87 3 10/28/2014 2.68 80 3.06 92 13 10/28/2014 2.75 83 3.09 93 12 10/28/2014 2.79 84 3.11 93 11 10/28/2014 2.70 81 3.02 91 11 10/28/2014 1.06 32 1.20 36 12 10/28/2014 1.58 47 1.75 53 10 10/28/2014 1.95 59 2.10 63 7 10/28/2014 2.19 66 2.36 71 7 10/28/2014 2.48 74 2.48 74 0 10/28/2014 2.75 83 2.74 82 0 10/28/2014 2.72 82 2.69 81 1 10/28/2014 2.81 84 2.81 84 0 10/28/2014 2.75 83 2.73 82 1 10/28/2014 2.70 81 2.67 80 1 10/28/2014 2.73 82 2.61 78 4 10/28/2014 2.71 81 2.57 77 5 10/28/2014 2.66 80 2.53 76 5 10/28/2014 2.53 76 2.47 74 2 10/28/2014 81 79 10/28/2014 88 83 10/28/2014 85 79 10/28/2014 83 76 10/28/2014 0 0 10/28/2014 0 1 10/28/2014 2.4 96 2.5 100 4 10/27/2014 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 10/27/2014 2.4 96 2.3 92 4 10/27/2014 2.4 96 2.4 96 0 10/27/2014 4.8 96 4.7 94 2 10/27/2014 2.5 100 2.4 96 4 10/27/2014 Client: FSLAssociates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23954 Date: 10/30/2014 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 16 of 16 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) CRM Spike LCS I LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP Naphthalene Parameter Acceptance Limits Conc Conc % Rec I Conc I % Rec % RPD Date Analyzed Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Naphthalene 2.5 2.4 96 2.3 92 4 10/27/2014 Adj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) 7.5 8.0 107 8.0 107 0 10/27/2014 Adj C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) 5.0 4.9 98 4.7 94 4 10/27/2014 C9-C10 Aromatics(PID) 2.5 2.5 100 2.3 92 8 10/27/2014 Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 94 91 10/27/2014 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) 104 99 10/27/2014 Total Metals Arsenic 71 -129% 52.3 50 96 60 115 18 10/29/2014 Barium 73 -126% 145 160 110 160 110 0 10/29/2014 Cadmium 73 -127% 71.6 64 89 62 87 3 10/29/2014 Chromium 70 -130% 88.5 96 108 91 103 5 10/29/2014 Lead 70 -130% 77.8 67 86 76 98 13 10/29/2014 Selenium 66 -134% 81.1 64 0 85 105 0 10/29/2014 Silver 42 -158% 114 130 114 170 149 27 10/28/2014 Mercury 52 -149% 9.7 11 113 11 113 0 10/28/2014 Iw CL 0 10 SO O O O U) U j SIMON 9 Vmou X X X x x XIX HVd/-Ad3 x x HdA x x SOOA w apoo X11113" U) co 0 CO CO CO to U) C0 co OPOD UOIIUAJQSQJd CL a- a. o- a. o- cL a. z z z z z z z z a od,CjL V sioui13JU03 jo # (3 a (D 0 0 (9 C9 > > C14 CN opsodwo7 jo q1315 U 0 0 00 ON 00 t, ON 00 O ;OZ " M 4 En C) CD L9 C) L? a L9 0 0 O r 0 to c) LO ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . -j U) -j co -j U) -j U) -j co -j co -j U) w U) U) r 00 LL LL U- LL U- LL U- LL U- LL co 00 C) R 00 It tr qT q* Nr C 23 D 23 6 O Q Q Q Q Q N CN Q�o Q I OR In T- a r C3 r S — cn� C ( :) f I I I Iw CL 0 10 SO O O O U) U R.1-ANALYTICAL Specialists in Environmental Services CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 DESCRIPTION: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Date Received: Date Reported: P.O. #: Work Order #: Page 1 of 27 10/23/14 10/31/14 1410 -23949 Subject sample(s) has/have been analyzed by our Warwick, R.I. laboratory with the attached results. Reference: All parameters were analyzed by U.S. EPA and Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) approved methodologies where applicable. The specific methodologies are listed in the methods column of the Certificate of Analysis. Data qualifiers (if present) are explained in full at the end of a given sample's analytical results Certification #: RI LAI00033, MA M- RI015, CT PH -0508, ME RI00015 NH 2537, NY 11726 This Certificate represents all data associated with the referenced work order and is paginated for completeness. The complete Certificate includes one attachment; the original Chain of Custody. If you have any questions regarding this work, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our customer service department. Approved by: e. Data Reporting enc: Chain of Custody 41 Illinois Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888 wWw.rianai t�cal.cnm 131 Coolidge Street, Suite 105, Hudson, MA 01749 Phone: 401.737.8500 Fax: 401.738.1970 Y Phone: 978.568.0041 Fax: 978.568.0078 Customer Name: FSL Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 27 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 pry Name: R.I. Analytical Laboratories Work Order #: 1410 -23949 1 Location: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Form provides certifications for the following data set: list Laboratory Sample ID Number(s): 1410- 23949 -001 through 1410- 23949 -004 RTN : 8260 VOC CAM II A [� 7470/7471 Hg CAM III B MassDEP VPH CAM IV A 18081 Pesticides CAM V B ❑ 7196 Hex Cr CAM VI B ❑ MassDEP APH CAM IX A ❑ 8270 SVOC 7010 Metals MassDEP EPH CAM 1I B ❑ CAM III C ❑ CAM IV B 6010 Metals 6020 Metals 8082 PCB 119014 CAM III A N CAM III D CAM V A ❑ _ 8151 Herbicides CAM V C ❑ Total Cyanide /PAC CAM VIA 8330 Explosives CAM VIII A ❑ 6860 Perchlorate CAM V 111 B TO -15 VOC CAM IX B ❑ Affirmative responses to Questions A through Fare required for Presumptive Certainty" status es E3 No *Yes E3 No X, X /es E3 No Yes O No /"\`- O No E3 Yes D No )<Y. O No SWWJ- G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? / \ `es O No' Data User No Dots thst achis" PresumpBve Certainty" status may not necessarily meet the data usablW and represenwaveness requirements described !n 10 CMR 40. 105 l 2 n C -07 360. H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? O Yes '�No I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? C] Yes ]�''No t Alt negative responses must be addressed in an attached laboratory narrative. /'� 1, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that; based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained In this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is accurate and complete. A Signature Printed Name: Eric H. Position: Date: Laboratory Director t 9 I�t Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain -of Custody, properly preserved (including A temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared/analyzed within method holding times? Were the analytical methods(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) followed? B Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) implemented for all performance standard non- conformances? Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Jidentified D Guid elines for the Aquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data "? a. VPH, EPH, and APH Methods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s) ? (Refer to the individual EE method(s) for a list of significant modifications). b. APH and TO -15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? 1. Wall applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non - conformances identified and evaluated in a laboratory narrative F (includine all "No" responses to Ouestions A throueh E)? es E3 No *Yes E3 No X, X /es E3 No Yes O No /"\`- O No E3 Yes D No )<Y. O No SWWJ- G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? / \ `es O No' Data User No Dots thst achis" PresumpBve Certainty" status may not necessarily meet the data usablW and represenwaveness requirements described !n 10 CMR 40. 105 l 2 n C -07 360. H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? O Yes '�No I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? C] Yes ]�''No t Alt negative responses must be addressed in an attached laboratory narrative. /'� 1, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that; based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained In this analytical report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is accurate and complete. A Signature Printed Name: Eric H. Position: Date: Laboratory Director t 9 I�t Case Narrative Page 3 of 27 Date: 10/31/2014 FSL Associates, Inc. Attn: Andrew Pieroni 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Brighton, MA 02135 Project: 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Work Order #: 1410 -23949 All QA/QC procedures required by the EPH Method were followed. All performance /acceptance standards for the required QA/QC procedures were achieved or otherwise stated in this case narrative. A fractionation check was performed on the silica gel lot associated with this sample and found to pass the method criteria unless otherwise stated here. The data reported for this sample was not corrected for instrument/solvent baseline effects. No significant modifications were made to the EPH Method. All QA/QC procedures required by the VPH Method were followed. All Performance /Acceptance Standards for the required QA/QC procedures were achieved or otherwise stated. No significant modifications were made to the VPH Method. The following exceptions were noted for this Work Order: Volatile Organics by 8260 Question H - Laboratory control sample (10/24/14) / laboratory control sample duplicate (10/24/14) had analytes outside the 70% -130% QC acceptance limits. Up to 10% of the analytes are allowed to be out. The specific outliers include, (1,4- Dioxane 160 %, 160 %). These analytes were not detected in the associated samples Dissolved Metals by 6010, 6020 Question I - Per the client's request, only a subset of the MCP analyte list for SW -846 Method 6010, 6020 Dissolved Metals is reported. There were no additional exceptions or analytical issues to discuss concerning the testing requirements for the project. R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 001 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MWI SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB PARAMETER VPH Unadjusted C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) Unadjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) Methyl - tert- butylether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m,p- Xylene o- Xylene Naphthalene Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) C9 -C10 Aromatics(PID) Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) EPH C9 -C18 Aliphatics C19 -C36 Aliphatics Unadj. C11 -C22 Aromatics Adj. CI I-C22 Aromatics Extraction Surrogates 5- alpha - Androstane tAtho- terphenyl Fractionation Surrogates 2- Fluorobiphenyl 2- Bromonaphthalene Extraction Date Target PAH analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Page 4 of 27 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:30 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11 :50 KAC <5 5 ug/I. MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <100 100 ug11 MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC RANGE 10/24/14 11:50 KAC 79 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC 87 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 11:50 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD <I00 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD RANGE 47 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD 82 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD RANGE 71 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD 69 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 13:21 KD Extracted MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 ML.0 <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC <I.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 5 of 27 Sample # 001 <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW I 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB <1 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:30 10/24/14 15:21 KAC SAMPLE DET. I u911 DATE 10/24/14 15:21 PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Fluoranthene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Pyrene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Benzo(a)anthracene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Chrysene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Benzo(a)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC 1ndeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Extraction Surrogates KAC Chloroethane RANGE 5 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Ortho-terphenyl 65 Chloroform 40 -140% GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 13:38 MLC Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Benzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Bromobenzene <1 I u911 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Bromochloromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Bromodichloromethane <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Bromoform <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Bromomethane <I I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC n- Butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Sec - butylbenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC tert- Butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Carbon Disulfide <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Carbon Tetrachloride <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Chlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10124/14 15:21 KAC Dibromochloromethane <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Chloroethane <5 5 ug/t SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Chloroform <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C, 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Chloromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 2- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 4- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24114 15:21 KAC Dibromomethane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. C:EIt'rIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 6 of 27 Sample # 001 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW 1 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:30 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC n- Propylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Dichlorodifluoromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,1- Dichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2- Dichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,1- Dichloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2- Dichloropropane <1 l ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,3- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 2,2- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC I,1- Dichloropropene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC trans- 1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Diethyl ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Diisopropyl ether(DIPE) <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,4- Dioxane <I00 100 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Ethylbenzene <1 1 119/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Hexachlorobutadiene <0.5 0.5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 2- Hexanone <10 10 119/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Isopropylbenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC p- Isopropyltoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 2- Butanone(MEK) <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(M1BK) <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC MTBE <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Methylene Chloride <5 5 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Naphthalene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,1,2- Trichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Styrene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24114 15:21 KAC 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane <1 1 ugtl SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <I I ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Tetrachloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Tetrahydrofuran <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Toluene <l 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICAI'l+J OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 7 of 27 Sample # 001 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MWl SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:30 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane <1 I ug/1 SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Trichloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Trichlorofluoromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <2 2 ug/1 SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2,4- Trimethytbenzene <l 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Vinyl Chloride <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC o- Xylene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC m,p- Xylene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Dibromofluoromethane 102 86 -118% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Toluene -d8 98 88 -110% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 4- Bromofluorobenzene 104 86 -115% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 100 80 -120% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:21 KAC Dissolved Metals Analyzed by 1CPMS Arsenic 0.0015 0.001 mg/l SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:27 PJC Lead <0.001 0.001 mg/1 SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:27 PJC Selenium <0.002 0.002 mg/l SW- 8466020A 10/28/14 15:27 PJC Dissolved Metals Barium 0.165 0.050 mg/1 SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 11:50 JRW Cadmium <0.005 0.005 mg/l SW- 8466010C 10/29/14 11:50 JRW Chromium <0.050 0.050 mg/l SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 11:50 JRW Mercury <0.0005 0.0005 mg/1 SW -846 7471B 10/27/14 11:56 JRW Silver <0.020 0.020 rng/l SW- 8466010C 10/29/14 11:50 JRW Extraction Date MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB The samples for EPH analysis were collected in non - preserved amber glass containers; the pH was adjusted to <2 by the laboratory during the extraction process. R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 8 of 27 Sampple # 002 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW2 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:47 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST VPH Unadjusted C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Unadjusted C9 -C12 Aliphatics(F1D) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Methyl - tert- butylether <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Benzene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Toluene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Ethylbenzene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC m,p- Xylene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC o- Xylene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Naphthalene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC C9 -C 10 Aromatics(PID) <I00 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 12 :31 KAC Surrogate RANGE 10/24/14 12:31 KAC 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 74 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) 82 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 12:31 KAC EPH C9 -C18 Aliphatics <100 100 ug11 MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD C19-06 Aliphatics <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD Unadj. CI t -C22 Aromatics <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD Adj. CI I-C22 Aromatics <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD Extraction Surrogates RANGE 5- alpha - Androstane 51 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD Ortho- terphenyl 85 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD Fractionation Surrogates RANGE 2- Fluorobiphenyl 83 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD 2- Bromonaphthalene 79 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:03 KD Extraction Date Extracted MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB Target PAH analytes Naphthalene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC 2- Methylnaphthalene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Acenaphthylene <1.0 1.0 ug/I GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Acenaphthene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Fluorene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Phenanthrene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Anthracene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 9 of 27 Sample # 002 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW2 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB. SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:47 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Fluoranthene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Pyrene <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Benzo(a)anthracene <0.2 0.2 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Chrysene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Benzo(a)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SN 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Benzo(g,h,i )perylene <0.t 0.1 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Extraction Surrogates RANGE 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Ortho- terphenyl 67 40 -140% GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:10 MLC Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <10 10 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Benzene <I 1 u911 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Bromobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Bromochloromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Bromodichloromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Bromoform <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Bromomethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC n- Butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Sec- butylbenzene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/L4 15:48 KAC tert- Butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Carbon Disulfide <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Carbon Tetrachloride <I I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Chlorobenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Dibromochloromethane <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Chloroethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Chloroform <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Chloromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 2- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 4- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane <2 2 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Dibromomethane <2 2 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order M 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 10 of 27 Sample # 002 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW2 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:47 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <1 1 11911 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC n- Propylbenzene <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Dichlorodifluoromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC I,l- Dichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2- Dichloroethane <1 I ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,1- Dichloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <1 1 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC trans- 1,2- Dichloroethylene <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,3- Dichloropropane <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 2,2- Dichloropropane <1 1 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC I,1- Dichloropropene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC cis- 1,3- Dichloropropene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC trans- 1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Diethyl ether <5 5 ug11 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Diisopropyl ether (D1PE) <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,4- Dioxane <100 100 u911 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Ethylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Hexachlorobutadiene <0.5 0.5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 2- Hexanone <10 10 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC lsopropylbenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC p- Isopropyltoluene <1 1 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 2- Butanone(MEK) <10 10 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC MTBE <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Methylene Chloride <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Naphthalene <1 1 ug/1 SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,1,2 - Trichloroethane <1 1 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Styrene <1 1 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1 I ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Tetrachloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Tetrahydrofuran <10 10 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Toluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 11 of 27 Sample # 002 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW2 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:47 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene <1 I ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,1,1- Trichloroethane <1 1 ug/1 SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Trichloroethene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Trichlorofluoromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 82600 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <2 2 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2,4 - Trimethylbenzene <I i u911 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,3,5 - Trimethylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Vinyl Chloride <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC o- Xylene <1 1 ug/i SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC m,p- Xylene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Dibromofluoromethane 102 86 -118% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Toluene -d8 96 88 -110% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 4- Bromofluorobenzene 102 86 -115% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 100 80 -120% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 15:48 KAC Dissolved Metals Analyzed by ICPMS Arsenic <0.001 0.001 mg/l SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:31 PJC Lead <0.001 0.001 mg/1 SW- 8466020A 10/28/14 15:31 PJC Selenium <0.002 0.002 mg/1 SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:31 PJC Dissolved Metals Barium 0.174 01050 mg/1 SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 11:54 JRW Cadmium <0.005 0.005 mg/1 SW- 8466010C 10/29/14 11:54 JRW Chromium <0.050 0.050 mg/1 SW- 8466010C 10/29/14 11 :54 JRW Mercury <0.0005 0.0005 mg/I SW- 8467471B 10/27/14 11:57 JRW Silver <0.020 0.020 mg/1 SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 11:54 JRW Extraction Date MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB The samples for EPH analysis were collected in non - preserved amber glass containers; the pH was adjusted to <2 by the laboratory during the extraction process. R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE 011' ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 003 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW3 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB PARAMETER VPH Unadjusted C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) Unadjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) Methyl - tert- butylether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m,p- Xylene o- Xylene Naphthalene Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) C9-C10 Aromatics(PID) Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(P1D) 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) EPH C9-C18 Aliphatics C19 -C36 Aliphatics Unadj. CI I -C22 Aromatics Adj. CI I-C22 Aromatics Extraction Surrogates 5- alpha - Androstane Ortho- terphenyl Fractionation Surrogates 2- Fluorobiphenyl 2- Bromonaphthalene Extraction Date Target PAH analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Page 12 of 27 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:17 SAMPLE DET. DATE RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13 :13 KAC <5 5 ug/1 MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <5 5 ug/1 MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <5 5 ug/I MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14, 13:13 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <100 100 ug/i MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC RANGE 10/24/14 13:13 KAC 78 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC 85 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 13:13 KAC <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD <I00 100 ug/l MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD RANGE 44 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD 85 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD RANGE 86 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD 79 40 -140% MADEP 10/27/14 14:44 KD Extracted MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 13 of 27 Sample # 003 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW3 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE /TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:17 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Fluoranthene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Pyrene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Benzo(a)anthracene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GUMS-SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Chrysene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/1 GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Benzo(a )pyrene <0.1 0.1 u911 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Extraction Surrogates RANGE 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Ortho- terphenyl 69 40 -140% GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 14:41 MLC Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Benzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Bromobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Bromochloromethane <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Bromodichloromethane <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Bromoform <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Bromomethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC n- Butylbenzene <1 I u911 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Sec - butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC tert- Butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Carbon Disulfide <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Carbon Tetrachloride <I I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Chlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Dibromochloromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Chloroethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Chloroform <1 t ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Chloromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 2- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 4- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <I 1 ug/l SW-846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Dibromomethane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,3- Dichlorobenzene <I 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 14 of 27 Sample # 003 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL-MW3 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE /TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:17 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC n- Propylbenzene <1 l ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Dichlorodifluoromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC i,l- Dichloroethane <1 I ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2- Dichloroethane <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,1- Dichloroethene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC cis -1,2- Dichloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC trans- 1,2- Dichioroethylene <2 2 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2- Dichloropropane <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,3- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 2,2- Dichloropropane <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1, 1 -Dichloropropene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene <0.4 0.4 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Diethyl ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,4- Dioxane <100 100 ug11 SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Ethylbenzene <1 I u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Hexachlorobutadiene <0.5 0.5 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 2- Hexanone <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Isopropylbenzene <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC p- Isopropyltoluene <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 2- Butanone(MEK) <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC MTBE <2 2 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Methylene Chloride <5 5 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Naphthalene <1 1 u9/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16 :15 KAC 1,1,2- Trichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Styrene <1 I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane <1 l ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Tetrachloroethene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24114 16:15 KAC Tetrahydrofuran <10 10 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Toluene <1 l ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/1 SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Page 15 of 27 Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 003 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW3 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 12:17 The samples for EPH analysis were collected in non - preserved amber glass containers; the pH was adjusted to <2 by the laboratory during the extraction process. SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2,3- Trichlorobemene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,1,1- Trichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Trichloroethene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Trichlorofluoromethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2,3- Trichioropropane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2,4- Trimethylbemene <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Vinyl Chloride <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC o- Xylene <1 I ug/I SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC m,p- Xylene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Dibromofluoromethane 101 86 -118% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Toluene -d8 96 88 -110% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 4- Bromofluorobenzene 101 86 -115% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 100 80 -120% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:15 KAC Dissolved Metals Analyzed by 1CPMS Arsenic <0.001 0.001 mg/l SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:36 PJC Lead <0.001 0.001 mg/1 SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:36 PJC Selenium <0.002 0.002 mg/l SW- 8466020A 10/28/14 15:36 PJC Dissolved Metals Barium 0.129 0.050 mg/l SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 11:59 JRW Cadmium <0.005 0.005 mg/1 SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 1 1:59 JRW Chromium <0.050 0.050 mg/1 SW -846 601 O 10/29/14 11:59 JRW Mercury <0.0005 0.0005 m9/1 SW -846 7471B 10/27/14 11:59 JRW Silver <0.020 0.020 mg/1 SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 11:59 JRW Extraction Date MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB The samples for EPH analysis were collected in non - preserved amber glass containers; the pH was adjusted to <2 by the laboratory during the extraction process. Page 16 of 27 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW4 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 13.00 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST VPH Unadjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Unadjusted C9 -C12 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Methyl - tert- butylether <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13 :54 KAC Benzene <5 5 ug/1 MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Toluene <5 5 u94 MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Ethylbenzene <5 5 u94 MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC m,p- Xylene <5 5 ug(l MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC o- Xylene <5 5 ug/1 MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Naphthalene <5 5 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Adjusted C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Adjusted C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC C9 -C10 Aromatics(PID) <100 100 ug/l MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC Surrogate RANGE 10/24/14 13:54 KAC 2,5- Dibromotoluene(P1D) 76 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC 2,5- Dibromotoluene(FID) 81 70 -130% MADEP 10/24/14 13:54 KAC EPH C9 -C18 Aliphatics <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD C19-06 Aliphatics <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD Unadj. C11 -C22 Aromatics <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD Adj. CI I-C22 Aromatics <100 100 ug/1 MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD Extraction Surrogates RANGE 5- alpha- Androstane 44 40 -140% MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD Ortho- terphenyl 91 40 -140% MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD Fractionation Surrogates RANGE 2- Fluorobiphenyl 88 40 -140% MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD 2- Bromonaphthalene 83 40 -140% MADEP 10/29/14 11:12 KD Extraction Date Extracted MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 ]PB Target PAH analytes Naphthalene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC 2- Methylnaphthalene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Acenaphthylene <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Acenaphthene <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Fluorene <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Phenanthrene <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Anthracene <1.0 1.0 ug/1 GC/MS -SIM 10 /30/14 15:13 MLC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 17 of 27 Sample # 004 <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW4 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB <1 SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 13:00 10/24/14 16:42 KAC SAMPLE DET. 1 ug/l DATE 10/24/14 16:42 PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST Fluoranthene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Pyrene <1.0 1.0 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Benzo(a)anthracene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Chrysene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Bemo(k)fluoranthene <0.2 0.2 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Benzo(a)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC /MS-SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <0.1 0.1 ug/l GC /MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 ML,C Extraction Surrogates KAC Chloroethane RANGE 5 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Ortho- terphenyl 60 Chloroform 40 -140% GC/MS -SIM 10/30/14 15:13 MLC Volatile Organic Compounds Acetone <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Benzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Bromobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Bromochloromethane <l I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Bromodichloromethane <I 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Bromoform <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Bromomethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC n- Butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC See - butylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC tert- Butylbenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Carbon Disulfide <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Carbon Tetrachloride <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Chlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Dibromochloromethane <I I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Chloroethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Chloroform <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Chloromethane <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 2- Chlorotoluene <1 l ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 4- Chlorotoluene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Dibromomethane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,3- Dichlorobenzane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 18 of 27 Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW4 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 13:00 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2- Dichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,4- Dichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC n- Propylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Dichlorodifluoromethane <5 5 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC I,1- Dichloroethane <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2- Dichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,1- Dichloroethene <1 I ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24114 16:42 KAC trans -1,2- Dichloroethylene <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,3- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 2,2- Dichloropropane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC I,I- Dichloropropene <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC cis -1,3- Dichloropropene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC trans- l,3- Dichloropropylene <0.4 0.4 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Diethyl ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,4- Dioxane <100 100 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <5 5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Ethylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Hexachlorobutadiene <0.5 0.5 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 2- Hexanone <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Isopropylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC p- Isopropyltoluene <1 1 u8/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 2- Butanone(MEK) <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) <10 10 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC MTBE <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Methylene Chloride <5 5 ug/l SW-846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Naphthalene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,1,2- Trichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Styrene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,1,1,2- Tetmehloroethane <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,1,2,2 - Tetrachloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW- 8468260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Tetrachloroethene <I I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Tetrahydrofuran <10 10 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Toluene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS FSL Associates, Inc. Date Received: 10/23/14 Work Order #: 1410 -23949 39 LINCOLN ST, READING MA Page 19 of 27 Sample # 004 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: FSL -MW4 SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB SAMPLE DATE/TIME: 10/22/2014 @ 13:00 SAMPLE DET. DATE PARAMETER RESULTS LIMIT UNITS METHOD ANALYZED ANALYST 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Trichloroethene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Trichlorofluoromethane <1 I ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2,3- Trichloropropane <2 2 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene <I I ug/1 SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Vinyl Chloride <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC o- Xylene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC m,p- Xylene <1 1 ug/l SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Surrogates RANGE SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Dibromofluoromethane 101 86 -118% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Toluene -d8 96 88 -110% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 4- Bromofluorobenzene 103 86 -115% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 98 80 -120% SW -846 8260C 10/24/14 16:42 KAC Dissolved Metals Analyzed by 1CPMS Arsenic <0.001 0.001 mg/l SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:40 PJC Lead <0.001 0.001 mg/1 SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:40 PJC Selenium 0.004 0.002 mg/l SW -846 6020A 10/28/14 15:40 PJC Dissolved Metals Barium 0.086 0.050 mg/l SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 12:03 JRW Cadmium <0.005 0.005 mg/l SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 12:03 JRW Chromium <0.050 0.050 mg/1 SW -846 6010C 10/29/14 12:03 JRW Mercury <0.0005 0.0005 mg/l SW- 8467471B 10/27/14 12:00 JRW Silver <0.020 0.020 mg/l SW- 8466010C 10/29/14 12:03 JRW Extraction Date MADEP 10/23/14 21:15 JPB The samples for EPH analysis were collected in non - preserved amber glass containers; the pH was adjusted to <2 by the laboratory during the extraction process. Page 20 of 27 QA/QC Report Client: FSLAssociates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 - Method Blanks Results- Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Parameter I Units I Results I Date Analyzed I Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 10/24/2014 Unadj C9 -Cl2 Aliphatio(FID) ug/l C9-C18 Aliphatics ug/l <100 10/27/2014 C19 -C36 Aliphatics ug/l <100 10/27/2014 Unadj. CI I -C22 Aromatics ug/l <100 10/27/2014 Adj. CI1 -C22 Aromatics ug/l <I00 10/27/2014 Extraction Surrogates RANGE m,p- Xylene ug/l 5- alpha - Androstane 40 -140% 58 10/27/2014 Ortho- terphenyl 40 -140% 83 10/27/2014 Fractionation Surrogates RANGE Adj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) ug/1 2- Fluorobiphenyl 40 -140% 83 10/27/2014 2- Bromonaphthalene 40 -140% 77 10/27/2014 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Unadj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) ug/l <100 10/24/2014 Unadj C9 -Cl2 Aliphatio(FID) ug/l <100 10/24/2014 Methyl -tert- butylether ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Benzene ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Toluene ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Ethylbenzene ug/l <5 10/24/2014 m,p- Xylene ug/l <5 10/24/2014 o- Xylene ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Naphthalene ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Adj C5-C8 Aliphatics(FID) ug/1 <100 10/24/2014 Adj C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) ug/l <100 10/24/2014 C9 -C 10 Aromatics(PID) ug/l <100 10/24/2014 Surrogate RANGE 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 70 -130% 83 10/24/2014 2,5- Dibromototuene(FID) 70 -130% 90 10/24/2014 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 Acetone ug/l <10 10/24/2014 Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Benzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Bromobenzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Bromochloromethane ug/l <I 10/24/2014 Bromodichloromethane ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Bromoform ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Bromomethane ug/l <1 10/24/2014 n- Butylbenzene ug/1 <1 10124/2014 Sec- butylbenzene ug/l <l 10/24/2014 tert- Buylbenzene ug/i <1 10/24/2014 Carbon Disulfide ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Client: FSLAssociates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 QA/QC Report - Method Blanks Results- Page 21 of 27 IParameter I Units I Results I Date Analyzed I Volatile Organics by Method 8260 (cont'd) Carbon Tetrachloride ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Chlorobenzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Dibromochloromethane ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Chloroethane ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Chloroform ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Chloromethane ug/l <5 10/24/2014 2- Chlorotoluene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 4- Chlorotoluene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 1,2- Dibromo-3- Chloropropane ug/l <2 10/24/2014 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Dibromomethane ug/l <2 10/24/2014 1,3- Dichlorobenzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 1,2- Dichlorobenzene ug/t <1 10/24/2014 1,4- Dichlorobenzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 n- Propylbenzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/I <5 10/24/2014 1, 1 -Dichloroethane u911 <1 10/24/2014 1,2- Dichloroethane ug/l <1 10/24/2014 1, 1 -Dichloroethene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene ug11 <1 10/24/2014 trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene u911 <2 10/24/2014 1,2- Dichloropropane ug/l <1 10/24/2014 1,3- Dichloropropane ug/l <l 10/24/2014 2,2- Dichloropropane ug/l <1 10/24/2014 1,1- Dichloropropene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene ug/l <0.4 10/24/2014 Diethyl ether ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Diisopropyl ether (Dri'E) ug/l <5 10/24/2014 1,4- Dioxane ug/l <100 10/24/2014 Ethyl Tertiary Buty] Ether ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Ethylbenzene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/l <0.5 10/24/2014 2- Hexanone ug/l <10 10/24/2014 Isopropylbenzene u9/1 <1 10/24/2014 p- Isopropylto]uene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 2- Butanone(MEK) ug/l <10 10/24/2014 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) ug/l <10 10/24/2014 MTBE ug/l <2 10/24/2014 Methylene Chloride ug/l <5 10/24/2014 Naphthalene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 QA/QC Report Client: FSL Associates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 Page 22 of 27 - Method Blanks Results - Parameter Units Results Date Analyzed Volatile Organics by Method 8260 (cont'd) 1,1,2- Trichloroethane Styrene 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene 1,2,4- Trichtorobenzene 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 1, 1, 1 -Thchloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3- Trichloropropone 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride o- Xylene m,p- Xylene trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene Surrogates Dibromofluoromethane Toluene -d8 4- Bromofluorobenzene 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 Aromatic Analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluomnthene Benzo(a)pyrene ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <10 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/2412014 ug/l <l 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/1 <2 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/l <1 10/24/2014 ug/i <0.4 10/24/2014 RANGE 10/24/2014 86 -118% 103 10/24/2014 88 -110% 96 10/24/2014 86 -115% 100 10/24/2014 80 -120% 100 10/24/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1,0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <1.0 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.2 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.2 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.2 10/30/2014 ug/] <0.2 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.2 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.1 10/30/2014 Client: FSL Associates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 QA/QC Report - Method Blanks Results- Page 23 of 27 Aromatic Analytes (cont Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene B— o(g,h,i)perylene Extraction Surrogates Ortho- terphenyl Dissolved Metals ug/l <0.1 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.1 10/30/2014 ug/l <0.1 10/30/2014 RANGE 10/30/2014 40- 140% 68 10/30/2014 Cadmium mg/l <0.005 10/29/2014 Chromium mg/l <0.050 10/29/2014 Mercury mg/l <0.0005 10/27/2014 Silver mg/1 <0.020 10/29/2014 Barium mg/l <0.050 10/29/2014 Dissolved Metals Arsenic (mg/1) mg/l <0.001 10/28/2014 Ixad (mg/1) mg/l <0.001 10/28/2014 Selenium (mg/1) mg/i <0.002 10/28/2014 Page 24 of 27 - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Parameter CRM Spike IConc: LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP Methyl- tert- butylether 50 Acceptance Limits 98 Cone % Rec Cone % Rec % RPD Date Analyzed Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Methyl- tert- butylether 50 49 98 49 98 0 10/24/2014 Benzene 50 47 94 45 90 4 10/24/2014 Toluene 50 47 94 45 90 4 10/24/2014 Ethylbenzene 50 48 96 46 92 4 10/24/2014 m,p- Xylene 100 95 95 92 92 3 10/24/2014 o- Xylene 50 48 96 47 94 2 10/24/2014 Naphthalene 50 46 92 47 94 2 10/24/2014 Adj C5 -C8 Aliphatics(FID) 150 160 107 150 100 6 10/24/2014 Adj C9-C12 Aliphatics(FID) 100 96 96 91 91 5 10/24/2014 C9 -CIO Aromatics(PID) 50 48 96 46 92 4 10/24/2014 Surrogate 2,5- Dibromotoluene(PID) 85 87 10/24/2014 2,5- Dibromotoluene(F1D) 93 95 10/24/2014 Volatile Organics by Method 8260 Acetone 500 490 98 480 96 2 10/24/2014 Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether 50 54 108 52 104 4 10/24/2014 Benzene 50 55 110 51 102 8 10/24/2014 Bromobenzene 50 54 108 52 104 4 10/24/2014 Bromochloromethane 50 56 112 53 106 6 10/24/2014 Bromodichloromethane 50 53 106 50 100 6 10/24/2014 Bromoform 50 49 98 48 96 2 10/24/2014 Bromomethane 50 53 106 50 100 6 10/24/2014 n- Butylbenzene 50 55 110 51 102. 8 10/24/2014 Sec- butylbenzene 50 57 114 53 106 7 10/24/2014 tert- Buylbenzene 50 55 110 52 104 6 10/24/2014 Carbon Disulfide 50 54 108 50 100 8 10/24/2014 Carbon Tetrachloride 50 52 104 48 96 8 10/24/2014 Chlorobenzene 50 52 104 50 100 4 10/24/2014 Dibromochloromethane 50 51 102 49 98 4 10/24/2014 Chloroethane 50 65 130 58 116 11 10/24/2014 Chloroform 50 53 106 50 100 6 10/24/2014 Chloromethane 50 53 106 47 94 12 10/24/2014 2- Chlorotoluene 50 55 110 51 102 8 10/24/2014 4- Chlorotoluene 50 54 108 51 102 6 10/24/2014 1,2- Dibromo- 3- Chloropropane 50 52 104 53 106 2 10/24/2014 1,2- Dibromoethane(EDB) 50 51 102 50 100 2 10/24/2014 Dibromomethane 50 53 106 52 104 2 10/24/2014 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 50 51 102 50 100 2 10/24/2014 1,2- Dichiorobenzene 50 52 104 51 102 2 10/24/2014 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 50 51 102 49 98 4 10/24/2014 n- Propylbenzene 50 56 112 52 104 7 10/24/2014 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 50 100 46 92 8 10/24/2014 1, 1 -Dichloroethane 50 56 112 53 106 6 10/24/2014 1,2- Dichloroethane 50 54 108 51 102 6 10124/2014 1,1- Dichloroethene 50 52 104 49 98 6 10/24/2014 cis- 1,2- Dichloroethene 50 53 106 50 100 6 10/24/2014 trans- l,2- Dichloroethylene 50 52 104 49 98 6 10/24/2014 1,2- Dichloropropane 50 56 112 53 106 6 10/24/2014 1,3- Dichloropropane 50 53 106 51 102 4 10/24/2014 Client: FSLAssociates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 Page 25 of 27 QA/QC Report -LCS /LCS Duplicate Data Results- Parameter CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP 2,2- Dichloropropane 50 Acceptance Limits Cone Conc % Rec Conc % Rec -/ RPD Date Analyzed Volatile Organics by Method 8260 (cont'd) 2,2- Dichloropropane 50 59 118 55 110 7 10/24/2014 1,1- Dichloropropene 50 55 110 52 104 6 10/24/2014 cis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene 50 55 110 52 104 6 10/24/2014 Diethyl ether 500 560 112 540 108 4 10/24/2014 Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) 50 55 110 52 104 6 10/24/2014 1,4- Dioxane 1000 1600 160 1600 160 0 10/24/2014 Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 50 54 108 52 104 4 10/24/2014 Ethylbenzene 50 53 106 51 102 4 10/24/2014 Hexachlorobutadiene 50 51 102 50 100 2 10/24/2014 2- Hexanone 500 530 106 500 100 6 10/24/2014 Isopropylbenzene 50 55 110 52 104 6 10/24/2014 p- Isopropyltoluene 50 57 114 53 106 7 10/24/2014 2- Butanone(MEK) 500 520 104 520 104 0 10/24/2014 4- Methyl- 2- pentanone(MIBK) 500 540 108 520 104 4 10/24/2014 MTBE 50 54 108 52 104 4 10/24/2014 Methylene Chloride 50 50 100 48 96 4 10/24/2014 Naphthalene 50 52 104 53 106 2 10/24/2014 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 50 53 106 51 102 4 10/24/2014 Styrene 50 54 108 51 102 6 10/24/2014 1, 1, 1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 53 106 51 102 4 10/24/2014 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane 50 58 116 55 110 5 10/24/2014 Tetrachloroethene 50 50 100 47 94 6 10/24/2014 Tetrahydrofuran 500 540 108 510 102 6 10/24/2014 Toluene 50 53 106 50 100 6 10/24/2014 1,2,4- Ttichlorobenzene 50 50 100 51 102 2 10/24/2014 1,2,3- Trichlorobenzene 50 51 102 52 104 2 10/24/2014 1,1,1- Trichloroethane 50 54 108 50 100 8 10/24/2014 Trichloroethene 50 52 104 49 98 6 10/2412014 Michlorofluoromethane 50 55 110 51 102 8 10/24/2014 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 50 54 108 52 104 4 10/24/2014 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 50 56 112 53 106 6 10/24/2014 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene 50 55 110 52 104 6 10/24/2014 Vinyl Chloride 50 56 112 50 100 11 10/24/2014 o- Xylene 50 54 108 52 104 4 10/24/2014 m,p- Xylene 100 110 110 100 100 10 10/24/2014 trans -1,3- Dichloropropylene 50 54 108 51 102 6 10/24/2014 Surrogates Dibromofluoromethane 99 99 Toluene -d8 101 100 4- Bromofluorobenzene 102 101 1,2 Dichloroethane -d4 102 100 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Client: FSL Associates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 26 of 27 Parameter CRM Spike I LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP 50 24.4 49 Acceptance Limits Cone Cone %Rec Conc % Rec % RPD Date Analyzed Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Aliphatic Analytes n- Nonane n- Decane n- Dodecane n- Tetradecane n- Hexadecane n- Octadecane n- Nonadecane n- Eicosane n- Docasane n- Tetracosane n- Hexacosane n- Octacosane n- Triacontane n- Hexatriacontane Extraction Surrogates 5- alpha- Androstane Ortho- terphenyl Fractionation Surrogates 2- Pluorobiphenyl 2- Bromonaphthalene Breakthrough Analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Aliphatic Analytes n- Nonane n -Decane n- Dodecane n- Tetradecane n- Hexadecane n- Octadecane n- Nonadecane n- Eicosane n- Docasane n- Tetracosane n- Hexacosane n- Octacosane n- Triacontane n- Hexatriacontane Extraction Surrogates 5- alpha- Androstane Ortho- terphenyl 50 17.1 34 17.5 35 2 10/27/2014 50 24.4 49 24.9 50 2 10/27/2014 50 30.5 61 31.5 63 3 10/27/2014 50 34.3 69 35.6 71 4 10/27/2014 50 38.0 76 39.6 79 4 10/27/2014 50 38.2 76 43.5 87 13 10/27/2014 50 38.3 77 44.3 89 15 10/27/2014 50 38.5 77 44.6 89 15 10/27/2014 50 37.8 76 43.7 87 14 10/27/2014 50 37.3 75 42.2 84 12 10/27/2014 50 37.4 75 43.1 86 14 10/27/2014 50 37.4 75 43.5 87 15 10/27/2014 50 37.2 74 43.0 86 14 10/27/2014 50 38.2 76 41.4 83 8 10/27/2014 56 66 10/27/2014 89 90 10/27/2014 86 83 10/27/2014 82 83 10/27/2014 0 0 10/27/2014 0 0 10/27/2014 50 18.6 37 15.1 30 21 10/29/2014 50 27.4 55 23.4 47 16 10/29/2014 50 33.4 67 29.7 59 12 10/29/2014 50 38.0 76 35.9 72 6 10/29/2014 50 42.1 84 40.5 81 4 10/29/2014 50 44.9 90 43.0 86 4 10/29/2014 50 45.2 90 40.9 82 10 10/29/2014 50 46.6 93 42.5 85 9 10/29/2014 50 46.2 92 40.7 81 13 10/29/2014 50 45.8 92 39.4 79 15 10/29/2014 50 45.5 91 38.7 77 16 10/29/2014 50 44.9 90 37.7 75 17 10/29/2014 50 44.2 88 36.9 74 18 10/29/2014 50 44.9 90 37.2 74 19 10/29/2014 83 79 10/29/2014 116 96 10/29/2014 Client: FSL Associates, Inc. WO #: 1410 -23949 Date: 10/31/2014 QA/QC Report - LCS/LCS Duplicate Data Results- Page 27 of 27 Parameter CRM Spike LCS LCS LCS Dup LCS DUP 111 Barium 92 Acceptance Limits Conc Conc % Rec Cone % Rec % RPD Date Analyzed Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (cont'd) Fractionation Surrogates 2- Fluorobiphenyl 2- Bromonaphthalene Breakthrough Analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Aromatic Analytes Naphthalene 2- Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Bmzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Extraction Surrogates Ortho- terphenyl Dissolved Metals Mercury 110 Cadmium 94 Chromium 1.00 Silver 111 Barium 92 Dissolved Metals 106 2 Arsenic (mg/1) 0 Lead (mg/1) 0 Selenium (mg/1) 0.050 1.01 1 0.050 1 0.050 100 0 5.0 2.5 50 2.4 48 4 5.0 2.7 54 2.6 52 4 5.0 2.9 58 2.7 54 7 5.0 2.8 56 2.7 54 4 5.0 3.0 60 2.8 56 7 5.0 4.1 82 3.5 70 16 5.0 3.8 76 3.3 66 14 5.0 3.8 76 3.3 66 14 5.0 3.7 74 3.5 70 6 5.0 3.6 72 3.5 70 3 5.0 3.5 70 3.5 70 0 5.0 4.6 92 3.4 68 30 5.0 4.0 80 3.6 72 11 5.0 3.8 76 3.7 74 3 5.0 3.7 74 3.6 72 3 5.0 3,8 76 3.6 72 5 5,0 3.6 72 3.5 70 3 73 65 Mercury 0.0020 Cadmium 1.00 Chromium 1.00 Silver 1.00 Barium 1.00 Dissolved Metals 106 2 Arsenic (mg/1) 0.050 Lead (mg/1) 0.050 Selenium (mg/1) 0.050 0.0020 100 0.0020 100 0 1.01 101 1.03 103 2 1.04 104 1.06 106 2 1.01 101 1.03 103 2 1.00 100 1.01 101 1 0.050 100 0.050 100 0 0.046 92 0.046 92 0 0.045 90 0.047 94 4 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 10/27/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 uollemesead 6wmolloj.. eNesejd +g aegy o; qel.. sleleW 8 vbom.. x x x HVd /3d3 x x x SHdA X x x SOOA X x x N apoD xia1L'W a apoo uoi;enaasaad == z i == z i == z z O odAl V saaupluOZ) JO # N N a N N Q a N N a N oi!sodwo:5 ao qta-§ U c� 00 ;,n o o o�00 oo C.'. 00 L O O U O MM y M M u) u) 0) to to cn cn r- 00 0 00 v° u_ U- U- u. u_ u_ u. u. U- U- u_ a u_ R Q N X y _O 6i }� O M Cl M O M OI-- M i- G .,.: N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 00 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 uollemosaid 6uiMopo;,,, anjasaid V jaNg of qe -l.,, slelaW 8 VU38— X HNd/3d3 K sHdn K s3OA x w apoz) x1ijulN 3 d apoD uoilun.Lasaad y z a. a z z adAi, w saauLeluoD jo # N N q) a o)lsodwo —D io qu,L5 U U V C1 00 '^ OO O M 00 V � � 00 ;o L 0 :U') 'z, di •<' O c}' CC �J' cr <p (�� O M c1 ► J C/i J !/i J 0) J U) ISM ! 0 0 0 00 O LL LL LL IL > 00 N O PEI O M O M O M O M CL� ' 'r: �-^ e- V In In �-- •^ Zy 7, fV.: `. " N a N a O O O Cl Phase Tl Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM 81903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Project No: Project: 39 -41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Log Of Borehole: FSL -1 Client: MKM Reading, LLC Enclosure: Logs Location: Reading, MA 01867 Engineer: Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration N 125 250 375 ?c Well Completion Details � Description � t 1 E c a ® %LEL o ai w z 10 30 50 70 90 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt -1 RCRA 8 Metals 1 Urban Fill, Sand /Gravel sample @ 0' -5' 2 3 4 5 -5 Sand 6 7 -7 Concrete 8 -8 Silt/Sand /Rock 9 10 -10 Gravel 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project No: Project: 39 -41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Client: MKM Reading, LLC Location: Reading, MA 01867 Log of Borehole; FSL -2 Enclosure: Logs Engineer: Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration y w 125 250 375 Well Completion Details _ a Description c m o % N m E c .Mn � • %LEL 10 30 50 70 90 W Z 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt -1 1 Urban Fill, Sand /Gravel 2 3 -3 Gravel /Sand 4 5 -5 Sand /Gravel 6 RCRA 8 Metals 7 sample @ 5' -10' 8 9 10 -10 Asphalt 11 -11 Sand /Gravel 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project No: Project: 39 -41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Log of Borehole: FSL-`; Client: MKM Reading, LLC Enclosure: Logs Location: Reading, MA 01867 Engineer. Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration v, ppm N 125 250 375 Z. Well Completion Details Description _ CL E > E a • %LEL • O !q W 2 H -J 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt -1 RCRA 8 Metals 1 Sand /Gravel sample @ 0' -5' 2 3 4 5 -5 Gravel /Sand 6 7 8 _g Sand 9 10 -10 Sand /Gravel 11 12 13 -14 14 Gravel 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project No: Project: 39 -41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Log Of Borehole: FSL -4 Client: MKM Reading, LLC Enclosure: Logs Location: Reading, MA 01867 Engineer: Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration • • 250 H 125 375 2• Well Completion Details -6 Description z d E E p • %LEL • o m w z H�' 10 30 50 70 90 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt -1 1 Coal Ash RCRA 8 Metals 2 "2 EPH /PAH Sand /Gravel 3 sample @ 0' -5' 4 5 -5 Gravel /Sand 6 7 8 -8 Sand 9 10 -10 Sand /Gravel 11 12 13 14 -14 Gravel 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project No: Project: 39-41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Log Of Borehole: FSL-5 Client: MKM Reading, LLC Enclosure: Logs Location: Reading, MA 01867 Engineer: Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 " Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration y 125 250 375 Description ?` Well Completion Details Q c E m Q ® %LEL o tE W Z Z I- R J 10 30 50 70 90 i 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt 1 1 Urban Fill, Sand RCRA 8 Metals 2 sample @ 0' -5' 3 4 5 -5 Sand 6 6 Gravel 7 8 -8 Gravel /Sand 9 10 -10 Sand /Gravel 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 " Sheet: 1 of 1 Project No: Project: 39 -41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Log of Borehole: FSL -6 Client: MKM Reading, LLC Enclosure: Logs Location: Reading, MA 01867 Engineer: Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration y ® 125 250 375 Well Completion Details -6 Description � � _ a o E y > W E Q Q ® %LEL 10 30 50 70 90 z' 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt -1 1 Urban Fill, Sand 2 3 4 5 -5 Sand 6 RCRA 8 Metals 7 sample @ 5' -10' 8 9 10 -10 Gravel /Sand 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 Project No: Project: 39 -41 Lincoln Street/2 -12 Prescott Street Log of Borehole: FSL -% Client: MKM Reading, LLC Enclosure: Logs Location: Reading, MA 01867 Engineer: Andrew Pieroni Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SAMPLE VOC Concentration ppm y 125 250 375 ? Well Completion Details Description _ c E > E o ® %LEL e o°' m w z' 10 30 50 70 90 I I I 0 Ground Surface 0 Asphalt -1 1 Sand /Gravel 2 3 4 5 -5 Sand 6 -6 Sand /Gravel 7 8 -8 Gravel /Sand 9 10 -10 Sand /Gravel 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Drill Method: Datum: Drill Date: 10/20/14 FSL Associates, Inc. Checked by: 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue Hole Size: 1 inch Boston, MA 02135 Sheet: 1 of 1 Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readin , MA 01867 C , Const uction, %'erl PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT (ASTM E 1527-05) For 111-operlY I'm"Illu'd at: 39-41. Lincoln Street & 2-1-2 Prescott Street, Reading, MA 01867 MIN Reading, 11C 1 U Oak sli-vet, suite G?O Newton, MA 02104 November 20, 2014 Pr epart'll HV: FS 1, Associates, Inca. 358 (liestilul Ifill Avenue floston, MA W. 135 ASTM E1527 -05 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 3941 Lincoln St. & 2 -12 Prescott St., Reading, MA 3.1 SITE LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ............................... ..............................6 3.2 SITE & VICINITY GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................ ..............................6 3.3 SITE IMPROVEMENTS (INCLUDING STRUCTURES, ROADWAYS; HEATING /COOLING SYSTEM, SANITARY SEWER DISPOSAL, WATER SUPPLY) ...................................... ..............................6 3.4 CURRENT OWNERSHIP & USE .................................................. ..............................7 3.5 ADJOINING PROPERTIES ........................................................... ..............................7 4.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION ..................................... ..............................7 4.1 TITLE RECORDS ........................................................................ ..............................7 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS OR ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATIONS (AULS) .................7 4.3 SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE ....................................................... ..............................7 4.4 COMMONLY KNOWN OR REASONABLY ASCERTAINABLE INFORMATION ................7 4.5 VALUATION REDUCTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ........... ..............................8 4.6 REASON FOR PERFORMING PHASE I .......................................... ..............................8 4.7 REPORTS PROVIDED BY USER .................................................. ..............................8 5.0 REGULATORY REVIEW ...................................................... ..............................8 5.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................... ..............................1 2.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... ..............................4 2.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................. ..............................4 2.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................. ..............................5 2.3 SIGNIFICANT ASSUMPTIONS ..................................................... ..............................5 2.4 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS ................................................ ..............................5 2.5 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................... ..............................5 2.6 USER RELIANCE ....................................................................... ..............................5 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................... ..............................6 3.1 SITE LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ............................... ..............................6 3.2 SITE & VICINITY GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................ ..............................6 3.3 SITE IMPROVEMENTS (INCLUDING STRUCTURES, ROADWAYS; HEATING /COOLING SYSTEM, SANITARY SEWER DISPOSAL, WATER SUPPLY) ...................................... ..............................6 3.4 CURRENT OWNERSHIP & USE .................................................. ..............................7 3.5 ADJOINING PROPERTIES ........................................................... ..............................7 4.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION ..................................... ..............................7 4.1 TITLE RECORDS ........................................................................ ..............................7 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS OR ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATIONS (AULS) .................7 4.3 SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE ....................................................... ..............................7 4.4 COMMONLY KNOWN OR REASONABLY ASCERTAINABLE INFORMATION ................7 4.5 VALUATION REDUCTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ........... ..............................8 4.6 REASON FOR PERFORMING PHASE I .......................................... ..............................8 4.7 REPORTS PROVIDED BY USER .................................................. ..............................8 5.0 REGULATORY REVIEW ...................................................... ..............................8 5.1 FEDERAL DATABASES ......................................................:....... ..............................8 5.1.1 NPL, NPL delisted or CERCLIS ...................................... ..............................9 5.1.2 RCRA CORRACT, TSD, or GEN ..................................... ..............................9 5.1.3 ERNS ................................................................................ ..............................9 5.2 STATE DATABASES .................................................................. ..............................9 5.2.1 State Sites, State Spills 1990s, LUSTs ............................. .............................10 5.2.2 Subject Site as a MassDEP Disposal Site ....................... .............................11 5.2.3 Adjacent MassDEP Disposal Sites ................................. .............................11 5.2.4 Open MassDEP Disposal Sites ....................................... .............................11 5.2.5 Registered USTs/ASTs .................................................... .............................11 5.2.6 Dry Cleaners ................................................................... .............................11 5.3 GIS DATABASES ..................................................................... .............................12 5.4 NON - GEOCODED PROPERTIES ................................................. .............................12 5.5 MUNICIPAL FILE REVIEW ........................................................ .............................12 5.5.1 Office of the Assessor' s ................................................... .............................12 5.5.2 Inspectional Services /Building Department /Department of Public Works .13 5.5.3 Fire Department .............................................................. .............................13 5.5.4 Health Department .......................................................... .............................15 5.6 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE .................................................... .............................15 5.61 Topography ..................................................................... .............................15 5.62 Surface Waters/ Wetlands ................................................ .............................15 5.63 Groundwater / Hydrology ................................................. .............................16 5.7 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (F.I.R.M) ............................... .............................16 6.0 SITE HISTORY ....................................................................... .............................16 6.1 OWNER/OPERATOR HISTORY .................................................. .............................16 6.2 PAST USE OF THE PROPERTY ................................................... .............................16 6.3 OHM USE AND STORAGE HISTORY ........................................ .............................16 6.4 SANBORN MAPS ...................................................................... .............................16 6.5 PREVIOUS REPORTS ................................................................. .............................17 7.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE .................................................... .............................17 7.1 METHODOLOGY AND LIMITING CONDITIONS .......................... .............................17 7.2 GENERAL SITE SETTING (TOPOGRAPHY, PROPERTY ACCESS, UTILITIES, ETC.) ...... 17 7.3 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OBSERVATIONS ............................... .............................17 7.3.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products ............ .............................17 7.3.2 Storage Tanks, Drums and Unidentified Substance Containers ..................18 7.3.3 Pools of Liquid, Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons ....................... .............................18 7.3.4 Utility Transformers /Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) ..........................18 7.3.5 Stains or Corrosions ....................................................... .............................18 7.3.6 Drains, Sumps and Wells ........... ............................... .............................18 7.3.7 Solid Waste ...................................................................... .............................18 7.3.8 Septic Systems ........... ...................................................... .............................18 7.3.9 Landfills ........................................................................... .............................18 8.0 INTERVIEWS ............................................................................... .............................18 8.1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE ............................. ..............19 9.0 NON -ASTM SCOPE ISSUES ................................................. .............................19 10.0 FINDINGS ............................................................................ .............................19 11.0 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................. .............................21 12.0 DEVIATIONS .......................................................................... .............................22 13.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................... .............................22 14.0 SIGNATURE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ..........................23 15.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ....................24 11 FIGURES Figure 1. USGS Topographic Map Figure 2. 39 -41 Lincoln Street Assessor's Map Figure 3. 2 -12 Prescott Street Assessor's Map Figure 4. F.I.R.M. TABLES Table 1. EDRT"' Summary of RCRA Generators Table 2. Summary of State Sites, State Spills 1990s, LUSTS Table 3. EDR` Summary of ASTs /USTs Table 4. Reading Fire Department Oil Tank Permits APPENDIX Appendix A: Photographs Appendix B: Electronic Files Research Appendix C: Supporting Documents Appendix D: Environmental Professional Qualifications iii Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM 1527-05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 At the request of the client, FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) conducted a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to identify, to the extent possible, pursuant to ASTM E 1527 -05, recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, MA 01867. Recognized environmental conditions is defined as the presence or likely presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products on the property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into the structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property. The evaluation included the investigation of both on- and off -Site sources to determine the occurrence of past or current releases which may have affected the property, and whether any such releases would be a cause for concern and liability under Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Regulations 310 CIVIR 40.0000 to the owner or its successors. These findings are based upon multiple sources including personal interviews; local and /or state files; electronic database file search; and physical inspection of the property. The properties are located at 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading, MA, 01867. The Properties encompass approximately 36,064 square feet of land. The building at 39 -41 Lincoln Street is a three -story aluminum building classified for retail use. The building at 2 -12 Prescott Street is a four - story clapboard building exterior building classified for commercial warehouse. There 'is an asphalt paved parking lot connecting the two properties. The property at 39 Lincoln Street is currently vacant. The current tenants at 2 -12 Prescott Street include Doucette Moving & Storage, Grasshopper Irrigation, and Dave's Home Service. Several Mass DEP disposal sites are located within % -mile radius of the Property. However, each of the sites have been closed or received a class A -1, A -2, or A -3 Response Action Outcome (RAO). FSL does not find these to be recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 467 Main Street is an open MassDEP Disposal Site under RTN 3 -24116 that has been classified as a Downgradient Property Status (DPS). Releases of Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethene were observed in monitoring wells located at 467 Main Street that exceeded MassDEP Reportable Concentrations (RCs). Reading Dry Cleaning and Tailoring, located at 525 Main Street, was identified as the source of the release. Based on the proximity of 467 Main Street to the subject site and geographical conditions, FSL did not find this to present recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. There are several RCRA Generator sites that generate hazardous waste in close proximity of the subject site. Of particular concern is 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto Body) and 41 High Street (Nick's Drycleaners). 35 Lincoln Street was historically used as a gasoline filling station. 41 High Street was formerly Luigi's Dry - cleaning and Shirt Service until 2004 and was listed as actively using 1 Phase i Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Perch loroethylene (Perc). Based on the quantity of hazardous waste generated and accumulated and the proximity of the RCRA Gen sites, it is FSL's' opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. Records were provided by the Town of Reading Fire Department Fire Prevention Division for the removal of one (1) 1,000 gallon underground storage tank (UST) formerly used for the storage of #2 fuel oil at the subject site. The UST dimensions were listed as 48 "x10'8 ". The removal took place in October, 1991. However, records provide conflicting locations of the removed tank, and town records of permitted USTs and aboveground storage tanks (AST) on the subject site are inconsistent. During a site walk through, FSL personnel observed a large rectangular shape of resealed pavement in the parking lot at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property; the dimensions were approximately 60" x 12'. Based on the available UST records and the physical evidence of the subject site, it is FSL's opinion that the addresses were erroneously entered on the permits and correspondence filed at the Town of Reading Fire Department Fire Prevention Division and that the removed UST likely came from the property at 2 -12 Prescott. Therefore, the inconsistent records and unknown location of the removed UST could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. Based on historic fire insurance maps, the property at 39 -41 Lincoln Street has been used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, and retail, while the property at 2 -12 Prescott Street has been used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, printing and storage. According to reviewed records and maps, a second building on the 2 -12 Prescott Street Property was taken down between 1918 and 1921. This building was a two story building that was connected by a catwalk to the presently existing structure. It was used as a shipping room and glass room on the first floor, and as a painting storage room on the second floor. However, during an inquiry to the Town of Reading Building Division, FSL personnel were not able to come up with any documentation /permits of the demolition of the building. Therefore, due to inconsistent records of the removed structure at 2 -12 Prescott Street, it is FSL's opinion that this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 2 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Based on the following: that there was a permitted UST on the subject site that was removed from a suspected location at 2 -12 Prescott Street; a structure was demolished without records of permits on the subject site; the northern abutter that was identified to have been a gasoline filling station with inconsistent tank records; and the proximity of a dry - cleaning facility that had a known history of using Perchloroethylene, FSL recommends: - Intrusive subsurface investigations conducted on the subject Property by advancing test borings; - Installation of four (4) groundwater monitoring well, at least two (2) of which should be advanced on the northern property boundary with the former gasoline station property at 35 Lincoln Street; - Soil sampling and testing for volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH), extractable petroleum hydrocarbons /polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPH /PAH) and Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 Metals; - Groundwater sampling and testing for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), VPH, EPH /PAH and (RCRA) 8 Metals. 3 Phase i Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527-05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street ReadinLj, MA 01867 1 11 This Phase I Site Assessment was prepared for the Client in accordance with the "Recommended Table of Contents and Report Format" under E 1527 -05 of ASTM publication "Standard Practice for Environmental site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process"'. 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this report is to present a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the property identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, MA (the "Property" or "Site "). The further purpose of this practice, "is to define good commercial and customary practice in the United States of America for conducting an environmental site assessment of a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contaminants within the scope of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and petroleum products and, within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with respect to the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 21E (MGL 21E) and the MADEP regulations in 310 CMR 40.0000. As such, this practice is intended to permit a user to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify for the innocent landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona fide prospective purchaser limitations on CERCLA liability (hereinafter, the "landowner liability protections," or "LLPs "): that is, the practices that constitutes "all appropriate inquiry into the previous ownership and uses of the property consistent with good commercial or customary practice" as defined in 42 USC §9601(35) (B). "' The goal of the processes established by this practice is to identify recognized environmental conditions. The term recognized environmental conditions means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies." 9 Phase l Environmental Site Assessment, AS"TM E1527 -D5 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading. MA 01867 2.2 .Scope of Services To accomplish the objectives listed above, FSL Associates, Inc. (FSL) performed the following tasks: • Contacted Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDRTM), a firm specializing in databases of sites of potential environmental impact, to complete an environmental database search on the property and its environs; • Contacted personnel in municipal and other involved governmental agencies for information of environmental impact on the property; • Conducted a physical inspection of the Site and surrounding areas for obvious indications of present or past activities, which have or could contaminate the property; • Prepared this report containing our procedures, findings, conclusions and recommendations. 2.3 Significant Assumptions There were no significant assumptions made during the preparation of this report. 2.4 limitations and Exceptions There were no limitations of access to the property, due to barriers, weather or reasons why certain procedures could not be done. 2.5 Special Terms and Conditions There were no limitations placed by the Client as to what may or may not be done on the property. 2.6 User Reliance The use of this report is limited to the Client and /or the Client's designee. No part of this report may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the Client. FSL understands that the report is being used by the Client or the Client's designee to evaluate possible environmental liability concerning the Site. 5 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street ReadinLy, MA 01867 3.1 Site Location and Legal Description The properties are identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, MA. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates are Zone 19, Northing 326860.8 and Easting 4709597.0. The latitude and longitude coordinates are 42° 31' 16.68" N and 71° 6' 28.08" W, respectively. The properties are identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street (parcel ID: 16 -226; 10,029 sq -ft) and 2 -12 Prescott Street (parcel ID: 16 -224; 26;035 sq -ft) in Reading, MA. Copies of the Assessor's Maps are provided as Figure 2 and 3. 3.2 Site & Vicinity General Characteristics The Site is situated south of the intersection of Prescott Street and Lincoln Street in a mixed commercial and residential district in Reading, Massachusetts. The local population is approximately 24,747. The Site is located at approximately 32 m (104 ft) above mean sea level on relatively flat land. Figure 1 presents the environmental setting of the site location as superimposed on a portion of the U.S.G.S. Topographic Map. 3.3 Site Improvements (Including structures, roadways, heating /cooling system, sanitary sewer disposal, water supply) The building at 39 -41 Lincoln Street is comprised of a concrete foundation and aluminum siding exterior. The parking lot is in fair condition with few noticeable cracks. There is a slight pitch from the parking lot entrance of the property to Lincoln Street. The building at 2 -12 Prescott Street is comprised of a concrete foundation and clapboard siding exterior. There is a slight pitch from the parking lot entrance of the property to Prescott Street. The parking lot is in fair to poor condition with noticeable cracks and abrasions. There is a large rectangular shape of resealed pavement in the parking lot at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property; the dimensions are approximately 60" x 12'. Heating at 2 Prescott Street is provided through an oil heating system which features a 275 gallon above ground heating oil tank on the first floor of the building. Heating at 39 Lincoln Street is provided through an oil heating system which features a 275 gallon above ground heating oil tank on the first floor of the building. Utilities to both properties include water, sewer, electricity, oil, telephone and internet. Both water and sewer service is provided by the Town of Reading. 0 Phase l Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -OS 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 The owner of 39 -41 Lincoln St. is 39 -41 Lincoln St. LLC; the owner of 2 -12 Prescott Street is 2 -12 Prescott St. LLC. The building at 39 Lincoln Street is currently vacant. 2 Prescott Street is currently used for offices and trucking /equipment storage. The current tenants at 2 Prescott Street include Doucette Moving & Storage, Grasshopper Irrigation, and Dave's Home Service. 3.5 Adjoining Properties The adjoining properties consist of a variety of mixed commercial, retail, and residential land use. The abutter to the north includes Browns Auto Repair at 35 Lincoln Street. Historically this site has been a machine shop, metallic brush shop, bicycle repair shop, and an auto supply shop that previously had a gasoline filling station with storage tanks. To the northeast on the opposite side of Lincoln Street is the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Reading Commuter Rail Station. Surrounding the northwestern, southern and western Property boundaries are residential properties. 4.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION The User is MKM Reading, LLC at 109 Oak Street, Suite G20 in Newton, MA 02464. Mr. Matt Zuker, the representative of User, provided all information required of the User pursuant to Section 6 of ASTM E 1527 -05 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process ". This report is being prepared for MKM Reading, LLC. 4,1 Title Records Title records will be supplied by the Client. 4.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) The user was not aware of any Environmental Liens or AULs that are in place or have been filed or recorded in a registry under federal, tribal, state or local law. 4.3 Specialized Knowledge The user was not aware of any specialized knowledge pertaining to the Site. 4.4 Commonly known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information. The user was not aware of any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information pertaining to the Site. 7 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 4.5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues Based on the information gathered for this report, there is no indication for a potential of a valuation reduction for this property. 4.6 Reason for Performing Phase I This ASTM Phase I Site Assessment was performed at the request of the Userto satisfy the requirements of Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Chapter 21E, "Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention Act," in the purchase of commercial real estate at 39 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street in Reading, MA. 4.7 Reports Provided by User The User did not provide any reports or other documents. 5.0 REGULATORY REVIEW FSL reviewed information on the Site collected by an electronic environmental database service (EDRTM Radius Map Report with GeoCheck® prepared by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDRTM)). The electronic database service provides information regarding sites identified in various state and federal databases resulting from the discovery, use, spill or storage of hazardous materials that are within specified distances from a Site. FSL uses the standard ASTM databases and distances to initially evaluate a Site for the presence of a release or threat of a release of oil and /or hazardous materials that could affect a Site. A modified report containing a summary of all the sites identified in the search as well as the detail sheets for the pertinent sites identified is included in the Electronic File Search section of this report (Appendix B). Local records were obtained from the Municipal Fire Department, Office of the Assessor and Inspectional Services. Copies of the records obtained from the Municipal Offices are included in Appendix C. 5.1 Federal Databases Federal databases searched for this report included the National Priority List (NPL), Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS), Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System Corrective Action (RCRA COR ACT), RCRA Generators (RCRA GEN), RCRA Treatment, Storage, Disposal (RCRA TSD) and Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS). The NPL database lists the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (US EPA's) list of Superfund Sites. These sites represent the worst of all identified uncontrolled and /or abandoned hazardous waste sites. CERCLIS is the US EPA's list of potential Superfund sites currently or previously investigated for release or threatened release of hazardous waste materials. RCRIS is the US EPA's list of all registered hazardous waste generators. RCRIS COR tracks specific program events that have taken place at a facility (e.g. facility assessment, stabilization) and the program priority (high /medium /low). E? Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 RCRIS GEN and RCRIS TSD is a list of registered generators of hazardous waste and a list of TSD facilities. ERNS is the US EPA's spills database showing all EPA response action to emergency spill incidents. 5.1.1 NPL, NPL delisted or CERCLIS No NPL, NPL delisted or CERLCIS sites were identified within a %Z -mile radius of the Property. No CORRACTS or TSDs are located within a 1/8 -mile radius of the property. Six (6) RCRA GEN sites, conditionally exempt generators (VGN) or very small quantity generators (VSQG -FED) of hazardous waste were identified within a 1/8 -mile radius of the Property. VGN and VSQG -FED sites generate between 0 -220 Ibs /month with less than 250 gallons accumulated on -site. Site Name / Address Site ID /Status Distance /Direction Map ID Elev Brown Auto 35 Lincoln Street MAV000003204 / RCRA -VSQG 0.03 ENE Al Even Nick Drycleaners 41 High Street MV7819449706 / RCRA -VSQG 0.056 NE B3 +3 Reading Family Chiropractic MV7816709993 / RCRA -VSQG 0.056 NE B5 +3 2 Haven Street Weavers Auto 21 High Street State Site / SQG -MA 0.064 ENE C8 +1 MV7819427833 Reading Auto Body Clinic MAD055350540 / RCRA -VSQG 0.077 ENE C10 Even 17 -19 High Street Rite Aid 10122 25 Haven Street MAC300021094 / RCRA -SQG 0.084 NE E16 +4 Foreign Auto Union MAD108857624 / RCRA -VSQG 0.084 E F19 Even 15 High Street Based on the quantity of hazardous waste generated and accumulated and the proximity of the RCRA Gen sites, in particular Brown Auto Body and Nick's Drycleaners, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. The subject Site was not identified the under federal Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) database. The state databases searched for this report included State Sites List (STATE SITES), State Spills List (SPILLS 1990s), Solid Waste Landfills (SWL), Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) and Registered E Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street ReadinLy, MA 01867 Underground Storage Tanks /Aboveground Storage Tanks (REG UST /AST). The STATE SITES is a database of known or potential hazardous waste sites. The SPILLS 1990 database is a listing of spills and hazardous leaking incidents, which were reported to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP) in the 1990's. The SWL database is a list of active, permitted, solid waste landfills. REG UST /AST is a list of registered USTs /ASTs maintained by the Massachusetts Department of Public Safety. 5.2.1 State Sites, State Spills 1990s, L US'Ts Nine (9) site locations were identified in the database report within a 1/4 -mile radius of the property. Site locations are shown in the figures in Appendix B. The identified sites are summarized in the table below. All of the site locations have been closed with a permanent solution and achievement of a level of "no significant risk ". 10 Phase l Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Table 2: Summary of State Sites, State Spills 1990s, LUSTS DEPMOU - DEP Memorandum of Understanding Notes: DEPNFA - DEP No Further Action * - AUL- Activity and Use Limitation in effect PENNFA - Pending No Further Action RAO - Response Action Outcome Ph V - Operation, Maintenance and /or Monitoring RAONR - Response Action Outcome Not Required WCSPRM - Waiver Completion Statement 5.2.2 Subject Site as a MassDEP Disposal Site The subject Site was not identified as a MassDEP disposal site. There are no MassDEP Disposal Sites adjacent to the property. 11 Distance / Name /Address /ID /Status Database Impact Rationale Map I.D. Elev Direction Residential LUST Not 47 High Street RELEASE 0.056 NNE Anticipated Site Closed B7 +5 3 -21706 / A2- CLOSED Corner of Haven & High Street LUST Not 25 Haven Street RELEASE 0.084 NE Anticipated Site Closed E18 +4 3 -13004 / A2- CLOSED SM Hudson Inc. SPILLS Not 26 Brande Court 0.095 SE Site Closed D23 +8 3 -29718 / Al- CLOSED Anticipated Bobs Repair Service SPILLS 4 Minot Street 0.119 ESE Site Closed G26 -3 3 -20947 / A2- CLOSED Anticipated In front of 142 Woburn Street SHWS Not 142 Woburn Street RELEASE 0.152 WNW Anticipated Site Closed 29 +7 3 -17050 / A2- CLOSED Residential SHWS 5 Washington Street LUST 0.182 NW Not Site Closed E18 +7 3- 15201/ A2- CLOSED RELEASE Anticipated Verizon Massachusetts #576507 LUST 17 Linden Street UST 0.210 NNE Not Site Closed K36 +14 3- 10836/RAO -A3 Anticipated Residential 49 Riverside Drive LUST 0.231 SSW Not Site Closed 41 -5 3- 17623/ A2- CLOSED RELEASE Anticipated SHWS Gas Station LUST 467 Main Street SPILLS 0.235E Not Site Closed M47 -6 3 -3459/ A2- CLOSED RELEASE Anticipated HW GEN Gas Station LUST 467 Main Street SHWS 0.235E Not Site Closed M47 -6 3- 3459/A2- Closed SPILLS Anticipated Front of #19 SHWS Not Temple Street SPILL 0.245 WNW Anticipated Site Closed 51 Even 3- 14721/ Al- CLOSED DEPMOU - DEP Memorandum of Understanding Notes: DEPNFA - DEP No Further Action * - AUL- Activity and Use Limitation in effect PENNFA - Pending No Further Action RAO - Response Action Outcome Ph V - Operation, Maintenance and /or Monitoring RAONR - Response Action Outcome Not Required WCSPRM - Waiver Completion Statement 5.2.2 Subject Site as a MassDEP Disposal Site The subject Site was not identified as a MassDEP disposal site. There are no MassDEP Disposal Sites adjacent to the property. 11 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527-05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readina. MA 01867 5.2.4 Open MassDEP Disposal Sites 467 Main Street is an open MassDEP Disposal Site under RTN 3- 24116. As of May 10, 1996, this site has been classified as a Downgradient Property Status (DPS). Releases of Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethene were observed in monitoring wells located at 467 Main Street that exceeded MassDEP Reportable Concentrations. 525 Main Street, Reading, which was listed as Reading Dry Cleaning and Tailoring, was identified as the source of the release. Chlorinated VOCs were noted to have been used during the dry cleaning process at the facility. Based on the proximity of 467 Main Street to the subject site and geographical conditions, FSL does not find this site to present recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 5.2.5 Registered LISTS /ASTs There are no Underground Storage Tank (UST) / Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) sites registered at the Property address according to the EDR` report. Four (4) UST /AST sites were identified within a % -mile radius of the Site. Refer to the following table for information about the registered sites: Table 3: Summary of USTs /ASTs Facility /Type / Address /I.D Database Status Distance/ Map I.D. Elev Direction S M Hudson Inc. In Use: 26 Brande Court UST 4 -20000 gal fuel oil 0.095NNE 137 +5 0- 010811 5 -20000 gal fuel oil John J Theodore R WA Removed: 143 Washington Street UST 1 -500 gal Waste Oil 0.208 ESE C8 +1 0- 010794 2- Unknown 3- Unknown Verizon Massachusetts #576507 In Use: 17 Linden Street AST 2 -500 gal Diesel 0.210 NNE G26 -3 0- 010798 3 -500 gal Diesel Reading Car Care Center In Use: 467 Main Street UST 1 -10000 gal 0.235 E M48 -6 0- 010819 Gasoline For figures showing the location of the above mentioned registered USTs, refer to Appendix B. r Nicks Dry Cleaners is located at 41 High Street, within 0.056 mile of the site. According to the EDR report, this property was formerly Luigi's Dry - cleaning and Shirt Service until 2004, and was listed as actively using Perch loroethylene (Perc). Based on the proximity of Nick's Dry Cleaners 11 Phase l Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1.527 - 05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 and the historical use Perc onsite, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 5.3 GIS Databases The Geographic Information System (GIS) databases reviewed included State Wells, Water Related GIS Data Layers (AQUIFERS), Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), and Wetlands. State Wells is a list of permitted public water supplies (surface water and well). AQUIFERS are high and medium yield aquifers that have been identified as potentially productive or not potentially productive water supplies. EPA sole source water supplies and known public water supply Zone II boundaries are included. ACEC are areas designated as environmentally sensitive including estimated habits of endangered species, protected open spaces and vernal pools. Public Water Supply, Zone II, Zone A, Interim Wellhead Protection Areas, Potentially Productive Aquifers, Non - Potential Drinking Sources, Water Bodies, Sole Source Aquifers and ACEC were not identified within a % -mile radius of the Site. The Site is located outside the boundary of the 100 -year floodplain. Protected open space is located within 500 feet of the site to the south, as well as within % -mile to the East /Northeast. Wetlands were identified within %Z -mile radius of the Site to the east, south and to the west. Vernal pools were identified within %Z -mile radius of the site to the west. Maps depicting GIS database findings are provided in Appendix B. 5.4 Non- Geocoded Properties None of the sites identified in the non - geocoded section are expected to have an adverse environmental impact on the subject Property based on the distances and topographical relationship to the Site. FSL personnel made inquiries to several Town of Reading departments to conduct a municipal file review. During the review, it was noted that in several departments the files for both 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street were filed together generally under the 39 -41 Lincoln Street address. The following municipal offices were reviewed for information pertinent to the Site: 5.5.1 Office of the Assessor's On October 27, 2014, FSL personnel made inquiry to the Town of Reading and obtained a digital copy of the Assessor's Map. The Properties are identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street (parcel ID: 16- 226; 10,029 sq -ft) and 2 -12 Prescott Street (parcel ID: 16 -224; 26,035 sq -ft), and is located within Middlesex County. The owner of 39 -41 Lincoln Street is 39 Lincoln St. LLC. The owner of 2 Prescott Street is 2 -12 Prescott St. LLC. 12 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readina, MA 01867 The building at 39 -41 Lincoln Street is a three -story aluminum building classified as retail. The building at 2 -12 Prescott Street is a four -story clapboard building exterior building (2 Prescott St.) classified for commercial warehouse, and a with an asphalt paved parking lot connecting the two properties. A copy of the property record card is provided in Appendix C. 5.5.2 Inspectional Services /Building Department /Department of Public Works On October 27, 2014, FSL personnel made inquiry to the Town of Reading Inspections and Zoning Division. Several inspection certificates and permits have been issued for electrical work, alterations, and construction for the properties. No violations were identified as recognized environmental conditions. 5.5.3 Fire Department On October 27, 2014, FSL personnel made inquiry to the Town of Reading Fire Department regarding the past or current presence of ASTs /USTs and tank removals at or near the Properties. Refer to Table 4 on the following page for a summary of the information on file for the site at the Reading Fire Department. For Fire Department correspondence and records provided by the Reading Fire Department, refer to Appendix C. 13 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, AST M E1527-05 39-41 Lincoln Street & 2-12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Table 4: Reading Fire Department Oil Tank Permits -T , Tank Size Date Town Permit No. Perm it Type I(gallons) Location 39-41 Lincoln Street March 27, 1952 52-53 Permit for Storage of Fuel Oil 1000 LIST Not Listed March 22, 2000 00-16 Permit for Storage of Fuel Oil 330 AST Not Listed 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto) January 3, 1949 49-17 Permit for Storage of Fuel Oil 275 UST Not Listed Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel February 23, 1994 94-19 275 Not Listed I Oil 47 High Street (Nick's Dry Cleaning) Corner of Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel Chute St. November 25, 1974 74-107 10,000 UST Oil and High St. Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel February 20, 1975 75-11 10,000 UST Not Listed Oil Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel January 6, 1976 76-11 10,000 UST Not Listed Oil Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel November 14, 1994 94-201 Not Listed Not Listed Oil Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel Apri125,2002 02-37 2030 AST Basement Oil April 25, 2002 SP02-28 Tank Removal 10,000 LIST April 25, 2002 Permit for Storage and Use of Fuel October 29, 2007 07-108 Not Listed Not Listed Oil 14 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -OS 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readiniz, MA 01867 Along with Tank Permits, FSL personnel found correspondence and permits for a potential UST removal between October 20, 1990 and October 22, 1991 at the subject site. On October 20, 1990, Beaudoin & Merril Fuel Company (433 Pearl Street, Reading MA) corresponded with Paul Doucette (30 -41 Lincoln Street, Reading, MA) on a working agreement to remove a 1,000 gallon tank for $1,100.00 and to cut up cement slabs at a rate of $45.00. On October 22, 1991, two checks were written from Paul Doucette (PD Reality, 39 -41 Lincoln Street, Reading MA): one was written to Beaduin Merril for $500.00; the other was written to the Merril Bros. for $1,200.00. The Massachusetts State Fire Marshal's Office Receipt of Disposal of Underground Steel Storage Tank, FDID #17246, says the removed tank was delivered to the approved tank yard by the company Merril Bros. The Town of Reading Tank Removal Receipt (SD91 -105) is listed for a completed tank removal at 34 Lincoln Street, Reading, MA; tank dimensions were 48 "x10'8", which are established dimensions for a 1000 gallon tank. As seen in Table 4, the available records for USTs /ASTs on the subject site /abutting sites /nearby sites of concern are inconsistent. Particularly of concern are the contradictory records of the UST possibly removed from the subject site and the current unknown status of the UST located at the adjacent property at 35 Lincoln Street. Based on the available information, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 5.5.4 Health Department On October 27, 2014, FSL personnel made inquiry to the Town of Reading Public Health Department regarding any past health code violations at both properties; the search did reveal a violation. On November 11, 2013, Inspectors responded to complaints at 39 -41 Lincoln Street about rat /rodent infestation and excessive solid waste storage on the property. For public health department correspondence and records provided by the health department, refer to Appendix C. i 0 5.6.1 'Topography The Site is situated south of the intersection of Prescott Street and Lincoln Street in a mixed commercial and residential district in Reading, Massachusetts. The Site is located at approximately 32 m (104 ft) above mean sea level on relatively flat land. There is a slight pitch from the parking lot entrance at 2 Prescott Street towards Prescott Street. There is a slight pitch from the parking lot entrance at 39 Lincoln Street towards Lincoln Street. 5.6.2 Surface Waters /Wetlands There are no surface waters or wetlands located on the Property. The nearest body of water is Lake Quannapowitt, located approximately 1.5 miles to the east. 15 Phase I[ Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 5.6.3 Groundwater /Hydrology A groundwater survey was not within the scope of this report. Based on the local topography and historical records, groundwater can be inferred to flow in a western direction from the site. 5.7 Flood Insurance Rate flap (F.LR.M) According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Rate Map (F.I.R.M.), for Middlesex County, Massachusetts, the Property is within Zone C, above the 500 -year flood level. A copy of the F.I.R.M. is presented as Figure 4. 6.0 SITE HISTORY 6.1 Owner/Operator History The owner of 39 -41 Lincoln St. is 39 -41 Lincoln St. LLC. 39 -41 Lincoln Street is currently vacant. The owner of 2 -12 Prescott Street is 2 -12 Prescott St. LLC. 2 -12 Prescott Street is currently used for offices and trucking /equipment storage. 6.2 Fast Use of the Property According to Town of Reading Engineering Department files and a review of the historic fire insurance maps for 39 -41 Lincoln Street, the Property was used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, and retail (refer to section 6.4 — Sanborn Maps for further information). According to Town of Reading Engineering Department files and a review of the historic fire insurance maps for 2 -12 Prescott Street, the Property was used for metals manufacturing, wood manufacturing, printing, and storage (refer to section 6.4 — Sanborn Maps for further information). 6.3 OHM Use and Storage History There is OHM (Oil and Hazardous Material) use and storage history associated with the addresses 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street. These sites also have current OHM uses. Refer to sections 5.5.3 and 7.3.2 for discussions of OHM at the subject site. For copies of Reading Fire Department Fire correspondence and records on OHM Use and Storage History, refer to Appendix C. 6.4 Sanborn Maps A review of the historic fire insurance maps (dated 1892, 1897, 1903, 1918, 1928, 1948 and 1968) indicates that the adjacent properties and surrounding area have been developed since 1892. Based on the historic fire insurance maps, the adjacent property at 35 Lincoln Street has been a machine shop, metallic brush shop, bicycle repair shop, and an auto supply shop that previously had a gasoline filling 10 Phase l Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM P1527-05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 station with a storage tank. The remaining adjacent properties were listed in the historic fire insurance maps as residential properties. The historic fire insurance maps are provided in the Appendix B. According to the Sanborn maps and reviewed Town of Reading Engineering Department town grid plans, a second building on the 2 -12 Prescott Street property was taken down between 1918 and 1921. This building was a two story building that was connected by catwalk to the existing structure, and was used as a shipping room and glass room on the first floor, and as a painting storage room on the second floor. 6.5 Previous Reports The User did not provide any historical reports. 7.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE On October 27, 2014, FSL personnel performed a site visit to obtain information indicating the likelihood of identifying recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. FSL walked through and visually observed the exterior of the buildings including all the exterior accessible portions of the Property. Site reconnaissance was limited to a visual inspection of the surface of the Property. Photographs were taken and a written description was transcribed to note potential recognized environmental conditions and building adornments. For photographs presenting Property layout, contents, adornments, etc. refer to Appendix A. The weather was sunny with a temperature of approximately 60 °F. %Z General Site Setting (Topography, property access, utilities, etc.) The Site is situated south of the intersection of Prescott Street and Lincoln Street in a mixed commercial and residential district in Reading, Massachusetts. The Site is located at approximately 32 m (104 ft) above mean sea level on relatively flat land. The Town of Reading relies on the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority for water and sewer services. Heating at 39 -41 Lincoln Street is provided through an oil heating system which features an above ground heating oil tank on the first floor of the building. Heating for 2 -12 Prescott Street is provided via oil fired heating systems which features an above ground heating oil tank located on the southern side of the exterior of the building. 7.3 Interior and Exterior Observations 7.3.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products FSL observed the storage of 2 (2) 5- gallon gasoline carboys used by the tenants underneath trailers stored along the southern boundary of the property. FSL observed stained pavement at 39 -41 Lincoln Street, near the concrete slab located at northwest corner of the building. FSL did not observe stressed vegetation at the time of inspection. (refer to Photograph 4). 17 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Readin -u, MA 01867 7.3.2 Storage 'Tanks, Drums and Unidentified Substance Containers FSL noticed three (3) unmarked 55- gallon steel drums on the southwestern side of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. The tops and bases of each drum were rusting. Two of the drums had substantial amounts of liquid in them; the drum in the middle was nearly empty. The drums were unlabeled at the time of inspection. The contents were unknown at the time of inspection. (refer to Photograph 8). 7.3.3 Pools of Liquid, Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons. FSL did not observe any pools of liquid, pits, ponds or lagoons at the time of inspection. 7.3.4 Utility' Transformers / Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) FSL did not observe any transformers during the inspection. 7.3.5 Stains or Corrosions FSL observed stained concrete at 39 -41 Lincoln Street located at the northwestern corner of the building. (refer to Photograph 7). 7.3.6 Drains, Sumps and Wells. FSL did not observe any drains, sumps or wells on the subject site. 7.3.7 Solid Waste FSL observed solid waste during the inspection. There was a dumpster located at the southeast corner of the building at 2 Prescott Street. There was also scrap metal and other various items stored along the southern boundary of the property at 2 -12 Prescott Street. (refer to Photograph 4). 7.3.8 Septic Systems There are no septic systems or cesspools located on the subject Site. 7.3.9 Landfills There are no landfills located onsite or within % -mile radius of the subject Site. 8.0 INTERVIEWS In order to obtain information indicating recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property, the user and the owner were asked if they know of: (1) any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property; (2) any threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on or from the property; and 18 Phase I[ Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -OS 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 (3) any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products; (4) any of the helpful documents pursuant to Section 10.8 of ASTM E 1527 -05 "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process" ". ' t I 0 1 Ron Tiberi of FSL Associates sent an Environmental Questionnaire Form to MKM Reading, LLC. As of November 21, 2014, the competed Questionnaire has not been returned to FSL Associates. Non -ASTM scope issues were not added in the preparation of this ASTM E1527 -05 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527 of the properties identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street (the "Site ") and identified the following findings: 1. Several reportable release /Mass DEP disposal sites were identified within % -mile radius of the Property. However, each of the sites have been closed or received A -1, A -3, or B -1 Response Action Outcomes (RAOs). A -1 and B -1 RAOs shall apply to sites where a permanent solution has been achieved and a level of no significant risk exists. A -3 RAOs shall apply to sites where a permanent solution has been achieved and an activity and use limitation (AUL) is required to maintain a level of no significant risk. FSL does not find these to be recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 2. 467 Main Street is an open MassDEP Disposal Site under RTN 3 -24116 that has been classified as a Downgradient Property Status (DPS). Releases of Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethene were observed in monitoring wells located at 467 Main Street that exceeded MassDEP Reportable Concentrations (RCs). The Reading Dry Cleaning and Tailoring, located at 525 Main Street, was identified as the source of the release. Chlorinated VOCs were noted to have been used during the dry cleaning process at the facility. Based on the proximity of 467 Main Street to the subject site and geographical conditions, FSL does not find this to present recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 3. There are several RCRA Generator sites that generate hazardous waste in close proximity of the subject site. Of particular concern is 35 Lincoln Street (Brown's Auto Body) and 41 High Street (Nick's Drycleaners). 35 Lincoln Street was historically used as a gasoline filling station. 41 High Street was formerly Luigi's Dry - cleaning and Shirt Service until 2004, and was listed as actively 19 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 using Perchloroethylene (Perc). Based on the quantity of hazardous waste generated and accumulated and the proximity of the RCRA Gen sites, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 4. FSL personnel found inconsistent correspondence and permits for a potential tank removal between October 20, 1990 and October 22, 1991 at the subject site. A Town of Reading Tank Removal Permit receipt shows the completed tank removal occurred at 34 Lincoln Street. All other correspondents indicate that the tank was removed from 39 -41 Lincoln Street. FSL personnel noted that the property at 2 -12 Prescott Street appeared to have adequate space for a tank similar to the size of the tank that was recorded to have been removed. FSL personnel also noticed a large rectangular shape of resealed pavement in the parking lot at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property; the dimensions were approximately 60" x 12'. As noted in Section 5.5, records for both 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street were filled together under the 39- 41 Lincoln Street address in several departments. Based on the available UST records and FSL's physical observations of the subject site, it is FSL's opinion that the addresses were erroneously entered on the permits and correspondence from both 34 Lincoln Street and 39 -41 Lincoln Street, and that the removed UST likely came from the property at 2 -12 Prescott. Therefore, the inconsistent records and unknown location of the removed UST could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 5. As seen in Table 4, the available records for USTs /ASTs on the subject site /abutting sites of concern are inconsistent. Particularly of concern is the current unknown status of the UST located at the adjacent property at 35 Lincoln Street. 35 Lincoln Street was historically used as a gasoline filling station. Based on the available information, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 6. FSL observed solid waste during the inspection at the 2 -12 Prescott Street property. There was a dumpster located at the southeast corner of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. There was also scrap metal and other various items stored along the southern boundary of the property at 2 -12 Prescott Street. FSL does not find these to be recognized environmental conditions in connection to the subject site. 7. There are aboveground heating oil tanks located at both properties in the subject site; a 275 gallon tank at 2 -12 Prescott Street is located in a shed attached to the southern section of the building; a 275 gallon tank at 39 -41 Lincoln Street is in a shed attached to the northwestern corner of the building. FSL did observe stained concrete at 39 -41 Lincoln Street located at the northwestern corner of the building, next to the heating oil tank shed. Origins of the stains are unknown. FSL observed the storage of two (2) 5- gallon gasoline carboys used by the tenants underneath trailers stored along the southern boundary of the property. Based on the current 20 Please l Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM E1527 -05 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 and historical OHM (Oil and Hazardous Material) used on site, and the stains observed in the vicinity of the AST at 39 -41 Lincoln Street, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. 8. FSL noticed three (3) unmarked 55- gallon steel drums on the southwestern side of the building at 2 -12 Prescott Street. The tops and bases of each drum are rusting. Two of the drums have substantial amounts of liquid in them; the drum in the middle is nearly empty. The contents were unknown at the time of inspection. Based on the unknown hazardous associated with the three steel drums, it is FSL's opinion this could potentially be recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Property. "We have performed a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527 of the properties identified as 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street. Any exceptions or deletions from, this practice is described in Section 12.0 - Deviations of this report. Based on the following: OHM present use onsite; that there was a permitted UST on the subject site that was removed from a suspected location at 2 -12 Prescott Street; a structure was demolished without records of permits on the subject site; the northern abutter that was identified to have been a gasoline filling station with inconsistent tank records; and the proximity of a dry - cleaning facility that had a known history of using Perchloroethylene, FSL recommends: - Intrusive subsurface investigations conducted on the subject Property by advancing test borings; - Installation of four (4) groundwater monitoring well, at least two (2) of which should be advanced on the northern property boundary with the former gasoline station property at 35 Lincoln Street; - Soil sampling and testing for VPH, EPH /PAH and RCRA 8 Metals; - Groundwater sampling and testing for VOCs, VPH, EPH /PAH and (RCRA) 8 Metals. 21 Phase l Environmental Site Assessment, ASTM EIS27 -OS 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was performed without any exceptions to, or deletions from, the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527. 13.0 REFERENCES • ASTM Designation: E 1527 -05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process' • Environmental Data Resources Report, Target Property: 2 -12 Prescott Street, Reading, MA 01867 October 9, 2014 Inquiry No.:4093677.2s • Town of Reading Assessment Office • Town of Reading Fire Department • Town of Reading Inspections and Zoning Division • Town of Reading Public Health Services • Topographic Map, Reading, Massachusetts • Flood Insurance Rate Map, Town of Reading, Massachusetts, Middlesex County, Community No. 250211, panel no. 0313G dated June 4,2010 • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Database of Reportable Release Sites: http: //db. state. ma. us/dep /cleanup/sites /search. asp 22 39 -4.1 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 14.0 ( ;NA, "[l A O ' i ' ONMEN'I 'Ala PROFESSIONALS "We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in 312.10 of 40 CFR 312" and "We have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. We have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312_." Prepai 11-1 CVv V IGI VI11, I_.1. I. Environmental Consultant i Reviewed by:_ /- t Ronald 1'iberi, PE Vice President Phase Il Environmental Site Assessment, AS°TM E1903 -11 39 -41 Lincoln Street & 2 -12 Prescott Street Reading, MA 01867 Em�ironnrerrlal Lrrgineerzng, Cirnl Engineering Forensic Engineering, ConsImefion Services Environmental Engineering Forensic Engineering Civil Ezagineering Constrnrction Services Andrew Pieroni, EL T. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire, May 2010 fD � FSL Associates, Inc. October 2014 ® Present 358 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Boston, MA 02135 Position: Field Engineer • Conducted Environmental Site Assessments for real estate transactions, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Ch. 21E and ASTM Phase I Site Assessment standards; • Performed groundwater sampling (peristaltic low flow, hydraulic lifts, bailers, grundfose pumps); • Subsurface investigation reports; 200 Inner Belt Road, Somerville, MA 02143 Position: Environmental Specialist • Inspecting hazardous waste collection programs • Remove any Haz. waste that is full or requested to be removed • Package /prepare it for shipment and final disposal based on EPA and DOT shipping /disposal regulations • Complete a Hazardous Waste Manifests /shipment documentation • Perform assigned sampling and monitoring • Groundwater • Soil Vapor • Respond to emergency responses • Engineer -in- Training, US -New Hampshire- Concord Certification (EIT /FE) Certified by the NH Joint Board of Licensure and Certification), June, 2010 • OSHA - HAZWOPER ® Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy Environmental Affairs 17,lDepartment of Environmental Protection One Winter Street Boston, MA 02108.617 -292 -5500 Charles D. Baker Matthew A. Beaton Governor Secretary Karyn E. Polito Martin Suuberg Lieutenant Governor Commissioner April 19, 2018 Certified Mail # 7015 1520 0002 1414 8298 Reading MKM, LLC 109 Oak Street Newton, MA 02464 Attention: Matthew Zuker Reading, 39 -41 Lincoln Street and 2 -12 Prescott Street Release Tracking Number 3- 0034791 NERO -BWSC Enforcement Number 00004027 NOTICE OF ENFORCEMENT CONFERENCE THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTICE. FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. Dear Mr. Zuker: The Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has determined that Reading MKM, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "you" or "your ") has violated M.G.L. c.21E, the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Materials Release Prevention and Response Act and the regulations adopted thereunder, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000. The specific violation is described in the attached draft Administrative Consent Order with Penalty (ACOP). The ACOP, if signed by you, will require you to conduct certain actions in order to return to compliance and pay an administrative penalty. You are hereby invited to participate in an enforcement conference scheduled at this office on the following date and time: LOCATION: MassDEP Northeast Regional Office 205B Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 DATE: Thursday, May 3, 2018 TIME: 10:00 AM This information Is available in alternate format. Call Michelle Waters- Ekanem, Diversity Director, at 617 - 292.6761. TTY# MassRelay Service 1. 000. 439.2370 MassDEP Website: www.mass.gov /dep Printed on Recycled Paper In the matter of. Reading MKM, LLC Notice of Enforcement Conference Page 2 The purpose of the enforcement conference is to provide you with the opportunity to discuss the alleged violations and to reach a negotiated settlement with MassDEP to return to compliance. At the enforcement conference, MassDEP may discuss assessment of a civil administrative penalty for the alleged violation(s). MassDEP considers several factors in determining whether to assess a penalty and the amount of a penalty for each violation. Some of the factors that MassDEP considers, and for which you may wish to provide information, include, but are not limited to, whether you took steps to prevent the violation, or to promptly return to compliance after the violation, or to remedy and mitigate any harm caused by the violation; your financial condition; the public interest; and any other information you would like to provide. Please note that if you intend to assert that you do not have the ability to pay some or all of a penalty, MassDEP will require that you provide documentation to support your assertion. Please read the enclosed draft ACOP carefully, as this will be the basis for discussion at the enforcement conference. If you do not attend the enforcement conference or if the parties are otherwise not able to reach a negotiated resolution of these violations at the conference, MassDEP will initiate appropriate enforcement action and you will have limited, if any, further opportunity to reach a negotiated settlement of this case. Possible actions include issuance by MassDEP of an Enforcement Order, a Civil Administrative Penalty and /or referral of the matter to the Attorney General's Office for Civil or Criminal Prosecution. Please contact Paegan Deering at (978) 694 -3382 to confirm your attendance at the enforcement conference. If you choose to attend the enforcement conference, please inform MassDEP as to whether additional persons will accompany you to the conference. Yours truly, Stephen M. Jolson Deputy Regiona ector Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup cc: Data Entry C &E NOEC/File Saunders, Caitlin From: Vlasuk, Laura Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 1:33 PM To: Vlasuk, Laura Cc: Delios, lean; LeLacheur, Bob; Grover, Kristen Subject: FW: Reading Village 40B located at 39 -41 Lincoln Street We just go some more information regarding Lincoln and Prescott and I wanted everyone to have access to the information for review prior to the BOH meeting tomorrow night. A discussion might come up. Here is the URL for our sites https : / /eeaonline.eea.state.ma.us /portal #! /search as promised. Ida Babroudi, Environmental Engineer MassDEP, NERO, BWSC 205B Lowell Street Wilmington, MA 01887 PHONE: 978 - 694 -3386 FAX: 978 - 694 -3496 EMAIL: ida.babroudi ccD- state.ma.us Visit our web site: mass.gov /dep http: / /twitter.com /MassDEP 'delios ci.reading. ma.us www.readingma.gov Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Northeast Regional Office • 205B Lowell Street, Wilmington MA 01887.978. 694 -3200 Charles D. Baker Matthew A. Beaton Governor Secretary Karyn E. Polito Martin Suuberg Lieutenant Governor Commissioner MAR 2 7 2010 MKM Reading, LLC RE: Reading 109 Oak Street, Suite G20 39 -41 Lincoln St. & 2 -12 Prescott St. Newton, MA 02464 39 -41 Lincoln Street RTN 3 -34791 Attention: Matthew Zuker NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY PER M.G.L. c.21E & 310 CMR 40.0000, the MASSACHUSETTS CONTINGENCY PLAN THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTICE FAILURE TO TAKE ADEQUATE ACTION IN RESPONSE TO THISNOTICE COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES Dear Mr. Zuker: Information contained in a Release Notification Form submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) on February 26, 2018, by MKM Reading, LLC indicates that there is or has been a release of Oil and/or Hazardous Material at the above - referenced property which exceeds a "120 day" reporting threshold (3 10 CMR 40.0315) and which requires one or more Response Actions. Based on this information, MassDEP has reason to believe that the subject property or portion(s) thereof is a Disposal Site as defined in the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c. 21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 (the MCP). M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP govern the assessment and cleanup of Disposal Sites. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of your legal responsibilities under state law for assessing and /or re mediating the subject release. For purposes of this notice, the terms and phrases used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them by the MCP unless the text clearly indicates otherwise. STATUTORY LIABILITIES MassDEP has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter, "you" refers to MKM Reading, LLC) are a Potentially Responsible Party with liability under M.G.L. c. 21E, § 5, for Response Action Costs. Section 5 makes the following parties liable to the Commonwealth of This information is available in alternate format. Call Michelle Waters- Ekanem, Diversity Director, at 617- 292 -8761. TTY# MassRelay Service 1. 800.438 -2370 MassDEP Website: www.mass.gov /dep Printed on Recycfed Paper MKM Reading, LLC Notice of Responsibility Page 2 Massachusetts: current owners or operators of a site from or at which there is or has been a release /threat of release of oil or hazardous material; any person who owned or operated a site at the time hazardous material was stored or disposed of, any person who arranged for the transport, disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous material to or at a site; any person who transported hazardous material to a transport, disposal, storage or treatment site from which there is or has been a release /threat of release of such material; and any person who otherwise caused or is legally responsible for a release /threat of release of oil or hazardous material at a site. This liability is "strict ", meaning it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as an owner, operator, generator, transporter or disposer. It is also joint and several, meaning that you may be liable for all Response Action Costs incurred at the site, regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. The MCP requires Responsible Parties to take necessary Response Actions at properties where there is or has been a release or threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material. If you do not take the necessary Response Actions, or fail to perform them in an appropriate and timely manner, MassDEP is authorized by M.G.L. c. 21E to have the work performed by its contractors. By taking such Response Actions, you can avoid liability for Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP and its contractors in performing these actions, and for possible sanctions, which may be imposed for failure to perform necessary Response Actions under the MCP. You may be liable for up to three (3) times all Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP. Response Action Costs include, without limitation, the cost of direct hours spent by MassDEP employees arranging for response actions or overseeing work performed by persons other than MassDEP or its contractors, expenses incurred by MassDEP in support of those direct hours, and payments to MassDEP's contractors. (For more detail on cost liability, see 310 CMR 40.1200.) MassDEP may also assess interest on costs incurred at the rate of twelve percent (12 %), compounded annually. To secure payment of this debt, the Commonwealth may place liens on all of your property in the Commonwealth. To recover the debt, the Commonwealth may foreclose on these liens or the Attorney General may bring legal action against you. In addition to your liability for up to three (3) times all Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP, you may also be liable to the Commonwealth for damages to natural resources caused by the release. Civil and criminal liability may also be imposed under M.G.L. c. 21E, § 11, and civil administrative penalties may be imposed under M.G.L. c. 21 A, § 16 for each violation of M.G.L. c. 21 E, the MCP, or any order, permit or approval issued thereunder. NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS The subject site shall not be deemed to have all the necessary and required Response Actions taken unless and until all Substantial Hazards presented by the site have been eliminated and a level of No Significant Risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c. 21 E and the MCP. In addition, the MCP requires persons undertaking Response Actions at Disposal Sites to perform Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) in response to "sudden releases ", Imminent MKM Reading, LLC Notice of Responsibility Page 3 Hazards and Substantial Release Migration. Such persons must continue to evaluate the need for IRAs and notify MassDEP immediately if such a need exists. You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to manage, supervise or actually perform the necessary Response Actions at the subject Site. In addition, the MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at a Disposal Site to submit to MassDEP a Permanent Solution Statement prepared by an LSP in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1000 upon determining that a level of No Significant Risk already exists or has been achieved at a Disposal Site or portion thereof. [You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of these licensed professionals from the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals at http://www.mass.gov/eca/agencies/ls or (617) 556- 1091.] MassDEP has determined that initial site investigation activities, in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0405, are necessary. In addition, unless a Permanent Solution Statement is submitted earlier, a completed Tier Classification Submittal pursuant to 310 CMR 40.05 10, must be submitted to MassDEP within one year of the initial notice of a release provided to MassDEP pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date MassDEP issues a Notice of Responsibility, whichever occurs earlier. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject Site in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and/or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of an LSP or, if the response action is performed under the direct supervision of MassDEP, the signature of an authorized representative of MassDEP. MassDEP encourages parties with liabilities under M.G.L. c. 2 1 E to take prompt action in response to releases and threats of release of Oil and /or Hazardous Material. By taking prompt action, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and avoid the imposition of, or reduce the amount of Annual Compliance Fees for Response Actions payable under 310 CMR 4.00. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Ida Babroudi at the letterhead address or (978) 694 -3386. All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number RTN 3 -34791 contained in the subject block of this letter. Ver truly yours R Ida Babroudi Environmental Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup MassDEP, Northeast Regional Office cc: Board of Health, Town of Reading, Mr. Greg Erickson, Public Health Director "via electronic submittal ", gericksona,ci.readingana.us MassDEP data entry /file (NOR / Issued) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RELEASE LOG FORM A. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check one) 1. Log Date: 2/26/2018 Log Time: BWSC 101 Release Tracking Number 3_ _I F4791 12:01 rAM WPM (mm/dd/YYYY) (hh:mm) W 2. Assign a Release Tracking Number (RTN) to a Release or TOR Report. W a. Reportable Release or TOR. r b. Release that is Less Than the Reporting Thresholds. r- 3. Amend a Previously Recorded Release or TOR Report (RTN Assigned) . r a. The Release is a Reportable Release or TOR. r b. The Release is a Release that is Less Than the Reporting Thresholds. r c. The Release or TOR is Retracted. r d. The Release or TOR is not a Release under M.G.L. c. 21E. (BWSC103 must be submitted, as well) B. REPORTING PERSON: 1. Name of Organization: MKM READING, LLC. 2. First Name: MATT 3. Last Name: Zl1KER 4. Telephone: 6179281900 5. Ext.: 6. Relationship of Person to Release: rvo PRP r Other c. Type, if known (e.g. Current Owner): Current Owner C. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE (TOR) /SITE LOCATION: 1. Location Aid/Site Name: 39-41 LINCOLN ST. & 2 -12 PRESCOTT ST. 2. Street Address: 39-41 LINCOLN ST. 3. 2nd Address Line: 4. City /Town: READING, READING 5. Zip Code (if known): 018670000 6. Type of Location: (check all that apply) r a. School r- b. Water Body r c. Right of Way r- d. Utility Easement i e. Roadway r- f. Municipal r g. State r- h. Residential r i. Open Space r- j. Private Property r k. Industrial r I. Commercial r m. Federal r n. Other Describe: D. RELEASE OR TOR INFORMATION: 1. Date and Time of Notification: 2/26 /2018 Time: 12:01 r AM ry PM 5. Federal LUST Eligible: (hh:mm) Time: 01:00 (hh:mm) Time: r AM W PM AM r PM (hh:mm) r a. Transformer r b. Fuel Tank r c. Pipe r g. Tanker Truck r h. Hose r i. Line k. Vehicle r 1. Boat/Vessel r- Yes r No W Unknown Revised: 01/07/2014 Page 1 of 5 (mm/dd/YYYY) 2. Date and Time Reporting Person obtained 1/14/2017 Knowledge of Release or TOR: (mm/dd/YYYY) 3. Date and Time Release or TOR occurred, if known: (mm/dd1yM) 4. Sources of the Release or TOR: (check all that apply) d. OHM Delivery r- e. AST r f. Drums i' j. UST Describe Iv m. Unknown r n. Other: 5. Federal LUST Eligible: (hh:mm) Time: 01:00 (hh:mm) Time: r AM W PM AM r PM (hh:mm) r a. Transformer r b. Fuel Tank r c. Pipe r g. Tanker Truck r h. Hose r i. Line k. Vehicle r 1. Boat/Vessel r- Yes r No W Unknown Revised: 01/07/2014 Page 1 of 5 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup - RELEASE LOG FORM Check all Notification Thresholds that apply to the Release or TOR: 6. 2 Hour Reporting Conditions: 7. 72 Hour Reporting Conditions: r a. Sudden Release r b. Threat of Sudden Release r c. Oil Sheen on Surface Water r d. Poses Imminent Hazard r e. Could Pose Imminent Hazard f. Release Detected in Private Well g. Release to Storm Drain r h. Sanitary Sewer Release (Imminent Hazard Only) r a. Subsurface Non - Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Equal to or Greater than 1/2 Inch r b. Underground Storage Tank (UST) Release r c. Threat of UST Release r d. Release to Groundwater near Water Supply r e. Release to Groundwater near School or Residence r f. Substantial Release Migration 9. Type of Release or TOR: (check all that apply) r a. Dumping r e. rupture r f Vehicle Accident r g. Leak r k. UST Removal Describe r 1. Unknown r m. Other: r b. Fire r h. Spill BWSC 101 Release Tracking Number Ki - 4791 8. 120 Day Reporting Conditions: P a. Release of Hazardous Material(s) to Soil or Groundwater Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) r b. Release of Oil to Soil Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) and Affecting More than 2 Cubic Yards r c. Release of Oil to Groundwater Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) r d. Subsurface Non - Aqueous Phase Liquid(NAPL) Equal to or Greater than 1/8 Inch and Less than 1/2 Inch r c. AST Removal r d. Overfill r i. Test Failure r j. TOR Only 10. Media Impacted and Receptors Affected: (check all that apply) r a. Paved Surface r b. Basement r c. School r d. Public Water Supply r e. Surface Water r f. Zone 2 r— g. Private Well r h. Residence r i. Soil r j. Ground Water r k. Sediments r I. Wetland r m. Storm Drain r n. Indoor Air r o. Air r p. Soil Gas r q. Sub -Slab Soil Gas r r. Critical Exposure Pathway r s. NAPL W t. Unknown r u. Others Specify: 11. List below the Oils (0) or Hazardous Materials (HM) that exceed their Reportable Concentration (RC) or Reportable Quantity (RQ) by the greatest amount. r Check here if an amount or concentration is unknown or less than detectable. O or HM Released CAS Number, if known O or HM Amount or Concentration Units RCs Exceeded, if Applicable ARSENIC FM 24 PPM RCS-1 LEAD W 550 PPM RCS-1 N/A Revised: 01/07/2014 Page 2 of 5 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 101 L7,�,--,-IBureau of Waste Site Cleanup RELEASE LOG FORM Release Tracking Number 34791 12. Description of Release or Threat of Release (if additional space is needed, attach additional information in H17) E. INVOLVED PARTIES SUMMARY: 1. PRP Status (check one): r'°' a. PRP Unknown V c. PRP Performing Response Actions b. PRP unwilling, unable or has not committed to Perform Response Actions r d. Release is Adequated Regulated by the US Coast Guard 2. If PRP is not Performing Response Actions, who is? r— a. MassDEP State Contractor h b. Other Person 3. Contractor: a. Name of Organization: c. Contact First Name: 4. LSP: a. Name: c. Telephone: b. Telephone: d. Last Name: b. LSP #: Revised: 01/07/2014 Page 3 of 5 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 101 L BuYeau of Waste Site Cleanup RELEASE LOG FORM �Release Tracking Number f 13I - 34791 I F. PRP OR PERSON PERFORMING RESPONSE ACTIONS: 1. Name of Organization: MKM READING, LLC. 2. Contact First Name: MATT 3. Last Name 4. Street: 109 OAK STREET, SUITE G20 5. Title: 6. City /Town: NEWTON 7. State: MA 9. Telephone: 6179281900 10. Ext: 12. Relationship of Person to Release: rvo PRP r Other ZUKER PRINCIPLE 8. ZIP Code: 024640000 11. Email: mzuker @newmeadowdevco.com c. Type (e.g. Current Owner): Current Owner r 13. Check here if this PRP received a field NOR r 14. Check here if an RNF was requested from this PRP r- 15. Check here if Provisions of 21E were explained to this PRP. G. RECORD ORAL RESPONSE ACTIVITIES: r 1. IRA Completed Pre - notification r 2. No IRA Approved at Notification r- 3. IRA Assessment Only. r- 4. IRA Oral Plan Approved 10. Date of Action: 5. IRA Oral Modified Plan Approved r- 6. IRA Oral Plan Denied and/or Request for Written Plan r 7. Notice of Intent to Conduct a URAM r 8 IRA -D Oral Plan Approved r 9. IRA -D Oversight Work Started 11. Soil Previously Excavated: r a. Excavated prior to notification. r b. Excavated as part of an UST closure. c. Quantity of contaminated soil previously excavated and destination, if applicable: 12. Specify any Regional Specific Code (Regional Use): H. ORAL RESPONSE ACTION PLAN: (check all that apply) 1. Assessment and/or Monitoring Only r- 2. Temporary Covers or Caps 3. Deployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials r 4. Temporary Water Supplies r 5. Structure Venting System V ` 6. Temporary Evacuation or Relocation of Residents r 7. Product or NAPL Recovery r 8. Fencing and Sign Posting r 9. Groundwater Treatment Systems r 10. Soil Vapor Extraction r 11. Bioremediation r 12. Air Sparging r 13. Excavation of Contaminated Soils r a. Re -use, Recycling or Treatment r i. On Site r ii. Off Site Authorized volume in cubic yards: r b. Store r i. On Site r ii. Off Site Authorized volume in cubic yards: r c. Landfill r i. Cover r ii. Disposal Authorized volume in cubic yards: Revised: 01/07/2014 Page 4 of 5 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 101 L Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup - -7 RELEASE LOG FORM Release Tracking Number �0 �3 34791 r 14. Removal of Drums, Tanks or Containers: Describe Quantity and Amount: r 15. Removal of Other Contaminated Media: Specify Type and Volume: r 16 Other Response Actions and Additional Comments (describe): r 17. Check here if Additional Information is Provided in an Attachment I. DEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. DEP Staff- a. Name: 2 . Preparer : a. Name: DEMEO KRISTIN r b. Check here, if Unassigned (or staff name not applicable). b. Signature: KRISTIN DE MEO c. Date: 2/27/2018 ttevised: 01/07/2014 Page 5 of 5 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection Northeast Regional Office • 205B Lowell Street, Wilmington MA 01887.978- 694 -3200 Charles D. Baker Matthew A. Beaton Governor Secretary Karyn E. Polito Martin Suuberg Lieutenant Governor Commissioner MAR 2 7 2010 MKM Reading, LLC RE: Reading 109 Oak Street, Suite G20 39 -41 Lincoln St. & 2 -12 Prescott St. Newton, MA 02464 39 -41 Lincoln Street RTN 3 -34791 Attention: Matthew Zuker NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY PER M.G.L. c.21E & 310 CMR 40.0000, the MASSACHUSETTS CONTINGENCY PLAN THIS ]SAN IMPORTANT NOTICE. FAILURE TO TAKE ADEQUATE ACTIONINRESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. Dear Mr. Zuker: Information contained in a Release Notification Form submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) on February 26, 2018, by MKM Reading, LLC indicates that there is or has been a release of Oil and/or Hazardous Material at the above - referenced property which exceeds a "120 day" reporting threshold (3 10 CMR 40.0315) and which requires one or more Response Actions. Based on this information, MassDEP has reason to believe that the subject property or portion(s) thereof is a Disposal Site as defined in the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c. 21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.0000 (the MCP). M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP govern the assessment and cleanup of Disposal Sites. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of your legal responsibilities under state law for assessing and /or re mediating the subject release. For purposes of this notice, the terms and phrases used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them by the MCP unless the text clearly indicates otherwise. STATUTORY LIABILITIES MassDEP has reason to believe that you (as used in this letter, "you" refers to MKM Reading, LLC) are a Potentially Responsible Party with liability under M.G.L. c. 21E, § 5, for Response Action Costs. Section 5 makes the following parties liable to the Commonwealth of This information is available in alternate format. Call Michelle Waters - Ekanem, Diversity Director, at 817- 292 -5751. TTY# MassRelay Service 1. 800.439 -2370 MassDEP Website: www.mass.gov /dep Printed on Recycled Paper MKM Reading, LLC Notice of Responsibility Page 2 Massachusetts: current owners or operators of a site from or at which there is or has been a release /threat of release of oil or hazardous material; any person who owned or operated a site at the time hazardous material was stored or disposed of, any person who arranged for the transport, disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous material to or at a site; any person who transported hazardous material to a transport, disposal, storage or treatment site from which there is or has been a release /threat of release of such material; and any person who otherwise caused or is legally responsible for a release /threat of release of oil or hazardous material at a site. This liability is "strict ", meaning it is not based on fault, but solely on your status as an owner, operator, generator, transporter or disposer. It is also joint and several, meaning that you may be liable for all Response Action Costs incurred at the site, regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. The MCP requires Responsible Parties to take necessary Response Actions at properties where there is or has been a release or threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material. If you do not take the necessary Response Actions, or fail to perform them in an appropriate and timely manner, MassDEP is authorized by M.G.L. c. 21E to have the work performed by its contractors. By taking such Response Actions, you can avoid liability for Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP and its contractors in performing these actions, and for possible sanctions, which may be imposed for failure to perform necessary Response Actions under the MCP. You may be liable for up to three (3) times all Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP. Response Action Costs include, without limitation, the cost of direct hours spent by MassDEP employees arranging for response actions or overseeing work performed by persons other than MassDEP or its contractors, expenses incurred by MassDEP in support of those direct hours, and payments to MassDEP's contractors. (For more detail on cost liability, see 310 CMR 40.1200.) MassDEP may also assess interest on costs incurred at the rate of twelve percent (12 %), compounded annually. To secure payment of this debt, the Commonwealth may place liens on all of your property in the Commonwealth. To recover the debt, the Commonwealth may foreclose on these liens or the Attorney General may bring legal action against you. In addition to your liability for up to three (3) times all Response Action Costs incurred by MassDEP, you may also be liable to the Commonwealth for damages to natural resources caused by the release. Civil and criminal liability may also be imposed under M.G.L. c. 21E, § 11, and civil administrative penalties may be imposed under M.G.L. c. 21 A, § 16 for each violation of M.G.L. c. 21E, the MCP, or any order, permit or approval issued thereunder. NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS The subject site shall not be deemed to have all the necessary and required Response Actions taken unless and until all Substantial Hazards presented by the site have been eliminated and a level of No Significant Risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c. 21 E and the MCP. In addition, the MCP requires persons undertaking Response Actions at Disposal Sites to perform Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) in response to "sudden releases ", Imminent MKM Reading, LLC Notice of Responsibility Page 3 Hazards and Substantial Release Migration. Such persons must continue to evaluatc the nccd for IRAs and notify MassDEP immediately if such a need exists. You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to manage, supervise or actually perform the necessary Response Actions at the subject Site. In addition, the MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at a Disposal Site to submit to MassDEP a Permanent Solution Statement prepared by an LSP in accordance with 310 CMR 40.1000 upon determining that a level of No Significant Risk already exists or has been achieved at a Disposal Site or portion thereof. [You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of these licensed professionals from the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals at http:/ /www.mass.gov /eea/agencies /lsb/ or (617) 556- 1091.] MassDEP has determined that initial site investigation activities, in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0405, are necessary. In addition, unless a Permanent Solution Statement is submitted earlier, a completed Tier Classification Submittal pursuant to 310 CMR 40.05 10, must be submitted to MassDEP within one year of the initial notice of a release provided to MassDEP pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0300 or from the date MassDEP issues a Notice of Responsibility, whichever occurs earlier. It is important to note that you must dispose of any Remediation Waste generated at the subject Site in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0030 including, without limitation, contaminated soil and /or debris. Any Bill of Lading accompanying such waste must bear the seal and signature of an LSP or, if the response action is performed under the direct supervision of MassDEP, the signature of an authorized representative of MassDEP. MassDEP encourages parties with liabilities under M.G.L. c. 2 1 E to take prompt action in response to releases and threats of release of Oil and /or Hazardous Material. By taking prompt action, you may significantly lower your assessment and cleanup costs and avoid the imposition of, or reduce the amount of Annual Compliance Fees for Response Actions payable under 310 CMR 4.00. If you have any questions relative to this notice, you should contact Ida Babroudi at the letterhead address or (978) 694 -3386. All future communications regarding this release must reference the Release Tracking Number RTN 3 -34791 contained in the subject block of this letter. Ver truly yours d�R A, Ida Babroudi Environmental Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup MassDEP, Northeast Regional Office cc: Board of Health, Town of Reading, Mr. Greg Erickson, Public Health Director "via electronic submittal ", gerickson&i.readin .ma.us MassDEP data entry /file (NOR / Issued) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 128 xe Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM FOR RECORDING THE RECEIPT 34791 AND /OR ISSUANCE OF BWSC DOCUMENTS - ------------ A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: L Release Name/Location Aid: 3941 LINCOLN ST. &2 -12 PRESCOTT ST. 2. Street Address: 39-41 LINCOLN ST. 3. City/Town: READING 4. ZIP Code: 018670000 B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1. Record and Attach a Notice of Responsibility or related Document: (check one) rr a. Notice of Responsibility (NOR) r d. One -year Anniversary Letter I— b. Field NOR e. Retraction of an NOR r- c. Notice of Obligation/Notice of Requirements r@ 2. Record and Attach a Denial of a Release Notification Retraction 3. Record and Attach: rII a. Request for Access Letter r° b. Signed Access Agreement 4. Record and Attach a Lower -level Enforcement and/or Audit Related Document(s): (check all that apply) r- a. Notice of Audit r g. Request for Information r- b. Request for Information Relating to an Audit r" h. Notice of Noncompliance r c. Notice of Audit Findings - No Violations If® i. Notice of Need to Conduct Field Work r d. Notice of Audit Findings - Violations without Follow -up r" j. Interim Deadline Letter r° e. Notice of Audit Findings/Notice of Noncompliance r f. Interim Deadline Letter Relating to an Audit 5. Record and Attach an Executed Higher -level Enforcement Related Document: (check one) r a. Penalty Assessment Notice r e. Administrative Consent Order with Penalty r° b. Unilateral Administrative Ordery I f. Amendment of a Higher -level Enforcement Document r° c. Demand Notice r g. Notice of Response Action r@ d. Administrative Consent Order r h. Notice of Intent to Mobilize 6. Record and Attach MassDEP Initiated Response Action (RA) related Document and /or Activity: (check one) r a. Technical Screen Audit (LI) F_ c. Audit Inspection (L2) r- e. Comprehensive Audit (L3) r$ b. Written Plan Approval r- d. Written Plan Denial f. Audit Memorandum r g. Other RA related Document and /or Activity Specify: fir" h.. A Submittal that has been Invalidated or Terminated by Specify: 7. Select Response Actions Associated with Activity checked in 136: (check all that apply) a. Release Notification r d. Downgradient Property Status (DPS) r- b. Immediate Response Action (IRA) r~ e. Utility- related Abatement Measure (DRAM) r° c. Release Abatement Measure (RAM) r= f. Tier Classification /Phase I Revised: 01/31/2014 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC 128 Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Number TRANSMITTAL FORM FOR RECORDING THE RECEIPT - 34791 mm ___. AND /OR ISSUANCE OF BWSC DOCUMENTS 7. Select Response Actions Associated with Activity checked in 136 (cont.): (check all that apply) g. Comprehensive Response Actions r i. Permanent or Temporary Solution r h. Activity and Use Limitation (AUL) r i. Other Response Actions Describe: r 8. Record and Attach any other MassDEP Document Specify: 9. Record Date of Document(s) and /or Activity(ies) from B 1 thru 138: 3/26/2018 (mm /dd/yyyy) r Check here to confirm that these are final document(s) intended for public viewing (do not use for internal only documents). 10. Record and Attach a Special Project Activity or Submittal: (check all that apply) r a. Special Project Permit r b. Special Project Extension r c. Other Special Project Activity Describe: r- 11. Attach any other Submittal received by MassDEP Specify: 12. Record Date of Activity(ies) and/or Submittal from B 10 or B 11: (mm /dd /yyyy) 13. Record Additional Information: C. PRP OR OTHER PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH DOCUMENT: 1. Check all that apply: r a. change in contact name r b. change of address r c. new person associated with release 2. Name of Organization: MKM READING LLC 3. Contact First Name: MATTHEW 5. Street: 7. City/Town: NEWTON 109 OAK STREET 8. State: MA 4. Last Name: zuKER 6. Title: 10. Telephone: 617- 928 -1900 11. Ext: 12. EMail: 13. Relationship of Person to Release: r PRP r OTHER c. Type(e.g. Current Owner) r 14. No Person associated with activity or document specified in Section B. D. MassDEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. MassDEP Staff: 2. Preparer Signature: KRISTIN DEMEO 9. ZIP Code: 024640000 mzuker@newmeadowowdevco.com Current Owner r b. Check here, if Unassigned. (or staff name not applicable) 3. Date : 1/97/901R (mm /dd /yyyy) Revised: 01/31/2014 Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC103 -120 DAY Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RELEASE NOTIFICATION FORM Release Tracking Number assigned upon receipt and Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) review by the Department A. RELEASE OR THREAT OF RELEASE LOCATION: 1. Release Name/Location Aid. 39-41 LINCOLN S 1. & 2 -12 PRESCOIT ST. 2. Street Address: 39-41 LINCOLN ST. 3. City/Town: READING 4. ZIP Code: 018670000 5. Coordinates: a. Latitude: N 42.52130 b. Longitude: W 71.10780 B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: r 1. Submit a Release Notification for a 120 day reporting requirement (All sections of this transmittal form must be filled out ) C. INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE: 1. Date and time you obtained knowledge of the Release: 1/14/2017 Time 01:00 r AM W PM mm /dd /yyyy hh:mm 2. Date and time release occurred, if known: Time: r AM rpm mm /dd /yyyy hh:mtn 3.120 DAY REPORTING CONDITIONS Check all Notification Thresholds that apply to the Release: (for more information see 310 CMR 40.0315) r7o a. Release of Hazardous Material(s) to Soil or Groundwater Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) r b. Release of Oil to Soil Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) and Affecting More than 2 Cubic Yards r c. Release of Oil to Groundwater Exceeding Reportable Concentration(s) r d. Subsurface Non - Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Equal to or Greater than 1/8 Inch (.01 feet) and Less than 1/2 Inch (.04 feet) Revised: 10/11/2013 Pagel of 3 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC103 -120 DAY L7�' -- Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup „� Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION FORM assigned upon receipt and �, g P P t Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) review by the Department C. INFORMATION DESCRIBING THE RELEASE (cont.) 4. List below the Oils (0) or Hazardous Materials (HM) that exceed their Reportable Concentration (RC) or Reportable Quantity (RQ) by the greatest amount. r— Check here if an amount or concentration is unknown or less than detectable. O or HM Released CAS Number, if known O or HM Amount or Concentration Units RCs Exceeded, if Applicable (RCS -1, RCS -2, RCGW -1, RCGW -2) ARSENIC FM 24 PPM RCS-1 LEAD FM 550 PRVI RCS -1 r” Check here if a list of additional Oil and Hazardous Materials subject to reporting, or any other documentation relating to this notification is attached. D. PERSON REQUIRED TO NOTIFY: 1. Name of Organization: MKM READING, LLC. 2. Contact First Name: MATT 4. Street: 109 OAK STREET, SUITE G20 6. City/Town: NEVVfON 7. State: MA 9. Telephone: 617- 928 -1900 10. Ext.: 3. Last Name: ZUKER 5. Title: PRINCIPLE 8. ZIP Code: 024640000 11. Email: mzuker @newmeadowdevco.com 12. Check here if attaching names and addresses of owners of properties affected by the Release, other than an owner who is submitting this Release Notification (required). E. RELATIONSHIP OF PERSON TO RELEASE: W 1. RP or PRP V a. Owner r b. Operator r c. Generator r d. Transporter r e. Other RP or PRP Specify: r 2. Fiduciary, Secured Lender or Municipality with Exempt Status (as defined by M.G.L. o, 21E, s. 2) (I 3. Agency or Public Utility on a Right of Way (as defined by M.G.L. c. 21E, s. 50)) r 4. Any Other Person Otherwise Required to Notify Specify Relationship: Revised: 10/11/2013 Page 2 of 3 `' IMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BWSC103 -120 DAY Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup v� Release Tracking Number RELEASE NOTIFICATION FORM assi ned u on recei t and review b he De p Pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0371 (Subpart C) y Department F. CERTIFICATION OF PERSON REQI)IItEU TO NOTIFY: 1. I, MATT ZUKER , attest under the pains and penalties of perjury (i) that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all documents accompanying this transmittal form, (ii) that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material information contained in this submittal is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete, and (iii) that I am fully authorized to make this attestation on behalf of the entity legally responsible for this submittal. I /the person or entity on whose behalf this submittal is made am /is aware that there are significant penalties, including, but not limited to, possible fines and imprisonment, for willfully submitting false, inaccurate, or incomplete information. 2• By: MATTZUKER 3. Title: PRINCIPLE Signature 4. For: MW READING, LLC. 5. Date (Name of person or entity recorded in Section D) 2/26/2018 mm /dd /yyyy r 6. Check here if the address of the person providing certification is different from address recorded in Section D. 7. Street: 8. City /Town: 9. State: 10. ZIP Code: 11. Telephone: 12. Ext.: 13. Email: YOU ARE SUBJECT TO ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE FEES FOR EACH BILLABLE YEAR FOR TIER CLASSIFIED DISPOSAL SITES. YOU MUST LEGIBLY COMPLETE ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THIS FORM OR DEP MAY RETURN THE DOCUMENT AS INCOMPLETE. IF YOU SUBMIT AN INCOMPLETE FORM, YOU MAYBE PENALIZED FOR MISSING A REQUIRED DEADLINE. Date Stamp (DEP USE ONLY:) Received by DEP on 2/26/2018 12:01:09 PM Revised: 10/11/2013 Page 3 of 3 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 11:12 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Lincoln and Prescott This email for the packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaer @ci. readina. ma. us (P) 781 -942 -9043, (F) 781 -942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Delios, Jean Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 11:11 AM To: LeLacheur, Bob; Mercier, Julie; Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: Lincoln and Prescott The Board of Health took this up at their meeting on 4/24/18. A follow up reminder was provided by the Health Agent (below). Jean J. Delios Assistant Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 p. 781 - 942 -6612 f. 781 -942 -9071 Town Hall Hours: M, W, Th — 7:30 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. FRIDAY CLOSED idelios(a--)ci. read in .ma.us www.readingma.gov From: Vlasuk, Laura Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:35 AM To: Vlasuk, Laura Subject: Lincoln and Prescott Just a reminder I need all your comments regarding Lincoln and Prescott prior to Tuesday night. Jean is present a project update to the BOS Tuesday night. If there are any comments from the BOH members she would like to have them to share them to the BOS as we discussed. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 7:04 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Cc: Mercier, Julie; Delios, Jean Subject: FW: Info for BOS re: RHA Units Attachments: CDDMemo_BOS- RHA_4- 25- 18.pdf, RHAunits _Tracking_4- 24- 18_JM.pdf, 1004 Gazebo Circle - Rust recap of RHA meeting.pdf SB packet (email also) From: Mercier, Julie Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 4:19 PM To: LeLacheur, Bob Cc: Delios, Jean; Elizabeth Rust; Julie Johnston Subject: Info for BOS re: RHA Units Hi Bob, Attached are three documents for the BOS in advance of Tuesday's discussion with the RHA: 1. A memo from me summarizing the spreadsheet; 2. A spreadsheet of info about RHA units; and 3. A letter from Liz Rust recapping a discussion with the RHA at their meeting on April 2nd I have verified with the RHA Director that the information in the spreadsheet is ok to be public. [Most of it is readily accessible through the Town's online GIS or the Registry of Deeds, or has been discussed publicly already.] She has also indicated that she and a quorum of the RHA Board will be present for the discussion. lean, Liz and I will be there as well. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you! Julie D. Mercier, AICP, LEED AP Community Development Director Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MAO 1 867 781.942.6648 (o) %mercier _ ci.reading.ma.us Town Hall Hours: Mon, Wed & Thurs: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Tues: 7:30 am - 7:00 pm Fri: closed Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2683 JULIE D. MERCIER Community Development Director Phone: (781) 942 -6648 Fax: (781) 942 -9071 jmercier @ci.reading.ma.us To: Board of Selectmen CC: Reading Housing Authority / Liz Rust, ECR Enterprises From: Julie Mercier, Community Development Director Date: April 25, 2018 Re: Reading Housing Authority Properties Over the past few years, Town staff have spent a significant amount of time — digging through files, working with the Town's housing consultant, Liz Rust, and the Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD), and recently also in coordination with the Reading Housing Authority (RHA) — trying to navigate the complex issues with continuing affordability at various RHA properties. The attached spreadsheet attempts to aggregate the results of this research into one document for the benefit of the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and the RHA. Please note that the research is ongoing and that staff are more than willing to fine -tune the findings in the spreadsheet with the RHA as needed and to continue the collaborative effort of prioritizing the mission of preserving affordability. In sum, there are a few main takeaways from the attached spreadsheet: 1. Many RHA units have never been counted on the Town's Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI). There are various possible explanations for this, including: units did /do not have the proper documentation associated with them (i.e. a Deed Rider or Regulatory Agreement acceptable to the DHCD), procedural changes or inconsistencies at the DHCD, etc. 2. Some RHA units have `lost' their affordability altogether. These are ownership units that have been sold at a non - affordable price and /or no longer have a Deed Rider or affordability restriction associated with them. These units are unlikely to ever be recovered or counted. 3. Some RHA units are at risk of `losing' their affordability, and thus also the possibility of ever being counted on the SHI. These are ownership units that are not currently counted, are subject to an old Deed Rider that refers to the local `Reading Affordable Housing Program,' and that may be sold at a non - affordable price. + There is an opportunity for the Town, RHA and Housing Consultant to work to preserve the affordability of these units at the time of re -sale (i.e., 1004 Gazebo Circle). 4. Some RHA units have been `lost' from the SHI. These are units that are owned by the RHA and rented, for which the affordability restriction was not in perpetuity and has expired. 4 With the proper documentation of continuing affordability, these units can likely be recovered through a joint process between the Town, RHA and Housing Consultant. 5. Some RHA units are at risk of being `lost' from the SHI. These are units that are owned by the RHA and rented, for which the affordability restriction is set to expire soon (Pleasant Street — 2020 / Wilson Street — 2021). 4 These units can be preserved through a joint process between the Town, RHA and Housing Consultant. Page 1 t)\,o � 00 N a N O f0 W a n w Y ° C G 3 = O o ~ « « 0 +0+ n °u `o C1 c y v 7 ¢ > 0 0 O m = v C) r o - v O •w a V Y t o 0 `w }I C W W a Q C O 1 y p J d oa = c 2 .. `o « OA v U o C p c N u p a o = 10 N H v Y ° cr z A OC m CL m N M1. M1. N y d y (O a a a o 0 0 ao ao 0 o6 vi rP v N N °N N N° 4/F V? Vl VT Vl M1. Y N v N d d C N O O O °N O v Z Z Z _ Z i 3 m o c E 3 3 ° 0 0 3 w 0 5 m > > o m a o > = a p O 0 -O N O O ° `n" ti o `� a m � v E m an d m m m 0 C� Oat 1n .n 3c Q) N G! K V V K v K ° O o ° ° ti } } } y v v 0 o v n ¢ Y a 3 n v O N d W N c a l „ m 7 . O LL n O so+ O m O O ` O N C C b0 f V°I VOI N -6 > a G C la p1 c p v v v UI ;0 3 0 v A v a v N M Q Q O O ms^ m c o o 0 M 3 ° m - z .i vi p a 3 m `n Z 3 o v m o m m ° U O= o 0 o 0 O O 0° N 0 O N O M o..-� ail 3 Q ti V4 H °O O vi -y VF N V' 0m0 c 1 Y Vf o° Vf ° «O ° w w v ° a a 2 M v J o O 0 C N 0 t0 l0 n n n n n m ti n m N E ol C c o c °o E O c ^y E E c a `w 'i O C O a h a v a a O O d O a N C o O n O O > O .a0 N . > 'x > 'pO _« > > > v v S v x . a v v v a a 2 O a v _ p Q v o p L H v `w Y O «- o E A OC m CL m N M1. M1. N y d y (O a a a o 0 0 ao ao 0 o6 vi rP v N N °N N N° 4/F V? Vl VT Vl M1. Y N v N d d C N O O O °N O v Z Z Z _ Z �n 0 ao > > > °o > = Lnn 00 > 3 i z _ 0 `n" ti o `� H m � v E m an d m m m E= ai C� Oat O O^l o a+ � 3c Q) N G! K V V K v K d Z } } } } N v v C n n a 3 n v O N d W N O^t O^1 O^1 O Owl O Ol Otil a 0 7 E O LL A OC m CL m N M1. M1. N y d y (O a a a o 0 0 ao ao 0 o6 vi rP v N N °N N N° 4/F V? Vl VT Vl ti ti O 0 O O 0 O O O 2- Z Z- Z Z Z .c .c o o o o - 0 y Z Z} Z Z >- H M1. M1. Y v Y N N M1. Y N v N d O) a O 0 0 O v o a o a s v v > v �n 0 ao > > > °o > = Lnn 00 > 3 i z _ 00 `n" ti o `� H m � v m an d m m m C� Oat O O^l o a+ � 3c Q) N G! K V V K v K O O O p O O O O v v w>> v v v C n n a 3 n v O N c N O^t O^1 O^1 O Owl O Ol Otil a o N o O O 7 E O LL ~ O O O m O O ` O n o n o w n E a L C � o m o .pper ap C N N M Q Q O O ms^ m c ti ti O 0 O O 0 O O O 2- Z Z- Z Z Z .c .c o o o o - 0 y Z Z} Z Z >- H M1. M1. Y v Y N N M1. Y M1. Y O N T N o a o a s o a 0 0 00 ao 0 ao 0 00 °o °o > = Lnn 00 > 3 i z _ 00 `n" ti o `� H m � o°io m an d m m m C� c c a N 3c Q) N G! K V V K v K O O O p O O O O v v w>> v v v v ot! v O N N N O^t O^1 O^1 O Owl O Ol Otil O o N o O O 7 E O LL C t (A O ` O n o n o n n E a L ` W LA occ n c w c c c O O O O O ms^ m c c v c c C K C M 3 ° m - z .i vi O a 3 m `n a �°n w m m o a � a y m ti O Z N d Y m m O O 1 t a v v v v v a a N w o ° o u v = v = EE 3 v v v d m o ao 0 o a o a a v m v m a a c y a y a � w J O J E 00 m a = m = m 0 N O � O 0 a` 0 a m c . c « « E ^' = v = U Y N Y A v° F ° 1 0 0 0 N N N c c c Z Z Z Z 0 °0 0 Oi O t/T 3 F-- O N T N C > O c 0 c O c O c O A > = > i > 3 i z _ c s c c s c m an d m m m C� Cw C N 4 C 4 N C K v K V V K v K K � v ot! d d' m 7 E c 0 t (A O ` O Ln L ` W LA I N E m �+ Vf v N c en o C M N u_pi ° m - z .i vi N a 3 April 12, 2018 To: Jean Delios, Julie Johnston From: Elizabeth Rust CC: Julie Mercier RE: 1004 Gazebo Circle Dear Jean and Julie, I wanted to take this opportunity to recap the meeting on April 2, 2018 with the Reading Housing Authority that I attended, with Julie Mercier and Laurie Stanton, Town of Reading staff. First, I wanted to thank the RHA for the opportunity to meet, and thanks both the Town and the RHA for their openness and willingness to work together on this affordable housing unit. The meeting was a discussion regarding the resale of the affordable homeownership unit at 1004 Gazebo Circle. This unit was purchased in 1997, under the READING AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM, which mirrored the DHCD program as a local program. The restriction puts the Reading Housing Authority as the monitoring agent, responsible for setting the resale price and managing the resale process. This unit has never been listed on the DHCD Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI). The Reading Housing Authority and the Town staff have worked together for the last few months on determining the feasibility of registering this unit on the SHI at resale, making it restricted as affordable in perpetuity. While it is only one unit, it would set a process precedent for subsequent similar units as identified in the recently approved Housing Production Plan under Strategy 5. The current restriction sets out a method to calculate a resale price, though the language is somewhat vague and open to interpretation. In one way, it would lend a price above an affordable price, thus making it ineligible to be counted on the SHI without significant subsidy. And another interpretation would restrict the price to an affordable price. The RHA has sought the opinion of their attorney and are in the process of considering their options, along with the current owner. Again, I wanted to thank the RHA for the opportunity to meet. I recognize that the RHA is being careful not to put themselves in a vulnerable legal position, but that they do want to work with the Town. 1 am pleased to provide any additional assistance as this opportunity progresses, Sincerely, Elizabeth Rust 1 ELIZABETH RUST, ECR ENTERPRISES 201 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, CONCORD MA 01742 (b\81 Devlin Law Offices, L.L.C. PH: 617-514 -2828 jdevlin @devlinlawoffices.com Fax: 617- 514 -2825 www.devlinlawoffices.com April 10, 2018 Caitlin Saunders - Licensing Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Via Federal Express RE: Change of Officer /Beneficial Interest application for an Annual Restaurant All Alcoholic Beverages License of Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC (the "Applicant ") d /b /a Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza, 48 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, MA Dear Ms. Saunders: The Applicant is applying for approval of a Change of Officer /Beneficial Interest for its 5 locations. Anthony Bruno (manager and president) and Charles E. Locke, Jr. (secretary) have been replaced by Wayne Jones (manager and president) and Michelle Zavolta (secretary). Henrik Falktoft, an LLC manager of Cardboard Box LLC, an upper -tier company, has been replaced by Michael Hislop. Enclosed please find the following documents with regard to the above - referenced application for Change of Officer and Beneficial Interest of an Annual Restaurant All Alcoholic Beverages Liquor License: 1) Proof of payment to the ABCC in the amount of $200. 2) ABCC Online Application Forms, including: a. Monetary Transmittal Form. b. Change of Beneficial Interest Application. c. Applicant's Statement. d. Beneficial Interest and CORI Forms. 3) Certificate of Authorization naming Carlos Alberto, Jr. manager and authorizing the Manager, Wayne Jones, to apply for the change of beneficial interest of the above- referenced liquor license. 4) LLC Documents — copy of Certificate of Organization. 5) Proof of Citizenship for the new LLC Managers. 1 Harris Street 50 Congress Street Suite 1 Suite 420 Newburyport, MA 01950 Clients /Anthony's- Officer Change Dec 2017 /ABCC/Liquor Does Reading Boston, MA 0210 b6\ Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at extension 101. Sincerely y s; Joseph H. Devlin Enclosure Attorney at law Clients /Anthony's -Officer Change Dec 2017 /ABCC/Liquor Does Reading Marie[ Cabot From: dbobb @tre.state.ma.us Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 3:42 PM To: MariPl Cabot Subject: Commonwealth ABCC (validation) authorized payment confirmation This is an electronically generated acknowledgement of our receipt of your payment. Please print this message or save it on your computer. Here is your payment information: License Number: Payment Date /Time: Payment Amount: Method of Payment: Bank Account Number: Bank Routing Number: Name on Account: Payment Reference Number: 101600038 4/10/2018 3:42:01 PM (ET) $ 200.00 Anthony's Pizza Holdings Company LLC 100017 Note: In most cases, your bank account will be debited in one to two business days. Deron Bobb (617) 727 -3040 ext 23 1 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTION Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC d/b /a Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza Applicant: Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC (the "Applicant "). Transaction: The Applicant is applying for approval of a Change of Officer /Beneficial Interest for its 5 locations. Anthony Bruno (manager and president) and Charles E. Locke, Jr. (secretary) have been replaced by Wayne Jones (manager and president) and Michelle Zavolta (secretary). Henrik Falktoft, an LLC manager of Cardboard Box LLC, an upper -tier company, has been replaced by Michael Hislop. Cost: There are no costs associated with this transaction. Catterton- Anthony's Officer Change -Dec 2017 /ASCC /Summary'fraos — Reading 5a� m Joe/open /lic. /liquor license &exhibit header sheets V` : Fonn The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Print Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission -- - 239 Causeway Street -- Boston, MA 02114 www.mass.g v /abcc 41 J J RETAIL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE APPLICATION MONETARY TRANSMITTAL FORM APPLICATION SHOULD BE COMPLETED ON -LINE, PRINTED, SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY. ECRT CODE: RETA CHECK PAYABLE TO ABCC OR COMMONWEALTH OF MA: $200.00 (CHECK MUST DENOTE THE NAME OF THE LICENSEE CORPORATION, LLC, PARTNERSHIP, OR INDIVIDUAL) _ CHECK NUMBER IF USED EPAY, CONFIRMATION NUMBER A.B.C.C. LICENSE NUMBER (IF AN EXISTING LICENSEE, CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY) 101600038 LICENSEE NAME Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC ADDRESS 48 Walkers Brook Drive CITY /TOWN Reading STATE MA ZIP CODE 01867 TRANSACTION TYPE (Please check all relevant transactions): ❑ Alteration of Licensed Premises ❑ Cordials /Liqueurs Permit New Officer /Director ❑ Transfer of License ❑ Change Corporate Name ❑ Issuance of Stock ❑ New Stockholder ❑ Transfer of Stock ❑ Change of License Type ❑ Management /Operating Agreement ❑ Pledge of Stock ❑ Wine & Malt to All Alcohol ❑ Change of Location ❑ More than (3) §15 ❑ Pledge of License ❑ 6 -Day to 7 -Day License ❑ Change of Manager ❑ New License ❑ Seasonal to Annual ❑X Other Change in Beneficial Interest THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY MUST MAIL THIS TRANSMITTAL FORM ALONG WITH THE CHECK, COMPLETED APPLICATION, AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION P. O. BOX 3396 BOSTON, MA 02241 -3396 E The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street _ Boston, MA 02114 www.mass.gov/abcc AMENDMENT APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST OR TRANSFER /ISSUANCE OF STOCK Please complete this entire application, leaving no fields blank. if field does not apply to your situation, please write NIA. 1. NAME OF LICENSEE (Business Contact) Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC ABCC License Number [ I - 01600038 City/Town of Licensee � Reading 2. APPLICATION CONTACT The application contact is required and is the person who will be contacted with any questions regarding this application. First Name: Joseph Middle: H. Last Name: Devlin Title: Attorney Primary Phone: 617- 514 -2828 ext.101 Email: jdeviin @devlinlawoffices.com . BUSINESS CONTACT Please complete this section ONLY if there are changes to the Licensee phone number, business address (corporate headquarters), or mailing address. Entity Name: Primary Phone: - Fax Number: Alternative Phone: Email: Business Address (Corporate Headquarters) Street Number: Street Name: City/Town: I State: Zip Code: I . ..� Country: F � . ... .. Check here if your Mailing Address is the some as your Business Address Street Number Name: City/Town: I State: Zip Code: Country: 1 5Y' AMENDMENT APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST OR TRANSFER /ISSUANCE OF STOCK , 4. CURRENT OWNERSHIP (Before Change in Beneficial Interest) Please list all individuals or entities with a direct or indirect, beneficial or financial interest in this license. This pertains to the current licensee (before change in beneficial interest occurs). Name Title / Position % Owned Other Beneficial Interest ANTITONY BRLINO LLC Manager„ Pre-,., CEO 0% Charles E. Locke, Jr. LLC Manager, VP, Sec. 0% Ronald DiNella LLC Manager, VP, Treas. 0% Anthony's Pizza Holding Company Ld LLC Member 100% PROPOSED OWNERSHIP (After Change in Beneficial Interest) Please list all individuals or entities with a direct or indirect, beneficial or financial interest in this license. An individual or entity has a direct beneficial interest in a license when the individual or entity owns or controls any part of the license. For example, if John Smith owns Smith LLC, a licensee, John Smith has a direct beneficial interest in the license. An individual or entity has an indirect beneficial interest if the individual or entity has 1) any ownership interest in the license through an intermediary, no matter how removed from direct ownership, 2) any form of control over part of a license no matter how attenuated, or 3) otherwise benefits in any way from the license's operation. For Example, Jane Doe owns Doe Holding Company Inc., which is a shareholder of Doe LLC, the license holder. Jane Doe has an indirect interest in the license. A. All individuals listed below are required to complete a Beneficial Interest Contact - Individual form. B. All entities listed below are required to complete a Beneficial Interest Contact - Organization form. C. Any individual with any ownership in this license and /or the proposed manager of record must complete a CORI Release Form. Name Title / Position % Owned Other Beneficial Interest Wayne Jones LLC Manager., President 0% Michelle Zavolta LLC Manager, Sec. 0% Ronald DiNella LLC Manager, Treas. 0% Anthony's Pizza Holding Company Lid LLC Member 100% 5a$ APPLICANTS STATEMENT I,lwayneJones � I the: ❑sole proprietor; ❑ partner, ❑ corporate principal; 9 LC /LLP ember Authorized Signatory of Anthony's Coal Fred Pizza of Reading LLC , hereby submit this application for diange of beneficial Interest/ hinge of tcer Name of the Entity/corporation Transactton (s) you are applying or (hereinafter the "Application "), to the local licensing authority (the "LLA ") and the Alcoholic Beverage i Control mission (the "ABCC" and together with the LLA collectively the "Licensing Authorities ") for approval. I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the in ormation submitted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statement and representations therein are true to the best o my kno ledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: (1) 1 understand that each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authoriti s' decisi non the Application and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application an accompanying documents in reaching its decision; (2) 1 state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises does not violate ai iy require ent of the ABCC or other state law or local ordinances; (3) 1 understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of ai iy chang in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing uthoritie may result in disapproval of the Application; (4) 1 understand that upon approval of the Application, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of iny change in the Application information as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure. to give suct notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; (5) 1 understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in t ie Application, including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license (6) 1 understand that all statements and representations made become conditions of the license; (7) 1 understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of, the area used for the sa e, delive , storage, or consumption of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may ri quire th prior approval of the Licensing Authorities; (8) 1 understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with th statem nts and representations made in the Application may result In sanctions, including the revocation of ai iy license for which the Application was submitted; and (9) 1 understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disappro I of the pplication or sanctions includiog-r*_vocat(n of any license for which this Application is submitted. Date: Title: • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street, First Floor Boston, MA 02114 The Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission has been certified by the Criminal History Systems Board to access conviction and Information. For the purpose of approving each shareholder. owner. licensee or applicant for an alcoholic beverages license, I and will be conducted on me, pursuant to the above. The information below is correct to the best of my knowledge. ABCC NUMBER: 101600038 UCENSEE NAME: Anthorty s Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC CITY/ToWN: LAST NAME: Jones FIRST NAME: Wayne J MIDDLE NAME: L MAIDEN NAME OR ALIAS (IF APPLICABLE): n/a PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, CA DATE OF BIRTH: 05/08/1959 SSN: L ID THPrT INDEX PIN (IF APPLICABLE): MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Tolleth DRIVER'S LICENSE #: i STATE UC. ISSUED: GENDER: MALE I HEIGHT: �� 1 1 WEIGHT: 185 EYE COLOR: CURRENT ADDRESS: 1215 $E 8th Ave. #2750 CITY/TOWN: Ft. Lauderdale FL ZIP: 33301 FORMER ADDRESS: 11004 E. Happy Valley Rd. 8553 CITY/TOWN: Scottsdale STATE: tAZ 21P: tea/ US GA,17 SOORO, ESQ. CH g Crimint I Offender Record that a cru nmal record check PRINTED NAME: APPLICANT /EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: Wayne L. Jones On this I :z�-� Q h k i before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared (name of document signer), proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were IWaYW L. Jones I I be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that stated purpose. - .11.4 - ,L WSION EONLY Rrmrcsreo Br: T" 01-9 W.%"V Theh h d-RN Number k W be wnpWed br throe *xga a Net h; been kwW W IdWWW Than RN Number b, the 00L C. Wd ft- aks ere , Q kW m Maw M appr -- the �pprtuWy w k.*,de Mds wjo wkn to enNCe V" emu,p M the CON mutest P o ALL mn p al 1R eket 5•d tlf+ ftu ere ,.e,d,.aROk..at..wa . emw tra a. e.ab «sre.. m tR�1 ao-wsa signed it voluntarily MARISAFRANZ SE MY COMMISSION # G 3 083971 EXPIRES: July 7, 021 q P; °,•' Bonded Thru Notary Public I nderwriters 0 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street, First Floor Boston, MA 02114 !! ! • �.. The Alcoholic Bevomges Control Commission has been certified by the Criminal History Systems Hoard to access oomiction and htfomtetion. For the purpose of approving each shareholder, owner, licensee or applicant for an rdeoholie bovemages license, I and will be catducted on me, purumni to the above. The infomwtion below Is corneal to the best Of my fawwkdge. I S. GAIA YBOR0, R CH g Crimina OFfcroder Record that a cric iinal record click Aar« r.nrnac A60C NUMBER: aDMIM r IDtGD0D39 UCENSEE NAME: Anthkuty's Coal Fired Pfm of Reading LLC CrTY/TOWN: ead ris LAST NAME: �� � FIRST NAME: M"aet MIDDLE NAME: Ja MAIDEN NAME OR ALIAS (IF APPLICABLE]: n/a PLACE OF BIRTH: ttostart, MA PATE OF BIRTH! 02%02/1955 SSW: C 'INDEX PIN (IF APPUG48LE };• MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: W�01sh r _ DR,,IVER'S LICENSE N: 1 STATE UC. ISSUED: GENDER MALE I HEIGHT; 16 1 itGHT: 196 EYE COLOR: CURRENTADDRESS: 120 Lupine Court CJTY/TOWN: San Ratael STATE: ZIP: FORMER ADDRESS: CITY/TOWN: E STATE I== ZIP: FWX1A W.%KS r PRINTED NAME APPUCANT /EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE:( _ Michael J. Hislop L.A On this L��/ before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared, ' ime of document signer), proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were iC be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attacbed document, and acknowledged to me that (he) stated purpose. DWSKW USE ONLY snweanrotm �mtlusisemamrel rMe CCA �ftlwlrythdrYda na fru.4r k p b ,.wWd •r mare rn tlenuq•ih,At W1 IM~ rr a,e ML a tM w du — MWM W Mme i VMN I ke ae MK k6ft"ewr to Wwo the emnq d Ne com N*" yf— I oar er pen ft *0 i+r+d N. tkd w raMirr barMiMMwr oa ,k 41-bv t-- Mn eeoneea A. BURTON Commission #i 21( Notary Public - Cali Merin County I HISlop e) signed • voluntarily 5d�� Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street, First Floor Boston, MA 02114 CORI REQUEST FORM The Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission has been certified by the Criminal History Systems Board to access conviction and Information. For the purpose of approving each shareholder, owner, licensee or applicant for an alcoholic beverages license, I and wilt be conducted on me, pursuant to the above. The information below is correct to the best of my knowledge. f S GAI SBORO, ESQ. CHA RMAIV g Crimint I Offender Rocord that a crii ninal record check ASCC NUMBER: 101600038 LICENSEE NAME: Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC I GTY/TOWN: ,.ding R rY6TW611C[fi5FC1 LAST NAME: Zavolta FIRST NAME: Michelle ( MIDDLE NAME: L MAIDFI4 NAME OR ALIAS (if APPLICABLE): n/a �1 PLACE OF BIRTH: Wheeling WV DATE OF BIRTH: 06/01/1976 SSN: I INDEX �PIN (IF APPLICABLE): MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME: Power DRIVER'S LICENSE it 1 STATE LIC. ISSUED: GENDER; FELE HEIGHT: I WEIGHT: 110 EYE COLOR: MA CURRENT ADDRESS: 17021 NW 66th St. CiTY/TOWN: Parkland STATE: E= ZIP: FORMER ADDRESS 5007 Captain Freeman Pkwy- CITY/TOWN: Franklin STATE: TN Zip: rrrrrnr rur&j ar%uv PRINTED NAME: APPLICANT/EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: MIChelle L. ZdYOItd On this I G11VI,f o /,V I before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared (name of document signer), proved tome through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were I& to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and admowle,¢ged to me that (he) its stated purpose. f% r-77777 D(VISM USE gLLY REQUt=or The 00 [der" 11th RWd Fist NO ber k b be oo rpk4ed br thaw epO—ts &t lure been 1—d en ki -"T-ft PW Nw116er by f11e om cmrAd "mdo m r4q*vd m PONdr A aPPft=w to WPOrtwi[r m Wkde 0* Wlwrp W n m .Wipe die warn. d am am M g L v a Pte+. ALL ml Igltet fang for W k t* ik" — t+TMWmbsa-ut.6"FeDGANeM*atrrtat iftT"O -MA L, Jr signed 4 voluntarily ;1Cyst MARISA FRANZE E MY COMMISSION # GG 083971 " • EXPIRES: July 7, 2 21 •'111"" :`` Bonded Thru Notary Public U erwriters ��a ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION BENEFICIAL INTEREST CONTACT - Individual (Formerly known as a Personal Information Form) Please complete a Beneficial Interest - Individual sheet for all individual(s) who have a direct or indirect beneficial interest, with or without ownership, in this license. This includes people with a financial interest and people without financial interest (i.e. board of directors for not - for - profit clubs). All individuals with direct or indirect financial interest must also submit a CORI Authorization Form. An individual with direct beneficial interest is defined as someone who has interest directly in the proposed licensee. For example, if ABC Inc is the proposed licensee, all individuals with interest in ABC Inc are considered to have direct beneficial interest in ABC Inc (the proposed licensee). An individual with indirect beneficial interest is defined as someone who has ownership in a parent level company of the proposed licensee. For example, if ABC Inc is the proposed licensee and is 100% owned by XYZ Inc, all individuals with interest in XYZ Inc are considered to have an indirect beneficial interest in ABC Inc (the proposed licensee). Salutation F-1- First Name Wayne Middle Name Lamar Last Name Jones —� Suffix = Title: Other Social Security Number J)ate of Birth 5/8/59 Primary Phone: _1 Email: [Waynej@acfp.com Mobile Phone: E Fax Number Alternative Phone: Business Address Street Number: 200 Street Name: W. Cypress Creek Rd., Ste. 220 City/Town: Fort Lauderdale State: FL Zip Code: 33309 Country: USA Mailing Address Check here if your Moiling Address is the some as your Business Acaaress Street Number: Street Name: 1 7 City/Town: F State: Zip Code: Country: Types of Interest (select all that apply) ❑ Contractual ❑ Director ❑ Landlord ❑ LLC Manager ❑ LLC Member ❑ Management Agreement ® Officer ❑ Partner ❑ Revenue Sharing ❑ Sole Proprietor ❑ Stockholder ❑ Other Are you a U.S. Citizen? (o-Yes (,No Are you a Massachusetts Resident? (` Yes ( No Criminal History Have you ever been convicted of a state, federal, or military crime? (Yes (: No If yes, please provide an affidavit explaining the charges. \�a r� J ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION BENEFICIAL INTEREST CONTACT - Individual (continued) vwner5111Ni nuCICML If you hold a direct beneficial interest Using the definition above, do you hold a direct (-,,Direct ( Indirect in the proposed licensee, please list or indirect interest in the proposed licensee? the % of interest you hold. If you hold an indirect beneficial interest in this license, please complete the Ownership /_Interest Table below. If you hold an indirect interest in the proposed licensee, please list the organization(s) you hold a direct interest in which, in turn, hold a direct or indirect interest in the proposed licensee. These generally include parent companies, holding companies, trusts, etc. A Beneficial Interest - Organization Form will need to be completed for each entity listed below. I Name of Beneficial Interest - Organization I FEIN Other Beneficial Interest List any indirect or indirect beneficial or financial interest you have in any other Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages License(s). Name of License Type of License License Number Premises Address Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 062400026 201 Constitution Avenue, Littleton Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 080000222 180 Needham Street, Newton Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 090200058 100028 SHOPS WAY, NORTHBOROUGH Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 101600038 48 WALKERS BROOK DRIVE, READING Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 145600013 119 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, WESTWOOD Familial Beneficial Interest Does any member of your immediate family have ownership interest in any other Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Licenses? Immediate family includes parents, siblings, spouse and spouse's parents. Please list below. Relationship to You ABCC License Number Type of Interest (choose primary function) Percentage of Interest n/a See Exhibit A Prior Disciplinary Action Have you ever been involved directly or indirectly in an alcoholic beverages license that was subject to disciplinary action? If yes, please complete the following: Date of Action Name of License State City Reason for suspension, revocation or cancellation See Exhibit A ORAG ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION BENEFICIAL INTEREST CONTACT - Individual (Formerly known as a Personal Information Form) Please complete a Beneficial Interest - Individual sheet for all individual(s) who have a direct or indirect beneficial interest, with or without ownership, in this license. This includes people with a financial interest and people without financial interest (i.e. board of directors for not - for - profit clubs). All individuals with direct or indirect financial interest must also submit a CORI An individual with direct beneficial interest is defined as someone who has interest directly in the proposed licensee. For example, if ABC Inc is the proposed licensee, all individuals with interest in ABC Inc are considered to have direct beneficial interest in ABC Inc (the proposed licensee). An individual with indirect beneficial interest is defined as someone who has ownership in a parent level company of the proposed licensee. For example, if ABC Inc is the proposed licensee and is 100% owned by XYZ Inc, all individuals with interest in XYZ Inc are considered to have an indirect beneficial interest in ABC Inc (the proposed licensee). Salutation First Name Eelle � Middle Name Last Name Zavolta Suffix Title: Other Social Security Number Date of Birth [6;1/76 Primary Phone: Email: MichelleZ @acfp.com Mobile Phone: Fax Number F Alternative Phone. ` Street Number: 200 - Street Name: W. Cypress Creek Rd., Ste. 220 City/Town: [Fort Lauderdale State: FL Zip Code: 33309 Country: USA Mailing Address ® Check here ifyour Mailing Address is the some as your Business Address Street Number: Street Name: City/Town: State: Zip Code: Country: Types of Interest (select all that apply) ❑ Contractual ❑ Director ❑ Landlord ❑ LLC Manager ❑ LLC Member ❑ Management Agreement ® Officer ❑ Partner ❑ Revenue Sharing ❑ Sole Proprietor ❑ Stockholder" ❑ Other Citizenship / Residency Information Are you a U.S. Citizen? (:; Yes (,,No Are you a Massachusetts Resident? (j, Yes (; No Have you ever been convicted of a state, federal, or military crime? (, Yes (' No If yes, please provide an affidavit explaining the charges. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION BENEFICIAL INTEREST CONTACT - Individual (continued) If you hold a direct beneficial interest Using the definition above, do you hold a direct (-Direct C ; Indirect in the proposed licensee, please list or indirect interest in the proposed licensee? the % of interest you hold. If you hold an indirect beneficial interest in this license, please complete the Ownership / Interest Table below. If you hold an indirect interest in the proposed licensee, please list the organization(s) you hold a direct interest in which, in turn, hold a direct or indirect interest in the proposed licensee. These generally include parent companies, holding companies, trusts, etc. A Beneficial Interest - Organization Form will need to be completed for each entity listed below. Name of Beneficial Interest - Organization I FEIN Other Beneficial Interest List any indirect or indirect beneficial or financial interest you have in any other Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages License(s). Name of License Type of License License Number Premises Address Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 062400026 201 Constitution Avenue, Littleton Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 080000222 180 Needham Street, Newton Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 090200058 100028 SHOPS WAY, NORTH BOROUGH Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 101600038 48 WALKERS BROOK DRIVE, READING Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 145600013 119 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, WESTWOOD Does any member of your immediate family have ownership interest in any other Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Licenses? 1- rlin +o family inrinriac narantc aihlinES_ snouse and spouse's parents. Please list below. Relationship to You ABCC License Number Type of Interest (choose primary function) Percentage of Interest n/a Prior Disciplinary Action Have you ever been involved directly or indirectly in an alcoholic beverages license that was subject to disciplinary action? If yes, please complete the following: Date of Action Name of License State City Reason for suspension, revocation or cancellation See Exhibit A 1 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION FICIAL INTEREST CONTACT - Individ a) (Formerly known as a Personal Information Form) Please complete a Beneficial Interest - Individual sheet for all individual(s) who have a direct or indirect beneficial interest, with or without ownership, in this license. This includes people with a financial interest and people without financial interest (i.e. board of directors for not - for - profit clubs). All individuals with direct or indirect financial interest must also submit a CORI An individual with direct beneficial interest is defined as someone who has interest directly in the proposed licensee. For example, if ABC Inc is the proposed licensee, all individuals with interest in ABC Inc are considered to have direct beneficial interest in ABC Inc (the proposed licensee). An individual with indirect beneficial interest is defined as someone who has ownership in a parent level company of the proposed licensee. For example, if ABC Inc is the proposed licensee and is 100% owned by XYZ Inc, all individuals with interest in XYZ Inc are considered to have an indirect beneficial interest in ABC Inc (the proposed licensee). Salutation First Name Michael _j Middle Name Last Name Hislop Suffix Title: [Other Primary Phone: Mobile Phone: Alternative Phone: L Social Security Number Date of Birth 2/2/55 Email: Fm hislop@ilfo.cu, Fax Number F Street Number: 770 Street Name: Tamalpais Drive, Suite 400 City/Town: [Corte Madera State: F CA Zip Code: 94925 Country: USA Mailing Add Street Numb City/Town: Zip Code: F1 Check here if your Mailing Address is the some as your Business Address er: I Street Name: Country: State: Types of Interest (select all that apply) ❑ Contractual ❑ Director ❑ Landlord ❑ LLC Manager ❑ LLC Member ❑ Management Agreement ❑ Officer ❑ Partner ❑ Revenue Sharing ❑ Sole Proprietor ❑ Stockholder ® Other Citizenship / Residency Information Are you a U.S. Citizen? (W Yes (7 No Are you a Massachusetts Resident? { ; Yes C•` No Have you ever been convicted of a state, federal, or military crime? ( Yes C•` No If yes, please provide an affidavit explaining the charges. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION BENEFICIAL INTEREST CONTACT - Individual (continued) .. " " " "r" " " "`r` If you hold a direct beneficial interest sing the definition above, do you hold a direct (, Direct Indirect in the proposed licensee, please list r indirect interest in the proposed licensee? the % of interest you hold. If you hold an indirect beneficial interest in this license, please complete the Ownership / Interest Table below. If you hold an indirect interest in the proposed licensee, please list the organization(s) you hold a direct interest in which, in turn, hold a direct or indirect interest in the proposed licensee. These generally include parent companies, holding companies, trusts, etc. A Beneficial Interest - Organization Form will need to be completed for each entity listed below. Name of Beneficial Interest - Organization FEIN Cardboard Box, LLC 47- 5496274 Premises Address Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 062400026 Other Beneficial Interest List any indirect or indirect beneficial or financial interest you have in any other Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages License(s). Name of License Type of License License Number Premises Address Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 062400026 201 Constitution Avenue, Littleton Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 080000222 180 Needham Street, Newton Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 090200058 1 100028 SHOPS WAY, NORTHBOROUGH Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 101600038 48 WALKERS BROOK DRIVE, READING Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza §12 On Premises 145600013 119 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, WESTWOOD Familial Beneficial Interest Does any member of your immediate family have ownership interest in any other Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Licenses? Immediate family includes parents, siblings, spouse and spouse's parents. Please list below. Relationship to You ABCC License Number Type of Interest (choose primary function) Percentage of Interest n/a See Exhibit A Prior Disciplinary Action Have you ever been involved directly or indirectly in an alcoholic beverages license that was subject to disciplinary action? If yes, please complete the following: Date of Action Name of License State City . Reason for suspension, revocation or cancellation See Exhibit A EXHIBIT A SUSPENSIONS, REVOCATIONS OR CANCELLATIONS OF APPLICANT RESTAURANTS The ownership structure has several entities and individuals who have over the years invested in the restaurant industry, including Anthony's, Catterton, and Quilvest. Although a comprehensive list is not available, it is assumed there may have been some of those licenses suspended for violations of alcoholic beverages regulations, but upon information and belief, none have been cancelled or revoked. CientsAnthony's -Off. Ch. 12 /2017/Exhibit V` Joe /open /lic. /liquor license &exhibit header sheets CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION It is hereby certified that Wayne Jones, manager and officer of Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC (the "Licensee ") and being duly authorized, is authorized on behalf of the Licensee for the following: To apply to the licensing authority for the Town of Reading and the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission for a change of officeribeneficial interest of an all alcoholic beverages restaurant license to be held at 48 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, Massachusetts, d/b /a Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza, and to do all things necessary to effectuate anything connected therewith. To re- appoint Carlos Alberto, Jr. as its manager or principal representative, with as full authority and control of the premises described in the license of the LLC and of the conduct of the business therein relative to the sale of all alcoholic beverages as the licensee itself could in any way have exercised it as if it were a natural person, resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and that a copy of this vote duly certified by the clerk of the corporation and delivered to said manager or principal representative shall constitute the written authority required by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 138. A TRUE COPY Anthony's Fir ,,p&Pizza of Reading LLC By: Wayne J es ng duly authorized Clients /Catterden- Anthony's - Officer Change -Dec 2017 /ABCC /Cert of Authorization Reading Joe /open /lic. /liquor license &exhibit header sheets �a. 4/10/2018 Mass. Corporations, external master page Corporations Division ID Number: 001147570 i Request certificate New search, Summary for: ANTHONY'S COAL FIRED PIZZA OF READING LLC The exact name of the Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC): ANTHONY'S COAL FIRED PIZZA OF READING LLC Entity type: Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) Identification Number: 001147570 Date of Organization in Massachusetts: 09 -22 -2014 Last date certain: The location or address where the records are maintained (A PO box is not a valid location or address): Address: 44 SCHOOL STREET SUITE 325 City or town, State, Zip code, BOSTON, MA 02108 USA Country: The name and address of the Resident Agent: Name: INCORPORATING SERVICES, LTD. Address: 44 SCHOOL STREET SUITE 325 City or town, State, Zip code, BOSTON, MA 02108 USA Country: The name and business address of each Manager: Title Individual name Address MANAGER ANTHONY BRUNO 200 W. CYPRESS CREEK RD., SUITE 220 FT. i LAUNDERDALE, FL 33309 USA MANAGER CHARLES E LOCKE 7R. 200 W. CYPRESS CREEK RD., SUITE 220 FT. LAUNDERDALE, FL 33309 USA MANAGER RONALD DINELLA 200 W. CYPRESS CREEK RD., SUITE 220 FT. LAUNDERDALE, FL 33309 USA In addition to the manager(s), the name and business address of the person(s) authorized to execute documents to be filed with the Corporations Division: -ritl(-" I l ;1dividU91 name I Address http: / /corp. sec. state. ma. us/ CorpWeb /CorpSearch /CorpSummary.aspx ?FEIN= 001147570 &SEARCH_TYPE =1 1/2 4/10/2018 Mass. Corporations, external master page The name and business address of the person(s) authorized to execute, ' acknowledge, deliver, and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property: REAL PROPERTY PROPERTY ANTHONY BRUNO 200 W. CYPRESS CREEK RD., SUITE 220 FT. LAUNDERDALE, FL 33309 USA ___._ ...... .... __..___._._._.___.___._. _ .. __ ___ _ _ _ ____.__. .__ .._..._._ ...................... .............. .._......_m....._.__._._.__.__. REAL PROPFRTY CHARLES E LOCKE JR 200 W. CYPRESS CREEK RD., SUITE 220 FT. LAUNDERDALE, FL 33309 USA REAL PROPERTY RONALD DINELLA 200 W. CYPRESS CREEK RD. STE. 220 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 USA Confidential Merger I Consent Data Allowed Manufacturing View filings for this business entity: _.___._._..__ __.___�__..___.._._ � I ALL FILINGS ___ _ __ _ Annual Report sl Annual Report - Professional Articles of Entity Conversion s Certificate of Amendment - V1ew filings Comments or notes associated with this business entity: .New search 5�a� http: / /corp. sec. state. ma. us/ CorpWeb ICorpSearchICorpSummary.aspx ?FEIN = 001147570 &SEARCH_TYPE =1 Joe /open/lic./liauor license &exhibit header sheen = a rIlRMA DEL TITULAR 5aM OF NfiA�I ,. Town of Reading Meeting Minutes W dr639. lNCOAQOPP� Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -03 -27 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Session: Version: Chair John Arena, Barry Berman, Dan Ensminger, John Halsey, Andrew Friedmann Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios, Executive Assistant Caitlin Saunders, Recreation Administrator Jenna Fiorente, Brad Latham, Tom Connery, Bill Brown, David Cannon, Kaitlyn Mercurio, Maureen Hurley, Larry Hurley, Kate and Bob Kaminer, Dan Foley, Richard Hand, Emily Sission, Brian Keefe, Tim Higgins, Sally Boerner, Eileen Wilkes, Dominic Savinc, Petra Conboy, Nancy Swain, John Yurewicz Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Topics of Discussion: Chair John Arena called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Selectmen Liaison Reports Mr. Friedmann reminded everyone that the Climate Advisory is preparing for their Earth Day Fair in April and everyone should attend. Mr. Halsey noted the Little League opening day parade plans are coming along. There will be a meeting about it tomorrow; the date of the parade will be April 29th. He noted the recreation committee has met twice regarding girls softball. That program has boomed and scheduling has been difficult. We are trying to make room for them by proposing we open up Birch Meadow on Sunday mornings. The discussion so far has received good points from both sides. The temporary request from Recreation is now only tied to 3 Sundays they would need. Mr. Halsey noted he will recuse himself from that part of tonight's meeting because he is also a member of the Reading Softball Little League Board. Mr. Ensminger noted they are making progress on the RMLD payments to the town subcommittee. A proposal is in place and will be going back to their full board at their next meeting. If their full board approves it, it will then come back to the full Board here. Public Comment Bill Brown suggested us continuing to look into Memorial Park and see what we can do down there. That may help some of the scheduling problems we are having. Page 1 1 Matt Zucka, from the Reading Village project, came with an update. Demo of the buildings is in progress. We've heard some feedback that was getting to the town and we are addressing those concerns and taking them seriously. We don't want delays, we lose money, and so we are fixing everything and passing along all our contact information to the neighbors again so they can call us with any concerns. We are hoping to start site work mid -April pending permits. Nancy Docktor suggested when the board goes over their policies that they look at the way they interview volunteers. She would recommend the full board during that process and not just a subcommittee. Caitlin Thomases noted she is a neighbor of the Reading Village project and she is here to voice her health concerns with this project and ask how they plan to implement their process. The dust is out of control. Yesterday there was a stop order because of dust but today they are back to work and the dust isn't any better. There is a large lack of communication between the developer and the residents. She wants the town to get answers to her questions. Mr. Friedmann asked the developer about the asbestos in the building and if they have all their clearance from DEP since it is a waste site. It was noted it is not a waste site and they have been cleared by DEP. Proclamations and Certificates of Recognition The board wanted to recognize the friends of reading recreation head coach and two assistant coaches of the middle school cross country team. Head Coach Dan Princic and Assistant Coaches Chris Ritondo and Kathy Kinney have been instrumental in advancing the FORR Middle School Cross Country Team Program, and its advancement to the State & National Championship and the Junior Olympics levels, and for their ignition and encouragement of a love of distance running in all young athletes with a focus on self improvement and always giving a best effort. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen issue certificates of recognition to Dan Princic, Chris Ritondo and Kathy Kinney. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. The board also wanted to recognize two new Eagle Scouts who will be receiving their awards this weekend at their ceremony. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen issue certificate of recognition to Bryan W Doucette and Benjamin 3 House. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Town Manager Report Mr. LeLacheur noted there was a hazmat situation earlier at 30 Haven Street but it has been cleared and there is no situation remaining. The town warrant is ready to be picked up whenever people wish. He also noted we received some grants for our building security project. Hearing - Approve Water /Sewer/ Storm Water Rates Mr. Ensminger moved to close the hearing on setting the FY19 water, sewer and storm water rates. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved to set the FY2019 water rate at $10 per 100 cubic feet with a minimum quarterly bill of $20 effective with the December, 2018 billing; Moved to set the FY2019 sewer rate at $10.17 per 100 cubic feet with a minimum quarterly bill of $20.34 effective with the December, 2018 billing; Page 1 2 (D (v And moved to set the Storm Water Rate at $60 per unit (3210 square feet) per year to be billed quarterly effective with the December, 2018 billing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Friedmann and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Hearing - Postmark Square Loading Zone Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios, Attorney Brad Latham and developer Tom Connery were present for the request. They explained they are requesting an 8' x 39' public loading space. There will be no loss of parking along the street. Engineering and Public Safety had no issues with the request. The initial plan concerned Reading Cooperative Bank as it was close to their driveway so they modified the plan and moved the space up more. It was noted this will be for all public use, not just for Postmark Square. It is designed for any short term use for anyone running a quick errand or unloading their car in that area. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing regarding the loading zone request for Sanborn Street. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the loading zone request on Sanborn Street as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Hearing - Approve BOS Policies The board has been having an ongoing discussion about cleaning up their policies with regards to article 1, general operating procedures. Consensus reached was to move section 1.5 into section 2 because it fits better and makes more sense to have it there. Section 1.4, communication - Mr. LeLacheur researched four other towns' communication policies and they are very similar. The board discussed emails to the selectmen. It was noted that the town manager is copied on the emails that get sent to the whole board but if someone were to send an email to one individual selectman then he is not copied on those emails and doesn't know about them. It was also noted that any email to any selectman, no matter what, is public record. The group discussed Bob being copied on every email that is sent to the selectmen whether it be an individual or a group. Bob Kiley noted he understands residents may want some privacy when writing to a Selectman but if it is public record anyway, transparency is better and having the Town Manager copied on every email is the best way to go. Kate Kamineer noted she is shocked the Selectmen don't have town emails; nothing they should so they can be monitored. Mr. Ensminger moved to close the hearing on the Board of Selectmen Policies, Article 1 General Operating Procedures. The motion was seconded by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved to approve the Board of Selectmen Policies: Article i General Operating procedures as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Berman wanted to clarify why they were going to change when the reorganization happens but now we're not. Mr. Friedmann feels they should reorganize right after the election. Page 1 3 Hearing - Birch Meadow Sunday Hours Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios and Recreation Administrator Jenna Fiorente were present to explain the request and to answer any questions from the board. Mr. Halsey recused himself as he also sits on the Reading Little League Softball Board. Ms. Fiorente wrote a memo to board outlining exactly what they are requesting. She noted they need more time for a few games and are requesting to start play at 9 AM on 3 specific Sundays this 2018 spring season. Mr. Friedmann noted he couldn't find where this would fall into their policy and is wondering why it got brought before them'tonight. Mr. LeLacheur noted it is hidden in their policies and in past events the board has always taken a position. Mr. Berman noted that he read a lot of correspondence regarding this matter from the Recreation Committee and he unfortunately feels the need to say that being rude to our staff is absolutely uncalled for and will not be tolerated. Mr. Arena feels this is a good problem' to have. There is an abundance of little girls who want to play softball and we need to find time for them to play. One parent noted she fully supports this request because at the core we just don't have enough space for all our recreation programs. It is hard to schedule and no one wants to pit one program against another. She hopes this is constructive start to a long term solution. Alan Boyer noted this is not a permanent solution and this should be tabled until a permanent solution can be reached. Maureen Hurley noted she has 2 daughters in the league and this problem is a lack of poorly allocated space. We have tried to work this out with the men's league but they don't want to work with us. If you turn kids away now they will stop playing and teenagers make poor decisions like drugs when they don't have extracurricular activities to keep them busy. She noted she has done her research and the men's league gets priority; they don't cooperate with us and the numbers show they have a much longer season and they have so much open time. Another parent noted whoever does the scheduling needs help allocating better. Bob Kamineer asked if the Killam fields are used and it was noted they are not suitable for play. Jon Ulrich wanted to remind everyone there's also a summer league we need space for too. A neighbor reminded the board not to lose site of all the neighbors these fields have. Petra Convoy noted she is a neighbor; she cherishes her Sunday mornings and she doesn't want to hear kids playing. Bob Kiley noted this is slippery slope if you allow this; you will set a precedent. Mr. Friedmann noted he feels trapped here as a community. We want to have these girls able to play but the neighbors don't want the noise. Mr. Berman explained he is not interested in making this a permanent solution. They are only asking for 3 Sundays. He asked if there is any way they could start playing at 10 am so it's not so early and it was noted the scheduling would not work out if they started at 10. Page 1 4 Alan Boyer explained we are really only talking about 6 hours this whole season, it seems like a reasonable request. Kate Kamineer noted we need to let ]enna do her job at scheduling without interference from league coaches. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing regarding Sunday Hours at the Birch Meadow Field. Mr. Berman seconded the motion and it passed with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the Sunday Hours at Birch Meadow Field as presented. Mr. Berman seconded the motion and it was approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Berman wanted to let everyone know that this is not a slippery slope and they do not intend to make this a permanent solution or for any other field. Mr. Arena noted this is a one -time exception to deal with this one season, one program, one field problem. Mr. Friedmann expressed he is not happy to be in this position as he doesn't want to take away people's Sunday mornings. He does not want to be back here in this position next year so hopefully staff can work this out for next year. Sunoco Station Discussion - 467 Main Street Property owner Ray Boghos and his Attorney Brian McGrail were present to explain their request to the board. The project has already been before the CPDC and the PTTTF group and they recommended coming before the board asking for a driveway waiver, an outdoor dining license and permission to put 3 parking spaces along Main Street. Boghos Properties will be building a 4 floor mixed use building with commercial space on the first floor and 3 floors with 31 rental units above. The fourth floor will be setback. The roof will be a common area for the residents of the building. David Cannon asked about the grilles on the roof and it was noted they have been approved by the fire department and they are hard piped grilles. The group discussed the driveway waiver which is slightly under the 50' requirement from Main Street but it was noted the gate that allows people in and out of the parking area will be pushed back as to not cause a hold up of cars. The outdoor dining license is contingent upon whoever rents the commercial space and whether it is something they would want to pursue or not. If the renter did want to, they would still have to apply for an outdoor dining license that shows the seating layout and be approved before they could use it. The board asked about the three parallel parking spaces along Main Street and it was noted the curb cut in that section is extremely large that they would still have 7 feet of sidewalk where the parking spaces would be. The parking spaces would not be just for that property but for anyone in the area. The board felt they did not have any concerns with the request but they will wait to officially vote on them until after a hearing is posted. The board plans to advertise the hearing and vote at their next meeting on April 17tH Page 1 5 Change of D /B /A Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the Change of D /B /A for an Annual All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License for Ristorante Pavarotti at 601 Main Street, Reading, MA. Mr. Berman Seconded the motion and it was approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. It was noted they are changing the name of Ristorante Pavarotti to Zucca Italian Restaurant. Executive Session Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen go into Executive Session at 10:45 PM to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining and that the Chair declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the body, and not to reconvene in Open Session. The motion was seconded by Mr. Halsey and the following roll call vote was taken: Halsey - Yes Ensminger- Yes Arena - Yes Berman - Yes Friedmann - Yes Page 1 6 1 Town of Reading Meeting Minutes s�9 1NCO Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -04 -12 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Session: Version: Barry Berman, Dan Ensminger, Andrew Friedmann, Vanessa Alvarado Members - Not Present: John Halsey Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Executive Assistant Caitlin Saunders, Town Accountant Sharon Angstrom, Stephen Crook, Amy Cole, Nancy Docktor, Elizabeth Shurland, Julie Ross, Tim Kelley, Kaitlyn Mercurio Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Topics of Discussion: Mr. Berman called the meeting to order. New member Vanessa Alvarado was sworn in. Mr. Berman explained he will be the Acting Chair until the reorganization in June. Mr. Ensminger will be Acting Vice Chair and continue his duties as Secretary. Mr. Berman thanked John Arena for all his time, commitment and hard work he put into his years on the board and he hopes he continues to be involved in the town. He wishes him well in his next endeavors. Mr. Berman welcomed Ms. Alvarado to the board and notes she will bring new perspectives to the board. He noted she was a volunteer on the Finance Committee before running for Selectmen. Mr. Berman then thanked all the voters for coming out and voting on Election Day. He thanked the Yes For Reading Group for all their work getting information out. Mr. Ensminger congratulated Ms. Alvarado and also thanked Mr. Arena for his years of dedication to the board. He noted Comcast negotiations are starting and they have a draft proposal which Town Counsel is looking over. He expects there to be a few more internal meetings before it is brought to the full board. The RMLD subcommittee met last night and a briefing on the proposal will be in next week's meeting packet. Ms. Alvarado thanked John Arena for his service to the town and she looks forward to serving her town now. Page 1 1 MI Mr. Friedmann welcomed Ms. Alvarado. He then noted now that the override has passed, he and the board will work on continuing to give the community information so we can make this override last as long as possible. Public Comment David Zeek from the Climate Advisory Committee wanted to remind everyone their Earth Day Fair will be April 21St and he hopes everyone can attend. Their plastic bag bylaw has been approved by the Attorney General so now they are working on implementation strategies to make it official. Bill Brown noted he believes the ballot question is not legal. He believes the way it is worded, the School part of the question cannot be implemented. Mr. LeLacheur noted he has passed along Mr. Brown's concerns to Town Counsel and they are looking into it. Tim Kelley from the Housing Authority wanted to give the Selectmen a heads up that they wish to come see them and talk about the Affordable Home ownership program they have at Gazebo Circle. One of the residents wants to sell their home and now they must decide how to proceed. They would like to come to the board and ask for funds from the Housing Trust Fund which requires a joint vote from the Selectmen and the Housing Authority. Cadence Thomases came to Selectmen to express her continued dissatisfaction with the Reading Village Project. She brought a letter from Mass DEP to which she believes confirms her belief that this is a hazardous waste site making her believe they are also not conforming with certain regulations they should be. She believes the town's health department has a say in this and she wants them involved. Mr. Friedmann noted he works for DEP and if a site is a hazardous waste site they have certain reports they must provide to DEP before moving any dirt. He noted he would take a look at the letter Ms. Thomases brought in. Ms. Alvarado asked who is responsible for oversite of this project. Town Manager Report Mr. LeLacheur noted on behalf of himself and Superintendent Dr. Doherty he thanks the voters. He also noted on May 23rd there will be a security summit at the Schittini Library at the High School. All elected boards and residents are invited. They will answer any security questions to the best of their ability without saying too much. Arbor Day Proclamation Mr. Ensminger read the proclamation proclaiming April 27, 2018 as Arbor Day in the Town of Reading. Mr. Friedmann seconded the proclamation and it was approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Ms. Alvarado asked if we have a program in place to replace trees that fell during the storm. Mr. LeLacheur noted we have a replacement program if we take down trees but we do not have anything if Mother Nature decides to take them down. Reorganization & Liaison Reports The official reorganization of the board will happen the end of June. The board then went over the boards that Mr. Arena was a liaison too and split them up accordingly while introducing Ms. Alvarado to her new group of liaisons. These liaisons are temporary and will be reassigned when the board reorganizes. Mr. Berman also suggested maybe each member being assigned a big project when there is one going on in town so that residents have a contact in the town if they are having an issue. Page 1 2 P zI* Town Accountant Quarterly Report Sharon Angstrom was here to update the board. She noted they are in good shape. They have seen a flux in people prepaying their taxes. They have collected 90% of stormwater revenues. Nothing is standing out as a problem to her at the moment. Ms. Angstrom noted she did receive their 2017 audit and she posted it online if anyone would like to look at it. They are currently setting up this year's audit committee. She noted herself and Town Treasurer Endri Kume are going through and looking at the finance policies and once they are done they will bring them to the full board for review. Town Manager Contract Amendment Ms. Angstrom noted that Mr. LeLacheur wanted to take a $0 increase but according to his contract he cannot. She asked Town Counsel for their opinion along with the board's opinion and everyone agreed he needed to take the increase. Therefore Ms. Angstrom went back and retro -paid him for when he should have got the increase. Town Manager Goals Update Mr. LeLacheur gave the board a brief update on the goals they have achieved this past year. He noted some ongoing ones they continue to work on. When the board reorganizes in June they will also place members to help with certain goals for next year. The board briefly discussed the MWRA situation with North Reading to give Ms. Alvarado a background on the matter. At this point North Reading has not asked to come back for another meeting and seem to be trying to work out their situation with Andover. BOS Policy - New Members The board discussed coming up with some ways to onboard new members better. They talked about what materials, if any, would be helpful to be given in advance of or at their first meeting. Ms. Alvarado noted having a procedural handout would be helpful. Mr. Ensminger also feels just having a one -on -one with a new member would be helpful to just briefly explain and go over what they should expect, how meetings are run and other things. Ms. Alvarado also noted maybe meeting with department heads would give them a better understanding of how the town is run. Minutes Mr. Ensminger made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 30th, 2018. The motion was seconded by Mr. Friedmann and approved with a 3 -0 -0 vote with Alvarado abstaining. Mr. Ensminger made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from February 13, 2018. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 3 -0 -0 vote with Alvarado abstaining. Mr. Ensminger made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from February 27, 2018 as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Friedmann and approved with a 3 -0 -0 vote with Alvarado abstaining. Mr. LeLacheur noted there is a large fire happening right now on Berkley Street but everyone is safe and they have it under control. Mr. Friedmann made a motion to adjourn at 9:18 PM, second by Mr. Ensminger and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Page 1 3 M, Liaisons to Neighborhoods Impacted by Economic Development The Select Board recognizes the need for elected officials to represent neighborhoods that might be impacted by mid -large development projects.' To meet this need, for each project, the Board will appoint one of its member to serve as liaison between the neighborhood, developers, and the Town. The goal of each liaison will be to act as a central point of contact for neighbors at various points in the development project. Prior to fulfilling their goal, each liaison will need to become familiar with the initial plans of the project. This will include, but is not limited to, meeting with the relevant town staff member responsible for the project in order to understand the type of development that is being proposed and to learn the processes and general timelines for the proposed development. The liaison will inform the neighborhood organization of opportunities for involvement in the planning process (e.g., attend DIRT meetings) and facilitate interactions with relevant Town entities. During the project development, including demolition and construction, the liaison will support the work of the town in communicating with the neighborhood and vice versa, as needed. ' Or "multi- residential development projects" or "large residential or commercial /industrial development projects "? IAI�v Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 5:40 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [POSSIBLY SPAM] Verizon Fios TV - LFA Notification - Channel Removals Attachments: Customer Notice - Discovery.pdf Importance: Low BOS packet From: Connors, Niall S [niall.s.connors @verizon.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 1:20 PM Subject: [POSSIBLY SPAM] Verizon Fios N - LFA Notification - Channel Removals Dear Municipal Official: This is to notify you of certain upcoming changes to Rose TV programming. On or after June 1, 2018, the following channels will be removed from select Fios TV packages. American Heroes channel 125 Discovery Family channel 259 SD / 789 HD Destination America channel 168 SD / 668 HD Discovery Life channel 161 Customers can find specific information regarding this change by visiting verizon.com /discovery. Verizon will notify subscribers through the Rose TV Message Center beginning on or around April 30, 2018. A sample customer notice is attached. Access to the Rose TV channel lineup is available 24/7 online at verizon.com /fiostvchannels. We realize that our customers have other alternatives for entertainment and our goal is to offer the best choice and value in the industry. Verizon appreciates the opportunity to conduct business in your community. Should you or your staff have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Vet" izonk/ Niall Connors Fios Franchise Service Manager Massachusetts and Rhode Island 6 Bowdoin Square, 10th Floor Boston, MA 02114 on 0 verizon%' Fios@ TV Programming Change On or after June 1, 2018, the following channels will be removed from select Fios TV packages. American Heroes channel 125 Discovery Family channel 259 SD / 789 HD Destination America channel 168 SD / 668 HD Discovery Life channel 161 Please visit verizon.com /discovery for specific information regarding this change. READING CULTURAL COUNCIL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE READING CULTURAL COUNCIL ANNOUNCES LIST OF 2018 GRANTEES March 2018 -- The Reading Cultural Council, the local arm of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, has awarded $6,476 in program funding support to 17 Reading organizations for arts and humanities programming in 2017 and 2018. According to Reading Cultural Council chair Donna Schenkel, cultural council grants support a range of cultural, artistic and experiential projects and activities in Reading -- including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short -term artist residencies or performances in schools, workshops and lectures. "We look for local programs that are performed at an accessible Reading venue. You'll see from the list of 2018 awards that our grants cover a range of community interests, ages and locations." The Massachusetts state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to Local Cultural Councils, like the Reading Cultural Council, which make awards based on community needs, assessed and set by council members. How to Apply for a Cultural Council Grant Individuals and organizations interested in seeking funding from the Reading Cultural Council for 2018 -2019 can apply on -line at mass - culture.org /Reading. The postmark deadline for the next round of applications is October 15, 2018. Funds are awarded through an application process which can be competitive based on the number of requests and the funds available. Typically, Reading's Cultural Council receives more applications than it can even partially fund. Average grants tend to be modest and are reimbursement - based, meaning applicants expend their own money, and if approved for a grant, submit paperwork for reimbursement. Funding was provided to the following organizations for 2017 -2018: • Children's Author Presentation at Reading Public Library On 3/14/18 children's author, Mr. Steptoe, will give an evening presentation for all ages, on the creative process. He won both the 2017 Caldecott Award and the Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award for his book the "Radiant Child." • Reading Community Concert Band The newly- renamed Reading Community Concert Band (formerly Reading Civic Concert Band) will give their annual Mother's Day Concert on May 13th, 2018 at the First Congregational Church. • Creative Arts for Kids Creative Arts is sponsoring the Fairy Tale Players for three performances from January to March 2018. The actors combine energetic storytelling, audience participation, music, and improvisation through a classic fairy tale to compliment preschool and elementary education. • Reading Community Senior Center On October 11, 2018, step back in time and meet Isabella Stewart Gardner, the famed founder of our own Gardner Museum in Boston presented by the Delvena Theatre Company. • Reading Public Library On May 22, 2018, visit with the legendary W. C. Fields and Mae West in a dressing room on the set of My Little Chickadee. Learn about their personal lives too in this humorous production performed by Delvena Theatre Company. 0 • Colonial Faire Parker Tavern The Colonial Faire to be held on May 19, 2018 at Reading's Parker Tavern will showcase daily life during the Revolutionary War period with an encampment of Minutemen and their families with displays of crafts, food and more. • Youth Drama Workshop Free drama workshop for ages 4 -18 on April 7, 2018. The workshop will offer an introduction to drama for those who have never tried acting, and as an opportunity for current theatre students to try new theatre styles with no risk. Contact kellybwalsh @comcast.net for more information • North Suburban Child & Family Resource Network The North Suburban Child & Family Resource Network is partnering with the Burbank YMCA on April 21, 2018 to provide an educational show as part of the Y's "Healthy Kids Day ". Wayne from Maine will perform a show, entitled "Read the Label ". • Birch Meadow Elementary School Annual Author Day On March 8th, the Annual Author Day at Birch Meadow elementary School features children's author Anna Staniszewski. She will work with all the students in grades K -5 to share her real -life writing experiences, encourage creative thinking, and showcase the importance of the writing process. • Ivy Chord Coffee House The Ivy Chord Coffee House offers an acoustic music concert series to members of the Reading community as well as those of surrounding towns. Check for dates: uureading.org /concerts • Coolidge Middle School Science Olympiad The Coolidge School Science Olympiad is a nonprofit organization that supports the Coolidge middle - school science team students, who train rigorously for 15 hours per week to compete in events spanning all fields of science. • Colonial Chorus Players Funding provided to purchase a wireless microphone to support performances of the Players. • Austin Prep Field Trip Students participating in Austin Prep's new dance program will attend on December 7, 2017, a performance of the Nutcracker, as staged by the Northeast School of Ballet in Reading to compare the styles of dancing and storytelling in this production with other performances studied throughout the semester. • Quannapowitt Players, Inc. Suburban Holidays is a theater festival on December 20, 2017. It consists of seven to ten short plays written by amateur playwrights, most of whom are local to Reading MA. • Reading Community Singers The Reading Community Singers performed a holiday concert, "Making Spirits Bright" on December 2,3, 2017. The holiday concerts brought about 400 people of all ages to downtown Reading, with over 90 chorus members and instrumentalists from 23 local communities. • Jams for Jake After the senseless death of Jake Czuczwa of Reading, a close -knit group of friends planned a community music event held on October 29, 2017 to bring greater awareness about the addiction resources available in the community. • Community Youth Musicals Community Youth Musicals is a charity theater program exploring new collaborations with local community theaters to build support for youth theatre. This year, the program performed the musical "Barnum" as a free performance for the Reading community. 5/28/17 & 10/12/17 About the Reading Cultural Council The Reading Cultural Council is part of a network of Local Cultural Councils (LCC) serving all cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community -based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. Members of the Reading Cultural Council are volunteers appointed by the Reading Board of Selectmen. Individuals interested in joining the Reading Cultural Council can visit the Reading Cultural Council page on the Town of Reading website (readingma.gov /cultural - council), or [don naschenkel@icloud.com]. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: RCC RECEPTION TO RECOGNIZE CULTURAL PROGRAMS IN READING, MAY 14, 2018, 7PM, SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER, PLEASANT STREET, READING 0 Are you attending the Reading Cultural Council's (RCC) Art's Reception? We hope so! The Reception will be held on Monday, May 14, from 7PM -8PM, at the Reading Senior Community Center, 49 Pleasant Street, Reading. Please RSVP by clicking on this link: https:/ /www.survevmonkev.com /r /ZLRPDTG The Cultural Council Is recognizing those organizations that received grants during 2017 and 2018 that presented art, theatre, music, history, and science events /activities for residents of all ages in our local community. Award recipients have been invited to attend and share their experiences with the attendees. Every year the RCC receives proposals, evaluates and awards grants to organizations seeking funding assistance to provide opportunities for everyone to participate in a broad range of programs that entertain, educate and inform. For those that would like to learn more about this opportunity please plan on attending, too! Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing everyone! Reading Cultural Council, Donna, Nancy, Jane, Rosemary, Mary Ann, Nora, and Beth httr)s: / /www.readinama.ciov /cultural - council am April 15, 2018 13 Temple Streeet Reading, MA. 01867 To: Members of the Board of Selectman, I am writing this note as a follow -up to my concerns over the years of the 4" open drain pipe in the back of my yard. As a child, this pipe always was covered with a grate. In the last 30 -40 years, for some reason, the grate has been missing or removed. The neighborhood has changed in the last two to three years and we are very fortunate to have ten new families. Of these, five of properties are on this side of the street, and the open yards have direct access to the "brook" and the open pipe. There are eight pre - schoolers in these homes. On one of the nicer days last week, the children were out playing and were obviously attracted to the open water. My fears are that one will fall into the brook, and who knows with the open pipe. Years ago, I wrote a letter to the Conservation Commission, I am sure members of your board have changed, so I am including a copy of my letter with my issues at that time. The MBTA paved along High Street and off of Woburn Street for much needed parking for the commuter rail. At that time they guaranteed that the drainage would be a top concern of theirs and they would maintain the water flow. (Not yet) Parker School renovation had been completed, the new roof was designed to drain into the brook behind the lower field. The turf field was being proposed, also with plans to drain into the brook, this along with the 23 sewers draining from the top of Temple Street into either the brook or the pipe. The area is very low to begin with. Nothing has been done after the first year when the town had machines to deepen the culvert and clean out years of debris fallen into the brook. It worked great. Last summer a young man with tall boots and a rake came to "clean" the brook. He removed about twenty water bottles and lots of debris. It was difficult to "chat" with this young man because of the mosquitoes from the stagnant water all along the way. In all of this, my major concerns are: • Open pipe dangers • Stagnant water See Something Say Something Thanks in advance for your attention, Anne Coneeney fG Anne Coneeney 13 Temple Street Reading, Ma. oi867 October 31, 2015 Reading, Ma. 01867 Charles Tirone, and the Committee Members of the 'Town of Reading CPDC; Due to the current status of the property located at 186 Summer Avenue, I feel that it is incumbent upon myself to give you the past history regarding the "24 inch drainage pipe" located at the end of my property at 13 Temple Street. I feel that it will continue to be further impacted by the proposed parking area and snowfield located at 186 Summer Avenue. My family has owned our home at 13 Temple Street for over 75 years. Having grown -up here, I have seen Reading becoming a very desirable community for young and old alike. The schools, the new downtown, the recent road construction, the library, and the services provided. to the elderly have all made Reading a very desirable community in which to can home. There is one problem that has repeatedly been raised when changes have taken place in the area that effects the wet lands and the drainage of such - that is of the open "24 inch drain pipe" located at the end of my property. As a WPA project in 1939, my parents paid for the pipes to have the "brook" directly behind the property piped in, along with the other residents along Temple Street going toward Woburn Street. At the end of this "24 inch pipe" there was a grate placed over the opening for safety. The project stopped here and has gone no further since 1939. The size of the pipe is now much to small for all of the water that feeds into it from many different directions after rain storms and winter snow drain -off. As a youngster, along with my siblings, the open "brook" was a great play area for all the neighborhood children. In every season there: was something wonderful that it provided to them. The "brook" was very clean. In the winter we could skate all over the area in well defined "brooks" that went behind Parker School and over to the edge of the railroad tracks, and down beside Bancroft Coal yard. The joyous sound of the `peepers' announced the arrival of spring, ducks raising their families for all to see, and in the summer catching pollywogs and watching the fireflies were activities that all had enjoyed. The whole area was flat and dry and many a baseball or football game was played by young and old alike. In time, yes, change happens. The "Round House" owned by the B &M was no longer needed. In its place is the Tannerville Community. Bancroft Coal Company was replaced by the Washington Street Apartments. The need for more commuter parking resulted in the B &M hot - topping an area along High Street and adding a new lot on Woburn Street. The B &M acknowledged the fact that the use of hot -top would affect the drainage and the eventual run -off into the "24 inch pipe ". They agreed to monitor the area and work with the town to alleviate any problems that might occur. Then there was the construction of the new building at Parker. Drainage from the roof was and is still diverted into the field behind the school, heading for the "24 inch pipe ", along with their expanded parking area for cars. When the "Turf Field" was proposed for Parker, we again addressed the drainage as it to was heading for the "24 inch pipe ". At that time we were promised that the "brook" would be maintained YEARLY to provide optimum flow and drainage. In addition, there are 16 sewers that collect water on 'Temple Street and head for the "24 inch pipe" - through "right a ways" / easements between the properties of' 7, 13, and 23 Temple Street. These sewers catch water as it flows down from the top of the hill on Temple Street. Yet another project is in the planning stages, that of 186 Summer Avenue. The Criterion School is asking for 19 parking spaces, behind the historic barn. These are in addition to those around the front of the historic house., for a total of 39 spaces. The proposed area is planned to be 4 1/2 feet higher than it is presently. This rise is so that their parking area is level with the rest of their property. The contour of the land can be easily imagined by looking at the downward slope of both 'Temple and King Streets. As water flows downhill, I can only imagine the parking lot for Parker being flooded and becoming an ice field during the winter months and into the spring, and that this again flows down to the field and eventually heading for the "24 inch pipe ". May I ask that you carefully and thoughtfully consider yet another large hot - topped area and its effect on drainage. The yards on lower Temple Street are always flooded now, we never had the need for a pump in the basement - let alone two. The "brook" is presently in deplorable condition, with no semblance of a brook for even flow, and the wild life has now abandoned the area. Woburn and Prescott Streets flood with the slightest rainstorm, as an over -flow from behind homes on Temple Street. I consider the "24 inch pipe" a hazard in that it is wide open and with young curious children fascinated by water. If ever you need clarification of my concerns, please feel free to contact me - 781 - 944 -5334. My I offer my sincere thanks to all for your commitment to the Town of Reading, by volunteering on various committees and also to those who are employed by the town. You should be very proud of the many wonderful changes that have taken place. Sincerely yours, Anne E Coneeney CC. Dan Ensminger - Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Town of Reading, and Members Robert W. LeLacheur. Jr. - Reading Town Manager Jeff lager - Director of Reading Public Works Department Everett Blodget - Chairman of Reading Historic Committee and Members George Zambouras, PE - Engineering Division for the Town of Reading Frank Massiglia 781- 942 -1336 108 Pine Ridge Road fassiglia@gmail.com Reading, Ma 01.867 4115118 Jeffrey Zager Director of Public Works 16 Lowell St Reading, Ma 01867 Dear Mr. Zager, I would like to take a moment to commend the gentlemen that work in the Water Department. I found a stream of water in nay basement on Saturday 4114118. When I identified the source, .I made a call to the police department who in turn notified the on -call Personnel and dispatched him to my home at 108 Pine Ridge Rd. Jamie (1 did not think to get his last name) showed up promptly and diagnosed the problem as a leak in the main line coming in from the street. He then contacted Arthur (again I failed to get his last name as well) but immediately jumped into action to get the situation under control. On Sunday Morning an entire crew showed up to replace the main water line coming in from the street. The men worked diligently and professionally keeping us informed of the situation as they continued with the repair. Once the repair was made they put everything back together as they found it. After listening to all of the craziness of the override the people that go unnoticed are the workers in the DPW. When you are getting ready to go on vacation with a potential flood invading your foundation and you feel you are going to go through this all alone you have no idea the relief these guys brought to my household on this cold and miserable Sunday Morning. I Hope the Town of Reading finds the time to commend Arthur and his entire crew for th e j they did on Pine Ridge Rd. Respect fu 4 Frank & Diane Massiglia c1c Board Of Selectman www.FreePrintableStationer.y.net Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Wednesday, April 18, 2018 2:42 PM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: [Reading MA] Children's Mental Health Week: Proclamation (Sent by Jamie Hale, jhale @ppal.net) From: Contact form at Reading MA <vtsdmailergvt- s.net> Date: April 18, 2018 at 2:33:42 PM EDT To: <selectmengci.reading ma.us> Subject: [Reading MA] Children's Mental Health Week: Proclamation Hale, _ihalekppal.net) Reply -To: <jhale gppal.net> Hello Board of Selectmen, Jamie Hale (jhaleAppal.net) has sent you a message via your contact form (https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https://www.readingma.gov/user/475/edit. Message: Good Afternoon, (Sent by Jamie My name is Jamie Hale and I live just next door, in Wakefield. I also work as the Office Manager for for PPAL, Parent /Professional Advocacy. League, a statewide family organization dedicated to improving the mental health and well -being of children, youth, and families through education, advocacy, and partnership. Children's Mental Health Week is May 6 -12, 2018 and we would like the town of Reading's support in recognizing the importance of Children's Mental Health Awareness by issuing a proclamation for Reading, MA. 1 in 5 children in the United States has a mental health illness. It is a vital issue that is affecting families and communities across the country, and especially in Massachusetts. PPAL supports children and families with mental health needs and we would love the town of Reading's support as well. Below is language that can be used in the proclamation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. We hope we can count on the town of Reading's support for Children's Mental Health Week this May. Thank you, Jamie Hale Whereas, the citizens of Wakefield value their health and mental health and that of their families; therefore, they are proud to support observances such as Children's Mental Health Week; and Whereas, one in five children has a diagnosable mental health disorder and one -half of all lifetime instances of mental illness begin before age 14; and even some children and youth with the most intense needs and some who are insured may not receive services; and Whereas, children and youth with mental health needs in elementary, middle and high school are more likely to be bullied, absent, suspended, expelled or fail to graduate; and Whereas, learning to recognize the early warning signs of mental health needs and where to obtain the necessary support, assistance and treatment gives children and youth better opportunities to lead full and productive lives; and Whereas, the participation and partnership of family members in the assessment and treatment of children and youth is essential to positive outcomes; and Whereas, our nation's future depends on the health and well -being of its families and their children; and Whereas, Children's Mental Health Week was developed by families of children with emotional, behavioral and mental health needs, to focus on the needs of their children and families; in celebrating this year's theme: "Supporting Families, Changing Futures" it is fitting to increase public awareness among all Wakefield citizens of this important issue; Now, Therefore, we, the Board of Selectmen, do hereby proclaim May 6 -12, 2018 as CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK 1