HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-17 SB HandoutTown of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda f��9 +1NcoRQ04P Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -04 -17 Time: 8:00 PM Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business R El r V E t" T 5.« �� , W ; L A a 4e. MA. 818 APP ! I P.M 1: 09 Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Agenda: Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Vice Chair Barry Berman Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted 1n typed format; handwritten notices will not be accepted. Topics of Discussion: 1) Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment C. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation a. Telecommunicators Week 4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Hearing — 467 Main Street b. Change of D /B /A, Corporate Structure — The Art Lounge 6) Approval of Minutes a//` January 30, 20118___ bruary 1,3,':018 __-- \,Icdci . Feet ar 27, 2018 . March 27, 2018 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Email from Verizon FIGS, re: Programming change b. Opening Meeting Law Regional Training Workshop 8:00 8:15 This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily Include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 1 Board of Selectmen Draft Motions April 17, 2018 3a) Move that the Board of Selectmen proclaim April 8 —14, 2018 as National Public Safety Communicators Week 5a) Move that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing on 467 Main Street Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the entrance /exit location to the Project on Green Street at 46' from the Main Street intersection as required by the Decision, with a 4' deviation from the desired 50' Move that the Board of Selectmen grant permission for the Project to have outdoor seating on the sidewalk at the street level of the commercial space conditioned upon any further tenants or occupants applying for an obtaining and Outdoor Dining License pursuant to the Board of Selectmen Policy Section 3.10 Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Project, at Boghos' expense, to create up to three on- street parking spaces, which will be fully public and regulated as the Town Of Reading sees fit. 5b) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Change of D /B /A and Corporate Structure of the Wine and Malt, General On Premise License for The Art Lounge on Haven located at 78 Haven Street, Reading, MA. Move that The Board of Selectmen adjourn at PM. Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 1:45 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: [Reading MA] Intelligent Lives (Sent by Michele Sanphy, michelesanphy @yahoo.com) Attachments: intelligent _lives_screening_in_boston.pdf Next BOS packet (include attachment) Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaRer @ci.readine.ma.us (P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED - - - -- Original Message---- - From: vtsdmailer @vt -s.net [mailto:vtsdmailer @vt- s.net] Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 1:41 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: [Reading MA] Intelligent Lives (Sent by Michele Sanphy, michelesanphv @vahoo.com) Hello Board of Selectmen, Michele Sanphy (michelesanphy@yahoo.com) has sent you a message via your contact form ( https : / /www.readingma.gov /user/475 /contact) at Reading MA. If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at https: / /www.readingma.gov /user /475 /edit. Message Dear Board of Selectmen, I wanted to make you aware of a documentary and a screening opportunity on Thursday, June 7.1 became aware of the development of Intelligent Lives and have been following it for a couple of years. Hopefully, the application I have submitted will allow Reading to be chosen as a host community when the official Fall of 2018 tour begins. Our schools do their best to prepare students with intellectual disabilities for a future which can include higher education, employment, community involvement and a sense of belonging. At age 22, the schools' role ends. As a community, I believe we have an obligation to be mindful of how we can serve and support this population. In Reading, we have many adults and children who have a range of disabilities. We can strive to improve our knowledge and understanding of their varied needs by being creative and proactive in continued planning of employment, social and educational opportunities beyond the age of 22 for these residents. Attached is the information about the upcoming screening I mentioned above. I invite all of you to attend and respectfully request the information be included in your packet or elsewhere so other members of our community have the same opportunity to reserve tickets. The tickets are free. Thank you for your consideration and service. Michele Sanphy imeIIige nt 1 i INTELLIGENT LIVES is the newest documentary from award - winning filmmaker Dan Habib, director of Including Samuel and Who Cares About Kelsey? This special free screening will include a discussion with Habib and stars from the film. INTELLIGENT LIVES stars three pioneering young American adults with intellectual disabilities - Micah, Naieer, and Naom!e - who challenge perceptions of intelligence as they navigate high school, college, and the workforce. Academy Award - winning actor and narrator Chris Cooper puts the lives of these central characters in context through the emotional personal story of his son Jesse, as the film unpacks the shameful and ongoing track record of intelligence testing in the U.S. INTELLIGENT LIVES explores how narrow views of intelligence have led to the segregation of people with intellectual disabilities. The movie examines how technology, peers, and other supports can enable people with intellectual disabilities to engage in competitive employment, inclusive education, and all aspects of community life. Join us for an evening that will include: 6- 7:00pm: Pre - screening reception with light snacks, conversation, and information on current research and practice from Think College, ThinkWork!, and other projects of the Institute for Community Inclusion at Wass Boston. 7- 9:15pm: Screening of the full film (with open captions), with a post- viewing panel discussion and audience Q &A, featuring the filmmaker and stars. Saunders, Caitlin From: Sent: To: Subject: BOS packet Sent from my Whone Begin forwarded message: LeLacheur, Bob Tuesday, April 17, 2018 11:52 AM Saunders, Caitlin Fwd: MSA to Discuss Marijuana on May 16 From: "Mass. Municipal Assoc." <dwilliams(c�mma.org> Date: April 17, 2018 at 11:37:31 AM EDT To: <selectmenkci.readin .ma.us> Subject: MSA to Discuss Marijuana on May 16 Reply -To: <dwilliams@mma.org> I Jh0k, Programs and Events ister Now Massachusetts (Municipal Association � � � The Voice ofCities and Towns mma.org Dear Member, The Massachusetts Municipal Selectmen's Association will have their May Regional Meeting on Wednesday, May 16 in Boston at the MMA Office (1 Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110) with registration beginning at 11 a.m. The meeting is free of charge but registration is required - you can_register online here. 'Marijuana in Massachusetts: What Now ?' will include a panel discussion and interactive breakout sessions where selectmen will have the opportunity to speak with panelists in small groups and discuss the current challenges their communities face with recreational marijuana moving forward. Featured speakers for this program are: • David Lakeman, Director of Government Affairs, Cannabis Control Commission • Margaret Hurley, Municipal Law Unit Director, Office of the Attorney General 1 1 OLQ The program will begin with registration and networking from 11:0o a.m. -11:3o a.m. and include an MMA legislative update from MMA Executive Director Geoff Beckwith and welcoming remarks from Jim Lovejoy, MSA President and Mount Washington Selectman. The meeting will conclude with a brief presentation from the Massachusetts Municipal Manager's Association and adjourn by 1:15 P.M. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best, Devon Devon Elizabeth Williams Member Services Coordinator Massachusetts Municipal Association One Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110 Phone: 617- 426 -7272 x104 !,. qa 0 Richard Darveau 118 Beaver Road Reading, MA 01867 781 - 942 -5731 March 10, 2018 Mr. Jeffrey Zager Director of Public Works Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. Zager, I live next door to Mark Dockser of the Finance Committee who says you are a reasonable man to approach with this type of complaint. Enclosed are a couple of photos I took this morning of the sidewalk in front of our home, a sidewalk I shoveled completely clean two days ago, just after the recent storm we had. As you can see, the grass along the strip between the sidewalk and our street is totally ripped up for about fifteen feet. The torn up turf is several inches thick and will require a lot of time, work, topsoil, and grass seed to repair. And there is more ripped up turf in other places along the sidewalk in front of our home. After most storms, this destruction does not occur. Some drivers are more careful than others it seems. So despite the fact that this problem can be avoided, it continues to happen about once a year even though I always clean the sidewalk before the sidewalk plow gets here. The fact that the sidewalk was ALREADY CLEAN is what aggravates me the most. The person driving the sidewalk plow didn't have to be scraping the ground with the plow blade. The plow blade could have been raised up an inch or two along this stretch since there was NOTHING TO PLOW. Is there anything your department can do to ensure that this kind of destruction can be avoided when residents take the time to shovel their sidewalks before your plow arrives on scene? And how do I get reimbursed for the damage I now have to fix? I realize that this is not like actually getting hit by the sidewalk plow as has happened in the past. And it's not as if a tree fell through our roof. But this mess is totally unnecessary since, once again, the sidewalk was already clean down to the surface before this plow arrived. This is especially bad timing with the tax override vote coming up. How do you think people feel about giving the town more tax money when some of the services we already receive are so lacking in quality and so apparently devoid of respect for private property? Why would 1 want to pay more taxes for services that destroy our property and cause us to have to make repairs over and over again every year? The answer is I don't. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, Richar Da eau cc Mark Dockser John Arena Barry Berman Daniel Ensminger John Halsey Andrew Friedmann V