HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-17 SB Packetoeq V. Town of Reading Meeting Posting with Agenda Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -04 -17 Time: 8:00 PM Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business 218 APR 11 pH 1 e 09 Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Agenda: Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Vice Chair Barry Berman Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted in Topics of Discussion: format, handwritten notices will not be accepted. 1) Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment C. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation a. Telecommunicators Week 4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Hearing — 467 Main Street b. Change of D /B /A, Corporate Structure — The Art Lounge 6) Approval of Minutes a. January 30, 2018 b. February 13, 2018 C. February 27, 2018 d. March 27, 2018 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Email from Verizon FIOS, re: Programming change b. Opening Meeting Law Regional Training Workshop 8:00 8:15 This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 1 41 R ff .A 218 APR 11 pH 1 e 09 Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Agenda: Meeting Called By: Caitlin Saunders on behalf of Vice Chair Barry Berman Notices and agendas are to be posted 48 hours in advance of the meetings excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Legal Holidays. Please keep in mind the Town Clerk's hours of operation and make necessary arrangements to be sure your posting is made in an adequate amount of time. A listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting must be on the agenda. All Meeting Postings must be submitted in Topics of Discussion: format, handwritten notices will not be accepted. 1) Reports and Comments a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments b. Public Comment C. Town Manager's /Assistant Town Manager's Report 2) Open Session for topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance of the meeting 3) Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation a. Telecommunicators Week 4) Personnel & Appointments 5) Discussion /Action Items a. Hearing — 467 Main Street b. Change of D /B /A, Corporate Structure — The Art Lounge 6) Approval of Minutes a. January 30, 2018 b. February 13, 2018 C. February 27, 2018 d. March 27, 2018 7) Licenses, Permits and Approvals 8) Executive Session 9) Correspondence a. Email from Verizon FIOS, re: Programming change b. Opening Meeting Law Regional Training Workshop 8:00 8:15 This Agenda has been prepared in advance and represents a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. However the agenda does not necessarily include all matters which may be taken up at this meeting. Page 1 1 O ICI 7� , N 4-� bA �1 Cd O 4� U O O 4U, + CZ U O o N U ice's O .2 C -t4 N U ti O + U «i s�- C's CIS 0 Z O Cd UD �' • N U r� U U � bA cd N 4 U 7O cd O O Q + U N V o � c5 U U cd cn N U p O V] N CO .v. cn U CA l� Q vUi P-4 U° O �I ° U p N c H 4. 42 �. N ¢+ �: N V O 0POO m O cC O U U Q to V] •. U o 'O cn H O H O ti a� Cd cl C9 W W W C �Q W H 0 EADING POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF 15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Mark D. Segalla Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781 -944 -1212 Fax: 781 - 944 -2893 Chief ofPolice Email: MSegallaOci.reading.ma.us November 1, 2017 Debi Haynes Reading Police Department Dear Dispatcher Haynes, I would like to take this opportunity to issue you a letter of commendation in accordance with Policy R -17 Commendations, for your exemplary performance of public service to the community. You were recommended for this commendation by Sergeant Justin Martel, OIC of the shift. On Monday October 30, 2017 you were working as the sole dispatcher on the 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. shift. The National Weather Service had issued a strong wind and heavy rain advisory during this time period. Within the first hour of the shift you received six calls for service related to downed trees, alarms, and a blown transformer. The winds outside persisted and actually increased in intensity with gusts in the region recorded at 70 miles per hour. It was clear that the night would continue to generate a large volume of calls. Throughout the remainder of the shift you fielded 45 calls for service related to blown transformers, downed trees and wires causing road closures, power outages and alarms. These incidents caused road closures on parts of Mill Street, Highland Street, South Street, Dunbar Road, and Applegate Lane. You effectively coordinated a response from officers, the Town Forestry Department, the Fire Department, and the Reading Municipal Light Department to setup these road closures and divert the public from live wires and traffic hazards. Your efforts, in conjunction with those of the aforementioned agencies, made it possible to restore power quickly and re -open three of the five closed roads for the morning commute and school traffic. You also coordinated a fire and electrical inspector response to a home with a fire hazard in the electrical panel as well as a separate response to a home with a tree through the roof. During the heavy call volume noted above you took an additional call for service for a possible overdose for a 22 year old female and gave all the required electronic medical dispatch advisements and coordinated the proper medical response. You demonstrated remarkable poise, multitasking ability, and professionalism in this truly chaotic situation. You were able to handle radio traffic for the police units, fire apparatus, and forestry crew simultaneously to go along with answering emergency and non - emergency calls. mor This was able to be accomplished with limited resources, as the shift was at minimum and police and fire units as well as forestry and light department crews were constantly tied up prioritizing hazards. You proved through your actions and exemplary service to be an asset to the Reading Police Department, the Town of Reading, and its residents. It is with great pride and honor that I issue this letter of commendation. Sincerely, Mark D. Scg Li Chief of Police �,��75tiI3?n i �w GREGORY J. BURNS, Chief 757 MAIN STREET BUS. PHONE: 781.942.9181 STA. PHONE: 781.944.3132 FAX: 781.942,9114 March 23, 2018 HEADQUARTERS READING FIRE DEPARTMENT READING, MASSACHUSETTS 1 Dispatcher Nicole Janey: On behalf of the Reading Fire Department we would like to take this opportunity to recognize and commend you for your exemplary performance on your shift of March 8, 2018. At 5 :31 am, towards the end of a busy shift you received a call from a residence on Libby Avenue who stated that a tree had taken down the electric service at his neighbor's house on Salem Street. While continuing to dispatch apparatus and answering radio calls you then answered a 911 caller who stated that a tree had fallen in her yard and now she had smoke coming from her water pipes. During this call you made the connection that the properties on Libby Avenue and Salem Street were, adjoining properties and advised the caller to tell the firefighters that were outside her house. You did an outstanding job managing that call and dispatching apparatus to the scene that became a second alarm fire. You kept track of this fire while continuing to answer and properly manage calls for trees and wires down, calling departments for coverage and response to the fire and even answered politely when a caller asked if there was school in Reading. You were persistent in attempting to contact Melrose to respood to the fire, reaching out to Metro Fire by phone to assist in that contact even as phones could be heard in the background on our recordings. You re- broadcasted an "Urgent Message" given by Lieutenant Myette of live wires down around the house knowing the importance of that message to the firefighters on scene. While continuing to answer calls, dispatch both fire & police, you called Command when there was no response to the Medic 101 radio transmission, ensuring command knew that Medic101 had called. We're Your Fr/ends for L fe 9 Between the hours of 1:30 ain and 6:30 am you were the sole Dispatcher and managed over 450 phone calls and radio transmissions with over 180 phone calls and radio transmissions from the beginning of the fire until 6:30am, when Dispatcher Haynes arrived to assist. Additionally without being asked, knowing the importance of the documentation required and its immediacy, you also stayed after the end of your shift to ensure related details. were in order and your log entries were complete. You demonstrated remarkable poise, problem solving and multitasking abilities, and professionalism through this chaotic shift and event. Your actions prove you are a valuable asset to the Reading Fire and Police Departments, and the residents of Reading. It is with great pride that this letter of commendation is issued. 'Assistant C of aril D. Jackson Reading ire apartment 757 Main's4ect Reading, MA. 01867 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:23 PM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: National Telecom municator's Week Thank You! Attachments: 20180411162553.pdf BOS packet next week (attachment). Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. "C'FA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaer(a)ci. readina. ma. us (P) 781 -942- 9043, (P) 781 -942 -9037 www.readingma. qov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Burns, Greg Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:20 PM To: Reading - Police Dispatchers; Avery, Victoria; Segalla, Mark; Jackson, Paul; LeLacheur, Bob Subject: National Telecom m un icator's Week Thank You! April 11, 2018 Central Dispatch 15 Union Street Reading MA 01867 To all Public Safety Telecommunicators, The residents and visitors of the Town of Reading depend on your expertise, professionalism and commitment each and every day. Your participation in every emergency is critical to the successful outcome of every incident we respond to. All telecommunications professionals are the unsung heroes of public safety. You do not get to see the face of a loved one when CPR was a success and the patient starts breathing. You don't get closure on a stressful call you just handled. You are a critical component of the emergency response team. You are always ready to receive a call for assistance and you are the first voice the citizens of Reading hear when they call for help. You offer a voice of reason and comfort to the caller while you determine what type of assistance they need. You provide assistance and direction to the caller and you ensure the correct equipment is sent to the call. You are depended upon to monitor the �a progress of the call to see if additional equipment is needed and you are depended upon when Firefighters or Police Officers need assistance. While talking to a caller who is frantic, you must type the information into a computer, dispatch the response, take additional information and many times give lifesaving instructions. You are expected to be extremely patient and polite, although the person on the other end of the phone or radio is not. Not everyone has the special mix of skills to be a professional Telecom municator. You must possess a great amount of self - control under pressure, and be able to make critical decisions within seconds. You must be able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and do them well. The range of duties you perform is wide and the hours are long and difficult. Too often you go without the recognition you deserve. Once again on behalf of the Reading Fire Department, thank you all for your hard work. Sincerely, Gregory J. Burns Chief of Department Chief Gregory J. Burns Reading Fire Department 757 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 (P) 789.944.3932 (F) 789.942.9994 www.readingmagov 3�� tl� OF �ry ti� f6�9 %l.4CORPO�P . GREGORY J. BURNS, Chief 757 MAIN STREET BUS. PHONE: 781.942.9151 STA PHONE 781.944 3132 FAX' 781.942.9114 April 11, 2018 Central Dispatch 15 Union Street Reading MA 01867 I;rlys1RIO )1:4 ki READING FIRE DEPARTMENT READING, MASSACHUSETTS 01867 To all Public Safety Telecommunicators, The residents and visitors of the Town of Reading depend on your expertise, professionalism and commitment each and every day. Your participation in every emergency is critical to the successful outcome of every incident we respond to. All telecommunications professionals are the unsung heroes of public safety. You do not get to see the face of a loved one when CPR was a success and the patient starts breathing. You don't get closure on a stressful call you just handled. You are a critical component of the emergency response team. You are always ready to receive a call for assistance and you are the first voice the citizens of Reading hear when they call for help. You offer a voice of reason and comfort to the caller while you determine what type of assistance they need. You provide assistance and direction to the caller and you ensure the correct equipment is sent to the call. You are depended upon to monitor the progress of the call to see if additional equipment is needed and you are depended upon when Firefighters or Police Officers need assistance. While talking to a caller who is frantic, you must type the information into a computer, dispatch the response, take additional information and many times give lifesaving instructions. You are expected to be extremely patient and polite, although the person on the other end of the phone or radio is not. Not everyone has the special mix of skills to be a professional Telecommunicator. You must possess a great amount of self-control under pressure, and be able to make critical decisions within seconds. You must be able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and do them well. The range of duties you perform is wide and the hours are long and difficult. Too often you go without the recognition you deserve. Once again on behalf of the Reading Fire Department, thank you all for your hard work. We're Your Friends for Life �G%- LEGAL NOTICE:"',, TOWN OF READING!,:- ty To the Inhabitants f h Town, of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading. will ;Bold a public hearing on April 2018 at 8:00 p.m in the Sle,,­, lectmen's Meeting Ropm-'�.161"' d � Lowell -Street, Rea,. mg, Massachusetts to approve the request from 467 �Yaio,` Street regarding an end trance/exit waiver,. outdoor dining license and thp, qodj-­. tion of three parking spots op. Main Street. A copy a of the proposed document regarding this, topic will be available in the.' Board of Selectmen -packet,, made public 'on Thurs ' day April 12, 2018 on the website at www.readingma.go . All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing, or may submit their "com- ments in writing or by email prior to 6:00 p.m. on April 17, 2018 to townmanag-er-@,, ci.reading.ma.us. By order-of Robert W. LeLagh, puf Town Manager 180450 4/3,10/1$ 5D_ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02114 www.mass.gov/abcc AMENDMENT APPLICATION FOR: Change of Corporate Name, Change of DBA, Change of Legal Structure, Change of Class, Change of Category Please complete this entire application. if field does not apply to your situation, please write N /A. 1. NAME OF LICENSEE (Business Contact) Judy Barolak ABCC License Number 00039 -GP -1016 City�own of Licensee � Reading 2. APPLICATION CONTACT The application contact is required and is the person who will be contacted with any questions regarding this application. First Name: Judy Middle: _I Last Name: Barolak Title: Owner Primary Phone: 781 - 315 -9154 Email: judybarolak @gmail.com BUSINESS CONTACT Please complete this section ONLY if there are changes to the Licensee phone number, business address (corporate headquarters), or mailing address. Entity Name: Primary Phone: r�� �1 Fax Number: Alternative Phone: L Email: (Corporate Headquarters) Street Number: Street Name: Citylrown: State: Zip Code: L 7 Country: 1 Check here if your Mailing Address is the same as your Business Address Street Number. Street Name: City/Town: State. Zip Code: L �� Country: AMENDMENT APPLICATION FOR: Change of Corporate Name, Change of DBA, Change of Legal Structure, Change of Class, Change of Category Please check the amendment that you are applying for and complete the corresponding section. Please refer to the requirements page for required documents. ❑ Change of Corporate Name This is the License Entity Name or the Business Contact OX Change of DBA Q X Change of Corporate Structure LLC, Corporation, Sole Proprietor, etc Change of License Category All Alcohol, Wine and Malt, Wine Malt and Cordials Change of License Class Seasonal or Annual ® Change of License Type* Last - Approved Corporate Name: The Art Lounge LLC Requested New Corporate Name: Art Lounge on Haven Last - Approved DBA: The Art Lounge on Haven Requested New DBA: Art Lounge on Haven Last - Approved Corporate Structure Requested New Corporate Structure Last - Approved License Category Requested New License Category Last - Approved License Class Requested New License Class Last - Approved License Type i.e. Restaurant to Club Package Store to Supermarket Requested New License Type *CAN NOT change from an on- premise to an off- premises license type.* LLC Sole Proprietor S2 a ADDITIONAL SPACE The following space is for any additional information you wish to supply or to clarify an answer you supplied in the application. If referrencing the application, please be sure to include the number of the question to which you are referring. Since my business will no longer be a LLC, a name change is also requested. The Art Lounge LLC to: Art Lounge on Haven For consistency, the corporate and DBA name will be the same. �jb3 APPLICANT'S STATEMENT 1, Judy Barolak �� the: Osole proprietor; ❑ partner; ❑ corporate principal; n LLCALP member Authorized Signatory of Art Lounge on Haven , hereby submit this application for Change of Corp. Structure and name Name of the Entity /Corporation Transaction(s) you are applying for (hereinafter the "Application "), to the local licensing authority (the "LLA ") and the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (the "ABCC" and together with the LLA collectively the "Licensing Authorities ") for approval. I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statement and representations therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: (1) 1 understand that each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authorities' decision on the Application and that the Licensing, Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying documents in reaching its decision; (2) 1 state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises does not violate any requirement of the ABCC or other state law or local ordinances; (3) 1 understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in disapproval of the Application; (4) 1 understand that upon approval of the Application, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the Application information as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted;. (5) 1 understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in the Application, including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license; (6) 1 understand that all statements and representations made become conditions of the license; (7) 1 understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of, the area used for the sale, delivery, storage, or consumption of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licensing Authorities; (8) 1 understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and representations made in the Application may result in sanctions, including the revocation of any license for which the Application was submitted; and (9) 1 understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted. Signature: Date: 410 -18��� Title: Owner e 0 Town of Reading BUSINESS CERTIFICATE Certificate #:16 -075 Original Issue: August 22, 2016 Type: New Renew: Expiration: August 22, 2020 In conformity with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Ch 110 Sec 5, as amended, the undersigned hereby declares that a business is conducted under the title of: Art Lounge on Haven 78 Raven Street Reading, MA 01867 Phone: 781 -439 -9882 Said business is conducted by the following named person(s). If a corporation, include the title of each corporate officer signing the certificate. Name Address Judy Ann Barolak Judy Ann Barolak 2 Center Avenue Reading, MA 01867 Type of Business: Art Studio - Appeared before me the above named person(s) and acknowledged the foregoing to be a true and accurate account, given under the pains and penalties of perjury this °Otlx 4y of February 2018. Laura A. Gemme, Town Clerk In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts laws the business certificate shall be in effect for a period of 4 years from the date of issue and shall be renewable by the applicant every four years thereafter. In the event of discontinuance, withdrawal of partner, retirement, or amendment of the certificate in any manner it shall be necessary to file with the Town Clerk such change, under oath. Such change shall be recorded with and become part of the original filing. Copies of the Business Certificate shall be available at the address of the business and shall be furnished to any person(s), making purchases of goods or services upon request. This is not a license to do business. Necessary licenses and permits must be obtained at the Town Manager's Office or Board of Health. Member's Resolution The Art Lounge LLC At an April 10, 2018 meeting of the Members and Manager of The Art Lounge LLC, held at 2 Center Avenue, Reading, Massachusetts, at which all Members and Manager were present and voting, it was unanimously resolved as follows: Resolved: The Art Lounge LLC will change it's business structure from a Limited Liability Company (LLC) to a Sole Proprietorship. Resolved: Judy Barolak will be the sole executor, administer and manager. Resolved: The Art Lounge LLC name will change from: The Art Lounge LLC to: Art Lounge on Haven Undersigned, being the sole Manager and Members of the LLC do hereby confirm the above resolutions to take effect immediately. Date: April 10, 2018 Judy Barolak, Manager and Member Robert Scott Kajander, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street f Boston, MA 02114 www.mass.gov/abcc RETAIL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE APPLICATION MONETARY TRANSMITTAL FORM APPLICATION SHOULD BE COMPLETED ON -LINE, PRINTED, SIGNED, AND SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY. ECRT CODE: RETA CHECK PAYABLE TO ABCC OR COMMONWEALTH OF MA: $200.00 (CHECK MUST DENOTE THE NAME OF THE LICENSEE CORPORATION, LLC, PARTNERSHIP, OR INDIVIDUAL) CHECK NUMBER I IF USED EPAY, CONFIRMATION NUMBER 1043005 1 A.B.C.C. LICENSE NUMBER (IF AN EXISTING LICENSEE, CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY) 00039 -GP -1016 LICENSEE NAME Judy Barolak ADDRESS 2 Center Ave CITY /TOWN Reading TRANSACTION TYPE (Please check all relevant transactions): Alteration of Licensed Premises ❑ Cordials /Liqueurs Permit ❑ Change Corporate Name ® Change of License Type Change of Location ® Change of Manager Issuance of Stock STATE MA ZIP CODE 01867 New Officer /Director ® Transfer of License New Stockholder ❑ Transfer of Stock ® Management/Operating Agreement Pledge of Stock Q Wine & Malt to All Alcohol More than (3) §15 ❑ Pledge of License ❑ 6 -Day to 7 -Day License New License Seasonal to Annual MX Other l Vl Gc h Gj �. 6 � Corp. <�(,Le7ht(rpz- Y THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY MUST MAIL THIS TRANSMITTAL FORM ALONG WITH THE CHECK, COMPLETED APPLICATION, AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CONTROL COMMISSION 239 CAUSEWAY STREET BOSTON, MA 02241 -3396 5b� Your Payment Has Been Approved License Number O0039 -ap -101 License Type Retail License Filing Fee Method Of Payment Checking Bank Account Number ***'3105 Exit Make Another Payment Print 5�� o�N of Rai Town of Reading A Meeting Minutes 16,9jtNCOR4oFP Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -01 -30 Building: School - Memorial High Address: 62 Oakland Road Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: RMHS Schettini Library Session: Version: Chair John Arena, Barry Berman, Dan Ensminger, John Halsey, Andrew Friedmann Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Executive Assistant Caitlin Saunders, Facilities Director Joe Huggins, Assistant Facilities Director Kevin Cabuzzi, School Committee, Finance Committee, Adam Clark, Christopher Rogers, Jared Casalinuovo, Geoffrey Coram, Autumn Hendrickson, Bob Hayes, Karl Weld, Kaitlyn Mercurio, Diedre Riley, Steve Dion, Mark Beckley, Eileen Litterio, Michelle Sanphy, Erin Gaffen, Gary Phillips, Mary Grimm, Michael DiGiorgio, Daniel Ross, Mark Dockser, Bryn Burkhart, Linda Phillips, Amy Cole, Matthew McClod, John Sullivan, Bill Brown, Rebecca Liberman, Josh Goldlust, Phil Logsdon, Kevin Cignitti, Steve Austin, Jennifer Hillery Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Topics of Discussion: Chair John Arena called the meeting to order. The School Committee called to order. Before the discussion of an override, the board had 3 new Eagle Scouts here to receive their proclamations. The 3 gentlemen Adam Clark, Christopher Rogers and Jared Casalinuovo put in a lot of work for their service projects to receive their Eagle Award. The Finance Committee called to order. The first speaker of the night, Vanessa Alvarado stood up to say we need an override that will be adequate and sustainable. She noted she will be looking forward to learning what each member of the Selectmen will be doing in the next couple weeks. Geoffrey Coram expressed that the override needs to restore all teaching positions and he would support a higher override number if justified. Autumn Hendrickson, a high school student at Reading Memorial, stood up to say she doesn't know a lot about numbers but she cares a lot about this town and these teachers. These teachers deserve this; they are a huge impact-in a lot of students' lives. Bob Hayes hopes this number is enough and he hopes it passes for the town. Page 1 1 (pad Karl Weld expressed his worries that some sort of number needs to pass; however, the growing population in town is the 50+ age bracket and most are on fixed incomes. He urged the Selectmen to keep them in mind. Kaitlyn Mercurio wanted to express her concern of putting too low of a number on the ballot just so it will pass. She feels we need a number that will give us measurable improvements. John Russo noted the State Aid shortfall is a big problem and a part of the reason why we are here today. He noted his tax bill has already gone up significantly in the past three months. Diedre Riley noted we lose a lot of mid - lifers and seniors because they cannot see a future here. We need to value our seniors as well and consider them when putting forth this number. Steve Dion moved here specifically for the school system. If we don't get an override he has concerns his children will not be able to excel here. Mark Beckley felt the gap in transparency is on the school's side. The town has a ton of information out for everyone to view but the schools are lacking with sharing information. Eileen Litterio feels the pyramid approach' where voters can better allocate where the money gets spent will give voters a sense of transparency. Erin Gaffen and Michelle Sanphy are the Chairs for the Yes for Reading group. Over the past months and numerous meetings they have heard over and over that we financially cannot continue like this. Public safety is not adequate, the school budget is not recommended and town staff are stretched thin. We urge you to please put the full asking number for the override on the ballot. It is the number we need. , Gary Phillips feels an override that is moderate, perhaps 2 -3 million, would be best to put forward. He feels the greater the number the more risk it has to fail. Mary Grimm noted this override is long overdue and completely necessary. Mike Digiorgio urged the Selectmen to please vote for the full override number. We need to take care of our residents. Daniel Ross is asking the Selectmen to give the voters some options. He is concerned with asking for 5 million. Mark Dockser explained the need for this override has been for the past 5 years. We need the full 4.75 million. Bryn Burkhart expressed the toxic environment we are in. The contentiousness on the Reading Parents Facebook page is out of hand; all the parents are arguing like children. We deserve this whole override and it is necessary. Linda Phillips thanked the Selectmen for all their hard work over the past couple months. What has to pass has to be affordable to the majority of our population. She urged the Selectmen to please remember the information the survey revealed about the last failed override. Amy Cole urged the Selectmen to please put forth the full 4.7 number. Now is the time. Matthew McCloud feels we need to advocate for what we know we need; and we need this. Page 1 2 �0 1 John Sullivan noted he moved back here for the school system, please put forth the entire amount. Bill Brown noted every year we say we need money but the sky has not fallen yet. He put three kids thru the school and now three grandkids. People on social security don't get a raise. Rebecca Liberman implored the Selectmen to preserve all the teachers at any expense. She suggested cutting athletics until we can save all of the teachers. The teachers are the most important thing and she knows there is a way to save them all. Josh Goldlust chose to move here and he is concerned with funding changes that he stay here may be short lived. Please put the full asking number on the ballot. Phil Logsdon, a teacher, is worried about the schools we are falling below. Do the right thing and put the full amount on the ballot. Kevin Cignetti wants to know where the money is going. Steve Austin asked the Selectmen to please consider putting the full amount on the ballot. Jennifer Hillery noted the evidence in front of you is clear; the 4.7 million is what we need. Belmont and Shrewsbury recently passed similarly priced overrides. She is concerned about the long term impact if a lower number is picked. George Kachen expressed his love for this town and he is glad the Selectmen want what is best for the town. We need to vote for the full amount on the ballot. Katie Pulson noted the teachers in town are amazing but they need appropriate resources to do their jobs. Please put forth the full number: Carl McFadden urged the Selectmen to consider our biggest asset, RMLD. They are worth 100 Million to the town; they have more free cash than the whole town does. We don't need to own them. Selling the light department needs to be seriously considered. It would be a huge help to our financial burden right now. Alisha Williams noted she is in favor of an override of any amount because it is clear we need something. Getting people to the polls is extremely important; we need to urge people to come and support the town and vote. Michelle Greenwalt noted her daughter is in 7th grade and will be directly affected and devastated by the loss of the foreign language program. Logan Greenwalt, son of Michelle, feels the schools need our support to continue. Town Manager Bob LeLacheur explained how the Selectmen ranked the '30 prioritized items' list. He noted they generally agreed on the top priorities. Mr. Arena noted he struggled with this list because some things are more expensive than others. Mr. Berman agreed with Mr. Arena also noting they all agree the 30 things are.a priority so just because we ranked one thing last, doesn't mean it isn't a priority at all. They still think it is an important and necessary item. Mr. Friedmann agreed with Mr. Berman stating this list wasn't pulled out of thin air, it is a list of all important things that we need to work towards. Page 1 3 �&3 Mr. Halsey noted this town needs an override and we needed it last time. We have heard a lot from our town officials and the voters. Their job is to try and satisfy the most people they can. He feels the voters need to have options. Public safety and education are clearly on everyone's mind. He intends to put forth a motion for a 'menu' override question. This will give the voters the option to pick and choose what they want to vote for and where they want their money going. It will have six questions totaling the 4.14 million. Mr. Ensminger explained his approach is similar. He would put forth a 'tiered' question. It would be two questions. One question will ask for the full amount and one asking for a smaller amount to fall back on. Mr. Arena noted we cannot risk another failed override; it will cripple this town. We need something over nothing. Mr. Berman felt these two approaches put forth so far will tear this town apart. It will divide us so much further. The voters need to trust us and we need to put forth one number for one Reading. Mr. Halsey felt that is wrong. People want to have choices and know exactly what they are voting for and what they will get with their money. Mr. Friedmann felt the residents were very well spoken tonight. The transparency for this budget is there. We have gotten probably 75 emails that have all advocated for the full 4.7 million number. He noted he thinks Mr. Halsey and Mr. Ensminger's approaches are divisive and we need one number to put.forth. Mr. Arena noted he too was thinking of a two - tiered approach. He thinks a single request is very risky and he would be nervous to just flat out ask for 4.7 million dollars. He explained he would rather have something smaller over nothing and perhaps breaking it down into choices for the voters would give them great clarity to what they are voting for. Mr. Berman felt last time we learned the asking number was just too big and it wasn't clear where the money was going. The voters felt they weren't convinced it was necessary. Mr. Berman feels we have clearly cleared up all those issues this time. He trusts the Town Manager and Superintendent that what they say they need, is a true need. Mr. Ensminger noted that the voters want the Selectmen to be clear so giving them more options on the ballot would do that. Mr. Friedmann felt if they all come out strong with one number together, it will pass. Mr. Arena felt Mr. Halsey's approach is as clear and precise as you can give the voters. Mr. Berman feels we have been nothing but clear through this whole process. Mr. Halsey noted trusting the voters is giving them a choice to pick what they want. He also noted he is happy to join hands with the YES for Reading group and advocate for all 6 of the questions to pass. Mr. Ensminger doesn't feel giving the voter options is divisive. Mr. Arena gathered the boards preference on putting forth a single number or doing a menu approach. Mr. Friedmann and Mr. Berman were for a single number while the rest, Mr. Arena, Mr. Halsey and Mr. Ensminger; would prefer the menu approach. The board then started discussing what number they would put forth if they choose to do a single ballot question. Page 14 Chuck Robinson from the School Committee noted we are advocating for one Reading so we need one number. He truly feels the October vote last year was just bad timing. Jeanne Borawski also from the School Committee agreed, firmly, advocating for one number to be put on the ballot. Mr. Berman felt it was time to make a motion on one number and vote. Mr. Ensminger asked if he had the details prepared for the exact question he would make a motion to put on the ballot. Mr. Arena reminded the board this is what they tried to do last time and it failed. Mr. Berman's suggested one number question at 4.1 million would not actually give the schools everything they need. Mr. Halsey explained his approach would give the schools their whole asking number. Elaine Webb from the School Committee noted they want the whole number they asked for but does not want the menu approach. We need to be one Reading with one question. Mr. Berman made a motion to put an override request of 4.15 million dollars on the Annual Town Meeting ballot in April 2018. Mr. Friedmann seconded the motion. Michelle Sanphy asked if the board is prepared for what would happen if the school question did not pass on the menu approach. Mr. Berman noted we don't want to send a message to people that they can support one thing over another. You either support the whole town or not. Mr. Arena explained the risk in just putting a number without telling them what they are getting. Mr. Ensminger's 2 tier approach is a safe net. Something over nothing. Erin Gaffen noted she and the YES for Reading group will only advocate for one number and that number is the full asking amount of the schools. Todd Merkle agreed with Ms. Gaffen noted if people see a smaller option they will automatically vote for the smaller amount and we need more. Town Manager Bob LeLacheur explained he supports the schools but if the Selectmen choose to put one number on the ballot, he would like to keep the split how we have always done it Mr. Halsey explained his approach is a try to mitigate the risk by giving people options. One number is much more risky. In the late hours of the evening the board felt the need to come to a decision and vote on what everyone is waiting for. . Mr. Berman made a motion to put a $4.15 M override question on the Annual Town Meeting ballot in April 2018, to be split 1.5M to the Town and 2.6M to the Schools. Mr. Halsey seconded the motion and the board voted 5 -0 -0. Mr. Ensminger made a motion to adjourn at 11:33 PM, second by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Page 1 5 0-6 Page 1 6 m 0� OFR' Town of Reading t b Meeting Minutes � n '639 +1NC0'P4�� Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -02 -13 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Session: Version: Chair John Arena, Barry Berman, Dan Ensminger, John Halsey Members - Not Present: Andrew Friedmann Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Executive Assistant Caitlin Saunders, Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios, Facilities Director Joe Huggins, Superintendent John Doherty, Director of Finance Gail Dowd, Michael Flynn, Nancy Docktor, Bill Brown, George Kachen, Todd Merkle, Tony D'Arezzo Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Topics of Discussion: Chair John Arena called the meeting to order. Liaison Reports Mr. Berman noted he attended the YES for Reading rally last night along with other members of the board. Mr. Ensminger attended the Board of Health meeting in which they discussed the upcoming demo of the old Doucette building which will be happening next week. He also attended the RMLD Payment to the Town Subcommittee earlier this evening in which was good conversation with many sets of views. Mr. Halsey noted there is a recreation meeting happening right now so he is unable to be there however he will update the group at their next meeting. Mr. Arena noted him and the board all attended the YES for Reading rally last night. Public Comment Oriana, a Green Street resident, stood up asking about the Lakeview project. Mr. Arena noted we got a letter from the State saying the Safe Harbor would be invoked but parties would be able to continue. The Town Manager noted the developer agrees to sign a document to continue negotiations and acknowledging the safe harbor will continue. Our Town Counsel is fully engaged on this project and he has someone that specializes in 40B projects working with us. Mr. Arena noted going thru a 40B project while having a safe harbor is new to us and we are all learning. Page 1 1 Oriana noted she wants to be a part of the staff DRT meetings when this project is in front of them. It was noted that those meetings are meant specifically for staff and your comments would be best suited at the ZBA Public Hearing. Ms. Delios noted our town website has a whole page dedicated to this project in which it is updated regularly with notes from the DRT meetings as well as all documents the developer and State submit to us. Kevin Cignetti of Smith Ave asked what a safe harbor is. Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios explained. Mr. Cignetti asked how we can stop this project from going through and it was noted we cannot stop it completely we can only delay it if we want. Bill Brown asked who removed the Cemetery Building from the capital plan. Town Manager's Report Mr. LeLacheur noted on Thursday, the Finance Committee will vote a budget. Next meeting the Selectmen will close the warrant and Town Counsel will be present to help with the dos and don'ts of ballot questions. Approve MSBA Statement of Interest Director of Finance Gail Dowd, Facilities Director Joe Huggins and Superintendent John Doherty were present. This request is for a new boiler at the High School. The Superintendent needs to file a Statement of Interest form to the Massachusetts School Building Authority. This statement will put our hat in the Accelerated Repair Program for the replacement of Boiler #2 at the High School which is approaching the end of its life. This statement could, but does not guarantee, an award of a grant to help with the cost. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest Form dated February 2, 2018 for the Reading Memorial High School located at 62 Oakland Road, Reading, MA which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future Priority 5, Accelerated Repair Program for the replacement of Boiler #2 at the Reading Memorial High School which is approaching the end of its useful life and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the City /Town /Regional School District to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The motion was seconded by Mr.'Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Adopt Housing Production Plan Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios was present to answer any questions from the board. The board had previously viewed the Housing Production Plan at the prior meeting. Mr. Arena had a slight wording change in the table but the board overall thought it was very well done. Mr. Berman thanked Ms. Delios and Community Development Director Julie Mercier for working hard to complete this. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the Housing Production Plan as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Page 1 2 New 40R Projects - Permits Revolving Fund Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios was also present to answer any questions on this. Based on past history and research, Town Meeting can add projects to the inspections revolving fund. Mr. LeLacheur noted this was just a quick background for when they close the warrant at their next meeting. Change of Beneficial Interest Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the change of beneficial interest for an Annual All Alcoholic Retail Beverage License for Kajal and Kevin LLC d /b /b Liquor .junction, 1 General Way, Reading, MA. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Change of Manager Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the change of manager for an Annual All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License for Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC, 48 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, MA. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Safety Issues Police Lt. Christina Amendola was present to explain some traffic changes they would like to pass. The first one is a right turn only sign at Green Street and Main Street. The crash data for the past 5 years shows a significant amount of accidents of people trying to get onto Main coming off of Green. They believe this is due to poor sight lines at that specific spot. Proposing a right turn only will eliminate people trying to cross four lanes of traffic to completely cross Main Street. The second request is at the Killam School. They are also proposing aright turn only at the exit during morning drop off (7:30 - 8:30 am). This is just due to high volume of traffic at that specific time. Tony D'Arezzo noted they should consider the unintended consequences of the right turn only at Main and Green Streets. People will just cut thru the next side street and do the same thing. Preview Warrant for Town Meeting Mr. LeLacheur explained the first three articles are by the charter. The next are the traditional articles. There is an instructional motion to change the name of the Board of Selectmen to be gender neutral. In regards to the override question, the board needs to create the exact wording they want on the ballot. Mr. LeLacheur did create a draft question for the board to review and edit if they wish. Town Counsel has seen the draft question and noted it is okay to use if the board likes the wording. The board liked the way Mr. LeLacheur constructed the question and went on to vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the language for Question 1 as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Discuss Board of Selectmen Policies Mr. Arena thought it would be appropriate to defer this agenda item until the whole board was present to contribute. Selectmen Goals Update Mr. LeLacheur quickly updated the board on what goals have been accomplished to date for this Fiscal Year. Most have been accomplished while ongoing ones have seen progress but are still being worked on. Page 1 3 RMLD Payments Update Selectmen Dan Ensminger explained that in 2017 there was an instructional motion from Town Meeting to study the payments to the Town from RMLD and come to an agreement moving forward for future payments. He noted the first meeting wasn't until September of 2017 and the second meeting was today, right before this meeting. Trying to get meetings set up has been difficult and uncooperative. A proposal was made today, Mr. Ensminger gave a counter - proposal. They will bring that offer back to their full board and then back to the subcommittee. Mr. Ensminger noted he did mention the fact that the town could look into selling them. Mr. Arena noted he is extremely unsatisfied with how this process has been going. Vanessa Alvarado asked why the Selectmen haven't just shown up at the RMLD's regularly scheduled meetings. Mr. Halsey responded that they had an agreement to discuss this specific topic in a subcommittee form. Minutes Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the meeting minutes of November 7, 2017. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the meeting minutes of November 28, 2017. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the meeting minutes of December 20, 2017 as amended. The motion as seconded by Mr. Berman approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger made a motion to adjourn at 9:30 PM, second by Mr. Berman and approved with a 4 -0 -0 vote. Page 1 4 �/ O� OFRFq�' Town of Reading Meeting Minutes 6f9. IN�ORQ�� Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2018 -02 -27 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Session: Version: Chair John Arena, Barry Berman, Dan Ensminger, John Halsey, Andrew Friedmann Members.- Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Town Counsel Ray Miyares, Executive Assistant Caitlin Saunders, Mary Ellen O'Neill, David Cannon, Boriana Milenova, Paula Pelusi, Penny Lashua, Nancy Docktor, Barbara Melanson, Todd Merkle, Amy Cole, Erin Gaffen, Todd Ellis, Michael Flynn, Gina Dulong, Josh Dulong, Jeff Palmer, Tony D'Arezzo, Stephen Crook, Mark Dockser, AJ Jerrett, Gina Snyder Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Topics of Discussion: Chair John Arena called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Liaison Reports Mr. Halsey noted himself and Mr. Berman had a visit with the Chamber of Commerce about the override that went very well. He explained that the Little League baseball /softball want to bring back their opening day parade. At the end of the parade they will dedicate the new batting cages. He also noted that Little League softball will be going before the Recreation Committee asking for Sunday hours to accommodate their schedule. RCASA.is working on their sustainability plan which could result in a mini grant. Mr. Ensminger explained that the Board of Health was fielding rodent complaints at a demo site. They went out and did a study and thankfully, they found no evidence to support that. They are also working on a new policy for bake sales. He noted the RMLD meeting was very productive last week and they have set up two more meetings for March. Mr. Ensminger suggested bringing in John Arena as a second representative for the town on the Subcommittee. Mr. Friedmann suggested having Barry Berman as the second rep to free up some time for Mr. Arena as he is running for reelection right now. Mr. Ensminger noted Mr. Arena has a great history of problem solving with the RMLD and that is why he suggested him. Mr. Halsey noted he thinks the election is irrelevant; Mr. Arena knows the commitment and wouldn't agree to something he couldn't do. Mr. Berman suggested posting the Selectmen for all of the meetings for RMLD from now on because he would like to go anyway. Page 1 1 �L� Mr. Ensminger made a motion to appoint John Arena as the second Town representative to the RMLD Payments to the Town Subcommittee. Mr. Halsey seconded the motion and the motion passed with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Friedmann noted the Climate Advisory Committee has its Earth Day Fair coming up on April 21St. The plastic bag bylaws were approved by the Attorney General. The Forest Committee is working on 'dog etiquette' rules for the town forest. The YES for Reading group is in full swing going around town and putting up signs. Mr. Friedmann then asked about this Open Meeting Law Complaint letter that was sent by the Board and referenced in another memo. He noted he has never seen a letter that was sent by them and asked how that came to be if he didn't know about. Town Manager Bob LeLacheur noted, Town Counsel is hired by you and often responds on your behalf in such matters. He noted this letter has been seen by the board and was in a prior packet. Mr. Friedmann feels everything that has their name on it should be discussed before it is sent out. Mr. Halsey noted it is common practice for your lawyers to act on your behalf. Reading Girl Scouts loot" Anniversary Mr. Ensminger read a proclamation proclaiming March 10th, 2018 as Girl Scouts Day to recognize the organization. The proclamation was passed with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Public Comment Nancy Docktor asked if there was an update on Camp Rice Moody after their visit to the board a couple months ago. The board noted they were open to discussion, however they have not heard from them since that original mention of it so there is no update at this time. Dave Talbot from the RMLD Commissioners noted he originally came to speak on the Town Meeting warrant article regarding RMLD but is under the impression that article is going to be withdrawn. Mr. Ensminger noted that is correct. Mr. Talbot then proceeded to ask why the board is adding more members to the subcommittee now and why didn't they do this months ago. Mr. Ensminger noted this is all in reaction to the open meeting that was held last week in which the BOS attended. Gina Snyder wanted to inform the board that our sewer rates are the highest rates in the area and to please keep that in mind when voting on the new rates. Erin Gaffen stood up to ask why the override information was not on the front page of the website. Mr. LeLacheur noted it was and showed her exactly where it is. She then asked if the town could do up a post card of information regarding the override and send it out in the mail to all the residents. Mr. LeLacheur noted the town legally cannot do that. She also asked if there can be more community listening sessions to which Mr. LeLacheur noted they have two planned already. Mark Dockser wanted to volunteer himself for the community listening sessions. He also suggested a meeting with all the elected boards before the election vote. He noted doing it in a financial forum setup and have residents submit questions prior to the meeting and at the meeting they can answer the questions and discuss them. Town Managers Report Mr. LeLacheur wanted to inform everyone that one of our Firefighters has received the Firefighters of the Year award for 2017! Congratulations to Eric! The town received a new letter from the developer about the Eaton Lakeview project stating he will extend the discussion for one year. And, the best news of all, route 28 (Main Street) will be paved this summer all the way from one end of town to the other. a Page 1 2 \ 1 / c FY19 Non Union Classification and Compensation Plans Mr. Ensminger read the hearing notice. Mr. LeLacheur noted there have been no changes from last year. That may change depending on the result of the override vote but for now it is the same. Mr. Ensminger made a motion to close the hearing, second by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the FY19 Non Union Classification and Compensation Plans as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Eaton Lakeview - Resident Presentation Boriana Milenova and the Eaton Lakeview residents came up with a presentation to accurately lay out their thoughts and concerns on the pending project. Although the Selectmen have no say in this project, the residents felt they needed to convey their thoughts to them as well. They want to work together to make a better project for the neighborhood. The residents outlined numerous concerns in the presentation including the developers' traffic study. They felt it needs to be widened to a much bigger scope. They feel the building is too close to the street and too tall as well. The residents also had environmental concerns about the project. Kevin Signete of Smith Ave noted the current flood issues already in that area. Mike Flynn feels we can meet the town's housing needs and the neighborhoods concerns by working together. Safety Requests The board reviewed these request at their previous meeting and plan on voting them today. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve Safety Amendment Number 2018 -1 as presented; approve Safety Amendment Number 2018 -2 as presented; approved Safety Amendment Number 2018 -3 as presented. Mr. Berman seconded the motion and it passed with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Close Warrant for April Annual Town Meeting Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen remove Article 18 from the warrant. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger, with the second from Mr. Halsey, moved that the Board of Selectmen approve Question 1 to be on the ballot for the local election on April 3, 2018 as follows: Shall the Town of Reading be allowed to assess an additional $4.15 million in real estate .and personal property taxes for the purposes of the general operation of the Public Schools for Classroom Teachers ($1,802,484); Teaching, Learning and Classroom Support ($821,429); and Athletics ($31,056); for 5 Police Officers -and 4 Firefighter /paramedics ($1,050,311); for General Government including Public Works, Finance, Technology, Human /Elder Services and Inspections ($317,391); and for increased hours, staffing and expenses for the Public Library ($127,329) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018? Yes No Page 1 3 �pL� Mr. Friedmann asked if the board should be including this much detail in the question. Mr. Berman answered yes, the people want that. Mr. Friedmann then suggested putting it in a list format. The board decided to leave it as it and voted 5 -0 -0 to approve the motion. Discuss BOS role in upcoming override Town Counsel Ray Miyares was present to clear some things up for the board regarding their actions during the override vote. Mr. Miyares noted no town resources may be used to advocate a certain position on a ballot question. He did note that if the board wishes they could, as a board, vote to take an official position of a ballot question. Michelle Sanphy asked.if the Selectmen could hold a meeting not in a town building and advocate for the override. It was noted, if it is not in a town building, yes. Mr. Berman moved that the Board of Selectmen support Question 1 on the ballot. The motion was seconded by Mr. Friedmann and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Amy Cole asked if we could do a reverse 911 call about the election. Mr. Miyares noted if it is simply, a call stating when and where the election is taking place then yes, but it cannot advocate or any ballot questions. Change of Manager - Biltmore and Main Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the change of manager for an Annual All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License for Unagi Servers Inc d /b /a Biltmore & Main Bar and Grill at 530 Main Street, Reading, MA. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Change of D /B /A - Reading Square Texaco Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the change of d /b /a for a Class II License for Bassam Kofahi d /b /a Reading Square Texaco at 749 Main Street, Reading, MA. Mr. Friedmann seconded the motion and it was approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Friedmann brought up that he thinks the Climate Advisory Committee sunset needs be extended. Mr. Berman made a motion to extend the sunset clause for the Climate Advisory Committee until June 30, 2019. The motion was seconded by Mr. Halsey and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Discuss BOS Policies The board started with section 1.1 and discussed the history of reorganizing and the timing of it. The board was conflicted as to why it changed and if they should continue to reorganize in April or June. The board discussed liaison reports and inevitably noted it's near impossible to keep up with all the boards in town. They gathered thoughts on better ways to keep up and informed with other boards. The board then touched upon communication policies and social media. It was noted that if a Selectmen is using social media, they need to keep track of every comment or post that is made regarding town business. There also should be no communication to each other on social media. Page 1 4 � `' Preview Water /Storm water/ Sewer Rates Mr. LeLacheur gave a brief update on what the rates are looking like right now. He noted water is up 2.4 %; sewer is up 2.8 %. The impact on the rates next year is expected to be -3.6 %. The board will vote to set FY19 rates at their next meeting. Minutes Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the meeting minutes from January 9t", 2018 as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Ensminger moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the meeting minutes from January 23rd, 2018 as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Mr. Halsey moved that the Board of Selectmen adjourn at 11:09 PM, second by Mr. Berman and approved with a 5 -0 -0 vote. Page 1 5 UC5 Saunders, Caitlin From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 9:11 AM To: Saunders, Caitlin Subject: FW: LFA Notification -- Fios TV Channel Removal Attachments: Customer Notice - TVK Channel Removal.pdf BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerna ci.readina.ma.us (P) 781 -942 -9043; (F) 781 -942 -9037 www.readinc�ma.gov Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED From: Connors, Niall S [ma ilto :niall.s. con nors(cbverizon.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 9:02 AM Subject: LFA Notification -- Fios TV Channel Removal Dear Municipal Official: This is to notify you of certain upcoming changes to Rose TV programming. On or around May 1, 2018, TVK programming on channel 1767 will be removed from the Cambodian TV Package by the content provider and the channel will be removed from the Rose TV channel lineup. Verizon will notify subscribers through the Rose TV Message Center beginning on or around April 11, 2018. A sample customer notice is attached. Access to the Rose TV channel lineup is available 24/7 online at verizon.com /fiostvchannels. We realize that our customers have other alternatives for entertainment and our goal is to offer the best choice and value in the industry. Verizon appreciates the opportunity to conduct business in your community. Should you or your staff have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, verizo ,/ Niall Connors Fios Franchise Service Manager Massachusetts and Rhode Island 6 Bowdoin Square, 10th Floor Boston, MA 02114 O 857.415.5123 1 M 781.715.7058 niall.s.connors(ab-verizon.com � of verizonv Fios® TV Programming Change Attention customers with the Cambodian TV Package: On or around May 1, 2018, TVK programming on channel 1767 will be removed by the content provider and the channel will be removed from the Fios TV channel lineup. a03 Thursday, April 19, 2018 Reading Library Community Room 64 Middlesex Avenue 5:30PM- 7:30PM This workshop, offered free of charge, will provide an update on and guidance about compliance with the Open Meeting Law. All members of public bodies, municipal employees, and members of the general public are encouraged to attend. Individuals interested in attending this forum are asked to register in advance by calling 617 - 963 -2925 or by emailing OMLTraining @state.ma.us, and providing: 1. their first and last names; 2. town of residence; 3. the public body /organization they represent, if appropriate; and 4. the location of the educational forum they will attend. W/ @MassAGO 91 /Ma s sAtto r n eyG e n e ra } /mass ago 10 Mechanic Street - Suite 301 Worcester, MA 01608 Phone: (508) 792 -7600 t•. Board of Selectmen School Committee Board of Library Trustees Subject: Policy on Political Activity Currently there seems to be no joint policy on political activity in place. I suggest that a member of each of the three elected boards work to establish a joint policy that would be given out by the Town Clerk and signed for by all candidates for elected positions except RMLD. Work with the Secretary of State and Town Council so that there is one set of rules. William C. Brown 28 Martin Rd 781944 2807 'lG a� 3 0 0 0 JC N a� 0 } c Q� ry Oo co co—'� cl� -C � c c o N N -F- N C O o °- U p N C: } i Q e > U > ' O r� C: V O O C: O IJ J O � O N N N O N N 00 LO V) QL d- �o N O /Jn V O N 6R N N .� N O > � O N � 3 � O LO O SR N ? o CO O = N O N Z) U n > N N X O Q) Ego O o o o O :2 Q Z) O N a) Q X O QO � N p Q O O p N C~ c O c E co ��0 -0 j a)>, o0 O o o n a) 0 0 _ 70 X O N •� O O EU N co: N E -� > 4-- O C O p C O a Q-0 �N N O N Q � � O a � -Q a O p V) O O p Q 0 E `~ O O Q O O p O : O U v> O O F-- n c O N O N U) N -0 C)) 0 0 N O O °® .� O O N Q U ) O +— U N U N -0 x W O O O N W O U O O N a) N -0 C) 3 E O) N -0 N O O O �_O j N-0 ^1 -0 Q U O . 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