HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-23 Board of Selectmen packetTown of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Stephen A. Goldy, Chairman
Ben Tafoya, V. Chairman
James E. Bonazoll, Secretary
Camille W. Anthony
Richard W. Schubert
(781) 942-9043
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Website: www.ci.reading.ma.us
DATE: June 23, 2009
CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: Selectmen's Meeting Room
16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts
Executive Session
a. Labor Negotiations
Reports and Comments
a. Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments
b. Public Comment
C. Town Manager's/Assistant Town Manager's Report
Proclamations/Certificates of Appreciation
Personnel & Appointments
a. Board of Appeals
b. Telecommunications & Technology Advisory
c. Animal Control Appeals Committee
U j __j
d. Audit Committee
El C'' C3 Cr
e. Board of Registrars
f. Celebration Committee
9- Commissioners of Trust Funds
cc a
h. Cultural Council
i. Economic Development Committee
j. Human Relations Advisory Committee
Discussion/Action Items
a. Board of Selectmen Reorganization
b. Presentation on Fall Street Faire
C. Hearing - Policy on use of sidewalks
d. Review Proposed Amendments to Liquor License
Approval of Minutes
a. June 9, 2009
Licenses, Permits and Approvals
copy a.
E-mail dated June 17, 2009 from.Chief Jim Cormier to Comcast,
Verizon re: Level 3 sex offender
8) Correspondence (Continued)
b. E-mail dated June 15, 2009 from Karl Weld, Town Meeting
Member to BOS re: Compensation Hearing on June 1 Ph
C. E-mail dated June 17, 2009 from Abigail McCabe to Peter
Hechenbleikner re: RFQ - Historical
d. Draft Report - September 15, 2008 - Reading Public Library,
Library Building Assessment by Adams & Smith LLC
e. E-mail dated June 16, 2009 from Deborah Jackson to Peter
Hechenbleikner re: Jacob Way
Note: This Agenda has been prepared in advance and does not necessarily include all
matters which may be taken up at this meeting.
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
c~0 A wq
,63s'INCORQp4P~ Reading, MA 01867-2685
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Email: townmanager@ci.reading.ma.us TOWN MANAGER
Website: www. readingma.gov (781) 942-9043
TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM: Peter I. Hechenbleikner
DATE: June 19, 2009
RE: Agenda - June 23, 2009
We are producing and sending this packet electronically, and will put it on the website on
Monday. Anything that goes on the website will be without Executive Session background.
5a) Board of Selectmen Reorganization - The Board traditionally reorganizes at the
beginning of the last meeting of the fiscal year. The positions will be for Chairman, Vice
Chairman, and Secretary. We will include with this material a blank Liaison Assignment
list and the Board historically will express to the Chairman their preference, and the
Chairman will establish the assignments at the first meeting in July.
4) Appointments - You have a number of Boards, Committees and Commissions
appointments. If the Board has no objection, we will prepare the motion the same way
we did for the last meeting. The process would be to interview any applicants who are
present and make decisions on those Boards, Committees and Commissions following
their interviews. Any remaining positions can be done as a blanket motion.
5b) Presentation on Fall Street Faire - Representatives of the Fall Street Faire Committee will
be in to make a presentation to the Board of Selectmen on what their ideas are to date.
This will not be the final outline - it is still evolving.
5c) Hearing - Policv on Use of Sidewalks - Attached is the draft policy on the use of
sidewalks for outdoor dining. One issue that is "open" is whether or not alcohol will be
allowed to be served on the public sidewalk. Attached is a copy of the regulations from
the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission for instances where alcohol is to be served
on sidewalks or other outdoor areas. We are copying the Chamber of Commerce on this
5d) Review Probosed Amendments to Liauor License Policv - The Board had previously
reviewed a draft. You asked for two items of additional information:
1. What are the current hours, etc. for clubs? We have responses from three clubs
and Paula has included these in a chart.
2. What is the fee structure that other communities use particularly with regard to all
alcoholic licenses for smaller restaurants? Paula has developed a chart with
responses that we have received. It is clear from these responses that
communities charge the same for all alcoholic licenses regardless of the number
of seats. Following Selectmen direction on this matter, we will make changes to
the draft policy and then schedule this for a public hearing at the July 14 meeting.
Again, we have copied the Chamber of Commerce on the material related to the
liquor license policy, and will also copy the clubs.
Board of Appeals
Term: 3 years
Term: 3 years - Associate Members
Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Robert E. Redfern
John A. Jarema
Jeffrey D. Perkins
Clark W. Petschek
John Miles
Peter Tedesco (Associate)
Vacancy (Associate)
Damase Caouette
54 Prospect St.
797 Main Street
1 Coolidge Road
659 Haverhill Street
532 West Street
15 Intervale Terrace
"Indicates Associate member seeking appointment as full member
1 Vacancv
Term Three years
Appointine Authority, Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Five Members and two Associate Members
appointed so that the term of one member and one
associate member shall expire each year.
Meetines Twice a month on the first and third Thursday.
Authoritv Reading Zoning By-Law, Section 7.4; "The Zoning
Act" of the. Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Chapter 40A, Section 12 of the General Laws and
other applicable provisions of the Massachusetts
General Laws.
Purpose To hear and decide appeals from any decisions of
the Building Inspector; to hear and decide
applications for special permits as authorized by the
Reading Zoning By-Laws; to hear and decide
petitions for variances as authorized by the Reading
Zoning By-Laws; to hear and decide applications
seeking authorization and a Comprehensive Permit
to build low and moderate income housing
contemplated by GL c. 40B, Sec. 21; to hear and
decide upon all matters otherwise legally. coming
under the jurisdiction of the Board of Appeals.
49-, -?1-11
RE p,p1t~
e44Gl,6-7 Tr
JQg ~U rf! J
~ D
(Last) (First) (Middle) '
Address: TeL (Home) T7
Tel. (Work)
(Is this number listed?) yZ.r
# ofyears in Reading:
Are you a registered voter in Reading? rrz/
e-mail address: G' y l~!/c i r~ Efl ~'GJ„4L?~~ Ali
Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority.
(Attach a resume if available.)
Animal Control Appeals Committee
Economic Development Committee
Aquatics Advisory Board
Finance Committee
Audit Committee
Historical Commission
Board of Appeals
Housing Authority
Board of Cemetery Trustees
-Human Relations Advisory Committee
Board of Health
-Land Bank Committee
-Board of Registrars
MBTA Advisory Committee
Bylaw Committee
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Celebration Committee
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Cities for Climate Protection
Recreation Committee
Commissioner of Tnist Funds
RMLD Citizens Advisory Board
-Community Planning & Development Comm.
-Telecommunications and Technology
-Conservation Commission
Advisory Committee
Town Forest Committee
Contributory Retirement Board
Trails Committee
-Council on Aging
West Street Historic District Commission
-Cultural Council
Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves
Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought:
Yi -,c e, r l jer
Telecommunications and
TechnoloLiv Advisorv Committee
Term: 3 years 1 Vacancv
Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Douglas Cowell
*Bill Cowie
Benjamin T. Ream
Robert Ferrari
Scott A Busnach
958 Main Street
110 Van Norden Rd.
972 Main Street
20 Crosby Road
29 Gavin Circle
Philip Santoro
Timothy McGibbon
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
Reading Telecommunications and Technology Advisorv Committee
Term Three years
Annointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Five Members
Meetings No less than four meetings per year
Authoritv Board of Selectmen - Adopted as Cable TV Advisory Committee
on 12/13/94; amended as Reading Telecommunications and
Technology Advisory Committee on June 11, 2002
Purpose To advise the Board of Selectmen on matters of policy related but
not limited to the installation, financing, siting, management, and
monitoring of Cable Television, Internet Access, Wireless Internet
Access, Cellular and/or Digital telephone service, and any other
emergent technology designed for the same or similar purposes for
use within the Town of Reading. Advise the Board of Selectmen
on all matters related to the existing Cable TV license, and any
subsequent renewals of the license:
hold an annual compliance hearing and monitor the on-going
compliance of the current Cable TV licensee with the requirements
of the Cable TV contract within the limits of Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 166A and the License;
e work in conjunction with the company and the local access
corporation in governing the use of the public access channel in the
Town of Reading; and
s ensure the coordination of activities of other public
organizations and private organizations concerning the use and
development of cable programming;
® have the responsibility to monitor all aspects of the cable
television system in the Town of Reading within the limits of
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 166A and the license.
4 4
Name: Santoro Philip G. Date: April 7, 2009
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Address: 15 Autumn Lane
Tel. (Home) 781-942-1750
Tel. (Work)617-743-4760
(Is this number listed?)_yP,
Occupation: Media Relation-, Mstiager_far Verizon # of years in Reading: 5
Yes v-santoro l (i~verizon.net
Are you a registered voter in Reading? e-mail address:
Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority.
(Attach a resume if available.)
-Animal Control Appeals Committee
_Aquatics Advisory Board
Audit Committee
-Board of Appeals
-Board of Cemetery Trustees
-Board of Health
Board of Registrars
Bylaw Committee
Celebration Committee
Cities for Climate Protection
-Commissioner of Trust Funds
,Community Planning & Development Comm.
Conservation Commission
-Contributory Retirement Board
Council on Aging
-Cultural Council
Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves
-Economic Development Committee
-Finance Committee
Historical Commission
Housing Authority
_Human Relations Advisory Committee
Land Bank Committee
V1BTA Advisory Committee
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Recreation Committee
RMLD Citizens Advisory Board
Telecommunications and Technology
Advisory Committee
Town Forest Committee
Trails Committee
West Street Historic District Commission
Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought:.
I am the New England media relations manager for Verizon. I have 15 years of
experience in the telecommunications industry, including substantial knowledge of cable
TV, broadband, and telephony services. I am also a long-time cable TV subscriber, first
as a Comcast customer and now with Verizon. As a consumer and an industry employee,
I can offer the board a unique perspective as someone who can see both sides of the
issues facing the board. I am very interested in developing strategies to improve and
enhance the offerings of our local cable programming, taking advantage of my industry
knowledge and contacts that can help RCTV grow into its potential as a vibrant source of
community information.
q 1-3
Name: Date: ~-1.0 6-
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Address:,;? C 3Qtp-~cwv+ sire,& Tel. (Home) 9ti(a- o~ 50~
Tel. .(Work) ~S)- 30$i3
(Is this number listed?) ,2 = NO
Occupation: 'IvvVeS4,,CA+i',~
# of years in Reading: q
Are you a registered voter in Reading? Yg5
e-mail address: -Tmc 6;b~jcc„ L SD ~v) , 5*k I rvmq . V S
Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority.
(Attach a resume if available.)
Animal Control Appeals Committee
Aquatics Advisory Board
Audit Committee
Board of Appeals
Board of Cemetery Trustees .
Board of Health
Board of Registrars
Bylaw Committee
Celebration Committee
Cities for Climate Protection
Commissioner of Trust Funds
Community Planning & Development Comm.
Conservation Commission
Contributory Retirement Board
Council on Aging
Cultural Council
Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves
Economic Development Committee
Finance Committee
Historical Commission
Housing Authority
Human Relations Advisory Committee
Land Bank Committee
MBTA Advisory Committee
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Mystic Valley Elder Services
Recreation Committee
RMLD Citizens Advisory Board
I Telecommunications and Technology
Advisory Committee
Town Forest Committee
Trails Committee
West Street Historic District Commission
Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought:
See- Ajinc\,PcA eSv'm~ . W
.Timothy M. McGibbon 26 Belmont Street, Reading, MA 01867
Phone: 781-942-2503
Email: tmcgibbon@gmail. com
Cell: 781-727-3202
Education & Training:
Fisher College: Boston, MA, Criminal Justice Associates Degree, 2009
Clark University: Computer Career Institute, Windows 2000 Networking (360 hours), GPA 4.0, 11/27/00
Global School of Investigation: Certificate in Private Investigations
N.R.A. Certified Instructor: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection, Home Firearm Safety
U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Certified LEO Flying Armed
Guidance Software - Certified Computer Forensic Examiner
Middlesex Sheriffs Office:
Middlesex Deputy Sheriff - 6 years, Computer Forensic Examiner and Investigator - 3 years,
Special Deputy U.S. Marshal - 3 years, Worcester Deputy Sheriff - 2 years.
I am a certified EnCase computer forensic examiner (EnCE).
I have received specialized training in computer crime investigations & computer forensics from:
Federal Bureau of Investigations Computer Analysis Response Team (FBI-CART)
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
7J.S. Secret Service Network Intrusion and Response (tJSSS-NITRO)
nmigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Northeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (NEMLEC) Computer Crime Unit
Massachusetts State Police (MSP)
International Information Systems Forensic Association (IISFA) Nominated for executive board
member seat (November 2008)
High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)
National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
Reed School of Interview and Interrogation
InfoSecure Solutions
Access Data
Guidance Software (EnCase)
Microsoft Corporation
Direct membership with the following regional and national task forces:
U.S. Secret Service New England Electronic Crimes Task Force (USSS-NET)
Financial Organized Crime 'T'ask Force (FOC TF)
Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force I AC
Regional Electronic computer Crime Task Force WACT)
I have been member of the Middlesex Sheriffs Special Operation Unit Mobile Community
Command Center for 5 years. I have attended the basic police academy and have received numerous
in-service training from the Middlesex Sheriff s Office. 1 have been assigned full-time to the
NEMLEC Computer Crime Unit since January of 2006 supporting 48 Police departments and 2
Sheriff Office's. I have participated in numerous computer crime investigations,
computer/cell/pda/video forensic examinations, search, arrest warrants and Grand Jury testimony
since my assignment to the NEMLEC CCU, located at the Medford Police Department.
ummary of abilities:
Computer Forensics and Investigations
Video Forensic
Cell Phone / PDA Forensics
EnCase, FTK, Paraben, Net Analysis, Image Scan, Data Lifter Pro, Gargoyle, Live Wire and various other
forensic software applications.
Microsoft 95-Vista
Microsoft Office Suite
Deputy Sheriff / Tactical Response Team
08-2002 - 2005 Massachusetts Middlesex Sheriffs Office Cambridge, MA
Assists with the supervision, security, and conduct of inmates at the Middlesex County Jail Facility;
processes the booking and discharging inmates; issues clothing and supplies to new inmates;
arranges for inmate transportation, if necessary; develops and maintains inmate and Facility
records; promotes acceptable attitudes and behaviors of inmates to assist them in adjusting to a
confinement setting; receives and maintains the personal property of inmates; returns or sends
personal property to inmates upon discharge; searching inmates for contraband, weapons, or use of
narcotics; classifies incoming inmates and place them in proper cells; conducts head counts; checks
work areas to insure that inmates are working on assigned projects; sees that cells, facilities, and
,grounds are kept sanitary; assists with the search of cells and other areas for contraband; maintains
discipline among inmates; opens and censors incoming mail; responds to inquiries regarding inmate
detention and Jail Facility policies within the constraints of Department regulations; learns to
operate equipment and utilize teletype communications; testifies in court and before disciplinary
boards; investigate crimes and incidents within the Facility; supervises inmates and visitors during
visiting hours. Check all incoming and outgoing inmates for warrants/restraining orders/citizenship
status. TRT training: special weapons and tactics for the purpose of handling high risk situations
involving barricaded subjects, hostage takers, and other crisis situations inside and outside the
facility. Responsible for updating and maintaining www.MiddlesexSheriff.com. Assisted the
Public Information Officer in regards to press releases, press conferences, developing brochures,
attended numerous recruitment drives. Documented and developed training academy videos of new
recruit classes.
Technical Support Engineer
2001- 2002 Parametric Technology Corp
Needham, MA
Provide technical support to 33,000 worldwide customers for the Installation and Configuration in regards to
MCAD (Client/Server) software, Pro/ENGINEER and Flexlm. Identifying and resolving networking and
hardware issues on several different platforms and environments. Responsible for re-developing and
maintaining the division's intranet web site. Responsible for the updating of technical information for the
Installation and Configuration division on PTC.com. Developing and updating technical documentation for
Windows 2000. Discover and submit Software Performance Reports. Beta testing and reporting. Developed
.nd conducted internal training classes.
Teaching Assistant
2000-2001 Clark University
Woburn, MA
Assist a Windows 2000 Microsoft Certified Trainer in the delivery of Microsoft's Official Windows 2000
course curriculum, labs and provide individualized student assistance and tutoring. Set up a Windows NT
4.0 network environment and migrated it to Windows 2000.
Technical Training Representative (New England)
San Diego, CA
Educated and trained retail and on-line store managers and sales associates on the various SONY VAIO
(P.C. and Notebooks) products line. Corporations trained: CompUSA, Best Buy, Circuit City,
Warehouse.com, PCConnection.com. Conducted both formal and informal training sessions to both large
and small audiences. Attended various special events and trades shows throughout the country.
Partner/Project Manager
`999-2000 PivotNet, Inc.
Out of business
Melrose, MA
Lead the planning, organization, staffing, directing and controlling the production of web/applications
development, graphic design and marketing.
Assisted in the planning and implementation of the network infrastructure of a small sized business office.
Partner/Internet Division
1997-1999 G.I..Ioes, Inc.
Malden, MA
Responsible for maintaining the companies website, training, marketing, purchasing, receiving, vendor
relationships, billing, cost analysis, budgeting, payroll, customer service, email list management, Internet
research and managing a staff of two.
Product Manager
1993-1995 Minuteman Controls Co, Inc. Wakefield, MA
Expanded a 500,000 dollar product line to a 1.5 million-dollar German product line. Duties included all
aspects of purchasing, receiving, inventory control, billing, training, inside sales, marketing, vendor
elationships and managing a staff of three.
L 17
Senior Technical Administrator
1989-1991 Putnam Investments Boston, MA
Played a key role in the implementation / migration to a near paperless environment utilizing IBM's Image
Plus System first in the Investment industry to go near paperless. Lead the development and training classes
on the proper use of the IBM Imaging Plus System (10 million dollar pilot program). Documented and
updated department standards and procedures. Generated daily operations reports to senior management
detailing processing levels throughout the company.
q "'t 9 -
Animal Control Appeals Committee
Anvointing, Authoritv: Board of Selectmen
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
John Miles 532 West Street
Tina Ohlson 200 Forest Street
*Susan Giacalone
9 Orchard Park Drive
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
1 Vacancv
Term Three years
Apfointin2 Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Three members, all Reading residents, none of whom can be
employees of the Town, appointed to three-year overlapping terms.
At least one of the three members must be a dog owner.
Meetings As needed
Authoritv Town Meeting
Purpose The Animal Control Appeals Committees shall hold public
hearings and make decisions on any vicious dog declaration under
Section 5.6.6 of the General Bylaws.
C ,
Audit Committee
Term: 3 years 1 Vacancv
Auuointinp, Authoritv: Finance Committee, Board of Selectmen,
School Committee, RMLD
Present Member(s) and Terms(s)
George Hines
Andrew Grimes
*Stephen Herrick
Chuck Robinson
Camille Anthony
Phil Pacino
Lisa Gibbs
35 Grand Street
103 Oak Street
9 Dividence Road
81 Prospect Street
26 Orchard Park Drive
5 Washington St.
59 Minot Street
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
2011 Fincom
2010 Fincom
2009 BOS
2011 SchCom.
2010 BOS
2011 RMLD
2012 SchCom.
Term Three years
Appointing Authoritv See below
Number of Members Seven Members appointed for three year terms so arranged
that as near an equal number of terms as possible shall
expire each year. No member of the Audit Committee shall
be a Town employee; however, notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 3.4.6 of these Bylaws to the contrary,
a Finance Committee member may be a member of the
Audit Committee. Two members shall be appointed by the
_ Board of Selectmen, two members shall be appointed by
the School Committee, two members shall be appointed by
the Finance Committee and one member shall be appointed
by the Reading Municipal Light Board.
Meetings As needed
Authority Town Meeting - November 12, 1992, Revised 3/3/03
Purnose The Audit Committee shall recommend to the Town
Manager the firm of independent auditors that is to audit
and report on the financial statements issued by the Town.
The Audit Committee shall review the audit plan with the
independent auditors and, upon completion of the audit,
meet with the independent auditors to discuss the results of
the audit and the annual financial reports. The Audit
Committee shall transmit a copy of the completed annual
audit and report to the Board of Selectmen, the Finance
Committee, the School Committee and the Reading
Municipal Light Board by the end of the calendar year
within which the Fiscal Year covered by the audit occurs.
Board of ReLyistrars
Term: 3 years 1 Vacancv
Rpointina Authority: Board of Selectmen
Orig. Term
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Harry Simmons
17 Pine Ridge Road
*Gloria R. Hulse
107 Sanborn Lane
Krissandra Holmes
77 Redgate Lane
Julia Rodger
16 Lowell Street
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
lq~&, I
Term Three years
Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Four Members, three appointed by the Board of
Selectmen and the Town Clerk as the fourth
member. Two shall be members of the Republican
Parry, and two shall be members of the Democratic
Party. (Note: Must be a registered voter of the
Town. Must have been enrolled in the political
party he/she is appointed to represent for at least
two years prior to appointment. Must not hold
another elective office, except as a member of a
Home Rule Charter Commission or as a Town
Meeting Member.)
Meetings As needed
Authoritv Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 51
PurAOSe To certify names on nomination papers, initiative
petitions, referendum petitions, recount petitions
and public policy petitions. Registration of new
voters, conduct election recounts. Update and
posting of voting lists and processing absentee
ballot application. Oversee the annual Town census
and prepare lists generated from census
~ 'z Z
Celebration Committee
Term: 3 years
1 Vacancv
Anpointine Authoritv: Board of Selectmen, Moderator, Historical Commission,
Library, School Committee
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
*Kurt Habel
832 Main Street
Rita Robinson
9 Elm St.
Mark Cardono
26 Boswell Road
Bob McLaughlin
14 Galvin Circle
Everett Blodgett
99 Prescott Street
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
2009 BOS
2011 MOD
2011 HIST
2010 LIB
2012 SCH
Term Three years
Appointing Authority Board of Selectmen, Town Moderator, His-
torical Commission, School Committee and
Library Board of Trustees
Number of Members Five
Authority Town Meeting, November 14, 1994.
Purpose To authorize expenditure of trust funds
for public celebration and for the
preservation of recorded history.
Commissioners of Trust Funds
Term: 3 years
Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Elizabeth Klepeis, Chr.
*Neil Cohen
John J. Daly
Camille Anthony
Nancy Heffernan
68 Tennyson Road
51 Redgate Lane
163 Woburn Street
26 Orchard Park Drive
16 Lowell Street
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
1 Vacancv
Term . Three years
ppointin2 Authority Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Five Members whose terms are so arranged that one
term shall expire each year. Three members
appointed by Board of Selectmen, one member
Board of Selectmen and one member Town
Meetings As needed
Authoritv Special Act, Chapter 82 of Acts and Resolves of
Massachusetts, 1926. Amended and approved by a
vote of the Town on April S, 2005.
Purbose Management of all trust funds given or bequeathed
for the benefit of the Town or its inhabitants.
Cultural Council
Term: 3 years (6 years maximum) 2 Vacancies
Annointin2 Authoritv: Board of Selectmen
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Lorraine Horn
99 Beaver Road
Susan. G. Fay
56 Grey Coach Rd.
Margaret E. Caouette
11 Field Pond Drive
Alice Armstrong
340 Summer Avenue
**Kathleen Kelly
36 Grove Street
Elizabeth Whitelam, Chr.
7 Gilmore Avenue
*Vicky Schubert
119 Winthrop Avenue
*lndidates incumbents seeking reappointment
Reached 6 year maximum
q,k. /
Term Three years
Appointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Seven Members to be appointed to no more than
two consecutive terms
Meetings Held monthly
Authority January 1, 1987 revision of the Massachusetts Arts
Lottery Council Guidelines consistent with the
Town of Reading Charter and applicable Bylaws.
The Cultural Council is established by Chapter 10,
Section 58, of the Public Laws. Pursuant to this
law, no elected or other official may serve on the
Cultural Council.
Purpose The Reading Cultural Council is the local agent for
the distribution, receipt and evaluation of
applications for funds from the Massachusetts
Cultural Council. It will also act to serve as a
resource for the dissemination of information as
well as to encourage activities related to furthering
and stimulating interest for the ' arts in the
L /i
Economic Development Committee
1 Associate
Annointinz Authority: Board of Selectmen
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Sheila Clarke, V. Chr.
Russell T. Graham
Meghan A. Young-Tafoya, Chr.
George Rio
Michele R. Williams
John Russell (Associate)
*Sharon Petersen (Associate)
Michelle Ferullo (Associate)
Kara Fratto (Associate)
536 Haverhill St.
68 Maple Ridge Rd.
40 Oak Street
11 Estate Lane
31 Melbourne Ave.
91 Spruce Road
25 Holly Road
46 Howard Street
58 Oak Street
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
q'U I f
Appointing Authority
Number of Members
Three years
Board of Selectmen
Five members appointed for three year terms so arranged that as
near an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year.
As needed
Purpose Develop an Economic Development Strategy consistent with the
Master Plan and goals and objectives established by the Board of
Selectmen. Work with staff to obtain State and Federal economic
developmental grants. Explore the need for and legality of
forming a "property based" and/or "business based" Business
Improvement District(s) funded by Assessments on all businesses
within the individual district(s). Encourage commercial
development and office leases of downtown space consistent with
the traditional atmosphere of a New England Village Center.
Advise the Board of Selectmen, CPDC and any other Town agency
or official on matters related to* economic development in the
community. Maintain an ongoing dialogue with business owners
and owners of major properties on a pro-active basis to understand
how the Town can work with them to achieve their plans.
y L~ ~
L J(,
Human Relations Advisorv Committee
Term: 3 years
2 Vacancies &
Appointing Authoritv: Board of Selectmen 2 Associates
Orig. Term
Present Member(s) and Term(s)
Margaret Soli
19 James Road
**Paul Kelley
56 Sunnyside Avenue
*Charles McDonald (BOS)
41 Canterbury Drive
Lori Hodin
385 Summer Avenue
Nancy M. Najmi
65 Marla Lane
Karen Janowski (School Com.)
30 Azalea Circle
James. Cormier (Police)
15 Union Street
**Randall Jones (Assoc.)
1 Cross Street
*Monique Pillow Gnanaratnam (Asso) 873 Main Street
*Indicates incumbents seeking reappointment
* * No response
Term Three Years
Annointing Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Number of Members Seven Members - one member shall be a member
of the Board of Selectmen or designee; one member
shall be the Chief of Police or his/her designee; one
member shall be designated by the School
Committee; the remaining four shall be a diverse
group to the extent possible
Meetinus Monthly on the second Thursday of the month
Authoritv Board of Selectmen
Purpose The Human Relations Advisory Committee shall:
♦ Engage in out reach to such groups which may
have suffered from or been the object of such
discrimination or may perceive themselves to
have been the object of the same;
♦ Provide a safe place where individuals or groups
may air their concerns or complaints as to the
existence of such discrimination or where
concerns as to the potential existence of such
discrimination within the Town or community
at large or the perception thereof may be
♦ Identify perceived problems of such
discrimination or human relations conflicts
within the Town and be a resource or referral
agency to assist the parties or mediate among
the parties so as, to the extent possible, permit
the resolution of the same at the local level; and
♦ Promote and encourage understanding,
tolerance and diversity and the recognition of
human and civil rights in the Town and
community and sponsor educational programs
and the celebrations of events for that purpose.
49 2~,
Accounting Department
Community Services Department
➢ Board of Appeals
➢ Cities for Climate Protection Program Committee
Community Planning and Development Commission / MAPC
➢ Conservation Commission
➢ Economic Development Committee
➢ Historical Commission
➢ Board of Health
➢ Constable
➢ Council on Aging / Mystic Valley Elder Services
➢ Trails Committee
Finance Department
' ➢ Board of Registrars
➢ Trust Fund Commissioners
➢ Board of Assessors
➢ Reading Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee (T-TAC)
➢ Finance Committee
I ➢ Land Bank Committee
Housing Authority
Library Department
➢ Cultural Council
Department of Public Safety
➢ Human Relations Advisory Committee
➢ Police Department
➢ Fine Department
Department of Public Works
➢ Board of Cemetery Trustees
➢ Town Forest Committee
➢ Recreation Committee
➢ Downtown Steering Committee
Reading Municipal Light Department
School Department
To the Inhabitants of the
Town of Reading:
Please take notice that the
Board of Selectmen of the Town
of Reading will hold a public
hearing on. Tuesday, June 23,
2009 at 8:30 p.m. in the
Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16
Lowell Street, Reading,
Massachusetts on the proposed
regulations for "licenses for uti-
lizing public sidewalks for out-
door dining.".
A copy of the documents
regarding this topic are avail-
able in the.Town, Manager's
Office, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, MA from 8:30 a.m. -
5:00 p.m., M-F . and are
attached to the hearing notice
on the website at www.reading
All interested parties may
appear in person, may submit
their comments in writing, or by
email to townmanaaer Oci. read
By order of
Peter I. Hechenbleikner
Town Manager
, ^ P
Section 3.10 -Licenses for Utilizing Public Sidewalks for Outdoor Dining
The Board of Selectmen desires to encourage restaurants to provide outdoor
dining on public sidewalks in the downtown area of Reading in a safe and orderly
manner. These regulations are adopted pursuant to Section 5.2.1 of the General Bylaws
of the Town of Reading, which provides in part that "No person shall place or cause to be
placed any obstruction in any street, public place or private way in the Town without
permission of the Board of Selectmen...."
. The following regulations shall apply for Outdoor Dining Licenses;
1. Applications for Outdoor Dining Licenses utilizing public sidewalks shall be made to
the Board of Selectmen by submission of an Application Form. The application'.will
include the name, address, email address, and telephone number of the owner of the
building within which the restaurant is located, proof of ownership, a lease, or
written approval of the property owner within which the restaurant is located (if other
than the applicant) for the use of the premises for the license period. The application
shall be signed by the owner of the restaurant and shall be accompanied by a copy of
the current Permit to Operate a Food Establishment issued by the Board of Health.
2. The application shall also include 10 copies of a professionally drawn plan and all
supporting documents containing the information required in order to be able to make
a decision as to the license, and shall also include a plan for outdoor lighting if any is
3. The License is revocable at will by the Town for any reason whatsoever upon written
notice to the Licensee from the Town. The License Agreement shall stipulate that in
the event of such revocation, the Licensee shall have no recourse or claim against the
Town for such revocation whether by way of monetary charges, a suit in equity or
4. Outdoor Dining Licenses shall be issued only to Inn-holders and Common Victualers
for portions of public sidewalks directly abutting tier business, and will be issued only
within a commercial or industrial zoning district within the Town, unless such a
business shall exist and has pre-dated zoning, or has been granted a variance to do
business in a location that is not in a business or industrial zoning district.
5. Prior to the issuance of a license for outdoor dining on public sidewalks, the Board
may require a review by the Community Services Director, Health Services
Administrator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Town Engineer, and the Building/Zoning
Inspector and proof that all necessary approvals, permits, and other licenses needed to
operate have been issued.
6. Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. These guidelines are not
intended to be a full list of issues to be dealt with by the Board but are guidelines to
the Applicant.
Sale and Service of Alcoholic Beverages Prohibited
7. It is the policy of the Board of Selectmen that Alcoholic Beverages cannot be served
on public property. Nor may a patron bring his/her own alcohol to be consumed on a
premise licensed for Outdoor Dining. Therefore, an Outdoor Dining License shall not
be construed as nor shall it permit an alteration or extension of premises where
alcoholic beverages are served. The serving or consumption of alcohol on any public
property that is the subject of an Outdoor Dining License is expressly forbidden.
Applicants who hold an alcoholic beverages license shall provide a detailed alcohol
control plan/strategy as part of their Outdoor Dining License application packet. The
alcohol control plan shall include what steps the manager shall take to ensure alcohol
remains only on the licensed premises and not in the sidewalk area, including
signage, staff instructions, monitoring of the outdoor dining area, etc. The applicant
shall also submit the TIPS or alcohol server training certificates for all managers and
servers as part of the application packet.
8. Due to the seasonal and temporary nature of an outdoor dining area, the seating
within an outdoor dining area will not be considered an increase in the number of
seats serving a restaurant or eating establishment and will not be counted toward any
off-street parking requirement
Standards for Oueration
9. Outdoor dining areas shall be considered as part of the restaurant and shall comply
with Board of Health Regulations. In addition to any other requirements, smoking is
prohibited in seasonal outdoor dining areas per Board of Health regulations.
10. The licensee shall provide, maintain, and empty as needed, outdoor trash receptacles
during the times that the licensed premises are open for business.
11. Outdoor dining areas containing nine or more seats shall be separated from their
surroundings by a perimeter fence or barrier. No such fences or barriers may damage
the public sidewalk. Perimeter treatments, umbrellas, furniture and trash receptacles
shall be supplied by the applicant and shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary
manner by the applicant. All trash receptacles shall be covered and trash removed
nightly. All perimeter treatments, umbrellas, furniture and trash receptacles must be
removed at the end of each season.
12. In no event shall the placement of outdoor dining furniture, umbrellas, perimeter
fences or barriers create a pedestrian or wheelchair passage width of less than four
feet. Restaurants shall have an accessible path of travel through the dining area at
least 36 inches wide.
13. Outdoor food preparation shall not be allowed unless approved by the Board of
Health in accordance with their procedures and regulations.
14. The licensee shall be responsible for keeping the portion of the sidewalk subject to an
Outdoor Dining License clean and free of dirt, dust, and other debris from April 15
through October 15 of each year.
15. The Outdoor Dining License shall be considered annually and every license shall
expire on December 31 of each year, subject to renewal. No facilities or furniture
shall be placed on the sidewalk as part of the license except for the period between
April 15 and October 15 of each year.
16. Within the period from April 15 to October 15, upon notification from the
Department of Public Works of from Public Safety personnel that weather conditions
or work to be performed on the property of the Town requires removal of the outdoor
5-c3 '
dining furniture, the applicant shall immediately remove all of its property associated
with the Outdoor Dining License from the public property.
Administrative Requirements
17. If the license is approved by the Board of Selectmen the owner and operator of the
restaurant shall sign a License Agreement and shall provide a required Certificate of
Insurance before issuance of the License and before commencement of any activities
under the License.
18. The Licensee shall provide evidence of insurance as required by the Town Manager
and by State Statute. Such insurance shall cover the use of all equipment related to
the premises related to the Outdoor Dining License. The Comprehensive General
Liability Policy shall insure against all claims and demands for bodily injury and
property damage with respect to the sidewalk dining facilities and services, and the
Town shall be named as an "additional insured" in all policies of such insurance. The
Licensee (and their heirs, successors and assigns in interest) shall hold harmless,
defend and indemnify the Town of Reading and its employees and agents from any
responsibility, liability and claims arising out of or related to the operations under the
Outdoor Dining License.
19. The Licensee shall comply with all applicable laws (including the sign portions of the
Zoning by-laws), rules, regulations, and conditions of other licenses and permits.
20. The license fee shall be $100 per year and shall be payable upon initial application for
an Outdoor Dining License, and for annual renewal of the license.
In granting a License, the Board of Selectmen may impose such additional conditions as
it determines to be appropriate.
Adopted -1-109
Town of Reading
Applications Need to be submitted at least 30 days prior to the commencement of outdoor seating
Outdoor sidewalk seating permitted April 15 - October 15
Licenses must be renewed yearly
1. Business ADDlicant
Business Name & Address
Business Owner
Business Manager
Contact information (mailing address, phone number, email address)
2. Buildina Owner
Contact information (name, mailing address, phone number, email address)
3. Do you possess a current Town of Reading Common Victualers license? YES NO
4. Do you possess a current License for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages? YES NO
If yes, alcohol may NOT be served at the outdoor sidewalk seating. Further, you will need to
submit a plan/strategy for control of alcohol consumption at sidewalk seating.
(turn over to continue application)
5. Have you had a license revoked, suspended or been fined by the Town of Reading or the
Commonwealth: of Massachusetts within the past 12 months? YES NO
If yes, please explain:
6. (a) Current indoor seating capacity
(b) Proposed seating capacity for sidewalk seating:
7. Days and Hours of operation:
I attest that I have read and understand the Town of Reading Regulations for Outdoor Dining
Licenses utilizing Public Sidewalks and agree to uphold these regulations.
Signed application form
Proof of Business Ownership
Copy of Town of Reading issued Common Victualers license
If premises are leased, copy of lease or written permission by building owner
£ Permit to Operate a Food Service Establishment issued by the Reading Board of Health
£ Professionally drawn plan and all supporting documents containing the information required in
order to make a decision as to the license and shall also include a plan for outdoor lighting if
any is proposed
£ If applicant business possesses an Alcohol License
-TIPS or alcohol server training certificates for all managers and servers
- Alcohol control plan including mangers plan to ensure alcohol remains only on the
licensed premises and not in the sidewalk area
Two photos of location where sidewalk seating will be placed in relation to establishment
3:- Non-refundable yearly application fee of $100 payable to Town of Reading
£ Certificate of Insurance naming Town of Reading as additional insured
Final Photograph of approved sidewalk seating
Submit applications to: Office of the Town Manager
16 Lowell Street
Reading MA 01867
05/28/2009 11:14 6177271258
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Alcoholic beverages cannot be served outside a licensed
establishment unless and until an application to extend- the
licensed premises has been, approved.
2. An application to extend the premises must describe the
area. *in detail.- dimensions, number of tables and chairs,
occupancy figures for inside area and outside area., bars, if any,
3. It is essential that tlle' licensee have control of t1,P
area , i.n order. to Preclude, service to ul7dera4 arsons,., to
intoxicated persons etc. 'the premises must be enclosed by a
fence, rope or other means to prevent patrons or mem4,ers of the
public'" from wander:.ng in and out.
4. The outdoor area must, be 'contiguous to the l.icens•ed
premises and the licensee should have a vievL, gf the outside
premises from inside, Egress from the inside- to the outside mush'
`be c e"a"rol,y estabjAshed, This will assure sate, uni.n;terrqpted
service of alcoholic beverages.
5. The outdoor area must have adequate exits in case of
6. Thy t i in _auT~_ y s should. consider the pe of
neighborhood and the potential fOr noise in the environs.
7. Zy e- d are outdoor areas where alcohol is served to
patrons who are seated at tables and where food is also
avai. labl eq
August 22nd, ),989
Club Survey
Do you have a function hall separate from the remainder of the club?
Meadowbrook - no
Knights of Columbus - yes
VFW - no
2. How often is it rented out?
Meadowbrook - 2 or 3 times per month
Knights of Columbus - 8 -10 times per year
3. Do you rent out the function hall or the club to non-members of the club?
Meadowbrook -Yes, if member sponsored
Knights of Columbus - Upstairs function hail is for member or
4. What are the hours that it is rented? - what is the latest hour that patrons are at
the function hall?
Meadowbrook - Sometimes for afternoon functions, sometimes for
evening functions
Knights of Columbus - 6 p.m. -12:30 a.m. - we need time to get
them out and clean up
5. How late is the "non-function hall" portion of the club operated? Any exceptions?
Meadowbrook - Normally until midnight with very few exceptions
VFW - Thursday, Friday, Saturday -12:00 -12:30 a:m.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - until 6:00 p.m.
On Tuesday from Sept. - Dec. 31St - until 12:30 a.m.
On Tuesday from Feb. - May 31St - until 12:30 a.m.
Exceptions - if busy 1:00 a.m.
Joi Y~ /Peacrng
o~ oo~ oa~a IV _ 1 500 $3,400
$2500 $41604 $3,000
Q~ Q
Survey 2049 500 $2,764 $4,225 NIA
uoC Fee , $3 540
~ $3,d00 ~
$2' ~ $4,600 $2
tLiq $4,000 ' $2,504
` t 100 Seats $4,540 C $3"300 ~ l N!A t . _ $2500
estauran $2,500 t $1,500
All Alcohol R $2,764 NIA $2,800 } $,,y500 $2 250 -J. $2,200
less than 100 $4001 ~ $3'0()() $1,875 t $2,500 .
eStaurant $1,500 $2,000 1 Alcohol R $1,728 $1050
All Al t
$1,204 1 $2,500 } $2,500 l $2,540 f:
seats _ 2, 5fl0 $50d
$1,750 $ NIA ;
$1 500 ,800 t $2,592 $2,000 $350
W tpe(Niatt Restaurant less than 100 $1
$Q,OOd ~ $2,500 ~-$1250
$2,500 S $1,555 $510 } seats $2,000 v 1 dd 1 $1,000 A 'fraternal
packag° Store $2,0,~ $1,000 1 clubs
pubs l , 1
Section 3:2 - Liquor License Policv
This policy shall apply to all premises licensed for the sale and/or consumption of
alcoholic beverages and the issuance of all Special Licenses by the Licensing Authority (Board
of Selectmen) pursuant to its authority as the Licensing Authority of the Town of Reading as
determined by the Reading Home Rule Charter, Town of Reading Bylaws, and the laws, rules
and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The following chart indicates which portion of these regulations applies to which type of
CateLyorv 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7
Retail Package Goods Store License
for All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages
not to be Drunk on the Premises
Restaurant License to Expose, Keep
for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of
Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk
on the Premises (100 or more seats)
Restaurant License to Expose, Keep
for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of
Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk
on the Premises (less than 100 seats)
Restaurant License to Expose, Keep
for Sale, and to Sell Wine and
Malt Beverages to be Drunk on
the Premises (less than 100 seats)
Club License to Expose, Keep
for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds
of Alcoholic Beverages to be
Drunk on the Premises
Special Licenses
Amendments - Changes to this policy may be made by majority vote of the Board of
Selectmen and shall be discussed at a public meeting. Notice of any change in policy shall be
made to all licensees in a timely manner.
3-1 Board of Selectmen Policies
3.2.1- General Requirements for All Licensed Establishments Plan Required
A plan of the building and a detailed floor plan of the licensed premises including the
capacity of a restaurant and parking facilities shall be on file with the Licensing Authority. No
alterations shall be permitted to the premises without approval in advance from the Licensing
Authority. - Deliveries
Deliveries to licensed establishments shall be made only during business hours and shall
be made in a manner so as not to disrupt neighbors or interfere with traffic or parking. - Inspection
The licensed premises shall be subject to inspection by the Police, the Licensing
Authority, and other duly authorized agents of the Licensing Authority. Any hindrance or delay
of such inspection caused by an employee of the licensee shall be cause for action against the
license. - Advertisements
No advertising matter, screen, curtain or other obstruction, which prevents a clear view of
the interior of the premises, shall be maintained in or on any window or door. - Automatic Amusement Devices
No establishment licensed for the on-premises or off-premises sale or consumption of
alcohol shall permit the use of any automatic amusement device or electronic game as defined by
M.G.L. Chapter 140, Section 177A unless specifically licensed to do so by the Board of
Selectmen. - Dutv to Perform
An applicant for a license to sell liquor on or off premises shall within 45 days of the
issuance of such license commence construction of the licensed premises which shall be fully
operational within 120 days of the issuance of such license, unless otherwise approved by the
Licensing Authority. Thereafter, the licensee will continuously operate the premises in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the license. The closing of the licensed
establishment for seven consecutive calendar days or for more than 20 regular business calendar
days during a calendar year shall be deemed to be abandonment of the license and sufficient
grounds for revocation, unless prior approval is granted by the Licensing Authority. Such
revocation shall only be done following a public hearing. Upon application by the licensee, the
Licensing Authority may waive this abandomnent provision in the event of major renovation,
destruction by fire or flood or other similar circumstance. - Establishment of Written Policies
Licensees shall establish written policies regarding the sale or service of alcoholic
beverages based upon the requirements of the regulations of the Alcoholic Beverages Control
Commission, these regulations, and any other conditions placed on the license.
"~i 1 4
3-2 Board of Selectmen Policies - Alcohol Policv for Staff While Servin,2
No Manager, Alternate Manager or employee shall consume any alcoholic beverages
while on duty.
No Manager, Alternate Manager or employee shall consume any alcoholic beverages
after the official closing hour per MGL, Chapter 138, Section 12. and Section 15. - Alcohol Management or Server Trainins.
Licensees, Managers and principal representatives of licensed establishments are required
to successfully complete an alcohol management or server training course (depending on the
type of license) approved by the Liquor Liability Joint Underwriting Association of
Massachusetts at the time of issuance of the license.
Servers of alcoholic beverages shall be required to successfully complete a server training
course approved by the Hospitality Mutual Insurance Company (or any training course reviewed
by and approved by the Licensing Authority) within three (3) months of becoming employed in a
position where they are serving alcohol to customers. There must be a certified employee on the
premises at all times.
All persons required to successfully complete an alcohol management or server training
course must be successfully retrained prior to the end of the certification period. The licensee
shall certify annually to the Licensing Authority at the time of renewal of the license that the
licensee, Manager, and all employees meet this requirement. Certificates shall be kept on file and
available for inspection upon request - Liquor Liabilitv Insurance Requirement
Licensees are required to have, or otherwise provide, liquor liability insurance in the
minimum amount determined from time to time by the Licensing Authority. This requirement is
applicable regardless of whether the licensee rents, or otherwise provides the licensed premises
to a third party. Limited exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the Licensing
Authority for reasons of hardship or upon adequate proof of inability to obtain the required
insurance. There is no right to an exception, and the Licensing Authority is not required to grant
such an exception. Licensees shall provide the Board of Selectmen with a copy of the Certificate
of Insurance upon the issuance or renewal of a license. Staffing
Licensees shall maintain an adequate ratio of staff to patrons in order to properly monitor
beverage sales and consumption. -Supervision - Presence
The licensee, a Manager or principal representative of the licensee shall be present in the
licensed premises at all times during which alcoholic beverages are being sold pursuant to the
license, and shall be available to the licensing authorities and its agents during all such times
unless some other person, similarly qualified, authorized and satisfactory to the Licensing
Authority, and of whose authority to act in place of such Manager or principal representative
--5- te~( I
3 -3 Board of Selectmen Policies
shall first:have been approved by the Licensing Authority in the manner aforesaid is present in
the premises, and is acting in the place of such Manager or principal representative. - Dutv to Keep Order
No licensee for sale of alcoholic beverages shall permit any disorder, disturbance or
illegality of any kind to take place in or on the licensed premises. The licensee shall be
responsible therefore whether present or not. There shall be no indecent or immoral
entertainment on the licensed premises. - Proof of Age
The Licensee, Manager, principal representative, bartender and waitress/waiter shall
refuse to serve any patron under the age of twenty-one (21). When in doubt of age, they shall
require the showing of an identification card or license in accordance with Chapter 138, Section
34B of the General Laws. - Minimum Ate of Emplovee or Server
No employee of any licensed establishment who is serving, clearing or otherwise
handling alcoholic beverages shall be under the age of 18. - Prohibition of Brin,2ine Alcoholic Beveraues onto the Premises
There shall be no alcoholic beverages brought onto the premises of a licensed
establishment except for deliveries for the operation of the business as controlled by the laws,
rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. - Information Re2ardin2 the Alleged Service of Alcohol Prior to Violation for
Driving Under the Influence of IntoxicatinLy Liquors
Upon the receipt of a letter from the Office of the Attorney General or the Middlesex
District Attorney's Office pursuant to G.L. c. 90, Sec. 24J or, any other statute, or any other
notice regarding the alleged service or sale of alcohol to an individual who is subsequently
convicted or pleads guilty to a violation of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquors, or
enters a disposition under Section 24D of Chapter 90, the Licensing Authority:
♦ Shall forward a copy of the letter to the licensee cited, along with a copy of these rules
and regulations.
e May request that the licensee appear before the Licensing Authority to respond to the
Upon the receipt of two or more letters in a two-year period, the licensee shall be required to
appear before the Licensing Authority to respond to the allegations.
Any disciplinary action taken by the Licensing Authority shall be taken in accordance with
the provisions of the Reading Liquor Policy, the Massachusetts General Laws, and Rules and
Regulations of the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. Neither a letter from the Office of
the Attorney General or the Middlesex District Attorney's Office, nor the original letter from the
court to these law enforcement agencies shall, by itself, constitute sufficient evidence so as to
allow for a finding that a licensee has committed a violation.
3-4 Board of Selectmen Policies - Dutv to Report an Attempt to Purchase by a Minor
The licensee shall be required to report to the Reading Police Department any time a
person attempts to purchase alcohol while being underage, or attempts to use an altered or forged
identification for the purpose of purchasing alcohol. Furthermore, the licensee shall immediately
report to the Reading Police Department any time they suspect an adult is purchasing alcohol for
a minor. These infractions must be reported even when the incident takes place off premises,
such as for home deliveries.
Licensees shall make all reasonable and diligent efforts to report any illegality on the
licensed premises. - Liouor License Fees
The following fees are established for each calendar year for the categories of license
available in the Town of Reading:
Retail Package Goods Store License for
All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages not to
be Drunk on the Premises
Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for
Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic
Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises
(100 or more seats)
Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for
Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic
Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises
(less than 100 seats)
Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for
Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages
to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100
Club License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and
to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to
be Drunk on the Premises
$1100 - Hours of Operation
The following shall be the hours of operation for premises licensed for sale and/or service
of alcoholic beverages by the Town of Reading:
Cate,2orv Hours of Operation Exceptions
Retail Package Goods Store 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., except 8:00 See Sunday Sales in
License for All Kinds of a.m. to 11:30 p.m. the day before a Section below
Alcoholic Beverages not to be holiday
Drunk on the Premises
3-5 Board of Selectmen Policie_,,,,.,
Restaurant License to Expose,
Keep for Sale, and to Sell All
Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to
be Drunk on the Premises (100 or
more seats)
Restaurant License to Expose,
Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine
and Malt Beverages to be
Drunk on the Premises (less
than 100 seats)
Restaurant License to Expose,
Keep for. Sale, and to Sell Wine
and Malt Beverages to be Drunk
on the Premises (less than 100
Club License to Expose, Keep for
Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of
Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk
on the Premises
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight
Monday through Saturday, and
12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight on
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight
Monday through Saturday, and
12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight on
11.00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday
tkough Satffday, and 1100 nee
to 1! *;00 en-11:00 a.m. to
12:00 midnight Monday through
Saturday, and 12:00 noon to 12:00
midnight on Sundays
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. except on
Sundays and legal holidays when the
hours are 12:00 noon to 1:00 a.m. Sundyv Sales for Packaze Stores
Sunday sales for Package Stores are permitted, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 138, §15, subject to
the following conditions:
♦ No sales may be made prior to noon on Sunday;
♦ No sales may be made after 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, except that no sales may be made
after 11:30 p.m. on a Sunday that immediately precedes a legal holiday;
♦ Employees must be paid for working on Sunday at a rate not less than 1'/Z of the
employees' regular rate;
♦ No employee may be required to work on a Sunday; refusal to work on a Sunday is not
grounds for discrimination, dismissal, discharge, deduction of hours or any other
o If a Section 15 licensee intends to close one day per week except Sundays, such licensee
must notify the Licensing Authority of such licensee's intended hours of operation. - Breech of Policv or Conditions
For breach of any of the requirements, restrictions or conditions of this policy of license,
the Licensing Authority reserves the power and right to modify, suspend, revoke or cancel the
license in accordance with the law.
3-6 Board of Selectmen Policies `
3.2.2 -Requirements for All:
® Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic
Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (100 seats or more), and
♦ Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of Alcoholic
Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats), and
♦ Restaurant License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages to
be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats)
All licensees for the service of alcohol, whether the holder of
♦ Restaurant License - All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages (100 or more seats)
♦ Restaurant License - All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages (less than 100 seats)
♦ Restaurant License - Wine and Malt Beverages (less than 100 seats)
shall, in addition to Section 3.2.1 of this policy, adhere to the following policies: Advertisement
No premises shall be licensed that contain any advertisement or sign upon which appears
the brand name of any product sold in the establishment including wine or beer, except that signs
or advertisements inside of the premises that cannot be seen from the exterior of the premises are
permitted - Requirements for Service of Food and Drink
In licensed premises, all food and drink service shall conform to the following:
♦ Food shall be served on china, pottery or other solid dinnerware and shall use metal
silverware. No plastic or paper dinnerware or silverware is permitted.
♦ An establishment that has a separate and distinct take-out area may be licensed for the sale of
beer and wine on the premises.
♦ Alcohol must be served in glass or pottery containers only. No paper, plastic or other
containers will be used for service. Pitchers or carafes of beer or wine with a capacity of 750
ml or less will be permitted. - Toilet Facilities Required
No premises shall be licensed unless toilet facilities meeting all requirements of the
current edition of the State Building Code and State Sanitary Code are available to the customers
of the license premises. - List of Alternative Transportation
Licensees shall maintain a written list of the telephone numbers of local taxicab
companies next to the public telephone. If there is no public telephone, the list should be
available for patrons when requested. - (:Orderly Closing
Licensees shall ensure that patrons leave the premises in an orderly manner within the
time limits established below
3-7 Board of Selectmen Policies I
• There shall be no sale of alcoholic beverages or food after the closing hour
established in the table in Section Sale shall be defined as delivery of
alcoholic beverages or food to the customer.
9 All tables and service locations shall be cleared of alcoholic beverages within'/2 hour
after the closing hour as established in the table in Section
• All customers shall be off the premises within 1 hour of the closing time as
established in Section - Prohibition of takinL Alcoholic Beverages from the Premises - Exceptions
There shall be no alcoholic beverages taken from the premises of an establishment
licensed under M.G.L. c.138, §12 except for deliveries for the operation of the business as
controlled by the laws, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and with
the exception of partially consumed bottles of wine which are purchased with a meal and
resealed in accordance with 204 CMR 2.18 of the Regulations of the Alcoholic Beverages
Control Commission. - Refusal of Service
The Manager of any premises licensed under this policy shall refuse to serve any patron
who is approaching a condition of "Under the Influence." Service of Alcoholic Beverages Limited to Hours that Food Services is Provided
The hours during which sales of alcoholic beverages may be made in a licensed premise
is further limited to the times when a full menu of food service is available. No alcoholic
beverages may be sold or served in a licensed premise before food service is available, nor after
the food service has been suspended. - Service Bar
In, the event that an area is designed as a "service bar," which is distinct from what is
commonly referred to as a "bar," no liquor is to be served directly to the public at such service
bar, and rio stools or chairs are to be placed at said service bar.
-~;-j 10,
3 -8 Board of Selectmen Policies
3.2.3 - Reouirements for All: Restaurant License to Expose. Keen for Sale, and to Sell All
Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (100 or more seats)
All Restaurants licensed for the service of "All Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages" shall
adhere to the following policies in addition to the provisions of Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of this
policy: - Minimum Seatine Requirement
A license shall not be granted for an establishment having a seating capacity of less than
one hundred (100) persons. No more than 15% of the seats shall be at a bar.
3-9 Board of Selectmen Policies
3.2.4 - Requirements for:
Restaurant License to Expose. Keep for Sale. and to Sell All
Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats) and
Restaurant License to Expose. Keep for Sale. and to Sell Wine
and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats)
All Restaurants Licensed to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of
Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises (less than 100 seats), and Restaurants
Licensed to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell Wine and Malt Beverages to be Drunk on
the Premises (less than 100 seats) Restaurants t cc.
~ 1VV11J Va lL for- -LIZ 2 in
Beverages to be Drunk an the Premier' shall adhere to the following policies in addition to the
provisions of Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of this policy: Purpose and Intent
Pursuant to a A Home Rule petition by the Town of Reading, approved by the General
Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts authorized the Town of Reading to issue a limited
number (currently 5) of Beer and Wine licenses to restaurant establishments with fewer than 100
seats; and a Home Rule petition by the Town of Reading, approved by the General Court of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts authorized the Town of Reading to allow for All
Alcoholic service within the above noted establishments with fewer than 100 seats. This
legislative action was confirmed by the voters of the Town in the Election of March 24, 1998,
and April 7, 2009 respectively.. This policy is established pursuant to those votes.
The intent of this policy is to encourage the development and retention of smaller
specialty restaurants in the Downtown area of Reading in order to enhance the economic vitality
of the Downtown area. It is recognized that the serving of beer and wine in a restaurant is part of
the customers' dining experience. - Maximum Seats
A restaurant holding a "Wine and Malt Beverage" license shall have seating for less than
100 customers. At its sole discretion, the Licensing Authority may allow all alcoholic service
to any or all of the 5 restaurants with less than 100 seats. All seats shall be at tables there
shall be no seating at a bar. - Service Bar
Only a service bar is permitted. Its function is to serve to restaurant employees who
serve the customers and can be used to serve drinks to those customers waiting to dine. There
will be no seats at this bar. - Seating Requirement
There shall be no service of alcohol to anyone unless they are seated at a table.
3-10 Board of Selectmen Policies
3.2.5 - Requirements for Club License to Expose, Keep for Sale, and to Sell All Kinds of
Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises
All Clubs licensed for the service of "All kinds of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on
the Premises" shall adhere to the following policies in addition to the provisions of Section 3.2.1
of this policy: - Minimum Seating Requirement
There shall be no minimum seating for a club license. ^ lieense shall not be gr-
for an establishmepA ha~ving a seating eapaoity of less 4ian one hundfed (100) per-sons. No more
than 15% of the seats shall be at a bar. - Advertisements
No premises shall be licensed that contain any advertisement or sign upon which appears
the brand name of any product sold in the establishment including wine or beer, except that signs
or advertisements inside of the premises that cannot be seen from the exterior of the premises are
permitted. - Requirements for Service of Food and Drink
In licensed premises, all food and drink service shall conform to the following:
♦ There is no requirement for service of food in clubs. When served, food shall be
served on china, pottery or other solid dinnerware and shall use metal silverware.
No plastic or paper dinnerware or silverware is permitted.
♦ Plastic glasses are permitted. Service will be by the glass or bottle, or glass or pottery
pitchers or carafes of beer or wine with a capacity of 750 ml or less will be permitted. - Toilet Facilities Reauired
No premises shall be licensed unless toilet facilities meeting all requirements of the
current edition of the State Building Code and State Sanitary Code are available to the customers
of the license premises. - List of Alternative Transportation
Licensees shall maintain a written list of the telephone numbers of local taxicab
companies next to the public telephone. If there is no public telephone, the list should be
available for patrons when requested. - Orderlv Closing
# to r-- f-h I e g a 1 time f r "°I°
Licensees shall ensure that patrons leave the premises in an orderly manner within
the time limits established below
a There shall be no sale of alcoholic beverages or food after the closing hour
established in section Sale shall be defined as delivery of alcoholic
beverages or food to the customer.
3- 11 Board of Selectmen Policies
• All tables and service locations shall be cleared of alcoholic beverages not later
than 30 minutes after the closing hour established in Section
• All customers shall be off the premises not later than one hour after the closing
hour established in Section - Prohibition of taking Alcoholic Beverages from the Premises
There shall be no alcoholic beverages taken from the premises of a licensed
establishment. - Refusal of Service
The Manager of any premises licensed under this policy shall refuse to serve any patron
who is approaching a condition of "Under the Influence." : Service Bar
In the event that an area is designed as a "service bar," which is distinct from what is
commonly referred to as a "bar," no liquor is to be served to the public at such service bar, and
no stools or chairs are to be placed at said service bar.
cam" G~,
3-12 Board of Selectmen Policies
3.2.6 -Reouirements for Special Licenses under Section 14,
Special liquor licenses may be issued by the Town for commercial establishments or for
non-profit organizations.
Holders of special licenses shall provide the liquor to the attendees of any event "bring
your own liquor (or beer or wine)" will not be permitted. The license holder is required to
comply with 204 CMR 4.00 (the prohibited practices requirements). License holders must
purchase their alcohol from a licensed Massachusetts wholesaler, in compliance with M.G.L.
Chapter 138, Section 14. Alcohol may not be purchased out of state, from a caterer, or from a
Section 15 package store. The Town will provide to licensees a list of licensed Massachusetts
wholesalers, or the method by which a licensee may obtain such a list.
Holders of special licenses shall provide a bartender and/or servers who are trained and
authorized to make decisions regarding continued service of alcoholic beverages to attendees
(reference There shall be no self service of any alcoholic beverage at an event approved
as a special license.
Applicants for special licenses shall provide proof of insurance to the Licensing
Authority with the application for the one day license. - Limitations
A person or entity may only be issued a maximum of 30 Special Licenses in any calendar
year. - Exceptions:
In the case of events held by private residents, outside of their private residence, the
Licensing Authority shall not require a special license where: (1) the event is by invitation only,
(2) money is not exchanged for alcohol, (3) tickets are not sold, (4) a donation is not required or
solicited, or (5) an entrance fee is not charged.
3 - 13 Board of Selectmen Policies
3.2.7 - Enforcement
Licensees violating applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, rules or
regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, and/or of the Town of Reading
Liquor Policies shall be subject to the following range of penalties:
Offense Penaltv
15L Offense
J Warning to three days suspension
2"tl Offense
J Three days to six days suspension
3`a Offense
J Six days to 12 days suspension
4t" Offense
( Show cause hearing for license revocation
The term "Offense" is defined as one violation of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter
138, and/or one violation of the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission Rules
and Regulations 204CMR, and/or Town of Reading local licensing regulations and any other law
or regulation of the Town of Reading.
Examples of criteria to invoke penalties are based on the following:
• Severity and type of offense
Number of prior offenses
The penalties are only a guide. The Licensing Authority may use its discretion in
determining whether the facts surrounding a violation warrant a penalty which is more lenient or
sever than that suggested by the guidelines.
The penalties shall not be construed as to limit the Licensing Authority's ability, to
consider alternative dispositions or further conditions on a license, or even alternative penalties
(e.g. rolling back of the licensees operating hours, suspension of the 'licensee's common
victuallers license, and/or suspending the licensee's entertainment license.) - Access to Premises by Police and Aaents
It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that procedures are in place, by
posting a doorman or otherwise, to allow Police and authorized agents of the licensing Authority
immediate entrance into the premises at any time employees are on the premises. Any delay in
providing such access shall be cause for action against the license. - Posting of Notice
Whenever the Licensing Authority warns a licensee or suspends the license or licenses of
any licensee, the Licensing Authority shall provide the licensee with a sign containing the words
"Closed by order of the Licensing Authority for the Town of Reading," or "warning issued by
the Licensing Authority of the Town of Reading" and stating the reason for the warning or
suspension. This sign shall be attached by the licensee on the inside of a window in a location
3-14 Board of Selectmen Policies
designated by the Licensing Authority which location shall be visible from the outside of the
licensed premises in a conspicuous place during the entire period of such warning or suspension. - Asents of the Licensing Authoritv
The Licensing Authority hereby appoint the Chief of Police and the Police Department
Lieutenants and Sergeants as agents of the Licensing Authority to insure that the policies of the
Licensing Authority and the Massachusetts State Laws regarding Alcoholic Beverage Licensing
are adhered to by all licensees. - Compliance Operations
The Licensing Authority shall from time to time review with the Police Chief guidelines
for compliance operations by the Police Department.
The Licensing Authority hereby assigns the responsibility of conducting annual
inspections of liquor license holders to the Town Manager. These inspections will serve the
purpose of reviewing and checking compliance with the Licensing Authority's liquor policies.
Revised 2-10-09: Revised-- -09
S k-~
3-15 Board of Selectmen Policies
Board of Selectmen Meeting
June 9, 2009
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these Minutes reflects the order in which
the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the order in which
any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Chairman Stephen Goldy, Vice Chairman Ben
Tafoya, Secretary James Bonazoli, Selectmen Camille .Anthony and Richard Schubert,
Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director Bob
LeLacheur, Fire Chief Greg Burns, Human Resources Administrator Carol Roberts, Recreation
Administrator John Feudo, Youth Representative Sarah Mulroy, Office Manager Paula Schena
and the following list of interested parties: Jeffrey Struble, Gina Snyder, Bill Brown, Adam
Chase, George Perry, Mary Ellen O'Neill, Trevor and Justin Young, Thomas Plano, David and
Joseph Green, Thomas Gray, Cage Hamblin, Niles Singes, Quinn Marchetti, Devon Smallwood,
Makena Gera, Nikki Wynns, Amelia Sellitto, Graham Boudette, Rory Fitzpatrick, Clara Long,
Shaelyn Collins, Catherine Almeida, Carlson Kiliopulos, Lilly Haley, Cassie Wolfe, Gracie
Godwin, Cameron MacDonnell.
Reports and Comments
Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments - Selectman Camille Anthony noted that she is
working on the Fall Street Faire with Chairman Stephen Goldy. She also noted that the mural is
coming along great.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he had Office Hours tonight. One resident commented
about the trash on Walkers Brook Drive, and suggested that perhaps the property owner could
monitor and come up with a plan to clean up. He also noted that the fence that was put up during
construction on the Market Basket side of the road probably isn't necessary anymore. Vice
Chairman Ben Tafoya asked who was responsible for cleaning the basins, and the Town
Manager noted that the property owner is required to clean the basin every so often. Selectman
Schubert noted that Jeff Struble also carne in to speak with him regarding his instructional
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that he attended the CPDC Meeting and they approved the site
plan for the butcher shop on Haven Street. They are scheduling a session for next Monday on
40B. He, also noted that the Selectmen will need to talk with CPDC. at some point regarding
parking in the 40R zone.
Youth Representative Sarah Mulroy noted that Rachel Marolda is selling bracelets for Eddie
Charest and donating the money to the Heart Foundation. Selectman James Bonazoli noted that
he and Sarah Mulroy also attended a teen and senior event at the Senior Center.
V/ a
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 9. 2009 - Paae 2
Selectman James Bonazoli noted that he would like to charter. CPDC to fix the mix use overlay
bylaw. He also requested an update on the Addison-Wesley property, and the, Town Manager
noted that he would get an update from the developer.
Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that there will be a brief dedication of Collins Field on June 18th
at 5:30 p.m. He also noted that he will be sending a letter to Representative Brad Jones thanking
him for his support in getting the Ash Street grade crossing done.
Public Comment - Town Meeting Member Jeff Struble indicated that he sent an email regarding
his instructional motion. He noted that the storage shed at Laurel Hill is not safe. A decision to
where it will go has not been made yet. He also noted that the intent of the instructional motion
was to get the building done faster. He feels that a deferral to a large building committee will
prolong the process and will miss out on the bargain prices..
Selectman Camille Anthony asked where this is in the capital plan, and the Assistant Town
Manager noted that it is four to five years out.
Jeff Struble noted that the instructional motion was to have the plans ready to go if stimulus
money becomes available.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that the new DPW Director comes on board July 1 st and he
needs to be involved.
Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that we already have projects that are shovel ready if the money
comes along and the Selectmen can prioritize.
Bill Brown noted that the Cemetery Board agrees with Jeff Struble.
Town Manaeer's Report
The Town Manager gave the following report:
• Tennis Courts - Painting will be done the week of June 22nd weather permitting, and they
should be open for play a couple of weeks later.
• Collins Field rededication June 18th at Parker Middle School - 5:30 p.m.
• FYI - The attorney for the property owner at 855 Main Street has requested a copy of the
petition that was submitted to the Board of Selectmen at their May 19th meeting.
• The Town has received a notice from the Architectural Access Board that the new crosswalk at
Birch Meadow Drive and the fire access lane at Birch Meadow School is not HC compliant.
A ramp on the southerly (field) side of the crosswalk will cost about $3,000. How do you
want to proceed? Install the ramp or remove the crosswalk. Selectman James Bonazoli noted
that there is more than one crosswalk in Town without a ramp. The Town Manager noted the
other crosswalks are older and this is a new crosswalk. Selectman Camille Anthony noted
that the Board needs to see a plan and the cost.
Board of Selectmen Meetino, - June 9. 2009 - Page 3
• At the PTTTF meeting, we talked about installing a stop sign on Pine Ridge Road at Oak
Street, and the Safety Officer prepared the paperwork for the Board of Selectmen
consideration at a hearing in June. That paperwork also went to the DPW who assumed it
was a work order and installed the sign. Some neighbor(s) are unhappy and we have
explained the situation to them. They will get a notice of the hearing.
• As part of the valuation of Real Estate and Personal Property in the Town of Reading, we
would like to remind you that the Assessor's Office has our Appraisers Scott Morrison,
Patricia Sullivan and Deborah Jackson out inspecting the current building permits and
completing our annual cyclical re-inspection program. A systematic re-inspection of all
properties in the Town on a nine year cycle is a minimum State requirement. These
inspections have started and will continue throughout the next four to six months. Any of
these individuals who are part of our inspection team will be able to provide photo
identification. Any home owner may verbally confirm the identity of any individual
representing themselves as working for the Reading Assessor's Office by calling 781-942-
9027. Office Hours are: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
• 1 received a question about the right turn only restriction on Hopkins at Main Street. The
restrictions are permanent, or until/unless we get a traffic signal at that location. The
regulation was requested by staff, and approved by the Board of Selectmen and the
Massachusetts Highway Department.
. CPDC last night granted a waiver of Site Plan Review, with conditions, for the proposed Olde
Redding Butcher Shop at 169 Haven Street last night. They also approved the sign design and
granted Certificate of Appropriateness to accompany the sign permit application.
Proclamations/Certificates of Appreciation
Resolution - Support for Revised Bottle Bill - The Town Manager noted that this Resolution is
in support of requiring a deposit on water bottles, sports drinks and tea bottles.
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Schubert to approve the Resolution in support of the
revised bottle bill was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Personnel and Appointments
Aquatics Advisorv Board - Tafova moved and Bonazoli seconded to place the following
name into nomination for one position on the Aquatics Advisorv Board with a term
expiring June 30. 2012: Lois Mareeson. Ms. Mareeson received five votes and was,
Board of Cemeterv Trustees - Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following
names into nomination for two positions on the Board of Cemeterv Trustees with terms
expiring June 30. 2012: Marv Vincent and William Brown. Each applicant received fives
votes and were appointed.
Recreation Committee - The Board interviewed Adam Chase for one Associate position on the
Recreation Committee.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 9. 2009 - Paize 4
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to Place the following names into nomination for
three positions on the Recreation Committee with terms expiring June 30. 2012: John
Winne. Marv Ellen Stolecki and Nancv Linn-Swain. Each applicant received five votes and
were appointed.
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following names into nomination for two
Associate positions on the Recreation Committee with terms expiring June 30. 2010: Eric
HuLyhes and Adam Chase. Each applicant received five votes and were appointed.
Town Forest Committee - The Board interviewed George Perry for one position on the Town
Forest Committee.
Tafova moved and Anthonv seconded to place the following name into nomination for one
position on the Town Forest Committee with a term expiring June 30. 2012: George Perrv.
Mr. Perrv received five votes and was appointed.
Tafova moved and Bonazoli seconded to place the following names into nomination for two
Associate positions on the Town Forest Committee with terms expiring June 30. 2010:
Joan Hovt and Patrice Todisco. Each applicant received five votes and were appointed.
Discussion/Action Items
Mrs. Boston's Grade 4 "It's My Business" - Chairman Stephen Goldy welcomed Mrs. Boston
and her 4th grade class. He noted that their assignment was called "It's My Business," and the
students were looking for ideas on what should go into the vacant Linens `N Things location.
The Town Manager noted that he sent a copy of the letters to Mark Dickinson, the owner of the
site. He was very impressed with the letters and will be writing back to Mrs. Boston.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that some of the recommendations were for an arcade,
entertainment, laser tag, pet store, grooming store and a kennel.
Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that they also recommended a bookstore, trampoline world and a
couple asked for a teen center.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that he was very impressed with the business proposal for
"Fitzy's Sporting Goods."
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya indicated that he liked the bowling alley proposal.
Mrs. Boston noted that the students took into consideration the location off Route 128, and the
fact that there was plenty of parking. She also noted that they also created brochures for their
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 9, 2009 - Page 5
Student Joseph Green asked if any of their ideas will go in that location. Chairman Stephen
Goldy noted that the property is owned by an individual and the Town can help guide him but
the Town does not make the final decision. The Town Manager noted that the cost of rent for
that location is high so companies have to look at the cost of running of the business and what
they will charge.
Selectman Camille Anthony noted that property was a former landfill and the developer had to
pay to close the landfill. The Town Manager noted that the buildings are on pilings and the
parking lot is on top of trash. He also noted that the trash now goes to Haverhill and is burned
and that generates electricity.
A student asked how long it will take to put something in the empty space. Chairman Stephen
Goldy noted that depends on who rents it.
Highlights - Fire Department Ambulance Service - Fire Chief Greg Burns gave a very
informative presentation on the ambulance service that the Town provides.
Continued Hearing - Atlantic Food Mart Liquor License Revocation - The Secretary read the
hearing notice.
The Town Manager noted that the Atlantic Mart closed in December 2008. He stated that the
Selectmen held a hearing in April and extended it twice while the owner tried to work out a
transfer of the license. He received a phone call on Monday indicating that they were unable to
come up with a plan. He noted that on Page 22 of the handout was a letter from Attorney Brad
Latham indicating that they are surrendering their license.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that the Board needs to discuss being prepared for this
situation in the future. They need to address the issue of selling a license and losing control.
Chairman Stephen Goldy noted that he was disappointed that the Board renewed this license in
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Tafova that the Board of Selectmen accent the
surrender of the Retail Package Goods Store for all Kinds of Alcoholic Beverages not to be
Drunk on the Premises license issued to the Atlantic Food Mart. Inc.. in lieu of continuing
the hearing on this matter, was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Hearing - FY2010 Compensation Plan - The Secretary read the hearing notice. Human
Resources Administrator Carol Roberts was present.
The Town Manager noted that the compensation plan is for non-union employees for FY 2010
and includes a 2% cost of living increase. He also noted that this plan covers 64 positions for
100 employees. The cost of $81,000 is included in the FY 2010 Budget. He stated that there are
six union contracts in place that expire in 2010.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 9. 2009 - Page 6
All employees have been told not to expect a cost of living increase in 2010 and 2011. The
Personnel Policies are being changed so that sick leave is being reduced from 15 to 12 days per
year, and new employees are not eligible for sick leave buy back.
Selectman James Bonazoli noted that he will not support increases in the coming years when
salaries in the private sector are decreasing.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that the unions have absorbed hard times in the past.
Selectman Camille Anthony asked how much of the $81,000 is the cost of living allowance, and
the Assistant Town Manager noted that all of it is cost of living, and that the step increase is
another $81,000. Selectman Anthony noted that the Town cannot afford 4% increases every year
and requested that 4% increases never come back to the Board again.
Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya noted that tax revenue can only increase 2.50% each year. He feels
uncomfortable with the proposal and noted that we are still supplementing the budget out of
reserves. He also noted that this discussion needs to take place during budget season. The Town
Manager noted that he has told the unions that they need to start negotiating early this time to
have contracts in place by budget time.
The Assistant Town Manager suggested scheduling a Financial Forum as soon as possible
because next year's budget will be even more difficult.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert to close the hearing on the proposed FY 2010
Compensation Plan for Town non-union emplovees was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert to approve the FY 2010 Compensation Plan,
as presented, was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Continued Hearing - Birch Meadow Master Plan - Imagination Station Area - The Secretary
read the hearing notice.
The Town Manager noted that the Selectmen need to make a decision on which plan they prefer
regarding the skateboard park and parking. He noted that the skateboard park could be moved to
a location near the Field House.
The Selectmen had concerns regarding the conservation and impervious area. Selectman James
Bonazoli asked what the requirements are for this restoration, and the Town Manager noted that
the idea is to do some appropriate planting and some wildflower mix.
Thomas Plano from 128 Gleason Road noted that Recreation did not survey middle and High
School students. Recreation Administrator John Feudo indicated that they will be doing that
before they close the project out. Mr. Plano noted that all of the playgrounds in town have been
replaced in the past eight years, and there is no place for kids his age to go.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 9. 2009 - Pate 7
Bill Brown suggested moving everything up the road to Oakland Road. Chairman Stephen
Goldy noted that we are trying to keep everything in the Birch Meadow Area.
Selectman Richard Schubert asked about the fencing and trees. He noted that trees could be put
around the perimeter. He had concerns regarding amplified sound in the platform area. He feels
that should be addressed now because it will open opportunities that could get out of hand. He
would like to see onsite parking, and feels that the skateboard park is too much for that area.
Selectman Richard Schubert noted that if the park was moved near the school, there would be
security issues. He also noted that if the access road was opened, then the skateboard park could
stay where it is.
There was discussion among the Board members regarding sighting the skateboard park near the
Field House. After much discussion, the consensus of the Board was to go with revision 3, open
the access road and add trees around the perimeter.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthonv to close the hearing on the Birch Meadow
Master Plan for the ImaLrination Station Area was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Adopt Guidelines for the Youth Liaison to the Board of Selectmen - The Town Manager
reviewed the final version of the Guidelines for the Youth Liaison to the Board of Selectmen.
On motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthonv. the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the
"Guidelines for the Youth Liaison to the Readine Board of Selectmen" dated June 9. 2009
was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Adopt Code of Code of Conduct - The Town Manager reviewed the final version of the Code of
A motion by Anthonv seconded by Bonazoli to approve the "Code of Conduct" dated 5-28-
09 was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Execute Agreement with AGFA - The Town Manager indicated that the Selectmen needed to
execute the agreement with AGFA.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Anthonv to approve the settlement in the amount of
$125,000 between the Town of Reading and AGFA related to the contamination of the
revav well and the recoverv of expenses related thereto was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Execute Conservation Restriction - 9 Greaorv Road - The Town Manager noted that the map in
the Selectmen's packet shows the restriction.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Schubert to approve the conservation restriction for 9
Greeorv Road. as approved by the property owner and the Conservation Commission, was
approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Board of Selectmen Meeting - June 9. 2009 - Page 8
Approval of Minutes
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of Aoril 14. 2009 was
approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of April 28, 2009 was
approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of Mav 5, 2009 was
approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of Mav 19, 2009 was
approved by a vote of 3-0-2. with Goldv and Bonazoli abstaininiz.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the Minutes of Mav 26. 209 was
approved by a vote of 4-0-1. with Goldv abstaininz.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to approve the Executive Session Minutes of
April 14,.2009. as written. was approved on a roll call vote with all five members voting in
the affirmative.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Anthonv to approve the Executive Session Minutes of
Mav 26, 2009. as written. was approved on a roll call vote with Tafova, Bonazoli and
Anthonv voting in the affirmative and Goldv and Schubert abstaining.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Schubert to adjourn the meetine of June 9. 2009 at 10:30
p.m. was :approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
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Ll c (3 as
Schena, Paula
Hechenbleikner, Peter
Thursday, June 18, 2009 9:30 AM
Reading - Selectmen
Schena, Paula
FW: Level 3 Sex Offender
Attachments: 2009 level 3 info letter.doc; Bolden%20AIlen%20SOR.pdf
I/c Board of Selectmen
From: Cormier, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1:00 PM
To: jb411@comcast.net; bobbi.carnes@verizon.net
Cc: Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Level 3 Sex Offender
In response to your inquiry to the Town Manger I have attached two documents. The PDF file is the actual flyer
regarding our most recent level 3 registrant. This is our only level 3 registrant in the community currently. We do
however at various times have level 3 registrants come and go.
Please review the documents, if you have any specific questions please feel free to contact me.
Chief James W. Cormier
Reading Police Department
15 Union St.
Reading, MA 01867
781-944-2893 Fax
JCormier an_ ci.readina.ma.us
When writing or responding, please remember that the secretary of State's Office has determined that
email is a public record. This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If
you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error,
please do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please
indicate to the sender that you have received this email in error, and delete the copy you received.
15 Union Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
James W. Cormier Emergency Only: 911 All Other Calls: 781-944-1212 Fax: 781-944-2893
Chief of Police E-Mail: JCormier@ci.reading.ma.us
Re: Sex Offender Registration
Dear Resident,
The Reading Police Department understands the concerns that residents have with Level
3 sex offenders living within our community. The Police Department is required by law
to notify the community when a Level '3 offender lives and/or works within the town
borders so residents can be alert to who is in their neighborhoods. The Police
Department takes this responsibility very seriously and will make the information
available as required and/or necessary. All officers within the department are made
aware of the information regarding registered level 3 offenders.
We hope that knowledge of the situation will allow the public to be aware and take
precautions as they deem appropriate. We must all understand that registrants have paid
their debt to society and have met their obligations by registering. The registrants are
free to live amongst us. The registrants are not currently wanted by law enforcement
agencies for any infraction of state or local laws. It is imperative that residents
understand the following information:
Residents must be aware that Massachusetts General Laws state that sex offender,
registry information shall not be used to commit a crime or to engage in illegal
discrimination or harassment of an offender. Any person who uses information
disclosed pursuant to M.G.L. C. 6, 178C - 178Q for such purposes shall be
punished by not more than TWO AND ONE HALF (2 '/Z) YEARS in a house of
correction or by a fine of not more than ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS
($1,000.00) OR BOTH (M.G.L. C. 6, § 178N). -In addition, any person who uses
registry information to threaten to commit a crime may be punished by a fine of
FOR NOT MORE THAN SIX (6) MONTHS (M.G.L. C. 275, § 4).
Again, we empathize with the concerns the public have regarding this matter. The
information is provided so the public will be informed. Thank you for your inquiry, if
there is anything further the Police Department can do to assist you please contact us.
Chief James W. Cormier
Level 3 Sex Offender Community Notification
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6, 178C-178Q, the individual who appears on this notification has been designated as a Level 3 Sex
Offender by the Sex Offender Registry Board. The Board has determined that this individual is at a high risk to reoffend and that
the degree of dangerousness posed to the public is such that a substantial public safety interest is served by active community
Name: BOLDEN, ALLEN Date of Birth: 03/09/1982
Home Address(es):
Height: 5'07'
Eye Color: BLACK
Weight: 150 Ibs
Hair Color: BROWN
Conviction Date(s)/Offenses Committed:
SOR Form 153 -A
% a3