HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-11-21 Special Town Meeting WarrantCOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Officer's Return, Reading By virtue of this Warrant, I, on octoher 96 , 2016 notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in Town elections and Town affairs, to meet at the place and at the time specked by posting attested copies of this Town Meeting Warrant in the following public places within the Town of Reading: Precinct 1 J. Warren Killam School, 333 Charles Street Precinct 2 Reading Police Station, 15 Union Street Precinct 3 Reading Municipal Light Department, 230 Ash Street Precinct 4 Joshua Eaton School, 365 Summer Avenue Precinct 5 Wafter S. Parker Middle School, 45 Temple Street Precinct 6 Barrows School, 16 Edgemonl Avenue Precinct 7 Birch Meadow School, 27 Arthur B Lord Drive Precinct 8 Wood End School, 85 Sunset Rock Lane Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street The date of posting being not less than fourteen (14) days prior to November 21, 2016, the date set for Special Town Meeting in this Warrant. I also caused a posting of this Warrant to be published on the Town of Reading website on n,rnhor 26 12016. oma. Freem n , Constable A true copy Attest: Laura Gemme, Town Clerk TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. To any of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in Town elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Reading Memorial High School Performing Arts Center, 62 Oakland Road, in said Reading, on Monday, November 21, 2016, at seven -thirty o'clock in the evening, at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by Town Meeting Members in accordance with the provisions of the Reading Home Rule Charter. ARTICLE 1 To hear and act on the reports of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Library Trustees, Municipal Light Board, Finance Committee, Bylaw Committee, Town Manager, Town Accountant and any other Town Official, Board or Committee. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 2 To choose all other necessary Town Officers and Boards or Committees and determine what instructions shall be given Town Officers and Boards or Committees, and to see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate by borrowing or transfer from available funds, or otherwise. for the purpose of funding Town Officers and Boards or Committees to carry out the instructions given to them. or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 3 To see if the Town will vote to amend the FY 2017-27 Capital Improvements Program as provided for in Section 7.7 of the Reading Home Rule Charter and as previously amended, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen ARTICLE 4 To see if the Town will vole to authorize the Board of Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to petition the General Court for passage of a special law substantially as provided below. The Legislature may make clerical or editorial changes in form only to the bill, unless the Board of Selectmen approves amendments to the bill before enactment by the Legislature. The Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to approve amendments that shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF READING TO GRANT LICENSES FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11 of Chapter 138 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the licensing authority of the Town of Reading shall be authorized to grant licenses, for the sale of all alcoholic beverages and wine or mail beverages only, pursuant to Section 12 of said Chapter 138; and to grant licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages pursuant to Section 15 of said Chapter 138. SECTION 2. In addition to any licenses authorized by Chapter 459 of the Acts of 2011 or other special law, licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages may be granted pursuant to Section 12 and Section 15 of Chapter 138 of the General Laws as provided in the first full paragraph of Section 17 of said Chapter 138; and licenses, for the sale of wine and malt beverages only, may be granted pursuant to Section 12 of said Chapter as provided in the second full paragraph of Section 17 of said Chapter 138. SECTION 3. Any license granted for the sale of alcoholic beverages prior to the effective date of this Act shall remain in full force and effect and shall be included in any determination, pursuant to Section 17 of Chapter 138 of the General Laws, of the number of licenses allowed to be granted by the Town of Reading; provided that the licensee continues to comply with said Chapter 138 and the terms and conditions of Its license. or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen and you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least one (1) public place in each precinct of the Town not less than fourteen (14) days prior to November 21, 2016, or providing in a manner such as electronic submission, holding for pickup or mailing, an attested copy of said Warrant to each Town Meeting Member. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at or before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our hands this 25'h day of October '2016. 11) SELECTMEN OF READING l/ omae Fre an. Constable