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2016-12-13 Board of Selectmen Packet
DRAFT - BOARD OF SELECTMEN 2016 AGENDAS 2016 121812016 Staff Responsibility Estimated Start time Town Meeting December 8,`2016 Thursday 7:30 December 13, 2016 Office Hour John Arena 6:30 Discuss Permanent Building Committee bylaw - joint meeting with PBC & Bylaw Committee and representatives from Library Trustees and School Committee LeLacheur 7:15 Records Officer Kraunelis 8:00 Hearing 154 -156 Green Street Driveway variance request LeLacheur 8:30 Hearing 61A Terrace Park Driveway variance request LeLacheur 8:45 Approve Licenses (non - alcohol) and Special Permits for Early Opening LeLacheur 9:00 Future Agendas see 2017 Recurring Items Review BOS /TM Goals Mar & Sep Semi -ann Appointments of Boards & Committees June Annual Hearing Approve Classification & Compensation June Annual Hearing Tax Classification October Annual Reports to BOS Approve licenses Town Accountant Report December Annual Qtrly RCTV members Report Semi -ann CAB (RMLD) member Report Semi -ann MAPC member Report Annual Reading Housing Authority Report Annual Reading Ice Arena Report Annual BOS Appointed Boards & Committees Annual 121812016 1 Staff I Estimated Badge Pinning - Deputy Police Chief Segalla 7:00 FY18 Town Budget 7:15 Administrative Services Kraunelis - ad hoc committees - appointment comms (Bylaw, FINCOM, PBC) - Animal Control Appeals - Board of Selectmen - Bylaw Committee - Board of Registrars - Celebration Committee - Climate Advisory Committee - Cultural Council - Finance Committee - RCTV Board of Directors* - School Committee* - RMLD Citizen Advisory Board - RMLD Commissioners* Public Services Delios Community Development - Conservation Commission - CPDC - Historical Commission - Historical District Commission - Housing Authority* FY18 Town Budget 7:00 Budget Overview LeLacheur Public Safety - Fire /EMS Burns Public Safety - Police Segalla - Human Relations Adviosry Committee - RCASA Public Safety - Dispatch Segalla Public Library Lannon - Board of Library Trustees Finance Angstrom - Audit Committee - Board of Assessors - Commissioners of Trust Funds Benefits, Miscellaneous LeLacheur Badge Pinning - Deputy Police Chief Segalla 7:00 FY18 Town Budget 7:15 Administrative Services Kraunelis - ad hoc committees - appointment comms (Bylaw, FINCOM, PBC) - Animal Control Appeals - Board of Selectmen - Bylaw Committee - Board of Registrars - Celebration Committee - Climate Advisory Committee - Cultural Council - Finance Committee - RCTV Board of Directors* - School Committee* - RMLD Citizen Advisory Board - RMLD Commissioners* Public Services Delios Community Development - Conservation Commission - CPDC - Historical Commission - Historical District Commission - Housing Authority* - Regional Planning Agencies Community Services - Board of Health - Council on Aging - Fall Street Faire - Mystic Valley Elder Services - Recreation Committee Office Hour Barry Berman 6:30 Hearing (continued Board of Selectmen Policies: Article 3 Liquor from 11/29/16) Licenses (Goal #18) 7:30 Town Personnel Policies (draft version) Perkins 8:00 Request formation of an ad hoc Cable Advisory Committee (Goal #13) 8:30 Preview - Annual Town Meeting LeLacheur 9:00 January 25, 2017 - Financial Forum Pleasant St Ctr 7:30 Office Hour lJohn Arena Radue Pinning - Police promotions I Segalla 1 7:15 Town Accountant Quarterly Report Angstrom 7:20 Hearing Close Annual Town Meeting Warrant LeLacheur 7:45 Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rates for FYI Hearing (effective December 2017 billing) LeLacheur 8:00 FY18 Town Budget 7:00 Facilities Huggins - Permanent Building Committee Public Works Zager - Board of Cemtery Trustees - Town Forest Committee - Trails Committee Capital/Debt LeLacheur Enterprise Funds LeLacheur Budget Summary LeLacheur Office Hour Barry Berman 6:30 Hearing (continued Board of Selectmen Policies: Article 3 Liquor from 11/29/16) Licenses (Goal #18) 7:30 Town Personnel Policies (draft version) Perkins 8:00 Request formation of an ad hoc Cable Advisory Committee (Goal #13) 8:30 Preview - Annual Town Meeting LeLacheur 9:00 January 25, 2017 - Financial Forum Pleasant St Ctr 7:30 Office Hour lJohn Arena Radue Pinning - Police promotions I Segalla 1 7:15 Town Accountant Quarterly Report Angstrom 7:20 Hearing Close Annual Town Meeting Warrant LeLacheur 7:45 Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rates for FYI Hearing (effective December 2017 billing) LeLacheur 8:00 Massachusetts Department of Revenue I Division of Local Services ADVANCE OF FUNDS IN LIEU OF BORROWING REPORT City/Town /District of Town of Reading, Massachusetts Purpose of Issue Reading Memorial High School Repairs and Additions (TLT Litigation) Authorization Special Town Meeting 12/08/16; Article 4 (Date and article of town meeting vote and M.G.L. citation) Grant Number (if applicable) A. Amount of Loan Authorized Computation of Limit on Total of Advances: B. Unappropriated Free Cash C. Stabilization Fund D. 1 % of FY 17 Budget E. Greatest of line B, C or D IF. Other Advances Outstanding G. Remaining Limit ( line E less line F) H. Amount to be Advanced - This Issue (not to exceed line G) Date of Advance: Approved: December 13, 2016 $ 9,087,685 $ 1,565,475 $ 908,231 $ 9,087,685 $ 1,021,022 Mayor or City Manager, Majority of Selectmen or Commissioners Please send 1st Copy to: Accountant or Auditor $ 8,066,663 $ 3,000,000 Treasurer See IGR #92 =105 for instructions and accounting procedures Date of Repayment to General Fund: Accountant /Auditor Please send 2nd Copy to: Division of Local Services Public Finance Section PO Box 9569 Boston MA 02114 -9569 (Revised: December 2003) 3.3.6 Permanent Building Committee There shall be a Permanent Building Committee consisting of five (5) Permanent Members and Associate Members as allowed by General Bylaws and, except as otherwise provided herein, up to two (2) Temporary Members for each Project that the Permanent Building Committee undertakes. Permanent and Associate Members of the Permanent Building Committee shall be appointed by an Appointment Committee consisting of the Chair of the Board of Selectmen, the Chair of the School Committee and the Town Moderator. Permanent and Associate Members shall be volunteers having practical experience and skills in professions that concentrate on the design, construction, management or financing of buildings such as architects: civil engineers; structural engineers; mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers, building contractors, project managers, property managers, attorneys and building tradespersons. The terms shall be so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year. The Permanent Building Committee shall work with the Director of Facilities to compile an inventory of the physical condition and anticipated repairs and renovations of all existing municipal buildings and will summarize its findings in an annual report to Town Meeting. The Permanent Building Committee shall evaluate Project Applications forwarded by the School Committee, the Board of Selectmen and the Library Trustees ( "Sponsoring Agency "). The Permanent Building Committee shall review and administer all major municipal and school building design studies and construction projects having expected aggregate costs of $1,500,000 or more, but may decline consideration of Projects with little or no actual construction. The Permanent Building Committee's jurisdiction shall not extend to projects of the Reading Municipal Light Department. The Permanent Building Committee shall present all such projects to Town Meeting on behalf of the Sponsoring Agency, for consideration and approval of funding. Once the Permanent Building Committee has determined there is a viable Project, the Appointment Committee may add Temporary Members for each individual Project that the Permanent Building Committee undertakes. Temporary Members shall have the same participation and voting rights as Permanent Members on matters affecting the particular Project for which they were appointed. Temporary Members shall be registered voters of the Town, selected by the Sponsoring Agency and shall serve only for the time during which the Permanent Building Committee is exercising its functions with respect to such Project. In the event that a particular project is subject to participant requirements of a state funding authority, the Appointment Committee may appoint additional Temporary members to the Permanent Building Committee for that particular project; provided, however, that, in no event, shall the aggregate number of Permanent and Temporary Members with full voting rights for a particular project exceed nine (9). Quorum requirements for the Permanent Building Committee shall be the majority of the Permanent and Temporary Members for a particular project. �m 3.3.6 Permanent Building Committee There shall be a Permanent Building Committee consisting of five (5) Permanent Members and Associate Members as_ allowed -bv General Bylaws and, except as otherwise provided herein, up to two (2) Temporary Members for each Pproject that the Permanent Building Committee undertakes. Permanent and AssociateTeirn ar-y Members of the Permanent Building Committee shall be appointed by an Appointment Committee consisting of the Chair of the Board of Selectmen, the Chair of the School Committee and the Town Moderator. Permanent and Associate Members shall be volunteers having practical experience and skills in professions that concentrate on the design, construction, management andJor financing of esmmersW4 insl4mt-ionaf buildings such as architects: civil engineers; structural engineers; mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers, building contractors, project managers, property managers, attorneys and building tradespersons. The terms shall be so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year. LForThe Permanent Building Committee shall work with the Director of facilities to compile an inventomatted: Don't adjust space between Latin the h sical condition and antics ated repairs and renovations of all existing municipal buildings and will Asian text, Don't adjust space between p� � an text and numbers summarize its findings in an annual report to Town Meeting, - -- - --__ - { Formatted: Font: (Default) Calibri, 11 pt The Permanent Building. Committee shall evaluate Project Applications forwarded by the School Committee the Board of Selectmen and the Library Trustees ( "Sponsoring Agency "} The Permanent Building Committee shall review and administerbe respo+�s +ble €er {he oversig tend rrtanageme+�t,4 all m aaa r municipal and school building desn, studies and construction erects Navin e_xpected- _aggregate__cots Of 1 500 000 or more, but may decline consideration of Projects with little or no actual construction. Permanent_Building_Committee s, furisdiction shall_ -nod extend_to projects of the Readin -g Municaht- pe_partment. The Permanent. Building Committee shall present a.11 such projects to.Town Meeting on behalf of the Sponsoring Agency, tkFe-F7 a�ff t" far consideration -ef -en and approval of funding- Once the Permanent Building Committee has determined There is a viable Project the Appointment Committee may add Temporary Members_- rr+ay- lie - appointed -for each individual Pproject that the Permanent Building Committee undertakes. Temporary Members shall have the same participation and voting rights as Permanent Members on matters affecting the particular Pproject for which they were appointed. Temporary Members shall be registered voters of the Town, selected by the._ rd - - Boaar err �+ �nprtes� a ,�aaru ld+n "Sponsoring Agency and shall serve only for the time during which the Permanent Building Committee is exercising its functions with respect to such Pproject. In the event that a particular project is subject to participant requirements of a state funding authority, the Appointment Committee may appoint additional Tem orarwmembers to the Permanent Building Committee for that particular project; provided, however, that, in no event, shall the aggregate number of Permanent and Temporary Members with full voting rights for a particular project exceed nine (9). Quorum requirements for the Permanent Building Committee shall be the majority of the Permanent and Temporary Members for a particular project. NO NINE MIN e- SitA�W9K�- w+ t- �1�2- �}643�- E9F1'li"- t�tl#i:2; �12-BA�- +�z.�`- •`V`2F'� -3H� a+�y- atMe�pe+`+sA�++ag -A pe3� -sk+ alb.+£ y- �2- P- e�rwaiaAFl�B+�+ld+a�'�A�2e A€ ids+ ��tea k� +o +a- te- ��+de�talFe- as�suc -l� pr- Ajes�s- wit�ai+ �- eigk�-( f3�aaAaada+=- r�ay�- ®�- a- pos+ti�e- �A#e- o�ge�erat af#i4 M@t OR t040 -sA tk3E- j3; �StC- el;- 6A+ ��itIAFl- 3ia{�- d+'1-�tE:+p�t��- Kid+ Y3- aR�- F2K19V- citi{ �f�S- ETf- a�;- E' �iSEliiel {3,3�- i3H-I;�+tg5- 31a� -NA-� _..- - -- 5u{rtn+arizt-5- fi+ad+ia - +n -an alnua4- 2pAttAawA Pd{eet+ab Formatted: Don't adjust space between Latin and Asian text, Don't adjust space between Asian text and numbers Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 FAX: (781) 942 -9071 Email: mkraunelis @ci.reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM To: Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. Town Manager From: Matthew A Kraunelis, Esq. Director of Administrative Services Date: December 8, 2016 Re: Records Access Officers Administrative Services Department (781) 942 -6611 The Massachusetts Public Records Law was recently updated by the Legislature. The updated law takes effect on January 1, 2017. One of the provisions of the new law is that municipalities must appoint one or more Records Access Officers (RAO's). The duties of the RAO's are to track and coordinate timely responses to public records requests. They must also determine whether the information being requested is in fact a public record and if the responsive records are accurate. RAO's will also help to develop guidelines for requesting public records. Their names and contact information will be posted on the Town Website. According to the new law, the RAO's must be appointed by the "chief executive officer" of the municipality. After consulting with Town Counsel, we have determined that the Reading Board of Selectmen are the "chief executive officers" of the Town for the purposes of the Public Records Law. I have discussed this matter with the Town Clerk and other departments that deal with public records on a routine basis and have developed the list below. I respectfully request that the Board of Selectmen appoint the following employees as Records Access Coordinators: Town Clerk (Laura Gemme) Director of Administrative Services (Matthew Kraunelis) Deputy Police Chief (David Clark) Lieutenant Detective (Richard Abate) Superintendent of Schools (Dr. John Doherty) School Department Special Education (Carolyn Wilson) I may ask that additional RAO's be appointed at a later date depending on the workload and guidelines that we develop under the new law. LeLacheur, Bob From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 5:08 PM To: Doherty, John ( John .Doherty@ read ing.k12.ma.us); O'Brien, Coleen (cobrien @rmld.com) Cc: Kraunelis, Matthew Subject: Records Officer Importance: High Good afternoon, Under the new Open Meeting Law we must appoint one or more Records Officer(s) for the organization. The power of that appointment rests exclusively with the Board of Selectmen, even for your departments. These appointments must be made by December 31,2016. At their meeting on December 13`h, the Selectmen will listen to a brief overview from Matt about the situation, and for the town we will be naming multiple people to ensure backups during any absences. Please let Matt know by next week if you have any appointments he should suggest on your behalf. If you do not respond by next week, we will use our appointees to be the first line of response for any Public Records requests that come in to us. If you have any questions, please follow up with Matt. Thanks, Bob Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager, Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 townmanaaerCa)ci. reading. ma. us (P) 781- 942 -9043, (r) 781 942 -9037 www.regdiL�gjn�q,cirav Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7'30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED SGZ,- LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold a public hearing on December 13, 2016 at 8:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading,, Massachusetts on a driveway, variance request for 154 — 156 Green Street. A copy of the proposed docu- ment regarding this topic is available in the Town Manager's office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA, M -W- Thurs from 7:30 a.m..- 5:30 p.m., Tues from 7 :30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and 'is attached :to the hearing hotice`on 'th,e" website at www.readingma.gov All interested parties are invit- ed to attend the hearing, or may submit their comments in writing or by email prior to 6:00 p.m. on December 13, 2016 to town manager @ci.reading.ma By order of Robert W. LeLacheur Town Manager 12.7.16 t Memo To: Board of Selectman Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., Town Manager From: Ryan Percival, P.E., Town Engineer Date: November 22, 2016 Re: 154 —156 Green Street Driveway An appeal request was made to the Parking Traffic Transportation Task Force (PTTTF) on August 24, 2016 and tabled to October 26, 2016 for further discussion, regarding the proposed driveway curb cut located at 154 -156 Green Street. The existing building was demolished and a new two -unit condominium was constructed in its place. The applicant is requesting a variance from the Board of Selectmen to allow for two (2) adjacent driveway openings each 18 feet in width separated by a small grass plot. The Engineering Division denied the original application since the separation of the two curb cuts would meet the 125 -foot minimum separation. P1TTF reviewed and discussed the request and is recommending that the variance be granted. The reasons for this recommendation include: 1) the new dwelling is a two -unit condominium; 2) the two- driveway opening with grass strip separation would accommodate an existing utility pole in front of the property; and (3) other properties in the near vicinity have oversized driveway openings, the proposed driveways will not be drastically out of place. It based on this review that the Engineering division fully support the request for a variance from the Driveway Policies. • Page 1 S� Z--- n yj Ig 1 11 n gill 8� �� g4 e ° � H >sa X Lu U- ¢3 X d i z a39 _ d ° F� n yj Ig 1 11 n gill 8� �� g4 e ° � v - RESERVED aµ a ex �O5 a I ry , 1 i A. { , N l i � i S z�9' IL \I � � 8 R iS � 4 X 6 W M H >sa X v - RESERVED aµ a ex �O5 a I ry , 1 i A. { , N l i � i S z�9' IL \I � � 8 R iS � 4 X 6 W M I I LLL lit! y r3 1 as 1pg �4 - I Y I coo PUP Lbl k6- 1.6 5 Y I coo PUP Lbl k6- 1.6 pw KP g 0 Cn Nil as a pw KP g 0 Cn Nil pw KP g 0 Cn pw KP g 0 IR ,'Awl 11: pl (sit 9d gay Zia NR i L 5 AM bg wo LI LU �o�,N oFxegoti Town of Reading -. C Ivr°r) DEC - I � 16 Lowell Street a Reading, MA 01867 -2685 6J9xcoRQ °�P FAX: (781) 942 -9071 Email: townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us Website: www. readingma.gov TO: ASSESSORS OFFICE REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED ABUTTERS LIST Subject Property: TOWN MANAGER (781) 942 -9043 Address: P -z -z--� 3 i – 5e,f- ,q r�z Assessors' Map `% Lot o l ` Applicant: Name: Au c,�\ -el—�q Board or Commission for which this request is made: Board of Selectmen: Liquor License Traffic Regulations Other :N,� i � e- ��' i 1 � 1A Date need list by: 2� Applicant's Signature:C� Date: / d1 y , �.. MI, 1 I J 1 c V , �• S tin. b �i U N t i g t o m Ln ? 3 o kill" t v g m 9mo L 1 - ti� {� R. gg 411, w- va S "3 LU t;g ) <z "oa �v aiy 3>« as r� 0 s S 0 u W Z Ly K IBM al € S 1 T .q O , O q J 2� l�Ski L . .R . o ,a �} 6 .1 1 c TOP- 0 "M V Sx. L'Sf N_ V , �• S tin. b �i U N t i g t o m Ln ? 3 o kill" t v g m 9mo L 1 - ti� {� R. gg 411, w- va S "3 LU t;g ) <z "oa �v aiy 3>« as r� 0 s S 0 u W Z Ly K IBM al € S 1 T .q O , O Z z N L . .R . 1 .1 1 c N t i g t o m Ln ? 3 o kill" t v g m 9mo L 1 - ti� {� R. gg 411, w- va S "3 LU t;g ) <z "oa �v aiy 3>« as r� 0 s S 0 u W Z Ly K IBM al € S 1 T .q O , O LU t;g ) <z "oa �v aiy 3>« as r� 0 s S 0 u W Z Ly K IBM al € S 1 T .q O , O BORN WILLIAM F 157 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 BRENNER JEFFREY E MELISSA K BRENNER 164 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 BRUSSARD ALAN JANINE M BRUSSARD 184 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 CHISHOLM EDWARD F M NORMA CHISHOLM 3 BEECH ST READING, MA 01867 COSTA LUCIO SILVA IANA R 189 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 CREHAN NUALA 163 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 DEMARCO RAYMOND MARY DEMARCO 1.70 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 DOHERTY RICHARD CONSTANCE DOHERTY 188 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 DRESSER STEPHEN A ETAL TRUSTEE THE DRESSER REALTY TRUST 167 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 FLYNN MICHAEL T FLYNN NORA L 190 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 GG REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT LLC 154 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 HARREN DANIEL ALLISON HARREN 168 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 JERRETT ARTHUR J LINDA JERRETT 102 JOHN ST READING, MA 01867 JOHNSON ALBERT F ELEANOR J JOHNSON 108 JOHN ST READING, MA 01867 KESTLE RICHARD J ELAINE F KESTLE 187 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 KOENIG STEVEN M JANETTE R KOENIG 169 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 PINE ELIZABETH JUSTIN GREICO 151 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 SAUNDERS MICHAEL D HOLLY J SAUNDERS 180 GREEN STREET READING, MA 01867 SMALL JAMES F A/K/A JAMES F SMALL II 176 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 UPTON ALAN L 179 GREEN ST READING, MA 01867 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold a public hearing on December 13, 2016 at 8:45 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts on a request for a driveway variance at 6.1 A Terrace Park. A copy of the proposed docu- ment regarding this topic is available in the Town Manager's .office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA, M -W- Thurs from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Tues from 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m, and is attached to the hearing notice on the website at www.readingma.gov All interested parties are invit- ed to attend the hearing, or may submit their comments in writing or by email prior to 6:00 p.m. on December 13, 2016 to t9wnmanager @ci. read ing ma By order of Robert W. LeLacheur Town Manager 12.7.16 Memo To: Board of Selectman Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., Town Manager From: Ryan Percival, P.E., Town Engineer Date: November 29, 2016 Re: 61A Terrace Park An appeal request was made to the Parking Traffic Transportation Task Force ( PTTTF) on November 23, 2016, regarding the proposed driveway curb cut located at 61A Terrace Park. The new building is a detached accessory apartment which has been approved by ZBA. On September 26, 2016 the Engineering Division approved a proposed 24 foot wide driveway located at 61A Terrace Park. The submitted as -built and subsequent site visit revealed a driveway that was not constructed to the approved width of 24 feet, but more to the width of 32 feet plus or minus. At this time the Engineering Division cannot approve the current driveway as it does not conform to the Board of Selectmen Policies. The applicant is requesting a variance from the Board to allow for a driveway wider than 24 feet, and approve what is currently installed. PTTTF reviewed and discussed the request and is recommending that the variance be granted. The reason for this recommendation is that the new dwelling is a detached accessory apartment and the two driveways merging into one would require more space. It based on this review that the Engineering division fully supports the request for a variance from the Driveway Policies. • Page 1 ��Z W W c� p o� 0 W $ U� W Q h °o 1 N vM x r R = 7511.82' TERRACE PARK R = 1461.82' =120.00' 'SUN ¢ � Q a4a h O N � � n O r az °m w M II II O M K N O 0 m ¢ �o ig I .00 '09 n 1 .866L I u W O � U 2 a02 J m Q3N Fzm U7 N O O r 00 z d O p p N U w UU]?�~ pMj zUW�N� o >0 r W C7 W P, m zo zWw Jao 0 ��Q Cl. W E EwU j Lo Q Q a a m z 5; n L` Q W F U W� O a Qz>: zto ¢p z� O Q W 0 C) CL Y z� W co ~co I z F-- O W V Q W 3: 00 o W J O O J a0 3S� U 2¢ F ti W U 00. zQo W 3a a v 0- 2 W v rn az� ro 38h ti a v{ hzq o np� O z q W h "� ��C, awe C, Y °ma a K W �o� z O >¢g m > cOi� K R = 7511.82' TERRACE PARK R = 1461.82' =120.00' 'SUN ¢ � Q a4a h O N � � n O r az °m w M II II O M K N O 0 m ¢ �o ig I .00 '09 n 1 .866L I u W O � U 2 a02 J m Q3N Fzm W h � 0 N 2 � N h O� a„ W Q 1 .�i O �Q N U O SUN 2 h �KC aWu �N N O ^ 3~Y F2m 'I I N O (0 N M U7 N O O r 00 z d W m U w UU]?�~ pMj zUW�N� o >0 r W 9? Y m 0 W P, m zo zWw Jao 0 ��Q E EwU j Lo Q Q a a m z 5; n L` Q W F U W� O a Qz>: zto O Q W 0 C) I z F-- W 3: 00 o W J O O J Q vY U H ewe N n N �y O aQa o _ v{ hzq rz 2O� S Quo G 124 4 4r 5 °E X�m / Z 521' a 0 3 W h � 0 N 2 � N h O� a„ W Q 1 .�i O �Q N U O SUN 2 h �KC aWu �N N O ^ 3~Y F2m 'I I N O (0 N M Schena, Paula From: Delios, Jean Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 12:02 PM To: treewiggins @yahoo.com Cc: Percival, Ryan; Mercier, Julie; Schena, Paula Subject: C of O for 61A Terrace Park Hi Theresa I am very pleased to inform you that you have been issued a Certificate of Occupancy for 61A Terrace Park. As we discussed yesterday, the issue of the driveway will be handled separately through a waiver process with the Board of Selectmen. There is an internal meeting tomorrow to review the waiver request for the driveway and I have asked to have your waiver request scheduled before the Board of Selectmen on December 13tH Please respond to this message with your written request for the waiver. If you have a clean electronic copy of the As- Built please provide this by responding to this email (we have copies of both the approved plan and the as- built, but the as -built has been written on). Feel free to contact me if I can assist further. Best, Jean Jean J. Delios Assistant Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 (P) 781- 942 -6612 (F) 781- 942 -9071 Town Hall Hours - M, W, Th: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. FRIDAY: CLOSED j delio sC@ci.reading.ma.us www.readingma.gov Please let us know how we are doing by filling out a brief customer service survey at http://readingma- survey.virtualtownhall. net /survey /sid /8cebfd833a88cd3d/ SeS w v � o w � o w o O E U I o� z�q � M � U Q N v ^� 6 B M c� 0 U 0 C .y o U s 00, IT se' w d a N � y o� \ 2 °! IR r 2 N H ti `� ,1 .'! p $ Hal `' 1 .% 5gp4.�ZtR �O 3 IPA x r O o r m g Q� ROW 5 W�roA bf ro W C �O�j�d � oZCZim � a n C2J m D � Vj ir1 d oXVy�m� ° OAyztxJ 3 0N�Cn I- LM cNzco0 w m co m H w _ U OD 0 ? o 0 ! 1 QxX N y O P�U and J i� i wz� �C V I � I i I a ,00 OZtsl zs tart = a xdyd aaVngal ze•us� = a _.-- -- ,00•zz� � i _ mmm n- > a V C t;N < S? IPA g Q� ROW P a N p x_ r x II q ° ` N Im •�, �$ t a as C, co o g m Z S a a 10 b txf rrH n y a �o�N OFF? ego��c Town of Reading RE-CF-11 TO DEC - 12 � i b 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 114 639'INCOPQO�� FAX: (781) 942 -9071 Email: townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us TOWN MANAGER Website: www. readingma.gov (781) 942 -9043 TO: ASSESSORS OFFICE REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED ABUTTERS LIST Subject Property: Address:�,�%�� Assessors' Map 17Z,� Lot 4 0 Applicant: Name: Poo LA Board or Commission for which this request is made: Board of Selectmen: Liquor License Traffic Regulations Other i 'U'eq.- /4- Lp �q /,,, � ;q r-) Date need list by: Applicant's Signature: Date: / f �z �e- � 1 z - y�F -� F ti� � �. R � ., ,. ,. .s <� ti �� , '.. n :,� QQ � © ; �^ - (� F 11 � o ¢ _ i� fr .,- /� y. w- `�: �: � r� � �+ N BONSEY MICHAEL W BONSEY DIANE C 49 TERRACE PARK READING, MA 01867 BRZEZENSKI JOHN E TINA P BRZEZENSKI 60 TERRACE PARK READING, MA 01867 HONG WALTER C ALICE H CHAN 55 TERRACE PARK READING, MA 01867 NOVELLO JOSEPH A ROSEANN NOVELLO 48 TERRACE PARK READING, MA 01867 PIZZOTTI STEPHEN J 56 TERRACE PARK READING, MA 01867 WIGGINS FRANK JOHN THERESA A WIGGINS 61 TERRACE PARK READING, MA 01867 Special Permits —12 -2 -2016 Retail Sales before 6:00 a.m. Gas: Reading Shell Station, 87 Walkers Brook Drive — 4:00 a.m. Food: Dunkin Donuts and West Street Mobil, 4 West Street — 5:00 a.m. Starbucks Coffee, 24 Walkers Brook Drive — 5:00 a.m. Starbucks Coffee, 288 Main Street — 5:00 a.m. J.K.'s Market, 212 Main Street — 5:45 a.m. Cumberland Farms, 303 Salem Street — 5:00 a.m. Fitness: Snap Fitness, 30 Haven Street — 5:00 a.m. Reading Athletic Club, 1 General Way — 5:00 a.m. Planet Fitness, 275 Salem Street — 5:00 a.m. Burbank YMCA, 36 Arthur B. Lord Drive — 5:00 a.m. Fit By Catarina, 335 Main Street — 5:00 a.m. Pure Fit Studio, 34 Gould Street — 5:00 a.m. Tread LLC, 6 Linden Street — 5:00 a.m. Tread LLC, 11 — 13 High Street — 5:00 a.m. LIST OF LICENSES 11/28/16 MOTOR VEHICLES LICENSEES Class I Gallery North, Inc. (Class I) d /b /a Honda Gallery 88 -98 Walkers Brook Drive Class II 128 Tire, Inc. (Class II) 459 Main Street Brown's Auto Repair (Class II) 35 Lincoln Street Reading Auto Sales (Class II) 550 Main Street Reading Foreign Motors, Inc. (Class II) 4 Minot Street RMP Mass (Class II) Reading Motors 1337 Main Street Reading Square Texaco (Class II) 749 Main Street Worldwide Vehicle and Equipment Sales, LLC (Class II Wholesale) 360 Main Street Universal Machinery, LLC (Class II Wholesale) 2 Linden Street Reading Petroleum 431 Main Street Class III North Reading Auto & Recon, Inc. (III) d /b /a Gray's Towing 4 Minot Street LIVERY LICENSEE Dilsh An Perera Sapphire Livery 1230 Main Street S�� Abdollah Hosseini Abby Transportation 211 Main Street, Unit 2 Jean Paul Marcelin Allez Vous Transportation 16 Arlington Street COMMON VICTUALLER LICENSEES Anthony's Roast Beef 216 Main Street Avana Sushi III Seafood Restaurant 589 Main Street Bagel World 323 Main Street Bangkok Spice Thai Restaurant 76 Haven Street Bertucci's Italian Restaurant 45 Walkers Brook Drive Biltmore & Main Bar and Grill 530 Main Street Burger King 357 Main Street Cafe Capri 355 Main Street Chili's Grill & Bar 70 Walkers Brook Drive Christopher's Restaurant 580 Main Street Colombo's Pizza and Cafe 2 Brande Court D'Amici's Bakery 614 Main Street Dandi -Lyons 1331 Main Street Dunkin' Donuts 273 Salem Street �(/3 Dunkin' Donuts 454 Main Street Epicurean Feast 55 Walkers Brook Drive Fussilli's Cucina 107 Main Street Fusion Caf6 and Restaurant 607 Main Street Fuddruckers 50 Walkers Brook Drive Green Tomato 42 High Street Huang Kitchen 672 Main Street Jimbo's Famous Roast Beef & Seafood 454 Main Street Last Corner Restaurant 49 High Street Longhorn Steak House 39 Walkers Brook Drive Mandarin Reading Restaurant 296 Salem Street McDonald's 413 Main Street Meadow Brook Golf Club 292 Grove Street Meadow Brook — Snack Bar 292 Grove Street Oye's 26 Walker Brook Drive P & S Convenient Store 287 Lowell Street spy Pizza Town 583 Main Street Reading House of Pizza 1321 Main Street Reading Ice Arena Authority 51 Symonds Way Reading Overseas Veteran's Inc. 575 Main Street Reading Veteran's Association 37 Ash Street Richardson's Ice Cream 50 Walkers Brook Drive Ristorante Pavarotti 601 Main Street Starbucks Coffee 288 Main Street Starbucks Coffee 24 Walkers Brook Drive Subway 190 Haven Street Swiss Bakers 32 Lincoln Street Town Pizza & Deli 648 Main Street Venetian Moon 680 Main Street Zinga Reading 50 Haven Street ENTERTAINMENT LICENSEES Biltmore & Main Bar and Grill 530 Main Street I -Max Theater 50 Walkers Brook Drive SAS Bunratty Tavern 622 Main Street Reading Veteran's Association 37 Ash Street AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT LICENSEES Biltmore & Main Bar and Grill 530 Main Street Reading Veterans Association 37 Ash Street Fuddruckers 50 Walkers Brook Drive -�,, ( CO ,. Town of Reading Meeting Minutes w 4�s�g.1NC0440�p� Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2016 -11 -29 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Session: Open Session Version: Chairman John Halsey, Vice Chairman Kevin Sexton, Secretary Barry Berman, John Arena, Daniel Ensminger Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Superintendent of Schools John Doherty, Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios, Community Development Director Julie Mercier, Economic Development Director Andrew Corona, Town Counsel Ray Miyares, Ivria Fried, Executive Assistant Paula Schena, School Committee members Jeanne Borawski, Chuck Robinson, Elaine Webb, Linda Snow Dockser, and Gary Nihan; Everett and Ginny Blodgett, Stephen Crook, David Tuttle, John Costigan, Nancy Docktor, Erica McNamara, Nick Safina, John Weston, Robert Redfern Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Secretary Barry Berman Topics of Discussion: Reports and Comments Selectmen's Reports and Comments - Daniel Ensminger noted that Gail Wood passed away at the age of 73 years old. She was a coach for 10 years, was noted for her crocheting at Town Meeting, served on the former Board of Public Works and was the 5t" female Selectman in Reading. He expressed his condolences to her family. John Halsey noted that he, Barry Berman and the Town Manager met with Representative Jones, Dwyer and Lewis regarding Senior Tax Relief. It has moved out of the House and is in the Senate. They hope to have it signed by the end of the year. John Halsey also announced that he will be running for re- election. Kevin Sexton announced that he will also be running for re- election. Town Manager's Report - The Town Manager noted that the film "Breaking Points" will be shown by RCASA tomorrow. Discussion /Action Items Hearing - Early Opening 5:00 a.m. for Tread on the Mill, 11 -13 High Street - The Secretary read the hearing notice. Page 1 1 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - page 2 Tiffany Freitas noted that Tread LLC is opening up a second business on High Street. It will have 25 bikes and they will hold a fitness studio class with no subwoofer. The building is located behind the liquor store near the depot. The fitness class will be with treadmills and they will have small speakers. The neighbors are okay with it. Barry Berman asked if the customers will be parking at the Train Station and Lori Haverty noted that they have six spots and staff will park at Tread 1. Ms. Haverty noted that the 5:15 a.m. class will be the biggest class - 35 people. The Town Manager suggested that they coordinate plowing with the DPW. A motion by Berman seconded by Arena to close the hearing on the early opening for Tread on the Mill was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Berman seconded by Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen approve a license to operate a retail business between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Reading General Bylaws and further pursuant to Section 3.9 of the Board of Selectmen Policies to Tread on the Mill, 11 - 13 High Street, subject to the following conditions: 1. This license is for approval, pursuant to the Board of Selectmen regulation 3.9, to open for business not earlier than 5:00 a.m. on Monday through Friday, and not earlier than 6:00 a.m. on Saturday. Sunday and holidays. 2. This approval expires at midnight on December 31, 2017; 3. All signs shall conform to the Zoning Bylaws of the Town of Reading; In granting this license the Board finds that in accordance with Section 5.10.4 of the General Bylaws: • It is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare or that public necessity or convenience will be served by permitting such operation; and • There is no detrimental effect of such operation on the Town or the immediately abutting neighbors. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Accept Gifts - Veterans Services - The Town Manager noted that a person in Town (Dermot O'Keefe) loaned us sound equipment for Veterans Day. He is downsizing and is willing to donate the sound equipment to the Town. The Town Manager thanked Mr. O'Keefe for the donation. The Board acknowledged the gift and agreed it is okay to accept it. Appoint School Committee Member Throuah 4 -4 -17- Joint Meetina with the School Committee - John Halsey described the process that would be used. He noted that he and School Committee Chairman Jeanne Borawski would alternate asking the questions and all five candidates (James Martin withdrew his application) would be given the opportunity to answer each question on an alternating basis. At the end, all of the names will be placed into nomination and the first person to receive six votes will be appointed on a roll call vote. Question #1 (Jeanne Borawski) The School Committee is elected by and responsible to the electorate and represents the will of the voter. That usually requires time and presence in the community and schools. In what ways are you engaged in the wider Reading community? Are you a Town Meeting member or do you serve in a volunteer capacity on other Boards or Committees? Nicholas Boivin noted that he is a volunteer Budget Parent, a Lego league coach, and involved in scouting. Page 1 2 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - page 3 Erin Calvo -Bacci noted that she is a Town Meeting member, was part of the Historical Commission working group, involved in Girl Scouts, the Reading /North Reading Chamber of Commerce and served on the Small Business Retail Council. Michael Moresco noted that he is a youth coach, involved in Girl and Boy Scouts and served on the Advisory Council for Barrows and Reading Memorial High School. Jeanette Quiles - Vigorito noted that she has been a resident for 13 years, she's involved in SEPAC, the Killam School Council, she was Chair of the Halloween Committee, she volunteers lawyer projects and she is a past foster care reviewer. Sherri VandenAkker noted that she did enrichment work at Joshua Eaton, she is a parent Co -Chair of the task force, involved with RCASA and issues dealing with alcoholism and a member of RCN. Question #2 (John Halsey Describe your past experience balancing multi - million dollar budgets. What experience do you bring in determining and managing financial and managerial goals, evaluating results and making prompt decisions when results fall short? Michael Moresco noted that he is a 40 year educator during which time he played an active role in determining staff size and budget. He knows how to deliver bad news and he is a public member of the school system. Jeanette Quiles- Vigorito noted that her work is mostly with estates, wills and trusts. She also handles the small Halloween budget. Sherri VandenAkker noted that she is a liaison to the school. She looks at tuition versus what is offered and she ran the summer program. Nicholas Boivin noted that he is in charge of a pharmaceutical budget. It is a very complex, scientific budget with legal ramifications and public interest. Erin Calvo -Bacci noted that she is a Town Meeting member and attends budget meetings. She worked in the sales department at BU and answered to the Executive Director. She is a personal business owner which grew to three stores and then she sold back to one. Question #3 (Jeanne Borawski) Revenue projections indicate that the School Department will have to make significant budget cuts in FY18. What overarching principles would you give as guidance to the Superintendent as he crafts his budget? Are there specific areas where you would seek budget reductions? Sherri VandenAkker noted that she recognizes the difficult decisions and she agrees with the approach to look at a minimum setting school budget same as a family budget. We should look at the minimum we have to do and determine what curriculum and approaches have the biggest impact. We need to look at what students need to move on. What do they need to know to lead an effective and normal life. Nicholas Boivin noted that he would look at the experts such as Dr. Doherty for clarity and priorities. We need to find out what facilitates student learning. He would like to see more engagement of the tax payer, especially those who do not have children in the school system. He feels the schools should use the new library and take a closer look at discretionary funds. Page 1 3 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - page 4 Erin Calvo -Bacci noted that as a business owner she has hired numerous students. She feels more collaboration with the retired community would be helpful if they can volunteer more. She noted that we don't have commercial funds so we need to think outside the box. Michael Moresco noted that the classroom is the most important part. His children graduated and he now has a 15 month old grandson. He feels there is too much burden placed on the parents. It is time to give back and he feels that the classroom is the last to cut. Jeanette Quiles - Vigorito noted that she would look at the best interest of the child and the best interest of the community. She has looked at the budgets and suggests cross training within the resources we have. She would ask teachers for bare minimum things they need. She feels we need to be more transparent and noted that everything comes back to the community. Question #4 (John Halsey) What do you think are the one or two biggest challenges facing the School Department today? What have you done in your role as a private citizen to work on these issues and what would you propose to do differently from what's being done now? Jeanette Quiles - Vigorito noted that the biggest challenge is experience. We have a lot of young teachers and we need to make sure that everyone is on the same page. We need to ensure that the teachers have proper training and tools. The teachers need all of the resources and have to communicate that. She is always in the classroom as an active participant. Sherri Vanden -Akker noted that teachers are under great pressure due to new curriculum standards and testing. She feels all five elementary schools need to be consistent. She noted that there is increased anxiety and depression in children that we need to look at the whole child. Nicholas Boivin noted that there is not enough money for everyone. We need to build for the long term. We train good teachers and need to retain good teachers. We need to identify where money we have is being spent. There is teacher turnover because they are shopping for the best deal. We need to build expertise. Erin Calvo -Bacci noted that behavioral is overwhelming that impacts all of her children. She volunteers at the schools and she has an open door policy at her home. Maybe a health class in middle school would help. He children are discussing things at a younger age. Michael Moresco noted that education has internal and external forces. It is a challenge to come up with individual success. In the town that he works for none of the teachers leave. He asks what strategy could be used to keep teachers. How do we create a team approach? Question #5 (Jeanne Borawski) For the past several years, improving communication has been an area of focus for the School Department. Which strategies and processes currently in place would you continue, which would you eliminate and what new processes would you propose? Erin Calvo -Bacci noted that she receives information late and there are too many meetings on the same day. She feels the department needs more staff or volunteers to assist with email and social media. She noted that if the information is important, it should be sent out sooner. Nicholas Boivin noted that the best way to communicate with the community is Edblast and send it to all families giving a heads up. He receives no information from the schools regarding what is going on and he feels there is a need to get information to people without i 1 Page 1 4 `� Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - pa_ ec e kids in the system. We need to make 100% of the people who live in Town feel like they belong. Jeanette Quiles - Vigorito noted that notices come in backpacks, text, and emails. There are so many channels that convey nothing. There needs to be one central location that information is coming from. She suggests getting the High School kids involved. She likes information going to her so she doesn't have to go searching for it. Sherri VandenAkker noted that she loves the new portal and thinks that communication is fine with office hours, texts and emails. She feels communication needs to reach more of the Town. She wants to see warmer relations between the Board of Selectmen and School Committee. Regarding social media she asked if the School Committee has their own webpage,because she could not find it. Nicholas Boivin noted that people need to know where to find the information. He suggests reaching out to the Library to see what we can do for free. He suggests getting students to compile information for free. He noted that the level of civil discourse in the Town is wonderful and that should not change. Question #6 (John Halsey] If appointed, will you stand for election for the two year balance of your School Committee term? Nicholas Boivin noted he would not comment tonight. Erin Calvo -Bacci noted she would. Michael Moresco noted he would not comment tonight. Jeanette Quiles- Vigorito noted she would not comment tonight. Sherri VandenAkker noted she would. The following names were placed into nomination for one position on the School Committee with a term exoirina Aoril 4. 2017: Nicholas Boivin Erin Calvo -Bacci Michael Moresco Jeannette Ouiles- Vigorito Sherri VandenAkker Boivin received 3 votes Calvo -Bacci received 4 and VandenAkker received 3 The names of Boivin, Calvo Bacci and VandenAkker were placed into nomination a second time and Boivin received 3 votes Calvo -Bacci received 4 and VandenAkker received 3. It was suggested that a runoff vote be taken of the two candidates who received three votes and whoever receives the most votes will then be put into nomination with the candidate who received four votes. The names of Boivin, and VandenAkker were placed into nomination and Boivin received 6 votes and VandenAkker received 4. The names of Nicholas Boivin and Erin Calvo -Bacci were placed into nomination and Boivin received 6 votes and Calvo -Bacci received 4. Page 1 5 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - page 6 A motion by Arena seconded by Robinson to appoint Nicholas Boivin to a position on the School Committee with a term expiring April 4, 2017 was approved on a roll call vote with Berman, Webb, Dockser, Robinson, Nihan and Borawski voting in the affirmative and Sexton, Halsey, Ensminger and Arena opposed. MA Ballot Question #4 (marijuana) joint meeting with CPDC - CPDC members Nicholas Safina, John Weston and David Tuttle were present and called to order. John Halsey noted that Reading voters said they are not in favor of Question 4 that was on the ballot so the Town needs to be responsive to that. Town Counsel Ray Miyares is present to discuss our options. Town Counsel summarized the implications of the affirmative statewide vote on Question #4 on the Town, which voted against Question #4, and outlined three options for the Town to consider in order to protect itself in upcoming months: 1. Prohibition of Marijuana Establishments - would include all types of establishments: cultivation, testing, manufacturing, and retail. 2. Prohibition of Marijuana Retailers - would prohibit retailers (and wholesalers) but would still allow growing facilities where agricultural uses are permitted, and so on. 3. Moratorium on Marijuana Establishments - would put a freeze on all types of establishments until August 2018. Town Counsel explained that Registered Marijuana Dispensaries, backyard growing, and consumption would still be allowed under any of the three options. The option that is chosen will need to become part of the Town's Zoning Bylaw. Thus, the Board of Selectmen is tasked with determining which option(s) to pursue, and the CPDC must agree, and then hold a public hearing before putting any option(s) on the April Town Meeting Warrant. Though the CPDC Agenda does not specifically state that retail marijuana options were to be discussed or voted on tonight, as it was not reasonably anticipated prior to the posting of the meeting agenda, this process can proceed. CPDC Chairman Nicholas Safina made a statement to that effect on the record. Town Counsel explained that the Town's existing Medical Marijuana bylaw includes a provision that prohibits all other types of marijuana facilities, but that the bylaw language differs from the language in Question #4. In addition, it appears that a full prohibition would require a "vote of the voters," so the existing language, if maintained, would need to be ratified as a ballot question. He stated that while only the two prohibitions would need to be voted on via a ballot, all three options would require a 2/3 vote of Town Meeting. Given the existing bylaw language prohibiting non - medical marijuana, a ballot question on a prohibition would seem to simply reaffirm the Town Meeting vote related to the Medical Marijuana bylaw. However, the process still needs to be carried out. If Town Meeting adopts a prohibition, but the voters do not, the prohibition would probably not stand. A moratorium would require a 2/3 vote of Town Meeting only and would not be considered a prohibition. It would likely be upheld in court as it is justified by a planning concern, and it would give the Town time to see how the Attorney General responds to prohibitions in other towns, to see whether the legislature changes any of the language, and to understand how the Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) intends to undertake its process. The Board of Selectmen discussed the three options and considered sending them all to the CPDC for public hearings. Town Counsel explained that one public hearing could encompass all three options, and that all three options could also end up on the Warrant if needed. He also explained the importance of publishing the legal ad sooner rather than later: zoning bylaw amendments have a claw -back provision that allows, if voted affirmatively at Town Page 1 6 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - page 7 'Meeting, for them to be effective retroactive to the date of publish of the legal ad. As December 15, 2016 is the date that certain aspects of the ballot initiative become effective, it is important that a legal ad for the option(s) chosen be published prior to that date. The public hearing has to be held within 65 days of publishing the legal ad. CPDC Chairman Nicholas Safina asked whether the legislature might change the definitions. Mr. Miyares replied in the affirmative, and indicated that the Town would then have tc decide whether to revise its own language to match any changes. David Tuttle asked what would happen if the Town did nothing. Town Counsel responded that there is currently no distinction between `retail' and retail marijuana' in the Zoning Bylaw, so a retail marijuana shop could open in any Zoning District where retail is allowed. David Tuttle asked if the statute includes a definition for distinguishing any retail from retail marijuana. Mr. Miyares responded that a license is required from the CCC in order to sell retail marijuana. Elaine Webb, 309 Pearl Street, indicated that every precinct in Town voted no on Question #4, and stated her preference for a prohibition. She suggested that the ballot be very clear and avoid confusing voters with marijuana establishment' versus marijuana retailer.' Mr. Miyares explained that the Moratorium would act as a safety net. It would allow the Building Inspector to say no, and would buy the Town time to figure out what to do if a full prohibition fails at the ballot. A motion by Ensminaer seconded by Arena to send the Prohibition of Mariivana Establishments and Moratorium on Mariivana Establishments to the CPDC for public hearings and to post a notice of the hearings before December 15, 2016 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Mr. Tuttle moved to have the CPC host a public hearing to consider the two options for retail marijuana, and to have Planning staff Prepare a legal ad for such. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weston and approved with a 3 -0 -0 vote. CPDC Chairman Nicholas Safina indicated that the process for this public hearing will be like any other. The Commission will review each option and solicit public feedback. Mr. Weston indicated that with staff help, the CPDC will get the word out, and that all Boards, Committees, and Commissions in Town will be invited. CPDC adjourned the meeting at 9:50 PM. Hearing - Amend Board of Selectmen Policies: Article 3 Liquor Licenses - The Secretary read the hearing notice. Ivria Fried, from Miyares and Harrington, noted that there was a lot of unnecessary material in the Policy so it has been streamlined. Farmer's Market license has been added to the Policy. The definition section has been cleaned up also. In Section 3.2.2 she has included the Farmer's Market. Outdoor service has been added along with server training. Under duty to perform, the Selectmen need to set the number of days and then call a hearing. Daniel Ensminger suggested using 60 calendar days and Town Counsel recommended taking out "in a calendar year." Ivria Fried noted that in Section Insurance the Board needs to set the amount of insurance. She noted that $250,000 /injury and $500,000 /occurrence is the minimum. The Board decided to continue with that amount. Page 1 7 6&,,1-7 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - page 8 Barry Berman asked why clubs are open until 2:00 a.m. and Town Counsel noted that is because they are private. Ivria Fried asked if the Board wants to require a toilet for a package store and the Board indicated no. Section Orderly Closing used to be one hour for everyone to leave the premises. Police Chief Mark Segalla recommended leaving as is. Ivria Fried noted that Section Bar Service has a limit of 15% of the seats. Barry Berman noted that there is not seating at a bar if under 100 seats. Chief Segalla noted it doesn't matter to him as long as people are eating. Assistant Town Manager Jean Delios noted that the intent of the former Board was so that it doesn't feel like a bar. She doesn't know why we need this section. John Arena suggested removing that section. Ray Miyares covered Section Enforcement and noted that it's fine but we could increase the maximum penalties to: 1St offense - warning to 5 days; 2nd offense 3 - 10 days; and 3rd offense 6 - 30 days. Ivria Fried noted that the ABCC doesn't see a warning as an offense so Kevin Sexton suggested changing it from a warning to 1 day. A motion by Ensminger seconded by Berman to continue the hearing on amending Article 3 of the Board of Selectmen Policies to January 24, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Approve Liquor License Renewals - A motion by Berman seconded by Arena that the Board of Selectmen approve the All Alcoholic Club Liquor Licenses for: ♦ Reading Overseas Veterans, Inc. d /b /a Reading Overseas Veterans, 575 Main Street ♦ Meadow Brook Golf Corp. of Reading, MA d /b /a Meadow Brook Golf Club, 292 Grove Street ♦ Home Building Corp. d /b /a Knights of Columbus, 11 Sanborn Street ♦ Reading Veterans' Association, Inc. d /b /a American Legion Post 62, 37 Ash Street for a term expiring December 31, 2017 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Berman seconded by Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen approve the All Alcoholic Package Store Liquor Licenses for: ♦ HT Reading Liquors LLC d /b /a Wine and Spirits, 345 Main Street ♦ Raksha, Inc. d /b /a Square Liquors, 11 High Street ♦ Jay and Ricky, Inc. d /b /a Ricky's Liquor, 214 Main Street ♦ Anstasi Brookline Inc. d /b /a Reading Fine Wine and Spirits, 28 Walkers Brook Drive ♦ Kajal and Kevin LLC d /b /a Liquor Junction, 128 Market Place Shopping Center, One General Way ♦ Pamplemousse Inc. d /b /a Pamplemousse, 26 Haven Street Page 1 8 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29 2016 - page 9 for a term expiring December 31, 2017 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Berman seconded by Arena that the Board of Selectmen approve the All Alcoholic Restaurant Liquor Licenses for: ♦ Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza of Reading LLC d /b /a Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza, 48 Walkers Brook Drive - pending issuance of inspection certificate from the Building Inspector once construction is complete ♦ Mandarin Reading, Inc. d /b /a Mandarin Reading Restaurant, 296 Salem Street ♦ Mecom, Inc. d /b /a Cafe Capri, 355 Main Street ♦ CAC Foods, Inc. d /b /a Venetian Moon Restaurant, 680 Main Street ♦ Pepper Dining Inc. d /b /a Chili's Grill & Bar, 70 Walkers Brook Drive ♦ The Boland Group III, LLC d /b /a Fuddruckers, 50 Walkers Brook Drive ♦ Bertucci's Restaurant Corp. d /b /a Bertucci's Italian Restaurant, 45 Walkers Brook Drive ♦ RARE Hospitality International, Inc. d /b /a Longhorn Steak House, 39 Walkers Brook Drive ♦ Ristorante Pavarotti, Inc. d /b /a Ristorante Pavarotti, 601 Main Street ♦ Unagi Servers Inc. d /b /a Biltmore & Main Bar and Grill, 530 Main Street ♦ KOK, Inc. d /b /a Oye's, 26 Walkers Brook Drive ♦ Bistro Concepts, Inc. d /b /a Fuscilli's Cucina, 107 Main Street ♦ Chipotle Mexican Grill of Colorado d /b /a Chipotle Mexican Grill ♦ RKR Corporation d /b /a Bunratty Tavern, 622 Main Street for a term expiring December 31, 2017 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Berman seconded by Arena that the Board of Selectmen approve the Wine and Malt Restaurant Liquor License for: • Palatat Pattenesuan d /b /a Bangkok Spice Thai Restaurant, 76 Haven Street for a term expiring December 31, 2017 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Page 1 9 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 29, 2016 - paw A motion by Berman seconded by Arena that the Board of Selectmen approve the General on Premise Wine and Malt Liquor License for: The Art Lounge LLC d /b /a The Art Lounge on Haven, 78 Haven Street for a term expiring December 31, 2017 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Reading Village 40B - Everett Blodgett, 44 Prescott Street handed out a letter in opposition of Reading Village not providing any loading space in their property. He is requesting the Selectmen deny their request for an on- street loading space. John Halsey noted that we need to respond to their request but they provided no material and did not show up tonight. John Arena noted that they committed to come back tonight and we haven't heard anything. John Halsey noted the problem is they want to take the public way when they have property they can use. He asked if we should go on record with the ZBA that the only comments they have received are in opposition to the on- street loading zone. The Town Manager noted that there is no formal request so there is no decision to make. Julie Mercier noted that Reading Village's waiver request was for the Selectmen to waive the right as Road Commissioners. Kevin Sexton noted that the ZBA was looking for some guidance for their meeting on December 15tH A motion by Ensminaer seconded by Arena that the Board authorize the Chairman to write a letter to the ZBA regarding this discussion was approved by a vote of 5- 0-0. Approval of Minutes A motion by Berman seconded by Arena to approve the minutes of November 15 2016 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Berman seconded by Sexton to adjourn the meeting at 11.16 p.m. was approve by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Page 1 10 & a'/