HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-19 Board Of Selectmen PacketTown of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867 -2683
Phone: 781 - 942 -6610
Fa)c 781 - 942 -9071
To: Downtown property owners and abutters within 1,000 feet of downtown
& Downtown business owners
CC: Town of Reading Boards, Committees and Commissions
From: Jeff Hansen, Chair, Community Planning & Development Commission
John Halsey, Chair, Board of Selectmen
Date: June 30, 2016
Re: July 19' Zoning Charrette
The CPDC and BOS request your presence at a Zoning Charrette on July 1
in the Great Room at the Pleasant Street Senior Center.
from 6:00 -8:30 PM
Our boards are interested in pursuing this in order to advance housing production and economic
development in Town, and community input is essential to understanding future visions for the
downtown area. Specifically we want to understand:
The needs of residents and other stakeholders
• How best to align zoning to land use goals including housing production and economic development
• How rezoning or zoning overlays can be drafted with the broadest support possible
To assist us with ordering food for the Charrette, please RSVP by July 14`h to Julie Mercier,
Community Development Director: jmercier e,ci.reading.ma.us / 781 - 942 -6648
The Charrette will focus on different zoning options for the following areas *:
• The Business B Green Street neighborhood south of the Downtown Smart Growth District; and
• The Business B Main Street corridor from Haven Street to the railroad tracks.
*See map on the back of this sheet — these areas were identified as priority areas by community members at a
Downtown Zoning Workshop on April 11, 2016.
The format of the Charrette will include the following:
• 6:00 -6:45 PM: Refreshments, poster boards, familiarization with downtown zoning
• 6:45 -7:15 PM: Presentation of feedback, zoning options, and process
7:15 -8:30 PM: Q&A and roundtable discussions
Preparation in advance of the Charrette is encouraged via:
Town of Reading Zoning Bylaw
(hiP: / /www.readingma.gov/ sites /readingma /files /uploads /2015 -11 zoning bylaw 0 Pdt)
• Section 5: Use Regulations per Zoning District
• Section 6: Dimensional Regulations per Zoning District
• Section 10.5: Downtown Smart Growth District (DSGD)
Economic Development Action Plan
(httl2: / /www.readingma.gov/ sites /readingma/ files/ u281/ readingedactionplannarrativeappendicesmerged 201
6- 2022.Pd�
Feedback received at the Downtown Zoning Workshop on April 11, 2016:
(http:/ /www.readingma.gov /community - planning- and - development- commission /pages /downtown - zoning_
workshop- april -11 -2016)
reedbaok Reached at the
Downtown Zoning Woduhop - April 11. 2016
Existing 40R District
Areas to Prioritize
By # of Votes
- #1: Main Street Comdor from Haven Sl. to RR Tracks
-03: Green Street Neighborhood south of 40R District
Map Wepa —I by Town W Raa"
DMe J 14 2016
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• Include in 40R District OR
Create New Overlay District
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Consider New
Overlay District
instead of
Expanding 40R
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Reading -North Reading Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 771, Reading, MA 01867
legan @rnrchamber.com • 978.664.5060 • www.readingnreadingchamber.com
July 19, 2016
Andrew Schultz
Lisa DeLeo
Reading Board of Selectman
Past President
Town Hall
Francine Coughlin
Reading, Massachusetts 01867
Michael Doyon
First Vice President
Dear Reading Board of Selectmen:
Shanna Cahalane
Second Vice
I am writing to express the Chamber of Commerce's support for the
expanded overlay district being considered for Reading. As the President of
the Chamber, I have heard first -hand from owners who are
Co- Treasurer
frustrated but the lack of options to improve their properties. Expanding
the downtown smart growth district was specifically recommended in the
Lisa Egan
Executive Director
Economic Development Action Plan and by the Metropolitan Planning
Council (MAPC). Expanding the overlay district means that businesses will
Christopher Baird
stay in town and thrive, and when people live downtown the increased foot
Matt Donnelly
traffic is good for all businesses. This overlay will be critical for Reading's
Geri Farrelly
economic development and mixed use is continually noted as the best way
Josh Harrington
to stay vital. Additionally, the development would be granted by a special
permit to ensure a public process and reasonable growth that is in line
Nancy Wolff Leary
with the town's character.
Robin Krane
William McElhiney
I respectfully request the selectmen vote to increase the overlay district.
Due to a conflict I am unable to attend the Zoning Charrette to be held on
Leslie McGonagle
July 19th, and I appreciate your consideration.
Molly O'Neill
Peter Simms
Jackie Williams
Andrew J. Schultz
Reading 2020 - A Vision
Selectmen ChairJohn Halsey
.July 19, 2016
Volunteer Boards
Three years ago, under a new Town Manager, we took a
closer look at ourselves.
We found quite a lot of `good', and that begins with the
high quality of our staff and volunteer community.
However, we learned that communication was imperfect.
We also learned that our residents and businesses spent a
lot of time with our `night time government'.
Volunteer Boards
Our department head level communication (including
town - school) is regionally acknowledged as excellent.
Communication was not as excellent at all levels of the
organization, leading to volunteers with partial vision.
We changed to more full-time employees with a Reading
focus, which improved this internal communication.
Next - how to improve communication with and between
Volunteer boards and committees ?
Volunteer Boards
The first step was to acknowledge that the Policies
followed by some boards lacked a `continuous
improvement' process.
The second step was to determine how to change that,
given very lean staffing levels and the ever - present desire
to not spend too much money.
The third step was to prioritize improvements needed.
Volunteer Boards
Po I i cy
We began with the biggest steps:
Charter - a complete overhaul for the first time since it
was adopted over 25 years ago.
Zoning Project -first significant revision since the turn of
the century (the 1900s!). Some work is still ongoing.
General Bylaws -these were in better shape given many
changes and a recent recodification, but several sections
(such as Animal Control) had legally fallen out of date.
Volunteer Boards
Action - Reading 2020 Working Groups
The current Board of Selectmen have varied backgrounds,
expertise and opinions. Some meetings are like a coffee-
shop discussion, with full transparency and honesty.
For three years, members have met regularly with other
town elected officials, and fellow Selectmen from other
results are a Vision
the town and annual Goals for
Volunteer Boards
Action - Reading 2020 Working Groups for FYI 7
- Financial Sustainability {Halsey & LeLacheur}
- Operational Efficiency JEnsminger &Angstrom}
- Communication {Sexton & I<raunelis}
- Policy {Arena & G Burns}
- Long Term Planning {Berman & Delios}
Volunteer Boards
Action - Reading 2020 Working Groups
We have conducted detailed transparent comparisons to
our 25 Peer Communities, and sought feedback from
residents and businesses in town.
A loud message has been to try to diversify our tax base
more into the commercial sector, a challenge given our
lack of open space. Another has been to streamline the
interactions with government, and for example we now
boast one of the fastest permit application turnarounds
Volunteer Boards
You will see a continuation of a discussion about ways to
increase commercial presence with sensitivity to the
residential character of the town.
We are now at the stage where we need help from our
fellow Volunteers, to open up all lines of communication
so that you see where your board fits into this Vision for
2020. Join the coffee -shop discussion and share your
views with the Selectmen and each other.