HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-12-05 Special Town Meeting WarrantSpecial Town Meeting, December 5, 1949 T 0W N WARRANT (SEAL) COML.? ,,ALTH OF }iUSSACHUSEINS :Middlesex, ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and yarn the in-habitants °of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in Shepardson Hall, Junior High School, Temple Street, in said Reading, on idIOTS 1Y THE T I 'T 1I DAY OF EC D,riB1_i~., 1949 at seven forty-five o'clock in the evening, to act on the following articles: Article 1. To hear and act on the reports of Town officers and special committees and determine what instructions will be given Town officers and special committees. Article 2. To see what sum the Town will appropriate from available funds and transfer to the Veterans Benefits Aid Account, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Selectmen. Article 5. To see 'ghat action the Town will take to establis. a standard method to be followed each year for the establisnment of ° the amount to be paid into the Town Treasury by the Electric Li,-ht Department in lieu of taxes, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Selectmen. Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell upon such terms and conditions as they may determine the Chestnut Rill School property situated on the Westerly side of Hopkins Street and consisting of approximately 16,110 square feet of land together with the b.zildings thereon and shown as lot 5 on Town of Reading Assessors Plan 103, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Selectmen. Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of. Selectmen to sell upon such terms and conditions as they may determine the Grouard House Property formerly used by the School Department and situated on the=easterly side of School Street and consisting of approximately 14,000 square feet of land together with the buildings thereon and shown as lot 44 on 'T'own of Heading Assessors Plan 3, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Selectmen. Article 6. To see if t?-.e Town will vote to accept under the provisions of clause Thirteen of the "Hill of the late Ethel Edna Grant the rift of a awi=ain :pool to be located in I`d=emorial Park and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to cooperate with the Trustee named in said Will in the matter of the construction and completion of the swimming pool and to receipt for such gift and to execute any and all other documents which may be necessary in connection there- with in the name and behalf of the Town, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Selectmen. Article 7. To see what sum the Town will appropriate from available funds and transfer to General Aid and Old Age ,Assistance, or=.vvhat it will do in relation thereto. Board of Public Welfare. Special Town.Meeting, December 5, 1949 Article 3. To hear and act on the report and reco_nmendations of the Special Committee to Study the Town Manager Form of Government. Special Committee to Study the Town Manager Form of Government. Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to approve under Regulation 7, paragraph (a) of the Wage and Hour Classification Plan, the exception made by the Personnel Board of a junior clerk entering the employ of the Public Works Department at a rate greater than the minimum salary established by the schedule adopted under the said Plan, or what it will do in relation thereto. Personnel Board. Article 10. To see what sum the gown will vote to appropriate from available funds and transfer to the account for the Transpor- tation of School Children for the year 1949, or what it will do in relation thereto. School Committee. Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to dispose of by sale, gift, destruction or otherwise upon such terms and conditions as they may determine all the obsolete and worn textbooks, statuary and other school supplies which are no longer needed for school purposes, or what it will do in relation thereto. School Committee Article 12. To see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate from. available funds and transfer to the Charles Street Chapter 90 Construction Account, or what it will do in relation 'thereto. Board of Public Works. Article 13. To see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds and transfer to the Road Machinery Operating Account, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Public iVorks Article 14. To see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from available fl.inds to the amount allotted for expenses under the 1949 appropriation for the laying of v,.ater mains, or what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Public 71orks. Article 15. To see what si.im the Town will vote to appropriate from available funds and transfer to the Snow and Ice Account, or. what it will do in relation thereto. Board of Public Works. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least three public places in each precinct of the Town, not less than seven days prior to December 5, 1949, the date set for the meetins- in said Warrant, and to publish this 'Warrant in the Pleading Chronicle, one day at least prior to said date. Hereof fail not and make due return of this 1,16'arrant with your doings thereon, to the mown Clerk, at or before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our :wands this twenty-first day of November, 1949. A true COPY. Attest: K_" i? I'TH C. LATHAM C..,-ARLES E. 14ILI 11SON Selectmen of Reading Guy W. Ellison, 'T'own Clerk ~a gym` Special Town Meeting, December 5, 1949 OF i,V3SAC1lUSE` 1'S Officer's Return Middlesex ss. Reading, December 2, 1949 By virtue of this warm the inhabitants of the Town and -town affairs to meet at posting an attested copy of it thin.sa:id: Town of Reading:- znt, I, on November 23th, 1949, notified of Reading, qualified to vote in elections the time and in tle place specified, by this warrant in the following places Precinct No. 1. Austirits Lunch Room, 17 Harnden St.; Central Fire Station; Police Headquarters. Precinct No. 2. Masonic Temple Building, Lyceum Hall Building, M. F. Charles? Store, 610 Main St., Boston & Maine R. R. Depot. Precinct No. 3. Waterhousets Neighborhood Store, 36 Mineral St., Bennyts Neighborhood Store, 168 Lowell St., Engine No. 2 House, l1'Joburn St. Precinct No. 4. Municipal Building, Zitzowts Neighborhood Store, 287 Lowell St., McLaughlints Neighborhood Store, 1051 Main. St. The date of posting being seven drys prior to the date set for the meeting in this warrant. I also caused an attested copy of this warrant to be published in the Reading Chronicle in the issue of December 1, 1949, the same being more than one day -prior to tine date of meeting. LEON G. BENT Constable of Reading. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Shephardson Ball December 5, 1943 The Meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 7:50 P. M. The warrant was partially read by the Town Clerk, when on motion of Kenneth C. Latham,- it was voted to dispense with further reading of the warrant, except t__te Constable's Return, which was then read by the Town Clerk. Article 1. On motion of Kenneth C. Latham it was voted that Article be laid on the table. Article 8. On motion of A. Lloyd David it was voted to take up article 8. The Report of the Special Committee to study the Management Form of Government was then read by Charles Stratton as follows: The Road to Progress "History shows that great economic and social forces flow like a tide over communities only half conscious of what is befalling them. Wise statesmen foresee what time is thus bringing, and try to shape institutions and mold vents thoughts and purposes in accordance with the change that is silently coining on."