HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-06-30 Special Town Meeting WarrantSpecial Town Meeting, jute 30, 1`
is-L) L)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Middlesex, ss
='o either of the Constables of the Town of Reading, G ee,t r nj:
in the r1c:me o the Co'`r..monmeal h You are hereby required
j y to
notify and ifrJarn the inhabitants of the Town of iiec't.1.ng, qualified
to vote in elections and town affairs, to most in Sh:',pc3-L dsoi1 C=al y
Junior iL<"h School, ~L'i17~1e Street, in said Reading, on
'li,URf7,Df?,,Y THE 1,:i.i1T.LE1i7. DAY OF v'UNEg 1949
forty-five _ oJ..
at seven o'clock in th V ti~.i.t~ i, ~J t'..J C~.cl.! U
J. vC.i1.,, on the 4~ ~~1~1~.. Y'~in~:
Article 1. To ear and act on the reports of Town officers
and special committees and determine What instructions will be
given '.L'.swn officers an special c,o?iimitt ees m
Article 2. To see if the Town
of Division No. 1 - Administration
ion. of 5uild t it s by insertinZ after
the following paragraph:
will vote
of the
t e first
to amend Section
Laws for the constL"uct-
para;rail i thereof,
No bt.ti1di.1.23 permit for a dwelling House shall be issued until
the Board of Health has approved of the ;aroposed lot as suitable
from a sanitary point of view for human habitation, and no
build.in ; permit shall be issued for a dwelling on an un-
,.ST 7 ra _ =.,z .a
sewe7 ed street, until a permit for a cesspool has been obtained
from the Board of Health.
Board of Selectmen
Article . To see if the '.t.``w ll vote to _'_Lx the term of
office of the three members at I -T of the Capital i: ;}e71d tl.lres
Planning Co teE appointed by t'1 Board of n 2ec tl!en in order
that the lE vh of such terms v:i ll be so Orr; 'e that he term of
one appointu{ sd ill expire each year, or what it will do in relation
Board of Selectmen
,~,L.LCICs _ ~ ~e,: a , t w 4f _ ar
n.1 vote
,~~1. ho ,tee . if the f.7cva~'a- to fUrt.t3( ccnm:'_1d
Sec ti_on 2A of Article 1 of the 3y-Laws of he Town by making the
Chairman of the Personnel oar a loy e t inS member at large, so
when amended said Section shall re a_d as follows:
Section 2A. Any representative Town meeting held under the
provisions of Chapter 7, of the Acts of 1943, shall be limited
to the voters elected under Section 3 thereof, together with
the following designated as Tovtj'rl Meeting members at large;
namely,-any ti:1ember of the General Court of the Commo1:1wu<`.',lth,
from the Town, ti'le Moderator, the Town Clerk, the members of
the Board of Selectmen, he Chairman of the School Committee,
the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Board
of Public Yogks a the Chairman of the. Miin. c3_?J£';l Light Board,
the Chairman of the Board of Public Welfarg, the Chairman of
Trustees of the .[':ai,>ltc Library, the Chairman of Board of Asses--
sors y the Chairman of the Planning Board, the Chairman of the
Chairman of the e Board oBoard o' '.~li,:l
Bodrd of Cemetery Trustees, 1,..., _ s
the Chairman of the Personnel Board, he Town Accountant, 1,le
Town Counsel and the Town Treasurer.
Board of Selectmen
Special Town Meeting, rune 30, 1949
Z v+Y
p0 4j
Article 5. To see what sum the mown will vote to appropriate
from available funds a:_r7.d transfer to h Later Department o what
it will do in relation thereto.
Board of Public Korn s
Moir tic1e C. 1'o see what s?li'?1 the !'own will raise '..1,nd ap-
propriate b jr borrowing or otherwise for the purpose of 'l u;7in,,'
tiuate;r mains of not less than six (6) inches but less than six-
teen (16) inches in diamter and for the development of additional
wells including the suction gains or what; it will do in relation
thereto a
Board of Public Works
Article 7e To see if the Town will mote to amend the Schedule
o_r"' and Maximum Salaries to be paid to employees in positions
included in the Employees Classification :elan, in the manner follow-
Insert after "Foreman" in Section 2, Supervisor. imployees,
ll time Supervisor) the job title; of SUx'La`:,ISOR "_Z301-S,
Hourly Weekly
Hin. Max. Hin. Max.
1.33 1.40 59;19 62.30
insert U w
insert after "C~r~s.~:~~_11ed Labor" in Section 3, Hourly Paid
imployees, the job title of Il';CLASSIFI . 'jABO :
Hourly Weekly
Min e Max. Yin. do Z e
.65 1.00 28.93 44.50
Insert after "Assistant to Superintendent any Relief Pumping
Station in rineer" in Section 4, Board of Public Works, the job
Hourly Weekly
Min. Max O ~1'}..t..A.CO 1!s!t4110
1.30 1,45 57®85 64.5
Insert of GE r "Transit, Rodman, and Draftsman" the job title
Hourly Weekly
Min. Max. Min. Max.
1®01 1®20 44495 53.40
Insert after "Lineman., 2nd. Class" in Section 5, Municipal
Light Department the job title of LINEMAN, 3rd CLASS:
Hourly Weekly
Mina Max. Min. Max.
1.30 1.35 52.00 54.00
Insert after "Assistant Librarian" in Section 7, Public
Library, .4e ~ L o ti title of ~ .fir CLERICAL:
the job LIBRARY Hourly
1 in® X`axs
65 .75
Amend Section 1, Clerical Employees under he job title of
"Junior Clark" by striking out the m'ina.rnu weekly s lar, and sub-
stituting in place thereof a minimum Weekly salary of l''4.33.
SPecial Town w ring, June 30, 1949
men.c? Section
3, Hourly Paid
)lo„ ees under the
job title "Un-
skilled Labor"
by st,ri?: in,,"; out
the T7L'1:Li":1U `,'2 hourly
rate and 2niz1_rmum
weekly salary
and substi vu
i glace thereof a
minimum of Q111.01
hourly, and a
Y111~.Lz12 11 weekly of "4.95.
P ersonel Board,
Article 8. To see what t sum the Town will appropriate and
transfer from available ?'':1.'lds to be adder to the appropriation
voted at 'GPIs.', annual own eeLin held in March, 1949, for printing
and publishing the list o real estate valuations as o January, 1,
1949 or what it will do in relation thereto.
Board of Assessors
And you are directed to serve this by posting an
attested copy thereof in at least three public places in each
precinct of the '.town, not less than seven days prior to June 30,
1949, v'`l.e dmt t,a set for the 11 ~i 1 et in: in said Warrant,
and to pub-
lish this Warrant in the heading Chronicle one day at least; prior
to said' ~l.'.ate®
Hereof fail no and make due return of this 'Ja_i'rant with your
coo fines thereon to the Town Calerk at on oefore:, the appointed
time for said meeting.
Given under our hands this twentieth tl'.ay of Jul e, 1919
j l e c t: l ..n of
i u L:=1
Officer f iet-urn
Middlesex, ss a
June 24, 1949
By virtue, CAL the within warrant, 1, on June 22, 1949, notified
the inhabitants of the `,''oi'1`17 of heading, qualified to vote in elec-
tions and town a ftairsJ to meet in fah parl.tson Hall, i said RealFin,-
?.ale designated 'J1aCE> for Lei.;' four precF_2"2CtaS of the .it?'tJn, at the
time specified i this warrant, by posting attested conies of t:2e'
same in the following public places within the TOV67n of heading:
Precinct 10 Austin's Lunch Room, 17 Harnden Street
Central Fire Station
Police Headquarters
Precinct 2. ; tas,7nic e-nl >u ldin,,,
LyFceuA . '_il uild nE ~
M. F. Chrrl::s ions' ;Store, 610 Main St.
Boston t a~'ai t,' APITroad Depot
Odd Fellows Buildin6, Woburn Stroot
Precinct 3® Water_louse's t of bor4ood Store, 35 Mineral St.
BeTl,nyf s Neighborhood 6t;ore, 16 Lowell 5t®
Engine #0 House, Woburn St.
Precinct 4. Municipal Duildin~,,
Zitgows Neighborhood Store, 287 Lowell St.
mcLat ghliE` ks Neighborhood Store, 1051 Main .t t®
Special Town Me'e tJ L Z, rune 0 y 1949
being more
than seven days prior
lJ' e date
! e v7
in t;:lii
rant, and
y also caw
i" n attested
to be
ished in
'L'1_„ heading
onicle, in
June 23
date of
tie _
more than
3' t>)
date o
f th
e meeting
,Jonst.. ale o1 d r2 e
Soapardson Hall
30, 1949
Pursuant t
he warrant and
Constable's Return
cd Town Meeting was
hold " ~G the place
A._atl at
specified 3Y1 the w
and. was called to
order at :1~i
by the Moderator,
Charles P.
owar C:i
The Clerk then pi1r tiie`a.ll<< read the warrant when on motion of
Kenneth C Latham it was voted to dispense with the further read-
ing of the warrant except for the officer's return, which was
then read by the Clerk.
Article 1. On motion o Kennett C. Latham it was voted that
Article 1 be laid on the table.
Article S. on. motion of Kenneth C, Latham it was voted that
Section a of Division No. 1 - Administration of the B„ Laws for
h Construction of ':>17.ildir?.gs - be an the same hereby is amended
by inserting after v.'?e, first paragraph thereof the following:
No building permit for a dwelling house shall be issued
until the Board of Health has . ap)rov d o tJh proposed
lot as suitable from a sanitary point of view for human
and So build 1C:d p"C..rm.LtJ _ s._1al_%. ~ be for issued
or a
dwelling house on an i1;`'15ew i'ed street until permit for
a. cesspool has been v..
R en obtained from the Board Health. o ._e;LEh.
Article 3® On motion of Charles A. Wilkinson it was voted.
ttlat'v the germ of office of the three members at largo of the
Capital Expenditures ,f_~ Pl< .~1:1-:7_,~ S Committee be fixed 'l. t, -
three years,
and that the Selectmen hall appoint one for a term o one jar,
one for erY!'?. JZ o' two years, and one e for e1'a'sl of years,
a + f three anti that annually thereafter there shall be appointed by the
Selectmen member for the term of three years in the lase: of
the member whose term is to expire; and that up the 1/ i .e., e
and qualification of the three members as provided in this vote,
the ttJi.'!.a of office
of the three then J.eZ is1J inY members s.aa11
terminate, and that in the c3Vc,n that a vacancy occurs in the
membership of the three appointed at large the same shall be
filled fo tnuith b the 3o ra of Selectmen for the unexpired term.
Article 4m
of G, Lii<:l''1Y',=nce Ro
berts it was
'tJ Section
I of the Ry.Laws
of the Town b
e and.
same i 1 e1,.1~`~
1~~ndei_). by iiakLf':~i
1J Chairman
tJ the
Personnel no
Ton n
_ eii3' or at
~t :J
s ao as s
Section Y. Any representative Town LeotinZ held under the Provisions of p t er 7, o tJ e Acts of 1943, shall be limited
to the voters elected under ; act1.o 3 thereof, t,oge f he,:r' with the
following demos! ueia as o; 1 .Ln'~; s 7 namely,
~ ~'ti:lt tJt,'.i s at large; an member of t' e General '.i<;)1,1rt, of the Commonwealth, from the
. °own, the Moderator, the ..t own ClUnr1 ~ y the members members yber~. r a',.r
r of the B.a~)d of
Selectmen, the Chairman of the School Committee, the Chairman of
he Finance Cors.rtit;tJe'e, Late Chairman of he card of Public Works,
the Chairman of the Municipal L "-,_1t Boar sly the `.iha:1_1.'Yi"ian of the