HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-17 Special Town Meeting WarrantTown Meeting, January 11, 1049 h` T 0 V'u N WARRANT (SEAL) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. 'lo either of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are :hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of heading, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Auditorium of the highland School, Middlesex venue, in said Reading, on MONDAY, 'THE SEVENTr NTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1949 at eight o'clock in the evening, to act on the following articles: Article 1. To hear and act on the reports of Town officers and special committees and determine what instructions will be Given 'T'own officers and special committees. Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to establish suit- able regulations under authority of Chapter 351 of the Acts of 1948 and the By-Law of the Town adopted thereunder at the Special Town 11reeting held on January 10, 1949, for the administration, inter- pretation and application of Town :mployees Classification flan, or what it will do in relation thereto. Joint Salary and gage Classification Committee Article 3. To see if the `-`own will vote under authority of ,bv Chapter 351 of the Acts of 1948 and the By-Law of the 'Town adopted thereunder at the Special 'sown Meeting held on January 10, 1949, to 1 establish minimum and maximum salaries to be paid to employees in ~ positions included in the Employees Classification flan, or what it will do in relation thereto. Joint Salary and Wale Classification Committee And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least three public places in each pre- cinct of the `-'own not less than seven days prior to January 17, 1949, the date set for the meeting in said Warrant, and to publish this Warrant in the Reading Chronicle, one day at least prior to s4id date. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to the 'T'own Clerk, at or before the time appointed for said meeting;. Given under our hands this fifth day of January, 1949. C14IRLES E. WILKINSON G. L,f WRI.i'NCE ROB! RTS KENNETH C. LATHAM Selectmen of Reading COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Officer's Return Middlesex ss. Reading, January 14, 1949 By virtue of the within warrant, I, on January 8, 1949, notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Reading,;, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the place and at the time designated herein, by posting an attested copy hereof in each of .the following places within the Town of Reading: Precinct r}1. Austints Lunch Room, 17 Karnden St. The Danforth Pharmacy, 1 Harnden St. Central Fire Station, Pleasant St. Police Headquarters, Pleasant St. Town lVeeting, January 17, 1949 F I Precinct 2. Masonic Temple Building Lyceum Hall Building N1. F. Charles 8. Sons' Store, 610 I'Viain St. Boston & Maine Railroad Depot Odd Fellows Building Precinct #3. Waterhouse's Neighborhood Store, 36 Mineral Street Benny's Neighborhood Store, 168 Lowell St. Engine #2 House, Woburn St. Precinct #4. Municipal Building itzow's Neighborhood Store, 287 Lowell St. McLauohlin's Neighborhood Store, 1051 aIlain St. the date of posting being more than seden days prior to January 17, the date set far the meeting in this warrant. I also caused an attested copy of this warrant to be published in the Reading lihronicle in the issue of January 13th, the same bein` more than one day prior to the date of meeting. LEON G. BENT Constable of Reading TOWN MEETING Highland School Auditorium January 17, 1949 Pursuant to the foregciing warrant and the Constable's 1{eturn thereon, a Town Meetin~7- was held at the time anx place specified in the 'Warrant. The meeting was called to order by the Moderator, Charles P. Howard, at 8:05 P . -IMi. The Warrant was.partially read by the Town Clerk, when on motion of 1enneth C. Latham it was voted to dispense with further reading; of the warrant, except the Constable's Return which was then read by the Town Clerk. Article 1. On motion of Charles E. ,Ullkinson it was voted to lay Article l on the table. Article 2. Joshua T. Lay, Jr. started to read Article 2 when on motion of Louis Davis,,it was voted. unanimously to dispense with further reading of said article. Article 2. On motion of Joshua T. Day, Jr. it was voted to accept Article 2 as follows: Pursuant to Chapter 351 of the Acts of 1948 and the By-Law of the Town adopted thereunder the following regulations be and the same hereby is established for the administration, interpretation and application of the Town employees Classification plan. it1~~UL.,TIONS RELATING TO JOB CLASSIFICATIONS This plan shall consist of the following regulations, job de- scriptions and standard rates of salaries and wages to be estab- lished by the Town, with such amendments as may be made from time to time by the Town and shall be the Salary Schedule for the pay- ment of salaries and waUes in the Town of zieading.