HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-10 Special Town Meeting WarrantTown sleeting, January 10, 1949 T 0 W N W A R R A N T (Seal) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of heading, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Auditorium of the Highland School, Middlesex Avenue, in said Reading, on MONDAY, ` HEM 'T'ENTH DAY Or JANUARY, 1949 at eight o'clock in the evening, to act on the following articles; ARTICLE 1. To hear and act on the reports of Town officers and special committees and determine what instructions will be given 'T'own. Officers and special committees. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote under authority of Section 103A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws to amend the General By-Laws of the Town by adding thereto the following new Article. ARTICLE VIII-. SECTION 1. There shall be established in the Mown an official classification plann for positions in the service of the 'T'own classifying certain employees other than those filled by popular election and those under the direction and control of the School Committee, into groups and classes doing substantially similar work or having substantially equal responsibilities. Such classification plan herein established may from time to time be amended by vote of the Town at a Town Meeting. SECTION 2. The official classification plan for positions in the service of the Town shall consist of the classes listed by titles in Schedule A which is hereby made a part hereof. SECTION 3. The Town may at Town Meeting Assembled vote to establish and may from time to time amend, a plan establishing the minimum and maximum salaries to be paid to employees in positions included in the plan classification and such salary plan may provide for the attainment of such maximum salaries by periodical step-rate increases based on length of service. SECTION 4. The Town may by vote at Town Meeting adopt and thereafter from time to time amend, suitable regulations for the administration, interpretation and application of the classification plan. SECTION 5. This By-Law shall be operative only as to employees whose positions are classified hereunder and for w ich positions minimum and maximum salaries have been established by vote of the Town at a Town Meeting. No board, officer or head of a department shall. fix the salary of any employee in a position so classified except in accordance with such plan. S C EDUL u A JOB CLASSIFICATIONS FOREMAN A full-time supervisor, skilled workman with full responsib- ility of supervising the work of large groups of employees and other incidental work. In direct charge of all construction, Town Meetin-, January 10, 1949 maintenance in their respective divisions as assigned by the Super- intendent. Supervisory duties cover activities in connection with Gwater Idfains, Sewers, Sewer-IrAains, Sewer house connections, road construction and repair, sidewalk construction, storm drain construct- ion and maintenance, snow plowing and removal, care of dumps, spray- ing and tree work, cemetery maintenance and developr:3ent. Construct- ion or maintenance in setting light poles, stringing of electric wires or cables (overhead or underground) or other electrical in- stal.lations or maintenance in connection with Municipal Light Plant. SkILLLD LABOR A workman possessing experience and ability to do work requir- ing highest skills in his department. Can work with special tools or equipment requiring; special skill and experience. is a skilled craftsman, can be called upon to operate motorized equipment of a specialized nature. Duties may be in Light or Power work, Sewer, Vvater, Road, Cemetery, Spraying, Tree climbing ,or other Town labor activities requiring a fully skilled workman. He may be called upon to perform manual labor. S WMI-SKILLED LABOR Performs manual tasks requiring strength and endurance, also tasks that require some ability to use tools and equipment of a comparatively simple nature, also includes driving trucks or other incidental work. Pifay be required to perform manual labor. UNSKILLED U.BOR Performs manual tasks requiring strength and endurance, but which does not require ability to use other than simple tools or equipment. JUNIOR CLARK Performs clerical office duties under supervision. Possess ability to operate common business machines and a knowledge of ordinary business practices acquired by business or schooling. SENIOR CLERK Experienced clerk who possesses ability to direct and perform all the clerical functions of an office under the general super- vision of a department head. Senior Clerk, in general, would direct work of other clerical assistants in a department. Be capable of assuming such clerical departmental responsibilities, necessary to transact business of', said department. Meets the general public in the absence of department executive. JANITOR, TOWN BUILDINGS Performs janitor and maintenance work at or around Town Buildings, Library, Municipal Building, etc. Keeps buildings heated whenever necessary. Duties may require any tasks assigned for the proper cleaning, maintenance or heating of said buildings or grounds,. May be required to perform Janitor duties at one or more Town Buildings. (Janitor of Municipal Light Building listed separately in Wage Schedules.) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS t SUPZRINTENDENT Directs all activities of department; s.aid functions may include Highway, Water, Sewer, Parks, Playgrounds. In full charge of Plants and employees. Is held responsible for efficient and continuous operation of the services furnished or supplied. Should be capable of doing all major engineering work such as layouts for varied type of construction, technical mathematics, departmental budgets and accountin or supervising such work if delegated by him to others. Town Meeting, January 10, 1949 PUMPING STATION ENGINEER In direct charge of all work at pumping station, including repair and operation of equipment, laboratory tests,-compilation of records, etc. Also assists on water meter repairs and instal- lations. ASSISTANT TO SUPERINTENDENT AND RELIEF PUMPING STATION ENGIN.;~LR Relieves Pumping Engineer in his absence in operation: of. equipment and repairs of same. Clerical office work of varied nature, engineering, drafting, purchases department supplies within limits, unit cost accounting, complies records, prepares data, title examination work for 'T'own Counsel. Acts as general timekeeper during snow storms, as well as Assistant Foreman. Does other duties delegated to him by Superintendent. TRANSIT. RODMAN AND DRAFTSMAN Operates transit on surveys, assists on preparation of plans, draftslocation cards for sewer connections and water services. Does other minor engineering work. Chauffeurs during snow storms. DUMP CARETAKER Takes care of Town dump on John Street. MUNICIPAL LIGHT DEPARTMENT MANAGER Directs all activities of the department and performs such other duties as may be imposed upon him by law. DISTRIBUTION ENGINEER Supervision of Line extensions, service installations and connections, range and water heater installation, wiring inspections in outside Towns, Meter Department trouble service; supervision o' distribution engineering, operations and planning, rate and cost analysis. CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT Supervision of Line crews, overhead and underground con- struction, issues orders and does layout work. LINE TRUCK FOREMAN Has charge of Line crew, in addition works with his men. Works under orders from Construction Superintendent. LINEMAN - lst Class Capable of handling any Line work; high or low tension on the system. Is able to take truck and perform any work that can be :handled by one man. LINEMAN - 2nd Class Does linework under direct supervision, either in company of lineman lst class or foreman. GROUNDSMAN Dias post holes, sends up tools to Lineman, gets material from truck, coils wire and rope, does all ground work for Lineman. Town Meeting, January 10, 1949 PATROL - lst Class Patrols street lights, sets electric meters, installs meter boxes and cable from box to customer's switch, replaces customer's blown fuses, troubleman. PATROL APPRENTICE; Assists Patrolman, while training for work of Patrolman. STOCKRO014 MAN Receives and stocks all line material at garage and plant, bores, paints and pins cross arms, repairs materials returned from lines and keeps stockroom clean. MECHANIC Capable of doing all work on cars and trucks, including paint- ing and welding, also does welding for station. METER TESTER Repairs, tests or rebuilds electric meters. METER READER Reads electric meters. CABLE SPLICER lst Class not working as CHIEF OPERATOR w In charge places equipme Lineman and cable splicer, works as Lineman when cable splicer. LIGHT PLANT of Plant, switchboard operator, installs and re- nt . OPERATOR Switchboard operator, assists Chief Operator install and re- pair equipment. Keeps plant and ground clean. MERCHANDISE MANAGER In charge of merchandise sales in store. May act as,clerk in store if needed. SALES 4IA:iV CLERK Sells merchandise in store, calls on prospective customers, resale, inventory, receptionist. Some additional clerical work. SERVICE MANAGER Supervises and directs servicemen, keeps records, orders re- pair parts, receives all service calls for repairs of appliances, under direction of Merchandise Manager. SERVICE JUN Services and repairs electrical appliances, answers service calls at customer's homes, places of business; repairs or services refrigerators, washing machines, ranges, water heaters, etc. SERVICE 1v1AN APPRENTICE Assists Service Man while in training to become a service man. Town Meeting, January 1U, IV4v r° ~a SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK Receives all merchandise at office, uncrates ranges, `water beaters or other equipment; assembles ranges, aids in delivery. Performs some janitor work. COMPTROLLER Accountant in charge of management of office, budgets, finan- cial and State reports, under direction of Superintendent. Directs work of all clerical help in Billing and Accounting, Costs and Statistics, etc. ASSISTANT TO COMPTROLLER Assists Comptroller in managing office under direction of Comptroller, supervises Cost and Statistical work, or other office activities. Functions as Chief Clerk. COLLECTOR Collects delinquent accounts or other bills; assists meter readers when necessary. JANITOR Cleans office building, in charge of heating apparatus, re- moves snow from walks, keeps building and grounds in order. LIBRARY LIBRARIAN Manages Library, purchases books, fuel and other supplies,, etc. Directs activities of other Library employees, keep accounts and records, catalogs books, etc. ASSISTAN'T' LIBRARIAN Under supervision of Librarian; issues and receives books, catalogs books, keeps records. In charge of Children's Library and activities. Assumes charge in absence of Librarian. 'TOWN ACCOUNTANT Duties as required by the provisions of Sections 56 to 61, Chapter 41, General Laws, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. THEE AND MOTH. DLPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT Directs all operations of tree climbers, trimming or removing trees. Spraying of trees, shrubs and bushes of 'T'own and private trees for moth, fungus or insect control. Instructs general pub- lic on care of trees; Tree ~varden; keeps departmental records. CEMENT:ERY DEPARTMEN'T' SUPERINTENDENT Directs all activities of department, including all phases of cemetery operations and development, landscaping, grading,_ care of lawns and trees, construction of avenues and walks,, foundations for monuments, etc. WORKING FOREMAN Skilled workman with part time responsibility of supervising the work of small groups of employees, and who normally performs similar work himself and other incidental work. Town Meeting, January 10, 1945 V_ _ i POLICE DEPARTMENT CHIEF OF POLICE Chief executive officer and shall direct all activities of the department, subject to the law, to the Police rules and regulations, and to the direction of the Board of Selectmen. He shall have authority over all members of the force assigned thereto and all other persons employed therein. He shall be re- sponsible for the observance' and performance of all laws, ordin- ances, by-laws and regulations which the Police force has authority to execute; he shall engage in no other business and shall perform such other duties provided by law and assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Selectmen. POLICE: SERGEANT He shall assist the Chief of Police as directed by him in accordance with the police regulations and shall perform his duties by day or night, which may include patrol or station house service. He shall perform such other duties as may be required by the law, the police regulations of the Town and such duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Chief of Police. PATROLMAN He shall conform to the rules and regulations of the depart- ment and observe and enforce the laws, ordinances and by-laws and shall perform the duties prescribed by law and such duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Chief of Police, and his superior officers. FIRE, DEPARTMENT CHIEF OF FIRS DEPARTMENT He shall direct all activities of the department and shall have charge of extinguishing fires in the Town and the protection of life and property and discharge all the duties conferred or imposed by statute, and shall appoint a Deputy Chief and such officers and firemen as he may think necessary and as provided by law. He shall have full and absolute authority in the administration of the department, shall make all rules and regulations for its operation and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by law and assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Selectmen-.. DEPUTY CHIEF He shall assist the,Chief of the Fire Department and shall be the head of the department in the absence of the Chief and shall assist in extinguishing fires in the Town and the protection of life and property in case of fire, and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by law and which may be assigned to him from time to time by the Chief of the department. CAPTAIN In the absence of the Chief and Deputy Chief the Captain shall m be in charge of extinguishing fires in the Town and the protection of life and property in case of fire and shall perform such other duties as may be required by law, and which may be assigned to him from time to time by his superior officers. LIEUTENANT In the absence of the Chief, Deputy Chief and Captain the Lieutenant shall be in charge of extinguishing fires in the Town and the protection of life and property in case of fire and shall perform such other duties as may 'be required by law, and which may be assigned to him from time to time by his superior officers. Town Meeting, January IU, 1V4V PRIVATE He shall assist in extinguishing fires in the Town and the protection of life and property in case of fire and shall assist. in keeping in repair all property and apparatus used for and by the Fire Department and perform such other duties as prescribed by law and which may be assigned to him from time to time by his superior officers. CAT,T~ rvraN He shall assist in extinguishing fires in the `.Town and the protection of life and property in case of fire and shall perform such other duties prescribed by law and which may be assigned to him from time to time by his superior officers. NOTE: The above Job Descriptions are intended to indicate, in a general way, the prinicipal duties of individual jobs covered by these job titles. They are in no sense limiting and do not necessarily include all activites which may be indicental to the performance of these jobs. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least three public places in each precinct of the 't'own, not less than seven days prior to January 10, 1949, the date set for the meeting in said Warrant, and to pub- lish this Warrant in the Reading; Chronicle, one day at least prior to the said date. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at or before the time appointed for said meeting;. Given under our hands this thirtieth day of December, 1948. CHARLES E. WILKINSON G. LAWRENCE ROBERTS KENNETH C, . LA` HAM Selectmen of Reading A True Copy. Attest: Leon G. Bent Constable COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSE12TS Officer's Return Middlesex ss. Reading, Jan. 7, 1949 By virtue of this warrant, I, On January 3, 19:9 notified and tiiarned the inhabitants of the Town of heading qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the place and at the time specified herein by postin ; an attested copy thereof in the follow- ing places within said Town of heading. Precinct 1. Austinsts Lunch Room, 17 Harnden Street The Danforth Pharmacy, 1 Harnden Street Central ''ire Station, Pleasant Street Police Headquarters, Pleasant Street Precinct 2. Masonic Temple Building, Main Street Lyceum Hall Building, Haven Street M. F. Charles & Sons' Store, 610 Main Street Boston & Main Railroad Depot Odd Fellows Building, Woburn Street Precinct 3. Waterhousefs Nein,hborhood Store, 36 JIfineral Street Bennyis Nbi-phborhood Store, 168 Lowell Street Fire Station #2, ioburn Street l•, a C,, Town Meeting) January 10, 1949 E Precinct 4. Municipal Building Zitzows Neighborhood Store, 287 Lowell Street McLaughlin's Neighborhood Store, 1051 111a3_n Street the date of posting being seven clays prior to the cute set for the meeting in this warrant. I also caused an attested copy of this warrant to be published in the Reading Chronicle in the issue of January 6, 1949, the same being more than one day prior to the date of the meeting. Leon G. Bent Constable of heading TOWN MEETING Highland School Auditorium January 10, 1949 Pursuant to the foregoing warrant and the Constable's Return thereon, a Town Ifeeting was held at the time and place specified in the warrant. The meeting was called to order by the I,Ioderator, Charles P. Howard at 8:10 p.m. The warrant was p=artially read by the Town Clerk, when on motion of Samuel I. Davis, which was seconded by Kenneth C. Latham, it was voted to dispense with further reading of the warrant, ex cept the Constable's Return which was then read by the 'T'own Clerk. Article 1. Joshua T. Day, Jr. read the following report of the Joint Committee on Salaries and Vuages Classifications. On motion of Louis Davis it was voted to accept this report. REPORT OF JOINT COMMITTEE ON SALARY AND WAGE CLASSIFICATION TO: The Town Meeting Members. At the Annual Town Meeting held in March, 1948, the subject matter of Articles 31 and 32 of the Vyarrant, being the Report of the Salary and Wage Classification Committee, was referred jointly to the Finance Committee, Board of Selectmen, and Salary and Wage Classification Committee for further study. A sub-cottmmittee of five members was then appointed by the Joint Committee as follows: Board of Selectmen, G. Lawrence Roberts; Salary and Wage Committee, Herbert G. Evans; Finance Committee, Joshua T. Day, Jr., ` John L. Griffin, Emerson A. Vuillard; and instructed to review the original report, make recommended changes, and such others as were necessary due to the revision by the Legislature in May of the en- abling act, section 108-A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Your committee wishes again to call to your attention the really prodigious amount of fine work performed by the original Salary and Wage Committee and submitted to you in their report at the last Annual Town Meeting. Vie have made several changes in the salary plan, as submitted by the original committee, the most important of which is the estab- lishing of a Personnel Board to administer the plan. (See Section 3,