HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-03 Board of Selectmen HandoutDRAFT MOTIONS BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MAY 39 2016 Halsey, Sexton, Berman, Arena, Ensmin2er LeLacheur lc) Move that the Board of Selectmen reappoint Sharon Angstrom as Town Counsel for a term expiring March 31, 2017. 5g) Move that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing on the application for a Wine and Malt General on Premise Liquor License for The Art Lounge on Haven, 78 Have Street. Move that the Board of Selectmen find that a Wine and Malt General On Premise Liquor License for the Art Lounge LLC does serve a public need, and that there are sufficient remaining unused licenses for anticipated economic development of future restaurant businesses. Move that the Board of Selectmen approve a new Wine and Malt General on Premise Liquor License for The Art Lounge LLC d /b /a The Art Lounge on Haven, 78 Haven Street for a term expiring December 31, 2016 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee. 5h) Move that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing on the transfer of the All Alcohol Package Store License from Busa Reading Liquors LLC to HT Reading Liquors LLC, 345 Main Street. Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the transfer of the All Alcohol Package Store License from Busa Reading Liquors LLC to HT Reading Liquors LLC, 345 Main Street for a term expiring December 31, 2016 subject to the following conditions: All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager or his designee. 6a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of April 19, 2016 as amended. Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Executive Session minutes of April 19, 2016 as written. JH KS BB JA DE Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting at p.m. N V1 U_ v � L. V) N = U O E E a U 0 U a� L a L L L _ _ _ r- 0 Gl d � 4J •C .0 ._ � m m m CO W W W V) U - — N C C C p cv O O O :tf CL N N N N () O O Q N N N -C U U Q E E E:, bo 4- E E E Q C C O D U U _tw L — c N f9 (O u O O d d m 'L N .� = m O m O N p bA Q 0 U O L O to ajj O U cc O Z L v E N E E W L W m m 4j � 4J a a y E E E E E E 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X CO = = W W W ca m m VOf VOf VOf V) to V) U dj V 00 W N W W Q i = � '� UA N Y .Y c Q L c V 1 + = ° '� E o E E E E= U -a w E p _ 4 U U U U ° U U E = o o v O to O U C C C" O E (2- O V to t U C :� — O m U= Q ++ > l% c m e E cc U u Q +- C L N O 0 LL m m E N Naj v c U U c a y Q OC N V) CC '� U E m -0 of 6i ++ E -j E o o! i U ++ C E O � E .� E Q c0 U O 0) X Q Q N = N N E v O a>i a i I O N N N N co E aj O = = = = Q V) O v ,o > L N u U ±+ a") U o a N LL av+ 4.1 ,4j � > Q 0:' a m f6 F- 4J E LL + C O L- O 0 N i O ICI r� V FBI W H W W W 0 h+�l H 4-� cc3 O O bA V bA ~+ � N 8 N U vUi N �+ C's .. 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C7 O V% 0 O N L CU 0 u ci .� N uj E N E U > m '� LL o6 s- c °' fu U as Ql ai ' W L C W > L m N O M '� L Q oC ~ U N O_ m c0 V > � O v U M E N d v 0 O a LL a- z N U ca c a L a L L L 0) (D Q) C C C C tto two S= C E E E E y E E O X m m m m W W W N U O O CL vi N 0 U U Q E � OD OA v- E E E Q .0 c 0 0 0 0 tw a C -0 U c C C f0 cQ O U .0 o 7 ` N N 2 C m O (Q h p i bA L Q '= N C C O O 0 cf 6i c 'O a"' N O U to N 41 m O �2 (1) e� Z L C C C N N X H Q Q V1 2 m N m to CO CO v N E N E v 0 O c U u m m N O c L .j N E E N E Y +' +- Q O s- c °' c U as Ql ai ' O ++ C W E L m E N v M '� L Q f6 N ~ U 0 O_ m LL V CL v U M E N d v 0 a a LL a- z N cc L C C C 40 0 vii 0 m m m to CO CO CO N N v O c u m m N -a c L C N E E N E Y +' O O s- O O 4t U O ' C E ++ C W L m L m E N v L Q L Q ~ U 0 Q U H LL v OA OA tw d m 0 E Z co N �—° OA OA Op to to C N R t0 , u 0 O1 vNi `^ c E E E E E E E E ° 0 E E E E E N V01f +0+ X X r0+ X +0+ X +0+ X +0+ X N H H H H W W W m== W W W CO CO CO Nf 4A N N H N W W U N U L Co W N N N i 'V > +�+ bA N O 4J i N Q C �te4' O te R U .++ .a' +' 7 O _ R N E p o E E E E p p U Q m U p E a, c 0 0 O E O O O O 2 4-1 N Q N O O m 0 U U u U U U M O O+ m� U Q U v- 0 oNo 3ucEE EvY= L o Q Q V) -C > (gyp "a - E 0 u () a >>m ' 1 N fL0 O N C 0 m C u- '� '� E �p v> O m0 O Op m m m +' O U > I- CC a� N +' cLo N m c v u U 0 U m c N m 0 J f0 E O ai oC E CL Q ail t O C ca w m LN i v a C C C 40 0 vii 0 m m m CO CO CO N N v O u N -a c L C N N CO N E Y +' O O s- O O 4t U O ' C E ++ 3 cu U > -O E N v ~ U 0 Q U H LL v cu N O d m 0 E Z co N �—° C C C E E E a0+ X CO CO CO N O u N -a c C U- LL LL N N i ~ H v cu N O 0 E Z co N °' E C , u 0 O1 vNi `^ c E f6 a_ v E ° N. Q � U > Top Rated Programs 5/3/2016 V 1 Greatest Challenge Facing Reading Seniors 011-, 13 5/3/2016 2 5/3/2016 0 3 iflt Sit1"Y Of %I Mystic Valley ; mcoif PA f: t°der° ,Sc'YVIC'ens N11 SSION t f SANBORN �D r ?�ITRY ,S� oe Publ�cIiealth /`�_� a••a�ny v L � h Against Coalhion . � rl Abuse �`t 3 GLC AC"; READING, g�� Partnerships #� Elder Services Van Transportation • Operate on a set route for shopping • Day trips • Medical Transportation • Reading Response • Coordinate for Hospital 'Trust Fund • _MassTran Service Provider • Hallmark Health ,Escort �_ • FYI S -889 Rides • FYI, 6 — 786 Rides (through April) AWS.98ft.1tUff 5/3/2016 4 x F7 • Review of Comparable Communities • Communication of Programs & Services • Facebook, Website • Space Constraints at the Pleasant Street Center • Electronic Sign in at Center • More accurate reporting of statistics Next Page lEssonswAm nlnnninn 5/3/2016 5 LeLacheur, Bob From: Phil Rushworth <phil @rctv.org> Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 3:10 PM To: LeLacheur, Bob; Schena, Paula Cc: Kathi Crook Subject: RCTV @ Selectmen Attachments: 2015 RCTV Financial Statements Final.pdf ICW, The board would like to show this short video clip at the meeting if possible. https: / /youtu.be/ 1 FJQRxxJgbA I have also attached our latest audited financial statements for your records. (I have already sent them to Sharon Angstrom) Phil Philip Rushworth Executive Director, RCTV Studios 557 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 781.944.8888 ex. 124 p WA)rctv.org- www.rctv.ore, Town of Reading office of Town Accountant - ' To: Board of Selectmen From: Sharon Angstrom, Town Accountant Subject: FY15 RCN Audit Meeting Date: May 2, 2016 I was invited to attend the RCN Board Meeting on April 19th at 7:30. I was told that the auditor would be there to present the results of the FY15 audit. I attended the meeting and noted that RCN maintains its books on a cash basis and the auditor converts them to accrual basis. The auditor presented some correcting entries but nothing that I noted as material. The auditor's opinion is that the statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Reading Community Television, Inc. in accordance with GAAP. I recently received the final financial statements for FY15. I completed my review and nothing stood out as problematic to me. I am however, looking into the following: Note 5 of the financial statements states that in 2008, RCN entered into an agreement with the Town of Reading as the designated P.E.G. access corporation for the Town of Reading. A provision of this agreement requires the town to perform an annual review of RCN's compliance with this agreement. The agreement ends November 23, 2018. I am not familiar with the compliance requirements of this agreement. I am in the process of locating this agreement so I can make sure RCN is in compliance with the agreement for each year since its acceptance. I will report back to you once I have completed my review. 1/ 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867 Phone 781 - 942 -9005 Fax 781 - 942 -9037 RCTV Agreement with the Town of Reading RCTV Requirements: X 1. RCTV's budget shall be made available to the BOS within 15 days of the beginning of RCTV's fiscal year (November 1S) 2. RCTV's audited financial statements will be made available to BOS when completed but no later than January 31. X 3. Reasonable requests by the Town for further financial information will be complied with on a timely basis. 4. RCTV shall follow Massachusetts Procurement Law, Ch. 30B. 5. In accordance with its bylaws, establish the membership and qualification of its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall not exceed 13. 1' 6. When requested to do so by the BOS, and upon reasonable notice, the RCTV Board shall meet with the BOS to discuss matters of mutual concern. 7. Assets acquired by RCTV using funding from the Town's cable television franchisee, including Comcast and its predecessors /successors shall not be pledged to any creditor as an asset of RCTV or used as collateral to secure debt authorization incurred by RCTV, without the prior approval of the BOS. Assets purchased with this funding shall be accounted for separately than assets acquired using other sources. 8. RCTV shall include language in its bylaw that provides upon termination (including expiration of the agreement) that all assets remaining under the control of RCTV Board shall be assigned to a successor community access corporation designated by the BOS in accordance with existing laws of the Commonwealth of MA. In absence of such a designated community access corporation, within 1 month of termination and /or dissolution, the assets will become the property of the Town. 9. All assets of RCTV will be used only for the production, editing and /or broadcast of content for the Reading cable access channel. 10. RCTV will cover live when technically possible a core group of meetings as follows: BOS, School Committee, and Town Meeting. Additionally, RCTV shall cover the following supplemental meetings live when technically possible, RMLD Board, Community Planning and Development Commission, Finance Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Conservation Commission. 11. Each quarter RCTV shall offer and run not less than one PEG Access orientation course for training members and public in basic TV production. 12. RCTV will provide Reading School Department with additional classroom quality instruction and /or equipment either during the school class schedule, or on a before or after school basis. 13. RCTV shall abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulation of the United States of America, the Commonwealth of MA and the Town of Reading, including those related to copyright law. 14. All shows produced at RCTV shall be allowed to be shown on a local cable channel at least once. 15. RCTV shall submit to the Town Manager of Reading certificates of insurance clearly stating that insurance policies required have been issued to RCTV. 16. RCTV shall not cancel, change or revise any insurance relating to this agreement without at least 30 days prior written notice to the Town Manager. Town's Obligations: 1/ 1. Money designated for the Cable franchise agreements for local access, net of the cost of negotiation and /or renewal of franchise agreements, will be delivered to RCTV in the most expeditious manner possible. ^- 2. BOS will provide feedback from the annual review in writing. VI_ 3. The BOS, TM, T -TAC and other designated agents of the Town, will provide timely notification of issues or problems as they arise, so RCTV may address the issue. ✓4. The BOS will provide RCTV advocacy with the cable providers on issues related to the community access corporation. ✓5. The Town will provide RCTV with the necessary information on government meetings and bulletin board communication in writing in a timely manner. ✓6. The Town may require live coverage only where there is Wide Area Network (WAN) availability. 7. The BOS will pursue additional funding for RCTV on a best - effort basis. Reading 2020 Working Groups for FY16 Dan Ensminger, Chair John Halsey, V" Chair .hn John Arena Barry Berman Kevin Sexton, Vice Chair n Lannon AmyAmy Lannon BOS BOS BOS, BOS BOS Library 4 4 2 2 2 Community Partners REGIONAL R2010-1 BOS BOS CHAIR' Community Partners NON PROFIT/PRIV ATE R2020-2 BOS BOS Services & Perf Measure 0 1 20-3 BOS BOS cat Communicat ion 14] R2020-4 BOS BOS staff Strategic Planning 112020-5 BOS BOS Strategic Real Estate R2020-6 BOS BOS staff Strategic Policy R2020 -7 BOS BOS staff Internal Operatio ns R2020-8 staff — a Bob B LeLacheur 0 e Tn Mgr 4 staff — Burns B r Greg Burns Greg e' Fire 2 CHAIR staff nb Jane Kinsella now DPW Jane e AdFA Sve 2 staff ��K' Jean D J a n e7 Jean Delios— Pub Svc 3 staff staff staff Jeff Zager DPW -CHAIR R CHAIIRI`_..� staff Pub Svc _._2 2 Staff 2 staff _—Police Huggins now Fac. H 8 )Re g QPW_ 2 —staff — . , z CHAIR,, — — staff staff _ John Feudo Pub Svc — 2 --- staff Judi Perkins P Ad m Svc 2 staff staff Kevin Furilla Adrn Svc— 2 staff staff ark Segalla now Chief Police 2 staff `CHAIR staff Matt Kraunelis Adrn Svc 3 staff staff Nancy Heffernan Finance 2 staff staff Rath I I re I I Library 2 staff staff Sharon Angstrom Finance 2 staff staff ��c Reading 2020 FY16 Working Groups & Goals R2020 -1 Community Partners - Regional LeLacheur(Chair); Ensminger, Halsey, 60rn;ier, Kraunelis Goal #1- Examine possible future regionalization opportunities Goal #2 - Strengthen area community relationships Goal #3 - Examine Town /School integration opportunities R2020 -2 Community Partners - Non Profit /Private Feudo(Chair); Ensminger, Halsey, Delios, UfeR Goal #4 - explore creative public /private partnerships Goal #5 - Conduct Master Plan for Human /Elder Services complete 100% complete 100% complete 100 9d ongoing 1 75% ongoing I 1 150%1 R2020 -3 Services & Performance Measurement Kinsella (Chair); Arena, Berman, Wilson, Heffernan, Angstrom _ Goal #6 - Suggest ways to gather data and measure performance some progress _ 25% Goal 47 - Develop peer community approach as is helpful to the organization Idone 100% R2020 -4 Communication Kraunelis(Chair); Ensminger, Sexton, Lannon, Furilla, Segalla _ Goal #8 - Website improvements done 100% _ Goal #9 - Improve board & committee communication some progress 25% Goal #10 - If'seeclickfix' selected, plan rollout in town departments in progress 50% Goal #11- Re- evaluate community -wide R911 communication tool & uses almost done 75% R2020 -5 Strategic Planning Wilsen(Chair); Halsey, Berman, LeLacheur, Burns, Delios Goal #12 - Complete Economic Development Action Plan Goal #13 - Complete Hazard Mitigation Plan as required by FEMA and MEMA Goal #14 - Recommend composition of an ad hoc Master Planning Committee R2020 -6 Strategic Real Estate Delios(Chair); Halsey, Sexton, LeLacheur, Zager, Huggins, Feudo Goal #15- Collaborate on Haven Street /Post Office redevelopment project Goal #16 - Collaborate on train depot proposed housing project Goal #17 - Review downtown parking in light of MF Charles redevelopment Goal #18 - Complete Four Priority Development Areas study Goal #19 - Recreation improvements Goal #20 - Public Works Facility or Facilities Goal #21- Complete Library Building project Goal #22 - Oakland Road property R2020 -7 Strategic Policy done 100% consultant 50% NOT DONE 0% in progress done our role in progress done our role in progress in progress 25% 50% in progress done 100% done 100% ongoing 50% in progress in progress huff, puff 75% Town Counsel 75% LeLacheur(Chair); Ensminger, Arena, Burns, CoFmie K, Perkins, Kraunelis, Drell Goal #23 - Comprehensive Review of Zoning Bylaws project Nov'16 TM 75% Goal #24 - Targeted Review of General Bylaws Nov'16 TM 75% Goal 425 - Targeted Review Selectmen's Policies NOT DONE (liquor) 0% R2020 -8 Internal Operations Lannon, Kinsella, Zager, Huggins, Perkins, Furilla, Segalla, Heffernan, Angstom Goal #26 - Human Resources: Town Staffing Sustainability Goal #27 - Complete Legal Review of all union contracts Goal #28 - Complete technology initiatives: productivity/communication Goal #29 - Complete Review of Library Services Goal #30 - Comprehensive financial review and suggested path forward done 100% in progress 25% in progress 75% done 100% in progress 75% ��Z ,.s \A /inr nInnrlar ZU1b I own of Keaging - I own rinanclal l,alenUal ,,,u,. , •-•••_ ~• -••--• . e • •. e e e e e e. 27 28 29 30 31 1 -' 2 Dec HOLIQAY 2015 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SC FY17 budgets BOS FY17 budgets SC FY17 budgets 17 18 _ 19 20 21 22 23 Jan HOLIDAY' BOS FY17 budgets AM Forum SC FY17 budgets 2016 1 at Sr Ctr 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SC FY17 budgets 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 _ 10 11 12 13 FINC overview 14 15 X16 17 18 19 20 HOLIDAY,.; Feb 2016 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BOS overview at Parker MS 28 29'1 2 3 4 5 lec6ota FINC FY17 bdgts 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BOS revslexps FINC FY17 bdgts 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FINC FY17 bdgts Mar 2016 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BOS ethics at Sr Ctr 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 FINC FY17 bdgts 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 BOS 10 11 12 _ 13 14 15 16 Apr 2016 1718` 19 20 21 22 23 HOLIDAY' � BOS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Town Meeting Town Meeting Oij Srb 77, 2 3 4 5 6 7 BOS _ _�.. _ 8 9 10 11 12 � 13 14 15 16 17 � 18 —��- 19 20 21 May BOS 2016 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 1 2 3 4 HOLIDAY QOD. 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 Bos iG —A —xvwg ET� G NY- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NG DAD Jun NS 19 20 21 22 24 25 2016 23 BOS _ 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 FINC yr end 3 �4 .;� 5 6 7 8 9 HQLIDAY � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Jul 2016 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BOS 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16� 17 18 19 20 Close Warrant Aug for Special TM 2016 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NE�� �BQRIOQ'� 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 o6H4RHOQpLL Oij Srb Cq S Cl-3 9 10 HOLIDAY BOS Fin'I Forum State>epUon Syr @�cp� F`FY. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Spec Town Mtg Notify Town Clerk Spec Town Mtg $ep W_ of Special Election 2016 _ 18 19 20 21 22 24 BOS � 27 28 ' 29.�.____r_ 30 1 OOD 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOS L (�3 O =, �s. 9 1;0'- 11 12 13 14 15 HOLIDAY- : ' FINC regular 16 17 1$ �k ��� � 19 20 21 22 Oct 2016 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 BOS Fin'I Forum 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ;, 9 10 11 " 12 eo FINC regular HOLIDAY 13 1'4 :."; 16 18 19 15� Town Meeting BOS Town Meeting Nov 2016 20 21 :'22 23 24 25 26 Town Meeting HOLIDAY 27 28 29 30� 1 2 3 Tow ' Meefing' BOS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13� 14 15 16 17 BOS FINC regular Dec 2016 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 HOLIDAY Cq S Cl-3 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the. Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold a public hearing on -May 3, - 201.6 at 9:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts on approval of a Wine and Malt General On. Premise liquor license for The Art Lounge on .Haven, 78 Haven Street, Reading,. Massachusetts. A copy of the proposed docu- ment regarding this topic is .available in the . Town 'Manager's office, 116 Lowell Street, Reading, MA, M -W- -Thurs from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 P.m., Tues from 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and is attached to the hearing notice on.the Website at `www.readingma.gov All interested parties are invit- ed to attend the hearing, or may submit their comments in writing or by email prior• -to 6:00 p.m. on May 3, 2016 to townmanager@ci.reading.ma By order of Robert W. LeLacheur Town Manager 4.21.16 lot 48READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 Union Street - Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Emergency Only: 911 - All Other Calls: (781) 944 -1212 • Fax: (781) 944 -2893 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY New Liquor License — The Art Lounge, LLC April 22, 2016 Chief Mark D. Segalla Reading Police Department 15 Union Street Reading, MA 01867 Chief Segalla, As directed by your Office and in accordance with Reading Police Department Policy and Procedures, I have placed together an executive summary of the application for a New Liquor License for The Art Lounge, LLC which will be located at 78 Haven Street. This application will be going before the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on May 03, 2016. Manamer and Members: 1) Manger of Record and Member: Judy Barolak 2) Member: Robert S. Kajander Ownership Interests: .1) Judy Barolak - 51 % stock ownership 2) Robert S. Kajander - 49% stock ownership Criminal History: • Board of Probation checks and In -house history checks were run on the above named parties listed above under Manager and Members. • The above named parties have not been convicted of violating any Massachusetts state laws. • The above named parties have no relevant in -house involvement in our system. Liquor License Histary: • The above named parties, who have a direct or indirect beneficial interest in this license, have never held a direct or indirect, beneficial or financial interest in a license to sell alcoholic beverages. S4S I find no reason why the license application should not go forward. Respectfully Submitted, Lt. Det. chard Abate _ Criminal Division Commander April 16, 2016 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission To whom it may concern, Please accept the attached new application for an Alcoholic Beverage License. I am applying for a General On Premise, Wine & Malt Beverages Only license for my business The Art Lounge on Haven located in Reading, Massachusetts. I am pleased to have this opportunity to apply for this license complying under the frill extent of the law. An alcoholic beverage liquor license is essential to the success of my new formed business. This business falls under the new, fast growing category called the "Paint & Sip" industry. It is a painting lesson where wine & malt are served; essentially doing a painting as entertainment. The target audience is females aged 25 -65 who want an adult atmosphere to enjoy a glass of wine with friends and be entertained. Thus, serving wine & malt is necessary for the business to be viable in that it elevates the experience to a "mature" level. Worth noting: wine & malt are part of the experience, it is not the experience. This business will be efficient therefore successful due to low operating costs and precise inventory. Customers pre - register for classes ahead of time on -line, therefore all alcohol inventory needs are precisely calculated based on class size. This eliminates the need for excess alcohol stock or inventory. Alcohol security measures are taken seriously. All alcohol inventory will be secured and stored in a locked cabinet in a back room with no windows. Servers of alcoholic beverages will successfully complete an alcohol management or server training course approved by the Liquor Liability Joint Underwriting Association of Massachusetts before becoming employed. There will be a certified manager (myself} on the premises at all operating times. Also Liquor Liability Insurance in the amount determined by the Local Licensing Authority will be in place if such license is granted. On a personal note, I am a current Reading resident of 24 years and have a vested interest in the business community. My husband and I have been Reading business owners for 15 years and have the experience and knowledge of Reading's business environment. I understand and respect the responsibilities that come with obtaining a wine & malt license and would operate my business adhering to all regulations associated with such a license. I appreciate your consideration with this application, 0­4 Judy Barolak Manager, The Art Lounge 2 Center Avenue, Reading MA 01867 781 - 315 -9154 C� s9� 78 Haven Street Existing Backroom Restroom Counter Area (),V, � i-+ 610 sq. ft. (170 backroom, 440 front) fi le: 78H a venSt reetAL Exist! ng.ai 78 Haven Street Proposed Locb Win Cab i BQ6 Resi Bar WO Tat Q'F" 14' b - 610 sq. ft. (170 backroom, 440 front) f i l e:78 H a w n St re et A L P rop used. a i JOHN J. WALSH INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 87 Margin Street Salem, MA 01970 ajwalsh @walshinsurance.com i N S U K A N C E Phone: (978) 745 -3300 Fax: (978) 745 -9557 Enclosed you will find an annual admitted Liquor Liability quote for Judy Barolak. The quote number is MLQ016M0823 Version 2. Section I- Details the premiums, taxes and fees associated with this account. In addition, it provides the Underwriting Notes and covers any of the additional underwriting information that might be needed prior to binding or within 21 days of the inception date. Section It- Summarizes the locations, building information, property coverages, warranties, and the corresponding classifications with the exposures and rates. Section III- Lists the required coverage forms, notices, endorsements and exclusions. Section IV- Offers optional coverages that are available to the applicant but are not currently included in the quote. Section V- Provides the Direct Bill Payment Description. in addition we have included some materials that will assist in the evaluation of this offer of coverage. • A pre - filled application that includes the information you have already provided. • A Point of Sale piece that provides some claims scenarios this account may encounter and a coverage checklist that can be compared to the quotation of another carrier. The carrier will send you an invoice based on the terms reflected in this quote. This service is free of charge; no interest, no set -up fees and no installment charges apply. Payment is due to the carrier. Payment options available to you are: 1. Send the invoice remittance slip with payment to the lockbox address on their invoice 2. Pay online at <www.usli.com/ezpav >. 3. Pay by phone (automated system available 24f7) at 866 -632 -2003 Your invoice will include a unique number that will allow you to register your policy at <www.usli.com /ezpay >. By registering your policy, you will have access to additional information as well as the option to set -up recurring payments. Recurring payments are a great way to minimize the possibility of your policy being cancelled or not renewed because payment was not received. We invite you to contact us to discuss the benefits of any coverages, the costs associated or simply to provide feedback! We welcome the opportunity to talk with you about this quote. Thank you for the opportunity to quote this account! Sincerely, Cover letter �9 vq This is your Official TIPS' Certification Card. :�arry it with you as evidence of your skills and knowledge in the responsible ;ale and consumption of alcohol. Congratulations! By successfully completing the TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) )rogram, you have taken your place in the forefront of a nationwide movement :o reduce the tragedies resulting from the misuse of alcohol. We value your ?articipation in the TIPS program. You will help to provide a safer environment for your patrons, peers and/or :olleagues by using the techniques you have learned and taking a positive rpproach towards alcohol use. If you have any information you think would enhance the TIPS program, or .f we can assist you in any way, please contact us at 703 - 524 -1200. Thank you :or your dedication to the responsible sale and consumption of alcohol. Sincerely, L4 Adam F. Chafetz President, HCI IMPORTANT: Keep a copy of this card for your records. Write down your certification number because you will need it when contacting TIPS. For assistance or additional information, contact Health Communications, Inc. by using the information provided on the reverse side of your certification card. There is a minimal charge for a replacement card if your original card becomes lost, damaged or stolen. • I"OeTIPS On Premise 2.0 SSN: XXX XX -)D= Issued: 6/3/2015 Expires: 6/312018 ID#: 4001692 D.O.B.: XX/XX/XXXX Judy Barolak 2 Center Ave Reading, MA 01887 -3528 For service visit us online at www.gettips.com • V®eTIPS On Premise 2.OSSN: XXX XX -XXXX Issued: 3/10/2016 Expires: 3/1012019 ID#: 4203664 D.O.B.: XX/XX/XXXX Robert S Kajander Atlantic framing Company Art Lounge 2 CenterAve Reading, MA 01887 -3528 For service visit us online at www.gettips.com William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth � cfccsteta`y ofwZ ,Ttal-& .V6&W, -0Q &6VZl Afa�Uac%&CffA, 02I &Y April 15, 2016 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby certify that a certificate of organization of a Limited Liability Company was filed in this office by THE ART LOUNGE LLC in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 156C on February 27, 2014. I further certify that said Limited Liability Company has filed all annual reports due and paid all fees with respect to such reports; that said Limited Liability Company has not filed a certificate of cancellation or withdrawal; and that said Limited Liability Company is in good standing with this office. I also certify that the names of all managers listed in the most recent filing are: JUDY BAROLAK I further certify, the names of all persons authorized to execute documents filed with this office and listed in the most recent filing are: JUDY BAROLAK The names of all persons authorized to act with respect to real property listed in the most recent filing are: JUDY BAROLAK Processed By:nem In testimony of which, I have hereunto affixed the Great Seal of the Commonwealth on the date first above written. Secretary of the Commonwealth LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF READING To the Inhabitants of the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will hold.a. public hearing on May 3, 2016 at . 9:15. p.m. in 1 the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts on the trans- fer of an All Alcohol Package Store License from Busa- Reading Liquors,.inc. to HT Reading Liquors, LLC, 345 Main Street, Reading, Massachusetts A copy of the proposed document regarding this topic is available in the Town Manager's office, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA, M -W- Thurs from 7:30 a.m. - 5 :30 p.m., Tues- from 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and is attached to the hearing notice on the web - site at wwW.readingma.gov All interested parties are invited to, attend the hearing, or may submit their comments in writing or by email prior to 6:00 p.m. on May 3, 2016 to . townmanager@ci.reading.ma .us By order of Robert W. LeLacheur Town Manager CZ� stir f READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 Union - Street - Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Emergency Only: 911 - All Other Calls: (781) 944 -1212 - Fax: (781) 944 -2893 Web: www.ci.reading.ma.us /police/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Transfer of Retail Alcoholic Beverages License — Busa Reading Liquors, Inc. Transfer: HT .Readinz Liquors, LLC Chief Mark D. Segalla Reading Police Department 15 Union Street Reading, MA 01867 Chief Segalla, May 2, 2016 01VA As directed by your Office and in accordance with Reading Police Department Policy and Procedures, I have placed together an executive summary of the application for a Transfer of Retail Alcoholic Beverage License for the Liquor License #101600009. The location of this license is 345 Main Street (dba "Busa Liquors "). The current licensee is Busa Reading Liquors, Inc., and the proposed transferee is HT Reading Liquors, LLC. Manaser /Members: 1) Manager /Member Signatory: Tarak Patel 2) Member/Signatory: Hiram Patel Ownership Lnterests: 1) Tarak Patel - 50% stock ownership 2) Hiram Patel — 50% stock ownership I find no reason why the license application should not go forward. Respectfully Submitted, Lt. bet. Richard Abate Criminal Division Commander 78 Haven Street Proposed Lock Win( Cabil Back 5ecl Entr Rest Sink Bar Wo r Tab Q,F„ 14 b.. 610 sq. ft. (170 backroom, 440 front) file:MavenStreetWropo ed.ai 119. PLEDGE: (i.e. COLLATERAL FOR A LOAN) A.) Is the applicant seeking approval to pledge the license? R Yes ® No 1. If yes, to whom: 2. Amount of Loan:. 3. Interest Rate: E-� 4. Length of Note: .� . 5. Terms of Loan B.) If a corporation, is the applicant seeking approval to pledge any of the corporate stock? F� Yes [71 No 1. If yes, to whom: 2. Number of Shares: C. ) Is the applicant pledging the inventory? R Yes E] No If yes, to whom: IMPORTANT ATTACHMENTS (6): If you are applying for a pledge, submit the pledge agreement, the promissory note and a vote of the Corporation /LLC approving the pledge. 20. CONSTRUCTION OF PREMISES: Are the premises being remodeled, redecorated or constructed in any way?-If YES, please provide a description of the work being performed on the premises: ® Yes 0 No Existing interior is a finished space with bathroom facilities. HVAC and all utilities into building. Tenant renovating interior by relocating bathroom door to an adjacent wall and by adding a door separating and securing back room. 21. ANTICIPATED OPENING DATE: 2016-07 -01 IF ALL OF THE INFORMATION AND ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT COMPLETE THE APPLICATION WILL BE