HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-30 Board Of Selectmen Packet��?✓ Use of Free Cash in FY15 Budgets • Accommodated Costs — settling in below prior +8% to +10% range, but what else to cut? Health Insurance plan design changes `1�1 Special Education emphasize in- district r Performance Contracting r' Debt refinancing 41 FYI] $ 1,267,155 FY12 $ 1051,830 • Annual Variance from budget FYn s 763,914 FY30 $ 1152,113 FY09 $ 889,060 FY08 $ 697,380 Avenge $ 970,242 Use of Free Cash in FY15 Budgets • Revenues seem to be settling in the +3% area, below prior +3.5% to 4% range 11% Economic development = new growth Projected FY15 Operating Budgets Meals Tax FY14 FY15 Change Revenues $79Amil $80.6mil +1.6% + free cash 1.0 0 2,126,576 FY10 $ 80.4 80.6 +0.2% Accom. Costs 29.5 29.7 +0.7% Operating 50.9 50.9 none ��?✓ Use of Free Cash in FY15 Budgets • Accommodated Costs — settling in below prior +8% to +10% range, but what else to cut? Health Insurance plan design changes `1�1 Special Education emphasize in- district r Performance Contracting r' Debt refinancing 41 FYI] $ 1,267,155 FY12 $ 1051,830 • Annual Variance from budget FYn s 763,914 FY30 $ 1152,113 FY09 $ 889,060 FY08 $ 697,380 Avenge $ 970,242 Use of Free Cash in FY15 Budgets • Revenues seem to be settling in the +3% area, below prior +3.5% to 4% range 11% Economic development = new growth 2.1% Meals Tax $1.25 million State Aid = annual wildcard /negative Federal outlook 9.3% Prop 2 -1/2 override "every ten years" (1993, 2003 .. hmm ..) • Annual Variance from budget FY13 5 1125,e00 FY12 $ 1,034,985 FY31 $ 2,126,576 FY10 $ (57,6131 FY09 $ 46,069 FY08 $ 2,705,386 Avenge $ 830,201 Use of Free Cash in FY15 Budgets none 0% 11% $1.0 million 2.1% 9.6% $1.25 million 2.5% 9.3% $1.5 million 3.0% 9.0% $2.0 million 4.0% 8.4% 'assumes no regeneration from excess revenues or less expenditure, despite annual $1.5 to $2 million recent average Reading Public Library » Library Building Program 7 Adjust Font Size A A Powered by Wordpress 2 of 2 Reading Public Library: Tomorrow On Saturday, March 16, 2013 we celebrated the history of the Highland School – now home to the Reading Public Library. We also asked visitors to tell us what they saw for the future of the Libra Continue Reading — Library & Highland School Building History How does the Library fit in? 1896: Highland School constructed, designed by Horace Wadlin. 1983: Library Trustees seek a new home for the overcrowded library on Lowell St. (Currently Town Hall annex.) Continue Reading Reading Public Library and the Highland School: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Reading Public Library and the Highland School: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Saturday March 16 @ 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Join the Reading Public Library on Saturday March 16th for a family frie Continue Reading - 64 Middlesex Ave Reading, MA 01867 (781) 944 -0840 1 2 3 http://www.readingpl.org/about/library-building-program/ Town Meeting Warrant Article 6 (January 2013) RPL Building Handout (January 2013) $5.1 Million Grant Award (October 2012) Table of Building Program Considerations (July 2009) Building Assessment: Executive Summary (September 2008) Building Assessment: Full Report (September 2008) Site Map I Contact Us Copyright 2013 Reading Public Library 10/30/2013 12:48 PM Reading Public Library » Library Building Program http:// www.readingpl.org/about/libraty- building - program/ Hours: Mon -Wed 9a -9p Thu 1 p -9p I Fri -Sat 9a -5p I Sun 2p -5p (Oct -May) READING94 64 Middlesex Avenue Reading, 018 PUBLIC LIBRARY (781) 944 -0840 40 Search Catalog Keyword My Account Kids » Teens >. Discover » Events Services » About » Q ! V Library Building Program Reading Public Library Hires Project Manager for Library Renovation and Addition The Town of Reading and the Reading Public Library announced today that they have selected STV Construction, Inc., of Summer Street, Boston, an employee- owned, national professional services firm, to Continue Reading Library Building Committee Many of you have been asking about what's happening with the Library Building Project since the Town vote in early April! On April 30, 2013 the the Appointment Committee met to review the candid Continue Reading Library Building Program Passed The votes are in and the proposed library building program has passed 2096 to 1074. Thank you to the voters, Trustees, staff, and hardworking supporters! Continue Reading —> >>Building Program Main Page >> Library Building Committee >> Related Documents October 22, 2013 Building Update for Board of Selectmen (.pdf) RFP Temporary Library Facility (August 2013) RFP Designer Services Reading Library Project Addenda #2 (July 2013) RFP Designer Services Reading Library Project Addenda #1 (July 2013) Request for Proposals - Designer Services Reading Library Project (June 2013) Town Meeting Slideshow (January 2013) 1 of 2 10/30/2013 12:48 PM or r '639 -'NCO 90 Town of Reading Meeting Minutes Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Finance Committee Date: 2013 -10 -16 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:30 PM Location: Conference Room Chairman Barry Berman, Paula Perry, Valarie Perry, David Greenfield, Karen Herrick, Jeffrey Perkins, Paul McNeice and Mark Dockser Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Office Manager Paula Schena and RMLD General Manager Coleen O'Brien Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Robert LeLacheur Topics of Discussion: Introduction of Coleen O'Brien new RMLD General Manager - Coleen O'Brien noted she served for Danvers for 18 years; the annual report is being printed this week. She is predicting a lot of changes in the RMLD over the next couple of years. They offer the lowest rates in the state. She is looking at being proactive; she is doing an organizational study and she is also looking at ways to offset future rate hikes. Ms. Herrick asked if fuel charges are going down and Ms. O'Brien indicated that the pass through costs fluctuate. The L &G tankers will be exporting our cheap natural gas which will have an effect on the price of natural gas. Mr. Dockser asked why there has not been any communication on the green cubes and Ms. O'Brien noted that position is vacant. Mr. Dockser asked about the formulations of payments to the Town and Ms. O'Brien indicated that is a straight calculation that is pretty standard in the industry. School Space Committee Report - Mr. Dockser noted that a group was formed after the Woburn Street School issue to discuss school space issues and early education. Members of the group are mainly private citizens along with one School Committee member, Superintendent of Schools John Doherty, Assistant Superintendent of Schools Mary Delai and a school principal. Mr. McNeice asked if the focus is on whether we need the early education or just space issues. Mr. Dockser noted they are focused on just space. He is not sure if they will speak at the Financial Forum. Library Building Project Report - Ms. Herrick noted they have identified temporary space and they have discovered a $2 million shortage that they refer to as an under estimate. Mr. Greenfield noted that many items were missing from the original estimate so line items need to be put back in. It is not a big enough mistake to kill the process though. Page 1 1 Finance Committee Minutes - October 16 2013 - page 2 Ms. Paula Perry noted that a building committee with expertise is needed to prevent these kinds of problems. Ms. Herrick noted that the architects have not seen the plans yet. STV recommended not to allocate any contingency funds at this early stage. It was noted by the Finance Committee that the stakeholders need to be aware of any issues as this project progresses. Draft Peer Community FinCom Polite - Mr. Perkins noted that it makes sense to define the communities and he likes the wiggle room in the last sentence. Mr. Greenfield asked why this is called a policy when it is actually best practice. The Town Manager noted that a policy holds weight with the unions and non -union employees. Mr. Dockser noted this may not be the same for the School Department and the Town Manager noted that the School Department used this list for their last study. Mr. McNeice asked if it is not a policy then how does it get conveyed and Mr. Greenfield suggested just making a list that FinCom has endorsed. Mr. Perkins noted that if there isn't a policy then groups will select their own communities and the study will lose value. Mr. Berman noted this is not on the same level as a policy. Mr. Perkins suggested adopting it as a guideline. A motion by McNeice seconded by Berman to approve the Policy on Peer communities as amended by changing the name to "Bench Marking Guidelines" was approved by a vote of 8 -0 -0 Assessors Update to PILOT Program - The Town Manager noted that the Assessor's synopsis indicates there is no rhyme or reason to the PILOTS. Mr. Dockser asked if they looked at the educational institutions and churches and the Town Manager noted the Assessor asked and nobody responded. Financial Update - The Town Manager noted that the water account is up because $500,000 went back into it due to the project not being done. He will be asking for $750,000 at Town Meeting. The water and sewer reserves are strong. Both revenues and expenses are good. Medex was estimated at 10% but the government set it at 9 %. The Town Manager noted he proposes to use $1.25 million in free cash and increase the operating budget 2.50 %. He has not heard from the schools or facilities yet on the updated accommodated costs. Cash reserves are at an all -time high. The Town has received $934,000 in meals tax revenues since its inception. He feels comfortable with a 2.50% increase and using $1.25 million in free cash. November Town Meeting Warrant - The Town Manager noted that Article 3 cuts debt service $200,000. A motion by Dockser seconded by Greenfield to recommend the subiect matter of Article 3 as written was approved by a vote of 8 -0 -0. The Town Manager noted that Article 4 comes out of the retirement system Page 1 2 Finance Committee Minutes - October 16 2013 - page 3 A motion by Dockser seconded by Perkins to recommend the subject matter of Article 4 as written was approved by a vote of 8-0-0. The Town Manager noted that Article 6 is to dispose or trade in surplus property. A motion by Greenfield seconded by Berman to recommend the subiect matter of Article 6 as written was approved by a vote of 8-0-0. The Town Manager noted that Article 7 accepts easements for the West Street improvements. A motion by Dockser seconded by McNeice to recommend the subiect matter of Article 7 as written was approved by a vote of 8 -0 -0 The Town Manager noted that Article 8 authorizes debt for the West Street project. A motion by Dockser seconded by Paula Perry to recommend the subiect matter of Article 8 as written was approved by a vote of 8 -0 -0 The Town Manager noted that Article 9 authorizes debt for sewer improvements. A motion by Greenfield seconded by Herrick to recommend the subiect matter of Article 9 as written was approved by a vote of 8 -0 -0 The Town Manager noted that Article 11 amends the FY14 budget with an increase in revenues of $170,000 with the bulk of that money funding the reorganization of Town government. He noted that the Board of Selectmen set goals and reorganization of Town government including the Assistant Town Manager position was one of them. The Town Manager reviewed his original reorganizational chart that included consolidating departments; moving Recreation to Community Services; creating two Assistant Town Manager positions - one for Community Services and one for Human Services; creation of Assistant Department Heads for all departments (except for Library which already has one) and creation of two procurement officers in the Town Administration department. The Town Manager noted that there will be changes to this plan and the Board of Selectmen will be voting on a revised plan at their October 22nd meeting so he suggested the Finance Committee wait until their meeting on October 30th to vote on this article. Mr. Greenfield asked if this was a partial year or full year of funding. The Town Manager noted the funding is for a full year for next year budgeting purposes but the excess money will be returned to the General Fund. An amount of $50,000 will come out of the permits revolving fund. Ms. Herrick asked what balance should the permits funds be at and the Town Manager noted zero because there is no reason to carry a balance. Ms. Herrick asked if this money could be moved to the general fund and the Town Manager noted it cannot because it is meant to be spent on certain things. The consensus of the Committee was that the plan was logical and well thought out. October Financial Forum Planning - Mr. Dockser asked if there will be discussion about the sewer /water funds at the financial forum and the Town Manager indicated that discussion is scheduled for the Selectmen in November so he can't answer anything until after that meeting. The Town Manager indicated there will probably be a Library and School update. Page 1 3 Finance Committee Minutes - October 16, 2013 -page 4 A motion by Paula Perry seconded by McNeice to adiourn the meeting at 10:30 .m. was approved bv a vote of 8 -0 -0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Page 1 4 �\ z NAME SIGN -IN SHEET FOR THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN'S MEETING OF f'�CL<i'j, f�a vin {please print) . 1125 /3 L17-A/ .7r-r o I-M Ji9nN C. .f 1insa6, Ale -471 /IV/ K J,� ADDRESS U74 ` JS d G -