HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-23 Board Of Selectmen HandoutDRAFT MOTIONS
FEBRUARY 23, 2016
3a) Move that the Board support
(House Bill 2870 "An Act Relative to Protecting Consumers of Gas and
Electricity from paying for Leaked and Unaccounted for Gas')
(House Bill 2871 "An Act Relative to Gas Leak Repairs During Road
Projects ")
and that the Board through its designee notify the elected Reading
delegation in the House and Senate.
5a) Move that the Board of Selectmen acknowledge the withdrawal of the
liquor license transfer from Ristorante Pavarotti Inc. d /b /a Ristorante
Pavarotti, 601 Main Street to Rocco's Enterprises LLC.
5b) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the list of Best Practices
submitted as part of the application package for the Community Compact
and further that the Chair is designated as the Compact Signatory for
such application.
5e) Move that the Board of Selectmen accept the recommendation of the
Volunteer Appointment Subcommittee as follows:
• Harry Curtis for a term on the Conservation Commission ending June
• Amy Scicchitani for a term on the Conservation Commission ending
June 30, 2018;
• Nick Pernice for an Associate position on the Zoning Board of Appeals
through June 30, 2017;
• Robert Beckman for an Associate position on the Fall Street Faire
through June 30, 2017;
• Jeff Everson for an Associate position on the Climate Advisory
Committee through June 30,2016;
• Jack Williams for a term on the Historical Commission through June
30, 2016.
6a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of January 12,
2016 as amended.
6b) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the minutes of January 20,
2016 as amended.
8a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Executive Session minutes
of January 26, 2016 as written.
DE _ JH _ KS_ BB
Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn the meeting at p.m.
February 12, 2016
Board of Selectmen
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Chairman and Members of the Board:
As you know, we announced a multi -year plan to reinvent the customer experience. Transforming the
customer experience is our #1 goal and we're 100% committed to making it happen. We are looking at
everything through a customer lens and making incremental investments and changes to make it easier to
do business with us. We wanted to make you aware of one such change as it relates to simplifying our
installation billing practices and pricing.
Starting March 7, 2016, we will simplify our installation charges in your community by introducing a single
Professional Installation charge of $79.99, inclusive of installation fees (excludes applicable taxes and fees).
This single installation charge will include the standard installation of XFINITY TV, XFINITY Internet and
XFINITY Voice on all TVs in the customer's home at time of initial installation in addition to fees related to
Installation, Activation and Relocation of each Additional Outlet, Connection of DVR equipment, Voice
Service Activation and Wireless Networking On -Site Professional Set -Up. Today these additional fees are
billed separately from the installation charge. Customers will be able to order service, schedule a
Professional Installation, and inform our technician the rooms they want their services to be installed, all
for one pricel The charge does not apply to the installation of XFINITY TV only, XFINITY Home or Gigabit Pro
Internet Service.
The Professional Installation fee will replace the Two Product and Three Product Installation charges in
addition to the other fees previously charged during an initial installation of service as described above. We
will continue to charge Wired /Unwired Installation fees for XFINITY TV only installations.
Customers are receiving notice of this change with their bill statement starting February 6, 2016. If you
have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact me at (978) 927 -5700 x43024.
lane M. Lyman, Sr. Manager
Government & Regulatory Affairs
February 10, 2016
Mr. Robert LeLachem
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell St.
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Mr. LeLacheur,
This letter is to inform you that on March 20, 2016, the National Grid collective bargaining agreement
with United Steel Workers Local 12012 will expire. This local has approximately 323 members at
National Grid with responsibility for maintenance of the natural gas distribution system along with other
work - related functions in your territory. The company is currently negotiating in good faith with the local
union officials.
While these talks continue, National Chid has work continuation contingency plans in place should the
collective bargaining process break down and a work stoppage occurs. You should know that:
• Emergency Dispatch will continue full operation as will the call center, leak survey
and repair, meter reading and other vital distribution system functions
• National Grid will continue normal operations of staffing workers for 24 hours, 7
days per week
• Field work by contractors doing construction work will continue
Additionally, we plan to contact Fire and Police officials in our territories to test their dedicated
emergency line into the National Grid Dispatch Center to ensure it works properly. We take seriously the
obligation to provide safe, reliable and efficient service to our customers and look forward to our
continued partnerships with safety officials and other leaders in your community.
I£ you have any questions regarding our planning or situation status on these discussions, please contact
Dave Gendall, Director of Community Relations and Customer Management at (978) 725 -1353.
Neil Proudman
Vice President - Operations and Construction
New England Gas Operations
LeLacheur, Bob
From: Armstrong, Abigail (SEN) < Abigail.Armstrong @masenate.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 201612:32 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: House Bills 2870 and 2871
Hi Bob,
Thanks for reaching out to Senator Lewis about Tuesday's Board meeti . enator Lewis is supportive of both these bills— he
is a cosponsor! Let us know if we can provide any more helpful informatio .
Abigail Armstrong
Constituent Affairs Director
Office of State Senator Jason Lewis
P:(617)722 -1206
F:(617)722 -1063
abigai armstrong@ masenate.goy
State House, Room 531 -B
Boston, MA 02133
www facebook com /seniasonlewis
LeLacheur, Bob
think H2871 or a version thereof is probably more practical and probably a )requent practice already in some places.
I think H2780 while well intentioned 1 think is a little imprac ' Based on the premise advanced in the bill one could argue that
the cost merchandise lost to shoplifting or damage should not be recovered through sales. Closer to home I assume Reading is
billed for water by the MWRA and in turn bills customer an amount of money to cover the usage even though some water may
be lost between the MWRA meter and all the meters of individual consumers.
Both bills have had hearings but no further action has been taken as of yet.
From: LeLacheur, Bob [mailto,blelacheur(a)ci readina.ma.us]
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Jones, Bradley - Rep. (HOU); Dwyer, James J. - Rep. (HOU)
Cc: Lewis, Jason (SEN)
Subject: House Bills 2670 and 2871
Good morning,
Next Tuesday night the Selectmen will take up a discussion of these two proposed bills. They had a preliminary discussion late
last fall with our Climate Advisory Committee and decided not to take a position as the session had ended.
Their past discussion highlighted their unease at stepping in front of our legislative delegation on such a broad issue, but once
they learned about the local impact on the community in terms of reported gas leaks they reconsidered their position. My sense
was a stronger support for Bill 2871 which requires the repair of gas leaks, but that is my observation only at this point.
If you have any comments you would like to share with the Board, please let me know by mid -day next Tuesday and I will pass
those along.
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
townmonaoer@ci reading ma us 1
t ��
nes, Bradley - Re (HOU) <Bradley.Jones @mahouse.gov>
a ruary 22, 2016 10:48 AM
LeLacheur, Bob
Crupi, Andrea (HOU)
RE: House Bills 2870 and 2871
think H2871 or a version thereof is probably more practical and probably a )requent practice already in some places.
I think H2780 while well intentioned 1 think is a little imprac ' Based on the premise advanced in the bill one could argue that
the cost merchandise lost to shoplifting or damage should not be recovered through sales. Closer to home I assume Reading is
billed for water by the MWRA and in turn bills customer an amount of money to cover the usage even though some water may
be lost between the MWRA meter and all the meters of individual consumers.
Both bills have had hearings but no further action has been taken as of yet.
From: LeLacheur, Bob [mailto,blelacheur(a)ci readina.ma.us]
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Jones, Bradley - Rep. (HOU); Dwyer, James J. - Rep. (HOU)
Cc: Lewis, Jason (SEN)
Subject: House Bills 2670 and 2871
Good morning,
Next Tuesday night the Selectmen will take up a discussion of these two proposed bills. They had a preliminary discussion late
last fall with our Climate Advisory Committee and decided not to take a position as the session had ended.
Their past discussion highlighted their unease at stepping in front of our legislative delegation on such a broad issue, but once
they learned about the local impact on the community in terms of reported gas leaks they reconsidered their position. My sense
was a stronger support for Bill 2871 which requires the repair of gas leaks, but that is my observation only at this point.
If you have any comments you would like to share with the Board, please let me know by mid -day next Tuesday and I will pass
those along.
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
townmonaoer@ci reading ma us 1
t ��
From: emers, Joseph (HOU) loseph.Derm
Sent: Tuesday, Febr , 201611:16 AM
To: LeLac ieur, Bob
Subject: RE: House Bills 2870 and 2871
Hi Bob:
Here's what Jim had to say when I spoke with him:
"This is something I've had experience with as a legislator and a consumer having received phone calls from
constituents across the district with their concerns, and then dealing with gas leaks as a consumer /homeowner. I'll
work with the delegation to make sure that the concerns of the Board of Selectmen and the residents of Reading are
Best Regards,
Joe Demers
Legislative Aide
Office of State Representative James J. Dwyer
30th Middlesex District
Woburn and Reading
State House, Room 254
617 -722 -2220
o e h Demers(almahouse goo
From: LeLacheur, Bob [mailto,blelacheur@ci reading ma us]
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:19 AM
To: Jones, Bradley - Rep. (HOU); Dwyer, James J. - Rep. (HOU)
Cc: Lewis, Jason (SEN)
Subject: House Bills 2870 and 2871
Good morning,
Next Tuesday night the Selectmen will take up a discussion of these two proposed bills. They had a preliminary discussion late
last fall with our Climate Advisory Committee and decided not to take a position as the session had ended.
Their past discussion highlighted their unease at stepping in front of our legislative delegation on such a broad issue, but once
they learned about the local impact on the community in terms of reported gas leaks they reconsidered their position. My sense
was a stronger support for Bill 2871 which requires the repair of gas leaks, but that is my observation only at this point.
If you have any comments you would like to share with the Board, please let me know by mid -day next Tuesday and I will pass
those along.
U \;
Key Questions to Answer in considering an Override of Prop 2
What is the timeframe? BOS 2/23/1
If an override is requested, Fall of 2016 or Spring 2017?
Are current funds well managed? BOS 3/8/1
Have expenses been scrutinized?
Have other revenues sources been exhausted?
Is there a temporary or permanent need for additional funds? BOS 3/8/1
If temporary—would debt or capital 'one-time' exclusions help?
If permanent — were there mistakes made that we should learn from?
How will communication be handled? BOS 3/22/1
Applicable state laws
Role of employees, boards and committees
Role of members of the general public
How much will be requested? OBE DETERMINE
Why —what are threatened cuts or new additions?
How long is this request projected to cover costs?
What can we do to delay future Overrides?
Possible Timelines for Override ballot question
BOS 2123116
Combine local Special Election with State Primary
Close Warrant for Special Election (8/30 deadline)
Formally Notify Town Clerk of Special Election
August or July
Special Town Meeting
must notify Town Meeting members at least 14 days in advance
May /June
Neighborhood Meetings
best format is likely two meetings each at both Middle Schools
BOS & School Committee & Library Trustees
FINCOM role unclear
local Special Election - stand alone (last date pre FY38 budget creation)
BOS meeting- close Warrant deadline 30/17)
Formally Notify Town Clerk of Special Election
August or September Special Town Meeting
June /July Neighborhood Meetings
.Y� 4
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LeLacheur, Bob
To: Gemme, Laura; Daniel Ensminger at home
Subject: RE: Election
From: Gemme, Laura
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 4:43 PM
To: LeLacheur, Bob; Daniel Ensminger at home
Subject: Election
I have verified the following Information...
You cannot add a question to the ballot for th eptember ection, however you can calla special election for the same day
with a separate ballot. It would mean saving some o e costs but would mean we will be dealing with 5 ballots, which just
means extra staff will be needed.
You can add a question to th November 016 ballot, the state will need to be notified by August 3, 2016 of our intent. Just so
you know the question will be the last question on the ballot and it looks like there will be a lot of questions in 2016, a lot of
petitions floating around.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns
Laura A Gemme, CMMC
Town Clerk
Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
(P) 781 - 942 -6647
(F) 781 - 942 -9070
(E) laemm@@Cj reading ma us
(W) httoJ/www readinama aov
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Tuesday - 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday - CLOSED
When writing or responding, please remember that the Secretary of State's Office has determined that email is a
public record. This communication may contain privileged or other confidential Information. If you are not the
intended recipient, or believe that you have received this communication in error, please do not print, copy,
retransmit, disseminate, or otherwise use the information. Also, please indicate to the sender that you have
received this email in error, and delete the copy you received.
General Laws: CHAPTER 39, Section 10 hOpsWit alegislature,gov/ Laws / GeneralLaws /Paml/TitleVll /Chapter3...
M csacb.ton.Laws Huh. Stab BVOget People Cannanore Reach. EOUCaIeBEng g E sole MyleglelaNre
Noma Hi Lewa Laws GMMILaws PART1 TRLEVII CHAPTER39 serhonle
Massachusetts laws
Massachusetts Continue,
General Laws
Session Law.
I of 2
General Laws wlltt
section IO Warrant; Issuance; contents
Fee loo 10. Every town meeting or town election, except as hereinafter provided, shall be
called In pursuance of a warrant, under the hands of the selectmen, notice of which shall be
given at least seven its s ran annual ors and at
least fountain dg, CetaM 2OX se.c.1 town jggLj9, The warrant shall be directed to the
constables or to some other persons, who shall forthwith give notice of such meeting In the
manner prescribed by the bylaws, or, If there are no by -laws, by a sate of the town, or In a
manner approved by the attorney general. The warrant for all town meetings shall state the
time and place of holding the meeting and the subjects to be acted upon thereat. The town
meeting may be held in one or more places; provided, that if It is held In more than one place,
the places are connected by means of a public address system and loud speakers so that the
proceedings In all such places may be heard and participated In by all the voters present
therein. Whenever the moderator determines that voters are being excluded from the town
meeting because there is no roam for them In the places provided or that voters In attendance
are being deprived of the Opportunity to participate therein for any reason whatsoever, he
shall either, on his own motion recess the meeting for any period during the day of the
meeting or, after consultation with the members of the board of selectmen than present,
adjourn the same to another date, not later than fourteen days following the date of said
meeting, when places and facilities sufficient to accommodate ad voters attending and to
enable them to participate therein shall be available. The selectmen shall Insert In the warrant
for the annual meeting all subjects the Insertion of which shall be requested of them In writing
by ten or more registered voters of the town and In the warrant fur every special town
meeting all subjects the Insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by one
hundred registered voters or by ten per cent of the total number of registered voters of the
town whichever number Is the lesser. The selectmen shall call a special town meeting upon
request In writing, of two hundred registered voters or of twenty per cent of the total number
of registered voters of the town, whichever number Is the lesser, such meeting to be held not
later than forty -five days after the receipt of such request, and shall Insert In the warrant 8/20F
�I 2 1:18 PM
Genetat Laws: CHAPTER 39, Section 10 https: / /mategislature.govf Laws/ GeneralLaws /Partl/TitieVII/Chapter3...
therefor all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested by said petition. No action shall
be valid unless the subject matter thereof Is contained in the warrant. Two or more distinct
town meetings for distinct purposes may be called by the same warrant.
The written requests of registered voters for the Insertion of subjects In town meeting
warrants shall not he valid unless the required number of registered voters not only sign their
names but also state thelr residence, with street and number, If any. The selectmen shall
submit such written requests to the board of registrars of voters or the board of election
commissioners who shall check and forthwith rertlfy the number of signatures so checked
which are names of voters In the town, and only names so checked and certified shall be
counted. A greater number of names than are required in each case need not be certi9ed.
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CrpydghIO AIa Tae Gemnl Geud MI Rpals Re,w n
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S (-<
10-3 2/1820161:18PM
Town of Reading
Election and Town Meeting
Calendar for 2016
Last Day to
Last Day to
Last Day to
Available No
Event Date
Port Warrant
- 8:00 PM
Later Than
- 5:00 PM
- 5:00 PM
Presidential Primary
March 01
February 23
February 23 February 10
Town Election
March 01
January 26
February 23 February 30
December 02
January 11
January 12
January 28
Annual Town Meeting
April 25
January 26
February 23
April 28
May 02
May 05
State Primary
September 08
September 01
September 01 August 19
State Election
November 08
November 01
November 01 October 19
Subsequent Town Meeting -
November 14
September 27
October 31
November 17
November 21
November 28
20,16 Subsequcat Ia n Meeting �rzprFr
Monday November 14, 201
nsaoi6 Fre,04Ld
Article Description
z /1s /2016
2016 Subsequent Town Meeting
Monday November 14, 2016
2/18/2016 2
Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 1 of 13
7bwe off
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Town Info Departments Boards B Committees For Residents Doing Business
Twm Into fl.wnm.nn eo.N: acommnee. eor ee.k.m. Celne Bunn..
Home l Nuns l Wafiae Frequmlty FaFH Ouestione- upaaba 03515
Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15
a awe
Print Sena by amen
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions are broken up into sections:
(You m.v Ikk on th,cemon holder mr.N.w al me awmons lu m.t ..mun...lick on a .nano a.som w to tmanl m Oct onicen
General Inforrintation abQut the Override, Governance and Process
What 15 a Proseet On .2 A?
What Is GFOBx
What Is Free gashi
Hock Is lbourme caftialy Ntlx
anoints ng me tows s and schdo •s migration?
cannot What min department. I. M1 Fire Dernmeent do to obtain Poorl their work?
It the metallic Passes what .agars will be'nc sedx
would Istinere—ofactiontryinaboadds afte, officer Mat creases torgh the are d bonds dembeakeents x
Walking Grouox
Why Is the been 2n ark ?slang br an o.eMde 0/33 TOO OOOi
Eakes the lnee'go away flaaft at M:es go back w 2015 rMew
Hoer, long might nb accedes cory Bounce
DidtleTmer, eeth:mmnax
grocery, court you alone, woolen ent from August l enn regarding schools beim, ricatolmaces'
What roo. border used far sea what.' its role In me Toen ol Bourret Wh nor like bash kick .2 to halo oev for are over???
W id n pick
Can I eaa absentee bent.
fate owreaa'a aoorgwa at the not box uld the Baling RUHe- Lraw[almae[n8 roof I durinb (m twt , kadr Species
Town Meetle, ?
wn wwM Tow or I Im gt.mognM rm a ms a
Do the U Icgh rel aelb- oceeld. del ne tow -ana •Ime Within t
What reluctice, dl
What is Me a l er mfgre aan -o mr an owrdaea
line d, li FYI e bodied lrme schools?
N rNe bwn or roue at lne n LT n M1 M1
Act Mick) Palmer?
Town Statistics and Comparison I �
http: / /www.townofboume.comlhome /pages /override - frequently- asked - questions- update -9... 2/22/2016
Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 I Bourne MA Page 2 of 13
what In edom.a
Have does our Us rare condarg W sated, TMn$ vsKt SIMMur deputation anem ome lwsxa
does a rM1e aveow Yx DIII In BOUtne Nn ed fam h, i.t.N
Why Ns X look like many Lae dheas have hover tax rates than
Tax Rates and Property V31peBlSaleS
What is the cuneent Tax R and hone,
Now does avu bonds orka Bead.. tale'
M_ow ev II a raduO.. In a.lual aped omoedv Nlas'
Totenn EMPIOYCC Salg1jes and Bcnefits
Heaw do Wave salaries and henelas consonant W other annular beans?
What is the amry of health benefit cost Started n Bwrnea
What n v and a sad-rd...a of have., m -t m n,aarm emolowN.& na mrtne rowna
If eventide veld . handout wilt Ns that M649 th, Musigagnes dell continue to receive nwaa will ones who
re[elvs lonnev tv da m.nb [onunue In —.I- them?
WhY do owns have 00,190 9,09rards white the pelvate set 't have such attended?
Did Una Bourne E91 41h, school etlm n stset'o t have Muses
Whet leM at the Town Atlmin Waa he• a his h[el N
Pre the voters, in Isoveres -wh Iai rates would In he oniv stakeholders '
w only horde to tM CUrtenl Rnanc el s'lualon of the TOwn'
wn r a[t n and m. resale N n a e o rw . n. u. a ae
..d. ?
bill? What vull th. cv.hrd. let,.. look like in v ta.
What Is the tax en met ft, the median on the Prodoseed $
S f ty SMiCe8 IMDMU
w lad pN.emenrnn., lie. raea
Will the oetrilde be used W hung Alchgonal ounOtiOnS in Out Fun Candunduent?
What Is had rocent head to, 0. 11r, a
Schools Impact
If the redo will be funding what we steady nave does that Mean that all-dant kinef an le) and pre—hool that not mac 1
mete, will be add.'
How BOOS One obtain Im. line W ine budget for Upper nal Tecnni Im aunan.
Schooa for Fiscal Veer 3018 and 2017
Hoesnuu.1elftbul alowaN Ts
What am the U9T t,umthors for exonaes . teacher salaries or adminizetation Salavies? does do I acquits this ntormanen9
. Me bud,m rot me a[nomsa
What ew W cuts far the BOUme Public scno ss
H , Cates Tech E,dj mil Matt .' iw. 10 du...,Ub11W
Do ucT swdents on, foe, ,a a
wn Iona ooloneare raa dtooTO {O,g1BOUmeeducaYOnale,[penses?
/ 1 r al Information about ti O 'd Gp P d
http: //v .tow ofbo=e. com / home /pages /override - frequently- asked - questions- updated -9... 2/22/2016
Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 3 of 13
What b a Prooaaillon 2 X9
Proposition 2 -1Y11s a law pack ee by the years 'n 1883 which limits an Increase in Ilan bz levy (vie IoW lazes reixtl W no more Nan 2112 %of the previous
pars sk bvp. For epampb, RPa is.leap Be he previous arm a community was E10,W].CW. Net community Ovule nor inereeae Uves more Man
$250.000Or 2- 112 %ul EtO nlllim. Pmpotilon 2 t2 places conslrainh on Ne lob) lax levy raiseo by s ory a term arm On hox much lie bu leW can pe
mvs.ead from year to vs.,.
A levy limit Is a headed on vie amount of property takes a community can levy Proposition 2 T2 established Me types M levy bmrk
'First .e community cant levy mom Nan 25 percent of Trans Tandems Properly (Me total full and fair rash valve of all taxable real and personal property)
In New mMyrry This is Ore kvy citing
' backing, a unitY'a less babo mnmenned ire MaWCen increasenoneverman 2 x%hemyemloyaec This is Me levy land. ThebwlimnakI.Iways
be bHOw. oral most eputl ro Me levy owing. The kvy hrwl may mnl exmed Ne levy cash,.
Pre wtiw2Vdoea Wmidecwn unibeswiNsmeflepbllily. disposable fore wmmunitytolawabove yule, Fmemils kvy ceilin,on.1.11.1
basis bydebt exclusion. as well as to increase he levy limit on a permanent basis by an overrate.
What b GFOBi
General Fund Operating Budget (GFOB) a defied as the operating budget (Town, SGtwla, Shared Coats and Date Behind) d). It does not include general
arliees, off expemes Osumi Funds or Canada
What J. Fr.. Cal
Tna imvns Free Cash Poliq is b have a hoe wah belwm o15 %M GFOB. FYI GFOB d $57,611003 equals free cash of $2863.744 Free Cash tar
FY16 is a.m.. al 123(f4,800 which equals 4% and is below policy.
Free Cash necmwry to belartw FYA Ia $2418 ". Usinp all available Tree cash of E2NN,800 lerv¢a a delta of $12",000 and no free cash for NWre
years .
Is Free Cash a r the n enmemreplenish those funds?
No The objectives M the O se ate Is b raise sufficient mosonal revenues by raising bases to operate affil own services for a minimum of five years.
If the Override passes, the FYI Budget was approved by Town Meeting M May. 2015. No changes 10 Ntl budget will be made nos MII Mere be dry
changes or ,nutrias requested.
FWUre Metals will not include addemeal cost services ors sepor a. Based uponeN9 y¢Y toreceA the orgasm OVeMde olE29millbn la...acted to
Provide enough peepri barrel, across Me boom unfarescenncreases In wok far which we have no owned lieme TremmmeideincuhentaM'tces
through FY20.
Beet on June the a fmmal everview of handed) scenadoa was masmlbat It olkrcd assumptions M expenses and three scenaros'.
I Op nothing
2.Hrve a 28 million ove ide
3.Meke the
The klbwing pressmaltm mohnsme Me key fork Me budget spreadsheet related to each op con and Me line graph pealed b lead rash balance to budge)
Farderepal Su as of Jwe s'"
New Is lusuffie cuppently funding the a school's u y
-The Town's General Fund Operating Budget (GFOS) Is $57 67M
• Of mat, the general government person to 27 7% eppmgmately $16M (4,5% less than last year).
The whwlparermaImprovements 362 or$20.BBM(005 %less Nan sal year),
• The Upper Cape Vopi Hi,h Sc rwl beat la an edMttwal5 7% or 53.20M (12 0 %increase at last yea,.
' Approxeral¢ly 24B% or $14 2M b used t0 pay N shard cods (at insurances. unemployment and p e-somretiAm ng, and a Marine.
Our debt snvrrv. We M the lowest d the cape tern, uses 516 %a $3 28M.
• Charges by Me sste are 80 %or si (en inawse of 2] %)
• RKSmIe from the able are 12 3% $1.1 M, about level hem previous year
F' M 1 t ct [h Ir worky
There are few If any Marta avelabie for,ovemmemel entitles that allow for expenduures for opM.ucn. or to maintain made, levels. Public amen la
difbrent The Town toes tamp well In grant procurement metre am for thins like street infrastructure, and the bye. Th.. we he funds
avulMkfar geherel government seadow.aso,umost grams require a sumantial cash orm id match.
Tan Bourse Public Slmans m lake advantage M npmews Mann and continuously woIX on sh t0 gNimtee reckpons
budgets Ifthe override entities what el / /\
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Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 4 of 13
Name the wormer wJl only madrain budgets epproVeO at Me annual Town Mewing.
1.t le to add .e eauN the Iand guili tie mnentsi
There is no plan nor adMry to move Imam 6 mangle aryanmem head to oaersee bam pollde and Toward. There are a very any cwnmarear;..,ran line
Commearea IN Mel rove rev dto Nis model. Rome is act considering this at this lime.
What sthe Fa aPandvia WaMno Group?
In May IN last year the Toms Adminislnlm esmdished a new Among Group al the request of Me Be ward of Selea9mn to renew and reline Me Town 'a one.
Wow aM firoryea Morgan plane.
-The new Waking Group was To bring together members W Me
• Board of $a..-
• Finance CCmmit
•Schml Co....
The group has wwxeel with Me
Town Masash for
Board M selectmen
$maul Stow imenbenl
In material areas to Geer support m bring the finanred In Ire m balance the wapenses MN the revenue not only l« Nis rumors year far through the and s
'The king term Final Plan now bean cansidely di -orkee and updated.
'Financial pmiues M1ave been thoroughly rexewed.
Added controls on the amount of Free Cash lmmey that Is corneal in prep us years) for use in operating hudgeld and capital purchases
-Adjustments made on limits for ream funds.
-By stridy abpNg N our Financial Fallon, we have lncreeded our Bmd Rating to a high AAw
SNw 2X5. Me Tour haw ..,amid Free Cash Reserves In dares. of our Far .... I Mass,
bad to tllswdzng wady retirement options to lease our personnel espern es.
-We are revieri He M Insurance opGme and shower to wait out less edpemlm options.
Wh ly art no Sull and asking Ids an whiminde of 12.agil
The $678.225 is for the wren Fiscal Year 2hl o. This will come Iran town departments $358,18T, scowls - $460,]60 shared costs $141.675 The
remainder wall need 0 be reduced separating Jury 6iacal Year 20171.
The idea of the Wnnde is to Match up on an awsonaudifficin of years where the ll$ BCMamy was depressed and the Was woketl to absorb, smarm, and
prepared expenses not N made Me damens of BOUme. That economic downturn was Mineral W Iwo ard"a l anow wawa. The espMabon
that eepens es and takes would be al al span point is con likely union the econwri change. Theovamke'latose NeI mamorestablec rw Imo
the future whom finan i l the rumors cumemly provided.
Based on a five year wa ection. Me evenMe is npecled to cam the tmm through 2020. An was done N the Inl ovemtle in 2005, the same eupwassana
were undertaken and the bnn was alle to m nd Nat our lien years .
Heray long might this override cache Saudi
The owmde well prosNe financial stabtTy M at lean the vim nve years, barring any memeck d understood and art allow IN Teen N [enthuse mi
he pogroms and whorl s.
If the oeerdde dues not pen —many programs and del will ba wadi Not only will the Taws have to cut $1 Million hem the budget this year. an
additional $1 Million will rued to be cut marl year, and more the year alter. and more the year after the, will. som.'enWgal' public saley, services may
not be out rim —They will need to he ml in the Wture.
II has bean ten years since the last general ovmride, was passed, and IM been has hewn casting within its means.
We have had debt exclusions and an ovemde question far adding Police officers but this is only our third request to add to the general budget, more, on
operating the town Since Plan 2-112 started awasumi easky 35 years ago .
Did the Town... this owmangfir
In each rs Me last 6 wean, the Chairman M Ne France Committee has award during their budget message at Me Annual Town Meeting And the lawn
wmid be requal an override wr011me In has near Mom The Town Administrator made a wrder $Klement he the Boem of Sell.-an his budge)
measegs M n January
years once th
In the Net tan yeah aloe¢ the last 2005 General OeINtlde Na town M1af successfully opermetl using Fre¢ Cash reserves perMYglly to supplement
opesfionsendforcaphy sucenres. Keeping we0en the Ftnareal POitles, a planwas always lnplace to!alum $uch mmeyto the reserve perpdtry. 02-C
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In 2013 and W14 Rv Rl unplanned expenses indu01no Snow and Ise expenses, increesM Bourne stutlents spending the Upper Cape Vocational High
Schad, and increases in HAIO Insurance retained Oe town to use large amounts of our Free Cash Reserves Attact the ability to.6nish over 52.6
Follvnng the annual EIBC6oes in May 2014 Me Board of Sebdmed and Town AdminHlnitIX eewhllmed one FlnanuM Perfect W ores, Group AM
mpresenletives from Me Finance Comore, Schad Cente lee Board of selectmen and town Finance department to shot an In-depth analysis and mol
of the movn s Small pdiues, operations, financial practices, etc. This Group recwromm deft an CAME. in July 2014.
Selectman shaddle. would you Passes Assigrall maid maNing ra gaNiAg Schuddli,
Selectman Mealy meant W Say: WI M NOS¢ members will affect hundreds Of residents. They are not just -nice m haves'. They represent the very Care d
our town and Anal .1 town reprefenta to all d al
What dead bill Stand for and �at Is Its Cold In M1 Town 0 gestril Why not use trash Pick up W help Pay for h 'd i
ISM (Integrated Solid Waste Managemem ass the landmn IS an emerynsa fund that generates revenue, especially from he Sees generated from
construdton and dematbon. It armed Itself and natatory covers Me costs of curbside foil dnash and reeyumg In Bourne 11 cg...a as a aepazde amity.
IS"Wema sthe Ondfinm Boume. It is an entarrnsefund arms Town that runs as a Separate profit renter.
The Town receives a Host Community Fee ream ISM each yeubaud on tonnage r calved at me iandgn -lhts year me budgeted Hwt Community Fee is
$600 WO. If excess tonnage IS recomed addlbnd Most Community Fares are paid to for Town and allocated to the Capital SWrricatim Fund for future
capital prof Lest year over $1]0.0[0 was..,.it by Na Them as faditimel Hwl Community Farm In addition ISM pays SM pool Main took to
and recycling- This saves the Town over $625,cU0 per year (fy2014).
sv XVe mnal nil curbside tracM1 O'ck -upi
TM1e<uNaNe pickupla pfd(w from en Enterydse Fund notmans. An Entegnse Fund gives wm unittas the ModiaiMy b account Separately for all
fmandel acdvilies assodel¢d AM a wide range d muntdpal handoes such as public utilities (leash dormouse It establishes a separate accounting end
5nwaalreportingme enismfpmunicipalsrr s. An Enterprise Fund allow a lam to mottle NeIolel cost da speak servkx, provides useful
management Inld -..- and most tmpWlantly allays the municipality he keep mantes made in excess of the operations as inspired diameter
In Somme. the Lenall often referted to as the Integrated Sued Wasted Menapemenl or ISM Is operated as an Enterprise Fund. Money received by ISM
nnot be used to operate the Worn (pay far pollee, fire, schod; Act but can be used for providing related services such as trash callec4on, cpemting the
ecycieVandfill operagona, etc. A community Why not establish enterprise funds for normal goy mmenl opere tithe or xMUa Bunn as public Safety or
Inspedtonel services.
Can I vda abeam., bill ot2
Deadline far filing an Absentee Ballot App loodurn is NOON on Monday, October 5n-.
PLEASE NOTE: In the woe d maitingahe Abaenbe Ballot ainsicelbn needs to he received by Tam Hell's CIM's oFCe in a timely fashion in order that
wehaveenoughtimeWmallMNe Ballotmothe Vdef and Wtam_. giving me Vabe MOUghbore10 made backto Tmem Halt BALLOTSMAYNOTBE
(TO uncenMnd whether yen quality for an absentee ballot help hansw mc stairs ma,uLlefa b$e Jatsdxhm)
Elections : Absented Voting
The EkNOns ONtvon administers stele and feGml ekc5ons and proodee information on voting and ebdeve to We public candidates and government
mmou la
It Me d amadhowpol at oe balls box wassal the Boom. RmB' MImxX ono d rl th subee ant
If me Override passes at me batch box the Boume Rule SIT still be in eFecl at Wm the $formal Town Meetirp October 19, 2015 and Me Annual Tam
Meeting in me Spring of 201 ti,
Could readjuahnenM W individual Marshal nl budgets be made priorities shIMdd either up or darn — by amandmenl(s) based upon the desires as those In
abandoned agaMleas of the oveenite amount a oefich readluslmam?
Town Meeting Can always make adjustments to depaNnemel budgets within the Bourne Rule. WTdher the my de passes or net the BWme Rule will he
in bfled.
'The Boume Rule aeys that me proposed budgd and me maumum levy cepadty and meMOre my b Wgd md.wmv oll a apaobed offsetting
Why would the Tom of Bourne not wholesale a Menu dwIW of amounW bar in
A mmu owrtkewauM pit one ul d alekehoWers epeinal another. ll would creel an enwmnment in x idl we Would, to effect. be esdgning values to
whousandsoffebral . GOOd leaaeramp wiewa nil cmnmumnmds enmery.nme.=a demcpmphic 11—.to he Choose. If a imer,"or, was under
represented at Ne pall Wat ell of at above-
d r2
In the event are failed o adl the Town of Bourne All have W live Agin its MSMS as it has our many yen In recent years the anorHene are difference
between the Town a revenues and expemea =memo to in ae each year The Town has used Fred Cash to make up the Nmmalls in revenues am \
those resources are bveasingW diminishing
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Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 6 of 13
It the Ovanee faAs. the means At involve the mrs mat are limed in the approved budget by me Roam of selectmen at The Tuesday. septembm 1. 2015
The estimated elwMell in Fiscal Year 2016 is ayronmately $1M and the proposed budge) ails (it the owmde Prow) MII make up this difference, Fine near
yew in FYI 7. Ine Tour All need to rMUCS me budget again as the reveal is ashmMl to fix $22M. In FY19. me snoMml lMeados In eppmximalely
$39M and this confines.
The covered amount of Ili is eased on the long halm financial muded recently reviewed and updated by Me Financial Ftgecl...no Group. This
working grcap is a WlabwalNe grcup AM repmmMgon Iron the town wmi AAdim. selectmen, finance wmmlllee, and sclwol converted and has been
meadng AT 19 month..
Th. requested $27M ovemde .11 ..a me gap between the Tom a revenues and expanses. There is no planned expansion. wwwde etc. ro Me
brageu, and no increase in wramey
The budget ahoHall In FIT. Is $2 Milllm. $ince tub can't be made up un01 halfway Infringe me Year about $1 Mmbn All be cut this year and $1 Million will
be NI no. year.
What refiettkine 4W the Tom of Bodur firwri
The initial budget presented this year Inducted about $149.500 of personnel re osol— During the budget process an additional $188,000 of pemnnel
reductions was made.O verall Me budget included the Niminatlon of three full time positions and the restnclunng of several others . The Human Reermod
Dlmcmn the Community Building Oiretla, and a DPW mechanic were downward and Mair didea have been shifted to others. Restructuring and other
reductions include a position In the Assessors dxwmnw%the duvngrading of four lieutenant prowewa In he Fire Department reductions m mspeNms,
Counul on Aging. DPW WminiMrebve support and a reduction in me nwrs a the IT supped p neon.
There wwk else expense Mudim. in many department.
The Bouma School budget also included redutlbns in Mala land expenses. Ardive Ines reducons were diRruB Are simply do is new the revenuem
bap them In me budget. Even arch the ownlhe meaewill not he in the budget. Even exth Mesa reductions we need an ovemde and lf the ovemde coeval
pass mere All be make undisclosed this year and next year and me yew aver that. _.
The Boom of selectmen is still woMmg on the redudiors that will be made it lee override doesn't Pna. They will nave a final vote on that deny in
Many opWns Isw base examined. Some reductions that were looked at such as o own, me Sagamom Fire Station war not be made- but another
reducfim wib need to he mace matead. The Tom of Bwmewehsne Ownme 2015 page will new updates and the final reductions and Impacts when the
Board M selectmen Mee thein .
budget sir In. tgwm
Line IAM Budget POF
What Is Me hire bay line FIN 8 budget for m. schoolsi
Line per Budge PDT
How much of Me Iowa of Brommers buthen 00� fidepand the Upper Cape Tisch LOT) rush ao 9
The Upper Cape Vocalimal High Scrawl cost is 5] %of me ime. a .panting budget or $3.29M (IM1ia reprtsent a 138 %increase gwr last wa0,
Over the 1061 have years, the Upper Cape TaWn,c l Vocational High School Accommodate to the Town of Bourne has Increased a little ever $11 Milfign as
more of Bourne 'a students have elected to attend the xnool.
The School n regional. having a regl r al Schoa Committee Mm repRamrafives from each of member towns: Wareham, Newark, Mnnpee, Falmouth
and Smdw1U. To make changes In me budget, it lake a ma)onry of me memhen. mud three M the 5 teem would nave to agree on a Mange le the
Mr. Robed Mi I6 he Supmnwndw1 w UCT and he presents the upcoming year presentation Io each Mme member Ime a Boards M SetNnen. Th.
preaentalim on be warred hr_e
Words In.. be 01 wasupleflity tint Prevery cr CPA p
It me Torn were to wgndmw hem me CPA Program and mere was wtlmdm9 Debt Serves, to be paid beyond me ending cat. of Ile CPA pmgwn the
eaniesllhiawnhappenlsalmee .IFY' 2020) perneweed at one CPASUrUargewouWmmainon everym's Real Estate property hills lnorverntal
any debt comma payments that was outstanding beyond FY 2020 m any padiouier CPA protect would be completed,
Under Ankle ] dine November 8. seed Special Tarn Meeting... the Town voted to Mop) Section tae of Chapter 149 Mme Ada of tow. which replaced
me Cape One Open Spam Land Averguargen Program AM Me COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT and-dediule the three per cant goosed vex
surcharge wmenlly bang assessed through gaeal war 2020. along mth Stale malMilp bonds beat will be available to be Town under ln0 Community
Presarvmpon for to a speckl-Communiry Preurvalion Fund Mat cosy be appropnetd and spent fa carown open apace, hiMnc resources and Oada e
housing puMosm, effective la Me fiscal year beginning duly 1, 2MMF
The vole on this An he was: Aws have it maim passes.
At the Area 6, 2036 Annuel Tom Election unna Ouesgw one'Noth the Town of Bourne weal Section 2g8 of Chapter 149 of me Ache of 2We, as
eppmved In, the November 8, 2COa Special Town MMhng which appears balmy...' The VOTE on this Ouescm was YES.. .1,376, NO 270..,..there was
1.684 wars cash in that election. NOTE: it Is very underganding Nat every Town in BamsteNe County (Cape CM) has vdas b ADOPT the CPA Program.
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Recently me BIMd Logibenire amended the CPA Iegii a ce that allows days and dome In the CPA program W spend CPA Send for RECREATIONAL
In ¢.Hance wire We Inbrme - of -itletl by the ant. Department M Revenue na banishment from the Cape Cop Land Bank (CCLB) and Community
Premmaton Ad (CPA)'. a Icon may not emend the surabarte until after FY M20 and a larvn may raft revoke its adopdon of this semen until Alter FY 2020
Toi Statistics d C
what Is IN a. been, nc m. In Bourne?
Accadlnt to Me US Census Bureau, Was 2013 (meet recent available data Madbn Household Income Is $53 US, The median income Is used as a few
households with exlremNy high or extremely law income stelae Inn skew average In or a gravity .
How does our bad Ime mmuddider W Q1112 le ulationa elf
Compering Me lax Rtes Of Other communities a raft McAlve In demomhating the tax burden He readmits pay for town earned. hecaux be casing
valuation has dumumma greatly N recant year. The Tam Rate Is set by the Imal amount of Maley Ibar yen be mixed from Texas and We Wlal evalua(0o Of
are Team.
In 2010, Me average Bourne Muse value of $3G3,i 00 had a tax bill of $2,508.
In 2015, tl1e average Bourne house value 01290,200 had a tax bill of $2,922.
How does the Modem, tax bill in Bourne gg,MM W jimany Income?
According to We US Census Bureau the 2013 (moral recent available data) Malian household income Is $53,046, The mention income is used as a few
households with extremely high an ememely law inome stmus can flex average income Peally.
The average property lax bill is $3915. (The modern property tax bill in Bourne is $2,9221 This is Me 43 Western Me Commonwealth (Ranking is as
repo08d by WCvE TeleNSim Marton. MA. From CLEARGOV.COM:
Me do- 11 Walk like an, L the, Be,,,?
Compering the lax R10 of other commumbas Is not MBGIYe in demonetRling the fax human Nan residents pay far teem BeMCee becvux Me save
valualim has 9UMW dgreatN In recant year s and as mentioned, may not include all of the Moves a resident must pay. Runehaveseparatefirediand
assessments in addition to propeny taxes.
Now Is Mt. drarin tad?
The DMabn M Laval Services (Massgoi wabtlle shaved Me blMnng for the average tingle family house value In Bourne:
n2010 the a era0e 8mrne single family house value of WO624 had a lax bill of $3,388 (dared an a la1 Rbe M $ ] Si cer $1SN)
In 2015, Me evemge Bourne single lamely house value of $398.798 had a tax bill d53.915 Waaep On a Mx mM M $1007)
Comparison to other ovmmummad
In 2010, the average Falmoun xmgk famYy hmxvalue MSunn 809 had a tax bit 0$3326(based On A lax. oh$fl75)
In 2015, the average Falmautb single family house value of $488518 had a tax bill of ".Mt (based on a We mt. M$8.19)
(Nate Me house values and lax late$ have an effect M each ether and on a Mwn a lax Rtes. Although tl is helPlul 10 do same derful sons each Were b
Tax Rates aft Property Value$ /Sale$
What Is the current Tax HM12 ggaa, a We, 6
The Tax Rates for Fiscal Year 2015 ere,
propeny Tax = $10.07
Bourne dialer Da met =58.00
BuueNS aay Mile DISNct-10.88
NOM SagaTAR Wrier Blamed = $Ow
Prior Fact Year (FYI Tax Rates FY2014$9, fib, FY201359.45. FY2012$ 812. FY2011 P21. FY201087.5A. FY20a9$7.37. FY20001i FY2007
M42 FY2008$8.50.FY2005$B69, FY2004$ 7. 37,FY2W3PM.FYM2$1257,FY2Wl$l3,02
The Tax Rate is set by Me local amount of money Mat Cen be raised from Tames and the WWI evaluation Of the Town
Fa example, before the downturn In 2948 Me WWI taxable propeny in Bourne was $700 million mane! Man a is in 2015. The Tam Rate cakulehM for FY08
was the Tax Levy ot$31 W 1 ]51 divided by total taxable property of $4,87],94] 640 which barred In a Iowa Wx rate 094.54, If property values 1ad
anted Me same instead Of going down the 2015 Mx rate would be $845 per IM1wsend Instead of $1007 per thousand .
home or ce aX.at Wx lab?
Wan nom values doe He and rata Wommal manes, a ming the same rere'1Cee am named. M home values decimal the tax ale will Increase
acmMnaly. HOwevec all things being steel In Provide the same level 0 smmoea the tax nld would reader more or lass the same. /��J����\111
mat U
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In swap mines, Its ovenme taus and to re0unim in all rows se des as highlighted are implemented propwy owners cmle well see a rc uc on In
property values. The Town wall become a less eeremble plead tonammes and buzneseas do brave lo, the managed of the Town Mu Maine and values wall
Manor the and a powers.
Town EntIp1jigi SG md Benefit6
He. do 1. defli and W..Vft to I Marigh —as
The Town d Bourne salary and timer, are mmparNle to Surrounding —a or similar popularear eased me recentbenrJimaM amveyomomregua IX
mmllar age both an and off cape, 9mma Selmer are when 1% of the avxage for towns at almlar size em nmpindem froca grenpS,-
Health Insurance among for Town or Bourne Is me same as all other Cape owns with Me excepted. a Barnstable. The bear snare Se asonance la 25%
emplwae one Ts %. wmatemon The I.,. pl'M was d—L. by me Texan by belief .
What a the history of health small groart sharing I Bourne?
m f s60 merewas a ball. rote io the Town b accept 26 %w« the C% serve mandated dust sharing far health nsunnceror emplweas and retirees. The
75 %Town snare and 25% Employees snare has been In place ance then.
What are the veto a and disadvantages of having full nad.nm .mow wanme ror m. mwna
veto -of -Mm fern rmplwea'
• Co- iafanp. a-- ro he green
• CommpO env a essential S&Vlces to Me town and their job
Catlual.,ease in insane[.nd knormal emptwees be -".tire emend
• nuountanliry tar their am
Certain jobs Mat ItlaRlve Vammg maFinge mat .l. to ay.d nigh fumdver
In a Town Me size. Blume, emvlwee %and ohm Me only apeur ins for the tom
Decimal 0 Tong tart. empb .v
• coal of salarip and denala nr/ -se: moat are membrane! by barealmng ones
• Town meet at, demanded with salarlea I funning. to reWn valued emplwx
• onmptims in the tend of IMi occur, This Is natural if when the need Mar the mNim no long. e.isi al. wdain IS., bewever, it also omua Me
need IS snu there but revenge kinds am saarce and taxpayers era no longer vnlrn0 to fund
• Clause jobs have nigh mane Mans
it Me oventre Will tor funding weral was Marguy bay. all that Mean throur OMPWYG" Will continue In —.Is. I e.l Win np who naive
ge to real'. memo
,bre normal for emolwae s am based on m.nas Mat have been negotiated and will camnoe based on Me negotiated wmraale ImMearity payments
are generally small and are included In the convect negonations
Why do �5 he of pension Modgmen. wells the private ..to' d m_g
The retimmenl system Is. sensed bed. plan as mandated by Male ww.
Many pnvare secor wmp.ni.e sell nose Y.nalons cowl are tang N remove mend through alldbon and axes de 401KS a Is {mpaa.lo note oral
wndoames In he pow.. Major are aguired m dammed, to Board Bewary and Medicare .
board sector, Bourne Imrodde. offers penaims becau -h la dandred n open aememoa •goal a Social seW nry. It does pay Medicare .
have re ern
Admini vamm Under imd, and .o a of me cano-o er have a built n 1. 1.5 or 2w .mane per year. depending on Me sort $me . rude as me
suoenmedaenl has no increase his yearm
West 1. In. i ... MR at the TMI penitential We. them an probal 1 t nsaa wear to m'. rata's.
The Town Administrator salary pprcgd.im Its Fiarel year 2015(FY15f was S urd 644. The appap -f for FYI 6 is $148322. The Usua ed
NMavanm Line in FYI was $13.80D and the FY18 is $11 . There nag been no change In Me benefit pechage Iw 10 5 years.
area. woo.
as degree by MMoia UeL. ...madder I.:
. e person or busina.s Ntl hex Invealee money In %omelhng (such as a emmrved)
Based on the deMilion In broader term., 0.M-S In Bourne .deed taxpayers pro mm s, nuns4. WING, buffiees peplg.dare, aided,, a..'service /7��
vroviders, all regubing servers of dome don. / l
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Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 9 of 13
Business in Bourne mouses Iona lime eumnmses add new businesses reimea to technology wmpames, landdrilse companies, shops, grocery store,
...aid ado aealersnlps. raN.umnu, real estate companies, builders. liquor stores gas stations corescrove immune, accountants. nursing hoMes,
sided laving features, yaml sales companies, college. eta who all nav added mone/mmeir uveencoas in eoume. Some may liven town. some may
own their facill done may Rol their lacilmes. some end up having a vareV regardless May nova an Inv MW money and ode too BWme nemg a tnnvna
Almoueh educational InsOmfMS do not fit nto the and dermugn of a business, Isere are numerous public and p.OM thermal In tUUme which era
wnmr sae mn.ee con aeamm. nn. to Me r ?
-in the last vivo wmlee. Snow and Ice oetrtlls have totaled sell over our budget.
Increased group hmlm mmrance wits nay. caused a s350 ,00o dercit in FYI and an mcmaee of E820,M for FYI 6.
• over Me teal tvro read. the uppe r Cap a Technical Oramboml High school Addw wilt to to. Taws of Boom. hadincreased aIdua aver$11 Mlllim es
mare of Bouma. sadists have epicked m snood Me sUaa.
• A new regnb meal that me Tom acwonl tor future Oman man Palms. Employed BeoeM or roFEe-eacenaes on me balance kneel regmnng an annual
mntnbmon. e
Tile down voted m set adds $2N,Wo this rear, our OUt wnlnbuson. (The OBEF babalty is Is roughly sag mfficar
• Our net Stale add has dedtned steediy since the high point to 2008. We are now recelving less slab ad than In FYO6.
Fmpeny valued Vdgbnd on the many lacti a Nat make a community a desirable place to live not just for your bid for the people who would buy your house.
For lounger with children Me most important Motor is Me quality of Me mnools. Other home buyers maybe interned in recmMom. culland eslor Nis
to ac=munlWRnW library , open mi or pubbc sanely. Tile more a community auem the more people will want m live gem. the hgbel Me
proderm vamp we be. Men a wmmuniry do tot mppot sMO s. reoeatim. aenkesmr Nis eherty, Ise I'mrary, the mmmuniM tamer. ar pubbc cumpt
taxer peoplewilln.veareamio alto evemthatcommunity- and prop" valuedwineecmam
mark like in defendants. bill?
Th. 1. rate inmate b 95 cents per thousand 0 wall
To catWele the tmpant on yourbx oil
Take Ise m desk value dwar none
Olvide it by 1.000
Mul" Me result by MI This Is He annual lax increase.
Far a $30) OW 'his walk be
$MO.A n030 =$3W
S30ox No: $I 8
The 10x increan Is $1 MY yea
or Edg.50 per quarter (year divided by YI
or $16,W per moron (year divided by 12)
or $3 e1 ver week (year divided by 52t
via 1. the Ito be preddriguld Jil.7 shill ma dome -wgddd22
The incomes m the median home value W 290 NO M is esumaled w be $191.32, or $0.6593 per thousand evaluound
$29o.200 Is to median tlngle bmnr home in ewme and Me bx eel car the medten dingle family home is $2 as mkolaled by me Town of Boom.
The Oepartmenl M Bevxnue publishes the awarded dmgb family hone and Me ms bill forme average sbgle family home. That von be used a compare
arm other tarno .
SaLet }r .5 N1CC$1DIDacts
Why are there no frogingreal M film "We o.dm.m Tine owart de fee?
The Ml S passed a targeted ..add for pdtw'n the amount o 111600 m Nice m toona. he number Of sworn ogkar. The Police eapaNnml Is
nMnv three Ommrs an. (al M new. 0 -7) Tha pones budget nier Year muudea 3 recNlu m replan the 3 Omces vSa kb last user. The nav Pat.
Acseamy is id March of 201 s.
u me Ovammmes and me poem budeet'Is cm IoW ton t be vbie 10 hire me fathom mr Ind prime academy in Marti a w....goal a yeV ma moues to
finish both the mor any and the superveed homing In the police dept Pet is required bHare a rawe rid be a toll k r. 11 am page ..cars I.. o am
angered in Pe meantime we .91 1. down more veP no one to deplaw Mem. O-/
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Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA
Page 10 of 13
The Town asked for the fmamg he increase Me number M swum olficere. The voters approved. n is Tend, responsible to spend Ire ands that voters
a,mvad for the pours department on the ponce impannrem.
However, it the ovemee base in Me future mere may be radumona in the police Terminal In the full
Will the opening be Used W figgI goddesses dealt'... In Me Filearlmans]
The Flre OepL sea estra slaRing Nat is rase in Ne Uudgel due to tM SAFER Oranl. The ulna Ore alaX.11 not be added to the budpel Wthwl weer appmM.
II rind been dearry undeMmd teal once Ina Sr1FER Bml ldr eMafrefiphlarm ends Ihefe poolions will end unease tee vo fir re wane to keep them. Then m
no funding for SAFER Grant firaghterfpamm ics in the current general ovemde request.
NMn assistance from Congressman William Kee4ng IG- Boume) the town of Bourne has mcetved a SAFER Federal Grant in the amount oI 513 million to
maintain eight aA time firelight¢rtp mmedk pemnnel at the Bwma Fire OWamnenl. The grant will cover the non lwn yd are. Fire Chat Nolmm SNvessM,
former (Tlef MaRm Greene and the dedicated men and women Mme Boume Ftre Department assisted with me aubmaeion of me Brant apMcali.
The Safingfor Adequate Fire and Emergency Beaman Grants( SAFER) was created to provide turfing cirecty to fee departments and vounlcer
nrsfghter tm«mmreen:.bens a hall them hemmed de maintain the number of thered, Ymnt line" firerrehtas available in their summonises. The grow or
SAFER is m enhance the local fire depanmer Sables to Comply wren stsi response and upmanmal standards - '.birthed by he
Nalanal Fin phenomenon Agency (NFPA).
The Brent la a continu9l'en olthe SAFER Bnntf received prol by the IwT during the Iasi two years The grant requires Nee eared, tundmg h the
awn rw—n Inlecll doe awn reduua tuning or staff laves, the grand would be Ipel. If Ne upccmtn, propovtion 3 -113 Gen¢rel Ovemda queslial laib IMa
fall, federal to Ne Fire GepeMnenl sterling or budget could leowrdlxe the Brand.
Schools trial
Th. school Communist recently Warren. a magtny camr6l negonanw Hu the dames largest cone user, bargained goal, the Iburoe EdWeve
Medical a4perfifficallp, the macners contured
Centel negotiations in general are posMonal meaning each Wde'visa In aware points related to compenaafo -and des la. pictoria l,wo rag
conditions, hours, lowlands. ea In addition, negonlsons address aeeieome considerations : preperal time. Ile and regard mandates, eveaanon
systems, prM -yowl development. school year Weal and whose day schedules are just a few For Ines nascn. the drNdn and me -wGafw agreed
to 'Interest Based Bargaining' wnlcn Is an open dim w fore. With almost no perceivable side WTae to process was a sunstamiandms wmmumel,
the 15 members of the team came away in a wno-.l Me' served best me fa>odaum and he slasin.
Germaine to the override dlsmstim was cost m the communln, whole surrounding howas continue to award pay increases In exwsB m2% pan year he
leachers' assotilan pr9 a a he a 1.5 %, off, 3 % bay 's er the three year toe M the confrere. Reduest Year eta a Sunn ill wowssion on ins
pal or the -foam as n reduwa the mMfipfierin Ne hadjuam years Furthermore , the awaoclater changed Me remuneration on enormous scroll
that win better aeaca'e Me funds to wbSUnitee position. armandr, they ran wueNVeW do more xYm less The stso agreed 1. remove an
annual compensation day which will result In lam qualRred lnwtruhm for our Saul
What was the cost M living norwasse, on SOdw Sewnn last yeal! 1]%
moo ma morn me cmrem nueaet tune
be Woe`
Won a In plate remelwa. The override does nM are new sectana a Ether nor won it enminare ire ass d pro,romminl for either .
Will ftu.a High s redl
The Boume public Schoch are and MII human mry accredited by both federal are wale lowar app, The diploma Impar ee to man arltool wenever -von
cantina to meet Me mospher b nor entry to the worklprw, military warren and undergraduate continuing, eauwran in all Universe -and Cdleges. The
eeellelan that a often mentioned a Ina N. Effluent Asspe'allon noScra is and Crifiel a local organization represenfing 338 scrods in the 5 New
England.. NEASC xcredlleem a one mWd I-- sUwb We W quality laming freshmen to ensure a pre-repuane cunaulum from the
g2dmnnp high wharf. NEASC is not free. It cast me Wall >everal lnweand ddeare per year and. In the coming -Audit Year, an adddfipnal $25,000.
HI deals one either, a Where, ling by line bud., In' Upper Crops fifisheoped Terfithal School in mei
To t..d the line by the complete budget from uCT me has to nguest via a formal letter to UCRTS. 330 Smal l Road. Somme, MA 03533 to the
infpmefon. UCT Is a "public entity' estimate from the Town of BOUrne. You may also send a feller a the Town Administrator for me Town of Brume
requesting the Complete budget for Me UCRTSI this Is a Public Records Request .
erred ref School. . I Year 2016 ad 2.17
Impacts do Awomphatensnes
Few facts
• S<M1wl Oepermenl Rudln M1ea only ncre -Bd Dy 58 %einU Soto (ann.B09Umer) due ro close pre,mm overegM, pnaNZetion and budget controls
• Have baenaixee 60 Full Time Equivalent (FTEI employees an¢ Nil while mnmumg to make rnstructanel advancements far the sandena and me
• NMn >E+3M h FY+e a d FY17 proarem and position cots . recent whoa Whencesoever will biome oRSls for compliance vdN de ulnory and legal
http: / /www.townofbo=c.com / home /pages/override- frequently- asked - questions- updated -9...
Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 11 of 13
O¢Braduare olaWOemic tlgor bGWInB asawaanwdrimale nerd oPhans
• Added Coding. Old literary, Heats, Technology a Elementary , Mbing ® Elementary , BITS elecliveslAEVenceE paramount (AP)
Inarroad di,eid -wide Wald ard. and hands -on learning
EMS xGel¢ran d courses. sal, Fission language ads (ElA), band
• Supported summer anoculum woM
• InCrementally have I ---Wait offerings end acme to and pedormente in AP courses
• Iremail d mllabore0on MMeen elementary school,
• Imr, ased i alabaretion belwMn Nemenlary , middle end high sUaol with mare idudenl mvalear eM, arum ms, tlMember --ails
• Inweese] oppanunlliea la' Who wa se, far ...am With WmmM planning lime, building based and disaid andayeiona development
•Online mai log opportunities M aedil rewPom, Mme hospital mining and edddwnallexpanaon of coax offerings
• Invested in Early Childh. Education with Pmts and Fu14ey K
• Speritl BOuWtim saMms are more'nauNVeldynamic to meet the needs a PmK -12 mor enta
New pMW s- ECEP, Scheel laCerearm
Nevi teeming environments Aauamon s Len. InnmHllon Saul Robaim Leg, Keybmrd Lab
EI'xnination a happened professional development program to achieve student groMn
Leading coaches for learrS ers
Haranded cgpoduoNas br anthers to mlletra l¢ vent -by sad borimntally
• Increased oppwation es for leach¢¢ to mlbbomte during schad day win [am., planning lime
• Teal ini48wd, developed and latilnaled professional development wor shops
Limited services with and to oommunM
mcreu,ed mmmamy relators- Nbnens Club. Alumni , Games Club
• Colleboratm with Berme Recreetian. Baum, Library Team Tuesdays wiN hus drop off, ad displays), Biome W
Commumraliar is inwnpslenl and hephezeM; Inattienue, emerge
muewee automation to rtdum redundanaes and casts
Aadlton a PowfSdwa he ncreeaea wmmunlmMns Mtn lamiies
• In abo ad use of Goal Classroom vfilcM1 increases student and all wllaMmtw and ennanms inswNon
Las' ally ..a has acnwl On-
mxased drmW [race revenue n aaa
2014, ]a Audmu Sol in: BS awdama choke and
2015'. In students mace in 92 students chose out
Retlutlion In The detri systems Iw managed automations
• Decreased need far am FTE staff
• Eadarnme working conditions far slaX
Improved systems a acmes and mmmunkalian to pmenleraregivers, wmmumty, and DESE
The upper Cape unmeasured High Scaoa cost Is s.T %at the tm'n s opseting burger m Vl.29M( mid rapramrl, a 1. n[feas¢ mar last yeas.
Over the lad Mo year the pow cape Teconical vorP4MeI High school Asaeasm ill la the T. al Bouma has inweesad a l he over al l MdtiM As
more of Biomes students have some to attend els actors
What oar this lannia tv
Contact Upper Cape Tacit Business Department bere
The Town of Bouma does not have the derails.
Budness Mae/ Boons, S Superinleranders ORima
http: / /www.townofboume.00mlhome /pages/ override - frequently- asked - questions- updated -9... 2/22/2016
Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 I Bourne MA Page 12 of 13
To open Me line by line, complete budget from UCT one has to mull vie a tumid kllet to UCRTS, 220 SantlwiW Road Bourne. MA 01532 be the
iMttmation. UCT is a'publk entity' eepemb from the Tom M Boume. You may also Sena a letter bMe Town Pdmin,SVabrfor the Torn m Brume
repoesling Me wmplee Wager for the UCRTS, the is a Pubic Ramras Beeuen.
What Is the line MY line FYt6 budget for Me schools?
rte by rte coolant to he stlloos
Whaps the w man s for the Bourne Public Ind oo,s?
To reach the mandate $760,000 cuts hour a tailed ovemise hit the School Committee and School Adminbtafmn has locked M a myriad of options
Genxehy, sate! "from administration and teacher support elan %lanes. S1BO.0001rcm benefits and 5223000 from programs. A draft of vi has been
presented b the Form and YIN rte posted on Me Bourne Public Schools seaside.
B ma Pubic schools
Chba Mentor F11 Y172 Slid. Ove Rene ' n PuM,W e I
Community "agement B absolutely What The Impale proposed are far reaming, chum, every member of the them, especiahy those xitM1W t e vace
the children of Bourne . Reese lock br social madla outlets and puWC forms on these and many other issues specific 10 on Ovemitle
Bourne Public Schools
Bourne Pobrc Siemens in a Pre R to 12 Public staffer, system located on Cape Lae. MA.
Busy, in Up,, Cdcar Tisch pal n Me, Boame's level of mmmi bTly?
Upper Cape Tech (UCT is a regional School a a Minutes somol between the twos of Boume. Senawlcb Ta l cum Wareham and Marion.
The en and budget of UCT Is covered by Mme five lows and the budget Include:
I. NI g mang espenses mcludN, Salenes. Pennon 8 Bemlh's supplies etc'.
2 Building eWen %a,'Inluamg new commucllon
3. All Student ampotes 8 Sutphen.
The budget Is divided fieMeen Me beds based rn Me number or sending Somali from each Iwo and a mla per Innocent Nat is a function of Me Tv
a aS o e . r late gerent = Boume'1 snare
• Send..
• Macon
• FalnwMh
Totals 100% of Me budget.
Nine: me eel¢ wit mange to meet the needs nr MS bnagl. me JCT School Committee %b the annual budget, wth no input farm the sending towns. The
per atmenl2ne'le eajuatea to rover Ne eaegen as neeeea. A meocry, or three bwna, mean Meet Me UCT budget to reduce the assessment.
0o �att.?
Berauae UCTIS a teal amml, student, by law. c%nm be cnaMg ter supPliea w Pen of Moir wnicmum.
Thin tau ac
1. spat of.., a sire%
I ivem or Mher personal Sloan. danker weed by the samon saturated td meta, tools. mon iea
3. Items used in construction of projects as pall of lne cumculum -Such as building supplies for a gnormonse. (benmga both the Builders program and the
a. Certain Ieangmnebon mats. le.
What educational options are reladed
Bourne panic Schools. upper Cape Tel wCT), aWOd chrome beam &dime placement and charter schools) and specie needs are a fw. Boamea alrel
brentla arnWL and Malcom it welall budget impact is very amerenn for rill
For example: UCT Is govmile under both rgbnal and armed, spool atlereguklbna as to the Mey develop a budget and the kind:( been dl a,. to
their aummus. Any requested reduction in Bwme a expense to UCT involves an wash budget reduch m by Upper Cape —and this re me s a malodry
approval of 3 of 0e 5..In Me legion.
Lna118f eWm18 May Rlmnur%tl by a gliding x019 (grand M the year the aNEeol cndces but of the %neilp tl,eVkA). This rate by n01 by the slat- and not
fueled to cMVMa by the giant V Me awn. 2 ( /
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Override Frequently Asked Questions - updated 9 -25 -15 1 Bourne MA Page 13 of 13
Bottom line, the pass orralwre ofee overate will net import written chaos or uppe r cape Tech costs in any way. Budget aefic mien ale almost
exclusively come 0y the punt scnaois.
A wort about anMlani In lament, consumer Is down across me Cape mbrestMely . the oboes aysashho in stadema art ever Inuangs, had
compettrvo- chase,. peroUl+I schools. achrugh, and private academies to name a few. Nepal all the cape wide towns Ise the same Issue and Bourne
cep4M. AUdsnity eso nN Mduced its bad,. to wne,e, over the past five years, me average budget increase want year to yeah has been abort
116 %e far less than over and much Ins than Preposition z s, Cut or cBA increases.
-rnpse q✓asemn+ +nd an +woo hew years tubed. gu +anon + +r minimal on whey w r,oaF+cMOaw p+yas.T6ay +m+dymmlc gain, ad
not he my p +recarur ondowl ✓a.-gwwbw. you wouldokaan. —.,� small yo✓ mwvemdeiftmailcos.
Town of Boum¢, 24 Perry Avenue. Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 -3441 (508) 75M60o
Omoe Hours Monday - Friday. 8:30 am M 4:30 Pm
ygry broyd,1lyg i l.Tamsa".11
2 % "l au"rnp4 "'T" 2153 ytS - 2i 47 At,
(tit 3141/'- %me,ha- *24goo l&r,
Ile& Got -204f
�a5 sotc� %nJ .bvc '.V p lY (a!fi FA r;wa"s
I ate^ /rah ^� �SSr� �f I6 �iti%�C r p� su w.J ove ride — SPA."% +�
li �4�' l
flnWY411 Cali mad 4 20";t (a,,tr tg Ft1 -TrulLed
6frock-tl Oklifu-
http: //w .tow ofboume.conVhome /pages /override - frequently- asked - questions - updated -9... 2/22/2016
LeLacheur, Bob
From: Jan Kane
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 3:45 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for Prop 2 1/2
I am hoping to attend tonight's Board of Selectmen meeting in order to show my support forth is financial override, but am
worried my 6 month old won't let that happen. In case I am notable to be therein person, I wanted to write to you all to let you
know I feel our town's financial security is of the utmost importance and I am in FULL support of this overridel!
Thank you for your time,
Jan Kane (& husband Vincent Kane)
143 Wakefield St
Schena, Paula
Kraunelis, Matthew
Monday, February 22, 2016 5:37 PM
Schena, Paula
Can you please add the email below to the pile that I gave you. I just saw it. Thanks
From: Lelacheur, Bob
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 10:28 AM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: Fwd:
Sent from my Where
Begin forwarded message:
From: Melissa Murphy
Date: February 21, 2016 at 10:15:50 AM EST
To: <selectmen(aci.readina.ma.us>
Dear Selectmen,
I (Melissa) was able to attend the FINCOM meeting a couple of weeks ago and I was
shocked when I learned about the current financial state of our town. We find it
completely unacceptable to allow town services to operate below level service. It is time
for action to be taken. We are fully in support of a Proposition 21/2 override.
We moved to Reading 71/2 years ago because we wanted to raise our family (we have
four young children ages 7, 5, 3, & 2) in a town with good services, and a good school
system. We are really concerned about the schools and how it will affect our children, as
well as, the town, if we don't pass an override. In all honesty, we don't want another tax
increase, especially after the library debacle, but we also don't see a way around it.
Please know you have our support in a Prop 21/2 override
Brian & Melissa Murphy
97 Van Norden Road
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Sunday, February 21, 2016 2:02 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: Override
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: kern chmum <'
Date: February 21, 2016 at 12:00:46 PM EST
To: " selectmen(a�,,ci.readin¢.ma.us" <selectmenaci.readine.ma.us>
Subject: Override
Dear Board of Selectmen,
I am writing to you supporting an override in the Town of Reading. As a parent of three young
children, I am both concerned and upset to hear about the budget issues in Reading and how it
is going to be directly impacting the Reading Public School System. One of the reasons why we
moved to Reading was for the public schools and it's reputation that it HAS a good public school
system. If money is not allocated towards the school system, property value will be directly
impacted as well. Many, many families that I know of in the community have moved to Reading
because of the schools. If Reading's ranking continues to go down, many families will not be
moving to Reading and it will become a less desirable town to reside in. North Reading has just
built a brand new High School and The Lynnfield Public Schools are certainly prospering with
the addition of the Lynnfield Marketplace.
I am in strong support of a town override. If the override does not go through, Reading WILL
become a much less desirable community to live in and property value will decrease as it is
directly related to a town's public school system.
Kerri Fahey
Sent from Windows Mail
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 20168:13 PM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: Fwd: Future override - taxes
Sent from my !Phone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Laurie Grove < - _
Date: February 17, 2016 at 8:07:48 PM EST
To: <selectmen @ci.readina.ma.us>
Subject: Future override - taxes
Dear Board of Selectman —
I am writing to express my concern over the level of funding for school and town services. I
strongly support an override to provide the necessary funding for these services.
While nobody likes to increase taxes, we have to acknowledge that we have a certain level of
services that need to be maintained for our community to continue to grow. We live in a
wonderful town, with a historically excellent school system and overall strong services. When
my husband and I moved to Reading nearly 4 years ago, our realtor told us how hard it is to
"get into Reading." And I know that it is still a strongly desired community to live in.
As we know, our industrial and business tax base is relatively small. Personally, I like the more
residential feel of Reading — it is one of the many reasons my husband and I moved here. But,
as a tradeoff, residents must help to make up some of those missing funds. While we have had
a number of new businesses move to town, it's still growing and we need to be realistic about
the needs of this town and where our primary funding comes from.
My husband and I chose Reading because of the wonderful things we heard about the town.
But the thing that stood out the most was that Reading is a strong family town. And that has
certainly held true. We have made great friends with so many families, all of who want Reading
to thrive and want our children to thrive. We need excellent schools if we want to maintain the
i I
wonderful, family- oriented nature of this town, which I believe is one of the reasons people
move to Reading and stay in Reading.
While I strongly support a future override, I also think that it is always important to evaluate the
current budget. Are resources being used widely? As an educator myself, I know how easy it is
for non - essential costs to add up quickly. I would hope that an honest evaluation of spending
comes with the proposal for an override.
Thank you,
Laurie Grove
n ��
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Saturday, February 13, 2016 9:53 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: FY17 budget/ FY18 projection
Please add her to your list, but no need to email here as yet
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 9:53 AM
To: 'michele sanphy'
Lc: John Doherty
Subject: RE: FY17 budget/ FY18 projection
Hi Michele,
The Selectmen will continue discussing our financial picture at their meetings at 9pm on 2/23 and then again on 3/8.
expect much of what you discussed to be reviewed, and yes there will be fact sheets presented this spring. In the
meanwhile our attentions are all focused on preparing the FY17 budget, which by Charter must go to FINCOM in the
next week or so. After that happens town and school staff can set their sights on FY38 and beyond.
Thanks for your interest, we'll add your email to a list of folks that we will follow through with as there are
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell5treet, Reading, MA 01867
townmonagerCdci. reading. ma. us
(P) 781- 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037
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htto : /Ireadingma -survey virtualtownhall net /survey /sid /"ff5d3a5f03e8eb60/
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
From: michele sanphy'
Sent: Friday, February it, 2016 7:12 PM
To: Town Manager
Cc: John Doherty
Subject: FY17 budget/ FY18 projection
Dear Mr. LeLacheur,
I have been participating in many conversations regarding the town and school FY17 budgets and
the FinCom projection of a 1% increase for both budgets in FY18 unless our town acquires additional
revenue. During these conversations, I have repeatedly encouraged people to contact the BOS,
FinCom, and yourself with questions, thoughts and concerns. Also, to look at the links to both school/
town budget presentations and come out to meetings. I am a budget parent for both Barrows and
Wood End What I continue to hear is people want a one page fact sheettinformational sheet to
help guide them in becoming more informed. I am of the understanding Fin Com may be doing
something like that. Is that accurate?
I was wondering if in your role as Town Manager, you have plans to create a fact sheet? As I am
sure you know, there are many misconceptions circulating. My thought is something factual,
objective and brief would really help people grasp the financial challenges our town is facing and
engage from a place of fact.
Please consider this suggestion. Thank you for all of the work you have done and continue to do in
the best interest of Reading.
Michele Sanphy
75 Glenmere Circle
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, February 12, 2016 4:30 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Override question
From: Susan Austin [.
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 3:51 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Town Manager
Subject: Override question
Dear Board of Selectmen,
Could you please explain your timeline for a detailed override plan to be made public in order to avoid only a
1% increase for FY'18 budget?
Thanks so much,
Susan Austin
25 Lewis Street
Reading, MA
1 j�
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, February 12, 2016 7:23 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: Support for Override
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Ashley Quinn <
Date: February 11, 2016 at 10:20:35 PM EST
To: <selectmena,ci.readina.ma.us>
Subject: Support for Override
Dear Board of Selectman Members.
My name is Ashley Quinn and I am writing to express concern for the Town of Reading and the
lack of service level funding. Although I am frustrated that we have arrived at such a crisis
point, its clear that change needs to happen.
After attending the most recent Financial Forum its clear that this town is in need of an
override. I think given the timeframe of the last override and where the market and needs
of the community stand currently, and as we look to sustain for the future, an override is
a must.
• Although I realize this is a town wide issue, I come from a place of deep concern
for our schools. With children ages 7, 5 and 3 1 have a VERY invested stake in
the Reading Public School system. Specific concerns (but not limited to) are
teacher cuts and attracting/maintaining teachers but to hear that this is also a town
issue as well, is very concerning.
• Additionally to see cuts to school personnel and programs AND to not be able to
provide additional programs/services to our students is hard to swallow but to
hear that these types of cuts and lack of service level funding can not be provided
even at the town level, is very concerning.
• I think its imperative that an override motion be raised in the next 2 -4 weeks and
on the ballot in early September for a special town vote. We need to solve this
issue prior to the FY 18 budget .... a 1% budget increase would be detrimental to
this town.
• I would like to see an override that could take us through the next 10 years, but
unfortunately I don't think that this is a realistic expectation. I think an override
that can look 5 -7 years out, to me, is appropriate. Towns, including Reading,
should be prepared to embrace more frequent overrides in the future as part of the
`norm' going forward. Proposition 2 1/2 is just too limiting and not sustainable
over longer periods of times.
We need to have deeper and more data driven information re: split tax rate. While I do
not want to risk all of these great mom/pop shops not being able to afford to do business
in Reading I do feel that with the likes of a Jordans, Home Depot, Walkers Brook, etc
that we could leverage their financial resources as future revenue for the town. The
community needs to see some more data around the various scenarios that could occur
surrounding future tax with OR without split rate.
Residential building is another area of concern as it relates to the potential toll this has on
both schools and towns. TVs utilizing more resources than providing healthy and thriving
revenue streams.
'My family moved to Reading when I was in 5th grade ... I attended Joshua Eaton, Parker and
finished my final 4 years at RMHS. I was a member of the girls varsity Swim Team for 4 year
and girls varsity softball team for 3 years. Reading was a great town to grow up in and even
though my parents have since sold their house here, my husband and I decided to move back just
over 4 years ago to raise our family. Our move from the city to the suburbs was not taken lightly
and we did a lot of research on what the various towns on our list had to offer. Reading
continually made its way back to the top:
• reputation both state and regional re: high standard school district,
• great infrastructure (at the time you were just finishing the work on the town center),
• easy access to the city /128... commuter rail access right down town
• Recreation Department was growing leaps and bounds and really offering some great
• affordable
Since our move 4 years ago its been amazing to see the town thrive:
• Town Day -past few years has really flourished
• Town Faire-wonderful family afternoon right in the center of town
• Addition of great stores (which can support nights like Shop the Block)
• Addition of great restaurants
I personally want to see all of those items listed above continue to grow and keep Reading on
`the map ".
Thank you for your time.
Ashley Quinn
4 Bartlett Circle
Kraunelis, Matthew
Lel-acheur, Bob
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 11:25 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Reading Level Service Funding Concern FY 2017 - Support of Future Override
From: Nicole Morinon [r
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 11:16 AM
TO: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Damien Mormon
Subject: Reading Level Service Funding Concern FY 2017 - Support of Future Override
Dear Board of Selectmen Members,
This letter is to express our general dissatisfaction with lack of level service funding proposed for FY2017, the
importance of specific school and town services, and our general support for a future Proposition 2 %: override.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any additional information and/or questions related to support the
Thank you for your help with and attention to this matter.
Nicole and Damien Mormon
64 Marla Ln.
Reading, MA 01867
� yz)
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 7:59 PM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: Fwd: In Support of an Override
Sent from my Whone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jennifer Hillery <
Date: February 4, 2016 at 7:58:01 PM EST
To: <selectmen(a),ci.reading ma.us>
Cc: "Hillery, Matthew R." <' _
Subject: In Support of an Override
Dear Board of Selectmen,
We would like to start out this email by thanking you for all the hard work you do for the residents of
Reading. We are very grateful.
The primary purpose of this e-mail is to ask you to consider recommending that a Proposition 2 1/2
override be placed on the ballot this fall.
After attending the financial forum the past two years and after following the school budget process for
the past three years (when we moved to Reading), it is clear that our town and school services are facing
financial strain.
Where it has been 13 years since the last override in Reading, this seems like an opportune time to
increase revenue via a Proposition 2 1/2 override to help our town and schools maintain excellent
services and stay competitive with our neighbors.
We look forward to hearing the details of an override emerge from our town leaders.
Thank you very much for your time.
Jennifer and Matthew Hillery
183 High Street
Reading, MA
Jennifer Cummings Hillery, Esq.
PO Box 263
Reading, MA 01867
617- 650 -0338 (cell)
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Thursday, February 04, 2016 8:07 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: article in Advocate
From: michele sanphy [Mail
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 8:07 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: article in Advocate
Dear Selectmen,
I was excited to hear of the article in yesterday's Reading Advocate of the discussion of an
override. Thank you for all of your service to our town. I am a strong supporter of an override being
on the ballot this fall. My concerns are townwide and the schools. I would like to see small
businesses, the aging population and those on a fixed income taken into serious consideration. They
are each important sectors of our community.
My husband and I have three children in the RPS. Our oldest is 10 and our twins are 8. I would like
to see the RPS be more than level funded with sustainability. I have volunteered as a budget parent
for the past 5 years and feel confident this is not a spending problem, but a money problem.
I am looking forward to attending your next meeting!
Michele Sanphy
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Thursday, February 04, 2016 8:05 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: [Reading MA] possible override
- - - -- Original Message - - - --
From: Michele Sanphy mailtoa
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 7:57 AM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: [Reading MAj possible override
Someone has sent you a message using your contact form on the Reading MA site.
If you don't want to receive such e- mails, you can change your settings at htto: / /www.readingma.gov /users / blelacheur.
Dear Mr. Le Laucheur,
I am very much in support of an override being put to the voters this fall that is sensitive to the aging population,
families on fixed incomes and small businesses in our town.
I have three children who are 10,8, and 8 and want the RPS to be able to more than level fund their budget. The town
side concerns me as I understand you are not in a position to grant the requests this fiscal year of any of the Town
department heads because of the financial situation.
I appreciate your time and consideration.
Michele Sanphy
Message sent by: Michele Sanphy (
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:13 AM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: FW: Support for override
- - - -- Original Message -----
From: Geoffrey Coram mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:13 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for override
Dear Selectmen:
I would like to add my voice to those supporting an override to increase funding for the town.
I think the override should have been done earlier, because the cuts to last year's school budget are causing problems.
I've been treasurer of the PTO at Birch Meadow, Coolidge, and now the RMHS, and I was a budget parent a couple years,
and I've seen many budget presentations. I'm always disappointed by the things that are not being properly funded.
Particularly in the elementary school (where parents tend to be more involved), I could see the lack of proper support
for technology: only one support person to fix the various things that go wrong, and no district leadership in technology
integration. That latter position has been on the "wish list" for several years -- amongst many other needs. The
technology in particular has been supported by the PTO, and we're interested in making sure the schools can make use
of our contributions.
My understanding is that, since salaries are the major component of the school budget, and those salaries increase (by
contract), simple math shows that the town cannot balance the budget within the 2.5% increase permitted understate
I was particularly disappointed to hear, thisyear, that several teachers declined positions in Reading, and a couple
others left the district, for higher - paying jobs in other districts.
- Geoffrey Coram
31 Ridge Road.
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Tuesday, February 02, 20161:10 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Support for Proposition 2 112 Override
From: Sarah McLaughlin [mailtc
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 11:17 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for Proposition 2 1/2 Override
Good morning -1 am writing to you to express my concerns over the state of the town and school budgets and the impact this will have on
FYI and beyond.
As a long time Reading resident and mother of two elementary students, I am particularly concerned about the impact this will have on our
schools. Specifically 1 am concerned to learn:
• FY17 budget was only increased 3% over last year. In order to maintainjust a level service budget a 4.5% increase would have been
oComparable peer communities' budget increases average about 4.8% increase over previous year
• Budget cuts for FY 17 include teachers, par, educators, and speech language pathologist, amongst other things
• Over the last 3 years we have significantly reduced the level service budget:
o FY 18 is projected to have only a 1 %increase over this year's funding
• Reading ranks 305 out of 325 school districts in Massachusetts and 118/125 in Metro Boston in terms of per pupil spending. This is
an all time low from our ranking of 232 in FY06.
• We utilize a drastically out of date science curriculum, because of lack of funding to update and replace
• We have difficulty retaining staff, as well as attracting new staff in key positions, because our compensation is significantly lower
than that of surrounding communities. Multiple candidates recently turned down Principal positions at both Parker and Eaton
because of stronger offers from other districts.
Our schools' performance has been slipping over recent years and with out additional, continued funding this trend will continue. We will fall
further behind our peer communities as we are not able to implement a district -wide full day kindergarten program, updated STEM
programming, more opportunities for fine arts and health education, not to mention the massive space constraints we are experiencing across
the district.
As elected officials and concerned residents, we need to take action!
I strongly support a Proposition 2 1/2 override and I hope that you will as well.
Thank you,
Sarah McLaughlin
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: Let.acheur, Bob
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 8:21 PM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: FW: Prop 2 112 Override
From: Cruickshank Gmail [
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:26 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Prop 2 1/2 Override
Good morning,
I attended last week's financial forum and have been following the 2017 School Budget process (as a budget parent for
Barrows Elementary). I am very concerned by the lack of level service funding in both the school and town budgets. I
would absolutely support a Prop 2 1/2 Override and urge the Board to consider a split tax rate, with exemptions for
small businesses.
Thank you for your time and service to the town.
32 Copeland Ave
Reading MA
Sent from my Whone
Kraunelis, Matthew
Lelacheur, Bob
Sunday, January 31, 2016 6:38 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: letter of concern
Sent from my Whone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jennifer LeBovidge <
Date: January 31, 2016 at 6:37:09 PM EST
To: "selectmen @ci.reading ma.us" <selectmen @ci.readine ma.us>
Subject: letter of concern
Reply -To: Jennifer LeBovidge <'
Dear Board of Selectmen,
I am writing this email to express my concern about the current funding
issues facing the Reading Public Schools. My children attend 3rd and 5th
grade at Birch Meadow, and we have had a very positive experience thus
far. However, I have been very concerned by the recent challenges with
recruiting /keeping teachers and administrators, due in part to lack of
competitive salaries compared to surrounding communities. Based on
information presented at recent budget meetings and forums, I worry about
the ability of the town to continue to maintain the high caliber of education
our schools are known for in the future. I am in favor of exploring additional
sources of revenue for the schools, including a potential budget override.
Thank you for your attention to this important issue
Jennifer LeBovidge
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Sunday, January 31, 2016 5:31 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: funding concerns resend
mf_fdkfactsheet.pdf; ATTOOOOl.htm; Board of Selectmen Letter.pdf; ATT00002.htm
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
Date: January 31, 2016 at 5:18:41 PM EST
To: <selectmen(aulci.reading ma.us>
Subject: funding concerns resend
There appears to be a formatting issue in the email I just sent. I have attached my letter for the board's review.
Peggy McElhinny
Full -Day Kindergarten Facts s anriaanL
*k' : �
, A emxwnae
.m... .. .::_ Xno,nW.4fnbMEni liN
Research shows the importance of full -day kindergarten programs. Yet, those programs are not currently
available to about 40 percent of kindergarten -aged children nationwide. As a result, many of our young
learners begin first grade several steps behind their peers. Full -day kindergarten helps make sure that
students build the strong base of learning they will need to succeed throughout school and life.
.How do we know that full -day kindergarten is a successful strategy
for closing achievement gaps and encouraging student success?
Full -day kindergarten:
Increases Student Achievement
Longitudinal data demonstrate that children in full -day kindergarten classes show greater read-
ing and mathematics achievement gains than those in half -day classes. (Walston and West)
Full -day kindergarten can produce long -teen educational gains, especially for low - income and
minority students. (Education Commission of the States)
In full -day kindergarten classrooms, teachers have more time to get to know kids and identify
and address their learning challenges early— saving money and resources over the long term and
increasing the odds that children will be successful later in school. (Center for Evaluation and
Education Policy)
Full -day kindergarten also:
Results in Healthier, Happier Children
Full -day kindergarten offers social, emotional and intellectual benefits to kindergarteners,
giving them more time to focus and reflect on activities, and transition between them.
(National Institute for Early Education Research)
Research shows that 5- year-olds are more than ready for a longer school day and do better
in a setting that allows them time to learn and explore activities in depth.
Is Cost Effective
Investments in quality early childhood programs generate terms of 3 -to -I or even higher,
which translates to $3 saved for every $1 invested. An early investment in children's social,
emotional and intellectual skills means lower grade retention and dropout rates for students
later in life. (Economic Policy Institute and Committee for Economic Development)
Better Prepares Students for First Grade
Full -day kindergarten provides a bridge between prekindergarten programs and more
structured learning in first grade. (Education Commission of the States)
Is Preferred by Teachers and Parents
Teachers prefer full -day kindergarten. Teachers cite several benefits of having additional
time to work with young students. (Early Childhood Research Quarterly)
Parents prefer full -day kindergarten. In a 2000 study, 100 percent of full -day parents and
72 percent of half -day parents noted that, if given the opportunity again, they would have
chosen full -day kindergarten for their child. (National Center for Educational Statistics)
Full -Day Kindergarten Facts
Dear Board of Selectmen:
1 am writing to encourage the board to support increased funding for the schools
and essential town services, including supporting an override vote if that is what is
necessary to provide the increased funding.
As both a parent of a child in the Reading Public Schools and an educator with 25
years of experience in other districts, I am deeply disappointed in the current level
of funding being provided for the schools. My husband and I bought a house in
Reading because of its history of providing excellent education and town services.
While our personal experience with the school system so far has been positive,
student achievement in the Reading schools is declining. As you are aware, Reading
is classified as a Level 3 district by the state because of the Joshua Eaton's
performance in the lowest 20% of schools in the state for the achievement of
subgroups. The high school, which has historically been a Level 1 school, has joined
the ranks of the remaining Reading schools as a Level 2 school for failing to meet
gap narrowing goals. Issues of student achievement are always complex, with a
variety of factors at work. However, adequate funding is an important variable and
one that you have the ability to influence. A town such as Reading should not rank
as 305 among 326 Massachusetts communities in terms of per pupil spending. The
superintendent's current budget request, while exceeding the finance committee's
recommended guidelines, does not even include measures such as instituting
tuition -free, full -day kindergarten for all students, a proven strategy for closing
achievement gaps (please see the attached fact sheet from the National Education
Association on the important role of full -day kindergarten in student achievement).
This is a strategy that the superintendent would like to implement but cannot
because of budget constraints.
Without adequate financial support, achievement gaps within the Reading schools
are likely to persist and grow. While I respect fiscal responsibility, I believe that it is
not responsible to allow the quality of our schools and town services to erode. I
urge you to use your positions as elected officials to ensure that Reading remains a
quality and competitive community.
Peggy McElhinney
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:33 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Prop 2 112 Override
- - - -- Original Message---- -
From: Cruickshank Gmail mailto j
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:27 AM
To: Reading -Selectmen
Subject: Prop 2 1/2 Override
Good morning,
1 attended last week's financial forum and have been following the 2017 School Budget process (as a budget parent for
Barrows Elementary). I am very concerned by the lack of level service funding in both the school and town budgets. I
would absolutely support a Prop 2 1/2 Override and urge the Board to consider a split tax rate, with exemptions for
small businesses.
Thank you for your time and service to the town.
32 Copeland Ave
Reading MA
Sent from my Whone
5 7
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 8:04 AM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: FW: Support for Override
From: Rebecca Schromm mailto:r
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:56 PM
To: Town Manager
Subject: Support for Override
Good evening Mr. LeLacheur,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the lack of level service funding for both the Reading Public Schools and
the Reading Town budgets for the 2017 -2018 budget year. I attended the Financial Forum on January 20 and received a
thorough education about the current state of our town and the potentially disastrous budgetary issues that we face in
2018 and beyond. For these reasons, I am writing to advise you of my support for a Proposition 2 1/2 override this
fall. Please put this item on our town's ballot so that we can continue to provide our children the education they deserve,
our teachers and town employees the pay the deserve and keep Reading a town we can be proud to live in and support.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do as a resident of Reading to make my wishes known.
Thank you for all you do,
Rebecca Schromm
18 Berkeley Street
(Graduate of Reading Public Schools,
Reading Public Schools)
1991; current Reading School employee and mother to 3 school -aged children in
j �/
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:17 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: Over Ride
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Leia Davies <' ... __..
Date: January 30, 2016 at 4:58:20 PM EST
To: <selectmenaa,ci.readina.ma.us>
Subject: Over Ride
Dear Selectmen,
I am a town resident, a teacher at RMHS, and a parent of an elementary school student. I am in
full support of an over ride to strengthen our schools for not only my own children, but for the
children I teach as well. In my opinion, Reading is at a major cross road in determining the type
of town we want to become. When I worked at Arlington High School seven years ago, the town
faced a similar identity crisis. Faced with a six million dollar deficit, Arlington residents voted
for an override, and ever since, Arlington has emerged as one of the most desirable places to live
in MA. The schools are consistently ranked as some of the best in the state, a far cry from its
mediocre reputation that it had in the early and mid 2000s. Arlington's change was fast, and I am
confident Reading's will be too once we pass an over ride.
Additionally, as we have seen the past two summers, Reading's real estate market is highly
competitive. The young families who move to Reading hold Master's Degrees and
Ph.D's. Many are people who grew up in Winchester, Andover, Lexington, and Belmont but are
priced out of those towns but expect the same quality of education for their children. With the
recent label of a Level Three school, Reading is in danger of losing new families to other towns.
We need to invest in town, schools, and children and give them the absolute best that they
Thank you for reading
Leia Richardson
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 11:09 AM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: FW: 2 1/2 override
From: Sarah Maxam m it o:: ,
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 9:36 AM
To: LeLacheur, Bob
Subject: Re: 2 1/2 override
Hi Bob,
Thanks very much for your response back. Guess I need to make sure that the literature I'm reading is accurate! Glad to hear that the
town is still gathering input on this then. Can't stress enough how much I'd like to see our town move ahead with this.
From: "LeLacheur, Bob" <blelacheurrrhri rnadingc ma.us>
To: Sarah Maxam <
Cc: Forwarding Account for Dan Ensminger < Forwardincaccountfordenensminoer aci.readino.ma.us >; Forwarding
Account for John Halsey < Forwardingaccountforiohnhalsev Oci reading ma us>
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: 2 112 override
Your email will be put in the packet for the next Selectmen's meeting on 2/23.
I'm not sure where you got the impression about the'decision to not move forward with an Override'? Please
know that NO decision has been made by the Board, they are simply open to and gathering community
feedback at this point.
I have copied Selectmen Chair Dan Ensminger and Vice Chair John Halsey only in keeping with Open Meeting
laws. This is a topic that will receive a lot of public discussion before any decision is made — thanks for your
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
tOWnmanager(W.ci. reading. ma. us
(P) 781 - 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037
www.readingmri mo Please fill out our brief customerservice survey at
http / /readingma- survey virtualtownhall netlsurvev /sidRf5d3a5f03e8eb60/
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
From: Sarah Maxam mailto.
Sent: Friday, January 29, 201b 9:13 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: 2 1/2 override
Hello Selectman,
My name is Sarah Doane. I've been a resident of Reading for 12 years and a teacher in town for 14. 1 have a 6 year old son at Joshua
Eaton, as well as a 2 year old daughter. I am completely shocked and saddened to hear that we are not moving ahead with a 2 112
override for next year. We DESPERATELY need It for our school system, as well as other town services. I am at a complete loss as to
why this decision was made. There are many families in this town that would gladly vote for an override to help support our children,
our schools and our town. I've witnessed first hand the strain that the lack of funding our town provides puts on the schools. It's
frustrating, it's disheartening and I'm personally really mad about it. Reading is such a lovely community, but the fad that we are in the
bottom 10% of funding per pupil in the state is embarrassing. Its not fair to our children.
I really hope there is a way that you all would reconsider this motion and put a 2 1/2 override on the table for the community to decide
Thanks for your time,
Sarah Doane
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 29, 2016 11:08 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Support for an override
From: 1 Ross I'malito
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 10:56 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for an override
Dear Selectmen of Reading,
I am writing to voice my support of a Proposition 2 112 override for our town in order to properly fund town
services and our schools.
Thank you,
Julie Ross
16 Kensington Ave.
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:27 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: yes for an override
Sent from my Whone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Lauren Ream < —
Date: January 27, 2016 at 8:18:49 PM EST
To: "selectmen(a ),ci.readine.ma.us" <selectmenaci.readina.ma.us>
Subject: yes for an override
Reply -To: Lauren Ream <' --
I am writing as a concerned resident, parent and educator about the need for a Prop 2
1/2 override in Reading. The Reading schools have been "making do" for far too long
and the amount of resources available for teaching, educational resources, and
extracurriculars seems to be shrinking each year. I am most concerned about the sub-
par teaching salaries. Teachers in Reading are extraordinarily well qualified but earn as
much as $10,000 per year less than teachers in surrounding communities. Teaching in
Reading is becoming a less attractive career opportunity for experienced teachers.
If the Selectmen can communicate the need for an override to residents of Reading, I
am sure Reading voters will support you and an override. Please make this a priority
this year.
Thank you.
Lauren Ream
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:18 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: town override
- - - -- Original Message---- -
From: Margie Sweeney mailto:n
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:06 AM
To: Reading -Selectmen
Subject: town override
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing in support of a town override to help our ailing schools. Since I first moved here 15 years ago, I have seen
the quality of our schools continuously slip. It is for a variety of reasons but one of the most pressing issues is the lack of
funds present to maintain the talented and valued teachers that are currently here as they move onto other school
systems that will pay more. We are also having a difficult time attracting talented and seasoned teachers to replace
them for the same reasons as well. I particularly think this affects the math program. My daughter left the school system
in order to catch up on her math. My son however wants to continue in the school system but my husband and I have
some serious reservations about keeping him here.
When looking at the evaluations of schools on real estate websites, I have seen this deteriorate as well. Reading high
had always faired well with markings ranging from 9 -10. Just yesterday, the current rating of the high school is a paltry 6.
This is appalling) When looking at the towns west of Boston, whose distance to Boston and size is equivalent, their
schools have become such an attraction to the town which in turn is reflected in the value of homes and land. This is not
a stoke of luck but is due to a commitment from the communities to the schools by way of increase in spending directed
to the schools. When comparing property values, ours are almost half of what they are in those communities.
While increasing a tax base, directed towards a thoughtful school allocation, is an immediate solution, Reading needs to
creatively focus on other streams of revenue. An obvious solution is to attract more tax paying, non - residential
building/businesses. Perhaps with tax incentives, improved permit access allowing faster but still safe building and
decreasing expenditures directed to businesses like the significant charge for parking spaces. If not already being done,
significantly increasing the focus on business attraction and promotion being incorporated into the job description of an
already existing elected town official. Creating measurable benchmarks for business growth is an important factor in
achieving results and I am not sure if this is done other than the discussion of what we want to see happen. Perhaps
implementing a charge for trash pick up as this appears to be more the norm now in many communities and using some
of this money for the schools. I often hear that Reading is a residential, bedroom community. If that is the case, I can
accept that but with that designation comes higher taxes in order for the town to continue to succeed. Personally, l
would like to see a combination of the above in order to achieve results while meeting the needs of the entire
community. Of note, any further increase in taxes perhaps could be discounted for the elderly meeting certain financial
In prior school committee meetings when I have mentioned and compared other communities whose schools are
perceived as being successful and competitive, I was told that we don't want to be a Winchester or a Lexington. This
makes no sense to me. Why would we not want our graduating children to leave the Reading School system being able
to compete against some of the best and brightest? This takes a committed town, with both citizens and town meeting
members, alike, who are willing to invest in the school and the children. At this point in time, money seems to be one of
t f� i
the most crucial element that is needed to help the ailing school system and I am requesting that the town proposes a
town tax override that will be directed toward the school system and that will be very thoughtfully distributed so that all
students will be able to benefit from the proposed override. Personally, I would like to see the math improve
significantly as that is where my children have experienced a significant turnover and the lack of experienced teachers
for replacement.
I thank you for your time,
Margie Sweeney
Kraunelis, Matthew
Lel-acheur, Bob
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:18 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Service Level Funding
Please start saving a'second batch' for the 2/23 BOS meeting - thanks
From: willkarimCawahoo.com [mailto:%
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 11:05 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Service Level Funding
Hi, My wife and I along with our 2 young sons live on 73 Howard St. in Reading. 1 am writing to let you know I fully support
any steps, including an increase in taxes, to provide the financial support needed for the town to deliver first rate
services. Please let me know if you have any questions.
William Karim
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:04 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: School budget - lack of funding
From: Jerrod Shaughnessy [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:24 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Shaughnessy, Gina
Subject: School budget - lack of funding
To Whom it May Concern,
I am in support of a tax override as I believe it is a small price to pay to get what we moved to Reading for, a great
education and endearing upbringing for our children in a wonderful community. However, I believe this is a near term
solution to a long term problem.
Since moving to Reading 3+ years ago, and even more so in the past month or two, it has become increasingly apparent
that there are great and dire underlying issues with the financial situation of our town. I was caught off guard, as I was
completely unaware of the education budget issues. While I take full responsibility for not being more involved in the
past and won't let it happen going forward, 1 am appalled that we seemingly knew this issue was on the horizon two
years ago when we approved a $15mm dollar library project, and a tax override. This will clearly make it much more
difficult for you to garner the vote for another override, one that is far more important.
Just two years ago Gina and I, along with many of our friends in the community were hoping to be able to send all of our
youngest children to full day kindergarten like other local communities without paying what is a large out of pocket sum
of money to us and many other young working families. And now so suddenly we are faced with laying off staff, staff
leaving for betterjobs, and learning that they all agreed to not take raises in the past few years to avoid
layoff's! Beyond this, the roads in our town are in disrepair. Main St, West St (mid project understandably), Forest, Van
Norden, and our own Spruce Rd along with a myriad of others we use to get around day to day are all a collection of
jarring potholes sending our vehicles to an early grave.
There is clearly a funding gap... the most glaring problem to me personally is certainly not something that needs to be
pointed out to the likes of you all. By looking at Mr. LeLaucher's FY17 Financial Presentation, it is clear we are drastically
behind our peer communities in CIP tax levy. If we were to simply match our peer community tax rates, that is by rough
math an additional $2.2mm tax levy for the town. That far exceeds not only the $700k needed for level services next
year, but the $1.6mm for "services the community may well desire ", and gets us nearly 4% closer to the total tax levy of
our peer group of 66.6 %. Now while I understand there is a fair amount of sentiment toward the small business in
Reading and I support that personally, I am sure that there are ways we can levy more tax from local business, just like
our peers do, and still make it fair for everyone. I look forward to your thoughts on this both in future meetings or in
direct response to me if you prefer.
Jerrod Shaughnessy
From: Shaughnessy, Gina [mailto
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 1:11 PM
To: 'selectmen @ci.reading.ma.us'
Cc: Jerrod Shaughnessy
Subject: School budget - lack of funding
I am extremely concerned about the current financial situation of our town and most importantly the impact that it is
having on the education provided in Reading. We cannot continue to lose funding for school services when the
expenses continue to rise. Teachers are finding jobs elsewhere because Reading can't pay them enough. On top of that,
we are looking to cut jobs and programs and not add any. I am concerned for my 3 children. I am concerned for my
neighbors and friends. I am concerned for all of the kids that will get their education in Reading. We need to figure out a
way to get more funding for the schools and I fully support the idea of a tax override. The school rankings will continue
to decrease which will cause our property values to decrease. This should be a TOP priority for any Reading community
member and it will directly affect them and their property value over time.
I had no idea of the financial situation of our town. Something has to change.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do other than attend meetings and voice my opinion.
Kind regards,
Gina Shaughnessy
91 Spruce Road
Reading, MA 01867
Jefferms or hills. and mmnilma oulxoing and Incoming e- muil.'I he contents of thin email, inclining any almrimilm, are cnnGdedial to till. sho.n user of the email
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Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Tuesday, January 26, 201610:14 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Support for Override
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street, Reading, MA 01867
townmanaaer@ci.readina.ma. us
(P) 781- 942 -9043; (F) 781 - 942 -9037
www.readingma.gov, Please fill out our brief customerservice survey at:
htto:/ /read i ncma- su"ev.vi rtua ltown ha I I. net /su mey /sid /ff5d3a5f03e8eb60z
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 7:30 a - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
From: Rebecca Schromm (mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:46 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for Override
Good morning,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the lack of level service funding for both the Reading Public Schools and
the Reading Town budgets for the 2017 -2018 school year. I attended the Financial Forum on January 20 and received a
thorough education about the current state of our town and the potentially disastrous budgetary issues that we face in
2018 and beyond. For these reasons, I am writing to advise you of my support for a Proposition 2 1/2 override this
fall. Please put this item on our town's ballot so that we can continue to provide our children the education they deserve,
our teachers and town employees the pay the deserve and keep Reading a town we can be proud to live in and support.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do as a resident of Reading to make my wishes known.
Thank you for all you do,
Rebecca Schramm
18 Berkeley Street
(Graduate of Reading Public Schools, 1991; current Reading School employee and mother to 3 school -aged children in
Reading Public Schools)
Kraunelis, Matthew
Letacheur, Bob
Monday, January 25, 2016 3:38 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Support for Override - Save our Schools!!
Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA
Town Manager, Town of Reading
16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867
townmanaoer@ci.readina. ma. us
(P) 781- 942 -9043, (F) 781 - 941 -9037
www.recmngma.go_w Please fill out our brief customer service survey at
htto: / /read i ngma- suNey.vi rt ua ltownha II. net /survey /sid /ff5d3a5fO3e8eb60/
Town Hall Hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7.30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.;Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Friday: CLOSED
From: Elizabeth Rogers [m it :r _
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 2:21 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for Override - Save our Schools!!
Hello Selectpeople,
Thank you for all the work you do for Reading and for taking the time to field comments regarding our
school budget, taxes and all the other crazy issues facing our town.
I am writing in full support of a tax override. Unfortunately, I don't see any other way to raise the
funds necessary to keep our quality schools at or above the level we've always enjoyed.
That being said, I'm wondering if Massachusetts has ever considered a tax vehicle similar to what is
in place in Georgia: the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. My parents say that such a plan is
being utilized in their district, where a 1 % sales tax is added to all in -town retail transactions and that
1% goes directly to the schools. It works for them because the 1% is paid not only by townspeople
who frequent local businesses but also those who come from other areas to shop in their town. Not
sure how this would affect our local small business owners, bu the idea sounded intriguing! Here's a
link to the state of Georgia's plan:
https /lwww cadoe oral Finance - and - Business - Operations/ Facilities- ServicesJPages /Splost aspx
As we may not have such a vehicle in place here in Massachusetts, the override is the only answer at
this point. Again, I fully support any initiative to put an override in place.
Thank you again!
C L,' S%
-Liz Rogers, 88 Colburn Rd.
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Monday, January 25, 20161:32 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: School budget - lack of funding
Sent from my !Phone
Begin forwarded message
From: "Shaughnessy, Gina" <
Date: January 25, 2016 at 1:11:21 PM EST
To: "'selectmen0ci.readin¢.ma.us "' <selectmen@cLreadin¢.ma.us>
Cc:'Jerrod Shaughnessy' <,
Subject: School budget- lack of funding
I am extremely concerned about the current financial situation of our town and most importantly the
impact that it is having on the education provided in Reading. We cannot continue to lose funding for
school services when the expenses continue to rise. Teachers are finding jobs elsewhere because
Reading can't pay them enough. On top of that, we are looking to cut jobs and programs and not add
any. I am concerned for my 3 children. I am concerned for my neighbors and friends. I am concerned for
all of the kids that will get their education in Reading. We need to figure out a way to get more funding
for the schools and I fully support the idea of a tax override. The school rankings will continue to
decrease which will cause our property values to decrease. This should be a TOP priority for any
Reading community member and it will directly affect them and their property value over time.
I had no idea of the financial situation of our town. Something has to change.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do other than attend meetings and voice my opinion.
Kind regards,
Gina Shaughnessy
91 Spruce Road
Reading, MA 01867
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob -
Monday, January 25, 2016 11:35 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Please support our schools in this year's budget
From: Annika Scanlon [maW
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 11:33 AM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Cc: Brian Scanlon
Subject: Please support our schools in this year's budget
Dear Selectmen,
I am writing as a mother of 3 children who are currently enrolled in Reading Public Schools,
specifically at Barrows Elementary & Parker Middle School.
In all, the quality of my childrens' education has been most substantially impacted by their
experiences with their teachers, which has been (so far) very good. In my opinion, at least 6 of those
teachers were utterly outstanding and have had lingering positive impacts on my children and their
school experience.
I am disheartened by the lack of level service funding for the school budget, and would very much like
to see us retain these excellent, passionate teachers we already have.
I know Reading spends very little dollars per student, as compared to the rest of the state. With the
resourcefulness already shown, can you imagine how our schools could soar with more level
Although current financial times are difficult, I support a Proposition 2 -1/2 override, for the sake of the
education of our future citizens.
Thank you for your consideration and service to the Town.
Annika Scanlon
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Monday, January 25, 2016 11:25 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Delios, Jean -
FW: Revenue ideas?
From: Beth Dimino [m it
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 10:04 AM
To: Town Manager
Subject: Revenue ideas?
Dear Mr. LeLacheur,
I am quite concerned about the state of Reading's town budget, particularly as I am a parent with
two elementary school aged sons in Reading. I see that the financial demands which are coming
from town health Insurance and special education are growing at an unsustainable pace, and our
current revenue sources are inadequate to meet these demands.
There has been a lot of conversation about this around town and two questions have come up:
1. What do we need to do to bring in big businesses /companies to Reading? We have the best
access to 128 and 93 and a lot of empty commercial space (the old Keurig building, the Walgreens,
etc.). It seems to me this could create additional revenue without burdening the infrastructure
(sewage, electricity, schools) in the same way that new residential development would.
2. There is a rumor that Jordans /Home Depot could be paying more in commercial taxes than they
currently are. Can we levy higher taxes on the larger businesses in Reading? It seems that
surrounding towns have higher commercial taxes but this does not deter the businesses from
3. Can we cut Sunday hours at the Reading Library?
I am very interested in hearing your thoughts about this. I keep hearing a lot of what we can't do
and not what we can do to increase revenue. This is obviously very frustrating.
Beth Dimino
9 B Street
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Monday, January 25, 2016 6:00 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: Town finances and override
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tom Grant <
Date: January 24, 2016 at 11:19:20 PM EST
To: <selectmen(rdci.readine.ma.us>
Cc: Kate Grant <
Subject: Town finances and override
Dear Reading Board of Selectmen,
We are writing to you regarding our town's finances for FY17 and beyond, and our support for
an override. Thank you for being forthright and sharing information now regarding the
upcoming fiscal year and what future budgets may hold.
We are disappointed to see that costs continue to rise faster than revenues, and we are especially
disappointed to hear that services will have to be cut in FYI 7. Reading is a great town, but
cutting services will surely make it less great. It is very important for the town to offer good
schools, well - maintained public areas, and an appropriate police presence. We are concerned
about the education of our elementary school -age (and younger) children and about the value of
our property, if services are to be cut.
As long as the town's finance committee feels there are no more ways to cut spending and that
other means of revenue generation are inadequate, then we are in support of an override and
would like to see it brought to a vote as soon as possible.
Please do your best to propose an override this spring so residents who are in favor of it can rally
support for a "yes" vote over the summer.
Again, it is disappointing that the town's finances have gotten to this state. Please take action
quickly towards an override so our town services do not continue to deteriorate.
Tom and Kate Grant
15 Lothrop Rd
Reading, MA
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Monday, January 25, 2016 6:00 AM
Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: Support for a future override.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Anique Olivier -Mason <
Date: January 24, 2016 at 10:18:44 PM EST
To: <selectmen(a)ci.readine.ma.us>
Cc: <
Subject: Support fora future override.
Dear Reading Board of Selectman,
I moved to Reading in 2013 because I fell in love with our home, the town, and the reputation of
the schools. My husband is a high school teacher at Lexington High School and I am a Ph.D.
trained scientist and Outreach Director at Brandeis University. It is therefore no surprise that we
are strong supporters of public education. Our sons are young - -a Barrows kindergartner and a
baby in daycare - -so it is important to us that we invest in our schools right now, so that they
maintain their excellence for years to come.
It is from this personal perspective that I support a Proposition 2 %, override and hope that it gets
the necessary support needed to pass.
Dr. Anique Olivier -Mason
Anique J. Olivier- Mason, Ph.D.
Brandeis Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Director of Education, Outreach and Diversity
Phone: (781) 736 -2838
Websites: http• / /www.brmdeis.edu/mrsec/ and htto : / /biomaterials.brmdeis.edu/
Twitter: @DrAniqueOM
Like the Brandeis MRSEC: httos� / /www facebook com/BrandeisBioMaterials/
Note: I am on campus on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please expect delayed responses if
we correspond on my off - campus days.
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Sunday, January 24, 2016 6:07 PM
Kraunelis, Matthew
RE: future override
Matt - can you print out all the override emails I sent and leave them on the counter near Paula's desk. I'll be in Monday
around 9am -- Bob
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:58 PM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: Fwd: future override
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: michele sanphy <
Date: January 24, 2016 at 5:38:02 PM EST
To: "selectmen(aulci.reading.ma.us" <selectmen(dci.reading ma.us>
Subject: future override
Reply -To: michele sanphy < -
Dear Board of Selectmen,
Thank you for all of your information and time last Wednesday evening at the Financial
I am deeply concerned about the financial situation our town and schools are facing. I
am in support of an override being put to the voters this fall.
Michele Sanphy
Kraunelis, Matthew
From: LeLacheur, Bob
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:58 PM
To: Kraunelis, Matthew
Subject: Fwd: future override
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: michele sanphy <michelesanphvna,yahoo.com>
Date: January 24, 2016 at 5:38:02 PM EST
To: "selectmen(�ci.readina.ma.us" <selectmenAa ci.reading.ma.us>
Subject: future override
Reply -To: michele sanphy <michelesanphv@vahoo.com>
Dear Board of Selectmen,
Thank you for all of your information and time last Wednesday evening at the Financial
I am deeply concerned about the financial situation our town and schools are facing. I
am in support of an override being put to the voters this fall.
Michele Sanphy
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Saturday, January 23, 2016 8:37 AM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
Fwd: Proposition 2.5 Override
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message
From: Caitlin Macallister Koehler «_..
Date: January 23, 2016 at 8:16:03 AM EST
To: < selectmena,ci.readine.ma.us>
Subject: Proposition 2.5 Override
Dear Reading Selectmen,
I'm writing to urge you to consider putting forth an option for a proposition 2.5 override vote to
the town prior to the next budget cycle for FY 18.
I'm concerned about the amount of money that has been cut from both the town and school
budgets from "level service funding" over the last couple of years and again planned for next
year. The projected budget for FY 18 is particularly scary.
Although I'm concerned about general town services, I'm particularly concerned about our school
system and how that will be affected with continued cuts. We can not continue to cut money
every year and expect good things for our children.
If an override vote is going to take place, the sooner you can get out the specifics to the public
about what that would look like would be greatly appreciated.
Caitlin Koehler
Lindsay Lane
� J )
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:13 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Budget -next steps
From: Samantha Carreiro [
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 12:56 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Fw: Budget -next steps
I wasn't sure who the best person to send this to. See below.
- - -- Forwarded Message - - - --
From: Samantha Carreiro <
To: "townmanacer(dlci.reacmo.ma.us' <townmanacerAci.readina.ma.us>
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 9:52 AM
Subject: Budget -next steps
Dear Mr. LeLacheur,
My husband and I have been attending the budget meetings held by you and Dr. Doherty over the past couple of
weeks. We moved here last year and are just starting to get acquainted with the town and schools but have found it a
very nice place to live thus far.
We have 3 young children and the issues concerning both the school and town budgets are of great concern. We are in
full support of an override as we feel it is 100% justified. There are some groups forming within the school community to
support getting the information out and work together to increase the chances of getting the override on the ballot and
having it pass.
I want to live in a town that cares about education and will not standby and watch the quality slide when there is
something we can do now. I realize money isn't the only variable, but the case has been made that is desperately
You asked about'facts'to put out on an informational fact sheet. I been researching what info other communities have
used for these types of flyers. One bullet point that seems helpful is that good schools and a good town resources directly
impact property values. 90% of families looking to move to a town care about the quality of education. That is why we
moved here (from Lexington!). If our schools and public services fall below average, so will the desirability of our homes.
I also fully support having a scaled system, if that is possible. Where those low /fixed income homes are less impacted by
an tax increase.
Please contact me if there is any additional way I can help and we will continue to attend meetings and spread the word.
Samantha Carreiro
44 Middlesex Ave, Reading
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:13 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Town Funding
From: Monica Acker I
Sent: Friday, January 22, 20161:16 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Town Funding
Thank you for your service to this town. Two years ago my family moved from New York and we specifically chose to live
in Reading for its wonderful reputation and have not been disappointed. The people I have met here are wonderful. I am
proud to be a part of this community.
That being said, I have been doing my best to keep informed of the financial reports for the schools and town. While I
would like to see the town draw in a bit more commercial business to broaden that tax base, I fully support a tax
override in order to fund our town and schools. This, coupled with smart spending, is necessary for the future of
Thank you,
Monica Acker
Sent from my iPhone
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:13 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Financial Forum and Prop 21/2 Support
From: Eric Gaffen [
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 1:21 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Financial Forum and Prop 2 1/2 Support
To Mr. LeLacheur, Mr. Ensminger, Mr. Halsey, Mr. Sexton, Mr. Arena and Mr. Berman:
I attended the Financial Forum this week and would like to express the strongest support I can give to any efforts to
meet and exceed our level service funding. This includes my support for a future Proposition 2 1/12 override.
While I appreciate the amazing efforts of all town and school personnel who deliver the great services we receive, it
is clear we are falling behind each year. In technology, STEM curriculum, teacher's salaries, etc. the list looks
daunting. By year after year coming in below level service funding, we dig a deeper hole and I will support any and
all efforts to receive the necessary funds to make the changes Dr. Doherty and Mr. LeLacheur referenced on
Saturday night to achieve the requested funding for FY 17.
I also hope that each of you will represent the town that elected you to your position and advocate on behalf of the
town's best interests, which I believe aligns with the support of a Prop 2 112 override. Thank you - if there's anything
else I can do, please let me know.
Eric Gaffen
15 Hemlock Road
Reading, MA 01867
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:12 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Support for proposition 2/12 override
From: r
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 1:41 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Support for proposition 2/12 override
Board of Selectmen,
As a proud Reading resident and mother of three children, one enrolled currently at the Barrows school, I am deeply
concerned and dissatisfied about the level of funding for our public schools and town public works. I am in support of a
future proposition 2 1/2 override.
Rochelle Luongo
111 Howard Street
Kraunelis, Matthew
Lel-acheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:12 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Town budget and override
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 2:16 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Town budget and override
Our names are Amy and Jack Cole (3 Bartlett Cir) and we are concerned about the future of our
schools and our town and are in favor of a prop
2 1/2 override. We are also interested to know what else the town will do to address our budget
issues (i.e. restrict development of new residences and
promote new business, consider a higher tax rate for large businesses, etc.).
Thank you for all your work. We plan to do whatever we can to help support a grass roots
campaign in support of an override.
Amy & Jack
Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:12 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: Override
From: Mary Ann Sweetser i
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 7:44 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: Fwd: Override
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mary Ann Sweetser
Date: January 22, 2016 at 7:41:56 PM EST
To: selectmenkci.reading.ma
Subject: Override
I attended the fincomm meeting this past Wednesday evening. I am eager to support an override
in the interest of supporting both school and town funding requirements.
Mary Ann Sweetser
200 West Street
Reading, MA. 01867
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Kraunelis, Matthew
LeLacheur, Bob
Friday, January 22, 2016 9:12 PM
Schena, Paula; Kraunelis, Matthew
FW: FY 2017 Budget
I'm forwarding a few emails ... Paula please include in next Tues BOS packet ... Matt please save and create an email list
for the 'override'
From: Etain O'Dea [-
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 8:51 PM
To: Reading - Selectmen
Subject: FY 2017 Budget
Dear Selectmen of Reading
I attended the budget meeting on Wednesday evening, and I wanted to share my formal support for continuing
to meet our service level requirements for Reading, for the town and the schools herein.
We want to live in a safe and decent place, one that respects and cares for all members of our community. I
fully support an over ride of our taxes so that we can fund the basic needs of our town.
In addition, I would support outlining the wish list of additional services that we would like to support so that
the town can be fully informed and there are no future surprises.
Thank you for your support in this.
Etain O'Dea
526 West St.