HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-19 Board of Selectmen Packet FY2014 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan Town of Reading, MA \� DRAFT version dated June 19, 2013 \� Administration The human capital of the community is the major resource that is necessary to achieve the provision of services to the `_ %gift' community. This human capital includes employees, elected officials, members of Boards, Committees and � & _ N ' tfi Commissions, and the human capital of the community as a I whole. Human capital is to be supported and respected by ∎ v∎t the Town. (OLD ' . - .. - . . . . - , , • _ • retiring effective 6 1 13 1. (NEW) Design optimal Town department/division structure, regardless of current set-up or specific personnel. Describe detailed transition plan from current status to such an optimal model, including specific personnel; 2. (NEW) Establish optimal professional development and training levels across all departments. Devise multi- year process to transition from current status to desired outcome. 3. (NEW) Create lists of routine tasks all Town departments/divisions do each year. Design specific quantitative measures to evaluate these tasks on either a quarterly or monthly basis. Devise implementation plan for these measurements. 4. (NEW) Conduct a Retreat with the BOS and Town Department Heads. 5. Discuss with BOS the need for broad BCC meetings to convey information and expectations. For information, include Open Meeting Law and Ethics trainings, and a discussion of electronic meeting support. For expectations, discuss two-way BOS-BCC communication options. As needed, give further direction to specific BCCs on their mission or operating procedure. 6. Begin the process of negotiating successor Collective Bargaining Agreements with all Unions for dates effective July 1, 2014 Governance, Regulation, and Policy Development Reading will continue to address major emerging issues through development, modification, improvement, and simplification of bylaws, regulations, and Selectmen's policies. As a general rule, the fewer and simpler the regulations the better. Additionally, Selectmen's policies may be used to memorialize current and proposed administrative practices to provide an historical record C and direction for the community in the future. 6/19/2013 FY2014 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan Town of Reading, MA DRAFT version dated June 19, 2013 7. Conduct a comprehensive review and revision of the Zoning Bylaws. Establish early and ongoing two-way communication with key participants including the BOS, CPDC, ZBA and EDC. (OLD) - . . • - . - - •. .. • . -- . • .. .. • •- - . - . '. ---:•. . .. . 8. Complete the review and re-write of the Traffic Rules and Regulations. Services ev5TOMER 5ERVnCE Reading will continue to provide municipal services in as A,) cost effective, efficient, and customer service friendly y manner as possible. Where reasonable a self-service element to Town services will be available for those who choose to use it 9. Train employees and volunteers on the customer service policy; continue to measure customer satisfaction; identify and recommend changes to regulations that do not meet customer service goals, or that will make them easier for customers to understand and use. 10. In the Library, support the Goals as established by the Library Board of Trustees, with a focus on all items related to the Library Building project; needs, and to measure Reading's Customer Service satisfaction compared to other peer communities nationally. 11. (NEW) Strengthen the communications process with external customers. First inventory all forms of current external communication; then obtain feedback from the Community as to desired information & method of delivery. Improve the Town web site, providing expanded electronic customer interaction with the Town. Operations Reading will continue to provide as full a range of municipal services that meet community needs and desires as resources allow. Allir 12. Fully implement permits and licensing system, including customer self-service. (OLD) • . . - - - : -- -- . •* -_ _ . . . . -- - - 13. Expand regional services as appropriate (Veterans, Assessors, Housing Services Coordinator) 14. Expand the Records Management efforts including providing records to the public via the web site. (OLD) . . - . . (Moved to Administration) 6/19/2013 FY2014 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan Town of Reading, MA DRAFT version dated June 19, 2013 (OLD) . _ - - ► - . .. _ . - - • - (Revised and moved to Administration). Community Development Reading has worked to maintain the character of the community, while . ; • d making planned and deliberate improvements to the Town. Major `: \i efforts have been led by the Board of Selectmen, the CPDC, the Economic Development Committee, and the Climate Protection Committee. t``\ e. 15. (NEW) Conduct specific feedback exercises with our business community. This should range from those new to Town that have gone through a permitting process to those that have been established for years and have valuable insights. Work with BCCs and local businesses through the RNR Chamber of Commerce and other organizations to solicit suggestions. 16. Continue progress towards meeting and maintaining the level of 10% of housing units (as re-defined by the 2010 federal census) as affordable. Complete Housing Production Plan provides roadmap to meet affordable housing goals. Track & implement as outlines. Pursue one-year reprieve if possible. b. Peter Sanborn Place expansion, •• -- - . .... . - -: • - . . . . ' . . - . . . . . . '. - North Main Street site 17. Implement high priority parking and alternative transportation recommendations for Parking, Traffic, and Transportation improvements. - • - . ... - :: . :: ; • ; • . •li (OLD ! - . - _ . . - • - - . . • - - ••• . • (Moved to 17 above) (OLD) . . . - ---•- : : •- . . . - : -- .. ' e • -, . - '. . . •. . - --• . . (OLD _ - . - --• • . . - . ' . . . . _ . . . •-•-: •_ - . . •• - (defer until Zoning Bylaws rewritten) 18. Focus on enforcement of new Property Maintenance Bylaw. 19. Implement new gateway signage— South Main Street(paid for by Reading Woods mitigation) 20. Develop an action plan for re-use and/or redevelopment of the properties behind the RMLD in the area bounded by Ash Street, the RR tracks, and Pond View Drive. (OLD) . . . -, . .. , - ._. . - , . . . :- ! --- - . -•-- . . . .• • _ . e . . - . . . - . -- . .. . . . . . (OLD) - . .: - : . - ' : :. : ' .. - • -- : -- -- . -• . - .: :: • - : 6/19/2013 1 FY2014 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan Town of Reading, MA DRAFT version dated June 19, 2013 Health and Safety Reading will continue to focus on strong public health and public safety services with a goal of making the community one of the healthiest and safest communities in suburban Boston. 21. Focus Public Health, School, Substance Abuse, and other resources on a Healthy Community model with an initial focus on obesity prevention. Find ways to encourage walking, cycling, and other activities. These efforts may involve many departments, with efforts led by the Health Division. Promote healthy eating. Include reminders of area Farmers Markets in addition to Reading. Work with food establishments on menu options that are healthy. Infrastructure and Capital Projects Reading will strive to maintain and improve the current ` -_ .._:, ;' and desired capital assets of the community through long • :� °`� term capital planning in a fiscally prudent manner. Where .•;� ° resources for major projects are not available within • -• .• available resources, and grants and outside resources are also not adequate to cover the cost of the project, the community may be asked to support such improvements `�• �r through additional temporary taxes. 22. Continue established efforts to implement high priority municipal building projects: a. Cemetery Garage b. Library— implement project c. DPW site including improved vehicle maintenance layout, operational improvements, and aesthetics enhancements d. Killam School project to include IIC access, fire protection, energy, and administrative space. (schools) e. - . !. - _ . - - (schools) 23. Begin the first phase of implementation of the Water Distribution Master Plan - -- 1 I c. Water storage 6/19/2013 FY2014 Town Manager's Goals and Action Plan Town of Reading, MA DRAFT version dated June 19, 2013 (OLD) • .. . -- . - - ' : . . . - . . . - . - •.-, • . .. - . . . . 24. Develop and evaluate schematic designs for the Birch Meadow pavilion, including a mix of storage, food service, restrooms, and picnicking. Include a management plan for each of the elements. Develop a cost estimate. 25. Continue to work towards funding for the West Street project. (OLD) . - -- - - -- . _ : .. : . : : :.. : . Finance �"` Reading will continue to evaluate revenue sources, cost reduction, ' regionalization of services, other methods of providing services, and ----- , , . :;:, ,, level of services with the goal of maintaining long term fiscal stability of the community while providing a level of service that the ... ______vix community can. sustain. (OLD) • :. ': : . : - : . - . -:•-: . . . _ . . . .• . . . -- --- - . - • . 26. Implement to a conclusion the following actions which received approval from Town Meeting, the proceeds from which will then be placed in the Sale of Real Estate to be used for Capital Improvements, debt service, or unfunded pension liability: a. Sale of land Pearl Street b. Sale of land Lothrop Road c. Use/sale of Oakland Road (OLD • . ... . - . • - , •. . - -- - - . . :: - - •. _ . • : a. Additional cell sites 27. Seek FINCOM approval of a staff developed OPEB funding mechanism including ongoing funding of this liability at a level that the community can afford. Transition OPEB investment funds to PRIT or other qualified institution. 28. (NEW) Review current bill printing and mailing policy. Determine if revised billing cycles would allow for consolidated billing, simplifying the payment process for customers and saving on postage. Investigate electronic options and present options to the BOS whereby customers would be required to pay `convenience fees' to vendors. 29. (NEW) Review Town-wide fee structure, across several departments. This would range from permits and licenses to late fee policy, where the latter is not already set by law. 30. (NEW) Develop a Fund Balance policy in accordance with GASB 54. 31. 6/19/2013 1 SIGN-IN SHEET FOR THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN'S MEETING OF loh9113 NAME (please print) , ADDRESS • • • • • • • • • • • •