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2013-11-26 Board of Selectmen Packet
iAn :0, CT IN } Certificate Grace Stroman (Girl Scout Gold Award) LeLacheur Update on Johnson Woods project LeLacheur 7:20 Approve amendment for Johnson Woods (affordable housing) LeLacheur 7:35 RCASA overview McNamara 7:45 Approve Liquor Licenses LeLacheur 8:15 Town Licenses - options for Public Safety Cormier 8:30 Recreation update: HEARING Washington Park final design Feudo 9:00 HEARING Memorial Park lighting Feudo 9:15 Dog Park opportunity; Birch Meadow Master Plan; Regionalization Feudo 9:30 7:�" Office Hour Marsic West 6 :30r Appointment Appoint Library Trustee joint mtg Lib Tr 7:20 Accept Easements West Street Zambouras 7:40 HEARING Tax Classification joint mtg BOA 8:00 Review BOS/TM Goals LeLacheur 9:00 Appointment Appoint Housing Authority member joint mtg RHA 7:20 EXECUTIVE SESSION To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. LeLacheur 7:30 Approve early openings /24 hour openings LeLacheur 8:30 Approve Other Licenses LeLacheur 8:45 Discuss desired Charter changes LeLacheur 9:00 Discuss desired Zoning changes LeLacheur 9:15 Town Manager Performance Evaluation I 9:30 RAFT, V $1 �. r 4 o- Future Agendas Fees & licenses LeLacheur JAN '14 MWRA LeLacheur FEB 114 Policy on AHTF w/ Reading Housing Auth. LeLacheur FEB 114 Technology Update: Website; Document Storage; Permits & Lic.; Assessing; new Customer Service App LeLacheur MAR 114 Strout Avenue Master Plan (complete after Town Forest planning work is done) Feudo Adopt PTTTF recommendations LeLacheur Regionalization of other functions LeLacheur Policy on Trust Fund Commissioners Heffernan Lyme Disease mitigation strategy Clay Recurring Items Town Accountant Report Jan - Apr- Jul -Oct Qtrly Review BOS/TM Goals Mar -July -Dec Tri -ann Review Customer Service survey results Jan & July Semi -ann RCTV members Report Apr & Oct Semi -ann CAB (RMLD) member Report Apr & Oct Semi -ann MAPC member Report Apr & Oct Semi -ann Review Regionalization efforts Jun & Dec Semi -ann Reading Housing Authority Report March Annual Reading Ice Arena Report October Annual Appointments of BCCs June Annual Approve Classification & Compensation June Annual Tax Classification Hearing Oct/Nov Annual Approve licenses December Annual Appoint Town Counsel December Annual FY15 Town Budget LeLacheur 7:00 January 29, 2014 - Financial Forum Office Hour John Arena 6:30 MWRA update 7 :20 Review Customer Service survey results LeLacheur 8:30 Review BOS/TM Goals LeLacheur 9:00 Febri� 25,; 4 ". t ice Hour RAFT �'w5- UE N:' ` ,.. } HEARING Close Annual Town Meeting Warrant Staff Estimated 1112012013 Responsibility Start time Office Hour Ben Tafoya ti ._ IN wz , 6:30 FY15 Town Budget Appoint Town Accountant ILeLacheur 7:00 FY15 Town Budget LeLacheur 7:00 January 29, 2014 - Financial Forum Office Hour John Arena 6:30 MWRA update 7 :20 Review Customer Service survey results LeLacheur 8:30 Review BOS/TM Goals LeLacheur 9:00 Febri� 25,; 4 ". t ice Hour James Bonazoli 6 :30 HEARING Close Annual Town Meeting Warrant 8:00 informational xS.` 4 ryCY ib"db '�§`ACiti" ..k. ax.4PY.%.r+%. Library "Big Read" Event Urell Appoint Town Accountant 1 Office Hour Dan Ensminger 6,30 April 8, 2014 Local Elections no meetings A ril`�, Zt?I4 Reports 7:30 Town Accountant Report Angstrom MAPC member Report CAB (RMLD) member Report RCTV members Report May 1, 2014 Annual Town Meeting (Thurs) no'meetn s May 5, 2014 - Annual Town Meeting (Mon) no meetings of Recognition Certlif-etcate awarded to Zliis Ce�l��cate is hereby WOW Go1d Award for her co�nunitY t t recreational •n the Girl sCOU f Reading about in anew • • of her ach1evi g e reSldents ° orkshops� blaz g In reCognitlon educating th Ala w a guide book . ect of ervatlon lands rinting service prod e Town cons designing and p unities In the Forest, and d °f Selectmen °pp e ai1 to the T ova eading °ar entrant November, 2Q13 By the R this 26th day of Given _ Cry Schena, Paula From: Honetschlager, Kim Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 10:16 AM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: 5th grade walk - for BOS packets Paula, Could this go in the BOS packets? Grace Stroman, the Girl Scout who created the trail, is on the agenda next Tuesday. Thanks, Kim - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Patricia J. Lloyd Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 10:08 AM To: Trails Committee, Grace Stroman Subject: 5th grade walk Dear Grace and Trails Committee: Just wanted to share. I chaperoned a walk into the Town Forest yesterday with my daughter's fifth grade. They entered through Grace's new trailhead and walked the blue trail. Believe it or not, this was the FIRST time many of them had ever entered the town forest - and they were 5th graders at Wood End! They were enchanted with the forest and all wanted to go back ASAP. Their assignment was to collect observations to put in a poem each student will write this week. Thought I'd share how your work makes a difference. Thanks! Pat Lloyd 3 �.z Schena, Paula From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 3:56 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: Gold Award Guide Books Please ask MK to create a Certificate for Grace. Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 townmanager @ci. reading. ma. us (P) 781 - 942 -9043 (F) 781 - 942 -9037 www.readingma. goy Please fill out our brief customer service survey at. http:// readingma- survey.virtualtownhall. net /survey /sid /8cebfd833a88cd3d/ Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday: CLOSED From: Grace Stroman fmailtomcstroman@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 3:52 PM To: LeLacheur, Bob Subject: Re: Gold Award Guide Books Hi Mr. LeLacheur, I will be able to make your meeting on November 26th. Thank you, Grace Stroman On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 8:05 PM, LeLacheur, Bob <blelacheur@ci.reading_ma.us> wrote: Hi Grace - that's outstanding, congratulations!! I'm looking forward to reading this, and have copied our Conservation Administrator Chuck Tirone and our GIS Coordinator Kim Honetschlager who will have keen interest in your project as well. Are you available around 7:30pm on Tuesday November 26th? If so, the Selectmen would be very happy to receive your guide book at their meeting. Please let me know - if not then we'll arrange another time that fits your schedule. Thanks, 6z-7� C�. Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Streeten Reading, MA 01867 townmanagergci.reading ma. us <mailto:townmanag_ergci.reading ma.us> (P) 781- 942 -9043 (F) 781- 942 -9037 www.readingma.go <http://www. readingma. gov/> Please fill out our brief customer service survey at: htti• // readingma- survey.virtualtownhall. net /survey /sid/8cebfd833 a88cd3d/ Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday: CLOSED From: Grace Stroman [gcstromankgmail.com] Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2013 2:58 PM To: Reading - Selectmen Subject: Gold Award Guide Books To the Selectmen of Reading, MA, Hello my name is Grace and I am a senior at Reading Memorial High School who just completed her Girl Scout Gold Award. As part of my 80 -hour community service project I held two workshops to educate Reading citizens about the recreational opportunities on Reading's conservation lands, blazed a new entrance trail to the Town Forest, and designed/printed a guide book to the conservation lands, open lands, and Town Forest of Reading, MA. I was hoping to give each selectmen a copy of the guide book that I published as part of my project as a gift I'll be more than happy to drop the books off, just let me know when and where. Also, let me know if you have any questions. The online version of the guide can be found at Trail Brochure - NEW! <httn' / /www readingma aov /GetToKnowYourBackyard trail brochure> Sincerely, Grace Stroman 3a.,,Y JEAN DELIOS Town of Reading Assistant Town Manager, Community Services 16 Lowell Street Phone: (781) 942 -6612 Reading, MA 01867 -2683 Fax: (781) 942 -9071 j delios @ci. reading.ma.us MEMORANDUM To: Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr., Town Manager From: Jean Delios, Assistant Town Manager, Community Services Date: November 21, 2013 Re: Johnson Woods The affordable housing requirements related to Johnson Woods II have necessitated that the Town sign off on the State approved documents that are part of the Local Initiative Program (LIP). The developer for Johnson Woods is requesting that the Board of Selectmen authorize the Chair to execute the amendment to the existing regulatory agreement on behalf of the Town of Reading. When the project commenced in 2007 the Chair signed the regulatory agreement on behalf of the Town. Recently the Phase II affordable housing documents were approved by the State and the next step is for the Town to sign off. M LATHAM LAW OFFICES LLC 643 MAIN STREET READING, MA 01867 O. BRADLEY LATHAM' CI4RT TOPHER M. O. LATHAM JOSHUA E. LATHAM' 'ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN MA98ACUUSETTS AND NEW HAMPSHIRE Jean Delios, Town Planner Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 TEL: (781D 942.4400 FAX: (781) 944 -7079 November 5, 2013 Re: Johnson Woods, LIP Affordable Units; Amendment to Regulatory Agreement Dear Jean: We enclose the following documents that have been prepared based on our meetings of last week and yesterday: 1. Colored Wall Plan (11.5.13) showing the current layout of the units and unit numbers. Colors indicate the current state of construction. 2. Site Plan — Addresses, Built & Affordable buildings -units (11/5/2013). The side chart on the plan shows the affordable units by address and unit number and the number of bedrooms in each affordable unit. 3. Drawings of 30 and 39 Taylor Drive showing unit layouts (market and affordable). 4. Letters from DHCD approving both the amendment to the regulatory agreement and the changes that were made to Exhibit B. 5. Three original amendments to regulatory agreement signed by Johnson Woods and one copy of the original, recorded regulatory agreement. Sb Johnson Woods respectfully request that the Chairman of the Board sign three copies of the amendment to the regulatory agreement so that we can submit it to DHCD for its signing. Thank you. Sincerely, radley Latham ��2 J. ,�•�� i 'tip✓ 2J ♦p O / ♦ xAJpN Johnson Woods\ Reading, MA U1b �• 0' S0' 100' 0' O .xafor ,wNOr000 faA• 11.5.13 � � I PHASE PROPOSED ppryL � BUILDING w � f \ PHASEI ILDI G BEXISTING PERMITTED O / BUILDING BUG \ P ASE -WNH I PROPOSED TOWNHOUSE BUILDING ff f \ PHASE 11 fY R fT E GA KS LA NE PROPOSED /^ 7 STORY BUILDING PHASE II 3 STORY ✓ BUILDING •f \ UNDER UNDERRURION pp \ s p* ff \ E J� �1 V-) D 0 <>O ® ■ 0 I � �� SITE BUILT &AAD ORDABLE°""� JOHNSONS WOODS GRAZADO VELLECO ARCHITECTS'3�3�3;�j3� ao. KEY PLAN LITTLE HARBOR MARBLEHEAD, MA. 01945 X117;3! E1113, h malliso. aa: rreEn s, zoi3 READING, MA TEL 781-631 -4949 FAX 781 -631 -8702 WWW.GRAZADOVELLECO.COM j1i�11i10 Pill Hill .11 1111111 ME D 0 <>O ® ■ 0 I � �� SITE BUILT &AAD ORDABLE°""� JOHNSONS WOODS GRAZADO VELLECO ARCHITECTS'3�3�3;�j3� ao. KEY PLAN LITTLE HARBOR MARBLEHEAD, MA. 01945 X117;3! E1113, h malliso. aa: rreEn s, zoi3 READING, MA TEL 781-631 -4949 FAX 781 -631 -8702 WWW.GRAZADOVELLECO.COM j1i�11i10 1:1% •I• 1 :1!- 1 1 _ i 1.1,. 1:1 11: � 11' IT; Cs I m FAVA as ]=Map]: 1:11• s-E UNIT JW 0 _ MEE= t/, t V. '0" October 23, 2013 O. Bradley Latham Latham Law Offices LLC 643 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Deval L. Patrick, Governor ♦ Aaron Gornstein, Undersecretary RE: Amendment to Regulatory Agreement for Johnson. Woods in Reading Dear Brad, The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has reviewed and approved the final draft of the Amendment to the Regulatory Agreement for the Local Initiative Program (LIP) development — Johnson Woods in Reading. This Amendment approves the addition of 127 total units, including 19 affordable units. The original Regulatory Agreement included 166 total units with 17 affordable units. The sales prices for the 12 new affordable two - bedroom units (and the 6 unsold two - bedroom units from the previous phase) have been increased from $168,100 to $171,100. The sales price for the 7 new one- bedroom units will be $153,100. The marketing for the 19 new units and the 6 unsold units will be in accordance with the updated Marketing and Lottery Plan approved by DHCD in May 2013. The locations of two LIP units previously approved have been moved from Building 24 to Building 60 — the addresses will be 39 Johnson Woods Drive and 169 Johnson Woods Drive. Because this development will continue to be built out in phases; any future changes in sales prices, location of units or percentage of beneficial interest must. be reviewed and approved by DHCD and the Municipality and will require additional amendments to the Regulatory Agreement. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Elsa Campbell Senior program Coordinator 100 Cambridge Sweet, Suite 300 www.mass.gov /dhcd Boston, Massachusetts 02114 ! ' 617.573.1100 ` J` October 31, 2013 O. Bradley Latham Latham Law Offices LLC 643 Main Street Reading, MA 01867 Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Deval L. Patrick, Governor ♦ Aaron Gomstein, Undersecretary RE: Amendment to Regulatory Agreement for Johnson Woods in Reading Dear Brad, The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has reviewed and approves the following changes, required by the Town of Reading, to Exhibit B of the final draft of the Amendment to the Regulatory Agreement for the Local Initiative Program (LIP) development — Johnson Woods in Reading. 1. The Town now requires that all condominium units in Town have four digits, so they have asked us to add "0" after the first digit to each of the units in the matrix. 2. Taylor Drive is the correct name. We had Taylor Lane. 3. There was a typo in the last paragraph. The Building number is 29 not 24. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Sincerely, Elsa Campbell Senior program Coordinator 100 Cambridge Street. Suite 300 Boston, Massachusetts 02114 h8 www.mass.govldhcd v 617.573.1100 LOCAL INITIATIVE PROGRAM AMENDMENT TO REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR OWNERSHIP PROJECT Reference is made to the Regulatory Agreement dated July 17, 2007, by and among the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through the Department of Housing and Community Development ( "DHCD "), pursuant to G.L. c. 23B §1 as amended by Chapter 19 of the Acts of 2007, the Town of Reading ("the Municipality "), and Johnson Woods Realty Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation, having an address at 8 Doaks Lane, Marblehead, MA and its successors and assigns ( "Project Sponsor") recorded at Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds at Book 49791, Page 1. WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007, the above - referenced Regulatory Agreement dealt with the first phase (also called the "initial phase ") of a housing development known as Johnson Woods Condominium located on 27 acres on West Street, Reading, Massachusetts, in which the Project Sponsor was to develop 166 condominium units containing 17 Low and Moderate Units; and WHEREAS, the Project Sponsor now intends to construct the final phase of Johnson Woods, which final phase is situated on an additional 10 acres of land in Reading, Massachusetts, abutting the first phase; such additional land being more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the final phase of Johnson Woods being referred to in this Amendment as the "final phase of the Project"); and WHEREAS, such final phase of the Project is to consist of an additional number of 127 condominium units (the "Units ") of which 19 of the Units in the final phase will be sold at prices specified in this Agreement to persons or households with incomes at or below eighty percent (80 %) of the regional median household income (the "Low and Moderate Income Units "); and Project Sponsor has made application to DHCD to certify that the nineteen units in the Project are Local Action Units (as that term is defined in the Comprehensive Permit Guidelines (the "Guidelines ")) published by DHCD with the LIP Program; and WHEREAS, in partial consideration of the execution of this Agreement, DHCD has given and will give technical and other assistance to the final phase of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which each of the parties hereto hereby acknowledge to the other, DHCD, the Municipality, and the Project Sponsor hereby agree and covenant that the Regulatory Agreement is hereby amended with reference to the six unsold Low and Moderate Income Units in the initial phase and the nineteen (19) additional Low and Moderate Income Units included in the final phase, as follows: £1 J 01 1. The Project Sponsor agrees to construct the final phase of the Project in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Municipality and DHCD (the "Plans and Specifications. In addition, all nineteen Low and Moderate Income Units to be constructed as part of the final phase of the Project must be indistinguishable from other Units in the final phase of the Project from the exterior (unless the final phase of the Project has an approved "Alternative Development Plan" as set forth in the Comprehensive Permit Guidelines (the "Guidelines ")) published by DHCD, and must contain complete living facilities including but not limited to a stove, kitchen cabinets, plumbing fixtures, and washer /dryer hookup, all as more fully shown in the Plans and Specifications. Seven 7 of the Low and Moderate Income Units in the final phase shall be one bedroom units; twelve (12) of the Low and Moderate Income Units in the final phase shall be two bedroom units. All Low and Moderate Income Units to be occupied by families must contain one or two bedrooms. Low and Moderate Income Units must have the following minimum areas: one bedroom units - 700 square feet two bedroom units - 900 square feet The final phase of the Project must fully comply with the State Building Code and with all applicable state and federal building, environmental, health, safety and other laws, rules, and regulations, including without limitation all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations relating to the operation of adaptable and accessible housing for the handicapped. The final phase of the Project must also comply with all applicable local codes, ordinances and by -laws. Each of the six Low and Moderate Income Unit in the initial phase and all of the nineteen Low and Moderate Income Unit in the final phase will be sold for no more than the price set forth in Exhibit B attached to this Amendment and made a part hereof to an Eligible Purchaser. An Eligible Purchaser is a Family (i) whose annual income does not exceed eighty percent (80 %) of the Area median income adjusted for family size as determined by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and (ii) whose assets do not exceed the limits specified in the Guidelines. A "Family" shall mean two or more persons who will live regularly in the Low or Moderate Income Unit as their primary residence and who are related by blood, marriage, or operation of law or who have otherwise evidenced a stable inter- dependent relationship; or an individual. The "Area" is defined as the Boston - Cambridge - Quincy, MA- MSA/HMFA/County. 2. Upon the occurrence of one of the events described in 760 CMR 56.03(2), the final phase of the Project will be included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory as that term is described in 760 CMR 56.01. Only Low and Moderate Income Units will be counted as SHI Eligible Housing as that term is described in 760 CMR 56.01 for the purposes of the Act. SbIo 2 3. (a) At the time of sale of each of the six currently unsold Low and Moderate Income Units in the initial phase and at time of sale of each of the nineteen Low and Moderate Income Unit in the final phase by the Project Sponsor, the Project Sponsor shall execute and shall as a condition of the sale cause the purchaser of the Low and Moderate Income Unit to execute an Affordable Housing Deed Rider in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Deed Rider "). Such Deed Rider shall be attached to and made a part of the deed from the Project Sponsor to the Unit Purchaser, both as to the six unsold Low and Moderate Income Units in the initial phase and the nineteen Low and Moderate Income Units in the final phase added by this amendment. Each such Deed Rider shall require the Unit Purchaser at the time he desires to sell the Low and Moderate Income Unit to offer the Low and Moderate Income Unit to the Municipality and to DHCD at a discounted purchase price more particularly described therein. The Municipality and DHCD shall have the option upon terms more particularly described in the Deed Rider to either purchase the Low and Moderate Income Unit or to find an Eligible Purchaser. The Deed Rider shall require the Unit Purchaser and the Eligible Purchaser to execute at the time of resale a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to the Low and Moderate Income Unit which will be attached and made a part of the deed from the Unit Purchaser to the Eligible Purchaser, so that the affordability of the Low and Moderate Income unit will be preserved each time that subsequent resales of the Low and Moderate Income unit occur. (The various requirements and restrictions regarding resale of a Low and Moderate Income Unit contained in the Deed Rider are hereinafter referred to as the ("Resale Restrictions "). If upon the initial resale or any subsequent resale of a Low and Moderate Income Unit, the Municipality and DHCD are unable to find an Eligible Purchaser for the Low and Moderate Income Unit, and the Municipality and DHCD each elect not to exercise its right to purchase the Low and Moderate Income Unit, then the then current owner of the Low and Moderate Income Unit shall have the right to sell the Low and Moderate Income Unit to any person, regardless of his income (an "Ineligible Purchaser ") at the Maximum Resale Price and subject to all rights and restrictions contained in the Deed Rider, and provided that the Unit is conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to the Low and Moderate Income Unit which will be attached and made part of the deed from the Unit Purchaser to the Ineligible Purchaser. (b) For each sale of a Low and Moderate Income Unit, DHCD must approve the terms of the Eligible Purchaser's mortgage financing as evidenced by DHCD's issuance of the Resale Price Certificate described in the Deed Rider. (c) The Municipality agrees that in the event that it purchases a Low and Moderate Income Unit pursuant to its right to do so contained in the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to such Low and Moderate Income Unit, that the Municipality shall within six (6) months of its acceptance of a deed of such Low and Moderate Income Unit, either (i) sell the Low and Moderate Income Unit to an Eligible Purchaser at the same price for which it purchased the Low and Moderate Income Unit plus any expenses incurred by the Municipality during its period of ownership, such expenses to be approved by DHCD, subject to a Deed Rider satis- factory in form and substance to DHCD and the recording of an Eligible Purchaser Certificate satisfactory in form and substance to DHCD, the method for selecting such Eligible Purchaser to be approved by DHCD or (ii) rent the Low and Moderate Income Unit to a person who meets the income guidelines of the LIP Program, upon terms and conditions satisfactory to DHCD and S,bl) otherwise in conformity with the requirements of the LIP Program. If the Municipality fails to sell or rent the Low and Moderate income unit as provided herein within said six (6) month period, or if at any time after the initial rental of the Low and Moderate Income Unit by the Municipality as provided herein the Low and Moderate Income Unit becomes vacant and remains vacant for more than ninety (90) days, then such Low and Moderate Income Unit shall cease to be counted as SHI Eligible Housing, and shall no longer be included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory. (d) Each Low and Moderate Income Unit will remain SHI Eligible Housing and continue to be included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory for as long as the following three conditions are met: (1) this Agreement remains in full force and effect and neither the Municipality nor the Project Sponsor is in default hereunder; (2) the final phase of the Project and Low and Moderate Income Unit each continue to comply with the Regulations and the Guidelines as the same may be amended from time to time; and (3) either (i) a Deed Rider binding the then current owner of the Low and Moderate Income Unit to comply with the Resale Restrictions is in full force and effect and the then current owner of the Low and Moderate Income Unit is either in compliance with the terms of the Deed Rider, or the Municipality is in the process of taking such steps as may be required by DHCD to enforce, the then current owner's compliance with the terms of the Deed Rider or (ii) the Low and Moderate Income Unit is owned by the Municipality and the Municipality is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the last preceding paragraph, or (iii) the Low and Moderate Income Unit is owned by DHCD. 4. (a) Prior to marketing or otherwise making available for sale any of the six unsold Low and Moderate Income Units in the initial phase and the nineteen Low and Moderate Income Units in the final phase, the Project Sponsor must obtain DHCD's approval of a marketing plan (the "Marketing Plan") for the nineteen Low and Moderate Income Units. Such Marketing Plan must describe the buyer selection process for the nineteen Low and Moderate Income Units and must set forth a plan for affirmative fair marketing of Low and Moderate Income Units and effective outreach to protected groups underrepresented in the municipality, including provisions for a lottery, consistent with the Regulations and Guidelines. At the option of the Municipality, and provided that the Marketing Plan demonstrates (i) the need for the local preference (e.g., a disproportionately low rental or ownership affordable housing stock relative to need in comparison to the regional area), and (ii) that the proposed local preference will not have a disparate impact on protected classes, the Marketing Plan may also include a preference for local residents for up to seventy percent (70 %) of the Low and Moderate Income Units, subject to all provisions of the Regulations and Guidelines. When submitted to DHCD for approval, the Marketing Plan should be accompanied by a letter from the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality (as that term is defined in the Regulations) which states that the buyer selection and local preference (if any) aspects of the Marketing Plan have been approved by the Municipality and which states that the Municipality will perform any aspects of the Marketing Plan which are set forth as responsibilities of the Municipality in the Marketing Plan. The Marketing Plan must comply with the Regulations and Guidelines and with all other applicable statutes, regulations and executive orders, and DHCD directives reflecting the agreement between DHCD and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the case of NAACP, Boston Chapter v. Kemp. If the final phase of the Project is located in the Boston - Cambridge - Quincy, MA -NH MSA, the Project Sponsor must list all Low and Moderate Income Units with the Boston Fair Housing Commission's MetroList (Metropolitan Housing Opportunity Clearing 4 S b12 Center); other requirements for listing of units are specified in the Guidelines. All costs of carrying out the Marketing Plan shall be paid by the Project Sponsor. (b) The Project Sponsor may use in -house staff to draft and/or implement the Marketing Plan, provided that such staff meets the qualifications described in the Guidelines. The Project Sponsor may contract for such services provided that any such contractor must be experienced and qualified under the standards set forth in the Guidelines. A failure to comply with the Marketing Plan by the Project Sponsor or by the Municipality shall be deemed to be a default of this Agreement. The Project Sponsor agrees to maintain for at least five years following the sale of the last Low and Moderate Income Unit, a record of all newspaper ads, outreach letters, translations, leaflets, and any other outreach efforts (collectively "Marketing Documentation") as described in the Marketing Plan as approved by DHCD which may be inspected at any time by DHCD. All Marketing Documentation must be approved by DHCD prior to its use by the Project Sponsor or the Municipality. The Project Sponsor and the Municipality agree that if at any time prior to or during the process of marketing the Low and Moderate Income Units, DHCD determines that the Project Sponsor, or the Municipality with respect to aspects of the Marketing Plan that the Municipality has agreed to be responsible for, has not adequately complied with the approved Marketing Plan, that the Project Sponsor or Municipality as the case may be, shall conduct such additional outreach or marketing efforts as shall be determined by DHCD. 5. The following Low and Moderate Income Units in the initial phase have been either redesignated or relocated: The street addresses of two Low and Moderate Income Units in Building 24 have been changed. The addresses are now 5 Taylor Drive and 7 Taylor Drive. 5 Taylor Drive is on the left front and 7 Taylor Drive is on the left rear of the building. The Low and Moderate Income Units that were in Building 29 have been relocated to be in Building 60. The Low and Moderate Income Unit at the right front is 39 Johnson Woods Drive and the Unit at the right rear is 169 Johnson Woods Drive. 6. Exhibit B to the Regulatory Agreement is modified by the addition of the 19 final phase units as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto, and by the redesignation or relocation of the units in the initial phase as described in Section 5 above In all other regards, the above - referenced Regulatory Agreement remains in full force and effect. [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] 5 � 1"� Executed as a sealed instrument as of OK� -2-'.—'-- , 2013. PROJECT SPONSOR Johnson Woods Realty Corporation its President DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LIM its Associate Director MUNICIPALITY Town of Reading, Massachusetts : its Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Attachments: Exhibit A - Legal Property Description Exhibit B - Prices & Location of Low & Moderate Income Units Exhibit C - Form of Deed Rider Consent forms signed by any and all mortgagees whose mortgages are recorded prior to this Regulatory Agreement must be attached to this Regulatory Agreement. © DHCD When used in the Local Initiative Program, this form may not be modified without the written approval of the Department of Housing and Community Development. S61q 6 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, ss. On this (99,_ day of 2013, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Edward T. Moore, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a Massachusetts driver's license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding document, as President of Johnson Woods Realty Corporation [Project Sponsor], and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Az Q' pMM•E,�p:�''9 `! A�JP Ry ;,4 , Notary Public oN Print Name: L.610►'ji IV- My Commission Expires: C21131,9015- q 0 '�.SS;ocHUSE;.�.••` COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ss. 2013 On this day of , 2013, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared , proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were , to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding document, as for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acting by and through the Department of Housing and Community Development, and acknowledged to me that he /she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, ss. 22013 On this day of , 2013, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared James E. Bonazoli, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was a Massachusetts driver's license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding document, as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for the Town of Reading, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: ,�,Ib Re: Johnson Woods Condominium (Project Name) Reading, MA (City/rown) Johnson Woods Realty Corporation (Project Sponsor) Final Phase Property Description The land shown as Lots B6, A8 and A9 on the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Reading, Mass.; Scale: 1" =100'; August 1, 2007; Hayes Engineering, Inc." recorded at the Middlesex South District Registry as Plan 1131 of 2007. SL (I 10 EXHIBIT B Re: Johnson Woods Condominium (Project Name) Reading (City/Town) Johnson Woods Realty Corporation (Project sponsor) The Maximum Selling Prices, Initial Condominium Fees, and Percentage Interest Assigned to Low and Moderate Income Units as to the six unsold Units in the initial phase and the 19 units in the final phase based on the current marketing plan are stated below. There may be subsequent changes in the sales prices of the Low and Moderate Income Units based on changes in applicable HUD income levels and mortgage interest rates, which changes must be approved by DHCD and in which case this Agreement shall be amended to reflect those changes: Sale Price Condo Fee % Interest One bedroom units $153,100.00 $93.00_ .29 %, but such percentage is preliminary only and is subject to change based on M.G. Laws Chapter 183A as units are created and phased into the condominium. Two bedroom units $171,100.00 $113.00 .32 %, but such percentage is preliminary only and is subject to change based on M.G. Laws Chapter 183 as units are created and phased into the condominium. Location of First Thirteen (13) Low and Moderate Income Units in the final phase The housing units which are Low and Moderate Income Units in the final phase are: UNIT # STYLE TYPE FINISHED Ma BATIK 1E AFFORDABLE GARDEN STYLE FLATS-BUILDING" 1001A Flat Afford. 1 1,000 1 1 1002A Flat Afford. 1 1,000 1 1 1005A Flat Afford. 1 1,180 2 1.5 1012A Flat Afford. 1 1,200 2 1.5 2002A Flat Afford. 1 1,000 1 1 2005A Flat Afford. 1 1,180 2 1.5 2012A Flat Afford. 1 1,200 2 1.5 UNIT # STYLE TYPE FINISHED $IZE EW& DAM IFS Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 2 1 to 1.5 AFFORDABLE Flat Affordable 1 1,000 2 GARDEN STYLE FLATS - BUILDING M Unassigned Flat Affordable 1001A Flat Afford. 1 1,200 2 1.5 1008A Fiat Afford. 1 1,180 2 1.5 1012A Flat Afford. 1 1,000 1 1 2001A Flat Afford. 1 1,200 2 1.5 2008A Flat Afford. 1 1,180 2 1.5 2011A I Flat Afford. 1 1,000 1 1 There are an additional six affordable units that will be developed in final phase, but the location of which has not been finalized. The location will be established by the Project Sponsor with the approval of the DHCD and Town Planner. Information as to those units is as follows: UNIT # STYLE TYPE FINISHED LEVELS SIZE BEDROOMS BATHROOMS Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 2 1 to 1.5 Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 2 1 to 1.5 Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 2 1 to 1.5 Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 2 1 to 1.5 Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 1 1 to 1.5 Unassigned Flat Affordable 1 1,000 1 1 to 1.5 Once the buildings are built, they shall be shown on the floor plans that are recorded with the amendment to the Master Deed creating those units. The following Low and Moderate Income Units in the initial phase have been either redesignated or relocated: The street addresses of two Low and Moderate Income Units in Building 24 have been changed. The addresses are now 5 Taylor Drive and 7 Taylor Drive. 5 Taylor Drive is on the left front and 7 Taylor Drive is on the left rear of the building. The Low and Moderate Income Units that were in Building 29 have been relocated to be in Building 60. The Low and Moderate Income Unit at the right front is 39 Johnson Woods Drive and the Unit at the right rear is 169 Johnson Woods Drive. S)"O 1: \DeedRiderSAR- Masswhusetts(Universal) 5/3016 LOCAL IMTIATIVE PROGRAM AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEED RIDER For Projects in Which Affordability Restrictions Survive Foreclosure made part of that certain deed (the 'Deed") of certain property (the '?rove ') from ( "Grantor ") to ("Own dated , 200 . The Property is located in the City; of (the "Municipality"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Grantor is conveying that certain real prope ore particularly described in the Deed to the Owner at a consideration which is I fair market value of the Property; and �J WHEREAS, the Property is part of a project whic heck all that are applicable] (i) ? granted a Comprehensiv�e3r"it under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B, Sections 2 from the Board of Appeals of the Municipality or the H ppeals Committee and recorded/filed with the Registry of Deeds/Registry District of Land Court (the "Re Book , Page /Document No. omprehensive Permit "); ? su a Regulatory Agreement among (the "De o ] Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (" ousin "), [ ] the Massachusetts Department of Housing and 044 nity Development] ( "DHCD ") [ ] the Municipality; and [ ] dated and recorded/filed with the Registry in Book , Page /as Document No. *'IQ(the "Regulatory Agreement "); and o (iii) V subsidized by the federal or state government under the Local Initiative Program, a program to assist construction of low or moderate income housing the "Program'); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program, eligible purchasers such as the Owner are given the opportunity to purchase residential property at less than its fair market value if the purchaser agrees to certain use and transfer restrictions, including an agreement to occupy the property as a principal residence and to convey the property for an amount not greater than a maximum resale price, all as more fully provided herein; and Sb2i WHEREAS, DHCD (singly, or if more than one entity is listed, collectively, the "Monitoring Agent ") is obligated by the Program or has been retained to monitor compliance with and to enforce the terms of this Deed Rider, and eligible purchasers such as the Owner may be required to pay to the Monitoring Agent, or its successor, a small percentage of the resale price upon the Owner's conveyance of the Property, as set out in the Regulatory Agreement and as more fully provided herein; and ♦,%L WHEREAS, the rights and restrictions granted herein to the Monitoring Ag Municipality serve the public's interest in the creation and retention of affordabl sir persons and households of low and moderate income and in the restricting of e e price of property in order to assure its affordability by future low and moderate inc chasers. NOW, THEREFORE, as further consideration for the conveyan a ofljlls Property at less than fair market value, the Grantor and the Owner, including his/her/ heirs, successors and assigns, hereby agree that the Property shall be subject to the foln is and restrictions which are imposed for the benefit of, and shall be enforceable , unicipality and the Monitoring Agent, and, if DHCD is a party to the Regulate eement and is not the Monitoring Agent, by DHCD. 1. Definitions. In this Deed Rider, in ad do the terms defined above, the following words and phrases shall have the follNkng eanings: Affordable Housing Fund means a fund reducing the cost of housing for Eligibl or subsidizing the construction or r al fund exists, a fund established by Chapter 44 Section 53A, et seq�' y3 by the Municipality for the purpose of (sers or for the purpose of encouraging, creating, of housing for Eligible Purchasers or, if no such Ay pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws have the meaning set forth in Section 7(b) hereof. i means a household containing a number of members equal to the Property plus one. i ITm rovements means the documented commercially reasonable cost of t1pital improvements made to the Property by the Owner; provided that the ent shall have given written authorization for incurring such cost prior to the cost and that the original cost of such improvements shall be discounted over the Area means the Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area or non - metropolitan area that includes the Municipality, as determined by HUD, which in this case is 2 ,5b22 Area Median Income means the most recently published median income for the Area adjusted for household size as determined by HUD. If HUD discontinues publication of Area Median Income, the income statistics used by MassHousing for its low and moderate income housing programs shall apply. Base Income Number means the Area Median Income for a four (4)- person household. Chief Executive Officer shall mean the Mayor in a city or the Board of Selectmen in a t) unless some other municipal office is designated to be the chief executive officer e provisions of a local charter. Closing shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(b) hereof. Compliance Certificate shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a) bere Conveyance Notice shall have the meaning set forth in Section Eligible Purchaser means an individual or household earn " ore than eighty percent (80 %) of Area Median Income (or, if checked [ ] r nt (_21o) of Area Median Income, as required by the Program) and owning asse t i excess of the limit set forth in the Program Guidelines. To be considered an Eligible rc r, the individual or household must intend to occupy and thereafter must occupy and must provide to the Monitoring Agent si as the Monitoring Agent may require to e l Eligible Purchaser shall be a First-Time in the Regulatory Agreement. A lope?ry as his, her or their principal residence fications as to income, assets and residency eligibility as an Eligible Purchaser. An ;r if required by the Program and as specified First -Time Homebuyer means '1gd�idual or household, of which no household member has had an ownership interest in r� i l residence at any time during the three (3) -year period prior to the date of qualif an Eligible Purchaser, except that (i) any individual who is a displaced homemaker a defined by DHCD) (ii) and any individual age 55 or over (applying for age 55 o er housing) shall not be excluded from consideration as a First-Time Homebuyer and is finition on the basis that the individual, owned a home or had an ownership inter i a principal residence at any time during the three (3) -year period. shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(a) hereof. the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ineligible Purchaser means an individual or household not meeting the requirements to be eligible as an Eligible Purchaser. Maximum Resale Price means the sum of (i) the Base Income Number (at the time of resale) multiplied by the Resale Price Multiplier, plus (ii) the Resale Fee and any necessary marketing 6�623 expenses (including broker's fees) as may have been approved by the Monitoring Agent, plus (iii) Approved Capital Improvements, if any (the original cost of which shall have been discounted over time, as calculated by the Monitoring Agent); provided that in no event shall the Maximum Resale Price be greater than the purchase price for which a credit -worthy Eligible Purchaser earning seventy percent (70 %) of the Area Median Income (or, if checked [ ] percent (_21o) of Area Median Income, as required by the Program) for an Appropriate Size Household could obtain mortgage financing (as such purchase price is determined by the Monitoring Agent using the same methodology then used by DHCD r i Local Initiative Program or similar comprehensive permit program); and further r i e the Maximum Resale Price shall not be less than the purchase price paid for the P y the Owner unless the Owner agrees to accept a lesser price. Monitoring Services Agreement means any Monitoring Services AgreemNLfolpfonitoring and enforcement of this Deed Rider among some or all of the Developer, th Mo ' ring Agent, the Municipality, MassHousing and DHCD. Mortgage Satisfaction Amount shall have the meaning set fo in`�ion 7(b) hereof. Mortgagee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(i o Program Guidelines means the regulations and/or gu -le X issued for the applicable Program and controlling its operations, as amended from)J�e Mime. Resale Fee means a fee of 2% of the B I �eINumber (at the time of resale) multiplied by the Resale Price Multiplier, to be paid t_ nitoring Agent as compensation for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Tiis Deed Rider, including the supervision of the resale process. Resale Price Certificate mea h &Zificate issued as may be specified in the Regulatory Agreement and recorded ' first deed of the Property from the Developer, or the subsequent certificate issued as may be specified in the Regulatory Agreement, which sets forth the Resale 'c ultiplier to be applied on the Owner's sale of the Property, as provided herein, so ng as the restrictions set forth herein continue. In the absence of contrary sp'ec}'� in the Regulatory Agreement the Monitoring Agent shall issue the certificate. 4[ 1 R le ri Multiplier means the number calculated by dividing the Property's initial sale price bf1kBWe Income Number at the time of the initial sale from the Developer to the first Eligible Purcha er. The Resale Price Multiplier will be multiplied by the Base Income Number at the time of the Owner's resale of the Property to determine the Maximum Resale Price on such conveyance subject to adjustment for the Resale Fee, marketing expenses and Approved Capital Improvements. In the event that the purchase price paid for the Property by the Owner includes such an adjustment a new Resale Price Multiplier will be recalculated by the Monitoring Agent by dividing the purchase price so paid by the Base Income Number at the time of such purchase, 4 5 b7--H I and a new Resale Price Certificate will be issued and recorded reflecting the new Resale Price Multiplier. A Resale Price Multiplier of is hereby assigned to the Property. Term means in perpetuity, unless earlier terminated by (i) the termination of the term of affordability set forth in the Regulatory Agreement or Comprehensive Permit, whichever is longer; or (ii) the recording of a Compliance Certificate and a new Deed Rider executed by the purchaser in form and substance substantially identical to this Deed Rider establishing a term. 2. Owner- Occupancy/Principal Residence. The Property shall be o ' d d used by the Owner's household exclusively as his, her or their principal residence. a the Property or activity thereon which is inconsistent with such exclusive resi 1 e is expressly prohibited. 3. Restrictions Against Leasing, Refinancing and Junior mbrances. The Property shall not be leased, rented, refinanced, encumbered (vo ' y otherwise) or mortgaged without the prior written consent of the Monitoring ge rovided that this provision shall not apply to a first mortgage granted on th ereof in connection with this conveyance from Grantor to Owner securing indebtedne ter than one hundred percent (100 %) of the purchase price. Any rents, profits, or p om any transaction described in the preceding sentence which transaction has not rec ve a requisite written consent of the Monitoring Agent shall be paid upon demand b wn to the Municipality for deposit to its Affordable Housing Fund. The Monitoring A t Municipality may institute proceedings to recover such rents, profits or proceeds, a o collection, including attorneys' fees. Upon recovery, after payment of costs, the ba 11 be paid to the Municipality for deposit to its Affordable Housing Fund. In the a Monitoring Agent consents for good cause to any such lease, refinancing, encu or mortgage, it shall be a condition to such consent that all rents, profits or procee such transaction, which exceed the actual carrying costs of the Property as determined a itoring Agent, shall be paid to the Municipality for deposit to its Affordable Housin 4. 0I)tio&g tolXurchase. (a) When the Owner or any successor in title to the Owner shall desire to sesp se of or otherwise convey the Property, or any portion thereof, the Owner shall t e Monitoring Agent and the Municipality in writing of the Owner's intention Co nvey the Property (the "Conveyance Notice'). Upon receipt of the Conveyance Notice,,k MMritoring Agent shall (i) calculate the Maximum Resale trice which the Owner m re i on the sale of the Property based upon the Base Income Number in effect as of the t f t Conveyance Notice and the Resale Price Multiplier set forth in the most recently recor d Resale Price Certificate together with permissible adjustments for the Resale Fee, marketing expenses and Approved Capital Improvements (as discounted), arid (ii) promptly begin marketing efforts. The Owner shall fully cooperate with the Monitoring Agent's efforts to locate an Eligible Purchaser and, if so requested by the Monitoring Agent, shall hire a broker selected by the Monitoring Agent to assist in locating an Eligible Purchaser ready, willing and able to purchase the Property at the Maximum Resale Price after entering a purchase and sale 5 �6Z� agreement. Pursuant to such agreement, sale to the Eligible Purchaser at the Maximum Resale Price shall occur within ninety (90) days after the Monitoring Agent receives the Conveyance Notice or such further time as reasonably requested to arrange for details of closing. If the Owner fails to cooperate in such resale efforts, including a failure to agree to reasonable terms in the purchase and sale agreement, the Monitoring Agent may extend the 90 -day period for a period commensurate with the time the lack of cooperation continues, as determined by the Monitoring Agent in its reasonable discretion. In such event, the Monitoring Agent shall Owner written notice of the lack of cooperation and the length of the extension added t e - day period. r (b) The Monitoring Agent shall ensure that diligent marketing efforts a e�'o locate an Eligible Purchaser ready, willing and able to purchase the Property at um Resale Price within the time period provided in subsection (a) above and to ente e r uisite purchase and sale agreement. If more than one Eligible Purchaser is located, the on ng Agent shall conduct a lottery or other like procedure to determine which Eligible 4ALLNhhaser shall be entitled to enter a purchase and sale agreement with Owner and to purch perry. Preference shall be given to Appropriate Size Households. The procedure tr dVetinig and selecting an Eligible Purchaser shall be approved as provided in the R Agreement and any applicable Program Guidelines. If an Eligible Purchaser ' to within ninety (90) days after receipt of the Conveyance Notice, but such Eligible P proves unable to secure mortgage financing so as to be able to complete the purchas e th operty pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement, following written notice to O wit the 90 -day period the Monitoring Agent shall have an additional sixty (60) days t to to another Eligible Purchaser who will enter a purchase and sale agreement and purc roperty by the end of such sixty (60)-day period or such further time as reasonablX ted to carry out the purchase and sale agreement. (c) In lieu of sale to an Eli ' rchaser, the Monitoring Agent or the Municipality or designee shall also have 6an rchase the Property at the Maximum Resale Price, in which event the purchase 1 ement shall be entered, and the purchase shall occur within ninety (90) days a c 'pt of the Conveyance Notice or, within the additional sixty (60) -day period speciotosect u section (b) above, or such further time as reasonably requested to carry out the purchas sale agreement. Any lack of cooperation by Owner in measures reasonably nece the sale shall extend the 90 -day period by the length of the delay caused by suc f cooperation. The Monitoring Agent shall promptly give Owner written notice of th ac o cooperation and the length of the extension added to the 90 -day period. In the eve f SM a sale to the Monitoring Agent or Municipality or designee, the Property shall re in ub ct to this Deed Rider and shall thereafter be sold or rented to an Eligible Purchaser more particularly set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. (d) If an Eligible Purchaser fails to purchase the Property within the 90 -day period (or such further time determined as provided herein) after receipt of the Conveyance Notice, and the Monitoring Agent or Municipality or designee does not purchase the Property during said period, then the Owner may convey the Property to an Ineligible Purchaser no earlier than thirty (30) days after the end of said period at the Maximum Resale Price, but subject to all rights and 6 s)q Z"& restrictions contained herein; provided that the Property shall be conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider which the Owner agrees to execute, to secure execution by the Ineligible Purchaser and to record with the Deed; and further provided that if more than one Ineligible Purchaser is ready, willing and able to purchase the Property the Owner will give preference and enter a purchase and sale agreement with any individuals or households identified by the Monitoring Agent as an Appropriate Size Household earning more than eighty percent (80 %) but less than one hundred twenty percent (120 %) of the Area an Income. (e) The priority for exercising the options to purchase contained in this S t 4 all be as follows: (i) an Eligible Purchaser located and selected by the Monitoring A e rovided in subsection (b) above, (ii) the Municipality or its designee, as provided i tion (c) above, and (iii) an Ineligible Purchaser, as provided in subsection (d) above. (f) Nothing in this Deed Rider or the Regulatory Agreement itutes a promise, commitment or guarantee by DHCD, MassHousing, the Municip Monitoring Agent that upon resale the Owner shall actually receive the Maximu Re Price for the Property or any other price for the Property. (g) The holder of a mortgage on the Property i o igated to forbear from exercising the rights and remedies under its mortgage, at law o n ity, after delivery of the Conveyance. Notice. 5. Delivery of Deed. (a) In c n with any conveyance pursuant to an option to purchase as set forth in Section 4 above perty shall be conveyed by the Owner to the selected purchaser by a good and sdQfi ' quitclaim deed conveying a good and clear record and marketable title to the Prope om all encumbrances except (i) such taxes for the then current year as are not due and b on the date of delivery of the deed, (ii) any lien for municipal betterments asses a e date of the Conveyance Notice, (iii) provisions of local building and zoning laws ' a easements, restrictions, covenants and agreements of record specified in the deed t wner to the selected purchaser, (v) such additional easements, restrictions, covenan a agreements of record as the selected purchaser consents to, such consent not to b eaMnably withheld or delayed, (vi) the Regulatory Agreement, and (vii), except as oth ' e rovided in the Compliance Certificate, a Deed Rider identical in form and substance t hi eed Rider which the Owner hereby agrees to execute, to secure execution by the sele d p aser, and to record with the deed. Said deed shall clearly state that it is maAe b t to the Deed Rider which is made part of the deed. Failure to comply with the e in sentence shall not affect the validity of the conveyance from the Owner to the selected purcha er or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. (b) Said deed, including the approved Deed Rider, shall be delivered and the purchase price paid (the 'Closing ") at the Registry, or at the option of the selected purchaser, exercised by written notice to the Owner at least five (5) days prior to the delivery of the deed, at such other place as the selected purchaser may designate in said notice. The Closing shall occur at such s i time and on such date as shall be specified in a written notice from the selected purchaser to the Owner, which date shall be at least five (5) days after the date on which such notice is given, and no later than the end of the time period specified in Section 4(a) above. (c) To enable Owner to make conveyance as herein provided, Owner may, if Owner so desires at the time of delivery of the deed, use the purchase money or any portion thereof to clear the title of any or all encumbrances or interests, all instruments with respect thereto to be recorded simultaneously with the delivery of said deed. Nothing contained herein as to e Owner's obligation to remove defects in title or to make conveyance or to deliver p s ss f the Property in accordance with the terms.hereof, as to use of proceeds to clear ti as the election of the selected purchaser to take title, nor anything else in this Deed 'd a e deemed to waive, impair or otherwise affect the priority of the rights herei afters appearing of record, or occurring, at any time after the recording of this Ad lider, all such matters so appearing or occurring being subject and subordinate in all event the rights herein. (d) Water and sewer charges and taxes for the then curre e d shall be apportioned and fuel value shall be adjusted as of the date of C si d e net amount thereof shall be added to or deducted from, as the case may be, th ase price payable by the selected purchaser. e Full possession of the Property free pants is to be delivered at the time of () P Prty � P the Closing, the Property to be then in the same ndi as it is in on the date of the execution of the purchase and sale agreement, reasonable a and tear only excepted. n (f) If Owner shall be unable to &ZAN or to make conveyance as above required, or if any change of condition in the P am i cluded in the above exception shall occur, then Owner shall be given a reasonable ' to exceed thirty (30) days after the date on which the Closing was to have occurred i is to remove any defect in title or to restore the Property to the condition herein require h er shall use best efforts to remove any such defects in the title, whether voluntary o ' tary, and to restore the Property to the extent permitted by insurance proceeds or c de ation award. The Closing shall occur fifteen (15) days after notice by Owner that uc efect has been cured or that the Property has been so restored. The selected purchas ha ave the election, at either the original or any extended time for performance, to t such title as the Owner can deliver to the Property in its then condition and to pay re a purchase price without deduction, in which case the Owner shall convey such titl exc1W that in the event of such conveyance in accordance with the provisions of this cla e, f t Property shall have been damaged by fire or casualty insured against or if a portion P erty shall have been taken by a public authority, then the Owner shall, unless the Owne as previously restored the Property to its former condition, either: (A) pay over or assign to the selected purchaser, on delivery ofthe deed, all amounts recovered or recoverable on account of such insurance or condemnation award less any amounts reasonably expended by the Owner for any partial restoration, or 8 J4 -1,19 (B) if a holder of a mortgage on the Property shall not permit the insurance proceeds or the condemnation award or part thereof to be used to restore the Property to its former condition or to be so paid over or assigned, give to the selected purchaser a credit against the purchase price, on delivery of the deed, equal to said amounts so retained by the holder of the said mortgage less any amounts reasonably expended by the Owner for any partial restoration: 6. Resale and Transfer Restrictions. (a) Except as otherwise provided hereiL th Property or any interest therein shall not at any time be sold by the Owner, or Werroperty successors and assigns, and no attempted sale shall be valid, unless the aggre consideration and payments of every kind given or paid by the selected punch for and in connection with the transfer of such Property, is equal to or less Resale Price for the Property, and unless a certificate (the'Com liance ific te) is obtained and recorded, signed and acknowledged by the Monitoring Agent whic Co iance Certificate refers to the Property, the Owner, the selected purchaser thereof, and 44&aximum Resale Price therefor, and states that the proposed conveyance, sale or transfe� perry to the selected purchaser is in compliance with the rights, restrictions, coven greements contained in this Deed Rider, and unless there is also recorded a new DV4&er executed by the selected purchaser, which new Deed Rider is identical in form anoaVXtaiVe to this Deed Rider. (b) The Owner, any good faith purchaser o a security interest in such Property and any otheNb Certificate as conclusive evidence that the nron e to the selected purchaser is in compliaj contained in this Deed Rider, and may conveyance of the Property. 0 f tit F)*rty, any lender or other party taking it may rely upon a Compliance onveyance, sale or transfer of the Property rights, restrictions, covenants and agreements Compliance Certificate in connection with the (c) Within ten (10) day closing of the conveyance of the Property from the Owner to the selected porch weer shall deliver to the Monitoring Agent a copy of the Deed of the Property901 a deed rider, together with recording information Failure of the Owner, or Ownerors or assigns to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of yance or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. 7. §V ' al of Restrictions Upon Exercise of Remedies by Mortgagees. (a) The holder of rboerNYany mortgage on the Property (each, a "Mortgagee ') shall notify the Moknd ri ACfit, the Municipality and any senior Mortgagee(s) in the event of any default for w e ortgagee intends to commence foreclosure proceedings or similar remedial action r its mortgage (the "Foreclosure Notice "), which notice shall be sent to the Monitoring Ag the Municipality as set forth in this Deed Rider, and to the senior Mortgagee(s) as set forth in such senior Mortgagee's mortgage, not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the foreclosure sale or the acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The Owner expressly agrees to the delivery of the Foreclosure Notice and any other communications and disclosures made by the Mortgagee pursuant to this Deed Rider. 9 � � zA (b) The Owner grants to the Municipality or its designee the right and option to purchase the Property upon receipt by the Municipality of the Foreclosure Notice. In the event that the Municipality intends to exercise its option, the Municipality or its designee shall purchase the Property within one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt of such notice, at a price equal to the greater of (i) the sum of the outstanding principal balance of the note secured by such foreclosing Mortgagee's mortgage, together with the outstanding principal balance(s) of any note(s) secured by mortgage(s) senior in priority to such mortgage (but in no event shall the aggregate it thereof be greater than one hundred percent (100 %) of the Maximum Resale Price calc t t the time of the granting of the mortgage) plus all future advances, accrued interest all reasonable costs and expenses which the foreclosing Mortgagee and any senior ag (s) are entitled to recover pursuant to the terms of such mortgages (the "Mort a e Sa ' f Amount "), and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price (which for this purpose mayoa&thaan the purchase price paid for the Property by the Owner)(the greater of (i) and ' ab a herein referred to as the "Applicable Foreclosure Price "). The Property shall sol d conveyed in its then - current "as is, where is" condition, without representation or waxiaLU of any kind, direct or indirect, express or implied, and with the benefit of and subject t6 , rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens, improvements, housi co olations, public assessments, any and all unpaid federal or state taxes (sub' y rights of redemption for unpaid federal taxes), municipal liens and any other enc �c of record then in force and applicable to the Property having priority over such fo Los %g Mortgagee's mortgage, and further subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and ub ce to this Deed Rider which the Owner hereby agrees to execute, to secure exec b* n b e Municipality or its designee, and to record with the deed, except that (i) during the f ownership of the Property by the Municipality or its designee the owner -o requirements of Section 2 hereof shall not apply (unless the designee is an Eligibl c er), and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price shall be recalculated based on the price pai o roperty by the Municipality or its designee, but not greater than the Applicable Forec ice. Said deed shall clearly state that it is made subject to the Deed Rider wh' ade part of the deed. Failure to comply with the preceding sentence shall not �ACN^ validity of the conveyance from the Owner to the Municipality or its desigW4Xtlte enforceability of the restrictions herein. (c) Not earlier �o a hundred twenty (120) days following the delivery of the Foreclosure Not to Monitoring Agent, the Municipality and any senior Mortgagee(s) pursuant to s sin (a) above, the foreclosing Mortgagee may conduct the foreclosure sale or accept a de in ieu of foreclosure. The Property shall be sold and conveyed in its then - current "as is, v1pre i condition, without representation or warranty of any kind, direct or indirect, ex s or plied, and with the benefit of and subject to all rights, rights of way, restrictions, s en , covenants, liens, improvements, housing code violations, public assessments, any and all en id federal or state taxes (subject to any rights of redemption for unpaid federal taxes), municipal liens and any other encumbrances of record then in force and applicable to the Property having priority over the foreclosing Mortgagee's mortgage, and further subject to a Deed Rider, as set forth below. 10 - 3() (d) In the event that the foreclosing Mortgagee conducts a foreclosure sale or other proceeding enforcing its rights under its mortgage and the Property is sold for a price in excess of the greater of the Maximum Resale Price and the Mortgage Satisfaction Amount, such excess shall be paid to the Municipality for its Affordable Housing Fund after (i) a final judicial determination, or (ii) a written agreement of all parties who, as of such date hold (or have been duly authorized to act for other parties who hold) a record interest in the Property, that the Municipality is entitled to such excess. The legal costs of obtaining any such judicial determination or agreement shall be deducted from the excess prior to payment to the Municipality. To the extent that the Owner possesses any interest in any amount w ' w otherwise be payable to the Municipality under this paragraph, to the fullest exte rm ible by law, the Owner hereby assigns its interest in such amount to the Mortgag o e to the Municipality. �\ (e) If any Mortgagee shall acquire the Property by reason of for losawor upon conveyance of the Property in lieu of foreclosure, then the rights and 'ctions contained herein shall apply to such Mortgagee upon such acquisition of th r and to any purchaser of the Property from such Mortgagee, and the Property shall b con ed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider, ii a Mortgagee that has so acquired the Property agrees to annex to the deed and to h the deed, except that (i) during the term of ownership of the Property by such ee the owner - occupancy requirements of Section 2 hereof shall not apply, an n Maximum Resale Price shall be recalculated based on the price paid for the Prop b uch Mortgagee at the foreclosure sale, but not greater than the Applicable Foreclosure ri . Said deed shall clearly state that it is made subject to the Deed Rider whichiri 5art which ' of the deed. Failure to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the v f the conveyance to the Mortgagee or the enforceability of the restrictions hei� (f) If any partYthe ther th rtgagee shall acquire the Property by reason of foreclosure or upon conveyance P e lieu of foreclosure, the Property shall be conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical . and substance to this Deed Rider, which the foreclosing Mortgagee agrees to c t e deed and to record with the deed, except that (i) if the purchaser at such for to re sale or assignee of a deed in lieu of foreclosure is an Ineligible Purchaser, then 'ng a term of ownership of the Property by such Ineligible Purchaser, the owner -occup uirements of Section 2 hereof shall not apply, and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price shall re culated based on the price paid for the Property by such third party purchaser at the fo clos a sale, but not greater than the Applicable Foreclosure Price. Said deed shall. cle�l to that it is made subiect to the Deed Rider which is made part of the deed. PTiTke ttMoomply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of the conveyance to such t rd party purchaser or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. (g) Upon satisfaction of the requirements contained in this Section 7, the Monitoring Agent shall issue a Compliance Certificate to the foreclosing Mortgagee which, upon recording in the Registry, may be relied upon as provided in Section 6(b) hereof as conclusive evidence 11 6,31 I that the conveyance of the Property pursuant to this Section 7 is in compliance with the rights, restrictions, covenants and agreements contained in this Deed Rider. (h) The Owner understands and agrees that nothing in this Deed Rider or the Regulatory Agreement (i) in any way constitutes a promise or guarantee by MassHousing, DHCD, the Municipality or the Monitoring Agent that the Mortgagee shall actually receive the Mortgage Satisfaction Amount, the Maximum Resale Price for the Property or any other price for t Property, or (ii) impairs the rights and remedies of the Mortgagee in the event of a deft ncy. (i) If a Foreclosure Notice is delivered after the delivery of a Con veyanc 'ce provided in Section 4(a) hereof, the procedures set forth in this Section 7 s u e the provisions of Section 4 hereof. 8. Covenants to Run With the Property (a) This Deed Rid , in ing all restrictions, rights and covenants contained herein, is an affordable h g restriction as that term is defined in Section 31 of Chapter 184 of the Massachuse a ra Laws, having the benefit of Section 32 of such Chapter 184, and is enforceable suc is Deed Rider has been approved by the Director of DHCD. (b) In confirmation thereof the Grantor and the intend, declare and covenant (i) that this Deed Rider, including all restrictions, rights venants contained herein, shall be and are covenants running with the land, encum ing a Property for the Term, and are binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors in 'd d assigns, (ii) are not merely personal covenants of the Owner, and (iii) shall a �e benefit of and be enforceable by the Municipality, the Monitoring Agent an and their successors and assigns, for the Term. Owner hereby agrees that any and ements of the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have been satisfle r for the provisions of this Deed Rider to constitute restrictions and covenants run ' the land and that any requirements of privity of estate have been satisfied in full. 9. Notice. Ai%tices, demands or requests that may be given under this Deed Rider shall be suffici t� MEl ved if given in writing and delivered by hand or mailed by certified lk or registered mail, po9kW prepaid, return receipt requested, to the following entities and parties in interest at thed7lesses set forth below, or such other addresses as may be specified by any party (or i r) by such notice. /\10 ici ali Grantor: Owner: 12 v S'�°3 Monitoring Agent[ sl (1) Director, Local Initiative Program DHCD 100 Cambridge Street Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114 (2} Others: �(1 An such notice demand or request shall be dee d ta'have been given on the day it is hand Y � g delivered or mailed. 10. Further Assurances. The grees from time to time, as may be reasonably required by the Monitoring Agent, to f e Monitoring Agent upon its request with a written statement, signed and, if req acknowledged, setting forth the condition and occupancy of the Property, info onceming the resale of the Property and other material information pertaining to the and the Owner's conformance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Permit, Pr a rogram Guidelines, as applicable. 11. Enforce nt. ) The rights hereby granted shall include the right of the Municipality and the o ring Agent to enforce this Deed Rider independently by appropriate legal proceedin nd obtain injunctive and other appropriate relief on account of any violations inclu ithout limitation relief requiring restoration of the Property to the condition, or i ity or occupancy which existed prior to the violation impacting such conditio a bility or occupancy (it being agreed that there shall be no adequate remedy at la 44wo u violation), and shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other rights and r ie ailable to the Municipality and the Monitoring Agent. (b) Without limitation of any other rights or remedies of the Municipality and the Monitoring Agent, or their successors and assigns, in the event of any sale, conveyance or other transfer or occupancy of the Property in violation of the provisions of this Deed Rider, the Municipality and Monitoring Agent shall be entitled to the following remedies, which shall be cumulative and not mutually exclusive: S133 (i) specific performance of the provisions of this Deed Rider; (ii) money damages for charges in excess of the Maximum Resale Price, if applicable; (iii) if the violation is a sale of the Property to an Ineligible Purchaser except as permitted herein, the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality shall have e option to locate an Eligible Purchaser to purchase or itself purchase the ope from the Ineligible Purchaser on the terms and conditions provided h ' , purchase price shall be a price which complies with the provision o is eed Rider; specific performance of the requirement that an Ineligib e P r shall sell, as herein provided, may be judicially ordered. (iv) the right to void any contract for sale or any sale, co ce or other transfer of the Property in violation of the provisions o t 's Deed Rider in the absence of a Compliance Certificate, by an actio to enforce this Deed Rider; and (v) money damages for the cost of creat btaining a comparable dwelling unit for an Eligible Purchaser. (c) In addition to the foregoing, the O er h agrees and shall be obligated to pay all fees and expenses (including legal fees) of t onitoring Agent and/or the Municipality in the event successful enforcement action is t cost the Owner or Owner's successors or assigns. The Owner hereby grants to the ing Agent and the Municipality a lien on the Property, junior to the lien of any insti older of a first mortgage on the Property, to secure payment of such fees and ex any successful enforcement action. The Monitoring Agent and the Municipality shall led to seek recovery of fees and expenses incurred in a successful enforcement action eed Rider against the Owner and to assert such a lien on the Property to secure pay h Owner of such fees and expenses. Notwithstanding anything herein to the c m the event that the Monitoring Agent and/or Municipality fails to enforce this Deed provided in this Section, DHCD, if it is not named as Monitoring Agent, shall have the rights and standing to enforce this Deed Rider as the Municipality and Monitoring (dept. (d) T O ner for himself, herself or themselves and his, her or their successors and assi seb grants to the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality the right to take all actions w re a to the Property which the Monitoring Agent or Municipality may determine to be nec ry or appropriate pursuant to applicable law, court order, or the consent of the Owner to preven remedy or abate any violation of this Deed Rider. 12. Monitoring Services; Fees. Fees. The Monitoring Agent shall monitor compliance of the Project and enforce the requirements of this Deed Rider. As partial compensation for providing these services, a Resale Fee [v] shall [ ] shall not be payable to the Monitoring Agent on the sale of the Property to an Eligible Purchaser or any other purchaser in 14 5,�3 �1 accordance with the terms of this Deed Rider. This fee, if imposed, shall be paid by the Owner herein as a closing cost at the time of Closing, and payment of the fee to the Monitoring Agent shall be a condition to delivery and recording of its certificate, failing which the Monitoring Agent shall have a claim against the new purchaser, his, her or their successors or assigns, for which the Monitoring Agent may bring an action and may seek an attachment against the Property. 13. Actions by Municipality. Any action required or allowed to be take;�; Municipality hereunder shall be taken by the Municipality's Chief Executive OfFic� e ee. 14. Severability. If any provisions hereof or the application thereo to on or circumstance are judicially determined, to any extent, to be invalid or unen le, e remainder hereof, or the application of such provision to the persons c c' um es other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affecte th 15. Independent Counsel. THE OWNER ACKNOW THAT HE, SHE, OR THEY HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY A HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONSULT LEGAL AND FINANC ORS OF HIS, HER OR THEIR CHOOSING REGARDING THE EXECUTION, RY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. 16. Binding Agreement. This Deed ide> 1 bind and inure to the benefit of the persons, entities and parties named herein and t successors or assigns as are permitted by this Deed Rider. 17. Amendment. This Dee44&Jjqmay not be rescinded, modified or amended, in whole or in part, without the writte t of the Monitoring Agent, the Municipality and the holder of any mortgage or other instrument encumbering all or any portion of the Property, which written copse,!' e recorded with the Registry. Executed as a sealed insymo ftt7this day of , 200_. L Grantor: Owner: By By — Q 15 S � '3 >' COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS County, ss. On this day of , 200_, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared , the of in its capacity as the of ro to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which was [a current driver's ens current U.S. passport] [my personal knowledge], to be the person whose name is ed the preceding instrument and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his or er ct and deed and the free act and deed of as of V-4A% 1W Notary Public My commiss� &"A res: O COMMONWEALTH F ASSACHUSETTS County, ss. On this f h d d bl' Y personally appeared in i, to me through satisfacto Nei4 current U.S. passport] p rsor preceding instrument n c ow deed and the free,. ct a deed of &Ib 200 before me, t e un ersigne notary pu ic, , the of as the of , proved of identification, which was [a current driver's license] [a knowledge], to be the person whose name is signed on the [ged the foregoing instrument to be his or her free act and as of Notary Public My commission expires: 16 J4 3( - Bk:49791 Pg: 1 - LOCAL INITIATIVE PROGRAM O REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR OWNERSHIP PROJECT This Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (the "Agreement ") is made this L "day of July, 2007 by and among the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through the Department of Housing and Community Development ( "DHCD "), pursuant to Chapter 204 of the Acts of 1996, the City/Town of Reading ( "the Municipality"), and Johnson Woods Realty Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation/limited partnership, having an address at 8 Doaks Lane, Marblehead, Massachusetts, 01945, and its successors and assigns ( "Project Sponsor "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, pursuant to G.L. c. 40B, §§ 20 -23 (the "Act ") and the final report of the Special Legislative Commission Relative to Low and Moderate Income Housing Provisions issued in April 1989, regulations have been promulgated at 760 CMR 45.00 (the "Regulations ") which establish the Local Initiative Program CLIP"); WHEREAS, the Project Sponsor intends to construct a housing development known as Johnson Woods at a 27 acre site on West Street in the Municipality, more partir darly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Project "); WHEREAS, such Project is to consist of a total number of 166 condominium units/ (the "Units ") and 17 of the Units will be sold at prices specified in this Agreement to persons or households with incomes at or below eighty percent (80 %) of the regional median household income (the "Low and Moderate Income Units "); WHEREAS, the Chief Elected Official of the Municipality (as that term is defined in the Regulations) and the Project Sponsor have made application to DHCD to certify that the Project is a valid Comprehensive Permit Project (as that terra is defined in the Regulations) within the LIP Program and therefore that the Project Sponsor is qualified to apply to the MunicipaIity's Board of Appeals (as that term is defined in the Regulations) for a comprehensive permit pursuant to the Act (the "Comprehensive Permit "), or have made application to DHCD to certify that the units in the Project are Local Initiative Units (as that term is defined in the Regulations) with the LIP Program; and WHEREAS, in partial consideration of the execution of this Agreement, DHCD has issued or will issue its final approval of the Project within the LIP Program and has given and will give technical and other assistance to the Project; WHEREAS, the Project Sponsor intends to construct the Project in numerous construction phases ( "Phases ") by amending the Master Deed of the Johnson Woods Condominium ( "Condominium ") recorded in the Middlesex Registry of Deeds in Book 43097, Page 163, and has previously amended the Master Deed to add Phases I - VI to the Condominium, which includes two Low and Moderate Income Units in Phase IV, and five Low and Moderate Income Units in Phase VI; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements and covenants hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which each of the parties hereto hereby acknowledge to the other, DHCD, the Municipality, and the Project Sponsor hereby agree and cove- nant as follows (the provisions in brackets apply only to Comprehensive Permit Projects): - - I Bk: 49791 Pg: 1 Doo: AGR RA Page 1 June 2006 Page: 1 0130 07!1712007 03:00 PM �63? Bk: 49791 Pg: 2 1. The Project Sponsor agrees to construct the Project in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Municipality and DHCD (the "Plans and Specifications ") [and in accordance with all terms and conditions of the Comprehensive Permit]. In addition, all Low and Moderate Income Units to be constructed as part of the Project must be indistinguishable from other Units in the Project from the exterior (unless the Project has an approved "Alternative Development Plan" as set forth in the LIP Guidelines for Communities ( "Guidelines ")), and must contain complete living facilities including but not limited to a stove, kitchen cabinets, plumbing fixtures, and washer /dryer hookup, all as more fully shown in the Plans and Specifications. of the Low and Moderate Income Units shall be one bedroom units; 8 of the Low and Moderate income Units shall be two bedroom townhouse units; 9 of the Low and Moderate Income Units shall be two bedroom garden units of the Low and Moderate Income Units shall be three bedroom units; and, of the Low and Moderate Income Units shall be four bedroom units. All Low and Moderate Income Units to be occupied by families must contain two or more bedrooms. Low and Moderate Income Units must have the following minimum areas: one bedroom units - 700 square feet two bedroom units - 900 square feet three bedroom units - 1200 square feet four bedroom units - 1400 square feet The Project must fully comply with the State Building Code and with all applicable state and federal building, environmental, health, safety and other laws, rules, and regulations, including without limitation all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations relating to the operation of adaptable and accessible housing for the handicapped. [Except to the extent that the Project is exempted from such compliance by the Comprehensive Permit,] the Project must also comply with all applicable local codes, ordinances and by -laws. The Project Sponsor agrees that the percentage interest in the Condominium for the Low and Moderate Income Units in future Phases shall be determined in the same manner and with the same considerations, reflecting the impact of the deed restrictions on the value of the Low and Moderate Income Units, as the percentage interests were determined for the Low and Moderate Income Units in Phases I - VI, and that such percentage interests shall correspond to the maximum condominium fees approved by the Municipality and DHCD for the Low and Moderate Income Units in each added Phase. Prior to recording each amendment of the Master Deed adding a future Phase to the Condominium containing additional affordable units the Project Sponsor shall obtain the approval of the Municipality and DHCD, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed,of the initial condominium fees and the amended schedule of percentage interests for the units in the Condominium. Each Low and Moderate Income Unit will be sold for no more than the price set forth in Ekhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof to an Eligible Purchaser. An Eligible Purchaser is a Family whose annual income does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the Area median income adjusted for family size as determined by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. A "Family" shall mean two or more persons who will live regularly in the Low or Moderate Income Unit as their primary residence and who are related by blood, marriage, or operation of law or who have otherwise evidenced a stable inter- dependent relationship; or an individual. The "Area" is defined as the Boston - Cambridge- Quincy, MA -NH HMFA. 2. Upon issuance of a building permit for the project, the Project will be included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory as that term is described in 760 CMR 31.04(1). Only Low and Moderate Income Units will be counted as Subsidized Housing Units for the purposes of the Act. RA Page 2 June 2006 sAbO bK: aarai wg: s 3. (a) At the time of sale of each Low and Moderate Income Unit by the Project Sponsor, the Project Sponsor shall execute and shall as a condition of the sale cause the purchaser of the Low and Moderate Income Unit to execute an Affordable Housing Deed Rider in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Deed Rider "). Such Deed Rider shall be attached to and made a part of the deed from the Project Sponsor to the Unit Purchaser. Each such Deed Rider shall require the Unit Pur- chaser at the time he desires to sell the Low and Moderate Income Unit to offer the Low and Moderate Income Unit to the Municipality and to DHCD at a discounted purchase price more particularly described therein. The Municipality and DHCD shall have the option upon terms more particularly described in the Deed Rider to either purchase the Low and Moderate Income Unit or to find an Eligible Purchaser. The Deed Rider shall require the Unit Purchaser and the Eligible Purchaser to execute at the time of resale a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to the Low and Moderate Income Unit which will be attached and made a part of the deed from the Unit Purchaser to the Eligible Purchaser, so that the affordability of the Low and Moderate Income unit will be preserved each time that subsequent resales of the Low and Moderate Income unit occur. (The various requirements and restrictions regarding resale of a Low and Moderate Income Unit contained in the Deed Rider are hereinafter referred to as the ( "Resale Restrictions "). If upon the initial resale or any subsequent resale of a Low and Moderate Income Unit, the Municipality and DHCD are unable to find an Eligible Purchaser for the Low and Moderate Income Unit, and the Municipality and DHCD each elect not to exercise its right to purchase the Low and Moderate Income Unit, then the then current owner of the Low and Moderate Income Unit shall have the right to sell the Low and Moderate Income Unit to any person, regardless of his income (an "Ineligible Purchaser ") at the Maximum Resale Price and subject to all rights and restrictions contained in the Deed Rider, and provided that the Unit is conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to the Low and Moderate Income Unit which will be attached and made part of the deed from the Unit Purchaser to the Ineligible Purchaser. The Municipality agrees that in the event that it purchases a Low and Moderate Income Unit pursuant to its right to do so contained in the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to such Low and Moderate Income Unit, that the Municipality shall within six (6) months of its acceptance of a deed of such Low and Moderate Income Unit, either (i) sell the Low and Moderate Income Unit to an Eligible Purchaser at the same price for which it purchased the Low and Moderate Income Unit plus any expenses incurred by the Municipality during its period of ownership, such expenses to be approved by DHCD, subject to a Deed Rider satisfactory in form and substance to DHCD and the recording of an Eligible Purchaser Certificate satisfactory in form and substance to DHCD, the method for selecting such Eligible Purchaser to be approved by DHCD or (ii) rent the Low and Moderate Income Unit to a person who meets the income guidelines of the LIP Program, upon terms and conditions satisfactory to DHCD and otherwise in conformity with the requirements of the LIP Program. If the Municipality fails to sell or rent the Low and Moderate income unit as provided herein within said six (6) month period, or if at any time after the initial rental of the Low and Moderate Income Unit by the Municipality as provided herein the Low and Moderate Income Unit becomes vacant and remains vacant for more than ninety (90) days, then such Low and Moderate Income Unit shall cease to be counted as a Subsidized Housing Unit, and shall no longer be included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory. (b) Each Low and Moderate Income Unit will remain a Subsidized Housing Unit and continue to be included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory for as long as the following three conditions are met: (1) this Agreement remains in full force and effect and neither the Municipality nor the Project Sponsor are in default hereunder; (2) the Project and Low and Moderate Income Unit each continue to comply with the Regulations and the Guidelines as the same may be amended from time to time; and (3) either (i) a Deed Rider binding the then current owner of the Low and Moderate Income Unit to comply with the Resale Restrictions is in full force and effect and the then current owner of the Low and Moderate Income Unit is either in compliance with the terms of the Deed Rider, or the Municipality is in the process of taking such steps as may be required by DHCD to enforce the then current owner's compliance with the terms of the Deed Rider or (ii) the Low and Moderate Income Unit is owned by the Municipality and the Municipality is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the last preceding paragraph, or (iii) the Low and Moderate Income Unit is owned by DHCD. 4. Intentionally deleted. RA Page 3 June 2006 5Wq 49791 Pg: 4 5. The Municipality agrees that upon the receipt by the Municipality of any Windfall Amount [ or Excess Profit] the Municipality shall deposit any and all such Windfall Amounts [or Excess Profit] into an interest bearing account established with an institutional lender approved by DHCD (the "Affordable Housing Fund "). Sums from the Affordable Housing Fund shall be expended from time to time by the Municipality for the purpose of reducing the cost of Low and Moderate Income Units to Eligible purchasers upon resale or for the purpose of encouraging, creating, or subsidizing the construction or rehabilitation of housing for persons and families of low and moderate income elsewhere in the Municipality. The expenditure of funds from the Affordable Housing Fund shall be made only with the approval of DHCD, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. 6. Prior to marketing or otherwise making available for sale any of the Units, the Project Sponsor must obtain DHCD's approval of a marketing plan (the "Marketing Plan") for the Low and Moderate Income Units. Such Marketing Plan must describe the buyer selection process for the Low and Moderate Income Units and must set forth a plan for affirmative marketing of Low and Moderate Income Units to minority households as more particularly described in the Regulations and Guidelines. At the option of the Municipality, the Marketing Plan may also include a preference for local residents for up to seventy percent (70 %) of the Low and Moderate Income Units, subject to all provisions of the Regulations and Guidelines. When submitted to DHCD for approval, the Marketing Plan should be accompanied by a letter from the Chief Elected Official of the Municipality (as that term is defined in the Regulations) which states that the buyer selection and local preference (if any) aspects of the Marketing Plan have been approved by the Municipality and which states that the Municipality will perform any aspects of the Marketing Plan which are set forth as responsibilities of the Municipality in the Marketing Plan. The Marketing Plan must comply with the Regulations and Guidelines and with all other applicable statutes, regulations and executive orders, and DHCD directives reflecting the agreement between DHCD and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the case of NAACP, Boston Chapter v. Kemp. If the Project is located in the Boston Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, the Project Sponsor must list all Low and Moderate Income Units with the City of Boston's MetroList (Metropolitan Housing Opportunity Clearing Center), at Boston City Hall, P.O. Box 5996, Boston, MA 02114 -5996 (617 -635- 3321). All costs of carrying out the Marketing Plan shall be paid by the Project Sponsor. A failure to comply with the Marketing Plan by the Project Sponsor or by the Municipality shall be deemed to be a default of this Agree- ment. The Project Sponsor agrees to maintain for at least five years following the sale of the last Low and Moderate Income Unit, a record of all newspaper ads, outreach letters, translations, leaflets, and any other outreach efforts (collectively "Marketing Documentation ") as described in the Marketing Plan as approved by DHCD which may be inspected at any time by DHCD. All Marketing Documentation must be approved by DHCD prior to its use by the Project Sponsor or the Municipality. The Project Sponsor and the Municipality agree that if at any time prior to or during the process of marketing the Low and Moderate Income Units, DHCD determines that the Project Sponsor, or the Municipality with respect to aspects of the Marketing Plan that the Municipality has agreed to be responsible for, has not adequately complied with the approved Marketing Plan, that the Project Sponsor or Municipality as the case may be, shall conduct such additional outreach or marketing efforts as shall be determined by DHCD. 7. Neither the Project Sponsor nor the Municipality shall discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, handicap, marital status, national origin, or any other basis prohibited by law in the selection of buyers for the Units; and the Project Sponsor shall not so discriminate in connection with the employment or application for employment of persons for the construction, operation or management of the Project. 8. (a) The Project Sponsor agrees to comply and to cause the Project to comply with all requirements of the Regulations and Guidelines and all other applicable laws, rules, regulations, and executive orders. DHCD and the Chief Elected official of the municipality shall have access during normal business hours to all books and records of the Project Sponsor and the Project in order to monitor the Project Sponsor's compliance with the terms of this Agreement. (b) Intentionally deleted (c) Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Chief Elected Official shall annually certify in writing to DHCD that each of the Low and Moderate Income Units continues to be occupied by a person RA Page 4 June 2006 sbN'� Bk:49791 Pg: 5 who was an Eligible Purchaser at the time of purchase; that any Low and Moderate Income Units which have been resold during the year have been resold in compliance with all of the terms and provisions of the Deed Rider than in effect with respect to each such Low and Moderate Income Unit, and in compliance with the Regulations and Guidelines and this Agreement; and that the Project and the Low and Moderate Income Units have otherwise been maintained in a manner consistent with the Regulations and Guidelines, this Agreement, and the Deed Rider then in effect with respect to each Low and Moderate Income Unit. 9. Upon execution, the Project Sponsor shall immediately cause this Agreement and any amendments hereto to be recorded with the Registry of Deeds for the County where the Project is located or, if the Project consists in whole or in part of registered land, file this Agreement and any amendments hereto with the Registry District of the Land Court for the County where the Project is located (collectively hereinafter the "Registry of Deeds "), and the Project Sponsor shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection therewith. Upon recording or filing, as applicable, the Project Sponsor shall immediately transmit to DHCD and the Municipality evidence of such recording or filing including the date and instrument, book and page or registration number of the Agreement. 10. The Project Sponsor hereby represents, covenants and warrants as follows: (a) The Project Sponsor (i) is a corporation duty organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and is qualified to transact business under the laws of this State, (ii) has the power and authority to own its properties and assets and to carry on its business as now being conducted, and (iii) has the full legal right, power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement. (b) The execution and performance of this Agreement by the Project Sponsor (i) will not violate or, as applicable, has not violated any provision of law, rule or regulation, or any order of any court or other agency or governmental body, and (ii) will not violate or, as applicable, has not violated any provision of any indenture, agreement, mortgage, mortgage note, or other instrument to which the Project Sponsor is a party or by which it or the Project is bound, and (iii) will not result in the creation or imposition of any prohibited encumbrance of any nature. (c) The Project Sponsor will, at the time of execution and delivery of this Agreement, have good and marketable title to the premises constituting the Project free and clear of any lien or encumbrance (subject to encumbrances created pursuant to this Agreement, any loan documents relating to the Project the terms of which are approved by DHCD, or other permitted encumbrances, including mortgages referred in paragraph 19, below). (d) There is no action, suit or proceeding at law or in equity or by or before any governmental instrumentality or other agency now pending, or, to the knowledge of the Project Sponsor, threatened against or affecting it, or any of its properties or rights, which, if adversely determined, would materially impair its right to carry on business substantially as now conducted (and as now contemplated by this Agreement) or would materially adversely affect its financial condition. 11. Intentionally deleted. 12. Until such time as decisions regarding repair of damage due to fire or other casualty, or restoration after taking by eminent domain, shall be made by a condominium association or trust not controlled by the Project Sponsor, (or if the Project consists of detached dwellings, by homebuyers) Project Sponsor agrees that if the Project, or any part thereof, shall be damaged or destroyed or shall be condemned or acquired for public use, the Project Sponsor will use its best efforts to repair and restore the Project to substantially the same condition as existed prior to the event causing such damage or destruction, or to relieve the condemnation, and thereafter to operate the Project in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, subject to the approval of the Project's lenders, which lenders have been approved by DHCD and the Municipality. RA Page 5 June 2006 SbLf I Bk:49791 Pg: 6 13. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by all of the parties hereto. The invalidity of any clause, part, or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. i 14. All notices to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered by hand or when mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below, or to such other place as a party may from time to time designate by written notice: DHCD: Department of Housing and Community Development Attention: Local Initiative Program Director 100 Cambridge St., Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114 Municipality: Board of Selectmen Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Project Sponsor: Johnson Woods Realty Corporation 8 Doaks Lane Marblehead, MA 01945 15. (a) This Agreement and all of the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be deemed to be an affordable housing restriction as that term is defined in G.L. c. 184, § 31 and as that term is used in G.L. c.184, § 26, 31, 32 and 33. This Agreement is made for the benefit of DHCD, and DHCD shall be deemed to be the holder of the affordable housing restriction created by this Agreement. DHCD has determined that the acquiring of such affordable housing restriction is in the public interest. The term of this Agreement shall be perpetual, provided however, that this Agreement shall terminate if (a) at any time hereafter there is no Low and Moderate Income Unit at the Project which is then subject to a Deed Rider containing the Resale Restrictions, and there is no Low and Moderate Income Unit at the Project which is owned by the Municipality or DHCD as provided in Section 4 hereof, or (b) the Project is acquired by foreclosure or by instrument in lieu of foreclosure, provided that the holder of the mortgage gives DHCD and the Municipality not less then sixty (60) days prior written notice of the mortgagee's intention to foreclose upon the Project or to accept an instrument in lieu of foreclosure, or (c) [if a Comprehensive Permit is not granted to the Project Sponsor for the Project by either the Municipality's Board of Appeals (as that term is defined in the Regulations) or by the housing Appeals Committee (as that term is used in the Act) within a period of eighteen months from the date of execution of this Agreement, or] (d) [if at any time the Comprehensive Permit is revoked and all applicable appeal periods with respect to such revocation have expired]. If this Agreement terminates because of a foreclosure or the acceptance of an instrument in lieu of foreclosure as set forth in clause (b) of this paragraph, the Municipality agrees that if at the time of such termination there is one or more Low and Moderate Income Unit at the Project which is then subject to a Deed Rider containing the Resale Restrictions or there is one or more Low and Moderate Income Unit at the Project which is owned by the Municipality or DHCD as provided in Section RA Page 6 June 2006 '0 Nz Bk: 497£1 Pg: 7 4 hereof, the Municipality shall enter into a new Regulatory Agreement with DHCD with respect to such Low and Moderate Income Units which shall be satisfactory in form and substance to DHCD. (b) The Project Sponsor intends, declares and covenants on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns (i) that this Agreement and the covenants, agreements and restrictions contained herein shall be and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the Project for the term of this Agreement, and are binding upon the Project Sponsor's successors in title, (ii) are not merely personal covenants of the Project Sponsor, and (iii) shall bind the Project Sponsor, its successors and assigns and enure to the benefit of DHCD and its successors and assigns for the term of the Agreement. Project Sponsor hereby agrees that any and all requirements of the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to be satisfied in order for the provisions of this Agreement to constitute restrictions and covenants running with the land shall be deemed to be satisfied in full and that any requirements of privity of estate are also deemed to be satisfied in full. (c) The Resale Restrictions contained in each of the Deed Riders which are to encumber each of the Low and Moderate Income Units at the Project pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement shall also constitute an affordable housing restriction as that term is defined in G.L. c. 184, § 31 and as that term is used in G.L. c. 184, §§ 26, 31, 32, and 33. Such Resale Restrictions shall be for the benefit of both DHCD and the Municipality and both DHCD and the Municipality shall be deemed to be the holder of the affordable housing restriction created by the Resale Restrictions in each of the Deed Riders. DHCD has determined that the acquiring of such affordable housing restriction is in the public interest. To the extent that the Municipality is the holder of the Resale Restrictions to be contained in each of the Deed Riders, the Director of DHCD by the execution of this Agreement hereby approves such Resale Restrictions in each of the Deed Riders for the Low and Moderate Income Units of the Project as required by the provisions of G.L. c. 184, § 32. 16. The Project Sponsor and the Municipality each agree to submit any information, documents, or certifications requested by DHCD which DHCD shall deem necessary or appropriate to evidence the continuing compliance of the Project Sponsor and the Municipality with the terms of this Agreement. 17. (a) The Project Sponsor and the Municipality each covenant and agree to give DHCD written notice of any default, violation or breach of the obligations of the Project Sponsor or the Municipality hereunder, (with a copy to the other party to this Agreement) within seven (7) days of first discovering such default, violation or breach (a "Default Notice "). If DHCD becomes aware of a default, violation, or breach of obligations of the Project Sponsor or the Municipality hereunder without receiving a Default Notice from Project Sponsor or the Municipality, DHCD shall give a notice of such default, breach or violation to the offending party (with a copy to the other party to this Agreement) (the "DHCD Default Notice "). If any such default, violation, or breach is not cured to the satisfaction of DHCD within thirty (30) days after the giving of the Default notice by the Project Sponsor or the Municipality, or if no Default Notice is given, then within thirty (30) days after the giving of the DHCD Default Notice, then at DHCD's option, and without further notice, DHCD may either terminate this Agreement, or DHCD may apply to any state or federal court for specific performance of this Agreement, or DHCD may exercise any other remedy at law or in equity or take any other action as may be necessary or desirable to correct non - compliance with this Agreement. (b) if DHCD elects to terminate this Agreement as the result of a breach, violation, or default hereof, which breach, violation, or default continues beyond the cure period set forth in this Section 18, then the Low and Moderate Income Units and any other Units at the Project which have been included in the Subsidized Housing Inventory shall from the date of such termination no longer be deemed Low and Moderate Income Housing for the purposes of the Act and shall be deleted from the Subsidized Housing Inventory. 18. The Project Sponsor represents and warrants that it has obtained the consent of all existing mortgagees of the Project to the execution and recording of this Agreement and to the terms and conditions hereof and that all such mortgagees have executed the Consent to Regulatory Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof. RA Page 7 Junc 2006 5� 0 Bk:49791 Pg: 8 Executed as a sealed instrument as of the date first above written. Project Sponsor By: its �j�SlGi Department of Hous n Community Pev By: I I " its AssUi m+c -Dire cAxw- Municipality By: li its G IV LSM_r, (Chief Elected Official) Attachments: Exhibit A - Legal Property Description Exhibit B - Prices & Location of Low & Moderate Income Units Exhibit C - Form of Deed Rider Consent forms signed by any and all mortgagees whose mortgages are recorded prior to this Regulatory Agreement must be attached to this Regulatory Agreement. © DHCD When used in the Local Initiative Program, this form may not be modified without the written approval of the Department of Housing and Community Development. RA Page 8 June 2006 s'6N� Bk:49791 Pg: 9 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF ss. 2001 Ib i On this 3 day of 20_, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared kt*tV0r-A T. proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were (:t S �(�,/1Se to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding document, as r-P5jAf(*, 1 rV,0011017 the . OW A-120S [Project Sponsor], and acknowledged to me that he/she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Exp - LAURA M. WHITNEY s = Notary Public Commonwealth of Massachusetts My Commission Ex 'res COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Fobfue 28 2008 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ss. JU hJ 1'7 2001 On this n day of JUIV , 20E3 before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were , to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding document, as ' SOf for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acting by and through the Department of Housing and Community Development, and acknowledged to me that he/she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. COUNTY OF A jJIJ Notary public % Y Print Name: --- My Commission E x )ires& E1 MM BETiF1 K"" Pak MY84*0 0801151;W A gm COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS :7vt 14 20007 On this #14 day of 1'0 LN, 2001 before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared riAM.,- S _49 NR 2 -ol A , proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were a wi✓ , to be the person whose name is s,i� ed on the preceding document, as jrI",gw A ✓ w Select� for the City/Town of iK e d Cpya• , and acknowledged to me that he/she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. RA Page 9 Notary Public Print Name: QF) UL/1 3- 6-4JG ^0Vq My Commission Expires: , / /' /' 3 June 2006 31 V Bk:49791 Pg: 10 CONSENT TO REGULATORY AGREEMENT Re: Johnson Woods (Project Name) Reading, MA (c4rr —) Johnson Woods Realty Corporation (Pmjeet sponsor) The Undersigned being the holder of a mortgage on the above described Project recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 49189, Page 72 , hereby consents to the execution and recording of this Agreement and to the terms and conditions hereof. TD Banknorth, N.A. (name of lender) By: Kerin D. Green its Vice President COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY OF _ , ss. July 2007 On this day of July, 2007, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Kerin D. Green, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding document, as Vice President of TD Banknorth, N.A., and acknowledged to me that he/she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: (if the Project has more than one mortgagee, add additional consent forms. Execution of the consent form by a mortgagee is only necessary if the mortgage has been recorded prior to the Regulatory Agreement.) RA Page 10 June 2006 5 bY6 Re: Johnson Woods (Pmjea Name) Reading, MA (Ciryrrowu) Johnson Woods Realty Corporation (Project SP-S -) Bk: 49791 Pg: 11 EXHIBIT A Proverty Description A residential condominium known as Johnson Woods, situated on the westerly side of West Street, Reading, Massachusetts. The land currently contained within the condominium is show as PARCEL AREA 1,220,852 S.F. 28.027 ACRES, on the plan entitled, "Condominium Plan of Land in Reading, Mass.; Johnson Woods Condominium; scale I" = 100'; June 27, 2007, Hayes Engineering Inc.; Owner: Johnson Woods Realty Corporation. " which plan is Plan #712 of 2007. For a complete description of the land and units see Johnson Woods Condominium amended and restated Master Deed dated August 22, 2005 and recorded at the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds at Book 45931, Page 493. See also the amendment and restatement of the Declaration of Trust for Johnson Woods Condominium recorded at said Registry Book 45391, Page 548, as amended of record and as may be amended of record by recording future amendments. RA Page ) I June 2006 S%Yl fAurdc J smw AMP AaAm !v IVSMW ! y SMRY »= /IJ N M�/yy�+/ - 1 ��� r SCIf [ -2 d eon W �onn�.ow °n��ia� vc'iY°wriv mr+�rrexnwr Q! �s.rrr.r Knr wx Air u � JI RNY�Q �'R14Mn K O M rR� lI1tM ATIIC'1,ft�1,' O� m YI.Q M Q�ra,otr r �ps�EW t1 �IAC�Td 1 � Air r� °A u is v°4�iW.wrs rdor'xJear aaar al URf l.r dim y t"w-.Odxkc= aA.. s+v ws ww+ Awrw.awoY avau x r.rq r Af N/WYYO M,RfATOM `r..I.V ,CllpfrWMAt A��V.WO,r MAID •MIVAM�CYfT. rm W r]t M, O r� CONOOM/N /UVO "' PLAN OF LANO IN READING, MASS. JOHNSON WOODS CONDONINI(/N SIIC ', / Y w Aw " 4w AAl Ix AW a P� I K /��p Mff I� no ftlb IAd WM,p R /�/,l HV= owne Awnew nw mmmw AFYMXCM SAW cwA GQA'rAw Aa Noift AAX I,I,Q A17 JJJ. AMI AIY 7 AAGY JLW JOX #M V, MGT ,},F Al" OMI. AW !I! RAM APINAC M ALAN Act .!h cY SM. tar, a, AM Act m c nl,; to" M • 0 PY mw AG JfI OI Im R.GV AU NIP OF APr ACX3Ar5 ,rI !t Sen.. ♦ J, I ♦ 'a A A( car ,,C ,Iw a tar A rA^ ,y,„ Yp a� at 9 � 'K ca Wr,.0 sw WA N AN& A7 J i7Y4dViT sr IMA(NIYAI.LIiYa 7C4'd/Y M KYN ,,, ;4JwA' f ACVIAIR'w r,0 AC,11,M q A104 RAfiON,cA„ An As As © ALO 1% �A� a N 1/ mr . QQ11'M UW, • ,C,N , = .w -.mum AN=r A= Ai,IN wm.es ,w - Aaiylm �r r alwi. AAo Ar Ax w a - ,CnC AYY il► AtM n MwA,- ,CVr /Anr L AI AYY imm d . 60f d I,.[VGr AV A,OYI 40.,f fYA1 SOW .—C-ftft Gy K Aft .. - AOd.ur /�NMM.YVMwCJ C A,A'T.r - AMtlAMK /OYllw tT�4 '1a of ao67 (' OJT 29mm 'U�FA Y6NY 1,V wW At x wf/�A AV K 1Afi d fitf O. IN� IEM �Rd MR% ?.WrM ,,w Ar,ar -- aw a,nrti. c07PACV W�Ay d!AuMA iAR,9m /�lMtl , J ll 1 t MO�I A�7v Amrn�s�� � 1% �A� a N 1/ mr . QQ11'M UW, • ,C,N , = .w -.mum AN=r A= Ai,IN wm.es ,w - Aaiylm �r r alwi. AAo Ar Ax w a - ,CnC AYY il► AtM n MwA,- ,CVr /Anr L AI AYY imm d . 60f d I,.[VGr AV A,OYI 40.,f fYA1 SOW .—C-ftft Gy K Aft .. - AOd.ur /�NMM.YVMwCJ C A,A'T.r - AMtlAMK /OYllw tT�4 '1a of ao67 (' OJT 29mm 'U�FA Y6NY 1,V wW At x wf/�A AV K 1Afi d fitf O. IN� IEM �Rd MR% ?.WrM ,,w Ar,ar -- aw a,nrti. c07PACV W�Ay d!AuMA iAR,9m /�lMtl , J Bk:49791 Pg: 13 EXHIBIT B Re: Johnson Woods (Prof- (Vamp) Reading, MA (chy/ro") Johnson Woods Realty CgMoration (Project sponw) Maximum Selling Prices for Low and Moderate Income Units Initial Condominium Fee % Interest in the Townhouse Budget % Interest in the Garden Budget % Interest in the Shared Budget One bedroom units Two bedroom units Townhouse $168,100 $166 /month 1.26% 1.08% Garden Style $168,100 $170 /month 5.83% .84 Three bedroom units Four bedroom units Condominium fees and unit percentage interests for future phases shall be set in accordance with Section I of this Agreement, including the requirement for approval by DHCD and the Municipality. • As of the addition of Phase VI of the Condominium Location of Low and Moderate Income Units The housing units which are Low and Moderate Income Units are those designated as lottunit numbers on: ❑ a plan of land entitled recorded with the Registry of Deeds in Book . Page ❑ floor plans recorded with the Master Deed of the Condominium recorded with the Registry of Deeds in Book _, Page _. The housing units which are Low and Moderate Income Units are those designated as: Building 15, Right Rear (32 Green Meadow Drive), Building 15, Right Front (30 Green Meadow Drive), Building 19, Left Front (126 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 19, Left Rear (128 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 20, Unit 101 (122 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 20, Unit 102 (122 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 20, Unit 201 (122 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 20, Unit 202 (122 Johnson Woods Drive), RA Page 12 June 2006 Bk:49791 Pg: 14 Building 20, Unit 301 (122 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 21, Unit 101, (112 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 21, Unit 102 (112 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 21, Unit 201 (112 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 21, Unit 202 (112 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 24, Right Rear (98 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 24, Right Front (96 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 29, Left Rear (76 Johnson Woods Drive), Building 29, Left Front (78 Johnson Woods Drive) on a plan of land entitled "Sketch Plan Showing the Full Building out of Johnson Woods, Reading, Massachusetts" dated October 24, 2006, which plan is attached hereto. RA Page 13 June 2006 ,!Ub Bk: 49791 Pg: 15 RA Page 13 June 2006 0 L.0 Bk:49791 Pg: 16 I:\Deed RidcrSAR- Massachuseas(Universal) 513016 LOCAL INITIATIVE PROGRAM AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEED RIDER For Projects in Which Affordability Restrictions - Survive Foreclosure made part of that certain deed (the "Deed ") of certain property (the "Propert y ") from ( "Grantor ") to ( "Owner ") dated , 200_. The Property is located in the City/Town of (the "Municipality "). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Grantor is conveying that certain real property more particularly described in the Deed to the Owner at a consideration which is less than the fair market value of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Property is part of a project which was: [check all that are applicable] (i) ❑ granted a Comprehensive Permit under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B, Sections 20 -23, from the Board of Appeals of the Municipality or the Housing Appeals Committee and recorded/filed with the County Registry of Deeds/Registry District of Land Court (the "Registry ") in Book , Page /Document No. (the "Comprehensivp. Permit'); (ii) ❑ subject to a Regulatory Agreement among ' (the "Develoler'), [ ] Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency ( "MassHousing "), [ ] the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development] ( "DHCD ") [ ] the Municipality; and [ ] dated and recorded/filed with the Registry in Book , Page _ /as Document No. (the "Re u lry Agreement "); and (iii) 4 subsidized by the federal or state government under the Local Initiative Program, a program to assist construction of low or moderate income housing the "Program "); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program, eligible purchasers such as the Owner are given the opportunity to purchase residential property at less than its fair market value if the purchaser agrees to certain use and transfer restrictions, including an agreement to occupy the property as a principal residence and to convey the property for an amount not greater than a maximum resale price, all as more fully provided herein; and 5�5 � - -- Bk: 49791 Pg: 17 WHEREAS, DHCD (singly, or if more than one entity is listed, collectively, the "Monitoring Agent ") is obligated by the Program or has been retained to monitor compliance with and to enforce the terms of this Deed Rider, and eligible purchasers such as the Owner may be required to pay to the Monitoring Agent, or its successor, a small percentage of the resale price upon the Owner's conveyance of the Property, as set out in the Regulatory Agreement and as more fully provided herein; and WHEREAS, the rights and restrictions granted herein to the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality serve the public's interest in the creation and retention of affordable housing for persons and households of low and moderate income and in the restricting of the resale price of property in order to assure its affordability by future low and moderate income purchasers. NOW, THEREFORE, as further consideration for the conveyance of the Property at less than fair market value, the Grantor and the Owner, including his/her /their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby agree that the Property shall be subject to the following rights and restrictions which are imposed for the benefit of, and shall be enforceable by, the Municipality and the Monitoring Agent, and, if DHCD is a party to the Regulatory Agreement and is not the Monitoring Agent, by DHCD. 1. Definitions. In this Deed Rider, in addition to the terms defined above, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: Affordable Housing Fund means a fund established by the Municipality for the purpose of reducing the cost of housing for Eligible Purchasers or for the purpose of encouraging, creating, or subsidizing the construction or rehabilitation of housing for Eligible Purchasers or, if no such fund exists, a fund established by the Municipality pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44 Section 53A, et seq. Applicable Foreclosure Price shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(b) hereof. Appropriate Size Household means a household containing a number of members equal to the number of bedrooms in the Property plus one. Approved Capital Improvements means the documented commercially reasonable cost of extraordinary capital improvements made to the Property by the Owner; provided that the Monitoring Agent shall have given written authorization for incurring such cost prior to the cost being incurred and that the original cost of such improvements shall be discounted over the course of their useful life. Area means the Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area or non - metropolitan area that includes the Municipality, as determined by HUD, which in this case is Area Median Income means the most recently published median income for the Area adjusted for household size as determined by HUD. If HUD discontinues publication of Area Median 2 sb_�3 Bk:49791 Pg: 18 Income, the income statistics used by MassHousing for its low and moderate income housing programs shall apply. Base Income Number means the Area Median Income for a four (4)- person household. Chief Executive Officer shall mean the Mayor in a city or the Board of Selectmen in a town unless some other municipal office is designated to be the chief executive officer under the provisions of a local charter. Closing shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5(b) hereof. Compliance Certificate shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6(a) hereof. Conveyance Notice shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4(a) hereof. Eligible Purchaser means an individual or household earning no more than eighty percent (80 %) of Area Median Income (or, if checked [ ] percent (_-_ %) of Area Median Income, as required by the Program) and owning assets not in excess of the limit set forth in the Program Guidelines. To be considered an Eligible Purchaser, the individual or household must intend to occupy and thereafter must occupy the Property as his, her or their principal residence and must provide to the Monitoring Agent such certifications as to income, assets and residency as the Monitoring Agent may require to determine eligibility as an Eligible Purchaser. An Eligible Purchaser shall be a First -Time Homebuyer if required by the Program and as specified in the Regulatory Agreement. First -Time Homebuyer means an individual or household, of which no household member has had an ownership interest in a principal residence at any time during the three (3) -year period prior to the date of qualification as an Eligible Purchaser, except that (i) any individual who is a displaced homemaker (as may be defined by DHCD) (ii) and any individual age 55 or over (applying for age 55 or over housing) shall not be excluded from consideration as a First -Time Homebuyer under this definition on the basis that the individual, owned a home or had an ownership interest in a principal residence at any time during the three (3) -year period. Foreclosure Notice shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(a) hereof. HUD means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ineligible Purchaser means an individual or household not meeting the requirements to be eligible as an Eligible Purchaser. Maximum Resale Price means the sum of (i) the Base Income Number (at the time of resale) multiplied by the Resale Price Multiplier, plus (ii) the Resale Fee and any necessary marketing expenses (including broker's fees) as may have been approved by the Monitoring Agent, plus (iii) Approved Capital Improvements, if any (the original cost of which shall have been discounted over time, as calculated by the Monitoring Agent); provided that in no event shall the 3 s63v Bk: 49791 Pg: 19 Maximum Resale Price be greater than the purchase price for which a credit -worthy Eligible Purchaser earning.seventy percent (70 %) of the Area Median Income (or, if checked [ ] percent (__21o) of Area Median Income, as required by the Program) for an Appropriate Size Household could obtain mortgage financing (as such purchase price is determined by the Monitoring Agent using the same methodology then used by DHCD for its Local Initiative Program or similar comprehensive permit program); and further provided that the Maximum Resale Price shall not be less than the purchase price paid for the Property by the Owner unless the Owner agrees to accept a lesser price. Monitoring_ Services Agreement means any Monitoring Services Agreement for monitoring and enforcement of this Deed Rider among some or all of the Developer, the Monitoring Agent, the Municipality, MassHousing and DHCD. Mortgage Satisfaction Amount shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(b) hereof. Mortgagee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7(a) hereof. Program Guidelines means the regulations and/or guidelines issued for the applicable Program and controlling its operations, as amended from time to time. Resale Fee means a fee of N/A % [no more than two and one -half percent (2.5 %)] of the Base Income Number (at the time of resale) multiplied by the Resale Price Multiplier, to be paid to the Monitoring Agent as compensation for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the terms of this Deed Rider, including the supervision of the resale process. Resale Price Certificate means the certificate issued as may be specified in the Regulatory Agreement and recorded with the first deed of the Property from the Developer, or the subsequent certificate (if any) issued as may be specified in the Regulatory Agreement, which sets forth the Resale Price Multiplier to be applied on the Owner's sale of the Property, as provided herein, for so long as the restrictions set forth herein continue. In the absence of contrary specification in the Regulatory Agreement the Monitoring Agent shall issue the certificate. Resale Price Multiplier means the number calculated by dividing the Property's initial sale price by the Base Income Number at the time of the initial sale from the Developer to the first Eligible Purchaser. The Resale Price Multiplier will be multiplied by the Base Income Number at the time of the Owner's resale of the Property to determine the Maximum Resale Price on such conveyance subject to adjustment for the Resale Fee, marketing expenses and Approved Capital Improvements. In the event that the purchase price paid for the Property by the Owner includes such an adjustment a new Resale Price Multiplier will be recalculated by the Monitoring Agent by dividing the purchase price so paid by the Base Income Number at the time of such purchase, and a new Resale Price Certificate will be issued and recorded reflecting the new Resale Price Multiplier. A Resale Price Multiplier of is hereby assigned to the Property. 4 3/10 49791 Pg: 20 Term means in perpetuity, unless earlier terminated by (i) the termination of the term of affordability set forth in the Regulatory Agreement or Comprehensive Permit, whichever is longer; or (ii) the recording of a Compliance Certificate and a new Deed Rider executed by the purchaser in form and substance substantially identical to this Deed Rider establishing a new term. 2. Owner- Occupancy/Principal Residence. The Property shall be occupied and used by the Owner's household exclusively as his, her or their principal residence. Any use of the Property or activity thereon which is inconsistent with such exclusive residential use is expressly prohibited. 3. Restrictions Against Leasing, Refinancing and Junior Encumbrances. The Property shall not be leased, rented, refinanced, encumbered (voluntarily or otherwise) or mortgaged without the prior written consent of the Monitoring Agent; provided that this provision shall not apply to a first mortgage granted on the date hereof in connection with this conveyance from Grantor to Owner securing indebtedness not greater than one hundred percent (100 %) of the purchase price. Any rents, profits, or proceeds from any transaction described in the preceding sentence which transaction has not received the requisite written consent of the Monitoring Agent shall be paid upon demand by Owner to the Municipality for deposit to its Affordable Housing Fund. The Monitoring Agent or Municipality may institute proceedings to recover such rents, profits or proceeds, and costs of collection, including attorneys' fees. Upon recovery, after payment of costs, the balance shall be paid to the Municipality for deposit to its Affordable Housing Fund. In the event that the Monitoring Agent consents for good cause to any such lease, refinancing, encumbrance or mortgage, it shall be a condition to such consent that all rents, profits or proceeds from such transaction, which exceed the actual carrying costs of the Property as determined by the Monitoring Agent, shall be paid to the Municipality for deposit to its Affordable Housing Fund. 4. Options to Purchase. (a) When the Owner or any successor in title to the Owner shall desire to sell, dispose of or otherwise convey the Property, or any portion thereof, the Owner shall notify the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality in writing of the Owner's intention to so convey the Property (the "Conveyance Notice "). Upon receipt of the Conveyance Notice, the Monitoring Agent shall (i) calculate the Maximum Resale Price which the Owner may receive on the sale of the Property based upon the Base Income Number in effect as of the date of the Conveyance Notice and the Resale Price Multiplier set forth in the most recently recorded Resale Price Certificate together with permissible adjustments for the Resale Fee, marketing expenses and Approved Capital Improvements (as discounted), and (ii) promptly begin marketing efforts. The Owner shall fully cooperate with the Monitoring Agent's efforts to locate an Eligible Purchaser and, if so requested by the Monitoring Agent, shall hire a broker selected by the Monitoring Agent to assist in locating an Eligible Purchaser ready, willing and able to purchase the Property at the Maximum Resale Price after entering a purchase and sale agreement. Pursuant to such agreement, sale to the Eligible Purchaser at the Maximum Resale Price shall occur within ninety (90) days after the Monitoring Agent receives the Conveyance Notice or such further time as reasonably requested to arrange for details of closing. If the 5 J �6 S' Bk:49791 Pg: 21 Owner fails to cooperate in such resale efforts, including a failure to agree to reasonable terms in the purchase and sale agreement, the Monitoring Agent may extend the 90-day period for a period commensurate with the time the lack of cooperation continues, as determined by the Monitoring Agent in its reasonable discretion. In such event, the Monitoring Agent shall give Owner written notice of the lack of cooperation and the length of the extension added to the 90- day period. (b) The Monitoring Agent shall ensure that diligent marketing efforts are made to locate an Eligible Purchaser ready, willing and able to purchase the Property at the Maximum Resale Price within the time period provided in subsection (a) above and to enter the requisite purchase and sale agreement. If more than one Eligible Purchaser is located, the Monitoring Agent shall conduct a lottery or other like procedure to determine which Eligible Purchaser shall be entitled to enter a purchase and sale agreement with Owner and to purchase the Property. Preference shall be given to Appropriate Size Households. The procedure for marketing and selecting an Eligible Purchaser shall be approved as provided in the Regulatory Agreement and any applicable Program Guidelines. If an Eligible Purchaser is located within ninety (90) days after receipt of the Conveyance Notice, but such Eligible Purchaser proves unable to secure mortgage financing so as to be able to complete the purchase of the Property pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement, following written notice to Owner within the 90 -day period the Monitoring Agent shall have an additional sixty (60) days to locate another Eligible Purchaser who will enter a purchase and sale agreement and purchase the Property by the end of such sixty (60) -day period or such further time as reasonably requested to carry out the purchase and sale agreement. (c) In lieu of sale to an Eligible Purchaser, the Monitoring Agent or the Municipality or designee shall also have the right to purchase the Property at the Maximum Resale Price, in which event the purchase and sale agreement shall be entered, and the purchase shall occur within ninety (90) days after receipt of the Conveyance Notice or, within the additional sixty (60) -day period specified in subsection (b) above, or such further time as reasonably requested to carry out the purchase and sale agreement. Any lack of cooperation by Owner in measures reasonably necessary to effect the sale shall extend the 90-day period by the length of the delay caused by such lack of cooperation. The Monitoring Agent shall promptly give Owner written notice of the lack of cooperation and the length of the extension added to the 90 -day period. In the event of such a sale to the Monitoring Agent or Municipality or designee, the Property shall remain subject to this Deed Rider and shall thereafter be sold or rented to an Eligible Purchaser as may be more particularly set forth in the Regulatory Agreement. (d) If an Eligible Purchaser fails to purchase the Property within the 90 -day period (or such further time determined as provided herein) after receipt of the Conveyance Notice, and the Monitoring Agent or Municipality or designee does not purchase the Property during said period, then the Owner may convey the Property to an Ineligible Purchaser no earlier than thirty (30) days after the end of said period at the Maximum Resale Price, but subject to all rights and restrictions contained herein; provided that the Property shall be conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider which the Owner agrees to execute, to secure execution by the Ineligible Purchaser and to record with the Deed; and further provided that, if more than one Ineligible Purchaser is ready, willing and able to purchase the Property the 31 i"I S1 Bk:49761 Pg: 22 Owner will give preference and enter a purchase and sale agreement with any individuals or households identified by the Monitoring Agent as an Appropriate Size Household earning more than eighty percent (80 %) but less than one hundred twenty percent (120 %) of the Area Median Income. (e) The priority for exercising the options to purchase contained in this Section 4 shall be as follows: (i) an Eligible Purchaser located and selected by the Monitoring Agent, as provided in subsection (b) above, (ii) the Municipality or its designee, as provided in subsection (c) above, and (iii) an Ineligible Purchaser, as provided in subsection (d) above. (f) Nothing in this Deed Rider or the Regulatory Agreement - constitutes a promise, commitment or guarantee by DHCD, MassHousing, the Municipality or the Monitoring Agent that upon resale the Owner shall actually receive the Maximum Resale Price for the Property or any other price for the Property. (g) The holder of a mortgage on the Property is not obligated to forbear from exercising the rights and remedies under its mortgage, at law or in equity, after delivery of the Conveyance. Notice. 5. Delivery of Deed. (a) In connection with any conveyance pursuant to an option to purchase as set forth in Section 4 above, the Property shall be conveyed by the Owner to the selected purchaser by a good and sufficient quitclaim deed conveying a good and clear record and marketable title to the Property free from all encumbrances except (i) such taxes for the then current year as are not due and payable on the date of delivery of the deed, (ii) any lien for municipal betterments assessed after the date of the Conveyance Notice, (iii) provisions of local building and zoning laws, (iv) all easements, restrictions, covenants and agreements of record specified in the deed from the Owner to the selected purchaser, (v) such additional easements, restrictions, covenants and agreements of record as the selected purchaser consents to, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, (vi) the Regulatory Agreement, and (vii), except as otherwise provided in the Compliance Certificate, a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider which the Owner hereby agrees to execute, to secure execution by the selected purchaser, and to record with the deed. Said deed shall clearly state that it is made subiect to the Deed Rider which is made part of the deed. Failure to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of the conveyance from the Owner to the selected purchaser or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. . (b) Said deed, including the approved Deed Rider, shall be delivered and the purchase price paid (the "Closing ") at the Registry, or at the option of the selected purchaser, exercised by written notice to the Owner at least five (5) days prior to the delivery of the deed, at such other place as the selected purchaser may designate in said notice. The Closing shall occur at such time and on such date as shall be specified in a written notice from the selected purchaser to the Owner, which date shall be at least five (5) days after the date on which such notice is given, and no later than the end of the time period specified in Section 4(a) above. -1 b 5f5 Bk:49791 Pg: 23 (c) To enable Owner to make conveyance as herein provided, Owner may, if Owner so desires at the time of delivery of the deed, use the purchase money or any portion thereof to clear the title of any or all encumbrances or interests, all instruments with respect thereto to be recorded simultaneously with the delivery of said deed. Nothing contained herein as to the Owner's obligation to remove defects in title or to make conveyance or to deliver possession of the Property in accordance with the terms hereof, as to use of proceeds to clear title or as to the election of the selected purchaser to take title, nor anything else in this Deed Rider shall be deemed to waive, impair or otherwise affect the priority of the rights herein over matters appearing of record, or occurring, at any time after the recording of this Deed Rider, all such matters so appearing or occurring being subject and subordinate in all events to the rights herein. (d) Water and sewer charges and taxes for the then current tax period shall be apportioned and fuel value shall be adjusted as of the date of Closing and the net amount thereof shall be added to or deducted from, as the case may be, the purchase price payable by the selected purchaser. (e) Full possession of the Property free from all occupants is to be delivered at the time of the Closing, the Property to be then in the same condition as it is in on the date of the execution of the purchase and sale agreement, reasonable wear and tear only excepted. (f) If Owner shall be unable to give title or to make conveyance as above required, or if any change of condition in the Property not included in the above exception shall occur, then Owner shall be given a reasonable time not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date on which the Closing was to have occurred in which to remove any defect in title or to restore the Property to the condition herein required. The Owner shall use best efforts to remove any such defects in the title, whether voluntary or involuntary, and to restore the Property to the extent permitted by insurance proceeds or condemnation award. The Closing shall occur fifteen (15) days after notice by Owner that such defect has been cured or that the Property has been so restored. The selected purchaser shall have the election, at either the original or any extended time for performance, to accept such title as the Owner can deliver to the Property in its then condition and to pay therefor the purchase price without deduction, in which case the Owner shall convey such title, except that in the event of such conveyance in accordance with the provisions of this clause, if the Property shall have been damaged by fire or casualty insured against or if a portion of the Property shall have been taken by a public authority, then the Owner shall, unless the Owner has previously restored the Property to its former condition, either: (A) pay over or assign to the selected purchaser, on delivery of the deed, all amounts recovered or recoverable on account of such insurance or condemnation award less any amounts reasonably expended by the Owner for any partial restoration, or (B) if a holder of a mortgage on the Property shall not permit the insurance proceeds or the condemnation award or part thereof to be used to restore the Property to its former condition or to be so paid over or assigned, give to the selected purchaser a credit against the purchase price, on delivery of the deed, 8 49791 Pg: equal to said amounts so retained by the holder of the said mortgage less any amounts reasonably expended by the Owner for any partial restoration. 6. Resale and Transfer Restrictions. (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, the Property or any interest therein shall not at any time be sold by the Owner, or the Owner's successors and assigns, and no attempted sale shall be valid, unless the aggregate value of all consideration and payments of every kind given or paid by the selected purchaser of the Property for and in connection with the transfer of such Property, is equal to or less than the Maximum Resale Price for the Property, and unless a certificate (the "Compliance Certificate ") is obtained and recorded, signed and acknowledged by the Monitoring Agent which Compliance Certificate refers to the Property, the Owner, the selected purchaser thereof, and the Maximum Resale Price therefor, and states that the proposed conveyance, sale or transfer of the Property to the selected purchaser is in compliance with the rights, restrictions, covenants and agreements contained in this Deed Rider, and unless there is also recorded a new Deed Rider executed by the selected purchaser, which new Deed Rider is identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider. (b) The Owner, any good faith purchaser of the Property, any lender or other party taking a security interest in such Property and any other third party may rely upon a Compliance Certificate as conclusive evidence that the proposed conveyance, sale or transfer of the Property to the selected purchaser is in compliance with the rights, restrictions, covenants and agreements contained in this Deed Rider, and may record such Compliance Certificate in connection with the conveyance of the Property. (c) Within ten (10) days of the closing of the conveyance of the Property from the Owner to the selected purchaser, the Owner shall deliver to the Monitoring Agent a copy of the Deed of the Property, including the deed rider, together with recording information. Failure of the Owner, or Owner's successors or assigns to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of such conveyance or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. 7. Survival of Restrictions Upon Exercise of Remedies by Mortgagees. (a) The holder of record of any mortgage on the Property (each, a "Mortgagee ") shall notify the Monitoring Agent, the Municipality and any senior Mortgagee(s) in the event of any default for which the Mortgagee intends to commence foreclosure proceedings or similar remedial action pursuant to its mortgage (the "Foreclosure No which notice shall be sent to the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality as set forth in this Deed Rider, and to the senior Mortgagee(s) as set forth in such senior Mortgagee's mortgage, not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the foreclosure sale or the acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The Owner expressly agrees to the delivery of the Foreclosure Notice and any other communications and disclosures made by the Mortgagee pursuant to this Deed Rider. (b) The Owner grants to the Municipality or its designee the right and option to purchase the Property upon receipt by the Municipality of the Foreclosure Notice. In the event that the Municipality intends to exercise its option, the Municipality or its designee shall purchase the Property within one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt of such notice, at a price equal to the greater of (i) the sum of the outstanding principal balance of the note secured by such foreclosing Mortgagee's mortgage, together with the outstanding principal balance(s) of any note(s) secured 9 .fib 4° Bk:49791 Pg: 25 by mortgage(s) senior in priority to such mortgage (but in no event shall the aggregate amount thereof be greater than one hundred percent (100 %) of the Maximum Resale Price calculated at the time of the granting of the mortgage) plus all future advances, accrued interest and all reasonable costs and expenses which the foreclosing Mortgagee and any senior Mortgagee(s) are entitled to recover pursuant to the terms of such mortgages (the "Mortgage Satisfaction Amount "), and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price (which for this purpose may be less than the purchase price paid for the Property by the Owner)(the greater of (i) and (ii) above herein referred to as the "Applicable Foreclosure Price "). The Property shall be sold and conveyed in its then- current "as is, where is" condition, without representation or warranty of any kind, direct or indirect, express or implied, and with the benefit of and subject to all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens, improvements, housing code violations, public assessments, any and all unpaid federal or state taxes (subject to any rights of redemption for unpaid federal taxes), municipal liens and any other encumbrances of record then in force and applicable to the Property having priority over such foreclosing Mortgagee's mortgage, and further subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider which the Owner hereby agrees to execute, to secure execution by the Municipality or its designee, and to record with the deed, except that (i) during the term of ownership of the Property by the Municipality or its designee the owner - occupancy requirements of Section 2 hereof shall not apply (unless the designee is an Eligible Purchaser), and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price shall be recalculated based on the price paid for the Property by the Municipality or its designee, but not greater than the Applicable Foreclosure Price. Said deed shall clearly state that it is made subiect to the Deed Rider which is made part of the deed. Failure to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of the conveyance from the Owner to the Municipality or its designee or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. (c) Not earlier than one hundred twenty (120) days following the delivery of the Foreclosure Notice to the Monitoring Agent, the Municipality and any senior Mortgagee(s) pursuant to subsection (a) above, the foreclosing Mortgagee may conduct the foreclosure sale or accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The Property shall be sold and conveyed in its then - current "as is, where is" condition, without representation or warranty of any kind, direct or indirect, express or implied, and with the benefit of and subject to all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens, improvements, housing code violations, public assessments, any and all unpaid federal or state taxes (subject to any rights of redemption for unpaid federal taxes), municipal liens and any other encumbrances of record then in force and applicable to the Property having priority over the foreclosing Mortgagee's mortgage, and further subject to a Deed Rider, as set forth below. (d) In the event that the foreclosing Mortgagee conducts a foreclosure sale or other proceeding enforcing its rights under its mortgage and the Property is sold for a price in excess of the greater of the Maximum Resale Price and the Mortgage Satisfaction Amount, such excess shall be paid to the Municipality for ifs Affordable Housing Fund after (i) a final judicial determination, or (ii) a written agreement of all parties who, as of such date hold (or have been duly authorized to act for other parties who hold) a record interest in the Property, that the Municipality is entitled to such excess. The legal costs of obtaining any such judicial determination or agreement shall be deducted from the excess prior to payment to the 10 �'b6/ Bk:49791 Pg: 26 Municipality. To the extent that the Owner possesses any interest in any amount which would otherwise be payable to the Municipality under this paragraph, to the fullest extent permissible by law, the Owner hereby assigns its interest in such amount to the Mortgagee for payment to the Municipality. (e) If any Mortgagee shall acquire the Property by reason of foreclosure or upon conveyance of the Property in lieu of foreclosure, then the rights and restrictions contained herein shall apply to such Mortgagee upon such acquisition of the Property and to any purchaser of the Property from such Mortgagee, and the Property shall be conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider, which the Mortgagee that has so acquired the Property agrees to annex to the deed and to record with the deed, except that (i) during the term of ownership of the Property by such Mortgagee the owner - occupancy requirements of Section 2 hereof shall not apply, and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price shall be recalculated based on the price paid for the Property by such Mortgagee at the foreclosure sale, but not greater than the Applicable Foreclosure Price. Said deed shall clearly state that it is made subject to the Deed Rider which is made part of the deed. Failure to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of the conveyance to the Mortgagee or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. (f) If any party other than a Mortgagee shall acquire the Property by reason of foreclosure or upon conveyance of the Property in lieu of foreclosure, the Property shall be conveyed subject to a Deed Rider identical in form and substance to this Deed Rider, which the foreclosing Mortgagee agrees to annex to the deed and to record with the deed, except that (i) if the purchaser at such foreclosure sale or assignee of a deed in lieu of foreclosure is an Ineligible Purchaser, then during the term of ownership of the Property by such Ineligible Purchaser, the owner - occupancy requirements of Section 2 hereof shall not apply, and (ii) the Maximum Resale Price shall be recalculated based on the price paid for the Property by such third party purchaser at the foreclosure sale, but not greater than the Applicable Foreclosure Price. Said deed shall clearly state that it is made subject to the Deed Rider which is made part of the deed. Failure to comply with the preceding sentence shall not affect the validity of the conveyance to such third party purchaser or the enforceability of the restrictions herein. (g) Upon satisfaction of the requirements contained in this Section 7, the Monitoring Agent shall issue a Compliance Certificate to the foreclosing Mortgagee which, upon recording in the Registry, may be relied upon as provided in Section 6(b) hereof as conclusive evidence that the conveyance of the Property pursuant to this Section 7 is in compliance with the rights, restrictions, covenants and agreements contained in this Deed Rider. (h) The Owner understands and agrees that nothing in this Deed Rider or the Regulatory Agreement (i) in any way constitutes a promise or guarantee by MassHousing, DHCD, the Municipality or the Monitoring Agent that the Mortgagee shall actually receive the Mortgage Satisfaction Amount, the Maximum Resale Price for the Property or any other price for the Property, or (ii) impairs the rights and remedies of the Mortgagee in the event of a deficiency. 11 S ',42 -- - -- -- - Bk: 49791 Pg: 27 (i) If a Foreclosure Notice is delivered after the delivery of a Conveyance Notice as provided in Section 4(a) hereof, the procedures set forth in this Section 7 shall supersede the provisions of Section 4 hereof. 8. Covenants to Run With the Propert y. (a) This Deed Rider, including all restrictions, rights and covenants contained herein, is an affordable housing restriction as that term is defined in Section 31 of Chapter 184 of the Massachusetts General Laws, having the benefit of Section 32 of such Chapter 184, and is enforceable as such. This Deed Rider has been approved by the Director of DHCD. (b) In confirmation thereof the Grantor and the Owner intend, declare and covenant (i) that this Deed Rider, including all restrictions, rights and covenants contained herein, shall be and are covenants running with the land, encumbering the Property for the Term, and are binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors in title and assigns, (ii) are not merely personal covenants of the Owner, and (iii) shall enure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Municipality, the Monitoring Agent and DHCD and their successors and assigns, for the Term. Owner hereby agrees that any and all requirements of the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have been satisfied in order for the provisions of this Deed Rider to constitute restrictions and covenants running with the land and that any requirements of privity of estate have been satisfied in full. 9. Notice. Any notices, demands or requests that may be given under this Deed Rider shall be sufficiently served if given in writing and delivered by hand or mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the following entities and parties in interest at the addresses set forth below, or such other addresses as may be specified by any party (or its successor) by such notice. Municipality: Grantor: Owner: Monitoring Agentfsl (1) Director, Local Initiative Program DHCD 100 Cambridge Street Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114 12 S6 �3 (2) Others: Bk:49791 P9: 28 Any such notice, demand or request shall be deemed to have been given on the day it is hand delivered or mailed. 10. Further Assurances. The Owner agrees from time to time, as may be reasonably required by the Monitoring Agent, to furnish the Monitoring Agent upon its request with a written statement, signed and, if requested, acknowledged, setting forth the condition and occupancy of the Property, information concerning the resale of the Property and other material information pertaining to the Property and the Owner's conformance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Permit, Program and Program Guidelines, as applicable. 1 l . Enforcement. (a) The rights hereby granted shall include the right of the Municipality and the Monitoring Agent to enforce this Deed Rider independently by appropriate legal proceedings and to obtain injunctive and other appropriate relief on account of any violations including without limitation relief requiring restoration of the Property to the condition, affordability or occupancy which existed prior to the violation impacting such condition, affordability or occupancy (it being agreed that there shall be no adequate remedy at law for such violation), and shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other rights and remedies available to the Municipality and the Monitoring Agent. (b) Without limitation of any other rights or remedies of the Municipality and the Monitoring Agent, or their successors and assigns, in the event of any sale, conveyance or other transfer or occupancy of the Property in violation of the provisions of this Deed Rider, the Municipality and Monitoring Agent shall be entitled to the following remedies, which shall be cumulative and not mutually exclusive: (i) specific performance of the provisions of this Deed Rider; (ii) money damages for charges in excess of the Maximum Resale Price, if applicable; (iii) if the violation is a sale of the Property to an Ineligible Purchaser except as permitted herein, the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality shall have the option to locate an Eligible Purchaser to purchase or itself purchase the Property from the Ineligible Purchaser on the terms and conditions provided herein; the purchase price shall be a price which complies with the provisions of this Deed 13 sdIy Bk:49791 Pg: 29 Rider; specific performance of the requirement that an Ineligible Purchaser shall sell, as herein provided, may be judicially ordered. (iv) the right to void any contract for sale or any sale, conveyance or other transfer of the Property in violation of the provisions of this Deed Rider in the absence of a Compliance Certificate, by an action in equity to enforce this Deed Rider; and (v) money damages for the cost of creating or obtaining a comparable dwelling unit for an Eligible Purchaser. (c) In addition to the foregoing, the Owner hereby agrees and shall be obligated to pay all fees and expenses (including legal fees) of the Monitoring Agent and/or the Municipality in the event successful enforcement action is taken against the Owner or Owner's successors or assigns. The Owner hereby grants to the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality a lien on the Property, junior to the lien of any institutional holder of a first mortgage on the Property, to secure payment of such fees and expenses in any successful enforcement action. The Monitoring Agent and the Municipality shall be entitled to seek recovery of fees and expenses incurred in a successful enforcement action of this Deed Rider against the Owner and to assert such a lien on the Property to secure payment by the Owner of such fees and expenses. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event that the Monitoring Agent and/or Municipality fails to enforce this Deed Rider as provided in this Section, DHCD, if it is not named as Monitoring Agent, shall have the same rights and standing to enforce this Deed Rider as the Municipality and Monitoring Agent. (d) The Owner for himself, herself or themselves and his, her or their successors and assigns, hereby grants to the Monitoring Agent and the Municipality the right to take all actions with respect to the Property which the Monitoring Agent or Municipality may determine to be necessary or appropriate pursuant to applicable law, court order, or the consent of the Owner to prevent, remedy or abate any violation of this Deed Rider. 12. Monitoring Agent Services; Fees. The Monitoring Agent shall monitor compliance of the Project and enforce the requirements of this Deed Rider. As partial compensation for providing these services, a Resale Fee [ ] shall [ ] shall not be payable to the Monitoring Agent on the sale of the Property to an Eligible Purchaser or any other purchaser in accordance with the terms of this Deed Rider. This fee, if imposed, shall be paid by the Owner herein as a closing cost at the time of Closing, and payment of the fee to the Monitoring Agent shall be a condition to delivery and recording of its certificate, failing which the Monitoring Agent shall have a claim against the new purchaser, his, her or their successors or assigns, for which the Monitoring Agent may bring an action and may seek an attachment against the Property. 13. Actions by Municipality. Any action required or allowed to be taken by the Municipality hereunder shall be taken by the Municipality's Chief Executive Officer or designee. 14 -6-k 1, J Bk:49791 Pg: 30 - -- - 14. Severability. If any provisions hereof or the application thereof to any person or circumstance are judicially determined, to any extent, to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder hereof, or the application of such provision to the persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby. 15. Independent Counsel. THE OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE, SHE, OR THEY HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY AND HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONSULT LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ADVISORS OF HIS, HER OR THEIR CHOOSING REGARDING THE EXECUTION, DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. 16. Binding Agreement. This Deed Rider shall bind and inure to the benefit of the persons, entities and parties named herein and their successors or assigns as are permitted by this Deed Rider. 17. Amendment. This Deed Rider may not be rescinded, modified or amended, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the Monitoring Agent, the Municipality and the holder of any mortgage or other security instrument encumbering all or any portion of the Property, which written consent shall be recorded with the Registry. Executed as a sealed instrument this day of , 200_. Grantor: Owner: :A 15 RE3ISTRY OF DEEDS SOUTHERN DISTRICT ArfESTI 4L4,Y� REGISTER S6 6� OF I? Town of Reading " 16 Lowell Street fn � Reading, MA 01867 -2685 r��s3e,rxcoRe °�� FAX: (781) 942 -9071 Email: townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us TOWN MANAGER Website: www. readingma.gov (781) 942 -9043 November 14, 2013 To All Liquor Licensees: The Board of Selectmen will be approving liquor license renewals at their meeting on November 26, 2013. Prior to their approval, the Reading Coalition Against Substance ( RCASA) will be giving the Board their annual update and will cover current RCASA activities and programs including resources for liquor licenses. The Board of Selectmen believe you will find this half hour presentation informative and invite you to attend at 7:45 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room on November 26, 2013. You can reach me at 781 - 942 -9043 if you have any questions. We hope to see you there. Sincerely, NA/W Robert W. LeLacheur, Town Manager RWL /ps cc: Board of Selectmen SG 1 Underage Alcohol Enforcement Report 2013 Summary of Local Alcohol Compliance efforts Chief James W. Cormier Reading Police Department Reading, MA 01867 Following a thorough community needs assessment in 2007, Chief James Cormier, Lt. Richard Robbins, Executive Officer, and Sgt. Detective Mark Segallo, Criminal Division Commander worked collaboratively with the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse ( RCASA) to secure funds and resources to improve alcohol compliance. RCASA provided training and funds for the Detective's Division in 2008 to develop a pilot alcohol compliance project. Following the success of that project, the Reading Police Department pursued grant funds through the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety to expand efforts to reduce youth access to alcohol and increase alcohol compliance efforts from December 2008 - September 2013. Over six years, Reading Police conducted 153 checks. There were thirteen liquor violations, which indicate the overall compliance rate is 92 %. The activities described in this report are part of a larger community initiative to reduce access to alcohol using environmental strategies that share information, build skills, and change policies. The Reading Police Department would like to thank the Town Manager and Board of Selectman for their commitment to alcohol compliance and to the Highway Safety Division, Office of Grants and Research for the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security in Massachusetts for grant guidance and funding support. 1 5--GZ fReview of Alcohol Compliance Efforts: Reading Police Department (RPD) In 2005, Town Meeting members identified the issue of underage drinking in Reading as a high priority in Reading, Massachusetts. In 2006, the police chief, town manager, superintendent, and residents representing 12 community sectors formed the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA) to combat the pervasiveness of substance abuse among the citizens of Reading. Since this time, RPD and RCASA have worked together to identify needs and implement change. Needs Assessment The Reading Police worked in partnership with RCASA to conduct a thorough needs assessment. First, the police department conducted an internal survey of officers about the issue of underage drinking'. The results indicated that officers spent considerable time responding to calls related to underage drinking but utilized a variety of tactics to address these situations. Police log reports" confirmed there were a significant number of complaints and calls for service related to underage drinking. From 2008 -2009, officers reviewed internal policies and protocols with the support of JIBS Professional Services and RCASA. They identified a number of areas needed for training and policy development. This information inspired a series of professional development opportunities on Alcohol Compliance, Party Patrols, Shoulder Tap, and Fraudulent IDs. Other data collected to support the needs assessment included: ✓ Middle and High School Youth Risk Behavior Surveys ✓ PRIDE School Faculty and Parent Surveys ✓ Coalition Survey ✓ Key informant interviews ✓ Focus groups ✓ Trainings /workshop data ✓ Police Data (log reports, calls for service) ✓ Health Data (local Cause of Death data) ✓ EMS (calls for service) ✓ Compliance Surveys for alcohol and tobacco ✓ Environmental Scans ✓ Policy reviews (alcohol, tobacco, police & school protocols) The School Risk Behavior Surveys for middle and high school students indicated a high number of youth abuse alcohol and require intervention. The RCASA Data Workgroup updated the survey on a bi- annual basis and shared results with the community. -5'63 In 2012 Reading Public Schools crafted a progressive discipline policy regarding any Chemical Health violations involving students enrolled in any extracurricular activityi.i The policy requires students with a first violation to lose a percentage of their season for a violation and participate in an education program. 25 Parent Mandatory s loss of Complete Parental sport/ Approved Letter o Notification Conference activity Program completion season 40 -60% loss of I Complete I Confirmation of Approved P ved same same Sport/ activity rogram clinical assessment &substance and counseling season at evaluation sessions same I same 6mo -1 calendar year loss of Same as 2nd sports/ (treatment based Same as 2nd on current eval.) activities In addition to the school policies, Chief James Cormier issued a Zero Tolerance Policy in 2012 for the Reading Police Department regarding juveniles and substance use. This policy requires officers to document all interactions with juveniles and take issues of substance use seriously. First time offenders are candidates for the Reading Police Juvenile Diversion Program. Youth and their parents appear before a Clerk Magistrate. The Reading Police Prosecutor provides relevant information on their infraction. If youth agree to complete court - required conditions including the education class, community service and an essay, they will not have a record of their offense. RCASA staff launched the education class for school violations and diversion in October of 2012. The class is offered monthly. Background material for the program was drawn from "Alternate Routes: An Alcohol Diversion Program "" and the "Creating Lasting Family Connections Program": Since the program started, we have served 77 youth. SG V Youth who receive a School Chemical Health Violation and Court Diversion Contract are only required to take the educational course once. Together with our Alcohol Compliance work, these policies and program represent a change in how our community holds young people accountable for underage drinking and related violations. The 2013 Reading Youth Risk Behavior Survey results showed significant progress regarding underage drinking. Alcohol Use in the Past 30 Days ■ Reading Massachusetts U.S. 48% 2011 2013 • Figure 1: Reading High School results, U.S. and MA results not available for 2013 Training & Compliance Operations From 2008 -2013, the Reading Police Department carried out alcohol compliance operations with the support of funds from the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. These operations would not have been possible without the support of a comprehensive training plan involving key stakeholders. Following alcohol compliance training, detectives conducted a series of operations. Violations were referred to the Reading Board of Selectman'. Public hearings were conducted. The LLA administered violations in all cases referred by police. For this grant year, RCASA conducted training on underage drinking prevention and youth risk behavior for new officers. Additionally, officers received training from the Chief of Police on documenting juvenile incidents related to substance use or abuse, particularly underage drinking. The following chart depicts the overall pass /fail rate from 2008 -2013. 4 / Reading Police Department Alcohol Compliance Checks 2008 -2013: % of Pass /Fail EOPPS Grant Activities Summary: 2013 Educational Activities RCASA and Reading Police collaborated on a series of educational opportunities. RCASA Staff, Corey Santasky (School Resource Officer) and Justin Martel (Safety Officer) worked with representatives from Gilbert and Arbella Insurance to offer a special program for high school students from March 10 -16th of 2013. Fail 8% Pass 92% The Distractology van was stationed at the RMHS Hawkes Field House. Sixty students participated in the simulator, which brings the issue of impaired driving to life. Students were also able to visit the trailer and observe the student in the simulator and to see how they fared when distracted. 5 vffso Over 1200 students participated in the 2013 Health and Wellness Day on March 13, 2013, which also featured messages on underage drinking prevention. In April and May, the School Resource Officer and School Administrators conducted safe party prevention program including educational assemblies for junior and senior classes and ensured trained chaperones used school breathalyzers. In May, the RCASA Director and School Resource Officer facilitated impaired driving prevention workshops for 120 juniors in Health Issues classes. The film "Point of No Return" was shown and legal consequences discussed. In July and August, RCASA worked with Youth Leaders to continue prevention work. In September, RCASA and Reading Police presented results of the Chemical Health Education Program to residents at the RCASA Annual Meeting. • Pictured right: Corey Santasky, School Resource Office presents at RCASA Annual Meeting on 9/26/13 Operations 2013 Rend. l�J g wealth -?,Oct 4e/zIne ss bail The following summary describes operations conducted from March 2013 - September 2013. Educational activities took place in March, May, July and August. L 5G% In 2013, the Reading Police issued a Press Release of the Annual Public Information Notice for compliance operations. The team planned party patrol and surveillance operations for June and September. In June, Detectives conducted a Party Patrol operation. Locations checked during the Party Patrol included schools, parks, playgrounds, cemeteries and conservation land. During the operation, they provided back -up to patrol officers at 8:56 p.m. for a suicidal female with previous history of cutting and pill use. There was no sign of alcohol or drug use that evening and the female received medical transport. A compliance operation involved two underage operatives and was conducted on June 20, 2013. There were 23 checks with 1 failure. The following locations were checked: Business Type Result American Legion Post 62 On premise Passed Bangkok Spice Thai Restaurant On premise Passed Bertucci's Italian Restaurant On premise Passed Cafe Capri On premise Passed Chili's Grill & Bar On premise Passed Fuddruckers On premise Passed Grumpy Doyle's On premise Passed Knights of Columbus, On premise Passed Longhorn Steak House On premise Passed Mandarin Reading Restaurant On premise Passed Meadow Brook Golf Club On premise Failed 'sale to a minor'. Violation referred to Liquor Licensing Board for hearing. Board issued 2 -day suspension of license (1st offense). Oye's Restaurant On premise Passed Portland Pie Company On premise Met manager during "soft opening ". Apprised staff of compliance requirements. Reading Overseas Veterans On premise Passed Ristorante Pavarotti On premise Passed Romano's Macaroni Grill On premise Passed Sam's Bistro On premise Passed Busa's Reading Liquors Off premise Passed Jay and Ricky Inc. Off premise, Passed. New location and name transfer (formerly Northside Liquors) Square Liquors- Off premise Passed The Wine Shop- Off premise Passed The Wine Bunker Off premise Passed 7 SGr The following operations were conducted in September: 9/19/13- Party patrol operation was conducted at local parks, underage drinking hotspots, fields, and schools. These locations were previously identified using text a tip, review of 'calls for service' and surveillance. 9/20/13- Alcohol compliance written reminders were given to the managers at all 23 establishments and the group also conducted party patrol of neighborhoods and playgrounds. No problems detected. 9/26/13- Party patrol operation was conducted at local parks, underage drinking hotspots, fields, and schools. No problems detected. 9/27/13 -Party patrol operation was conducted at a night high school football game (staggered shifts to address pre and post -game issues). No problems detected in 2013 as compared to party patrols in September of 2012 which yield 4 intoxicated youth at football games on different occasions Program success and noteworthy achievements In working toward keeping alcoholic beverages out of the hands of underage youth, the Reading Police Department conducted enforcement operations that targeted special areas of concern for our town. The goals and progress notes for this program included: Goal 1: Improve compliance rate of all licencees for `no sales to minors' from 81% to 100 %: Obj. Obtain a 0% incidence of sales of In June of 2013, there were 23 checks with 1 alcohol to minors through the failure. Compliance Checks Program Chief's ZERO TOLERANCE policy and Reading Obj. Work with RCASA to promote RCASA offered responsible beverage service responsible beverage service education for business owners. education charged with' minor in possession of alcohol'. Obj. Work with local businesses to Officers worked with RCASA to develop a educate them on the importance of compliance memo, which was delivered to all of 100% compliance the licenses by officers in September. Goal 2: Reduce alcohol use and binge drinking by persons under 21 Obj. Conduct surveillance patrols to Patrols conducted. reduce underage drinking Obj. Improve departmental response Chief's ZERO TOLERANCE policy and Reading to prevent and respond to calls Police Diversion Program used as tools. The related to underage drinking patrol officers encountered 29 juveniles that were charged with' minor in possession of alcohol'. SGR Program Challenges We had less operational activity in July and August. However, we rescheduled operations for September when a larger amount of youth would be in the community. Proposed Changes /Program Adjustments None at this time. Grant related news articles The Reading Police Department released public announcements for publication in the Reading Daily Times Chronicle (daily paper), the Reading Advocate (weekly paper) and Reading Patch (e- news). Chief Cormier and the RCASA Director shared grant progress with coalition members at monthly board meetings. The police department worked %J se'-1 Juveniles referred to the diversion program. Obj. Decrease the number of Party patrols were conducted at football games underage drinking hotspots through since intoxicated youth were identified in 2012. the Party Patrols Program, with a No issues with underage drinking at the 2013 special emphasis on increased patrols event. during September Obj. Implement collaborative Activities with RCASA included training, activities with RCASA including the compliance, school outreach using the Distractology Exhibit in March Distractology Exhibit in March, and monthly education program for diversion cases. Obj. Promote a safe party prevention Party prevention conducted during proms and program with local schools special events including use of Trained Chaperones and School Breathalyzers. Obj. SRO to meet weekly with RCASA SRO and RCASA Director educated 120 juniors on Youth Leaders and support impaired impaired driving prevention in May. driving prevention through the Health Class for 11th graders Obj. Continue the tip411 program Tips program was renewed. Tips processed as (anonymous text and web tips) received by the Detectives Unit. School related tips followed up by the SRO. Obj. Work with Middlesex DA's Office Collaboration with the RCASA, Schools, Clerk to improve local diversion options for Magistrates at Woburn and Lowell District Courts juveniles and work with high school and DA's office has resulted in better outcomes in team on new in- school suspension juveniles cases related to underage drinking. program Program Challenges We had less operational activity in July and August. However, we rescheduled operations for September when a larger amount of youth would be in the community. Proposed Changes /Program Adjustments None at this time. Grant related news articles The Reading Police Department released public announcements for publication in the Reading Daily Times Chronicle (daily paper), the Reading Advocate (weekly paper) and Reading Patch (e- news). Chief Cormier and the RCASA Director shared grant progress with coalition members at monthly board meetings. The police department worked %J se'-1 closely with RCASA to release information to members including updates at the RCASA Annual Meeting in September of 2013. Published articles are posted on the sites below: • Reading Daily Times Chronicle http: / /homenewshere.comldaily times chronicle /news /reading /article 76bf31c4- dcfe -11 e2 -a69f -001 a4bcf887a. h tml • Reading Patch- online news source http :/ /reading. patch. com /groups /police- and - fire /p /police- conduct- alcohol- checks -at- reading- businesses http / /reading patch com /groups/ police - and - firelplrpd- combats - underage- drinking • Reading Advocate- weekly print newspaper with online access through wickedlocal http :/ /www. wickedlocal. com /reading/ news /x1533294598/Police- receive - grant -to- combat- underage - drinking • Reading Police Twitter (1800 followers)- promotes activities of the Reading Police and all press releases. Financial resources expended Funds from the highway safety division grant administered by the MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security were used to support costs to conduct compliance operations. Also, in -kind contributions were received from the Reading Police Department and RCASA. In total, more than $6250 in grant and in -kind spending was made in support of this program. Acknowledgements The compliance goals that were achieved could not have been met without the funding support of the MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. Thank you to Chief Cormier, Lt. Robbins, Sgt. Det. Segalla, Det. Holmes, Det. Saunders, Det. Halloran, Det. lapicca, School Resource Officer Santasky. Thank you to Andrew Scribner - MacLean for grant management and reporting support. Contact information Chief Cormier, Reading Police 781 - 944 -1212 JCormier @ci.reading.ma.us Sgt. Det. Segalla, Reading Police 781 - 942 -6774 Msegalla @ci.reading.ma.us Report compiled by: Erica McNamara, RCASA 781 - 942 -6793 Emcnamara @ci.reading.ma.us Survey adapted from Cambridge Police Survey and administered in March of 2008 "Reading PD, Microsystems, 2008 Activities include all sports, clubs, drama, and band '" By Laura Burney Nissen, PhD, MSW from Hazelden (htto: / /www.hazelden.org/); 10 sGI/ Series by Ted Strader, M.S. and Tim Noe from the Council on Prevention and Education ( htto : / /www.cooes.ora/groducts.ohpl v' Selectman serves as the Local Licensing Authority 11 �C, Z RCASA Grants Under Management As of 11/21/13 Current RCASA Grant Funding: We currently receive town funds to offset staffing costs not covered by grant. Grant Source Amount Type Time Project Summary of Benefits Frame SAMHSA FEDERAL -Sober Truth on $ 193,032 4 yr grant (renewal 2012- RCASA Underage Drinking To partially support staffing and STOP ACT Underage Drinking (STOP) annually) 2016 Prevention Project supplies Grants written by RCASA: Alcohol Compliance Initiative at Reading Police Dept. Highway Safety MA Executive Office of Public $ 25,000 1 year grants, 2009- Alcohol Compliance Funded officers time to conduct Division Safety competitive annual present Compliance Checks, Surveillance & application Party Patrol Operations. History of RCASA Funding: $826,727 in grant -funds received to date for all of the RCASA projects is summarized below. Grant Source/Division Amount Type Time Frame Project Summary of Health STATE PASS THRU- Tobacco $3,000 1x grant 2012- RCASA Youth Crew - Educating Youth conducted 4 community Resources in Prevention 2013 community stakeholders on presentations on tobacco Action (formerly tobacco advertising advertising and participated in 2 Med. Found.) statewide events. The Medical STATE PASS THRU - Healthy $10,000 1x grant 2006 Reading Healthy Developed RCASA Strategic Plan; Foundation Communities Communities Project paid for RCASA consultant, • 6 town staff trained in 9mo program The Medical STATE PASS THRU - Healthy $10,000. 1x grant 2008 RCASA Youth Crew 10 digital cameras Foundation Communities Photovoice Project 20 youth trained 1700 photos shot 300 piece photo display created Recognized by MADD and CADCA The Medical STATE PASS THRU- Tobacco $10,000. 1x grant 2008 RCASA Youth Crew Block -500 piece art display designed by Foundation Prevention Project local children -25 classroom presentations for elementary children conducted by RCASA Youth W RCASA Grants Under Management As of 11/21/13 Attorney STATE- Alcohol & Rx $71,966 1x grant 2008 RCASA Training & Staffing; RCASA media products General's Office Prevention Development Project designed and advertised; Police (funds from training; surveys conducted,• Purdue Pharma Selectman trained; youth and lawsuit) parent presentation; alcohol policies reviewed and changed. MA Exec. Office STATE- Underage Alcohol $20,000 1x grant (applied 2008- Reading Police Alcohol 5 officers trained in compliance; of Public Safety Enforcement annually) 2012 Compliance Officers conducted 4 -6 compliance & Security programs per year x23 licencees. Drug Free FEDERAL- $499,979 5 yr grant 2008- Reading Coalition Against 1.5 FTE, evaluation services, in state Communities Office of National Drug (renewal annually 2012 Substance Abuse and national training for RCASA Control Policy & until 2012) staff and 2 officers, materials SAMHSA Center for development Text a Tip, Rx Round Substance Abuse Prevention Up, Youth Crew Programs developed. SAMHSA Town FEDERAL- Underage Drinking $3,000 1x stipend 2008- Community Dialogue Events RCASA hosted community dialogues Hall Event (applied annually) 2012 focused on underage drinking. Youth recruited. Health STATE PASS THRU- Tobacco $3,750 1x grant 2011 RCASA Youth Crew Other -12 youth locally trained Resources in Prevention Tobacco Product Surveys -105 surveys of tobacco retailers Action (formerly Project Med. Found.) -67 adults trained -7 youth & 1 adult received statewide training Health STATE PASS THRU- Tobacco $5,000 1x grant 2011 RCASA Youth Crew- Banning -15 youth trained Resources in Prevention Tobacco in Pharmacies -Board of Health trained on key Action (formerly health and legal issues Med. Found.) - Tobacco banned in 4 local pharmacies. SAMHSA FEDERAL Sober Truth on $193,032 4 yr grant 2012- RCASA Underage Drinking To partially support staffing and Underage Drinking (renewal annually) 2016 Prevention Project supplies to implement changes in 7 areas to reduce underage drinking based on the University of Virginia APPLE Model. $826,727 RCASA Grants Under Management As of 11/21/13 Grant Results: A summary of the Federal Drug Free Communities closed out in September of 2012. Drug Free Communities Grant Period: 9/30/2007- 9/29/2012 Fiscal agent Town of Reading Coalition Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse ( RCASA) Grant Funds Grant funds totalled $499,979. The town provided the in -kind match as required. Grant Goals Goal 1. Establish and strengthen local collaboration efforts Goal 2. Reduce substance use among youth in Reading, MA Goal : Results Residents Collaboration with Town Stakeholders ✓ Developed an organizational structure to carry out prevention work ✓ Gathered data through school, police, faculty, parent, and youth surveys ✓ Trained 100 prevention advocates by forming our Board of Directors, Youth Crew, Student Club, and prevention workgroups. ✓ Educated 5,000 residents on substance abuse issues. ✓ Hosted 12 community dialogues events Policy Collaboration ✓ The Board of Selectman, Town Manager and Police partnered to develop the Alcohol Enforcement, Compliance and Education program. ✓ Liquor policies were improved with help of a consultant. Key changes: 1) mandated Responsible Beverage Service Education, 2) Enhanced penalties for sales to a minor 3) Police Supervisors appointed as "Agents of the.Liquor Licensing Board ". ✓ School Committee approved: mandatory breathalyzer policy at dances, school search /seizure policies, and comprehensive Chemical Health Violation Regulations ✓ Youth Leaders worked with the Board of Health to ban tobacco sales in our 4 local pharmacies. Coalition leaders improved a series of tobacco regulations. ✓ Town meeting adopted a public consumption by -law on marijuana. They also eliminated potential medicinal marijuana dispensaries through a zoning by -law (pending AG approval) Law Enforcement Collaboration ✓ Strengthened police enforcement to reduce minors' access to alcohol through compliance checks (88% pass rate amongst local liquor licenses) ✓ Police implemented a "Text a Tip" program, our local anonymous tip line. ✓ Chief of Police developed strong enforcement protocols to better deal with minors and substance abuse. ✓ Police in concert with RCASA established the "Rx Round Up" and 5,600 bottles of unwanted medications. h RCASA Grants Under Management As of 11/21/13 School Collaboration ✓ Teen Screen Program implemented to screen for substance abuse at the 8th and 10th grade levels. ✓ New Comprehensive Health Education Programs passed by the School Committee and Town Meeting. Goal 2 Results From 2005 -2011, the Reading Youth Risk Behavior Survey results indicated percentage declines in key areas. High school age youth: Impaired driving rates (alcohol and /or drugs) declined by 4% Tobacco use declined in all areas including smokeless tobacco and cigar use Cigarette smoking declined by 14% Cigarette use before age 13 year olds went down by 8% Alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, and methamphetamines use all declined by 2% Cocaine use went down 3% Middle school age youth: The rate of youth driving with an impaired driver due to alcohol declined by 3% The rate of alcohol use declined by 10% Cigarette use declined by 5% Use of marijuana and alcohol before age 13 declined by 2% s List of Liquor Licensees Restaurants (All Alcoholic) Bertucci's Restaurant Corp. d/b /a Bertucci's Italian Restaurant 45 Walkers Brook Drive Contact: Michael Bonnell Tel. 781- 942 -2001 Mecom, Inc. d/b /a Cafd Capri 355 Main Street Contact: Mike Enos Tel. 781 - 944 -9898 Pepper Dining, Inc. d/b /a Chili's Grill & Bar 70 Walkers Brook Drive Contact: Thomas Dumont, Jr. Tel. 781 - 942 -4670 The Boland Group III, LLC d/b /a Fuddruckers 50 Walkers Brook Drive Contact: James Boland Tel. 781 - 942 -4891 Grumpy Doyle's 530 Main Street Contact: Dermot Bolger Tel. 781 - 942 -2822 Kok, Inc. d/b /a O' Yes 26 Walkers Brook Drive Contact: Yau Tang Tel. 617 - 759 -7886 RARE Hospitality International d/b /a Longhorn Steak House 39 Walkers Brook Drive Contact: Gary Cannon Tel. 781- 942 -4801 Mandarin Reading, Inc. d/b /a Mandarin Reading 296 Salem Street Contact: Hiu Hung Lee Tel. 781- 942 -8200 Mac Acquisition of Delaware d/b /a Romano's Macaroni Grill 48 Walkers Brook Drive Contact: John O'Brien Tel. 781 - 944 -0575 Bistro Concepts, Inc. d/b /a Sam's Bistro 107 Main Street Contact: Michael Palmer Tel. 781 - 944 -7267 CAC Foods, Inc. d/b /a Venetian Moon 680 Main Street Tel. 781 - 944 -3633 Ristorante Pavarotti, Inc. d/b /a Ristorante Pavarotti 601 Main Street Contact: Massimo Fiume Tel. 781 - 670 -9050 sjl Restaurants (All Alcoholic) Bunratty Tavern Portland Pie 622 Main Street 54 Haven Street Contact: Eilish Havey Contact: Charlie Clement Tel. 617- 861 -5744 Tel. 207 - 252 -4755 Restaurant (Beer and Wine) Palarat Pattanesuan d/b /a Bangkok Spice Thai Restaurant 76 Haven Street Contact: Palatat Pattanesuan Tel. 781 - 942 -4595 Clubs Home Building Corp. d/b /a Reading Overseas Veterans, Inc. Knights of Columbus d/b /a Reading Overseas Veterans 11 Sanborn Street 575 Main Street Contact: Steve Kintigos Contact: Carl Fennelly Tel. 781- 944 -9748 Tel. 781 - 944 -9720 Meadow Brook Golf Club, Inc. Reading Veterans Association, Inc. d/b /a Meadow Brook Golf Club d/b /a American Legion Post 62 292 Grove Street 37 Ash Street Contact: Bob Morelli Contact: Dennis Lane Tel. 781- 942 -1334 Tel. 781- 944 -4259 Package Stores Busa's Liquors Jay and Ricky 345 Main Street 212 Main Street Contact: Dan Busa Contact: Kalpesh Patel Tel. 781- 944 -7474 Tel. 781 - 248 -6186 Square Liquors The Wine Bunker 11 High Street One General Way Contact: Christ Shomos Contact: Brett Barclift Tel. 781- 942 -9965 Tel. 781 - 942 -9463 .S Z Wine Shop of Reading 676 Main Street Contact: Robert Carp Tel. 781 - 944 -4521 Pamplemousse 26 Haven Street Contact: Diane Manahan Tel. 781 - 367 -9232 51'3 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 Union Street - Reading, Massachusetts 01867 Emergency Only: 911 - All Other Calls: (781) 944 -1212 - Fax: (781) 944 -2893 Web: www.ci.reading.ma.us/police/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION LICENSING OPTIONS Chief James Cormier Reading Police Department 15 Union Street Reading, MA 01867 Chief Cormier, January 24, 2013 As directed by your Office and in accordance with Reading Police Department Policy and Procedures, I have placed together an executive summary of background investigation options for Class II and III motor vehicle licenses, peddler licenses, taxi/vehicle for hire licenses and second hand dealer licenses. Option 1 The Board of Selectmen (BOS) can ask the Police Department to conduct and internal record check. The PD can do an in -house record check which will give the selectmen information on any issues that have occurred within the Town of Reading. This is a very limited review of the applicants. Option 2 The BOS can apply Option 1 and also have the Town's Personnel Director run a limited Board of Probation check thru the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. The check done by the HR director would not be as inclusive as the Police Department check. The BOS could request that the applicant provide a copy of their Driver's History (if necessary) and/or Board of Probation history. Option 3 The BOS can apply Option 2 and also have the Police Department run the applicants fingerprints through the Civil Fingerprinting bylaw for a fee set by the BOS, $30 which has to be given to the State. This will give a nationwide check based on fingerprints for any criminal activity that is supported by fingerprints. The Police Department can also apply Option 1 and run a check in their In -House computer system to see if the licensee has any involvement with the Police in this Town. �G1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION LICENSING OPTIONS Ovtion 4 The BOS can designate the Chief of Police as the License Authority and the Police Department can run a complete background on the licensee. This would include conducting the Civil Fingerprinting per bylaw for a fee. The Police Department will also run a complete Board of Probation Check and the In -House computer check. The Chief of Police already has the authority to run Liquor License applicants due to the fact of being designated an agent of the License Authority by the BOS. Enclosed, please find copies of relevant Selectmen's Policies and Town By -Laws. There is also a list of all licenses relevant to this issue. Please let me know if you need any further information. Respectfully Submitted, Sgt- Mark D. Se all Criminal Division Commander �GZ or READING POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF 16 Union Street, Reading, Mumhusetts 01867 IaRw W. Cornier Emergency Only 911 All Other Calls: 781 -944 -1212 Fax: 761- 944 -2893 C6W of m6 F -Mail: JCormier0cizeading.ma.us MEMORANDUM To: Town Manager Peter I. Hechenbleikner From: Chief James Cormier Date: 01/14/2013 Re: BOS inquiry on Class 2 & 3 M/V Dealers License Peter, During the Selectmen's meeting of Tuesday January 8, 2013 we had discussion with the Board of Selectmen regarding Class 2 and 3 M/V Dealers background checks. The Board requested Information on what the surrounding towns are doing in relationship to the discussion and whether or not we are being duplicitous in our background recommendations with that of the Registry of Motor Vehicles. As was requested, I spoke with Chiefs of Police from all the contiguous communities regarding this topic. Of the six contiguous communities, 3 have the civil fingerprint bylaw in effect, 2 are in the process of implementing it, and one will explore it at some time but has no immediate timeframe. So, five of the six will have brought it for review in the very near future. In five of the six communities the BOS is the Licensing Authority for the Class 2 and 3 M/V licenses, in one it's the city clerk. In terms of doing criminal background checks, all the Chiefs indicate they believe the Class 2 and 3 M/V dealers to be under the category of dealers of second hand articles. In one community, the HR Director does the Board of Probation checks (in this case the HR director could make and assessment of suitability but I don't believe they could share the background check with the Board unless they- are CORI certified), in two communities the Police Departments provide information to the Licensing Authority, and in two other communities sf,3 they follow the civil fingerprint bylaw (in one of those two, its only for new applicants, not renewals), and in the final community, the Police Department provides only an in -house record check. The Chiefs who are in process of moving the civil fingerprint bylaw forward would be recommending that it be used for this purpose to their respective Licensing Authorities. I am still pursing definitive information from the Registry of Motor Vehicles regarding their process. I do not believe they do record checks prior to issuing repair /dealer plates. I will continue to try to confirm this information. St,q TOWN BY -LAWS 5.4 Criminal History Check Authorization 5.4.1 Fingerprint Based Criminal History checks The Police Department shall, as authorized by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 6, Section 172 B 1/2, conduct State and Federal Fingerprint Based Criminal History checks for individuals applying for the following licenses: • Hawking and Peddling or other Door -to- Door Salespeople, (Police Chief) • Manager of Alcoholic Beverage License (Board of Selectmen) • Owner or Operator of Public Conveyance (Board of Selectmen) • Dealer of Second -hand Articles (Board of Selectmen) • Hackney Drivers, (Board of Selectmen) • Ice Cream Truck Vendors (Board of Health) Notification At the time of fingerprinting, the Police Department shall notify the individual fingerprinted that the fingerprints will be used to check the individual's criminal history records. The Police Chief shall periodically check with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security ( °EOPSS•) which has issued an Informational Bulletin which explains the requirements for town by -laws and the procedures for obtaining criminal history information, to see if there have been any updates to be sure the Town remains in compliance. State and national criminal records background checks Upon receipt of the fingerprints and the appropriate fee, the Police Department shall transmit the fingerprints it has obtained pursuant to this by -law to the Identification Section of the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS), and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the successors of such agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting fingerprint -based state and national criminal records background checks of license applicants specked in this by -law. Authorization to conduct finoemrint -based state and national criminal record background checks The Town authorizes the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Systems (DCJIS), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and their successors, as may be applicable, to conduct fingerprint -based state and national criminal record background checks, including of FBI records, consistent with this by -law. The Town authorizes the Police Department to receive and utilize State and FBI records in connection with such background checks, consistent with this by -law. The State and FBI criminal history will not be disseminated to unauthorized entities. Upon receipt of a report from the FBI or other appropriate criminal justice agency, a record subject may request and receive a copy of his/her criminal history record from the Police Department. Should the record subject seek to amend or correct his /her record, he /she must take appropriate action to correct said record, which action currently includes contacting the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) for a state record or the FBI for records from other jurisdictions maintained in its file. An applicant that wants to challenge the accuracy or completeness of the record shall be advised that the procedures to change, correct, or update the record are set forth in Title 28 CFR 16.34. The Police Department shall not utilize and /or transmit the results of the 5e, 5' fingerprint -based criminal record background check to any licensing authority pursuant to this by-law until it has taken the steps detailed in this paragraph. Municipal officials should not deny an applicant the license based on information in the record until the applicant has been afforded a reasonable time to correct or complete the information, or has declined to do so. The Police Department shall communicate the results of fingerprint -based criminal record background checks to the appropriate governmental licensing authority within the Town as listed. The Police Department shall indicate whether the applicant has been convicted of, or is awaiting final adjudication for, a crime that bears upon his or her suitability or any felony or misdemeanor that involved force or threat of force, controlled substances or a sex - related offense. Regulations The Board of Selectmen, Is authorized to promulgate regulations for the implementation of the proposed by -law, but in doing so it is recommended that they consult with the Chief of Police, Town Counsel and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (or its successor agency) to ensure that such regulations are consistent with the statute, the FBI's requirements for access to the national database, and other applicable state laws. 5.4.2 Use of Criminal Record by Licensing Authorities Licensing authorities of the Town shall utilize the results of fingerprint -based criminal record background checks for the sole purpose of determining the suitability of the subjects of the checks in connection with the license applications specified in this by -law. A Town licensing authority may deny an application for a license on the basis of the results of a fingerprint -based criminal record background check if it determines that the results of the check render the subject unsuitable for the proposed occupational activity. The licensing authority shall consider all applicable laws, regulations and Town policies bearing on an applicant's suitability in making this determination. The Town or any of its officers, departments, boards, committees or other licensing authorities is hereby authorized to deny any application for, including renewals and transfers thereof, for any person who is determined unfit for the license, as determined by the licensing authority, due to information obtained pursuant to this by -law. 5.4.3 Fees The fee charged by the Police Department for the purpose of conducting fingerprint -based criminal record background checks shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen and shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100). The Town Treasurer shall periodically consult with Town Counsel and the Department of Revenue, Division of Local Services regarding the proper municipal accounting of those fees. A portion of the fee, as specified in Mass. Gen. Laws Chapter 6, Section 172B 1/2, shall be deposited into the Firearms Fingerprint Identity Verification Trust Fund, and the remainder of the fee may be retained by the Town for costs associated with the administration of the fingerprinting system. 5.4.4 Effective Date This by-law shall take effect May 4, 2012, so long as the requirements if G.L. c. 40 sec. 32 are satisfied. 5 &6 TOWN BY -LAWS 7.6 Licenses 7.6.1 General Provisions Any license issued subject to this bylaw shall issue on January 1 (or thereafter) of each year and shall expire on the next succeeding December 31 and may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Board of Selectmen for any violation of this bylaw or any rules, orders or regulation from time to time adopted by the Board of Selectmen. 7.6.2 Transport License Required No person shall engage in the business of transporting for hire, goods, wares, furniture or rubbish as specified in Section of this bylaw without first obtaining a license or licenses therefore as set forth below. All Vehicles to be Licensed The Board of Selectmen may license suitable persons to use vehicles for the transporting for hire of goods, wares, furniture or rubbish within the Town. All persons engaging in such transportation for hire within the Town shall take out such number of licenses as will equal the greatest number of such vehicles to be used at any one time by said person during the year for which the license is issued. Such license shall expire on December 31 of each year and may be revoked at the pleasure of the Selectmen. Information to be Placed on Vehicles Every person licensed under the provisions of this bylaw shall cause his name and the number of his license to be printed or placed in plain legible words and figures in a conspicuous place on the outside of each vehicle used in exercising said license. Town of Reading General Bylaw Article 7 - Regulation of the Use of Private Land 39 General Bylaw — March 19, 2012 7.6.3 Junk License Required No person shall use any building, enclosure or other structure for the storage, sale or keeping of rags, waste paper stock or other inflammable material without a license therefore from the Board of Selectmen. Dealers In Junk, Old Metals, Second Hand Articles The Board of Selectmen may license suitable persons, upon such terms and conditions as the Board shall determine, to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals and second -hand articles, and no person shall be such a dealer or keeper without such a license. Junk Collectors The Board of Selectmen may also license suitable persons as junk collectors, to collect by purchase or otherwise, junk, old metals and second -hand articles from place to place within the Town, and no person shall engage in such business without such a license. 7.6.3A Enforcement In addition to any other means of enforcement, the provisions of this bylaw and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto may be enforced by non - criminal disposition in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.8 of this bylaw, and M.G.L. Chapter 40, 5 el Section 33 - Issuance of Peddler's Licenses Chapter 101, Sections 12a through 33 of the Laws of the Commonwealth, provide for regulations of peddlers. Part of the State law allows the Board of Selectmen to establish local rules and regulations for the granting of such licenses. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to guide the Board of Selectmen in reviewing and ruling upon applications for Peddler's Licenses: Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. The following guidelines are not intended to be a full list of issues to be dealt with by the Board but are merely guidelines to the applicant. 1. Approval will be granted within a commercial or industrial zoning district only. 2. No peddlers will be permitted to operate within the public right of way including a roadway or sidewalk area. 3. Written approval of the property owner and any tenants on the property will be required prior to the Board hearing an application for a license. This will need to be renewed annually. 4. If the proposed use, in the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, will generate traffic other than traffic that is routine to the premises, then designated parking spaces will be required that will not be detrimental to the principle use on the premises. 5. The Board will require evidence that the peddler's use will have minimal effect on the neighborhood adjacent to the site. 6. The peddler's use will not take away existing parking spaces from those required on the site. 7. The peddler's use may have no negative impact on retail or commercial activities within the Town of Reading.. 8. Peddler's uses will only be permitted where there is another principal use on the site and the peddler's use is related to the principal use of the property. No peddler's uses will be permitted on vacant or unused land. 9. The applicant must show that adequate controls are in place and insure public safety and cleanliness, and a condition of approval of any peddler's license will be that all of the required licenses will be received. 10. Prior to the issuance of a Peddler's License, the Board may require a review by the Health Division and the Building/Zoning Inspection Division and proof that all necessary approvals, permits, and other licenses needed to operate have been issued. Adopted 10- 18-88, Revised 12- 13 -94, Revised 5 -25 -04 3-14 Board of Selectmen Policies se Section 3.4 - Issuance of Class I. II and III Motor Vehicle Licenses Chapter 140, Sections 57 -69 of the Laws of the Commonwealth, provide for the regulation of Class 1, 11 and III licenses for the sale of motor vehicles. The Board of Selectmen as Licensing Authority is charged with the responsibility of issuing these licenses, determining that the licensee is a proper person to engage in the business and that there is a suitable place of business. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to guide the Board of Selectmen in reviewing and ruling upon applications for Class I, II and III Motor Vehicle Licenses: 1. Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. These guidelines are not intended to be a full list of issues to be dealt with by the Board but are guidelines to the applicant. 2. Class I, II and III Motor Vehicle Licenses will be issued only within a commercial or industrial zoning district within the Town. 3. Pursuant to State law (Chapter 140, Section 59), the applicant must show that the business to be licensed is the principal business of the licensee. 4. The applicant shall provide to the Board of Selectmen a lease or written approval of the property owner (if other than the applicant) for the use of the premises for the license period. 5. The applicant will provide, pursuant to Chapter 140, Section 58, proof that the applicant maintains or has access to a repair facility sufficient to enable him to satisfy the warranty repair obligations imposed by State statute. 6. For Class I and II Licenses, all the requirements of Chapter 90, Section 7N '/, and Section 7N 1/2 must be complied with. 7. The applicant must show through plans or other means that there is adequate space on the premises for the vehicles to be sold and for customers and employees to park. 8. The licensed activity must not create an adverse traffic impact and access to the site must be adequate. 9. The licensee must conform with the Zoning By -Laws including the sign portions of the Zoning By -Laws. 10 The Board may require information to assure itself that the facility does not and will not cause any environmental problems relative to spills or other release of harmful substances to the environment or to neighboring properties. 11. The applicant shall provide proof of a bond as required by State Statute. 12. Prior to the issuance of a Class I, II or III Motor Vehicle License, the Board may require a review by the Building/Zoning Inspection Division, and proof that all necessary approvals, permits and other licenses needed to operate have been issued. The Board will require a review by the Chief of Police to assist them in determining that the applicant is a proper person to engage in the business to be licensed. The following will be standard conditions for Class I, lI or III Motor Vehicle Licenses unless the Board of Selectmen shall modify any of these conditions, and the Board may make any additional conditions on the license as it deems fit: ♦ The maximum number of vehicles offered to be sold at any one time shall be established. ♦ The location of vehicle(s) to be sold will be specifically stated. 3- 15 Board of Selectmen Policies 5 eq ♦ The location of the repair facility will be specifically stated. ♦ There will be no pennants, banners, windshield signs or other information other than the principal sign unless required by law. The Board may require pricing and other consumer information to be attached to the vehicle in a manner so as not to detract from the general appearance of the site. Adopted 12- 13 -94, Revised 5-25-04 Section 3.5 - Issuance of Taxi and Vehicle for Hire Licenses This Section shall be known as the "Town of Reading Rules and Orders for the Regulation of Carriages and Vehicles Used in the Town of Reading, promulgated pursuant to G.L.C. 40, Sec. 22 ". 3.5.1- Applicability of Rules and Orders Vehicles for hire including taxicabs and liveries (hereinafter referred to as "vehicles ") operating or caused to be operated by non - governmental entities for the transportation of persons from place to place within the Town, or from a point in the Town to another location outside the Town, other than over regular routes or between fixed termini, shall be subject to these rules and orders to the extent provided below. - Definition of Livery Livery shall mean a private vehicle licensed as such, including but not limited to, limousines which are used for pre- arranged trips for particular occasions such as weddings, funerals, celebrations or school transportation. 3.5.2 - License License Reauired No vehicle shall be driven, operated or caused to be operated as a vehicle for hire without a license first having been obtained for that vehicle from the Board of Selectmen. Each vehicle shall require a separate license. - Application Applications for a license shall be made in writing to the Board of Selectmen and shall provide the following information: 1. The name and address of the applicant, if an individual; or if a corporation, the name, date of incorporation, address of its principal place of business and the name and address of its officers; or if a partnership, association or unincorporated company, the names and addresses of the partners or associates and the address of its principal place of business. 2. The intended place of business within the Town of Reading. 3. The name of the manager or principal representative. 4. Proposed hours of operation, description of proposed vehicle including the make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and age of the vehicle. 3-16 Board ofSelechnen Policies D .SeA 3.51.3 - Review by Chief of Police No license shall be granted by the Board of Selectmen until the application has been reviewed by the Chief of Police. Ten (10) working days to be allowed for such review. As a condition of issuance and'retention of the license, the owner and all employees of the licenses shall make available to the Police Chief or his designees, the manifest used by the taxi company. "Manifest" means a daily record prepared by a taxicab driver of all trips made by said driver showing time and place of origin, destination, number of passengers, and the amount of fare of each trip. - Grant or Denial The Board of Selectmen may upon receipt of an application, issue a license under such terms and conditions as they deem appropriate and in the public interest. The Board, in determining whether to issue a license, may -consider the public demand or the proposed service, the effect of the proposed service upon relevant traffic and safety conditions, the character and financial responsibility of the applicant the condition of the proposed vehicle(s), and any and all other relevant facts or circumstances. - Term and Fee Any license issued hereunder shall expire on the last day of December next ensuing, unless sooner revoked or surrendered. Any licensee who permanently ceases to operate the vehicle for which a license was issued shall forthwith surrender the license to the Board of Selectmen. The fee for each license issued shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per license. This fee shall not be prorated. - Notification as to Vehicle If issued a license, the licensee shall, prior to the operation of the vehicle as a vehicle for hire, provide the following information, in writing, to the Board of Selectmen: 1. The make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and age of the vehicle. 2. A copy of the vehicle's certificate of registration with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. 3. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage page for the vehicle. - Insurance A vehicle issued a license hereunder shall be insured. Coverage for "Bodily Injury to Others" shall be no less than $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident. - Liability The licensee is at all times responsible for his vehicle and shall be liable for all penalties and/or damage resulting from his operation of the vehicle or the operation of the vehicle by an employee or agent. - Susnension or Revocation The Board of Selectmen may suspend or revoke a license issued under the provisions of this article for good cause. Before suspension or revocation of a license, the licensee shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the Board of Selectmen. Written notice of the hearing shall 3-17 Board of Selectmen Policies 01 be forwarded to the licensee at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. Such notification shall state the grounds of complaint and the date, time and place of the hearing. The Town Manager may temporarily suspend a license without a hearing for a period of no greater then ten (10) days or until a hearing is held, whichever is sooner, if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the public safety would be endangered by continued operation of the vehicle. - Assignment or Transfer Prohibited No license shall be assigned or transferred. 3.5.3 - Permit - Reauired No person shall operate a vehicle, and no licensee shall employ or allow a person to operate a vehicle, unless the operator first obtains a permit from the Board of Selectmen. - Minors No permit shall be issued to a person under eighteen (18) years of age. - Application Applications for a permit shall be made, in writing, to the Board of Selectmen and shall provide the following information: 1. Full name and address. 2. Copy of a valid operator's license issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. 3. All previous experience operating a vehicle for hire. 4. Convictions or pleas of guilty to a criminal offense, except as outlined below. If any, state the offense(s), court(s) in which convicted or guilty plea occurred and when the conviction(s) or plea(s) occurred. The following criminal information is not and shall not be requested, examined or considered by the Board of Selectmen: ♦ Arrests, detentions or dispositions in which no conviction or guilty plea resulted; Convictions which have been reversed or vacated but not pardoned; ♦ Misdemeanor convictions or guilty pleas when the date of conviction or plea was greater than ten (10) years prior to the date of application for the permit; ♦ Traffic violations for which there was a finding of responsibility for a period of two (2) years prior to the date of application for the permit or for such period of time as the Board of Selectmen shall request. Failure to give accurate and complete information as required above may be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a permit. - Review by Chief of Police No permit shall be issued by the Board of Selectmen until the application has been reviewed by the Chief of Police or his designee. Ten (10) working days to be allowed for such review. - Issuance or Denial 3-18 Board of Selectmen Policies 2 S ?k An applicant shall be granted a permit only if the Board of Selectmen determines that granting a permit to the applicant is in the best interest of the public. Criminal convictions or pleas of guilty shall not result in an automatic denial of an application but shall be given significant consideration and weight by the Board of Selectmen, taking into account all factors including the nature and gravity of the offense, the time that has passed since the conviction or plea, and the sensitive nature of serving the public as a driver of a vehicle for hire. - Term and Fee Any permit granted hereunder shall expire on the last day of December next ensuing, unless sooner revoked or surrendered. A permit holder who ceases to operate vehicles shall forthwith surrender his permit to the Board of Selectmen. The fee for a permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). This fee shall not be prorated. - Picture Identification Card A picture identification card shall be issued by the Board of Selectmen, or its designee, to each permit holder, and shall be displayed prominently in the vehicle when being driven by the permit holder. - Liability A permit holder is at all times responsible for the vehicle he is operating and shall be liable for all penalties and/or damage resulting from his operation of the vehicle. 3.53.9 - Suspension or Revocation The Board of Selectmen may suspend or revoke a permit granted under the provisions of this article for good cause. Before suspension or revocation of a permit, the permit holder shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the Board of Selectmen. Notice of the hearing shall be in writing and forwarded to the permit holder at least seven (7) calendar day prior to the date of the hearing. Such notification shall state the grounds of complaint and the date, time and place of the hearing. The Town Manager may temporarily suspend a permit until a hearing can be held in accordance with the procedures set out above, if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the public safety would be endangered by the continued operation by the permit holder. In no event shall a temporary suspension be for a period greater than ten (10) calendar days. 3.5.4 - Operation Duty to Transport A permit holder shall not unreasonably refuse to transport a passenger. - Sharing a Ride No permit holder shall accept a passenger when the vehicle is occupied or engaged without the consent of the passenger(s) already in the vehicle. No person shall be obliged to pay any extra fare or fee for refusing such consent. Separate fares shall not be charged to members 3-19 Board of Selectmen Policies se., 13 of the same party. A party shall be considered any number of individuals (not exceeding the passenger capacity of the taxi) with the same origin and "destination. 3.5.43 - Taxi Stands - Parking — Standin¢ The Board of Selectmen may assign a taxi stand or stands to one or more taxicabs. The Board of Selectmen may also designate specific areas, streets or ways where vehicles may not park of stand. Standing and/or parking on public ways or public property of vehicles not licensed in the Town of Reading is prohibited except while waiting to return a party whose original point of hire was from outside of Reading, when operating in accordance with a Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities license, or when being used for personal (non - vehicle for hire) purposes. - Maintenance of Vehicles Every vehicle shall be kept in good condition, suitable for occupancy and mechanically fit for the safety of passengers. The interior and exterior of the vehicle shall be safe, clean and sanitary at all times. - Inspection The Reading Police Department or its designee shall have the right to inspect any vehicle for purposes of these regulations or as public safety requires. - Smoking Smoking in a vehicle is prohibited. - Appearance of Operator Every driver having charge of a licensed vehicle shall be suitably dressed (sleeved shirt), neat and clean in appearance. - Display of License, Picture Identification Card and Rates of Fare Every vehicle when in operation shall display the following cards in a suitable frame so that they are secure and immobile and plainly visible to passengers riding in the rear of the vehicle: I. License 2. Picture identification card of driver 3. Fares (taxicabs only) - Lettering on Taxicabs Every taxicab operating under the authority of these rules and orders shall have the name or trade name of the licensee and the name "Town of Reading" or "Reading" painted on both sides of the taxicab in letters four inches high and one -half inch wide, painted in two conspicuous places on the taxicab. - Copy of Re¢ulations Every vehicle shall, when in operation, contain a copy of these regulations, which shall be exhibited to any passenger or Police Officer on request. The licensee and permit holder shall be responsible for the implementation of this requirement. 3-20 Board of Selectmen Policies D( 3.5.5 - Fares Taxicabs The Selectmen shall establish the rates of fare for the conveyance of passengers and baggage, and may revise such when they so determine. The rate of fare shall be governed by fare zones and shall be on file at the Office of the Town Clerk. - Separate Fares Separate fares shall not be charged to members of the same party. - Senior Citizen Discount Fares for all persons sixty (60) years of age and older shall be discounted in accordance with a schedule approved by the Board of Selectmen. When discounted rates are offered, they must be offered to all senior citizens using a taxicab pursuant to the licensing established in this policy. There shall be displayed a sign informing the passengers of the discount. - No Fares in Excess of Established Rates No taxicab permit holder shall demand or receive as a fare more than the fare established by the Board of Selectmen under the authority granted by these regulations. - Livery Rates Charges by liveries shall be subject to mutual agreement between the livery operator and the passenger(s). 3.5.6 - Information Update and P Information Update When any information provided in an application for a license or permit changes or is updated, the respective licensee or permit holder shall give notice thereof, in writing, to the Board of Selectmen. - Penalties The penalty for a violation of any of these rules and orders shalt be a fine equal to the fine for a violation of Town Bylaws as set forth in Article 1.5 of the Town Bylaws. Violation of any of the rules and orders herein shall be just cause for suspension or revocation of a license and /or permit. Adopted 7- 18-89, Revised 12- 13 -94, Revised 5 -25 -04 3-21 Board ofSelecdnen Policies LIST OF LICENSES 10/31/12 CLASS I. II AND III MOTOR VEHICLES LICENSEES Gallery North, Inc. (Class I) d/b /a Honda Gallery 88 -98 Walkers Brook Drive ECars of New England Inc. (Class I) 281 Main Street 128 Tire, Inc. (Class II) 459 Main Street Brown's Auto Repair (Class II) 35 Lincoln Street Reading Auto Sales (Class II) 550 Main Street Reading Foreign Motors, Inc. (Class II) 4 Minot Street RMP Mass (Class In Reading Motors 1337 Main Street Reading Square Auto Body, Inc. (Class I1) 9 Chapin Avenue Reading Square Shell (Class II) 749 Main Street North Reading Auto & Recon, Inc. (III) d/b /a Gray's Towing 4 Minot Street JUNK LICENSE CTC Gold Refinery 75 Haven Street TAXI AND LIVERY LICENSEE Paul's Sedan Service 40 Orange Street Dilsh An Perera Sapphire Livery 1230 Main Street Abdollah Hosseini Abby Transportation 211 Main Street, Unit 2 LIQUOR LICENSES 22 ESTABLISHMENTS sell Section 3.5 - Issuance of Taxi and Vehicle for Hire Licenses This Section shall be known as the "Town of Reading Rules and Orders for the Regulation of Carriages and Vehicles Used in the Town of Reading, promulgated pursuant to G.L.C. 40, Sec. 22 ". 3.5.1 - Applicability of Rules and Orders Vehicles for hire including taxicabs and liveries (hereinafter referred to as "vehicles ") operating or caused to be operated by non - governmental entities for the transportation of persons from place to place within the Town, or from a point in the Town to another location outside the Town, other than over regular routes or between fixed termini, shall be subject to these rules and orders to the extent provided below. - Definition of Livery Livery shall mean a private vehicle licensed as such, including but not limited to, limousines which are used for pre - arranged trips for particular occasions such as weddings, funerals, celebrations or school transportation. 3.5.2 - Vehicle License License Required for EACH vehicle No vehicle shall be driven, operated or caused to be operated as a vehicle for hire without a license first having been obtained for that vehicle from the . hief of Police. Each vehicle shall require a separate license. — Application for Vehicle License Applications for a license shall be made in writing to the Chief of PoliceBew" Seleetmen and shall provide the following information: 1. The name and address of the applicant, if an individual; or if a corporation, the name, date of incorporation, address of its principal place of business and the name and address of its officers; or if a partnership, association or unincorporated company, the names and addresses of the partners or associates and the address of its principal place of business. 2. The intended place of business within the Town of Reading. 3. The name of the manager or principal representative. 4. Proposed hours of operation, description of proposed vehicle including the make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and age of the vehicle. 5 A copy of the vehicle's certificate of registration with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. 6 A cove of the certificate of insurance coverage page for the vehicle. - Insurance A vehicle issued a license hereunder shall be insured Coverage for "Bodily Iniury to Others" shall be no less than $100,000 per Mrson/$300 000 per accident - Review by Chief of Police of Vehicle License feviewed -by Ghe Chief of Police shall have - --Tefifteene (185) working days to he allowed fer- suehrreview such license. As a condition of issuance and retention of the license, the owner and all employees of the licenses shall make available to the Police Chief or his designees, the sal � manifest used by the taxi company. "Manifest" means a daily record prepared by a taxicab driver of all trips made by said driver showing time and place of origin, destination, number of passengers, and the amount of fare of each trip. 3:5.2.54 - Grant or Denial of Vehicle License The Chief of PoliceBewd of Seleatmen may upon receipt of an application, issue a license under such terms and conditions as they deem appropriate and in the public interest. The Chief of PoliceBe in determining whether to issue a license, may consider the public demand or the proposed service, the effect of the proposed service upon relevant traffic and safety conditions, the character and financial responsibility of the applicant the condition of the proposed vehicle(s), and any and all other relevant -facts or circumstances. - Term and Fee of Vehicle License Any license issued hereunder shall expire on the last day of December next ensuing, unless sooner revoked or surrendered. Any licensee who permanently ceases to operate the vehicle for which a license was issued shall forthwith surrender the license to the Chief of Polic . The fee for each license issued shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per license. This fee shall not be prorated. r. ss� . NOW PRO - Liability The licensee is at all times responsible for his vehicle and shall be liable for all penalties and/or damage resulting from his operation of the vehicle or the operation of the vehicle by an employee or agent. - Suspension or Revocation The Chief of OaceBe&Fd of Seleetmen may suspend or revoke a license issued under the provisions of this article for good cause. Before suspension or revocation of a license, the licensee shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the Chief of Polic - Written notice of the hearing shall be forwarded to the licensee at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. Such notification shall state the grounds of complaint and the date, time and place of the hearing. The Chief of Police_4ewrt at�egefmay tern __ ily_suspend - Porroatted: Font color: Red ,5-i✓Iq a license without a hearing for a period of no greater Ethan ten (10) days or until a hearing is held, whichever is sooner, if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the public safety would be endangered by continued operation of the vehicle. - Assignment or Transfer Prohibited No license shall be assigned or transferred. 3.5.3 — Permit to Operator of Licensed Vehicle - Required No person shall operate a vehicle, and no licensee shall employ or allow a person to l operate a vehicle, unless the operator first obtains a permit from the Board of Selee4nefChief of Police. - Minors No permit shall be issued to a person under eighteen (18) years of age. - Application Applications for a permit shall be made, in writing, to the Board ef Selee4nenChief of Police and shall provide the following information: 1. Full name and address. 2. Copy of a valid Massachusetts Driver's epemters-Llicense issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. 3. All previous experience operating a vehicle for hire. 4 Convictions or pleas of Rtulty to a criminal offense If any, state the offense(s), court(s) in which convicted or guilty plea occurred and when the conviction(s) or pleas) occurred. The Applicant must: - Formatted: Justified Formatted: Font: Bold Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.5 jurisdiction; ♦ Not have been judged a Habitual Traffic Offender as defined by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90 section 22F or equivalent in any jurisdiction, within the past five (5) years ♦ Not have had his or her Driver's License suspended for five (5) or more------ FormatteA: Indent: Left: 0.5 Hanging: 0.31° Surcharizeable Incidents as defined by Chapter 211 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations section 134 or the equivalent in any jurisdiction, within the past (5) years; ♦ Not have any unresolved or outstanding driving infractions which could result in the gpplicant's Driver's License being suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction: ♦ Not have more than four violations of the Traffic Laws/and or At -Fault Accidents as +--- Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.5 defined by Chapter 211 of the Code of Massachusetts Regulations section 134 or an equivalent department in the last three (3) years (violations and accidents occurring on the same date will count as only one) in any jurisdiction. S e— -7"0 _♦ Not have any Operating Under the Influence of drugs or alcohol convictions or dispositions under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90 section 24D within the past five (5) years or the equivalent in any jurisdiction; ♦ Not have an fly convictions within the last five (5) years in any jurisdiction• ♦ Not have any drug convictions in the last five (5) years in any jurisdiction ♦ Not have any dispositions for a criminal offense, in any Jurisdiction, that would result in the denial of a license, including admissions to sufficient facts or continues of an offense without resolution, unless the circumstances of such incident are reviewed by the Chief of Police as to the specific facts and circumstances, and th e applicant is thus approved by the Chief of Police-, ♦ Not be required to register as a sex offender in any jurisdiction• and ♦ Not have any outstanding or unresolved criminal cases in any jurisdiction which would result in the license being denied if the Applicant was convicted of alleged offense. Affests, Misdemeanor- eeffi,ietiens or- pilty pleas when the " of eeffi,iaien T affie vielations c .- w-hieh there . find•.,.. f ..e.,«...,sibility f eF plea . , was a f t. .......... ................. ....� .. rmainScrT° �pcm�+ vxxnTz° a r "a"7�°rivcvr"c�^TTs:7'"7'cffo, . :. • - Affests, Misdemeanor- eeffi,ietiens or- pilty pleas when the " of eeffi,iaien T affie vielations c .- w-hieh there . find•.,.. f ..e.,«...,sibility f eF plea . , was a f t. .......... ................. ....� .. rmainScrT° �pcm�+ vxxnTz° a r "a"7�°rivcvr"c�^TTs:7'"7'cffo, (2) Failure to give accurate and complete information as required above may be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a permit. All license applicants must be suitable individuals in addition to meeting the above requirements. Nothing herein shall limit the Chief of Polices' power to deny an application or renewal application should he /she determine that the applicant is not a suitable Taxi/ Livery Operator. sezl - Issuance or Denial An applicant shall be granted a permit only if the Chief of Polic determines that granting a permit to the applicant is in the best interest of the public. Criminal convictions or pleas of guilty shall not result in an automatic denial of an application but shall be given significant consideration and weight by the Bewd of SeleehneaChief of Police, taking into account all factors including the nature and gravity of the offense, the time that has passed since the conviction or plea, and the sensitive nature of serving the public as a driver of a vehicle for hire. The Chief of Police has up to (15) fifteen business days to issue a permit - Term and Fee Any permit granted hereunder shall expire on the last day of December next ensuing, unless sooner revoked or surrendered. A permit holder who ceases to operate vehicles shall forthwith surrender his permit to the Chief of PoliceBew4 of Seleetmen. The fee for a permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). This fee shall not be prorated. - Picture Identification Card A picture identification card shall be issued by the Chief of Polic _;-eF it&4e9ig*ee; to each permit holder; and shall be displayed prominently in the vehicle when being driven by the permit holder. - Liability A permit holder is at all times responsible for the vehicle he is operating and shall be liable for all penalties and/or damage resulting from his operation of the vehicle. - Susoension or Revocation The Chief of Police may suspend or revoke a permit granted under the provisions of this article for good cause. Before suspension or revocation of a permit, the permit holder shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the 13 OQFd ef SeleehReRChief of Police. Notice of the hearing shall be in writing and forwarded to the permit holder at least seven (7) calendar day prior to the date of the hearing. Such notification shall state the grounds of complaint and the date, time and place of the hearing. The Chief of Police Tevffi ManageFinay temporarily suspend a permit until a hearing can be held in accordance with the procedures set out above, if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the public safety would be endangered by the continued operation by the permit holder. In no event shall a temporary suspension be for a period greater than ten (10) calendar days. 3.5.4 — Oaeration of Licensed Vehicles S�z2 Duty to Transport A permit holder shall not unreasonably refuse to transport a passenger. - Sharing a Ride No permit holder shall accept a passenger when the vehicle is occupied or engaged without the consent of the passenger(s) already in the vehicle. No person shall be obliged to pay any extra fare or fee for refusing such consent. Separate fares shall not be charged to members of the same party. A party shall be considered any number of individuals (not exceeding the passenger capacity of the taxi) with the same origin and destination. - Taxi Stands - Parking — Standing The hief of Police may assign a taxi stand or stands to one or more taxicabs. The $oafd eaWhief of Policeseleebnen may also designate specific areas, streets or ways where vehicles may not park of stand. Standing and/or parking on public ways or public property of vehicles not licensed in the Town of Reading is prohibited except while waiting to return a party whose original point of hire was from outside of Reading, when operating in accordance with a Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities license, or when being used for personal (non- vehicle for hire) purposes. - Maintenance of Vehicles Every vehicle shall be kept in good condition, suitable for occupancy and mechanically fit for the safety of passengers. The interior and exterior of the vehicle shall be safe, clean and sanitary at all times. - Inspection The hief of Police or his/herits designee shall have the right to inspect any vehicle for purposes of these regulations or as public safety requires. - Smoking Smoking in a vehicle is prohibited. - Appearance of Operator Every driver having charge of a licensed vehicle shall be suitably dressed (sleeved shirt), neat and clean in appearance. - Display of License Picture Identification Card and Rates of Fare Every vehicle when in operation shall display the following cards in a suitable frame so that they are secure and immobile and plainly visible to passengers riding in the rear of the vehicle: 1. License 2. Picture identification card of driver 3. Fares (taxicabs only) - Lettering on Taxicabs Every taxicab operating under the authority of these rules and orders shall have the name or trade name of the licensee and the name "Town of Reading" or "Reading" painted on both �.� Z3 sides of the taxicab in letters four inches high and one -half inch wide, painted in two conspicuous places on the taxicab. - Copy of Reeulations Every vehicle shall, when in operation, contain a copy of these regulations, which shall be exhibited to any passenger or Police Officer on request. The licensee and permit holder shall be responsible for the implementation of this requirement. 3.5.5 - Fares Taxicabs The Selectin ieegeleelmen shall establish the rates of fare for the conveyance of passengers and baggage, and may revise such when they so determine. The rate of fare shall be governed by fare zones and shall be on file at the Office of the Town Clerk. - Separate Fares Separate fares shall not be charged to members of the same party. - Senior Citizen Discount Fares for all persons sixty (60) years of age and older shall be discounted in accordance with a schedule approved by the Rewd efSeleeurAmBoard of SelectmenGhief -ef-- e. When discounted rates are offered, they must be offered to all senior citizens using a taxicab pursuant to the licensing established in this policy. There shall be displayed a sign informing the passengers of the discount. - No Fares in Excess of Established Rates No taxicab permit holder shall demand or receive as a fare more than the fare established by the Board of SelectmenG'-i441e under the authority granted by these regulations. - Livery Rates Charges by liveries shall be subject to mutual agreement between the livery operator and the passenger(s). 3.5.6 - Information Update and Penalties Information Update When any information provided in an application for a license or permit changes or is updated, the respective licensee or permit holder shall give notice thereof, in writing, to the Chief of Police. - Penalties The penalty for a violation of any of these rules and orders shall be a fine equal to the fine for a violation of Town Bylaws as set forth in Article 1.5 of the Town Bylaws. Violation of any of the rules and orders herein shall be just cause for suspension or revocation of a license and/or permit. Adopted 7- 18 -89, Revised 12- 13 -94, Revised 5- 25 -04, Revised 11 -21 -20124 FAX: (781) 942 -5441 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 RECREATION DIVISION: (781) 942 -9075 Topics and Outline for BOS meeting 11126113 I. Washington Park Public Hearing a. Plan Is an adaptation from the one previously created by the WPMPC b. Brief PP Presentation review with BOS c. Approximate budget - $280K Including $30K from DD. d. Timellne - Out to Bid January 2014, work to begin Spring 2014 2. Memorial Park Lighting Project a. Review ofplan with BOS including special features, styles/number offlxtures etc. b. Approximate Budget- $42K ($30k Is from November Town Meeting) to complete the project c. Timellne -Out to Bid December 2013, work to begin as soon as possible (weather dependent) 3. Birch Meadow Master Plan a. Current Written and Drawn Plans available on the Town Site b. Review current MP via PP Presentatlon c. Discuss Rec Committee endorsed RYB Plan for TC Field J. Safety Screen for Tennis Jl. Outileld Fence N. Enclosed On -Deck areas 1. CJP $$ In 2015 for the Screen otherwise paid by RYB d. Discuss reestablishment ofnew Master Plan committee for updating 4. Dog Park a. Brief PP Presentation b. Stanton Foundation Grants 90% Funding for Dog Parks c. Feaslbillty Study and then 10% construction costs d. Would need commitment for care and maintenance e. Post Construction Grants fund up to 5% annually during lnitial years of operation f. Do we move forward or not? 5. Field Naming a. Was approached by a group looking to have a field in someone's name b. The schools recently adopted a policy c. The Town currently does not have a policy 6. Possible Reglonalization Opportunity with Wakefield a. JoJntmeet/ng with Wakefield Town Adm/nistratorand Reading Town Manager b. Reading Rec Committee and Wakefield Rec Commission met to discuss possibilities c. Looking fora WinMIn situation 5F11 LEGAL NOTICE FI? . TOWN OF READING" To the Inhabitants -bf'the Town of Reading: Please take notice that .the Board of Selectmen "Of'the Town of Reading will i Iii a public hearing on November ` 26, 2013.1n the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street, Reading, Massachusetts on the •fellow- ing topics: y? j'7 7 •Washington Park Eirrdi 7 - Washington 9.00 P.M. ` .Memorial Park Lighting - 9:15 P.M. ' A r.4. '. Copies of the propdae -d documents regarding .these '- topics are available in the i Town Manager's office:,1$ Lowell Street, Reading, A, i M- W -Thurs from 7:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m., Tues from 7:3p ag1'n. i - 7:00 p.m. and are attached to the hearing notice on* -the website -at www.reidingma.gov _ _ ' All interested parties are Invited to attend the headng, or may submit their con- ments in writing or by email prior to 6:00 p.m. tur November 26, 2013 to tow itl manager@cl.reading.ma.us. order- Robert W. LeLacheu'r Town Manager- . .� 11/19 s F I MAIAOfAtAjavo �~ / / / / / / / ' / / / / / \ \ \ / / / \ / ) ' / / / ( \ / / / / / / / / '~\ � / / ) / ( \ / \ / FAX: (781) 942 -9070 Email: townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 TO: ASSESSORS OFFICE REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED ABUTTERS LIST Subject Property: TOWN MANAGER (781) 942 -9043 Address: Wits t ,✓ �� R�l� e iii `10 w, f�, v .3 Assessors' Map / Lot 2-3 g Applicant: Name: PA"/Z,4 Board or Commission for which this request is made: Board of Selectmen: Liquor License Traffic Regulations Other o 4 "'.7 Date need list by: ///I- I Applicant's Signature: Date: 11 1 3 1 1 3 RECEI °,'k September 11, 2012 To whom it may concern; TOWN OF READING 16 LOWELL STREET READING, MA. 01867 -2693 BOARD OF ASSESSORS TEL.: 781 -942 -9027 FAX: 781 - 942 -9037 In an effort to streamline our business practices and a desire to decrease turnaround time for taxpayers and other municipal departments, please be advised that effective this date, we the Board of Assessors for the Town of Reading hereby delegate to the Town Appraiser or Acting Town Appraiser of the assessing department signatory authority of all certified abutter's lists as compiled by the department. Sincerely, Reading Board of Assessors Fred McCirane, Chairman VPS Ralph Colorusso Robert Quinn, Jr. -5,Fq Vo EP �� ' READING ASSESSING MAP 11/18/2013 TOWN OF READING ABUTTERS LIST STONEHAM PLANNING BOARD 35 CENTRAL ST STONEHAM MA 02180 WAKEFIELD PLANNING BOARD 1 LAFAYETTE STREET WAKEFIELD MA 01880 LYNNFIELD PLANNING BOARD 55 SUMMER STREET LYNNFIELD MA 01940 MASS DEPT OF HOUSING & COM. DEV. 100 CAMBRIDGE STREET, SUITE 300 BOSTON MA 02114 WILMINGTON PLANNING BOARD 121 GLEN ROAD WILMINGTON MA 01887 NORTH READING PLANNING BOARD 235 NORTH STREET NORTH READING MA 01864 WOBURN PLANNING BOARD 10 COMMON STREET WOBURN MA 01801 METRO AREA PLANNING COUNCIL 60 TEMPLE PLACE BOSTON MA 02111 016.0- 0000 - 0224.0 2 PRESCOTT ST 2 -12 PRESCOTT ST LLC 56 RED GATE LN READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0226.0 39 LINCOLN ST 39-41 LINCOLN ST LLC 56 RED GATE LN READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0231.0 92 WASHINGTON ST AIELLO R NICHOLAS JESSICA AIELLO 44 VINE ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0051.0 40 PRESCOTT ST ALDRICH JON COMITA MORGAN KAREN J 40 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0157.0 21 PRESCOTT ST AVTGES PETER J JOLEEN JAMES AVTGES 42 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0170.0 25 PRESCOTT ST AYLWARD JAMES JULIE AYLWARD 25 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0227.0 1 FULTON ST BARLETTA JOSEPH 28 FOX RUN LN READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0250.0 7 SWEETSER AVE BENT ROBERT G BENT SUZANNE M 7 SWEETSER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0096.0 25 CENTER AVE BOB J SON JOHN OK SON 25 CENTER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000. 0245.0 109 WASHINGTON ST BOUCHER MARK E LAURIE REILLY 109 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0225.0 31 LINCOLN ST BROWN KEVIN M 35 LINCOLN ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000-0054.0 52 PRESCOTT ST CARPENELLA FELIX F LUCY CARPENELLA C/O MICHAEL CARPENELLA 46 TAMARACK ROAD READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0236.0 67 WASHINGTON ST CARROLL MARY ELLEN GOODSIR ROHAN C 67 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0063.0 71 RIVERSIDE DR CHEW YIN YEE CHEW SHUE PING CHAN 71 RIVERSIDE DRIVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0364.0 27 LINCOLN ST CINCOTTA MARILYN 1 97 ELM ST STONEHAM MA 02180 016.0 -0000- 0263.0 35 WARREN AVE CONBOY PETRA L 35 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0080.0 53 RIVERSIDE DR CONWAY CHRISTOPHER C ETAL TRS THE CONWAY FAMILY TRUST 53 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000.0079.0 49 RIVERSIDE DR COTTER BERNARD D JOAN L COTTER 49 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0239.0 87 WASHINGTON ST CRONIN JOHN J ANNE T CRONIN 38 MARION ST WILMINGTON MA 01887 -3149 016.0- 0000. 0092.0 32 WARREN AVE CUNNINGHAM DEREK D DAWN L CUNNINGHAM 32 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0087.0 8 WARREN AVE DACOSTA ANTONIO S MAUREEN N DACOSTA 8 WARREN AVENUE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000-0252.0 7 MICHELINI LN DAVIS JOHN DAVIS SHIRLEY 7 MICHELINI LN READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0174.0 41 PRESCOTT ST DAVIS WILLIAM H LOUISE G DAVIS 43 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0.0000- 0091.0 26 WARREN AVE DOANE JEFFREY A DOANE SARAH M 26 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0173.0 47 WASHINGTON ST DONEGAN ANGELA MARIE ETAL (LE) 47 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0229.0 106 WASHINGTON ST DOUCETTE PETER D SHIRLEY J DOUCETTE 108 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0097.0 21 CENTER AVE DOUCETTE STEPHEN B KATHLEEN B DOUCETTE 21 CENTER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0244.0 105 WASHINGTON ST DRISCOLL EDWARD F PATRICIA A DRISCOLL 105 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0240.0 89 WASHINGTON ST DYCK STEPHANIE ROBERT FEDAK 89 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0095.0 29 CENTER AVE EASTON KIMBERLY T CHRISTOPHER J MCLAUGHLIN 29 CENTER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0254.0 18 SWEETSER AVE FEENEY AGNES P MARK C FEENEY ETAL 26 MEAD ST CAMBRIDGE MA 02140 016.0- 0000 - 0053.0 48 PRESCOTT ST FERULLO MARIANNE C 48 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0067.0 68 RIVERSIDE DR FIALLI JOSEPH M TRACY L FIALLI 68 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0- 0701 - 0093.0 5 MAPLE ST CADIGAN NEIL F 5 MAPLE ST UNIT 5 READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0235.0 76 WASHINGTON ST GAGNON JEAN NICOLAS CAROLINE GAUTHIER 76 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0222.0 22 PRESCOTT ST GIAKOUMIDIS ELIAS HARIKLA SPEROS 22 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0076.0 35 RIVERSIDE DR GRACILIERI RHONDA L 35 RIVERSIDE DRIVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0221.0 68 WASHINGTON ST GRANT ELEANOR L 68 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000-0233.0 86 WASHINGTON ST GUNN BRENDAN LAURA MESSIER 86 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0262.0 27 WARREN AVE GUTIERREZ JOANNE H 27 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0083.0 47 WARREN AVE HALLEY JEAN MARIE ETAL TRUSTEE JEAN MARIE HALLEY LIVING TR 47 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0099.0 9 CENTER AVE HANAFIN MATTHEW T ANDREA D HANAFIN 9 CENTER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0072.0 42 RIVERSIDE DR HART ROBERT J MARY DUCHARME HART 42 RIVERSIDE DRIVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0196.0 43 WASHINGTON ST HUBBARD ROBERT B KIMBERLY ROSE HUBBARD 43 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0702- 0093.0 7 MAPLE ST JONUSKIS LINDA H 7 MAPLE ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0264.0 016.0 -0000- 0232.0 37 WARREN AVE 90 WASHINGTON ST KAMINER ROBERT S KEEGAN THOMAS J KAMINER CATHERINE R 37 WARREN AVENUE 90 WASHINGTON ST READING READING MA MA 01867 01867 'x016.0 -0000- 0098.0 15 CENTER AVE LANDRY RYAN MICHAEL JOHNSON LANDRY ANNE JOHNSON 15 CENTER AVE READING MA 01867 ,J016.0- 0000 - 0246.0 113 WASHINGTON ST KILBAN JOHN J JR 128 DRAGON CT READING MA 01867 1 111 8/201 3 TOWN OF READING ABUTTERS LIST 016.0 - 0000 - 0071.0 72 FAIRVIEW AVE CHEN XI WANG MIAOYU 72 FAIRVIEW AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0069.0 58 RIVERSIDE DR LANNON AMY F PAUL G LANNON 58 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0109.0 38 WARREN AVE LEECO KENNETH DENISE A GAGNON 38 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0068.0 64 RIVERSIDE DR LEW JAMES LEW MONA C 64 RIVERSIDE DRIVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0171.0 52 WASHINGTON ST LUSK DAMON P CHRISTINE E TIGHE 52 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000-0081.0 59 RIVERSIDE DR MABIUS LAWRENCE E KATHY L MABIUS 59 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0176.0 53 PRESCOTT ST MACDONALD EDWARD H DIANNE M MACDONALD 53 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0260.0 19 WARREN AVE MANAHAN PAMELA A (314) ANDREA C WILLEY (114) 19-21 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0065.0 78 RIVERSIDE DR MANNING ROBERT E JR EILEEN A MCSHERRY MANNING 78 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0261.0 23 WARREN AVE MARGESON CAROL A B 23 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0070.0 52 RIVERSIDE DR MCKENNA GEORGE J ELAINE M MCKENNA 52 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0. 0000 - 0237.0 61 WASHINGTON ST MCKENNA JOHN T 61 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0251.0 11 SWEETSER AVE MCKENNA KATHLEEN M (MEDLIN) 11 SWEETSER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0255.0 6 SWEETSER AVE MCKENNA THOMAS P HELEN A MCKENNA 6 SWEETSER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0257.0 7 WARREN AVE MCNEILL JAMES P KRISTIN R MCNEILL 7 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0052.0 46 PRESCOTT ST MESERVE ROBERT L JUNE F MESERVE 46 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0219.0 32 PRESCOTT ST NEWELL JAMES E NEWELL SUZANNE P 32 PRESCOTT STREET READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0234.0 80 WASHINGTON ST MITCHELL WILLIAM B GERALDINE F MITCHELL 80 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0241.0 93 WASHINGTON ST MUISE CANDACE M WAYNE P MUISE 93 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0064.0 75 RIVERSIDE DR MUNDY JOHN J JR TRUSTEE 46 INTERVALE TERRACE REALTY TR 75 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0110.0 8 MAPLE ST MURPHY THOMAS J JOAN L MURPHY 8 MAPLE ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0084.0 48 WARREN AVE PACE MICHAEL F 48 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0220.0 28 PRESCOTT ST PALMER JAMES A 28 PRESCOTT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0088.0 10 WARREN AVE PELRINE JOHN ANNE PELRINE 10 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0223.0 16 PRESCOTT ST PIERRO JOAN M 9 ELVIRE RD NORTH READING MA 01864 016.0- 0000 - 0228.0 100 WASHINGTON ST PRINCE DIANE M 100 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 -0089.0 14 WARREN AVE PUTZ JEFFERY R 14 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0077.0 39 RIVERSIDE DR QUINN KIMBERLEY M ELAINE F SMITH ETAL 39 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0062.0 67 RIVERSIDE DR RAVANIS GEORGE W TINA M RAVANIS 67 RIVERSIDE DRIVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0242.0 0 WASHINGTON ST READING ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY PO BOX 842 READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0243.0 99 WASHINGTON ST READING ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY PO BOX 842 READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0066.0 74 RIVERSIDE DR RIO ROBERT A SANDRA E RIO 74 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0247.0 80 MINOT ST SANTOSUOSSO CYNTHIA KEVIN T CHUDA 80 MINOT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 -0075.0 29 RIVERSIDE DR SCOTT WILLIAM C JR LYNDSAY J SCOTT 29 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0249.0 72 MINOT ST SHAAK STEPHANIE A RUBBICCO TRUSTEE 72 MINOT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0253.0 16 SWEETSER AVE SHANNA ATWELL 16 SWEETSER AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000-0259.0 17 WARREN AVE SILVA FRANCISCO L SILVA JANET L 17 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0175.0 47 PRESCOTT ST STINCHFIELD ANNE 47 PRESCOTT STREET READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0172.0 37 PRESCOTT ST STINCHFIELD ANNE 47 PRESCOTT STREET READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0230.0 96 WASHINGTON ST STODDARD LIANNE J PAUL STODDARD 96 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0-0000- 0169.0 46 WASHINGTON ST STROMAN PETER G KAREN G STROMAN 46 WASHINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0248.0 76 MINOT ST SULLIVAN RICHARD L ROBERTA M SULLIVAN 76 MINOT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0158.0 21 ARLINGTON ST THOMASES JEANNE B 21 ARLINGTON ST READING MA 01867 016.0 -0000- 0159.0 17 ARLINGTON ST TORPEY DENNIS JR MICHELLE M DASILVA 17 ARLINGTON ST READING MA 01867 011.0 -0000- 0272.0 0 WARREN AVE - OFF TOWN OF READING CONSERVATION 16 LOWELL ST READING MA 01867 016.0-0000 - 0265.0 41 WARREN AVE TUCKER LESLEY - ELIZABETH (LE) STEPHEN G TUCKER 41 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0256.0 64 MINOT ST VIEIRA PAUL G DIANE B VIEIRA 64 MINOT ST READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0258.0 9 WARREN AVE VIMALAN RAJALINGAM 9 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000 - 0082.0 63 RIVERSIDE DR WILLIAMS KEITH M WILLIAMS MARTHA E 63 RIVERSIDE DR READING MA 01867 016.0- 0000.0365.0 26 ARLINGTON ST WILSON JOHN L LORRAINE WILSON 31 JASPER ST SAUGUS MA 01906 016.0-0000 -0078.0 43 RIVERSIDE DR WILSON JOHN P DEBORAH J WILSON 43 RIVERSIDE DRIVE READING MA 01867 016.0 - 0000 - 0090.0 20 WARREN AVE WOODBURY BRUCE A 20 WARREN AVE READING MA 01867 11/1812013 FOR READING BOARD OF PATRICIA A. SULLIVAN, ASSISTANT APPRAISER TOWN OF READING ABUTTERS LIST LEGAL NOTICE Fl? f��� '• TOWN OF READING "','''' To the Inhabitants% the Town of Reading: Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen Of the Town of Reading will ild a M public hearing on November 26, 2013._in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 i:iiwell Street, Reading, Massachusetts on the •fellow- ing topics: - Washington Park nn-dl . Design J. -' i, " 9.00 P.M. ` C•Memorial Park Lighting 9:15 P.M. Cvples of the propffse'd documents regarding ,these �. topics are available in the i Town Manager's office.-It j Lowell Street, Reading, JIA& M- W -Thurs from 7:30 5:30 p.m., Tues from 7:39 WT - 7:00 p.m. and are attached to the hearing notice orr -the website at www.resdingma.gov _ All Interested parties are invited to attend the heating, or may submit their corn-- ments In writing or by emafl prior to 6:00 �p.m. bn November 26, 2013 to tow fl manager@cl.reading.ma.us..,: By order -a Robert W. LeLachedr Town ManagOr- 11/19 s -7/ I 6' 111 11 195 2 e5 2�6. , ss 12 INV. our ❑ IBIBN NI. HARRISON STREET CONTROL CABINET © •" / 3D Nis q- - -_ NrsH warE N E • /, 96T .'2 1. oD 'IM1T °arse tlE\ 00 �� t T r° xa, PROP. LIGHT IN Ufa �DU • vu '_Wr_ >K _wmz'�.xm___�� CHANNEL IN V 9 D3 2. PC, , S ibs I t LINED cu DEa a/ sar Esr. ro DE aw NV osae e.38 PROP. LIGH '.;.'K _rrcn_ CUEAERi rvv�Yi29I.3a A DNC,F °EB `T s'rew.wi N�):y �INSr.um i[�nl aavcl� �. d Y (� Deana•, hyy\. /. IOUtB9s2�is ��� �Po re Y '/• 0 ewes a OP. LIGHT J INLET ` -- a LIGHT STEELSEICI-ED- ANCE P m — N tS NANDNDLE (TIP) , P y 41sT EUEC. cp+DU, � 1 Ex - - - - - -- .. — 'ITT -(,w) ,E�EPwwE CABINET - - -- 41 TOWN OF READING DEPARMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C:RAPHR C ALE SCALE: 1-40' — ww er. GAz DATE: NOV. 1d, ]1113 C.C. MEMORIAL PARK PROPOSED MMOMYe'eP' LIGHTING 1 FAX: (781) 942 -9070 Email: townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 -2685 TO: ASSESSORS OFFICE REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED ABUTTERS LIST Subject Property: Address: the m (- fop Assessors' Map o? � 1- 219 Applicant: Name: 040 LA S C ke —A Lot .2 `f 9 55 Board or Commission for which this request is made: Board of Selectmen: Liquor License TOWN MANAGER (781) 942 -9043 Traffic Regulations Other �_ /I? — h-\ e r, r.,!1',4 L Pg a.� L ti't's Date need list by: I iii %3 Applicant's Signature: Date: l i�13 rl c to i L-u ►I , ' ' 2! ,,3 S'13 September 11, 2012 To whom it may concern; TOWN OF READING 16 LOWELL STREET READING, MA 01867 -2693 BOARD OF ASSESSORS TEL.: 781 - 942 -9027 FAX: 781 - 942 -9037 In an effort to streamline our business practices and a desire to decrease turnaround time for taxpayers and other municipal departments, please be advised that effective this date, we the Board of Assessors for the Town of Reading hereby delegate to the Town Appraiser or Acting Town Appraiser of the assessing department signatory authority of all certified abutter's lists as compiled by the department. Sincerely, Reading Board of Assessors Fred McUrane, Chairman VPS Ralph Colorusso Robert Quinn, Jr. S-1 y ` ON 11/18/2013 TOWN OF READING 1 ABUTTERS LIST r �x STONEHAM PLANNING BOARD 35 CENTRAL ST STONEHAM MA 02180 WAKEFIELD PLANNING BOARD 1 LAFAYETTE STREET WAKEFIELD MA 01880 LYNNFIELD PLANNING BOARD 55 SUMMER STREET LYNNFIELD MA 01940 MASS DEPT OF HOUSING & COM. DEV. 100 CAMBRIDGE STREET, SUITE 300 BOSTON MA 02114 WILMINGTON PLANNING BOARD 121 GLEN ROAD WILMINGTON MA 01887 NORTH READING PLANNING BOARD 235 NORTH STREET NORTH READING MA 01864 WOBURN PLANNING BOARD 10 COMMON STREET WOBURN MA 01801 METRO AREA PLANNING COUNCIL 60 TEMPLE PLACE BOSTON MA 02111 022.0- 0000 - 0335.0 797 MAIN ST JAREMA JOHN A MARIANNE JAREMA 797 MAIN ST READING MA 01867 028.0- 0000 - 0064.0 24 CHARLES ST HOBIN BRIAN M HOBIN VIRGINIA W 6 STRATFORD ROAD WINCHESTER MA 01890 028.0 - 0000 - 0063.0 26 CHARLES ST HAILEY FREDERICK A JEAN M HAILEY 26 CHARLES ST READING MA 01867 028.0- 0000 - 0062.0 34 CHARLES ST ROGERSON W GORDON ROGERSON CAROL A 34 CHARLES STREET READING MA 01867 028.0 -0000- 0061.0 38 CHARLES ST AGUJA BERNARD P CAROL A FULCHINI - AGUJA 38 CHARLES ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0701- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST FARRELL ALEXANDRA 1 CHARLES ST UNIT A READING MA 01867 022.0 -0702- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST BALTIER MATTHEW P MICHELLE M BALTIER 1 CHARLES ST APT B READING MA 01867 022.0- 0703 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST SULLIVAN RICHARD J JR SULLIVAN KIM M 7 GREENTREE LANE BYFIELD MA 01922 022.0 -0704- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST CHAPELL CAROLINE T 1 CHARLES ST APT D READING MA 01867 022.0 -0705- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST SHUMAN DAVINA LOUISE TRUSTEE DAVINA LOUISE SHUMAN TRUST 1 CHARLES ST UNIT E READING MA 01867 022.0- 0706. 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST DUDLEY MARY A TRUSTEE DUDLEY FAMILY TRUST OF 2008 1 CHARLES ST UNIT F READING MA 01867 022.0 -0707- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST FARRELL MICHAEL C LYNNE M FARRELL 1 CHARLES ST UNIT G READING MA 01867 022.0- 0708 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST DOYLE DONNA M 1 CHARLES ST APT H READING MA 01867 022.0- 0709 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST TALBOT RUTH M 1 CHARLES ST APT I READING MA 01867 022.0 -0710- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST BREAU JAMES L 1 CHARLES ST APT J READING MA 01867 022.0 -0711- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST BODEBENDER WILLIAM NAN BODEBENDER 1 CHARLES ST APT K READING MA 01867 022.0 -0712- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST YANG XIAOLI GEN GUANG WANG 1 CHARLES ST UNIT L READING MA 01867 022.0 -0713- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST SHIKHANOVICH YURI ALLA SHIKHANOVICH 1 CHARLES ST UNIT M READING MA 01867 022.0 -0714- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST EVANS KATHRYN A 1 CHARLES ST UNIT N READING MA 01867 022.0 -0715- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST ROSS ARTHUR T 1119 WHITTIER AVE WINCHESTER VA 22601 022.0- 0716 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST FARRELL ALEXANDRA 1 CHARLES ST UNIT A READING MA 01867 022.0 -0717 -0261.0 1 CHARLES ST KALIPOLIS ANDREW C LYDIA J BACON 1 CHARLES ST UNIT Q READING MA 01867 022.0- 0718 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST JOHNSON ROBERT W MARIA T JOHNSON 1 CHARLES ST UNIT R READING MA 01867 022.0 - 0719 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST CONNORS MARGARET E 1 CHARLES ST APT S READING MA 01867 022.0 - 0720 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST ZUCHOWSKI ELLEN J 1 CHARLES ST UNIT T READING MA 01867 022.0 -0721- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST DEARBORN MARY M 1 CHARLES ST UNIT U READING MA 01867 022.0 -0722- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST RAMELLA SANJAY ROSELYNE MASAM 1 CHARLES ST UNIT V READING MA 01867 022.0 -0723- 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST DOHERTY NANCY M 1 CHARLES ST APT W READING MA 01867 022.0- 0724 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST MARTEL - FERRANTE RENEE 1 CHARLES ST UNIT X READING MA 01867 022.0 - 0725 - 0261.0 1 CHARLES ST FALLON JOHN L JR JOYCE E FALLON 1 CHARLES ST - UNIT Y READING MA 01867 028.0- 0000 - 0058.0 42 CHARLES ST HARKINS KENNETH J KATHLEEN C HARKINS 42 CHARLES ST READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000 - 0260.0 767 MAIN ST BRANDT CRAIG M JEAN BRANDT 767 MAIN ST READING MA 01867 028.0 -0000- 0060.0 48 CHARLES ST BOUDETTE PAUL 48 CHARLES ST READING MA 01867 022.0 - 0000 - 0259.0 757 MAIN ST TOWN OF READING PARK 16 LOWELL ST READING MA 01867 028.0 -0000- 0059.0 52 CHARLES ST DONOFRIO KEVIN A CHRISTINE A DONOFRIO 52 CHARLES STREET READING MA 01867 028.0- 0000-0055.0 0 CHARLES & HARRIS TOWN OF READING PARK 16 LOWELL ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0255.0 42 SALEM ST CADE BARBARA E 42 SALEM STREET READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0250.0 48 SALEM ST SCOTT JOHN R MARY SULLIVAN -SCOTT 48 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 028.0 - 0000 - 0047.0 75 HARRISON ST CHASE DAVID Y KATHRYN E GORCZYCA 75 HARRISON STREET READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000 - 0249.0 0 SALEM ST TOWN OF READING PARK 16 LOWELL ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0251.0 52 SALEM ST STROEBLE DONALD C LYNDA Z STROEBLE 52 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 028.0 -0000- 0049.0 71 HARRISON ST ELLIS THOMAS D MADELINE E ELLIS 71 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 028.0 - 0000 - 0050.0 65 HARRISON ST STONE L ELAINE 65 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 028.0- 0000 - 0041.0 61 HARRISON ST KENTON GARETH P LORI H KENTON 61 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 028.0- 0000 - 0051.0 57 HARRISON ST CORTESE JOHN A 57 HARRISON STREET READING MA 01867 022.0. 0000 -0099.0 51 SALEM ST SEIBOLD PETER M BEVERLY SEIBOLD 166A MERRIMACK ST METHUEN MA 01844 022.0 -0701- 0253.0 62 SALEM ST CHANG VICTOR HSIAMEI CHANG 62 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0702- 0253.0 60 SALEM ST HEALEY MARILYN M 60 SALEM ST UNIT 102 READING MA 01867 022.0 -0703- 0253.0 58 SALEM ST NICKERSON JEAN C 58 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 .� 1 11118/2013 TOWN OF READING ABUTTERS LIST 028.0.0000- 0052.0 53 HARRISON ST CARLSON MELANIE A GARDNER JOHN PATRICK 53 HARRISON STREET READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0098.0 55 SALEM ST CAMPBELL FLORENCE E 55 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 028.0 - 0000 - 0053.0 49 HARRISON ST MASTRONARDI DAVID A WINKLER JENNIFER LEIGH 49 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0267.0 30 HARRISON ST MAHONEY AMY 8 30 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0252.0 0 SALEM ST TOWN OF READING PARK 16 LOWELL ST READING MA 01867 028.0-0000- 0054.0 43 HARRISON ST MELESCIUC JAMES R JOANNE C MELESCIUC 43 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0266.0 26 HARRISON ST MALINSKI ROBERT D JR LIZABETH A WOOD 26 HARRISON STREET READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000 - 0241.0 39 HARRISON ST MCGRATH THOMAS J ETAL TRS MCGRATH FAMILY NOMINEE RLTY TR 39 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0265.0 20 HARRISON ST HULSE HEATHER E 20 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000 - 0264.0 18 HARRISON ST WHALEN SEAN ANN WHALEN 18 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000 - 0242.0 35 HARRISON ST FEDERICO RICHARD M 35 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000-0172.0 67 SALEM ST DALY BEVERLY F 67 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 022.0-0000 - 0263.0 14 HARRISON ST ARINGTON JOHN J 14 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0243.0 33 HARRISON ST MOORE THOMAS L KERRIANNE MOORE 33 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0- 0000 - 0262.0 10 HARRISON ST RAUENBUEHLER PAULA M 10 HARRISON ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0173.0 0 SALEM ST TOWN OF READING 16 LOWELL ST READING MA 01867 022.0 - 0000 - 0244.0 10 ORANGE ST BOND NANCY L 10 ORANGE ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0248.0 78 SALEM ST DECICCO DELORES MARIE HAROLD REGINARD BOLIVAR JR 78 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 022.0 -0000- 0171.0 71 SALEM ST ANTANAVICA GARRETT ELIZABETH BROWN 71 SALEM ST READING MA 01867 PATRICIA A. SULLIVAN, ASSISTANT APPRAISER LIN Town of Reading Meeting Minutes Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2013 -10 -30 Building: Pleasant Street Senior Center Address: 49 Pleasant Street Purpose: Financial Forum Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:30 PM Location: Great Room Selectmen Ben Tafoya, Daniel Ensminger and Marsie West Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Fincom members Barry Berman, Karen Herrick, Varlarie Perry, David Greenfield, Jeffrey Perkins, Mark Dockser, Paul McNiece and Paula Perry; Superintendent of Schools John Doherty, Assistant Superintent of Schools Mary Delai, School Committee members Chuck Robinson, Hal Croft and Jean Barowski; Town Planner Jean Delios, Police Chief James Cormier, Fire Chief Greg Burns, Library Director Ruth Urell, Public Works Director Jeff Zager, DPW Business Administrator Jane Kinsella, Library Trustees Alice Collins and Vicki Yablonsky Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Robert LeLacheur Topics of Discussion: Discussion /Action Items Update on Final FY13 Financials - The Town Manager noted that we had a good year. The FY13 budget was under $1.2 million. Reserves are at an all time high at $9.1 million. Projected FY15 Revenues - There are no big surprises in FY15. The local revenue is flat but the wildcard is State aid. He budgeted 2.50% for State aid and revenues at an increase of 1.6 %. Projected FY15 Accommodated Costs - Spending is less in capital and debt. His estimate for health insurance is an increase of 7 %. As a side note, a Proposition 2.50% override every 10 years is overdue. Projected FY15 Operating Budget - The Town Manager noted that if we use $0 reserves in FY15 then the reserves will be at 11 %. If we use $1 million in reserves that gives us an operating budget of 2.1% and leaves us with 9.6% in reserves. Using $1.25 million gives us an operating budget of 2.50% and leaves us with 9.3% in reserves. Using $1.5 million in reserves gives us 3% operating budget and leaves us with 9% in reserves. Using $2 million gives us an operating budget of 4% and leaves 8.4% in reserves. Mr. Berman noted that we could put back some things that were cut, but we also have to look forward to union negotiations. Mr. Greenfield asked about the time of the health insurance renewal numbers and the Town Manager indicated we usually get that around the end of January - beginning of February. Page I 1 b G' t If we have an unhappy surprise he would like to use free cash. Mr. Greenfield noted he supports using $1.5 million to start. Mr. Perkins noted he had concerns about using $1.50 million in reserves. Ms. West noted that we are giving back each year and she would support going with $1.5 million in reserves. The Town Manager noted it seems like we are returning an extra $1 million each year and the revenues do not always come from the same place. Mr. Robinson suggested using $1.5 million but if benefits come in high use $1.25 million. Ms. Perry recommended using $1.25 as a starting point and any downside use free cash. Mr. Greenfield indicated he wouldn't leave it open ended. Ms. West indicated she is comfortable at $1.5 million because reserves are so high. Mr. Berman asked the Town Manager about a 3% operating budget and the Town Manager noted it is easier to add things than to cut. The question is whether we can keep squeezing the same level of service at 2.50 %. Mr. McNeice noted he is comfortable using $1.50 million A motion by Greenfield seconded by Dockser to use $1.50 million in free cash for the FY15 budget was approved by a vote of 7 -1 -0 with Perkins opposed Library Update - Library Director Ruth Urell handed out website information where all of the reports are available. She noted the Library Building Committee has been meeting. The schedule is to do the design through the winter and move to the temp space in the spring. She suggested people go to the website for more information. Superintendent John Doherty noted that a working group has been formed to look at space needs. They have come with 15 options and they are cutting those down and looking at the feasibility of each. He also noted that the School Department applied for MSBA money for Killam with no luck so the projects are in the Capital Plan. Mr. Berman asked when they will have recommendations on space and Mr. Doherty indicated within two months and they will not be doing a full day kindergarten next year. A motion by West seconded by Ensminger for the Board of Selectmen to adiourn at 8:05 P.m. was approved by a vote of 3 -0 -0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Page 1 2 �v C/2 r k Y B3'P /NCORT' Town of Reading Meeting Minutes Board - Committee - Commission - Council: Board of Selectmen Date: 2013 -11 -05 Building: Reading Town Hall Address: 16 Lowell Street Purpose: General Business Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Selectmen Meeting Room Chairman James Bonazoli, Vice Chairman John Arena, Secretary Ben Tafoya, Selectmen Daniel Ensminger and Marsie West Members - Not Present: Others Present: Town Manager Bob LeLacheur, Office Manager Paula Schena, Public Works Director Jeff Zager, Town Engineer George Zambouras, Assessor Victor Santaniello, Patricia Sullivan, Assessors Francis J. Golden, Fred McGrane and Robert Quinn, Erin Calvo - Bacci, Bill Crowley, Jody Heyward, Will Finch, Gina Snyder, Jamie Maughan. Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Secretary Ben Tafoya Topics of Discussion: Reports and Comments Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments — Daniel Ensminger noted he attended a Charter Committee meeting last evening and the committee will be taking public comment on December 2 °d He also noted that the issue of time and how the number of days are determined will be addressed. Marsie West noted the Board has an applicant to interview tonight for the Zoning Advisory Committee. The Committee will be conducting stakeholder interviews. She also wants to address the issues regarding submitting a Volunteer Application online that the Town does not offer at this time and also the issue of a candidate not being able to get a letter for the company he works for. Ben Tafoya noted he attended the Financial Forum last week and he requested that the detailed spreadsheet that has been done in previous years be sent to the Board. He noted that we are using a substantial amount of free cash each year and we are also replenishing it. Mr. Tafoya also noted that he is a member of the MMA committee and the process for licensing medical marijuana facilities is moving forward. It requires an extensive application process and there is a $30,000 fee. They are encouraging applicants to meet with communities and get their support. Daniel Ensminger asked if there are any applicants for Middlesex County and Mr. Tafoya noted they have not shared the list yet. John Arena asked what the consequence is if the applicant does not have a letter of support from the community and Mr. Tafoya noted that results in a lesser score. Page 1 1 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5, 2013 — page 2 James Bonazoli noted that the Bylaw Committee Appointment Committee made two appointments to the Bylaw Committee this evening and the Bylaw Committee has a full sitting now. He also noted that the Building Fagade Committee met last week. Town Manger's Report — The Town Manager gave the following report: Administration ♦ Volunteer Opportunities • Please check out the Town's website for some background information at http://www.readingma.gov L/pages/volunteers-wanted-O and to download an application form at http• / /www readingma gov /sites /readingma/files /file /file /volunteer anplication.pd f • Tonight the Bylaw Appointment Committee met to consider two applications for the two openings in the Bylaw Committee. Currently there are only three of five positions filled, and due to a recent medical situation the Committee is unable to meet in quorum. • Other opportunities include one opening each on the Finance Committee, the Council on Aging and the Celebration Committee. Please send or drop off applications to Town Clerk Laura Gemme (lgemme (&ci.reading.ma.us). Finance ♦ Assessing — Please see a memo from me sent over the weekend in the meeting packet asking the Board to extend the regional agreement with Wakefield for an additional year; also tonight the Board of Assessors and staff will present a preview of the upcoming Tax Classification Hearing. That Hearing is tentatively set for 8:30 pm on November 26th, but is dependent on the DOR's schedule. If it needs to be delayed then we'll swap it with some Recreation updates scheduled for December 10th. ♦ Accounting — Former Town Accountant Gail LaPointe has stepped back in to help out while Sharon Angstrom is on medical O leave through early February 2014. Gail will be available to Town, School and RMLD staff from 1 -4pm Monday through Thursday at glapointekci.reading ma.us, and other times by appointment. She is working other flexible hours during the week on projects — often at night to avoid conflicts with MUNIs users. Community Services ♦ Comprehensive Update of the Zoning By -Law — The first of four Zoning Advisory Committee Public Forums will be held on Wednesday November 20th at 7:30 pm at the Pleasant Street Center. These are in addition to over 20 other scheduled public meetings to gather community input. Public Safety/Public Works ♦ DPW did a great job surveying the 23 Peer Communities (as defined by FINCOM) on several departmental policies. The survey results from 22 communities that responded were large and included in your packet, below are some of the highlights that I saw: o #14 — Do you have different water /sewer rates by usage? An overwhelming majority of communities (18 of 22) do have a 2, 3 or 4 -tier rate structure. This is something staff discussed a couple of years ago in response to the perception/reality of more conservation being punished by higher rates. �6z Page 1 2 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5 2013 — page 3 o #15 — Do you allow second meters for irrigation? Again a majority of communities (15 of 22) do have such a policy, and some that do not have a moratorium which means they will reconsider the matter. o #1 to #I I — Do you have a Water Abatement Program? A surprising amount of communities do not allow abatements, or they are very rare. Reading does allow them and there is a lot of staff effort involved each time. This topic will be discussed internally with my preference to simply the process and continue abatements when the circumstances warrant (for instance, a leak that was repaired). o After the results of the survey, I will reiterate three of my four previous suggestions_ • Delay the yearly rate change (i.e. rate increase) from September to December despite the fact nearly all communities surveyed raise rates as we do when the fiscal year begins. This will lessen the shock of adding a new (higher) rate to heavier summer usage — we have plenty of water /sewer reserves to tide us over for this 3 -month delay in FYI 5; • Split the water rate by usage (two or three tiers — reward conservation efforts); • Allow a second water meter for irrigation systems, exempt this usage from sewer charges; o I suggest we study the impact of moving of some debt from water /sewer to the tax bill (via a debt exclusion question to the voters) in time for Annual election in the spring 2015. This is delayed a year because I believe the issue of water usage versus property tax payments is complex, and if new tiered rates are introduced the situation becomes even more complex. ♦ West Street Road Improvements • December advertisement date still planned — might be later in the month now. • All temporary easements have been appraised. The Engineering Division will begin sending out award letters. Sidewalk addition (below) will most likely result in new /revised easements. • Town's consultant working on plan revisions to add approximately 500 linear feet of sidewalk which was originally excluded from project to avoid constructing retaining walls. ( last 500 ft. of road — east side before Willow /Summer intersection). • MWRA consultant completed preliminary 36" water main route for intimal review by our consultant and MassDOT. School Department Naming Policy — A few years ago the Selectmen briefly discussed a facilities Naming Policy (such as the Schools have adopted) but did not pursue it. I have received one request from the community recently to honor a long -time athletic participant by the naming of all or a portion of a Town field. The Board will hear this request in early December from the Recreation Administrator. If the Board wishes to pursue, I will draft a similar Naming Policy to be considered. 3 �b Page 1 3 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5 2013 — page 4 Proclamations /Certificates of Appreciation Certificate of Recognition — Eloise Shannon 100th Birthday — A motion by Tafova seconded by West to approve the Certificate of Recognition for Eloise Shannon was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Personnel and Appointments Ad Hoc Zoning Advisory Committee — The Board interviewed Erin Calvo -Bacci for a position on the ad hoc Zoning Advisory Committee. Tafova moved and West seconded to place the name of Erin Calvo -Bacci into nomination for one position on the ad hoc Zoning Advisory Committee with a term expiring July 15, 2014. Ms. Calvo -Bacci received five votes and was appointed. Appoint Town Counsel — The Town Manager noted there were previous concerns regarding response time but things are working out very well now. The departments are very happy and he recommends reappointing Brackett and Lucas for another year. Ben Tafoya noted that the Board used to solicit comments from Department Heads and Boards, Committees and Commissions but we got off cycle. The Town Manager noted that he asked all departments to reach out to their committees and they received no feedback. He received feedback from three departments and he addressed the issues with Gary Brackett and all of the issues have been resolved. John Arena suggested monitoring and if any issues come up there is no reason to wait until the review time to address. Marsie West noted she would like to see comments before reappointing. The Town Manager noted he would like to start the review six months before their term is expired. A motion by Tafova seconded by Ensminger to appoint the firm of Brackett and Lucas as Town Counsel for a term expiring December 31, 2014 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Discussion/Action Items Hearing — Wine Bunker Liquor License Transfer Change of Location and Restrictions — Liquor Junction — The Secretary read the hearing notice. James Bonazoli noted that based on findings the Board of Selectmen recommended the applicant go back and resubmit the application. The Town Manager noted that the requests of the Board have been accomplished. Attorney Fogelman noted that they removed the investor which the Board had concerns about. They are asking for the same restrictions to be removed. James Bonazoli noted that the restrictions were due to other applicants and the current applicant was mostly internet sales. / Page 1 4 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5, 2013 — naee 5 Ben Tafoya noted that years ago there were two applicants for the same license and the Board of Selectmen denied them. The Wine Bunker applied six months later and the Board of Selectmen approved with restrictions based upon the Wine Bunker business. Attorney Fogelman noted that the new application is asking for the least amount of restrictions including removing the limit of retail square feet, the limit of 10 linear feet for wine refrigerator units and the no walk in cooler other than the beer cave. The applicant wants to be able to sell wine coolers, '/2 pints, tobacco and lottery tickets, but no nips. A motion by Tafova seconded by Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing on transfer of the package store liquor license from CWI, LTD d/b /a The Wine Bunker to Kaial and Kevin LLC d/b /a Liquor Junction at 1 General Way was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. A motion by Tafova seconded by West that the Board of Selectmen approve the transfer of the package store liquor license from CWI, LTD d/b /a The Wine Bunker to Kaial and Kevin LLC d/b /a Liquor Junction at a new location within the same plaza at 1 General Way with a term expiring December 31, 2013 sub iect to the following conditions: ♦ Retail space will be limited to a total of 6,700 square feet as designated on the approved plan entitled "Floor Plans" 501 in the Selectmen's Packet dated 11/5/13; ♦ No nips will be sold; ♦ Deliveries from Route 128 will be via Walkers Brook Drive to General Way and deliveries from Route 28 will be via Goodall Sanford Road; ♦ All Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed and also subiect to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. James Bonazoli thanked the applicant but reminded them that the Board of Selectmen take granting of liquor licenses seriously. Consideration of Class 2 Motor Vehicle Licenses — The Town Manager noted that there are two future applicants that are similar. One is at 360 Main Street in Business A which will need CPDC approval for open storage and a little ways down the street at 431 Main Street in Business B zone which requires ZBA approval for open storage. This is the type of zoning that needs to be looked at by the Zoning Advisory Committee. It makes little sense to have two different processes when the locations are literally right down the street from each other. The Board of Selectmen will have the opportunity to put conditions on the site regarding parking and safety. Mr. Durant, applicant for 360 Main Street, noted that he plans on selling only 1 owner cars. The maximum at one time would be three vehicles and the vehicles will still be under the manufacturer warranty. Attorney Bill Crowley was present for the applicant at 431 Main Street but did not have any comments due to the fact that they are appearing before the ZBA. bbl' Page 1 5 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5 2013 — page 6 Marsie West noted that the Zoning Advisory Committee is holding a public forum on November 20th. The Town Manager noted when the applications come in he will put the maximum number on the permit and consult with the Police department. Tax Classification Preview — Victor Santaniello, Patricia Sullivan, Francis Golden, Fred McGrane and Robert Quinn were present. Mr. Santaniello noted this is a preliminary preview. The average value of a home in Reading is $446,000. If the MRF is 1 that equates to $14.76/$1000. A CIP shift of 1 for residential equates to a $6,584 estimated tax bill. A CIP shift of 1.5 equates to a $6,254 estimated tax bill. For commercial, a shift of 1 equates to an estimated tax bill of $21,250 and a shift of 1.5 equates to an estimated tax bill of $31,889. Mr. Santaniello reviewed the open space discount, residential exemption, and small commercial exemption. In surveying neighboring communities, only Reading and North Reading do not split the tax rate. In the Middlesex Leagues 9 of the 24 communities do not shift. Mr. Santaniello noted that he will be ready for the hearing to set the rates on either November 26th or December 10th. He is waiting for the State to sign off. Extend Regional Assessing Agreement with Wakefield — The Town Manager praised how the regionalization worked out and recommended that the Board renew the agreement with Wakefield. A motion by Tafoya seconded by Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen renew the Inter - Municipal Agreement between the Town of Reading and the Town of Wakefield Director of the Assessing Department for a term expiring January 1, 2015 was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Remote Participation for Boards. Committees and Commissions — James Bonazoli noted that the Board had previously discussed this topic. He noted this is the norm in private business and he sees no problem as long as it is not abused. The Town Manager noted that Town Counsel revised the motion. The reasons must be listed. He suggests audio only and no sky web. The Town will pay the costs of approximately $5,000 to outfit all locations this could possibly be used. If there are technical difficulties during the meeting then the Chairman can decide if the Board wants to proceed. James Bonazoli noted that a physical quorum must be present and the Chairman must be physically present. Marsie West noted that she is fully in favor of remote participation and she feels "technical difficulties" should be clarified. John Arena asked if the remote participant is required to be at the beginning of the meeting. Daniel Ensminger suggested just being present for anything needing a vote i.e. not Selectmen's Page 1 6 Board of Selectmen Minutes - November 5 2013 - page 7 liaison reports. Ben Tafoya noted that the remote participant needs to be present for the entire agenda item. The Town Manager noted that it really doesn't matter if the person is here or remotely because a Selectman could walk into a meeting at any time and vote. If they are voting on a hearing, then that person needs to be present for the whole hearing. He suggested trying for one year and then re- evaluate. Any costs borne by the remote participant are the sole responsibility of the remote participant. A motion by Tafoya seconded by Arena that the Board of Selectmen adopt Selectmen's Policy 2.1 #9 Remote Participation as follows: 9. All appointed and elected Boards, Committees and Commissions (hereinafter `public body') are hereby authorized to conduct Remote Participation subject to the requirements of The Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, G.L. c30A, 420(d),940 CMR 29.10, and the Additional Regulations listed below. This authorization is on a trial basis and expires on December 31, 2014 if not renewed. Additional Regulations (1) Remote participation is limited to members of a public body and is not available to the general public; (2) A member of a public body requesting remote participation must notify the Chair or acting Chair in writing and in advance of the meeting, stating the reasons why; (3) The person chairing the meeting may permit remote participation if he or she determines that one or more of the following factors makes it unreasonably difficult for the member requesting remote participation to physically attend the meeting. a. Personal illness; b. Personal disability; c. Emergency; d. Military service; or e. Geographic distance. (4) Remote participation is allowed as audio only. The remote audio must be clearly heard in the public meeting space to all participants; (5) The Chair or acting Chair shall announce the presence of any remote participants at the start of the meeting; (6) If technical difficulties arise and persist during a meeting, the remote participant will be declared to have left the meeting and the Chair of the public body may decide to continue with the Agenda if there is a quorum still physically present; (7) A quorum of the body, including the chair or, in the chair's absence, the person authorized to chair the meeting, shall be physically present at the meeting location, as required by M.G.L. c. 30A, sec 20(d); (8) All votes must be by roll call if there is a remote public body participant; 61-7 Page 1 7 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5 2013 — page 8 (9) All handouts or presentations must be made available to all remote participants in advance. If used during the meeting, such documents shall be part of the official record of the meeting, and shall be listed in the meeting minutes and retained in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, sec. 22; (10) A member participating remotely may participate in an executive session, but shall state at the start of any such session that no other person is present and /or able to hear the discussion at the remote location, unless presence of that person is approved by a simple maiority vote of the public body; (11) Any costs associated with remote participation are born entirely by the remote participant. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Review Final Drainage Studies and Longer -term Future of the Storm Water Enterprise Funds - Conservation Commission members Jamie Maughan and Will Finch, Mark Meserve, Aaron Weieneth, Betsy Shreve and Larry Soucie from AECOM were present. Town Engineer George Zambouras noted that this project started two years ago and this is the final report with recommendations. Mr. Meserve indicated there are four locations with problems: (1) along Walkers Brook Drive; (2) Bow Street; (3) Sunnyside/Fairview — Saugus River; and (4) Aberjona River basin. Mr. Weieneth noted that site walks were conducted and the following are recommendations: 1. The bridges in the Track Road area cannot handle emergency vehicles. They recommend replacing them to carry the full load of emergency vehicles. Ben Tafoya asked how many homes are serviced by the bridges and George Zambouras noted 20 — 30 homes. Mr. Weieneth noted that all homes have alternatives. 2. Stabilize Walkers Brook bank which is not a problem now but could be in the future. 3. Replace the Bolton Street open channel with a precast culvert and restore the lawn over the top so residents get full use of their property. 4. Mitigate flooding at Sunnyside Avenue and Fairview Avenue to meet the 25 year level of service. 5. Mitigate flooding at Minot Street at Main Street. 6. At the second outfall at Bond Street, overtopping the manhole and limited removal of sediment. 7. Mitigate lower flooding at Bond Street. The details for future consideration of the Aber ona River are in the report and Mr. Weieneth reviewed the construction costs and preliminary schedules. Marsie West asked why we requested this study and the Town Manager indicated it was because of flooding. John Arena asked if we have a regular schedule to flush out and maintain and Mr. Zambouras noted we are slowly getting there. Mr. Arena asked if more regular cleaning could take of the problems and Mr. Zambouras indicated it would not due to years of neglect, under sized pipes, and poor banking material. He noted that the pipes on Main Street will be replaced next year �0 Page 1 8 Board of Selectmen Minutes — November 5 2013 — page 9 when the project is being done. The Town Manager noted there is $3 million in the CIP Plan right now. Mr. Bonazoli asked if other towns have done studies and Mr. Zambouras noted that Wakefield did not get funding in time, but are doing a study now. Woburn, Winchester and Medford did too. Mr. Bonazoli noted that he has issues with spending money and still getting backups. Mr. Zambouras noted that won't happen because it is all internal to our systems. Jamie Maughan noted this is another reason not to fill wetlands or increase impervious surface. Mailbox/Snow Plow Policy - The Town Manager noted that if the Town damages a mailbox. while snow plowing the DPW replaces it with what the resident wants. Public Works Director Jeff Zager noted that they had to replace a mailbox this year that cost $400. Most towns have a policy not to exceed $40 - $50. The Board directed Mr. Zager to develop a policy in line with the other communities not to exceed $75 per mailbox. Discuss Water and Sewer Entemrise Funds — The Town Manager noted that he would like to change the yearly rate change from September to December to lessen the shock of adding a new higher rate to heavier summer usage. He also noted that almost all towns have different rates by usage and a majority of communities have a policy allowing for second water meters. He also noted that a surprising amount of communities do not allow abatements or they are very rare. The Town Manager noted that we have a labor intensive set of regulations now and they need to be simplified. Will Finch noted that the MWRA fee goes to pay down the debt for usage. If a person has a second water meter, they use more water and pay a lower fee. Gina Snyder noted that the MWRA buy -in was approved as long as we conserved and no second water meters were allowed. She also noted that most communities have a fixed rate. Ben Tafoya noted that we get charged a flat rate from the MWRA for a certain amount of water and if we upset that balance then rates will go up. He noted that holding the water rates down is a challenge right now. Marsie West asked how many homes have irrigation systems and George Zambouras indicated he was not sure of the exact number but there are hundreds of them. Ms. West noted she did not see any value in allowing second water meters. The consensus of the Board was not to pursue the issue of second water meters. A motion by Ensmineer seconded by West to adiourn the meetine at 10.10 pm was approved by a vote of 5 -0 -0. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Page 1 9 4C,3r_)5 Schena, Paula From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 1:30 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: 2013 FiOS TV for Business Annual Notice For BOS packet Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. CFA Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 townmonager @ci.reading. ma. us (P) 781 - 942 -9043 (F) 781- 942 -9037 www.readingma.gov Please fill out our brief customer service survey at: http• / /readingma- survey virtualtownhall. net /survey /sid /8cebfd833a88cd3d/ Town Hall Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday: CLOSED From: Verizon Notification [mailto:verizon- notification @verizon.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 12:10 PM To: Town Manager Subject: 2013 HOS TV for Business Annual Notice View Online Dear Valued Verizon Customer, We would like to thank you for being our customer and for your continued support. We realize that a big reason you are a Verizon FiOS customer is because of the exceptional TV programming and technology we offer. Since our products and services are constantly being upgraded and enhanced, we feel it's important to keep you up to date on your service information. qw( Included in this email is a link to view the 2013 ROS TV for Business Annual Notice. This notice contains important information about FiOS TV service including: View and print your lo(al channel lineup anytirne at • Current rates • Important policies and procedures • Contact information Please click here to access your ROS TV for Business Annual Notice today. Thank you for choosing Verizon as your entertainment provider. We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to providing you with great service for years to come. Sincerely, Your Verizon Team FWS u 0 0 a Ensure Verizon emails reach your inbox by adding verizon- notificationCcDverizon.com to your "safe" email list. Your email or Internet provider can provide instructions on how it works. This email has been sent from an auto - notification system that cannot accept incoming email. Sign In Forgot Your Password? Support ©2013 Verizon. All Rights Reserved. VZ- 114- Oct.2013b I -� �� :. Table of Contents: Verizon FiOS TV Products and Services .. ............................... Page 3 Billing and Payment Policies .............. ............................... Page 3 Installation Policies ....................... ............................... Page 5 FiOS TV Equipment ....................... ............................... Page 5 Complaints and Customer Service ........ ............................... Page 6 Programming Services and Equipment Rates ............................ Page 11 Regional Channel Lineup .................. ............................... Page 14 02013 Verizon. FiOS' is a registered trademark of Verizon. We appreciate your loyalty as a Verizon FiOS customer and hope you're enjoying all that FiOS' TV brings to your business. As part of our ongoing commitment to serving you, we're sending this important notice to keep you up -to -date about your FiOS TV service, and Verizon's policies and procedures. Verizon ROS TV Products and Services At Verizon, we're constantly enriching your entertainment experience. Now, FiOS TV offers 590+ att-digital channels, including more High-Definition (HD), sports and multicultural content than ever before. Our expanded On Demand library puts TV watching on your terms, offering over 65,000 titles to choose from every month. Plus buy, rent, and watch over 20,000 FiOS On Demand Flex View titles. Additionally, many of our On Demand selections are absolutely FREE with your FiOS TV subscription, and include a growing number of titles that are available in HD. Some VOD and PPV programming may not be available to all business customers. And, of course, FiOS TV offers the most amazing picture and HD quality — period. We continue to add exciting new enhancements to your FiOS TV service to give you flexible options in watching TV shows, movies, HD and On Demand programming. Now you can search TV and On Demand programming by title, actor, director, genre and more. FiOS TV provides a variety of Widgets that contain the most popular information our customers request. Local weather and traffic, national sports and news headlines, horoscopes and games such as Sudoku and Nickelodeon's' Teenage Mutant Turtles are available at the touch of a button. In addition, you can access your Twitter or Facebook accounts directly from your TV screen. Or try out "What's Hot" on TV and On Demand in your viewing area — the list keeps growing. To learn more about these and other new features, press the Menu button on your FiOS TV remote. FiOS TV also offers the hottest premium content subscriptions available with HBO', Cinemax', SHOWTIME•, START, TMC` and EPIX. Billing and Payment Policies Billing for your FiOS TV equipment and services begins upon installation. For a self- installation, billing begins when the Set Top Box is activated or 10 days from the order date, whichever occurs first. Regular monthly service and equipment charges are billed each month in advance. Other transactional charges, such as for On Demand purchases, are billed after the applicable content, service or feature has been ordered or provided to you. Applicable taxes, fees and other charges will also be included in your monthly bill. To obtain the most current listing of all FiOS TV rates and charges, visit us at verizon.com /businessfiosty. How to Pay Your Bill You have several options to pay your FiOS TV bill. Pick the one that works best for you: • Check • Credit or debit card • Phone (for a fee) • Electronic funds transfer (EFT) • Cash or money order at an authorized payment vendor (visit verizon .com /billpaymentiocations to find a convenient location near you) • Visit verizon.cam /businessbilt and follow the instructions to set up an account. You'll be able to view and pay your bill and access your most up -to -date account details. You can also "go green" by signing up for paper free billing and we will email your bill to you each month. Questions About Your Statement If you have questions about your FiOS TV bill, you can view your bill by visiting us at verizon.com /businessbilt or you can also contact us at 1.888.244.4440. Our office hours are Mon. - Fri. Barn - 5pm local time. We will respond to you and try to resolve any complaints you have as promptly as we can. If you write to us or send us an e-mail, MASS MASS please be sure to include your name and account number and a detailed description of the problem or your question. Bill Payment Policies If we do not receive your full payment by the due date indicated on your bill, we may charge you a late fee on the unpaid balance, and may also suspend or terminate your service. If any bank or other financial institution refuses to honor any check, bank card (debit or credit) charge, or other instrument or electronic funds transfer (EFT) submitted for payment of your bill, we may charge you a fee in accordance with applicable taw. If your service is disconnected for nonpayment, you will be required to pay the full remaining balance and may be required to pay a reconnect fee or a deposit before your service wilt be reconnected. Technical Support If you experience problems with your FiOS TV picture, the issue can often be resolved quickly, without the need to schedule a service appointment. We encourage you to take the following few simple steps and self-help options before calling our customer service department to help troubleshoot and possibly restore your service. Check to see if your television is plugged in and securely connected to the FiOS TV equipment. Check to ensure that the FiOS TV equipment is plugged in and securely connected to the cable outlet on the watt. 3 Finally, check to see if the problem is occurring on other televisions in your business. All FiOS TV customers can also find easy troubleshooting tips online at verizon.com/smatIbusiness/help/fiostv. If it is necessary to call for technical support, you can expect the following during the call: • Your account will be accessed. • You will be asked a series of questions in order to pinpoint the problem. • The representative will then attempt to troubleshoot the problem over the phone. If the remote troubleshooting is unsuccessful, the representative will set up a service call at a time that is convenient for you. Credits for Loss of Service In the event of a HOS TV service outage or service interruption, you may be entitled to a service credit typically calculated as a proportionate amount of your current monthly bill. In most instances, you must promptly report the outage to us in order to qualify for this credit. Changes or Termination of Service You can make changes to your F(QS TV account or discontinue your FiOS TV service at any time and we will stop billing you for service on the date you wish to discontinue service. If you have chosen to subscribe to a bundled services plan with a term commit- ment, cancellation of service before the term is up may result in an early termination fee. Please remember to return all FiOS TV equipment to Verizon within thirty (30) days of terminating your service. The failure to do so will result in an unreturned equipment fee for each piece of unreturned equipment. Regardless of whether the equipment fee is paid, ownership of the equipment will remain with Verizon. Please do not return the Optical Network Terminal (ONT), which is a piece of Verizon -owned FiOS equipment that may be attached to the outside or inside of your office or building. The ONT should be left intact and removed only by a Verizon technician. —4) 4 MASS Installation Policies Your FiOS TV installation includes the connection of up to three televisions using existing outlets (this includes installation of any Set Top Boxes, Cable Cards or Digital Adapters). It also includes programming the FiOS TV remote control for use with your Set Top Boxes and televisions. A fee may apply. Additional TVs can be set up for an additional charge (see "Rates" on page 11). During the installation, a FiOS TV- trained technician will evaluate your business and discuss your FiOS TV installation with you, including installing and testing all of your Set Top Boxes and installing extra outlets and any wiring you might need. Our FiOS TV technicians will also install any required network equipment, such as the ONT and the Router. A person 18 years of age or older must be present for the installation and able to make decisions on placement of wiring and equipment at your business. All Verizon employees, designated representatives or agents who visit your business wilt carry identification badges and /or wear uniforms clearly identifying them as Verizon employees, or authorized agents or representatives of Verizon. In- Office Wiring In-Office wiring refers to the cable that runs from your TV set to a point approximately 12 inches outside of your office or building. It includes extra outlets, sputters, con- nections and fittings or wall plates attached to the wire, but does not include devices such as Set Top Boxes and other FiOS TV equipment. FCC regulations require that all customers be given the option to acquire the In- Office wiring that we install within their office or building upon termination of service. However, even prior to termination of service, we allow our FiOS TV customers to remove, replace, rearrange, repair or maintain any cable wiring located within the interior space of their offices or buildings, so long as such actions do not interfere with Verizon's ability to meet FCC technical standards or to provide services to you or neighboring buildings. ROS TV Equipment Your FiOS TV Remote Control Whether you're browsing through channels, recording your favorite shows or order- ing the latest hit movies from our extensive On Demand library, your Verizon FiOS TV remote allows you to enjoy all the advanced features of FiOS TV, such as our state -of- the -art interactive Media Guide. The Interactive Media Guide not only gives you access to a full on- screen channel guide but also offers access to an array of features that both enhances and improves your FiOS TV experience — learn more about these features at verizon.com /businessfiosty. Our remote control and Interactive Media Guide also provide access to closed captioning, an assistive technology that provides customers with hearing disability access to our television programs. Customers with disabilities can contact us via TTY at 1.800.974.6006. Please note that non - Verizon remote con- trols may not be compatible with FiOS TV equipment. If you have a question about the compatibility of a particular remote control unit, please contact the manufacturer of the remote control. Equipment Compatibility FiOS TV's line of state- of- the-art equipment allows our customers to enjoy the full potential of FiOS TV, including our dynamic Interactive Media Guide, extensive On Demand library, easy -to -use Parental Controls and 100% digital programming. Customers who connect their TVs or VCRs directly to the FiOS network without a Set Top Box or digital adapter will not be able to receive all of the content carried on FiOS TV. For example, all On Demand content and most of the channels offered on FiOS TV are "scrambled" or "encrypted" and require additional FiOS TV equipment provided by Verizon to view. Some digital TV sets may have a built -in QAM (digital) tuner that will tune in to the channels included in the FiOS TV Local Package without the need for a Set Top Box or digital adapter. Please check your TV's manual to verify if your TV has a built - in QAM tuner. Certain DVRs and TVs may also be equipped with Cable Card technology. MASS A This device is slightly larger than a credit card and plugs into compatible TVs or DVRs, and allows access to the encrypted HD and standard - definition digital channels on FiOS TV without the need for a Set Top Box or digital adapter. Please note that Cable Cards do not support advanced FiOS TV features such as the Interactive Media Guide, Pay Per View (PPV), On Demand, FiOS TV Widgets and Paren- tal Controls. Please also note that our equipment may not support certain features and functions of older televisions or VCRs. For example, you may not be able to use a VCR to view a program on one channel while simultaneously recording a program on another channel, record two or more consecutive programs that appear on different channels or use advanced display features on certain televisions such as "Picture -in- Picture "To learn more about FiOS TV's equipment options, please visit verizon.com /businessfiosty. Parental Controls FiOS TV's Parental Controls give you the ability to control and manage the programming that comes with your FiOS TV service. Parental Controls may be established for each Set Top Box and individually customized to your specific needs. This feature allows you to block access to shows by channel or rating. You can also block unauthorized Pay Per View and On Demand purchases by setting up purchase PINS, and choose to show or hide adult information from the TV listings. When programs with a particular rating level are blocked, the FiOS TV Interactive Media Guide automatically blocks the higher ratings. For example, if you choose to block PG -rated programming, PG -13 and R -rated programs will be blocked from view as well. Once Parental Controls have been enabled, access to blocked programming can only be obtained by entering a Personal Identi- fication Number (PIN) that you will be prompted to set up the first time the Parental Controls feature is used. You can create a PIN to ensure that controls won't be changed without your approval, as only those with the correct PIN can access blocked content. In the event that your Set Top Box is reinitialized for any reason, such as for maintenance or for software upgrade purposes, you must reestablish the Parental Control PIN. If you have questions about using Parental Controls or any of the many features of the Interactive Media Guide, you can use your FiOS TV remote and press the button marked Menu to access the "Help Menu "for answers or go to channel 131, the FiOS TV help channel. There, you'll find detailed information and instructional videos to help you get the most out of FiOS TV. Answers to your questions about Parental Controls as well as other FiOS TV features can also be found online at verizon.com /smalibusiness /help /flosty. Complaints and Customer Service The Verizon customer care team works hard to earn the loyalty of our FiOS TV custom- ers by providing them world -class FiOS TV support each and every day. Please note the following ways in which we can assist you in resolving any concerns regarding customer service, billing or service quality. If you experience a service interruption or have a question or concern about your FiOS TV service, please contact Verizon's customer care at 1.888.244.4440. Our office hours are Mon. - Fri. Barn - 5pm local time. Verizon is con- fident we can resolve any question you may have with our FiOS TV service in a timely manner. In the unlikely event your concern is still unresolved after contacting the above number, you may write to us at: Verizon Customer Relations, 125 High Street, Floor 5, Oliver Tower, Boston, MA 02110. When you write or call us, please explain the nature and history of the problem. We will promptly address your concern. If we are unable to provide resolution, we will notify you that we are unable to do so and explain the reason why. If you are either dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint or we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may contact the local franchising authorities at the ad- dress or number listed on the next page to discuss your complaint. MASS. LOCAL FRANCHISE LOCATIONS AUTHORITY CONTACT Canton & ADDRESS INFO Town Manager Abington 500 Glimew¢z Way Abington, MA 02351 Chelmsford 781.982.2100 Board of Selectmen Acton 472 Main Street Acton, MA 01720 Cohasset 978.264.9612 Board of Selectmen Andover 36 Bartlet Street Andover, MA 01810 978.623.8225 Danvers Board of Selectmen Arlington 730 Massachusetts Ave. Arlington, MA 02476 781.316.3010 Dedham Board of Selectmen Ashland Town Hall Ashland 101 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 508.881.0100 x612 Dover Town of Bedford Town Hall Bedford 10 Mudge Way Bedford, MA 01730 781.275.1111 Dunstable Board of Selectmen Bellingham Town Hall Bellingham 10 Mechanic Street Bellingham, MA 02019 Duxbury 508.657.2801 Town Administrator Town Hall Belmont 455 Concord Avenue Foxborough Belmont, MA 02478 617.993.2610 Board of Selectmen Billerica Town Hall 365 Boston Rd. Fitchburg Billerica. MA 01821 Board of Selectmen Boxborough 29 Middle Road Boxborough, MA 01719 Framingham 978.263.1116 x101 Town of Boxford Boxford 7A Spofford Road Boxford, MA 01921 978.887.6000 x502 Franklin Office of the Mayor Braintree 1 John Kennedy Memorial Dr. Braintree, MA 02184 781.794.8000 Georgetown Assistant Town Administrator Burlington 29 Center Street Burlington, MA 01803 781.270.1600 MASS MASS Town Administrator Canton 801 Washington Street Canton, MA 02021 781.821.5000 Board of Selectmen Chelmsford Town Offices 50 Billerica Road Chelmsford, MA 01824 Board of Selectmen Cohasset Town Hall 41 Highland Ave. Cohasset, MA 02025 Board of Selectmen Danvers Town Hall Danvers 1 Sylvan Street Danvers, MA 01923 978.777.0001 Town of Dedham Dedham 26 Bryant Road Dedham, MA 02026 761.751.9100 Board of Selectmen Dover Town Hall Dover 5 Springdale Avenue Dover, MA 02030 508.785.0032 x221 Town of Dunstable P.O. Box 2S0 Dunstable 511 Main Street Dunstable, MA 01827 978.649.4514 Board of Selectmen Duxbury Duxbury Town Hall 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, MA 02332 Board of Selectmen Foxborough Town Hall 40 South Street Foxborough, MA 02035 Office of the Mayor City of Fitchburg Fitchburg City Hall 718 Main Street Fitchburg, MA 01420 Board of Selectmen Framingham 150 Concord Street, Rm. 121 Framingham, MA 01702 508.532.5400 Town Council c/o Town Administrator Franklin 355 East Central Street Franklin, MA 02038 505.520.4949 Board of Selectmen Georgetown 1 Library Street Georgetown, MA 01833 978.352.5755 Board of Selectmen Grafton Town Hall Grafton 30 Providence Road Grafton, MA 01519 508.839.5335 x180 Board of Selectmen Town Hall Groton 173 Main St. Groton MA 01450 978.448.1111 J Hamilton Town Administrator Lexington P.O. Box 429 Hamilton 577 Bay Road Hamilton, MA 01936 978.468.5572 Lincoln Board of Selectmen Mention Hanover Town Hall Hanover 550 Hanover Street, Suite 29 Hanover, MA 02339 781.826.2261 Littleton Board of Selectmen Methuen Hingham Town Hall Hingham 210 Central Street Hingham, MA 02043 Norwood 781.741.1400 Lynn Board of Selectmen Holbrook Town Hall 50 North Franklin Street. Lynnfield Holbrook, MA 02343 Plymouth Town Administrator Holliston 703 Washington Street Holliston, MA 01746 Malden 508.429.0608 Board of Selectmen Hopedale Duxbury Town Hall Milford 78 Hopedale Street Hopedale, MA 01747 Marblehead Board of Selectmen Hopkinton 19 Main Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 Millbury 508.497.9700 Marion Board of Selectmen Rochester Hudson Town Hall Hudson 78 Main Street Millis Hudson, MA 01749 Marlborough 978.562.9963 Rockland Board of Selectmen Hull Town Hall Hull 253 Atlantic Avenue Hull, MA 02045 Rowley 781.925.2000 Board of Selectmen Ipswich 25 Green Street Ipswich, MA 01938 Sherborn 978.356.6609 Board of Selectmen Needham Kingston Town House Kingston 26 Evergreen Street Southborough Kingston, MA 02364 781.585.0500 Newton Board of Selectmen Medfield Lakeville Town Offices Lakeville 346 Bedford Street Lakeville, MA 02347 Norfolk 508.946.8803 Medford Mayor Lawrence City Hall Lawrence 200 Common Street Lawrence, MA 01840 Medway 978.794.5858 Mayor Leominster City Hall Leominster 25 West Street Leominster, MA 01453 978.534.7500 J MASS MASS Town Manager Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 781.862.0500 x276 Board of Selectmen Lincoln 16 Lincoln Road Mention Lincoln, MA 01773 781.259.2600 Town of Littleton Shattuck Street Littleton Municipal Building 3rd Floor Methuen Littleton, MA 01460 978.952.2311 Mayor Norwood City Hall, Room 306 Lynn 3 City Hall Square Lynn, MA 01901 781.598.4000 Town Administrator Lynnfield 55 Summer Street Plymouth Lynnfield, MA 01940 Middleton 781334.3180 Mayor 200 Pleasant Street Malden Room 629 Malden, MA 02148 Randolph 781.397.7000 Milford Town Administrator Abbot Hall Marblehead 188 Washington Street Reading Marblehead, MA 01945 781.631.0000 Millbury Board of Selectmen Marion 2 Spring Street Rochester Marion, MA 02738 508.748.3550 Millis Mayor 140 Main Street Marlborough Marlborough, MA 01752 Rockland 508.460.3770 Board of Selectmen Marshfield Town Hall 870 Moraine Street Rowley Marshfield. MA 02050 Board of Selectmen Mattapoisett 16 Main Street Mattapoisett, MA 02739 Sherborn 508.758.4100 Board of Selectmen Needham Maynard Town Hall Maynard 195 Main Street Southborough Maynard, MA 01754 d7 97 89 .1001 Newton Board of Selectmen Medfield 459 Main Street Stoneham Medfield, MA 02052 508.359.8505 x641 Norfolk Office of the Mayor Medford City Hall 85 George P. Hassett Drive Stoughton Medford, MA 02155 Town of Medway Medway 155 Village Street Medway, MA 02053 508.533.3264 MASS MASS Mayor Melrose City Hall Melrose 562 Main street Melrose, MA 02176 781.979.4500 Board of Selectmen Mention Town Hall Mention 20 Main Street Mention, MA 01756 508.478.8863 City of Methuen Norwell Searles Building Methuen 41 Pleasant Street Methuen, MA 01844 978.983.8505 Norwood Board of Selectmen Middleborough 10 Nickerson Ave. Middleborough, MA 02346 508.947.0928 Board of Selectmen Plymouth Memorial Hall Middleton 48 South Main Street Middleton, MA 01949 978.777.3617 Town of Milford Randolph Town Hall Milford Attn: Town Administrator 52 Main Street Milford, MA 01757 Reading Town Manager Millbury Town Hall Millbury 127 Elm Street Millbury, MA 01527 Rochester 508.865.4710 Board of Selectmen Millis Veteran's Memorial Bldg 900 Main St. Rockland Millis, MA 02054 Town Administrator Nahant 334 Nahant Road Nahant, MA 01908 Rowley 781.581.9927 Board of Selectmen Natick 13 East Central St. Natick, MA 01760 Sherborn 508.647.6410 Board of Selectmen Needham 1471 Highland Ave. Needham, MA 02492 Southborough 781.455.7512 Mayor 1000 Commonwealth Ave. Newton Newton, MA 02459 617.796.1089 Stoneham Board of Selectmen Norfolk Town Hall Norfolk One Liberty Lane Norfolk, MA 02056 508.528.1408 Stoughton Board of Selectmen North Andover Town Hall North Andover 120 Main Street North Andover, MA 01845 978.688.9501 MASS MASS Town Administrator North Reading 235 North Street North Reading, MA 01864 978.664.6010 Town Administrator Northborough Town Hall Northborough 63 Main Street Northborough, MA 01532 508.393.5040 Norwell Town Hall Norwell 345 Main Street Norwell, MA 02061 781.659.8000 Board of Selectmen Norwood 566 Washington Street Norwood, MA 02062 781.762.1240 x131 Board of Selectmen Plymouth Town Hall Plymouth 11 Lincoln Street Plymouth, MA 02360 508.747.1620 Town of Randolph Office of the Town Manager Randolph 41 South Main Street Randolph, MA 02368 781.961.0911 Town Man? ,r Reading 16 Lowell Sgtreet Reading, MA 01867 781.942.9043 Board of Selectmen Rochester One Constitution Way Rochester, MA 02770 508.763.3871 x12 Board of Selectmen Rockland 242 Union Street Rockland, MA 02370 781.871.1874 x105 Board of Selectmen Rowley 139 Main Street Rowley, MA 01969 978.948.2705 Board of Selectmen Sherborn 19 Washington Street Sherborn, MA 01770 508.651.7850 Town of Southborough Southborough 17 Common Street Southborough, MA 01772 508.485.0710 x 1 Board of Selectmen Stoneham 35 Central Street Stoneham, MA 02180 781279.2600 Town Manager Stoughton Town Hall Stoughton 10 Pearl Street Stoughton, MA 02072 781.341.1300 x211 p� V 10 Board of Selectmen $19.99 Stow Town Building Stow 380 Great Road FiOS TV for Business Prime HD Stow, MA 01775 $64.99 978.897.2927 Wellesley Board of Selectmen Sudbury 278 Old Sudbury Road $89.99 Sudbury, MA 01776 Up to 250 978.639.3381 Wenham Town Administrator FLIX, Encore, Indieplex, Retroplex) Sutton Town Hall Sutton 4 Uxbridge Road Encore to NOS TV Ultimate HD bundle) Sutton, MA 01590 West Newbury 508.865.8720 Spanish Language Package' Town Administrator Swampscott 22 Monument Ave. Swampscott, MA 01907 Westborough 781.596.8889 Board of Selectmen Tewksbury 1009 Main Street Tewksbury, MA 01876 Westford 978.640.4300 Town of Topsfield Topsfield 8 West Common Street Topsfield, MA 01983 Weston 978.887.1500 Board of Selectmen Tyngsborough 25 Br ants Lane Tyngsborough, MA 01879 978.649.2317 Westwood 580 High Street Board of Selectmen Wakefield One Lafayette Street Wakefield, MA 01880 Wilmington 781.246.6390 Town Administrator Walpole 135 School Street Winchester Walpole, MA 02081 508.660.7277 Mayor's Office Waltham 610 Main Street Woburn Waltham, MA 02452 781.314.3100 Town of Wareham Memorial Town Hall Wareham 54 Marion Rd. Wareham, MA 02571 508.291.3100 x3102 10 MASS Programming Services and Equipment Rates We provide a wealth of entertainment choices to go along with your current Verizon ROS TV package. And, since we're always adding new options, go to verizon.com /businessfiostv to see the latest choices available to you. Digital Service' Number of Channels Monthly Prices-6 FiOS TV for Business Board of Selectmen $19.99 Wayland Town Building Road Wayland 41 Cochituate Wayland, MA 01778 FiOS TV for Business Prime HD 508.358.7755 $64.99 Board of Selectmen Wellesley 525 Washington Street FiOS TV for Business Ultimate HD Wellesley, MA 02482 $89.99 781.431.1019 x201 Up to 250 Wenham Town Administrator Wenham 138 Main Street FLIX, Encore, Indieplex, Retroplex) Wenham, MA 01984 SHOWTIME STARZ Entertainment Pack for Ultimate HD (adds STARZ/ 978.468.5523 Encore to NOS TV Ultimate HD bundle) Board of Selectmen West Newbury 381 Main Street Spanish Language Package' West Newbury, MA 01985 978.363.1100 x115 Board of Selectmen Westborough 34 West Main Street Westborough, MA 01581 508.366.3030 Board of Selectmen Westford Town Hall 55 Main Street Westford, MA 01886 Board of Selectmen Weston Town House Road Weston. MA 02493 781.893.7320 x305 Town of Westwood Westwood 580 High Street Westwood, MA 02090 781.326.4172 Board of Selectmen Wilmington 121 Glen Rood Wilmington, MA 01887 978.658.3311 Town Manager Winchester 72 Mt. Vernon Street Winchester, MA 01890 781.721.7133 Mayyor 10CommonSt. Woburn Woburn, MA 01801 781.932.4501 Board of Selectmen Town Hall Wrentham 79 South Street Wrentham, MA 02093 781.932.4501 MASS Programming Services and Equipment Rates We provide a wealth of entertainment choices to go along with your current Verizon ROS TV package. And, since we're always adding new options, go to verizon.com /businessfiostv to see the latest choices available to you. Digital Service' Number of Channels Monthly Prices-6 FiOS TV for Business Up to 3S $19.99 FiOS TV for Business Select HD Up to 103 $49.99 FiOS TV for Business Prime HD Up to 160 $64.99 FiOS TV for Business Extreme HD Upto250 $74.99 FiOS TV for Business Ultimate HD Up to 330 $89.99 FiOS TV Extreme HD for Bar /Restaurant Up to 250 Varies Forjust a few dollars extra, you can enjoy more of your favorite programming. Premium Sports Channels Monthly Prices SPORTS PACKAGES' Commercial Customers Sports Pass $9.99 Fox Soccer Plus $14.99 Sports Pass (Ultimate HD Customers) Included Bar /Restaurant Customers $24.99 Sports Pass $14.99 Fox Soccer Plus Varies Premium Channels A Packages3 Monthly Prices Premiums available for Private Office viewing only Cinemax' $11.99 EPIX'" $9.99 Showtime' $11.99 SHOWTIME' STARZ' Entertainment Pack + EPIX $24.99 HBO' $16.99 HBO +Cinemax $24.99 here! $8.99 Fully Loaded Entertainment Pack ( SHOWTIME STARZ Entertainment Pack + HBO, Cinemax, EPIX) $39.99 SHOWTIME STARZ Entertainment Pack ( SHOWTIME', STARZ', TMC, FLIX, Encore, Indieplex, Retroplex) $16.99 SHOWTIME STARZ Entertainment Pack for Ultimate HD (adds STARZ/ Encore to NOS TV Ultimate HD bundle) $9.99 Starz' $11.99 Spanish Language Package' $12.99 MASS 11 International Premiums' Monthly Prices International Premium Channels Individually Priced Video On Demand (VOD) and Pay Per View (PPV) Monthly Prices On Demand Movies ROS TV Games Varies New Releases & Library - Private Office viewing only Varies On Demand Adult - Private Office viewing only Varies PPV Events - Private Office viewing only Varies On Demand Subscriptions Monthly Prices Anime Network $5.99 ESPN FullCourt - NCAA College Basketball Varies ESPN GamePlan - NCAA College Football Varies Karaoke $7.99 Gaiam TV $7.99 MLB Extra Innings' Varies MLS Direct Kick Varies NBA League Pass Varies NHL Center Ice Varies NFL Red2one Varies The Jewish Channel $5.99 Too Much for TV! $14.99 WWE 24/7 $9.99 Eauioment Monthly Prices CableCARD $4.99 Digital Adapter $5.99 HD Business Media DVR (features Multi -Room DVR) $19.99 High Definition Digital Video Recorder (includes HD channels) $15.99 Set Top Box (includes HD channels) $9.99 Initial Installation One -Time Charges Additional Outlet /Set Top Box Connection (per existing outlet) $29.99 Existing Outlet Connection (up to 3) $49.99 FICS Activation Fee $69.99 New Outlet Install /Existing Outlet Rewire (per outlet) $64.99 Outlet Relocation (per outlet) $64.99 Subsequent Installations /Charges One -Time Charges New Outlet Install /Existing Outlet Rewire (per outlet, plus $89.99 Tech Visit Charge) $64.99 Existing Outlet Connection (per outlet, plus $89.99 Tech Visit Charge) $29.99 Service Repair Visit Charge' (for the first 112 hr.) $91.00 Service Repair Visit Charge (for each additional 1/2 hr.) $46.00 12 MASS Set Top Box Addition' (self - install) FREE Set Top Box Retrieval $89.99 Tech Visit Charge (additional charges may apply) $89.99 Set Top Box Return with equipment drop -off at Verizon authorized locations /UPS locations with prepaid mailer FREE Set Top Box Add /Upgrade Drop Ship Fee $19.99 Set Top Box Return to a designated Verizon Retail Store $9.99 Other Services and Charges One -Time Charges Unreturned /Damaged - CableCARD $100.00 Unreturned /Damaged Broadband ROS Router $149.99 Unreturned /Damaged STB- Digital Adapter $175.00 Unreturned /Damaged STB- HD Digital Video Recorder (DVR) $550.00 Unreturned /Damaged STB - High Definition $350.00 Unreturned /Damaged STB - Standard Definition $240.00 1. Equipment may be required (see equipment prices section). Listed monthly prices do not include equipment fees. Unless otherwise provided in the Terms of Service, if the service is cancelled, Verizon-supplied equipment must be returned or an equipment fee applies. 2. 30 -day minimum billing period required for all packages. 3. 30 -day minimum billing period required for all Premiums. 4. A service repair visit charge is assessed when a technician visit is required for general service education, to repair problems related to in-office wiring, or to connect or reconnect the service to customer -owned equipment. A service visit charge is not assessed when the repair or maintenance is related to the service itself or Verizon -owned equipment. 5. Prices do not include taxes, franchise fees and other charges paid to federal, state and local governments. 6. A Regional Sports Network Fee of $2.42 applies monthly to Prime HD, Extreme HD, and Ultimate HD packages. 7. Shipping fees may apply Rates effective September 2013. Service /program availability varies by location and the number of channels within each package is an approximation. Pricing applies to business use only within the United States and is subject to change. Taxes, franchise fees and other terms apply. ®2013 Verizon. MASS 13 Massachusetts FiOS TV Regional Channel Lineup Effective September 2013 Select HD /Prime HD /Extreme HD /Ultimate HD FiOS TV for Business package included with all four packages. Additional subscriptions maybe added.' Channel Package Key:S -Select HD P - Prime HD E - Extreme HD U - Ultimate HD (Continued from previous page) FX A&E 181/681 HD /1641 SPEU C -SPAN 2 110 PEU 274/1503 ABC Family 199/699 HD /1700 SPEU C-SPAN 3 111 PEU SPU ABC News Now 108 U Current TV 192 EU Nickelodeon Action Max 424/924 HD U Daystar 293 SPEU 276/1642 Action Max West 425 U Destination America 168/668 HD EU U . AMC 231/731 HD SPEU Discovery Channel 120/620 HD /1562 SPEU Hallmark Channel Animal Planet 130/630 HD /1565 PEU Discovery Fit 0 Health 163 EU 239/739 HD AXS tv 569 EU Disney Channel 250/780 HD/1729 SPEU PU BBC America 189 SEU Disney Junior 260 PEU Palladia HD BBC World News 107 SEU Disney XD 251/781 HD/1722 PEU 1583 belN Sport 598 U DIY [Do It Yourself] 167 EU PEU BET 2701770 HD SPEU E! Entertainment 124 SEU HLN Headline News BET Gospel 225 EU Television 196/696 HD /1640 PEU 101/1542 Big Ten 1 330 PEU EPIX 395/895 HD U SPEU Big Ten 2 331 PEU EPIX 2 HD 896 U ReelzChannel Big Ten Network 85/585 HD PEU ES.TV HD 558 U 247 bio: The Biography Investigation Discovery 123/623 HD ESPN 70/570 HD PEU PU Channel 129/629 HD EU ESPN 30 1002 U Jewelry Television Bloomberg TV 104 SPEU ESPN Deportes 1520 EU 140/640 HD /1580 Boomerang 258/1725 SEU ESPN U 73/573 HD PEU EU Bravo 185/685 HD SPEU ESPN2 74/574 HD PEU Showtime 2 West BYU Television 290 SEU ESPNews 72/572 HD EU 371 Cars TV HD 599 U Esquire Network 191 EU U Cartoon Network 257/757 HD/1726 SPEU EWTN 285 SPEU MGM HD CBS Sports Network 94 U Family Net 242 SEU 125 CCTVNews 277 SEU FEARnet 197 EU EU Centric 220 SPEU Fi05TVInformation 131 PEU West Chiller 193 EU Five Star Max 430/930 HD U 377 Church Channel 288 SPEU Flix 390 U U Cinemax 420/920 HO U FlixWest 391 U MovieMAX Cinemax West 421/921 HD U Food Network 164/664 HD /1621 SPEU 103/603 HD /1545 cloo 186 EU Fox Business Network 117/617 HD /1547 EU PEU CMT 221/721 HD /1665 PEU Fox College Sports 214 EU Showtime Women CMT Pure Country 222 EU Atlantic 300 EU 376 CNBC. 102/602 HD /1544 PEU Fox College Sports Sino TV Network 281 PEU CNBC World 106 EU Central 301 EU Mun2 CNN 100 /600 HD /1541 SPEU Fox College Sports Pacific 302 EU 674 CNN International 105 EU Fox Deportes 311/1521 EU EU Comedy Central 190/690HD/1644 PEU Fox Movie Channel 232 EU Spike TV Comedy TV HD 695 U Fox News 118/618 HD/1543 PEU 308 Cooking Channel 166 EU Fox Soccer 84/584HD/1522 EU U Crime& Investigation 132/632 HD EU FUELTV 198 EU NBA TV Network 182 EU fuse 216/716 HD PEU A C -SPAN 109/1546 PEU EU (Continued on next page) U Syfy 180/680HD/1645 PEU NFL Network 88/588 HD MASS d14 295 SPEU NFL Red Zone TBS (Continued from previous page) FX 53/553 HO /1504 SPEU Nick 2 253 EU Galavision 274/1503 EU Nick Jr. 256 SPEU gmc 224 SPU Nick Toons 254 SPEU Golf Channel 304/593 HD EU Nickelodeon 252/752HD/1728 SPEU Great American Country 223 EU nuvo TV 276/1642 EU GSN 184 SEU Outer Max 431/931 HD U . H2 127 PEU Ovation 188 EU Hallmark Channel 240 SPEU OWN: Oprah Winfrey Hallmark Movie Channel 239/739 HD SPU Network 161/1625 EU Halogen TV 287 PU Oxygen 144 PEU HD Net Movies 746 EU Palladia HD 711 EU HGTV 165/665HD/1622 SPEU Pasiones 1583 History Channel 128/628 HD SPEU PBS Kids Sprout 263 PEU HITn 279/1648 EU Pentagon Channel 124 SEU HLN Headline News Pets.TV HD 633 U Network 101/1542 SPEU QVC 150 /650 HD /1600 SPEU HSN 151/651 HD /1601 SPEU Recipe TV HD 676 U IFC 234/734HD EU ReelzChannel 233 SPEU INSP 286 SPEU RFD TV 247 PU Investigation Discovery 123/623 HD SPEU RLTV 245 PU 1CTV 289 PEU Science 122/622 HD PEU Jewelry Television 155/1602 PEU ShopNBC 157/1603 SPEU Lifetime 140/640 HD /1580 SPEU Showtime 365/865 HD U Lifetime Real Women 142 EU Showtime 2 369/869 HD U Liquidation Channel 152 SPEU Showtime 2 West 370/870 HD U LMN 141/641 HD /1581 PEU Showtime Beyond 371 U Logo 187 PEU Showtime Beyond West 372 U MAX Latino 429/929 HD U Showtime Extreme 373/873 HD U MGM HD 744 U Showtime Extreme West 374/874 HD U Military Channel 125 PEU Showtime Family Zone 379 U Military History Channel 126 EU Showtime Family Zone MLB Network 86/586 HD /1530 EU West 380 U Mnet 229 SPU Showtime Next 377 U More Max 422/922 HD U Showtime Next West 378 U More Max West 423/923 HD U Showtime Showcase 367/867 HD U MovieMAX 428/928 HD U Showtime MSNBC 103/603 HD /1545 SPEU Showcase West 368/868 HD U MTV 210/710 HD PEU Showtime West 366/866 HD U MTVHits 214 EU Showtime Women 375 U MTV Jams 213 EU Showtime Women West 376 U MTV2 211/1661 PEU Sino TV Network 281 PEU mtvU 212 EU Smile of a Child 294 SEU Mun2 275/1643 EU Smithsonian Channel HD 625 EU MyDestination TV HD 674 U Soapnet 143 PEU Nat Geo Mundo 1564 EU Speed 83/583 HD PEU National Geographic Spike TV 54/554 HD /1505 PEU Channel 121/621 HD SPEU Sportsman Channel 308 U National Geographic SportsNet New York" 96 U Wild 132/632 HD EU Style 160 EU NBA TV 89/589 HD EU Sundance Channel 392 U NBC Sports Network 90/590 HD PEU SWRV [Music Choice] 1799 EU NESN National 97 U Syfy 180/680HD/1645 PEU NFL Network 88/588 HD EU TBN- TRINITY 295 SPEU NFL Red Zone TBS 52/552 HD /1502 SPEU [seasonal programming] 335/835 HD U TeenNick 255 SPEU NHL Network 87/587 HD EU (Continued on next page) MASS 15 (Continued from previous page) (Continued from previous page) Tennis Channel 303/592 HD U TVGN 194 PEU Premiums Action Max WestP 425 The Hub 259 /789 HD PEU TVN Event TV 1000 PEU HBO At Max' 429/929 HD The Movie Channel 385/885 HD U Universal 567 EU HBO° 400/899 HD Cinemax' 420/920 HD The Movie Channel West 386 U De Univision Deportes 1524 EU The Movie Channel Xtra 387/887HD U USA Network 50 /550HD /1500 SPEU HBO2P 402/902 HD Cinemax WestP 421/921 HO The Movie Channel Utilisima 1582 EU HBO 2 WestP 403/903 HD Five Star Max° 430/930 HD Xtra West 388 U Velocity 631 SPED HBO Comedy° 408/908 HD More Max° 422/922 HD The SonLife Broadcasting Network 297 SPEU Veria Living 62 g EU HBO Comedy West v 409/909 HD More Max WestP 423 923 HD / The Weather Channel 119 /619 HD SPEU VH1 217/717 HD SPEU HBO Family° 406/906 HD Outer Max° 431/931 HD The Word 292 SPEU VH1 Classic 218 PEU HBO Family West P 407/907 HD Thriller Max° 426 926 HD / Three Angels VH1 Soul 219 EU HBO Latino° 412/912 HD Thriller Max WestP 427 Broadcasting 291 SEU VVOD Weekly Highlights 339 U HBO Latino West ° 413/913 HD W Max° D / 928 HID Thriller Max 426/926 H D U WE tv 149 649 HD / PEU Thriller Max West 427 U Wealth TV 169/669 HD EU HBO SignatureP 404/904 HD TLC 139/639HD/1566 SPEU WGNAmericaHD 568 EU HBO Signature WestP 405/905 HD EPIX TNT 51 /551 HD /1501 PEU WOW 158 PEU HBO West' 401/901 HD EPIX° 395/895 HD Tr3's: MTV 273/1660 PEU YES HD' 595 U HBO ZoneP 410/910 HD EPIX 2 HD° 896 Travel Channel 170/670 HD/1623 PEU HBO Zone WestP 411/911 HD truTV 183/683 HD SPEU Digital Music Other Premiums Turner Classic Movies 230 PEU Go to verizon.com /bizficstvchannals or your On- CINEMAX here! P 445 TV Land 244/1707 PEU screen Guide for a detailed listing of Digital Music TV One 271 EU channels. Additional subscription required' Action MaxP 424/924 HD Music Choice 1800 -1845 Premium Channels International Additional subsc iprion equired' Additional subscription required.' Movie Package Showtime Extreme 373/873 HD ARABIC TVBe 1798 Arab Radio & Television [ART] 1780 Encore° 350/850 HD Showtime Extreme WestP 374/874 HD Encore Action" 360 Showtime Family ZoneP 379 Kuwait TV 1781 FILIPINO NN O Encore Action West° 361 Showtime Family Zone WestP 380 GMA Pi TV 1756 Encore Drama 358 Showtime NextP 377 ARMENIAN The Filipino Channel 1755 Encore Drama WestP 359 Showtime Next WestP 378 Public TVA Armenia 1779 Encore Espanol° 363 Showtime Showcase° 367/867 HD FRENCH Encore FamdyP 362 Showtime Showcase West' 368/868 HD BALKAN TV 5 Monde [French] 1771 Encore LoveP 352 Showtime WestP 366/866 HD BN TV 1777 Encore Love West 353 Showtime Women° 375 TV1 1778 GERMAN Encore Suspense° 356 Showtime Women West' 376 DW Amerika 1787 Encore Suspense West' 357 Starz° 340/840 HD BRAZILIAN ProSiebenSat.1Welt 1788 Encore WestP 3S1 Starz Cinema " 346 TVGlobo 1768 Encore Westerns" 354 Starz ComedyP 347/847 HD GREEK Encore Westerns WestP 355 Starz Edge 342/842 HD CAMBODIAN Antenna 1 1789 Flix° 390 Starz Edge WestP 343 CTN 1766 Flix West 391 Starz In Black' 344 TVK 1767 ITALIAN IndiePlexP 348 Starz Kids 6z Family" 345/845 HD RAI Italia [Italian] 1772 RetroPlexP 349 Starz WestP 341 CHINESE ShowtimeP 365/865 HD Sundance ChannelP 392 China Central TV 4 1795 JAPANESE Showtime 2° 369/869 HD The Movie ChannelP 385/885 HD CTI Zhong Tian Channel 1796 TV Japan 1770 Showtime 2 West" 370/870 HD The Movie Channel WestP 386 Phoenix North America KOREAN Showtime Beyond ° 371 The Movie Channel Xtra° 387/887 HD Chinese Channel 1797 Munhwa Broadcasting Corp (� Showtime Beyond WestP 372 The Movie Channel Xtra WestP 388 [MBC] [Korean] 1760 CHINESE - CANTONESE SBS Seoul Broadcasting (Continued on next page) (Cant inued on next page) 16 MASS MASS 17 (Continued from previous page) Corporation YTN Yonhap TV News PERSIAN Rang A Rang )Farsi) POLISH TVP Polonia [Polish[ PORTUGUESE RTPi ROMANIAN Pro TV [RSC 31 RSC 1 1762 1761 1785 1776 1764 1783 1784 Spanish Language AyM Sports 1535 Bandamax Estados Unidos 1663 BBC CBeebies 1727 Boomerang [SAP] 1724 Canal 22 1646 Canal SUR 1549 Centroamerica TV 1703 Cine Estelar 1688 Cine Latino 1685 Cine Mexicano 1686 Cine Nostalgia 1687 CNN en Espanol 1540 De Pelicula 1680 De Pelicula Clasico 1681 Discovery En Espanol 1563 Discovery Familia 1702 Disney XD 1722 Dominican View 1548 Ecuavisalnternacional 1512 ESPN Deportes 1520 EWTN Espanol 1741 Fox Deportes 1521 Galavision 1503 GOLTV 1523 RUSSIAN Channel One Russia RTR Planeta Russian Television Network SOUTH ASIAN Sony Entertainment TV Asia STAR India PLUS TV Asia Zee TV SOUTH ASIAN - PUNJABI )us Punjabi VIETNAMESE SBTN [Saigon Broadcasting Television Network) Additional subscr9ption required_' (Continued from previous page) 1757 1765 Gran Cine Tr3s: MTV 1660 Utilisima 1582 1773 TV Chile 1704 Viendo Movies 1682 1775 TV Colombia 1705 Vme Kids 1721 1774 TVE International 1560 WAPA America 1508 Mun2 TyC Sports 1536 Nat Geo Mundo 1564 1754 1642 Once TV Mexico 1567 1751 1583 Ritmoson Latino EUA 1664 1752 1723 i5orpresa! 1720 1753 FiOS 0 n Demand Movies and TV on your schedule 1740 1757 1765 Gran Cine 1683 History Channel en Espanol 1561 HITn 1648 Infinito 1620 La Familia 1701 Latele Novela Network 1590 Milenio Television 1550 Multimedios TV 1511 Mun2 1643 Nat Geo Mundo 1564 nuvoTV 1642 Once TV Mexico 1567 Pasiones 1583 Ritmoson Latino EUA 1664 Semillitas 1723 i5orpresa! 1720 Supercanal 1507 TBN Enlace USA 1740 Tele El Salvador 1509 Teleamazonas 1706 Telehit 1662 Telemicro International 1513 TeleRitmo 1666 Television Dominicana 1506 (Continued on next page) (V 18 MASS Catch the shows you missed or watch them a second time — instantly — with FiOS On Demand. It's free with many network channels. If you subscribe to a movie package, you'll even have free access to more hot On Demand movies each month. Just press the On Demand button on your remote or go to channel 900 to order or purchase. FREE Choose from thousands of free titles in popular categories such as Kids, Music and Entertainment. Movies FiOS' offers new releases as well as old favorites and critically acclaimed independent films. Available for Private Office viewing only. Premium Subscriptions Many premium channels that you subscribe to are available to you for free on VOID. Available for Private Office viewing only. MASS Also available by subscription are: The Jewish Channel WWE 24/7 Events Watch your favorite sporting events, concerts and uncensored TV shows. Adult Please remember that parental controls can be easily set up. For more information on setting up parental controls, consult the ROS TV Help Videos on VOID. Available for Private Office viewing only FiOS TV Help Videos Find answers to your questions here. 19 Pay Per View/ Subscription Sports Available for fable to all Pay Per View Included wit'i al'. FiOS TV packages. i T V for Business Additional subscriptions rnav be added' F10S TV Local Broadcast HD ABC - WCVB HD ABC - WMUR HD CBS - WBZHD CW - WLVI HD ETV WENH TV HD FOX- WFXTHD ION HD NBC- WHDH HD PBS - WGBH HD PBS WGBX HD PBS WSBE HD Telefutura - WUTF -TV 66 HD Telemundo HD WNEU TV Univision WUNI HD WBIN -TV 50 HD WSBK My Network TV HD Local Plus SOS 509 504 512 Sll 508 515 507 502 544 518 521 510 527 506 503 GBH Kids ROS TV Local Broadcast channels available to all cwtomers. Pay Per View ABC - WCVB -TV 5 Subscription Sports ION Life [WBPXJ TVN Event TV" 1000 ESPN Game Plan/ Catholic TV Hot Choice PPV v 1005 Full Court 1010 -1015 ESPN Game Plan /Full Court PPV1 1010 Fox Soccer Plus 1009 ESPN Game Plan /Full Court PPV2 1011 MLB Extra Innings/ FOX - WFXT -TV 25 ESPN Game Plan /Full Court PPV3 1012 NHL Center Ice 1475 -1488 ESPN Game Plan /Full Court PPV4 1013 MLB Extra Innings HD/ ESPN Game Plan /Full Court PPVS 1014 NHL Center Ice HD MLS Direct Kick 1466 -1474 1495 -1499 ESPN Game Plan /Full Court PPV6 1015 NBA League Pass Channels 1491 -1499 PBS - WGBX -TV 44 NBA League Pass HD 1489 PBS WSBE 18 NFL RedZone 335/835 HD 21 Outdoor Channel 307/591 HD Univision - WUNI -TV 27 Tennis Channel 303/592 HD WBIN -TV 50 6 TVG 315 49 World Fishing Network 317/597 HD F10S TV Local Broadcast HD ABC - WCVB HD ABC - WMUR HD CBS - WBZHD CW - WLVI HD ETV WENH TV HD FOX- WFXTHD ION HD NBC- WHDH HD PBS - WGBH HD PBS WGBX HD PBS WSBE HD Telefutura - WUTF -TV 66 HD Telemundo HD WNEU TV Univision WUNI HD WBIN -TV 50 HD WSBK My Network TV HD Local Plus SOS 509 504 512 Sll 508 515 507 502 544 518 521 510 527 506 503 GBH Kids ROS TV Local Broadcast GBX CREATE 474 ABC - WCVB -TV 5 5 ION Life [WBPXJ ABC - WMUR -TV 9 9 477 Catholic TV 296 CBS - WBZ -TV 4 4 CW - WLVI -TV 56 12 ETV - WENH -TV 11 11 FOX - WFXT -TV 25 8 ION -TV 68 15 Leased Access 499 NBC - WHDH -TV 7 7 New England Cable News 115 PBS - WGBH -TV 2 2 PBS - WGBX -TV 44 44 PBS WSBE 18 Telefutura - WUTF -TV 66 21 Telemundo - WNEU -TV 60 10 Univision - WUNI -TV 27 27 WBIN -TV 50 6 Weatherscan Local 49 WGN America 13 WMFP Independent 23 WWDP -TV 46 46 WYDN -TV 48 25 zo � F10S TV Local Broadcast HD ABC - WCVB HD ABC - WMUR HD CBS - WBZHD CW - WLVI HD ETV WENH TV HD FOX- WFXTHD ION HD NBC- WHDH HD PBS - WGBH HD PBS WGBX HD PBS WSBE HD Telefutura - WUTF -TV 66 HD Telemundo HD WNEU TV Univision WUNI HD WBIN -TV 50 HD WSBK My Network TV HD Local Plus SOS 509 504 512 Sll 508 515 507 502 544 518 521 510 527 506 503 GBH Kids 472 GBX CREATE 474 GBX WORLD 473 ION Life [WBPXJ 492 LATV [WUNI) 477 (Cont inued on next page) MASS (Continued fr am previous page) Qubo [WBPXJ This TV Network [WHDHJ WBIN Live Well WGBH 2 WGBX 44 WLVI The Country Network WSBK My Network TV Local Public /Education/ Government ABINGTON Abington Edu. Abington Gov. Abington Public Access ACTON Acton Edu. Acton Gov. Acton Public Access ANDOVER Andover Edu. Andover Gov. Andover Public Access North Andover Town Edu. North Andover Town Public Access ARLINGTON Arlington Edu. Arlington Gov. Arlington Public Access ASHLAND Ashland Town Edu. Ashland Town Gov. Ashland Town Public Access BEDFORD Bedford Edu. Bedford Gov. Bedford Public Access BELLINGHAM Bellingham Edu. Bellingham Gov. Bellingham Public Access MASS 491 460 466 470 471 465 3 26 24 28 40 41 45 43 45 47 28 24 24 26 31 40 45 39 38 39 40 43 45 47 BELMONT Belmont Edu. Belmont Gov. Belmont Public Access BILLERICA Billerica Edu. Billerica Gov. Billerica Public Access BOXBOROUGH Acton Public Access Boxborough Gov. BOXFORD Boxford Gov. Boxford Public Access BRAINTREE Braintree Edu. Braintree Gov. Braintree Public Access BURLINGTON Burlington Edu. Burlington Gov. Burlington Public Access CANTON Canton Edu. Access Canton Gov. Access Canton Public Access CHELMSFORD Chelmsford Town Edu. Chelmsford Town Gov. Chelmsford Town Public Access CITY OF FITCHBURG Fitchburg Edu. Fitchburg Gov. Fitchburg Public Access C ITY OF LEOMINSTER Leominster Edu. Leominster Gov. Leominster Public Access 29 28 30 24 26 31 45 39 39 45 24 26 28 40 41 39 41 42 43 36 37 38 35 36 37 32 33 34 (Continued on next page) 21 (Continued from previous page) CITY OF MALDEN Malden Edu. Malden Gov. Malden Public Access CITY OF MEDFORD Educational Channel Government Channel Public Channel CITY OF MELROSE Melrose Edu. Melrose Gov. Melrose Public Access CITY OF METHUEN Methuen Edu. Methuen Gov. Methuen Public Access CITY OF WOBURN Woburn Local Gov. Woburn Local Public and Edu. Woburn Public Access COHASSET Cohasset Edu. Cohasset Public /Gov. Access DANVERS Danvers Edu. Danvers Gov. Danvers Public Access DEDHAM Dedham Edu. Dedham Gov. Dedham Public Access DOVER Dover Edu. Dover Gov. Dover Public Access DUNSTABLE Dunstable Edu. Dunstable Public and Gov. Access 22 24 26 28 45 43 47 37 38 39 31 32 33 43 47 45 36 37 37 41 36 38 39 40 43 47 45 32 31 DUXBURY Duxbury Edu. 38 Duxbury Gov. 39 Plymouth Town Public Access 43 FOXBOROUGH Foxborough Township Edu. 37 Foxborough Township Gov. 38 Foxborough Township Public 39 FRAMINGHAM Framingham Edu. 41 Framingham Gov. 42 Framingham Public Access 43 FRANKLIN Franklin Edu. 28 Franklin Gov. 29 Franklin Public Access 26 GEORGETOWN Georgetown Edu. 41 Georgetown Gov. 42 Georgetown Public Access 43 GRAFTON Grafton Edu. 32 Grafton Gov. 33 Grafton Public Access 34 GROTON Groton Edu. 39 Groton Gov. 40 Groton Public Access 41 HAMILTON Hamilton Public Access 2 37 HANOVER Hanover Edu. 36 Hanover Gov. 37 Hanover Public Access 38 HINGHAM Hingham Town Edu. [WHHS -TV] 29 Hingham Town Gov. 30 Hingham Town Public Access 31 (Continued on next page) MASS (Continued from previous page) HOLBROOK Holbrook Edu. Holbrook Gov. /Edu. HOLLISTON Holliston Edu. Holliston Gov. Holliston Public Access HOPEDALE Hopedale Edu. Hopedale Gov. Hopedale Public Access HOPKINTON Hopkinton Edu. Hopkinton Gov. /Public Access HUDSON Hudson Edu. Hudson Gov. Hudson Public Access HULL Hull Township Edu. Hull Township Public Access /Gov IPSWICH Ipswich Edu. Ipswich Gov. Ipswich Public Access KINGSTON Kingston Edu. /Gov. Plymouth Town Gov. Plymouth Town Public Access LAKEVILLE Lakeville Edu. Lakeville Gov. Lakeville Public Access LAWRENCE Lawrence Edu. Lawrence Gov. Lawrence Public Access LEXINGTON Lexington Edu. MASS 38 39 33 34 32 26 28 29 31 30 43 45 47 34 35 31 32 33 41 47 43 30 31 32 41 42 40 36 Lexington Gov. Lexington Public Access LINCOLN Lincoln Gov. Lincoln - Sudbury Edu. LITTLETON Littleton Edu. Littleton Public Access LYNN Lynn Edu. Lynn Gov. Lynn Public Access LYNNFIELD Lynnfield Edu. Lynnfield Gov. Lynnfield Public Access MANSFIELD Mansfield Edu. Access Mansfield Gov. Access Mansfield Public Access MARBLEHEAD Marblehead Edu. Marblehead Gov. Marblehead Public Access MARION Marion Gov. ORCTV - Tri Town Edu. ORCTV - Tri Town Public Access MARLBOROUGH Marlborough Edu. Marlborough Gov. Marlborough Public Access MARSHFIELD Marshfield Edu. Marshfield Gov. Marshfield Public Access 37 35 33 32 36 38 36 37 38 30 29 28 25 27 28 24 26 28 39 37 36 33 34 35 33 35 34 (Continued on next page) 23 (Continued from previous page) (Continued from previous page) MATTAPOISETT NAHANT PLYMOUTH STOW Mattapoisett Gov. 38 Nahant Public Edu. & Gov. Access 45 Plymouth Town Edu. 45 Stow Town Gov. 32 ORCTV - Tri Town Edu. 37 Plymouth Town Gov. 47 Stow Town Public Access 33 ORCTV - Tri Town Public Access 36 NATICK Plymouth Town Public Access 43 Natick Edu. 30 SUDBURY MAYNARD Natick Gov. 28 RANDOLPH Lincoln /Sudbury Edu. 32 Maynard Edu. 24 Natick Public Access 29 Randolph Township Edu. 28 Sudbury Public /Gov. Access 31 Maynard Gov. 26 Randolph Township Gov. 29 Maynard Public Access 28 NEEDHAM Randolph Township Public Access 30 SUTTON Needham Edu. 31 Sutton Town Edu. 30 MEDFIELD Needham Gov. 30 READING Sutton Town Public Access 29 Medfield Edu. 36 Needham Public Access 29 Reading Edu. 32 Medfield Gov. 45 Reading Gov. 33 SWAMPSCOTT Medfield Public Access 47 NEWTON Reading Public Access 31 Swampscott Edu. 40 Newton Edu. 32 Swampscott Gov. 41 MEDWAY Newton Gov. 33 ROCHESTER Medway Edu. Access 24 Newton Public Access 34 ORCTV - Tri Town Edu. 37 TEWKSBURY Medway Gov. Access 35 ORCTV - Tri Town Public Access 36 Tewksbury Edu. 34 Medway Public Access 36 NORFOLK Rochester Gov. 40 Tewksbury Gov. Access 33 Norfolk Town Edu. 41 Tewksbury Public Access 32 MENDON Norfolk Town Gov. 42 ROCKLAND Bellingham Public Access 47 Norfolk Town Public Access 40 Rockland Edu. 30 TOPSFIELD Mendon Edu. 41 Rockland Gov. 31 Topsfield Public Edu. & Gov. 47 Mendon Gov. 42 NORTH ANDOVER Rockland Public Access 32 North Andover Town Gov. 26 TYNGSBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH ROWLEY Tyngsboro Edu. 28 Middleborough Edu. 33 NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Rowley Town Edu. 24 Tyngsboro Gov. Access 29 Middleborough Gov. 34 North Attleborough Edu. 22 Rowley Town Gov. 26 Tyngsboro Public Access 30 Middleborough Public Access 35 North Attleborough Gov. 23 North Attleborough Public Access 24 SHERSORN WAKEFIELD MIDDLETON Sherborn Edu. 33 Wakefield Edu. 41 Middleton Edu. 29 NORTH READING Sherborn Gov. 34 Wakefield Gov. 42 Middleton Public 28 North Reading Edu. 26 Sherborn Public Access 32 Wakefield Public Access 40 North Reading Public /Gov. 24 MILFORD SOUTHBOROUGH WALPOLE Milford Edu. 38 NORTHBOROUGH Southborough Edu. 36 Walpole Town Edu. 29 Milford Public Access 40 Northborough Town Edu. 29 Southborough Gov. 37 Walpole Town Gov. 30 Northborough Town Gov. 30 Southborough Public Access 38 Walpole Town Public Access 31 MILLBURY Northborough Town Public Access 31 Millbury Edu. 24 STONEHAM WALTHAM Millbury Gov. 26 NORWELL Stoneham Edu. 35 Waltham Edu. 42 Millbury Public Access 28 Norwell Town Edu. 39 Stoneham Gov. 36 Waltham Gov. 43 Norwell Town Gov. 40 Stoneham Public Access 34 Waltham Public Access 47 MILLIS Norwell Town Public Access 41 Millis Edu. 37 STOUGHTON WAREHAM Millis Gov. 38 NORWOOD Stoughton Town Edu. 26 Wareham Edu. 29 Millis Public Access 39 Norwood Edu. 34 Stoughton Town Gov. 28 Wareham Gov. 29 Norwood Gov. 35 Wareham Public Access 30 Norwood Public Access (Continued on next 33 page) (Continued on next page) 24 MASS MASS 25 (Continued from previous page) WAYLAND 598 WESTON Wayland Edu. 38 Weston Gov. Wayland Gov. 39 Weston Public Wayland Public Access 37 308 ESPN Classic 71 WESTWOOD WELLESLEY HRTV Westwood Gov. Wellesley Edu. 38 Westwood Public /Edu. Wellesley Gov. Access 40 Wellesley Public Access 39 WILMINGTON Wilmington Edu. WENHAM Wilmington Gov. Hamilton Edu. & Gov. Access 36 Wilmington Public Access Hamilton Public Access 2 37 WINCHESTER WEST NEWBURY Winchester Local Edu. West Newbury Gov. Access 42 Winchester Local Public /Gov. Winchester Public Access WESTBOROUGH Westborough Edu. 26 WRENTHAM Westborough Gov. 28 Wrentham Edu. Westborough Public Access 24 Wrentham Gov. Wrentham Public Access WESTFORD Wrentham Public Service Westford Edu. 33 Westford Gov. 34 Westford Public Access 35 Sports Pass Additional subscriptions may be added.' 41 Regional Sports Programming 45 Channels vary by package subscription Prime HD, Extreme HD and 32 Ultimate HD 42 Comcast SportsNet New England 77/577 HD NESNptus 78 New England Sports Network 76/576 HD 39 38 37 37 36 38 37 38 39 36 belN Sport HD 598 Longhorn Network 320 CBS Sports Network 94 Outdoor Channel 307/591 HD ESPN Buzzer Beater /Goal Line 571 Sportsman Channel 308 ESPN Classic 71 TVG 315 HRTV 316 World Fishing Network 317/597 HD F 26 MASS For answers to all your questions about FiOS services and features: QTUNE to channel 131 on your TV Want more from ROS TV? Just click the Widgets button on your remote. You'll have access to an expanded selection of TV channel features — plus, at -your- fingertips information on Sports, Weather, Traffic and more. Need help? Visit verizon.com /businessfiostv. Verizon FiOS TV occasionally changes its channel offerings. For a complete listing of all the Verizon FiOS TV channels available in your area, visit verizon.com /bizfiostvdtannels. 02013 Verizon. . ' A Verizon - supplied HD receiver and an HD -ready TV set required to receive HD programming. 'Channel listings denoted with a ° are available for Private Office viewing only. 'This is a nationally available channel within the Ultimate HD package, outside of the state of NY and parts of NJ only. This channel is not to be confused with the Regional Sports Network offered by this provider within the state of NY and select parts of NJ. Programming services offered within each package are subject to change, and not all programming services will be available at all times. Blackout restrictions also apply. MASS 27 Sample A. Sample 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 -6789 We have also enclosed a copy of your local channel lineup. However, because Verizon NOS TV occasionally changes its channel offerings, you can view your most up to date channel lineup anytime by visiting us at verizon.com /bizfiostvchannels and clicking on the'channels'tab. We hope you are enjoying everything your FiOS TV service delivers: the best in entertainment, over 160 HD channels, room - shaking sound and picture quality that's unmatched by cable or satellite. Plus, we have over 65,000 Video On Demand titles per month and growing and thousands are FREE. Some VOD and PPV programming may not be available to all business customers. Thank you again for being a Verizon FiOS TV customer. Log on to verizon.com /businessfiosty for exciting new service updates. q& c3n_5- Schena, Paula -- From: LeLacheur, Bob Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:25 PM To: Schena, Paula Subject: FW: FiOS TV Notice Attachments: Customer Notice - December.pdf For BOS packet From: Reddish, Jill M imailto•jill m reddish @verizon.com_] Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 4:12 PM To: Reddish, ]ill M Subject: HOS TV Notice Dear Municipal Official, This is to notify you of upcoming HOS TV channel position and programming changes as described below. On or after December 2, 2013, the content provider is making the following programming changes: • "Encore Drama," on channels 358 and 359 *, will become "Encore Black" featuring movies and popular TV Series for African American viewers • "Encore Love," on channels 352 and 353 *, will become "Encore Classic" featuring iconic movie titles and classic TV series for the baby- boomer On or after December 31, 2013, channel 143 will be removed from the NOS TV Channel line -up as the content provider will discontinue "SOAPnet" programming. The following programming change applies only to "WWE Classics" On Demand package subscribers. On or after January 31, 2014, the content provider will no longer make "WWE Classics" On Demand programming available on ROS TV. Customers will be notified of the above changes by means of the attached bill messages that will run in the December bill cycle. We realize that our customers have other alternatives for entertainment and our goal is to offer the best choice and value in the industry. Verizon appreciates the opportunity to conduct business in your community. Should you or your staff have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Jill Reddish FiOS TV- Sr. Staff Consultant Franchise Management 617 342 0558 qb I FIGS® TV Channel and Programming Changes On or after December 2, 2013, the following changes will be made to ROS TV Programming: • "Encore Drama," on channels 358 and 359 *, will become "Encore Black" featuring movies and popular TV Series for African American viewers • "Encore Love," on channels 352 and 353 *, will become "Encore Classic" featuring iconic movie titles and classic TV series for the baby- boomer *programming shown at Pacific Standard Time On or after December 31, 2013, channel 143 will be removed from the ROS TV Channel line -up as the content provider will discontinue "SOAPnet" programming effective December 31, 2013. The following programming change applies only to WWE Classics On Demand package subscribers. On or after January 31, 2014, the content provider will no longer make WWE Classics On Demand programming available on ROS TV. The WWE Classics On Demand package and the associated charges will be removed from your account once this service is no longer available. J6 Z ��pUSI NCgG U1 1963 -j C4 .� CH November 5, 2013 Board of Selectmen Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 22 Frank D. Tanner Drive Reading, MA 01867 -2399 (781) 944 -6755 Dear Chairman Bonazoli, L71(- 6as 0 w 0 ,c N a The Reading Housing Authority deeply regrets accepting the resignation of Ms. Mary E. Connors as the Tenant Representative Board Member for this agency effective December 31, 2013. She has honored the Reading Housing Authority by giving us many years of her expertise and service and will be surely missed. She has served with great distinction during numerous consecutive terms as a tenant representative. Her knowledge of the community and this agency's programs only enhanced her ability to serve along side her fellow board members. She has always been supportive of me during my tenure here that began in early 2001 and has continually supported the Reading Housing Authority's vision to not only preserve our existing programs but expand low- income housing in the Town of Reading. Mary has been an invaluable resource in the promotion of creative and innovative housing ideas and supportive housing programs, especially those involving our seniors. The Reading Housing Authority is grateful to her for her many hours of dedicated service to the Authority's mission. On behalf of the Board and the staff of the Reading Housing Authority, we extend her our best wishes. Respq, tf illy, l Lyn E. Whyte, PHM Executive Director cc: RHA Board Members * J.*"k * * # to 1 tom,. Thw it an inpm r�06M. Pw havr it tra .Wod. C& LA Mqr KIL 4 MiONG CAO Q'qw C.ci «c inipoetriR w�Mlivz wn. aadutrr. 70N WI LbIM(3 pCH L�J Z !1Gl�t3't Ea. .4 un iweo kro«tri►M. swo MW40,b va*"k. t8; 1i'tQil�i# vttr lvti# rgeil ES*s urn *Aw :WVodwft,4uskam.netw V*& 12t Equal Housing opportunity (:�G 1013NOV -6 AMP 47 November 4, 2013 Reading Housing Authority 22 Frank Tanner -Drive Reading, MA 01867 Dear Fellow Board Members; I regret to- inform: you of nay decision to retire from the. Board effective immediately or year- end, whichever serves the RHA best. It has been my great pleasure to work with all of you for the past dozen or so years and I will miss seeing you can a regular basis. I am confident that you will find someone to take my place and I hope that you will not hesitate to reach out if needed through the transition. Thank Mary E. qGz Deval L. Patrick, Governor T Richard A. Davey, MassDOT Secretary & CEO Beverly A. Scott, Ph.D., General Manager and Rail & Transit Administrator Mr. James E. Bonazoli Chairman Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 N C 6US • ,nassDor A so Massachusetts Department of Transportation Rail 6 Transit Division October 1, 2013 RE: Salting at Commuter Rail "Highway/Railway" Crossings Dear Chairman Bonazoli: The application of road salt on highway / railway crossings can cause train approach warning systems to activate without the presence of a train in the area. The reason for this is that the combination of road salt and fresh or melting snow creates a conductive solution that causes a short circuit between the rails of the tracks. As a result, the gates lower, the lights flash, and the warning bells ring until the problem is corrected. The corrective action usually takes an hour or more and can cause the highway traffic to back -up. The 2013 / 2014 winter season will soon be upon us. This is a reminder and request that you again instruct your crews and contractors to refrain from salting the area in the immediate vicinity of the tracks in order to minimize the instances of these unwanted activations. Your cooperation will help minimize both automotive and train delays this winter. The following is a list of highway /railway crossings in your town on the commuter rail system: New Crossing Road Ash Street Main Street Washington Street Woburn Street Willow Street Please contact John Mitchell, MBCR's Deputy Chief of Engineering Operations, at 617 -222 -3613 to answer any questions regarding this request. Thank you again for your assistance with this issue. Sincerely, 6-t4u� N. • Beverly A. Sc It, Ph.D. General Manager and Rail and Transit Administrator Rz w 0 w Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Ten Park Plaza, Suite 3910, Boston, MA 02116 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence www.mbta.com Ci"-L q c gos 2013 NOy 12 AM 11: U4 ) f i November 6, 2013 Board of Selectmen Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Re: Municipal Emergency Reporting Procedure Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: As part of Comcast's ongoing commitment to broadband network reliability, and our efforts to better serve municipal customers, I am writing to remind you of our emergency reporting procedures for certain outside plant and service problems. In the event that any municipal building experiences problems with downed cable drops, signal transport issues with I -NET or Video Return Lines, Public, Education and Government (PEG) Access channels or to have our technical or construction staff on -site during an emergency, please call the following number: 1- 800 - 556 -9979, Option 3 The attached steps will put you in touch with our Excellence Operations Center (XOC), 24 -hours a day, and seven days a week. The XOC can dispatch someone to respond to your call in an efficient manner. Please note this information and telephone number IS NOT for public dissemination. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (978) 927 -5700 x43024 should you have questions. Sincerely, japt&M.. Lymaiv Jane M. Lyman, Sr. Manager Government Affairs `el xfinity. MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY /TROUBLE REPORTING PROCEDURES (Please note the XOC telephone number listed below IS NOT for public dissemination) • STEP 1 Dial: XOC (Excellence Operations Centers) 24/7 @ 1- 800 - 556 -9979 • STEP 2 Select: Option #3 - Municipal Issues • STEP 3 Reason for call: Option #1 -Down Wires - Will be prompted to enter zip code Option #2 - Pole or all other Municipal Issues STEP 4 Speak with Rep. and /or obtain trouble ticket number R6Z %�i Mystic Elder November 12, 2013 Mr. Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. Reading Town Hall 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. LeLacheur, 2013 NOV 14 Valley Services AM is yo www.mves.orl info@amves.org 781 -324 -7705 Thank you for your continued support of Mystic Valley Elder Services. Enclosed is a detailed inventory and value of services delivered to Reading's older residents by Mystic Valley Elder Services during the past year. I believe that this accounting demonstrates in a concrete way how your local contribution assists us in returning a substantial amount of direct support to Reading. Without Reading's assistance and that of the other seven participating cities and towns, Mystic Valley Elder Services would be unable to continue to provide the level of crucial supportive services currently available. We have enclosed an invoice in the amount of $5,593 for Reading's FY 2014 cash contribution. Payment of the invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt of this bill would be most helpful to us in meeting our FY 2014 fiscal and programmatic obligations. As you may know, Mystic Valley Elder Services is both the federally designated Area Agency on Aging as well as the state's designated Aging Service Access Point for the Town of Reading. We received these designations through an application process approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Executive Office of Elder Affairs. For next fiscal year (FY 2015), we are asking that you budget the same amount as this year's contribution of $5,593. Our goal is to raise the additional money we need to meet the increasing demand for services directly from private sources. However, your support is crucial to our ability to provide needed in home and community based services to area residents. I want to personally thank you for your community's continued support of MVES' programs and services through good and bad economic times. We will always be here for you and the residents of Reading who need help at home. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed bill or our service accounting, please feel free to call me or Sean Hubacz, Director of Finance at (781) 324 -7705. Enclosures Jane Burns H 300 Commercial St., #19 • Malden, MA 02148. 1 -800- AGE -INFO • FAX 781- 324 -1369 • TTY 781 -321 -8880 Serving older adults, adults living with disabilities, and careeivers in Everett. Malden. Medford. Melrose. Nnrrh RParlino_ Rendino `4nnrh.m ..A wbA4P1a �'►iMystic Valley Elder Services Fiscal Year 2013 Service Report: Reading In FY13 over 467 Reading residents used Mystic Valley's services valued at $2,359,523, of these 107 were eligible for Nursing Facility care while remaining at home. Mystic Valley Elder Services is a nonprofit organization, which has been helping people find practical solutions to long term care issues since 1975. Our goal is to help seniors, disabled adults and their family caregivers find the best available services that fit within family resources. We offer a wide range of services creatively designed to support the challenges of daily life and independent living. Some are free of charge, others are offered on a sliding fee scale or private pay basis. Information & Assistance: Resource consultants offer FREE advice and referrals from our extensive database of local, state and national resources. Assistance is available by telephone, email or a home visit by an experienced Care Manager. 388 Consumers served at a Cost of $4,966 Care Management & Home Care Services: A range of programs for seniors designed to provide assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, etc.) for those who wish to remain in their own homes. Includes: in -home assessment by a care manager, development of a care plan, and delivery of approved services. 277 Consumers served at a Cost of $2,120,488 Caregiver Support: Services may include an in -home assessment, caregiver training and education regarding such areas as memory loss, home safety, respite care and fall prevention. Provides useful resources especially for working and long distance caregivers. 15 Consumers served at a Cost of $15,570 Transportation: Providing rides to medical appointments and adult day health centers. 1 Consumer served at a Cost of $64 Meals on Wheels: A mid -day meal and daily check in by a friendly driver for those over 60 who are homebound and unable to prepare their own food. 22,555 Meals served at a Cost of $148,917 Senior Dining Sites: Centers in 14 locations offer seniors an opportunity to meet and enjoy a nutritious lunch. Ethnic meals are available. 4,548 Meals served at a Cost of $39,212 Behavioral Health Services: Clinical Caseworker provides outreach and connects consumers to behavioral health services in home and community settings. The program provides assistance with coordination and payment of behavioral health services. 5 Consumers served at a Cost of $5,298 Minority Outreach: Services for non- and limited- English speakers include information and referral, translation of and assistance responding to important documents; health insurance information counseling, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. 0 Consumers served at a Cost of $0 SHINE Health Benefits Counseling: Trained counselors provide seniors with no -cost, confidential counseling and unbiased information regarding health insurance and prescription drug options. 231 Consumers served at a Cost of $7,775 Money Management Assistance: Trained volunteers provide assistance with bill paying, budgeting and banking tasks. A volunteer may also serve as a Representative Payee. 12 Consumers served at a Cost of $14,111 Volunteer Program: Dedicated volunteers augment the agency's capacity by sharing their expertise with a variety of professional and administrative functions, providing bill paying assistance to elders, counseling Medicare and MassHealth recipients, staffing congregate meal sites and/or food pantries, and serving as literacy tutors in area elementary schools. 18 Volunteers performing 1,643 hours of service Legal Assistance: No -cost legal assistance and education on issues such as public benefits, landlord tenant disputes and loss of independence. 7 Consumers served at a Cost of $1,478 1�z Everett — Malden — Medford — Melrose — North Rea ing — Reading — Stoneham - WakefleVd /-/ (_ 0 6s LATHAM LAW OFFICES LLC 643 MAIN STREET READING. MA 01867 O. BRADLEY LATHAM' TEL: (781) 942 -4400 CHRISTOPHER M. O. LATHAM FAX: (781) 9447079 JOSHUA E. LATHAM' 'ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN MASSACHUSETTS AND NEW HAMPSHIRE November 14, 2013 James E. Bonazoli, Chairman Board of Selectmen Reading Town Hall < 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 RE: 87 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, Massachusetts Renewal of 24 Hour Operations License Dear Mr. Bonazoli: On behalf of Leigh Enterprises, Ltd. d/b /a Reading Shell Station, operating at 87 Walkers Brook Drive (the "Premises "), please accept this letter as application to renew its annual license for 24 -hour operations pursuant to Reading General Bylaws § 7.7.4, and § 3.9 of the Selectmen's Policies. Specifically the applicant seeks to continue the current 24 -hour operation of a gas service station, coffee shop (counter - service and drive -thru restaurant), and convenience store at the Premises upon the existing license terms and conditions. Kindly advise whether the Selectmen determine to hold a public hearing upon this annual renewal, or if any additional information is required for their consideration. Thank you for your attention to this matter. cc: Rick Camuso, 87 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading, MA 01867 Cf,