HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-05 Board of Selectmen Handout - Part 1DRAFT MOTIONS BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 5, 2013 Bonazoli, Arena, Tafova, Ensminger, West LeLacheur 3a) Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the Certificate of Recognition for Eloise Shannon. 4a) Move that the Board of Selectmen place the following name into nomination for one position on the ad hoc Zoning Advisory Committee with a term expiring July 15, 2014: Erin Calvo -Bacci 4b) Move that the Board of Selectmen appoint the firm of Brackett and Lucas as Town Counsel for a term expiring December 31, 2014. 5a) Move that the Board of Selectmen close the hearing on transfer of the package store liquor license from CWI, LTD d /b /a The Wine Bunker to Kajal and Kevin LLC d /b /a Liquor Junction at 1 General Way. Move that the Board of Selectmen approve the transfer of the package store liquor license from CWI, LTD d /b /a The Wine Bunker to Kajal and Kevin LLC d /b /a Liquor Junction at a new location within the same plaza at 1 General Way with a term expiring December 31, 2013 subject to the following conditions: ♦ Retail space will be limited to a total of 5,600 square feet as designated on the approved plan entitled "Proposed Store Layout" The Wine Bunker, One General Way, Reading, MA; ♦ A maximum of 10 linear feet for wine refrigerator units is permitted; ♦ No wine coolers, nips,' /2 pints, tobacco or lottery will be sold; ♦ Deliveries from Route 128 will be via Walkers Brook Drive to General Way and deliveries from Route 28 will be via Goodall Sanford Road; ♦ No walk in cooler other than the "beer cave" as designated on the approved plan entitled "Proposed Store Layout" The Wine Bunker, One General Way, Reading, MA, will be installed; V ♦ All Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed and also subject to a satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager. 5d) Move that the Board of Selectmen renew the Inter - Municipal Agreement between the Town of Reading and the Town of Wakefield Director of the Assessing Department for a term expiring January 1, 2015. 5e) Move that the Board of Selectmen adopt Selectmen's Policy 2.1 #9 Remote Participation as follows: 9. All appointed and elected Boards, Committees and Commissions (hereinafter `public body') are hereby authorized to conduct Remote Participation subject to the requirements of The Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, G.L. c30A, §20(d),940 CMR 29.10, and the Additional Regulations listed below. This authorization is on a trial basis and expires on December 31, 2014 if not renewed. Additional Regulations (1) Remote participation is limited to members of a public body and is not available to the general public; (2) A member of a public body requesting remote participation must notify the Chair or acting Chair in writing and in advance of the meeting, stating the reasons why; (3) The person chairing the meeting may permit remote participation if he or she determines that one or more of the following factors makes it unreasonably difficult for the member requesting remote participation to physically attend the meeting. a. Personal illness; b. Personal disability; c. Emergency; d. Military service; or e. Geographic distance. (4) Remote participation is allowed as audio only. The remote audio must be clearly heard in the public meeting space to all participants; (5) The Chair or acting Chair shall announce the presence of any remote participants at the start of the meeting; (6) If technical difficulties arise and persist during a meeting, the remote participant will be declared to have left the meeting and the Chair of the public body may decide to continue with the Agenda if there is a quorum still physically present; I ­I vr� (7) A quorum of the body, including the chair or, in the chair's absence, the person authorized to chair the meeting, shall be physically present at the meeting location, as required by M.G.L. c. 30A, sec 20(d); (8) All votes must be by roll call if there is a remote public body participant; (9) All handouts or presentations must be made available to all remote participants in advance. If used during the meeting, such documents shall be part of the official record of the meeting, and shall be listed in the meeting minutes and retained in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, sec. 22; (10) A member participating remotely may participate in an executive session, but shall state at the start of any such session that no other person is present and /or able to hear the discussion at the remote location, unless presence of that person is approved by a simple majority vote of the public body; (11) Any costs associated with remote participation are born entirely by the remote participant. Move that the Board of Selectmen adjourn at p.m. 0 Town Manager's Report Tuesday, November 05, 2013 Administration ♦ Volunteer Opportunities • Please check out the Town's website for some background information at http: / /www.readingma.gov /pages /volunteers- wanted -0 and to download an application form at http: / /www.readingma.gov/ sites /readingma /files /file /file /volunteer application.pdf • Tonight the Bylaw Appointment Committee met to consider two applications for the two openings in the Bylaw Committee. Currently there are only three of five positions filled, and due to a recent medical situation the Committee is unable to meet in quorum. • Other opportunities include one opening each on the Finance Committee, the Council on Aging and the Celebration Committee. Please send or drop off applications to Town Clerk Laura Gemme (lgemmea- ci. reading. ma. us). Finance ♦ Assessing — Please see a memo from me sent over the weekend in the meeting packet asking the Board to extend the regional agreement with Wakefield for an additional year; also tonight the Board of Assessors and staff will present a preview of the upcoming Tax Classification Hearing. That Hearing is tentatively set for 8:30pm on November 26th, but is dependent on the DOR's schedule. If it needs to be delayed then we'll swap it with some Recreation updates scheduled for December 10th ♦ Accounting — Former Town Accountant Gail LaPointe has stepped back in to help out while Sharon Angstrom is on medical O leave through early February 2014. Gail will be available to Town, School and RMLD staff from 1 -4pm Monday through Thursday at glapointe(cD-ci. reading. ma. us, and other times by appointment. She is working other flexible hours during the week on projects — often at night to avoid conflicts with MUNIs users. Community Services ♦ Comprehensive Update of the Zoning By -Law — The first of four Zoning Advisory Committee Public Forums will be held on Wednesday November 201h at 7:30pm at the Pleasant Street Center. These are in addition to over 20 other scheduled public meetings to gather community input. Public Safety /Public Works ♦ DPW did a great job surveying the 23 Peer Communities (as defined by FINCOM) on several departmental policies. The survey results from 22 communities that responded were large and included in your packet, below are some of the highlights that I saw: o #14 — Do you have different water /sewer rates by usage? An overwhelming majority of communities (18 of 22) do have a 2, 3 or 4 -tier rate structure. This is something staff discussed a couple of years ago in response to the perception /reality of more conservation being punished by higher rates. o #15 — Do you allow second meters for irrigation? Again a majority of communities (15 of 22) do have such a policy, and some that do not have a moratorium which means they will reconsider the matter. o #1 to #11 — Do you have a Water Abatement Program? A surprising amount of communities do not allow abatements, or they are very rare. Reading does allow them and there is a lot of staff effort involved each time. This topic will be discussed internally with my preference to simply the process and continue abatements when the circumstances warrant (for instance, a leak that was repaired). o After the results of the survey, I will reiterate three of my four my previous suggestions_ ■ Delay the yearly rate change (i.e. rate increase) from September to December despite the fact nearly all communities surveyed raise rates as we do when the fiscal year begins. This will lessen the shock of adding a new (higher) rate to heavier summer usage — we have plenty of water /sewer reserves to tide us over for this 3 -month delay in FY15; 11/5/2013 1 Town Manager's Report Tuesday, November 05, 2013 ■ Split the water rate by usage (two or three tiers — reward conservation efforts); ■ Allow a second water meter for irrigation systems, exempt this usage from sewer charges; 0 1 suggest we study the impact of moving of some debt from water /sewer to the tax bill (via a debt exclusion question to the voters) in time for Annual election in the spring 2015. This is delayed a year because I believe the issue of water usage versus property tax payments is complex, and if new tiered rates are introduced the situation becomes even more complex. ♦ West Street Road Improvements • December advertisement date still planned — might be later in the month now. • All temporary easements have been appraised. Eng. Div. will begin sending out award letters. Sidewalk addition (below) will most likely result in new /revised easements • Town's consultant working on plan revisions to add approximately 500 linear feet of sidewalk which was originally excluded from project to avoid constructing retaining walls. ( last 500 ft. of road — east side before Willow /Summer intersection) • MWRA consultant completed preliminary 36" water main route for intimal review by our consultant and MassDOT School Department Naming Policy — A few years ago the Selectmen briefly discussed a facilities Naming Policy (such as the Schools have adopted) but did not pursue it. I have received one request from the community recently to honor a long -time athletic participant by the naming of all or a portion of a Town field. The Board will hear this request in early December from the Recreation Administrator. If the Board wishes to pursue, I will draft a similar Naming Policy to be considered. Upcominq Events: October 30t — FY15 Budget Financial Forum (rescheduled by FINCOM) November 7th — Adopt -an- Island reception at the Pleasant Street Center at 7pm November 12th — Subsequent Town Meeting begins (Tuesday) November 23rd — Seniors Thanksgiving dinner sponsored by Rep. Jones; 1 pm Hillview CC in NR 11/5/2013 10 2013 111512013 Presentation Estimated Start time < 16 � , '77 Office 11our Marsie West 6:30 Certificate Eloise Shannon Appointment Ad Hoc Zoning Advisory Committee 7:20 Appoint Town Counsel LeLacheur 7:25 HEARING Wine Bunker liquor license transfer, change of location and restrictions LeLacheur 7:30 Consideration of Class 2 MV license LeLacheur 7:45 Tax Classification preview joint mtg BOA 8:00 Extend Regional Assessing agreement with Wakefield LeLacheur Discuss Remote Participation for Boards, Committees and Commissions LeLacheur 8:15 Review Final Drainage studies & longer -term future of the Storm Water Ent Fund Zambouras & CONSCOM 8:30 Mailbox /snow plow policy Zager 8:50 Discuss Water & Sewer Enterprise Funds 9:00 delay rate change to December bills split water /sewer rates by usage process to exlude debt onto tax rate second meter for irrigation water relief from Beacon Hill November 12, 2013 - Subsequent Town Meeting (rues) no meetings 7:30 November 14, 2013 - Subsequent Town Meeting (Thurs) no meetings 7:30 November 18,2013 - Subsequent Town Meeting (Mon tentative) no meetings 7:30 e, a Joint meeting to appoint Library Trustee RE 0 Iif�4►FT slid `a �� �: ,i 111512013 Presentation Estimated Start time r� :M 1 rip ,. � Certificate Grace Stroman (Girl Scout Gold Award) LeLacheur Update on Johnson Woods project LeLacheur 7:20 Approve amendment to regulatory agreement for Johnson Woods (affordable housing) LeLacheur 7:35 RCASA overview McNamara 7:45 Approve Liquor Licenses LeLacheur 8:15 HEARING Tax Classification joint mtg BOA 8:30 y y g3 Office Hour Marsie West 6:30 Town Licenses - options for Public Safety Cormier 7:30 Field naming request Feudo 8:00 Birch Meadow Master Plan Feudo 8:15 Dog Park opportunity Feudo 8:45 Strout Avenue Master Plan (complete after Town Forest planning work is done) Feudo 9:00 Review BOS/TM Goals LeLacheur 9:30 ,d x Al xu G r Approve Other Licenses LeLacheur 7:30 Approve early openings /24 hour openings LeLacheur Discuss vacant property enforcement LeLacheur 8:00 Discuss Charter changes 8:30 Discuss Zoning changes 9:00 Town Manager Performance Evaluation 9:30 Future Agendas Accept Easements West Street Zambouras DEC Joint Mtg Library Trustees - appoint new member DEC MWRA LeLacheur FEB 114 Regionalization of other functions LeLacheur Policy on Trust Fund Commissioners Heffernan Technology Update FEB 114 Website; Document Storage; Permits & Lic.; Assessing; new Customer Service App Lyme Disease mitigation strategy IClay -01 RECEIVED . TOWN CLERK .. EADING. MASS. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS /COMMITTEES /COMMISSIONS _ 1013 IXT 31 P � $! Name: F_ Date: (Last) (First) (Middle) Address: 00 -MLZM -T PA2-k . 2.Ls-Ps>inJU tj&- Tel.(Home) `9(194a -0017 Tel. (Work) 79l —U, -- Lj1oa (Is this number listed ?) Occupation: Kks t a � 0Y6C,,,-rcV 6 # of years in Reading: 2 O Are you a registered voter in Reading ? Ljf� e-mail address: b r-ze-z_e v% S k l P Lo,-v, c,& . t� Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available) _ Animal Control Appeals Committee Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee _Board of Appeals _Board of Cemetery Trustees _Board of Health _Board of Registrars Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee _Cities for Climate Protection _Commissioner of Trust Funds _Community Planning & Development Comm _Conservation Commission _Constable _Contributory Retirement Board _Council on Aging _Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves _Economic Development Committee _Finance Committee _Historical Commission _Housing Authority _Human Relations Advisory Committee _Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee _Metropolitan Area Planning Council _Mystic Valley Elder Services RCTV Board of Directors Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Trails Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Lit?! y gOAR0 Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: ut `1 OAKS "AVj Pi- y8Aps ow -1-kes THc Rr A- 0 A & u. B P.A f- a.. F °KW D h-C►oAJ ( 3 As e R-e-A IC n,J T) A Are - FAME► - t M�, W -m -rte 6CA.fPf KOP $o -T1-1 L-t SRAte_ A4 p 'Cow /J 155 Ut3 Cs Pe N 10 (zS t6 EL5r_ 7Ce_r_'> -T 0,J A) M EFT i A--)/Y rl—tB Ea :'1 ut To*N � APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD&COMiVIITTEESICOMIVIISSIONS Name: 5trIA 61t Je n� W. Date: /0/3a /Zw3 (Last) (First (Middle) Address: y Toc,ry %2o„{ i (Le e,%;19 jo4 of g e,-; Tel. (Home) "/_9yy -Z73 i Tel. (Work) �Pii -, 3 8 ys- (Is this number listed ?) Occupation: e V% # of years in Reading: Are you a registered voter in Reading? t/`S e-mail address:- i. Str,4blc e C0wA cgsz`..ref Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available) _Animal Control Appeals Committee _Aquatics Advisory Board Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees _Board of Health Board of Registrars _LBylaw Committee Celebration Committee _Cities for Climate Protection _Commissioner of Trust Funds _Community Planning. & Development Comm. _Conservation Commission _ Constable _Contributory Retirement Board _Council on Aging _Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee Land Bank Committee MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services RCTV Board of Directors Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee Town Forest Committee Trails Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: h m A ';r 20 • tze,.ts. s erye t or, RN les �o.,r.m� bte� for 6 .Parr (f- sNS- �O.r,n� 'AA-t- swifvk t % fi {� (44A r (ZN 1►s �io Tyw,/►4:1S�n. f� � now ser.."" 3 v» C�'+•V'�r l�evie,,J Uw,rni�e¢ _ sQnr*.� oh SG�..oJl j3(.�4. 6»...,�ftce �C'' E Name: 54vo fc ,- �N (Last) (First) (Middle) Address:_ '� 2- / S un� M e r- l7vr Are you a registered voter in Reading ?_ ,j e_,r jk K" r Date: Tel. (Home)_79LF V Tel. (Work) (Is this number listed ?) # of years in Reading: 33+ e -mail address: f-� R h00 .G6M Place a number next to your preferred position(s) (up to four choices) with #1 being your first priority. (Attach a resume if available.) Animal Control Appeals Committee Audit Committee Board of Appeals Board of Cemetery Trustees Board of Health Board of Registrars j, Bylaw Committee Celebration Committee Cities for Climate Protection _Commissioner of Trust Funds Community Planning & Development Comm Conservation Commission Constable _Contributory Retirement Board _Council on Aging Cultural Council Custodian of Soldiers' & Sailors' Graves Economic Development Committee Fall Street Faire Committee Finance Committee Historical Commission _Housing Authority Human Relations Advisory Committee _MBTA Advisory Committee Metropolitan Area Planning Council Mystic Valley Elder Services Recreation Committee RMLD Citizens Advisory Board Town Forest Committee Trails Committee West Street Historic District Commission Other Please outline relevant experience for the position(s) sought: ��tAer-fe d V,.jr_A gU6-1`tu 661 Irdl �if7YQ.,. ,�,.c� 661010 �ACIhIP 115 °rmp-,­ dire AM &( 1Z &4 /,9- E1.9 -tr, I\Ar1wq 1 -h510-rrCq 5& Ie , 0 LEGAL NOTICE OFR�O iy t v • _ B39 +lXC0R��' TOWN OF READING To the inhabitants of the Town•of Readipg: ' Please take notice that the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Reading will .hold a public hearing on November' . 5,• 2013 at' 7:30- p.m. In the Selectmen's Meetiag - Room, 16 Lowell Street; Reading, Massachusetts on the trans- fer of Package Store Liquor License from CWI, LTD d/b/a The Wine Bunker to Kajal and Kevin LLC d/b /a Liquor Junction at a new location within the same plaza at 1 General Way. A Copy, of the proposed document regarding this topic is available in the Town, Manager's office, 16 *Lowell Street, Reading, MA; M-W- Thurs from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Tues from 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. and is attached to the hearing notice on the• website at www.readingma.gov All Interested parties are Invited to attend the hearing, or may* submit their com- meets. ih writing or by email prior to 8:00 p.m. . on November 5, 2013 to town -; manager@ci.reading.ma.us By order of Robert W. LeLacheur Town Manager 10124 READING POLICE DEPARTMENT 15 Union Street - Readinq, Massachusetts 01867 Emergency Only: 911 - All Other Calls: (781) 944 -1212 • Fax: (781) 944 -2893 Web: www.ci.reading.ma.us /police/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION LICENSING OPTIONS Chief James Cormier Reading Police Department 15 Union Street Reading, MA 01867 Chief Cormier, January 25, 2013 As directed by your Office and in accordance with 'Reading Police Department Policy and Procedures, I have placed together an executive summary of background investigation options for Class II and III motor vehicle licenses, peddler licenses, taxi /vehicle for hire licenses and second hand dealer licenses. Option 1 The Board of Selectmen (BOS) can ask the Police Department to conduct and internal record check. The PD can do an in -house record check which will give the selectmen information on any issues that have occurred within the Town of Reading. This is a very limited review of the applicants. Option 2 The BOS can apply Option 1 and also have the Town's Personnel Director or Town Manager run a limited Board of Probation (CORI) check thru the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. The check done would not be as inclusive as the Police Department check. The BOS could also request that the applicant provide a copy of their Driver's History (if necessary) and/or Board of Probation (CORI) history in lieu of the Town running the information. Option 3 The BOS can apply Option 2 and also have the Police Department run the applicants fingerprints through the Civil Fingerprinting bylaw for a fee set by the BOS, $30 which has to be given to the Commonwealth. This will provide a records check for any criminal activity that is supported by fingerprints on a National basis. The Police Department can also apply Option 1 and run a check in their In -House computer system to see if the licensee has any involvement with the Police in this Town. 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION LICENSING OPTIONS Option 4 The BOS can designate the Chief of Police as the License Authority and the Police Department can run a complete background on the licensee. This would include conducting the Civil Fingerprinting per bylaw for a fee. The Police Department will also run a complete Board of Probation Check and the In -House computer check. The Chief of Police already has the authority to run Liquor License applicants due to the fact of being designated an agent of the License Authority by the BOS. Enclosed, please find copies of relevant Selectmen's Policies and Town By -Laws. There is also a list of all licenses relevant to this issue. Please let me know if you need any further information. Criminal Division Commander- 0 READING POLICE DEPARTYVYENT �� aF >•: OFFICE OF THE CHIEF 16 Union Street Reading, ft"achwette 01867 JafiW W. CV"N&F Emergency Only. 911 AU Other We: 781 -944 -1212 Paz 781- 944 -2893 C4141 of P, a& 1iMai1: JCcrmier*ci.reading.m"v MEMORANDUM To: Town Manager Peter I. Hechenbleikner From: Chief James Cormier Date: 01/14/2013 Re: BOS inquiry on Class 2 & 3 M/V Dealers License Peter, During the Selectmen's meeting of Tuesday January 8, 2013 we had discussion with the Board of Selectmen regarding Class 2 and 3 M/V Dealers background checks. The Board requested Information on what the surrounding towns are doing in relationship to the discussion and whether or not we are being duplicitous In our background recommendations with that of the Registry of Motor Vehicles. As was requested, I spoke with Chiefs of Police from all the contiguous communities regarding this topic. Of the six contiguous communities, 3 have the civil fingerprint bylaw in effect, 2 are in the process of implementing it, and one will explore it at some time but has no immediate timeframe. So, five of the six will have brought it for review in the very near future. In five of the six communities the BOS is the Licensing Authority for the Class 2 and 3 M/V licenses, In one it's the city clerk. In terms of doing criminal background checks, all the Chiefs indicate they believe the Class 2 and 3 M/V dealers to be under the category of dealers of second hand articles. In one community, the HR Director does the Board of Probation checks (in this case the HR director could make and assessment of suitability but I don't believe they could share the background check with the Board unless they- are CORI certified), in two communities the Police Departments provide information to the Licensing Authority, and in two other communities W-0 they follow the civil fingerprint bylaw (in one of those two, its only for new applicants, not renewals), and in the final community, the Police Department provides only an In -house record check. The Chiefs who are in process of moving the civil fingerprint bylaw forward would be recommending that it be used for this purpose to their respective Ucensing Authorities. I am still pursing definitive information from the Registry of Motor Vehicles regarding their process. I do not believe they do record checks prior to issuing repair /dealer plates. I will continue to try to confirm this information. ire TOWN BY -LAWS 5.4 Criminal History Check /authorization 5.4.1 Fingerprint Based Criminal History checks The Police Department shall, as authorized by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 6, Section 172 B 1/2, conduct State and Federal Fingerprint Based Criminal History checks for individuals applying for the following licenses: • Hawking and Peddling or other Door -to- Door Salespeople, (Police Chief) • Manager of Alcoholic Beverage License (Board of Selectmen) • Owner or Operator of Public Conveyance (Board of Selectmen) • Dealer of Second -hand Articles (Board of Selectmen) • Hackney Drivers, (Board of Selectmen) • Ice Cream Truck Vendors (Board of Health) Notification At the time of fingerprinting, the Police Department shall notify the individual fingerprinted that the fingerprints will be used to check the individual's criminal history records. The Police Chief shall periodically check with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (•EOPSS ") which has issued an Informational Bulletin which explains the requirements for town by -laws and the procedures for obtaining criminal history information, to see if there have been any updates to be sure the Town remains in compliance. State and national criminal records background checks Upon receipt of the fingerprints and the appropriate fee, the Police Department shall transmit the fingerprints it has obtained pursuant to this by -law to the Identification Section of the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS), and /or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the successors of such agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting fingerprint -based state and national criminal records background checks of license applicants specified in this by -law. Authorization to conduct finggrorint -based state and national criminal record background checks The Town authorizes the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Systems (DCJIS), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and their successors, as may be applicable, to conduct fingerprint -based state and national criminal record background checks, including of FBI records, consistent with this by -law. The Town authorizes the Police Department to receive and utilize State and FBI records in connection with such background checks, consistent with this by -law. The State and FBI criminal history will not be disseminated to unauthorized entities. Upon receipt of a report from the FBI or other appropriate criminal justice agency, a record subject may request and receive a copy of his /her criminal history record from the Police Department. Should the record subject seek to amend or correct his/her record, he /she must take appropriate action to correct said record, which action currently includes contacting the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) for a state record or the FBI for records from other jurisdictions maintained in its file. An applicant that wants to challenge the accuracy or completeness of the record shall be advised that the procedures to change, correct, or update the record are set forth in Title 28 CFR 16.34. The Police Department shall not utilize and /or transmit the results of the 06 fingerprint -based criminal record background check to any licensing authority pursuant to this by -law until it has taken the steps detailed in this paragraph. Municipal officials should not deny an applicant the license based on information in the record until the applicant has been afforded a reasonable time to correct or complete the information, or has declined to do so. The Police Department shall communicate the results of fingerprint -based criminal record background checks to the appropriate governmental licensing authority within the Town as listed. The Police Department shall Indicate whether the applicant has been convicted of, or is awaiting final adjudication for, a mime that bears upon his or her suitability or any felony or misdemeanor that involved force or threat of force, controlled substances or a sex- related offense. ftulabons The Board of Selectmen, is authorized to promulgate regulations for the implementation of the proposed by-law, but in doing so it is recommended that they consult with the Chief of Police, Town Counsel and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (or its successor agency) to ensure that such regulations are consistent with the statute, the FBI's requirements for access to the national database, and other applicable state laws. 5.4.2 Use of Criminal Record by Licensing Authorities Licensing authorities of the Town shall utilize the results of fingerprint -based criminal record background checks for the sole purpose of determining the suitability of the subjects of the checks in connection with the license applications specified in this by -law. A Town licensing authority may deny an application for a license on the basis of the results of a fingerprint -based criminal record background check if it determines that the results of the check render the subject unsuitable for the proposed occupational activity. The licensing authority shall consider all applicable laws, regulations and Town policies bearing on an applicant's suitability in making this determination. The Town or any of its officers, departments, boards, committees or other licensing authorities is hereby authorized to deny any application for, including renewals and transfers thereof, for any person who is determined unfit for the license, as determined by the licensing authority, due to information obtained pursuant to this by -law. 5.4.3 Fees The fee charged by the Police Department for the purpose of conducting fingerprint -based criminal record background checks shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen and shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100). The Town Treasurer shall periodically consult with Town Counsel and the Department of Revenue, Division of Local Services regarding the proper municipal accounting of those fees. A portion of the fee, as specified in Mass. Gen. Laws Chapter 6, Section 172B 1/2, shall be deposited Into the Firearms Fingerprint Identity Verification Trust Fund, and the remainder of the fee may be retained by the Town for costs associated with the administration of the fingerprinting system. 5.4.4 Effective Date This by -law shall take effect May 4, 2012, so long as the requirements if G.L. c. 40 sec. 32 are satisfied. (9,1 TOWN BY -LAWS 7.6 Licenses 7.6.1 General Provisions Any license issued subject to this bylaw shall issue on January 1 (or thereafter) of each year and shall expire on the next succeeding December 31 and may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Board of Selectmen for any violation of this bylaw or any rules, orders or regulation from time to time adopted by the Board of Selectmen. 7.6.2 Transport License Required No person shall engage in the business of transporting for hire, goods, wares, furniture or rubbish as specified in Section of this bylaw without first obtaining a license or licenses therefore as set forth below. All Vehicles to be Licensed The Board of Selectmen may license suitable persons to use vehicles for the transporting for hire of goods, wares, furniture or rubbish within the Town. All persons engaging in such transportation for hire within the Town shall take out such number of licenses as will equal the greatest number of such vehicles to be used at any one time by said person during the year for which the license is issued. Such license shall expire on December 31 of each year and may be revoked at the pleasure of the Selectmen. Information to be Placed on Vehicles Every person licensed under the provisions of this bylaw shall cause his name and the number of his license to be printed or placed in plain legible words and figures in a conspicuous place on the outside of each vehicle used in exercising said license. Town of Reading General Bylaw Article 7 - Regulation of the Use of Private Land 39 General Bylaw — March 19, 2012 7.6.3 Junk License Required No person shall use any building, enclosure or other structure for the storage, sale or keeping of rags, waste paper stock or other inflammable material without a license therefore from the Board of Selectmen. Dealers In Junk, Old Metals, Second Hand Articles The Board of Selectmen may license suitable persons, upon such terms and conditions as the Board shall determine, to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals and second -hand articles, and no person shall be such a dealer or keeper without such a license. 7.6,3.3 Junk Collectors The Board of Selectmen may also license suitable persons as junk collectors, to collect by purchase or otherwise, junk, old metals and second -hand articles from place to place within the Town, and no person shall engage in such business without such a license. Enforcement In addition to any other means of enforcement, the provisions of this bylaw and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto may be enforced by non - criminal disposition in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.8 of this bylaw, and M.G.L. Chapter 40, 101 Section 3.3 - Issuance of Peddler's Licenses Chapter 101, Sections 12a through 33 of the Laws of the Commonwealth, provide for regulations of peddlers. Part of the State law allows the Board of Selectmen to establish local rules and regulations for the granting of such licenses. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to guide the Board of Selectmen in reviewing and ruling upon applications for Peddler's Licenses: Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. The following guidelines are not intended to be a full list of issues to be dealt with by the Board but are merely guidelines to the applicant. 1. Approval will be granted within a commercial or industrial zoning district only. 2. No peddlers will be permitted to operate within the public right of way including a roadway or sidewalk area. 3. Written approval of the property owner and any tenants on the property will be required prior to the Board hearing an application for a license. This will need to be renewed annually. 4. If the proposed use, in the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, will generate traffic other than traffic that is routine to the premises, then designated parking spaces will be required that will not be detrimental to the principle use on the premises. 5. The Board will require evidence that the peddler's use will have minimal effect on the neighborhood adjacent to the site. 6. The peddler's use will not take away existing parking spaces from those required on the site. 7. The peddler's use may have no negative impact on retail or commercial activities within the Town of Reading. 8. Peddler's uses will only be permitted where there is another principal use on the site and the peddler's use is related to the principal use of the property. No peddler's uses will be permitted on vacant or unused land. 9. The applicant must show that adequate controls are in place and insure public safety and cleanliness, and a condition of approval of any peddler's license will be that all of the required licenses will be received. 10. Prior to the issuance of a Peddler's License, the Board may require a review by the Health Division and the Building /Zoning Inspection Division and proof that all necessary approvals, permits, and other licenses needed to operate have been issued. Adopted 10.18 -88, Revised 12- 13 -94, Revised 5 -25-04 3-14 Board of Selectmen Policies 0 Sgction 3.4 - Issuance of Class I. II and III Motor Vehicle Licenses Chapter 140, Sections 57 -69 of the Laws of the Commonwealth, provide for the regulation of Class 1, II and III licenses for the sale of motor vehicles. The Board of Selectmen as Licensing Authority is charged with the responsibility of issuing these licenses, determining that the licensee is a proper person to engage in the business and that there is a suitable place of business. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to guide the Board of Selectmen in reviewing and ruling upon applications for Class I, II and III Motor Vehicle Licenses: 1. Each application will be dealt with on a case by case basis. These guidelines are not intended to be a full list of issues to be dealt with by the Board but are guidelines to the applicant. 2. Class I, I1 and III Motor Vehicle Licenses will be issued only within a commercial or industrial zoning district within the Town. 3. Pursuant to State law (Chapter 140, Section 59), the applicant must show that the business to be licensed is the principal business of the licensee. 4. The applicant shall provide to the Board of Selectmen a lease or written approval of the property owner (if other than the applicant) for the use of the premises for the license period. 5. The applicant will provide, pursuant to Chapter 140, Section 58, proof that the applicant maintains or has access to a repair facility sufficient to enable him to satisfy the warranty repair obligations imposed by State statute. 6. For Class I and II Licenses, all the requirements of Chapter 90, Section 7N '/, and Section 7N 1/2 must be complied with. 7. The applicant must show through plans or other means that there is adequate space on the premises for the vehicles to be sold and for customers and employees to park. 8. The licensed activity must not create an adverse traffic impact and access to the site must be adequate. 9. The licensee must conform with the Zoning By -Laws including the sign portions of the Zoning By -Laws. 10 The Board may require information to assure itself that the facility does not and will not cause any environmental problems relative to spills or other release of harmful substances to the environment or to neighboring properties. 11. The applicant shall provide proof of a bond as required by State Statute. 12. Prior to the issuance of a Class I, II or III Motor Vehicle License, the Board may require a review by the Building/Zoning Inspection Division, and proof that all necessary approvals, permits and other licenses needed to operate have been issued. The Board will require a review by the Chief of Police to assist them in determining that the applicant is a proper person to engage in the business to be licensed. The following will be standard conditions for Class I, II or III Motor Vehicle Licenses unless the Board of Selectmen shall modify any of these conditions, and the Board may make any additional conditions on the license as it deems fit: ♦ The maximum number of vehicles offered to be sold at any one time shall be established. ♦ The location of vehicle(s) to be sold will be specifically stated. 3 -15 Board of Selectmen Policies it ♦ The location of the repair facility will be specifically stated. ♦ There will be no pennants, banners, windshield signs or other information other than the principal sign unless required by law. The Board may require pricing and other consumer information to be attached to the vehicle in a manner so as not to detract from the general appearance of the site. Adopted 12- 13 -94, Revised 5 -25-04 Section 3.5 - Issuance of Taxi and Vehicle for Hire Licenses This Section shall be known as the "Town of Reading Rules and Orders for the Regulation of Carriages and Vehicles Used in the Town of Reading, promulgated pursuant to G.L.C. 40, Sec. 22 ". 3.5.1- Anolicability of Rules and Orders Vehicles for hire including taxicabs and liveries (hereinafter referred to as "vehicles ") operating or caused to be operated by non - governmental entities for the transportation of persons from place to place within the Town, or from a point in the Town to another location outside the Town, other than over regular routes or between fixed termini, shall be subject to these rules and orders to the extent provided below. - Definition of Livery Livery shall mean a private vehicle licensed as such, including but not limited to, limousines which are used for pre- arranged trips for 'particular occasions such as weddings, funerals, celebrations or school transportation. 3.5.2 - License License Reauired No vehicle shall be driven, operated or caused to be operated as a vehicle for hire without a license first having been obtained for that vehicle from the Board of Selectmen. Each vehicle shall require a separate license. 3.51.2 - Application Applications for a license shall be made in writing to the Board of Selectmen and shall provide the following information: 1. The name and address of the applicant, if an individual; or if a corporation, the name, date of incorporation, address of its principal place of business and the name and address of its officers; or if a partnership, association or unincorporated company, the names and addresses of the partners or associates and the address of its principal place of business. 2. The intended place of business within the Town of Reading. 3. The name of the manager or principal representative. 4. Proposed hours of operation, description of proposed vehicle including the make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and age of the vehicle. 3-16 Board of Selectmen Policies 0 - Review by Chief of Polio No license shall be granted by the Board of Selectmen until the application has been reviewed by the Chief of Police. Ten (10) working days to be allowed for such review. As a condition of issuance and retention of the license, the owner and all employees of the licenses shall make available to the Police Chief or his designees, the manifest used by the taxi company. "Manifest" means a daily record prepared by a taxicab driver of all trips made by said driver showing time and place of origin, destination, number of passengers, and the amount of fare of each trip. - Grant or Denial The Board of Selectmen may upon receipt of an application, issue a license under such terms and conditions as they deem appropriate and in the public interest. The Board, in determining whether to issue a license, may -consider the public demand or the proposed service, the effect of the proposed service upon relevant traffic and safety conditions, the character and financial responsibility of the applicant the condition of the proposed vehicle(s), and any and all other relevant facts or circumstances. - Term and Fee Any license issued hereunder shall expire on the last day of December next ensuing, unless sooner revoked or surrendered. Any licensee who permanently ceases to operate the vehicle for which a license was issued shall forthwith surrender the license to the Board of Selectmen. The fee for each license issued shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per license. This fee shall not be prorated. - Notification as to Vehicle If issued a license, the licensee shall, prior to the operation of the vehicle as a vehicle for hire, provide the following information, in writing, to the Board of Selectmen: 1. The make, model, Vehicle Identification Number and age of the vehicle. 2. A copy of the vehicle's certificate of registration with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. 3. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage page for the vehicle. - Insurance A vehicle issued a license hereunder shall be insured. Coverage for "Bodily Injury to Others" shall be no less than $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident. - Liability The licensee is at all times responsible for his vehicle and shall be liable for all penalties and /or damage resulting from his operation of the vehicle or the operation of the vehicle by an employee or agent. - Susoension or Revocation The Board of Selectmen may suspend or revoke a license issued under the provisions of this article for good cause. Before suspension or revocation of a license, the licensee shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the Board of Selectmen. Written notice of the hearing shall 3-17 Board of Selectmen Policies (19 be forwarded to the licensee at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. Such notification shall state the grounds of complaint and the date, time and place of the hearing. The Town Manager may temporarily suspend a license without a hearing for a period of no greater then ten (10) days or until a hearing is held, whichever is sooner, if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the public safety would be endangered by continued operation of the vehicle. - Assignment or Transfer Prohibited No license shall be assigned or transferred. 3.5.3 - Permit - Reanired No person shall operate a vehicle, and no licensee shall employ or allow a person to operate a vehicle, unless the operator first obtains a permit from the Board of Selectmen. - Minors No permit shall be issued to a person under eighteen (18) years of age. 3.5_3.3- Auplication Applications for a permit shall be made, in writing, to the Board of Selectmen and shall provide the following information: 1. Full name and address. 2. Copy of a valid operator's license issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. 3. All previous experience operating a vehicle for hire. 4. Convictions or pleas of guilty to a criminal offense, except as outlined below. If any, state the offense(s), court(s) in which convicted or guilty plea occurred and when the conviction(s) or plea(s) occurred. The following criminal information is not and shall not be requested, examined or considered by the Board of Selectmen: ♦ Arrests, detentions or dispositions in which no conviction or guilty plea resulted; ♦ Convictions which have been reversed or vacated but not pardoned; ♦ Misdemeanor convictions or guilty pleas when the date of conviction or plea was greater than ten (10) years prior to the date of application for the permit; ♦ Traffic violations for which there was a finding of responsibility for a period of two (2) years prior to the date of application for the permit or for such period of time as the Board of Selectmen shall request. Failure to give accurate and complete information as required above may be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a permit. - Review by Chief of Police No permit shall be issued by the Board of Selectmen until the application has been reviewed by the Chief of Police or his designee. Ten (10) working days to be allowed for such review. 3..3.5 - Issuance or Denial 3-18 Board of Selectmen Policies (V An applicant shall be granted a permit only if the Board of Selectmen determines that granting a permit to the applicant is in th e best interest of the public. Criminal convictions or pleas of guilty shall not result in an automatic denial of an application but shall be given significant consideration and weight by the Board of Selectmen, taking into account all factors including the nature and gravity of the offense, the time that has passed since the conviction or plea, and the sensitive nature of serving the public as a driver of a vehicle for hire. - Term and Fee Any permit granted hereunder shall expire on the last day of December next ensuing, unless sooner revoked or surrendered. A permit holder who ceases to operate vehicles shall forthwith surrender his permit to the Board of Selectmen. The fee for a permit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). This fee shall not be prorated. - Picture Identification Card A picture identification card shall be issued by the Board of Selectmen, or its designee, to each permit holder, and shall be displayed prominently in the vehicle when being driven by the permit holder. - Liability A permit holder is at all times responsible for the vehicle he is operating and shall be liable for all penalties and/or damage resulting from his operation of the vehicle. - Susumsion or Revocation The Board of Selectmen may suspend or revoke a permit granted under the provisions of this article for good cause. Before suspension or revocation of a permit, the permit holder shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the Board of Selectmen. Notice of the hearing shall be in writing and forwarded to the permit holder at least seven (7) calendar day prior to the date of the hearing. Such notification shall state the grounds of complaint and the date, time and place of the hearing. The Town Manager may temporarily suspend a permit until a hearing can be held in accordance with the procedures set out above, if there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the public safety would be endangered by the continued operation by the permit holder. In no event shall a temporary suspension be for a period greater than ten (10) calendar days. 3.5.4 - Operation Duty to Transport A permit holder shall not unreasonably refuse to transport a passenger. - Sharing a Ride . No permit holder shall accept a passenger when the vehicle is occupied or engaged without the consent of the passenger(s) already in the vehicle. No person shall be obliged to pay any extra fare or fee for refusing such consent. Separate fares shall not be charged to members 3-19 Board of Selectmen Policies C13/ of the same party. A party shall be considered any number of individuals (not exceeding the passenger capacity of the taxi) with the same origin and 'destination. - T xi Stands - Parking — Standing The Board of Selectmen may assign a taxi stand or stands to one or more taxicabs. The Board of Selectmen may also designate specific areas, streets or ways where vehicles may not park of stand. Standing and/or parking on public ways or public property of vehicles not licensed in the Town of Reading is prohibited except while waiting to return a parry whose original point of hire was from outside of Reading, when operating in accordance with a Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities license, or when being used for personal (non - vehicle for hire) purposes. - Maintenance of Vehicles Every vehicle shall be kept in good condition, suitable for occupancy and mechanically fit for the safety of passengers. The interior and exterior of the vehicle shall be safe, clean and sanitary at all times. - Inspection The Reading Police Department or its designee shall have the right to inspect any vehicle for purposes of these regulations or as public safety requires. - Smoking Smoking in a vehicle is prohibited. - Appearance of Qggrator Every driver having charge of a licensed vehicle shall be suitably dressed (sleeved shirt), neat and clean in appearance. - Display of License. Picture Identification Card and Rates of Fare Every vehicle when in operation shall display the following cards in a suitable frame so that they are secure and immobile and plainly visible to passengers riding in the rear of the vehicle: 1. License 2. Picture identification card of driver 3. Fares (taxicabs only) - Lettering on Taxicabs Every taxicab operating under the authority of these rules and orders shall have the name or trade name of the licensee and the name "Town of Reading" or "Reading" painted on both sides of the taxicab in letters four inches high and one -half inch wide, painted in two conspicuous places on the taxicab. - Copy of Regulations Every vehicle shall, when in operation, contain a copy of these regulations, which shall be exhibited to any passenger or Police Officer on request. The licensee and permit holder shall be responsible for the implementation of this requirement. 3-20 Board of Selectmen Policies 3.5.5 - Fares - Taxicabs The Selectmen shall establish the rates of fare for the conveyance of passengers and baggage, and may revise such when they so determine. The rate of fare shall be governed by fare zones and shall be on file at the Office of the Town Clerk. - Separate Fares Separate fares shall not be charged to members of the same party. - Senior Citizen Discount Fares for all persons sixty (60) years of age and older shall be discounted in accordance with a schedule approved by the Board of Selectmen. When discounted rates are offered, they must be offered to all senior citizens using a taxicab pursuant to the licensing established in this policy. There shall be displayed a sign informing the passengers of the discount. - No Fares in Excess of Established Rates No taxicab permit holder shall demand or receive as a fare more than the fare established by the Board of Selectmen under the authority granted by these regulations. - Livery Rates Charges by liveries shall be subject to mutual agreement between the livery operator and the passenger(s). 3.5.6 - Information Update and Penalties - Information. Update When any information provided in an application for a license or permit changes or is updated, the respective licensee or permit holder shall give notice thereof, in writing, to the Board of Selectmen. - Penalties The penalty for a violation of any of these rules and orders shall be a fine equal to the fine for a violation of Town Bylaws as set forth in Article 1.5 of the Town Bylaws. Violation of any of the rules and orders herein shall be just cause for suspension or revocation of a license and /or permit. Adopted 7- 18-89, Reolsed 12- 13 -94, Revised 5 -25 -04 3-21 Board of Selectmen Policies LIST OF LICENSES 01/24/13 MOTOR VEHICLES LICENSEES Class I Gallery North, Inc. (Class I) d/b /a Honda Gallery 88 -98 Walkers Brook Drive ECars of New England Inc. (Class I) 281 Main Street Class II 128 Tire, Inc. (Class II) 459 Main Street Brown's Auto Repair (Class II) 1 vehicle for sale 35 Lincoln Street Reading Auto Sales (Class 11) 1 vehicle for sale 550 Main Street Reading Foreign Motors, Inc. (Class II) 33 vehicles for sale 4 Minot Street RMP Mass (Class II) 3 vehicles for sale Reading Motors 1337 Main Street Reading Square Shell (Class II) 2 vehicles for sale 749 Main Street Worldwide Vehicle and Equipment Sales, LLC (Class II Wholesale) 360 Main Street Universal Machinery, LLC (Class II Wholesale) 2 Linden Street Class III North Reading Auto & Recon, Inc. (III) d/b /a Gray's Towing 4 Minot Street JUNK LICENSE CTC Gold Refinery 75 Haven Street ,-P1 TAXI AND LIVERY LICENSEE Paul's Sedan Service 40 Orange Street Dilsh An Perera Sapphire Livery 1230 Main Street o� OF RFgo� tic t Office of the Town Manager 16 Lowell Street �o,6�8r r"COR'0 Reading, MA 01867 To: Board of Selectmen From: Bob LeLacheur Date: November 5, 2013 RE: DRAFT Remote Participation Policy 781 - 942 -9043 townmanager @ci.reading.ma.us www.readingma.gov /town - manager Insert bold language below in Selectmen's Polices section 2.1 as item # 9. 9. All appointed and elected Boards, Committees and Commissions (hereinafter `public body') are hereby authorized to conduct Remote Participation subject to the requirements of The Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, G.L. c30A, §20(d),-aAd-940 CMR - 9,00- sect-+n-A-29.10, and the Additional Regulations listed below. This authorization is on a trial basis and expires on December 31, 2014 if not renewed. Additional Regulations (1) Remote participation is limited to members of a public body and is not available to the general public; J?LA member of a public body requesting remote participation must notify the Chair or acting Chair in writing and in advance of the meeting, stating the reasons why; (3) The person chairing the meeting may permit remote participation if he or she determines that one or more of the following factors makes it unreasonably difficult for the member requesting remote participation to physically attend the meeting. a. Personal illness; b. Personal disability; c. Emergency; d. Military service; or are. Geographic distance. W14J_Remote participation is allowed as audio only. The remote audio must be clearly heard in the public meeting space to all participants; 4}L!�LThe Chair or acting Chair shaw+ll announce the presence of any remote participants at the start of the meeting; 01-1 ,(6) If technical difficulties arise and persist during a meeting, the remote participant will be declared to have left the meeting and the Chair of the public body may decide to continue with the Agenda if there is a quorum still physically present; 4A��7) A quorum of the bodv, including the chair or, in the chair's absence, the person authorized to chair the meeting, shall be physically present at the meeting location, as required by M.G.L. c. 30A, sec 20(d); {454L4LAII votes must be by roll call if there is a remote public body participant; J�ILAII handouts or presentations must be made available to all remote participants in advance. If used during the meeting, such documents shall be part of the official record of the meeting, and shall be listed in the meeting minutes and retained in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A sec. 22• x}(10) A member participating remotely may participate in an executive session, but shall state at the start of any such session that no other person is present and /or able to hear the discussion at the remote location, unless presence of that person is approved by a simple majority vote of the public body; R4(11) Any costs associated with remote participation are born entirely by the remote participant. r&V Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs Department of Environmental Protection One Winter Street Boston, MA 02108.617- 292 -5500 DEVAL L PATRICK RICHARD K. SULLIVAN JR. Governor Secretary KENZJTH L. KIMMELL J Commissioner �.i October 29, 2013 Mr. Robert W. LeLacheur, Jr. Town Manager 3 Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Dear Mr. LeLacheur, Congratulations! It is my pleasure to inform you that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has awarded the Town of Reading a Sustainable Materials Recovery Program Municipal Grant. The Town of Reading will receive up to $1,250 for a Targeted Small Scale Initiative. The Sustainable Materials Recovery Program (SMRP) was created under 310 CMR 19.300 -303 and the Green Communities Act, which directs a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Waste Energy Certificates to recycling programs approved by MassDEP. The SMRP solicitation, issued April 1, 2013, offered funding to cities, towns and regional entities - as well as certain non - profit organizations that provide services to them - for recycling, composting, reuse and source reduction activities that will increase diversion of municipal solid waste and household hazardous waste from disposal. MassDEP received applications from 144 municipalities, regional groups and non - profits. With $3.2 million in requested funds, the evaluation and award process was extremely competitive. The terms and conditions of your grant are outlined in the attached document, which contains key dates and deadlines specific to your award. This information has also been provided to the municipal recycling contact copied below. Should you have any questions, please call Tina Klein at (617) 292 -5704. Thank you for your commitment to advancing recycling and waste reduction in Massachusetts. Together our efforts will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve natural resources and save energy, while also supporting jobs and reducing disposal costs for waste generators and municipalities. Sincerely, Kenneth L. Kimmell Commissioner cc: Michael O'Halloran, Administrative Assistant This information is available in alternate format. Call Michelle Waters - Ekanem, Diversity Director, at 617 - 292 -5751. TDD# 1 -866- 539 -7622 or 1- 617- 574 -6868 MassDEP Website: www.mass.gov /dep Printed on Recycled Paper Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Prevention Sustainable Materials Recovery Program Checklist for Small -Scale Initiatives Grant Award Name of Municipality: Instructions: Note the following deadlines and requirements for this grant. Complete Section 6 of the Grant Agreement (enclosed with award letter and sent to your municipal Recycling Contact) and return a signed original to Tina Klein, MassDEP no later than Feb. 1, 2014. Expend funds as specified in your Grant Agreement. Submit an invoice to MassDEP, for reimbursement of grant expenditures. Ali hands lust be:s exit and :in' bites race ved.b MassDEP,' 1 ne 3i) 2Ol4 STEP ONE: Use of Grant Funds Section 6 of the enclosed Grant Agreement requests information on how your municipality intends to spend its Small Scale Initiative grant funds. Please select one of the two options listed in the Grant Agreement. If you select option 2, you must contact Tina Klein (contact info below) to obtain approval for the proposed use of funds, prior to returning the Grant Agreement. STEP TWO: Grant Agreement The Grant Agreement must be signed by one of the individuals listed on page 1 of the Authorized Signatory Listing form, which your municipality filed with MassDEP. For reference, a copy of your Authorized Signatory Listing has been sent to your municipal Recycling Contact. Return the sinned original Grant. Agreement to the address listed below, no later than February 1, 2013. Contact Emily Martin with any questions: 617 - 348 -4004 or Emily.Martin @state.ma.us Return completed documents to: Tina Klein MassDEP, Consumer Programs One Winter Street, 7th Floor Boston, MA 02108 Checklist for Small -Scale Initiatives Grant Award Page 1 of 1 oFR% Town of Reading y T 16 Lowell Street w moo Reading, MA 01867 -2683 639.1NCORQ��P Fax: (781) 942 -5441 Website: www.readingma.gov October 31, 2013 JRM Hauling & Recycling 265 Newbury Street Peabody, MA 01960 Attn: Susan Motzkin RE: Curbside Christmas Tree Collection Dear Ms. Motzkin: PUBLIC WORKS (781) 942 -9077 The Town of Reading has set the week for curbside Christmas tree collection the week of January 13 — 17, 2014 on the residents regular trash day. Please make the necessary arrangements. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (781) 942 -9077. Director of Works cc: Robert LeLacheur Supervisors / Staff 761 Xfmity 2013 NOV -5 AM 8: 27 October 31, 2013 Board of Selectmen Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 01867 Re: G4 & G4 HD Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: In keeping with our ongoing efforts to provide regular updates regarding our service, I am writing to inform you that on or shortly after January 6, 2014, G4 and G4 HD will no longer be available on channels 219 and 786 respectively. In addition, on January 1, 2014, ShopNBC will change its name to ShopHQ. Please be advised Customers are receiving this information, in advance, via bill message. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (978) 927 -5700 x43024. Sincerely, ja*W-'1l. Lyma4v Jane M. Lyman, Sr. Manager Government & Regulatory Affairs 3`�