HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-27 Board of Selectmen HandoutTOWN MANAGER'S REPORT
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Administrative matters
♦ City of Boston proposed truck hazardous materials routing — Letter drafted
♦ Chamber of Commerce "Buy Local" program — end of September, December
♦ Community dialogue on Substance Abuse and Violence — 9-21-11 at RMHS
Fieldhouse — RCASA meeting follow-up at RMHS PAC 10-6-11 — 7 PM
♦ Main/South Street community meeting — re MWRA project and Reading Woods
project — 9-26-11 at Coolidge MS — 7 to 9 PM
♦ Reading KS efforts and 10-20-11 event
Community Services
♦ Community presentations on tri community Main Street planning — in Reading on
October 4
♦ Flu Clinics are scheduled for:
Clinic Dates & Locations
Wednesday, October 5
Age 65 and older
Killarn Elementary School
333 Charles Street, Reading
Saturday, October 22
Age 18 and older
Coolidge Middle School
89 Birch Meadow Drive, Reading
1 OAM-1 PM
♦ FY 2011 closed smoothly and certification of Free Cash and enterprise reserves
should be completed within a week.
♦ Boat excise bills are being prepared as directed by the DOR. Correspondence has
been sent to all boat owners who live in Reading.
♦ The library has a new printing system for patrons, which is easier to use and less
staff intensive to manage.'
Public Safety
♦ RCA - Reading Community Alerts — Sign up for "opt in" feature
Public Works
♦ MWRA water interconnection with Stoneham
♦ MWRA water redundancy project — under design
♦ Wilson Street follow up — Drainage, curb, sidewalk, gas main.
♦ Fall leaf collection - 10/31-11/41 11/14-11/18, 11/28-12/2
♦ Sewer 1/1 smoke testing and dye testing to be conducted starting Monday, 9-26-11
Construction proiects
♦ Roadway Reconstruction — Mix design has been approved for binder areas, we
are awaiting date when reclamation equipment will arrive. It is possible they may be
in next week. First streets to be reclaimed: Causeway & Pearl
♦ Roadway Overlay: Beaver Road and Dana in progress will be completed today.
Red gate and Old Farm tomorrow. Sanborn Street by end of the week if weather
♦ Micro-Seal portions of: Washington Street, Hopkins Street Charles Street.
Superior is in prepping for micro-seal — assuming they complete the prep work this
week, we expect them to start applying mix next week
♦ Memorial Park: Awarded bid to repair\rebuild loose masonry in the stream channel
Haverhill Street Water Main: under construction
Dates and Events:
• Fall curb-side leaf collection - 10/31-11/4, 11/14-11/18, 11/28-12/2
• Town Meeting Warrant closes — 9-27-11
• October 20 Event to assist Reading KS.
• Town Meeting — 11-14-11
• Tree Lighting — 11-27-11
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400 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA 01702 -5399
Deval L. Patrick Tel: 508- 820 -2000 Fax: 508 -820 -2030 Kurt N. Schwartz
Governor Director
Website: www.mass.gov /mema
Timothy P. Murray U � .
Lieutenant Governor
Mary Elizabeth Heffernan �� r
August 17, 2011
TO: Elected Municipal Officials
Town/City Managers and Administrators
Police Chiefs
Fire Chiefs
Emergency Management Directors
Public Works Directors
Dear Municipal Official:
In a letter to you in January of 2011, I encouraged your city /town to formally adopt the Statewide
Public Safety Mutual Aid Law (GL C. 40, §4J) that was enacted earlier in 2010. The Public
Safety Mutual Aid Law provides a comprehensive multi - discipline mutual aid system for cities
and towns which are impacted and overwhelmed by a public safety incident or disaster to ask
for, and receive assistance from municipalities that may have resources to share. The
Commonwealth is not invnune' to disasters: in the past 16 months we have received Presidential
Disaster or Emergency Declarations for flooding (March 2010), a massive potable water
shortage resulting from a failure in the MWRA system (May 2010), a threatened hurricane
(September 2010), a record breaking snowstorm (January 2011), and tornadoes (June 2011). The
Statewide Public Safety Mutual Aid Law enables cities and towns to request and receive mutual
aid from other municipalities during these types of disasters and other public safety incidents, but
only of the city /town has.forrnally opted -in as required by the law.
Since I wrote to you in January of 2011, almost 100 cities and towns across the Commonwealth
have opted -in to the Statewide Public Safety Mutual Aid Law. (See the current list attached to
this letter.) Today, these cities and towns are able to request help from municipalities across the
Commonwealth: in an emergency, municipal resources including emergency management;
emergency medical services; building inspectors; engineers; health agents and inspectors; water
and sewer officials; transportation officials and resources; communications capabilities;
highway, parks and cemetery workers and equipment, Medical Reserve Corps and Community
Emergency Response Teams, and police and fire are available to help respond to, and recover
from disasters and other public safety incidents.
Region I Region II Region III / IV
P.O. Box 116 P.O. Box 54 1002 Suffield Street
365 East Street 12 -I Rear Administration Road Agawam, MA 01001
lbwksbury, MA 01876 Bridgewater, MA 02324 -0054 Tel; 413 - 821 -1500 Fax: 4138- 599
Tel: 978 - 328 -1500 Fax: 978 - 851 -8218 Tel: 508- 427 -0400 Fax: 508- 697 -8869
If your municipality has not opted -in to the Statewide Public Safety Mutual Aid Law, I urge you
to do so: our comprehensive mutual aid system needs the participation of all 351 cities and towns
in the Commonwealth.
I also would like to introduce you to another mutual aid law: the Public Works Municipal Mutual
Aid Law (GL C. 40, §4K). This mutual aid law, which also was enacfed in 2010, differs from
the Statewide Public Safety Mutual Aid Law in that it allows municipal officials to share public
works resources in support of every day, non - emergency operations. Participants in the Public
Works Mutual Aid Law may be able to realize efficiencies and savings by sharing public works
resources across municipal boundaries.
Like the Comprehensive Statewide Mutual Aid Law, the Public Works Mutual Aid Law requires
a city, town or other governmental unit to affirmatively "opt -in" in order to participate in and
enjoy the benefits of the law: a municipality may not ask for, or receive assistance under the law
until it affirmatively acts.
The Public Works Mutual Aid Law established a statewide Advisory Committee consisting of
the secretary of public safety, who serves as chair of the committee and representatives of each
of the following public works professional associations: the Massachusetts Highway
Association; the New England Chapter of the American Public Works Association, who is a
resident of the commonwealth; the New England Water Environment Association, who is a
resident of the commonwealth; the Massachusetts Tree Wardens' and Foresters' Association; the
Massachusetts Water Works Association; and the Massachusetts Municipal Association. The
Advisory Committee is responsible for the administration.and coordination of the statewide
mutual aid agreement. The advisory committee will be developing and making available to
parties forms to facilitate requests for aid, including a form to track the movement of public
works equipment and personnel.
The Advisory Committee has reviewed the Public Works Mutual Aid Law and unanimously
recommends that all cities and towns in the Commonwealth participate by affirmatively opting-
in. Ultimately, my hope is that your jurisdiction will opt -in to the Public Works Mutual Aid Law
by taking the required vote.
With the enactment of the Public Safety and Public Works mutual aid laws, the Commonwealth
has comprehensive multi - discipline mutual aid statutes that provide a mechanism, or system for
cities and towns which are impacted and overwhelmed by a public safety incident or disaster to
ask for, and receive assistance from municipalities that may have resources to share. In addition,
the new Public Works mutual aid law allows communities to share public works resources in
support of every day, non - emergency work.
Each of these mutual aid laws require a city, town or other governmental unit to affirmatively
"opt -in" in order to participate in and enjoy the benefits of these mutual aid agreements. Each
statute spells out the vote that a jurisdiction must take to opt -in to these mutual aid statutes. In
order to maintain a central registry of cities and towns that have opted in to the mutual aid
agreements, we ask that each jurisdiction notify MEMA, in writing, using the enclosed form,
once it takes the required votes to opt -in to one or all of the mutual aid agreements.
Opting in to either of these agreements does not require a jurisdiction to provide mutual aid if
doing so is not reasonable and practicable. A jurisdiction is permitted to withhold requested
resources to the extent necessary to provide reasonable protection and coverage for its own
jurisdiction or if it does not wish to bear the expense of providing mutual aid. Opting in to the
Public Safety or Public Works mutual aid agreements does not affect, supersede or invalidate
any other statutory or contractual mutual aid or assistance agreements. Additionally, a party may
enter into supplementary mutual aid agreements with other parties or jurisdictions. A
jurisdiction may also opt out of the Public Safety and Public Works agreements at any time by
providing 10 days written notice to MEMA.
In closing, I urge your jurisdiction to opt -in to these three mutual aid statutes by taking the
required votes. I have enclosed the following documents to facilitate your jurisdiction's review
of the three mutual aid statutes:
® Summaries of the two mutual aid statutes (Attachment A);
Instructions on the steps /actions your jurisdiction must take to opt -in to the mutual aid
agreements (Attachment B);
® Notification Form to complete and return to MEMA after your jurisdiction opts -in to one
or more of the mutual aid agreements (Attachment C);
Should you have any questions, please contact MEMA's statewide mutual aid coordinator Allen .
Phillips at 508- 820 =1426 or at.allen.phillips@state.ma.us.
Very truly yours,
Kurt N. Schwartz
Undersecretary for Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Director, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
Executive Office of Public Safety & Security
based on the documented costs of providing mutual aid assistance, its pro rata share of
the disaster assistance reimbursement provided to the requesting party.
While providing mutual aid assistance under the agreement, employees of the sending
party shall be afforded the same powers and duties, rights and privileges as they are
afforded in the sending party's geographical jurisdiction or location.
While in transit to, returning from and providing mutual aid assistance under the
agreement, employees 'of a sending party shall have the same rights of defense, immunity
and indemnification that they would otherwise have under the law if they were acting
within the scope of their employment under the direction of their employer. A sending
party shall provide to, and maintain for, each of its employees who provide mutual aid
assistance under the agreement the same indemnification, defense, right to immunity,
employee benefits, death benefits, workers' compensation or similar protection and
insurance coverage that would be provided to those employees if they were performing
similar services in the sending party's jurisdiction.
Each party to the agreement shall waive all claims and causes of action against each other
party to the agreement that may arise out of their activities while rendering or receiving
mutual aid under the agreement.
Each requesting party shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each sending party from
all claims by third parties for property damage and personal injury which may arise out of
the activities of the sending party or its employees, including travel, while providing
mutual aid assistance under the agreement.
This section shall not affect, supersede or invalidate any other statutory or contractual
mutual aid or assistance agreements. A party may enter into supplementary mutual aid
agreements with other parties or jurisdictions.
Chapter 40, Section 4K: Statewide Public Works Municipal Mutual Aid
Creates a statewide public works municipal mutual aid agreement. Assistance provided
under the agreement includes, but is not limited to, services related to public works,
personnel, equipment, supplies and facilities to prepare for, prevent, mitigate, respond to
and recover from public works incidents. Participation in the agreement is also available
to governmental units in states contiguous to the Commonwealth. Creates a statewide
public works municipal mutual aid advisory committee to be chaired by the secretary of
public safety and security or his designee.
Opt -in mutual aid agreement — If a city /town /governmental unit wishes to join the
Agreement they must notify the mutual aid advisory committee in writing. The
city /town/governmental unit shall become a party to the agreement 30 days after the
advisory committee's receipt of the written notification.
A city /town /governmental unit that has joined the agreement may opt out of the
agreement by notifying the advisory committee in writing of its intention to opt out. A
city /town/governmental unit's removal from the agreement takes effect 10 days after the
advisory committee's receipt of the written notification.
.A request by a party to receive mutual aid under this agreement shall be made, either
orally or in writing, by the chief executive officer of the requesting party or one of its
designated points of contact to the chief executive officer or a designated point of contact
of the sending party. All oral requests shall be reduced to writing by the requesting party
and delivered to the sending party at the earliest possible date, but not later than 72 hours
after making the oral request.
A party that receives a request for mutual aid assistance shall provide and make available,
to the extent reasonable and practicable under the circumstances, the resources requested
by the requesting party; provided, however, that a sending party may withhold requested
resources to the extent necessary to provide reasonable protection and coverage for its
own jurisdiction.
The requesting party shall be responsible for the overall operation, assignment and
deployment of resources and personnel provided by the sending party. Unless otherwise
agreed to, the sending party shall retain direct supervision, command and control of
personnel, equipment and resources provided by the sending party. Unless the requesting
and sending parties agree otherwise; the sending party shall be responsible for the
operation of its equipment and for any damage thereto.
Unless the requesting and sending parties agree otherwise, the sending party shall pay all
expenses, including salary and overtime, incurred by the sending party. A sending party
shall document its costs of providing mutual aid assistance under the agreement. Except
as otherwise agreed to by the parties, the requesting party shall seek reimbursement under
any applicable federal and state disaster assistance programs for the cost.of responding to
the public works. incident. The requesting party and each sending party shall receive,
based on the documented costs of providing mutual aid assistance, its pro rata share of
the disaster assistance reimbursement provided to the requesting party.
While providing mutual aid assistance under the agreement, employees of the sending
party shall be afforded the same powers and duties, rights and privileges as they are
afforded in the sending party's geographical jurisdiction or location: While providing
mutual aid assistance under the agreement, employees of the sending party shall be
considered similarly licensed; certified or permitted in the requesting party's jurisdiction
if the employee holds a valid license, certificate or permit issued by the employee's
governmental unit.
While in transit to, returning from and providing mutual aid assistance under the
agreement, employees of a sending party shall have the same rights of defense, immunity
and indemnification that they would otherwise have under the law if they were acting
within the scope of their employment under the direction of their employer. A sending
party shall provide to, and maintain for, each of its employees who provide mutual aid
assistance under the agreement the same indemnification, defense, right to immunity,
employee benefits, death benefits, workers' compensation or similar protection and
insurance coverage that would be provided to those employees if they were performing
similar services in the sending party's jurisdiction.
Each party to the agreement shall waive all claims and causes of action against each other
party to the agreement that may arise out of their activities while rendering or receiving
mutual aid under the agreement.
Each requesting party shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each sending party from
all claims by third parties for property damage and personal injury which may arise out of
the activities of the sending party or its employees, including travel, while providing
mutual aid assistance under the agreement.
All equipment requested and deployed pursuant to this agreement shall be insured by the
sending party.
This section shall not affect, supersede or invalidate any other statutory or contractual
mutual aid or assistance agreements. A party may enter into supplementary mutual aid
agreements with other parties or jurisdictions.
March 1, 2011
William Hecht, Chairman
Reading Cons ' ervation Commission
16 Lowell Street
Reading,, MA 01867
Dear Mr. . Hecht and Members of the Conservation
As y ou are aware, the Board of Selectmen heard a recommendation by the Town Manager
that the Town vote to eliminate the local wellandibylaw, You spoke eloquently on a couple
of occasions about the need to retain this bylaw. In your presentations you noted that it has
been a long time since the bylaw and its regulations have been reviewed and amended, an I d
that perhaps the review of both documents is overdue.
Based in large part on your presentations and representation the Board of Selectmen agreed at
its meeting on February 15,•2011 2 to not place an article to rescind the local wetland bylaw on
the Annual Town Meeting warrant, and the Board of Selectmen directed the Town Manager
to I draft a letter to' the Conservation Commission regarding the review of the bylaw and
This letter, endorsed. by the M) Board of Selectmen, therefore outlines the Board of
Selectmen's intent and expectations with regard to this matter,
The Board of Selectmen will not place an article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant
to rescind the wetland bylaw. - Instead, the local wetlands by-law and accompanying
regulations will be inunediat6ly reviewed and recommendations will be developed that
will streamline and simplify these regulations while maintaining protection of
wetlands. Depending on the outcome of this process the Board of Selectmen would
reserve the right to place an
amending or rescinding the bylaw on the warrant
for the 2011 Subsequent Town Meeting.
+ the Conservation Commission, ' working with staff including ' -tbe Town Manager, will
develop by April 15, 2011 an outline of a process and -timeline to complete a thorough
review of the local wetland bylaw and regulations.
Jamds E. Bonazoll, Chairman
Town of Reading
Camille W. Anthony, Vice Chairman
Richard W. Schubert, Secretary
Stephen A GDIdy
1 6 Lowell Street
Reading, MA 01867
(781) 942-9D43
FAX: (781) 942-9071
Website: www.d.reading,ma-us
William Hecht, Chairman
Reading Cons ' ervation Commission
16 Lowell Street
Reading,, MA 01867
Dear Mr. . Hecht and Members of the Conservation
As y ou are aware, the Board of Selectmen heard a recommendation by the Town Manager
that the Town vote to eliminate the local wellandibylaw, You spoke eloquently on a couple
of occasions about the need to retain this bylaw. In your presentations you noted that it has
been a long time since the bylaw and its regulations have been reviewed and amended, an I d
that perhaps the review of both documents is overdue.
Based in large part on your presentations and representation the Board of Selectmen agreed at
its meeting on February 15,•2011 2 to not place an article to rescind the local wetland bylaw on
the Annual Town Meeting warrant, and the Board of Selectmen directed the Town Manager
to I draft a letter to' the Conservation Commission regarding the review of the bylaw and
This letter, endorsed. by the M) Board of Selectmen, therefore outlines the Board of
Selectmen's intent and expectations with regard to this matter,
The Board of Selectmen will not place an article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant
to rescind the wetland bylaw. - Instead, the local wetlands by-law and accompanying
regulations will be inunediat6ly reviewed and recommendations will be developed that
will streamline and simplify these regulations while maintaining protection of
wetlands. Depending on the outcome of this process the Board of Selectmen would
reserve the right to place an
amending or rescinding the bylaw on the warrant
for the 2011 Subsequent Town Meeting.
+ the Conservation Commission, ' working with staff including ' -tbe Town Manager, will
develop by April 15, 2011 an outline of a process and -timeline to complete a thorough
review of the local wetland bylaw and regulations.
+ The process will consider:
0 Completion of the review no later than September 1, 20.11;
o Consideration of hiring of an outside consultant to- assist in the review to
ensure its objectivity-, soliciting and welcoming all points
o Conducting the review in an open process, so
of view in the community, including soliciting comment and suggestions from
previous applicants and other residents and property own. ers interested in this
o Keeping as a goal minimizing the requirements of the bylaw and regulations to
the least level necessary to ensure the protection of community health, safety,
and welfare;
o Simplifying the administrative processes and procedures so that an informed
applicant can understand and easily comply with the process of applying,
receiving a decision, and complying with decisions;
d Evaluating similar bylaws and regulations of neighboring communities so that
regionalization or sharing of the administration of the local bylaw and
regulations can be most easily facilitated.
The commitment of the Conservation Commission. and staff to serving this ' community is
clear.- How to best accomplish that is not as clear, and the Board hopes and- anticipates that
this process will yield results that both the Commission . and the Board of Selectmen can
James Bonazoli
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Schena, Paula
From: bonazoli @comcast.net
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:36 PM
To: Schubert, Rick; Schubert, Rick; btafoya @comcast.net; Hechenbleikner, Peter; Schena, Paula;
Goldy, Stephen home account; Hechenbleikner, Peter
Subject: Fwd: Questions Re: Wetland Bylaws
I was asked to resend this (original was sent to all on 02/08/2011) to the board for tomorrow's
Pete - I don't have Jamie's email address - would you mind forwarding it to him?
Thanks - see you tonight
From: "David Mancuso" <makingreadingbetter @yahoo.com>
Subject: Questions Re: Updating Reading's Bylaws
February 8, 2010
Town of Reading Board of Selectmen
Town Hall
16 Lowell Street -
Reading, MA 01867
Dear Members of the Board of Selectmen:
Making Reading Better (MRB) strongly supports the leadership and courage that the Board of
Selectmen, Town Manager and Town Planner have shown in the effort to streamline local regulations.
These regulations serve as barriers to the regionalization of services. Reducing redundancy, over-
regulation, and duplication of services will benefit Reading residents and business owners, and will
improve Reading's quality of life and economic advantage.
MRB firmly believes that the streamlining and elimination of many of the Town's outdated and
unnecessary bylaws will make it easier and more cost effective for Town government, businesses and
residents to make significant improvements to the social and economic well -being of Reading.
In reference to the current discussion regarding the elimination of the Town's Wetlands bylaws, MRB
respectfully submits the following list of questions for the Town's response: ,
1) What are the legal consequences associated with defending challenges to rulings under the wetland
bylaws over the past ten years? More specifically:
• How many legal challenges have the Town won? How many have the Town lost?
• For those challenges the Town has won, what were the benefits to the Town and what was the
Page 2 of 3
expenses incurred?
For those challenges lost, what was the expense and what harm Was incurred?
2) What benefit does the Town gain by forcing applicants appealing rulings under the .Town wetland
bylaws to endure the strain and expense of presenting their case all the way up to the state Superior
Court when the Department of Environmental Protection appeals process can occur more simply and
efficiently at a regional DEP office?
3) Why does Town charge an additional four times the fees required by the state for wetland - related
project permits? (close to $1/4 million in excess fees have been collected over the last 10 years, not
counting additional money applicants pay for lawyers, surveyors and `experts').
4) Is it true that the legally binding rules and regulations that support the Town wetland bylaws are
drafted and adopted by the volunteer -based Conservation Commission without the regular oversight,
review or approval by elected representatives of the residents of Reading?
5) It is further true that residents have no recourse to prevent the adoption of whatever rules and
regulations the Conservation. Commission sees fit to implement? That is to say, while public hearings
for the adoption of rules and regulations are required, the Conservation Commission has no obligation to
vet concerns raised by residents or businesses at those hearings and there is no check or balance on the
exercise of their rulemaking authority?
6) What are the specific benefits to Reading provided by the additional 2 5/3 5 foot buffer zone (to
Conservation and wetlands, above the buffer required by the Commonwealth) required under Reading's
7) Given that West Nile, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and Lyme Disease are significant public
health concerns, can the Town provide an assurance that the additional buffer zone requirements
specified in the bylaws do not increase the potential for unhealthy mosquito and tick habitat being
driven closer to private property such as residences or public property such as schools and parks? What
are the environmental considerations alleged to outweigh the public health benefits of preventing these
deadly diseases?
8) If Massachusetts Public Health laws are sufficient to protect Reading residents, then isn't it highly
likely that the Massachusetts Environmental Protection laws are as well?
9) Massachusetts has among the strictest wetland protection laws in the nation, yet Reading has added
pages of bylaws and an additional 48 pages of regulations on top of those. Please specify and quantify
the direct benefits of these bylaws and regulations to the residents of Reading.
10) Other towns, such as Salisbury - which happens to be on the ocean- have eliminated their local
wetland bylaws, can you describe the specific harm that has come to that or similar communities as a
result of reversion to the Commonwealth's environmental regulations?
11) Why does the removal of a tree that has fallen on a structure require a permit? What is the benefit to
the Town of regulating this activity?
MRB feels the answers to these questions are an important part of the public dialogue that will help shed
light on the value, or lack thereof, that the Reading wetland bylaws deliver to the Town.
Thank you for your prompt attention and response to these policy and budget - related questions.
9/26/2011 0
Page 3 of 3
David Mancuso,
On Behalf of the Participants of Malting Reading Better
cc: Mr. Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Ms. Jean Delios, Town Planner
Matt Casey, Reading Patch
Mellissa Russell, Reading Advocate
Paul Feely, Daily Times & Chronicle
Representative Brad Jones
Representative James Dwyer
Senator Katherine Clark
~ Community �m�dumm����oto�/
Town^������ m� ����������
~^ ��n " ~~~=°~�^^~m� Town Planner.
16 Lowell S- treet Thonc. (701)V4%-66-12
Fax. (781) ?42-9071
Reading, MA 01867-2683
To: Peter Henhenh|e\KDe� Town Manager
From: Jean De|los, CornmunhxSem4oen Director/Town Planner
Date:, January 26.2O11
Re: Regulations Summary -
This will follow Up the on-going discussion pertaining to streamlining regulations, ConnVnuOhy
Services Division Heads with regulatory roles, including the GoOoanxatioOAdministrator, have
been asked for recommendations on measures to simplify, streamline, and refine the way
regulations are administered to make them more user friendly.
The wetiand s regulations being administered by the Reading Conservation Commission and the
Conservation Administrator are summarized on the attached and provided in table form for easy
comparison. This includes both the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act - M,G,L, Chapter
131, Section 40 (WPA) and the Town of Reading General By-Law - Section 5.7 (GBL Section
5.7), and their accompanying regulations, I have obtained input from both the Conservation
Administrator and the Town Engineer. I
The Conservation Commission has expressed opposition. to the recent proposal to revoke the
Bylaw at April Town Meeting, The Conservation Administrator has responded to the request for
streamlining by posting FAQ's on the Conservation page of the website, includirig links to
application forms; other supporting materials, checklists, and detailed descriptions of,permitting
processes. The Administrator has indicated that the Conservation Commission has expressed
interest x/ revising the '�1 page Reading Wetlands Protection — Regulations to make them more
user friendly. This requires a public hearing process set forth \n Section 4.11 of the General
In addition to the detailed Information on the attached, the following summ.arizes the major areas
that the General By-Law exceeds or differs from what is required by the State Wetlands
Protection Act:
In Summary:
The basic procedures for Oon nxaUonpehnd�ngundertheVVPAore.n�ondat dbytha
S��|aw.endthe��naman lybe changed et the State level, Conversely, changes ho
8BL Section 6.7 can be made, bvTownNleodng. |nterhnobfoppUroton procedures, it|s
i[Opo�eOtto note that applicants 'file under both the State and Local regulations using one
application ooie required under G8L Section 5.7. One hearing |o held and one permit |s
issued-, Appeals are treated differently.
' p The Town's General Wetlands ' �roYWee the Conservation Comm �sion'with
added 'control over the ' nd. The of w/ By-Law
be�O expanded to include added regulation in terms of the 'definition
of a vveUeOd,
setbacks and wetland replication requirements, fees, fines, variances, and appeals, The
webs|te includes o document of more than .40 pages of aomm/uuuuve regulations that
accompany G8L Section 57. 'Chahgeohothe General By-law require Town Meeting
approval; changes to the regulations can be voted on by the Conservation Commission in
m public hearing.
| the General O�a
� The definition ofVvhotconat�Uhao weUeDg vv�u� By-Law
� months), isolated
and Includes intermittent ponds (ponds that dry, up | vvorn�er rno ..
freshwater wetlands, canals, and a larger habitat area around vernal pools,
The VVPA defines o wetland as saturated soils that support 50% or more of wetland
rpkanta. The GBL Section 5.7 ptipulates land where the water bsh|e is at or near
the surface that also has at least one of the following:
> At least periodically, the land Supports predominantly hydrophytic vegetation;
>. �ed soils;
> Saturated o[' covered with ' water at some time during the growing eoaooO of
each year
NOTE ' The soils, criteria �e �n emmo under VVPA and RGB `
' ~ " � — hydrology "8�umhed ooUa ="undn�nedhydhc
"Wetland Indicator plant" = Hydmphy�cveQ .
The WPA defines a wetland as an area of isolated land,subject to flooding as generating
a minimum of 1/4 adre* feet of runoff. There is no threshold requirement under the GBL
Section 6,7; anything that floods is a wetland, The Conservation Administrator stresses
that in practice th&Commission tries to work with applicants to maintain flood storage
capacity where needed to protect 6xisting structures; especially where abutters attend
hearings and provide credible documentation of surface flooding dur * Ing major storms,
The Conservation Administrator further points o ' ut that the definition of.a wetland could be
modified by the Conservation Commission to establish a reasonable minimum size as
this is contained in the regulations, not the bylaw.
Applicants are. required to pay for fees related to both' regulations; the fees under the
GBL.Sectlon 5,7 were significantly higher'averaging 81% of total revenue from 2001 to
2010. Fees collected under GBL Section 6,Tgo into the General Fund. Also, under the
GBI_ Section 5,7 the cost of a peer review may be an added fee, monetary fines may be
issued to violators, and bonds may be required of applicants — not so under the WPA.
TheWPA does-not have a setback requirement within a buffer zone; the GBL Section 57
requires a 26 foot setback for clearing of vegetation within o buffer zone and a 35 foot
setback for structures.
w �� Ddo[ the'VPA is a filing with the State DEP Regional Office,' The
appeal process under GLB Section 5.7 is to Superior CourL
The Conservation Administrator has provided the following examples of appeals to \NUetnate how
the appeal process has worked iDReading,
Examples of appeals —
Wood End School . — Cons Com Issued OOC . permitting construction, Abutter aleU bl
DEP Regional ^ —^'-- and to
' ''-r� upheld
— '—`-----` Hearing dto '' Court. Both again upheld Cons Co0
decision, allowing work to commence,. Cons 'Ad min istnatVrplayed active role, in oU000�- Og
Town Counsel with defense..
Lot on Azalea,,Clrcle — Cons Com denied OOC ' for house construction due to wetland. Applicant. appealed. DEP and' Court reversed decision, Abutter th,en appealed
those decisions, but did not succeed in stopping project. Cons Com learned from process
and amended local regulations to provide better setback standards.. Applicant never built
endangered species habitat, setback issues', and other concerns. Applicant appealed to DEP
Regional Office. DEP upheld Cons Com decision, Applicant did not appeal further,
could not n)eetState standards for
S�e|oneerVVm�mnaBrook� Applicant v
'—' in R'v nt Area and did not want to reduce size of proposed daycare coDtec Applicant found exemption in R|verfront A rea regulations fo r "Canals".
Applicant filed
thor Determination only UDderVP8. oDd claimed VG|hero Brook Is a oonm|. Cons
Co issued Determination that brook in a�Yerand site contains R\ver�ontAnea . Applicant
appealed -to DEP —' ' Regional office upheld "Cons C.o0 decision. Applicant - appealed for
"~^'cobzryDeciion. Cons Com and DEP Regional office' defended deu}e\oDo. but DEP
Commissioner ultimately ruled that Walkers Brook is a river and a canal.
=''|ss|oOerU\d~ataly|V)odthetVa|Ke[eB[oohieriVe[oDdapeOoi Commissioner also
noted serious flews -in drafting of state �agu|ationoeDd asked DEP to amend regulations.
They have not . Cons C wm �x� hdnd Town regulations so that "canals" are
protected by Riverfront-Arda standards.
Lot on Longfellow Road, Cona Con denied OO[,tobuild house in the wetlands because
most of the lot was o mwmV Applicant appealed -to DEP and Superior Court. DEP upheld
Cons UonO decision, and applicant withdrew court oppea|.
Comparison of Wetlands Regulations
Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act
Reading,General By-Laws, Section 5.7
Description of Regulation
M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40
Any bank, freshwater wetland, marsh, or
swamp that borders on a river, stream, pond
Wetlands Protection
In addition to all of the wetlands
protected by the WPA, the.Bylaw
Definib on of Wetland:
or lake.
Land under a river, stream, pond, or lake.
(includes intermittent. streams. Includes.
Intermittent ponds
ponds and lakes that meet minimum size
standard and stay wet year-round. Includes
Isolated freshwater wetlands
certified vernal pools, and protects any
floodplain or bordering freshwater wetland
All land within 100 feet of vernal
around such pools as vernal pool habitat.)
pools as wildlife habitat, whether is
Land subject to flooding, both bordering on
wetland or upland. (The
water*bodies and in isolated depressions that
amphibians that breed in vernal
meet a minimum size standard.
pools depend on the surrounding
Riverfront area (land within 200' of a river or
forest for survival.)
stream that flows year-round)
Jurisdiction for permitting purposes also
0 Riverfront area associated with
includes the 1 00-foot buffer zone adjacent to
any portion of a stream or river
banks, freshwater wetlands, and water
deemed to. be a "canal' because of
bodies-.. Floodplains and riverfront areas do
human alteration in. the past.
not have buffer zones.
If wor ! k outside the I 00-foot buffer zone alters
If work outside the I 00-foot buffer
a wetland, the Commission has authority to
zone is likely to alter a wetiand,-the
order corrections after the fact.
Commission has authority to
Coastal resources (dune, beach, tidal flat,
require a permit application.
ocean, estuary, etc.) are also protected by the
WPA, but there are none in Reading.
• No minimum setback in buffer zone
Minimum 25 foot setback in buffer.
zone for alteration of soils,
No Build Requirements and
Minimum Setback
. 100 Foot setback in riVerfront area.
. If-alteration of wetlands or floodplains can not
vegetation, Or topography.
be avoided, must create new wetlands or
Minimum 35' setback between
wetlands and structures in buffer"
floodplains on site to replace the lost
resource areas, at a 1:1 ratio.
• Same.riverfront area setback.
• Same requirement -for floodplain
replacement. Requires 2:1 ratio
for freshwater wetlands
replacement because mitigation is
not always 100% successful.
Activities that Trigger a Permit
Any work: in a wetland resource area or the buffer
zone that will alter soils, vegetation, topography,
stbrmwafer runoff characteristics; or structures.
• File Request for Determination of
• Same, plus Minor Project Permit
(MP) — for very small projects that
Types of Permits
Applicability (RDA) and receive
Determination of Applicability (DA) —for
meet size and setback standards
smaller projects in.buffer zone. Also to,
confirm that there are no.wetlands on a site.
(e.g., sheds, decks, fences, above-
ground pools,-tree removal,
• File Notice of Resource Area Delineation
walkways, porches, patios). Also
(NRAD) and receive Order of Resource Area
for soils tests, groundwater tests,
and surveying during initial site
Delineation (ORAD) — for confirming
wetlands boundaries for large projects where
assessment for design work.
applicant wants to pin down boundaries
before engineers do final designs.
• File Notice of Intent (NOI) and receive Order
of Conditions (OOC) —for larger projects in
buffer zone and in wetlands.
• Issue Extension Permit for OOC if more time
is needed to complete work.
• Issue Certificate of Compliance for OOC
when work is finished-.
• Issue Amended OOC for major plan revision,
but accept minor revisions under existing
OOC without Amendment.
Administrative Requirements
DA requires Cons Com review at public
Same processes for DA, ORAD,
(Legal Ad, Public Hearing,
meeting. Must be issued Within 21 days of
and OOC.
Abutter Notification) and if they
filing. Usually issued within 14 -days.
IVIP is issued by Administrator after
can be combined for efficiency
-ORAD, and COC require public hearing to
a site inspectiion. * No hearing or
open within 21 days. Usually opened within
abutter notice required.
14 days, and- OOC usually issued within.1 4
Commission accepts IVIP after it is
days of close of hearing.
issued. Usually takes 1-:3 days-
All three require abutter notice, legal ad in
Applicants file only one -form.for
both state and town applications,
Commission and Administrator inspect site
have one hearing. Commission
and review plans before m . eeting/hearing.
issues one permit. No duplication
NOI and RDA can include boundary
of work.
-delineation, so the ORAD is not needed.
Use boilerplate to draft permits,
notices, etc. for efficiency. -
Appeal Process
0 Appeal to DEP Regional Office for
Appeal to Superior Court.
Superseding DA, ORAQ, or OOC.
Appeal of Superior Court decision
0 Supers eiding DA, ORAD, or OOC appeal to
to Appeals Court.
Adjudicatory Hearing administrative level.in.
Filing Fees
Fees only for NRAD and NOL
a MP fee $50.
Town receives sliahtly more than half Of fee,
0 DA fee $75.
rest goes to State.
Extensior! fee $25 (residential),
Fees increase with complexity of work.
and $50 (other projects).
Fees go.to Tow�n revolving fund. -
Minor plan.revision fee $25-
Commission uses to administer WPA,
(residential), and $50 (other
primarily to help pay Administrator salary.
Average annual revenues 2001-2010 were
Amended OOC fee $25
$4,921, or 19% of total revenues. (See
(residential), and $100 (other
NRAD and NOI fees based on
complexity of project
a -Fees go to General Fund. for
allocation by Town Meeting.
a Average annual revenues 2001-
2010 were $20,649, or 81 % of total
revenues. (See chart.)
• No provisions for peer review, fines, or
• Variances from state. standards are only
available from DEP and are.very difficult to
get and thus rare.
May charge fee for peer review.
May issue monetary fines to.
• May require bond to. assure-work is
completed properly.
• May grant. variances from Town
standards that are more strict than
state standards.
Conservation Permitting Activity
Issued .
% of total
% of total
0 -
1 33
24 °la .
8 %.
81 °10
The State raised WPA fees in 2005.
The State has no fee for Minor Projects, Determinationsi Extensions, or Amended Orders.
Town fees were raised- in 2002 and 2006.
The Town charges $50 for Minor Projects, $75 for Determinations, $25 -$50 for Extensions,
and $25 -$100 for Amended Orders.
Public agencies are exempt from all fees" No fees have been received for School, RMLD, DPW,
MassHighway, RHA, MBCR, Camp Curtis Guild, or other public projects.
MP = Minor Project Permit EXT =Extension Permit for 00C
DA = Determination of Applicability AM OOC = Amended OOC
OOC = Orders of Conditions ORAD = Order of Resource Area Delineation,
WPA FEES .= Fees collected under the State Wetlands Protection Act, and put in the Wetlands Fee Fund.
RGB FEES = Fees collected under Reading. General Bylaws, Section 5.7, and put in the General Fund.
Conservation Permitting Activity
The State raised WPA fees in 2005.
The State has no fee for Minor Projects, Determinations, Extensions, or Amended Orders.
The Bylaw fees were raised in 2002 at
The Town charges $50 for Minor Projects, $75 for Determinations, $25 -$50 for Extensions,
and $25 -$100 for Amended Orders.
Public agencies are exempt from all fees. No fees have been received for School, RMLD, DPW,
MassHighway, RHA, MBCR, Camp Curtis Guild, or other public projects.
MP = Minor Project Permit
DA = Determination of Applicability
OOC = Orders of Conditions
GRAD = Order of Resource Area Delineation
EXT = Extension Permit for OOC
AM OOC = Amended OOC
WPA FEES = Fees collected under the State Wetlands Protection Act, and put in the Wetlands Fee Fund.
RGB FEES = Fees collected under Reading General Bylaws, Section 5.7, and put in the General Fund.
The State raised WPA fees in 2005.
The State has no fee for Minor Projects, Determinations, Extensions, or Amended Orders.
The Bylaw fees were raised in 2002 at
The Town charges $50 for Minor Projects, $75 for Determinations, $25 -$50 for Extensions,
and $25 -$100 for Amended Orders.
Public agencies are exempt from all fees. No fees have been received for School, RMLD, DPW,
MassHighway, RHA, MBCR, Camp Curtis Guild, or other public projects.
MP = Minor Project Permit
DA = Determination of Applicability
OOC = Orders of Conditions
GRAD = Order of Resource Area Delineation
EXT = Extension Permit for OOC
AM OOC = Amended OOC
WPA FEES = Fees collected under the State Wetlands Protection Act, and put in the Wetlands Fee Fund.
RGB FEES = Fees collected under Reading General Bylaws, Section 5.7, and put in the General Fund.
16 Lowell Street
Reading, �����-����
o���^w�����r umu�� � x��x -��^"�
To: Peter Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
From: Jean De|ios. Community Services Director/TownPlanner
Date: January 25, 2011
Re: Regulations Summary -Conservation
State and Local
Community Services Director/
Town Planner
Phone: (781)A4%'6812
Fax: (70q04%-D071
j6wliow@ci. reading. mu.om
|n response to the request made ed the 1/18/11 Board of Selectmen's meeting | have worked with
the Conservation Administrator and Town Engineer in preparing this memo summarizing the
wetlands regulations being administered by the Reading Conservation Connnniaa)on and the
Conservation Administrator. Attached iean overview of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection
Act - M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40 (WPA) and the Town of Reading General By-Law - Section
5.7(GBL Section 5.7), and their accompanying regulations.
Division Heads with regulatory vo|eo. including the Conservation Administrator, have been asked
for recommendations on measures to simplify, streamline, and refine the way regulations are
administered to make them more user friendly. The basic procedures for Conservation permitting
are mandated by the State law, and can not ba changed by local decisions. The Bylaw
procedures are identical to State procedures, and the Bylaw mandates that the Commission
accepts one application under both, conducts one hearing, and issues one permit to prevent
duplication ofeffort. The Commission does offer a Minor Project Permit option under the Bylaw
that eliminates abutter notification and public hearing review for small types of projects, oeving
time and expenses. The Conservation Administrator has responded to the request for
streamlining by posting FAQ'son the Conservation page of the webaite. including links to
application forms, other supporting materials, checklists, and detailed descriptions of permitting
processes. The Administrator and Commission are also prepared to revise the Reading
Wetlands Protection Regulations to make them more user friendly, following the public hearing
process set forth in Section 4.11of the General Bylaws. However, the Commission has
expressed opposition to the recent proposal to revoke the Bylaw at April Town Meeting.
The CPDC and Planning Staff have drafted revised Site Plan Review regulations and plan on
recommending changes at the Annual Town Meeting. (Relevance? Omit?)
In addition to the information on the attached, I have summarized below the major areas that the
General By-Law exceeds or differs from what is required by the State Wetlands Protection Act:
In Summary:
The Town's General Wetlands By-Law provides the Conservation Commission with
added control over the protection of Wetlands. The scope of the General By-Law has
been expanded to include added regulation in terms of the definition of a weUand,
setbacks and wetland replication nsquiremento, feeo, hnoo, vahancea, and appeals. The
vvebs|hs includes o document of more than 40 pages of administrative nagu|eUone that
accompany GBL Section 5.7. Changes to the General By-law require Town Meeting
approval; changes to the regulations can be voted on by the Conservation Commission in
a public hearing.
° The definition of what constitutes a wetland is stricter in the General
and includes intermittent ponds streams (ponds that dry up in the warmer nmntUo).
isolated freshwater wetlands, canals, and af larger habitat area around vernal pools.
TheVVPA defines o wetland as saturated soils that support 50Y6 or more of wetland
indicator plants. The GBL Section 5.7 stipulates land where the water table |aatornear
the surface that also has at least of the following:
�> At least periodically, the land supports predominantly hvd ;
> Predominantly undrainedhyddcsoils;
> Saturated or covered with water at some time during the growing season of
each year
NOTE - The eoi|e, vegetotun, and hydrology chbshe are the same under VVPA and RGB.
"Wetland indicator plant" ="HydrophytiovoQeiat\on". "Saturated soils" ="undna|nedhydricooi|o"
The VVPAdefines @wetGDd considered on area of isolated land subject toflooding as
generating a minimum of|4ecre feet ofrunoff, There isno threshold requirement under
the GBL, eotion 57; envf.)nQ that floods is o wetland. In practice, the Commission
does not extend this definition to include every mud puddle in town, but they do try to
work with applicants to maintain flood storage capacity where needed to protect existing
structures, especially where abutters attend hearings and provide credible documentation
of surface flooding during major storms. (The definition is in the nagu|etione, not the
bylaw, and could be revised to set o reasonable minimum size )
° �a required to for fees related to both regulations; the fees under the
(�' 'L Section 57 were significantly higher averaging 81% of total revenue from 2001 to
2010. Fees collected under GBL Section 57 go into the General Fund. Also, under the
<]BL Section 5.7 the cost ofa peer review may bean added fee, monetary fines may be
issued to violators, and bonds may be required of applicants — not so under the WPA.
The VVPA does not have e setback requirement within a buffer zone; the GBL Section 57
requires 25 foot setback for clearing of vegetation within e buffer zone and e 35 foot
setback for structures.
The under the VVPA b� a filing with the State DEP Regional Office. The
applicant, a abutter, e group of ten concerned citizens, and DEP have standing to
appeal the |noa| VVPA decision. The decision of the DEP Regional Office may be
appealed for Ad judicatory Hearing to the administrative level of DEP, where the
proceedings are conducted like court proceedings. \f the DEP Regional Office overturns
the decision of the Conservation Commission. the Commission also has standing to
appeal to the Adjudicatory level, do any of the other parties with standing in the initial
appeal. The 'appeal process under GLB Section 5.7 is to Superior Court, and their
decision may be appealed to the Appeals Courts. The applicant and abutters have
standing to appeal in the first step, and the Commission also has standing to appeal in
the second step. Fortunately, appeals are none due to the mana that the Commission
takes when issuing permits,
Examples of appeals —
Wood End School — Cons Com issued OOC itti structio Abutter appealed to
DEP Regional Office and to Superior Court. Both upheld Cons Com decision. Abutter then
appealed to Adjudicatory Hearing and to Appeals Court. Both again upheld Cons Com
decision, allowing work to commence, Cons Administrator played active role in supporting
Town Counsel with defense.
Lot on Azalea Circle —Conn Com denied [>OC for house construction due to proximity to
wetland. Applicant appealed. DEP and Court reversed decision. Abutter then appealed
those deciaione, but did not succeed in stopping project. Cons Com learned from process
and amended local regulations to provide better setback standards. Applicant never built
Lot on San I born Lane — Cons (}onn denied OOC due to unavoidable' wetlands impacts in
endangered species habitat, setback issues, and other concerns. Applicant appealed hnDEP
Regional Office, DEP upheld Cons Comdecision. Applicant did not appeal further.
10 Torre Street — Site is near Walkers Brook. Applicant could not meet State standards for
work in nt Area and did not want to reduce size of proposed daycare center.
Applicant found exemption in Riverfnont Area regulations for "Canals". Applicant filed
Request for Determination only underVVPA. and claimed Walkers Brook is o canal. Cons
Conn issued Determination that brook is a river and site contains R|venfrontArea. Applicant
appba|ed to DEP. Regional office upheld Cons Conn decision. Applicant appealed for
AdiudicatoryDecieion. Cons (�omand DEP Regional Office defended deo\n)one. but DEP
Commissioner ultimately ruled that Walkers Brook is o river and e canal. Commissioner also
noted serious flaws in drafting of state regulations and asked DEP to amend regu|anons.
They have not yet done so. Cons Conn amended Town [agV|et)ono so that "canals" are
protected byRivarfront Area standards.
Lot on Longfellow Road - Cons Corn denied OOC to build house in the wetlands because
most of the lot was a swamp. Applicant appealed to DEP and Superior Court. DEP upheld
Cons Conn decision, and applicant withdrew court appeal.
Reading Conservation Commission Ad Hoc Committee Report on
Wetland Regulation Evaluation and Recommended Enhancements
Mission and Objective
This ad hoc committee was formed at the request of the Reading Board of Selectmen (BOS)
with the expressed purpose of assessing and simplifying the wetland application process. The
critical element of the review process, expressed by both the BOS and the Reading
Conservation Commission, which formed the ad hoc committee, was to actively solicit input,
comments, and suggestions from stakeholders previously involved in the wetland application
process. The mission of the ad hoc committee is:
"Recommend changes to the Reading wetland protection regulations and enabling bylaws to
simplify the permit application and enforcement process without compromising critical resource
protection offered by the regulations."
purpose oaf'Local Wetland Bylaws
The Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) is a statewide law that protects wetland resources in
the Commonwealth and has associated regulations. Local wetlands bylaws protect the resource areas
under the WPA to a greater degree, protect additional resource areas recognized by the Town as
significant or for their additional values beyond those recognized in the WPA and impose local
regulations to implement the bylaws. These regulations can impose additional standards and stricter
procedures. Approximately 50% of the Towns in Massachusetts have a local bylaw. The Reading
Wetland Bylaws were developed to clarify the State regulations and address local issues such as specific
buffer zone set -backs and minor projects.
The ad hoc committee sought input from stakeholders with experience and exposure to the Reading
wetland permit application process through multiple avenues. We developed and distributed a
questionnaire requesting information on stakeholders' experiences and suggestions.for improvement.
Hard copies of the questionnaire were mailed to recent wetland permit applicants and abutters. It was
also posted on the Town website with email notice of availability sent to critical stakeholders such as
Town Meeting Members. More than 150 questionnaires were returned, which might well be a record
rate of return in the Town.
We also invited more than a dozen stakeholders who have been heavily involved in the wetland permit
application process to public interviews so that we could learn from their experience and solicit
suggestion to improve and simply the process. These stakeholders included engineers, attorneys, and
wetland scientists who have prepared or were involved in numerous permit applications in Reading and
similar towns. We also invited several residential and commercial applicants and representatives of
local environmental advocacy groups. Although we had outstanding participation for the questionnaire
effort, we were not as successful with responses to our invitation for interviews. Fewerthan 10
stakeholders agreed to interviews, but those who did participate shared a wealth of experience and
insightful suggestions.
� s6�
The ad hoc committee also provided information and original sueeestonsbased nn their experience and
research. We reviewed regulations in similar towns and communicated with other towns' conservation
administrators and the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners, VVe also drew on
our experience in Reading and other towns to identify issues, concerns, and areas of improvement. (All
members have experience as Conservation Commissioners and several had worked with numerous
other applicants and towns as environmental cunsu|tants).
The information developed from these multiple avenues bpTesentedin this report under the following
headings: Summary of Questionnaire and Interview Results; Recommended Reading Wetland Bylaw,
Changes; Recommended Reading Wetland Regulation Changes; and Recommendations for Conservation
Commission Policies.
Summary of Questi.oQnaire and Interview Results
The input received through the questionnaires tended to be general in nature rather than suggesting
specific regulation changes (full results and a discussion of results are attached). The questionnaire
responses also generally did not differentiate between the State and Town processes and identified
concerns related to other town bylaws, such as those regulating the Aquifer Protection District, Even
with these limitations, the results of the questionnaires gave us a very good understanding of how the
citizens of Reading view the wetland application process and thus gave us excellent food for thought to
recommend enhancements to the regulations and process.
Alt' ough over 60% of the respondents feltt |reQulatonuat\eastsomevvhatoenxedthe Town's needs,
there was much frustration with the complexity, fairness and execution of the process. Approximately
half the respondents felt their experience with the Conservation Commission and the Conservation
Agent was not fair or collaborative, while only a quarter of the respondents felt it was fair and
collaborative. The question of fairness and collaboration generated by far the most comments and
suggestions. Amajority of respondents also felt the process was more cumbersome than applications
for other Reading permits (e.g. building permit) and wetland permits in other towns, Similarly a
majority felt the regulations were restrictive to economic development and home improvement. In
general the negative comments and frustration were less for abutters than applicants or respondents
'without direct involvement in the process.
The ad hoc committee analyzed and discussed at length the results of the questionnaires. We
concluded the major concern's ofafairandoumbersomneprncess8eneraUycou\dnotbeaddressedso|ek/
by regulation and bylaw changes. VVe felt Conservation Commission policies should be put in place that
would promote consistent and predictable action by the Commission and administrator. VVe also felt
the Town should have develop and periodically update a simple, non-technical, one or two page
combination checklist and flow chart to assist residential and nonprofessional applicants through the
process. A discussion of policy development and general policy recommendations are included as the
final section of this report.
In contrast to the questionnaires, the interviews of professionals, applicants and environmental
advocates were more focused on the Reading process and resulted in suggestions for specific regulation
changes. A primary area of concern raised during the interview process was consistency with the state
process unless there was a Reading specific condition to warrant a major difference. The consistency
issue was particularly relevant to definitions and wetland delineation methodology. Other concerns
raised in the interview process were flooding, water quality protection, areas of jurisdiction, and
setbacks from resource areas.
Recommended Reading Wedand Bylaw Changes
The Reading Wetland Bylaws are intentionally general and include a mandate to develop implementing
- regulations to provide the details. Thus it is not surprising that most of the concerns raised and
suggestions made were related to the details in the regulations rather than the general statements in
the bylaws. However, the committee identified one issue related to definitions that could be addressed
by a substantive change to the bylaw and a suggested word change that could help clarify the bylaw.
The ad hoc committee's recommendations to address these two concerns are presented below.
In Section 5.7.5, a lengthy list of definitions of wetland - related terms could be deleted and
replaced by a reference to the Regulations for definitions. (They are currently in both the bylaws
and Regulations.) One of our goals is to make the Reading Wetland Bylaws consistent with the
State regulations unless there is a specific and good reason for inconsistency. The State revises
their definitions periodically based on new scientific information, review of cases, changes in the
state program and similar reasons. By locking definitions into the bylaws when the State makes
a change in definitions, an inconsistency can be created. We would like to have the terms
defined in the Regulations only, so that if a change is necessary based on State changes, new
science or technology, or other reasons, the Conservation Commission can facilitate changes in
the Regulations, in a simpler, more straightforward, and more technically based process than
going before Town Meeting for a bylaw change. Thus, the ad hoc committee's recommendation
is to delete the last sentence of the first paragraph in Section 5.7.5 and the entire list of
definitions and substitute: "The critical wetland - related terms used in this bylaw and regulations
adopted pursuant hereto shall be defined in regulations promulgated under this bylaw
Our other potential recommendation is much simpler. In Section 5.7.17, there is an apparent
typo in the seventh line: "..after given (sic giving) written notification... ". We would like to
correct this typo by substituting the word giving for given.
Recornniended Reading; Wetland Regulation Changes
The committee spent the most effort during our May through August tenure on reviewing and
discussing ways to simplify and clarify the Wetland Regulations. We considered our own experience,
other towns' regulations, input from questionnaires and interviews with wetland professionals. We
developed an extensive list of potential changes and then discussed and voted on each one.
Although we feel we have developed a comprehensive list of areas and topics that need to be changed
or enhanced, there are several areas that require additional research and input provided by a public
process before a specific change can be made. Therefore we have identified the areas of the regulations
0 ,s.b3
that warrant change, and the Conservation Commission can propose specific changes in each area and
hold public hearings to finalize the changes.
The recommended areas of change are presented in the table below. There were several suggested
changes that were discussed at length, but not recommended by the committee, These areas are also
presented below, with a summary of the discussion and rati onale for not making recommendations.
Recommended Reading Wetland Regulation Modifications
Recommended Change
Areas of
Delete description of submittal requirements in Regulations (particularly but not
regulations which
exclusively Section 5 B.2 and Section 6) for all information identical to state
specify submittal
submittal requirements. Keep requirements for aspects unique to Reading
Regulations, such as indicating set backs on drawings.
Fee structure
Revise fee structure for residential properties with consideration of: a cap, non
per square foot calculations for some activities, and simplified calculations.
Methods for
Make delineation methods more consistent with the methodology specified
under the State Regulations and Army Corps of Engineers published
Vernal Pools
Revise definition of'vernal pools such that it is consistent with the State's Natural
Heritaize definition.
Wildlife Habitat
Revise wildlife habitat definition and methods to evaluate effects such that they
are consistent with the State's definition.
Allow exemptions for selected limited projects such as ones for hazardous waste
exemption of
clean-up (e.g, allow more than 5000 square feet of BVW alteration for hazardous
standards and
waste clean-up).
limited projects
Requirement for
Change Reading requirement (2 to 1) to be consistent with state requirement
rip rap for slopes
(1.5 to 1) before riprap is needed.
Maintenance in
Exempt from filing for normal maintenance in developed or landscaped areas of
developed areas
the buffer zone.
Isolated Wetland
Explore exemption from filing if an isolated wetland outside the buffer zone is
less than a specified size and is the only resource area at issue.
Soil Preparation
Revise requirement of timing for soil preparation in restoration areas (Section 3
C 2.g) to specify timing should be specified in individual Order of Conditions
where necessary.
Land Subject to
Remove restriction to one I ot and 10% (Section 3 E 1) because they are arbitrary
and flood protection is provided else\yhere.
Add RDA for allowed extension of time (Section 7 E 1).
The following areas of the regulations were considered but not recommended for change by the ad hoc
The current regulations extend the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission beyond the lOO
foot buffer if there is likelihood ofon alteration of the resource area, Consideration was given
to eliminating potential forjuriscliction beyond the buffer zone or specifying acondition
warranting expanded jurisdiction (e.g. significant adverse effect on the resource area). This
change was not recommended because the current language is consistent with the state's
� -regulations. Adding language to describe a specific condition would be more likely to add
confusion and misinterpretation than leaving the existing language that has already been
subject to scrutiny and interpretation under the state's regulations. The comrnittee did feel that
this issue should be addressed by Conservation Commission policy such that an explicit majority
vote by the commission should be required to enforce jurisdiction beyond the buffer zone.
The current regulations specify a minimum no-structure zone of 35 feet and no disturb zone of
25 feet from a resource area. The committee discussed, changing these to a specific (rather than
minimum) set back distances. The committee felt there could be unusual circumstances that
might require greater setbacks nono change was recommended. As was the case with
jurisdiction beyond the buffer zone, the committee did recommend that the Conservation
Connnnission should develop policy requiring on explicit majority vote by the Comnnission
before requiring a greater setback.
• There was a discussion of developing a consistent and technically justified treatment of surfaces
designed tobo pervious in the regulations. However since definition of pervious surfaces isa
factor in other regulations (e.g., aquifer protection) and by other town entities (e.g., building
department) this issue could best be dealt with through policy rather than regulation.
• There was a suggestion to require notification of abutters for any continuance of a hearing as
well am the original hearing. This suggestion was rejected'because notification ioon onerous and
expensive process for the applicant necessitating return receipt requested mailings. The adhoc
committee felt that notification of a continuance announced at the original hearing and posted
on the Town vvebshe was adequate.
• There was also a suggestion that the requirement be changed to be 100 feet rather than 300,_
feet from proposed action for abutter notification nf public hearing. However Reading's
requirement for abutter notification for all public hearings is 300 feet so the regulations were
not changed so consistency with Town requirements could bemaintained.
• A suggestion was made to add a statute of limitations on violations occurring before a specified
time in the past. The ad hoc committee felt that if a violation was sufficiently grievous, the
Conservation Commission should have the option of issuing a notice of violation and
enforcement order. If it was a minor infraction, the commission should have enforcement
flexibility, by policy.
• There was a comment that there should be a term limit for Conservation Commission members.
commissioners are not within the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.
• The current regulations specify that a variance to performance standards can only be granted if
it is in the pu bUointerest (Section 2E1.c). There was a suggestion tn add consideration nf
private interest in granting a variance to performance standards, This suggestion was rejected
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by the ad hoc committee because the primary purpose and intent of the wetland bylaws and
regulations are to protect public rather than private interests. Granting a variance for private
interest would be inconsistent with the intent of the regulations and the state wetland laws.
The ad hoc committee felt that the new stormwater regulations and permit were a better venue
than the wetland regulations to address the suggestion for additional water quality protection.
Recommendations for Conservation Commission Policies
As discussed above, there are stakeholder issues that cannot be addressed by either bylaw or regulation
changes. In many of these cases, the concerns can be partially addressed by developing a consistent
- and documented policy. The ad hoc committee did not attempt to identify every potential topic for
policy development. The Conservation Commission should develop the policies and review and revise
periodically as need necessitates. However, as listed below, we did uncover a few areas where clarity
and simplification could be achieved through established Conservation Commission policies.
• Publicized procedure for minor and frequent activities,in or near resource areas such as tree
• Procedures to enforce jurisdiction beyond 100 -foot setback or require setbacks beyond
specified minimums
• Procedure and requirements for degree of imperviousness of a surface as related to stormwater
and infiltration issues
• Definition of responsibility of overlapping issues with other town entities, such as stormwater
• Policies for dealing with applicants to promote collaboration and fairness
• Develop a simple and non - technical flow chart and checklist for the residential development
permit application process
• Make sure the Conservation Agent offers to meet with each new applicant to explain the
process and provide the needed documents
• The Conservation Commission should develop and implement a citizen education program to
help stakeholders understand; jurisdiction and procedures for Reading Wetland Bylaw and
regulations; benefits provided by wetlands; and distinction between the state and town wetland
A. Memorandum on Wetland Regulations Survey Results (Under Separate Cover)
B. Survey Questionnaire
C. An Introduction to Wetland Laws and Regulations (Explanation that accompanied the
Attachment B
1. Do you feel that the Reading Wetland Bylaws and regulations are restrictive
to business /economic development?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
not restrictive neutral
very restrictive
2. Do you feel that the Reading Wetland Bylaws and regulations are restrictive to home improvement?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
not restrictive neutral
very restrictive
3. Do the Reading Wetlands Bylaws and regulations serve the needs of the town?
Yes No Somewhat
4. In what capacity have you been exposed to regulations?
Professional providing support
Through others (neighbors, relatives, friends)
Other (please specify)
5. Do you have experience applying for a Wetlands Permit?
In Reading
Other Massachusetts Towns
Other Locations
In both Reading and other communities
For the next 5 questions, Please rate the importance of wetlands and floodplains for the following:
6. Flood control ?.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
not important neutral
very important
7. Water supply protection?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
not important neutral
very important
8. Wildlife habitat protection?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
not important neutral
very important
9. Community character?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
not important neutral
very important
10. Property values?
S, 3
Please answer the next set of questions only if you have experience with the wetlands permitting process in
11. In what capacity have you been exposed to the Reading Permitting Process (circle all that apply)?
Applicant Professional providing support Abutter Other (please specify)
12. Was your experience with Reading Conservation Commission fair and collaborative?
Yes No Somewhat
13. Why /What would you like to see changed:
14. Was your experience- with_Reading Conservation Agent fair and collaborate
Yes No Somewhat
15. Why /What would you like to see changed:
16. How did the Reading Wetland application process compare to other Town Permits (e.g. building permit, etc.)
Similar More cumbersome Simpler Other (please specify)
17. Do you have any comments on the application process?
18. Was the Reading Wetland permitting process explained adequately?
In the regulations Yes No N/A
By the Conservation Administrator Yes No N/A
By the Conservation Commission Yes No N/A
By others Yes No N/A
19, Based on your experience, what specific suggestions do you have for changes to the local wetlands laws or
Please answer the next set of questions only if you have experience with BOTH Reading Wetlands Permitting
and other communities' wetland permitting:
20. Do the Reading Wetland Regulations help to manage flooding when compared to other communities?
Better Worse Differently
21 Why was it better or worse?
22, Do the Reading Wetland Regulations help to manage storm water when compared to other communities?
Better Worse Differently
23. Why was it better or worse?
24. Do the Reading Wetland Regulations help to manage wildlife habitat compared to other communities?
Better Worse Differently
25. Why was it better or worse?
26. Do the Reading Wetland Regulations help to manage water quality compared to other communities?
Better Worse Differently
27. Why was it better or worse?
28. Please provide any additional comments or suggested changes in the bylaw, regulations or permitting process:
An Introduction to Wetland Laws and Regulations
By the Reading Wetland Bylaw and Regulations Review Ad Hoc Committee
Reading's Conservation Commission, a volunteer seven-member board, administers and enforces the
state's Wetland Protection Act, the Massachusetts Rivers Protection Act, the Town of Reading's
Wetlands Protection Bylaw, and additional state and local regulations. The Conservation Administrator
is a town employee who assists the Commission by gathering information, helping applicants through
process, attending site visits, lending special-expertise in wetland'science-and-law,--issuing-min
project permits and performing numerous additional duties.
Wetlands are complex ecosystems protected by law due to their natural propensity to protect the water
supply and lessen storm damage while providing fish and wildlife habitat. Wetlands help prevent
flooding and storm damage by holding water, then releasing it slowly to keep streams and ponds
flowing. Wetlands also filter pollutants out of our groundwater and are vital as shelter, breeding, and
migratory wildlife habitat. The loss and degradation of wetlands contribute to increases in flood
damage, drought damage, and declining populations of rare species.
Under state and local |avv a wetland b defined assaturated soils that support SO percent ormore of
wetland indicator plants. Such areas include swamps, rivers and land subject to flooding. Reading's local
bylaw also includes intermittent ponds and isolated freshwater wetlands in the definition of wetlands.
The purpose of wetland laws and regulations is to protect floodplains and wetlands by-controlling
development that would negatively impact the functions and values of the wetlands, Under state and
local laws, permits are required for activities that would alter wetlands, Moodp|ains,riverfront areas, or
land within 100 feet of wetlands. Permits are required for projects ranging from tree cutting to new
subdivisions; the triggering factor for involvement by the Conservation Commission is the project's
proximity to wetlands.
The process for applying for a permit is the same under both the state and local wetlands laws.
Applicants submit documentation of the proposed action and how the action relates to nearby
wetlands. One application form is completed, one hearing held, and one permit issued under both state
and local law, The local bylaw, however, allows minor project permits to be issued without public
hearings for some small projects (such as fences, decks, and patios) provided minimum setback
standards are met.
Decisions under the state law can be appealed to the Department of Environmental Protection, while
local bylaw decisions can be appealed directly to Superior Court.
For further information, please see the Town's website and Frequently Asked Questions site
n orviyit Town Hall for
copieanf the General Bylaws, the Reading Wetlands Protection Regulations and an application packet
with forms and instructions for completing the permit process.
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S urveyMagik:: Results
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Surveys > Results
Conservation Permitting Questionnaire - Summer 2011
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- ------Qow-nI6-a-d-S0Madshe-e -j-DownIoad-PDF I-CSV-BV- Taker I-Display- by -Taker l-Managa-Labels-I Erint ----- --
1. Do you feel that the Reading Wetland Bylaws and regulations are restrictive to business /economic activity? (answered
228 times)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg
19.30% (44) 7.46% (17) 5.26% (12) 0.88% (2) 12.72% (29) 3.07% (7) 6.58% (15) 10.96% (25) 7.46% (17) 26.32% (60) 6.00
2. Do you feel that the Reading Wetland Bylaws and regulations are restrictive to home improvement? (answered 243
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg
14.40.% (35) 7.00% (17) 3.29% (8) 2.88% (7) 4.94% (12) 3.29% (8) 4.53% (11) 9.05% (22) 10.70% (26) 39,92% (97) 6.94
3. Do the Reading Wetlands Bylaws and regulations serve the needs of the town?
Answered: 261 Skipped: 0
Yes (72)
No (62)
Somewhat (89)
Unsure (38)
5. Do you have experience applying for a Wetlands permit?
Answered: 261 Skipped: 0
Yes - in Reading (84)
Yes - in other communities (18)
Yes - in Reading and other communities (21)
No experience (138)
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For the next five questions, please rate the importance of wetlands and floodplains for the following:
6. Flood control (answered 250 times)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg
2.40% (6) 2.80% (7) 3.20% (8) 1.20% (3) 12.00% (30) 3.20% (8) 4.40% (11) 12.80% (32) 13.20% (33) 44.80% (112) 8.02
7. Water supply protection (answered 249 times)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg
8.84% (22) 4.82% (12) 4.02% (10) 2.41% (6) 10.04% (25) 4.82% (12) 5.62% (14) 9.64% (24) 6.83% (17) 42.97% (107) 7.27
Wildlife habitat protection (answered 250 times)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 Avg
5.20% (13) 4.00% (10) 6.00% (15) 5.60% (14) 12.80% (32) 7.60% (19) 10.80% (27) 11.60% (29) 7.20% (18) 29.20% (73) 6.88
------ - - - - -- - -9. Community- character- (answered247- times)-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Avg
12.96% (32) 8.10% (20) 4.05% (10) 2.02% (5) 14.98% (37) 5.67% (14) 9.72% (24) 10.53% (26) 5.26% (13) 26.72% (66) 6.25
10. Property values (answered 250 times)
1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9. 10 Avg
13.20% (33) 4.40% (11) 3.60% (9) 2.80% (7) 13.20% (33) 5.20% (13) 6.40% (16) 10.80% (27) 6.80% (17) 33.60% (84) 6.70
For the next set of questions, please respond ONLY if you have experience with the wetlands permitting process in
11. In what capacity have you been exposed to the Reading permitting process?
Answered: 150 Skipped: 111
Applicant (93)
Professional providing support (13)
Abutter (55)
Other (32)
12. Was your experience with the Reading Conservation Commission fair and collaborative?
Answered. 142 Skipped: 119
Yes (47)
No (54)
Somewhat (41)
13. Why or why not? What would you like to see changed?
Answered: 95 Skipped: 166
• Very tedious for simple home improvement project.
• There was no "reasonable factor"! The decision was made by the CC without any consultation!
• Reading is infamous for having brutally strict conservation reules and regulations. That alone makes people want to take their
chances and not go through the process. There were extra steps but ultimately I received fair treatment.
• Its Fran's way or the highway
• Lengthy process. Too many meetings and extensions by board. Board was rude at times in stating that the conservation
property was of more importance than our personal property. Flags were placed and no one came back to remove after one
• The former Administrator was irrational, aggressive and untruthful at times. The Commission was difficult to work with, applying
fee amounts and tree Vs /sizes arbitrarily.
• The CC Com has a history of imposing excessive requirements on residents which translates to enormous expense burdens
• More inspectional services
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• They did not listen to the professional reasonign as to why somethign needed to be done for safety reasons. Everything was
about "protecting the wetlands." What about protecting rry children and property from dead trees falling.
• Very un- helpful. Only interested in enforcing the wetlands bylaw, not in conservation (i.e., if it's not in the wetlands area, it's not
our job - even a hazmat spill that threatens wetlands!).
• Fran Fink said one thing at the site and changed her mind at the meeting leaving us totally out in left field. She was a true 2
face costing us over $200K Yes $200K The guidelines by the town are too restrictive. We complied with state but she wanted
more which was ridiculous.
• Do not mimimize economic activity and home improvement for issues like habitat protection, this is not the everglades, no
species here is goint extinct.
• Common sense along with the bylaws and its interpretation. If only a small % of one's property falls on the (for example)
aquaphor protection district, there should be some adjustment for that in terms of pervious vs. impervious cover. Additionally,
Reading needs to be more up-to -date and amendable to current advances in products and materials that ARE considered to be
pervious and enable homeowner's to use such materials and not count against their impervious allowance.
• too restrictive, beyond the state and federal regulations
• N/A
• v_e_ry unfair in de_aling_with myself_and_p__rofessionals who had pictures and documentation of concerns reused_by_ board
• I thought the meeting was not conducted efficiently
• I believe they are working in the best interest of Reading, their citizens and habitat. I called once and they were very, very
• Wetlands protection is really over rated.
• Overall I felt that the commission (in recent years) has been fair. The extreme restrictions, however, in the Aquifer protection
district are exceedingly unfair. The financial burden that is being placed, particularly on homeowners, is incredible.
• The Conservation Commission was very careful to get both sides presented, and made every effort to make a fair and
balanced assessment, following the letter and spirit of the law but also responding to the questions and concerns of the
abutters and the applicant.
• A little less time taken to get the job done
• Businesses taking water from the Aberjona. (Polinskt tree)The man told me he could take 100,000 gallons a day. From a dry
creek? (During a hot and dry period.)
• too much paperwork.. too involved, approval seems to be arbitrary with no common sense used
• Very strict and unwilling to listen to proposed plans - my wetlands are more or less 1+ acres and 5% of it is used for water run
off from street (where my usable yard abuts) - pipes could easily be extended to allow for homeowner yard plans to be allowed
and possibly extend to enter existing large concrete structure used for Main St run off. Allow some common sense to better
living for all. State wetland lines differ from town plans.
• The process seems somewhat slow - it holds up work needed at home, very slow
• Too restrictive for changes does not account for town drainage.
• The board is great. Fran Fink's behavior is disgusting. I almost moved because of her. She has no idea what she is doing and
you have to challenge her answers to prove her wrong. She is unreasonable and if she had it her way she would not let anyone
improve their property. I have never met an a person as unpleasant as her in my life!
• There is a double standard for town use or public use and private use. We have a cematary o Charles St that filled in a wet
land. We have a medical building built in a swamp ... a low income house built on town land with a little brook behind it,yet you
can't put a porch on a private home or even a deck if there arewet lands in the, rear or the lot.
• It not only was time consuming and cumbersome but it was ridiculously and unneccessarily expensive. The Committee and the
Administrator (who should have been fired for fraud, bullying and lying long before she retired)were horrific to work with and I
felt attacked and unsafe every time I had to interact with them.
• The town administrator and some members of the committee clearly have an agenda of their own and act to discourage
applicants from doing anything - either by making the process as painful as possible or by adding costs to the project through
fees and the need for costly plans and experts, forced'planting of trees or other requirements. They should be looking at how
they can help people get their projects done, not stopping them from doing them, especially on private property.
• It is a very long and tedious process which requires people to come back multiple times and spend money needlessly.
• Attempt to resolve issues during first visit rahter than being required to return repeatedly.Some of the members were very fair
and willing to work for a solution that worked for everyone. Others were focused on their own agenda rather than the overall
balance of the issues.
• Aquifer District bulding restrictions above and beyond any state regs. need to be abolished. They are completely outdated
because of MWRA and absurd compared to the treatment of other wetlands in Town,
• Too restrictive; No logic due to new water supply (mass, not Reading). Against all new technologies and materials: Abuse of
power as there is no logical reasoning or fair compromise in every single decision.
• We were pretty much told what to do in order to comply. No give and take. A very weird feeling to have to give up your land that
you're paying taxes on.
• The idea of "if we make a change for you, we'd have to do it for everybody." In my opinion, each case is different, and should
not be bound by that theory.
• To strict and made process extrmely difficult = delays More responsive and better communication with homeowners and
• More variances and less regulation
• Most of teh Commission members are reasonable, but they did not seem to have the ability to be flexible and use common
• On two occassion in the past year, I worked iwth the Conservation Administrator. I would not change anything. In one case,
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she was able to informally review our request with the commission before hand and issue a minor prg. permit for clean up after .
a major storm damage.
• She is ridiculously unfair. I would change the conservation administrator (Fran Fink)
• She was not very helpful in aiding me with information on what could be changed, it was her way or no way
• It took several months to work with the conservation commission and the building inspector for a permit to improve my property
• more inspectional services
• some of the paperwork did not apply to our projects and some of the details needed for small projects was a nuisance. I would
like to see less paperwork involved.
• I observed that an atmosphere of mistrust and antagonism prvailed in almost all hearings I have sat in on or participated in.
This included applications by private citizens, businesses, and Town personnell. There was an excessive attention to
non- critical issues, extension of jurisdiction, and an overemphasis on wetland impact risk minimization as opposed to
reasonable land development and land use.
• Too many rules that got in the way of common sense.
• reduce restrictions and simplify process
• commission imposed much tougher restrictions than the CC had recommended. Was very difficult to work with. Personnel has
all changed since our experience. — - - --
• The committee has a hidden agenda to prevent any building, development, property improvements they can in the name of
"environmental protection. They habitually overstep their responsibilies and authority. They use bullying and misrepresentation
to intimidate and threaten people who do not know the rules they way they do. They need to realize their job is to make sure
that permits are issued according to the law and nothing more. They are not here to expand wetlands or animal habitat, etc. The
also need to give the benefit of the doubt to the applicant rather than treat people like everyone is out to destroy the
environment which just isnt true.
• Too restrictive even with man -made (farm) pondiwetlands.
• More stringent and time consuming
• I have seen other professionals who did not do very professional work who ignored feedback given by the commission. In
those cases, it is hard to be collaborative.
• Frustrating and annoying for rry neighbor
• The Commission is much fairer than in the past.
• she is ridiculously unfair. I would change the Conservation Administrator (Fran Fink)
• The interaction with the RCC immediately and unnecessarily took on an adversarial tone. My issue /application was minor in
nature with little disagreement regarding outcome or process, yet the commission and the application process was perceived
as laborious and adversarial in nature.
• Through no fault of the commission, the dialog between applicants and the commission tends to be somewhat contentious by
nature. It's the regulations themselves that tend to be too restrictive in nature, almost unreasonably so.
• everything
• More collaboration
• I spoke with Fran Fink and read the guidelines before appling. We made our request based on that information which I assume
helped to streamline the permit. We also didnt ask to really encroach on the by laws.
• Board indifference
• We pay taxes for property we cannot touch and have to pay more money to the town to make any improvements within 100'
that have no adverse effects to the conservation land.
• Rules are rules. Where is the room for collaboration?
• Cannot respond as I have not read the bylaws and do not comprehend what needs to be changed. My exposure was years
• More flexability
• The need for multiple surveys adds huge costs to applicants. Also the need to certified notices to abutters within 300 ft adds
lots of cost.
• overly conservative
• The Commission basically operates fairly, but it allows itsef to micromanage gardening projects. Inconsistancies among FAQs,
bylaws.and permits as to the Commissions proper role in buffer zone management is obviously a problem to be addressed.
• I have lived here for 32 years and have always maintained my yard. The majority of rry yard, a quarter of an acre, is within 100
feet of Wetlands. However, this year an abutter issued a complaint to the CC against me for planting hemlock trees along our
fence, 1 year and 8 months after we planted the hemlocks. CC ordered us to pay $50.00 for a planting plan plus provide a
receipt of the work done. We did that. Shortly after that we hired an arborist to prune trees in our yard. That day Fran Finkel
came to my house and asked me to stop the work going on due a complaint from the same abutter. Work stopped until a permit
was issued for the work, but the pruning that we had planned along our back fence to the abutter was stopped. Ceasing the
work for that amount of time cost me an additional couple thousand dollars. This abutter seems to have a personal vendetta
against me. It is not fair that I am the only neighbor who has to follow this procedure when rry abutting neighbors don't. In the
meantime there have been real violations against the Wetland by -laws, but no complaints have been filed. For the first time in
over 32 years, I met with the Town Manager to brief him on this situation plus talk with him about notifying the police. I am
afraid of this abutter.
• The bylaws are unfair and so far out of wack that they are usually twice as strict as the state level. These force people to try
for a 40B just to get a permit when all options have been exhausted. Most originally wanted to build nice homes, but instead
were forced to file for a 40B just to build and now you have tons of condos with 40B residents who only bring down the home
values and bring in a lower class of people. Why do you think Reading5O ®s quota for 40B permits is always filled every year?
I have heard stories of the committee members just driving by pulling over and walking onto a persona -0 ®s private property to
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inspect it without the ownerAOOs knowing. I am pretty sure unless you area police officer that is illegal. They also move the
flags on the property which has already been professionally done, which I have not ever heard of being done in the other two
towns I have lived in. They also demand evidence for issues that do not concern the wetlands committee. These people are not
here to help the town; they are environmental extremists that I equate to the people who protest at military funerals. They have
gone past the point of ethical and fair many years ago. The man on the committee who goes around in search of vernal pools
should be terminated along with all of the committee members. Reading has the most certified vernal pools in this area. He
needs to be stopped. He is only hurting the town8OOs potential. Every lawyer and environmentalist I have dealt with had the
same reaction when I said I wanted to build in reading. First they say Reading is the worst and toughest town around for any
wetlands permit and even try to talk me out of it before I show them the property. That is your towns® ®s reputation.
• Homeowner usually has a better understanding of the property than the commitee members
• No flexibility, with rules oppressive.
o Cost of permitting process - wait time to excessinve
• Not aware of where it has failed
• Conservation commission took it upon themselves to overrule the professional botanist and move their flags to determine
wetlands. They are not qualified or certified to do so,
• -Fran- Fink -is completely unreasonable and extremely difficult to work with! - - -- - --
• I was just TOLD that rry requests would not be approved before my application was even submitted
• They were very professional and responsive to my questions /concerns.
• Over protective... only added on to my deck and had to "give back" to feet of my property ... had to add "native plants" that were
promptly eaten by "native" deer. Costly and confusing and not user friendly.
• The Conservation Committee showed up at n-y house, en masse, unannounced, one evening to view some downed trees on
rrry property, and then gave me 48 hrs notice of their intention to discuss the process of disposing of said trees upon my
property. I did not appreciate this surpise visit or the lack of timing for the discussion. Poor at best. Vernal pool designation on
rry property done by Town Employee while performing job as educator (I was not aware that the Town paid this individual for
performing this function), not conservation job. Designation done without prior homeowners approval or proper understanding of
area, resulting in unecessary and unfair restrictions on use of said property. Common sense should override blindly following
rigid regulations. We looked to install an above ground pool, and it required Conservation Committee approval and letters
mailed to abutters within 300 feet of my property line requiring 50 plus letters, sent to people as much as two streets away and
residing in a condo /apartment building. Needless to say we are at a stopping point with tis as well as a possible addition to our
home. When I tell people about this they can not believe that it is not a simple process as it would seem to be easy to istall an
above ground pool on your property, especially when you have a significantly larger than average lot size. The whole process
is ridiculous and far too restrictive.
• I applied for an Application of Determination. The meeting was somewhat collaborative in that there was a forum for us to speak
and suggest resolutions.
• It was too rigid, not allowing for any discussion or individual case by case consideration.
• Thet are too restrictive on minor home modifications. A new residential roof should not require a wetlands permit.
• Issues not really effecting Wetlands need to be reviewed with common sense.
• Volunteer members are overworked and this can delay approvals. Also they seem to have little power when dealing with town
projects that impact abutters (e.g. Barrows addition increasing neighborhood flooding)
• Too time consuming, needless and constant delays.
• As an abutter I would like to cut down a few trees & clear some brush. After paying a $50.00 fee, I was told I could do neither.
• After con corn visited rry house I had no say in the outcome. My project never had any impact in wetlands. all they wanted was
me to spend thousands of dollars and postponed rry project. in the end was ordered to do what I had proposed in the beginning.
• commission provides comments and feedback, not always directive.
• Manner in which decisions are administered. Fear and intimidation should not be part of the equation.
• The excessive conservativeness of the Commission's by -laws. I would like a more standardized approach, i.e. the use of State
• did not have to go in front of them ... no place to put n/a
• Admin/Conserv. Commis. acted in a clear,fair timely manner
14. Was your experience with the Reading Conservation Agent fair and collaborative?
Answered: 139 Skipped: 122
Yes (46)
No (53)
Somewhat (40)
15. Why or why not? What would you like to see changed?
W Answered: 91 Skipped: 170
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• The opportunity to voice your need.
• Not very understanding of the homeowner. In this position, there has to be a fair assessment. YOu cannot just think about the
wetlands. YOu have to understand that people need to improve their lives and their families lives and that the owenership of
their land means something. But again, in the end I was treated fairly. I just would have preferred that treatment from the start.
• See above comments
• Again, Ms. Fink, while clearly hard working, was the most difficult individual I've ever had the misfortune to have to interact with.
She has left quite a stain on the Town's reputation.
• Greatly reduce the power of the CC Com, and institute an appellate process to mitigate the excessive requirements.
• Less paper work
• Less intrusive bylaws that allowed people to improve their porperty, and thus improve the value of their property.
• Conservation agent was arbitrary in her interpretation, and kept making up new restrictions, rules, and measures (at the cost of
the Town for three public projects). Did not confine her levying of requirements on conservation- affected parts of the property -
delved into traffic engineering, landscape design, and similar areas that are the responsibility of others. Could not provide a
definitive checklist (do these six things and I will sign oft). Rampant, arbitrary 'opinion' that she thought had the force of law.
• As i stated she was 2 faced. Said oh no problems here then threw us to the wolves before the cpdc so of course we were
unprepared and lost. - - - - -- — - -— — - - -- • same
• The head of the department (I assume that is who you are referring to) was very black and white, there was /is no middle area
and it seems largely unfair to smaller home owners who want to do something (addition) to their current home in taste and
within reason, when there are so many enormous homes in Reading that clearly have bent the rules, etc. Like to see changed
is a more collaborative Agent and Commission. We appreciate the hard work this board does, and that the goal is to protect the
environment, but there should be some wiggle -room for the average homeowner.
• She was too much of a nazi and not felexible at all
• N/A
• I think that the agent should be much less combative and aggressive. There was no followup
• They were very helpful and understanding.
• When I called the office for an explanation of the situation, since I received an abutters letter, they were very .helpful
• Homeowners should have the right to their property to improve their life.
• Face to face meetings start out extremely open and favorable. However, by the time the narrative is distributed at the public
hearing, items appear that have never been discussed nor seem appropriate. The financial costs seem exorbitant in many
• Fran is excellent and skilled. Why on earth the town felt it appropriate to cut back on the hours for the position and
subsequently to post the position at half time is beyond me - it is a full time job clearly, and Fran was doing it very well.
• A little mor ehelp with applicant
• explanations were straight forward
• loosen up a little for homeoweners. Big business can take over a wetland area but homeowners dont have a chance -town
revenue is important from big business but lets be equal
• Again, very slow but we understand it's needs, but again it discourages homeowners.
• Allow simple changes.ie footpath across swamp.
• see above- She is a nasty person!
• Some of the laws are rediculous....
• Response to public cease me works
• See comment to #4. 1 hope the Town hires someone who does not have a personal agenda and has a fair and balanced
approach to their job instead of the irrational bully Fran Fink.
• If you disagree with the Administrator or question her in any way, you are going to pay. She inflames nearly every situation if
she doesn't get her way and some of the Commission members back her up and encourage her to be the bully. You want to
take down one tree next to your foundation and she wants you to plant 10 replacements. We need someone who can protect
residents with the same passion they protect the wetlands with. She is not fair or reasonable unless you see it her way.
• There was absolutely no flexibility or partnership.
• FRan Fink was difficult to deal with. She often mischaracterized statements, snet letters whhc were inconsistent wiht the
Board's findings, reflected her personal view point and had no respect for the cost and delay. It was clear that she was not
paying for engineers and lawyers. Her goal seesm to be to thwart any development whether it is good for the town or not.
• See # 3
• No discussion possible. Not open to new technologies and materials that can solve problems. Incensitive to financial
consequences for residents of outdated bylaws. Need q modern and realistic view of the issues.
• see above, it just didn't feel right having to sign off on the contingencies.
• In my case, a change was made to my lot AFTER I purchased it ... made it almost impossible to sell. As a result of no change, in
my opinion, a building was built that really adds nothing to the landscape of Reading, when in fact a better building could have
been built, adding to the character of the town.
• Less strict
• Staff (now retired) was too strident and unflexible, even to the point of disagreeing and arguing with the Conservation
Commission. No understanding of the cost of requests on the property owner.
• Change nothing. Agent issued a minor project permit with little fuss and bother, for installation of a shed. The process has
simple and fair, and she communicated it well. ' t
The commision was somewhat fair but the adminstrator has a huge influence on their decision. 6:6\
• see above
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• I was belittled for cutting down a willow tree prior to the conservation commission viewing the property for the permit. The tree
was completely hollow and infested with carpenter ants. After the work was completed, the cons. comm. called me in mid Feb.
to see if I replanted grass in rry backyard.... it was under a foot of snow.
• less paper work
• I felt that the agent we dealth with felt she had complete control over every square inch of our property, though we are the
owners. Especially having to attend a hearing for small projects, large projects I can see.
• There is a belief on many Applicants minds that the wetland bylaw is being used to control land development within the Town.
The bylaw is too inflexible or not scientific in places; has fees that are inappropriate;and provides such latitude in its
implementation by the RCC that it is used in some cases to change,stop or unnecessarily constrain projects.'As the only
recourse to an Applicant is either acquiscence to the Commission's demands or appeal to Superior Court, the process can be
abused. The bylaw implementation has had a much greater negative impact on land use in Reading than in most of the balance
of the 175 to 200 towns we have done business in.
• too much quoting regulations
• unrealistic requirement imposed. The process needs a reality check
- - - - - --
• see above
• Terrible— just- te�rible.- Unfair bully, no common-sense-at all, - disrespectful intimidating,- liar.- Aiways- looking - for - problems- rather- -
than solutions. We need someone who helps people not tries to hurt them to advance their personal agenda of environmental
• Very stringent and time consuming - application of regs was overkill for proposed DPW project
• The conservation agent's job is to protect the functions and values of the wetlands. From that perspective, the agent was fair.
• For my neighbor
• Information/Concerns of the Agent were not always given to the applicant early enough to respond timely. Agent comments
were not restricted to wetlands bylaw.
• I was simply replacing a prefab shed with another prfab shed. I dont know why I needed a %50 minor permit. That said the
conservation office was courteous and prompt in addressing my inquiry.
• Tha commission was somewhat fair; but the administrator has a huge influence on their decision.
• Through no fault of the agent, the dialog between applicants and the commission tends to be somewhat contentious by nature.
It's the regulations themselves that tend to be too restrictive in nature, almost unreasonably so.
• this whole process is driven by personal agenda.The main purpose is to take control of someone else property
• I assume helped to streamline the permit. We also didnt ask to really encroach on the by laws.
• Sometimes common sense should prevail
• Frances Fink (retired) was nice to work with. Very professional.
• Question is unclear. He was pleasant but since I had few options, there was no reason to be difficult.
• Fran may have been tough but she is fair to work with. There are times some of the small nits could be eliminated... they just
hinder the process and do not result in huge impacts to wetlands.
• use more common sense
• I found the Conservatin Agent overly conservative in her interpretation of "likely to alter an area subject to protection ". She
required permits for pruning and planting (retroactively) of trees when clearly no wetland alterations within the buffer zone could
ever be caused to these activities.
• I should not have to follow a different set of rules than my neighbors.
• Not only was the Reading conservation committee unfair they were overstepping their bounds left and right. My worst
experience was as a 20 year old applicant trying to build a small home on a half acre of land. All I have ever wanted was my
-own house and I always said I would do it before I was 21 and saved all my teenage years for a chance. I thought I found it in
reading with a lovely piece of property. The land was surrounded by homes on all sides and to the right was the high school. I
was the only lot left in the entire neighborhood not built upon. Little did I know I didn$® ®t have a shot in hell. I felt the
conservation committee had made their decision even before I came to my first meeting. Not only did they move the flags on
my lot they routinely put me through the ringer about zoning and other issues that had nothing to do with wetlands. They were
trying to shut me down with whatever they could do even if it meant by illegal means and using their status to bring up issues
that were meant for the zoning board and the building inspector. The flags on the property were put there by a environmentalist
who I paid for and went to college for this knowledge. The flags were moved by some town locals on a committee without
testing or evidence to move the flags. Fran Fink who I am pretty sure does not have a college education or the man on the
committee who I later found out was a truck driver moved my flags. How is that fair or just? A truck driver has the right to move
rry flags that I paid a professional thousands of dollars to mark out? Then they brought up the right of way on the property
which is a zoning issue with no bearing on the wetlands issue. I being a college kid with her head on straight I went to the
Cambridge registry of deeds and dug up the right of way document from 100 years ago and brought it back for what was
probably rry 5th meeting with the conservation. Not only abusing their power but killing a kidAOOs dream and taking n7y entire
life savings to pay for lawyers and environmentalists. Not to mention the astronomical fee which was thousands of dollars just
to attempt to file for a permission to build. If you went out to the property you would see it was not a long shot it was a logical
place to build a home in a nice already established neighborhood. I have all the paper work to back this up from almost 10
years ago and will provide it for proof. These people set me back 5 years in rry life financially and I was not only unethical but a
prime example of people on a power trip not helping the community. I think this committe is the biggest example why the towns
property values are so low and have been even before the recession. Wakefield, Lynnfield, and North Reading all hold their
value better than Reading. People I talk to do not want to live in reading because it is a hassle to even plant bushes in your
own yard yet they tax you through the nose. The bylaws were created so nobody gets a permit or at least has to spend so
much money it is not worth the hassle. These committee people act like police with the right to walk onto private property and
demand things as if they are above the law. My friend had to take down his little tree house in his back yard because Fran Fink
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said it was unhealthy for the tree. Who scouts out a childa ®ds tree house walks onto the property and sends out notices to
take them down? The wetlands committee is a cancer in the town of reading and until it has all members have been terminated
and replaced with new members who are there to serve the town and not their own agendas will this problem be rectified.
• any abutter or owner of a proposed wetland /vernal pool should be notified before conservation makes a ruling about its use,
and be able to refute the town's position before the land is certified.
• on site inspections timely and on time with appointments made
• Inflexible.
• Trees need trimming etc, cost to excessive - to many rules
• Not aware of where it has failed
• Lied, misleading, overstepped her authority and badgered the state DEP when their decision was appealed
• Too close minded and rigid
• Same reasons. when asking about paving, tree removal or any building project I was told by the agent that none of the
improvements to my property would be considered. mostly due to the inappropriate actions of the previous owner
• They were very professional and responsive to rry questions /concerns.
• Over manage land that doesn't belong to them and you get the feeling you have to "beg" to add on to your property or even just
improve it.
• The Conservation agent was a very nice lady who explained the process in detail. She was undertstanding of our. frustration
with the process and suggested we go through the process and offer some mitigation to help it get through. We have decided
to hold off on any improvements to our proerty at this time and re- assess our situation and look at other alternative options for
potentially minimizing these issues.
• The agent came to our houe and wrote a letter regarding the "resolution" The letter was arbitrary in the determination of
resolution to our situation
• I would like to see some discussion & consideratin instead of just insisting on a meeting before the board & putting a hold on all
• Too one sided. Her way or the highway. Not friendly.
• see item 3
• Rules too stringent. Its a problem when I cannot cut down trees or trim trees to grow grass.
• onsite inpecting timely and on time with appointment made.
• In1he end 1 was made to get new plot plans,file forms with the state hired private reprisentive and when the meeting came was
passed with minimal discussion. all could have been handled without, what felt like criminal court.
• Agent seemed to be trying to be very careful in what she said rather than being really clear. Make it clearer what protections
are needed.
• same as question 3
• There is no real discussion. The by -law superceeds all decisions and does not allow for practical & reasonable allowances.
• Francis Fink(retired) was nice to work with. Very professional.
• Communications were NOT held in confidence making it unlikely that we would ever report any suspected violations of wet land
• it seemed a bit arbitrary although we had a positive outcome. happened timely.
• see above #3
16. How did the Reading Wetland application process compare to other Town permits (e.g. Building permit, etc..)?
Answered: 101 Skipped: 160
Similar (22)
More cumbersome (76)
Simpler (3)
17. Do you have any comments on the application process?
Answered: 69 Skipped: 192
• VERY confusing and not a great deal of guidance.
• Simplify and decrease the length of time and extensions due to inability of members to meet, tour, read papers.
• It is a very lengthy process, with numerous continuances, visits, meetings and unpleasant interactions. All of which created
significant anxiety for me and rry family.
• Needs to be simplified
• Fran is great
• Sticking with the State's conservation regs would make the process simpler, less subject to interpretation, and better
understood by contractors (who deal with all communities in the area).
• I think that once a site review is made the reviewer should let the applicant know then and there what their opinion is and not
waiver from it.The fact that comcom has to review before bldg can issue a pernit is also inhibiting. This becomes quite timely
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and costly. We must keep in mind that bldg permits take 2 weeks which'is yet a nother issue. Everyone does not know that and
many times are left with a job ready to be odne and a two week gap thus loosing the contractor,.
• Make it less restrictive
• N/A
• The process dragged on for over 2 years and this was even with constant contact and proof forwarded in person to board.
• I have not applied personally, but have spoken to a family member who works for the Conservation Dept of another town. I was
told that Reading was not as strict.
• Maker simpler.
• In other towns I have helped owners through the permitting process, the application, the site visits, the helpfulness of the agent,
etc., was far less cumbersome and much more informative.
•, We ourselves did not file the application; we were abutters. At every hearing we have attended, the committee and its staff
person have made extra efforts to explain the process.
• To slow
• Don't know, never apply for other permits myself
• I have no experience with other towns
• Half of the application does not apply
• expensive...
• no
• our issue in building a front porch was whether it was the required 35 feet from weland. it was about 50 -60 feet. we had to hire
a surveyor and our total cost was over $2,000.00 for the permitting process.
• Even when you are organized and ready and paid professional botanists, engineers and arborists to assist and provide counsel
it takes weeks and weeks if not months with unneccessary continuances and the Administrator undoing all the effort by the paid
• Its so painful and expensive to try to do anything in Reading. It's like the town looks at permit fees as a fundraising tool
• The commission in Reading does tend to visit all sites in question as a matter of policy - but this should be made a requirement
especially when the applicant is required to provide a very expensive wetlands survey.
• too long, too restrictive
• If some of the old laws were to be reconsidered, perhaps fewer applications would need to be filed in the first place.
• Do not know
• Any process for local permitting that has such long and extensive orders of conditions or approvals is broken.
• The process was so lengthly and painful that I almost left this town because of it.
• It should not be so difficult to get a permit for home improvement. The cons. comm. acted liked was at their mercy:..and I was!
• Fran is great
• Less paperwork & fees.
• 1 have insufficient experience with other town permits.
• Simplify process reduce paper work an related expenses
• Eliminate all the local fees that the commission tacks on to almost every project.
• No esxperience with others re question 6.
• Our issue in building a front porch was whether it was the required 35 ft. from the wetland. It was about 50 -60 ft. We had to hire
a surveyor & our total cost was over $2,000 for the permitting process.
• Generally more effort required
• It could be streamlined with better guidance
• Don't know
• Fee calculation can be complicated.
• Building permit process also courteous and prompt
• Tha process was so lengthly and painful that 1 almost left this town bwecause of it
• Our issue in building a front porch was where it was the required 35 feet from the wetland. it was about 50 -6D feet. we had to
hire a surveyor and our total cost was over $2,000 for the permitting process.
• My builder did the applying on my behalf so I have no personal experience on this particular part of it...
• Reading is my exper!ance
• Much too compicated
• It is fairly straigh forward.
• duplication of building permit process - why not one process form?
• Any application process in this town has appeared to me, in rry observations, cumbersome and frustrating to many parties
requesting a timely decision.
• Need to make it more simple. Some written guidelines may be helpful. The burden of leaving cash deposits to guarantee
projects is costly. Also the recording of huge documents is a real pain. Could eliminate one of the surveys as well. Just adds
cost to people who are struggling to get by.
• no
• No
• Permitting for a swimming pool in 1995 required a hearing.
• Every department is helpful and fair except for the conservation department. I have spoken to the building department and the
town clerk and both were friendly and helpful. Fran Fink was always unhelpful and rude. She never answered my questions just
pushed them off and told me to fill this or that or I needed to pay this amount. She never ever acted interested in helping the
residents of this community. She treated me like the enemy. It took years and more money than should ever be necessary to
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only be denied by the committee. The whole process is just one big expensive set up designed for you to be denied.
® No
• The conservation commission should be helpful in the process not just negative especially to homeowners who do not have the
funds to hire engineers and lawyers for a long battle with the Town of Reading. The commission is there to help the people of
Reading not hurt.
• Deal more fairly and accomodate homeowners with homes that abut wetlands. The homes were permitted and built and we
need the flexibility to maintain our homes and eradicate safety hazards (IE, large dead trees) more simply and fairly.
a Overly burdensome
• Far too cumbersome. Neighbors went through an exhaustive process to replace and improve an existing raised deck with a
slight increase in square footage. Took over a month just to get through conservation because they were within the wetlands
area. Common sense and site visit should have had this resolved within a week, tops.
• Vague in terms of what documents or drawings are needed. At first seemed like we needed a lot of drawings but then we found
out we could get them off the town website.
• N/A
• —If -the- town -of- reading- has - money -to- spend -on- power -hungry officials -they should- be_able_ and willing to help with the process not
hinder or let all applications go directly to the state and disban the local committee.
• No.
• duplication of building permit process- why not one process form?
• NO
• Fair and accessible
18. Was the Reading Wetland application process explained adequately?
a. In the regulations?
b. By the Conservation Administrator?
c. By the Conservation Commission?
d. By others?
Yes No Not
59 %30 %12%
28 %26 %47%
19. Based on your experience, what specific suggestions do you have for changes to the local wetlands laws or
Answered: 82 Skipped: 179
• Why not simply use the states guidelines? THey are very fair and protect the wetlands. Most towns default to them.
• The local bylaws are unnecessary given our State laws. If a local bylaw needs to exist it should be carefully redesigned to be
balanced and appropriate to aid homeowners /businesses while protecting the environment as appropriate rather than used as a
revenue source and a tool to use private property for flood control.
• Again, simplify the process and place minimal value on trees. In addition, reduce the surface wetlands so as to reduce potential
health risks.
• If it is the person's property, let them do what they want, as long as it is reasonable and within simple, clear town laws.
• Abolish the local bylaw and revert to the state conservation regs, as most Towns in Mass do. There is no reason for the added
layer of burdensome regulation. The state regs protect other towns just fine.
• There is no need to have environmental flagging done as much as has been required. I know someone who had to have their
property flagged ( even though there was no conservation on their propeity) just to spread grass seed.
• Minimize the process, don't slow things down, look what we missed out on at Addison Wessley
• Same as #3 = Two recommendations are namely: a more common sense approach and adjustments allowed depending upon
amount of land that is part of the conservation land (for instance) ... Allow for new materials to be used that are recommended
to be pervious. (Answer #3 Common sense along with the bylaws and its interpretation. If only a small % of one's property falls
on the (for example) aquaphor protection district, there should be some adjustment for that in terms of pervious vs. impervious
cover. Additionally, Reading needs to be more up-to -date and amendable to current advances in products and materials that
ARE considered to be pervious and enable homeowner's to use such materials and not count against their impervious
• Get rid of it. State of Mas has one of the most restrictive rules and regulations in the country.
• N/A
• To treat each situation differently depending on needs and certain intentions of home owners. Home owners should have some
leeway on compliance.
• none
• I do not have much experience - only conversations. I appreciate the wetland laws greatly and am glad we have them here in
• The Conservation Agent needs to be more available and willing to guide the applicants through the process. MORE hours that
the agent is available to meet with applicants along with knowledgeable support staff is critical, not LESSM! In many
surrounding towns (i.e. Burlington, Wilmington, etc.) the agent will come to the homeowners property and establish the wetlands
line. In Reading, the owner has to hire a botanist, have it surveyed and pay several thousands of dollars for this service only to
be told by the agent and the commission at the public hearing that they (the commission and agent) have decided not to agree
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with the botanist and establish the line in a more restrictive location.
• Please add a step notifying abutters of continuations of hearings if possible.
• A lot of money to ake out on my land
• mustallow for "normal" activity of homeowners that would have little impact on wetlands- tree removal, shed installation,
fencing..anything major, pools etc would be a separate issue
• more leniency for homeowners to use their wetlands that they pay taxes on while still preserving wildlife habitat and flood
• Don't selle land if you want connuin rights of management
• Fran Fink was the Conservation agent we dealt with she was very good & thorough. I was sorry to hear she left Reading.
• Reduce requirements
• Get rid of the local laws
• We need more wetlands
• Be reasonable...
Easement cave in not fixed
• Use the State guidelines as much as possible. Stop making up fees (I can assure you this is absolutely done) that people can't
afford and-provide the group with -some- customer -service- training. -
• why does Reading need all the additional rules on top of what the state already has. They are just used to beat up people trying
to improve their property especially by the administrator and a few members of the commission. Other members are more
• I feel the State By -laws are more than sufficent and having town by -laws in addition is needless.
• THey should be in line with the States. The veneral pools should be reevaluated.
• Remove aquifer district building restrictions in excess of normal state wetlands guidelines.
• A new board should be established to create guidelines that are more realistic. Not saying to eliminate EVERYTHING, but
rather come up with ideas that work for the home owner AND the town.
• I think homeowners should be able to make improvements to their properties more easily with less restrictions
• Get rid of the thirtyfive foot setback
• Keep our wetlands. Do not remove to make way for larger yards, decks, sports courts, play equipment. Keep strict restrictions
to protect our existing wetlands
• Make it all simpler. Delegate more to teh staff, and hire reasonable staff. Have the Commission give staff direction in terms of
customer service and flexibility. See what other communities do to make this process simpler.
• We have not tried to anything major - we like the wetlands and want to protect them
• Have less restrictions and work better with the home owners and the community. Rather than creating obsticles for them.
• I feel the process has to be less or more of a process based on the scale of the project. (ex. adding an addition vs. taking down
a tree)
• There-appears to be no need for a local bylaw to provide adequate protection of wetlands within the Town of Reading. The local
bylaw appears to be an instrument for local control of development and is administered to some degree without a balance
approach to reasanable land use and wetland protection.
• Simplify process reduce paper work an related expenses
• It would be helpful if there were one person to guide the process to let you know the process and what to expect.
• The regs are too burdensome on the property owners there is no balance.
• Eliminate the local laws. They are just used to baffle, confuse and intimidate people. The state should be all we need to protect
• Single family homes should have an easier time with work within the 200 ft boundry.
• For our situation the paperwork was overwhelming
• Need to consider impacts of each application and apply regs /process appropriately; avoid excess with no merit
• Streamlining them and providing more background on the functions and values of wetlands might assist in coming to better
designs and protections.
• Jurisdiction of activities outside the buffer zone is subjective and could include most any project.
• Needs to be less bureaucratic for small projects(cutting dead trees,limbs, shed replacements, fences) Projects that do not truly
impact wetlands
• HAve less restrictions and work better with the home owners & the common Rather than creating obsticles for them
• For our situation the paperwork was overwhelming.
• The spirit of wetlands regulations is to preserve natural areas for the benefit of nature and wildlife and the character of a town
by limiting overdevelopment. In the case of Reading, I firmly believe that this has been taken too far in that the smallest little
patches of land are declared wetlands even if there is a history of them *not* being wetlands and even if the area itself is too
small and devoid of natural and wild life to be significant one way or another. This has served the sole purpose of irritating
homeowners who find themselves having to preserve a tiny, isolated corner of their lot, or builders who cannot build and thus
deprive the town of potential property tax income. I am not referring to situations in which homeowners are abutting wooded
areas or true always -wet wetlands. Rather I'm referring to the situations where something is declared a wetland because the
proverbial toad or blade of wetland grass is identified there even though there are no trees and the area tends to be bone -dry
99% of the time. This is simply taking the regulations beyond their spirit and truly making an embarrassment out of our town
when people joke about our overly "militant" conservation commission. Common sense needs to begin to prevail here. If there
is a true wetland / forested area, by all means let's preserve it. If there is a small patch of grass in an otherwise barren lot, let's
allow the homeowners to do with their lots as they please!
• Only people that own socalled wetland should be on the commission
• Don't remember. Have exceptions for situations that don't fall under the main focus.
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• I understand the need to protect wetlands but when you own that property you cannot retreat into your own yard ( major
mosquito and deer fly problems ). I also don't understand the issue with tree trimmings and clippings. It's all natural and
decomposes into the earth.
• generally agree that wetlands need to be protected and managed
• The rules are somewhat arbitrary. I don't see that the concepts are applied equally to contractors and the average homeowner.
• Again, the experience I had was years ago on the Higgins property at Birch Meadow. I have not read the wetlands laws or
processes since.
• ELIMINATE the damn Aquifer Protection Zone. Very subjective, penalizes many. Cannot tell why one side of a street is in the
zone and the other side is not. Adds bureaucracy to town. People really are upset about this regulation. Adds huge costs to
people who exceed the 15 %.
• Have admiistrators less dogmatic & with more common sense.
• 1) Make instructions to the public consistant: FAQs, bylaws and permits. Ordinary homeowners need to be reached so they
know clearly what is expected of them. 2) Do not require permits for ordinary lawn and garden maintenance. Reword bylaws to
reflect this. Niether the Commission nor the Agent will have the time for low priority items that have negligible environmental
impact. 3) Introduce reasonable time limits (statute of limitation) so that complaints cannot be brought against abutters long
after a so- called - infraction has occurred: 4)-Ensure that - the- Commission-and-the Agent- are -in- synch. —Are- there- written - policies --
that exist outside of bylaws that can help in this area? 5) Notify each Reading homeowner whose property lies within a buffer
zone with a letter detailing exactly what household activities come under Conservation juristication. Make sure this is
consistant with the workload Conservation can accept in coming years!
• Implement a statute of limitations to complaints. A complaint registered 1 year and 9 months later Some guidelines for statue of
limitations; a complaint registered 1 year and 8 months later seems quite ridiculous. All townspeople following the same rules.
Consistency of by -laws, FAQ's, and permits.
• Get rid of the bylaws replace all members of the committee. Make it less stressfull and inexpensive.
• Simplify the process and allow for flexibility and customization.
• Change permitting expense, wait time to do projects.
• None
• To appeal the decision of the Conservation Commission, you should not have to file with the Superior Court in addition to the
State DEP. Very unfair and costly.
• Deal more fairly and accomodate homeowners with homes that abut wetlands. The. homes were permitted and built and we
need the flexibility to maintain our homes and eradicate safety hazards (IE, large dead trees) more simply and fairly.
• we should have the right to improvements of private property that has little to no impact on surrounding wetlands. the 35 ft no
build and the 25ft zone for maintenance along with the tree removal issue causes property value and personal safety issues.
• Explain the process in a step by step fashion and explain all fees. 5 years after rry project I was hit with a 150 "fee" from the
state for "compliance" that was I was never told was due.. and had to go to Boston then Cambridge to comply...
• Use common sense.
• Needed to call her not good written description. More consistent guidelines for restitution. Have town laws consistent with state
laws and not more restrictive /protective
• Listen to what the homeowner has to say & hold a discussion
• Dump the local regs and use the state regs.
• see item 3
• As a native of Reading I have witnesed the flood control that was engineered to make the town what it is today fall into
disrepair with no respect to personnel property or health. You need to walk the walk.
• clarify the needs. guidance on options
• I live in an acquifer zone(whatever that is) and seeing as how we are now on mwra i think there should be a lot less restrictions
on additions or upgrades to my property. also why do we need restrictions on water usage in the town? we now get our water
from the quabbin resevoir,so why the restrictions.
• Reading Conservation By -Laws should be revisited & rewritten. There should be a fairer approach to property owners.
• Gemera;;u agree that wetlands need to be protected and managed.
• No suggestions
For the next set of questions, please respond ONLY if you have experience with BOTH Reading wetlands permitting
and other communities' wetland permitting:
20. How do the Reading wetlands regulations help to manage flooding when compared to other communities?
Answered: 38 Skipped: 223
Better (6)
Worse (15)
Differently (17)
12 of 18
SurveyMagik::Results htip://readingrm-sirvey.virW,altownhall.net/results/sid/ 1b21bOdl c20b...
21. Why is it better or worse? If you selected Differently - please explain:
Answered: 26 Skipped: 235
• It takes private property and uses it for flood management so we can pay less in storm water fees to MWRA. At least be
honest about that and give homeowners and business who are essentially losing square footage of their property that they pay
taxes on some type of tax credit for the public service they are providing against their will.
• Fraught with forms and related costs. Too much control is given to the CC Com.
• The people weild to much power for no benefit, force you to buy plants.trees etc.
• The administrator and The Town were not realy felexible.
• N/A
• Far more restrictive for the homeowner. There are specific rules that need to be followed by the state yet Reading pushes it to
the point of being unreasonable and expensive. Curiously, on town property, these very same restrictions are ignored.
• IDK, I figure its actually the same...
• Selective, does not account for street drainage.
The_only_floodingJ_ know of is in basements..Palmer Hill has a spring at the top of thehill. It used to be used to supply the steam
engines ... fill swimming pools or water the grass ... now it just sits there.
• We rely too much on using private property for flood control instead of taking care of our drainage systems. I assume it has
something to do with MWRA expenses.
• these questions dont make any sense.
• Because Reading already has preserved so many wetlands parcels and is pretty much developed - flooding is less of an issue
than other cities like Peabody.
• They had different set of protocols that I cant fit all of them in this space
• excessive requirements are not beneficial to managing flooding.
• If I am not mistaken, Wetlands and flood plain are not the same thing. Flood plain manages flooding. Wetlands should not be
used interchangeable with the flood plain or drainage - especially in residential neightborhoods. Reading uses wetlands as an
excuse not to maintain drainage and sewers, putting the burden on private property owners that should be the responsibility of
the Town.
• About the same
• Neither better or worse. Very similar to other communities with by -laws.
• They had different set of protocols that 1 can't fit all of them in thisa space
• lack of professional knowledge
• I see in town tributaries to the Aberjona being blocked by branches,objects, etc. making the flow of wetlands restricted. This
concerns me. I think a plan should be put in place to walk them and make sure they are flowing freely every year. I have seen
towns who have clean up days for the wetland areas.
• The alleged drainage maps and areas have not been maintained. When a flooding issue was presented to the commission and
the town, my concerns were dismissed without any further investigation or discussion and the problems continue to build and
• I am not sure the permitting actually improves flood plain management
• I have waterfront property on a lake in Maine and it is far easier to both get permitting and perform work in the watershed up
there than here by a long shot. They perform a site visit (prearragned) and determine whether, or not any additional processes
are required. They have regulations but also realize that they are guidelines and do not fit every situation to a 'T' and that there
needs to be creative and outside the box thinking (yankee ingenuity) and less unecessary paperwork. They follow through with
follow up site visits and work with property owners on solutions to issues, whether they be septic, building, forestry, erosion
control or wildlife protection related.
• see item 3
• some communities are really good at it and really work to get designs that are both protective and look good.
22. How do the Reading wetlands regulations help to manage storm water when compared to other communities?
Answered: 34 Skipped: 227
Better (5)
Worse (15)
Differently (14)
23. Why is it better or worse? If you selected Differently - please explain:
Answered: 21 Skipped: 240
• see above
• Why don't they come to rrry house and clean it up to avoid standing water and bring mosquitos to my yard
• N/A
1'2 -P 1 4
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SurveyMagik::Results http: // readingma- survey.virtualtownball.net /results /sid/ 1b2lbOdl c20b...
• Particularly in the Aquifer Protection District ... outrageously restrictive. Very few properties in this district are large enough to
be able to have a driveway along with their house and still meet the restrictions.
• the storm water just makes South Street River instead of actually draining anywhere
• Salt, road trash - not enough culvert cleaning.
• All I know is we have a fee for that too. We used to have Public Works that did so much for the tax bill that we pay...Now.they
are mainly patchers.
• see above
• reading hasnt maintained storm ditches for years.
• duplicate.
• Half of the town had well water and private sewer. So, I cant real
• If the storm put the water in rry basement, why can't the storm water go into the drain?
not beneficial to managing storm water
• Same as above. Using private property to manage town responsibilities regarding storm water without paying property owners
for the "service" their land is providing everyone else is wrong.
• About the same - MA SW Re generally dictate
• simialr to state stormwater guidelines but includes 4 or less homes.
• HAlf of the town had well water & private sewer. so I can't realy compare them.
• We still get flooded
• I am not sure the permitting actually improves storm water management
• Communities that have stricter bylaws seem to get better functionality of the best management practices
24. How do the Reading wetlands regulations help to manage wildlife habitat when compared to other communities?
Answered: 40 Skipped: 221
Better (10)
Worse (19)
Differently (11)
25. Why is it better or worse? If you selected Differently - please explain:
Answered: 23 Skipped: 238
• Why do we value wild life habitat versus quality of life to Reading residents.
• The wildlife has more rights than the homeowner. There is a home in town who's entire back of the home was rotted and molded
from the trees right against it. Because it was conservation they were not allowed to take any down thus resulting in major cost
of ripping out the entire back of home.After appearing before cpdc and showing pictures of damage and costs trees were
allowed to come down. Fran Fink insisted they replant them Ridiculous. The problem should not be on the homeowner but on
the original builder. The town has to have some compassion for folks attempting to do the right thing. Fran insisted they be
replaced even after she gave permission to take them down.
• Ridiculous, again this is Reading yet it is treated as if it is Yosimete National Park or other real habitat sites.
• By being very restrictive
• N/A
• I do know of another town that is stricter with their laws than Reading. Unfortunately, had that been the case, a clearing would
not have happened and we would still have the habitat that used to live in our neighborhood. We no longer have salamanders,
peepers and several species of birds... we do however now have crows.
• No better and no worse.
• no idea - again, why isn't there "the same" choice ??
• Too selective, not pro - resident
• Do They manage anything ? ?? We have some wonder naatural wetlands... that give natural habitat to many animals ... as long as
they don't wonder up to the roads...
• none of the above
• the mosquitos like it.
• I live in aquifer and there are bluebirds, coyotes, beavers,foxes, deer hawks and lot of wildlife. No need for extra protection in
this area.
• There are plenty of wetlands in Reading for wildlife to habitate.
• Too many deer. No one is managing it.
• too much focus and emphasis on wildlife habitat . Promotes the infestation of mosquetoes.
• Do we really need more animals in residential neighborhoods. Managing the habitat in the town forest makes sense. but
creating wildlife habitat in residential neigborhoods by force is asking for trouble
• Same /unsure
• Better definitions of habitat and more strictive than the state.
5�1 .b
A „ -F, Q 9/21/20117:30 A
SurveyMagil :Results
http://readingma-survey.virtualtownball.net/resWts/sid/lb2 IbOd 1 c20b...
• It is on an extrerreist level. Reading is not a wildlife preserve it is a town next to two major highways with thousands of
residents who depend on the town to have their town's best interest at hand.
• I am not sure the permitting actually improves wildlife'habitat management
• while the conservation lands seem to be well managed, the storn-water controls in Reading are not particularly protective of
wildlife habitat.
26. How do the Reading wetlands regulations help to manage water quality when compared to other communities?
Answered: 30 Skipped: 231
Better (9)
Worse (10)
Differently (11)
27. Why is it better or worse? If you selected Differently - please explain:
Answered: 21 Skipped: 240
• no impact on water quality
• Compared to other surrounding towns ex: Stoneham, Reading water is terrible not for consuption. I have no idea why its just
• Don't have anything to compare with so not sure whether it is better or worse.
• Too much road salt!!!
• none of the above
• dont we get our water from the MWRA
• Not applicable. Why is this question here?
• Much more restriction in place
• Don't we get our water from MWRA? why do we have to spend so much effort on water quality when we don't use the river
• excessive requirements are only marginally beneficial
• We get our water from the State and MWRA. It would be interesting to hear how the state fails to protect water supplies and
Reading does.
• Same /unsure
• very similar to other communities
• Much more restriction in place
• I am not sure the permitting actually improves water quality management
• There doesn't seem to be any focus on water quality per se. There's no bioretention designed, and some of the stream bank
(e.g., at Jordans,S &S /Market basket) is not conducive to water quality protection.
• Since our domestic water comes from the MWRA, don't see how it is relative.
• No experience with other towns.
Thank you for responding to this questionnaire!
28. Please provide any additional comments or suggested changes in the bylaw, regulations or permitting process:
Answered: 49 Skipped: 212.
• I am happy to answer any questions.
• It will save the Town and all applicants time and money to abolish the local, regs and bylaw, and rely on the Commonwealth
conservation regs (as most Towns do now). As we regionalize our conservation program, we will create a more consistent,
better- understood permitting process because it will be the same as the one for surrounding committees. Then the
Conservation Commission can focus on more general, worthwhile conservation efforts instead of obsessing on one bylaw.
Become a real conservation commission, not "the committee to enforce wetlands protection "! Become an enabler, not a
• The town needs to realize they are dealing with regular citizens who just want to make their home nice and are not trying to hurt
nature. I am in real estate and can honestly say that some blds won't come to this town as they state it is the worse town in the
state to build in. I have clients who have moved out of town becauue of unfair decisions but concom.Many a home has gone
unsold or at a very reduced price because after speaking with Fran than ran and ran fast to another home or even another
town. As we Realtors sell and list all over the state we experience the concoms in many towns.lt is a known fact that 99% of all
Realtors who have sold here and dealt with concom state it is the worse they have ever dealt with. It seems the board feels
they are above all and on a power struggle. I believe the board should be changed every 2 -3 ridding the town of die hard tree
huggers who care not for the real world homeowner.
15 of 18 �' 9/21/20117:30 AZ\
° Minimize the processes, power and necessity of the commission.
• Thank you for being so open to feedback. We hope to hear of additional inforniation via the Advocate or Patch going forward. If
there are open forums, we'd like tobe involved. Thanks again.
• People pay very high taxes in town over past 12 years. Taxes have doubled and no real gain to tax payers. I cant move noon .
• I wouldn't mind seeing the town be stricter with the wetlands and habitat. We need to protect what little we have left. (I really
nniun those peopem!!)
• The state now allows certain paving materials to be excluded from being considered impervious. Reading's Aquifer protection
regulations do not allow this consideration.
• Please do not make the bylaws less restrictive. While wetlands regulations occasionally affect residential uses, this is more the
result of small lot sizes in Reading than it is from overly stringent wetlands regulation. There are few if any,examples of the
existing bylaws impeding otherwise economically viable commercial development in town. This may reflect the fact that most of
Reading's wetlands, except for Walkers' Brook are not close to business zones. Note that the Walkers Brook area is
flourishing, mnercia|lySixen1he\ocationofmootwnt|ondoinpmxinTfi|YtonaoidenUa|emaa.itioa|unimpodonLiothe
5—etownand |os=rkrooniinon'krpnoted-thesewe|and
" Aberjono.(PoUnokitree)The man |o|dmehouou|dteko10O.000ga||onuodey.Fmmadrycmek?(Duringahntonddrypehod.)
I believe he claims this is a state regulation. But as someone who has the Aberjona in their backyard I think this business is
irresponsible to the environment. (And io this comment irrelevant tn the ourvey?),
• Based on experiences of many friends who have applied for perrnits to make positive changes to their homes, we feel that the
regulations -are far too stringent and at times, unnecessary. People are not able to improve their homes because they
encounter many challenges when working with the conservation commission. We would like to be able to make fair and
reasonable improvements to our properties. We don't think many residents want to disturb the environment, but we do need
more flexibility and more oppoduntivatn make those improvements.
• Improve Speed of the process & more understanding pre-existing conditions
• It's a brutal experience that needs to change. I hope this exercise is taken seriously and real change results from it.
• make iteasier
• I am a 10 year town meeting member and RE/MAX Broker. The aquifer is in my district. Residents are paying too much in
rechareg sustems and penalities/permits to meet the current regs. Change has been needed for years! I have clients saying to
r-ne that they would love to be in the Wood End school ..."could I'please find them a house without wetlands?"
• Need to change outdated bylaws and have an open rninde regarding new material and technologies. Also Taxs should not be
the same for residents that have a house that cannot be changed due to specific bylaws that do not apply to all othe,r residents.
• We live on a creek and have found that the land is treated like "Plymouth Rock"when it, is just a wet area
• When people purchased their properties they were aware abou the wetlands. It is unfair to the wildlife and environment to
remove theses precious parcels of land - stricter policies!
• A reasonable process for protection of wetlands and habitat is important. But it has got to be made simpler and less expensive
to applicants and the community than his.
• K�okethem less mathotand change the odr�n\otmior(Fnan)
• The need to comply with both State and local conservation bylaws places an unnecessary burden on homeowners and
businesses. Why do we need both sets of conservation laws? I am all for protecting wetlands and flood plains that abut our
rivers and streams, but do we need both sets of laws to do this efficiently? Lef s give serious consideration to rolling back or
abolishing the Reading conservation bylaw and enforcing only the State conservation laws. They should provide adequate
• My main issue io what seems to me the overly restrive regulations regarding what you can dn in proximity to a wetland. The
proximity rules seem too tight - e.g. rninor home improvements like renovating a deck requiring a perr-dt if within 1OD feet of
wetlands. I fail to understand how a deck affects wetlands at all. To me, anything 30 feet beyond edge of a wetland that is not
io silly -in this town can involve people streets away.
• It's been a while since we had to deal with CC. Hopefully things have improved since then.
• Conservation Adrninistrator is out of control, not to mention the Commission does whatever they like - even when it costs the
Town money without adding any real benefit. The Commission is impressed with their own power and has shown over the years
that they cant manage thier urge to advance their environmentai agenda at the expense of the entire Town, all in the name of
"protecting" the town. It's time to get this group refocused on helping the people who have to subrnit applications as much as
they help want to help the environment. It's not that they dont mean well, they are just too focused on their own interests. I
ouppnrt the Town Managers effort toe|irfina1e the local laws and he deserves credit for taking on this issue, though itwould
have been better ifha had better managed the Administrator years ago.
°make them less restrict and change the administrator (Fnen)
My land contains a drainage ditch which has not been maintain for the towns benifit. As a result water backs up on n-ry property.
This has created the 000a||edwetland.
My biggest question about the wetlands behind my house on 68 Haystack Road is what qualifies them as wetlands? When I
asked the question the only answer I got was that is was characterized as wetlands based on an aerial photograph. Basically
the "Wetlands" area in my yard is a trench which even though it is 4-5" lower than the rest of the lot doesnt actually collect any
water, at least that I've seen in the 10 months We've owned the house. I was happy to have my application approved to have a
fence installed and to put a small seasonal pool in thebackyard..1 dont think either of those improvements in any way
encroaches on the wetlands. If the trench wasnt categorized as wetlands we would have filled it in and made additional ~�V
landscaping improvements. ~=�.� ��~7� d
16 ofl8
V3 9/21/20117:30 A]
I-) J-00�
Su,veyD�q��:RuanDo oop:xroouogou�aur,eY�uu�/wvmmu�""^"""^"^s"" .
~why is separate fee required? Seems like yet another "sneaky town tax". Building permit contact stated rrry backyard was NOT
a wetland area.
• | think there is always room for improvement ino process, but not compromise when addressing wetland areas. If they are
dedicated and passed on as wetland conservation areas, they need to be protected as such. ALL PROCESSES IN THIS
TOWN NEED TD8E LESS CUMBERSOME for the applicants. That doesn't mean a quick 'yao" vote, bdoohouormjmwomd
deliberation no matter which board they stand in front u[ Even a no is better than waitinQ, and waiting and waiting.
• I think the whole "likely to alter"therne needs reexamination and quantification. A1Y6 chance ofmovinga pebble iuobviously
not the same as a 90% chance of dumping oil into a drainage area. Conservation needs a "big picture" of what it can do versus
what needs to be done. We need to regulate the oil dumping, not the pebble moving. Good luck!!
• I don't like being victirnized by nTy abutting neighbor on Old Farm Road. We were warned about him when he was in the process
of moving back to Old Farm Road. | have stayed away from him an much as possible. Thum was an incident when he
threatened to kill my cats several years ago. There was another incidence when he cut down hemlocks on property bord * ering
both our yards. | called the |i and they came and asked him to stop. I told the police I was afraid of him. Personally I don't
think the mental instability of n7y neighbor should have involved the CC at all. We had not done anything wrong.
• You need to get rid of the conservation bylaws. They are blantant abuse of the law preventing healthy growth in the housing
community-7R—ep|ace aUnnonbarenf-\heoommittme-und-regu|ate-thenrsn-thoy-oan-nnt-obuoethe-pmwertheyope'givon.-^buee-of-----
enviornmental mobsters. They are the sole reason I will never own property in Reading again. My entire family used to live in
Reading and all have moved away due to issues with the ounnemoiinn oomrnittea. | have met so many people who are
unhappy with the way the committee has acted over the years that I am surprised it has taken this long for some feedback to
be taken seriously and changes being mode. | hope this helps the town make productive changes.
• Every effort should be mode 10 protect our wetlands, hvero, and wildlife habitats. | am opposed to allowing encroachment on
any nfthese.
• I found it too restrictive when a neighbor could not ad a simple fence or cut a tree that was diseased (response was it will fall
naturally!) Impact - not at all important in the grand scheme of family and the wetlands involved.
• I don't think that the town should have such restrictive practices towards the care, maintenance and improvements of one's
private property. I am all for REASONABLE conservation practices, but what I have experienced here borders on ridiculous.
• Not being able to have a compost pile or dispose leaves in woods is ridiculous. You are created a tattle on one neighbor to
another neighbor situation.
• I feel like Readings natural resources need every bit of help they can get to protect them from development and over building.
Property owners and businesses are already aware of the wetlands bylaw (or should be) prior to purchasing their property. The
bylaws and rules should be honored as they are currently written with few or no exceptions. The open space, natural resources
and undeveloped land in the town have shrunk considerably since we moved here 8 years ago.
• Common sense should dictate whether or not a full blown application should be necessary. There should be a short
form/process available 10 those whose intentions are i impacts
wetlands area. Also, a thorough review should be performed of any "vernal pool" designations made within the Town. There
seems to be a large number of these within Reading as compared to the rest of the State, I know that this bothered the
previous homeowner (Father in law) as he was unaware of this designation of his man-made pond until much later, and when
he was looking to sell and develop the property that he had lived on and maintained for over 50 plus years.it severly impacted
his ability to get a fair price. Not sure that the Town would want a. Town Employee causing irreparable financial harm.to, a tax
payer and property owner, especially with an improper designation performed with little to no due diligence, under the guise of
an educator. This io very oirni|arto the Historical Comnniioo\on deeming historic sites without notifying the homeowners aowas
discussed ot one of our recent town meetings.
Leave room for discussin instead of just insisting on putting a hold on all construction until a meeting in front of the board
Minor residential modifications or repairs shoyld automatically be approved.
°see item 3
Based on viewing meetings, there appear to be unclear and changing expectations for those requesting permits. The process
seems to take far too many meeting iterations toboresolved. How can itbn beneficial to the town to require eperrnitbefore
removing a tree that has fallen on a structure? -Why would Conservation be involved in project landscaping that is not near
wetlands? Utilize State regulations vs. custom Reading bylaws and simplify the process. Over regulation and excess control do
not necessarily provide value to the town and cause impediments to growth of town.
As a homeowner I am trying to maintain & improve rrry property value which I feel is impossible with the conservation
Reading could improve the water quality protection aspect of the bylaws.
Never mc'd any notification about any nf his neighbors doing construction
°| did not participate in this process and om not far�i\ar with it.
°Why imoepernta fee required? Seem like yet another "sneaky town tax"
29. Please enter yournomeifmmmuycontactyuuaboutyourreoponoe:
W Answered: 67 Skipped: 194 -
17 ofl8
9/21/20117:30 M
Middlesex, ss. Officer's Return, Reading:
By virtue of this Warrant, 1, -on --------------- 2011 notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Reading,
qualified to vote on Town affairs, to meet at the place and .at the time specified by posting attested copies of
this Town Meeting Warrant in the following public places within the Town of Reading:
Precinct 1
Precinct 2
J. Warren Killam School, 333 Charles Street
Peter Sanborn Place, 50 Bay State Road
Precinct 3
Reading Police Station, 15 Union Street
Precinct 4
Joshua Eaton School, 365 Summer Avenue
Precinct 5
Town Hall, 16 Lowell Street
Precinct 6
Austin Preparatory School, 101 Willow Street
Precinct 7
Reading Library, Local History Room, 64 Middlesex Avenue
Precinct 8
Wood End School, 85 Sunset Rock Lane
The date of posting being not less than fourteen (14) days prior to ----------- 2011, the date set for the Local
Election in this Warrant.
I also caused a posting of this Warrant to be published on the Town of Reading website on ------------------ 2011.
A true copy Attest:
Laura Gernme, Town Clerk
, Constable
Middlesex, ss.
To any of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greetings:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the
inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Reading
Memorial High School Auditorium, 62 Oakland Road, in said Reading, on Monday, November 14, 2011, at
seven-thirty o'clock in the evening, at which time and place the following. articles are to be acted upon and
Rule Charter
ARTICLE 1 To hear and act on the reports of the Board of Selectmen, Town Accountant, Treasurer-
Collector, Board of Assessors, Director of Public Works, Town Clerk, Tree Warden, Board of Health, School
Committee, Contributory Retirement Board, Library Trustees, Municipal Light Board, Finance Committee,
Cemetery Trustees, Community Planning & Development Commission, Town Manager and any other Official,
Board or Special Committee.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 2 To choose all other necessary Town Officers and Special Committees and determine
what instructions shall be given Town Officers and Special Committees, and to see what sum the Town will
vote to appropriate by borrowing or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, for the purpose of funding Town
Officers and Special Committees to carry out the instructions given to them, or take any other action with
respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 3 To see if the Town will vote to amend the FY 2012 - FY 2021 Capital Improvements
Program as provided for in Section 7-7 of the Reading Home Rule Charter and as previously amended, or take
any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 4 To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $55,470.89 for the purpose of
funding the West Street final design project, including all engineering and design costs, and any other
associated costs, and that to meet this appropriation:
♦ $7,798.08 shall be transferred from the unexpended proceeds of the town's bonds dated 4-10-08 which
were issued for the construction of the Birch Meadow Tennis Courts pursuant to the vote of the town
passed 11/13/07 (Article 9);
♦ $46,209.30 be transferred from the unexpended proceeds of the town's bonds dated 11-1-07 which.
were issued for the construction of the Turf Field Improvements pursuant to the vote of the town passed
4/26/07 (Article 22);
♦ $1,341.51 be transferred from the unexpended proceeds of the town's bonds dated 4-10-08 which were
issued for the purchase of a Ladder Truck pursuant to the vote of the town passed 11/13/07 (Article
10); and
$122.00 be transferred from the unexpended proceeds of the town's bonds dated 8-1-09 which were
issued for the purchase of a Fire Engine pursuant to the vote of the town passed 11 /10/08 (Article 11);
and that the Board of Selectmen is authorized to take any other action necessary to carry out this project;
provided, however that no expenditures shall be made hereunder Until the Board of Selectmen determines
(which determination shall be conclusive) that after the transfer of such unexpended bond proceeds, the
remaining amount of unexpended bond proceeds from all of the above referenced bonds is sufficient to
complete the project for which the bonds were sold, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 5 To see if the Town will vote to amend one or more of the votes taken under Article 28 of.
the Warrant of the Annual Town Meeting of April 25, 2011; and to see what sum the Town will vote to
appropriate by borrowing or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, as the result of any such amended
votes for the operation of the Town and its government, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Finance Committee
ARTICLE 6 To see if the Town will vote to authorize the payment during Fiscal Year 2011 of bills
remaining unpaid for previous fiscal years for goods and services actually rendered to the Town, or take any
other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 7 To see if the Town will vote to rescind the remaining balances on the following
authorized but unsold debt that is no longer needed for the completion of the projects:
+ $140,000 for Birch Meadow Tennis Courts —April 26, 2007 Annual Town Meeting Article 21;
+ $275,000 for Turf Field, Improvements - April 26, 2007 Annual Town Meeting Article 22;
+ $65,000 for Sewer improvements Sunnyside/Fairview -April 26, 2007 Annual Town Meeting Article 23;
♦ $50,000 for Ladder Truck —November 13, 2007 Subsequent Town Meeting Article 10
Or take any other action with respect thereto
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 8 To see if the Town will vote to amend the action taken under Article 7 of the Warrant at
the November, 2010 Town Meeting, which vote authorized the borrowing of $2,285,000 to pay costs of water
system improvements on Haverhill Street, to permit the expenditure of funds authorized to be borrowed under
said Article 7, but which not needed to complete the Haverhill Street project, to pay costs of rehabilitating and
repairing water mains on Howard Street, from Summer Ave to County Road, including the costs of engineering
services, plans, documents, cost estimates, bidding services and all related expenses, or take any other action
relative thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 9 To see what sum the Town will vote to transfer from the Smart Growth Stabilization Fund
tot the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 10 To see if the Town will amend the motion under Article 5' at the November 13, 2001
Subsequent Town Meeting by striking the Words "July 1, 2003" and the words "allocated 75% towards
perpetual (non expendable) principal and 25% to be available (expendable)" so that the sentence shall read:
"Unless otherwise directed by a subsequent donor as to the use of his or her donation made on or after
January 1, 2012 shall be available for expenditure (expendable)."
Or take any other action with respect thereto.
Commissioners of Trust Funds
3 (0
ARTICLE 11 To see if the Town will vote to authorize revolving funds for certain Town Departments
under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 53E 1/2for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 with
the receipts, as specified, credited to each fund, the purposes, as listed, for which * each fund may be spent, the
maximum amount that may be spent from each fund for the fiscal year, and the disposition of the balance of
each fund at fiscal year end.
Year End
Director of Public
Works upon the
Sale of
recommendation of the
timber; fees
Planning and
Improve-ments to_
Town Forest
the Town Forest
or take any other action with respect thereto
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 12 To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Board of Selectmen under the
provision of law authorizing the assessment of betterments, to install granite curb on Stewart Road and
Edgemont Avenue: and to authorize the Board of Selectmen under the provision of law authorizing the
assessment of betterments under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended, to assess
betterments therefore, in accordance with the statutory requirements; and to see what sum the Town Will vote
to appropriate by borrowing, or from the tax levy, or transfer from available funds, or otherwise, for the
installation of curbing, or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 13 To see if the Town will vote to discontinue as a public way for all purposes a portion of
Grant Street, consisting of approximately 399 square feet of land along the northerly side of Grant Street and
400 square feet of land along the southerly side of Grant Street as shown on a'Plan entitled "Grant Street
Roadway Discontinued Plan" dated September 27, 2011, a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk,
subject to the reservation of any and all utility and drainage facility easements in said way; and to transfer the
care, custody, control and management of said discontinued portion of Pearl Street from the Board of
Selectmen for public way purposes, to the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of conveyance, and further, to
authorize the Board of Selectmen pursuant to M.G.L. c.40, §3 to convey all of the Town's right title and interest
in said discontinued way upon such terms and conditions, and for such consideration as the Board of
Selectmen deem to be in the best interest of the Town,
or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 14 To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen, pursuant to M.G.L.
Chapter 40, §3, to convey all of the town's right title and interest in the parcel of land identified on the
Assessors Map as Map 28, Lot 202 containing 13,930 square feet of land, upon such terms and conditions,
and for such consideration as the Board of Selectmen deem to be in the best interest of the Town, or take any
other action relative thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 15 To see if the Town will vote to discontinue as a public way for all purposes a portion of
Old Pearl Street, consisting of approximately 11,351 square feet of land along the westerly side of the 1944
Pearl Street alteration beginning at the private way known as Bunker Avenue and extending in the northerly
direction for a distance of approximately 250 linear feet to the side line of Audubon Road as shown on a Plan
entitled "Pearl Street Roadway Discontinued Plan" dated September 27, 2011, a copy of which is on file with
the Town Clerk, subject to the reservation of any and all utility and drainage facility easements in said way; and
to transfer the care, custody, control and management of said discontinued portion of Pearl Street from the
Board of Selectmen for public way purposes, to the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of conveyance, and
further, to authorize the Board of Selectmen pursuant to M.G.L. c.40, §3 to convey all of the Town's right title
and interest in said discontinued way upon such terms and conditions, and for such consideration as the Board
of Selectmen deem to be in the best interest of the Town,
or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 16 To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 15A, to transfer the
care, custody and control of approximately 31,061 square feet of land as shown on Board of Assessor's map
conveyance; and; and further, to authorize the Board of Selectmen pursuant to, M.G.L. c.40,- §3 to convey all of
the Town's right title and interest in said property upon such terms and conditions, and for such consideration
as the Board of Selectmen deem to be in the best interest of the Town,
or take any other action with respect thereto School Committee
ARTICLE 17 To see if the Town will vote to discontinue as public ways for all purposes, the following;
a portion of Grandview Road, on the west side of the way southerly from the intersection of Cold Spring
Road for approximately 358 feet; from
a portion of Cold Spring Road, on the south side of the way westerly for approximately 115 feet
the intersection of Grandview Road and the full width of the way an additional 112 feet westerly to
Oakland Road;
a portion of Oakland Road southerly from the intersection of Cold Spring Road for approximately 330
feet to Chestnut Road; and
a portion of Tower Road westerly from Grandview Road for approximately 243 feet to Oakland Road,
all as shown as "the Discontinued Sections of Grandview Road, Cold Spring Road, Oakland Road and Tower
Road" on a Plan entitled "Roadway Discontinuance Plan" dated September 27, 2011, a copy of which is on file
with the Town Clerk, subject to the reservation of any and all utility and drainage facility easements in said
ways; to transfer the care, custody, control and management of said discontinued portions of Grandview
Road, Cold Spring Road, Oakland Road and Tower Road from the Board of Selectmen for public way
purposes to the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of conveyance; and further, to authorize the Board of
Selectmen to convey all of the Town's right title and interest in said discontinued ways together with all of the
land shown on Board of Assessor's Map 33 Lot 19, Map 33 Lot 31, Map 27 lot 405, and Map 27 lot 412 upon
such terms and conditions, and for such consideration as the Board of Selectmen deem to be in the best
interest of the Town,
or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 18 To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 15A, to transfer the
care, custody and control of the property shown on Board of Assessor's Map 9, Lot 3, consisting of 31,614
square feet of land, from the Water Department or the Board of Selectmen for water resource and protection
purposes, to the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of conveyance; and further, to authorize the Board of
Selectmen pursuant to M.G.L. c.40, §3 to convey all of the Town's right title and interest in said parcel of land
upon such terms and conditions, and for such consideration as the Board of Selectmen deem to be in the best
interest of the Town,
or take any other action with respect thereto. Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 19 To see if the Town will approve the recodification of the Reading General Bylaw
pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Bylaw Committee
ARTICLE 20 To see if the Town will vote to approve an amendment to the Table of Organization
pursuant to Section 6-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 21 To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.8, Aquifer Protection District, of the,
Town of Reading Zoning By-Laws, in the following respects (note — cress—through represents language to be
eliminated and bold represents new language):
by amending Section 4.8.3. Definitions: as follows (new language in bold)
Impervious Surface: Material or structure on, above, or below the ground that does not allow precipitation or
surface water to penetrate directly into the soil. Impervious surfaces shall include all roofs, decks, driveways,
parking areas, roadways and walkways, regardless of the proposed surface material. Excluded from this
definition are decks that are constructed with open joints between the floorboards, and where the
surface underneath the deck is not impervious;
by deleting Sections and in their entirety, and inserting in place thereof the following new
sections: Land uses that result in the rendering impervious of more than 15% or 2,500 square feet of
any lot or parcel, whichever is greater, unless a system of artificial recharge of precipitation is
provided; When artificial recharge is required to meet the limitation established in Section, a
system for the recharge of precipitation shall be provided that will not result in the degradation of
groundwater quality. Recharge plans shall comply with the DEP Stormwater Guidelines and shall be
submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval;
by inserting a new Section 4.8.7 as follows:
4.8.7. Nonconforming Uses and Structures
Non-conforming uses and structures which were lawfully existing, begun or in receipt of a building or
special permit, prior to the first publication of notice of public hearing for this bylaw may be continued.
If such non-conforming uses and structures are changed, extended or altered, as specified in M.G.L. c.
40A, §6 and Section 6.3 of this bylaw, then the use or structure as changed, extended or altered must
comply with this bylaw.,
by inserting a new Section 4.8.8 as follows:
4.8.8 No Variance Permitted
No variances shall be granted from the provisions of this bylaw Section 4.8.
by inserting a new Section 4.8.9 as follows:
4.8.9 Administration/Rules and Regulations
This bylaw shall be administered by the Community Planning and Development Commission which
shall also have the authority to adopt rules and regulations governing the design of infiltration
systems required herein;
by renumbering the current Section 4.8.7 as 4.8.10, ,
or to take any other action with respect thereto.
Community Planning and Development Commission
ARTICLE 22 To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.2 (Signs) of the Town of Reading Zoning
By-Laws as follows: (note'— Gross thFaug-h represents language to be eliminated and bold represents new
622. Definitions
t. Temporary Construction/Redevelopment Signs — A temporary unlit free
standing sign or wall sign affixed to a structure or fence identifying the project name, project
team, project description or business to be conducted on the premises.
6.2.4. Exempt Signs
GORGtFUGtion Signs, ideRtifyiRg GOntFaGtors while daing GOR6#61Gtion weFk on a pmpeFty. Temporary
Construction signs shall be allowed during active construction, where a demolition or building
permit has been issued and where at least site preparation work has commenced. Temporary
Redevelopment signs shall be allowed for sites that have not begun construction, but have
been issued a building or demolition permit or have an approved site plan. The maximum size
of Temporary Construction/Redevelopment Signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in surface
area or 10 feet in any dimension. Temporary Redevelopment signs may be displayed for a
period of up to 1 year. Upon written request and approval of the CPDC the display period for a
Temporary Redevelopment sign may be extended. Temporary Construction sign's shall be
removed after the construction, repair or renovation work is completed or within 7 days after the
issuance of a final occupancy permit.
6.2.3. Signs Permitted According to Zoning District
Table 6.2.3 Signs Permitted According to Zoning Districfi
(sq. ft.)
All Zoning Districts:
1. Personal Message
2. Identification (Joint
and Area
8 (A)
1 /lot
3. Construction
N/A 1
4. Subdivision Sales
5. Subdivision
6. Real Estate Sales
1 /lot
7. Temp Open House
per lot
8. Garage/Yard Sale
9. Informational -
Portable A-Frame Regulated by the Board of Selectmen - Annual Permit
10. Temporary Y 16 N/A (See Section Business Signs or 30
Business-A, Busi niess-C and Industrial Zoning Districts:
T1-.Fre-e-Sta-ndi ng
—59(D) —
—1 /lot
12. Wall
13. Projecting / Blade
Business-B Zoning Districts:
14. Free-standing
(Service Stations Only)
15. Wall
16.Projecting/ Blade
(A )(H)
17. Free-Standing
(A) No portion of such sign shall extend higher than the bottom of the sills of the windows of
the second floor of a building or higher than the lowest portion of the eaves or, in the
case of a gabled wall, no higher than a line equal in height to the lowest portion of the
lower eave of any adjoining building wall, whichever of the above is lowest.
(B) Aggregate sign area of all applicable signs.
(C) Only as shown in Definitive Subdivision Plans as approved by the Community Planning
and Development Commission consistent with Paragraph
(D) May not be larger than 75 square feet, if more than one business occupies the lot.
*See Section
(E) If the minimum distance from the building wall on which the sign is mounted is less than
100 feet from the centerline of the street which the sign faces, the maximum sign area
shall be equal to 2 square feet per linear foot of said wall occupied by the establishment
to which the sign relates; if such distance is more than 100 feet, maximum sign area
shall be equal to 4 square feet per linear foot of said wall so occupied.
(F) No wall sign for any non-residential establishment shall exceed a sign area equal to 2
square feet per linear footage of length of the front wall of the building occupied by the
establishment to which the sign relates.
G) Real Estate Signs in the Industrial Zoning Districts are allowed one sign per business
with a maximum sign area equal to 2 square feet per linear foot of said wall occupied by
the establishment to which the sign relates without a sign permit.
(H) Projecting /Blade Signs shall be at least eight (8) feet from the ground and may project no
more than four (4) feet from the structure. .. .... 1
(1) A Special Permit may be granted by the CPQC. See Section 6.2.9 for Special Permit)
(J) Free-standing signs shall be permitted only where the principal business entrance is
located more that 40 feet from the centerline of the street in front of the lot. CPDC may
waive the 40' business entrance setback requirement for signs in existence as of the
effective date of this amendment. See Section 6.2.9.a. for Special Permit Criteria
Or take any other action with respect thereto. . Community Planning and Development Commission
ARTICLE 23 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Reading General Bylaw by adding a
new section as follows:
8.10 Maintenance of Vacant Buildings and Land
All vacant structures and vacant land within the Town of Reading shall be maintained in a safe, secure
and clean condition so as not to compromise the health, safety and general welfare of the community.
8.10.1 Definitions:
For purposes of this bylaw the following definitions shall apply:
8.10,1.1 Building
A structure enclosed within exterior walls or firewalls, built, erected, or framed of any
materials, . and fixed to the ground, having a roof, to form a structure for the shelter of
persons, animals or property, or the storage of commercial or industrial personal property..
This bylaw shall not apply to buildings or property owned or subject to the control of the
Town or any of its governmental bodies. Owner
A person, entity, service company, property manager or real estate broker, who alone or
severally with others:
• has legal or equitable title to any building, structure or parcel of land, vacant or
otherwise; or
• has care, charge or control of any building or structure, parcel of land, vacant or
otherwise, in any capacity including but not limited to agent, executor, executrix,
administrator, administratrix, trustee or guardian of the estate of the holder of legal
title; or
• is a mortgagee in possession of any such property; or
• is an agent trustee or other person appointed by the courts and vested with
possession or control; or
• is an officer or trustee of the association of unit owners of a condominium; each such
person being bound to comply with the provisions of these minimum standards as if
he were the owner; or
• is a trustee who holds, owns or controls mortgage loans for mortgage backed
securities transactions and has initiated a foreclosure process. Vacant
Buildings or property that are unoccupied for a period greater than one hundred eighty (180)
days by a person or persons with legal right to occupancy thereof.
8.10.2 Minimum Maintenance Requirements
Owners of vacant properties must fulfill the following minimum adequate maintenance requirements for
any such property they own:
• Maintain vacant properties in accordance with all applicable local and state Sanitary
Codes, Building Codes and Fire Codes.
• Secure vacant properties to prevent unauthorized entry and exposure to the elements.
• Maintain vacant properties in a manner that ensures their external/visible maintenance,
including but not limited to the maintenance of major systems, the removal of trash and
debris, and the upkeep of lawns, shrubbery, and other landscape features.
• Remove graffiti, carvings or markings from all structures, signs, walls and fences..
• Repair or replace broken windows or doors within thirty (30) days. Boarding up any
doors or windows is prohibited except as a temporary measure for no longer than thirty
30) ays.
• For properties vacant for six months or more, the utilities for which have been shut off,
remove or cut and cap such utilities to prevent accidents.
• Maintain free from the storage of any junked, wrecked, or abandoned vehicles.
Compliance with this section shall not relieve the owner of .any applicable obligations set forth in any
other codes, regulations, covenant conditions or restrictions, and/or homeowner or condominium
association rules and regulations,
8.10.3 Notice of Failure to Maintain Property
Upon identifying a property as failing to meet the minimum maintenance requirements set out in section
8.10.2, the Building Inspector may notify the owner in writing at the owner's last known address of
maintenance deficiencies. If any maintenance deficiency is not corrected within 30 days of said notice,
or if a maintenance plan is not approved by the Building Department within 30 days of said notice, the
Town may impose a penalty in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw.
8.10.4 Inspections
The Building Department, the Board of Health, the Chief of the Police Department and the Chief of the
Fire Department, or their designees, shall have the authority to periodically inspect any property
reasonably understood to be a vacant property for compliance. The Building Department shall have the
discretion to determine when and. how such inspections are to be made, provided that,the time and
manner of such inspections are reasonably calculated to ensure that this bylaw is enforced.
8.10,5 Penalties
Violations of this bylaw, including violations of any regulation promulgated hereunder, or failure to
comply with a maintenance plan approved by the Building Department, shall be punishable by a fine of
one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each day during which the violation continues. In addition to any
other means of enforcement, the provisions of this bylaw may be enforced by non-criminal disposition
in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.8 of this bylaw, and M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 21D.
For the purposes of such non-criminal disposition, the "enforcing person" shall mean the Building
Inspector, the Health Director, the Police Department, the Fire Department, or their designee.
8.10.6 Enforcement
The Building Department or its designee, the Board of Health, Fire Department and/or the Police
Department or their * designees(s) shall enforce all provisions of this ,bylaw; including any regulation
promulgated hereunder, and shall institute all necessary administrative or legal action to assure
8,10.7 Unsafe Buildings
If the Building Inspector determines the building to be unsafe, he may act immediately in accordance
with the State Building Code to protect public safety. Furthermore, nothing in this bylaw shall abrogate
10 @
the powers and /or duties of municipal officials to act pursuant to any general statutory authority
including, without limitation, M.G.L. c.139, §1 et seq. and M.G.L. c.143, §6 et seq.
or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICLE 24 To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7.1 of the Town of Reading General Bylaw
as follows(note - sress-thrst9l4 represents language to be eliminated and bold represents new language, and
all section numbers are in accord with the proposed recodified General Bylaw):
Delete the last sentence of the second paragraph of Section 7.1 .4 and substitute therefore
".The critical wetland - related terms used in this bylaw and regulations adopted pursuant hereto shall be
defined in regulations promulgated under this bylaw"
and delete Sections through, so that Section 7.1.4 reads as follows
7.1.4 Concurrent Notice and Hearings to Meet State Law Requirements
The same Notice of Intent, plans and specifications required to be filed by an applicant under M.G.L. Chapter
131, Section 40 will be accepted as fulfilling the applicable requirements of this bylaw. The Conservation
Commission may adopt and impose project review changes in accordance with regulations adopted pursuant
hereto. Town projects are exempt from review fees under Section 7.1.14.
All hearings and public meetings held under M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40 when it applies, and under this
bylaw shall be held simultaneously, whenever possible. Definitions, time frames and procedures, not
inconsistent with this bylaw or the regulations adopted pursuant hereto, set forth in said Section 40, and in the
regulations promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection, as the same may from time to time be
amended, are hereby made a part of this bylaw. NetwithstandiRg any definitions set feFth in said Seratien 40,
hereby also made a part of this bylaw and shall rVentre-1 viheneVeF theFe is a GE)nfli6t bet een the diffeFent
definitiens� The critical wetland - related terms used in this bylaw and regulations adopted pursuant
hereto shall be defined in regulations promulgated under this bylaw n Gt *vty
Shall inGlude the Installation inGluding
but not limited to dFainage, sewage and
also of any utility Genduit system
aRY wetland aRY GFeek,
water systemsi and Ghanging of the GhemiGal, thermal or biOlGgiGal GhaFaGteFiStiGS
of land or water. Ber-der-ing Vegetated Wetland
Shall ;RGlude that tOUGher, FiVeF,
StFeam, whether
er inteFmittent, Gf
aRY wetland aRY GFeek,
lake, or the bank of any of the pFeGediRg FesOUFGe areas.
111111111m- "r -1311�111W..
71:4.-6 - Stream
Shall M96R a body Gf flGWiRg wateF, whether peFmaReRt eF inteFmitte t, MGV*Rg WGRO 6 hydFauliG gradient. R*YeFfFent Area
S -hp-11--he-as-defined in 310 GMR 10.00, as amended.
And amend section 7.116 as follows:
7.1.16 Violations
No person shall remove, fill; dredge or alter any area subject to protection under the provisions of this bylaw
without the required authorization, or cause, suffer or allow such activity, or leave in place unauthorized fill, or
otherwise fail to restore 'illegally altered land to its original condition, or fail to comply with an enforcement order
issued pursuant to the provisions of this bylaw. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate
offense except that any person who fails to remove unauthorized fill or otherwise fails to restore illegally altered
land to its original condition after giv4ng given written notification of said violation to by the Conservation
Commission shall not be subject to additional penalties under this bylaw, unless said person thereafter fails to
comply with an enforcement order or order of conditions.
Or take any other action with respect thereto Conservation Commission
ARTICLE 25 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Reading General ByLaw, in the
following respects (note — GFOGS thMug-14 represents language to be eliminated and bold represents new
language, and all section numbers are in accord with the proposed recodified General Bylaw):
by amending Section 2.1.1 Date of Annual Town Meeting, as follows:
The Annual Town Meeting shall be held on the third Tuesday preceding the fourth Monday in April of each year
for the election of Town Officers and for such other matters as required by law to be determined by ballot.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, ii., an, — in whiGh the pFesidential eleGtGFs aFe to be eleGted-, the Board of
Selectmen may schedule the commencement of the Annual Town Meeting for the same date designated as
the date to hold the PFesidentoal Prima.�Y any Federal or State election;
Or take any other action with respect thereto
Finance Committee
12 0
W.- M. 1 11 IN
M FJ —' A ky
f-1 ....... . ..
'—e— e.
And amend section 7.116 as follows:
7.1.16 Violations
No person shall remove, fill; dredge or alter any area subject to protection under the provisions of this bylaw
without the required authorization, or cause, suffer or allow such activity, or leave in place unauthorized fill, or
otherwise fail to restore 'illegally altered land to its original condition, or fail to comply with an enforcement order
issued pursuant to the provisions of this bylaw. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate
offense except that any person who fails to remove unauthorized fill or otherwise fails to restore illegally altered
land to its original condition after giv4ng given written notification of said violation to by the Conservation
Commission shall not be subject to additional penalties under this bylaw, unless said person thereafter fails to
comply with an enforcement order or order of conditions.
Or take any other action with respect thereto Conservation Commission
ARTICLE 25 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Reading General ByLaw, in the
following respects (note — GFOGS thMug-14 represents language to be eliminated and bold represents new
language, and all section numbers are in accord with the proposed recodified General Bylaw):
by amending Section 2.1.1 Date of Annual Town Meeting, as follows:
The Annual Town Meeting shall be held on the third Tuesday preceding the fourth Monday in April of each year
for the election of Town Officers and for such other matters as required by law to be determined by ballot.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, ii., an, — in whiGh the pFesidential eleGtGFs aFe to be eleGted-, the Board of
Selectmen may schedule the commencement of the Annual Town Meeting for the same date designated as
the date to hold the PFesidentoal Prima.�Y any Federal or State election;
Or take any other action with respect thereto
Finance Committee
12 0
ARTICLE 26 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Reading General Bylaw, in the
following respects (note — Gress thrn„rvh represents language to be eliminated and bold represents new
language., and all section numbers are in accord with the proposed recodified General Bylaw):
by amending Section 2.2 Conduct of Town Meetings, as follows:
Rule 3 Prior to debate on each Article in a Warrant involving the expenditure of money, the Finance
Committee shall advise the Town Meeting as to its deliberations, findings or recommendations and the
reasons therefore;
by amending Section 3,3.2, Finance Committee, as follows: Duties
The Finance Committee shall consider all matters of business included within the Articles of any Warrant which
involve the expenditure, appropriation and raising or borrowing of money or which otherwise impact the
town finances; — ReGGmmendat'ORs Report to Town Meeting
The Finance Committee shall make a written reGGMmend report on all Articles that it has considered, and
the Town Clerk shall make said written reGOmmendations report available to eaGh Tewn MeetiRg MembeF at
least seven (7) days prier to the fiFst a4GUFRment Gf the Annual Town Meeting, seven (7) days ppieF to the
seGend Monday in NevembeF and few (4) days priOF to aRy SpeGial Town Meeting as part of the "Report on
the Warrant" available to each Town Meeting Member. The said reGOMmendations should be these of a
1ty of the eRtiFe Committee but reGOmmendatiens Fnay also be made by a minwity of said Committee.
I G ....... ittee's repeft shall also state the total amount of appMpriatiens recommended by it en the entiFe
Warrant and the approximate tax Fate based en GUGh FeGOMFneRdations. When sufficient information has
been provided to take a vote, the recommendations should be those of a majority of the entire
Committee. However, recommendations may also be made by a minority of said Committee in addition
to the majority. The Committee's recommendation shall include the total amount of appropriations
that it recommends on each article within the Warrant.
by inserting the following new sections: Form of Report
The Finance Committee in making its report upon any subject referred to it shall arrange the report in
clear and compact form, and shall divide it into, separate propositions whenever in its judgment such
divisions may be desirable. The Committee shall attach to each proposition its own recommendations
or a summary of deliberations, when applicable. Failure of Finance Committee to Make Recommendation
The failure of the Finance Committee to consider, recommend and/or report on any Article in the
Warrant shall not affect the validity of any vote or other action taken at any Town Meeting.
and by renumbering the current Sections and, as and,
or take any action with respect thereto.
Finance Committee
ARTICLE 27 To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7.2, Demolition of Structures of Potentially
Historical Significance, of the Reading General Bylaw, as follows (all section numbers are in accord with the
proposed recodified General Bylaw):
by inserting the following new sections:
N Appeal
Within seven (7) business days of the Commission's determination that a structure is a Preferably Preserved
Historic Structure pursuant to Section hereof, the property owner may appeal the determination to the
Board of Selectmen by filing a written request for review with the Board of Selectmen. The request for review
shall be received by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Clerk's Office within seven (7) business days of the
date of the Commission's determination and a copy of the request shall be provided to the Building
Commissioner and the Commission. The Board of Selectmen shall hold a public hearing and issue its
determination within forty -five (45) business days from the date of said Commission's determination. Public
notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be posted in a conspicuous place at Town Hall and
published in a local newspaper not less than seven (7) business days prior to the date of the scheduled public
hearing. Said notice shall identify the street address of the subject Building. A copy of the public hearing notice
shall be mailed to the Applicant and record owner if different from the Applicant, the Building Commissioner
and Commission; Certificate of Hardship
Pursuant to M.G.L. c.40C, §10(c), in the event of an application for a Certificate of Hardship, the Commission
shall determine whether, owing to the conditions especially affecting the building or structure involved, but not
affecting the District generally, failure to approve an application will result in a substantial hardship, financial or
otherwise, to the applicant and whether such application may be approved without substantial detriment to the
public welfare and without substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of this bylaw. If the Commission
determines that owing to such conditions failure to approve an application will involve substantial hardship to
the applicant then approval thereof may be made to authorize the Building Inspector to approve the application
for demolition of said property; and
by renumbering the current Sections and as Sections and;
or take any other action in respect thereto.
ARTICLE 28 To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Section 8 -1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter,
to amend Article 5, Town Manager, Section 5 -1: Appointment, Qualifications, Term, so that it reads as follows
(language with strikethFough shows deletions /words in bold denotes new language)
The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Town Manager without teFm and may enter into a contract with the
Town Manager not exceeding three (3) years in length, and shall fix his compensation within the amount
annually appropriated for that purpose. The Town Manager shall not be subject to a personnel bylaw, if any.
The Town Manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications. He
shall be a professionally qualified person of proven ability, especially fitted by education, training and previous
experience. He shall have had at least five (5) years of full -time paid experience as a City or Town Manager or
Assistant City or Town Manager or the equivalent level public or private sector experience.
The terms of the Town Manager's employment shall be the subject of a written contract - agFeemeRt setting
forth his tenure, compensation, vacation, sick leave, benefits, and such other matters (exGludiRg -tee as are
customarily included in an employment contract - agreement. While serving as Town Manager he shall devote
full time to the office (and except as expressly authorized by the Board of Selectmen) shall not engage in any
other business or occupation and (except as expressly provided in the Charter) shall not hold any other public
office, elective or appointive, in the Town.
With the approval of the Selectmen, he may serve as the Town's representative to regional boards,
commissions and the like but shall not receive additional salary from the Town for such services.
or take any other action with respect thereto.
Board of Selectmen
14 a
ARTICLE 29 To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter,
to amend Article 7, Finances and Fiscal Procedures, Section 7-2: Submission of Proposed Budget, paragraph
1, so that it reads as follows: (language with stFikethrough shows deletion/language in bold denotes new
At least four (4) months before the start of the fiscal year, and following consultation with the Board of
Selectmen on the Municipal Government portions of the budget, the Town Manager shall submit to the
Finance Committee a proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal year with an accompanying budget message and
supporting documents. He shall simultaneously provide for the publication in a local newspaper of a general
summary of the proposed budget, and a notice stating the times and places where complete copies of his
proposed budget shall be available for examination by the public.
or take any other action with respect thereto.
ARTICLE 30 To see if the Town will vote pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter
to amend Section 2-12, Establishment of Standing Committees, the third paragraph under Finance Committee,
as follows (new language in bold):
The Finance Committee shall have all the powers and duties granted to Finance Committees under the laws of
the Commonwealth, Town bylaws, Town Meeting vote and other applicable laws. In addition to these powers,
the Finance Committee shall have the power to investigate the books, accounts, records and management of
any office, board or committee in Town, and may use agents in carrying out such investigations. The Finance
Committee shall report on its deliberations, findings, approval or disapproval on all Articles that involve the
expenditure of funds in the Warrant in writing at least seven (7) days before Town Meeting. Such a report shall
not preclude further action or reconsideration by the Finance Committee, or take any other action in respect
Finance Committee
ARTICLE 31 Warrant Article Title: Amendment of Section 2-15, Referendum Procedure, of the
Reading Home Rule Charter
To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, to amend, Section 2-
15: Referendum Procedures, subsection (b) Form of Referendum Petition/Ballot Question, so that it reads as
follows: (language with stFikethFGUg4 shows deletions/words in bold denotes new language.)
No final affirmative vote of a Town Meeting on any Warrant Article shall be operative until after the
expiration of seven (7) ten (10) days following the dissolution of the Town Meeting except the following: (a) a
vote to adjourn or dissolve, (b) votes appropriating money for the payment of notes or bonds of the Town and
interest becoming due within the then current fiscal year, (c) votes for the temporary borrowing of money in
anticipation of revenue, or (d) a vote declared by preamble by a' two - thirds vote of Town Meeting to be an
emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health, safety or convenience of
the Town. If a referendum petition is not filed within the said seven (7) ten (10) days, the votes of the Town
Meeting shall then become operative.
(a) Referendum Petition — If, within said seven (7) ten (10) days, a referendum petition signed by not
less than three (3) percent of the voters certified by the Registrars of Voters containing their names and
addresses is filed with the Board of Selectmen requesting that any question affirmative vote of Town Meeting
be submitted to the voters in the form of a ballot question, such ballot question to be in the form required in (b)
herein, to the voters, then the operation of the Town Meeting vote shall, be further suspended pending its
determination as provided below. The Board of Selectmen shall, within ten (10) days after the filing of such
referendum petition, call a Special Election that shall be held within thirty (30) days or such longer period as
may be required by law after issuing the call, for the purpose of presenting to the voters any such ballot
If, however, a regular or Special Election is to be held not more than sixty (60) days following, the date
the referendum petition is filed, the Board of -Selectmen may provide that any such ballot question be
presented to the voters at that Election.
. (b) Form of Referendum Petition/Ballot Question - Each ballot question submitted shall appear
at the top of each referendum petition ion and shall be presented in the following form which shall be placed on the
official ballot: - "Shall the Town vote to approve the action of the- representative - -Town- Meeting- whereby it was
voted on (insert date of town meeting) to (insert complete.language of the vote in the same form in which it was
stated when presented by the Moderator to the Town Meeting, and as it appears in the records of the Clerk of
the meeting)"?
The form of the referendum petition shall in conformance with this section.
The circulator(s) of the referendum petition may make additional copies of the petition form, but such
copies must be an exact duplicate thereof. Petition forms must be exact duplicates for the signatures to
be certified and count toward the three percent of registered voters. The petition form may not be altered
in any way. Alterations of the petition form will result in the invalidation of all signatures contained on
that petition form.
No extraneous markings, suGh defined as underlines, highlighting, erasures, marking out or insertion of
words, or alteration of the wording or emphasis of the petition question or informational language are
allowed. eF o heF information, aFe allowed. on any aFea of the petition fe . Extraneous marks that may
result in the invalidation of all signatures contained on that petition form are limited to marks that will
fundamentally change the substance, wording or emphasis of the petition or the ability of the Board of
Registrars of Voters to verify information on that petition form. ARY SUGh extFaneous MaFkings on,
alteFations Gf the petition feFm, OF GgpieG of the petition form that aFe not exaGt dUpliGates, Will Fesult in the
invalidation of all signatuFeG GOntained on that petition form. Extraneous markings do not include signatures or
Each petition form shall include language informing voters that additional markings will disqualify the
signatures on the petition form; that for their signature to be valid, they must be a registered voter of the Town
of Reading; that their signature shall be written as they are registered; that they should not sign the petition
more than once; and that if they are prevented by physical disability from writing, that they may authorize some
person to write their name and residence in their presence. The back of each petition form where signature
lines appear, shall include the following instruction: "ATTENTION VOTERS: Before signing, read signer
information on the other side".
The Town Clerk shall upon request produce suitable Town referendum petition/ballot question
forms, compliant with section b requirements and prepared with the ballot question language as
appears in the records of the Clerk of the meeting. At the requester's option, the Clerk shall within 4
business hours following the original request make 5 paper copies available for pickup at the Town
Clerk's service window, or shall send an email containing an Adobe PDF document attachment of the
form. A referendum petition produced by the Town Clerk shall be deemed compliant with section (b)
form conformance requirements in later examinations.
In addition to the certification of signatures on the petition form, the Board of Registrars of Voters shall
examine the petition forms *for extraneous markings, and determine whether they are exact copies; or take any
other action in respect thereto. Petition
ARTICLE 32 To see if the Town will vote pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter
to amend Article 8, General Provisions, by inserting the following new section:
Section 8 -16: Term Limits of Appointed Boards, Committees and Commissions
No volunteer member of an appointed board, committee or commission shall serve more than three (3)
consecutive three (3) year terms on any individual board, committee or commission. The Chairmanship of all
boards, committees and commissions shall rotate among the membership on an annual basis with no person
serving two consecutive, one year terms as Chairperson or, more than three years as Chairperson throughout
their term of service on that specific board, committee or commission; and
I by renumbering the current Sections 8-16 as Section 8-17;
or take any other action in respect thereto.
and you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting an attested copy thereof in at least one
(1) public place in each precinct of the Town not less than fourteen (14) days prior to
November 14, 2011, or providing in a manner such as electronic submission, holding for
pickup or mailing, an attested copy of said Warrant to each Town Meeting Member.
before the time appointed for said meeting.
Given under our hands this 27th day of September, 2011.
Camille W. Anthony, Chairman
Stephen A. Goldy, Vice Chairman
Ben Tafoya, Secretary
Richard W. Schubert
James Bonazoli
ARTICLE 11 To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Board of
Selectmen under the pFOVs|oD Of law authorizing the assessment of bettnnnente, to
install granite curb OO Stewart Road and Edge[OontAvenue: and tO authorize the Board
Of Selectmen under the provision of law authorizing the assessment of betterments
batte[[nenta thereh]rg, in aCCOrdeDCe with the statutory requirements; and to see what
aUrO the -[OVVn will vote to appropriate by bOr[0xViDg. or from the tax |eVy, or transfer from
available funds, or otherwise, for the installation Of curbing, or take any other action with
respect thereto.
G]Oand of Selectmen
The Town has been petitioned from the residents of Stewart Road and
ins�Ug�n���ng _}"t�n0�e�sid8�G�a���
- R
from oad Edoenlont/\venue; and along the ekje of Edognlont
Avenue ' Stewart Road to Arcadia Avenue. The cost of the improvements is
estimated at $37,691.
The cost Of constructing the improvements is borne 100% by the abutting property
oVVOe[G on @ pro [gt@ per foot basis. Under the p[oV'8ioDG of the Betterment Act, the
assessment may bo apportioned over period not exceeding twenty years, with annual
payments of not less than five do||8[8, with interest @t8 rate determined by the BD@nj Of
Ge|eCtDneD annually on the unpaid balance. These apportioned payments appear
annually on the real estate tax bill.
58 Edgemont Ave, Reading, MA
$ 4,079.00
66 Edgemont Ave,-Reading, MA
$ 4,276.00
74 Edgemont Ave, Reading, MA
$ 5,079.00
3 Stewart Rd, Reading, MA
$ 9,093.00
11 Stewart Rd, Reading, MA
$ 4,047.00
19 Stewart Rd, Reading, MA
$ 3,680.00
25 Stewart Rd, Reading, MA
$ 3,873.00
35 Stewart Rd, Reading, MA
$ 3,564.00
ITotal estimate for curb installation = $ ' 37,691.00 1
i— signature has been certified
N--. I ::: no such registered -voter —at- that address, —or address is illegible
S — unable to identify signature as that of voter because of form of signature,
or signature is illegible
T — already signed nomination paper for this candidate/petition,
Please return the Citizen Petition form to the Town Manager's Office
A minimum of 10 signatures of voters registered in Reading is required.
Pursuant to Section 2.1.7 of the General Bylaw, all Articles for the Annual Town M22ft (Spring Town
Meeting) shall be submitted to the Board of Selectmen not later than 8:00 p.m. on the fifth Tuesday preceding
the date of election of Town Officers, unless this day is a holiday in which case the following day shall be
substituted. All Articles for the Subsequent Town Meeting (Fall Town Meeting) shall be submitted to the Board
of Selectmen not later than 8:00 p.m. on the seventh Tuesday preceding the Subsequent Town Meeting in
Primary Sponsor: Name: David Mancuso
Address: 129 Howard Street, Reading, MA 018137
Phone: 781-872-1216
Email Address: Mancusomail@yahoo.com
I certify that I a ered voter in the Town of Reading
Signa e
v D
tF! F. C
We, the undersigned registered voters of the Town of Reading, here ,y petition the Board of Selectmen
pursuant to M.G.L. c. 39 § 10 and Section 2-13 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, to include the following
Article in the Warrant for the next (ARRual)/(Subsequent) (cross out one) Town Meeting to be held on November
14. 2011.
Warrant Article Title: Amendment of Article 8, General Provisions, of the Readinq Home Rule Charter
To see if the Town will vote pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter to amend Article 8,
General Provisions, by inserting the following new section:
Section 8-16: Term Limits of Appointed Boards, Committees and Commissions
No volunteer member of an appointed board, committee or commission shall serve more than three (3)
consecutive three (3) year terms on any individual board, committee or commission. The Chairmanship d all
boards, committees and commissions shall rotate among the membership on an annual basis with no per on
serving two consecutive, one year terms as Chairperson or, more than three years as Chairperson throughout
their term of service on that specific board, committee or commission; and
by renumbering the current Sections 8-16 as Section 8-17;
or take any other action in respect thereto.
(Name must be substantially
as registered)
/0 1. F�l ta �a10- V�k. k,
/03. j- e-
Citizen's Petition for Warrant Article
Warrant Article Title: Amendment of Article 8 General Provisions, of the Reading Home Rule Charter
�04.. tr Cf#J r S Z96,A127 /aS 140caAAO s7
V/06.. -�Oyw, A 2-f.
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V 1, 4. ^�A) \ 1 \'� CAM
✓ 15. :DEGt)D-A USA
20. —
Total Signatures Certified:
,,AA^or� own Clerk
Please return the Citizen Petition form to the Town m Off ice
A minimum of 10 signatures of voters registered in Reading is required.
Pursuant to Section 2.1.7 of the General Bylaw, all Articles for the Annual Town Meeting (Spring Town
Meeting) shall be submitted to the Board of Selectmen not later than 8:00 p.m. on the fifth Tuesday preceding
the date of election of Town Officers, unless this day is a holiday in which case the following day shall be
substituted. All Articles for the Subsequent Town Meeting (Fall Town Meeting) shall be submitted to the Board
of Selectmen not later than 8:00 p.m. on the seventh Tuesday preceding the Subsequent Town Meeting in
Primary Sponsor: NGnn8:Dav�K8RDcVmz
� Add[eGG:12Q Howard Street, Reading K8AO1807
Phone: 781-872-1216
Email Address: K88nCUSOOO8i|@V8hoO.CODl
I certify that I am d voter in the Town of Reading
Signa N!i ; r.D
VV8` the UOd8[GigO8d registered VOt8[G Of the T0NO of Reading, hereby p8t|t|OO the UOG[O OT S8|gCJ08O
pU[SU8Dt to M.G.L. C. 89 8 10 and G8[tiOO 2-13 Of the R88d|OQ HD[Ug RV|8 Ch8rt9[, to iDC|Vd8 the fO||OVViOg
Article in the Warrant for the next ( /(Subsequent) 6rn7ao out one) Town Meeting t0 be held OD November
Warrant Article Title:
Historical Sicinificance,
To see if the Town will vote to 8Dl8nd S8ChnD 7.2' Demolition Of Structures of POt8Oti8|k/ His1OhC8�=
Significance, Of the Reading General Bylaw, 8G follows (all section numbers are iD accord with th
n8COdified General Bv|aw):
bv inserting the following new sections: Appeal QP
VV0liO 88V8O (7) hUEjDeBS d8Vg of the Commission's determination that aGtnJCiU[e i8 a P[Hf8[8b
H|SLOhC Structure pursuant to 8eCUOO hereof, the property owner may appeal the d8t8 inWi to the
Board of Selectmen by filing a written request for review with the Board of Selectmen. The request for review
shall b8 received by the Board Of Selectmen and thg T�vVO(�|8[k'GO�icOVYithiO seven (7) business days Ofthe
date Of the [;O000iGSiVO'Gdetermination and 8CnpyOf the request shall be provided tO the Building '
Commissioner and the Commission. The Board Of Selectmen shall hold 8 public hearing and issue its
determination within forty-five (45) business days from the date Of said CO0ODliSGi0D's d8t8rOliO81iOD. Public
notice Of the time, place and purpose Ofthe hearing shall be posted iD8 conspicuous place 81 Town Hall arid
published,in a local newspaper not less than seven (7) business days prior to the date Vf the scheduled pUhUC
hearing. Said notice shall identify the street address Of the subject Building. A copy Of the public hearing notice
shall be mailed to the Applicant and record owner if different from the Applicant, the Building Commissioner
and [|ODl0OiG6ioO; Certificate OfHardship
Pursuant to M.G.L. c.40C, §1 0(c), in the event of an application for a Certificate of Hardship, the Commission
shall determine whether, owing to the conditions especially affecting the building or structure involved, but not
affecting the District generally, failure to approve an application will result in a substantial hardship, financial or
otherwise, LD the applicant and whether such application may b8 approved without substantial detriment tathH
public welfare and without substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of this bylaw. If the ComnO0ieSiOD
determines that owing to such conditions failure to approve an application will involve substantial hardshipjo
the applicant then approval thereof may be made to authorize the Building Inspector to approve the application
for demolition of said property; and
by renumbering the current Sections and as Sections and;
or take any other action in respect thereto.
(Name must be substantially
V1/04.. t IF A-) P S',7.1riq Ae 7 S qcvo 1W 7
V'05.. V r) JUT
,V/08. --M-Yu— MINtl1^10 �-L
09. W cxo� i C)
10 r3 ct,9 CAD
`'1 ARK
q ,r X =1 I
!q 11. Eli W tt-,e t 3'�- -� cc 0.,Ccp
3 Y 00
k AALS ey
-7-5 1R-f,+Vvz, a A-o
+ '�30 LS"
Total Signatures Certified: 13
Please return the Citizen Petition form to the Town Manager's Office
A minimum of 10 signatures of voters registered in Reading is required.
Pursuant to Section 2.1.7 of the General Bylaw, all Articles for the Town Meeting)
shall be submitted to the Board Of G8|gdnleU not later than 8'00 p.m. OO the fifth Tuesday preceding the data of
election of Town Officers, unless this dd-y-ii�-a—h-olid-d-y-iff--whi-Clic—as6-th��-foll-owilig-d-ay-sh-all-be-substituted.-A-11—
Articles for the Subsequent Town Meeting (Fall Town Meeting) shall be submitted to the Board of Selectmen
not later than 8:00 p.m. on the seventh Tuesday preceding the Subsequent Town Meeting in which action is to
be taken, unless this day is a holiday in which case the following day shall be substituted. r-a
Primary Sponsor: N8Dle' John J. Arena
dd O-Francio-Brive
Ph # 781-944-3664 to mm
te tatail.Como`
Email Address:John4
I certify that I am a registered voter in the Town of Reading: Signature On
We, the undersigned registered voters of the Town of Reading, here0y petiti, not e Board oilelectmen
pursuant to M.G.L. c. 39 § 10 and Section 2-13 of the Reading Home RuWCha to include the following
Article in the Warrant for the next (Ai�fl�)/(Subsequent) (cross out one) Town Meeting to be held on November
Warrant Article Title: Amendment of Section 2-15, Referendum Procedure, of the Reading Home Rule Charter
To see if the Town will vote' pursuant to Section 8-1 of the Reading Home Rule Charter, to amend @eCt0D 2-
15: Referendum PFnCedUPmS' eUbeeCtOD (h) Form OfReferendum P8UtoD/BaUOt{]ueStnn' sn that itreads as
follows: (language with shows deletions/words in bold denotes new language.)
No final affirmative Vote of a Town Meeting on any Warrant Article shall be operative until after the
expiration Of � ` 'Nen (10) calendar days following the dissolution of the Town Meeting except the
following: (8) vote to adjourn or dissolve, (b) votes appropriating money for the payment of notes or bonds of
the Town and |O t8n9S t b 8COOi Dg due within the then current fiscal year, /C\ votes for the temporary borrowing of
money iD anticipation Of revenue, o[(d) 8 vote declared byp[8@Olb|ebyG two-thirds vote ofTovvnK8eetingtobe
an emergency measure Oeo88a@ry 'r the irDDl8di8t8 pF8gen/gtiDD of the peace, health, safety or ooOVGOieDCe
of the Town, If ref8n3OdUnD petition is not filed within the said ten (10) calendar days, the m}iee of
the Town Meeting shall then become operative.
/�\ �af�n�ndurn Petition |t Vv�hiO said ten (1[) calendar days, 8 referendum Signed
bv not less than three /3\ percent the voters certified by the Registrars of Voters COObaiOiOg their O@neS and
addresses is filed with the Board of Selectmen requesting that any question affirmative vote of Town Meeting be
submitted to the Vot9[S in the form Of a bGi|Ot question, such ballot question to be in the form required in (b)
^~nain to the votera, then the operation of the Town Meeting vote shall be further suspended pending its
~~be['iO8tioD as provided below. The Board of Selectmen eh8||, within ten (10) days after the filing of such
'~--dun petition, cm|| m Special Election that shall be held within thirty (30) days or such longer period as
may be required by |aVV after issuing the o8||' for the purpose of presenting to the voters any such ballot
|f ' however, g regular or Special Election is to be held not more than sixty K60\ days following the date the
referendum petition is filed, the
Board of Selectmen may provide that any such ballot question be presented to
the voters at that Election.
(b) Form of Referendum Petition/Ballot Question - Each ballot question submitted shall appear at
the too of each r8DdUn petition and shall be presented in the following form which shall be p|8C8d on the
official ballot: - "ShgUthe Town vote b] approve the action [f the representative Town Meeting whereby |twas
voted on (insert date of town meeting) to (insert complete language of the vote in the same form in which it was
stated when presented by the Moderator to the Town Meeting, and as it appears in the records of the Clerk of
the nr,36ting)"?
The form of the referendum petition shall in conformance with this section.
The circulator(s) of the referendum petition may make additional copies of the petition form, but such copies
must be an exact duplicate thereof. Petition forms must be exact duplicates for the signatures to be
certified and count toward the three percent of registered voters. The petition form may not be altered in
any way. Alterations of the petition form will result in the invalidation of all signatures contained on that
petition form.
No extraneous markings, suGh defined as underlines, highlighting, erasures, marking out or insertion of words,
or alterations of the wording or emphasis of the petition question or informational language are
allowed. er other-informatien, are allewed OR any area ef the PGtitiGR form. Extraneous marks that may
result in the invalidation of all signatures contained on that petition form are limited to marks that will
-fundamentall-y-change-the-substance,-w-ordi.ng-o-r-emp-has]-s-of-th-e-p-etiti-on-or-tb-a ability -of the Board of
Registrars of Voters to verify information on that petition form. Any SUGh extFaReetis rnaFkings OR, OF
alteFatiORS of the petition form, OF GGPieG Gf the pe-fition fer.m. that are Ret e)(aGt d6lpliGat s, will
iRvalidatien ef all SigRatuFeS GGntaiRed GR that petitiGR form. Extraneous markings do not include signatures or
Each petition form shall include language informing voters that additional markings will disqualify the
signatures on the petition form; that for their signature to be valid, they must be a registered voter of the Town
of Reading; that their signature shall be written as they are registered; that they should not sign the petition
more than once; and that if they are prevented by physical disability from writing, that they may authorize some
person to write their name and residence in their presence. The back of each petition form where signature
lines appear, shall include the following instruction: "ATTENTION VOTERS: Before signing, read signer
information on the other side".
The Town Clerk shall upon request produce suitable Town referendum petition/ballot question
forms, compliant with section b requirements and prepared with the ballot question language as
appears in the records of the Clerk of the meeting. At the requester's option, the Clerk shall within 4
business hours following the original request make 5 paper copies available for pickup at the Town
Clerk's service window, or shall send an email containing an Adobe PIDIF document attachment of the
form. A referendum petition produced by the Town Clerk shall be deemed compliant with section (b)
form conformance requirements in later examinations.
In addition to the certification of signatures on the petition form, the Board of Registrars of Voters shall
examine the petition forms for extraneous markings, and determine whether they are exact copies;
or take any other action in respect thereto.
60 /-/-/
(Name must be substantially as registered)
✓1.- 26 FWcX3 X-
pre- c
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/1 Q /- V- I �3
19-/ iQ164 r-� �LC'
V20. WAf--& Rtf -r-- WE,.S,
Total Signatures Certified: I � . ... ...... ....
S ix � aen
yc CM 9WA 0 R,,,. � 3
-Z& �M7&-s
Town Clerk
Town ®f Reading
16 Lowell Street
10 Reading, MA 01867-2685
FAX: (781) 942-9071 TOWN MANAGER
Website: www. readingma.gov
TO: Property Owners near Town Owned land at Audubon Road and Pearl Street
Property Owners near Town Owned land on Lothrop Road
From: Peter I. Hechenbleikner, Town Manager
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Re: Meeting regarding potential sale of Town owned land - Audubon Road and Pearl Street;
on Lothrop Road
The Board of Selectmen is considering the possible sale of Town owned land at Audubon Road and
Pearl Street; and on Lothrop, Road.
The Board has this Rem on its agenda on:
You are invited to attend the meeting, listen to the presentation, and offer comments, and ask questions.
Attached is a fact sheet about the property prepared by Town staff.
® Page 1
Property Location
Assessed Value (fyl2)
Pearl Street & Audubon Road
Town Counsel: The drainagelsewer between Charles Street and Audubon may only be an easement in which case,
the underlying fee belongs to the property owners. More importantly, all / found was a plan which does not suffice to
do a taking. We may be able to simply release the town's interest to the abutters. The square footage is added to
their parcels and taxed as part thereof.
R-esea eds to be done to determine ownership of the easement part of the lot. The status of the old Pearl Street
right of way is also unknown.
Property is made up of three separate pieces totaling 28,850 square feet, but separated by Audubon and Pearl
streets. A lot of approx. 24,500 sf could be carved out if the old ROW (hatched) were abandoned and combined with
the adjacent portion of the lot labeled 13,925 s .The ro ert is relativel flat with no known wetlands.
Board of Selectmen
Sewer and water service in adjacent street
Zoning: S -15
Min. lot size Frontage Setbacks
15,000 sf 100, Front Side— Rear
Lot circle dia. 20' 15 20'
Lot coverage
Charles i gem
'97 sf Q Iq
28 202 S
R L';�
0 50 100 200
�9`4 — o, Sewer Main
water Main
Recommended Actions
0 Establish ownership and contol of all three portions of the lot
• Subdivide three lot portions
• Determine if Town has rights to hatched right of way; dissolve it if so
0 Combine and sell dissolved ROW and.adjacent lot
Property Location Map -Lotid Assessed Value (fyl2)
Lothrop Road 9 -3 $159,600
Town Counsel: Parcel under Water Department on Lothrop. The Water Department cannot hold title, so this may
,have been set aside for wellhead protection or some similar purpose and the Assessors labeled it as Water Dept. TM
could authorize its use to be changed under c.40, sec. 15A from water purposes, and convey it to the BofS for
purposes of conveyance. It's an unusually shaped lot which-might support an application to vary the frontage if that
would make it buildable.
The Town Engineer confirms Water Department. control of this lot. Parcel frontage of 40.53 ft does not meet zoning
requirements. Parcel abuts vacant state owned land (9 -11) and touches the corner of a tax title lot (9 -19). The land
slopes up to the center of the lot and has no known wetlands.
Water Department FTM�x s W. : i i, ME=
Sewer and water service on Lothrop Road.
Zoning: S -20
Min. lot size Frontage Setbacks
20,000 sf 120' Front Side Rear
Lot circle dia. 20' 15' 20'
Lot covers e
31;614 sf G� c
tom• Sewer Main
Water Main \ \ �s 0
0 50 100 200 0 y.
Ft 1.17 A
Bute of
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Recommended. Actions
• Have Town Meeting authorize change of use
• Convey parcel to Board of Selectmen for sale or reuse
8/18/2011 6)
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