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COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS <br />To either of the Constables of the Town of Reading, Greeting:— <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required <br />to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Reading, qualified to vote in elec- <br />tions and town affairs, to meet in Security Hall, Woburn Street, in said Reading on <br />Tuesday, the Seventeenth Day ®f ®ct®ber, <br />A. Dv 1939 <br />at seven forty -five o'clock in the evening, to act on the :following articles: <br />Article 1.. To hear and act on the reports of Town Officers and special com- <br />mittees and to choose all necessary committees and determine what instructions, if <br />any, shall be given Town Officers and special committees. <br />Article 2. To see what sum the Town will vote to appropriate from available <br />funds and transfer to School Department Maintenance Account, or what it will do <br />in relation thereto. <br />School Committee <br />Article 3. To see what sum the Town will vote to raise, by borrowing or by <br />transfer from available funds or otherwise and appropriate for Public Welfare <br />General Aid, Administrative, General Aid and Old Age Assistance, or what it will <br />do in relation thereto. <br />Board of Public Welfare <br />Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of <br />Ten Thousand (10,000) Dollars under authority of Chapter 458 of the Act of 1939 <br />for the purpose of securing the engineering service, surveys and the design of the <br />drainage system by the State Department of Public Works for draining the low <br />lands adjacent to Lake Quannapowitt, and determine whether the money shall be <br />provided by borrowing or by transfer from available funds or otherwise or what it <br />will do in relation thereto. <br />Drainage Committee <br />.Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept Chapter 195 of the Acts of <br />1939, being an Act Relative To Charges For Connecting Estates With The Common <br />Sewers, or what it will do in relation thereto. <br />Board of Public Works <br />Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Board of <br />Public Works on relocating or altering a portion of the southerly location line of <br />Haven Street, between High Street and Gould Street, said location lines being relo- <br />cated or altered in accordance with plan duly approved by the Board of Public Works <br />and filed in the office of the Town Clerk in accordance with the statutory requirements <br />and to see if the Town will accept the relocation or alteration of the said location <br />line as shown on said plan, or what it will do in relation thereto. <br />Board of Public Works <br />Article 7. To see what sum the Town will raise and appropriate by borrow. <br />ing, transfer from available funds or otherwise for the repair, alteration and im- <br />provement of the buildings owned by the Town located on Haven, High and Green <br />Streets and for the grading and improvement of the grounds surrounding such build- <br />ings and for the demolition of the dwelling house located thereon and being the <br />premises known as 8 Green Street, or what it will do in relation thereto. <br />Municipal Light Board <br />