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N ' <br /> READING SCHOOL COMMITTEE <br /> Reading, Massachusetts <br /> REGULAR SESSION lune 17 2002 <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chair Twomey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Superintendent's <br /> Conference Room. Present were School Committee members Cavicchi, Griset, <br /> McFadden Russo and Twomey. Also present were Superintendent Hamtunian and Town <br /> Manager Peter Hechenbleikner. Mr. Dahl arrived during executive session. <br /> EXECUTIVE SESSION <br /> At 7:05 p.m.Ms. Cavicchi moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of <br /> conducting strategy sessions in ore aration for ne otiations with Secretaries & <br /> Clerks Nurses Custodial Maintenance Workers Cafeteria Employees, Educational <br /> Assistants and Administrators Superintendent Associate Superintendent High <br /> School Principal, Coolidge Principal, Parker Principal Barrows Principal Birch <br /> Meadow Principal Eaton Principal Killam Principal two high school assistant <br /> principals. Coolidge and Parker assistant principals Directors of Special Education <br /> Food Service Athletics Nurses Facilities Assistant Director of Facilities Secreta <br /> to the Superintendent,Administrative Assistant to Finance Administrative <br /> [ Assistant to Personnel Administrative Assist to Curriculum and Administrative <br /> ` Assistant—Central Office and to discuss pending litigation to return to regular <br /> session at approximately 7.30 p.m. Mr. Griset seconded the motion The vote was <br /> 5-0 Ms. Cavicchi Mr. Griset, Mr. McFadden Mr. Russo and Mr.Twomey. <br /> CALL BACK TO ORDER <br /> Chair Twomey called the meeting back to order at 7:35 p.m. All Committee Members, <br /> Superintendent Harutunian, Associate Superintendent Richards, Principal Frank Orlando, <br /> John Doherty,Jane Fiore and Marc Alterio <br /> CITIZENS INPUT <br /> Mr. Brown stated that he filed an application with the rental office for the use of the <br /> fieldhouse for the Veteran's Dance. He asked the Committee to consider allowing <br /> alcohol to be served in the fieldhouse for the dance. <br /> Chair Twomey stated that this item would be discussed at the September School <br /> Committee meeting. m <br /> c DOA <br /> m ohm <br /> i zzrn <br /> 3MM <br /> R tri= <br /> N� <br /> O <br />