HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-09 Board of Selectmen Minutes Board of Selectmen Meeting
April 9, 2013
For ease of archiving, the order that items appear in these minutes reflects the order in
which the items appeared on the agenda for that meeting, and are not necessarily the
order in which any item was taken up by the Board.
The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, 16 Lowell Street,
Reading, Massachusetts. Present were Vice Chairman Ben Tafoya, Selectmen John
Arena, James Bonazoli, Dan Ensminger and Marsie West, Youth Liaison Mary Kate
Kelley, Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director
Bob LeLacheur, Office Manager Paula Schena and the following list of interested
persons: Tim Kelley.
Town Clerk Laura Gemme swore in new Selectmen Daniel Ensminger and Marsie West.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Arena that the Board of Selectmen go into
Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to labor negotiations, health
insurance, and for the approval of minutes, that the Chair declares that an open
meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the body, and
that the Board will come back into Open Session at approximately 7:30 PM was
approved on a roll call vote with all five members voting in the affirmative.
The Board reconvened in Open Session at 7:25 p.m.
Reports and Comments
Selectmen's Liaison Reports and Comments — John Arena noted that the Reading
Municipal Light Board recently voted to have three people serve one role and he feels it
is bad practice. He noted the motion was moved, seconded and voted on in less than
seven minutes and he noted that was unheard of. He questions whether there was
discussion outside of the role as Board member. Marsie West noted that she was not at
that meeting and is just as concerned. She noted that motion was defeated previously and
she feels rotating the leadership is not appropriate.
The Town Manager noted that the RMLB actions were not in accordance with the Home
Rule Charter and they did not follow Roberts Rules of Orders. There was no notice of a
hearing for removal. He will inform them of Town Counsel's opinion. Marsie West
indicated the Board took this action during an active search and they lost a qualified
candidate due to their action. She indicated she would like to be the RMLD liaison.
Dan Ensminger thanked the voters for electing him.
Mary Kate Kelley noted that school vacation starts on Thursday; the Junior Prom is on
Thursday, and there was a lock down at the High School last week. The Interact Club
will be doing a food pantry fundraiser this spring.
Board of Selectmen Minutes—April 9, 2013 —page 2
Discussion/Action Items
Board of Selectmen Reorganization — The Vice Chairman turned the meeting over to the
Town Manager to accept nominations for Chairman of the Board.
Arena moved and West seconded to place the name of James Bonazoli into
nomination as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen with a term expiring June 30,
2014. A motion by Ensminaer seconded by West to close the nominations for
Chairman of the Board of Selectmen was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. The main
motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-1 with Tafova abstaining.
Ensminger moved and West seconded to place the name of John Arena into
nomination as Vice Chairman of the Board of Selectmen with a term expiring June
30, 2014. A motion by Ensminaer seconded by West to close the nominations of
Vice Chairman of the Board of Selectmen was approved by a vote of 4-0-1 with
Tafova abstaining. The main motion was approved by a vote of 4-0-1 with Tafova
Arena moved and Ensminaer seconded to place the name of Ben Tafova into
nomination as Secretary of the Board of Selectmen with a term expiring June 30,
2014. A motion by Ensminger seconded by Arena to close the nominations for
Secretary of the Board of Selectmen was approved by a vote of 5-0-0. The main
motion was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Approval of Agreement — Health Insurance — A motion by Tafoya seconded by
Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen approve the Health Insurance Agreement
with the Public Employee Committee (PEC) effective July 1, 2013 through June 30,
2014 was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Audit Presentation/Discussion — Town Accountant Sharon Angstrom and Auditor Eric
Demas from Melanson and Heath were present.
Mr. Demas noted that the audit was for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. The audit went
well; there were no disagreements or material weaknesses and the new Town Accountant
exceeded their expectations. In the individual auditor report they are issuing a clean
Mr. Demas noted in the government funds balance sheet the unassigned fund balance was
$7.8 million or 9.6% of the general fund expenditure. Bob LeLacheur noted that when
the Finance Committee implemented the reserve fund policy we were at $1 million and
now we are at $7.8 million. John Arena asked where do we want to be and Mr. Demas
noted that rating agencies want to see 5 — 10% in reserves.
Mr. Demas noted that the management letter suggests enhancing the year end cut off
procedures for outstanding purchase orders. Also recommends updating the fund balance
policy and finally to prepare for the implementation of Gatsby 68 —the unfunded pension
liability. The Town Manager noted we are on a schedule to fund by 2028.
Board of Selectmen Minutes—April 9, 2013 —page 3
The Board thanked Mr. Demas for his presentation.
Continued Hearing — Waiver of Hours of Operation — Fit by Catarina — The Town
Manager indicated they are located next to the Natural Food Store on Main Street.
Ms. Catarina noted that she is a personal trainer and she does early morning boot camps
at 5:15 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. Approximately eight people attend.
John Arena asked if there were any objections and the Town Manager noted there was
not. There was no public comment either.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen close the
public hearing on an application by Fit By Catarina, 335 Main Street for a license to
operate a retail business between the hours of midnight and 6:00 am was approved
by a vote of 5-0-0.
A motion by Tafova seconded by Ensminger that the Board of Selectmen approve a
license to operate a retail business between the hours of midnight and 6:00 am
pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Reading General Bylaw and further pursuant to
section 3.9 of the Board of Selectmen policies to Fit By Catarina, 335 Main Street,
subiect to the following conditions:
1. This license is for approval, pursuant to the Board of Selectmen
regulation 3.9, to open for business not earlier that 5:00 am on
Monday through Friday, and not earlier than 6:00 am on Saturday,
Sunday, and holidays.
2. This approval expires at midnight, December 31,2013;
3. All signs shall conform to the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of
In granting this license the Board finds that in accordance with Section 5.10.4 of the
General Bylaws:
• It is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, or that public
necessity or convenience will be served by permitting such operation; and
• There is no detrimental effect of such operation on the Town or the
immediately abutting neighbors.
The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Presentation on Report of Affordable Housing Trust Funds — The Town Manager noted
that Consultant Bob Mitchell looked at the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. He also
noted that Housing Authority member Tim Kelley was present.
Mr. Mitchell noted that a state law was recently passed. Reading was one of the first
communities to adopt the Affordable Housing Trust Fund special act so the state decided
to pass legislation to allow all communities to have an Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
The state created regulations but it is flexible. Mr. Mitchell noted that the Board should
decide if they want to keep the trust fund and if so how to organize and operate it. The
Board of Selectmen Minutes—April 9, 2013 —page 4
Town could also switch over to the State model and have a regional housing coordinator
carry out the charges. Sources of funding can be considered and that influences how the
trust fund is used.
Tim Kelley noted that the Housing Authority has not discussed this. They have met only
once to expend funds. He feels that since there is a limited amount of money in the fund
that he wouldn't want to see it go to administration costs.
John Arena asked Mr. Mitchell if he was claiming there are deficiencies and Mr. Mitchell
indicated there are no deficiencies but the state act would give more flexibility.
Ben Tafoya suggested inviting the Housing Authority and Director in for a discussion
and to get information from Town Counsel on the trust fund.
Presentation — US Postal Service re: Plans for Reading Post Office — Postmaster Jeannie
O'Brien and USPS Real Estate Specialist Joseph Mulvey were present. The Town
Manager noted that he asked the USPS to include the Town in the process and he also
toured the building.
Mr. Mulvey noted that the Postal Service is proposing to relocate (not close) the Reading
Post Office to a yet to be determined location. They propose to find a new location for
the retail and to move the carrier to the facilities in Woburn. If they do that they will sell
the building. The USPS is trying to reduce expenses and generate revenues. He will be
taking comments until April 24, 2013 and after the comment period a decision will be
made. Anyone can appeal the decision. They have an exclusive broker who has the
property up for sale. They will not move without a buyer for the building and they won't
sell without a relocate location.
John Arena asked what valid grounds for appeal were and Mr. Mulvey noted that
typically if the building is on the national register that would be grounds for appeal. This
building is not on the national register, but has the ability to be.
Marsie West noted that the fact sheet indicates that the building is on the national register
and the Town Manager noted that is incorrect. It is on the Town's historic list.
Daniel Ensminger asked if they plan on keeping all the retail, including the boxes, and it
was noted they do.
Ben Tafoya noted the existing retail service is an anchor core in downtown and he
doesn't want to lose the traffic in downtown. He requested that they try to maintain the
operation as is and any proposal to maintain the retail at that location should be
Marsie West noted she feels it is important to keep the retail where it is, but not to
commit on the back office.
Board of Selectmen Minutes—April 9, 2013 —page 5
James Bonazoli noted it should stay in the 40R district.
Daniel Ensminger asked if any locations have been sold and leased back the retail part.
Mr. Mulvey indicated in West Hartford, CT a bank took over the rest of the building.
The Town Manager noted that there are 60 dead parking spaces at the Post Office and
they are valued at $26,000 per space.
Historical Commission member Virginia Adams requested that the Board ask for an
extension on the comment period. She noted that is a fine building with architectural
detail. The structure is the focus of the community. She feels it would be nice to have
covenants on the structure.
James Bonazoli asked about extending the comment period and Mr. Mulvey indicated
that the historical process has been going on for more than 60 days. Once the comment
period ends then there is an appeal period and then there's another comment period.
Daniel Ensminger requested a copy of the historic report.
The Town Manager indicated he will draft communication for the Selectmen's meeting
on April 23 and he will copy the Historical Commission. The Town Manager asked what
the time frame is and Mr. Mulvey indicated a minimum of one year to a maximum of
three years.
Hearing — Liquor License Application — Portland Pie, 54 Haven Street — The Secretary
read the hearing notice.
Joe O'Neil, Chief Operating Officer of Portland Pie, noted that they are a Maine based
company specializing in pizza. The have three locations around Portland and two in New
Hampshire. There will be two dining areas — one for family and one with bistro high
dining. There will be a double sided fireplace and they are proposing 20 seats outside. It
is a family friendly restaurant and they give back to the community. His restaurant will
create 50 new jobs.
The Town Manager noted that CPDC approved the site plan. The liquor license is for
both indoor and outdoor. Staff is looking at the outdoor seating in relation to Zinga who
has outdoor seating.
Daniel Ensminger asked if the wait people have TIPS training and if there is any history
of serving to minors at the other locations. Mr. O'Neil indicated that each wait person
will be trained before opening and there have been no violations at the other locations
over the past 16 years.
John Arena asked if they are using non-breakable dinnerware outside and Mr. O'Neil
noted that is their intention. The Town Manager noted that the Selectmen regulations
don't allow plastic ware. James Bonazoli asked the intent of not allowing plastic ware
Board of Selectmen Minutes—April 9, 2013 —page 6
and the Town Manager noted it is basically for dining in establishments not restaurants
like McDonalds.
Ben Tafoya asked who the onsite Manager will be and Mr. O'Neil indicated that his best
Manager, Charlie Clement, will be.
James Bonazoli noted that RCASA will be looking for a partnership.
A motion by Ensminger seconded by West that the Board of Selectmen close the
hearing on an application for an All Alcoholic Restaurant Liquor Licenses for
Reading Pie LLC d/b/a Portland Pie Company, 54 Haven Street. Move that the
Board of Selectmen approve the All Alcoholic Restaurant Liquor Licenses for
Reading Pie LLC d/b/a Portland Pie Company, 54 Haven Street was approved by a
vote of 5-0-0.
A motion by Tafoya seconded by West that the Board of Selectmen approve the All
Alcoholic Restaurant Liquor Licenses for Reading Pie LLC d/b/a Portland Pie
Company, 54 Haven Street for a term expiring December 31, 2013 subiect to the
following conditions:
• All Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Town of Reading and of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be followed, and subiect to a
satisfactory inspection of the establishment by the Town Manager.
The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
The Town Manager indicated he will put the conditions of plastic ware on the actual
Review Town Meeting Warrant Articles — The Town Manager reviewed the Articles on
the Town Meeting Warrant.
Daniel Ensminger asked for details regarding Article 13 — settlement of litigation. The
Town Manager noted that this is a suit between TLT, the Town and the Project Manager
of the High School project. It stems from HVAC problems and the Town insisted the
General Contractor fire the subcontractor. The total cost is $72,000.
On Article 24, John Arena noted that this is a remedy to the gap of referendum to have
the Town Clerk prepare the forms and adjust or clarify the days. He is willing to defer
the language on days.
Ben Tafoya indicated he doesn't feel a need for Article 24 right now. Marsie West noted
it is very difficult to draft correct language and she supports it.
A motion by Tafoya seconded by West to recommend the subject matter of Articles
4, 5, 6, and 8 — 22 of the 2013 Annual Town Meeting Warrant was approved by a
vote of 5-0-0.
Board of Selectmen Minutes—April 9, 2013 —page 7
A motion by West seconded by Ensminger to recommend the subject matter of
Article 24 of the 2013 Annual Town Meeting Warrant was approved by a vote of 4-
1-0 with Tafoya against.
Approval of Minutes
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Arena to approve the minutes of February 26,
2013 was approved by a vote of 3-0-2 with Ensminger and West abstaining.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the minutes of March 5, 2013
was approved by a vote of 3-0-2 with Ensminger and West abstaining.
A motion by Bonazoli seconded by Tafova to approve the minutes of March 26, 2013
was approved by a vote of 3-0-2 with Ensminger and West abstaining.
A motion by West seconded by Tafova to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 p.m. was
approved by a vote of 5-0-0.
Res lys bmitted,