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Reading Historical Commission Minutes <br />April 12, 2006 <br />Attending: Lt. Col. Wilbar Hoxie <br />Virginia Adams - Chairman Clay Jones _ <br />Mark Cardono - Secretary Sharlene Reynolds Santo <br />Kathy Greenfield Roberta Sullivan <br />Call to order 7:39 pm <br />Past Minutes Review: <br />Review of the minutes from January 3, 2006. Sharlene moved that the Commission accept the minutes from <br />January 3, 2006, as amended. Roberta seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0-0. <br />Review of the minutes from January 17, 2006. Sharlene moved that the Commission accept the minutes from <br />January 17, 2006, as amended. Roberta seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0-1. <br />Review of the minutes from February 7, 2006. February 7, 2006 minutes tabled. <br />Review of the minutes from February 21, 2006. Sharlene moved that the Commission accept the minutes from <br />February 21, 2006, as amended. Roberta seconded the motion. Vote: 4-0-1. <br />Review of the minutes from March 17, 2006. Roberta moved that the Commission accept the minutes from March 17, <br />2006, as amended. Wilbar seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0-0. <br />Treasurer's Report: <br />Paid $50 to Preservation On Mass <br />Sharlene moved that the Commission will pay $80.11 for the legal notice of the Demolition Delay Public Hearing on <br />30-32 Elliott Street/100-102 Green Street and to reimburse Virginia $3.77 for photographs. Wilbar seconded the <br />motion. Vote: 5-0-0. <br />420 Franklin Street: <br />Received email from Fran Fink on the difference between the state and local position on wetlands. <br />Virginia read an email she sent to and the response from the Building Inspector, Glen Redmond. The reply stated <br />that additions can be put on old house as long as the addition is conforming. <br />Virginia received a call from Shirley Day to see if she should come to this meeting. Virginia told her that she does not <br />need to come, but she is welcome to come to it. <br />Peter Reinhart of the Reading Engineering Department came up with an idea that may work to fit a second house on <br />the property. It could be presented as an ANR (Approval Not Required) to put in front of CPDC. It needs to be drawn <br />by an engineer. The Commission discussed possibilities. <br />Clay suggested having old. home renovators look at the house to see what could be done with it. <br />Virginia asked how get the preservation restrictions on the house. She added that The Commission should get <br />preservation restrictions in exchange for our saving the house. The Commission discussed going to Shirley Day with <br />a proposal. Clay suggested having a local appraiser, who knows historic houses, do an appraisal. He does <br />appraisals on antique houses. <br />The Commission came up with the following list to do to help save the house. <br />1. Bring the new plot to the Building Department and get it okayed. <br />2. Run this by Brad Latham and Shirley Day. <br />3. Run it by Karen and other realtors for a marketing analysis. <br />4. Ask the Town for engineering work on the plan. <br />It may be possible to get Larry Sorli or others like Les Brown, David O'Sullivan, and Michael Steinitz, from Mass <br />Historic. The Commission needs access to the house to have these people look at it. Shirley Day will probably allow <br />access. <br />Town common: <br />Peter Hechenbleikner wants the sign approval done in next couple of weeks. Virginia asked if The Commission <br />should write a letter to the Selectmen and/or Peter about The Commission's thoughts on the signs. Sharlene asked <br />about where the signs would be located and if we could have a sketch showing it on the Common. The Commission <br />agreed to recommend that they not consider the signs until the downtown is finished. Sharlene suggested writing a <br />letter to suggest delaying the signs until the downtown is finished. <br />Virginia handed out a synopsis of On Common Ground, a comprehensive book on New England Town Commons. <br />Miscellaneous: <br />Sharlene stated that a copy of the CD with the Inventory and Archives has been given to the Library. <br />Town meeting starts April 24, 2006 and Demolition Delay Bylaw changes we will be in the second or third session. <br />The Commission will need to have a preplanning session for Town Meeting. <br />Friends and family day -10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on June 17. Virginia filled out the application. <br />Membership - Wilbar and all associate members are up for reappointment this year. <br />Mark handed in a CD of the video from 572 Haverhill Street. <br />Roberta moved that The Commission notify Peter Hechenbleikner and the Selectman that a decision on the signs on <br />the Common be delayed until the Downtown Revitalization is complete, so that a proper evaluation of the signage can <br />be made. Only then can The Commission evaluate whether the signage meets the requirements of the "Guidelines for <br />Evaluating Changes to the Common", adopted by the Selectmen in 1991. Sharlene seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0-C <br />Next meeting April 18, 2006 <br />Adjourned 9:52 PM <br />RHC Minutes Rhc20060412doc Page 1 of 1 <br />