HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-11 Board of Library Trustees Minutese x Board - Committee Town of Reading Meeting Minutes ToC61VEW WN CLERK Atq, VI OCT I I AN9;33 Commission - Council: Board of Library Trustees Date: 2023-09-11 Building: Reading Public Library Address: 64 Middlesex Avenue Purpose: General Meeting Attendees: Members - Present: Time: 7:00 PM Location: Community Room Session: Open Session Version: Final Patrick Egan, Chair; Monette Verner, Vice -Chair; Andrew Grimes, Secretary; Monique Pillow-Gnanaratnam (remote participation); Cappy Popp Members - Not Present: Cherrie Dubois Others Present: Amy Lannon, Director; Michelle Filleul, Assistant Director; Meaghan Clemente, Administrative Assistant; Andrea Fiorillo, Head of Research and Reader Services; Joseph McDonagh, Financial Committee Liaison to Reading Public Library; Fidel Maltez, Town Manager; Genady Pilyaysky, Library Landscape Committee Chair; Judy Holden, Reading Lions Club Director; Maureen Mcisaac, Reading Lions Club Director; Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Andrew Grimes, Secretary Topics of Discussion: I. Call to Order at 7:01 p.m. The Board held a brief moment of silence in memory of the lives impacted by the September 11, 2001 tragedy. II. Public Comment No public comments were made in person or remotely. Ill. Reading Lions Request Ms. Lannon reviewed the Board's authority to approve solicitation, tabling, collection, and posting activities for fundraising purposes. The Reading Lions Club will run its third annual seasonal Scarecrow Contest Fundraiser in October to benefit its supported charities. Previously, the organization has set up a table at Harrows Restaurant in Reading and is requesting to expand their tabling to the Reading Public Library this year. A $20 donation to the Reading Lions Club provides participants with a basic scarecrow frame kit, which they can decorate. Photos of decorated scarecrows are shared online, with a few selected as winners. The Lions support the Library's braille storywalks and access to visual assistive technology. Ms. Vernier asked if the Lions had specific dates or times in mind or if they were looking to be flexible due to weather and their outdoor tabling setup. Ms. Holden and Ms. Mclsaac said they would be grateful for any opportunity. However, it would be good to pop up during nice weather or during family storytime events to maximize interest and involvement. Ms. Vernier questioned what would work better for Library staff. Ms. Lannon suggested planning a few tentative dates around children's programming, weather permitting, due to the crowded indoor space of the Library lobby. Ms. Lannon noted that Children's programs typically last about an hour and that the Library is also busy after school. Ms. Filled suggested that Saturday mornings around 10:00 a.m. may work well, as a weekly Jumping Beans: Family Storytime Drop-in program is regularly well -attended. Ms. Holden and Ms. Mclsaac clarified that they typically sell scarecrow kits during the first three weeks of October. Ms. Lannon agreed that October 7 and 14 would work for Library staff. Motion: To allow the Reading Lions Club to set up a table on October 7, 2023, and October 14, 2023, or other acceptable dates during October, to sell scarecrow kits. (Popp / Grimes) Vote: Approved 5-0 Ms. Holden and Ms. Mclsaac thanked the Board and excused themselves at 7:10 p.m. IV. Summer Reading Report and Fall Programming Update Ms. Andrea Fiorillo introduced herself as the Head of Research and Reader Services and provided an overview of summer reading and programming statistics. The Library offered nine STEAM -focused programs for Grades 1 through 5, with math being the most popular. There were eleven talent show participants who showcased their skills in areas such as gymnastics, piano, drums, and more. One hundred sixteen people enthusiastically attended Vehicle Day despite rainy weather. An all -ages Mini Golf program saw 125 participants, including many families. Eighty-one teens attended programs, including several events collaborating with Creative Arts. Teens also wrote 78 book reviews for the "Find Your Voice!" summer reading program. A special Summer Sizzlers evening program for adults kicked off the summer and featured a mocktail fundraiser by the Friends of the Reading Public Library. This Fall, children's storytimes will be held every day except Sunday. Thursday evenings will feature adaptive storytimes, and on Fridays, programming will alternate between singalongs with Peter Sheridan, muhilanguage storytimes, and special guest storytimes with community leaders. Middle schoolers will receive an introduction to the Library through the annual Sixth Grade Tours. Staff are incorporating feedback from the summer reading survey into future program offerings. Popular birding programs with Dave Williams will continue. A basic budgeting financial literacy program will help serve a younger adult audience. The Library will also offer programs for veterans and active military members, Mental Health First Aid training, English at Large Conversation Circles, and a Memory CafB. Page 12 Ms. Verner requested more detail on military programming. Ms. Fiorillo mentioned Endicott College student Autumn Hendrickson, who will present on Reading's Contribution to World War II and author Adam Lazarus is speaking on his new book "The Wingmen: The Unlikely, Unusual, Unbreakable Friendship Between John Glenn and Ted Williams;', which features stories from both World War II and the Korean War. Ms. Fiorillo highlighted other new events, such as Teen Meetups featuring Magic the Gathering card games and the North Shore Alliance for GLBTO+ Youth (NAGLY). "Spark Spot" will provide open art studio opportunities for children. The Library's bookbike will continue outreach at the Commuter Rail station on Tuesday mornings and afternoons, weather permitting. Despite buses replacing trains on the Haverhill line, we received many positive community interactions during each visit. Partnerships with English at Large, the Stoneham Senior Center, Reading Pleasant Street Center, North Shore Alliance for GLBTO+ Youth (NAGLY), Reading Coalition for Prevention and Support, Town of Reading, and Reading Veterans Services help make Library programming successful. ' Whafs the Big Idea" is a new initiative selected by a staff committee to guide programs, services, and collections for the year. This year's theme is "Library as Space and Place," highlighting the Library as a natural and neutral "third space" for community conversations. Upcoming initiatives include meetup groups, puule swaps, the health nook, conversation circles, storytimes, kids' maker space, eclipse viewing, and more. On Saturday, September 30, patrons are invited to join a statewide celebration of the freedom to read by reading outside on the Library lawn. Mr. Egan noted that storytime registrations filled up quickly at the end of August. Ms. Fiorillo explained the popularity of storytimes. Four to five storytimes per week are registration only limited to one per family. All registered storytimes are full, including the waitlists. Drop-in storytime programs will be featured on Fridays and Saturdays in the larger Community Room space to accommodate a larger group and a more spontaneous approach. Ms. Lannon explained that registered storytimes will take place in a smaller group setting in the Children's Program Room. Research has shown that it is more developmentally beneficial for children to be in smaller groups with their caregivers. Although attendance numbers can be higher at popular drop-in events, the Library strives to prioritize literacy needs in a peaceful environment. Ms. Fiorillo thanked the Board and excused herself at 7:24 p.m V. Discussion and Vote: Minor operational updates and corrections to the Meeting Room Policy and Fees Ms. Lannon reviewed minor changes to the Meeting Room Policy and fees, including eliminating the library card requirement for room reservations, specifying that the Board will have discretion on fundraising decisions, and clarifying wording regarding initial fees and the timing of registrations. An additional correction regarding technical assistance being requested five rather than seven days in advance was noted. PegC 1 3 Motion: To accept the changes to the Meeting Room Policy and Fees as presented. (Games /Verner Vote: Approved SO VI. Update Community DEI Assessment Ms. Lannon noted that there have been several meetings with Opportunity Consulting, as well as an implementation kickoff meeting with internal Town employees. The consultant developed a survey and has encouraged sharing it amongst local networks to encourage broad participation. They will conduct one-to-one interviews and small focus groups to collect additional data. Opportunity Consulting is also analyzing data from the Symonds Way Exploratory Committee (SWEC) survey, the Reading Center for Active Living Committee (RECALC) survey, housing plans, and other Library and Town information. Former Director of Equity and Social Justice Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee is working to move the project forward a few hours a week. Ms. Pillow-Gnanaratnam is the Board's liaison and has scheduled an interview on September 27. VII. Library Landscape Committee a. Activitas Proposal for exploratory concept and design Ms. Lannon noted the presence of Town Manager Fidel Makez and Library Landscape Committee Chair Genady Pilyaysky, who have been invaluable through the process of negotiating a proposal for the exploratory concept and design of the exterior Library landscape. Ms. Lannon referred to the third version of the Activitas proposal dated September 11, 2023. Ms. Lannon explained that the Library Landscape Committee has met to review the proposal in a detailed manner and voted to recommend the proposal to the Board, pending a few clarifications and changes that have since been made. Ms. Lannon clarified for Mr. Egan that the Town Manager signs all contracts with funds from municipal accounts, although the Board will still pay the Activitas bills. Mr. Maltez explained that Activitas is a landscape architecture firm that the Town has worked with on various projects for over a decade. Activitas has worked on athletic turf fields throughout Reading and is currently working on phase one of the Birch Meadow project, which involves a parking lot, walkway, restroom structure, and other creative components beyond athletic fields. Mr. Maltez noted that Activitas is currently in Town, frequently working on other projects and that the Library will be able to capitalize on economies of scale and maximize the value of these visits by beginning this project concurrently. The Town has been pleased with Activitas's work on other projects. Mr. Egan expressed concems over ongoing maintenance costs. Ms. Lannon noted that these costs are estimated and taken into consideration. Fundraising recommendations will be presented, as well as optional phases that can be implemented at different times when sufficient funds are available. Mr. Maltez clarified that Activitas will deliver two design options. Ms. Verner acknowledged the importance of marketing collateral provided by Activitas and questioned the investigation of grants. Ms. Lannon explained that Activitas is experienced in working through the cash Flow of municipalities and schools and may be aware of library funding opportunities. Mr. Maltez explained that if approved, work on the Page 1 4 proposal will begin in October and take place over a roughly three-month period. Mr. Maltez has personally worked with Activitas, including the four professionals listed in the contract, on other projects in Town. Mr. Popp clarified that full rights will be granted with the design outputs of the proposal, which can be implemented with vendors other than Acitivitas if deemed appropriate. Ms. Verner questioned neighborhood representation on the Library Landscape Committee. Ms. Lannon clarified that Mr. Jake Soucy is a direct abutter of the Library and that Dr. Pilyaysky also lives in the neighborhood. Mr. Maltez explained that he is involved in the working group for this project along with Community Development Director Andrew MacNichol, Economic Development Director Ben Cares, and Director of Facilities Joe Huggins. Depending on the project's scope, the Department of Public Works and Town Engineer will also help with issues surrounding drainage, water and sewer, and other matters. Ms. Verner clarified that the Board is being asked to approve an expenditure of $20,350 for these phases. Ms. Lannon explained that the supplemental spending report initially requested $20,000 and that the proposal is slightly over. Approval would gram the Town Manager permission to move forward with Activitas. Community Services Director Genevieve Fiorente and other leaders in Town have recommended working with Activitas. Mr. Maltez explained that architectural work is exempt from procurement rules requiring multiple bids. Mr. Maltez noted that the Town's existing professional relationship with Activitas and concurrent work on other ongoing projects would help expedite the timeline of the Library project, which may be difficult to achieve with other vendors. Ms. Lannon confirmed that the Library will use gift funds for the contract. Ms. Verner questioned the 1.15 travel reimbursement rate. Mr. Maltez acknowledged the boilerplate language of the proposal. He explained that travel expenses will be combined with other projects in Town to reduce costs, which have been significantly reduced from the original proposal overall. Motion: To authorize the Town Manager to contract with Activitas in accordance with the terms of the proposal as presented. (Grimes / Vemer) Vote: Approved SO Dr. Pilyaysky and Mr. Maltez thanked the Board and excused themselves at 7:47 p.m VIII. Tween Spot Update Ms. Lannon noted that the Library received one response to the initial quote for custom fabrication and installation of millwork and shelving for the bookshelf and tree designs in the new Tween Spot. Due to an error, they have issued a second quote solicitation. Pricing may need to be adjusted to reflect insurance and other rising costs. However, projects over $50,000 fall under a different procurement classification. The Library is ready to move forward with the mural and other parts of the project. Ms. Lannon noted that the Library can proceed with the mural and purchase temporary furniture while existing plans are reexamined and modified. Insurance coverage and va, 15 safety are top priorities but often come at a higher cost. Mr. Popp acknowledged the difficulty of taking a job at a low cost and questioned the possibility of splitting the job into phases. Ms. Lannon will review requirements with the Procurement Officer but is cautious about deliberately splitting bids. The preferred candidate is eager to begin work, but proper procedures must be in place. IX. Financial Report Ms. Lannon thanked the Board for approving recent invoices and procurement card charges. Ms. Lannon noted recent donations received, including several in memory of Neil Miksis for purchasing carpentry and woodworking books to celebrate his livelihood. Town Accountant Sharon Angstrom will formally close FV23 on Friday, September 15. Finance Committee Liaison Joseph McDonagh reported that the final numbers look good. X. Director's Report Ms. Lannon provided snapshots of comparative usage statistics. Ms. Verner questioned a lack of August locker use data in August. Ms. Lannon noted that the exterior pickup lockers were not in service in August 2022. Library usage has remained steady. Mr. Egan complimented the Fall schedule. Ms. Filleul reflected on recent talent show performances, and Ms. Lannon noted the positive developmental impact of presentations and performances for children. The "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten" program is still going strong. Due to limited wall space, a "Hall of Fame" scrapbook has been created to help celebrate all reading achievements. The Level 3 electric vehicle charger is undergoing a few tweaks by the Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD). The Library will work with RMLD to add artwork or a custom wrap to the utility box. A broken compressor in the HVAC unit has caused temperatures varying from 74 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit, primarily in the Reference work room. Library staff are working remotely or in other building areas as necessary until it is repaired. Senior Library Associate Dawn Cofford recently celebrated her 30th work anniversary at the Library. Former Library Pages Nemaya Wickramasinghe and Althea Culaba are headed to the University of Connecticut and Boston University, respectively. The first round of interviews for a new Public Services Division Head is expected to begin this week. Sunday and substitute scheduling have been filled in through January. However, the Library may need to hire another para or professional substitute for the Children's Room as one of the regular substitutes has taken on a full-time position at another library. Ms. Lannon reported on diverse professional development activities recently completed by Library staff. She noted that several staff members will attend the New England Library Association (NELA) conference in Springfield, Massachusetts, in October. Mr. Grimes questioned the "10 Million Names Project" professional development activity. Ms. Filleul explained that it is connected to genealogy research of African-Amencan family histories. Local History Librarian Jocelyn Gould completed the webinar and is actively researching black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) history in Reading, v,, 1 6 Mr. Egan questioned the status of an ongoing issue regarding missing books in the Teen Room. Ms. Lannon and Ms. Filleul reported that the situation is under control, and the behavior has dropped off since school resumed. Ms. Lannon noted that staffing has been adjusted accordingly and that the priority is providing access to resources for those who wish to use them. XI. Approval of August 14, 2027 Meeting Minutes Motion: To approve the minutes of the August 14, 2023, Trustee Meeting. (Pillow-Gnanaratnam / Popp) Vote: Approved 5-0 XII. Future Agenda Items Mr. Egan mentioned that some residents expressed concern after the last meeting regarding allowing people outside of Reading to participate in Public Comment. However, public comment is for anybody and cannot be legally limited. The time and manner of public comment can be adjusted and prioritized at the discretion of the Chair. Due to the wide usage of the Library building and Its resources, it is reasonable that others may make comments. Ms. Lannon noted that Financial Forums will formally begin the FY25 budget process starting September 20. Ms. Lannon noted that Trustees are not required to attend and will make a report available. Adjournment 8:08 p.m. Motion: To Adjourn (Grimes / Popp) Vote: Approved 5-0 Respectfully Submitted, Andrew Grimes, Secretary Page 1 7 PUBLIC SERVICES 2023 FALL QUARTER PROGRAM SUMMER STATISTICS FIND YOUR VOIC9 AAUMT”. Grades 6,2 �v • "SC 0.• 0 Find Your 0 ® Mi0 0 \ I' A GLANCE: SEPTEMBER THRU NOVEMBER 2023 w ' HILDRENS TEENS DULTS 93 PROGRAMS i PROGRAMS 62 PROGRAMS STORYTINIES EVERY 6 -GRADE TOURS 9 GENEALOGY 1:1 WEEKDAY! WHAT'S HAPPENING Education • Birds Back from The Brink: Massachusetts Success Stories with Dave Williams • Reading's Contribution to WWII • The Basics of Budgeting with Certified Financial Planners of Boston connection • Dribble Drabble • Read -In on the Library Lawn • Special Guest Storytime featuring town employees • The In BeTween Book Club • Magic: The Gathering Teen Meetup • Grandparents as Parents: An information session Enjoyment • Singalongs with Peter Sheridan • Pride Storytime • The Wingmen: The Unlikely, Unusual, Unbreakable Friendship Between John Glenn and Ted Williams • Metalsmithing for Teens wellness • Health Plan Options for People with Medicare • Health Nook: Introduction series to resources • Mental Health First Aid for: Adults, Older Adults, and Caregivers of Teens • Nature Journaling for Gr. 3-5 NEW YEAR: • Mental Health First Aid NEW STUFF • Memory Cafe • Teen Meetup: Magic, the Gathering • Teen Meetup: NAGLY . English Conversation Circles • Spark Spot: Open Art Studio for Kids • RPL On Wheels -- @ MBTA Commuter Rail PARTNERS 1 English At Large 2 Stoneham Senior Center & PSC 3 NAGLY 4 RDG Coalition for Prevention & Support 5 Town of Reading (CR storytimes) sReading Veterans Services WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA? RPL: Your Place is Here New Library Initiative September thm May new theme selected each year by small library committee programs, services, collections & general space i S the Br9 ra � P +Xy �I, r RPL: YOUR PLACE IS HERE 2023 aWHATSTHEBIGIDEA FY2a Library as space & place celebrate Libraries natural identity as a'third space' community conversations read -in celebration, meetup groups, puzzle swaps, health nook, conversation circles, storytimes, kids' makerspace. eclipse viewing and so much more! Ll THE TOWN OF READING PRESENTS 7 MW/ 11 Join the Reading Community survey to help make the town of Reading a more equitable and inclusive space for everyone! SCAN ME r. 0 • • OPPORTUNITY CONSULTING ACTIVITAS landscape architecture civil engineering FEE PROPOSAL I 1 September 2023 Mr. Fidel Malfez Town Manager Town of Reading 16 Lowell Street Reading, MA 08167 Re: Fee Proposal for Landscape Architectural Design Services Town of Reading, MA Activitas Inc. (the Consultont) is pleased to provide the Town of Reading (the Client) with this proposal far professional landscape architectural design services for the Reading Public Library. Based upon the Library Landscape Committee's (LLC) presentation provided by the Client, Activitas's understands the project program to include the following: • Stakeholder and community engagement including assistance with public surveys • Development of conceptual design options Prepare a high-level opinion of probable construction costs Work with the client to generate plan for a fundraising campaign PROJECT EXPERTISE: • Mark Novak RLA will serve as Design Principal of the project. • Megan Buczynskl, PE will serve as Principal Civil Engineer of the project. • Stephen Cdsatulff, RLA will serve as Project Monger of the project. Meghan Donahoe will serve as Landscape Designer of the project. SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES: The Design Team will provide professional design services as outlined below for the development of this Project. Services are anticipated to include: Existing Conditions Analysis Preparation of Conceptual Design Options Assistance to the Client in Public Outreach Preparation of Opinion of Probable Project Costs Assistance to the Client in Developing a Fundraising Campaign fee Proposal for landscape Archihchi al Design Services " Sed=m-11 X 23 ACT IV I T A S V, .'h.", PART I: BASIC SERVICES: A. TASK I: EXISTING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS Item I 1 Kick-off Meering Activitas will coordinate a kick-off meeting with the Working Group (to be established by the Town) to review and discuss the goals far the project, proposed scope of work, associated work plan, lines of communication with the Town, schedule, and final deliverables. It is anticipated that the Working Group will have information available in relation to mapping/survey information of the existing facility, current use information and desired programming. Activitas will review available information from the Town archives, Town GIS, and MA GIS far the library. Activitas will compile this information to develop an existing conditions base map of the property and add aerial mapping available from Google Earth to supplement the base maps graphically )drone imagery may also be utilized). This base map will be the basis of design for the study and be used to graphically show the existing conditions and recommended improvements at the library. Item 1.3: Physical Review and Analysis Following compilation of the base map, Activitas will use the base mop and visit the site to review: • Facility layout and sae • Orientation • Site zoning to understand setbacks, height restrictions, and potential permitting implications for future improvements • Site and adjacent resource areas and buffer zones (if applicable) • Current site amenities )will consider existing parking and site access as pan of this review) • Proximity of neighboring properties to understand any implications for future renovations Item 1.4: Proarammina Review In conjunction with the existing conditions review, Activitas will review the available information that the Town provides based on their programming records. Following review Fee lropmol rar Landcape Archlty lural Design Services "F 1ACTIVITAS V r FaR N� Iz: of this information, Activitas may solicit further information such as, but not limited to, the following: • Extisting programming • Additional desired programming • Maintenance practices • Known drainage problems • Other issues that the Town is aware of or have received complaints about from users • Other pertinent information that may arise during discussions Activitas will then make a comparison of this information to the existing and desired programming information to guide the public survey(s). Item I.S. Community Outreach Activitas will work with the Client to develop the public surveys) to solicit feedback from the community. The surveys) will be designed to identify vision, values, key issues and provide insight Into facility and program needs, operational uses, and opportunities. Activitas will then compile the survey results to guide the conceptual design phase. It is assumed Activitas will prepare the public survey via Survey Monkey and the Town will dishibute/publicize the survey. B. TASK 2: CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OPTIONS Item 2.1: Conceptual Option Develoomenf Activitas will prepare two (2) design options which will investigate conceptual layouts and materials that will include: • Landscaping • Irrigation • Accessibility and Safely • Seating • Outdoor Classroom/Leoming Space • Site Amenities • Site Lighting Activitas will provide a summary of the benefits and challenges for each of the options. This information will help guide the Working Group to a preferred Option based on priorities. Item 2.2: Workina Group Meeting M2: Review of Conceotuol Plan Options Acrivitas will prepare for and present the Conceptual Plan Options to the Working Group. Activitas will prepare necessary visuals for this meeting and lead the Working Group fee Proposal lm Landscape A,Chit.CN,.l Design Services 5,�,,�,`„ ACTIVITAS ",Fi-, through a discussion about important considerations to help focus in on a preferred option, which will likely be a blend of components from the options. Activitas will prepare and distribute Meeting Notes to the Working Group. In an effort to minimize the cost Of the project, working group meetings may be held virtually. C. TASK 3: PREFERRED CONCEPT PIAN Item 3.1: Preferred Option Based on the results of Tasks L along with feedback from Working Group, Activitas will develop a Preferred Conceptual Plan Layout for the project. Item 3.2: Opinion of Probable Project Cosh Activitas will prepare an Opinion of Probable Project Costs fa the Preferred Option. Components of the Opinion of Costs will likely include: Construction Costs Demolition and Site Preparation Erosion and Sediment Control Earthwork, Drainage and Site Utilities Materials and Installation - Pavement/Masonry Materials and Installation -Site and Landscape Improvements Materials and Installation - Site Furnishings Materials and Installation - Bectrical/Site Lighting Contractor Costs General Construction Conditions Bonds and Insurance Contractor's Overhead and Profit Design and Other Soft Costs Survey Fees Design and Permitting Fees Suggested Construction Contingencies Materials Testing Budget Maintenance Annual and Long -Term Maintenance Budget As Activitas develops the Opinion of Costs, we will also consider potential phasing and/or construction alternates for the project and lay these out in the Opinion of Cost as needed. II ' WorA6nq Group Meeting R3: Preferred ti Review Ew h1 P1l for Landscape Architectural Design Servicev 21 1, F A C T I V I T A S .— Activitas will prepare for and present the Preferred Conceptual Ran to the Working Group. Activitas will prepare and distribute Meeting Notes to the Working Group. In an effort to minimize the cost of the project, working group meetings may be held virtually. Item 3.4: Fir lrze Preferred Option Based on information and feedback received at the meeting. Activitas will update the Preferred Option. Cost Opinion and any Phasing/Alternates desired for the project. Activitas will distribute the updates to the Working Group for final review. A final 2D rendered plan will be provided electronically to the Working Group with the updated Opinion of Cost. All materials will be provided electronically to the Working Group for their use. Presentations to the Select Board and our other Town Boards ore not included. If desired, these presentations can be provided as an additional service. In conjunction with the final conceptual design graphics noted above, Activitas will assist the Client in developing workshopping ideas for alternative funding sources to alleviate costs to implement the proposed improvements, assumed to take place in one meeting with the Library Landscape Committee Strategies and/or materials may include, but not limited to, the following: • Phasing and Implementation Plan • Graphics to Generate Energy and Advocacy D. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES(ESTIMATED): In an effort to minimize the cost of the project, Reimbursable Expenses are not billed as a lump sum portion of the Basic Services. but include only actual expenditures such as. but not limited to, tolls, mileage at the current IRS rate. reprographic services, postage, overnight delivery and travel and shall be invoiced at 1.15 times their actual cost. Expenses will be billed monthly as they accrue against the estimated total. Expenses for the Consultant are not anticipated to exceed $750, without authorization from the client. In the event that expenses exceed this amount, the total will be increased by the Client as required. The Consultant will not proceed with expenses beyond the anticipated total without the prior written approval of the Client. PART 11. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES Fee Proposal for landscape Architectural Design Services 15e,e,�.2, ACTIVITAS V, Fidc V,'1 ( rCw J _ .. A. Basic Services shall be compensated as shown below Task 1: Existing Conditions Analysis Item 1.1 Kick-off Meefing $ 800.00 Item 1.2 Base Mapping $ 1,200.00 Item 1.3 Physical Review and Analysis $ 1,400.00 Hem 1.4 Programming Review $ 1,800.00 Item 1.5 Community Outreach $ 3.000.00 Task 2: Conceptual Design Options Item 2.1 Conceptual Option Development $ 3,800.00 Item 2.2 Project Meering $ 300.00 Task 3: Preferred Concept Plan Item 3.1 Preferred Option $ 2.800.00 Item 3.2 Opinion of Probable Project Cosh $ 1,200.00 Item 3.3 Project Meeting $ 300.00 Item 3.4 Finalize Preferred Option $ 1,800.00 Item 3.5 Fundraising Assistance $ 1,200.00 Subtotal: $ 19.600 Reimbursable Expenses (Estimated) $ 750 TOTAL: $ 20.350 PART III. ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. It services are authorized by the Client which exceed those listed under Basic Services and are not customarily furnished in accordance with accepted practice, they shall be compensated at the rates listed in the Compensation for Services Section. Such additional services shall include, but not be limited to: 1) major revisions in documents and/or drawings due to causes beyond the control of the Consultant, including all charges to the design and drawings resulting from meetings with Contractor, Client, municipal, state or federal agencies and review boards, or revisions requested by the Contractor or Client after approval of the Consultant's plans by the Client, and submission to the municipality, state and/or federal authority; 2) attendance at meetings or hearings beyond those listed in the Basic Services; 3) traffic, mechanical, electrical or structural engineering: 4) surveys; 5) design of retaining walls in excess of 4%0": 6) programming or design of on or off-site structures: 7) pile cap or spread footing sports light pole footing design; 8) applications, printing and tees for local, state and federal permits other than those specifically listed in this Proposal; 9) hazardous site or building material evaluation or abatement design: 10) cost estimating or quantity takeoffs; 11) Design or application for LEED or SITES Certification: 12) Response to peer review comments: 13) Owner's Project Manager or Clerk of the works services; 141 as -built drawings (to be procured by the General Contractor and Subs.) Fee h.ppsul far landmape An,NtecMvl Design Servicm ACTIVITAS Rates far Additional Services will be furnished on an hourly basis at the following hourly rates: MANAGING rFF u DESIGN PRINCIPAL........................................................................250.00 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER..........................................................250.00 PRINCIPAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT............................................250.00 ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL..................................................................195.00 SENIOR ASSOCIATE.......................................................................175.00 ASSOCIATE .....". _ _... _. _........_................................................... _...170.00 PROJECT MANAGER.....................................................................125.00 CIVIL ENGINEER............................................................................. 125.00 CIVIL DESIGNER / EIT..................................................................... 115.00 PROD. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ....................................................115.00 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT...............................................................100.00 CIVIL DESIGNER.............................................................................100.00 STAFF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .....................................................100.00 CLERICAL STAFF...............................................................................70.00 Rates and roles may be adjusted from Time to time. Written notification will be provided to the Client prior to changes in billing structure. C. Rates for Additional Services by Sub -Consultants, when authorized by the Client, will be furnished of 1.15 times the cost of services rendered. See attached for Consultants' rates. CLIENT AUTHORIZATION the client agrees Mth Parts I, 11, In and IV which includIe the 1309c services. Compensation tar Services. Optbnal 5ervkes and Additipnol Services. and Pail V. Terms and Condltlom of Agreement fattached hereto and ackrwwledgadasbeingreceived). togethertheycomthAe the enfireogreenrent between"Comullont and the Client. Mark N c Design Principa l Activitas Inc. Name Date: 1 I September 2023 Title Town of Reading Fee Proposal for Landscape AFchlfec Nal Design Services h 2 ACT I V I TAS PART IV: ACTIVITAS INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT Page I of 4) ton enpagnmanr or Ao as Inc pine Cm:ueanr me Client mClient11 umer me lolbxing terms and con6r'unc ona 6 an integral pan of ma colbCr- Apednanr aeM'een rna are, and me Cansahanr. I. The fee formate l« the proposed Scope of services u valid for d0 cion, from the data of Proposal. 2. Payment lis me CwuW .In. this tesWnsidiiry ofs,runry, .1 the Ageeitem and ewe superior to third awry agreement. 3. All schedules set such in the attached Scope of Services commenters upon receipt of a spire, Agreemanl and. M reaual a ret. M retainer ernounb we, de applied ro In. las' Invgce. A BURNER OF Jill ROU@ED BEFOH SERVICES CAN COMMENCE UNDER ME AGREEMEM. d. Repuest to Additional services and any ....... h, fee odoners smug a. un,er.,u-1, celore Addlriond Smlcei can aspic 5. Imace.'nifl .,end. murthuy and WcptN: due a Wh rucegr a. Invoce part nmt must de Rear cunenl for services to continue. It me Client bb to pay .1 0. due ro the Consultant vimin 30 day of the dale of'mvgce, The Consultant may. without waving any other clam a right against me auntsuspend winces under the Agreement unG the Consultant Ips dean papain lul as amounts OUR, the CdNurtanl and/or any of ns Consultants and Subcmncycon me.mance on overlie Invaces shall tie sugect to an interest chugo of 1 SR per month or IBR per annum rung from ere due date olu e'nvpco. Appiothah of the percentage rate Iktad abovo as o cossere auence of late payrnt by Pe Client does not octa a anywOngres on the Conunonrs pan to finance me Client operalronanenoacrevnengness mould be (Offered. If the Cant death to any ponpn of on nvace. The CEem all a cyUy Ire, Canwnder in vrmrg wince fineeri 1151 contrition auto of receipt of she invoice. The, Cent shall!aonMy n nntng the speafic cause of mea'wpeenlen+ and the amount in aeppre and %pM pay mat portion of the insiders hot in dispute in accordance wt+n the oro®1'saMeenl ter, of this Agr9emam. Any Rwdle over nsiacea amount due whou cancer ant resaNea w+thn an (to) talar ata days after pare tanon of invoke oy all nepandrud s between the paths, "0 ON retained wlmn miry (30) colander aay in accordance wltn The o his Ressaftes0 provision of the Agreement. Interest of "Ifid abort all Of pan by me CfBnt on as WpNe, kwdee arrpan•s mar we wareduentry resdved in the Cdnunan"s tavw and shall tie caeWlolea on the unpea Wil from me due date of the 9. me Caron.l agrees In carry the bitewing n.uranCB swung -1. term of Its Agner1W.. • W?kmen,Ccmpenal ural bmpoyersLlabty lnWmncem aompi.nde w+m 9alutory limit. • CompNerssiva Gerpral Lial Insurance ndude, Products Cw Idkrtd . COnce 1. Property. and Peaanal III coverage Wim corroded estate lret s of f.Y per occurrence and n ton ar,,"ree. • Rarearicnal Lial h1umnce mat.1-11or$r,lnnCTO per claim nM$2".00(l in in. aggregate • Autorry le LiabJry issuance mlvding hon oy,ned and hired automoph. with IM 1010serg Whis eaaN niun $500.000 earn ceaoh M." each occurrence "open C.rrag. 3100/000 on occurrence Cenifpate. of Insurance wOl be IudRned upon mention . II the Client reWhiss additional insurance coverage. and N'n .notable, the Client.gees b Minbuae the Consultant IIXsuch additional egRnA, 9. Inecrethe control notWnepout" frit Orretopotorm pr Iondelaysn Ine peRonrwrecaol5ervcas wNCn ase W'of mush bayou, me Gondol arvfPor wnnoah me 1Wn w nepugece of," Consultant. She Consurant's services will be pehwmed on ascan of dna sddy lo, ma berronl and escinive ase of Mre aunt and Clients .gems wW toughness forme Amid pugnes.1 form in he Agreement Cl ev andressfusi mph 1M corrwnanrs servees re pie eactil whkn are not odul upon science. Out ron, upon judgmental considerations. To tint fu!dsh utent permitted by pew and not withstanding any atlpr gov'wn of This Agraentent, the -adl eadiity. In the of,,,d 'e or me Con dant and ind Cer sunanlI and.. diechod, ampleyees and subcodulliths and any of them. I. The fee Proposal for londscope Architectural Design Services ACT IVITAS Clay, and anyone claiming by Or through Me Client. tar am and all claims, Ioref. cash ce dmhages, induan, ohoreald fees dna cosh and Moser eflrleo fees and cases of ony haero wn.. ,dm Wine e4xnsm~it, Ram or in myrow related eo me head or me Agreement 4am any corse or caum stroll Out etceed Methal cOnpweatiwr receNed ay me Consultant under Mn Agreement, Or Me Nt« no Of W.00M whohever a grearq. X R MMNbtl Md the WnXOXon Ml b any and ON sadmy Or cause of octan however Weaker or IFNirp. omen o.. postsed Oy. ]. me Clem Fpm«agrers. some Noted anent pereded Oysel TO Ytit enc liabity Of leeCOMt dna Me Consurants oReess. drect«y p«1net, sembeeyeel abs suacadueants la Me COMr1ChM oadmac tad and wRCTmlcbs on eta Project for any and al tens, ape. ease, damages of any nature wind,. or cane e>menses Ram arty taupe «coater. inciddet, prear d tee onc Celt Odd ag1M weds Mer ora cods, w Xql me deal aggregates Md d Me Consultant oral me CwtwXont's rvhcwwMomz to all Make named MMI Mai ercM d W.M. w Me Consultant`s lot« lee for swiror senMRal M ms Ph, a t. onel omerwee ponlatea by law U. In addition, and noMMhstancmp any Otheraoysiare of Itis Agreement. the Client agreeto the hilts+extent permXtea by aro. M inaemrlify anal hold IwmMss ma Consultant it, alficea, direclws. emgoyses and wdcoruuhanh ICowoclivoiy, Cannelton) ...Me ere damages. IvWer or cosh shoulder, reosarralNe anameys Mer and tleroMe cath, aping ad' of or IT any Ate, Conducted ktm This Protect w the pMcreance ay, any of me panels above reed of the servres under the Ageemel. .ceple, only In. damage. bares wcash dmWtaabm Me ne,Ii,enf data Oris, ant meretO act ayme ConNeame. 11, Per me Consmormn Observation adofm of PM I OF me aye mane the CMed.re poe vat 'do We ai Noel alp oop9'e to e nage of cleemocran. «as.. agreed M In warp by he 0M1 dna The C—dN.nl. To Me, to observe me Popea and quaky Of the Week COmpMlea by the Contractor Such velli Md oul.11o1 «e not Ithanderal to she on eYhousrrve check Or to de'ai ed mrpecren of me Contractors work her ram. «e M Otero IM COMMIT.'. or an Buperem tl pdesvorwL m become Mmerc yfarmer vim me WM m wapess and to determiree,. general. i1 me work: a goceeding in ace«dance vi'n the Corm s,1 Documents. Based on Yee general Othenobn. Me Conle rod incl keep the Clem Framed about Ina popes of me Work, Ma Mdl endear« TO good me Clel Ol defeien«es M the WCh. If me Cled? d.rses more Meal prepct cbserMhad Or fWrvme project representation. the Client snag roau st that such sellae be providedi by me Consultant as Addilerpl services In accordance with IM terms of has Agreement. The Consultant shot torr supenBe. dneer or nay, control ..area Connel.mrswak pore. Mmmop«viallryf«meconsmnMer peens. memaas. recdnque.mourancesorprocedures +elected by me Contractor Monkey me eonhochorswherypecautpre or pragralm m connected wtth Me Work These hien and res.meseas w sola, those of the Contractor In occolvrwe sv'nn Ina Contract Documents. The Consultant Mat not m mordereioe For any pots or omergns of me Contractor, wbe«nrdev. any enYfy p«r«rnmg any pMi«Is al rhe WM. or any .gaols «empbyee of any of mem. me Consultant doe Fol,gamma. Ile Mel once d Me Central and May Mor be reslAMsilNM rw lee C«Inackars Roger. Io pen(mr its W. in «CWdarrce TvM In. C.Mdd r Documents Or any applol obs kTvz Cote,. lams Or regular., es TheC«ttunom skew her alp headed to sen any, accerenh. no molter by wean repealed mT fraud result a The Consultants naves, 1. creel, guarantee row« 1 The edsreree of conclude root» Neslence The COMManI Omme mcenain. me Client also agrees nor to make Marlingn of any ropuM wiM me Cadeream an payment of any smarter due a Me CorwMam m am Wm cmbgem upon Ile Comdmnis serer, mysucn cMlrcanon, le. All aocuntents mcwding DawmW and scecilicanans prepared by the Consultant pursuant Me Agreement we meremenls of elite wim respect to me Project. They are not intended Or re«eenlea to be suitable kw reuse Oy me CIMI 0, others on eneramns of the Project or on any ago Project. Any reuse My the Client or a Mid peron Or entity outnoriied My Me Clem wnnoe vmnen dMficdmn or adapon on oy Me Consultant for Me specific purppre mended wkl he or the Ceenrs sob Me and vmnoer soakty w tool adoesure to The Consultant . and the Cel shall release. Iroemtily and nod hambn Me CweNro l farm an Gemsdamages. loo. and erpeNarlr,barg domme : 1e95 airing out of or new le, Mere own. Any wdr ysefcar m I adapt.'— roll entre me Consumes a legal lgnal compereakxt m ones to be agreed ulean by The Comwtah• and me third person or entity seeking to reuse said documents 17 In n'e gintomis Apeement.Crmtnmrelincon,upwtherewesantorimssetyhintnrc Agree nt. Na+wMlwanmlies. eenmiw9aemenh YaX Oe <ornaerad a Don d the Ageemanl ora tame up.^.rtwncn Me Cfent rMN m enrpng oto maAgeemem The Consulate. STermnn.rear.ell'gns.wartontimwVreeTantlirryg.Imgss cmtanetl narein. evS betwaen Clip, OM 18 The ComuXsnt agrees to complyymh telt Fetlerd bduol OppwNnN laws. Maers and regulations. WMwut fimhing Ida gerreragry of In. foregoing, the Conwnml vAI nor aeCMmnda Ogden on, empdyae w septi r for surniaMmedre by the Consultant remodel of race, croup, coo,ags. M A, merger status, holders amain or a ortallty. In aadlbn. the CwWirded Al hot a'Y/howl ...on any employee re appeal+ for enplo d em by me Consumes ase«ae a seal «eluates. Ther CmsMmt orb take oRnndel..1. a nsrre that applconh we amplord a. ora MC ampl.ross ere treated puling enpdyTwht.. Mona to thein Ives elated cob. ageON Mar al status. special shaded heleran or VMmwn era yekeman Saes, notional orgh ah.dry or 1.1 wimearen. Sucn alum shot'eded.. ed net de eneh d ter. The Mlksed,. fit elnndylMm. uppWng_ demabn or Transfer: (li) reC cro�mem aso epee Mehl: till amemb eon er I,j reeks ks pay or other forms of comoenahan. dna Iyj clan for home" mor aing WMO"NO e. The Consultant epees a cod n cared cuous pace, ayomoe ho emphroyeas and appboms for empaytnem. notices among form the phowims of Me xnaecnmma on case. Iv me CiemapeeSeeClude Ao.1to M[.mCM.1len'ehme PrgecTeancMsmK'qn senapegekirying late aoleck, maw+1 make he best aRM to nCWtle Actiynm its apvoonote Voss releases dna pomoriond r e more,, Pee Prdpwal for landwbpe A,clnecloml Design Services A C T I V I T A S 11 seclmm�'rza 20. me Cmwnam end In..,.aarwnanh dir but paid Addilonal SBvices l«woh related to comfez and questions ar¢mg Wt of the General Connector ondror5eacmnaoers disporesemingoclefine Bidding and Conbru ,,process. 21. la an iii la refelve ond COIn1Ce That pry do., The deign. Commembin d the Protect orlaldveng be cdnpeaser dl The Ngect. Me Clens and tag Cowunans agree that a. deputes Dominion mem arbor wt of or mMng to the A,di or the T aro, Mau be wbmitled to mobabing mediated unless 1. ladles mu+only a9rue otnmwiw. I)re,i ei rot xnkd by I.. Miall be belled by a baud OI Cwnpelenl urBdpron. 22. In 1M event of any lifUrnhon a" hem grebted to M6 Agreement Of the SBrviCM provided undtl the Agr.ment. MB preva;ing WM Mi be endlbd to suborner nom Me nonpe n." W, aY reawmde bas micumed. ncUeng 9a11 was, own cosh, attended, fen add aN Omer reMee enperces in such Blgation. In me event Of a nerrWBgicat'rre se Marren of FWfirt aeMTen Me pares or a Tidu+ian d a althoule by Imer rod The 11 Preva ins, posy Ma. M determhee by mot psecw, M, wMer paha to this Agreement Mal transfer, sublet or assgn and npnh under or interest in the Agreement jiT lump di Ml Mutat 10 matin Mat aro due or mars- Mat may be Net Afthoul the pew vnitlen coi of the other adi SubcmdaCMg 1. warn e.or nor usli,c.ml her li by the Carw.I n' Toll not w con;Nm l an mu,nmem for purbo es of Me Agreement, 24. howevent al terminotgn bf MuAmwMdm byeiMalady. MB CleniM011virt Me. (15) cokndQ NshorlM at,prey Ta Cmvnam for abs hdi rendered —1 in dioM .Leat—.costs rot in depot. bcueed by'M CmaudaM usher the date of roeminaen In acco Banco with the payment ppvekns of me Agreement Me Client may T.nlwas OM Agreement or the Cent s convenience .d Mumut cause upbn among Me Cot¢WOry n0! leu loan revert pl cobndar dap weBren notice. &I parry may temvnme me Agreement ton cause .,on g.,M, me .,he, posy rot W. rit sere. p) calerwa pay, Anna. Torte N any of IN. MllownQ reawns. 5u11.mwl foiluro by Me other party ro pedam in bec«owle. wrth tea reams of me A awmem aha Through he Well of the lermimmng Garry. ASpnmem of m6 Lgreement a dorofer of Mre Prqecr by ever pang to any other .dN without are per wmten content of the other paha Siewnwm of the Project or Me emshim ms redoes by he Client fa mare than ninety fPof cakntld, pays, .u.. am Me W degon,, • MOtglal Changes is Me cmGtVR unser wncM1 Mie Agreement Aress enter. the Me Scope of ServKas of the nature of Me Project. Ona ane di of Me ponies to reachopeema In on me ccmpertwtion and schedule W"In um, n4ceviroted by such changes. n le event of arty sarry wtpn Tal a not le fouls of Me Comunent the Own, seal pay, Me CansWan'. in addilan Io call for reMared and re;mdnwbb men ncuned, For ml eyem na*,nc ed by TheConsunantM cormMw'n wNa orde 'he ay ter vni or .1 A1.11, ,, e Coding Du' no• ent a'o damomen)i reavti name al pet carni evcmeod Cosh and all oder swenrex deeclry resanng from Me remiwtion. 25. the Amer4aK with 060O0p5 Act PADA) One the MWOChwiti ArCMbmulol ACI Board (MAAB) argulawhe Phs itle Met it Is a deluder or thew regubtiotss to deli and croslvcf a focgry mess Nas not meet the access;bity and uwbdiry to tuiemenh orae ADA and MAABunkusn eandemensMb that'n'¢ilruclwltyimgocdcal lomeef Me reWient ms. fe Clem undemanes IMI Me re mu nts Or App and MMB Tiff m WgeCl la .mass and wAster, cmh06ctay inretgetmbrs. 1e Cws>dlan' nwhI MIVie NiTenpwdepOle4wnal BlfMi antlfM,darmaimelplet(warbi is PDA oadMMBroQUYeTMll1 Orb Older stare. deal aha News, regublbe w may appy t0 Me proper. me Consonant however can nor and does not vgnant or guamn'ee Mm The Ceal'I pgecr Tiff conal!, with aP ntapebrions of ADA and MM8 ushoo emenrs oM/w requvemems of other feOPm. state. and Kcal bi ryes, came, bachoryi and Iegueriont Off they beery to m6 b,,wt 26. the Cenl urb.lpnde aha agrees tet potluck a matom61M1 are pelmaulf. under eurt.l ,Was and wtfirMKn may, or some Mwe date.. Mondeo or FNae To use To me b—muctbn indusM bacouw of enchants, .,,Mown namrdws and/or defective cMmctel6ncs. the Clem against Mar i1 any such product on dermal sedctress far Me Prgecf by Me Contest sa11. at any furore date be suspectmd a currentness to b s detechm, a a mann or Tian. nazv0, Men the Clem Mal worve al conte moassn mnamaganM tic canxham. lm Clensfunmragreesmardlm Clienteffectstm Cm "M rospecifyartyproduct hi offer the CONunam has ;nonmed the Orem mel such product or rpteriol may rot be sauade a may embody oharamaelice Inco are suepemee omamitg or may erose the product or mmeh6 to are considered o hand lh wbi In 'he furore. Me Clem wvivn ou cane be a Tenn •nereor Wamel the Cbnelem and rhe Ceem ogre,, ro Me NOW ..+.1 pwmntee by lawto nda niry and Mo No ml,s the Contown• from my damages, wateise « case nclee;ins, do m eNe forrgy, fees and bare,a casha6ry in any way from the wecificanor, or use of my products o matage sMkhm any uture bore. O.Ceme Mow asaspmCree molls and wfery heo.. 27, 111 pants...vIWW Thal Me Cmuldn',scopeor.ferv;pes does rofmcbde any sehM. reeled to his prase of an, regaraOfsalayiemarina¢.In the event the Cenci worry Otherpoly encbum. Wh any hales q reit mmpge, or shadow u oaome Mown to Te Conwhart that such materials may ad omen, on mMour the pante or any adjei areas That may affect Oe performance at Me Cmwron, s pelvices. Me CMNnant may, at its option alms wmaof uab;lly for cdnothad n'gl or any O•sit damages. awmM potomance of itssoAc, mesa INsA radmarl unlit Me Cl.l retains appwpmrec.ffiumsa cm, bn'O density and dale w rM, Me hOSOrdi br'OUC MamsT.W waman, Tal me pWe'e in NI cmglpnc. Pee Proposal for Landscape Archite<wat Design Services A C T I V I T A S v. t wlrn on oaaocoae IoM andrep;kayei As sues n MIs I.graemm+. Me term hmodauz rroer,bb sl;a1 mean any substances. me Uding out not Fmnea to asoentm. rope or lwzaeaus wu0e. VC&. c Iausneb gases and nWMass. penaleum or radioactive Materials (meach of More a MPMetl In applicators federal Stcutre[ a an,.mer SWS;ancei under any ..d'. and Msuch qu.nrnres as w.uapore o suDswnMl MMQM, m prnons a trope Montreal on su.ztmcev.i.r rep, Me Proect re. m hlaiire Me gfiendiand flyn'res of McCunri, nor Me swirl of Ma Cmsutrent or ih amaloyeer and suuscwnWtanp Wer cMSlvclbryp.pct site, mph reFeve Me General C.nhactw of ih obligations. Wres and razpmsidlbaa inducing W not "Mal la. cGKMI<tbn Maar§. manned, Sequence. techniques o, as acres. necessay for paloming. wpaYyerrii, WM coodnWMg Me work m accordance witn Me .,.or documents and any health o, mfe" asso.'are regtied by any reguMa/ agm cies. The Core W on r and in peaonrol have no rnneoity, to ercvice , any con" Ord ony cove«Ign contractor a in ampb—in co—an'. Mei wok, any heals, a Qa safety prpns or pmcedues. me GanMW (A Gant operas the nyal Contend,mW oa:torsi/mmomise tarp.,. sofey.. and wdmrrn Mat MR Wren, ser® b, cored oN M Me C ,i, contract with Me General Contractor. The Client also attests That the Cl' s Me Cwwrttent and Me Comitant s subcmzMann Most oa trdemrtllgd by Me General contractor and fiat de made adoeii iWreds under Me OmarW <on"Oors pdicies of paMrol lobaty insurance. aa. ma agaernanr shall Wgoverned and eonso-ued M aec.rdanceWin Me tress of The eanaaMweaeh of Mazwchusens