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another language other than English. RPL will hold anew community member open house and will <br />have interpreters available. Lynn Lyons has been working very closely training staff and will come <br />Monday to work as a team with helping RPS support students with anxiety. <br />Working on program reviews, over the summer did a lot of planning and reviewing, we will be meeting <br />with program staff and will present to the community in October. <br />3. Dr. Hardy— reported that the first few weeks of school have gone well, we have many initiatives <br />that are rolling out, high quality researched based programs, both to students and teachers. ARC Core <br />adding to grades, 3, 4, 5. Coaches will be available to assist with this program. <br />Launching K, 1, 2, grades illustrative match, we started 3-5 this is a continuation of that program. <br />Teachers received additional training in this program. <br />Common Assessment in the middle school for math and will be sharing the training with other <br />teachers. <br />High School has launched instructional leadership team led my Jessica Callanan, they have started <br />classroom visits and observations to calibrate across the classrooms in RMHS. <br />4. Ms. Bottan - gave an operational update, the new Food Service Director, Day 8 is today, she has <br />brought incredible impact and positivity to RPS, training the staff on obstacles and new POS program, <br />she has brought fresh watermelon and apples from the local farms to the schools, they are working <br />with Mary Giuliani to work on creating nutritional menus. <br />She's introducing a vegetarian option and smoothies as well. <br />Mike Scouten traffic safety and Ryan Percival working to improve morning drop off safety at RISE, new <br />signage at parking lot, relined the street and parking areas, its an Incredible effort that is appreciated. <br />Mr. Robinson inquired as to why are we using a new POS system, when lunches are free to all students <br />this year. Ms. Bottan explained it's used for 2", 3rtl lunch, and other items. <br />5. Superintendent - Dr. Milaschewski —weekly check in on the RMHS Track renovation, next Friday will <br />be a home FB game, Cape and Island is at the painting phase at this point, it will be finished Sunday, <br />and anticipating using the field next week, the padding is not ready so we will use the old, and the <br />score board is old, and the lines on the track will be done later this fall. Thanks to Joe Huggins, and <br />Kevin Capuzzi, they did an incredible job working with the vendor and keeping it on budge. <br />We are in a good position regarding teacher positions be filled but we still need paraprofessional, <br />substitutes, and tutors. Parents are willing to step in on a temporary basis. If anyone has any input, <br />please advise. <br />Student school committee rep will be available in 2 weeks. <br />RMHS Homecoming is next week, kick-off party, spirit week, prizes, and football game and then dance <br />on Saturday, 15 seniors planned the events over the summer. <br />