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Anne Landry asked if there was any more information about possible testing centers here in <br /> town. It seems that has not been a huge topic of discussion lately now that a vaccine is <br /> here. <br /> Town Manager noted the surge in cases seems to correlate with the holidays as they <br /> expected. <br /> Liaison Reports <br /> Mark Dockser noted he would like to send a letter to our legislators about our April Election. <br /> We need to press them to extend the absentee voting options for 2021. Town Clerk Laura <br /> Gemme does believe they will extend it; it's just a matter or when. She agrees they should <br /> send a letter as Reading has one of the earlier local election dates in the state. Anne Landry <br /> asked if we could move our election to a week earlier when the absentee voting is still in <br /> effect. The Town Clerk noted they cannot move the election at this time. <br /> Anne Landry noted the police investigation regarding election day is still pending and she <br /> will have more information at the next meeting. HRAC is looking for video submissions from <br /> the Select Board about what'beloved community' means to them. <br /> Karen Herrick noted Senator Lewis is working on new environmental legislation. She also <br /> mentioned RMLD seems to have some dealings with a Biomass company which isn't very <br /> green so that is concerning to her. She then asked if members could attend the MMA annual <br /> event. <br /> Anne Landry noted Amy Lannon reached out about the community conversation tomorrow <br /> night about race. Karen Herrick and Mark Dockser will attend. <br /> Town Manager's Report <br /> Bob LeLacheur noted the final figures are in for the mortgage program and it went very <br /> well. He thanked the police department and residents for helping yesterday to find a missing <br /> resident noting she was found safe. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mike Lacey wants an update on the progress of the water tower. He is worried it is going to <br /> be pushed off again and wants a better timeline. <br /> Larry Hayes wanted to check on the status of the water tank as well because he is <br /> concerned. <br /> Jackie McCarthy doesn't like the timeline for the water tower project and wants it done <br /> quicker. Her husband Mark Delaney agreed and wants more updates. <br /> Robert Connor noted he spoke with a company about temporary towers and said he would <br /> send the information along. <br /> Preview Annual Town Meeting Warrant <br /> Town Manager Bob LeLacheur showed the board the warrant for annual town meeting at the <br /> moment. He noted they have to close the warrant on March 2nd. The warrant can be seen in <br /> the board packet on the website under the meeting date. <br /> FY22 Budgets <br /> Town Manager Bob LeLacheur explained that the budgets they saw the last couple weeks <br /> presented by department heads are about $500K over budget. He listed the nine asks or <br /> items on the list and would like feedback or guidance from the board on how to proceed. He <br /> believes we can afford one of these things, maybe 2 or 3 but he doesn't know right now. <br /> The board went thru and each ranked the list as to what they think the priorities are. <br /> Most of the members agreed the top priorities in their minds are a full-time health director, <br /> social worker/mental health position and a civil rights officer. <br /> Page 1 2 <br />